The Pomeranian Review November 2007

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NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 12007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10132007, 1045 PM1a4 rnm zf. i J5m rm42 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10132007, 1045 PM2mr i i i iGOODIEout1Kur oasS6 sski manOF ftFFDCSFtkSDFi tpxuiinywrw aK ^1^BBIy^m^h Ch. Jolvin Good To GoChampionships EftfrktWinconline1 0 1371i nI KSISEKOit^^.11^1iv'f ...H KOtosai1 ran"'S^oP osf KksiMod To Cjo and gn Your heelsBreeaen Joan BeechOwner handlerlleefg^lllarirnla www.5ugarlamDS"Breeder Melv and Joan, Beech handlers 5usan Popuscu7BeB^lWheeler4NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 32007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10132007, 1045 PM34rm mm7\V y sVf'I4^77 VV'Vv 4 yfCAaliyah, Boomer, Regina and Susana - the Agility Pomeranians - hope that you have few obstacles to face in 2008, although they will be training hard for the many obstacles they will encounter on the AKC agility circuitClockwise starting from lower left CH Carleez Crowd Pleaser MXJ Aaliyah CH Carleez Boom Boom Boom NA AXJ Boomer Sundown's Regina Elizabeth NA AXJ Regina Sundown's Susana Elizabeth NJP SusanaJan George Smith Latrobe, Pennsylvania - 412-860-2660T4 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10132007, 1046 PM49\LssK.Presenting New ChampionCH Carleez Boom Boom Boom NA AXJfn1 ICH Janesas N Jan-Shars Chance ROM BISS CH Sundowns Hide N Zeke CD GC ROMX CH Janesas Traditional Trend CD CH Carleez Dr Zeuss black tanCH Janesas Hush Puppy CH Janesas Southern Sundown ROM Janesas Dont For-Sake Me CH Carleez Boom Boom Boom NA AXJCH Janesas N Jan-Shars Chance ROM BISS CH Sundowns Hide N Zeke CD GC ROMX CH Janesas Traditional Trend CD CH Gar-Vs Zeek-A-Boo ROMXTresstique-N-GGs Showdown ROM CH Gar-Vs Desert Windsong Thelduns Little Bit OMagicMPhoto by Tien TranPhoto by Kurtis PhotographyThank you to the judges who recognized Boomers quality, soundness and floating movement. This seven pound boy finished his Championship in August 2007 with three majors skillfully handled by his breeder Carol Leemhuis. Thank you to judges Jean Fournier, Richard Mullen and Sandy Wheat for his majors. Boomer then went on to finish his Novice Agility NA title and his Excellent Agility Jumper AXJ title a few weekends later handled by George Smith. Watch for the BoomerGeorge agility team on the AKC trial circuit in 2007 and 2008Boomers health stats-OFA Normal Patellas, OFA Cardiac Clear CERF Eyes Normal.We extend a special, special THANK YOU to Carol Leemhuis for breeding such a wonderful boy who has made such a great addition to our Pomeranian pack We are blessed to know Carol as a wonderful Pomeranian breeder and as a great friendOwned, Loved Trained By George C Janice Smith Latrobe, Pennsylvania 412-860-2660 Breeder Carol Leemhuis Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 412-848-6087NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 52007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10132007, 1046 PM5mr4-^Beautu, Attains and Attitude PresentingNew Master Excellent Jumper MXJ TitleCHCarleoz Crowd Pleaser MXJm mLAafeijati... Photo by Roselie Malone beautyin fr To IvtiWI. l AAv 1 AAt, i v' _\aLA 'v. I. . I y... ''' IHave you heard the ringside chatter-Did you see that little black Pom with the attitude-Look at those weave poles Watch for Aaliyah at upcoming AKC agility trials Aaliyah finished her Master Excellent Jumper MXJ title in August 2007 handled by Jan Smith. She is accumulating MACH points and is working diligently on perfecting her Standard obstacle skills. At the young age of only two years, Aaliyah is known for the gravel in her guts and spit in her eye, and her enthusiasm is contagiousSpecial thanks to the following indispensible contributors to Aaliyahs early successes Carol Leemhuis, Carleez Poms Breeder Bill Herbein Agility Instructor 4 Paws Performance Training and the many patient agility instructors at Splash Dash K9 SportsOwned, Loved Trained By George Janice Smith Latrobe, Pennsylvania 412-860-2660 Breeder Carol Leemhuis Pittsburgh. Pennsylvania 412-848-60876 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10152007, 1252 AM6 INI 4- n i i i iN E^W^-jG H A M-J r J J ^JCH. PUFPRIDE SOMEWHERE IN TIMErBEST OFBREEDVAP new_chan MUSK0C- KENNEL , 2007W photo by ME LI1aSonny wins. a group placement at Manhattan Kennel Club under ewtremejudge Carolyn tferbel PnnySonny finished his championship in four shows over specials with three four-point majors He has a gorgeous correct coat, beautiful movement and a sweet personality. Thank you so much, Virginia, for allowing me to co-own this darling boy with youBreederOwnerVirginia DimickPufprideaoLcomOwnerLavonne Beard1409 Nighthawk Dr,, Edmond, OK 73034405 562-1293NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 72007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10152007, 1252 AM7mr n m4A1440Pom Orchid Lane, Kannapolis, NC 28081, Ph 704 938-2042 FAX 704 938-7578 - K. G. Griffith - OwnermCH ROYAL TEE TUCKER OF LENETTEOwner Angela Blocker Handler Ann Berrymanx best of winnersAND OPPOSITEI 0R-fCH EARTH ANGEL OF LENETTEOwner Lenette Poms Handler Vikki Oelerich9BESTT \__Best Wishes Randy Houston andChuck Whittemore and also Patricia Murk featured in this issue.rI CH. ABBPOLAS WEE WILLIE OF LENETTEOwner Tammy Moynihan Handler Bert HalseyBest wishes to Jessica Silverberg on your Junior feature and your future in Poms.3ESTNERS1tCH. RIALTA FIRE N RAIN OF LENETTEOwner Alta Davis Handler OwnerWishing everyone a Happy Healthy Holiday Season.rW mmm1 m- iNEW CHAMPIONWINNERSV1CH. JULIA'S ENCORE OF LENETTEOwner Julia Smith Handler Jane LehtinenCH. JU-MARS TOLLHOUSE OF LENETTEOwner Amanda Seitzer Handler Judy Stone48 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10152007, 1252 AM8rrrrr4FromCan i i i i4 4t4 vII\roocouvBa5o3"pocs,WtLI 14-V ' -.- -sr W 1AC CH. CHRISCENDO COLDPLAYX THAICAN. CH. TOKIE TAKE IT TO THE LIMITBig hugs to Chris and John Heartz of the Chriscendo Poms for our newest addition. You will hear more about "Chino"rS]time goes by. .Hefis'Vjcwcl well wort^waiting for.WHERE QUALITY COUNTSClarice YvetteOgaieku45-232 Lilipuna Rd, JPi 808 235-8142Kaneohe, HI 96744 e-mail woodrosehawaii.rr,comNOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 92007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10152007, 1252 AM94i m m m4ur VI r IYirdi .w 1^ 4A J, iisiiMAJORBEST OF WINNERS 44WESTOAHl SHOWil., - - MIKh JOHNSON IHOTO_ - le^ywsTradition x Woodrose's Holly Berry pending AKC confirmationScreamer's show recordWest Oahu Kennel Club - 11807 - 5 pt. major, BOW his first show - Judge Bettie Krause Windward Hawaiian Dog Fanciers Assoc. - 92907 - 5 pt. major, BOW, BOB over 4 specials - Judge Sari Brewster TietjenBred By Exhibitor Group I - Judge Sari Brewster Tietjen Windward Hawaiian Dog Fanciers Assoc. - 93007 - 4 pt. major, BOW - Judge Ann HearnPuppy Toy Group II - Judge Ann HearnAvailable Group placing black champion to a showbreeding kennel.Congratulations to Randy, Chuck, Pat and Rebecca on your special featuresWHERE QUALITY COUNTSQl r10 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10152007, 1252 AM10BPS CAM CM Pmcrcst'tU Miss Sans kite,continues to shineDuring only limited showing this summer,and all before 10 months old, Sunny has won1 Best in Sweepstakes14 Best of Breed 8 Best Puppy in Group 1 Best Puppy in Show 1 Group 1st 1 Group 3rd 3 Group 4thand achieved her National Puppy title at an I ABC A show.NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 112007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1157 AM11earanCo. Jan-Soars Tiffany anfSLCompSire Jae-Shars Ghost Buster Dam Tanesas N Jan-SrSw Cotton ToptfcaMMi 1 J ^ ']It 'Jf 2rvBEST OF WINNERS MAJORCONYERS K.C. AUG. 2007 PHOTO BY BRYAN MSNABBamson i12 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAdvertisers Index......................................................104AKC Responsible Dog Owners Day........................90, 91APC Board Summary Janice Russell............................29APC National Specialty Info..............................76, 77, 92APC Officers...........................................................31APC Statement......................................................31APC Stats Joan Behrend...................................60 - 64APC Summer Specialty Results............................44 - 47Ask Us Anything Annette Davis.............................36, 37Back Issue Information..........................................104Columbia Pom Club............................................65 - 67Coming Events....................................................92Committee Reports ................................................33, 34Cover Story...........................................................12Ft. Worth Pom Club...............................................72 - 74Health and Genetics Geneva Coats.......................68 - 70Houston Pom Club ..........................................48 - 54Judges Education Dot Martin.................................71Junior Showmanship Rebecca Silverberg................86, 87Kennel Visit Randy Houston Chuck Whittemore...16-20Kennel Visit Pat Murk.........................................38 - 43Kennel Visits, Future Features.................................30, 92Membership Report Annette Davis........................30, 74National Tentative Schedule...............................77New Champions Joan Behrend................................62, 63Performance News Barbara McClatchey.............78 - 82Pom Charitable Trust.....................................................32Pom Club of Central Indiana............................75Pom Talk Roxanne Collins.........................84, 85Presidents Report Cynthia G. Boulware.......................32Registrars Corner Carol Leemhuis...............................30Review Advertising Rates.....................................83Salute to Our Armed Forces...................................100Subscription Card.....................................................96SubscriptionReview Information...................28, 96, 104Sunshine and Roses...........................................85Time For All Season Katie Gammill....................88, 89Trophy Donations..............................................76Ways and Means Donna Riehm...................................54Website Address............................................................29Sire AmCan Ch. Razzle Dazzle Hat DanceDam Velocitys Simply StunningWe would like to introduce our special for 2008.AmRus. Ch. Velocitys Shake Ur Bon Bon BonHeres some information on Bon. His wins in Russia includeMultiple Best in Shows,Russian National Club Champion,Eurasia 2007 BOB Winner,Qualification to Cruft 2008.Wishing everyone continued success in 2008.Owner Margo KogaOwner Margo KogaOwner Margo KogaOwner Margo KogaOwner Margo Koga Handler Noble Inglett Handler Noble Inglett Handler Noble Inglett Handler Noble Inglett Handler Noble InglettBreeder Daniel YonaAMERICANRUSSIANAMERICANRUSSIANAMERICANRUSSIANAMERICANRUSSIANAMERICANRUSSIANCHAMPIONCHAMPIONCHAMPIONCHAMPIONCHAMPIONVELOCITYS SHAKE UR BON BONVELOCITYS SHAKE UR BON BONVELOCITYS SHAKE UR BON BONVELOCITYS SHAKE UR BON BONVELOCITYS SHAKE UR BON BON2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1157 AM12Pomeranian Review^^^m-rrrr 4 MillContents front Cover k44NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 132007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1157 AM13mr 4- n m4LYNN WRIGHTSX TEXAS Lynnwrights Poms had a great time at the American Pomeranian Club and Greater Houston Pom Club Summer Specialty in Houston, TX.Donna Lynn Wright or 410-879-1459MAward of Meriti'll.........I"by Pat WitterCH LynnwrightsTony Soprano ROM - 7 Years Old won Best Veteran Dog and an Award of Merit Big Thanks to Judge Forest McCoynr.tow.-lA Ut toVi1ra OF 1 J I GPEUBW IBitchWinnersToy Club Greater HoustonAugust 26. 2007BEST JUNIOR IIN SWEEPSTAKES IK9 Photography by Pat WitterLynnwrights Gia of Lenette -16 Months won Winners Bitch fora 5 Point Major. Big Thanks to Judge Darryl ViceSuber and Lynnwrights Stugots - 7 Months won Best Junior Puppy in Sweeps Big Thanks to Judge Audrey Roberts14 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1157 AM14A \\ 'JLWamry ^_DCozr 55lr q'1CLLy. LUOCD1v..VvLraa it4 -q r.1 Lzt q asv 1Q q a aV-,XJi -4 i q-1r .- q,42V 31S I 1 -1, q LH2a 3qq,1-i .'.-'L,c I i -I a A quUU xi 3 5 ,'4 x3 qii-3 aiXq V--t3 a.fqi A ci, -x.4 i -'.-ii XC -45 qqaCONOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 152007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1158 AM15kmeramanaI II II mmBTTj4\L'-'BEST OFOPPOSITETfCajeattf ' 'P'tittcid "PetteCofeeCh Paughprints On The Mtn. Crest BenRays Sherri KayeOwned and Bred By Chuck Whittemore and Randy Houston423-728-0200 Cleveland, TNwww.hermajestyspoms.comNow ShowingYEAH PENELOPE This is one of our proudest moments ever. Penelope is our first Pom that we finished completely on our own. She is also our first black tan. She has been so much fun to show and has always given her all. Thank you to all of the judges who have helped her achieve her championship. To all of her fans that she made along the way, thank you for clapping and cheering for her. Penelope has made her way to the upstairs and is presently expecting her first chlldren. Merry Christmas to us And from Penelope... Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and to all a good night3tssR MRidge and Victoria are currently being handled by our good friend Bronya Johnston1 '9JmNTV'.lLLLHerMajesty's I Got Your Back Her Majesty's Je-Ne-Sais-Quoi Her Majesty's Over The Edge Her Majesty's Victoria RoseJonathan pointed Jennv Belle Ridge pointed Victoria pointedk416 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWHappy Thanksgiving Merry Christmas Happy New YearWow What a privilege and an honor to be given this opportunity to share our kennel with your, especially at thistime of year. We have so much to be thankful, merry and happy from here at Majestys Poms. We are a work in progress.Our home is in the town of Cleveland in East Tennessee. We have ten acres just outside of the city limits. Ourneighbors are a bunch of cows who dont seem to mind the Poms being next door, or at least they havent complained as ofyet. Our kennel, if you would call it that, is in the basement of our home. This last year we renovated the downstairs forthe adult dogs so they could have their own space. They have their own couch, chairs, and of course a big screen television.The puppies stay upstairs until they are old enough to mingle safely with the older ones. We have two different fenced insections that allow us to separate the dogs as needed.RANDYHOUSTONandCHUCKWHITTEMOREI work in the home healthPhysical Therapy field. Hopefully bythe time you read this story, I will alsohave my Massage Therapy license. Ilove to write, mostly for my ownenjoyment, and plan events in whattime I have left.Randy is currently unemployedafter losing a job he had for 30 yearsdue to his company closing andsending the work overseas. Right nowhe is working on getting a degree inWeb Development and using his talentsas Graphic Designer, to create one ofkind websites. He also has a playedpiano for years as well as sings and hasa little group he sings with whichperformed the National Anthem at ourdog show.We began our journey in Pomsabout seven years ago. We bought MajHer Majesty as a pet. We had hopedto breed her, but due to some veryunfortunate circumstances, that wasntto be. You can read her story Maj isthe Matriarch of the house and nowoversees all of the business. Since Majwasnt able to produce, we begangoing to dog shows looking for afemale that would be able to havepups. We were able to make contactswith David and Carlene Gilstrap ofMountain Crest Poms and Benson andSharon of Ben-Rays Poms. Webought a girl from each of them,Mountain Crest Megan and BenraysSherri Kaye.We attempted to show them fora year without much success. Webought a very small motor homecamper and drove from dog show todog show. We were really good athelping build points at shows. It didnttake us long to figure out we weredoing something wrong. So, wedecided to buy two more females and amale, one of these girls became ourHer Majestys PomsHer Majestys Poms2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10142007, 1256 AM1644xmrfywKft-4sM4i i i i n 4 iini^HNOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 17first champion which is CH FinchsGet Over Youself Hannah manythanks for Diane Finch for entrustingus with a Travis daughter. This timeHannah to Kentucky and finished herChampionship with a five-point majorourfirst Champion.2 Breed Megan and Sherri Kayeto a good stud and produce our ownChampion. Sherri Kaye has two champions atthis writing Dash and Penelope and agranddaughter that is a championEliza Blue, a blue and tan, one of theDash and Bronya sending usChristmas greetings while he wasaway from home.There will always be Persiansin the house.Grandson Sam, Randys son Adamand daughter-in-law Millie, Penelopeand Randy.Her MajestyMajChuck and his first points with Ch.Finchs Get Over Yourself Hannah.we would spend more money and getbetter dogs. Out of the three, only oneended up being show potential. Over10,000 later we were still notwinning. What was the problem Theproblem was us. We had to sit downand come up with some goals. Wecouldnt keep going out and buyingmore dogs. We had to have a plan.We first looked at the dogs wehad purchased. Megan and SherriKaye were not bad dogs we just hadnot presented them well. We were ableto get points on both of them.We looked at ourselves and realizedour trimming and showing werentgood.So we came up with these goals towork toward1 Hannah was easily goodenough to finish. She only needed hermajors. - Send her with a handler toget her finished. Ann Berryman tookBronya andCh. Her Majestys Eliza Bleufirst bt to finish. She has also givenus some nice females to continue ourimprovements. She also has two moreclose to getting their championship.Megan, because of our bad judgmentwith studs, hasnt produced any yet.3 Improve each breeding with astud that could improve the line. This is an ongoing process, butimproving all the time.4 Breed a champion that wefinish ourselves. Randy finishedPenelope with a 4 point major in July.We received all of the points ourselvesA major accomplishment.5 Breed a champion that isentirely studbitch ours. BronyaJohnston who ought to divorce herhusband and marry me has Ridge inTexas. He will hopefully be our firstcomplete breeding.6 Breed a Special. We want atrue special, not just a special.7 Breed a Best in Show.2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10142007, 1256 AM17^11' Tr418 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW8 Breed a EukanubaWestminster champion.In order to achieve the goals,we had and have to start withourselves. The first thing we decidedto do was get involved. We had tobecome part of the Pom world. Wejoined the Chattanooga Kennel Cluband the American Pomeranian Club.This, as any other business, is anetworking business. As we tried togrow, we found that others werewilling to help us in our venture. Ourfriends and contacts in the Pom worldare better than those in our everydaylives. Some of our best friendships andacquaintances have come from thePomeranian National Specialty. TheNationals provide us with a group ofpeople who love Pomeranians. Weonly see some of these people once ayear, but I guarantee you if we had aneed, they would help. We have yet toshow a dog there, we have mainly gonefor the fun and friendship. It has alsobeen a place to make contacts withpeople and exchange ideas. TheNationals have been part of ournetworking in where people can tell weare serious.We are especially proud thatwe have grown our own program. Weare now in our fourth generation. Eachgeneration is a little better than the last.Thanks to our mentor, David Gilstrap,who has been there with helpthroughout our growth, we havelearned a lot. The best thing thathappened to us, was finding a personwho not only was willing to help, butknew what he was talking about. Mygrandfather said, Get all the adviceyou can, then make your own decisionbecause ultimately the success orfailure will be yours. We have foundeveryone has ideas of what is right andwhat is wrong, as well as prejudices.The Pomeranian world is no different.One wise friend told us, Like whatyou show and believe in the dog. Dontworry about what others think. Thissage advice is some of the best advicewe have been given. We have made apractice of not judging the other dogsin the ring if they win, good for them.It may not be a dog that I would wantto own or show, but it is not mine.Making and keeping friends is moreimportant than our opinion of theirdog. We want a good name not onlywith our dogs, but also for ourselves.We are proud of what we haveaccomplished and grown. Penelope,Our good friend Bronya Johnstonshowing Ch Majestys PrinceDaschael to his championship.Sam, Grandpa Randy and PenelopeChucks parents, Charles Henry and Tommie,sister and brother-in-law Dayna and Chris enjoying our cruise.our black and tan little girl finished thisyear and is expecting her first litter.Eliza Blue is also expecting her secondlitter. She has been producing mostlyblue and tans with really nice coats.We are concentrating on orange, red,sable, black and tan, and blue and tan.The blue and tan line came alongunexpectedly, but it has been a nicesurprise. We are finally climbing thatgeneration hill and producingcompetitive dogs. We know what wehave in great lines, now its justconnecting it all together.Randy has also been workingwith Dr. Frank at the University ofTennessee with Alopecia X and theHer Majestys Serenade of CastileGeCory will be in the ring very soon.2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10142007, 1256 AM18 INI I I I mmm4Lm \44NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 19coat problems our breed has. Two ofour first dogs that we bought have it.Neither have been bred. Dr. Frank isdiligently working for us. Her thoughtsare that we probably will never have acure, but hopefully we will be able tofind the cause and be able to medicinallytreat the dogs who have the problem.When she spoke at the APC nationalsthis year, many were upset that no curewould be found. If we think about it,many cures for humans havent beenfound, but the problems have beenimproved and even stopped withmedicine. It is important that we havesomeone like Dr. Frank working on ourside. She is only one in a small numberworking on this problem. If she is tokeep working on this, she has to alsoknow we are interested in her. You arewelcome to contact her and let her know howmuch you appreciate what she is doing.We have decided that educatingourselves is just important as anythingto win. We have sought out the bestseminars we can find. I have even takenclasses in appraisals, which has helpedme even in the dog world. I wishsomeone would step out of the shadowsas a personal trainer for trimming andhandling. Classes are great, but one onone would be even better.Up until this year, we had thementality that these were our babieswhich they are and that is how wewere showing them. It was like puttingyour kid in a pageant, primping them upand expecting the judge to say, Oh,what a cute little kid you have. Wewere losing in the ring because wewerent playing with the big boys. Ahandler takes the dog in, shows it anddoesnt have the emotional attachmentsthat an ownerhandler has. They areshowing their dog and lookingprofessional. It took us a while, but weare learning to be more professional inthe ring. We are learning to show thedog. This takes time and effort tochange your ways. To show a dogcorrectly, in my opinion, is an art. Anartist knows the flaws in his work. Thiscould be better or that could be better,Her Majestys Over The EdgeRidge is being shown in Texasby Bronya Johnston.Her Majestys Princess of OzDorothy Gayle with all her friends.Randy and Chuck on vacation, six days without dogs.2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10142007, 1256 AM19I l I I 1114 4V ll Wfkw,\'20 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWSince this is the holiay issue, wethought we would share one of aboutten trees we have around our house,thanks to Chuck.Her Majestys Victoria RoseShe is being shown in Texas by Bronya Johnston.but he knows he cant sell his work ifhe points out the flaws. When wetake our piece of art out in the ring,we are taking it to show it off, not tobe judged. With this mentality, we areimproving our showing ability. If welose and we have done everything tothe best of our ability, then we havewon. Judges are just like people.Each has hisher own taste in art.Some people admire the artwork.Some people admire the artist. Somepeople admire the art dealer. We allhave different tastes and we havedecided to enjoy ours.We began our experiencethinking that all you had to do is buya dog and jump in the ring. Sincethen we have learned so much moreand will always be a work inprogress. Your vacations become dogshows. You take the dogs to thedoctor more than you take yourself.There is pain and heartbreak. Thereis joy and happiness. There are winsand losses. The road to success isntovernight, but that makes the rewardsso much sweeter. A breeder isnt aship in the night, but a voyage thatnever ends.To everyone that has becomeour friend, we are thankful for you.We arent going to name our friendsand the people who have helped usthrough, as we dont want to forgetanyone. You know who you are ifyou have encouraged us. We cantthank you enough for helping us andeven taking us to eat when we didnthave a vehicle at the shows or askingus to sit at your table with you. Oursuccess is your success also. Youhave encouraged us and helped us,and because of you, we continue totry. As this season comes with itsgratefulness, its surrounding offriends and family, and its hope in aNew Year, Randy, all the HerMajestys Poms, and I wish for youand your little ones happiness, healthand peace in the coming year andchampion wins, lower gas prices,smiling judges, and a milliondollars.Her Majestys I Got Your BackJonathon currently showing.Her Majestys Sienna SkyeOur second generation of blue and tan.Look for her in 2008 in the ring.I think it is time to get out.2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10142007, 1256 AM20 INI 4 i i i in4iis.1. \XTBWya^ymy44NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 212007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1201 PM21Ch. Castile's Southern Comfort4k, \r V. 4 Rutli Deltmel Photo 07Thank you to Sebastian's owner, Jennifer Murcks, for allowing me to get this beautiful boy back in the ring after the loss of our Duchess. Sebastian is champion 6 for Duchess.Special thanks to Nina Fetter for finishing him and to the following judges who appreciated his soundness and movement Mr. Lee Anthony Reasin, Mrs.Susan St. John Brown,Mrs. Peggy Hauck, Mr. Everett Dean, Jr., Dr.Wanda Spediacci, and finally Mrs. Jean Fournier and Mr.Robert Stein, who finished Sebastian with back-to-back 4 point majors.SebastianCh. Jan Le's Just A Dash of Millamor x Ch. Glen Iris Duchess of Castile ROMXBreederGeno Sisneros Castile Pomeraniansgsisnerosaol.comwww.castilepomeranians.com334-265-3916 CastileOwnerJennifer Murcks Murcks Pomeraniansmurckspomsbellsouth.netwww.geocities.commurckspoms22 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1201 PM22Ch. Castile's CerrineSwKlkBEST OPPOSITE SEXNEW CHAMp'.ON"sAUtTA kennel club2007photo by MELIAvy CL,'I would like to thank David and Carlene Gilstrap for allowing me to breed to their gorgeous JJ. Also, special thanks goes to Jane Lehtinen and Greg Larson for their outstanding presentation of this exquisite girl.Corrine is Champion 7 for Duchess.CorrineBISS Ch. Mountain Crest JJ x Ch. Glen Iris Duchess of Castile ROMXThank you to all the judges who helped Corrine to her championshipMr. Zell Von Pohlman Mrs. Pamela Peat Ms. Florise Hogan Mr. Forrest McCoy Mrs. Toddie ClarkMr. Steve HaydenMrs. Kathleen KolbertMs. Sandra Goose Allen 3 pt majorMr. Desi Murphy 4 pt majorMr. Terry Stacy 3 pt majorBreederOwnerGeno Sisneros Castile Pomeraniansgsisnerosaol.comwww.castilepomeranians.com334-265-3916 CastileCo-OwnerCurtis L. Van Leur Bosheleur Australian Shepherdswww.bosheleur.comNOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 232007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1201 PM23Ch. Castile's Everlasting Lovert-------..Z'S"-jVNrN' 11 v' v\Wv BEST OF WINNERSV . \\\v5^vSnMAJOR WIN FREEBORN COUNTYKENNEL CLUB AUGUST 2007PHOTO BY DOWNEY 6Pik. I fAZeusAmRusEstFinLtLvBalt Ch. Glen Iris Evian d-Castile x Ch. Glen Iris Duchess of Castile ROMXZeus is co-owned and exclusively and expertly handled by Jane Lehtinen.Zeus isChampion 8 for Duchess and her third of the year. Brother,Apollo, and sister, Addison, are major pointed and