The Pomeranian Review July 2006
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JulyAugust 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 12006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 692006, 404 PM1rm i i i in.\i immmVi I i i ilitipiaICDMZmEmilIiniHilllT] 11141 mmii iin w5 T"" '.Vs1-f' M4Mlgrate. S- V4v' v.kWi ' SKt\V-Au MF UllitVI rV. 7 k t V -111 .ift 1f .t V'f RvCkT im Sue s Flying HighHandled by J. Patrick Farmer - Robert S. Kennedy Owned by J. Patrick Farmer - Kevin Hebert - Sue Goddard42 - JULYAUGUST 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 692006, 404 PM2rm i i i ih. PowerpomThe IncrediyJiNijte v J,, SeVi'V \\LIk Fr s s I1 v V L mi I ' 1lP E U rBEST OF If" III._________BREEDVARIETY PI IJ I lt1 m.. Sa\ \ jj 0 Tir W S scf THE LADIES KENNELASSOCIATION OF AMERICAsafe- JikHEOi -4t-'MAY 20, 2006V JI Y H jA Ashbey Photo by DAVE McCURLEY 44^ Credit arrived from Thailand JustIn time lor his first show at he American Pomeranian inb Nationalwhere he won first in his 9-12 month2 class under the respected breeder judge Erika Moureau. He then rapidlyreceived his American title, winninglour 4 point majors in the iollowing month. He has now moved into the specials ring and has multiple breedand group placementsLook tor Credit to continue his winning ways in 2006.^ vv-v. - w I XikV-1 ay .i j.v-rVJk1I' sfik V. frY1 ' 3PSr 'm f.GROUPPLACING A I JH006PerryiKmllips-V\Ownedand Bred byPongsakorn Pongsak Pannipa Pongsakwww.powerpoms.comExclusively handled byVictoria Oelerichwww.viktrespomsaol.comJulyAugust 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 32006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 692006, 404 PM3rm i i i inBoomerjjjCarleez Boom Boom Boom, NAJBred by Carol Leemhuis of Carleez Poms f zfBoomerCongratulationsON YOUR FIRST AGILITY TITLE1.Your stunningLOOKS, SUPERIOR ATHLETIC ABILITY,AND PLEASANT PERSONALITY ARE A GREAT CREDIT TO THEPomeranian breed We lookFORWARD TO MANY MANY MORE AGILITY TITLES AND TO A VERY SUCCESSFUL CONFORMATION CAREER WHICH IS WELL UNDERWAYwith a 4 point Major, WINNING OVER 14 BOYS AT the huge Cleveland Crowned Classic.AVYtL 44 wT4 4\ V-vYOU ARE AN IMPRESSIVE BOY AND WE LOVE YOU VERY MUCHBoomer Sire Ch Carleez Dr Zeuss Dam Ch Gar-Vs Zeek-A-BooBreeder Carol Leemhuis of Carleez Poms Pittsburgh, PA Agility Training Splash and Dash Agility Pittsburgh, PA Photographer Tien Tran Photography Blirbank, CAOwners George Janice Smith Handler Janice Smith Pittsburgh, PA4 - JULYAUGUST 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 692006, 404 PM4I I I I I i i i in"i kUH UM-I .Ww "'BiV L 1r ns- hhLB r11j i\ hPamo VVV,tZ ij'j JJJ o J wo vV v7AJ received BEST IN SHOW left at the International Show in Odessa, Ukraina,And Third BEST IN SHOW below at The Champion of Champions Show.Special thanks to AJ's loving handler Malgorzata Supronowicz of Poland.JL.stique1IKli , 4avI, ul ojAUZi 4LC J 7 m\ e \4LiteifV 1V.r5 - .L 'iVi.Vf 1^esznol LesloT^^BS i l^Oil2-.P ^ ls2 E BredmTresstique roms Bonnie Harris20 Oahtrest Avenue, Middle island. NY 1191 - Phone dl 201-122TJulyAugust 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 52006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 692006, 404 PM54Ch.Starfire'sJosefina Is Nasty'VBIS National Specialty Winner at 9 months BIS National Specialty Winner at 2 years old BIS Central Carolina Pomeranian Club7TH1 rjf Hyl tktXc'sUlutJose Cabrera Fabian Arienti305 257-28184 factor-pound packedand ftStarfirespomsaol.com6 - JULYAUGUST 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWCongratulations to my very special friend Charlotte Meyer on her well-deserved kennel visit and a big thank you.Diane L. Finchwww.finchspoms.comdfinchhuxcomm.net515-769-2444Thanks to my handlersKaren Chisam, Carolyn Crockett, NancyThomas, Cindy Golden,and Susa Williams.2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 692006, 1103 PM6PIi^ . il ,1 " 6f9 ICL .L -W L . xi i jr7 r"7 rT1f iiw, te. .Aw11^ if 1 t I I4 4I iftt riv wi.. mW- ' ' ,1 j 9 ly-fi tSL J4'1If.wTTi rr jjLnr r\Hr]s 15c j\i l4i i i i n iini^HJulyAugust 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 7Marvalles PomeraniansBreederChars PomeraniansCharlotte Meyer906-466-9048www.charspoms.comOwnerMarvalles PomeraniansMary Valles432-523-5262www.marvallespoms.comCongratulations to my Wonderful friend and mentor, Char Meyer, on your well-deserved kennel visit. May you havecontinued success with the showing and breeding of your beautiful Poms.Ch. Chars I Get Around2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 692006, 1103 PM7i i i in' 14JSEN A j. \s .fJtts1,,, fi rWINNERS S44vNEW CHAMPIONEDWARDSVILLE IL KENNEL CLUB DECEMBER^ 2005PHOTO BY DOWNEYftS ' np. Jw Mfk IK\8 - JULYAUGUST 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 692006, 1103 PM8i i i i na UUH'S.C V" an\ v r 4Ifj vt. Cm f T. t\ VV\V ,v \''xri iUVN VV- - \_HicyJrZvxj ovXviLv.x hv iaic v V4\'it-X ^X\ \V'- t -J v i '-, \C 1 ..- 1Ev5.e J J rA1 . 7A. uLijjfcA.'XrfjK '-1x'W Jmi r v'fWiM v- 4' lfw.' Avinf t \ij4i\a\k4 r \ V2mm i S'.osiVl rs bJS-1 r.4,4Li I4 ifaPrxVfffl5yi -v V'.j-An3 l'H^3.J3Sp55jifr- j7j 3 fx ] 3 [i t t t i t I tNJulyAugust 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 9Charlotte Meyer with Merlin and RockyCharLOTTE MEYErChars POMsIt wasnt all that long ago thatChars Poms seemed to be nothing morethan a dream. So much has happenedsince then. I married my husband, Jeff 12years ago. We made our home in a smalltown in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan,a great place to raise our 2 children,Jeffery and Timmy. Shortly after we weresettled into our own home in 1995, myhusband bought my first Pom. Peacheswas a beautiful girl, but she grew to be 7pounds, so I could not show her. I wasfortunate that shewas a beautifultypey Pom though.This gave me theopportunity tobreed Peaches toone of the top studdogs in the country.I kept the girl in thelitter.Unfortunately, I lostthis little girl. Afterthis loss, it took mea while to make mynext move in Poms.In Spring2000, I purchased abeautiful little girl,Finchs Lil MissCenterfold, Lily. I hauled Lily aroundto the shows long enough that she learnedevery bad habit possible. It wasnt untilshe was nearly 3 years old and singledout for over 6 months that I decided Ineeded help to get her finished. I hadcomplete faith that she would finish. Afterall, she had won a Group 4 with mehandling had to mean something. I askedaround at our local show, looking forsomeone who would take her from meringside. That is when I met Lynn Meyer.Lynn finished her with back-to-backmajors that weekend and shebecame my first champion. Thiswas 3 years ago. In the past threeand a half years, we have finished29 champions, 7 of those are particolor.I am the breeder of 21 of thesechampions.Shortly after Lily finished,I started showing my little blackboy Elvis, who is now Ch. CharsHunka Burnin Love. He was a sonof Am Can Ch Chriscendo Call ToArms. Elvis was myfirst homebred showPom, so I could nothelp but be reallyexcited about him.Elvis was more thanjust my first homebred though he wasmy first really greatpuppy. This is thefirst time that I trulysaw all theimportant things tome in one puppy.Watching himmature taught me somuch aboutstructure and set aguideline for me inwhat I expect in a show prospect puppytoday. He has put his stamp on hisoffspring, which quickly made him achampion producer. I cannot wait to startshowing his next kids.My puppies are raised in myhome where they can be socialized andloved as part of our family. The puppiesare whelped in my bedroom. After a fewweeks, I move them to the den. They stayin the den until they are weaned from theirmothers. At that time, the puppies get freerun of my kitchen. This is when housetraining begins. I have a large room offmy dining room for the adult Poms to sleepand play. They can go outside into fencedyards through doggy doors at their ownconvenience. I only lock them in when itis too cold or stormy outside. The room isaccessible through glass French doors,which allow us to have constant view ofMy children, Jeffery and TimmyMy husband, Jeff, with a fresh salmon hecaught to be mixed in the Poms raw diet2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 692006, 1103 PM94Sr-S i KWSH_ . v4-k4L -ssasarl Ssb-' ' 4fcr.AI ,i'ri.4i r . f7r Fv4"',Ass \WJVAm\j4 4fc t.t 1 vVW it4 i Hei L_\tf4i i i n10 - JULYAUGUST 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWCharsPOMswhat is going on. Pea gravel yards extendthirty feet from the house on three sidesit is 12 inches thick in this area. This isgreat for a dry odor-free yard. From springthrough fall, there are grass yards thatextend beyond the pea gravel for them torun and play. My Poms have fleece bedsthat are washed daily. Each Pom gets abath every two to three weeks, andpuppiesshow prospects are bathedweekly once they reach 6 weeks old. Iwant my Poms to be clean at all times soI can enjoy playing with them every day.That is one of my greatest joys in raisingPoms.I have two separate breedingprograms one for solid-colored Poms andone for my parti-colors. There are timesthat I will use one of my solids in the partiprogrambut I do not use the partis in thesolid program. To me, it is important notto have parti-color in my solid bloodline.Neither breeding program is somethingthat I do on the side. I put a full effortinto both programs. My solid programconsists of a variety orange, red, cream,sable, black, and black and tan. Creamwas a new color for me in 2005. Blackand tan is new to me this year. My particolorscan range from any of the abovecolors plus chocolate parti-color.Chocolate parti-color is a very newadventure that I have set forth on. I feelthis is one color in our breed that needsour attention before there are none thatresemble Pomeranians as we know andlove them. I cannot say that I love thecolor, especially the self-colored eye rims,but I would not want to see the color lostto our breed. I am doing this color on avery limited basis, so I figure it will takea few years to see any progress. AlthoughI do breed for color, I will always putquality before color.In my opinion, the parti-colorPoms tend to be sounder and healthier thanmany solid colored Poms. I find thatmakes improving the overall quality of theparti-color a slightly easier road to travel.Genetic testing is very important. I OFApatellas and thyroid test all of my breedingThe Meyer homeMy first champion LilyCh. Chars Hunka Burnin Love ElvisElvis - My first home-bred championAmCan Ch. Finchs Chars SpellboundParti MerlinCh. Finchs Rockin Parti RockyOur first parti-color2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 692006, 1103 PM10I I I I I i i i in4iiAiRPlij34_M_.31lit lI. -. 1I,LI, ' r', I. i VJVfv^r sfns a-Jfe4V4 44 a. Apmt4JulyAugust 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 11CHARSPOMSmales. I will not keep a stud dog that doesnot pass these tests. I also have my vetkeep an annual record of patellas andhearts on all of my Poms so that I cankeep track of how they hold up through alifetime. This will be important in thefuture generations. Heath issues are a toppriority within my breeding programs.Not that I will accept a healthy Pom thatlacks type but an unhealthy Pom cannoteven make a good pet. I believe that a goodfoundation must be built on health,personality, and structure. The rest canbe changed, a little at a time, until youhave the result you are striving for.I will be the first to admit thatwhen I got into Poms, I had no intentionsof being owned by a parti-color. As amatter of fact, I was very clear that I didnot want a parti-color. During one visitwith Diane Finch in 2001, she suggestedthat I bring a black and white parti-color,Rocky, home with me just to show at theMichigan specialty show. He spent abouttwo months with me before Diane decidedshe must sell him. At first, I thought I wasgoing to be ok with this but about as fastas I hung up the phone, I realized that Icould not live without this little guy. I didnot know what I would do with him but Ihad no intentions of giving him up either.When I finally decided to show Rocky, Ireceived much encouragement and hefinished within four months. Thisbeautiful boy is my Ch. Finchs RockinParti. He resides on my pillow besideJasmine, the queen of the place. Jasmineis my spayed pet and her only job is tolove me. Rocky is the proud sire of twochampion sons Ch. Finchs Chars RockN Roll Parti and Ch. Chars Parti TilYou Tucker. He has another son, CharsTaboo To Rock N Parti who was recentlypointed.In the meantime, Diane and Idecided to co-own a couple of girls plus aColt son that was outof a parti mother. Ourco-bred litters arebred and raised at myhome and registeredwith the kennel nameFinchs Chars. I dida mating with FinchsCome Parti With Meto the Colt son. In thislitter, we wereblessed with threeinteresting puppies.One is now AmCanCh Finchs CharsSpellbound PartiMerlin, the topwinning parti-color inbreed history. One isAm Ch FinchsChars MakingWaves PartiSplash, owned byDiane Finch. Thesister, Finchs CharsWish Ima Parti Tadji, is co-owned byDiane Finch and myself. She is the motherto Taboo who is pointed and currentlyshowing.AmCan Ch. Finchs CharsSpellbound Parti Merlin is a dreamcome true for me. I brought Merlin toLynn a few days before he turned 6 monthsold and she started showing him shortlythereafter. Merlin finished his AKCchampionship within two weeks and sevenshows, never going less than reserve. Hefinished with all major wins. Merlin wasthe Best In Sweepstakes winner and WD,BOW at the City of Angels PomeranianSpecialty Show. Merlin accomplished allof this by 6 months and 19 days of age.Merlin is the youngest fastest finishingparti-color Pomeranian in breed history.Merlin went on from there to completehis Canadian championship along withtwo Toy group wins among other groupplacements.It was well before this time that Iknew we would be specialing Merlin inthe United States in 2005. I knew we werenot doing this to be No. 1. So, why speciala parti For me, the reason was obvious.The judges needed to see Merlin in thebreed ring and the Group ring. My hopeswere that the parti-color would becomemore easily recognized by the judges asan acceptable part of our breed. I hadhoped that Merlin could make a differencefor the parti-colors of the future. MerlinAOM Ch. Chars For Love Or MoneyNookie Grand Sweepstakes Winner2005 APC Summer NationalCh. Chars All That Jazz LouieThe boy I am showing as a special this yearCh. Finchs Bettin On CharsCurrently 2 PomeranianCanine Chronicle Breed System2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1131 PM11I I I I I i i i in4'RTHEASTERN INDIAN KFJNr^LUBr V t TIvvMf V.I mm'-''''U-y4i , AL4 4 ^ L.ft -. I AMMSB. \ ft""fetHctlAtmm,5, [ mEEVA .v13mrIwJ n4 4tijirm3piMyMySmmiSimom7. VssWWlWGROUPTHIRDSi. Ilogansport I KENNEL CLV3412 - JULYAUGUST 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWCHARSPOMSdid amazingly well in the US with 3 Toygroup wins and many other groupplacements. Merlin is currently the topwinning parti-color in the world. He is thefirst parti-color Pomeranian to earn dualconformation titles. Merlin finished theyear as No.8 Pomeranian APC Breedsystem and No.10 Group system. Merlinis now at home siring puppies. I only havea couple litters from him so far, but amvery happy with what I see.Merlin wasnt our only successlast year. Diane Finch and I co-own thetop-producing bitch of 2005, Ch.Heathers Sunkiss Beach Baby ROM. Sheearned her ROM last year alone and hastwo additional major pointed offspring.She is also the mother to my first litter ofblack and tans. In addition, I earned therecognition of Exhibitor Of The Year byfinishing 17 champions in 2005.We were fortunate to be able toco-lease Colt Ch. Chriscendo Call ToArms for a few months last year. I wantto thank John and Chris for thisopportunity. We have a few beautiful Coltkids to show this year. The first, a boy Iam really excited about, Johnny CharsAll Eyes On Me, has three majors andneeds 2 points to complete his AKCchampionship.I have a little Colt granddaughterthat I just cannot help but talk about. Sheis my Ch. Chars For Love Or MoneyNookie. She was one hot little puppy,starting out going Best of Breed over thespecials. Well, she started out with a bangand kept those fireworks going non-stop.In New York City for the Progressive ToySpecialty, she went WB for a four pointmajor finishing her championship. Shecouldnt stop there though as she showedher little heart out and walked away asBest Puppy In Show. What an excitingday Nookie followed that up with the winof Grand Sweepstakes Winner at the 2005Summer National and Award of Merit.In 2006, we are facing a newchallenge campaigning an orangePomeranian, Tyler, BISS Ch. Finchs BettinOn Chars. Tyler is currently No. 2 breedsystem. I am excited to campaign Tyler, but,as a breeder, I also look forward to the daythat I will introduce him into my breedingprogram. His father is Ch. Pufpride SweetDreams Parker. His mother is a blackand tan, Finchs Seasoned Just Right ROM.I hope Tyler will be the future of my blackand tan breeding program.I am proud to have my Poms allover the world, from Mexico, South Africa,Japan, Hong Kong, Germany, Poland,Russia, Switzerland, England, Norway, toBulgaria. One that cannot go withoutmention, Chars Risky Business went BISin Poland for a win over 3000 dogs, his veryfirst show. He is our first homebred Best InShow Pom.There are several people who putchampionships on Chars Poms in the US.I have all those people to thank for comingto me for their show prospect puppy andfollowing through and making those babieschampions. I want to thank my wonderfulmentor, partner, and friend who has beenthere beside me through everything, DianeFinch. You are simply the best. I want tothank my good friend and handler, LynnMeyer, for all the love and care she gives tomy Poms as well as being there for me whenI have difficult decisions to make. I want tothank all my friends for being there besideme, through the good times and the bad. Ilove you guys and you know who you are.Without these wonderful people, CharsPoms just wouldnt be the same.I realize I cannot write enoughabout each and every Pom or person thathas come into my life or made somedifference in what I am doing today. I startedout breeding for myself as many showbreeders do. I soon learned that there is asmuch joy in placing a beautiful puppy witha hopeful beginner as there is in keepingthem to show myself. I want to breed to helpour breed, the Pomeranian. We cannot helpour breed if we are not willing to share withothers. So, in this I have vowed to alwaysshare what I have and consider the breed asa whole with each decision I make.I want to thank the PomeranianReview and Brenda Segelken for invitingme to do this kennel visit.BISS Ch JCh Pl Ch Md Rus UA Chars Risky BusinessOur first home-bred Best in Show winning PomChars All Eyes On Me JohnnyA Colt son2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1131 PM12I I I I I i i i in4 isyis4,liwuIT .1V 'ntt J4. n 6r4 mJ BIS, J Ch PL Char's Risky Business a Jit wr lllllll4 4. ^'y iS , 79. M7, L2l4 ,A\.24JulyAugust 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 13is proud of our Meg whofinished her RA in threeshows and then went onthe get her CGC.She is now training forher Rally Advanced andhaving a wonderful time.Meg is pointed and,hopefully, will continueher conformation aftershe has a litter.Malashel PomsGreat Rivers Meg Rules Malashel RN, CGCOwner Elaine Wishnow Brooklyn, NY 718 891 3451Congratulationson your well deserved Kennel Visit.Have enjoyed watching the wonderfulprogress of your specials Merlin andTyler,they are doing you proud.Best wishes for the years to come.CharKaren Chisamkchizearthlink.netAll the best wishes andmany congratulations fromGermany on your Kennel Visit.Dear Char, keep up the goodwork. The many lovely dogs fromyour breeding prove that you areon the right track.Once again, many thanks forLighty, he has achieved hisGerman Championship Title inthe meantime.Edeltraut Shelewwww.shelewas.de2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1131 PM13I I I I I i i i in44 4i 414 - JULYAUGUST 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1132 PM14I I I I I i i i iniiIVirrl 'r^r\ \\I \^ l 1n\r'r 4iillVINEWCHAMPION BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TUPELO KENNEL CLUB MAY 2006 GARDEN STUDIO. INC. g^TO BY GREG l s nWJ WlA UfaSo1m .4mNTVVvoLSIirCH. Mountain Crest Private DancerCH. Showcase Just Rewards x Mountain Crest Abby Thank you Judge Mr. Roger Hartinger for this finishing major win.Mountain Crest Pomeranians - David and Carlene GilstrapRO. Box 22442, Chattanooga, TN 37422 Phone 423-987-0266 Email dcgilstrapaol.comT7JulyAugust 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 152006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1132 PM15I I I I I i i i inT Ai i i iniw3AAy-al,9"j j-1.-A v1VWk\1k8..cAi n,'wi\JzII4\tjr.JBESTOF WINNERS5-.BEST BRED BY EXB PIEDMONT KENNEL CLUBI April 9, 2006S6 Pkt9MvaIi\tI.ifei' wit. ,v, i RS. .4VN,.PvpV IL. V.. tf 1Vfp \sA .. m II I435 s 5ET IRK X 3ESMIEJE i r irafEiT 11^1 1EiiniHiiiiBiBX iTiTS mms jflre HDtmEleE iiUlU MaiESTTsIE sn imifr aTDE16 - JULYAUGUST 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWSire Wee Hearts N Search of Fame Dam Ursa Minors EZPZBreeder Barbara KrzewickiOwnerHandlers Ronald McKim, Heather McKim, Barbara KrzewickiThank you to Judge Mr. Stephen F. Hurt for recognizing her qualities and all the judges who made the last six months so enjoyable. Special thanks to Professional Handler Mary K. Dullinger for her expert handling of Clara for her first 8 points and 1st Major. Thank you to Barbara Basi Krzewicki for getting us started in this great sport and your continuing support. Thank you to Joan and Barbara of Silver Lake Training for teaching me how to handle our dogs in the ring.A special thank you to Jan Stachurski for your advice and support. Esme Pomeranians Ursa Minors PomsCH. Ursa Minors Easy RambleAnnounces their Newest Champion Clara2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1020 PM16I I I I I i i i in4,v n4 43 1T1R -mMirira34JulyAugust 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 17Lenette PomeraniansBreeders of fine Poms since 19571440 Pom Orchid LaneKannapolis, North Carolina 28081Ph 704 938-2042 Fax 704 - K. G. Griffith - OwnerCH. EARTH ANGEL OF LENETTECh. Band of Gold of Lenette x Vanna White of LenetteThanks to Vikki Oelerich for doing such a fine job finishing Angel in just a few weekends. She is Champion No.2 for this year.Congratulations to Julia Smith on finishing Ch. Julias Enchore of Lenette. This is Champion No.3 for this year.Best wishes to Charlotte Meyer featured in this issue.The Lord has really blessed us with many new male puppies. In fact, He has gone overboard on males.Visit our website for the latest information and pictures.Remember that satisfaction is always guaranteed at Lenette. If not completely satisfied with your new Lenettepuppy, simply return it within three days for a refund of original purchase price.2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1020 PM17rm i i i in4Aks y Ak mmfilltv.AkNli 47'c,4k ^ Ak r rv1iK'tuv i Ak r If ^t\I ,L^AA^9-, v \mf A^9-,Hi'I.Af^9_, si i HiyAf^9_, Ifr\I Jr wrmIW l ill.Pr 1 A MIi' Hir \4 4dfAf^9_, , jiiii JLt "flI 1 best of winnersAND OPPOSITEHi1 -tt 8r tf,i 'A I ml AV\A BALTIMORE COUN' KENNEL CLUB _jkd sljjjHi\ AfAPRIL 23, 2006IJ.M\Hi OAVE ASHBEY^ 1 L3 kwjPII44sk44.4k-.44418 - JULYAUGUST 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAdvertisers Index......................................................88AKC Pom Point System........................................77And Just How Is That Working For You Katie Gammill....40-41Animal Rescuer.................................................35APC 2006 Application...........................................74, 75APC Board Summary Janice Russell............................53APC National Specialty Info...........................................80APC Officers...........................................................23APC Statement......................................................23APC Stats Kelly Reimschiissel........................49-52Archives.................................................................79Ask Us Anything Annette Davis.................................26Back Issue Information............................................88Bay Colony Pom Club.............................................46, 47Behind New Titlists................................................35Can You Read This.................................................76Central Carolina Pom Club...................................36, 37Coming Events....................................................80Corrections............................................52Cover Story Ch. TimSues Flying High.............................18CPR......................................................................39DVD Order Form................................................48Expressions Sally Baugniet..............................44, 45Hadleigh Poms Stefano Scullino.............................28-31Health and Genetics Geneva Coats.......................32-34Judges Education Dot Martin.........................................57Just FUR Fun.........................................................67, 71Kennel Visit Charlotte Meyer...........................9-12Kennel Visits, Future Features........................................52Membership Report Annette Davis...............................22Memorial Therese Reeder............................................58Memorial Jessie Young........................................59New Champions Kelly Reimschiissel......................51, 52Obedience Marian Lazzara....................................54-56PAWS...............................................................79Performance News Barbara McClatchey...............64-67Pero.........................................................73Pom Olympics..................................................62, 63Pom Talk Roxanne Collins...................................68-70Presidents Report Marge Kranzfelder..................24, 25Regional Pom Clubs...........................................42, 43Registrars Corner Carol Leemhuis.................................22Rescue.................................................................72Ringside Emergency..........................................38Structure Christine Heartz......................................60, 61Subscription Card.....................................................84SubscriptionReview Information............................20, 84Sunshine and Roses...........................................76Take A Ride On The Wild Side ......................................78Thank You Jessie Klein......................................43Top Twenty.......................................................27Ways and Means Walda Green....................................48Ways and Means Pom Shoppe.....................................48Website Address..........................................................23 The Pomeranian ReviewContents Front CoverWe would like to thank all the judges that have appreciatedCosmos qualities and ring presence. Cosmos BISAs and GroupWinsPlacements and Judges as of 53006Mrs. Irma S. Fertl Best in Show All BreedMrs. Gloria L. Micham-Geringer Best in Show All BreedMr. James E. Frederiksen Group 1 from the classesMrs. Jean Fournier Group 2Mr. Reinaldo Rey Burgos Group 1Mrs. Tomas Alane L. Gomez Group 4Mrs. Doris Cozart Group 4Mrs. Elaine E. Mathis Group 3Mr. Don Rogers Group 4Mr. Kenneth M. McDermott Group 1Mrs. Erika K. Moureau Award of Merit National SpecialtyMrs. Joan P. Scott Group 1Mr. Don Rogers Group 1Mrs. Dorothy D. Nickles Group 1Mrs. Dorothy D. Nickles Group 3Ms. Sandra Goose Allen Group 3Mr. Thomas E. Daniels Group 4Mr. Roy W. Keiser Jr. Group 1Mr. Steve Hayden Group 1Mrs. Mildred K. Bryant Group 4Michelle Billings AOM nationals weekendOwnersJ Patrick Farmer, Kevin Hebert and Sue GoddardHandlers Robert Kennedy and Patrick FarmerEmail kpathouston.rr.comCOSMOCh TimSues Flying High2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1020 PM18i i i in4'Wj41A 4iJulyAugust 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 19rHave you ever wondered how the Poms in the show ring and show pictures are trimmed so nicely and how it isdone We are pleased to present this Pom grooming video, Pomeranian Grooming with Karen Crawford, byKaren Crawford of Xitable Pomeranians. This tape is not just for Pom show people, it is for all of you who havePoms and want to learn the professional but easy way to properly trim your Poms - from head to toe. For moreinformation about Karen, the video, customer reviews and ordering, please visit our web site at httpwww.foxxlanepoms.comVideo, Email Pauline at or call Pauline at 304-813-1541.Pomeranian Groomingwith Karen CrawfordWe would like to thank Mike and Cande Gordon of Pominique Pomeranians for allowing us to use AMIntCH Pominique Chasing Tatonka aka Tony as our demonstration model.Karen Crawford, Xitable PomeraniansJohn Pauline McFarlane, FoxxLane PomeraniansBelated congratulations to Kay Chaneyand Reed Adams of Kayra Poms,and Ron and Merilyn Smithand Derrik and Deronda Sharpof Starlight Paws on yourprevious Kennel Visits.Congratulations to CharlotteMeyer of Chars Poms onyour APC Kennel Visit. Jessie Young, Jessie Young, Jessie Young, Jessie Young, Jessie Young,There are no words to reallythank you for your hard workand dedication that you havegiven over the years to the BayColony Pomeranian Club.Your quick wit and honest opinion about thingswill be greatly missed.Leanne WilkinsLeanne WilkinsLeanne WilkinsLeanne WilkinsLeanne WilkinsPresident of the Bay Colony Pomeranian ClubJessie Young2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1020 PM19X\ 0 AT1A '4 44i i i i n20 - JULYAUGUST 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWSubscriptions6 issues per yearUSPS First Class...............................45.00USPS Bulk.........................................37.00CanadaMexicoPuerto Rico...............55.00Foreign.............................................100.00Single Issue.........................................10.00Back Issues..........................................10.00 Advertising RatesFront Cover Color.......................600.00Back Cover Color.............................450.00Inside Front Cover Color....................300.00Inside Front Cover BW.....................125.00Inside Back Cover Color...................300.00Inside Back Cover BW.....................125.00Page 3, 4, 5, 6 Color............................300.00Page 3, 4, 5, 6 BW..............................125.00Center Spread BW...........................250.00Full Page Deluxe Color.....................275.00Full Page BW...................................100.00Half Page Color................................150.00Half Page BW.....................................60.00One Quarter Page............................40.00Business Card 6 .........Small 70, Large 100All ads include one photo. Additional color photos are 25each additional black and white photos are 10 each.SUPPORT THE APCSUPPORT THE REVIEWMail ad text, photos and payment toThe APC Pomeranian ReviewBrenda Segelken, Editor11139 E. Camelot Ave.Effingham, IL 62401Or Email fame62401yahoo.comMake all checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club.DeadlinesAd Deadline IssueDec 1...............OBEDIENCE... JanFebFeb 1........................................MarAprilApril 1.......ANNUAL STUD ISSUE...MayJuneJune 1.............COLOR FEATURE...JulyAugAug 1......................................SeptOctOct 1..............MEMORIAL ISSUE..NovDec.........official A. P. C. publication.........sent to Breed Group Judges.........reasonable rates.........quality reproductions.........only source of APC Archives.........provides APC news and reports.........APC Specialty coverage.........Regional Pom Club coverage.........obedience training information.........interesting, informativeThe Pomeranian ReviewEditor..............................................................................................................................................................................................Brenda Segelken11139 E. Camelot Ave., Effingham, IL 62401 PH 217 347-5731 fame62401yahoo.comSubscription Manager..................................................................................................................................................................................Cheri McDonaldPO Box 3402, San Dimas, CA 91773 Phone 909 394-7923 Fax 909 599-4692 cheribachmanpoms.comBack Issues.........................................................................................................................................................................................Laura Meineke7008 Grace Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45227 PH 513 271-3983 panachepomshotmail.comProofreaders.........................................................................................................................................Joan Behrend, Connie Russell, Becky SabourinAdvertisement Manager...................................................................................................................................................Joan Behrend6 Richmond Blvd, Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 PH 631 366-2330 mzjoanoptonline.netBusiness Card Manager...................................................................................................................................................Kathyrn Norem0599N 650E, Knox, IN 46534 PH 574 772-3910 ecpomsnitline.netTHE OFFICIAL AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. PUBLICATIONThe Pomeranian Review2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1020 PM20I I I I I i i i in44 44JulyAugust 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 21Saturday, September 16, 2006Boone County FairgroundsLebanon, INSweepstakes Judge - Camilla KnightRegular Junior Showmanship Judge - Mr. Kent H. DelaneyThis show will be held indoors.Only 20 minutes northwest of Indianapolis, Indiana. I 65 North.You wont want to miss our silent auction donations are appreciated.Fourth Annual Pomeranian SpecialtyThis show is dedicated to the memory of PCCI MemberRenee K. McGrath, DVM, MS.The PCCI Specialty will be held following the All Breed Dog ShowEntries close Wednesday, August 30, 2006Show Secretary Sherri Alspaughpaughprintpomspeoplepc.com1300 E 100 S. Lebanon, IN 460522006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1021 PM21rrn i i i in4T k.' ' -ft dPomeranian Cluto of Central Indiana4 4422 - JULYAUGUST 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW 391 N. Mink Creek Rd. Pocatello, ID 83204 208 234-0932 infoavalonpom.comLetters other than those from sponsors commenting on theapplicants whose names are published in the Review are togo to Janice Russell, 3540 Kessler Blvd. N. Dr.,Indianapolis, IN, 46222. Comments must be received within30 days of publication Standing Rule II 3. See the APCWebsite orcontact Annette Davis for membership applications.REGISTER OF MERITCH Heathers Sunkiss Beach Baby BOwner Charlotte MeyerCH Pominique N Nobles Dark Vader DOwner Alane LevinsohnCH Music Maker Of Lenette DOwner Alfredo LapuzMEMBERSHIP REPORTANNETTE DAVISREGISTRARS CORNERCAROL LEEMHUIS2318 Rose Garden RoadPittsburgh, PA 15220412 344-8257NEW MEMBERSCheryl A. Kerr NHSponsors Charlotte Meyer, Victoria OelerichDeborah Stoehr WASponsors Julie Clemen, Paulette R. HomanR. Lorelei Sibet MDSponsors Suzanne Berney, Donna Lynn WrightSandra Letesha Jr. Girth MOSponsors Noble Inglett, Betsy OwnesNiki Wilde UTSponsors Kelly Reimschiissel, Charlene R. WatersSusan F. Green NYSponsors Camilla Knight, Carol LeemhuisAmy Gross NESponsors Juanita Fiddick, Nadine HersilSally Hestle FLSponsors Jackie Rayner, Judy GreenJessica D. Johnson LASponsors Tim Goddard, Audrey RobertsRoberta Tomkins NESponsors Juanita Fiddick, Kathy LaundervilleJanet L. Moor WAPATRONAPPLICATIONSRon Girth MOSponsors Noble Inglett, Betsy OwensArthur G. Walker NYSponsors Camilla Knight, Carol LeemhuisBrenda Heimbach COSponsors Donna Machniak, Erika MoreauCatherine Paige Bolahood CanadaSponsors Walda Green, Christine SurteesLori Lindsey Kamrath CASponsors Alane Levinsohn, Tammee FelixJacqueline A. Moore Scott D. Wolfgang WVSponsors Donna Machniak, Maynard A. WoodJeannie Clemmons ALSponsors Julie Clemen, Randy BuskeBrian C. Lewis PASponsors Joyce Birks, Deborah K. BarrettCarol Kivch TXSponsors Linda Pelz, Kevin OrrAngela D. Gunter GASponsors Laura Meineke, Joanne NorrisAPC Membership Continued2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1021 PM22I I I I I i i i in44 44JulyAugust 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 23AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. OFFICERSPRESIDENT......................................................................................MARGE KRANZFELDER 821 Brown Road, San Juan Bautista, CA 95045-9676PH 831 623-9265 FAX 831 623-2612 EMAIL marge_kranzfeldersbcglobal.netFIRST VICE PRESIDENT.................................................................JANE LEHTINEN1517 8th Street S, Virginia, MN 55792PH 218 749-1154 FAX 218 741-9435 EMAIL janlepomsnetscape.net2ND VICE PRESIDENT.....................................................................MARGARET MCKEE 2426 Sandy Hook Road, Goochland, VA 23063-2508PH 804 556-3380 FAX 804 556-4107 EMAIL idlewyldearthlink.netRECORDING SECRETARY...........................................................JANICE RUSSELL3540 Kessler Blvd. N. Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46222PH 317 924-9093 EMAIL indypomsbcglobal.netCORRESPONDING SECRETARY.......................................................CYNTHIA BOULWARE 6450 Rolling Heights Circle, Kaufman, TX 75142PH 972 962-3872 FAX 972 962-3872 EMAIL lovencountryearthlink.netTREASURER....................................................................................ERIKA MOUREAU21522 Rosehill Church Rd., Tomball, TX 77375PH 281351-9516 FAX 281 351-6620 EMAIL ........................BOARD OF DIRECTORS............................Sally Baugniet Donna Riehm Alane LevinsohnJackie Rayner Fran Stoll Greggory WatersThe American Pomeranian Club, Inc. is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting the Pomeranian dog and the protection and advancementof the breed. We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims. If you are interested in joining the APC,please contact APC Membership Chairperson, Annette Davis, 391 N. Mink Creek Road, Pocatello, ID 83204. Phone 208 234-0932 or Membership applications also may be downloaded from the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website If you only wish to subscribe to the Pomeranian Review, please contact the Pomeranian Review Circulation Manager,Cheri McDonald, PO Box 3402, San Dimas, CA 91773. Phone 909 394-7923, Email or Fax 909 599-4692. You need not be an APC Member to subscribe to or advertise in the Pomeranian Review.JACKIE RAYNER, DONNA RIEHM, CINDY BOULWARE, GREGG WATERS, FRAN STOLL, JANICE RUSSELL, ERIKA MOUREAUALANE LEVINSOHN, JANE LEHTINEN, MARGE KRANZFELDER, MARGARET MCKEE, SALLY BAUGNIET.2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1021 PM2344 4VA n vL 'VI- - V'njiv -41 f JUVr iyP P4^ 41W'N.l\- -- k4 daV V' " V -4i i i i n24 - JULYAUGUST 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWPresidentMarge KranzfelderFrom TheIts the beginning of summertime. Has it been ingrained in us as schoolchildren that this translates as the promise to light-hearted adventures To thedog-show enthusiast it means entering the heart of the years maincompetitive season. To those fortunate enough to be able to attend this years Summer Specialty inFlorida, its time to enjoy seeing this years crop of fine Pomeranian competition and the camaraderie ofother exhibitors. To Pom breeders, you are able to watch young pups adventure into their first summer,be it catching butterflies or fireflies.As a Review correspondent, I wish I had a crystal ball that enabled me to report on the return of thequestionnaires we sent out to our membership. That is a light-hearted way of reminding you of thenecessary time it takes between writing an article, formulating it for print, printing it, and finallydistributing it. Reading the articles in the last issue proves it a worthy wait. The Review serves twosimultaneous functions very well. It provides current information and thought-provoking articles. It alsoarchives our breed history.Katie Gammils excellent article pointed out that mentorship is a very important step in learning aboutany breed. It is necessary as a novice it is also necessary to give back this gift to the next generation.Our education process as Pom fanciers, be it as breeder, exhibitor, or judge, is never over. And one waythat I have found useful and have heard respected dog people confirm is to re-examine the magazineissues of years past. Each and every time that I have done this, I have seen the exact same magazinethrough different eyes. The dogs advertised in the past as puppy hopefuls, or Specials, are the ones nowfive generations past in pedigrees.And you find that Alopecia X, Severe Hair Loss Syndrome SHLS, Black Skin Disease BSD is aproblem in Poms that has been called by various names but is certainly not a new occurrence to ourbreed. But what we are getting better about-and this will allow us to survive and without throwing thebaby out with the bath water-is bringing this problem out of the closet.Is John Heartz courageous Yes. But having an elephant in the room whose presence everyone refusesto acknowledge would be stupid in my opinion. He points out that same elephant might have undesirabletraits and necessary useful talents. But not acknowledging the elephant means we all could get steppedon. I personally dont care what we call this elephant this elephant exists. And yes, John Heartz isintelligent enough to recognize the population genetics principle that Dr. Battaglia also teaches by thetime a problem surfaces throughout a breed, it is too late to finger-point backward in pedigrees anderadicate by witch-hunting elimination in the gene pool. Everyone in that breed must go FORWARD intheir program. Plan accordingly. And as Katie Gammills article implies, that plan might be different indifferent breeding programs. It depends on where that elephant is whether he appears big or small-orhow talented and useful he might be.2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1021 PM2444 4SgVlUfflHW 9W1I 'stern to4i i i i nJulyAugust 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 25Yes, the article from Starlight Paws displayed Courage and Confidence in their not tip-toeing about thisvery elephant. Courteous is another C word for which I feel they should be Commended. They didneither point, nor blame. Compassion must go out to all owners of Poms with this problem. Andcompassion must go to all breeders who breed their first Alopecia X Pom.And as I have always encouraged, we should all be Committed to finding solutions. Our beloved breedis deserving of it. And I will repeat Whatever problems humans have created bred into in a breed,humans hold the capability of solving. Individually and as a group, we must make it a priority. AnnBerryman continues to be a leader. She knows research takes financial backing. Pauline McFarlane hasbeen another early contributer. The Pom columnist, Zsa-Zsa, can lead our parade. One occasion thatwearing her Time to be Involved watches to show unity will be at next years National educationalseminar.We will be fortunate to have Dr. Linda Frank as our speaker. For anyone that doesnt already know, sheis the researcher at the University of Tennessee who has been working on the clinical aspects ofAlopecia X. Alopecia X is the newest name accepted by the scientific community for our Pom hair loss.She will talk about normal hair, conditions that cause hair loss in all dogs, and more specifically thecondition we now call Alopecia X. Tentatively she has titled the talk Hair today, gone tomorrow orwhat is Black Skin Disease, anyway What a wonderful opportunity for us to further educateourselves. I am hopeful that this will open up a dialogue that all of us can partake. If there is one topicthat unites this Club this one could and should lead the way. Please make the commitment to supportand attend this seminar.Meanwhile, may you all revel in the delights of summer. Enjoy it through the eyes and spirits of ourPoms.Presidents Report ContinuedAPC Pom ShoppeOPEN FOR BUSINESSMany numerous Pomeranian itemsare available for sale through theAPC website.You may purchaseitems direct online atamericanpomeranianclub.orgDont delay,order today.Limitedquantities2005 Limited Edition Stefano Scullino Print2006 Limited Edition Stefano Scullino Print2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1021 PM25i i i in44Jvj i V.^.uS.v-I-f ftjiM . iy4 4426 - JULYAUGUST 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWA sk Us Anything Annette Davis, CNOur question for this issue is Why should I neuter or spay my PomThere are a number of very good reasons why you should neuter or spay your Pom pet1 The health of your pet. Research has shown that pets who are neutered or spayed have a lower risk of certain types of cancers.2 Ease in house training. It is much easier to house train your pet when he does not have the instinct to mark his territory. Contrary to popular belief,it is not just males who are inclined to mark their territory with urine. Females who are in season or who are trying toestablish a pecking order also may mark their territory with urine. Males who are neutered by 6 months of age generally donot develop leg-lifting behavior.3 A pet that is easier to live with. Neutered dogs are less aggressive, and you will not have the embarrassing problem of them mounting everything in sightyour visitors leg, other pets, toys, etc.. Males who have only one thing on their mind do not make very affectionate pets.Spayed females are generally more affectionate toward people and other pets and are less likely to aggressively defend theirplace in the household pecking order.4 The safety of your pet. Un-neutered males often become obsessed with seeking females. Obsessed males try to run away at every chance and makeirrational choices, such as darting into the road, challenging a larger male, jumping from high places, etc.5 Its the right thing to do Millions of unwanted pets end up in animal shelters each year. From 4 to 6 million animals are euthanized killed becausehomes cannot be found for them. Please do your part to help control the numbers of animal shelter casualities.Our question for the next issue is Id like to travel with my Pom, but she gets car sick. Is there anything I can doYou may direct new questions or answers to these questions toAnnette Davis391 N. Mink Creek Rd.Pocatello, ID 83204208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792E-mail infoavalonpom.comPrevious Ask Us Anything Columns may be viewed on line www.avalonpom.comPomCare.htm2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1022 PM26I I I I I i i w in--4 44JulyAugust 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 27The American Pomeranian Clubis pleased to announce itsFirst AnnualTop Twentyto take place at theWinter National Specialtyin Louisville, Kentucky March, 2007.This prestigeous event is plannedfor Monday evening, thefirst evening of our competition.Watch upcoming issues of thePomeranian Reviewfor more information about thisexciting addition to our Nationals...and watch your mailboxlater this year for yourTop TwentyinvitationYour input is welcome. Contact Joan Behrend,Jackie Rayner -, orJanice Russell - JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1022 PM27I I I I I i i i in44 4428 - JULYAUGUST 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWMrs. Gladys Dyke and the Hadleigh Pomeranians By Stefano Scullino Among the Pomeranian breeders that left a mark in the historyof the breed, a special place belongs to Mrs. Gladys Dyke of theworld-famous Hadleigh prefix.Mrs. Dyke was, and still is, considered the Queen of thePomeranians. No other breeder in the world has achieved whatshe did in her about 50 years of breeding and showing activity, withabout 100 British champions, 10 generations of homebred Britishchampions, countless overseas champions and winning practicallyeverything there was to win but BIS at Crufts. However, she wentvery close to it by winning Reserve BIS at Crufts in 1960 with Ch.Pixitown Serenade of Hadleigh, a beautiful dog eventually exportedto the United States where he left a big mark both as a show dog andas a producer and winning a group at Westminster.Her outstanding Pomeranians, or dogs closely related tothe Hadleigh Poms, have been exported all over the world, greatlycontributing to the betterment of the breed from Europe to America,from Asia to Australia. No other Pomeranian kennel in the worldhas had such an impact on the breed, and the exquisite-headed, hugecoated and short-backed Hadleigh Poms became synonymous withthe breed.Of course, not all of the Hadleigh Pomeranians werebeautiful show dogs, but Mrs. Dyke produced some outstanding dogsthat will remain in the history of the breed and could still be topwinners today.A special mention must be paid to Mrs. Dykes husband,Mr. Albert Dyke. He was the man behind the scene but manyconsidered him the true breeder of the Hadleigh Poms and saw thedecline of the kennel after his death. Mrs. Dyke bought her first breeding bitch in 1938 from Mrs.K. Carlin. It was Eastney Madcap and when bred to Eastney RedBay produced Sundown of Hadleigh, a valuable brood who was themother of several winners including the lovely Ch. Hadleigh MyCheri of Rosebert, later exported to the United States.Mrs. Dyke finished her first three champions in 1948 andsince then, there has been no stopping her show success. Manytimes she walked away from a show having won both BOB andBOS. Among her first famous dogs, Ch. Sweet Lady of Hadleighdeserves a special mention. She was a top show winner but, most ofall, she was a fantastic producer and the mother of seven Britishchampions. Bred to the lovely Ch. Zambo of Zanow, in 1959 sheproduced two very influential stud dogs, Ch.Goldenstar of Hadleighand Ch. Little Gent of Hadleigh. Particularly the latter sired nineBritish champions and put his mark on the modern type ofPomeranian. Little Gent was a sweet-headed, huge-coated sabledog who started an uninterrupted line of Hadleigh male championsthat ends with Ch. Hadleigh Summer Lightning.During the Fifties and the Sixties, the Hadleigh influencewas felt in the breeding programs of many other kennels Cynpeg,Andersley and Aurum to name just a few kennels whose beautifulPoms were exported all over the world. The Crufts 1966 Toy Groupwinner, Ch. Sweet Dreams of Aurum, was sired by Pompadour ofHadleigh, a son of Ch. Little Gent of Hadleigh.Another golden era of the Hadleigh Poms started in theearly Seventies when some of Mrs. Dykes most beautiful championswere produced. Many of these gorgeous Pomeranians were sired byCh. Hadleigh Starlight, a wolf sable dog sired by Ch. Modelstar ofHadleigh, a son of Ch. Little Model, a son of Ch. Little Aristocratwho, in turn, was again by Ch. Little Gent of Hadleigh.Starlight constantly sired beautiful Pomeranians, but hismost famous children were produced out of two show bitches, Ch.Hadleigh Dolly Dimple and Hadleigh Honey Love 2CCs. Boththese breedings were repeated and each time produced outstandingdogs. Bred to Dolly Dimple Mrs. Dyke got Ch. Hadleigh Supersonicand the wonderful Ch. Hadleigh Twinkling Star, considered by manyas one of the best Hadleighs ever. Another dog out of this breedingis Hadleigh Tom Thumb who is a grandsire of the fantastic Ch.Derronils Maxamillion,whose dam was sired byHadleigh Royal Star, ason of Ch. Twinkling Star.Ch. HadleighTwinkling Star also sireda litter containing twomales destined to leave amark, Ch. HadleighHappy Star and HadleighHappy Days. The latter,exported to Japan likemany other top HadleighHadleigh Little Gent19522006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1022 PM28I I I I I i i i in4II \M I ICII POMKKAiMAjNSTin- n oku F.4MOI STill KIvMNKL THAT II VS PKODUCKI FINK IIOMC-BRKI POST-W \R CHAMPIONSI'hom- WEST I1HWTON 33661Owned by Mrs. i. DYKE. Iladli-i^li. 22 Dickens Atcniie. Hillingdon. MiddlesexyA "k 3rT1.4 Wm4 d InU 14 ex HAOLFICH HONEYBUMCH lk C.C tJ^n.CX WXtPt I.N Of HAOLFICR ki f 41 . - J T .. _ . - _ T 4444 . fU 64 c f f-H. U.t 4 d Tn - X HAOLFJCH BKILL1AVT 11 AMIr 4 Mu C.C_. m-.4 C C m4 W. d. kUW CX Bn 1Y HUTTON OF IIADLFICK4 44JulyAugust 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 29dogs, sired the wonderful Japanese Ch, UK Ch., Irish Ch. Daim ofSushimoto at Cygal owned by the late Stuart Finley Bisset. Daim ofSushimoto, born 1980, was a dark sable pure Hadleigh Pomeranianwho was imported into England and had an incredible show careerculminating in the CC breed record holder for the breed, a recordheld for some time and now surpassed by a bitch Ch. ThelbernMardi Gras. The breeding between Ch. Hadleigh Starlight and HadleighHoneysweet produced the legendary Ch. Hadleigh Shining Star whowon more than 30 CCs and was the breed record holder for manyyears. Together with the lovely bitch Ch. Hadleigh Honey Puffwinner of puppy of the year 1975 they dominated the Pomeranianrings. Shining Star was eventually exported to Japan to Mr. KazuIgarashi. Mrs. Dyke kept Shining Stars brother, Hadleigh HoneyStar, who proved to be a very influential stud.A repeat breeding of Shining Star produced Ch. HadleighPride of the Stars, once again exported to Japan where he had a bigimpact on the breed. Pride of the Stars sired Ch. Hadleigh Superstarwho, in turn, sired Ch. Hadleigh Superman who has had an impacton the American show scene as well.Mrs. Dyke imported from Japan two bitches sired by Ch.Hadleigh Pride of the Stars, both titled in the UK, Ch. Cream Puff ofHakodate Maekawa Crufts BOB winner and Ch. Pride Nana ofAzalea Sally of Hadleigh.Before Ch. Hadleigh Shining Star was exported to Japan,he sired a few puppies including Ch. Hadleigh Stardust who left abig mark in the history of the breed through some of his children,particularly Ch. Hadleigh Summer Lightning and Yenlu Highjackerat Speranza.Mrs. Dyke only let a few selected people have access to herdogs, and those who did took advantage of her wonderful bloodlines,greatly improving their Pomeranians. As a matter of fact, someBritish kennels of the recent past worked using mainly, if notexclusively, Hadleigh bloodlines, like Mr. and Mrs. Ainsworth ofthe Dorney kennel. They were close friends of Mrs. Dyke and hadaccess to her stud dogs and produced several lovely Pomeranians ofexquisite Hadleigh type.Ch. Dorney Starry Knight, born 1983, was a beautifulorange with huge coat and the sweetest of heads. He was sired byHadleigh Royal Star a very influential stud sired by Ch. HadleighTwinkling Star out of a daughter of Ch. Hadleigh Happy Star.Starry Knight, bred to Hadleigh Musical Star, sired Ch.Hadleigh Mystic Star at Dorney, Hadleigh Elegant Star, a RCCwinner, and HadleighExcellent Star at Dorney, aCC winner. Mrs. Heather Mooreof the world-famousPaddockwood kennelworked almost exclusivelywith Hadleigh bloodlinesand stamped her lovely typethanks to her famous studsUK Ch. Derronils MaxamillionMaximumHadleigh Shining StarShining StarHadleigh Advertisement 19522006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1022 PM29I I I I I i i i in44 4rVi'r-s'Essar..^jrrrsiijis ffjri OK IIAIIIKIi.Msr.-ssf^stsWSy JS.-S.Ks,'.r.'2SHKSKSrMST.SSSi.i. .M i..... .Vi, ".'u,' . .' .wU-i ...,i i,,i'-. .'.^-"'j''"ti1 " ' ' 1 T,' ' 7m.tSufiHHXO JZ" ""Ch. DIMPLES OK HAIM K Kill430 - JULYAUGUST 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWCh. Hadleigh Summer Lightning CH. Hadleigh Stardust x HadleighSociety Girl and Paddockwood Grand Slam Hadleigh Royal Starx Hadleigh Chantilly Lace. Mrs. Moore shared her bloodlines withother breeders and by doing so she helped many breeders with theirbreeding programs.Mrs. Ruth Keyes of the famous Tookeys kennel, got manyof her foundation dogs from Paddockwood, hence all her dogs wentback to Hadleigh bloodline. Her first champion, Ch. Tookeys Toyboy,was sired by Paddockwood High Jinks. Other Paddockwood Pomsthat played a big role in the Tookeys kennel were Paddockwood PanThe Piper at Tookeys Ch. Hadleigh Summer Lightning x a daughterof Hadleigh King of the Stars, Paddockwood Flashdance at TookeysPaddockwood Grand Slam x a daughter of Ch.DerronilsMaxamillion and a few others.Paddockwood Undaunted with Bryandee was a pureHadleigh dog sold to Mr. Bryan Hopkins of the Bryandee kenneland was an influential stud not only for his owners breeding.Undauted was sired by Ch. Hadleigh Summer Lightning x HadleighChantilly Lace. Mr. Hopkins is one of the few old breeders stillactive in the UK today.Mrs. Mason of the Sableway Poms got a dog from Mrs.Moore that is behind many top winners. His name was PaddockwoodHuckleberry of Sableway and was sired by Paddockwood Grand Slamout of a Hadleigh Summer Lightnings daugther. This same breedingcombination proved to be quite successful, producing many winnersincluding Paddockwood Pom Puss CC and Res.CC winner who,bred to Ch. Derronils Maxamillion, produced the outstanding bitchCh. Paddockwood Pretty Risky, born 1986. Another outstandingchampion for Mrs. Moore was Ch. Paddockwood Golden Trinket,another Maxamillion daughter born 1987.Ch. Hadleigh Summer Lightning was also extremelyinfluential in the breeding of the black Pomeranians through hisbeautiful black son, Ch. Peninans Black Topper at Salvadure, bredby Mrs. Shaw and owned by Mrs. Palmer. Black Topper, born 1982,sired so many winners, including Ch. Macdene Black Royal andCh. Pyropom Othello, and his influence will be felt for many yearsto come and is behind the fabulous Ch. Moonrae Ebony Hot Shot,top winning toy dog in the UK for 2000.Stuart Finley Bisset and Derek Hill, of the Cygal andDerronil kennels, were two breeders who had access to the Hadleighdogs and got two studs from Mrs. Dyke, Hadleigh Tom Thumb andHadleigh Escort Boy. Undoubtedly, the most famous dog comingfrom their breeding is the legendary Ch. Derronils Maxamillion,Crufts 1985 group winner.Maxamillion was born in 1983 by two Cygals Poms siredby Hadleigh dogs. Max was a typical Hadleigh type and everybreeders dream. Not only was he an outstanding Pomeranian anda top winner, but, in his short life he sired many outstanding Pomssuch as Ch. Derronils Desire, Ch. Derronils Centurion, Ch.Derronils Heart Throb, Ch.Derronils Millionaire, Ch. AmcrossTrivial Pursuit, Ch. Paddockwood Pretty Risky, Ch. PaddockwoodGolden Trinket and many more. Unfortunately, Maxamillion diedat a very young age. It was a big loss for the breed. Almost all ofhis best children had been exported to Japan with very few left inthe UK.Mrs. Maria Holder of the Speranza kennel is another oldtimebreeder who has been working mainly with Hadleigh bloodlinesand is still active today though on a small scale. At the end of theSeventies she bought two dogs that proved to be great studs HadleighLittle Spangles and Yenlu Highjacker at Speranza. Particularly theSweet Dreams of AurunHadleigh Yenlu Highjackerof SperanzaImmagineSperanza Gentleman