looking to finish soonWe would like to congratulate Randy Houston and Chuck Whittemore of Her Majesty's Poms and Pat Murk of Pawegre Poms for their kennel visits this month.Thank you to all the judges who helped Zeus to her championshipMr. David Krogh Mr. Lester Mappes Mr. Edd Bivin Mrs. Jean Fournier Mrs. Toddie ClarkBreederOwnerGeno Sisneros Castile Pomeraniansgsisnerosaol.comwww.castilepomeranians.com334-265-3916 CastileMrs. Judy Webb Mr. Fred BassettMs. Madeline K. Miller 3 pt major Mrs. Bettie Krause 4 pt majorCo-OwnerJane LehtinenJan Le Pomeranians janlejanlepoms.comwww.janlepoms.com24 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1201 PM24'jm tint U'MlUUitOuill uaAmlnt'l Ch. Shimmeree Amazed By You Amlnt'l Ch. Showcase Walking After Darkr fMfftrViii'Tamilm-Ch. Pominique N Nobles Dark Vader x Marbil's Prelude to a KissRoxanne was bred by Alane Levinsohn, whom we can never thank enough for sharing this special lady with us. Many, many Judges said it was one of the finest bitches to walk the face of the earth. Being a bitch of color made their comments that much more meaningful. My only regret, was she was a pure showdog and motherhood wasn't in the cards nor on her list of important things to accomplish in life.Owned, shown and loved by the Rothell-Lusk family and finished her AM Champion title lovingly shown by Marlene Presser.Terry and Jordon Rothell and Richard and Jocelyn Lusk WOW POMZEnumdaw, WA 360-825-3423Ch. Razzle Dazzle Texas Hoedown x Shady Park's Kalasic MelodyGarth was bred by Charlene and Greggory Waters to whom we are forever grateful for this special opportunity to have had this wonderful boy in our lives. He not only stole and owned our hearts he made a great impact on our breeding program that we hope lives on for many years to come. Owned, shown and loved by the Rothell-Lusk family.NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 252007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1201 PM25Wm iiiJI I I I I 111NkV afrS M,7, 1rfV\NOVTUEA-NEW TITLE SOUTH BAY KENNEL CLUBm HOLLOWAY PHOTO2007l,_.vSKf04I I I ISkeeler completed the requirements foi his Rally Novice title and Is now In training towards his Rally Advanced Nile.We would like lo congratulate our dear fiiends Lori and Lindsey Kamralh on Iheii Champion RevoHe is the fiisl of many champions in your future.Congratulations lo our fiiends Randy Houston and Chuck Whillemore and their beautiful Her Majesty's Poms.We wish you continued success. Congratulations lo Rebecca Silveiberg on hei lunioi feature this month.Don and Tnmmee Felix SunGlo - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWLaCueva Kennel Poms sadly announces that due to family and personal serious health issueswe are retiring from the exhibition and breeding of quality Pomeranians. I have available afew showbreeding quality stud dogs, bitches, and show prospect puppies1 Champion Clear Orange young Male, 2 yrs old, 5 lbs, proven producer of show qualitypuppies, including Cream Sables-2 of his get will be showing in Europe next year1 Champion OrangeHeavy Sable little female, 2 yrs old, 4 - 5 lbs, proven producer ofshow quality puppies-1 of her get will be showing in Europe next year1 Show Quality BW Parti Male Specialty Placements and 3 Reserves to Majors, 3 yrs old,proven producer of Choc White, Blk White, Org White Parti pups1 Show Quality BlkBlueWht Parti Male, 2 yrs old, proven producer of Blue White Partipups1 Champion Bred Orange Sable Show Quality Male, 18 mos. old Specialty Placing andMultiple BBE Class Winner, beautiful head, proven producer, 5 - 6 lbs1 Parti Factored Blue Female, 3 yrs old Specialty Placing-2007-Nice Brood bitch, ProvenProducer of Blk Wht, Choc Wht, Blue Wht, Org Wht Partis1 Very Nice Black Female w White Markings Specialty Winner of the Open AOAC BitchClass-2007 and both of her new pups both Blue White Partis, 1M1F package dealwhenthe pups are old enough currently only 2 weeks old1 Champion Bred Very Show Quality small male will be about 4 lbs, almost Cream Sable,but I think he is going to be a beautiful Clear Orange like his Champion Sire and ChampionGrand Sire, 5 mos. old1 Champion Bred both Sire and Dam are Champions small Orange female will be about 4 - 5 lbs like her Dam, nice show or breeding prospect, 5 mos.1 AmCan Champion blood-lines, Parti factored small Clear Orange female will be about 4 - 5 lbs., nice show or breeding prospect, 5 mos.1 Absolutely gorgeous little Orange Sable female that is doubled on Ch Zanara Glen IrisBraveheart Grand-Sire on both sides. Very nice show prospect, 10 wks old, will be about 44 lbs.Please call or email for availability, pictures, prices and PedigreesLaCueva Kennel Poms, Proud BreederOwnerHandlerSherrilynn J. Rogers, Dayton OH 45414 937 275-4062 evenings, 937 546-1741 celllacuevaknlaol.com2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1202 PM26 INI 4 n i i i irrw4 44NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 272007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1202 PM27 INI 4 n i i i iShSandal wood n da 1 Iood Jo 1o O a 1ISUi -4OH_ k'jiIfw4 '1iV.Reserve Winners Dog August 23. 2007JLVdt ^k ^"9'aphyb Pal Will,, \DOtortv4Ch. pinnacle I'm Stakin' My Claim X Sandalwood loj BarbieSandalwood is proud to introduce you to oogal. oogal is just the second pom born and bred in Hawaii to bo shown at one of the fipC National Specialties. 1 was quite fortunate to have Nadine tlersil show him for me and win RW under noted breederjudge Mr. arrell Baker, ft warm MflflfllsO to Nadine for doing such a great job with oogal and to Mr. Baker for recognizing his quality, oogal is now in the Pacific Northwest being shown by Mark Iseki of Pens Sans Shih Tzus and is doing quite well there. 1 would also like to acknowledge and thank fludrey Roberts for showing oogal at the Toy Club of Greater Houston shows to another RW under breederjudge Pamela Peat. Mahalo to both fludrey and Ms. Peat for the nice win. oogal placed in large open classes all four days in Texas.Roger kernsandal woodSSy ahoo.com428 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1202 PM28I I I I L TTTLSachwuzct 'd Aacty Aeu T^OTJtm- ^'v. VV nL.i a\ 'A t AaI .mmrmW'i kW\i i p7V 'o i r,i^yf'i . ImUr i . 'WillH'V jwCh. Bachman's Precious Jewel AexubCh. Bachman's King of the RoadCh. Bachman's My Dream Porsche co-owned with R C SolanoI'm proud to announce that Lexus has earned her ROM. Lexus is a second generation and the foundation of my breeding program.Ch. Bachman's Precious Jewel, Ch. Bachman's My Dream Porsche and Ch. Bachman's Mini Cooper N'Cameo were sired by Ch. Nguyen Cory Loverboy of "GQ". I can't thank Lana Price, Cory's owner, enough for the chance to breed to her lovely Cory. Ch. Bachman's King of the Road was Lexus's last son and was sired by AmCan Ch. Rodi's CR King of Gondor. Thanks to Celeste and Robert Solano for allowing me to use their beautiful Strider.Congratulations to Rebecca Silverberg on your junior spotlight, you have a bright future in Poms and it's a pleasure to see you in the ring. Congratulations as well to Randy Houston Chuck Wittemore and Pat Murk on your Kennel Visits.Cheri McDonald www.bachmanpoms.comCh. Bachman's Mini Cooper N' Cameo co-owned with Karen BetzTNOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 293540 Kessler Blvd N. Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46222 Email indypomsbcglobal.netAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc. Board SummaryJANICE RUSSELLSeptember 20, 2007August 2007 Board SummaryA motion carried for the Board to appoint a StandardRevision Committee.The motion that we contact the Brussels Griffon Club to seeif they want to go in with us on the Premium list andsecuring a Superintendent passed.The board agreed to donate 200.00 to help defeatCalifornia AB 1634. The NAIA was suggested as theorganization to send designating it to fight California AB1634. Motion carriedMotion carried that, in order to apply for membership to theAPC, you must subscribe to the Pomeranian Review.A letter will be sent to each Committee Chair stating that ifmembers have concerns relative to their committee, thoseconcerns should be communicated immediately to theBoards APC Corresponding Secretary so that the Board isaware of those concerns. The membership is to be informedof this chain of command procedure through the PomeranianReview.The following will be posted in the Pomeranian ReviewIf an APC member has concerns regarding the aspects of anAPC Committee, the member is to contact the CommitteeChair with those concerns. Those concerns will becommunicated by the Committee Chair within two weeksafter receipt if possible, to the Boards APC CorrespondingSecretary so that the Board is aware of those concerns.The By-Law Revisions are in progress. Alane Levinsohn hasbeen working with our Parliamentarian.Merle committee Erika Moureau reported Mary BethONeal, AKC, has responded to our request to place an Mfollowing the registration number on Merle registered dogs.She said the registered color can be attained from thecertified pedigree which can be purchased from them.Therefore, they will not honor the request.The Jim Rau Dog Show will be the superintendent for the2008 National Specialty.If an APC member has concerns regarding the aspects of anAPC Committee, the member is to contact the CommitteeChair with those concerns. Those concerns will becommunicated by the Committee Chair within two weeksafter receipt if possible, to the Boards APC CorrespondingSecretary so that the Board is aware of those concerns.October 4, 2007September Board SummaryA motion was made and passed that the Purina rebatechecks received in 2007 and 2008 be invested and held inCertificate of Deposits to be used to help defray the cost ofthe Pomeranian Review Anniversary Issue.Attention All Committee ChairsPlease compile a one page or less report reviewing yourcommittees work for the year through December 31st.Submit to the Corresponding Secretary, Dana Coventry with a copy to the Recording Secretary,Janice Russell, at TheCorresponding Secretary will compile in a packet fordistribution at the annual meeting.If an APC member has concerns regarding the aspects of an APC Committee, the member is to contact the CommitteeChair with those concerns. Those concerns will be communicated by the Committee Chair within two weeks afterreceipt if possible, to the Boards APC Corresponding Secretary so that the Board is aware of those concerns.2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1202 PM2944 4i i i n 4 iini^H30 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2318 Rose Garden RoadPittsburgh, PA 15220412 344-8257 391 N Mink Creek Rd., Pocatello, ID 83204 208-234-0932 infoavalonpom.comLetters other than those from sponsors commenting on theapplicants whose names are published in the Review, are togo to Janice C. Russell, 3540 Kessler Blvd. N Dr.,Indianapolis, IN, 46222. Comments must be receivedwithin 30 days of publication Standing Rule II 3. See theAPC Web Site httpwww.AmericanPomeranianClub.orgor contact Annette Davis for membership applications.NEW MEMBERSAmy Tsay VASponsors Maynard A. Wood, Diana M. DowneyMary A. Chelsea Valles TXSponsors Charlotte Meyer, Diane L. FinchAPPLICATIONSDarlyene Delbert Spann TXSponsors Kevin Orr, Linda PelzColleen Kelly Scott INSponsors Brenda Segelken, Doris M. WheelerJennifer L. Murcks ALSponsors Geno Sisneros, Mary AllanJean Marty Kroll PASponsors Nina Fetter, Jerrie FreiaDeborah B. Procaccini CTSponsors Terry J. Rothell, Alane LevinsohnSherry Letson AZSponsors Marjorie Conway, Alfredo LapuzKathlene McClain MISponsors Nancy Coddington, Becky SabourinChar Atnip TXSponsors Charlotte Creed, Annette RisterHall Of Fame HOFCH CR Tuff Guy Of Isabella DOwners Robert Celeste Solano, Ron MerilynSmithCH Majestics Jumpin Jack Flash DOwners Annette Rister, Charlotte Creed, Brenda Terry TurnerRegistry Of Merit Excellent ROMXCH Sundowns Hide N Zeke CD DOwner Carol LeemhuisGold Club GCCH Wee Hearts Excuse Me BOwners Bill Gail BertrandCH Majestics Jumpin Jack Flash DOwners Annette Rister, Charlotte Creed, Brenda Terry TurnerKENNELVisitsMARGARET MCKEEIDLEWYLD POMSAND A SPECIAL MYSTERY VISIT JANFEB 2008DEADLINE DEC 1, 20072007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1202 PM30 INI I I I ITT^7rHembeiship DepcrtAnnette Davis\Registrar Report Carel LeemliuisfVNOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 31AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. OFFICERSPRESIDENT...................................................................................CYNTHIA G. BOULWARE6450 Rolling Heights Circle, Kaufman, TX 75142 PH 972-962-3872 Fax 972-962-3872 e-mail lovencountryearthlink.netFIRST VICE PRESIDENT.........................................................................JANE LEHTINEN1517 8th Street S, Virginia, MN 55792 PH 218 749-1154 Fax 218 741-9435 e-mail janlepomsnetscape.net2ND VICE PRESIDENT.....................................................................FRANCES J. STOLL2488 E Hwy 50, Washington, IN 47501 PH 812-254-3857 Fax 812-254-3254 e-mail stolanne650dialup.comRECORDING SECRETARY...........................................................JANICE C. RUSSELL3540 Kessler Blvd. N. Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46222 PH 317 924-9093 e-mail indypomsbcglobal.netCORRESPONDING SECRETARY.................................................DANA COVENTRY1185 Banbury Court, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 PH 248-540-4888 e-mail caninelegalaol.comTREASURER....................................................................................ERIKA MOUREAU21522 Rosehill Church Rd., Tomball, TX 77375 PH 281351-9516 Fax 281 351-6620 e-mail ........................BOARD OF DIRECTORS............................Sally Baugniet David Gilstrap Judith B. GreenJackie Rayner Donna S. Riehm Greggory WatersThe American Pomeranian Club, Inc. is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting the Pomeranian dog and the protection and advancementof the breed. We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims. If you are interested in joining the APC,please contact APC Membership Chairperson, Annette Davis, 391 N. Mink Creek Road, Pocatello, ID 83204. Phone 208 234-0932 or Membership applications also may be downloaded from the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website If you only wish to subscribe to the Pomeranian Review, please contact the Pomeranian Review Circulation Manager,Cheri McDonald, PO Box 3402, San Dimas, CA 91773. Phone 909 394-7923, Email or Fax 909 599-4692. You need not bean APC Member to subscribe to or advertise in the Pomeranian Review.JACKIE RAYNER, DONNA RIEHM, DAVID GILSTRAP, GREGG WATERS, FRANCES STOLL, JANICE RUSSELLERIKA MOUREAU, DANA COVENTRY, CYNTHIA BOULWARE, JANE LEHTINEN, SALLY BAUGNIET. JUDY GREEN ABSENT.2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10152007, 1253 AM3144 4p ff , Mm,-Pt i 4trV"4 in.' WSJ S'MV. V, v , V1 1 1 4 ILLLL^^H32 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAs we all know Cindy our President has been ill with a lung infection but is at home now recuperating.We wish her godspeed in getting well so she can come back and take over the reins of the club.In the meantime the board has appointed a By-Laws committee that consists of Alane Levisohn aschair, Margaret McKee and Chris Dickey who is our Parliamentarian to rewrite the bylaws of theclub. We always welcome any comment from club members and any wishing to put input please letme know and I can forward it to the proper person. We hope to be able to present this at the nationalnext year in Louisville.The Merle committee has finished their finding has a response from AKC and you will find that here in the magazine. The breeder referralcommittee also will be addressed here in this issue. We have suggestions from members concerning business card ads on our website thatwe can sell to the club members for a fee but have not determined how much. This will be decided in the near future. If anyone is interestedin placing an ad on the website would you please let me know so we can determine how many and for how much.We are also in the process of setting up a standard revision committee. At this point it is still in the planning and we hope to have it goingwithin a few months, as it just does not happen overnight. The process is setting up how many on the committee and submitting namesand then voting to select just who is going to be on this committee.As a board that is dealing with one ill member we are trying to carry on and make this club work. Thank you all for your patience.Jane Lehtinen, Acting APC PresidentPomeranian Charitable TrustPat Hastings Puppy Puzzle at the National Live and In PersonThe presentation of Puppy Puzzle The Hastings Approach to Evaluating the Structural Quality of Puppies hasinformation to benefit everyone working with dogs and every puppy out of a conscientious breeding program. Thesingle most important decision we can make for our puppies is to determine whether each puppy is structurally soundenough to do what we will ask of it in its lifetime. Whether the hope is for the show ring and whelping box or obedience,agility, or flyball, we owe it to our dogs to know in which lifestyle each may best flourish.For nearly 20 years, Pat Hastings has been one of the most respected educators in the dog world. An AKC judge for theWorking, Herding, and Non-Sporting Groups, as well as Junior Showmanship and Best In Show, Pat has been a veryactive member of the Fancy since 1959. With her late husband, E.R. Bob Hastings, she researched and developed thestructural evaluation process, discussed in detail in the PUPPY PUZZLE. This process has revolutionized how breedersmake life decisions for the puppies they produce.This three-hour seminar will be held in Kentucky on Sunday, March 9, 2008, between 1 and 4 PM. Your invitation willbe assured for a 30.00 donation to the Pomeranian Charitable Trust. Afterwards look forward to relaxing at theNationals hospitality night. Plan on this for your travel arrangements now and more details about sign up will comelater.2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10152007, 1253 AM32rn 111 the President- - Cynthia C. PculuareSL Jn -e,5imfRAWNAI^L.NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 33COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE MERLE ISSUECommittee Members Erika Moureau, Chair, Alane Levinsohn, Charlotte Creed, Kelly Reimschiissel, Anita FarrThis committees recommendations to the Board of the American Pomeranian Club are as followsThe American Pomeranian Club should petition the American Kennel Club to add an identifying letter, such as M tothe registration number of all Pomeranians registered as Merles, to retroactively identify these dogs.The Board should instruct the Code of Ethics committee to add to the COE that breeding Merle to Merle is notallowed.The Board should petition the American Kennel Club to allow an addition to the current standard, making eyes otherthan brown a disqualifying fault. The Board should mount an educational program about the health hazards ofbreeding Merle Pomeranians.At the present time, the standard should not include a penalty or disqualification for Merles, since all colors are nowallowed. But should there be a revision of the standard in the future, we should include that Merles cannot beexhibited, but can be registered and bred, as is the case with white German Shepherd Dogs and Parti-colored Poodlestoday.Respectfully submitted,Erika K. Moureau, ChairAPC COMMITTEE REPORTSTo The American Kennel ClubDate 060807Gentlemen,The American Pomeranian Club took a poll of its membership on their wishes as to how to proceed on the issuesconcerning the Merle color.As Chairperson of this committee, the board has instructed me to petition the American Kennel Club to consider thefollowingThe APC Board petitions the AKC to allow an addition to our current breed standard, making eyes other than brown adisqualification.Further, the APC Board petitions the AKC to add an identifying letter, such as M to the registration numbers of allPomeranians registered as Merles, to retroactively identify these dogs in pedigrees.The Pomeranian Fancy has serious concerns about the health issues of Merles being infused into the gene pool and wesincerely hope that AKC will grant our request, so that we may begin to address our problems with the color Merle.Thank you,Erika K. MoureauChair Merle CommitteeCommittee Reports Continued2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10152007, 1253 AM33 INI 4 i i i in434 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAugust 13, 2007Erika Moureau, Treasurer21522 Rosehill Church RDTomball, TX 77377-5854Dear Erika,This is in response to your letter in regards to the Merle color in Pomeranians.I had responded to you by email in regards to the breed standard revision procedure. I am the Staff contact when theclub wishes to submit the proposed revision.In regards to adding the identifying letter such as M, to the registration number, I have conferred with DavidRoberts, AVP of Registration and Charles Kneifel, CIO. The registered color of a dog is available on an AKCcertified pedigree.Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any additional questions in regards to the bred standard revision.Sincerely,Mari-Beth ONeillAPC COMMITTEE REPORTSBREEDER REFERRAL COMMITTEECommittee Jane Lehtinen, Chair. Committee Juanita Fiddick, Sharon Shipek, Jackie RaynerA total of 127 people responded to our questionnaire.99 wanted a business card section.27 people said no to a business card section.71 felt that there should be a fee charged.47 said no that it should be free.77 said they would be willing to pay a yearly fee49 said no they would not pay.67 people were willing to pay a fee to have their ad updated or changed.47 people said no.98 people said that there should be changes allowed on the ads.15 people said no.102 people said the breeder referral person has the right to refuse to refer a member after so manycomplaints.18 felt that we should not refuse to refer that breeder.The membership has spoken that we do need to offer a business card section. The cost to bedetermined by the board and how many times we will allow any changes to the site has to bedetermined also. Up until now I have taken members off my list that have had three or more complaints.I will leave it that way unless the board decides to change that.At this point we need to set fees for ads and add any changes to the ads. Also, if the web mistress cando the changes and how many will be allow.2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10152007, 1253 AM34 INI 4 i i i in4NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 352007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10152007, 1253 AM35 INI n m 2Hr' a m irA CC3it.. 21"^.nwMSkSo far 2007 has been a very good year for us. I've finished 4 titles 2 RNs on Cammy and Ch. Trove, a CH on Fire, and now the CD on Cammy over Labor Day Weekend. All three legs were scores in the 190s.Now she's U-Ch Idlewyld Cameo CD, RN.I'm hoping to add a couple more titles before the year is out.Beauty and brains in one well-balanced package.Margaret McKee2426 Sandy Hood Rd, Goochland, VA 23063 - idlewyldpomeranians.com804-556-33805m1^.1AllSS1liM lillftft iliit iftim Max HWlliillmm II 111Congratulations to Randy Houston and Chuck Whittemore for their kennel visit and a special thanks to them from my boys who visited last year. We all appreciate your dedication to the breed. May your stars continued to riseCongratulations to Pal Murk and her Pawegre Poms on your kennel visit. Your depth of knowledge of showing is fascinating and you are always so generous in sharing it.Congratulations to Rebecca Silverberg on her junior feature You have worked so hard and have gotten so far in such a short lime.iii ujjujjjwtajiiavaMiiiMiiiMMlHi iMiiwi mill [iiiml in IliiiiiiiinrMiiisliiiliii mm -m36 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWA sk Us Anything Annette Davis, CNOur question for this issue is I want to buy a Pom puppy from a breeder across the country, but I amworried about the shipping. Is it safe How does it workIn August of 2005, 4 fatal airplane crashes in Europe and South America claimed the lives of hundreds ofpassengers. This unfortunate string of events sparked many questions about airline safety. People began towonder if the saying Flying is the safest way to travel was really true. The good news is that airline travel stillseems to be the safest way to travel, and the safety record has only improved over the past 25 years. Accordingto International Civil Aviation Organization ICAO figures, in 1979 there were three fatal accidents per millionflights compared with one fatal accident per two million flights in 2004. Safety improvements are due to bettertechnology, compulsory industry audits and tougher competition.Pet air travel remains controversial. The Humane Society of the United States strongly recommends against airtravel largely based on the fact that many animals have been transported in the cargo hold of airplanes resultingin an unacceptable number of injuries and deaths. Fortunately it is now possible to choose an airline that has alive animal compartment, which is heated, cooled, and pressurized just like the passenger areas. This type of liveanimal compartment means that the animals on board travel in the same safety and comfort as the humanpassengers. Additionally, in 2000, congress passed the Safe Air Travel for Animals Act, which requires airlines toreport to the Secretary of Transportation any incident involving an animal that is injured, lost, or killed duringairline transport. The secretary must then make the information available to the public in the Department ofTransportations monthly publication. The act also specifies that baggage handlers be better trained in animal careand safe transport techniques.I have had very good luck using Continentals Pet Safe program and Deltas Pet First service to ship mydogs. The Continental Web site states Continental handles all specialty shipments, especially pets, with thegreatest care. We understand the special requirements of shipping animals, and we adhere to the U.S.Department of Agriculture USDA regulations, as well as International Air Transport Association IATAregulations. In my experience, this really has been true. To book a live animal shipment with Continental, call800-575-3335.Deltas Web site assures the following At Delta, we take the time and care to ensure every animal travels safelyand comfortably with our Delta Pet First service. I have also found this to be true. To book a live animalshipment with Delta, call 888-736-3738.Continued2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1210 PM36--'-rNOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 37gIn over 10 years of shipping live animals, Ive never had any type of harm come to any of them.Occasionally, a flight has been delayed, and the airline staff has taken excellent care of my dogs while they werewaiting for the next flight. I once had a gal who worked for Delta take my puppy to her house for the night. Shecalled me several times, letting me know that the puppy was safe and happy.A health certificate is required for a dog to fly. Most veterinarians offer this service for 30.00 - 60.00. You willalso need an airline-approved carrier complete with food and water dishes an absorbent crate pad. Pet Stores,Feed Stores, and even WalMart carry good, airline approved carriers. A good trick for water is to put ice cubesin the water dish or to fill the dish 34 full of water and then keep it in the freezer overnight. This avoids waterspillage on the way to the airport.I always tape a baggie of extra food to the top of the carrier so the airline staff can have my dogs usual foodavailable if feeding is necessary on a longer flight or due to a flight delay.Our next question is My Pom puppy keeps eating her stools. How can I get her to stopYou may direct new questions or answers to these questions toAnnette Davis, 391 N Mink Creek Rd., Pocatello ID 83204208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792 e-mail infoavalonpom.comPrevious Ask Us Anything Columns may be viewed on line www.avalonpom.comPomCare.htmAsk Us Anything Continued2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1210 PM37Kissami fennel PomeraniansWishes everyone a bright and cheerful Holiday Reason filled with friends, family far kids and lots of Winning ribbons.Randy and Chaek, Mom and I want to send you oar warmest congratulations to you both on your much deserved kennel visit with Her Majesty's Poms.I look forward to reading it, and wish you continued success in the ring and in the whelping box. Mom and I also look forward to our visit in March.H big congrats to Pat Murk and your Pawegre kids. I look forward to your kennel visit feature. Continued success with your lovely poms.Ok htVV-U IifftstmlieilwinO op--JU v.uu-j o mIT'ornoranian