Jim2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1022 PM30I I I I I i i i in4EnglislAmeric Hadlei Cherrh Rosbe by Mai C. Allei.srEnglish ChHadleigh Little 1Aristocrat. led by Mrs.G. Dyke.t'TEHi352\ iMmAMC ROSS TRIYIAI. PURSUITCII. Drmmiih Miumillion L\ C'll. Amrrow Air N nmlI L__ . w4 4TtWSt'"v'r'ttf4JulyAugust 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 31latter was a beautiful and successful show dogbut, most of all, a fantastic producer.Highjacker was sired by Ch. HadleighStardust, a son of Ch. Hadleigh Shining Star,and through all his life he produced beautifulpuppies, one litter after another. Togetherwith two British champions, Ch. DorneyLittle Minstrel and Ch. Speranza Red RubyCrufts CC and Res CC winner, he siredcountless championship show winners bothfor the Speranza kennel and for otherbreeders.Mrs. Holder later acquired anothervery influential stud dog Paddockwood RightRebel at Speranza. Rebel was sired by Ch.Hadleigh Summer Lightning out of adaughter of Hadleigh King of the Stars, and,though not a show dog being up to size, heconstantly sired beautiful puppies, includingthe fabulous Ch. Speranza Gentleman Jim,Crufts CC winner. Mrs. Holders actual stud,Speranza Hidden Romance, is a Rebelsgrandson.Speranza Pomeranians have beenexported in many countries and contributedto the betterment of many breeding programswith their Hadleigh heritage.Mrs. and Miss Smith of the SidlynPomeranians are still active today, and they,too, are working with bloodlines closelyrelated to the Hadleigh Poms. A dog thatproduced many winners for their kennel wasPaddockwood Adjudicator, again a son of Ch.Hadleigh Summer Lightning. Adjudicatoralso sired the first champion for the Amcrosskennel, Ch. Amcross AirsN Graces whoproduced the lovely Ch. Amcross TrivialPursuit when bred to Ch. DerronilsMaxamillion. Trivial Pursuit, in turn,produced a champion bitch sired byPaddockwood Grand Slam 100 Hadleigh.The British kennels that haveHadleigh bloodlines in their pedigrees areway too numerous to mention though I thinkthere are very few who do not have at leastone Hadleigh dog back in their pedigrees. Ithink that the following ones deserve amention although there are many othersPattikins, Norejfell, Quevains, Thelbern, etc.During her last years, Mrs. Dykesent to Mr. Igarashi in Japan her remainingdogs and retired from breeding and showing.Mr. Igarashi has been breeding exclusivelywith Hadleigh bloodlines and inherited theHadleigh kennel name after Mrs. Dykesdeath in 1997. I wont go into the subject ofthe Japanese-bred Hadleigh Poms, as I amnot very familiar with those dogs but I amsure that they make justice to the hard work,love and devotion that Gladys Dyke put intoher beautiful Hadleigh Poms for about half acentury the same hard work, love anddevotion produced the legendary HadleighPomeranians and made Gladys Dyke thequeen of our beloved breed.1965Ch. Lady Fair of Hadleigh1957Hadleigh Twinkling StarDaim of Sushimoto1961Hadleigh Dancing MasterHadleigh Honey Puff2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1023 PM31I I I I I i i i in4HabletgljPomeranians II AD LEIGH I' 0 M EIIA V I A ASoVJitf-J f Igplliipl n^f kyMm .sjcyaMfcCT'' 4 1 n'WN4 4iivVm.V5 XJOfy,i itV '432 - JULYAUGUST 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWHealthGeneva CoatsDennis L. Golden, DVM, Diplomate ACVIMVaccination is the process by which an animals immune orprotective response to an infectious disease is stimulated bya method, other than developing and living through thedisease. This process attempts to render the animal resistantto that disease upon future exposure. The most importantquestion for the dog owner regarding vaccination is an easyone What diseases should I have my dog vaccinated againstHistorically the answer was easy. Vaccinate for everythingand do it often. However, with the emergence of many newvaccines on the market and the realization that vaccination isnot risk free, the question is no longer so simple. Pertinentquestions for todays veterinarians and pet owners includeWhat vaccines are necessaryWhat is the ideal administration protocolHow effective are the vaccinesWhat are the risksWhat is the duration of immunityMany of the answers to these questions are unknown or poorlyunderstood. But we do know one thing for certain, there is nosingle vaccine protocol that is best for all situations. Owners mustparticipate in the decision to determine if the risks of variousvaccine options are worth the potential benefit to their dogs andtheir particular needs.GOALS OF VACCINATIONThe ideal vaccine would always induce immunity, induceimmunity that is life-long immunize puppies at birth have no risksor side effects be easy to administer, and be stable under storage.Although modern vaccines have advanced in these areas, majorimprovements are still needed particularly in duration of immunityand effective immunization of puppies. It is also important torecognize that, although absolute resistance to disease is an idealgoal, vaccines that merely reduce the severity of disease and riskof death continue to provide significant benefit in the control ofmany conditions.TYPES OF VACCINESModern vaccine technology has allowed the production ofvaccines in a variety of different forms, each with its ownapplications, benefits, and disadvantages. In general, thesedifferent forms have been developed to minimize induction ofdisease, increase the spectrum and duration of immunity, improvehandling and storage, and minimize side effects. Killed vaccinesand bacterins vaccines for bacterial diseases are generally safebut must often be boosted by adjuvants. Unfortunately, theseboosting agents can create problems. Killed vaccines are also notas effective as other forms and require repeated administration toinduce immunity or more frequent revaccination. Modified livevirus MLV vaccines generally produce rapid and prolongedprotection and a broader immune response. They are also moreeffective at immunizing young puppies at an earlier age. The maindisadvantages of MLV products include the potential to inducedisease and easy inactivation during handling i.e., they are fragile.Subunit or recombinant protein vaccines contain just a part of theinfectious organism and have the benefit of fewer side effects, butthey may not be as antigenic as MLV vaccines.What Factors Determine the Need for a Particular VaccineWith todays biotechnology, it is possible to make vaccines formany infectious diseases however, the ability to produce avaccine does not equate with the need for that vaccine. Based on adisease control basis, a number of factors must be considered todetermine if a vaccine is necessary and if it could potentially beeffective in controlling the disease in the general dog population.These include the incidence of the disease, the severity of thedisease, how easily the disease can be transmitted, how effectivethe vaccine is, and public health concerns. Additional factors alsoneed to be considered to determine if a vaccine is appropriate foran individual dog or group of dogs. These include age, geographicNEW PROTOCOLS FOR VACCINATIONWHATS A BREEDER TO DO Genetics2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1023 PM3244 41i i i i nJulyAugust 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 33location, potential for travel, housing, risk vs. benefit ofvaccination, and probability of exposure.VACCINE PROTOCOLSThe best approach to determining when vaccines should beadministered is accomplished by recognizing the differentscenarios for dogs that require vaccination.Puppies 16 weeks. Most puppies that adequately nurse within 48hours of birth will receive antibody transfer from the bitch thatwill provide adequate protection for 616 weeks. However, thissame protection also blocks the ability of vaccines to induceimmunity in these puppies. To overcome this dilemma, vaccinesare often administered to puppies as a series. In general, mostvaccinations should begin at 68 weeks of age and are continuedevery 3 weeks until 14 weeks of age. However, some vaccines,e.g., some intranasal Bordetella products can be given as early as34 weeks of age, others e.g., leptospirosis and rabies should notbe given before 12 weeks of age, and others e.g., parvovirusshould be administered through 17 weeks or longer in somebreeds. Multiple vaccines can be administered at the same timebut vaccines should not be administered more frequently thanevery 2 weeks. Even if the ideal protocol is followed, puppies canstill be susceptible to disease during this period.Puppies that are unvaccinated, inappropriately vaccinated or havean unknown vaccination history. 16 weeks. Protocol depends onthe vaccine and disease being vaccinated against. In many cases, asingle vaccination with a MLV product will be protectivehowever, most products have instructions that require 2vaccinations at least 2 weeks apart.Adult Boosters. Determining the ideal protocol for boostervaccinations is one of the most involved topics of discussionamong veterinarians at this time. Almost all vaccines should berepeated at 1 year of age to ensure effective immunity. After that,the frequency of revaccination is dependent upon the duration ofimmunity DOI of the product. This varies greatly betweendiseases and individual vaccines available for prevention of aspecific disease. Historically, yearly revaccination has beenrecommended for all products however, this guideline is no longerappropriate. Some vaccines may need to be administered morefrequently in certain situations, other may require yearlyadministration, others less frequently, and some may never need tobe repeated. See specific recommendations below.Breeding Bitches. In most cases, the vaccination protocol forbreeding bitches will be similar to any other adult dog. Ideally, fora bitch to pass on the maximum protection to her puppies, sheshould receive booster vaccinations especially for those vaccineswith a short duration of immunity approximately 3 weeks prior tobreeding. However, since maternal antibody levels in puppiesreach 6097 of their mothers protective level, it should not benecessary to revaccinate bitches that have received boosters ofcore vaccines at a normal interval. In general, most vaccinesshould not be given to pregnant dogs.Orphaned Puppies did not nurse from bitch during first 48hours. Oral administration of hyper-immune serum can beperformed up to 72 hours after birth. Administration of passiveimmunity should be considered if there is known exposure to aninfectious disease. Some killed products can be administeredearlier than 6 weeks if needed. Modified live virus vaccines shouldnever be administered earlier than recommended due to thepossibility of inducing disease.VACCINE RECOMMENDATIONSWith the multitude of vaccines currently available and therecognition that not all dogs need all vaccines, a number of taskforces and individual experts in this area of veterinary medicinehave put forth guidelines to assist veterinarians and dog ownerswith this issue. As a result, vaccines have been divided into threecategories1. CORE VACCINES Generally Recommended for All DogsDistemper MLV recommendedInitial Puppy Vaccination 16 weeks. Begin at 68 weeks,vaccinate every 3 weeks until 1214 weeks of age.Unvaccinated or Unknown Vaccination 16 weeks. Single dose isprotective, 2nd dose in 24 weeks is better.Adult Boosters. At 1 year of age then every 3 years.Hepatitis MLV recommended. Use Adenovirus-2 only. Do NOTuse Adenovirus-1Initial Puppy Vaccination 16 weeks. Begin at 68 weeks,vaccinate every 3 weeks until 1214 weeks of age.Unvaccinated or Unknown Vaccination. 16 weeks. Single dose isprotective, 2nd dose in 34 weeks is better, and required if usingkilled vaccine.Adult Boosters. At 1 year of age then every 3 years.Parvovirus MLV recommendedInitial Puppy Vaccination 16 weeks. Begin at 68 weeks,vaccinate every 3 weeks until 1214 weeks of age. Additionalvaccinations through 1618 are recommended with MLV andrequired with killed virus products. Vaccination until 18 weeks ofage is also recommended for Doberman Pinschers, Rottweilers,and some Labradors.Unvaccinated or Unknown Vaccination 16 weeks. Single dose isprotective, 2nd dose in 34 weeks is better, and required if usingkilled vaccine.Adult Boosters. At 1 year of age then every 3 years for MLV.Yearly with killed product.Rabies Killed vaccine recommended.NOTE MUST FOLLOW LOCAL AND STATE LAWS Moststates require rabies vaccine to be administered by a licensedveterinarian for the dog to be considered legally vaccinated.Initial Puppy Vaccination 16 weeks. Single vaccination after 3months 12 weeks of age.Unvaccinated or Unknown Vaccination. 16 weeks. Singlevaccination.Adult Boosters. At 1 year of age then every 13 years dependingon product and statelocal laws.2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1023 PM33I I I I I i i i in44 4434 - JULYAUGUST 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2. NON-CORE OPTIONAL VACCINES Should beConsidered in Special Circumstances That Are UsuallyDependent Upon Individual Risk of ExposureMeasles MLV recommendedInitial Puppy Vaccination 16 weeks. Single dose between 412weeks only.Parainfluenza MLV injectable or topical intranasalrecommendedInitial Puppy Vaccination 16 weeksBegin at 6-8 weeks, vaccinate every 3 weeks until 1214 weeks ofage.Unvaccinated or Unknown Vaccination. 16 weeks. Single dose isprotective.Adult Boosters. At 1 year of age then every 3 years.Leptospirosis Killed bacterin various serovarsInitial Puppy Vaccination 16 weeks. Administer at 12 weeks and14-16 weeks of age.Unvaccinated or Unknown Vaccination. 16 weeks. 2 doses, 24weeks apart.Adult Boosters. DOI questionable. If indicated, it should beadministered at least yearly. May require revaccination every 6months in geographical areas with an increased incidence of thisdisease.Bordetella Killed bacterin, injectableInitial Puppy Vaccination 16 weeks. Administer at 68 weeksand 1012 weeks of age.Unvaccinated or Unknown Vaccination. 16 weeks. 2 doses, 24weeks apart.Adult Boosters. Annually or more frequently in high-risk settings.Bordetella Live avirulent bacteria, topical intranasalInitial Puppy Vaccination 16 weeks. As early as 3 weeks of ageand an additional dose after 6 weeks age.Unvaccinated or Unknown Vaccination. 16 weeks. A single dose isadequate.Adult Boosters. Annually or more frequently in high-risk settingsevery 6 months or 1 week prior to exposure.Lymes Killed whole bacterin or recombinant OspAInitial Puppy Vaccination 16 weeks. Initial dose can be given at9 weeks but optimal to wait until 3 months. Second dose in 24weeks.Unvaccinated or Unknown Vaccination. 16 weeks. 2 doses, 24weeks apart.Adult Boosters. Annually, just prior to beginning of tick season.3. NOT GENERALLY RECOMMENDED Have Little or NoIndicationCoronavirus Killed or MLVInitial Puppy Vaccination 16 weeks. Begin at 68 weeks,vaccinate every 23 weeks until 12 weeks of age.Unvaccinated or Unknown Vaccination. 16 weeks. Single dose isprotective, 2nd dose in 24 weeks is better, and required if usingkilled vaccine.Adult Boosters. Annually.Giardia Killed productInitial Puppy Vaccination 16 weeks. Initial dose at 8 weeks and2nd dose in 24 weeks.Unvaccinated or Unknown Vaccination. 16 weeks. 2 doses, 24weeks apart.Adult Boosters. Annually.VACCINE PROBLEMSVaccination Immunization Why Vaccinations Can Fail. Notevery attempt to vaccinate a dog is effective and there are a varietyof factors that can contribute to vaccine ineffectiveness. Even inthe best of circumstances, the effectiveness of some vaccines maybe 65. This may be effective in reducing the incidence of diseasein a population but can leave a large number of individuals at risk.Most commonly, the presence of maternal antibodies is the reasonfor vaccine failure. Other causes include disease or drug-inducedimmunosuppression, fever, improper storage and handling,vaccine inactivation from disinfectants, and incorrect route ofadministration. Although often a concern, vaccination duringanesthesia or surgery does not appear to inhibit effectiveimmunization.Vaccine Reactions. It is important to recognize that vaccination isnot a benign procedure and a multitude of complications andreactions can occur. These range from transient local reactions,allergic reactions, fever and malaise, tumor formation, and evendeath. Fortunately, todays vaccines have a low incidence of sideeffects, and most that do occur are transient or easily managed.When an individual dog has a reaction, it may be difficult todetermine the specific component of the vaccine that isresponsible. Subsequent vaccinations should be approached withcaution and performed only under the supervision of aveterinarian.Modified live virus vaccines have the potential to create symptomsof the disease or the disease itself. This possibility is increasedwhen these vaccines are given to animals that are too young,immunosuppressed, or when the vaccine is administered in theincorrect site.Antibody Titers to Determine Revaccination IntervalsAlthough testing antibody levels titers as a method ofdetermining if an animal is still protected against a disease seemsreasonable, the process is not that simple. Many factors go intothe testing procedure and there is no standardization between testmethods and laboratories. As such, it is impossible to know if acertain titer in a specific animal equals adequate protection againstdisease. However, measurement of titers may provide a method ofdetermining intervals for revaccination in the future.Dr. Dennis L. Golden DVM is a Diplomate of the AmericanCollege of Veterinary Internal Medicine. He is an associateprofessor for the clinical sciences department of AuburnUniversity, located in Auburn, Alabama. Dr. Golden is alsoa Board Member of the Alabama State Board of VeterinaryMedical Examiners.2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1023 PM34I I I I I i i i in44 44JulyAugust 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 35Behind the TitlistsCH. LIL BEHRS THUMBELINAORGSABLE FEMALE DOB 52505BREEDER JOAN C BEHRENDOWNER JOAN C BEHRENDANGELICS BIT O PRID TANER JOTRESSTIQUE-N-GGS SHOWDOWNTRESSTIQUE DAWN OF MERIMAURCH. TRESSTIQUES SECRET AGENT 86CH. TRESSTIQUES TREASURE TROVECH. TRESSTIQUE BILLIE JEANCH. TRESSTIQUES ROAD WARRIORCH. GREAT RIVERS LIL LOVER BOYCH. GREAT RIVERS CUPIDS ARROWCH. STARFIRES SARINALIL BEHRS HOT COCOACH. GREAT RIVERS LIL LOVER BOYLIL BEHRS EVER READY REPRISEDAMCAN CH. CORLEAHS EVER READY AT WEITOIMy job is to assist Gods creatures. I wasborn with the drive to fulfill their every need. I takein helpless, unwanted, homeless creatures withoutplanning or selection. I have bought dog food withmy last dollar. I have patted a mangy head with abare hand. I have hugged someone vicious andafraid. I have fallen in love a thousand times. AndI have cried into the fur of a lifeless body too manytimes to count.I have animal friends and friends who haveanimal friends. I dont often use the word pet. Inotice those lost along the roadside and my heartaches. I will hand raise a field mouse, and makefriends with a vulture. I know of no creatureunworthy of my time.I want to live forever if there arent animalsin Heaven. But I believe there are. Why wouldGod make something so perfect and leave animalsbehind. Some may think we are master of theanimals, but the animals have mastered themselves.Something people still havent learned. War andabuse make me hurt for the world but a rescue thatmakes the news gives me hope for mankind.We are a quiet but determined army and weare making a difference every day. There is nothingmore necessary than warming an orphan nothingmore rewarding than saving a life. No higherrecognition than watching them thrive. There is nogreater joy than seeing a baby play whom only daysago was too weak to eat. By the love of those whoIve been privileged