Ckihl^rorbanXkJHRoxanne CollinsKissami Kennel Pomeraniansfair Oaks, IN - 219-S66-4464 - www.anglir.eoniinkissaniknnl38 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWPawegre PomsPatricia MurkCH MAJIS DAREDEVIL OF PAWEGRESUNNYVALE, CALIFORNIAI am very pleased and flattered to be asked to profile my small group of Poms. I have no kennel. My dogs are allhouse raised.I have a very long life gone to the dogs. My sisters and I started showing in 1948 English Cocker Spaniels. Wedid not have a clue about points or majors and made many mistakes. We had very few shows back then. Angie and Ishowed several dogs a few times not knowing that we should concentrate on one at a time. When we wised up we did finishCh. Wayside Blue Lilac. Who was the first dog I ever handled in the breed ring. Our first show we walked out with a fivepoint major win under Judge Alfred Lepine. Well, I was very much hooked from that day right up to the present time.My former husband and I showed many very nice Poodles and we also finished a number for other people. I neverbred much. We were on the road too much.My sister, Angela, has bred a number of champion English Cockers and is now an AKC licensed judge. SisterShirley was an AKC all breed handler and gave it up to be a mother and homemaker.I have co-owned many dogs with breeders from coast to coast. They included Basenjis, Toy Manchester Terriers,Pugs, American Cockers, Scotties, Italian Greyhounds, Smooth Fox Terrier, Springer Spaniels and I am sure some others Ihave forgotten. Breeding was not my first love.After my divorce I was not able to continue to show or breed for several years. When all of my retirees were goneand the children grown up, I decided to get back into dogs. I looked at several breeds of dogs and could not find anythingavailable that I liked. I mentioned this to my sister Angela and she told Joyce Baker Winkels who with her sister Jean BakerHanle bred a few Poms. I was offered a finished champion. A son of Ch. Rock N Tradition of Oakridge and out of theJake daughter Ch. Brilliant Golden Glory ROM SBISS Group Winner. His name is Ch. Itoba Rock N Roll Legend2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1210 PM38BEST PUPPY IN SHOWTHE TOY DOG CLUBOF SOUTH FLORIDA, INC. DECEMBER 9,2005r--------------------------- ----------pAofoCPMNOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 39CH PAWEGRE TA DIE FORCRYSTALRICHARD SEDLACK HANDLER COOWNERPAWEGRE A VARGAS GIRLHANDLED BY KELLY SMITHSIRE CAN CH DIOGENOIRS PROJECTED LIGHTN NRGDAM CH PAWEGRE TA DIE FORElvis. He arrived on my birthday, February 28, 1998. Ipurchased Starfires Iman from Tony and Fabian and bredher to Elvis, from that first litter Ch. Pawegre Ta Die Forcame to be my first Pom champion. Crystal finished withthree majors and won a few Best of Breed and a puppygroup 1. Crystal was only bred three times and producedone puppy each time. Two were males, which I placed inpet homes because I had no one interested in buying a maleshow puppy. Imans son Ch. Itoba Lex Luther was cobredwith Joyce. Crystals one daughter I now co-own withWalda Green. She is pointed but was bred and now has avery promising son. Her name is Pawegre Vargus Girl.Tootie Fruitie is her call name. She is a very strong willedand stubborn little character of a Pom. We hope to finish herafter she coats back up.I acquired Starfires Rebecca and bred her to Baloo.She had a pretty very sound girl that I named PawegrePrivate Dancer Tina. She has 9 points and needs one moremajor plus 3 singles to finish. Tina is shown when ever sheis home. Her owner Patricia Lent takes her all over theworld with her.CH PAWEGRE TA DIE FORCH ITOBA ROCK N ROLL LEGENDELVIS - 15 MONTHS2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1210 PM39 INI 4 I I I m4im \Sssai iMBEST OFixmWINNERS VoiL 74CYCLONE COUNTRY KENNEL CLUB OCTOBER 1997PHOTO BY DOWNEYm , Ip5iVrat1' "WGROUP FIRST PUPPY4 L 4rrw MVf 4C2LW S5K StISffMr Kennel4ZOOClub4440 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWCH STARFIRES PAWEGRE HULLABALOO1ST SHOW, MAJOR GROUP 2, HANDLED BY RICHARD SEDLACKCH MAJIS GABRILLIA OF PAWEGRESIRECH HEARTLANDS BOSA NOVA DANCER,DAM PAWEGRE OUTRAGEOUSI have a lovely litter of three out of Ch Panache andCh Jakens Splashn in the Rain Janle, and her son from herprevious litter sired by my Ch Majis Daredevil of Pawegre,who is a Gabby son and sired by Ch Itoba Knock out Punch,Ch Itoba Miss Conduct, bred owned by Joyce Winkels Pat Murk. Sire Ch. Itoba Know it All Dam Ch Pawegre OutrageousCh. Itoba Knock Out Punchwho now resides here at Pawegre. He is a Frazier son andout of Golden Glory.Ch Ta Die for and Ch Outrageous have been sent tonew homes to help them to bring some good luck. Perhapsthey will have as good a time as I have had.Dogs that are here at Pawegre now are Males ChItoba Rock N Roll Legend - sire of 5 Ch to date, Ch ItobaKnock Out Punch - sire of 1 Ch to date, Ch Majis Daredevilof Pawegre, Can Ch Diogenoir Projected LightN NRG coowned with Ellen Smith of Palisades Poms, and PawegreBorn to Be Wild.The girls are Ch Majis Gabriella Of Pawegre - damof 1 Ch, Ch Itoba Miss Conduct, Ch Pawegre Panache ofMaji, Pawegre Love Be A Lady, Pawegre on Demand, andVibrantlys Co Co Channel - coowned with Jean EltingRowe.I also acquired Starfires Marina from Tony andFabian. I bred Marina to Elvis. The first litter produced Ch.Starfires Pawegre Hullabaloo SBISS Multiple GroupWinner and the accident repeat produced Ch. PawegreOutrageous. Making Marina a R.O.M. Marina is the damof Ch. Nicolas El Grande and Can. Am. Ch. Starfires ImSexy Too.I had also purchased Kilpatricks Wonder from BrianIncorvia and bred to Elvis she produced Ch. Pawgre DennisMenace SBISS Group Winner.Ch. Pawegre Outrageous was bred to Ch.Heartlands Bosa Nova Dancer and Ch. Itoba Know It All.She has two champion daughters, Ch. Majis Gabbrilla ofPawegre, co-bred with James McKierman and Ch. ItobaMiss Conduct co-bred with Joyce Winkels. I have a lovelylittle girl out of Tori that I hope will do well in the ring.I acquired Ch. Pawegre Panache of Maji from JamesMcKierman and she finished with four four point majors2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1210 PM40i i i i n44S5BESTOF BREED OR VARIETYanDOUGUASVILLE KENNEL CLUB OF GEORGIAEPTEMBER 200C BILL MEYER PHOTO WINNERSNEW CHAMPIONCHICAGO OOLDCOAST KENNEL CLUBA' iv. TfSr JJBF'\4u V Vi3.ICKC"T VJL 41 k4 w TV4NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 41Kennel Visit Continuedand a few best of breeds. Hayley has a lovely male I amstarting to show and has a new litter of three sired by Ch.Jaken Splash N In The Rain.I recently acquired a young bitch, Vibrant CoCoChannel and if and when she coats up, I will give her a whirlin the ring. She was bred by Vivian Sun Stark. A verypretty head and looks like she could do it.Ch. Majis Gabbrilla was bred to Ch. Itoba KnockOut Punch. He is a Frazier son out of a Ch. BrillianteGolden Glory. Gabby produced Ch. Majis Daredevil ofPawegre. Now Darin is almost 3 so I bred him to Ch.Pawegre Panache of Maji and the litter of two show muchpromise at 8 months. The male is on the big side, but a verynice boy with a huge coat that I hate to cut off And thatCH MAJIS DAREDEVIL OF PAWEGREKELLY SMITH HANDLERCH PAWEGRE PANACHE OF MAJI, HAYLEYHALF SISTER TO CH DENNIS MENACE.TWO HOPEFULS, SIRECH MAJIS DAREDEVIL OFPAWEGRE, DAM PAWEGRE PANACHE OF MAJINRG PUP BRED BY ELLEN SMITHmakes him look bigger. But I am going to give him hischance.I love to show my own dogs but due to health issues,I cant always do that. My thanks to my long time friendand part time partner Richard Sedlack for Ballo, Dennis, andCrystal, to Kelly Smith and David Solis for Darin and ofcourse Joyce who put Panaches first two 4 point majors on2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1211 PM41 INI 4 i i i inlust BEST OF BREED COLDER VM.LEVKENNEL CLUB 2 11 NOVEMBER 2006' CM-lt PHOTO PJ 1 1 bv MEG WI'llJ'-IJ n44 4i'9.f GROUP THIRD1 1i EUGENEL KENNEL CLUB1 SEPTEMBER 200' OALLEA PHOTO ^ljg 1442 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWKennel Visit ContinuedNRG AND KIDS COOWNED BY ELLEN SMITHNRG PUPSELVIS AGE 11 12CH ITOBA ROCK N ROLL LEGENDher. I had the fun of handling her to two more 4-pointmajors to finish her championship.I owe all of my success to my mentors, Joyce, Jean,Tony and Fabian. If you have good honest mentors, as Ihave had, it is a great plus. Not all mentors are capable ofthat. My sisters and I learned that the hard way. Some willsabotage you. Make sure when you accept others advicethat they have your best interest at heart and have beensuccessful in their breeding program.I have been accepted into the Northern CaliforniaPom community and made so many new friends. They allknow who they are, so I wont name names. I waspleasantly surprised to be elected by the Northern CaliforniaPom Club to serve as their new President. I have not beenhere in California that long. Our Pom club has joined upwith the Northern California Toy Dog Club and in April ofNRG PUP2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1211 PM42i i i in44ivmJWt43rSunnyNRG S The Group- Girls Boyl3rV JA4 "Vlo4NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 43THE END2008 we should have four or five chances for majors andsweeps in one long weekend. I have misplaced many of my show photos andribbons in my travels so have enlisted my friends tohopefully come up with some for me. I hope I have notbored anyone of my tale of life with the dogs. I must saythat Poms have been and are the most endearing breed that Ihave ever owned coowned or bred. Perhaps one day I willbreed that very special dog that we all dream of. I managedto breed a few good horses and birds but that is anotherstory. I do hope to be around a few more years and amlooking forward to it. So far it has been a fun andeducational trip. I hope to learn even more as I continue myquest thats what my kids call it.NRG PUPELVIS 5TH CH SON CH SERAFINAS ROCK N ROLLROADIE BREDHANDLED BY MARGARET NANCEKennel Visit Continued2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1211 PM434 i i i in4New PREVIEW VIDEO CLIPS BEFORE YOU BUYFREE LEAFLETS INCLUDED WITH EACH VIDEO GROOMING TIPS, EQUIPMENT NEEDED AND WHERE TO BUY IT, AND HOW TO TRIM EARS.Have you ever wondered how the Poms in the showring and pictures are trimmed so nicely and how it is done We are pleased to present this Pom grooming video, "Pomeranian Grooming with Karen Crawford,1' by Karen Crawford of Xitable Pomeranians. This tape is not just for Pom show people, it is for all of you who have Poms and want to learn the professional but easy way to properly trim your Poms - from head to toe. For more information about Karen, the video, preview video clips, satisfied customer reviews and ordering, please visit our web site at httpwww.foxxlanepoms.comVideo, e-mail Pauline McFarlane at, or call Pauline at 304-813-1541.We would like to thank Mike Cande Gordon of Pominique Pomeranians for allowing us to useAMInt CH Pominique Chasing Tatonka aka Tony as our demonstration model.WlCongratulations to Randy Houston Chuck Whittemore of Her Majesty's Poms and Pat Murk of Pawegre Poms on your Kennel Visits, and to Rebecca Silverberg on your Junior feature.Holiday Greetings to everyone and we wish you all a joyous Holiday Season.mmgKaren Crawford, Xitable PomeraniansandJohn and Pauline McFarlane, FoxxLane Pomeranians4SfiOUPSJCRPA-TlKXUMNEkennel Clue' too QKEN O'BRIEN 1fa-4444 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWThe Pomeranian Club of Greater Houstonis happy to report 112 Pom entries for eachof our back-to-back specialties on August23 and 24, 2007 in Houston, Texas. Theclub was honored to host the APC NationalSummer Specialty on Thursday, August 23,followed by the Pomeranian Club of GreaterHouston Regional Specialty on Friday,August 24. The specialties were held inconjunction with two shows hosted by theToy Club of Greater Houston.The Crowne Plaza Hotel provided aluxurious setting for four days of Pomjudging, as well as the formal banquet andentertainment that was an important partof the event. Toy Club of Greater HoustonPresident Norma Baugh was a strong sourceof support and assistance throughout theyear leading up to this marvelous event.Poms were brought to Houston from all overthe country. Ellen Takayama, SylviaMiyake, and Roger Lau of Vintage Pomstraveled all the way from Hawaii to be partof the festivities. Roger Laus handsomeboy, SANDALWOOD JO DOOGAL, wasnamed Reserve Winners Dog. Doogal isonly the second Pom, born and bred inHawaii, to attend a National Specialty.Melvin and Joan Beech flew in from Canadato show their pretty girl, JOLVIN GOODTO GO. Unfortunately, their luggage didnot make it to Houston until the second day.Mel was forced to enter the ring in the jeanshe had been wearing on the plane. Melsattire did not affect the showing of his Pomwho came away with a host of trophiesincluding Grand Sweepstakes Winner, Bestof Winners, and Best Bred-By-Exhibitor.The Houston Club pulled out all the stopsin order to properly welcome and entertainthe exhibitors and guests present beginningwith the hospitality suite. The amount offood brought to the suite by generous clubmembers was beyond belief. So much foodarrived that the club arranged with the hotelto keep the hospitality suite an additionalday allowing everyone to eat lunch anddinner in the suite for one more day.Welcome bags were given to eachparticipant at the start of the show. On daytwo, the entire group was invited to dinnerat a nearby restaurant, transportationprovided courtesy of the hotel shuttle. Theformal banquet was the focus of attentionon day three. Day four called for KaraokeNight in the hotel nightclub. The club hireda professional Karaoke entertainer andprovided a fabulous array of appetizers. Theother toy breed clubs and show participantswere invited to join us for Karaoke, makingfor a large and noisy group of dog lovers.Houston club members and friends onceagain demonstrated their charitable naturesby donating to the raffle and auction.Gorgeous objects covered a long line oftables. Several valuable items wereauctioned off at the conclusion of thebanquet. Generous exhibitors and guestsbought raffle tickets, bid on the items upfor auction, and bought tee shirts and PomClub jackets.The banquet was truly remarkable with goodfood and great company. The highlight ofthe evening was a slide show created by JohnDavid Zieba. The slide show comprised ofphotographs submitted by club members andother exhibitors and guests attending theshow. The photographs covered past dogshows, charming Pomeranians, club events,and dog-related activities of most of thepeople present, from the Sixties to thepresent-day. Most were funny, some werenostalgic, and all were touching.The photographs were set to music andended with a slide show wishing the PomClub of Greater Houston a happy 40thbirthday. The slide show purpose was toshowcase the wonderful times, friendships,and special moments in the lives of the Pompeople present. To finish the evening, twodozen door prizes were given away.Mr. Darrell W. Baker was ourConformation Judge for the APC NationalSummer Specialty. Mr. Baker is a wellknownand respected member of thePomeranian Community. It was impossibleto tell that Mr. Baker had back surgery justa month ago. He was his usual friendly,smiling self and looked to be enjoying theoccasion immensely.Serving as Sweepstakes Judge for the APCNational Summer Specialty was Mrs.Marge Kranzfelder. It is easy to see whyMrs. Kranzfelder was such a popular choicefor Sweepstakes Judge. She exudesconfidence in the ring and out, and she isalso a lot of fun to be around. Marge traveledall the way from California, and we werethrilled to have her.The Conformation Judge for thePomeranian Club of Greater HoustonSpecialty was Mr. Forrest W. McCoy fromGulfport, Florida. Mr. McCoy has decadesof experience judging Poms and otherbreeds. He is extremely competent and apleasure to be around. Out of the ring, heshared his memories of long ago shows andPoms to the delight of everyone. He is atrue gentleman of the dog community.Judging Sweepstakes for the PomeranianClub of Greater Houston Regional Specialtywas Mrs. Audrey Roberts. Mrs. Robertswas confident, calm, and focused in the ring.She brought her many years of breeding andshowing to the experience.Erika Moureau lent her assistance as ourChief Ring Steward. Our club is indebtedto Mrs. Moureau for her support andencouragement throughout the time leadingup to the show, as well as all during theevent. We also thank David Gilstrap whovery kindly brought the necessary ringequipment to Houston all the way fromTennessee.The non-regular classes were verynoteworthy. Two Junior Handlers showedtheir expertise in the Open and NoviceClasses. Chelsea Valles was selected asBest Junior Handler. Chelsea is already afamiliar face to the Pom Community with abright future ahead of her. Ten-year-oldNathalie Dollar showed her Pom with flairand dexterity. Both Chelsea and NathalieAPC NATIONAL SUMMER SPECIALTY 2007Houston, TexasBy Connie Zieba, photographs submitted by Mary Latimer2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1211 PM44L 1 1 1 TNOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 45demonstrated their handling skills toadvantage. CH PRESTIGIOUS HIGHOCTANE and his impressive offspring werebrought into the ring for the Stud Dog Classto the delight of the cheering crowd.Our Veterans were an impressive group asevidenced by the fact that two of the Veteranswere selected for an Award of Merit. VeteranDogs were CH JERIBETH PLAYBOYSPASSION Mango and CHLYNNWRIGHTS TONY SOPRANO ROM.The Veteran Bitch was CH BRYNROSE IVANT TO BE ALONE. All three Veteranslooked to be of superior quality, certainly fineenough to compete in any group. We werehonored to have these exceptional entries forthe Junior Showmanship, Stud Dog, andVeteran classes.The Best of Breed winner for the APC NationalSummer Specialty was CH FINCHSBETTIN ON CHARS. This striking dogwent on to earn Group 3 and Group 1 onSaturday and Sunday. For the Pom Club ofGreater Houston Specialty, CH TIM SUESTRICK OR TREAT Goblin was chosen Bestof Breed. Goblin is an extraordinary Pom whostands out in the ring.The trophy tables were groaning under theweight of all the trophies ready to be handedout. Trophies presented for the NationalSummer Specialty winners were elegantpewter serving pieces created by Arthur CourtDesigns. Besides a serving bowl retailing for125.00, the Best of Breed recipient received50.00 in cash. For the Houston Specialty,Pomeranian-themed items were designedexclusively for our club. The Best of Breedtrophy was a Pomeranian tray table with tinydrawers and a stand. Luxury suede dog bedswere given for WD and WB retailing for125.00 each.Each of the five Award of Merit recipientsreceived pewter ornaments for the APCSpecialty and cloth tote bags filled withgoodies for the Houston show. Each entry inthe Best of Breed competition received anenamel show logo keychain designed byAudrey Roberts for the National Specialty anda PCGH mini-frame for the Houston Specialty.The Houston Pom Club spared no expense fortrophies for the two specialties. Clubmembers, friends, and supporters donated over3300.00 to buy the impressive array of items.Every bit of that was used to purchase trophies.Show Chair and Show Secretary, Tim and SueGoddard, and the show committee, did awonderful job putting the show together. Eachand every member of the Houston Clubdonated their time, talents, money, andeverything else they had to give. This was astellar event for our club and we will rememberit appreciatively.Most of all, thank you to the exhibitors,participants, and guests for making the trip toHouston. Your Poms were outstanding inevery way and we were proud to see them inthe ring. Please come back soonTo view more photographs of the show, go more information about the slide showCDs, show tee shirts, and show key chainsplease contact us at NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1211 PM45i i i i n44a.5iTOI'V-'fVV'-i ..v'.ra-jC_04J4446 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWSWEEPSTAKESJudge Marge KranzfelderGRAND SWEEPSTAKES WINNERSOFINES OUTTA MY WAYBEST JUNIOR IN SWEEPSTAKESSOFINES OUTTA MY WAYBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BESTJUNIOR IN SWEEPSTAKESCHARS STRAIGHT TALKBEST SENIOR IN SWEEPSTAKESJOLVIN GOOD TO GOBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BESTSENIOR IN SWEEPSTAKESFINCHS CHOCOLATE BON BON PARTIPuppy Dogs, 6 Mos Under 9 Mos1. PRIZED BOURRES PROMISE TIMSUE. Owners Donald Alice Savoie2. SUBER AND LYNNWRIGHTSSTUGOTS. Owners Suzanne Berney Donna Lynn Wright3. REIGNING POMS KING OFHEARTS. Owners Gail Bill Bertrand4. SIRENS FIRST IMPRESSION.Owners Lorelei Sibet Suzanne BerneyPuppy Dogs, 9 Mos Under 12 Mos1. SOFINES OUTTA MY WAY. OwnerMary Latimer2. CHARS BRINGIN SEXY BACK.Owner Charlotte Meyer3. TRUDYS HEY DUDE. OwnersNancy Robert Coddington4. CHARS SOMETHING TO TALKABOUT. Owners Mary Chelsea Valles Charlotte MeyerTwelve To Eighteen Months Dogs1. FINCHS CHOCOLATE BON BONPARTI. Owner Charlotte Meyer2. PRESTIGIOUS ELVIS IS KING.Owners Robbie Hudson Sherry DollarPuppy Bitches, 6 Mos Under 9 Mos1. MAJESTICS JACKELINA. OwnersAnnette Rister, Charlotte Creed, BrendaTurner S.W. Turner2. DREAM WEAVERS FLICKERN FLAME.Owners Linda Pelz, Michael Liz Wells3. MAJESTICS JACK ETOUFFEE.Owners Annette Rister, Brenda Terry Turner4. GEBEARS N DW DREAMIN OFBLK DIAMONDS. Owners Linda Pelz,Gina Williams, Lisa GoodmanPuppy Bitches, 9 Mos Under 12 Mos1. CHARS STRAIGHT TALK. OwnersMary Chelsea Valles Charlotte Meyer2. MAJESTICS RITA OF RAY ROAD.Owners Annette Rister, Charlotte Creed,Brenda S.W. Turner3. MOUNTAIN CREST ROCKPRINCESS. Owner Barbara MeyerTwelve To Eighteen Months Bitches1. JOLVIN GOOD TO GO. Owners Joan Mel Beech2. LYNNWRIGHTS GIA OF LENETTE.Owner Donna Lynn Wright3. CHARS EYE CANDY. Owners WendyLane, Charlotte Meyer Lynn Meyer4. CH CHARS WILD AND FREE.Owners Charlotte Meyer Chelsea VallesBEST JUNIOR HANDLERCHELSEA VALLES Andrews, TexasNOVICE JUNIORNATHALIE DOLLAR Dallas, TexasOPEN SENIORCHELSEA VALLES Andrews, TexasVETERAN DOG1. CH JERIBETH PLAYBOYSPASSION. Breeder Olga Baker. OwnerDonna Degani2. CH LYNNWRIGHTS TONYSOPRANO ROM. Breeder OwnerDonna Lynn WrightVETERAN BITCH1. CH BRYNROSE I VANT TO BEALONE. Breeders Owners Terry Brenda TurnerSTUD DOG1. CH PRESTIGIOUS HIGH OCTANE.Breeder Owner Sherry DollarREGULAR CLASSESJudge Darrell BakerBEST OF BREEDCH FINCHS BETTIN ON CHARSBreeder Diane L. Finch. Owner CharlotteMeyer, Gail Bill Bertrand, Lynn SalehBEST OF WINNERSJOLVIN GOOD TO GOBEST OF OPP. SEX TO BEST OF BREEDCH CHARS WILD AND FREEBreeders Owners Charlotte Meyer Chelsea VallesAWARD OF MERITCH TIM SUES TRICK OR TREATBreeders Sue Goddard Tim Goddard.Owner Mary LatimerCH MAJESTICS JUMPIN JACKFLASH Breeders Annette Rister CharlotteAmerican Pomeranian ClubNational Summer SpecialtyThursday, August 23, 20072007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1212 PM46 INI I I I ITTNOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 47Creed. Owners Annette Rister, CharlotteCreed, Brenda Turner S. W. TurnerCH JERIBETH PLAYBOYS PASSIONBreeder Olga Baker. Owner Donna DeganiCH TIM SUES FLYING HIGHBreeders Tim Sue Goddard. OwnersJ. Patrick Farmer Kevin HebertCH SO FINE LEMONY SNICKET OFLILLIPUT Breeder Mary E. Latimer.Owners Nannette Ron WalkerBEST BRED-BY-EXHIBITORJOLVIN GOOD TO GOBEST PUPPY IN REGULAR CLASSESCHARS BRINGIN SEXY BACKWINNERS DOGFINCHS CHOCOLATE BON BON PARTIRESERVE WINNERS DOGSANDALWOOD JO DOOGALWINNERS BITCHJOLVIN GOOD TO GORESERVE WINNERS BITCHRAZZLE DAZZLE SHALL WE DANCEPuppy Dogs, 6 Mos Under 9 Mos1. SIRENS FIRST IMPRESSION.Breeder Lorelei Sibet. Owners LoreleiSibet Suzanne Berney2. PRIZED BOURRES PROMISE TIMSUE. Breeders Carolyn Crockett MonaDelancy. Owners Donald Alice Savoie3. REIGNING POMS KING OFHEARTS. BreedersOwners Gail BillBertrand4. SUBER AND LYNNWRIGHTSSTUGOTS. Breeder David Hogg. OwnersSuzanne Berney Donna Lynn WrightPuppy Dogs, 9 Mos Under 12 Mos1. CHARS BRINGIN SEXY BACK.Breeders Charlotte Meyer Diane Finch.Owner Charlotte Meyer2. SOFINES OUTTA MY WAY. BreederOwner Mary Latimer3. TRUDYS HEY DUDE. Breeders Owners Nancy Robert Coddington4. CHARS SOMETHING TO TALKABOUT. Breeder Charlotte Meyer.Owners Mary Chelsea Valles Charlotte MeyerTwelve To Eighteen Months Dogs1. GLEN IRIS DARTAGNAN OFLILLIPUT. Breeders Becky Jackson Dr.Cheryl A. Jackson. Owner Nannette WalkerBred-By-Exhibitor Dogs1. LYNNWRIGHTS LEAVE IT TOBEAVER. Breeders Donna Lynn Wright Annette Rister. Owner Donna Lynn Wright2. ANTOMS THE PRICE WAS RIGHT.BreederOwner Anita J. Farr3. WAGNERS MY GUY THE LOVER.BreederOwner Ruth WagnerAmerican-Bred Dogs1. CHARS MICHELANGELO. BreederCharlotte Meyer. Owners Kathleen Stuart Charlotte MeyerOpen Dogs - Red, Orange, Cream, Sable1. SANDALWOOD JO DOOGAL.Breeder Owner Roger M. Lau2. MICHELLES LITTLE TYKEPOOH.Breeder Rochelle Masek. Owner Michelle Herzik3. ANTOMS ELFIN MAGICPROVIDED BY WAGNER. BreederAnita J. Farr. Owners Steve PaulaWilliams Anita J. Farr4. LYNNWRIGHTS POM TRAVOLTA.Breeders Donna Lynn Wright AnnetteRister. Owner Lorelei SibetOpen Dogs - Black, Brown, Blue1. CHARS HEART OF MY HEART.Breeder Charlotte Meyer. OwnersCharlotte Meyer Mrs. Katy Lou StalnakerOpen Dogs - Any Other Color, Pattern, or Variety1. FINCHS CHOCOLATE BON BONPARTI. Breeder Diane L. Finch. OwnerCharlotte Meyer2. PRESTIGIOUS ELVIS IS KING.Breeder Sherry Dollar. Owners RobbieHudson Sherry Dollar3. CHARS MEANT TO BE A PARTI.BreederOwner Charlotte Meyer4. CHARS EYE CAN PARTI TOO.Breeder Charlotte Meyer. Owner Mary VallesPuppy Bitches, 6 Mos Under 9 Mos1. MAJESTICS JACKELINA. BreedersOwners Annette Rister, Charlotte Creed,Brenda Turner S. W. Turner2. MAJESTICS FROM A JACK TO AQUEEN. Breeders Annette Rister CharlotteCreed. Owners Terry Brenda Turner3. MAJESTICS O JACKIE. BreederAnnette Rister. Owner Char Atnip4. CHARS SUPER MODEL PARTI.BreederOwner Charlotte MeyerPuppy Bitches, 9 Mos Under 12 Mos1. MOUNTAIN CREST ROCKPRINCESS. Breeders David CarleneGilstrap. Owner Barbara Meyer2. CHARS STRAIGHT TALK. BreederCharlotte Meyer. Owners Mary ChelseaValles Charlotte MeyerTwelve To Eighteen Months Bitches1. LYNNWRIGHTS GIA OF LENETTE.Breeder Ken Griffith. Owner Donna Lynn Wright2. CHARS EYE CANDY. BreedersCharlotte Meyer Lynn Meyer. OwnersWendy Lane, Charlotte Meyer Lynn MeyerBred-By-Exhibitor Bitches1. JOLVIN GOOD TO GO. BreedersOwners Joan Mel Beech2. GEEBEARS N DW DREAMIN OF BLKDIAMONDS. BreedersOwners Linda Pelz,Gina Williams, Lisa Goodman3. DREAM WEAVERS FLICKERNFLAME. BreedersOwners Linda Pelz,Michael Liz Wells4. PRESTIGIOUS LADY BUG. BreederSherry Dollar. Owners Sherry Dollar Robbie HudsonAmerican-Bred Bitches1. TIM SUE PROMISE TOBEA STAR.Breeders Tim Sue Goddard. OwnersDon Alice SavoieOpen Bitches - Red, Orange, Cream, Sable1. RAZZLE DAZZLE SHALL WEDANCE. BreederOwner Judith B. Green2. MOUNTAIN CREST RED CLOVER.Breeders David Carlene Gilstrap. OwnersLorelei Sibet Glory Ann Pigarnt3. AMBERGLOWS FANCY LACE.Breeder Karin Goad. Owners Karin Goad Nancy Reed.Open Bitches ,Any Other Color, Pattern, or Variety1. PRESTIGIOUS JANS FUTUREPLANS. Breeder Sherry Dollar. OwnersSherry Dollar Robbie Hudson2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1212 PM47m48 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWSWEEPSTAKESJudge Audrey RobertsGRAND SWEEPSTAKES WINNERJOLVIN GOOD TO GOBEST JUNIOR IN SWEEPSTAKESSUBER AND LYNNWRIGHTSSTUGOTSBEST OF OPP SEX TO BEST JR IN SWEEPSMAJESTICS RITA OF RAY ROADBEST SENIOR IN SWEEPSTAKESJOLVIN GOOD TO GOBEST OF OPP SEX TO BESTSENIOR IN SWEEPSCR SIR SCULLY OF GONDORPuppy Dogs, 6 Mos Under 9 Mos1.SUBER AND LYNNWRIGHTSSTUGOTS. Owners Suzanne Berney Donna Lynn Wright2. SIRENS FIRST IMPRESSION.Owners Lorelei Sibet Suzanne Berney3. PRIZED BOURRES PROMISE TIMSUE. Owners Donald Alice Savoie4. REIGNING POMS KING OFHEARTS. Owners Gail Bill BertrandPuppy Dogs, 9 Mos Under 12 Mos1. CHARS SOMETHING TO TALKABOUT. Owners Mary Chelsea Valles Charlotte Meyer2. TRUDYS HEY DUDE. OwnersNancy Robert Coddington3. CHARS BRINGIN SEXY BACK.Owner Charlotte Meyer4. SOFINES OUTTA MY WAY. OwnerMary LatimerTwelve To Eighteen Months Dogs1. CR SIR SCULLY OF GONDOR.Owners Linda Pelz, Robert CelesteSolano2. FINCHS CHOCOLATE BON BONPARTI. Owner Charlotte MeyerPuppy Bitches, 6 Mos Under 9 Mos1. MAJESTICS O JACKIE. OwnerChar Atnip2. PRESTIGIOUS JANS FUTUREPLANS. Owners Sherry Dollar Robbie Hudson3. DREAM WEAVERS FLICKERNFLAME. Owners Linda Pelz, Michael Liz Wells4. MAJESTICS JACKELINA. OwnersAnnette Rister, Charlotte Creed, BrendaTurner S.W. TurnerPuppy Bitches, 9 Mos Under 12 Mos1. MAJESTICS RITA OF RAY ROAD.Owners Annette Rister, Charlotte Creed,Brenda S.W. Turner2. MOUNTAIN CREST ROCKPRINCESS. Owner Barbara MeyerTwelve To Eighteen Months Bitches1. JOLVIN GOOD TO GO. OwnersJoan Mel Beech2. LYNNWRIGHTS GIA OFLENETTE. Owner Donna Lynn WrightVETERAN CLASSESVETERAN DOG1.CH LYNNWRIGHTS TONYSOPRANO ROM. Owner Donna LynnWright2. CH JERIBETH PLAYBOYSPASSION. Owner Donna DeganiVETERAN BITCH1. CH BRYNROSE I VANT TO BEALONE. Owners Terry Brenda TurnerREGULAR CLASSES Judge Forrest McCoyBEST OF BREEDCH TIM SUES TRICK OR TREATBreeders Sue Goddard Tim Goddard.Owner Mary LatimerBEST OF WINNERSCHARS BRINGIN SEXY BACKBEST OF OPP SEX TO BEST OFBREEDCH MAJESTICS ARTISTICIMPRESSION Breeder Annette Rister.Owners Annette Rister, Charlotte Creed,Brenda Turner S.W. TurnerAWARD OF MERITCH TIM SUES FLYING HIGHBreeders Tim Sue Goddard. OwnersJ. Patrick Farmer Kevin HebertCH MAJESTICS JUMPIN JACKFLASH Breeders Annette Rister Charlotte Creed. Owners Annette Rister,Charlotte Creed, Brenda Turner S. W.TurnerCH LYNNWRIGHTS TONYSOPRANO ROM BreederOwnerDonna Lynn WrightCH FINCHS BETTIN ON CHARSBreeder Diane L. Finch. OwnerCharlotte Meyer, Gail Bill Bertrand,Lynn SalehCH LANAS LET ME INTRODUCEMYSELF BreederOwner Lana PricePomeranian Club ofGreater HoustonRegional SpecialtyFriday, August 24, 2007Pomeranian Club ofGreater HoustonRegional SpecialtyFriday, August 24, 20072007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1212 PM484 i i i ina W,4 4NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 49BEST BRED-BY-EXHIBITORGEEBEARS N DW DREAMIN OFBLK DIAMONDSBEST PUPPY IN REG. CLASSESCHARS BRINGIN SEXY BACKWINNERS DOGCHARS BRINGIN SEXY BACKRESERVE WINNERS DOGPRESTIGIOUS ELVIS IS KINGWINNERS BITCHRAZZLE DAZZLE SHALL WEDANCERESERVE WINNERS BITCHCHARS STRAIGHT TALKPuppy Dogs, 6 Mos Under 9 Mos1. SUBER AND LYNNWRIGHTSSTUGOTS. BreederDavid Hogg. OwnersSuzanne Berney Donna Lynn Wright2. PRIZED BOURRES PROMISE TIMSUE. Breeders Carolyn Crockett MonaDelancy. Owners Donald Alice Savoie3. SIRENS FIRST IMPRESSION.Breeder Lorelei Sibet. Owners LoreleiSibet Suzanne Berney4. REIGNING POMS KING OF HEARTS.BreedersOwners Gail Bill BertrandPuppy Dogs, 9 Mos Under 12 Mos1. CHARS BRINGIN SEXY BACK.Breeders Charlotte Meyer Diane L.Finch. Owner Charlotte Meyer2. TRUDYS HEY DUDE. BreedersOwners Nancy Robert Coddington3. SOFINES OUTTA MY WAY.BreederOwner Mary Latimer4. CHARS SOMETHING TO TALKABOUT. Breeder Charlotte Meyer.Owners Mary Chelsea Valles Charlotte MeyerTwelve To Eighteen Months Dogs1. BI-MARS LEGACY. Breeder MaryRosenbaum. Owner Sheryl Goodman2. CR SIR SCULLY OF GONDOR.Breeders Robert Celeste Solano. OwnersLinda Pelz, Robert Celeste SolanoBred-By-Exhibitor Dogs1. ANTOMS THE PRICE WASRIGHT. BreederOwner Anita J. Farr2. LYNNWRIGHTS LEAVE IT TOBEAVER. Breeders Donna Lynn Wright Annette Rister. Owner Donna Lynn Wright3. WAGNERS MY GUY THE LOVER.BreederOwner Ruth WagnerAmerican-Bred Dogs1. CHARS MICHELANGELO.Breeder Charlotte Meyer. OwnersKathleen Stuart Charlotte MeyerOpen Dogs-Red, Orange, Cream, Sable1. NANS LEADER OF THE PACK.Breeder Nancy Reed. Owner Carol Kivch2. SANDALWOOD JO DOOGAL.BreederOwner Roger M. Lau3. ANTOMS ELFIN MAGIC PROVIDEDBY WAGNER. Breeder Anita J. Farr. OwnersSteve Paula Williams Anita J. Farr4. LT CHERUS MEET THE PRESS OFLENETTE. Breeder K. G. Griffith.Owner Charlotte MeyerOpen Dogs - Black, Brown, Blue1. CHARS HEART OF MY HEART.Breeder Charlotte Meyer. Owners CharlotteMeyer Mrs. Katy Lou StalnakerOpen Dogs-Any Other Color, Pattern, or Variety1. PRESTIGIOUS ELVIS IS KING.Breeder Sherry Dollar. Owners RobbieHudson Sherry Dollar2. CHARS MEANT TO BE A PARTI.Breeder Owner Charlotte Meyer3. CHARS EYE CAN PARTI TOO.Breeder Charlotte Meyer. Owner Mary VallesPuppy Bitches, 6 Mos Under 9 Mos1. MAJESTICS JACKELINA. BreedersOwners Annette Rister, Charlotte Creed,Brenda Turner S. W. Turner2. MAJESTICS FROM A JACK TO AQUEEN. Breeders Annette Rister Charlotte Creed. Owners Terry Brenda Turner3. MAJESTICS O JACKIE. BreederAnnette Rister. Owner Char Atnip4. CHARS SUPER MODEL PARTI.BreederOwner Charlotte MeyerPuppy Bitches, 9 Mos Under 12 Mos1. CHARS STRAIGHT TALK.Breeder Charlotte Meyer. Owners Mary Chelsea Valles Charlotte Meyer2. MOUNTAIN CREST ROCKPRINCESS. Breeders David CarleneGilstrap. Owner Barbara MeyerTwelve To Eighteen Months Bitches1. LYNNWRIGHTS GIA OFLENETTE. Breeder Ken G. Griffith.Owner Donna Lynn Wright2. CHARS EYE CANDY. BreedersCharlotte Meyer Lynn Meyer. OwnersWendy Lane, Charlotte Meyer Lynn MeyerBred-By-Exhibitor Bitches1. GEEBEARS N DW DREAMIN OFBLK DIAMONDS. BreedersOwnersLinda Pelz, Gina Williams, Lisa Goodman2. MAJESTICS JACK ETOUFFEE.Breeders Annette Rister CharlotteCreed. Owners Terry Brenda Turner Annette Rister3. JOLVIN GOOD TO GO. BreedersOwners Joan Mel Beech4. MAJESTICS RITA OF RAY ROAD.BreedersOwners Annette Rister,Charlotte Creed, Brenda S.W. TurnerAmerican-Bred Bitches1. TIM SUE PROMISE TOBEA STAR.Breeders Tim Sue Goddard. OwnersDon Alice SavoieOpen Bitches-Red, Orange, Cream, Sable1. RAZZLE DAZZLE SHALL WEDANCE. BreederOwner Judith B. Green2. MOUNTAIN CREST RED CLOVER.Breeders David Carlene Gilstrap.Owners Lorelei Sibet Glory Ann Pigarnt3. AMBERGLOWS FANCY LACE.Breeder Karin Goad. Owners KarinGoad Nancy Reed.Open Bitches - Any Other Color,Pattern, or Variety1. PRESTIGIOUS JANS FUTUREPLANS. Breeder Sherry Dollar. OwnersSherry Dollar Robbie Hudson2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1212 PM49The Pomeranian ChhfSF7POMof Greater Honston50 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1212 PM50444.mM4 m\ 4VIra .1p'sV\. IIr 9 -jrj'pyC'\3,r\^ iav. m i444V^ .44i i i i 4 i i i i iNOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 512007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10142007, 1257 AM51The Pomeranian Chij 9fi LLftiof Greater Houston52 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWMarge Kranzfelder, Sweeps JudgeThe usual night-before judge jitters setin. What if there is a small entry and Idont find anything I like Besides thisis the first time I would go in the ringand not be openly bribed to help influencemy decision. Recall all those funcostume contests to help raise fundsWas Hurricane Dean going to rain on thisparadeI was pleased when I walked into theroom to find a wonderful large ring thatday and decided to take advantage of thisby planning to ask for a triangleindividual pattern. Enter the first puppydog class and all those jitters disappeared.All entries are present and they are a veryrespectable representation of Poms. Eachclass followed in this same fashion. Iteased my 12-18 class puppy dog classbecause both were parti and darn niceones at that about being an AOAC classin Sweepstakes.I had 29 Pom youngsters in all toevaluate. The overall quality was good.They were typey. They appeared to haveappropriate coat for their age. Size wasappropriate. I believe I found only oneopen fontanel. They are less round eyesthan what was at one time yes, that is agood thing. And probably related to that,ear sets were better than in the past. But,there were far too many bad or not-goodbites. There was a time that exhibitorswould just not exhibit a dog with a badbite. It is a time that they need to strivefor that. There were also one or twounacceptable top lines. Individuals made up the normal Bellcurve in movement. Rear movement wasbetter than it had been in past years justa few stifle weaknesses. Side movementwas fairly good. There were a few closefronts a few that tended more toward ahackney or just exaggerated movementwatch the upper arm length does not gettoo short. But most were just better fromthe side that dead straight coming.So my decisions got more difficult as thejudging continued. I was very happy withmy Best Junior Puppy and Best SeniorPuppy. Now, I needed to pick a Best ofSweeps. See the judge squirm. I wouldhave liked to divide the ribbon. But thatis not what judging is about. It is aboutthe easy and not-so-easy decisions. Iconcluded by consoling myself with thestatement which in this case was veryappropriate, For today, it shall be..Now, I would like to set aside my judgesbadge and comment on the Specialty fromthe Parent Club perspective. TheHouston Club hosted a very nice summerspecialty. The hotel was veryAmerican Pomeranian ClubNational Summer SpecialtyJudges Commentary - Thursday, August 23, 2007nicefacilities, food, and service. Andtheir members had the knowledge of howto run the technical aspects of the showand the willingness to do the dedicatedwork in preparation. The graciousness oftheir Texan hospitality was exemplaryThis winning combination spelled a goodtime had by all.Darrell Baker, Regular Class JudgeThis was an event to be long-rememberedby all attendees breeders, exhibitors,professional handlers, and spectators. Thismost important show was in conjunctionwith three equally fine events ThePomeranian Club of Houstons ownSpecialty Show, then two Toy Dog Shows.Four days of viewing top-of-the-line toy dogsfrom across the NationContinued2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10142007, 1257 AM52V ^vt O3fJ- NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 53It was an honor to be a part of the JudgingPanels. Barely recovered from a rigorous30-day hospital stay and a tough recoverytime, I was able to judge the very large entryof Pomeranians for the first day. ThePomeranian Club of Greater Houston is tobe commended for such a large entry,incredible hospitality and fun entertainmentsprovided to everyone who came to Houston.The Houston Club is a large, healthy,compatible, hard-working bunch ofmembers, all of whom were chipping in onevery duty required. I would like to givethanks to all those who made this perfect,but time and space will not allow that. Tothose of you who were unable to be here forthese shows, we missed you and know youalso would have been part of the fun.Down to business. Judging the classes in thislarge impressive entry was a pleasure, NOTa chore. Looking down line-ups in each classwas pure pleasure. Reflecting on dogsshown, my opinion was that Poms haveimproved in quality, type, and conformationdramatically over our many years of interestand participation in the breed. Head andface types, while varied, were moreconsistent than in years past. Judges mustrealize some muzzles are a bit longer, someeyes differently shaped, some ear placementsand size a little varied. However, the basicsstill apply. I loved observing dogs with greatmovement, front and rear. I also observed afew Poms with wide, narrow, or misplacedfronts wide, way-too-close or cow-hockedback assembly also still with us. Good newswas, I saw many with perfect structure toallow perfect movement.I saw a couple of bites on dogs that were notdrastically wrong, just not the nice scissorsbite we all prefer. Breeders should watchout for this a little more. Begin watchingfor bite first, when baby teeth are coming,then, again when baby teeth are beginningto be replaced with permanent teeth Ipersonally feel bite deformity is a hereditarydefect, and should be watched.Coats so much better than we have beenseeing in recent years. Congratulations onthat. Saw no evidence in my ring of anysuspicious-looking coat textures, often ofconcern regarding the black skin diseasetoo prevalent in our breed. Some were a bitout of coat, but normal and associated withage coat losses.Short, short backs were ever present. Tailsets mostly good. Woolly legs, very desirable,at least to me. Saw no evidence ofmonorchidism an undescended testiclewhatsoever.Size should not be a consideration in judgingdogs our standard calls for 3 to 7 lbs. asacceptable, meaning simply that you CANshow a larger than 7lb. dog, or smaller thana 3 lb. dog and be within regulations. Here,we find a concern. As a Judge, I am notallowed to judge on the basis of theFUTURE of the dog. This is to say that mypersonal feeling is that a 3 lb. female likelywould not be a producing female.Conversely, a 7 or 8 lb. dog probably shouldnot be considered a good choice as a sire.Yet, remember, Judges are expected to judgeon THAT DAY, not down the road in thefuture. This is tough, as a breederjudgehas in hisher mind Would this be a goodchoice to breed This is a difficult call forany judge. But we should at least TRY torecognize the limits in the size area.There is lots of talk about trimming. Asthose of you who know me know, I am NOTa fan of over-trimming, heavy scissoring,chopping off and sculpting Pom coat. Yes,there were a few that were trimmed morethan I personally like, but I viewed the dogsindividually, and tried NOT to undulyconsider the over-trimming unless severein my selections.Dogs were beautiful, and I thank you all forbeing there, for showing, for participating,and the loud crowd support for just aboutevery dog. A special thanks to my excellentring steward, Erika Moureau. I could nothave done it without YOUMy wife, Olga, and I enjoyed it allimmensely, and we hope you did too.Judges Commentary ContinuedThe Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston SweepstakesBy Judge Audrey RobertsFirst Id like to thank the Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston for inviting me to judge their 40th AnniversarySweepstakes. It was a privilege and an honor to be asked. I had a wonderful time judging all the lovely Poms broughtto me by so many exhibitors and I thank you for bringing your entries.I had five puppies in my Puppy Dog 6-9 class. My 4th place dog was Reigning Poms King of Hearts owned by Gailand Bill Bertrand. He was a pretty little cream boy with a very cute face. My 3rd place dog was Prized BourresPromise Tim Sue owned by Donald and Alice Savoie. He was an orange, lovely coated nice size boy with a very niceprofile. My 2nd place boy and my first place boy were very hard to decide between. Both were black and tan andsmaller, cobby with tight tailsets, my 2nd place boy was Sirens First Impression owned by Lorelei Sibet SuzanneBerney. He had a face to melt your heart and barely got beaten out by the other on movement. Both had picture perfect profiles and were veryshowy. My winner of this class was Suber and Lynnwrights Stugots owned by Suzanne Berney and Donna Lynn Wright. He became my BestJunior In Sweeps.In my 9-12 class I also had 5 entries. This class was filled with excellence and was very tough to judge I finally placed 4th, Sofines Outta MyWay owned by Mary Latimer. This is a gorgeous orange, typey pup with a lovely profile, unfortunately he wasnt in the mood to show and gaveContinued2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10142007, 1257 AM53The Pomeranian Clnh^7poyj aw vi__ jof Greater Honston54 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWhis handler fits. My choice for 3rd was Chars Bringin Sexy Back owned by Charlotte Meyer. This pup was type personified and his cute facemelted my heart He had a nice bright orange coat and was very well trained. My choice for 2nd was Trudys Hey Dude owned by Nancy RobertCoddington. He was a small, beautiful coated black and tan. Looking into his sweet face made me smile The eventual winner of this class wasChars Something To Talk About owned by Mary and Chelsea Valles and Charlotte Meyer. This pup has a face Id consider ideal Hes orangewith a nice puppy coat. His showmanship and movement were superior. All of the entries in this class will undoubtedly become champions anddeservedly soIn my 12-18 class I only had two entries. In 2nd I placed Finchs Chocolate Bon Bon Parti owned by Charlotte Meyer. He was a good size boywith a very large coat and lovely markings. A nice rich chocolate. In 1st place I put CR Sir Scully Of Gondor owned by Linda Pelz, Robert Celeste Solano. Although not in great coat this was a very sound and showy boy. He was a nice orange sable color and had an excellent profile.I did not deduct for the coat since it is expected for a dog of this age to be doing its year old shed. He became my Best Opposite Senior In Sweeps.Then came the ladies In my 6-9 class I had 6 entries. In 4th place I put Majestics Jackelina owned by A. Rister, C. Creed, B. and T. Turner. Thisgirl was a smaller orange sable with an adorable face and nice coat. In 3rd was Dream Weavers Flicker and Flame owned by L. Pelz, Mike andLiz Wells. This was a small cute orange girl with a nice puppy coat. In 2nd I placed Prestigious Jans Future Plans owned by Sherry Dollar andRobbie Hudson. This was an orange and white parti. She is nicely square and very sound. A little wild but a great mover. In 1st I put MajesticsO Jackie owned by Char Atnip. This was a nice orange sable bitch of breeding size. She had a lovely face and excellent movement.I had two entries in my 9-12 class. In 2nd I placed Mountain Crest Rock Princess owned by Barbara Meyer. This girl was definitely breeding sizewith a huge bright orange coat. She had a lovely face and good movement. In 1st I put Majestics Rita Of Ray Road owned by A. Rister, C. Creed,B. and S. Turner. She was a nice size girl with a lovely coat of orange sable. Very nice head and good movement. She was also my Best OppositeJunior In Sweepstakes. The placement in this class came down to the last go round when one girl slightly outshined the otherI had two entries in my 12-18 class. This was one of those classes where again just a few entries but the quality was superb Both of these girls willeasily finish their titles In 2nd I put Lynnwrights Gia Of Lenette. Owned by Donna Lynn Wright. A nice red girl with a nice coat and a face todie for Very short and cobby and good movement In 1st place was Jolvin Good To Go owned by Joan and Mel Beech. This girl had it all plusShe was a very light orange with a very big coat. A lovely head piece and tight tailset. She was very cobby and she moved on a loose leadmaintaining her presence and went around the ring flawlessly She was my Best Senior In Sweeps and also my Grand Sweeps WinnerBest Junior In Sweepstakes was Suber and Lynnwrights StugotsBest Opposite Junior In Sweepstakes was Majestics Rita Of Ray RoadBest Senior in Sweepstakes was Jolvin Good To GoBest Opposite Senior In Sweepstakes was CR Sir Scully Of GondorGrand Sweepstakes Winner was Jolvin Good To GoPom Club of Greater Houston Sweeps Judges Comments Continued WaysAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc. MeansDonna RiehmHEAR YE HEAR YEWE NEED YOUR HELP WE NEED YOUR SPECIAL DONATIONSThe Ways N Means needs your donations. One of a kind Pom items and special Pom crafts aregreatly appreciated, as well as other doggiePom collectibles and useful items. Bring your items toKentucky and drop them off at the Ways N Means table. If you need to mail items, please do sobefore Feb. 25, 2008 to Donna Riehm, 669 Ava Road, Murphysboro, IL 62966. . Phone 618-684-4644.2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10142007, 1257 AM54The Pomeranian Clnh1 Mnn.T]PJof Greater HoustonNOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 55Congratulationson your kennel visit to ourNor. Cal. Pom ClubPresident Pat Murk.Dear Pat,We value your wisdom andexperience and thank youfor sharing it with all of usin the club Sincerely, Linda Lewis Afina PomeraniansCongratulationsto RandRandRandRandRandy and Chucky and Chucky and Chucky and Chucky and Chuck,two great guys Good luck in the future withyour lovely Poms. Itsa pleasure to show them.BronyaBronyaBronyaBronyaBronyadickbronearthlink.netCongratulationsto Chuck and Randyat Her Majestys Pomeraniansfor your truely well-deservedkennel visit. We were newcomerslast year to the show ring with ourwonderful little boy Tracker.Your help and support made it anexciting and fun year. Thanks somuch and good luck in the futurewith all your Pom adventures.RONandBRENDAMINORSpecial, specialCONGRATSto twoGREAT GUYS,Randy and ChuckBest wishesto a great futurewith your greatHer Majestys PomsYour friend,Barbara Moore903-785-1777Paris, TXSpecial, specialCONGRATSto twoGREAT GUYS,Randy and ChuckBest wishesto a great futurewith your greatHer Majestys PomsYour friend,Barbara Moore903-785-1777Paris, TX2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10142007, 1257 AM554 i i i in4Love Me Tender of Lenettefina1 POMERANIANS56 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10152007, 1255 AM56 4 i i i inyf jem oj [guueanCh. Mountain Crest Hard Rock x Glen Iris Ceres of Zanara41-fA9BEST OF BREED OR VARIETYBEST OF BREED OR VARIETY-mMEMPHIS. TENN. KENNEL CLUB AUGUST 2007 MEYER PHOTO By Don JX.4Thank you Judge Milutinovich for this wonderful win over 4 specials followed by the Group 3 on the same day. Southhaven was Hal's first week-end back out as a special and a great show for Hal with two BOBs and Group 3. Springwood thanks Judge Cathy Gish also for BOB. Special thanks to my dear friend Cheryl Jackson for this beautiful boy. Hal has everything, beauty, coat, great legs and a wonderful temperment. He is a tribute to his breeder.sffaczson - Sfprinajwood'Pomeranians.Owner Rebecca B. Jackson513 Springwood Dr, Florence, AL 35634 - - springwoodpomsaol.comBreeder Dr. Cheryl JacksonGlen Iris Pomeranians, Auburn, AlabamaNOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 572007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10152007, 1255 AM57 i i i inrtmwooa ijem oj guueanCh. Mountain Crest Hard Rock x Glen Iris Ceres of ZanaraT-.4VjtKv ,MEMPHIS.TENN. KENNEL CLUBAUGUST 2007 BILL MEYERphoto If 'Jr s aThank you Judge Everett Dean for this wonderful placement with Top Toy competition. The hardest thing was getting the picture. Congratulations to Randy and Chuck on your kennel visit. It is always fun to see you guys at the show.Sec^u rfjcon - SjprinqwoocfSromeraniansOwner Rebecca B. Jackson513 Springwood Dr, Florence, AL 35634 - 256-757-9835 - - springwoodpomsaol.comBreeder Dr. Cheryl JacksonGlen Iris Pomeranians, Auburn, Alabama458 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10152007, 1255 AM58 INI 4- n i i i iuyuceCh. Chriscendo Coldplay x Velocity's Simply Stunning33s BEST OF OPPOSITE AND WINNERS Hi7It is an honor to have Ch. Velocity's Shake Ur Bon Bon in the capable hands of Margo Koga and Noble Inglett.I wish you both great successes in 2008Thank you Valerie Allridge, co-owner of Giannci's sister, Velocity's Unleash Ur Inhibitions Envy for beautiful presentation and doing such a fine job.Happy Holidays to allBreederOwnerHandlerDaniel - www.velocityshowdogs.comNOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 592007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10152007, 1255 AM59BOB - Eukanuba National Championship, December 2006 AOM - APC National Specialty, March 2007. -UflUH-fioCH N IDuflC ClTUtv,WJn v,I iIrwWtrAWARD OF MERITNATIONAL SPECIALTY 4 ir V t ti0THOMAS PHOTOGRAPHYthomasphoto30hotmall.comI Nash's first kids are just now hitting the show ring, hoping to follow in their dad's pawprints.Kalo's I'm No Quittr at Bogart Rocky with Peggy Kates Kalo's Rock N To The Moon ownerbreederhandled41 41Congratulations to Randy Houston and Chuck Whittemore on your kennel visit. You two are a joy to show with. I wish you continued success both in your showing and breeding endeavors. Congratulations to Pat Murk and Rebecca Silverberg on your features.Carolyn Brandenburg, OwnerBreederHandlerKalo's PomsWebsite www kilospoms com e-mail kalospomseomeastnet Phone 615452-746360 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWTop 10BrBrBrBrBreedeedeedeedeedJoan BehrendPomeranians AKC TopDogssm Using Breed Totals Starting January 1, 2007 and ending December 31, 2007 For Events Processed Through Wednesday, September 12, 2007 TotalRank Name Sex BOB Defeated 1 CH Eagle Creeks Hamin It Up D 89 1,455Owner K Norem 2 CH Lanas Let Me Introduce Myself D 53 945Owner L Price 3 CH Finchs Bettin On CharS D 46 819Owners C Meyer, L Saleh, G Bertrand, B Bertrand 4 CH Razzle Dazzle Heavenly Choir D 68 768Owner R Rechler 5 CH Valcopy Janels Spiderman D 32 586Owners J Pardue, J Reich, D Plonkey 6 CH Cr Tuff Guy Of Isabella D 32 469Owners R Solano, C Solano, R Smith, M Smith 7 CH Gayels Destinys Child B 15 458Owner N Guenther 8 CH Starfires Here Comes Trouble D 22 447Owners N Roberts, V Winter, J Cabrera, F Arienti 9 CH Tim Sues Trick Or Treat D 16 339Owner M Latimer 10 CH Showcase Got To Be Me D 17 326Owners C Solano, R Solano, A LevinsohnAPC Member denoted by The Pomeranian Review includes all Pomeranian Exhibitors in their publication. American Pomeranian Club Members are noted withan . In order to be eligible for APC Awards given at the Annual Banquet, you must have been a member for one 1 calendar year.2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10152007, 1255 AM60m1TNOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 61Top 10All BrAll BrAll BrAll BrAll BreedeedeedeedeedPomeranians AKC TopDogssm Using All Breed Totals Starting January 1, 2007 and ending December 31, 2007For Events Processed Through Wednesday, September 12, 2007 TotalRank Name Sex BIS I II III IV Defeated 1 CH Eagle Creeks Hamin It Up D 7 31 20 11 8 16,436Owner K Norem 2 CH Lanas Let Me Introduce Myself D 1 8 12 11 4 6,281Owner L Price 3 CH Cr Tuff Guy Of Isabella D 0 7 9 4 4 4,545Owners R Solano, C Solano, R Smith, M Smith 4 CH Razzle Dazzle Heavenly Choir D 0 4 5 11 15 4,476Owner R Rechler 5 CH Starfires Here Comes Trouble D 3 5 3 4 2 4,252Owners N Roberts, V Winter, J Cabrera, F Arienti 6 CH Finchs Bettin On CharS D 1 6 9 5 5 4,083Owners C Meyer, L Saleh, G Bertrand, B Bertrand 7 CH Gayels Destinys Child B 1 4 3 0 0 3,253Owner N Guenther 8 CH Jan-Shars Little Ceaser D 1 7 8 8 6 3,237Owner H Sklar 9 CH Valcopy Janels Spiderman D 0 0 1 5 4 2,271Owners J Pardue, J Reich, D Plonkey10 CH Tim Sues Trick Or Treat D 0 1 4 2 2 1,709Owner M LatimerAPC Member denoted by The Pomeranian Review includes all Pomeranian Exhibitors in their publication. American Pomeranian Club Members are noted withan . In order to be eligible for APC Awards given at the Annual Banquet, you must have been a member for one 1 calendar year.2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1214 PM61A i i w mTA,w62 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWNew ChampionsAugust New ChampionsCH Aldens Last Outlaws Helen B Janlars IndianOutlaw x Aldens Last Cajun Queen. Owned by Alden ADomrase Janet R Domrase. Bred by Alden ADomrase Janet R Domrase.CH Bar-Jons Janesas No More Sass B CH Janesas ForKeep-Sake x Bar-Jons Janesas Chunky Monkey. Ownedby Barbara Messmer. Bred by Barbara Messmer.CH Carleez Boom Boom Boom NAJ D CH Carleez DrZeuss x CH Gar-Vs Zeek-A-Boo. Owned by Janice Smith George Smith. Bred by Carol Leemhuis.CH Castles Everlasting Love D CH Glen Iris EvianDCastile x CH Glen Iris Duchess Of Castile. Owned byJane Lehtinen Geno Sisneros. Bred by Geno Sisneros.CH Chars Forbidden Fruit B CH Finchs NicelyPackaged Deal x Finchs N Chars Turnin Tricks. Ownedby Charlotte Meyer Lynn Meyer. Bred by CharlotteMeyer Lynn Meyer.CH Cinbows Catch The Dream D CH Cinbows DandyLion x Cinbows High Dollar Hussi. Owned by Cindy LBowling. Bred by Cindy L Bowling.CH Cottontop N Weewyn Tundra Rose B CH WeewynsA Walk In The Park x Cottontop Pirouette. Owned byClinton Taylor Marsha Taylor. Bred by Linda Mulso Cathy Anderson.CH Cr N Rodis Sapphires N Gold B CH PaughprintsOn The MTN Crest x Cr N Rodis Black Hills Gold.Owned by Teresa G White Kevin M White. Bred byRobert Solano Diana Solano Celeste Solano.CH Finchs Breathtaking Sensation B CH Finchs SeeMe Comin x Finchs Simply Breathtaking. Owned byDiane L Finch. Bred by Diane L Finch.CH Finchs Outa Sight Sweetness B CH Pufpride SweetDreams x Finchs Seasoned Just Right. Owned by CarolynGarbe Diane L Finch. Bred by Diane L Finch.CH Finchs See Em Comin B CH Finchs Takes MyBreath Away x Finchs Seasoned Just Right. Owned byPamela Dodsworth Larry Fox. Bred by Diane LFinch.CH HorizonS Bippiti Boppiti Boo B CH SundownsHide N Zeke CD x CH Kacees LTL Darlin Want-A-B.Owned by Carol Leemhuis. Bred by Laurie Otis.CH Howlene-Teahra Baccarat For-Amours D CHGourmet Howlene-Teahra Caviar x CH Howlene-TeahraYou Go Girl. Owned by Shirley-Ann K Leu. Bred byArlene A Otaguro Hazel Miller Robin Watanabe.CH Howlene-Teahra Tenaj D CH Howlene-TeahraImpero x CH Vintage Howlene Dresden Doll. Owned byRobin Watanabe Hazel Miller Arlene Otaguro HELEN YOSHINI. Bred by Hazel Miller Robin TWatanabe Arlene Otaguro.CH Jan-Shars Heads I Win B Mustangs Frosted IceMan x Jan-Shars Belle. Owned by Sharon Hanson.Bred by Sharon Hanson.CH Janesas Turning Heads D CH Janesas Applause,Please x Janesas Camera Ready. Owned by Corie Gavin Laurie Otis. Bred by Jerrie Freia.CH Leo The Lion Hearted Of Lenette D CH RuebenOf Lenette x CH Unchanged Melody Of Lenette. Ownedby Ms. Jennifer Joyce Shaide Mr. Gary Micheal Elson.Bred by K G Griffith.CH Lil Behrs Honey Crisp B CH ChriscendoCommunicado x CH Lil Behrs Honey Nut Cluster.Owned by Claudia Jones Joan C Behrend BruceBehrend. Bred by Joan C Behrend.CH Mischievous Blazing Brodie At Glory D CHStarfires Bit O Mischief x Calamity Jane Of Lenette.Owned by Laura Meineke Joanne Norris. Bred byAngela D Gunter.CH Misty Moonlight of Lenette B Pjs Sir Richard OfGoldchip x Vanna White Of Lenette. Owned by K GGriffith. Bred by K G Griffith.CH Mountain Crest Love Bug D CH Mountain CrestRolling Stone x CH Mtn Crest QN Latifah Of Lenette.Owned by David Gilstrap Carlene Gilstrap. Bred byDavid Gilstrap Carlene Gilstrap.CH Pomhavens Lil Gambler D CH Pomhavens NipN Tuck x Marbils Place Your Bets. Owned by JackieSampson Steve Sampson. Bred by Colleen P Beland.CH R-Luv Motowns Quincy Jones D CH R-LuvGrowing Up Gotti x R-Luv Jazmyns Jammin. Owned byEllen