to rescue I have been rescued.I know what true unconditional love really is forIve seen it shining in the eyes of so many, gratefulfor so little.I am an Animal Rescuer. My work is neverdone. My home is never quiet. My wallet is alwaysempty, but my heart is always full.Author unknownI Am An Animal RescuerKENNELVisitSharon YampiroGreat River PomeraniansContact the Editor, Brenda Segelken, to suggest ornominate candidates for upcoming APC Kennel Visitsat 217- 347 - 5731 or Email fame62401yahoo.comDEADLINE AUGUST 1SEPTOCT 20062006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1023 PM35i i i in4NNEP'isir MAY fc2006SPi A t mi4 4436 - JULYAUGUST 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWBetween the judging of regularclasses and Best of Breed Competition, therewas a ceremony honoring two icons in ourbreed, Mrs. Eleanor Miller of Millamor Pomsand Mrs. Marlene Scott Halsey, formerPresident of APC and well-known retiredPom Handler.After the judging, exhibitors weretreated to refreshments. Many club membersworked hard behind the scenes to make theday a success. Thanks to the following. TerryCarpenter and Maynard Wood who compiledthe Commemorative Booklet, furnishedtrophies and prepared refreshments thattopped off the day. Ruby Seegars made thetrophies and Bonnie Stetson donated therosettes. Melissa Barefoot donated trophiesand served as photographer. AmandaJennings manned the catalog table all daylong without a break. Sandra Noon mannedthe trophy table all day and filled in whereneeded. Your efforts are appreciated and yourassistance was priceless.The winner of the cash drawing for100 was Carlene Gilstrap of Mountain CrestPoms. The winner of the 500 cash awardwas Mrs. Mary Dolde of the Dalmatian club.The club thanks our Judges.Malcolm Moore judged Sweepstakes andMrs. Vicki Abbott judged Regular Classes.Sweepstakes Judge Mr. Malcolm MoorePuppy dogs 6-9 mos.1st place - Honeykist Whats the Fuss AboutBreederOwner Christine Bousquet2nd Place - Shining Stars Limited EditionBreeder Tammie Douglas Owner AngelaBlocker3rd Place - Firebrooks Smoke MirrorsBreeder Lee Cook Owner Bonnie Stetson Laura JenningsPuppy Dogs 9-12 mos.1st Place - Eagle Creeks Hamin It UpBreederOwner Kathy Norem Diane Finch2nd Place - Great Elms Vintage TopperBreeder Ruth Beam Owner Laura JenningsPuppy dogs 12-18 mos.1st Place - Castile Legend of Mtn CrestBreeder Geno Sisneros Owner David Gilstrap Geno Sisneros2nd Place - Rialta Fire Rain of LenetteBreeder K G Griffith Owner Alta Davis3rd Place - Pnderosa Penut Butter CupBreederOwner Tammie Ford LisaBridgewaterPuppy bitches 6-9 mos.1st Place - Starfires Salsa BreederOwnerJose Cabrera Fabian Arienti2nd Place - Mountain Crest Private DancerBreederOwner Carlene David Gilstrap3rd Place - Kacees No Name RequiredBreederOwner Katy Stalnaker4th Place - Foxwudz Custom Dresser BreederLaura Jennings Owner Bonnie StetsonPuppy Bitches 9-12 mos.1st Place - Kacees Gone with The Wind IIBreederOwner Katy Stalnaker2nd Place - Finchs Bikini Party BreederDiane Finch Owner Diane Finch KathyNorem3rd Place - Sal-Mar Lel Hurricane MaggieBreederOwner Sally Jenkins4th Place - Barefoots Evry Rose HasathornBreederOwnerMelissa BarefootPuppy Bitches 12-18 mos.1st Place Honeykist Out N About Breeder Owner Christine Bousquet Sally HestleBest in Sweepstakes Starfires SalsaBest of Opposite - Castile Legend of Mtn.CrestRegular Classes Judge Mrs. Vicki AbbottJunior ShowmanshipBest Junior Amanda Seegars withBarefoots Evry Rose HasathornPuppy dogs 6-9 mos.1st place - Shining Stars Limited EditionApril 7, 2006, only two weeks after the Pomeranian National Specialty in Louisville, Kentucky, some of the best of the best in thePom world were converging on North Carolina for a day that promised to hold good things for every entry. The Central Carolina PomeranianClub offered many cash prizes as well as other choice items such as TVs, crate covers, grooming boxes and other choice items. Even thewinning puppies in Sweepstakes would take home cash.The trophy table extended to two tables and both were loaded with lovely items on display. Many exciting events were planned. Ourentries had reached 21 in Sweepstakes and 59 in regular classes, the highest entry in several years.The Central Carolina Pomeranian ClubShow Report - April 7, 2006 By Dot Martin2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1024 PM36I I I I I i i i in4i7I ij i'H 2 -41 T ic\4 4\11jr AM-- r.4JulyAugust 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 37Breeder Tammie Douglas Owner AngelaBlocker 2nd place - Honeykist Whats the Fuss AboutBreederOwner Christine Bousquet 3rd Place - Firebrooks Smoke MirrorsBreeder Lee Cook Owner Bonnie Stetson Laura JenningsPuppy Dogs 9-12 mos.1st Place - Glen Iris Mark Of Zorro BreederCheryl Jackson Lawrence Owner Shalon Michael Parrott2nd Place - Powerpom The Incredible BreederOwner Pon gsakorn Nissara Pongsak.3rd Place - Great Elms Vintage TopperBreeder Ruth Beam. Owner Laura JenningsPuppy dogs 12-18 mos.1st Place - Castile Legend of Mtn CrestBreeder Geno Sisneros Owner David Gilstrap Geno Sisneros2nd Place - Abbapoolas We Willie LenetteBreeder K G Griffith. Owner TammyMoynihan3rd Place - Honeykist Golden Rule Breeder Owner Christine Bousquet 4th Place - Rialta Fire Rain of LenetteBreeder K G Griffith Owner Alta DavisBred By Exhibitor Dogs1st Place - Eagle Creeks Hamin It UpBreeder Owner Kathy Norem Diane Finch2nd Place - Mountaincrest Rolling StoneBreederOwner David Carlene Gilstrap3rd Place - Sal-Mar Opey Chip DoritoBreederOwner Sally JenkinsOpen Dogs Black, Brown , Blue1st Place - Pnderosa Penut Butter CupBreederOwner Tammie FordOpen Dogs Red Orange Cream Sable1st Place - Woods Que Cera Cera BreederOwner Maynard Wood2nd Place - Pnderpsas Wish Upon A StarBreederOwner Tammie Ford Joyce Smith3rd Place - Luminesques Heaven Can WaitBreederOwner Jacqueline Moore4th Place - Millamors Style of Teri DanBreeder Terry Wilford Owner Eleanor MillerWinners Dog - Eagle Creek Hamin It UpReserve winners Dog - Glen Iris Mark OfZorroPuppy bitches 6-9 mos.1st Place - Starfires Salsa Breeder BreederOwner Jose Cabrera Fabian Arienti2nd Place - Mountain Crest Private DancerBreeder Owner Carlene David Gilstrap3rd Place - Kacees No Name RequiredBreeder Owner Katy Stalnaker4th Place - Earth Angel of Lenette BreederOwner K. G GriffithPuppy Bitches 9-12 mos.1st Place - Finchs Bikini Party BreederDiane Finch Owner Diane Finch KathyNorem2nd Place - Barefoots Evry Rose HasathornBreederOwnerMelissa BarefootPuppy Bitches 12-18 mos.1st Place - Castiles Song of SpringwooodBreederOwner Geno Sisneros BeckyJackson2nd Place - Jan-Shars Up Town Girl BreederSharon Hanson Owner Elena Turbina3rd Place - Woods Sting Like A Bee BreederOwner Maynard Wood.Bred By Exhibitor Bitches1st Place - Luminesques Dont Cry For MeBreederOwner Jacqueline Moore2nd Place - Woods Float Like A ButterflyBreederOwner Maynard Wood3rd Place - Kacees Gone With The Wind IIBreederOwner Katy Stalnaker.4th Place - Sal-Mar Lil Hurricane MaggieBreederOwner Sally JenkinsAmerican Bred Bitches1st Place - Honeykist Out N About BreederOwner Christine Bousquet Sally HestleOpen Bitches ROCS1st Place - Jan-Shars All Dolled Up BreederSharon Hanson Owner Elena Turbina2nd Place - Honeykist Sweet SensationBreederOwner Christine Bousquet3rd Place - Sun Fun Starfish of Myrtle BeachBreederOwner Kenneth SwainOpen Bitches AOAC1st Place - Marbils All That Jazz At BlueRock Breeder Billie Y. Hurst OwnerCarolyn Brandenburg Mari IfflandVeteran Bitches 7 to 9 years1st Place - Ch Glen Iris Castle In The SkyBreederOwner Dr. Cheryl Jackson LarryMyers Gene Sisneros IsabelVeteran Bitches 9 years and older1st Place - Woods Bit Of Honey BrittanyBreeder Maynard Wood. Owner Sally JenkinsWinners Bitch - Starfires SalsaReserve Winners Bitch - Mountain CrestPrivate DancerBest of Breed - Ch Starfires Josefina Is NastyBest Of Opposite Sex - Ch Royal Tee Tuckerof LenetteBest Of Winners - Eagle Creeks Hamin It upWe invite everyone to return next spring foreven more fun and excitement because wehave bigger ideas for your pleasure andenjoyment.2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1024 PM37I I I I I i i i in44 4r mj V\AArr wV WW,T, S.1V Vn vc1438 - JULYAUGUST 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWRingside, at an all-breed dog show, waiting to go into thering, I noticed a Pomeranian no longer wanting to stand onthe owners ringside table. Suddenly the Pom slumpeddown. The owner quickly picked up the Pom in her handsand exclaimed, She is having a seizure She has never hada seizure before I am taking her back to the groomingarea.As the little dogs head hung lifeless on the side of theowners arm, I noticed its mouth just didnt look right. I looked closer and then saw something in her mouth.Quickly the dog became totally lifeless and defecated uncontrollably. I exclaimed, Shes not having a seizureShes chokingWith that the owner, handler and I quickly grabbed the dogs mouth. It took the three of us two tries to pry openthe jaws far enough apart to rake the food out of her mouth. Still staying calm, the owner put the dog on its sideflat on the table. One began chest compresses while the other blew into her mouth. The tongue still remained adeep dark blue. I stepped back in order to give them room and re-compose myself. I had come to the realizationthe Pom was dead.Their action continued, as I stood there helpless. Only a few people ringside even seemed aware of what washappening. A little Pom had just lost its life Why isnt everyone screaming or cryingI shook my head once again, in disbelief, wondering why they didnt stop I leaned back over to give the ownersupport, as I knew the outcome would be more than they could bear. Then, I gazed, in shock the tongue was regaininga slight pinkish tinge.A few minutes, which seemed like eternity, passed before the little Pom finally gasped a breath on her own. Oh,my God What a relief A gift of life returned.Dazed by the whole episode, the little Pom was taken back to the grooming area and watched carefully while thePom judging continued. She was terribly shaky and weak, but, before leaving the show site, she had a twinkle inher eye. She was going to be OK.After re-evaluating the situation, the owner came to realize they had laid two pieces of bait chunks of chicken onthe tabletop. Even though the chicken was cut in small pieces, they were just not small enough to be anxiouslyswallowed at one time by one tiny, four-pound Pom.The outcome was absolutely unbelievable. No one person became a hero that day. All parties played an importantrole in saving the Poms life, but the ultimate saving grace was that all three people remained calm. Each persondid what had to be done within seconds. Seconds was all that separated the Pom between life and death.The happy little champion Pom was proudly shown the following day. And, I tell you, it looked like she waswearing a little halo around her head when she was awarded Best of Opposite SexEmergencyRingside PomeranianBrenda Segelken2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1024 PM3844 4m V'A.'v ftJijYiir^fhSLw. ,\f 4m4 xp . f4r\1 \ xS^ 4'^ I f- 4 "' svVI'I 1x\ V, 43\ 7mI I 'A' \ i,. 'Vu, \AJtr'''4i i i i nJulyAugust 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 39CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation can be preformed effectively on Poms, if done immediately and properly.Unconsciousness can occur from drowning, choking, electrical shock, and other circumstances. Time iscritical as irreversible tissue damage occurs within two to four minutes of respiratory or circulatory arrest.Remember the basic ABCs when it comes to CPR.AIRWAYBREATHINGCIRCULATIONA - AIRWAYLay the dog on a flat surface on its right side extend the head back, and pull the tongue forward in order tocreate an open airway. WARNING do not hyperextend in cases where neck trauma exists.Open the jaws and check for food or obstructions. If something is found, open the jaws and rake the objectout to the side. Be careful not to place your fingers inside the dogs mouth without holding the jaws open.You also may hold the dog upside down by their back and shake the dog in order to remove the object.B - BREATHINGPlace your cheek near the dogs nostrils to see if he is breathing. If not, close the dogs mouth and performmouth-to-nose ventilations by placing your mouth over the nose. Blow gently into the dogs nostrils with fiveor six quick breaths. Continue the quick breaths at a rate of one breath every two to three seconds or 20-30breaths per minute. Small dogs and puppies will require short, shallow breaths.C CIRCULATIONCheck for a heartbeat pulse with your finger placed inside of the thigh, just above the knee. If you cannotfeel a pulse, place your cupped hand over the dogs chest cavity where the elbow touches the middle of thechest to feel for a heartbeat.If you still dont feel a heartbeat or pulse, have one person continue breathing into the nostrils mouth tosnout, while you begin to compress the chest as follows.Place one hand or thumb puppies on the chest. Push gently down to 1 inch for 15 quick compressions.Recheck pulse and airway to see if either has been restored.If consciousness has not been restored, continue compressions at a rate of 100 per minute.With one-person CPR, breath once after every 5 compressions and 2 breathes after every 15 compressions fortwo-person CPR.Contact a veterinarian immediately for further evaluation when your dog begins to breath. CPR can producebroken ribs and lung collapse. Never practice CPR on any healthy dog.Be aware that some diseases such as Brucellosis may result in weak or dead puppies and may be transmittedto humans through contact with the puppy or fluids.Begin compressions ONLY IF NEEDED. There are times rescue breathing is all needed for drowning, etc.SMALL CANINE CPR2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1024 PM39I I I I I i i i in44 4440 - JULYAUGUST 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWWhat is breed type What is breed specific movement Today some breeds seem tobe in a muddle. It has recently been overheard and suggested our written standardsare simply just that, A suggestion. In truth, our standards are a tool and guideline for every breeder to use as ablueprint toward the COMMON goal. We should breed to standard, not change thestandard to fit the dog. Culling ruthlessly, past breeders perfected specific breed traits. Creating new,individual breeds, they weeded out unwanted genetic faults. Although many areNOT listed in our standards, when the unusual pops up, common sense should tellus this was NOT a considered norm and should NOT be rewarded. Propertieschange when we accept such and we open up Pandoras box. We are now payingfor allowing those genes at one time considered undesirable back into our breeds. Perhaps until judges are in the ring, they truly do not understand type. Should judgesmaster this expertise on an exhibitors money Why are some long time exhibitorsturning away from our sport Valid questions, dinner conversation. People today have their own perception of type. They breed to the type that wins.This is seen in breeds with far too much bone and coat. Exaggerations make some breedsappear as another distinctly related breed. Since all breeds came about by sorting particularbreed specific traits and separating them, the opportunity to allow these traits to bleed intoeach other is always open. That is why one must continually refer to their standards andfollow them explicitly. There are beautiful pictorial standards available from parent clubs.Use them Placements DO NOT MEAN a judge approves of the type of dog you are showing. Ajudge can only put up what you enter in the ring. Thus, when you breed to what wins andfill the ring with such, you do not give a judge any choice regarding selection. Nuancesdistinguish one breed from another. Those who so ruthlessly culled the breeds in the pastsurely are spinning in their graves regarding the allowances tolerated in todays ring in thequest to grab that win. It is my humble opinion there are three types. Type 1 True breed type.The standard or blueprint to which all breeders should breed. This includes correctness ofstructure in a breed that allows it to do the job for which it was intended and is a completelydifferent subject. Type 2 Preferred breed type or flavor of the month.What ever is winning currently. This runs its course when The Next Big Thing comesalong. Often top dogs dont win on correctness, but win on the exaggeration of a fault thatis so common its considered correct Rewarding a drag of a breed in an effort to callattention to a virtue is a hard call to make, and little understood by newcomers to the sport. Type 3 Hot damn It wins Who cares what the standard saysThis, in itself, it called short-term gain, long-term pain. Once a standard is abused, it takesyears for a turn around. Over the years, if you have been around long enough, variousbreeds hit bottom. Only then, concernedbreeders call a halt and return to the standard.Eventually, through concentrated efforts, theyput the breed back on track. One must attempt to understandtoplines in specific breeds. Breed specificmovement enters in when body types differ.There are commonalities beneath the coat ofall breeds. The Belgian breed iswas, in theirstandard a square dog. This was until theTervuren standard changed theirs to read,Stands four square. The Belgian breeds,in essence, should appear the same in bodyand type, the only difference being coat. Ionce had the pleasure of judging the threebreeds so similar I awarded all three Groupplacements to bring attention to such aremarkable thing. Belgians are one of many breeds withbreed specific movement. If one studies theirherding technique, they will find Belgiansmove the herd by circling them. They do notgo down for the heels. This is explicit in theirstandard. Quote. The Belgian shows amarked tendency to move in a circle ratherthan a straight line. Why is this so hard tounderstand when it is such an importantaspect in their standard that makes them abreed to themselves There is more than onetype of movement in the Herding Group, yetmany judges extol and reward wonderfulreach and drive whether it is their breed E. Katie Gammill - Lerna, IllinoisANDJUST HOW IS THATWORKING FOR YOU2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1024 PM40I I I I I i i m i n4IT, i4 44JulyAugust 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 41specific movement required or not. Where is the pronounced black mask and overlay required in the Tervuren and Malinoisstandard Being approximately square does not mean the head screws on the shoulderand the legs hold the head up. Why the acceptance of silvers today Breeders, beinghuman, give judges what they look for. Judges are trusted protectors of all breed standards.Breeders to are entrusted to keep the breeds as intended. I heard someone say recently, We breed the dogs. Judges will set type by what theyput up Perhaps some judges do NOT KNOW the breed as true breeders do. Thus,judges may rely on prior knowledge and experience of other breeds to make their selections.Where does that leave your breed Again, we are back to Judges DO NOT set thestandards. The parent club sets the standards. The judges SHOULD JUDGE to thosestandards. Therefore, dog standards that say off-square or square, something needed to allowthem to function as intended, is ignored. Dogs become low on leg and long in body. Theelbow is the halfway point on balance from the floor to the shoulder, unless you are a lowbaseddog and should have 13 length of leg. To change leg length destroys the symmetryof either dog if it becomes too long or too short, as well as its functionality. Some judges ask, What is going on in your breed Exhibitors shake their heads andsadly