Howells Nelson Howells. Bred by Tina J Petrina.CH Razzle Dazzle Shall We Dance B CH RazzleDazzle Heavenly Choir x CH Razzle Dazzle WeddingMarch. Owned by Judith B Green. Bred by Judith BGreen.CH Rhynastone Intuition B CH Clairmonts CarolinaBeau x CH Rhynstone In Vogue. Owned by Kelley LWitter Mary E Witter. Bred by Joyce Urban.CH Starfires Apolo D Starfires Nasty Edward xStarfires Janie. Owned by Friederike Hariton. Bred byJose A Cabrera Fabian Arienti.CH Weewyns Cottontop Legacy D Star HavensChasin Glory x Cottontop Fancy Dancer. Owned byCathy Anderson Linda L Mulso. Bred by CathyAnderson Linda L Mulso.2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1214 PM62mr I I I ITT"1NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 63New ChampionsJuly New ChampionsCH Animations Rufus D CH Firebrooks Smoke AndMirrors x CH Animations Nell Fenwick. Owned byLorinda Vasuta Darren Lane. Bred by LorindaVasuta Darren Lane.CH Apolloette Fortune Hunter D CH Keepsakes BerrieTraditional x Apolloette Fame N Fortune. Owned byMarlene Presser Marlin Presser. Bred by MarlenePresser.CH Articpom Can-U-Handle The Heat D Artic PomsMartial Arts x Pixies Tornado Alley. Owned by Julie AVolkheimer Sharry L Christianson. Bred by Julie AVolkheimer Sharry L Christianson.CH Chars Truth Or Dare D CH Chars All That Jazzx Cascades Musical Melody. Owned by Charlotte Meyer Lynn Meyer. Bred by Charlotte Meyer Lynn Meyer.CH Debuts What Was I Thinking D Debuts TurnThe Page x Debut Touched By An Angel. Owned byDebbie Kingery Janette Dally Joe Dally. Bred byDebbie Kingery.CH Finchs Chocolate Bon Bon Parti D CHFinchsCharsMakinWavesParti x Finchs Parti Parfait.Owned by Charlotte Meyer Diane L Finch. Bred byDiane L Finch.CH Finchs So Fine Parti B CHFinchsCharsMakinWavesParti x Finchs Parti InDisguise. Owned by Diane L Finch. Bred by Diane LFinch.CH Finchschars Hot Walkin Blond B CH Finchs HeWalks On Water x Finchs Havin A Blond Moment.Owned by Charlotte Meyer. Bred by Diane L Finch Charlotte Meyer.CH Heavenboundstaccato Of Lenette D CH MusicMaker Of Lenette x Clairmonts Pasadena Girl. Ownedby Byron Lisenbee. Bred by K G Griffith.CH Jan Les A Time Will Come D Kerdans Out OfThyme At Janle x CH Jan Les Come What May. Ownedby Scott Leach. Bred by Jane Lehtinen.CH Janesas Black Ice D CH Horizon-N-Janesa IndianSundown x CH Janesas Esther Price. Owned by CamillaKnight. Bred by Jerrie Freia.CH Keglers Wanna Be A Flintstone B CH SundownsHide N Zeke CD x Cupaluvs ID Rather Be Bowling.Owned by Carol Leemhuis Laurie Otis. Bred by AmyL Eiserman.CH Lil Behrs Willa B Fame-Us B Lil Behrs ValentineCandy x CH Corleahs Ever Ready At Weitoi. Owned byJoan C Behrend Bruce Behrend. Bred by Joan CBehrend.CH Ltds Simon Sez Of Koy D Kilpatricks Wee BitOCalvin x Stars Wild Irish Rose. Owned by DebbieSvorinich Anton Svorininch. Bred by Elizabeth A Kooy Nancy Kooy.CH Majestys Princess Penelope B CH Paughprints OnThe MTN Crest x Benrays Sherri Kaye. Owned by CharlesWhittemore Randy Houston. Bred by Charles EWhittemore.CH Moretoys Suprise Package B CH Moretoys Born InThe Usa x Carousel My Halo Fell-A-Lil. Owned by DavidGilstrap Carlene Gilstrap. Bred by Barbara J Moore.CH Nicolas Of Lenatte D CH Charming Prince Of Lenettex CH Clairmonts Carolina Surprise. Owned by Arturo RRamos Sr.. Bred by K G Griffith.CH Oakrose Goddess Of Love B CH Oakrose HighNMighty x Oakrose Calico And Lace. Owned by CelesteSolano Robert Solano. Bred by Joan Rose GailStewart.CH Puffball-Pride Easy Ryder D Pufpride Rebel With ACause x Pufpride Fantasy N Lace. Owned by Ruth Neuway Keith L Neuway. Bred by Virginia L Dimick.CH Razzle Dazzle Songbird B CH Razzle Dazzle HeavenlyChoir x CH Razzle Dazzle Wedding March. Owned by JudithB Green Victoria Oelerich Peter Pettersen. Bred byJudith B Green.CH Rivendells Magical Mischief Maker D CH JanesasApplause, Please x Rivendell N Janesas Melinda. Ownedby Jane E Marshall-Armstead. Bred by Carolyn J Bonin.CH Signatures Ultimate Playboy D Wee-Paws ShadowBox x Magics Little Mendy Of Lenette. Owned by KarenBrooks. Bred by Margaret Lowery.CH Sofine Lemony Snicket Of Lilliput B CHDamascusroad Dream Buster x CH Sofines Legally Blonde.Owned by Nannette Walker Ronald K Walker. Bred byMary E Latimer.CH Tim Sue Trinkets Treasure B CH Jeribeth MostlyTim Sue x Tim Sues Traces Trinket. Owned by JohnisMcaden. Bred by Sue Goddard Tim Goddard.CH Tokie Top Performance D CH Tokie The LegendContinues x Tokie Takes My Breath Away. Owned by ChaivatTangkaravakun Prakait Chularojmontri. Bred byChaivat Tangkaravakun Prakait Chularojmontri.CH Tokie Triumph Kingdom B CH Chriscendo Call ToArms x Tokies Wonderful World. Owned by ChaivatTangkaravakun Prakit Chularojmontri. Bred by ChaivatTangkaravkun Prakit Chularojmontri.CH Two Ts Mouse That Roars B CH Raintrees Tuff-ENuffx Janes Sparkling Fizz N Ice. Owned by Norman NealTrosino Dorothy M Trosino. Bred by Norman Neal Trosino Dorothy M Trosino.2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1214 PM63A i i w mjtW64 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWTop TenExhibitor, Breeder, Sire, Dam, and Junior ShowmanshipTOP EXHIBITORS12 Diane L Finch 7 Charlotte Meyer 4 Cathy Anderson 4 Sharon Hanson 4 Laurie Otis 3 Sharry Christianson 3 Carlene Gilstrap 3 David Gilstrap 3 Hazel Miller 3 Linda Mulso 3 Arlene A Otaguro 3 Robin Watanabe 3 Julie A VolkheimerTOP BREEDERs16 Diane L Finch 8 Charlotte Meyer 6 K G Griffith 6 Sharon Hanson 5 Cathy Anderson 5 Jerrie Freia 4 Cheri Fields 4 Carol Leehmuis 4 Laurie Otis 4 Hazel Miller 4 Arlene A Otaguro 4 Robin WatanabeTOP SIRES9 CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams4 CH FinchsCharsMakinWavesParti4 CH Rodis CR King of Gondor4 CH Music Maker Of Lenette3 CH Chriscendo Call To Arms3 CH Janesas American Cutiepye3 CH Janesas Applause, Please3 CH Janesas For Keep-Sake3 CH Paughprints On The MTN Crest3 CH Sundowns Hide N Zeke CDTOP DAMS3 CH Glen Iris Dutchess of Castile3 Finchs Seasoned Just Right3 Labays Savannah of Lenette2 CH Gar-Vs Zeek-A-Boo2 CH Kacees LTL Darlin Want-A-B2 CH Pom Acres Classic TNT2 CH Razzle Dazzle Wedding March2 CH Sofines Legally Blonde2 Cottontop Fancy Dancer2 Finchs My Bets On You Baby2 Finchs N Chars Turnin Tricks2 Pinnacle Holly of Howlene2 Pixies Tornado Alley2 Toyland Jolvin Southern Song2 Vanna White of LenetteThe Pomeranian Review includes all Pomeranian Exhibitors in their publication. American Pomeranian Club Members are noted with an .In order to be eligible for APC Awards given at the Annual Banquet, you must have been a member for one 1 calendar year.January 1, 2007 through Aug 31, 2007 as reported by the American Kennel ClubTOP JUNIOR HANDLERS Catherine M. Jessen, Junior Chair November 1, 2006 through Aug 31, 2007 as reported by BestJunior.comJessica Christiansen 310Stephanie Hentschel 145Rebecca Silverberg 85Chelsea Valles 50Gretel Berglund 44Lauren Hamilton 27Bailey Pfannerstill 25Amanda Seitzer 22Danielle Miller 15Taylor Irvin 152007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1214 PM64m 11 i n1WNOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 65SWEEPSTAKES 7192007JUDGE Mrs. Susan PlouffPuppy Dogs 6 Mos Under 9 Mos .1 REON DAMATA IM A OUTLAW.OWNER Irene N Smith, Darlys Flaata, RonSmith.Puppy Dogs 9 Mos Under 12 Mos .1BSS DAYSTAR POMRYTES COWBOYUP. OWNER Karen Power.2 JAN-SHARS BETT YOUR BOOTS.OWNER Carol Rebecca Silverberg.3 PIKKINOKKAS WARRIOR CZAR.OWNER Amy Michelle Leathers.4 GNBCS BWTN FRIENDS WSHELLELEE. OWNER MichelleMcGillivary.Junior Dogs 12 Mos Under 18 Mos .1 DONT PLAY WITH FUNNY MONEYWOW. OWNER Terry Jordan Rothell.2 SMOKY MTN. RAIN OF LENETTE.OWNER K G Griffith.3 CR CLASSIC ACT. OWNER RobertSolano Celeste Solano Sunny Shawley.Puppy Bitches 6 Mos Under 9 Mos .1OSS RISE N SHINES SWEET TART.The Columbia Pomeranian Club hosted once again a terrific fun and informative specialty this year. We were in anew venue this year at the Portland Expo Center in Portland, OR, not outside as we have been in past years. The facilitywas very nice and we had plenty of room to decorate for our fun theme this year, Mardi GrasWe started off on Thursday with one of our good friends as ring steward and she was one of the best we have hadvolunteer. We just want to say a big thank you to Roxeanne and Bill for being our ring stewards. Roxeanne made sure all ofour many entrants had their Mardi Gras beads and were ready to hit the ring. Bill was so at ease and professional. We couldnot have asked for better stewards. It was a lot of fun and made enjoyable by people who were happy to be there andvolunteered their time and efforts to make our specialty one of the best we have hadOur judges this year were so superb, even with our last minute airline dilemma. We all just want to say a great bigthank you to Mrs. Susan Plouff, Mr. Fred C. Bassett, Mr. Chuck Murray and Mr. Michael Heflin.CPC offered two different seminars this year, and a great obedience and rally demonstration presented by our ownAnne Griffith. It was very informative and a lot of fun to watch these talented people and very talented dogs, including aPomeranian. Those of us who own Poms know that they are not always the easiest to train But Anne showed that it waspossible, not difficult and definitely a lot of funNext year we will also be hosting two more exciting seminars, Handling Tips and Tricks with Terry MacIntryre andCanine Chiropractics with Lisa Piccioni.Of course we had our raffle and potluck as usual. This years potluck offered a traditional Mardi Gras cake,brought by Teresa, all the way from Louisiana. It was very delicious, as was the wonderful home cooked turkey donated byour own Darlys. Tish brought her very famous Fumi Salad and was so kind to bring the recipe, I can tell you every year thisis one of the things I look most forward to when it comes to the potluck. Thanks to everyone who brought his or her tastytreats.Our raffle offered a lot of wonderful prizes, including some hand painted glassware by our own President ChristyMurphy, who is so multi-talented. Artwork, by the late Jess Stephens, was donated by Dorothy.Our club is so thankful and appreciative of all those who entered and joined us for our fun specialty We will seeyou all again next year for another exciting CPC SpecialtyOWNER Julie Clemen.2 RISE N SHINES THE PERFECT STORM.OWNER Deborah Stoehr.3 JAN-SHARS SERENGETTI. OWNERSharon L Hanson.4 JAN-SHARS CAUGHT IN THE ACT.OWNER Sharon L Hanson.Puppy Bitches 9 Mos Under 12 Mos .1 FINCHS LIFE OF THE PARTI II.OWNER Robert Celeste Solano DianeFinch.2 JORDAN SAVE THE 1ST DANCE 4 MEWOW. OWNER Terry Jordan Rothell.3 VALCOPY VALENTIA BAT. OWNERDana Plonkey Judy Paris.Junior Bitches 12 Mos Under 18 mos .1 GEMINIS WNGA ALL JACKED UP.OWNER Patricia Brent Inman.REGULAR CLASSESJUDGE Mr. Fred C BassettPuppy Dogs 6 Mos Under 9 Mos .1 REON DAMATA IM A OUTLAW. OWNERIrene N Smith, Darlys Flaata, Ron Smith.Columbia Pomeranian Specialty 2007Reported by Michelle McGillivary2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1214 PM65SSSSS133 'b.a K9ip4l 466 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWPuppy Dogs 9 Mos Under 12 Mos .1RBPY JAN-SHARS BETT YOUR BOOTS.OWNER Carol Rebecca Silverberg.2 CR POINT TAKEN. OWNER Deena Simon Robert Celeste Solano.3 PIKKINOKKAS WARRIOR CZAR.OWNER Amy Michelle Leathers.4 GNBCS BWTN FRIENDS W SHELLELEE.OWNER Michelle McGillivary.Twelve To Eighteen Month Dogs .1 SMOKY MTN. RAIN OF LENETTE.OWNER K G Griffith.2 WOMPS D FAST N D FURIOUS.OWNER Hazel Schaffer.Bred-By-Exhibitor Dogs .1BBY DAYSTAR POMRYTES COWBOYUP. OWNER Karen Power.2 APOLLOETTE FORTUNE HUNTER.OWNER Marlene Marlin Presser.3 CR CLASSIC ACT. OWNER Robert SolanoCeleste Solano Sunny Shawley.4 LYDON THUNDER N LIGHTN. OWNERLori Cole.Open Dogs Black, Brown Blue .1 FINCHS YOURE SO SPECIAL NBLK.OWNER Diane L Finch Ginny Suave.2 RAIN BEAU BOJANGLES. OWNER JeanCook.3 NANS TUCK N ROLL. OWNER TeresaG Kevin M White.Open Dogs Red, Orange, Cream Sable .1W CINBOWS CATCH THE DREAM.OWNER Cindy L Bowling.2 JAN SHARS PERFECT TIMING. OWNERSharon Hanson.3 LTDS SIMON SEZ OF KOY. OWNERDebbie Svorinich Anton Svorinich.4 STARLIGHTS LORD SULLIVAN.OWNER Masaki Shimizu.Open Dogs Any Other Allowed Color .1 KAYRAS ONYX OF MAGICALMEADOWS. OWNER Alan HeidiMerrigan Kay Chaney Reed Adams.2 ADONIS LORD OF ATLANTIS. OWNERLora Heil-Frone.3 LYDON SEAN JOHN. OWNER Lori Cole.Puppy Bitches 6 Mos Under 9 Mos .1 JAN-SHARS SERENGETTI. OWNERSharon L Hanson.2 JAN-SHARS CAUGHT IN THE ACT.OWNER Sharon L Hanson.3 CINBOWS HERE COMES TROUBLE.OWNER Cindy L Bowling.4 RISE N SHINES THE PERFECT STORM.OWNER Deborah Stoehr.Puppy Bitches 9 Mos Under 12 Mos .1 VALCOPY VALENTIA BAT. OWNERDana Plonkey Judy Paris.Bred-By-Exhibitor Bitches .1 TWO TS MOUSE THAT ROARS.OWNER Norman Neal Dorothy M Trosino.2 TWO TS GRAND EMMY LUV. OWNERNorman Neal Dorothy M Trosino.3 JORDAN SAVE THE 1ST DANCE 4 MEWOW. OWNER Terry Jordan Rothell.4 ROCKIN ROBINS DANNYLAD DIMI.OWNER Robin C Reiman.Open Bitches Black, Brown Blue .1 BCPOMS TUFF LADY IN BLACK SATIN.OWNER Christy Murphy.Open Bitches Red, Orange, Cream Sable1WBW OAKROSE GODDESS OF LOVE.OWNER Robert Celeste Solano.2 DAYSTAR KHARMAN GHIA. OWNERColleen Beland.3 FAITH DEE FANCHALY OF LENETTE.OWNER K G Griffith.4 STARLIGHT SMART N SASSY LTD.OWNER Debbie Anton Svorinich.Open Bitches Any Other Allowed Color .1R CR N RODIS SAPPHIRES N GOLD.OWNER Teresa G Kevin M White.BB CH BACHMANS BRIGHTESTSTAR. OWNER Cheri McDonald Beverly Tiaga.OS CH GAYELS DESTINYS CHILD.OWNER Naimi Guenther.AM LINLUS SHOGUN YORITOMO.OWNER Linda Tindle.AM CH VALCOPY JANELSSPIDERMAN. OWNER Diane SababajCarol SilverbergJanice PardueJanel.AM CH EVENSONGS PRESIDENTREAGAN. OWNER Teresa G White.SWEEPSTAKES 7202007JUDGE Mr. Chuck MurrayPuppy Dogs 6 Mos Under 9 Mos .1 CINBOWS LOW RIDER. OWNER CindyL Bowling.2 REON DAMATA IM A OUTLAW.OWNER Irene N Smith, Darlys Flaata, RonSmith.Puppy Dogs 9 Mos Under 12 Mos .1BSS DAYSTAR POMRYTES COWBOYUP. OWNER Karen Power.2 JAN-SHARS BETT YOUR BOOTS.OWNER Carol Rebecca Silverberg.3 PIKKINOKKAS WARRIOR CZAR.OWNER Amy Michelle Leathers.4 GNBCS BWTN FRIENDS W SHELLELEE.OWNER Michelle McGillivary.Junior Dogs 12 Mos Under 18 mos .1 SMOKY MTN. RAIN OF LENETTE.OWNER K G Griffith.2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1215 PM66seaimrtrz CSJTN iS 3 31S0H01538V F 8KV 1Sseli^SasNOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 672 DONT PLAY WITH FUNNY MONEYWOW. OWNER Terry Jordan Rothell.Puppy Bitches 6 Mos Under 9 Mos .1OSS CINBOWS HERE COMESTROUBLE. OWNER Cindy L Bowling.2 JAN-SHARS SERENGETTI. OWNERSharon L Hanson.3 JAN-SHARS CAUGHT IN THE ACT.OWNER Sharon L Hanson.4 RISE N SHINES THE PERFECT STORM.OWNER Deborah Stoehr.Puppy Bitches 9 Mos Under 12 Mos .1 VALCOPY VALENTIA BAT. OWNERDana Plonkey Judy Paris.2 JORDAN SAVE THE 1ST DANCE 4 MEWOW. OWNER Terry Jordan Rothell.Junior Bitches 12 Mos Under 18 mos .1 GEMINIS DARK DEJA VOODOO.OWNER Brent and Patricia Inman.VETERANS SWEEPSTAKESVeteran Sweeps Bitches 6 Under 9 Yrs .1BSV CH BUGABOO LIL BIT OTREASURE. OWNER Lori A Solomon.REGULAR CLASSESJUDGE Mr. Michael HeflinPuppy Dogs 6 Mos Under 9 Mos .1 REON DAMATA IM A OUTLAW.OWNER Irene N Smith, Darlys Flaata, RonSmith.2 CINBOWS LOW RIDER. OWNER CindyL Bowling.Puppy Dogs 9 Mos Under 12 Mos .1 CR POINT TAKEN. OWNER Deena Simon Robert Celeste Solano.2 PIKKINOKKAS WARRIOR CZAR.OWNER Amy Michelle Leathers.3 JAN-SHARS BETT YOUR BOOTS.OWNER Carol Silverberg and RebeccaSilverberg.4 GNBCS BWTN FRIENDS W SHELLELEE.OWNER Michelle McGillivary.Twelve To Eighteen Month Dogs .1 WOMPS D FAST N D FURIOUS.OWNER Hazel Schaffer.2 SMOKY MTN. RAIN OF LENETTE.OWNER K G Griffith.Bred-By-Exhibitor Dogs .1WBBYLINLUS THE BONAFIED FUMANCHU. OWNER Linda Tindle.2R DAYSTAR POMRYTES COWBOY UP.OWNER Karen Power.3 APOLLOETTE FORTUNE HUNTER.OWNER Marlene Marlin Presser.4 GEMINIS ONCE YOU GO BLACK.OWNER Patricia Brent Inman.Open Dogs Black, Brown Blue .1 FINCHS YOURE SO SPECIAL NBLK.OWNER Diane L Finch Ginny Suave.2 RAIN BEAU BOJANGLES. OWNER JeanCook.Open Dogs Red, Orange, Cream Sable .1 LTDS SIMON SEZ OF KOY. OWNERDebbie Svorinich Anton Svorinich.2 ISLANDS ONE WILD CHILD. OWNERShelley Wiemer-Martin Susan Plouff.3 PARK AVES RED HARD DELICIOUS.OWNER Tom Wilson.4 CINBOWS CATCH THE DREAM.OWNER Cindy L Bowling.Open Dogs Any Other Allowed Color .1 KAYRAS ONYX OF MAGICALMEADOWS. OWNER Alan HeidiMerrigan Kay Chaney Reed Adams.2 ADONIS LORD OF ATLANTIS. OWNERLora Heil-Frone.3 LYDON SEAN JOHN. OWNER Lori Cole.Puppy Bitches 6 Mos Under 9 Mos .1WBWBPY JAN-SHARS SERENGETTI.OWNER Sharon L Hanson.2 JAN-SHARS CAUGHT IN THE ACT.OWNER Sharon L Hanson.3 CINBOWS HERE COMES TROUBLE.OWNER Cindy L Bowling.4 RISE N SHINES THE PERFECT STORM.OWNER Deborah Stoehr.Puppy Bitches 9 Mos Under 12 Mos .1 VALCOPY VALENTIA BAT. OWNERDana Plonkey Judy Paris.Bred-By-Exhibitor Bitches .1 TWO TS MOUSE THAT ROARS.OWNER Norman Neal Dorothy Trosino.2 KOYS DANCIN DIVA. OWNER Nancy Elizabeth Kooy.3 TWO TS GRAND EMMY LUV. OWNERNorman Neal Dorothy M Trosino.4 JORDAN SAVE THE 1ST DANCE 4 MEWOW. OWNER Terry Jordan Rothell.Open Bitches Black, Brown Blue .1 BCPOMS TUFF LADY IN BLACK SATIN.OWNER Christy Murphy.Open Bitches Red, Orange, Cream Sable1R JAN-SHARS DRESSED TO THE NINES.OWNER Carol Felker Ruth Packer.2 DAYSTAR KHARMAN GHIA. OWNERColleen Beland.3 FAITH DEE FANCHALY OF LENETTE.OWNER K G Griffith.4 STARLIGHT SMART N SASSY LTD.OWNER Debbie Anton Svorinich.Open Bitches Any Other Allowed Color .1 CR N RODIS SAPPHIRES N GOLD.OWNER Teresa Kevin White.2 SO-ME BLACK VELVET OF ARNETTE.OWNER LoriAnn Solomon, RoxanneMellem, Judith Solomon.BB CH GAYELS DESTINYS CHILD.OWNER Naimi Guenther.OS CH EVENSONGS PRESIDENTREAGAN. OWNER Teresa G White.AM CH RISE N SHINES HES AHOTTIE. OWNER Julie Clemen.AM LINLUS SHOGUN YORITOMO.OWNER Linda Tindle.AM CH VALCOPY JANELSSPIDERMAN. OWNER Diane SababajCarol SilverbergJanice PardueJanel.2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1215 PM67i i i i n44c91rmtopFv4L468 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWHealth GeneticsGeneva CoatsCanine Hypothyroid DiseaseBy Geneva CoatsThe body contains many different glands. A gland is a type of tissue, whichproduces and secretes something. There are two main types of glands. There areendocrine glands, which secrete their product into the bloodstream to eventuallyreach a target tissue. Examples of endocrine glands are the adrenal glands, the sexorgans, the pituitary and the thyroid gland. There are also glands known as exocrine glands, which secrete their products via a duct,or tube. Examples of exocrine glands are the glands, which produce sweat, tears, saliva, and digestive enzymes, and the mammaryglands, which produce milk.The thyroid gland is a butterfly shaped endocrine gland located in the front of the neck, just below the larynx voice box. There aretwo lobes of the thyroid, one on each side of the trachea. The thyroid gland produces a hormone called thyroxine. Thyroxineregulates the bodys growth, metabolism, digestion, body temperature and heartbeat. A deficiency of thyroid hormone in the body isknown as hypothyroidism, while an excess of thyroid hormone circulating in the body is known as hyperthyroidism.Hypothyroidism is one of the most common medical disorders affecting dogs. It is estimated that one out of ten dogs will develophypothyroidism in its lifetime. Certain breeds are highly disposed to develop hypothyroidism. Middle-aged dogs are at increasedrisk. In one study, mean age at diagnosis was 7.2 years. Spayed females and neutered males are at increased risk over intact animalsfor developing hypothyroidism.Hypothyroidism usually comes on gradually, over several months or years. Because the thyroid hormone supports the metabolism ofall body systems, the symptoms can be numerous and varied. The early clues may be scarcely noticeable or may be attributed to othercauses. Symptoms may include low energy, weight gain, depression, intolerance to cold, infertility, dry skin, brittlethinning coat,frequent infections, especially of skin, ears and eyes. Your veterinarian may notice enlargement of the gland, a slowed heart rate,anemia and elevated blood cholesterol. An ultrasound of the enlarging thyroid may be useful for early diagnosis of thyroid problems.Under normal conditions, the brain senses and detects drops in thyroid hormone blood levels. When thyroid hormone levels in thebody start to drop, the hypothalamus portion of the brain nudges the pituitary gland to send out a hormone known as ThyroidStimulating Hormone TSH. TSH stimulates the thyroid gland to step up production of the thyroid hormone known as T4. T4 issubsequently converted by the body to T3, which is the active form used by the cells of the body. When the brain detects a surplus ofthyroid hormone in the bloodstream, it drops the production of TSH, and then with lower TSH levels, the thyroid gland in turn slowsproduction. When thyroid hormone levels again drop a bit, TSH levels rise to stimulate the thyroid gland to once again step upproduction. This relationship between TSH and thyroid hormone is the ongoing natural feedback process by which thyroid hormonelevel remains optimal for proper body metabolism.Sometimes there is the temptation to supplement your dog with thyroid hormone in the belief that it will boost metabolism andpromote weight loss or enhance fertility. This is not a good idea in a dog with normal thyroid function, because in so doing youdepress the production of TSH by the brain, and upset the bodys delicate natural feedback mechanism which is necessary for properthyroid balance and function. When the supplement is withdrawn, it is difficult for the body to regain balance of these hormonesagain. Also, diagnostic thyroid testing will be inaccurate if the dog is receiving a thyroid supplement.When your vet does a blood test for thyroid function, he will usually check the T4 level and the TSH level. If the T4 is low and theTSH is high, a diagnosis of hypothyroidism can be presumed. The brain is trying to stimulate the thyroid gland, but the gland is not2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1215 PM68i i i i nA t INOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 69able to respond, hence the high TSH and low T4.T4 testing is a simple technique that is relatively inexpensive however, it is not always reliable, as the results can appear falsely lowdue to the effects of medication or other medical conditions. As a result, another technique known as Free T4 or FT4 testing may berequired. This test is much more reliable and is far more reflective of the thyroids true state and function. This method of testing ismore expensive than basic T4 testing, but it may be required in order to make a confident diagnosis. T3 levels fluctuate widely, andare not generally useful in diagnosis.According to a recent MSU study, the majority of canine hypothyroidism is the result of an autoimmune process known asautoimmune thyroiditis. The bodys immune system develops antibodies against its own thyroid gland cells. As the thyroid glandcells are attacked and destroyed, the remaining cells work harder to compensate. Finally, when the gland is about 75 destroyed, theremaining cells are unable to produce enough thyroid hormone, and the dog begins to display symptoms of deficiency.Autoimmune thyroiditis is felt to have an inherited basis. This makes testing for the disease marker in breeding dogs important forreducing its incidence.The best current marker for this disease is a positive TGAA test result. TGAA is a test specifically for thyroid auto antibodies, and isusually diagnostic of autoimmune thyroiditis. This is a useful test because it can predict development of thyroid dysfunction manyyears before the dog actually develops any symptoms.These TGAA auto antibodies are present when there is active thyroid disease or inflammation. Assuming a single gene disorder andrecessive trait, TGAA will be positive only in dogs having both genes for thyroiditis. TGAA will not be positive in the carriershaving only one gene for the trait and may not be positive early in the life of some dogs that become affected later.Studies in a laboratory suggest that vaccination may also cause stimulation of the production of anti-thyroglobulin antibodies.Whether other variables such as viral infections can also cause transient thyroiditis is unknown.The OFA established a registry for canine hypothyroidism. The purpose is to assist breeders in selecting sound dogs for breedingpurposes and to develop and maintain a database for the study of hypothyroidism in dogs. The dogs owner takes the dog to theirregular veterinarian who draws blood for submission to a certified laboratory. The laboratory performs the tests and reports to theowner, his veterinarian and the OFA. At the time of submission, the owner has the option of placing results in an open or closedregistry. A certificate and breed registry number will be issued to all dogs found to be normal at 12 months of age.While a blood test can detect the disease before the appearance of clinical signs, a single negative blood test will not guarantee that adog will never develop thyroid disease. A dog that is negative at 2 years old can still become positive at 6 years old. It isrecommended that re-examination occur at ages 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 years.From studies done on all breeds of dogs at Michigan State University MSU it was concluded thatVery few dogs developed TGAA antibodies under the age of 1 year, so testing should be started after 1 year.The majority of dogs who would go on to develop thyroiditis tested positive for high TGAA between the ages of 2 and 6 years.After the age of 6 years, dogs with immune mediated thyroid disease had enough damage to the gland that there was not enoughtissue present to stimulate the production of TGAA, which would cause measured levels of TGAA to fall within the normal range.Recommendations for breedersAll breeding stock can be tested for early autoimmune thyroid disease by measuring only TGAA between the ages of 12 and 30months.Between 30 months and 6 years a TGAA along with a T4 and TSH levels should be measured to rule out immune mediated thyroiddisease and early hypothyroidism.If the dog is negative for TGAA after 6 years and there is no abnormality of the T4 and TSH, the dog will probably not developautoimmune thyroid disease.Dogs positive for TGAA should have a T4 and TSH run annually to monitor thyroid function. When clinical signs develop the dogshould be put on thyroid supplementation.Carefully consider whether the dog should be used in a breeding program. If dogs with high TGAA are bred it should be to dogs thatare negative for TGAA andor tested clear normal T4 and TSH levels for thyroid disease as older dogs.Once a diagnosis of hypothyroidism is made, the standard treatment is oral thyroid hormone supplement for life. In most cases thismeans a T4 supplement. A periodic check of thyroid levels will assist with determining the optimal dose. Several medicationsavailable are used as a replacement for T3, T4, or their combination.Levothroid, Levoxyl, Synthroid are brand names of the chemical compound levothyroxine sodium T4. Cytomel is a brand name ofthe chemical liothyronine sodium T3. Euthroid and Thyrolar are names for the chemical liotrix a combination of T3 and T4.Armour Thyroid is the brand name of a desiccated thyroid, which is not normally recommended for replacement therapy, since itcontains significant amounts T3, the active form of the hormone. Synthetic T4 is preferred by veterinarians.Trying to regulate doses when using the active form, T3, is almost impossible because T3 is rapidly metabolized and depleted from2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1215 PM694 i i i i n4 4470 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWthe body. T4 blood levels remain more stable and are more useful in regulating treatment. Remember, T4 is converted by the body tothe active form, T3, as needed. Supplementing with T3 instead of T4 can result in over stimulation of the hypothalamus-pituitarythyroidaxis, due to lack of T4 in the feedback chain. This can provoke a thyroid storm or hyperthyroidism see below if there ismuch functioning thyroid tissue remaining. In some rare cases your vet may need to prescribe T3 or a T3-T4 preparation if T4 aloneis ineffective.Other conditions are associated with hypothyroidism, such as Cushings disease and diabetes. High levels of steroids in Cushingsdisease can cause low levels of circulating thyroid hormone. Administration of steroids such as prednisone or cortisone over aprolonged period of time can affect thyroid hormone levels.Many drugs, medication, toxins and preservatives can adversely affect thyroid function. There is also a condition known as euthyroidsick syndrome. Thyroid function is depressed temporarily due to another illness. Once the underlying illness is resolved, thyroidfunction will usually also recover.A little information about canine hyperthyroidism.Hyperthyroidism occurs when there is excess circulating thyroxin. This condition is not common and usually occurs in dogs withtumors of the thyroid gland. The T4 will be above normal and the TSH is below normal in this situation. A symptom of caninehyperthyroidism is weight loss despite an unusually ravenous appetite. Sometimes the dog will eat so quickly that he ends upvomiting. Some dogs may also experience diarrhea. Also, excessive thirst may accompany the characteristic voracious appetite.Other very common warning signs of this disease include hyperactivity and nervousness. Your dog may become more active andrestless than normal and may also show signs of irritability. These symptoms are often accompanied by an elevated heart rate. Inaddition to beating faster, an affected dogs heart may also exhibit stronger beats, which you may be able to feel by placing your handagainst your dogs chest. Some dogs that are suffering from hyperthyroidism also tend to breathe more rapidly than usual. Thesegeneral symptoms are due to an increase in the metabolism of the body.A dog with hyperthyroidism may also experience changes in its coat. The coat may become dull and appear unusually unkempt, andthe dog can eventually develop bald patches.ReferencesHypothyroidism by Susan Thorpe-Vargas, PhD, and John Cargill, MA, MBA, MS Diagnosis of Canine Hypothyroidism andThyroiditis, by J. Catharine Scott-Moncrieff, MA, MS, Vet MB, Dipl. ACVIM internal medicine Dipl. ECVIM-CA, PurdueUniversity, West Lafayette, In, 47907. Canine Hypothyroidism An Overview, Roe Freeman, DVM. Thyroid Study in WelshSpringer Spaniels, Colleen OKeefe, DVM, MS 2001Websites with useful information, www.thedca.orgthyroid.html, httpwww.thyroid-info.comarticlesdoghypo.htm,httpwww.miragesamoyeds.comthyroid3.htm, httpwww.endocrineweb.comthyroid.html, httpwww.angelfire.combiz4MastiffBreederhypothyroidism.html, httpclumbers.orgCSCAhypothyroidism.htm, httpwww.artwork.netcok13thyroid_study.htm, httpamericanboxerclub.orgpurina3.htmlTHYROID TESTS FOR DOGSTEST ADVANTAGES LIMITATIONSTT3 Simple, Inexpensive Does not reflect thyroid functionTT4 Simple, Inexpensive Can be falsely low due to drugs or non-thyroid illnessFREE T4 Better reflects true thyroid function Relatively expensiveTSH STIMULATION currently the best indicator of thyroid function because it measures thyroid gland response to stimulationCost AvailabilityTRH STIMULATION Also measures thyroid gland response to stimulation but harder to interpret Cost AvailabilitySide EffectsTSH CONCENTRATION Potentially may be best indicator of thyroid gland function when used with Free T4 Limited use so farmoderately expensiveTHYROGLOBULIN ANTIBODIES Early detection Specific for immune-mediated thyroid involvement Can be positive in normaldogs currently available at Southwest Veterinary Diagnostics, Inc., Phoenix, ArizonaTHYROID HORMONE ANTIBODIES Early detection Specific for immune-mediated thyroid involvement Can be positive innormal dogs available at Michigan State UniversityTHYROID BIOPSY Demonstrates specific thyroid involvement distinguishes primary from secondary hypothyroidism Cost,surgery, anesthesia may not reflect degree of thyroid dysfunctionKaren J. Wolfsheimer, D.V.M., Ph.D. Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine Associate Professor Departmentof Physiology, Pharmacology Toxicology and Colleen Brady, B.A. Veterinary Student School of Veterinary Medicine LouisianaState University Baton Rouge, LA 708032007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1215 PM70 INI 4 i i i in4 4S'4NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 71APC Judges EducationAPC Judges EducationAPC Judges EducationAPC Judges EducationAPC Judges EducationDot Martin is the American Pomeranian Clubs Judges Education Chairperson.Dot may be contacted at 803-831-8086 or edwarda.martinatt.netDot MartinSAY WHATThat Troublesome Line_______________________The official standard for the Pomeranian as approved by AmericanPomeranian Club and American Kennel Club, effective Jan 31, 1996, under HEADstates To form a wedge, visualize a line from the tip of the nose ascending throughcenter of the eyes and the tip of the ears. End of discussion, regarding the wedge atleast.In an honest attempt to show a picture of how the wedge should be seenover the head for the CD, a triangle of less than accurate dimensions was superimposed over the heads of several pictured Poms in order to show the generaldimensions for evaluation. This is a near impossibility allowing for camera head angles and computer limitations. Thewhole concept has given rise to misunderstanding and misinterpretation.Back to the Drawing Board - The first standard appeared in 1916. From that standard to this one, on eachrevision the head has been described as wedge shaped. In some past standards, the term foxlike is added. Currently,foxlike refers to expression. In earlier years, when evaluating heads, I put the dogs or puppys muzzle between theindex finger and middle finger of my hand and if the nose fit nicely in the circle against the base of the hand, the rest ofthe muzzle and head filled the opening between the fingers, the wedge was acceptable. After some time, the worldseemed to need a clearer explanation of the wedge. In order to clarify, the standard revision committee used the LINE.A triangle was never intended. The top of the skull is slightly rounded, but not domed.The Line is to start at the center of the nose and move through the eye preferably the center or as close to thecenter as is reasonable and continue on its up and outward slant to the ear ending reasonably close to the center.Try visualizing with the heads shown below. They are all good heads.2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1216 PM71 INI i i i inr.remJm'\ M972 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWThe Dallas Fort Worth Pomeranian Clubs Annual Specialty Show was held onSeptember 14, 2007 at the Sterling Hotel in Dallas, Texas. It was an all Toy weekend withback-to-back DFW Toy Dog Club Shows, and five other Regional Breed Specialties.We reorganized our Club in January 2007, and have welcomed 18 new membersso far this year. Our total entry of 48 dogs was the clubs largest entry since APCsNational Specialty took place here in 2000. Gail Bertrand collected 1,000.00 plus inadvertising, our raffle raised close to 500.00, and Sherry Dollar gathered over 500.00 introphy donations, allowing us to make a profit for the first time in years.Dallas Fort Worth Pomeranian Club, Inc.Annual Specialty ShowReported by Jackie HirshbergIt was an honor to have Mrs. SueGoddard as our Sweepstakes Judge. Bestin Sweeps was Prized Bourres Promise TimSue,owned by Don and Alice Savoie, andhandled by Carolyn Crockett, and Best ofOpposite went to Prestigious Lady Bugowned, bred and handled by Sherry Dollar.Mrs. Sharon Newcomb did a fine job ofjudging conformation, and added a touch ofclass with her vast knowledge ofPomeranians. Top honors Best of Breedwent to owners Bill and Gail Bertrand andhandler Valerie Humbird with CH WeeheartsExcuse Me. Sherry Dollar, breeder, ownerand handler of CH Prestigious GorgeousGeorge won Best Of Opposite Sex.Winners Dog was Horizons Zip-A-DeeDoo-Dah,owned and handled by GloriaWalsh, and Winners Bitch was TLCS BellaLuna, owned and bred by Liz Curtis, andhandled by Bronya Johnston. Our VeteranDog was CH Janesas Fashion Statement,owner bred by Jerry Freia, handled byCarolyn Crockett, and CH ChippewasScouts Honor owned and handled by JackieHirshberg, was Veterans Bitch.Our raffle was a huge success,thanks to the efforts of Phyllis and BillEwing. Trophy Chairman, Sherry Dollar,showed her creative touch and special talentfor shopping, by the trophies offered. Thanksto everyone who supported our show bysponsoring a trophy, and buying raffletickets.Our after show dinner was held ata nearby restaurant. We had a nice turnout,and all who attended seemed to have a goodtime.Special thanks to the followingpeople who without their help the showwould NOT have gone on Jennifer Kapp,our Club Member and, SHOWCHAIRMAN, Debbie Williams, ourSHOW SECRETARY, for her patience andfor putting up with a group of novices, SteveCurtis, our CHIEF RING STEWARD, andthe Dallas-Fort Worth Toy Club, for askingus to be a part of their weekend. Lastly andmost important, our club would like to thankour loyal exhibitors, who always play thebiggest part in the success of our shows.Without you, our club would cease to be.Please come back next year, bring yourfriends, and help us celebrate anothersuccessful and fun show. Until then, so long,and have a great year2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1216 PM724NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 73SWEEPSTAKESJUDGE Mrs. Sue Goddard06-09 MONTH PUPPY DOGS1 PRIZED BOURRES PROMISE TIM SUE.2SOFINE HEAT WAVE.3 13 CHARS HARLEY MAN.4 CHARS CRAVIN FOR A PARTI.09-12 MONTH PUPPY DOGS1 CHARS BRINGIN SEXY BACK.12-18 MONTH JUNIOR DOGS1 45 CH. FINCHS CHOCOLATE BONBON PARTI.06-09 MONTH PUPPY BITCHES1 PRESTIGIOUS LADY BUG.2 CHARS MOST BEAUTIFUL PARTI.3 PRESTIGIOUS JANS FUTURE PLANS.4 DREAMWEAVER N ROYAL OAKAMBROSIA.09-12 MONTH PUPPY BITCHES1 TLCS BELLA LUNA.BEST IN SWEEPSTAKESPRIZED BOURRES PROMISE TIMBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TOPRESTIGIOUS LADY BUG.BEST IN SWEEPSTAKESPRESTIGIOUS LADY BUG.REGULARNON-REGULAR CLASSESJUDGE Mrs. Sharon Newcomb06-09 MONTH PUPPY DOGS1 SOFINE HEAT WAVE. Breeders MaryLatimer and Adrienne Pye. Owners CaroleVandermeulen and Linda Nichols2 CHARS CRAVIN FOR A PARTI.BreederOwner Charlotte Meyer3 CHARS HARLEY MAN. BreederCharlotte Meyer. Owners Robbie Hudsonand Charlotte Meyer09-12 MONTH PUPPY DOGS1 HER MAJESTYS OVER THE EDGE.BreedersOwners Charles Whittemore andRandy Houston2 CHARS BRINGIN SEXY BACK.Breeders Charlotte Meyer and Diane L.Finch. Owner Charlotte Meyer3 HEAVENBOUND AMAZING TOPAZ.Breeder Byron Lisenbee. Owner DarlyeneSpann12-18 MONTH JUNIOR DOGS1 PRESTIGIOUS DONT FIDDLEContinued2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1216 PM73i i i i n44i \artir1OVioxow VVSt1sS 3nt14rJf S ,.5 XXmi 1 r4'4474 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAROUND. Breeder Sherry D. Dollar.Owner Darlyene Spann2 GLEN IRIS DARTAGNAN OFLILLIPUT. Breeders Becky Jackson and Dr.Cheryl A. Jackson. Owner Nannette WalkerBRED-BY-EXHIBITOR DOGS1 ANTOMS THE PRICE WAS RIGHT.BreederOwner Anita J. FarrOPEN DOGS1 HORIZONS ZIP - A - DEE - DOO DAH.Breeder Laurie Ottis. OwnerGloriaWalsh2 PRESTIGIOUS ELVIS IS KING. BreederSherry Dollar. Owners Robbie Hudson andSherry DollarWINNERS DOGHORIZONS ZIP - A - DEE - DOO - DAH.Reserve Winners DogANTOMS THE PRICE WAS RIGHT.06-09 MONTH PUPPY BITCHES1 CHARS MOST BEAUTIFUL PARTI.Breeders Diane L. Finch and CharlotteMeyer. OwnerCharlotte Meyer2 DREAMWEAVER N ROYAL OAKAMBROSIA. Breeders Linda Pelz andDallas Fort Worth Pom Club Results ContinuedElizabeth Michael Wells. Owner DarlyeneSpann3 PRESTIGIOUS LADY BUG. BreederSherry Dollar. Owners Sherry Dollar andRobbie Hudson09-12 MONTH PUPPY BITCHES1 TLCS BELLA LUNA. BreederOwnerElizabeth CurtissBRED-BY-EXHIBITOR BITCHES1 PEACHS LITTLE MISS DREAM BOAT.BreederOwner Bob Pietzsch2 22 PRESTIGIOUS JANS FUTUREPLANS. Breeder Sherry Dollar. OwnersSherry Dollar and Robbie HudsonOPEN BITCHES1 LITTLE CHERUBS I CAN DANCE.Breeder Darlene L. Davis Thompson.Owner Charlotte Meyer2 HER MAJESTYS PRINCESSVICTORIA. BreedersOwners CharlesWhittemore and Randy HoustonWINNERS BITCHTLCS BELLA LUNA.RESERVE WINNERS BITCHPEACHS LITTLE MISS DREAM BOAT.VETERAN DOGSJANESAS FASHION STATEMENT.BreederOwner Jerrie FreiaVETERAN BITCHESCH. CHIPAWAS SCOUTS HONOR.Breeder Mark Ward. Owner JackieHirshbergBEST OF BREEDCH. WEE HEARTS EXCUSE ME BITCH.Breeder Casandra EvanOwners Bill Gail Bertrand and CharlotteMeyerBEST OF WINNERSHORIZONS ZIP-A-DEE-DOO-DAHBEST OF OPP SEX TO BEST OF BREEDCH. PRESTIGIOUS GORGEOUSGEORGE BreederOwner Sherry DollarBEST PUPPYTLCS BELLA LUNA.BEST BRED-BY-EXHIBITORPEACHS LITTLE MISS DREAMBOAT.STUD DOG1 CH. DAMASCUSROAD DREAMBUSTER. Breeder Beverly A. Carter.Owner Barbara Moore2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1216 PM74 INI 4 i i i in4NOTICE OF DUESPlease remit your dues as soon as possible as we would like to have all the CORRECTIONS for the Roster. Dues paid after January 1st are subject to a 15.00 late charge and names may not be printed in the roster. AFTER JANUARY 31, UNPAID MEMBERS WILL HAVE TO RE-APPLY. MOTION 02-03-10. Membership is effective from Jan. 1, to Dec. 31.RATES PER YEAR ARE AS FOLLOWS USA FOREIGNSINGLE MEMBERSHIP............................................................30.00 35.00JUNIOR MEMBERSHIP........................................................... 10.00.................................. naHOUSEHOLD MEMBERSHIP..................................................45.00 50.00LATE FEE AFTER JAN 1.................................................... 15.00........................... 15.00Erika Moureau, Treas. 21522 Rosehill Church Rd. Tomball TX 77377'.HTO ft - m.m m44NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 75Puppy Dog, 6 months under 9 months.1 KISSAMIS JUNIOR ATTRACTION. BreederOwner Roxanne CollinsPuppy Dog, 9 months under 12 months.1 STOLANNES DANCING WITH THESTARS. Breeder Frances J Stoll. Owners FrancesJ Stoll Donna S Riehm2 TRUDYS HEY DUDE. BreedersOwnersNancy Coddington Robert Coddington12 months under 18 months, Dogs.1 XPRSIONS SUMMER RERUN. BreederOwner Carol L Wiseman2 SPECIAL DS ALL THAT. Breeder DebbieHollander. Owners Debbie Hollander LaurettaFlynnAmerican Bred Dogs1 BRITISH LANE N FAME PARTI BOY.Breeder Wendy Chambers. Owner Sherrilynn JRogersBred-By-Exhibitor Dogs.1 ANIMATIONS NEMO. BreederOwnersLorinda Vasuta Darren Lane2 JOAYNES DUNN FAST N FURIOUS.Breeders Joanne Norris Laura Meineke. OwnerNelda Wekwert, Joanne Norris Laura Meineke3 KISSAMIS DOUBLE ATTRACTION.BreederOwner Roxanne CollinsOpen Dogs, Red, Orange, Cream, Sable1 JANESAS RHET BUTLER ROMANCETARA. BreederOwner Marcia Cox2 LANAS LOVE OF GOLD. BreederOwnerLana Price3 ALI-MAES READY TO ROCK CINMAR.Breeders Kelly Tracy Nichols Brandon ZaneNichols. Owner Cindy Onosko4 SPECIAL DS NUMBER ONE MAN. BreederOwner Debbie HollanderOpen Dogs, Any Other Color Pattern OrVariation.1 LIL PONDEROSA HERE 4 THE PARTI.Breeder Sherri Cartwright Mari Iffland. OwnerSherrilynn Rogers2 TRESSTIQUE FLAMIN FAME. BreederBonnie Harris. Owners Brenda Segelken Bonnie Harris3 SPECIAL DS HOW SWEET IT IS. BreederOwner Debbie HollanderWINNERS DOGJANESAS RHET BUTLER ROMANCE TARARESERVE WINNERS DOGLANAS LOVE OF GOLDPuppy Bitches, 6 months under 9 months.1 ANIMATIONS HECKLE. Breeders PatDresser Lorinda Vasuta. Owners Lorinda Vasuta Darren LaneSWEEPSTAKESJudge Ms. Nancy MartinPuppy Dog, 6 months under 9 months.1 KISSAMIS JUNIOR ATTRACTION. OwnerRoxanne Collins2 JOAYNES DUNN FAST N FURIOUS OwnerNelda Wekwert, Joanne Norris Laura Meineke3 KISSAMIS DOUBLE ATTRACTION. OwnerRoxanne CollinsPuppy Dog, 9 months under 12 months.1 TRUDYS HEY DUDE Owner Nancy Robert Coddington2 STOLANNES DANCING WITH THESTARS Owners Frances Stoll Donna RiehmDogs, 12 months under 18 months.1 XPRSIONS SUMMER RERUN. TR52516401.Owner Carol L WisemanPuppy Bitches, 6 months under 9 months.1 ANIMATIONS HECKLE. Owners LorindaVasuta Darren LanePuppy Bitches, 9 months under 12 months.1 ANIMATIONS SHEGO. Owners LorindaVasuta Darren Lane2 LORELANDS BAREFOOT CONTESSA.Owners Lauretta John FlynnBitches, 12 months under 18 months.1 STOLANNES MAGIC MOMENTS. OwnerKathryn J Norem2 BRITISH LN MS LIBERTY OF LENETTE.Owner Wendy Chambers3 STOLANNES WILL YOU LOOK AT ME.Owner Frances J StollBEST IN SWEEPSTAKESTRUDYS HEY DUDEBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST INSWEEPSTAKESANIMATIONS SHEGOVETERANS SWEEPSTAKESVeteran Dogs, 6 Years Over.1 CH DHCREW ROCK-N-RUMBLE RN.Owner Cindy Onosko.Veteran Bitches, 6 Years Over.1 CH DHCREW SUNKIST CINNAMONTWIST. Owner Sherrilynn J Rogers2 CH STOLANNES EASY ON THE EYES.Owner Frances J StollBEST VETERAN IN SWEEPSTAKESCH DHCREW ROCK-N-RUMBLE RNBEST OF OPP. SEX TO BEST VET IN SWEEPSCH DHCREW SUNKIST CINNAMON TWISTREGULAR CLASSESJudge Mr. Eugene BlakePuppy Bitches, 9 months under 12 months.1 ANIMATIONS SHEGO. BreedersOwnersLorinda Vasuta Darren Lane12 months under 18 months, Bitches.1 STOLANNES MAGIC MOMENTS. BreederFrances J Stoll. Owner Kathryn J Norem2 STOLANNES WILL YOU LOOK AT ME.BreederOwner Frances J StollAmerican Bred Bitches.1 STOLANNES I WRITE THE SONG. BreederOwner Frances J StollBred-By-Exhibitor Bitches.1 STOLANNES I LOVE DESI. BreederOwnerFrances J Stoll2 LORELANDS BIT O HONEY. BreederOwnerLauretta Flynn3 LACUEVAS MISTY BLUE VALLEYHOUSE. Breeder Sherrilynn J Rogers. OwnersTerese Purner-Kine, Barbara Kocab SherrilynnRogersOpen Bitches, Red, Orange, Cream, Sable1 BRITISH LN MS LIBERTY OF LENETTE.Breeder K G Griffith. Owner Wendy Chambers2 JENUWANE SIMPLY IRRISISTABLE.Breeder Jenny Hryniuk. Owner Patricia AMappesWINNERS BITCHSTOLANNES MAGIC MOMENTSRESERVE WINNERS BITCHANIMATIONS HECKLEVeteran Dogs, 6 Years Over.1 CH DHCREW ROCK-N-RUMBLE RN.Breeder Hal E Webster Jr. Owner Cindy OnoskoVeteran Bitches, 6 Years Over.1 CH DHCREW SUNKIST CINNAMONTWIST. Breeder Hal E Webster Jr. OwnerSherrilynn J Rogers2 CH STOLANNES EASY ON THE EYES.Breeder Frances J Stoll. Owner Frances J StollBEST OF BREEDCH ROBCARYS DEVIL MADE ME DO IT.Dog. Breeder Caryl Fennell A ToddScrimpsher. Owner Cindy OnoskoBEST OF OPP SEX TO BEST OF BREEDCH EAGLE CREEKS TRUFFLICIOUS PARTI.Bitch. BreederOwners Kathryn J NoremBEST OF WINNERSJANESAS RHET BUTLER ROMANCE TARABEST BRED-BY-EXHIBITORANIMATIONS NEMOBEST VETERANCH DHCREW SUNKIST CINNAMON TWISTBEST OF OPP SEX TO BEST VETCH DHCREW ROCK-N-RUMBLE RNPOMERANIAN CLUB OF CENTRAL INDIANA SPECIALTYFriday September 14, 20072007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1216 PM75 INI 4 i i i inPomeranian Clubof Central Indiana4 tf V31LJT PomeranianGleb4476 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWIf the class is not listed, it is sold.Trophy donations are needed for the 2008 APC National inLouisville, Kentucky. E-mail forthe available classes and send payment to Erika Moureau,21522 Rosehill Church Road, Tomball, TX 77377-5854.Phone Vicki Palmer at 612-803-6618 for further information. Deadline for pledges is 111607. Donations may bemade after the deadline to the general trophy fundat Donations2008 APC NationalBest of Breed 75High in Trial 75Best of Winners 50Best of Opposite Sex 50Highest Combined Score in Open Utility 50Best Junior Handler 50Winners Dog 35Winners Bitch 35Best Puppy in Regular Class 35Reserve Winners Dog 30Reserve Winners Bitch 30Best Veteran 30Best of Opposite Sex 30Best Junior in Sweepstakes 30Best of Opposite Sex to Best Junior 30Best Senior in Sweepstakes 30Best of Opposite Sex to Best Senior 30Best Veteran in Sweepstakes 30Best of Opposite Sex 30Placements 1-4 Puppy Dog - 6 mos. and under 9 mos. 55 Puppy Dog - 9 mos. and under 12 mos. 55 Dog - 12 mos. to 18 mos. 55 American Bred Dogs 55 Bred-by-Exhibitor Dogs 55 Open Dogs - Red, Orange, Cream, Sable 55 Open Dogs - Black, Brown, Blue 55 Open Dogs - Any other Color, Pattern or Variety 55 Puppy Bitches - 6 mos. And under 9 mos 55 Puppy Bitches - 9 moss and under 12 mos. 55 Bitches - 12 mos. To 18 mos. 55 American Bred Bitches 55 Bred-by-Exhibitor Bitches 55 Open Bitches - Red, Orange, Cream, Sable 55 Open Bitches - Black, Brown, Blue 55 Open Bitches - Any other Color, Pattern or Variety 55 Veteran Dogs - 6 years and under 9 Years 55 Veteran Dogs - 9 years and over 55 Veteran Bitches - 6 years and under 9 years 55 Veteran Bitches - 9 years and over 55 Stud Dog 55 Brood Bitch 55 Brace 55 Open Junior 55 Open Intermediate 55 Open Senior 55 Novice Junior 55 Novice Intermediate 55 Novice Senior 55Utility A 55Utility B 55Open A 55Open B 55Novice A 55Novice B 55Graduate Novice 55Brace 55Veterans 55Veterans Open 55Novice A 55Novice B 55Advanced A 55Advanced B 55Excellent A 55Excellent B 55Highest Scoring AKC Champion of Record 20Highest Scoring Bred by Exhibitor 202007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1217 PM76^^ZCCCQ 4 i i i in2008American Pomeranian ClubNational Specialty vPm oj 9loe4 44NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 77Kentucky Pom Derby Of RosesThe American Pomeranian Club cordiallyinvites you to attend our 2008 National Specialty inLouisville, Kentucky, March 10-12, 2008.Superintendent - Jim Rau Dog Show, LTDWendy Donnelly - ObedienceRally ChairPCT Seminar March 9, 2008With Pat Hastings Puppy PuzzleWe are honored to have respected JudgesMrs. Michele L. BillingsSweepstakes JudgeMrs. Audrey M. RobertsObedience JudgeMrs. Nancy K WithersRally JudgeMrs. Barbara McClatcheyThe Specialty will be held at the Executive Inn,978 Phillips Ln., Louisville, KY.Reservation Telephone 1-800-626-2706Room rates 91.00 plus applicable taxes for doubleking room.Conference suites 130.00 and Bedroom suites 160.00Check the Web site atwww.AmericanPomeranianClub.orgFor further updates as they become available.Catalog Advertising Close Date February 1, 2008Show Closing date February 15, 2008Mark Your Calendars Everything is coming up RosesSeminar, Show Meeting Dates Sunday, Monday,Tuesday Wednesday, March 9, 10, 11, 12, 2008Sunday, March 9100 pm - 400 pmPCT Seminar Pat HastingsShowroom Grooming Room SetupVendor Exhibitor Setup700 pm - 900 pmHospitalityMonday, Mar 10800 am - 1000 amObedience1000 am - 430 pmSweepstakes530 pm - 830 pmTop 20Tuesday, Mar 11730 am - 1000 amRally TrialParade of titleholders900 am - 1100 pmJudges Ed Seminar1015 am - 445 pmRegular Dog Classes, Non-Regular Classes JuniorShowmanship730 pmAnnual Membership MeetingWednesday, Mar 12800 am - 400 pmRegular Bitch Classes BOB Competition730 pmAwards Dinner and AuctionAll times are tentativeSCHEDULE OFEVENTS2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1217 PM774 i i i inr rt 2008 wAmerican Pomeranian ClubNational Specialty34tuclc^ 9om o R0e4 4478 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW NEWS AND VIEWSby Barbara McClatcheyPERFORMANCETEACHING RETRIEVESBREEDERS, PLEASE READIt is a little-known fact that almost all puppies of any breed are natural retrievers at 7-9 weeks. If thisnatural retrieve can be captured and reinforced at this age, it makes later Obedience retrieve trainingmuch easier. But many good breeders thats you, right dont send their puppies to Obedience homes atthat age, for whatever reason. I think, myself, that separation from the litter at an early age 5 weeksUGH is likely to provoke lifetime bad behavior, such as biting. And then, how are you to know at 8weeks whether this little puppy is really going to be Conformation material or not Youre more likely tohave a definite negative answer than a definite positive one. It is mostly possible to tell at this age whetherhe will be Obedience material, but thats another story.Whether you are the breeder holding onto the puppy past the crucial retrieve age or an Obedience trainerwho gets a puppy at the right age, here is what I recommend. This method can also be used with olderdogs, though it will be more difficult to establish the behavior. And remember that this is NOT theObedience retrieve, just a good preparation for it.Choose a small toy. It can be a small soft ball or a small squeaky toyjust something that your puppylikes to play with. Take the puppy to an area away from other puppies and dogs. Play around with the toyin front of the puppy, getting him really wound up about it. Let him have it and play with it a bit when hedrops it, take it back and play with it again. Now throw the toy a short distance. When he picks it up, callhim to you, clapping or patting your legs. You can say, Puppy, puppy, puppy, or whatever gets himexcited. He will probably come toward you and drop the toy. Pet him and praise him. Repeat. After twoto three times, take the toy before he drops it and play a little tug game with it, using the command, Tug.Then let him have the toy to play with. This should be repeated as many as five times a day to set thebehavior in his mind.Your goal should be that the puppy 1 chase and pick up the toy, 2 bring it back to you, 3 drop itsomewhere in your vicinity, 4 as a reward get to either chase the toy again or play with it by himself. Notethat you are not requiring anything. It is just a way that you can interact with your puppy that will makeany subsequent Obedience training much easier. And if this does turn out to be your next breed Champion,he will still have learned that you are a lot of fun to be with2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1217 PM784r n4 4Wa . TVlIii i i n 4 nnnn^^^mNOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 79Performance ContinuedINADVERTENT TRAINING AND THE POST HOC FALLACYYou may or may not remember whatever Logic you were taught in high school andor college, but I amnow going to refresh your memory. Remember the Post Hoc fallacy The long version of the term isPost hoc, propter hoc., which in Latin means after this, therefore because of this. It is the source ofmuch superstitious thinkingAs sure as I say the picnic will be rained out, it will, so I wont say it andmaybe it wont happen.Dogs are very big on the Post Hoc fallacy. I ran to check out that toy, and there was a big clap ofthunder that is one scary toy This is one thing that makes a lot of dog training possible, using eitherreward or punishment. I have trained a large number of Rescues to not bark in the crate at night bystanding several feet away in the dark, behind the blind side of a plastic crate and therefore out of sight ofthe dog, and throwing a Readers Digest toward the crate. The dog reasons, Every time I bark, there is ascary noise. Id better be quiet or the boogie man will get me. I call this the power of the press. Itcan cause some very bad training to take place also. This happens when the dog runs away. I frequentlyget calls from people wanting their dog to come when called. I ask what happens when they do finally getthe dog back, and often the answer is I WHUP him The last thing the dog did was to either come to theowner, or let the owner catch him. Post Hoc tells the dog that coming or letting himself get caught causesbad things to happen, and the result of this training can be very difficult to eradicate.WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO YOUR DOGMany years ago, in Front and Finish, the dog trainers news magazine, I saw an article about what mighthappen to your dog if you are in a fatal or incapacitating accident. I copied the form suggested by thecolumnist and adapted it to suit myself. This form, filled out, goes on my refrigerator, into my wallet, intoa luggage tag attached to each crate, and into a notebook I keep in the car or motorhome that holds themedical information and rabies certificates for each dog, as well as a list of family and friends addressesand phone numbers. My veterinarian also has a copy of this form in my dogs files.Remember that many people do NOT want to pay for surgery or other emergency care for their dog thisis sometimes how we get a Pom into Rescue, and veterinarians can be reluctant to treat a dog extensivelyand expensively if no money will be forthcoming to pay for the treatment. This form can save your dogslifeIN CASE OF ACCIDENTIn an emergency, please notify __NAME_____________________at ____PHONE_________, or _______NAME_______________at _______PHONE_____________________.In the event that I, _________NAME__________________________,am incapacitated and unable to make my wishes known regarding my__COLOR BREED dog, NAME,please honor the following requests NAME is to be contacted as soon as possibleat PHONE . If she cannot be reached, contact _NAME_______atPHONE . All expenses for the dogs care will be guaranteed by them.2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1217 PM7944 4i i i i n 480 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWPerformance ContinuedIf the dog is not injured, she is to be cared for by the nearest reputableboarding kennel, and be kept in the best possible manner until arrangementscan be made to get him or her home.If the dog is injured, she is to be cared for by the nearest reputableveterinarian. I prefer that my veterinarian, _______NAME , becontacted at ________PHONE regarding decisions on the dogscare and treatment. This veterinarian will also be able to provide information about immunizations. If thedog is injured beyond all hope of recovery,she is to be humanely euthanized. In every case, the welfare of my dogis my primary consideration.TITLES, WE GOT TITLESAMERICAN KENNEL CLUBCompanion DogBritish Lane Sweet Surrender CD Corie Matt Gavin. 792007Byrdsongs Tinker Toy CD Linda James Byrd. 7212007Idlewyld Cameo CD RN Margaret R Mckee. 8312007Malashels Incredibly Irresistible CD RA Elaine Wishnow. 852007Companion Dog ExcellentPattybears Irish Dream CDX RE Eileen Stopa. 752007Utility Dog Excellent 4Gidgets Cinnamon Prince UDX4 RA Mike Smith Carolyn Smith. 772007Rally NovicePcs Little Two Tone Chevi CD RN Pamela W Neely. 852007Sunglos Havin A Black N Tan-Trum RN Tammee Dan Felix. 8122007Rally AdvancedHermes RA NJP Owned by Laverne Havelka. 7152007 ILPRise N Shines Hot Stuff RA Mrs. Kimberly Kay Thompson. 782007Serafinas Mickey Doodle Bug RA Kimberly K Brad Thompson. . 782007Tiny Tim Pendelton CGC UD RA Wendy Janet Donnelly. 712007Jan Les Makin Magic CD RA Jayne Hoemke Jane Lehtinen. 8112007Malashels Incredibly Irresistible CD RA Elaine Wishnow. 852007Rally ExcellentPomacres Iridescent Dragnfly RE AX AXJ Lois Fae Morkassel. 7212007Jan Les Makin Magic CD RE Jayne Hoemke Jane Lehtinen. 8262007Rally Advanced Excellent 2Sassy Girl Sheffield UDX RAE2 Lisa S Sheffield. Lisa L Tennyson. 7820072007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1217 PM804 i i i in4 44NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 81Performance ContinuedNovice AgilityCheris Lil Swee Pea NA NAJ Gena Zglinski. 7212007Sundowns Regina Elizabeth NA AXJ NJP Janice George Smith. 7142007Novice Agility PreferredVip-Odyssey Buttons Lil Beau NA OAJ NAP Kathy Flesner. 7282007Hermes RA NAP NJP Laverne Havelka. 8252007 ILPOpen AgilityChristannes CGs Jewel OA OAJ Cindy Dale. 712007Luvpoms Painted Gypsy CD OA OAJ Carlota Cloney. 8112007 ILPAgility ExcellentRavens Chain Reaction AX AXJ Kerry Lowrey. 7202007 ILPAgility Excellent PreferredPoolside Au Naturel OA OAJ AXP Susan R. Major. . 762007Novice Agility JumperCheris Lil Swee Pea NA NAJ Gena Zglinski. 7212007Sweet Daisy Mae NAJ Suzanne Terry Kimberly Terry. 7212007Little Candy Queen NAJ Candace Carolyn Lincoln. 8102007Sundowns Peekaboo At Janesa RE NAJ Jerrie Freia. 8192007Novice Agility Jumper PreferredFinchs Whirling Dervish CD RE AXJ NJP Paula Kerezsi. 7202007MACH Jan-Shars Dax Emmanuels Gift CDX NJP Carlota C Cloney 8112007Little Blackie SheLl B Ok NJP Melinda Ryba. 8252007Vip-Odyssey Buttons Lil Beau NA OAJ NAP NJP Kathy Flesner. 842007Open Agility JumperSkeeter Rose NA OAJ Robert L Shoop. 7192007Excellent Agility JumperRavens Chain Reaction AX AXJ Kerry Lowrey. 7202007 ILPValentines Cricket OA AXJ NF Terri Valentine. 8182007Master Excellent JumperCheris Bad Boy Brutus AX MXJ Michael Zglinski. 7192007Masquerade Parti Madison OA MXJ Melinda Ryba. 782007CH Carleez Crowd Pleaser MXJ Janice George Smith. 8182007Agility FAST NoviceMACH3 Bubbis Beauty CDX NF Jennifer Gitter. 7282007Little Miss Turbo CD MX MXJ NAP NJP NF Mona Gitter. 7272007Park Aves Lyn Large In Charge OA AXJ Saranan Tandberg. 72320072007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1217 PM814 i i i in4 4482 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWPerformance ContinuedAgility FAST OpenMACH2 Judys Itzy Bitzy Mitzi OF Judy Thompson. 842007Master Agility Champion 4MACH4 April May Wicket Moxon Todd K Moxon Gail L Donaldson. 782007Dogs now eligible for the APC Hall of Fame, a Historical Award.Dogs now eligible for the APC Gold Club, a Historical Award.To read about the requirements for these Historical Awards and how to submit your dog, go .American Pomeranian Club members are listed in bold print ILP dogs are usually Rescues. Only APCmembers for at least one year are eligible for Annual Awards Top Obedience Pom, Top Agility Pom,etc., and the relevant information must be submitted by the APC member. All Poms are eligible for theHistorical Awards.Congratulations to all who train, show, and title their Poms in the Companion EventsDont forget to send your own News and Views to Barbara McClatchey, 57 Poplar Court, Lake Jackson,TX 77566. Or call me at 979-297-7383. Or e-mail me Why not joinour e-group Brags and advice available at ActivePomeranian-subscribeyahoogroups.com2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1217 PM82Poonie was her affectionate nameCh. Janesa's Touched By An Angel her call to fame.Her smile, her coat, and especially her style,Will be with me for a very long while.My first Champion, she is sorely missed,May her heavenly rest be sunkissed.ElaineBESTVeteranTWIN BROOKS KENNEL CLUBI 204 JEAN EDWARDSMalashel Poms and Shelties - Elaine Wishnow718-891-34512351 E. 17th St., Brooklyn, NY 11229 malasheltiepomsmsn.comNOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 83Subscriptions6 issues per yearUSPS First Class...............................45.00USPS Bulk.........................................37.00CanadaMexicoPuerto Rico.............55.00Foreign.....................................100.00Single Issue.....................................10.00Back Issues....................................10.00 Advertising RatesFront Cover Color.......................600.00Back Cover Color.............................450.00Inside Front Cover Color................300.00Inside Front Cover BW..................125.00Inside Back Cover Color.................300.00Inside Back Cover BW.....................125.00Page 3, 4, 5, 6 Color........................300.00Page 3, 4, 5, 6 BW...........................125.00Center Spread BW........................250.00Full Page Deluxe Color.....................275.00Full Page BW...................................100.00Half Page Color................................150.00Half Page BW.................................60.00One Quarter Page Color.....................75.00One Quarter Page BW.......................40.00Business Card 6 ........Small 70, Large 100All ads include one photo. Additional color photos are 25each additional black and white photos are 10 each.SUPPORT THE APCSUPPORT THE REVIEWMail ad text, photos and payment toThe APC Pomeranian ReviewBrenda Segelken, Editor11139 E. Camelot Ave.Effingham, IL 62401-7460Or Email fame62401yahoo.comMake all checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club.DeadlinesAd Deadline IssueDec 1...............OBEDIENCE..............JanFebFeb 1.............................................MarAprilApril 1.............................................MayJuneJune 1................COLOR FEATURE...JulyAugAug 1.....ANNUAL STUD ISSUE..........SeptOctOct 1..................MEMORIAL ISSUE..NovDec.........official A. P. C. publication.........sent to Breed Group Judges.........reasonable rates.........quality reproductions.........only source of APC Archives.........provides APC news and reports.........APC Specialty coverage.........Regional Pom Club coverage.........obedience training information.........interesting, informativeEditor...........................................................................................................Brenda Segelken11139 E. Camelot Ave., Effingham, IL 62401 PH 217 347-5731 fame62401yahoo.comSubscription Manager.......................................................................Cheri McDonaldPO Box 3402, San Dimas, CA 91773 PH 909 394-7923Fax 909 599-4692 cheribachmanpoms.comProofreader...........................................................................................Cynthia LankfordAdvertisement Manager...................................................................................Joan Behrend6 Richmond Blvd., Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 PH 631 366-2330 mzjoanoptonline.netBusiness Card Manager.................................................................................Kathyrn Norem0599N 650E, Knox, IN 46534 PH 574 772-3910 ecpomsearthlink.netBrenda SegelkenJoan Behrend Kathy NoremThe Pomeranian ReviewCheri McDonald2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1217 PM83The Pcmeranian ReviewThe Official Publication of The American Pomeranian Club, Inc.v14fl84 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWContinued Pom Talk questions and comments may be found online at httpwww.MyFamily.comisapi.dll Members and friends may post answersand comments online or contact Roxanne Collins, 6405 W. 650N, Fair Oaks, IN 47943, Ph. 219 866-4464 or pommomnetnitco.netWith Roxanne CollinsAt what age do you start table training and how do you introduce table training to themThats easy. At about six weeks I say, Table, I would like you to meet puppy.Then I say, Puppy, I would like you to meet table. Now what is so hard about thatAnonymousI keep a table beside my computer with a non-skid mat on it I use the kind of mat you put in a bath tub. I always have adog sitting next to me when I am on the computer. From the time they are very small, 6-8 weeks old, they are used to beingon the table. They get attention and treats when they are up there, so they learn to like it. As soon as they are completelycomfortable being on the table, I start training to stack with treats. This usually starts about 10 or 12 weeks. If you hold apuppy with one hand on their chest and the other under their tail and bounce them lightly straight up and down on their fourfeet a couple of times, they will stand still easier. I am not sure why this works, but it almost always does. I use thecommand Wait or Stay. Once they hold still and look at the treat for even a split second, I am lavish with praise. Aftera couple of sessions, they usually hold a stack like they were made of stone.Carolyn Bonin, Rivendell Poms,I have started my babies at 8 weeks on the table and on the lead. I reward with food and lots of praise. My babies are in thekitchen where they get all kinds of exposure to noise and everyone in the family gives them hugs and lots of kisses. Whenthey graduate to free time in the living room they are encouraged to follow me for treats. Going to the lead is stress free andthe table is used just for stacking. I do nails and brushing with them in my lap. When they are around 4 months old we startgrooming on the table but nails are never done on the table. This has worked for me since my very first litter. My dogs arehappy and show it when it is time to start their show careers.Patricia Murk Pawegre PomeraniansI start mine on the table between 6-8 weeks, nothing serious, just start standing them on it and getting used to it. As they getolder I start putting the lead on and baiting with a little chicken.Linda Pelz, DreamWeaver PomsI start putting them up on EVERYTHING and making them stand while I look quickly at the teeth, I play with their paws alot also. I usually start this around six weeks. It does not really matter if they are show prospect or not. I feel that it shouldbe a very casual thing for all Poms to stand as they are placed for grooming and examination. As a matter of them learningpatience, everyone gets stacked on the washer and dryer, a bed, the grooming table etc. If there is a fear of heights, theyusually overcome it at an early age.Even if they do not have a future in the ring, your vet will appreciate it the most.I apply the same to dogs on the floor. No dog is allowed to rear up, or touch me if I am offering treats. If they stand backand look at me they get the treat.By the very nature of learning patience, you develop a self-stacking dog quickly.At this time my friend, Kathy teaches them to step forward or back with a simple hand signal that works great in the ring.Kelley Scott, Petite Acres Pomeranians2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1217 PM84I I I I NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 85Suggestions and techniques in this article are the opinion of each individual contributor. The American Pomeranian Club, Inc. and the Pomeranian Review does not endorseor recommend any procedure or accept responsibility of their use. Always consult a professional, legal council andor a licensed veterinarian.Pom Talk ContinuedSunshine RosesandSunshine and Roses are published free of charge. Contact Donna Machniak Phone 517 546-7446 or Email APC members addresses are published in the APC roster if you would like to send cards.The past year or so I have changed what I had done in the past. I have started working with the puppies very young. I placethem on a table as soon as they stand up and know what is going on. I check their bite and brush their tail and just holdthem there for a couple minutes.Depending on the puppy I advance forward to longer on the table and doing more.I also give them treats on the table and try to do nothing bad on the table at all. It does seem to help and yet I am sure it isnot a 100 foolproof thing.I try to do things more often and not for long periods of time. Puppies just cant sit still. LOL.Kay Chaney, Kayra PomsTable training begins long before my puppies get their eyes open. Sounds strange, huh It all begins with the Early NeurologicalStimulation process introduced by Carmen L. Battaglia, PhD. The methods were originally developed by the U.S. military intheir canine program called Bio Sensor, later known as the Super Dog Program. When beginning this method of stimulationat only 3 days of age, dogs tends to have superior advantage to non-stimulated pups in socialization and training throughoutlife. No, I dont begin to show-stack my puppies on the table at 3 days of age, however, by using the stimulation process theyare less stressed when table training, lead breaking, brushing, and it is a superb foundation on which to grow the show dogBrenda Segelken, Fame PomsOur question for the next issue will be... What is your vaccination protocol Do you give them by your standards, ordo you follow your vets advice when to vaccinatePlease respond via email . Thank you for your co-operation and answers to help me out along withyour fellow breeder.Continue to pray for Donna Riehms son, Jim who was in a serious motorcycle accident. Jim has been released torehab, but faces several operations in the future.Prayers go out to Charlotte Creeds brother who is ill.Sincere sympathy to Linda Jewel and family, her Mother passed away.Lavina Garton of Gartons Poms underwent breast cancer surgery, Vi was an APC member for many years and is afounder and life member of the Pomeranian Club of Central Virginia. Please join us in wishing her a speedy recovery.Prayers and sympathy go to Mark Ward and family. His dear Mother, who lived with them for the past 30 years and hispartner in Poms, passed away.Valerie Ogilvie is being sent prayers and well wishes for a speedy recovery from surgery.Keep Karen Wegg in your prayers for a speedy recovery. She fell down the steps of her motorhome and broke herkneecap in half.Well wishes and a speedy recovery go out to Darlyene Spann who is recovering from surgery.Sally Baugniets husband Richard is undergoing treatment. We pray for his complete healing.Shari Shields has had surgery and we pray for her continued healing.Jack Stone, husband of Leslie Stone passed away recently of a heart attack while playing golf. Our prayers are with thefamily.Judge and Pom fancier, Forrest McCoy underwent knee surgery. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.The family of Rich and Donna Machniak welcome a new grandson, born to their son Richard and wife Kelly. RichardAnthony arrived at 7lb 2oz and 20 inches long.Congratulations to Lane and Becky Jackson on becoming grandparents. Natalee Danielle Jackson was welcomed byAunt Julie, too.Congrats to Beth Shattuck and family on the new little red headed 7 lb 10 oz grandson born September 29.2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1217 PM85 INI i i i in86 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWJuniorJiveHi. My name is Rebecca Silverberg. I am14 years old and I live in southern California in thedesert resort area of Palm Desert. My mom and Ihave had Poms for 7 years now. I live with mytwo older brothers who are 15 and 17. I also haveanother brother who is 26, but doesnt live with usAt what age did you begin to show inJunior Showmanship I started showing in juniorsin the summer of 2006 prior to my 13th birthday.My first experience at showing was not a positiveone. I trained the dog for three months everyday.We would go to malls parks, etc. She walkedperfectly and baited perfectly. When we got to theshow she didnt walk or move a foot. It was reallyupsetting for me and I didnt want to go back. I was entered the next day but I didnt go due to me being so upset Itwasnt until November when I returned to the ring for a comeback I had a different dog. I won my class both daysand it made my feelings about showing more positive. I am currently the 3 Pomeranian Junior Handler and mystats tell me I have 92 points nowWhywhat made you want to go into the junior ring Why a Pom I wanted to show in juniors and in breedbecause I watched some shows and it interested me very much. How I started with Pomeranians It was due to mymother owning and breeding Poms as a hobby so it all kind of went hand in hand .She had bred and shown Arabianhorses for 15 years prior to getting PomsWhat are your plansgoals in life In the future, I would like to attend college. Im not sure, at this point,what the future will be for me. However I know that I want to keep showing dogs for as long as I can because I loveit and wish there was a show everydayHave you helped breedwhelp litters I have helped breed and whelp several litters and I know its reallyhard and the breed has many problems associated with breeding but I love raising the puppies.What is the hardestrewarding part of showing in Junior Showmanship Since then Ive been to manyshows and I love them more and more every single time . Sometimes its really hard to walk out of the ring withnothing and work so hard to see the others win but most of them deserve their win and I dont give up. I always havethe next show to work for. Ive met many wonderful people at the shows and on the Internet so its almost like afamily to me. Showing dogs gives you such a great social life, alsoWho are your best friends in the junior scene Tell us what you do at the shows in the off time. A few of myfriends are from the message board as well as people I met at the show. In the off-times, Im trying to helpRebecca Silverberg2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1218 PM8644t A\4A1fHI4i i i i n 4 iini^HNOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 87others or talk to people associatedwith dogs. Its a full day. Its fun aswell as hard work, but I love it. Youhave to be hardworking and verydedicated to be in this business.What iswas your favoritedog to show in Juniors and why Myfavorite dog to show is our littleParker daughter FINCHSSWEET TALKIN PARTI whomwe got from Diane Finch. She has awonderful attitude and she loves toshow. I am very thankful to have heras my juniors dog because shehappens to have a lot of patience forthe juniors ring. I know for somedogs its hard to have the kind ofpatience to show all day, so I amvery thankful to have her It is hardto show Poms in juniors. Theyhappen to be very long classes and it can be very competitive. Its difficult to compete with the large breeds in juniorsbecause most judges wont even look at the junior with the little dog. So it can be very hard for me but then Ill geta time where Ill suddenly get a 2nd, 3rd or 4th placement out of 15 juniors. Then Ill be surprised but I guess it alldepends on the judge. And sometimes us show people can underestimate ourselves. To me this happens to be a fact.We have to understand that we never know what a judge is going to pick. We have to understand that we are notalways going to win and not always going to lose. Everyone gets their chance to get what they want. We just haveto be patient with ourselves and I know that many people can feel like just giving up because of this reason. But youcant give up. I learned in this business not to give up no matter what because I could lose everything for one yearstraight. And after all that I could suddenly get BJH, BOB or BIS. Then all the suffering and frustration will all beworth it because all I needed was one win, just one to make me happy Showing dogs requires a lot of patience. I would like to give thanks to many of my friends. I would first like to say thanks to Diane Finch forproviding me with a juniors dog. A thanksto Leesa Molina, Diane Dawson, AlaneLevinsohn, Amanda Seitzer, Tish Cannonand Al Lapuz for supporting me. And aspecial thanks to Diane Finch and Al Lapuzfor sponsoring me into the AmericanPomeranian Club.Hopefully my story has giveninsight to others thinking about showingand I hope you enjoyed it We welcomeyour thoughts or comments on our web siteat Please contact us, evenjust to say, Hi.Very truly yours,Rebecca Silverberg2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1218 PM87 INI 4 i i i in4Lr6-9 MONTHS OOG-' - SAN FERNANDOKENNEL CLUBHCU.CNMTWIvifc.v Wi 'AA'Wmm.jw MVvFIRST NOVICE m JUNIOR HANDLE^ORANGE EMPIFCLUBf.-iJ.4488 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW E. Katie Gammill - Lerna, Illinoisindcrk13011consolidated.netwww.indiancreekshelties.comA TIMEFOR ALLSEASONSIt is never easy to make a final decision for your pet.When we choose to accept pets into our household, we alsochoose to eventually make a decision as to their quality oflife. This is extremely difficult.However, as difficult as we find it is to let our pets go, it is even harderfor the person watching the light fade from their eyes as life slowly ebbs away.This responsibility and courtesy, we owe our pets. The sick and feeble deserveto be relieved of their pain.Last weekend was one of such a dreaded decision. Our house petIndian Creek Energizer Bunny went to her final resting place. Bunny wasapproaching 15 years old. My constant companion for all these years, it wasno longer an option to keep her alive for ME She turned her nose up atsliced wieners, raw venison, her favorite Pedigree, chicken, rice, and otherspecial offerings. She even lost her taste for fried fish. That was when weknew. My husband of 50 years explains he did it for me. I understand this.That Thursday I bathed and blew Bunny dry. I cuddled her before leaving tojudge the dog shows that weekend. My heart broke as I walked away, knowingBunny was fading fast. It was just a matter of time.It is normal procedure to locate favorite toys and blankets as timeshortens. Bunny, being deaf and blind, had few teeth left. We did the Rimadylroute and ceased heartworm and flea treatments. Her life was a delicatebalance and they seemed to have an adverse effect. As many small breeds do, her trachea began to collapse. She chokedand spit up. We at one time called Bunny Old Iron Kidneys. Now herfastidious potty habits were slipping. Her breathing was distressed and wesuspected heart problems. Despite her infirmities, she continued to be alphabitch to the end.My husband and I often discussed it was almost Bunnys time.However, upon my arrival home, the fact it was over and done, stunned me.Greeted by a stressed out husband, he said to me, This was a bad weekendTo begin with, the neighbors cat whotends to gamble on nine lives with aflagrant disregard that amazes us all,crawled up to sit on my husbandstruck tire and ended up with a brokenleg. This same neighbor asked myhusband to take their goat to the vet.Complying with their wishes, the goatdied before he could get it there.Some friends boarded a racemare on our farm for close to 30years. Mels deteriorated conditionand painful movements when she didmove prompted my husband to callthe vet. There were bad days and gooddays for both Mel, and Bunny.Recently, the bad outweighed thegood.Upon examination, the vetassured my husband this is thehumane decision. Mels owners hadbeen concerned regarding her welfarefor some time. They discussed thiswith my husband. He assured them,when the time came, he would do whatwas necessary to alleviate her pain. While here, my husband2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1218 PM88i i w mw.' JNOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 89asked the vet to examine Bunny. Hisprognosis was grave. Bunnys timewas now. Thus, my husband, at theveterinarys suggestion, made thefinal decision and both animals diedwith dignity. Digging a large holewith the backhoe to bury MelaniesPride, she lies next to Jalapeno Rose,another race mare we boarded foryears for the same people. A largerock with Mels name marks her finalresting place.My husband also dug asmaller grave for Bunny. It is next toPoco Bolo de Fuego, Bunnys lifetimebuddy. They rest near the pond underthe oak tree with all our furry friends.My husband engraved two smallstones to mark their graves. Granted,this week has been extremely toughfor all concerned.Personally, I feel any time ananimal remains on his or her own turfwhen death is imminent is a plus.There is comfort in familiarsurroundings. They avoid the stressof waiting in a veterinarians office.Sitting on the floor that evening, ourdogs gathered around my husband.They sensed the loss. Dynamics werechanging. When it comes time for myhusbands beloved cattle dogs to go, Iam the person taking them to the vetfor euthanasia. They return home. Webury them with the rest under the bigtree. This is our gift to each other.We each must find our ownway. My friend has a Germanshepherd and Golden. Both well upinto years, they came down withcancer. Both are treated with chemoand radiation. She keeps them on aBarf diet and wraps herbs, vitamins,and medication into cheese balls.Having her yard sprayed yearly, toolate she learns chemicals can triggercancer. Perhaps a certain amount ofguilt enters in to this situation,however, being a nurse, nurturer, andtown person, she looks at lifedifferently.There is an old saying, Anyday above ground is a good day Iam not convinced of that. After thousands of dollars in treatment at theUniversity of Illinois, the old Golden looks at me with pleading eyes, beggingto be relieved of her suffering and pain. The German shepherd breaks down inthe rear quarters. Temporarily cancer free, he now has neurological problems.The Chihuahua perks right along with an occasional bout with kidneys due toteeth going bad, a plague to toy dogs. My friend pulls rugs up from the floordue to incontinence. She builds special steps and takes precautions for safety.The dogs plug along, day after painful day. I do not know the answers. I amnot sure who she is doing this for, her beloved pets, or herself. I do not makejudgments. I simply sympathize and ride with her to the University for theanimals treatments.Country folks like us live with life and death on a daily basis. Wewatch wounded wild animals struggle to exist. We see the balance of nature.We understand survival of the fittest. There IS a time for all seasons. Weaccept the inevitability of the death of all Gods living creatures, both largeand small. Quality of life is very important to us. We do not like to watch thewalking wounded and are often relieved when a coyote dispenses the finalcourtesy.I am not convinced there is a right or wrong way. Each person mustlook death in the face and make the decision for him or herself. There is noeasy way. I recall Bunny standing and barking at my reading chair for herdinner. I was NOT sitting in it. I was in the kitchen. She merely saw thereading light on and smelled my presence. It was heartbreakingly funny. Ipicked her up and directed her to her waiting food bowl. How she knew whenI moved from one room to another, I will never understand. I would leave thecomputer room and go into the living room. Shortly after, she would shuffle inand lie at my feet.I still look for Bunny. No longer will her little fuzzy butt sit on mysurge protector and shut down my computer. The wind no longer blowsthrough her brilliant red coat. Yet, somehow I know she will wait for ussomeday with all the other furry Indian Creek animals. Free from pain, hereyes will sparkle. Without a doubt, when she arrives, this 13 sheltie willestablish her position of alpha bitch and rule the others with her tiny ironpaw.One cannot replace a friend such as Bunny. When people come to meto buy a new puppy with pictures of their faithful companion, I suggest theybuy another color and sex. There is no way another dog will fill the pawprints of something so loved. We should not even try. We should value everyanimal for his or her uniqueness. Bunny is gone now. In my litter of 3-weekoldshelties, there is a tiny male. He snuffles with a cold, the rest are thriving.He is worming his way into my heart with his courage and determination tolive a full life. My husband sees it coming. He says, Here we go again. Iguess it wont eat too much. These words have a familiar ring. I heard themonce before, so many years ago. Rest well, old friend. We miss youdreadfully.In honor of Indian Creek Energizer BunnyThe tide recedes and leaves behind bright seashells on the sand,The sun goes down, but gentle warmth still lingers over land.The music stops, the melody goes on in sweet refrain.For everything that passes, something beautiful remains.Author unknown2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1218 PM89m90 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWSaturday dawned bleak and rainy, but theAmerican Kennel Club had already emailedeveryone to let us know that theevent was on. So we loaded the car withdogs, supplies, food and were off.Daniel Yona, Fran Zozzaro and I ElaineWishnow arrived around 930 A.M. Ourtable was set about one half hour later.AKC Responsible Dog Ownership DaySeptember 15, 2007New York City, Madison Square ParkSubmitted by Elaine WishnowTo get into the mood, we had a visit fromthe event mascot who took photos with us.Everything looked terrific the displayboard, the handouts, the fancy crate forthe girls and the magazines, thankfullysupplied by Sharon and Brenda.The sun came out by the time the eventofficially opened so we had many visitorsthroughout the day. They enjoyed takingphotos with the dogs and we had oohsand ahhs continuously. The photo of theGirls scouts appeared on the AKCwebsite.Some people came with Poms they hadrescued from deplorable situations.Some came with their Poms stylishlydressed in Teeshirts, doggles and caps.Many had their Poms in doggie strollers.2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1218 PM90ViNOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 91We had a few people who came with theirdogs purchased from APC Members.We had many prospective Pom buyers.We discussed owning a Pom with them,gave them a handout and a magazine.They often made the rounds of the parkand then came back to us again.There were many fun events anddemonstrations to keep us entertained.Daniel and I entered a musical chairscontest. The object was to have the dogsitting as we sat. I went first and camein 2nd of 12 with Meg Great Rivers MegRules Malshel CD, RE, CGC, TDI.Daniel then borrowed Abbie MalashelsIncredibly Irresistible CD, RE, CGCand proceeded to take first place and avery nice prize package. Indy Ch.Subers Indy Nile DMalashel andLebron Ch. Zorros Lebron Jamesresponsibly held down the fort.There were veterinarians providingdiscounted microchipping which Frantook advantage of for Lebron. One ofthe vets gave a very informative andinteresting lecture concerningvaccinations and nutrition. Throughoutthe day there were Obedience, Rally andAbility demonstrations. I tried to get themto let Meg work the Rally course, butshe had the whole thing pre-scripted. Ohwell, maybe next year.We left exhausted, but felt that this wasa day spent in a very worthwhile way.We introduced the Pom to a variety ofpeople and had some fun at the sametime.2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1219 PM91 INI 4 i i i in49ifc. 3t'VtJ\w6rj. V8 4'asmb4492 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWADVERTISING RATESFull Page Color 275.00Full Page Black White 100.00Half Page Color 150.00Half Page Black White 60.00Fourth Page 40.00All ads include one photo.SUBSCRIPTION RATESUSPS First Class 45USPS Bulk 37Foreign 100Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico 55Single Issue 10For more information contact217 347-5731fame62401yahoo.comRegional Pomeranian Club Specialty coming events arepublished free of charge. For updates and regional clubcontact information go to the APC website at httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgCOMING EVENTSKENNELVisitsMARGARET MCKEEIDLEWYLD POMSAND A SPECIAL MYSTERY VISIT Please contact the Editor to nominate candidates forupcoming APC Kennel Visits. Send information toThe Pomeranian Review, Brenda Segelken, Editor,11139 E. Camelot Ave., Effingham, IL 62401 or phone217-347-5731. Email fame62401yahoo.comJANFEB 2008DEADLINE DEC 1, 2007Feb. 15, 2008 - Nor Cal Toy DogFanciers, Judge Cathy Gish,Sweeps Del RichardsonFeb. 