respond, People breed to what wins. What does this say about our judges, orbreeders and exhibitors When there is no attempt to breed toward a common goal, justwhat is the point What good is a room full of blue ribbons when the breeds lose in theend Nuances make a difference. Wedge back skulls that are narrowing bring in a completelynew set of problems. This changes the ear set, the eye set, elongates the muzzle and allowsthe flew to drop over the lip line. Notice the drooping flews in breeds today. With thishound like appearance, ears tend to be longer and they fall off the sides of the head. Oneloses the sweetness of expression. Temperaments are changing, folks, along with these head changes. Breeds once trustednow show adverse behavior in the ring by shyness and aggressiveness. There is a lookin the eye. Many flat back skulls and wedge heads are now rounded or domed and the dish-facedstops make the dog appear as another breed. Such a fine line between many breeds. Once bred together, it took years to perfectbreed specific traits. There was determined culling. We now step over that line and smeartypes together. In time, it will be impossible to buy a dog of choice that when it matures,LOOKS LIKE THE DOG OF OUR CHOICE Long ago breeders combined breeds to create a dog that was effective in the job forwhich it was bred and LOOKED LIKE the dog they chose it to reflect. They weeded outundesirable traits so you and I today, could have approximately 165 specific breeds.Todays old breeders followed that plan. Now, newcomers stray from this plan inpursuit of preferences. It may be too late for the old breeders to pick the flyspecks out ofthe pepper. Sadly, we enter the era of designer dogs. Sold for exorbitant prices, thanks to theavailability of the Internet, this too, is detrimental to the sport of purebred dogs. Wecannot harness a dragon once we turn him loose. We need damage control now Therefore,we must educate new comers. Judges should reward those attempting to remain true tothe breed standards. Judges are responsible for their actions. Obviously, my age is showing. The I can have what I want and rules are made to bebroken. theory so prevalent today, is hard to swallow. Designer dogs are a step closer toMuttdom, folks, and isnt this where it all started in the first place As Dr. Phil says,And just how is that working for you Do not let our breeder showcase become a free for all in the great race for thatillusive blue ribbon. That ribbon may be awarded by someone who may, or may not, havea clue as to what the breed is supposed to look like in the first place. Many people todayhave never seen the greats of many breeds. Some dogs, not considered outstanding, maybe a predictable stud for producing specifictraits and can contribute greatly to your goals. Judges are in a difficult position. Theystudy standards diligently, using theirknowledge to make educated choices, andface little appreciation. Many who criticizejudges are people who do not have a cluethey have a breed standard available for theirbreed. Judges education Well, you can lead ahorse to water better yet, just who isleading the horse What qualifies oneperson over another to be the educator Isthis person truly most qualified Is thedetermination to make inroads regarding theunderstanding of their breed foremostPerhaps the effort made is with thesupposition a judge will remember theirefforts or to establish their type as thecorrect breed standard type Whoever theymay be, new judges are thankful for theopportunity to go over a variety ofindividuals. All of us recognized there arelittle compensation for your time and expenseincurred. I learn as much from bad dogs as I dofrom outstanding individuals. One must havethe best and the worst in front of them tocompare. Only then can they develop theability of prioritizing properly when they havethe privilege of judging an outstanding classof individuals challenging their abilities. Thesecret is PRIORITIZING ACCORDINGTO THE STANDARDS. This alone makesa competent, desirable judge. People riding horses know only to wellhow hard it is to remain in the saddle if thehorse they are riding is unsound. Thisknowledge of cows and horses adapts easilyto the structural analysis of dogs. For each bad front, there is acorresponding corrective rear action, andvisa-versa. Balance often consideredacceptable when gaiting, can be a bad frontand bad rear that work together. Two wrongsdo not make a right and leads us down thepath of mediocrity. Look for symmetry. Standback and let the dog fill your eye. This horse is dead, so Ill get off andhobble into the sunset. The next articleaddresses The Next Big Thing, regardingoddities and acceptance of such in the ring.The series will finalize with To What DoYou Owe Your Success and Staying onTrack.2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1025 PM41m 44 4442 - JULYAUGUST 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWCentral Arkansas Pomeranian Club ARBabe McCombs70 Springhill DrGreenbrier, AR 72053501-679-6683babepomstcworks.netCity Of Angels Pomeranian Club CADonna JohnsonSherman Oaks CA818-501-8224dipompalearthlink.netNorthern California Pomeranian Club CAJessica Solis2512 Lakeview DrStockton, CA 95204209-598-7573w2bspldsbcglobal.netSan Diego Pomeranian Club CATammee Felix3714 Bancroft St.San Diego CA 92104619-282-5520sunglopomsatt.netBay Colony Pomeranian Club CT, MA, NH, RIThomas Burrows15 Shelburne RdMerrimack NH 03054603-429-2340tomdb2001msn.comDelaware Valley Pomeranian Club DE, NJ, NY, PASusan Philbrook1209 Forceville DrWesthampton NJ 08060609-267-2367pomerama1yahoo.comPomeranian Club of Hawaii HIJudy Leadbeater1062 Hunakai StHonolulu HI 96816808-734-5560Pomeranian Club of Central Indiana INJoanne Norris1792 W SR 114N Manchester IN 46962260-982-8541pommommeaol.comPomeranian Club of Greater Des Monies IAKathy Launderville1924 305th StSpencer, IA 51301712-262-9038sjkaybdreconnect.comLaCajun Pomeranian Club of Louisiana LABarbara Messmer2249 Suwannee DrMarrero LA 70072504-348-9150bjmesmernetzero.comPomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore MDLorelei Sibet4415 Garrett Park RdSilver Spring MD 20906301-257-5757loreleissyahoo.comPomeranian Club of Michigan MIDonna Machniak237 Groveland DrHowell, MI 48843517-546-7446Rich_DonnaMhotmail.comREGIONAL AKC LICENSEDPOMERANIAN SPECIALTY CLUBSRegional Pom Clubs Continued2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1025 PM42I I I I I i i i in44 44JulyAugust 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 43Central Carolina Pomeranian Club NCLinda Boling501 MountainbrookLancaster, SC 29720803-286-1163lbolingcomporium.netOhio Valley Pomeranian Club OHRoberta Taylor4965 Woodbriar PLColumbus OH 43229-5523614-888-3484rtaylorwebtv.netSooner Pomeranian Club of Oklahoma City OKKathy Sawyer4236 NW 39th StOklahoma City, OK 73112-2930Kbsawyerjudgesbcglobal.netColumbia Pomeranian Club ORTeresa White5000 NW MillstonePortland OR 97229503-314-9026evensongpomsaol.comDallas - Fort Worth Pomeranian Club TXCindy Boulware6450 Rolling Heights CirKaufman TX 75142972-962-3872lovencountryearthlink.netPomeranian Club of Greater Houston TXConnie Zieba1238 Coleman Boylan DrLeague City, TX 77573-5210281-332-7109ladybugpdq.netPomeranian Club of Central Virginia VAElizabeth Heckert600 Suhtai Ct Apt 304Virginia Beach VA 23451757-259-7818pommom2beaol.comPuget Sound Pomeranian Club WASunny Shawley4180 Jones RoadOak Harbor WA 98277-7711sunnydayearthlink.netRegional Pom Clubs ContinuedThe Pomeranian Review wouldlike to thank Jessie Klein, formerKennel Visit Co-ordinator, for herpast support and dedication. Theloyalty shown to the APC andPomeranian Review has beenappreciated more than words canexpress. We wish you well.Thank you,CHECK, MONEY ORDER, MASTERCARD,VISA, AMERICAN EXPRESS, DISCOVERY,PAYPAL GLADLY ACCEPTED.ADS MAY ALSO BE PAID FOR AT THE APCWEBSITE. americanpomeranianclub.org2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1025 PM434-F4 4iilltlllSlf..1I'"^tnji.f 0S m ' r. .. Hi . 5g^g . ft riixte4i i i i n44 - JULYAUGUST 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWBaby face, youve got the cutestlittle baby face. Are you singing,yet We hear the description ofsome Pom faces as Baby facedalthough those words are notmentioned in the Pom Standard. What IS a babyface What does a baby face look like Myanswer to that question is, Ill be darned if Iknow I have never seen the definition of aPom baby face written anywhere.I know what it cant look like It surely cant bea foxy face, because a foxy face would have aPomergggggeranianFacesExpressionsBySally Baugnietsrb1copper.netlong muzzle, at least as long asthe skull. Babies dont have along nose. Their nose is veryshort. Pom puppies have a shortnose like a baby WellkindaMidwestern slang. Babies arecute, so baby-faced Poms have tobe cute. Come to think of it, I havent seen theword cute in the Standard, either, but manytimes I hear people look at a Pom and say,Isnt he cute Yeah, more Midwestern PomsARE cuteA baby face cant be a really widemuzzle, either. Bears have apretty wide muzzle. A bearsmuzzle is almost as round as it islong. The word bear is not inthe Standard either, but I have heard people say,He looks just like a cute there is that wordagain little bearA Chow Chow has a short widemuzzle. That cant be a baby face,either Babies dont have a widenose. Chows have wrinkles. Wellbabies have wrinkles, too but Idont think the wrinkles are on its noseor aretheyWell, now do you know what a baby-faced Pomlooks like I guess it looks like whatever youthink it looks like. Sorry, this article is justteasing you a little. It is just a fun article fromthis senile old lady who was egged on by ourhumorous editor. Brenda gets some fun-kind ofarticle ideas to include in the Review. It was afun article to write VBG2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1025 PM44I I I I I i i i in4n ..Sarfr 4RWKk V tv 'Vv- uK v 4at4 4VP i \4V \^5\4JulyAugust 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 452006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1025 PM45i i i in4Expressions-4iI 9Vi T4^3 A8 s 14 4i4^Mouse1e iINQ a BabyKV face9rt446 - JULYAUGUST 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWThe Bay Colony Pomeranian Club held their AnnualSpecialty at the NorEast Toy Dog Cluster in Fitchburg,Massachusetts on Saturday of Memorial Day weekend. This isa lovely group of four shows, only open to toy breeds, withBreed, Obedience, Rally, and Agility available. Manyexhibitors take advantage of everything at one venue and canbe seen running from agility or obedience to the breed ring.Bay Colony, as usual, ran a lovely specialty withbeautiful trophies for just about every exhibitor. There was aSweepstakes, Parade of Titleholders with an entry of 10, and achallenge trophy for Best Bred by Exhibitor which was startedin 2003 to honor former club members Paula Payson andLaureen Ivey. There was a raffle with prizes to knock yoursocks off, and the club and a group of exhibitors went to dinnerat a very good Chinese restaurant just down the road. A greattime was had by all.The sweeps judge was Ms. Lauren A. Payne of NewYork. In small classes, her picks wereBest Junior in Sweeps Lil Behrs Thumbelina Owner Joan C.BehrendGrand Sweepstakes Winner Lil Behrs Thumbelina OwnerJoan C. BehrendBest Veteran in Sweeps Ch. Strutting Twenty-Four KTOwner Howark SklarBest of Opposite to Best Veteran in Sweeps Ch. SouthpawTeralee Mis-BehaveN Owner Leanne Wilkins SandraShaneyfeltThe class judge was Mr. C. Michael Benson from Anchorage,Alaska, with major sized entries.Best Bred By Exhibitor Lil Behrs Thumbelina Owner JoanC. BehrendWinners Dog Jan-Shars All Jacked Up Owner SharonHansonReserve Winners Dog Chars Taboo To Rock n Parti OwnerCheryl Kerr Charlotte MeyerWinners Bitch Lil Behrs Thumbelina Owner Joan C.BehrendReserve Winners Bitch Teralees RU Mis-BehaveN OwnerLeanne WilkinsBest of Winners Lil Behrs Thumbelina Owner Joan C.BehrendBest of Opposite Sex Lil Behrs Thumbelina Owner Joan C.BehrendBest of Breed, Best in Specialty Show Ch. Windkiss A MagicSpell Owner Linda L. SabellBayColonyPomeranianClubSpecialtySaturdayMay 27,20062006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1026 PM46I I I I I i i i in4o0Q24 44JulyAugust 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 472006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1026 PM47I I I I I i i i in4LPIl \ J.psA\ Vr'... 44sinj ' I V 'lr f ISn J ^f V". f iLdI[-^1 1 w8 r -w ws'. k'wm"'' -a 1Hmiv he s14 43cj Anj m744J li]f r-ff \rniI -Qa7oar-1Gii I1i 12 .7^ jssjjfl.Vk S51 MT1'iJT441w\\ Vc vM448 - JULYAUGUST 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWandAmericanPomeranianClub, Inc.Walda GreenChairpersonAnother National is over. I apologize for not having an article in the last issue. I continued to battle the flu upon myreturn home and home-school my three children and finalize details for our local Northern California Pomeranian ClubSpecialty as I am Show chairman. You all know how life is, I seem to have several deadlines in the Spring then get to slowdown for the rest of the yearYou all did an AWESOME job with the auction once again this year. Your generosity seems to know no limits. I amsorry to not be able to name each of you the flu was in charge. This year we tried something new presales in particular thet-shirts. I know not everyone got the color they wanted and once again we sold out very quickly. Brenda does a fantastic jobwith the shirts and begins placing orders several months before the Specialty. This was a learning experience and we will takewhat we learned to next year I think the presale was a success and please watch for announcements as time gets closer for2007 Specialty as we will once again offer you the opportunity to preorder shirts to pick up there.There are still prints from all previous years available as are 2006 Conformation and Obedience DVDs. I have one2005 DVD leftCongratulations to the art contest winners We will have some wonderful logos for our future National Means MeansWays WaysHAVE YOU ORDERED YOUR 2006 APC NATIONAL SPECIALTY DVDThe Conformation DVD includes the following Sweeps Junior Senior Winners, ALL of Veterans Sweeps, WinnersBitch including Reserve, Winners Dog including Reserve, all of BOB, all of Junior Handler, Parade of Titleholders,excerpts of the Costume Contest, Stud Dog, Brace, Best Puppy, Best Veteran, and a Picture Gallery with candid shots ofthe exhibitors and Poms. Also shots of the trophies and the award photos. Before each class is shown, all the dogs arelisted in the order they appear on the table. After each class, each dog is listed in order of placement.The ObedienceRally DVD classes were recorded in their entirety.To Order YoursMake check payable to the APC and mail toWalda Green8120 Harvard DriveBen Lomond, CA 95005 USAName ________________________________________Street Address _________________________________City, State, Zip ________________________________Phone number include area code__________________Email address __________________________________Dont forget to check the web site for other APC items.httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgComplete the followingI am ordering _________Conformation DVD, 25.00 eachI am ordering _________Rally Obedience DVD, 25.00 eachPlease add 5.00 for shipping on all Foreign Orders2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1026 PM484rL j4 4iV1 g'TV4ii i i nJulyAugust 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 49American PomeranianClub, Inc.Top TenBreed and All Breed THE AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB Pomeranians AKC TopDogssm Using All-Breed TotalsStarting January 1, 2006 and ending May 20, 2006 Wins Group Wins TotalRank Name Sex BIS I II III IV BOBV Defeated1 CH Tokie The Legend Continues D 0 4 6 7 4 37 3,9532 CH Showcase Hot Topic D 0 2 5 4 3 23 2,7923 CH Tim Sues Flying High D 2 6 0 3 3 21 2,3314 CH Finchs Bettin On CharS D 0 2 2 4 4 24 1,6885 CH Finchs Awesome On All Four D 0 1 2 4 1 19 1,2226 CH Jjs Victorian Angel D 0 1 2 1 3 13 1,1927 CH Rivendell Applauds Janesa D 0 0 1 2 3 22 1,1908 CH Valcopy Janels Spiderman D 0 0 2 1 1 8 1,0559 CH Starfires Josefina Is Nasty B 0 2 1 1 0 7 93410 CH Showcase Got To Be Me D 0 1 2 1 0 8 744 THE AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB Pomeranians AKC TopDogssm Using Breed TotalsStarting January 1, 2006 and ending May 20, 2006 Wins Total Rank Name Sex BOBV Defeated 1 CH Tokie The Legend Continues D 37 651 2 CH Finchs Bettin On CharS D 24 438 3 CH Rivendell Applauds Janesa D 22 405 4 CH Showcase Hot Topic D 23 332 5 CH Jjs Victorian Angel D 13 319 6 CH Starfires Josefina Is Nasty B 7 286 7 CH Finchs Awesome On All Four D 19 275 8 CH Valcopy Janels Spiderman D 8 248 9 CH Tim Sues Flying High D 21 233 10 CH Jan-Shars YouRe Not The Boss Of Me D 15 192 10 CH J-Das Of Myth N Legends D 17 192 2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1026 PM49i i w i n4tIlIS'9IEl[olE] mLOj34 4450 - JULYAUGUST 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWTop TenExhibitor, Breeder,Junior ShowmanshipTop Ten January 1, 2006 through April 31, 2006American Pomeranian Club, Inc.TOP EXHIBITOR3 Jerrie Freia3 Nancy Coddington3 Robert Coddington2 Angela Blocker2 Barbara Krzewicki2 Celeste Solano2 Cheri McDonald2 Diane L. Finch2 Fabian Arienti2 Jose A. Cabrera2 Lana Price2 Linda Pelz2 Michael Wells2 Sylvia MiyakeTOP BREEDER3 Jerrie Freia3 Nancy Coddington2 Alane Levinsohn2 Barbara Krzewicki2 Bob Pietzsch2 Cassandra Evans2 Celeste Solano2 Debbie Donahue2 Fabian Arienti2 Jose A Cabrera2 Juanita Fiddick2 K. G. Griffith2 Lana Price2 Linda Pelz2 Mary A Rosenbaum2 Michael Wells2 Pongsakorn Pongsak2 Robert Solano2 Roger M. Lau2 Sharon YampiroTOP SIRE4 CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams3 CH Music Maker Of Lenette3 CH Raintrees Tuff-E-Nuff2 CH Chriscendo Call To Arms2 CH Finchs Walkin After Midnite2 CH Firebrooks Tabasco Fiasco2 Wee Hearts N Search Of FameTOP DAM2 Lanas One Penny To Many2 Trudys Cream DeliteTOP JUNIORSas reported by Catherine Jessen, Juniors ChairNovember 1, 2005 through January 31, 2006Danielle Miller 40Erika M. Stratton 24Alexis Okamura 17Abigail Reno 7Shawn Anderson 6Karinina Baily 6Hannah Peter 4Chauncelamay Baily 3Miss Chelsea Vales 3Lauren Hamilton 1Kelly D. ReimschiisselAwards Chair2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1026 PM50rm i i m i ni 4OrWi O'r.iu rc5 tult CD,iiL44 44JulyAugust 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 51MarchCH Apolloettes Alexandria L.T.D. B CH T-JS Rockn Wee WillyWimzee x Apolloette Classy Chassis. Owned by DebbieSvorinich, Anton Svorinich. Bred by Marlene Presser.CH Benrays N Millamor Style D CH Chriscendo Counterforcex Benaires Freedom Reigns. Owned by Benson E. Ray, SharonMasnick. Bred by Benson E. Ray, Sharon Masnick.CH Carleez N Gar-Vs Magic Dragon D CH Sundowns Be AllYou Can Be x CH Gar-Vs Zeek-A-Boo. Owned by Gail Garvey.Bred by Carol Leemhuis.CH Exquisites Dream Adventure B CH Pufpride Sweet Dreamsx CH Avalons Angelina. Owned by Wahyuni Wibowo. Bred byWahyuni Wibowo.CH Foxworth Foxy Roxy B CH Foxworth Fast Lane xMillamors Marianna. Owned by Pamela Dodsworth, Larry Fox.Bred by Pamela Dodsworth, Larry E. Fox.CH Great Rivers Tiamo Lets Hav A Ball B Great RiversMichelangelo x CH Peperie Puddleduck. Owned by SharonYampiro. Bred by Sharon Yampiro, Dr. Rosanne M.Cebelenski.CH Heartlands Knight N Day D Heartlands Knight Ryder xHeartlands Delight Of Pombreden. Owned by Laurie Otis. Bredby Barbara A. Breden, Dianne Kieffer.CH J-Das Of Myth N Legends D CH Dockilocs As Good As ItGets x Jan-Shars Heaven N Your Eyes. Owned by David Solis,Jessica Solis. Bred by David Solis, Jessica Solis.CH Janesas Tiger Lily B Janesas Got A Tiger By The Tail xJanesas N Jan Shars Lynn. Owned by Jerrie Freia. Bred byJerrie