16, 2008 - Nor Cal Toy DogFanciers, Judge Erika Moureau,Sweeps Julianne KowalskyFeb. 16, 2008 Sat night - NorCal Pom Club, Judge MichaelHaeflinFeb. 17, 2008 - Santa ClaraValley KC, Judge Rodney HernerFeb. 18, 2008 - Santa ClaraValley KC, Judge Sherry SwansonNor Cal and Santa Clara Show SecMBF at, Nor Cal PomShow Secretary Lorie Abbott, 9 - 12, 2008 AmericanPomeranian Club National,Louisville, KentuckyNATIONALDATES TO REMEMBER2008 National Specialty Datesto rememberTrophy SponsorshipDeadline to be listed inPremium List isNovember 16, 2008Deadline to be listed in theCatalogJanuary 23, 2008Catalog Advertising CloseJanuary 28, 2008Show Close DateFriday February 15, 2008For the first time ever, we aretrying a new fundraiser for the2008 National. We will have 50ringside front row seatsreserved for people who buythem at 50 per seat, for allthree days. First-come, firstserved.Payment to be sent toErika Moureau, Treasurer.ATTENTIONRESERVED SEATINGON SALE FORTHE 2008APC NATIONALRESERVE YOURSEATS NOWCORRECTION SEPTOCT 2007POM REVIEWCarol and Rebecca Silverbergwere omitted in the APC MembershipList. We apologize.2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1219 PM92 INI i i i inVNOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 93SChampion PomeraniansN6603 Forest Ct., Holmen, WI 54636PH 608 526-1051 sandpomscharter.nethttpwww.sandpoms.comandpomsSJandraohnsonPomsPARKVENUEATom Wilson916-689-1222SACRAMENTO, CAparkavepomsyahoo.comPUPPIES OCCASIONALLY AVAILABLE2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1219 PM93 4- i i i i nEvensong PomeraniansKevin and ^HTeresa WhitePortland, Oregon 503 314-9026 www.evensongpoms.comCH EVENSONG WIN N FOR Z GIPPERarOChelSpecializing in Parti and Parti-factored Pomeranians4ACH Chrissy CH Gunner ROM CH Chelanes Simply Irresistible CH Finch's Peacemaker Parti ROMElaine Waugh www.chelanes.netCH Chelanes Peace Keeper Parti CH Chelanes Remington Steele CH Keeper CH RemyV___j mV."rr\Linda Pelz - Tx254 420-1724Michael Wells - Ml616 844-4217Champion Stud ServicePuppiesAdults Occasionally Show Handlingwww. dream weaverpoms. comLnCueva KennelESSBBSmSIrm j i Sherrilynn I. RopersBreeding for Quality, Not Quantityouter vtiaiisLTT801.756.2092 ialoipoiisfltt .not we thyroid, OFA Cerf our poms494 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWWhere Type,Quality andSoundnessCountCheri McDonaldcheribachmanpoms.comwww.bachmanpoms.com909-394-7923Southern CaliforniaPINECREST KENNELSChampionPomeraniansandManchesterTerriersCatherine2404 Reg. Road 57Bowmanville, ON LIC www.manchesterterriers.ca905 697-2488Bolahood818 352-9536website ShowcasePoms.comPomeraniansShowcaseHome of ExceptionalPomeranian DogsAlane LevinsohnShowcase PomeraniansPom ReviewSubscriptionsand Back Issuesmake great gifts.Order online today atamericanpomeranianclub.org2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1219 PM94 INI i i i inmWINNER .jL 4'POSIT' XjfrJoan C. Bekrend.Long Island, New Yi631 366-2330ashbey PUBISS Ck. Lil Bekrs Tkumbelina GClittpw^w^eocitie^SwlilLelii's_5onis Handling Services - Limited Boarding AvailableiI Randy Buske I BreederExhibitorI Member American Pomeranian Club Puget Sound Pomeranian ClubP.O.Box 2408 Buckley, WA 98321360 897-2163 253 www.Randyspoms .comaV Ml4 .. L4m. amm m i.-ft 'JiL' r nr..packman Tometanza^CARLEEZ POMSCarol LeemhuisPittsburgh, PAHome 412 344-8257 r Cell 412 848-6987 J. www.carleezpoms.comHome of picturedBISS Ch. Sundown's Hide N Zeke, CD, ROM, GCSpoiled companions, conformation, obedience and agility PomsANOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 95ShyacresProfessional HandlingAudrey M RobertsAlvin, Texas - Houston Areawww.shyacres.comaudreyshyacres.comPhone 713 204-7225Assisted by Jessica JohnsonBI-MARPOMERANIANSBIS, BISS, ROMX, HOF, GCCH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KIDMARY A ROSENBAUM145 Fay RoadChehalis, WA 98532-9204phone 360 767-0104fax 360 767-0105email Harris20 Oakcrest AvenueMiddle Island NY 11953631-205-5223tresspomshotmail.comAvalonCh. Avalons Prince Matchabelli MonteStarfires Conan the Barbarian xAvalons Queen NefertitiAnnette Eric Davis208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792email infoavalonpom.comweb site www.avalonpom.comQuality, lovingly raised puppies.Inquiries welcome.Pomeranians2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1219 PM95 yenuwane\^POMERANIANS REG'DJEN HRYNIUK3789 ROUTE I22NORTII LAKENEW BRUNSWICKCANADA E6U2H6 506-894-2225httpJenuwanepoms.tripod.comPoms With Designer Genes Since 1973^DwenaUattV1 T^ j -Hlifyoe tywette DaMy314 397-5606V.O. Sax 115 TKcucautaA, 9A 62255 iaaet^aml954^foAaa. cam96 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWMountain View PomeraniansPat and Roger DagueP O Box 209, Stuarts Draft, VA 24477Phone 540-337-2965Champion Regmars Mtn ViewStars ShineTHE POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.SUBSCRIPTIONSPER YEARPUBLISHED BI-MONTHLYSubscription CardSUBSCRIPTION MANAGERCHERI MCDONALDPO Box 3402San Dimas, CA 91773Phone 909 394-7923 Fax 909 599-4692Email cheribachmanpoms.comNAMESTREET ADDRESSCITY, STATE, ZIP CODE, COUNTRYPHONE NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESSCREDIT CARD NUMBER EXP DATE CID NUMBERCARD HOLDER SIGNATURE DATE45 First Class USPS37 Bulk USPS55 CanadianMexico100 ForeignDel-May PomeraniansDeborah K. Barrett2035 MapledaleFerndale, MI 48220Phone 248 546 6554 Email delmay1wowway.com2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1220 PM96mr 4 I I I ITT4fi,twL V A aute fpiMsaiHffittBiBrmfikisflinn.. xAyumi Pomeranianswv .Amy Tsay BreederExhibitor PCCV - Recording Sec4,rr434 589-3652 Lake Monticello, VA S'WWW.AYUMI-POMS.COMAYUMI.POMSGMAIL.COM44NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 97FabyanPomsAlice R. Carlson6009 Edgewater DriveCorpus Christi, TX 78412361-991-5410361-993-4059fabyanpomssbcglobal.netDiane L. FinchCH PUFPRIDES SWEET DREAMS CH FINCHS CHARS MAKIN WAVES PARTICHPARKERCHSPLASHPhone 985 384-7466Fax 985 384-8628www.janesa.comJerrie Freia1072A Landry LaneMorgan City, LA 70380PomeraniansJanesaBred for beauty and soundness of body and mindDiane L. Finch28453 530 th Avenue, Kelley, IA 50134 - Phone 515 - www.finchspoms.comDeJay PomsBIS, BISS CH. FIREBROOKS TABASCO FIASCOTobyDonna MachniakBreederHandlerGroomer517-546-7446www.dejaypoms.comDana CoventryManagerOwner248-258-9259Attorney at Lawfor the Sport of Dogs2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1220 PM97 4 i i i i nMILL AMOR POMSKen and Eleanor Miller870 Jersey Church Road, Lexington, NC 27292 Ph 336-245-9010 Email poms870earthlink.netBreeding again. Puppies avaiCaSCe to Coving Homes.Pauh PrintPernsSI, Sherry AlspaushPoonville, IN 4761 I Ph. 812 925 6477 paughprintiiomspeoplepc.comL7rFinch's Pomeranians Ltd.w\ElL498 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1220 PM98M ' 1iismitcnePOMEBMWW0ifiPSBitchpuppvjajgjSgggIntroducing Majestic's Oh Jackie shown winning 1st place, puppy bitch 6 to 9 sweepstakes at Houston Nationals.Thanks to Judge Audrey Roberts. Owned, loved and shown by CharAtnip Prize Pomeranians LLC 361-946-1187Thank you . . .Annette Rister, Charlotte Creed, Brenda and Terry Turnerfor allowing us to haveMajestic's Oh Jackie.She's a winner with coat, great charter, blood line and attitude. She's a joy to own and show.Thank you for your continued support and encouragement both in and out of the ring.Char Cliff Atnip Prize Pomeranians LLCwww.charatnip.com361-946-1187wM MmW- 1V_A3inppif Molidaif i pawi ffielatwi J' Member American Pomeranian Club and Columbia Pomeranian Club3 Generations of OFACERF Champions. Top 10 CH Belstar's Sweet November at Stud.Specializing in Quality Ice White Poms. Also, Cream, Cream Sable, Orange, Orange Sable and Black and Tan.White Male available DOB 32907NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 992007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1220 PM99rmsr NEW CHAMPIONBJRBANK KEWNEL C_Ufm "r.atoms by4 n m4m Pomeranians ]e p\e3eed "to present our first championv AtTfJfy-.'' After joining our family ess than a year ago, "Devo finished his t'v W championship at the Burbank Kennel Club show under Judgetr Sandra Goose Allen. Devo was owner-handled with a little help.f from our friends first point with Janet Ponstler and four-point 1irjvLi major with Curtiss Smith.We thank the following judges for recognizing our boy's quality Wanda SpediaccL Lorraine Boutwell, Bette Krause.. Terry Lyddon and Sandra Goose Allen. Also., special thanks goes to Janet Ponstler, Tammee Felix, Curtiss Smith and Jerrie Freia.Congratulations to Rebecca Silverberg on your feature. Youve come a long way and we wish you continued success^3 ^ Lindsey Lori KamrathH, Janesa's A Black N Tan AffairCH. Janesa's Hurray x Janesa's Goodness 5akes Alivewww.bluemoonpomeraniane. com4 4Tresstique Pomer, V- iBEST OF OPPOSITEvr niA.4IP Jakens Classique of Jan-LePictured with Judge Shirley ThomasaniansWish all Pom fanciers a Happy and Healthy Holiday Season.ClassyCongratulations Chuck and Randy of Her Majesty Poms. I had a great time with you guys at the National. Can't wait to see you again this MarchBonnie Harristresspomshotmail.com631-205-52234100 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWWe salute the courageous men,women and their families of ourarmed forces. May they be safeand protected from all harm.Let freedom ring2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1220 PM100 4 i i i i n4 C77BSIBi9- 4,RivendellPomeraniansCarolyn Bonin4013 Windswept Dr Madison, Al, 35757 Ph 256-830-0897www.knology.netbonincRivendell.htmBISS Ch Rivendell Applauds Janesa "Baxter"\alashelPoms and ShelliesElaine Wishnow718-891-34512351 E. 17th St. Bklyn, NY 11229 Home of quality Poms and Shelties1tftlisSIIfloiMfaM 0ie4tMulti Group Winning BISS Champion Mountain Crest JJDavid Carlene GilstrapP.O.Box 22442 Chattanooga, TN 37422 Phone 423-987-0266 E-Mail dcgilstrapaol.comIDREAMKATCHERStoy dog SHOW leadsDEBBIE CABBP 0 BOX 67 TIMNATH, CO 80547970 472-1830hftpdreamkatchersleads.tripod.com0 Q eonTZ1-Ron Irene Smith3388B Merlin Rd 356, Grants Pass, OR 97526 541-955-5301 - JS4NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 101A REFLECTION ON THE WATERSGreggory S. WatersCharlene R. Waters801-597-3869shimmeree.charlenegmail.comQuality PomeraniansG2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10152007, 1256 AM101SINCITr pcmsJohn Michele Arvanites North Las Vegas, NV 702-363-8458 sincitypoms.comLil-Ponderosa Poms, Red'dfr \iM.ftCSSmRon Sherry CartwrightPhone 715 874-6936 Email Website httpwww.lilponderosapoms.com1f.M0CowCene - ^JL eahraPomeraniansJLrCene Otaguro HazeC MiCCer Gto6in tWatana6eJlr-Dan's grooming SaCon Phone 808-593-2322 -yggcatshawaii.comSoFine PomsManj LatimerwwwsofinepomsjcommarEjllmac.com979-690-7179am.wn__ _ _ _ _ _ _ HHMHCh. Moss Meadows Precious LokiMoss MeadowsPomeraniansGina 901 674-0449 dyemossaol.comLoki is owned by Michelle WilhoiteKIMPOSSIBLE POM...dreams make all things possible.MMSugarLamb Poms9JT "Ben" Lee-Ann Lambertt Where You Been l My Love o LenelleBill and Kim CrutchfieldP.O.Box 2917, Riverside. CA 92516951 313-9652 website www.kimpossiblepom.commcqlnl21.comwww.sugarlamb.ca_ iPBIS CH. IOLVIN HOT ON YOUR HEELS102 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10152007, 1256 AM102rrrr 4You only get one chance to make a good first impression,Siren's First ImpressionLynnwrights Pom Travolta x Suber's Nefertiti in D'NileBESTPUPPYWk W\-ENNRIDGEkennelCLUBAugi1th 2007E Rob Gerity PUPPYGROUPPLACING Vf, md i "\Kmm1stl puppy Dog 6-9K9 PhotograPhyby PatWItte.BEST OF BREED OR VARIETYBERKS COUNTY KENNEL CLUBTOM DIGIACOMO--l4Ichi,pictured here at almost 9 months of age has been a very busy boy in his first few months in the show ring- Reserve Winners Dog Best Puppy - Mrs. Kathleen M. Grosso - Toy Puppy Group 4th Place - Mrs. Wendy G. Willhauck- 1st in the 6-9 mos. Regular Puppy Class at APC Specialty underBreeder Judge Mr. Darryl Baker - Best of Breed - Dr. Harry Smith - Match Toy Group 1st Place - Mr. Al Ferruggiaro - Winners Dog - Mrs. Carole A. Beattie- Best of Breed over Specials - Ms. Christine Saylers AndersonBe sure to check out Ichis blog on his website for updatesOur love and empathy to Sue Berney for her loss of BIS BISS AMBERCAN CH Suber Presents Atom Ant ROM.I have loved Atom since the moment I saw him and I am so honored that Sue allowed TiTi Atoms Daughter to grace our home and produce this beautiful boy pictured above. I only hope he can carry on the legacy of his amazing grandfather. ^Breeder Lorelei Sibet.. Owners Lorelei Sibet Suzanne Berney Lorelei SibetSiren Pomeranians .. www.sirenpoms.comfirstimpressionTNOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 1032007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10152007, 1256 AM103I II II m.Sr. 3HIhVnirritiW5 - 2005- Clrilii- , mt-, A I ttbl r rv NJ- 114 ' kcitV' AJBE jninniFwi JLBREEDWi KENNEiTZTTT'r-n-r-t XJHNASHetY A.Jyi.'jaw"W--cAuffm' -.GROUP PLACINGfcOSOUTH HILLSKENNEL CLUB, INC.THE FORSYTH SAGAJana 23,2001 JC PhotobMrs. Joan P. Scott - Atom's Very First Show Top Left Mrs. Robert S. Forsyth - Atom Mid-Career Above Mr. J.R. Pelatzky-Atom's Last Show Bottom LeftSPECIALTYSuber Pomeranians - Suzanne Berney - subertoyscomcast.net104 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAlspaugh, Sherri.........................................97Arvanites, John and Michele................................101Atnip, Char...................................................98Barrett, Deborah...........................................96Beard, Lavonne...........................................6Beech, Melv and Joan ........................................2Behrend, Joan..............................................94Berney, Suzanne............................................103Bolahood, Catherine..............................10, 94Bonin, Carolyn..................................................100Brandenburg, Carolyn.....................................59Buske, Randy.....................................................94Carlson, Alice.................................................97Carr, Debbie................................................100Cartwright, Ron and Sherry...............................101Collins, Roxanne..........................................37Coventry, Dana..................................................97Cox, Marcia..................................................109Crawford, Karen................................................43Crutchfield, Bill and Kimberly............................101Dague, Roger and Pat..........................................96Dally, Joe and Janette.................................95Davis, Annette and Erik..............................95Domrase, Alden and Janet...........................100, 106Felix, Dan and Tammee.................................25Finch, Diane.......................................................97Freia, Jerrie..................................................97Gilstrap, David and Carlene..........................100, 107Girth, Latesha....................................Back CoverGriffith, Ken and Eleanor.................................7Gross, Diana.................................................98Hansen, Sharon.............................................11Harris, Bonnie.............................................95, 99Hirschberg, Jackie.........................................110Houston, Randy...............................................15Hrynuik, Jen.................................................95Inglett, Noble................Front Cover, 12, Back CoverJackson, Rebecca.........................................56, 57Johnson, Sandra..............................................93Johnston, Bronya.........................................55Kamrath, Lori and Lindsey................................99Koga, Margo..............................Front Cover, 12Lambert, Lee-Ann...................................2, 101Latimer, Mary......................................................101Lau, Roger.........................................................27Leemhuis, Carol............................................94Lewis, Linda Sue..........................................55Levinsohn, Alane.....................................35, 94Machniak, Donna.................................................97Marsh, Charlene.................................................94McDonald, Cheri.............................................28, 94McFarlane, John and Pauline..................................43McKee, Margaret.........................................35Miller, Ken and Eleanor................................97Miller, Hazel..............................................101Minor, Brenda.................................................55Moore, Barbara..................................................55Moss, Gina................................................101Norem, Kathryn..............................................14, 100Oganeku, Clarice and Yvette..........................8, 9Ohlemacher, Paula..................................................96Otaguro, Arlene...........................................101Pelz, Linda.....................................................93Pom Club of Central Indiana...............................106Reimschiissel, Kelly..............................................93Roberts, Audrey.......................................................95Rogers, Sherrilynn.............................................26Rosenbaum, Mary.................................................95Rothell, Terry........................................................24Sibet, Lorelei......................................................102Sisneros, Geno..............................................21, 22, 23Smart, Norma....................................................108Smith, Ron and Irene..........................................100Smith, Janice...........................................3, 4, 5Tsay, Amy........................................................96Watanabe, Robin...........................................101Waters, Gregg and Charlene...............................101Waugh, Elaine.........................................................93Wells, Mike....................................................93White, Teresa..............................................................93Whittemore, Chuck..............................................15Wibono, Wahyuni Lan......................................111Wilson, Tom.....................................................93Winkels, Joyce.................................................105Wishnow, Elaine..............................................82, 100Wright, Donna Lynn.............................................13Yona, Daniel........................................................58Zech, Tom and Diane...........................................972007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10152007, 1256 AM104II I I HI I XMAS I I Ml M Al 11 MSI I INDEX^mn i i i inADVERTISERSBACK ISSUESTo order back issues, mail check pay to APC to The Pomeranian Review co Brenda Segelken 11139 E. Camelot Avenue, Effingham, IL 62401 Phone 217-347-5731, e-mail Order online at Please specify the issue.Jan. 75, Oct. 77, May 79, April 80 20.00August 1997 15.00All other available back issues 10.00INFCBMATICNThe Pomeranian Review ISSN 0744-8546 is published and edited bi-monthly in Effingham, Illinois by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 37 per year USPS Bulk and 45 per year USPS First Class. First Class rates apply to USA and APOs. Canada, Mexico and Puerto Rico subscriptions are 55.00 per year U.S.A. funds only.The American Pomeranian Club and Editor are not responsible for the contents, accuracy of articles and advertisements, or the opinions expressed by authors. Per APC Standing Rule The Editor can refuse any ad. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the APC or editor.Reproduction in whole or part is strictly prohibited. Permission to reproduce is available only from the publishereditor. Display advertisements consisting of typesetting, artwork and layouts may not be used without written permission from the editor. Original artwork is sole property of the editor.4NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 1052007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10152007, 1257 AM1054m m m m4wJE'.II IX nrALTY ' BREFC v V41101 SP-rC'ALTrUAH'KhR4Ivlo4ZW - 0105Z00TOur once In a lifetime dog...Fred, owned and loved b[ Zfean F-. Hanle and dbyce . Winfcels On a happier note, we send congratulations to our good friend Fat MurK, Fawegre Foms, on the occasion of her Kennel Visit.Jo[ce MnKelsT106 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWJanuary February2008Pom Reviewwill highlightPERFORMANCEPOMSJanuary February2008Pom Reviewwill highlightPERFORMANCEPOMS2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10152007, 1259 AM106 INI 4 n i i i iN E CHAMPIONBEST OF BREEDVARIETY'tma-Mid-KentuckyfeKi4anksto the judges at "The Blue Grass Classic Mrs. Glenda P. Dawkins Mrs. Peggy A. Hogg Mr. Robert Stein Mr. Edmund R. SledzikIpCorigrats to honored people in this issueI Raficly Houston Chuck Whittemore Pat MurkRebecca SilverbergAlden's Kennel" 6810Iarnard Mill Rd Rmgwood, \L 60072-9638Contact Al or Janet Domrase815 728-0559 Fax 815 653-5106 www.aldenskennel.comBrsiL^rHandler Charlie Zimmerman 630 393-4667Pomeranian Club of Central IndianaR A F F L E S3 3mHANDQUILTED POM WALL HANGINGDrawing Feb. 9,2008 PCCI Specialty Contact Cathy GouldinHionoLlio ini 197 E 150 N Washington, IN 47501Indianapolis, IN crgouldcharter.netYOUR SUPPORT IS APPRECIATED4NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 107y2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10152007, 1259 AM107Bred By Exhibitor New Champion.kSCMA 1mm I"9V AMNBEST OFWINNERSMAJSBJBN 9Vvvwvv vCn. Moutain Crest Love BugACongratulations Chuck and Randy on your kennel visit. It has been great working with you and becoming good friends. We wish you many years of continued success.Congrats also to Pat and Rebecca on your features.David and Carlene GilstrapP. O. Box 22442, Chattanooga, TN 37422 Phone 423-987-0266 -mail httpwww.mountaincrestpomeranians.com108 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10152007, 1259 AM108 i i i inSamronPomspresentsCH BARc__WINDERSNEWCHAaMPION DES MObiNES KENNEL CoLUB 2007PHOTO BY MELIA4-_ 6T SAMRON OF OAKRIDGEN P'My little Peanut suddenly bloomed and became a champion in three continuous weekend showings.He is also winning back to back Breeds. I wish to thank the judges Stephen J. Hubbell, Helen Lee James and Janet Jackson. Pat and I want to thank our friend and handler Betsy Owens for finishing Peanut. They are uniquely one of a kind together."WHAT A CHRISTMAS PRESENTLY LORD JESUS GAVE ME"Congratulations Randy Houston and Chuck Whittemore on Her Majesty's Poms kennel ofMemphis, rem kennel clubAUGUST 2007meyer photoTTTLfc'S Con1''", 0,mW9 Darn f[ssasr.'"rs - Hom-f "Samron PomsNorma Smart - samron1alltel.net4NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 1092007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10152007, 1259 AM109 INI 4- n i i i iCH lANESA'S BHETT BUTLER'S ROMANCE OF TARAFOUR MAJOR WINS WITH A BREED OVER SPECIALS\rbj\ -^gVFOR THE THltfb GENERATION OF CH SCARLETT'S SAGA"Butler" is shown receiving WDBOW for his finishing 4 point major at the Pom Club of Central Indiana Specialty with handler Brenda Segelken.Many thanks to JudgesElaine Mathis, WDBOW 4 point major Richard Chashoudian, BOB 4 point major Forrest McCoy, WDBOW 3 point major Eugene Blake, WDBOW 4 point major..14 -a mBOOTHSept msi o .a2007 ANGELAPomeranian Club of Central IndianaCH. Raine s Janesa s Time To Chat x CH. Janesa's Scarlett Lives On In TaraRomeraman Club of Central Indiana v\In AiBEST OF BREEDVARIETY MERI - MISS KENNEL CLUBJULY2005LAMBERT PHOTOEBUTLER SAYS HE COULDN'T HAVE DONE IT WITHOUT THE EXPERTISE OF THESE TWO BEAUTIFULAND FABULOUS LADIESAND SPEAKING OF LADIES... WILL CH. BUTLER FALL IN LOVE AND CONTINUE HIS BELOVED GRANDMOTHER CH. SCARLETT'S SAGA ONLY TIME WILL TELL...Butler and Ann Berryman's BOB win over specialsMARCIA COANDT ^ . KENNEL NAME IN HO 1216 W CHAUTAUQUA. Cs Ft E E D E Ft O 77 Kl EFt4110 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10152007, 1259 AM110mrfn Laving Aleniaryavya s vnap or cxAlau 24 1115-Jeceniiber 31 24w v i. v \ ^4ifaFFFcwed and missed fey tFacfeie Afan anf best fogge girlfriend, icouf.tFacfeie S' Alan Hirshberg - Tinker Toi PomsNOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 1112007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1224 PM111Exquisite Pomeranians Introduces Our Latest Championfj L-jfFKSire Ch. Finch's Dream Come True II Dam Ch. Avalon's Angelina jJj- '4I fSt - 'SM-r'scA vWINNERS DBEST IN V SWEEPSTAKES j L VrCCWEIHEO SPfiALn CLUBSCFREtfERKSMKSL ,o by MEUAGwmSpecial thanks to Betsy Owens for training and presenting Elise so beautifully Thanks to the judges who acknowledged Elises beauty and conformation in the show ring Michael Lanctot Patricia Lanctot Erika Moureau Steven Hubbell Terry LyddonaElise finished in 8 shows,2 weekends at 712 months, with two 5 pt. majors, one 4 pt. major and 2 single points.2.lVBEST OF BREEDVARIETY NEW CHAMPION CYCLONE COUNTRY KENNEL CLUB OF AMES 2007photo by MELIA CJHf Belatedcongratulations to Cheri McDonald on her kennel visit.1, BEST OF WINNERSBEST OF WINNERS 1 Sj19 .AiyjMiMkWahyuni Lan Wibono - Owner Betsy Owens - Handler - 660-890-2255112 - NOVDEC 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 NOV DEC Pom Review.p65 10122007, 1224 PM112ytunJKSmWith the poise and skill of a seasoned handler, eleven year old Letesha Girth exclusively handled Trouble to his championship as well as multiple group placements. Now ranked in the Top Twenty Breed and All Breed, Trouble continues his show career with Tesha's loving touch. Tesha is the daughter of PROUD parents Ron and Sandy Girth Sandegi Poms.u24 Breeder Noble Inglett - Owners Noble Inglett Letesha Girth - Handler Letesha Girth4