Freia.CH Janesas Zeek N Ye Shall Find B CH Sundowns Hide NZeke CD x Janesas Goodness Sakes Alive. Owned by JerrieFreia. Bred by Jerrie Freia.CH Lanas Copper Top B CH Lanas Im A Topper Too x LanasOne Penny To Many. Owned by Lana Price. Bred by LanaPrice.CH Panaches Tresor Trove OJoayne D CH Starfires Bit OMischief x CH Cascade-Lacueva Panaches Tinker. Owned byLaura Meineke. Bred by Laura Meineke.CH Piddy Pats Sugar Babe Of Lenette B CH Music Maker OfLenette x Marbils Taking A Chance. Owned by Sherry Letson.Bred by Pat Yates Duncan, Mari Iffland.CH Pixies Short Stack D CH Marbils Winners Choice x CHPixies Beautiful Buttercup. Owned by Carol Galavich, DonnaMegenhardt, Evelyn Newyear. Bred by Carol Galavich, DonnaMegenhardt.CH Royal Tees Miss Alabama B Royal Tee Psalms Of Lenette xAjs Desert Sand. Owned by Angela Blocker. Bred by AngelaBlocker.CH Trudys Woody Win D CH Firebrooks Tabasco Fiasco xTrudys Cream Delite. Owned by Nancy Coddington, RobertCoddington. Bred by Nancy Coddington.AprilCH Amours Shes A Hot Diva B CH Amours Thats Hot To Trot xHaikus Mochi Bear. Owned by Noelle S Sasaki. Bred by Noelle S.Sasaki.CH Antoms Sir Wiggles Of Wagner D CH Antoms Jes Walkin Tallx Wagners Lil Miss Judy. Owned by Anita J. Farr, Lesley Pettengill.Bred by J. Ruth Wagner, Anita J. Farr.CH Belstars Super Dream B CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams x CHBelstars Super Nova. Owned by Joanne Reed, Diana Gross. Bred byDiana Gross.CH Bi-Mars Jazz Lover D Bi-Mars Ragtime Jazz x Bi-MarsFaded Love. Owned by Sunny Shawley. Bred by Mary A.Rosenbaum.CH Chars Flamin Heart Parti B CH Oakrose Let Freedom Reign xFinchs Wanderin Heart Parti. Owned by Charlotte Meyer. Bred byCharlotte Meyer.CH Cinbows Forget Me Not B CH Cinbows Dandy Lion x CinbowsAim To Please. Owned by Cindy L. Bowling. Bred by Cindy L.Bowling.CH Cr Princess Of Mischief B CH Rodis Cr King Of Gondor xShimmeree Northern Lights. Owned by Cheri McDonald, CelesteSolano, Robert Solano. Bred by Robert Solano, Celeste Solano.CH Cr Tuff Guy Of Isabella D CH Raintrees Tuff-E-Nuff x CH CrClassic Attitude. Owned by Robert Solano, Celeste Solano. Bred byCeleste Solano, Robert Solano, Lori Drew.CH Damascusroad Dream Of Sarasota B CH Chriscendo Call ToArms x Bavanews Angel On Damascusroad. Owned by Diane L.Finch. Bred by Beverley A. Carter.CH Dome Doi Tornado Watch At Tokie B CH Chriscendo Call ToArms x Tokie Teen Princess. Owned by Kochapan Sompong, ChaiwatTangkaravakun. Bred by Kochapan Sompong.CH Dreamweavers Enduring Freedom D CH Desert Thunder OfLenette x CH Dreamweavers Dakota Of Lenette. Owned by MichaelWells, Linda Pelz. Bred by Michael Wells, Linda Pelz.CH Eagle Creeks Hamin It Up D CH Stolannes Back Talk xHeartlands A Flash From Heavn. Owned by Kathy Norem, Diane L.Finch. Bred by Kathy Norem.CH Earth Angel Of Lenette B CH Band Of Gold Of Lenette x VannaWhite Of Lenette. Owned by K. G. Griffith. Bred by K. G. Griffith.CH Geminis Tufrthnuthnk At Sincity B CH Raintrees Tuff-E-Nuff xSakari Silver Moon. Owned by Michele Arvanites, John Arvanites.Bred by Patricia Inman.CH Great Rivers Simply Irresistible B CH Great Rivers CupidsArrow x Ryans Ivory Of Great Rivers. Owned by Madelon Wilson.Bred by Sharon Yampiro.CH Heartlands Up In Smoke D CH Heartlands Born To Boogie xCH Heartland Presents Atom Annie. Owned by Wanda S. Cox. Bredby Robert Kieffer.CH Idlewyld Treasure Chest D CH Idlewyld Treasure Trove x CHIdlewyld Piper Of Lenette. Owned by Sally Baugniet. Bred byMargaret R. Mckee.New ChampionsNew Champions Continued2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1027 PM51rm i mm4 4452 - JULYAUGUST 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWNew ChampionsCH Keepsakes Bikini Blush B CH Puf Pride Cloudbreaker xKeepsakes Courtin Tradition. Owned by Jessie Klein. Bred by JessieKlein, Bob Pietzsch.CH Lil Bow Wows Rhythm N Blues D CH Music Maker Of Lenettex Barbara Ann Of Lenette. Owned by Angela D. Gunter. Bred byAngela D. Gunter.CH Majestys Prince Daschael D CH Paughprints On The MTNCrest x Benrays Sherri Kaye. Owned by Charles Whittemore, RandyHouston. Bred by Charles E. Whittemore.CH Majis Daredevil Of Pawegre D CH Itoba Knock Out Punch xCH Majis Gabriella Of Pawegre. Owned by Patricia Murk, Donald F.Drake III. Bred by James McKiernan, Patricia Murk.CH Mountain Crest Rolling Stone D Glen Iris Rock Star x MountainCrest Cloe. Owned by David Gilstrap, Carlene Gilstrap, BeckyJackson. Bred by Carlene Gilstrap, David Gilstrap.CH Mtn. Views Live Wire B Firebrooks Shenanigans x Mtn. ViewsWinter Hope. Owned by Patricia Dague, Roger A Dague. Bred byPatricia Dague, Roger A Dague.CH Mts Hoilini Focus On Moi D Sandalwood Em Ricardo x CHSandalwood HK Joie Of Vivre. Owned by Sylvia Miyake. Bred bySylvia Miyake.CH Nobles LL Engine That Could D CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams xHickory Bends N Nobles Brittany. Owned by Valerie Smidt, NobleInglett. Bred by Noble Inglett.CH Peachs Little Miss Daisy B CH Keepsakes Make My Day xPeachs Gold N Lace Of Bar-Net. Owned by Bob Pietzsch. Bred byBob Pietzsch.CH Powerpom Eternity D CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams xBavanews Divine Intervention. Owned by Vinni Jacobsen. Bredby Pongsakorn Pongsak.CH Powerpom The Incredible D CH Foxworth Fanfare x StarHaven Cometh By Grace. Owned by Pongsakorn Pongsak,Pannipa Pongsak. Bred by Pongsakorn Pongsak.CH Razzle Dazzle Heavenly Choir D CH Razzle Dazzle HatDance x Candlebrites Cuz IM Worth It. Owned by Judith B.Green. Bred by Judith B. Green.CH Starfires The Be Itch Is Black B CH Finchs Walkin AfterMidnite x Starfires Strawberry Marmelade. Owned by Jose A.Cabrera, Fabian Arienti. Bred by Jose A. Cabrera, FabianArienti.CH Stolannes I Wanna Talk Abt Me B CH Stolannes KeepEm Rollin x CH Stoln Song Of The Magic Past. Owned byFrances J. Stoll. Bred by Frances J. Stoll.CH Ursa Minors Easy Ramble B Wee Hearts N Search Of Famex Ursa Minors Ezpz. Owned by Mrs. Heather L. McKim, Mr.Ronald L. McKim, Ms. Barbara Krzewicki. Bred by BarbaraKrzewicki.CH Ursa Minors Evil Twin D Wee Hearts N Search Of Fame xWee Hearts Blown N The Wind. Owned by Barbara Krzewicki,Cassandra Evans. Bred by Barbara Krzewicki, Cassandra Evans.New Champions ContinuedCorrectionsAnnette Risters ad pages 4 and 5, MayJune should have stated Multiple Best inShow All Breed.Cindy Onoskos photo, page 17, MayJuneshould have been the Best Veteran photo.Chars The Heat Is On, page 7 MayJunewas omitted in Mary Valles and CharlotteMeyers ad.The correct number of champions CharlotteMeyer finished in 2006 is 17, not 11 asreported on Page 73 in the MayJune PomReview.Thanks to Pat Mappes for contributing APCNational photos in the MayJune Review.We apologize for the omissions and errors.KENNELVisitsSharon YampiroGreat River PomeraniansContact Editor Brenda Segelken to suggestor nominate candidates for upcoming APCKennel Visits. Phone 217-347-5731 or Write ThePomeranian Review, Brenda Segelken,11139 E Camelot Avenue, Effingham, IL62401-7460.DEADLINE AUGUST 1SEPTOCT 20062006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1027 PM52i i i i n-o mr OUJ r2 c4 44JulyAugust 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 53Visit the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website athttpwww.americanpomeranianclub.org3540 Kessler Blvd N. Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46222 Email indypomsbcglobal.netAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc. Board SummaryJANICE RUSSELLApril 2006Motion was made and carried that APC will pay the banquet dinners for the Judges, their spouses, Show Chair,Show Secretary provided it is not a paid position, Grounds Chair, Obedience Chair, President, Ways and MeansChair, Hospitality Chair, Chief Steward and insideoutside Stewards, provided they work all 3 days, auctioneer.This rule will be reviewed annually by Show Committee middle of January for the Nationals that year, dependingon financials of club this standing rule may be revoked for all except the Judges and Spouses for the upcomingshow. The Show committee will report to the board for approval if revocation is necessary.May 2006Our Standing rule was amended to include effective with the 2007 Roster, a descriptive code of Rly will beavailable for rally exhibitors.The Board approved the 2007 Show Secretary contract.SeptemberOctoberPom ReviewDeadlineAugust 1, 2006CHECK, MONEY ORDER, MASTERCARD,VISA, AMERICAN EXPRESS, DISCOVERY,PAYPAL GLADLY ACCEPTED.ADS MAY ALSO BE PAID FOR AT THE APCWEBSITE. americanpomeranianclub.orgThanks to the many people who prayed, sentwell wishes and the gift baskets during myrecent hip surgeries. Your thoughtfulness wasgreatly appreciated and will be fondly remembered. The recovery has been slow, as expected,but hopefully success is now in sight.Thanks also to those who helped my mother,Brenda with the Pom Review during her deadlineand press scheduling time while she wasat Barnes Hospital in St. Louis.Wayne SegelkenThank You2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1027 PM53I I I I I i i m i n4mV, 0yut6VI4 4454 - JULYAUGUST 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW You and your wonderful buddy have worked hard training, proofing, matching, and you feel you both are now ready to do it.To go for that first leg for your title. Youve sent your entry in, and now you sit back and wonder. What will it be like inside thering Let us go through a ring performance, and see what actually happens when you finally cross that ring gate.BE READY Know when you will be next. Even though dogs should be judged in catalogue order, sometimes conflictsoccur resulting in a dog going out of catalogue order. So check, double check, and triple check when you will be going in.Sometimes a number before you will arrive at the last minute and the steward will stick them in after she has told you that youwill be next. If you are the first dog in, you have every right to ask the judge for the heeling pattern if he or she does not provideit. After judging a dog, the judge will add up the score if the score is qualifying, non-qualifying scores are not added upanymore and record it in the judges book. Some judges are fast at doing this and some take there time, or will have a sip of coffeeor water between dogs. Sometime another exhibitor or one of the stewards will have a question. Sometimes someone stops byto say hi. You need to keep one eye on the ring and one eye on your dog so you are both totally ready to enter the ring to do yourbest performance. If you have trained and matched properly, you should know just how mush time you need to warm up yourdog, get attention, get the old muscles going, etc. Remember, its not nice to keep a judge waiting. What I like to do is wait to gointo the ring at least five feet back from the ring gate. Just in case, as my dog and I are approaching the ring, something divertshis attention that need a last bit of correction or if I need to give that last piece of tidbit, I have five feet to do it. Make sure youdo what you have to do well before crossing that ring gate. Remember, judging begins as soon as you ENTER the ring. So beaware and be ready.LET THE JUDGING BEGIN When you enter the ring, if you are in Novice, proceed directly to the starting point. Ifyou are in Open or Utility, stop right inside the ring and hand your leash to one of the stewards and then proceed to your startingpoint. Whereas you can still talk to your dog while approaching the starting point, you cannot use the leash in any way thatconstitutes training or aiding the dog, or if in Open or Utility you cannot touch your dog other than a quiet gesture of praise. Allexercises start in heel position with the dog at the handlers left side facing the direction you will be going for your first exercise.In the Novice classes, the first exercise is always Heel on leash, and in Open A it will be Heel Free. In Utility A it is the Signalexercise. However, in Open Band Utility B, the order of exercises vary. The exact order will be listed on the ring gate post or atthe judges table. Make sure you are familiar with the order so you know where to proceed to once you enter the ring.Before you start, the judge will visually check your leash and collar. The dog must be on a loose leash which may be heldby the handler in one or both hands in a natural position. It must be made of fabric or leather and need only be long enough toprovide adequate slack during the Heel on Leash exercise. All dogs must wear a properly fitted collar approved by the judge. Nospecial training collars such as electronic or prong may be used. Nothing may be hanging from the collar. This is the time to ask any questions you might have. No question is too stupid. It may involve an AKC rule orsomething you should or should not do, so, if you have doubt, ask it before you may get a deduction for it later in yourperformance. If there are no questions, problems, etc., the judge will ask you if you are ready No exercise begins until you areready. If you are not ready, say so. Before you say yes, look at your dog to make sure he is sitting in heel position and watchingyou. Yes, now you are ready and the exercise begins. HEEL ON LEASH AND FIG. 8 - The principal feature of this exercise is the ability of you and your dog to work as ateam. The first command will be forward and you will begin walking in a normal pace up the mat. As you started to walk yourdog lagged a little resulting in a one half or more deduction depending on the severity of the lag. Yours only resulted in a halfpoint. The judge calls a halt. Nice sit. No points off. Forward. This time your dog stays with you and you receive nodeduction. The judge calls left turn and as you turn left, your dog goes wide, but comes right back to heel position. Anotherhalf point deduction. On the slow command, your dog stays perfectly in heel position. Good. No points off. The about turn isexecuted very well by both you and your dog so no points lost there. However, as the judge calls halt, and you stop, your doggets distracted by a noise outside the ring and, even though he is in heel position he sits slowly which is less than perfect and thusone half point off. The forward and right turn are good. Fast. In your mind, you are thinking, my dog has been havingtrouble with the fast and has been lagging, so Im going to go slower than my usual fast in hopes the dog will remain in heelOBEDIENCE... An Almost Lost Venue - Part IV By Marian Lazzara2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1027 PM54I I I I I i i i in44 44JulyAugust 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 55position. Big mistake You do not go fast enough resulting in NO change of pace for your dog and you loose a 3 pointsubstantial deduction. Rules say, you must slow or speed up enough so as to warrant a definite change of pace IN YOUR DOG.The dog is the one being judged. The judge may also think you are doing this purposely which you did and further deduct 1 ormore points for a handler error, lack of natural smoothness, or aiding your dog. However in this case he did not. On the otherhand, if you did go as fast as you usually do and the dog lagged, you probably only would have a minor deduction. Bet, youwont do that again. The rest of the heeling is OK and no further points are lost. After the last halt, the judge will now sayexercise finished, and you are now free to praise or pet your dog and move to the second part of this exercise, the Figure 8.The Fig. 8 will always be in a normal pace and the only commands are Forward and Halt. You may start out going eitherway. Lets say you start out going to the left which puts your dog on the inside between you and the post stewards are posts.Your dog sniffs the post resulting in a half point deduction. As you circle the other post, called the outside post because you arebetween your dog and the post, and your dog is on the outside, your dog does not speed up to stay in heel position, which resultsin a lag. Remember, this exercise is judged on how well your dog adapts his pace to stay in heel position while you maintain anormal pace. Therefore his lag gets you a half point deductions. Fortunately he catches up by the time you halt and you looseno further points. You will then go around both posts once more and there will be one more halt. Both you and your dog do agood job and no more points lost. Exercise Finished. All heeling exercises have a total point value of 40. When added up, yourdeductions resulted in a 5 point loss and you end up with 34 points for that exercise. For the most part, you and your dogworked as a team and neither did anything to warrant disqualification see the book, and you did not lose more than 21 pointswhich would result in less than 50 of the total points, so you are still qualifying after this exercise. Now, you will remove theleash, and give it to the steward. All other exercises are off lead.STAND FOR EXAMINATION - The judge will tell you to Stand your dog and leave when you are ready. You willproceed with your dog, to a spot designated by the judge to stand your dog. You may take any reasonable time to stand or posethe dog in a show pose by the method of your choice. Then you will stand up with your dog in heel position and give thecommand andor signal yes, you can do both to stay. Leave your dog, and walk straight forward about 6 feet. Even though thescoring of this exercise does not start until the stay command is given, you can still be judged on rough treatment while standingyour dog, and also any resentment on your dogs part to your stand attempts will result in a penalty. So, you can still lose points.The principal feature of this exercise is that the dog stand in position before and during the examination. The judge will approachthe dog from the front, and using the fingers and palm of one hand will touch the dogs head, body, and hindquarters. On thejudges order Back to your dog you will walk around behind your dog and return to the heel position. A NQ score must be givenif your dog sits , lies down, moves away from the place before or during the examination or growls, snaps, or displays resentment.Even though your dog did remain in place and accepted the exam, he moved a paw during the exam. Only a half point off. Hestayed in place as you returned. Good No further deductions. Total score - 29 out of 30 points. HEEL FREE - Exactly the same as heel on leash and is judged exactly the same. You proceed to the starting point byGENTLY guiding your dog by the collar, which, in Novice, you are allowed to do. Judge asks, Are you Ready Your dog isnot paying attention. You say No, you are not ready. Jack, watch. Now you are ready. Judge commands Forward. As youstart walking, your dog starts with you but then, another noise gets his attention and he slows down to look in that direction. Youkeep walking, but give another command to heel, and your dog catches up and gets back into heel position. Judge calls HaltPerfect sit. Good. However that extra command will cost you a substantial deduction. In this case 3 points, plus a point forthat lag when he got distracted. Forward Good, hes right with you. Left turn still heeling in position. Slow. Normal.Dog returns nicely to a normal pace.. About Turn very nicely executed by you and your dog and then a perfect halt. ForwardDog starts out good but lags into the right turn but then catches up. Half point. Uh...Oh here comes the fast. Your fast pace isgood and your dog does change pace even though he heels a little bit wide which only costs a half point.. Normal Good. Dogis now back in heel position and executes a perfect about turn. Halt Oh, boy, a nice straight sit. Exercise finished Whereasyou technically lost 1 points on heeling that extra command cost you that additional 3 points. Thats a total 4 points lost.Total for Heel Free is 35 . Still qualifying. There is no Figure Eight in this Heel Free exercise.RECALL - You may still guide your dog gently to the spot designated by the judge to start the recall. When ready, thejudge will tell you to Leave your dog. You will command andor signal your dog to stay and walk to the other end of the ring,and turn to face your dog with your arms and hands hanging naturally at your side. When the judge commands or signals youto call your dog, you are allowed to use his name as well as the command to come. You can also use a signal, however if you douse a signal, you are not allowed to use his name. Jack, Come Good, hes coming in at a nice brisk pace, but slows down ashe approaches you and sits about a foot from you. The slow place would lose you a minor to substantial deduction, dependingon severity and slowness. Rules say the dog must come at a brisk trot or gallop. Your dog just slowed down a tad so only just point deduction. Now, even though your dog IS sitting straight in front of you, he is about a foot out. This is classified asa less that perfect sit in front and must lose points. Probably is this case to 1point loss. If he sat out so far, that you could nottouch his head without bending, stretching, or moving a foot, the points lost would be substantial. On the judges command, heshould go smartly to finish and end up back in heel position at your left side, which in this case, he does, so no more points lost.2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1027 PM55I I I I I i i i in44 4456 - JULYAUGUST 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWLets, see, 1 point for slowing up, and 1 point for that not close enough sit in front. Total points lost is 1 . Still to this point,a qualifying score.A perfect sub-total score is 140 points, with 60 points left to go for the group exercises. You are NOT allowed to knowthis total nor are you allowed to know your total score until ALL judging is done and recorded in the judges book, and placementsare given out. So dont askEven if you had NQd, you must still wait around for the group exercises. AKC rule. Make sure you ask the stewardwhen this will be, and be sure you are at ringside while the last dog prior to the group exercises is in the ring. Nothing is morerude or irritating to the judge, stewards, or fellow exhibitors, as an exhibitor that has to be searched for. The steward will lineyour group up in NUMERICAL ORDER. No exceptions You will all enter the ring in order, on leash, and be lined up along oneof the four sides of the ring.. Then you will remove your lead and place it, with your armband, behind your dog. The judge willask if everyone is ready. When the judge gives the order, the handler will command andor signal their dogs to sit if they are notalready doing so. The judge will command Leave your dog and all handlers will command andor signal their dogs to stay andwalk IMMEDIATELY to the opposite end of the ring, turn and face their dogs for one minute. Lets see what is happening. Dog1 is sitting very nice. So is 2, but 3 is starting to whine and bark. This is upsetting 4, who gets up and goes to his handler.s 5, 6, and 7 are distracted, but remain in place. You are 7, so all is well. 8 decides to lay down just before the command toreturn to your dogs You return promptly, walk behind your dog to heel position and await the judges exercise finished.However, before the judge says exercised finished, your dog lays down. Scores are as follows Dogs 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 all receivea perfect score of 30 points. Because 3 repeatedly whined and barked throughout the exercise, he receives a non-qualifyingscore. One or two whines or barks would only have points off. You return to heel position but BEFORE the judge said exercisefinished, your dog laid down. Because 8 laid down BEFORE the handler returned, he must receive a non-qualifying score,however your dog laid down AFTER you returned but BEFORE the judge said exercise finished, so you DO qualify but receivea 5 point substantial deduction. Your score for this exercise. 25 points. Now the long down. On the judges command to Downyour Dogs, handler 4 has trouble and ends up touching her dog to down him and thus loses a point. There may be a minor tosubstantial deduction for anyone touching their dog while getting it into the down position. Also any rough treatment or any dogresisting the down position will lose a minor to substantial deduction or even a NQ depending on severity. Leave your dogs.Dogs 1, 2, and 3, are staying, but 4 is starting to bark again. NQ for him. 5, 6, 7 your dog, and 8 all stay down. Perfectscores for everyone. As the Judge orders handlers back to their dogs, dog 8 stands up. Because he stood up BEFORE thehandler returned his score becomes NQ. The rest of us return with no problem. Exercise Finished Before handlers leave thering, the judge will tell each one if they have qualified or not. Yeah, youve qualified. That means CD leg 1. Two to go. Younow await your score.After recording all final scores in his book the judge will decipher his 1st thru 4th placements. Any ties are done by anindividual Heel Free run-off. Today, we did not have an tied scores. The judge now calls ALL the qualifiers back into the ring.After the placements are given out, he will inform the rest of the exhibitors privately of their score. After all the scores are givenout, and he is not busy, feel free to ask him any questions you may have regarding your performance. Any judge will be morethan happy to do this. The judge may also tell you the number of points lost in each exercise. However, he is NOT required todo this. A copy of the scoring from the judges book is always at the secretarys table. These will be there til the close of the show.It is a good idea to look up your breakdown as it tells you how many points were lost and how you ended up with the score youdid. Lets check the breakdown sheets for your performance. Heel on Leash and Fig. 8 - 5 points lost out of 40. 34 forthat exercise. Stand for Exam - - total 29 . Heel Free - Thanks to that extra command, substantial deduction of 3 pointsadded to an additional 1 on heeling mistakes, youve lost 4 which gives you 35 for that exercise. Recall was pretty good- only 1 off. Total is 28 . Your sum total is 128 out of a perfect total of 140. That trouble with the long sit exerciseremember your dog stood up after you returned to heel position cost you a whopping 5 points. Luckily the long down was OKso that was a perfect 30 points for that exercise. Total for both - 55 points added to your sub-total give you a score of 183. Thereis no additional penalty for any misbehavior, so your final score is 183 out of 200. Now, you know what to go home and workon. Changing pace during heeling to insure a change of pace in your dog. Distractions during heeling. Remember that extracommand which cost you an unnecessary 3 point deduction, and by working on proofing your dog to stay sitting after you returnto heel position until you release him will give you those extra 5 points you lost when your dog got up. Major mistakes that canbe avoided. You are encouraged to go home and keep on training. Not only to work for those last 2 CD legs, but to go on to Openand Utility. Maybe even a UDX or OTCH. Maybe you will go on to do Rally, or Agility. Your obedience training is only thestart of many possibilities out there.As you continue attending classes, train with friends, and attend matches and more trials, you realize you are not alonein your ventures. Yes, my friends, Obedience LIVES And is does not have to be the almost lost venue, many people believe itto be. It CAN be a wonderful sport containing many rewards of not only a deep, lasting bond as we interact and work toward agoal with our wonderful Poms, but with lasting friendships of fun and camaraderie with fellow obedience enthusiasts. And theserewards PRICELESS2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1028 PM56I I I I I i i i in44 44JulyAugust 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 57APC Judges EducationAPC Judges EducationAPC Judges EducationAPC Judges EducationAPC Judges EducationDot Martin is the American Pomeranian Clubs Judges Education Chairperson.Dot may be contacted at 803-831-8086 or edwarda.martinatt.netDot MartinI am a member of a list. Not the kind that may leap immediately to your mind.The title of the list is The Judges L.It is published automatically on a daily basis and is a chat room for judges.Believe it or not, there is seldom discussion concerning exhibitors, specifically orgenerally. Most judges are more concerned with judging. Breed specifics are of greatinterest and American Kennel Club matters generate much exchange of ideas.Recently someone requested information on how parent clubs approve mentors.The inquiry was triggered by some new decisions by the Judges Department to rearrangesome aspects of the Breed Approval Criteria for those desiring to apply for new breeds.For years, The American Kennel Club has left the education of judges to theParent Clubs such as the American Pomeranian Club and to Judges Associations. We frequently hear that AKC spendsa large sum of money on judges education every year. However, that is referring to the processing of judges applicationsand has little relevance to the actual training of the judge to do the best possible job in understanding and applying thebreed standard.I was interested in the discussion that followed because I wear 2 hats for two separate organizations. Inaddition to being Judges Education Coordinator for the American Pomeranian Club, I have the position of seminarcoordinator for The Carolina Dog Judges Association, which offers seminars to their members and other judges seekingto further their breed specific knowledge. Finding people who are approved by the parent club to present seminars is achallenging task to say the least. Usually seminar presenters and mentors are parent club members who are wearingtwo hats and who love their breed.Just how parent clubs select these crucial people to serve was of great interest to me. I feel the need to equipEVERY SINGLE APC MEMBER with the credentials to serve the POMERANIAN in this capacity.Some clubs have almost no requirements. No big surprise, considering the APC has not had any guidelinesuntil recently. It is mostly due to the lack of fore thought. It just hasnt been a priority.Some parent clubs have requirements so stringent that one wonders if any member is willing to volunteer for thetask. Others are so slack that it leads to concern about whether the assistance is of value to any one. The most amazingto me was the one that required all prospective mentors and presenters to take a 75 question test on the standard andPASS it Even AKC only requires that judges take a test that has 25 questions. But there is an oral exam that must bepassed satisfactorily or else.Considering every aspect, learning and training are essential. Without knowledgeable mentors what does thefuture hold for the Pomeranian as a recognizable breed. Do we lose our identity and become just a name in the pedigreeof some yet unnamed Designer Dog What would the name of our breed be in the future Pomahua Pomeranian Chihuahua Shelpum SheltiePomeranian. Or my personal favorite a Crested Pompom a cross with a ChineseCrested. HEAVEN FORBIDAdded to the mix, AKC has removed the In ring observation experience so that breed expert judges can nolonger tutor aspiring judges at dog shows. The substitution will be to have those individuals who want to gain knowledgeroaming around at ringside seeking an exhibitor who has experience to take time out from grooming their dog forcompetition and explain the breed to the student judge.So just what does the future hold for our dogs and us Do we step up to the plate and take a stand Do we insiston preserving our beautiful, distinctive breed for the future or do we turn our back, stick our head in the sand and cry,Let somebody else do itI prefer to stand and be counted. If you will join me, send me an e-mail at and tellme that you will be in Louisville in March 2007 and you will be a part of the solution to help preserve THEPOMERANIAN. Then you will be on the most important list of all - The List of APPROVED MENTORS.2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1028 PM5744 4r___4i i i i n58 - JULYAUGUST 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWTherese L. ReederT-Js PomsAPC Memorial Photo submitted by Tom Wilson and Linda BrownThe fancy has lost a beloved, well-respected fancier and breeder of Pomeranians. ThereseReeder of Antelope, California passed away on May 8, 2006. Successfully showing Poodles in 1965,Therese and her husband John, Lt. Col. USAF Ret., established TJs kennel and began in Pomeraniansin 1980.Her numerous champions were owner and handler shown. Therese was known for her meticulousappearance and sense of humor. She and her chivalrous husband John, ak Jack, will be longremembered for their gracious old school ringside manners. Therese took both winning and losing witha graciousness that was appreciated by all.The Reeders also owned horses. Their last showdog, a Keeshond, won Best Of Opposite Sex atThe Westminster Dog Show.Therese was most proud of her homebred Ch. TJs RockN Wee Willy Wimzee Willy. Handler,Brenda Segelken showed Willy to high National rankings. Due to her aversion to flying, Therese was notwell-known outside the California area.John and Therese devoted time and money into Pomeranian rescue long before Rescueprograms were in vogue. Called numerous times by the humane society for special cases, those Pomsenjoyed longevity of life due to the kindness, dedication, compassion and determined spirit of theReeders.Therese, a true proud Irishwoman, is now at peace surrounded by her numerous Poms andanimals she bred and rescued. She will be greatly missed by the Pomeranian fancy.2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1028 PM58I I I I I i i i in4\1 rBEST BRED BY EXHIBITOR NEW CHAMPIONCAMELLIA CAPITAL KENNEL CLUB1998 0BEST OF WINNERS i4 43v.f1MAY_4JulyAugust 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 59Our breed lost a great supporter and fancier with the death of Jessie W. Young on May 3,2006. A lady of great pride and dignity and honored member of the Bay Colony Pomeranian Club,Jessie served in many capacities. Her contributions to the club and expertise will be greatly missed.Jessie started breeding collies under the kennel name of Jabil in 1946. This grew into asuccessful boarding and grooming facility. She later moved to Loudon in 1954 and established herhome TARA. She raised her family and countless animals with undying love and devotion.Well respected by all, in the 70s Jessie developed a highly renowned line of Pomeranians.Jabil Poms not only met the standard, but raised the bar. They achieved success in the conformationring as well. Jessie traveled numerous times to the Cotswold and Malvern areas in England andwas an avid Red Sox and Patriot fan.Descended from Harriet Beecher Stow and Henry Beecher, her unassuming appearancebelied her capability and determination to get a point across to those who were fortunate to be inher presence. Jessie set high standards and held great commitment to the Pomeranian breed.Living her life to the fullest, her values and dignity, as well as knowledge of the breed, will be longrespected. As breeders, we must honor Jessie by our continued commitment to our breed standard.We do not mourn her passing, but celebrate her life. She resides in heaven and enjoys thecompany of her grandson Kevin. She continues to watch over her family and beloved pets. Onlywhen something is gone from our lives, do we truly recognize its true value. This is true of ourJessie.Jessie W. YoungJabil PomsAPC Memorial Photo submitted by Leanne Wilkins and Barbara Young2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1029 PM59I I I I I i i i in4WIu1 Ab ^ \i- kaI 'aiBEST OFoBREED OR VARIETYLEWISTON-AUBURN KENNEL CLUB pine TREE circuit APRILJAi 14 4[j1988the standard imageCHUCK TATHAM J i460 - JULYAUGUST 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWChristine D. HeartzBefore we look at the Pomeranian moving, we need to keep in mind how it is built. Eliminate all thehair for a moment and remember that when viewing a standing Pomeranian from the rear, the hind legsshould be just slightly outside the width of the front legs.A Closer LookRears in MotionThis series is copyrightedand cannot be reproducedin whole or part withoutpermission.As the dog begins to move away, you should notice the rear legs extending out behind so that you seethe pads of the feet. This means the dog is fully extending the leg and following through with the foot.A dog that does not show the pads of his feet when moving away would be lacking the necessarydrive. He may be too straight behind so that the front is actually dragging the rear, leaving no time forthe full extension of the hock and foot as he moves.The Pomeranianstanding, viewedfrom behind.The same dogwithout hair.Correct rearmovement.At a walk orslow trot, legsare parallel atthis speed.2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1029 PM60I I I I I i i i in4KLfr'\uru\for.. .fj4 4yvL\ li"1ViwW', Vtoih -V.,liikw\vim w'Jj.f14JulyAugust 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 61If you could view the movement without hair you would also notice that the hock must travel in exactlythe same line as the rear leg. The hocks should remain straight and parallel with the entire leg as ittravels. It is important that the hocks do not turn in or out, and that the toes remain in the same line asthe entire legs as it moves. Nothing should be pointing in or outward.This is the same dogmoving at optimum speedfast trot single tracking.The legs are still straight.Notice how the entire leg,from pelvis to heel istraveling in the same line,but converging toward acenter line.Too wideandparallelbehind.Cow-hocked.The hocks are almosttouching and the toesare pointing outward.This dog would beunable to convergetoward a center linebecause he is builtincorrectly.As the Pomeranian walks away, the rear legs will be straight and parallel to one another from thepelvis to the heel. If you could video tape the movement and play it back slowly, you would notice thatas his speed increases, the dog compensates by placing the opposite rear leg closer to an imaginarycenter line so that he can remain balanced. If he did not single track, the dog would roll when hemoved, which is not the type of movement we want in a Pom.You may notice a Pomeranian moving parallel behind. This is usually because the dog is moving at aslower speed than would be comfortable to be efficient. He could probably be moved a bit faster andyou would notice that he started to incline inwards toward a center line. This is not to say that aPomeranian should run while in the ring but rather should move at a speed that is both comfortable tothe dog and shows his movement to its best advantage. Keep in mind that even at faster speeds, thehocks must always remain straight and in line with the leg as it moves. The hocks do not turn inward oroutward, nor should the pads of the feet cross over the imaginary center line.This dog is movingtoo close behind,assuming that he ismoving at hisoptimum speed. If heis moving slowing,and he were to speedup, he would probablycross over behind.Crossingoverbehind.2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 692006, 1121 PM61I I I I I i i i in4n.4^'5i- ft X .V, iVIJi\ 4M,4 4vhxrIfr V,-x .J v,tV 4AWH4 JP'' ry.ft sftT,V. .\4it' VWjJ. m 462 - JULYAUGUST 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWThis year the Pomeranian Club of Central Indiana held a Winter Pom-Olympics to raise money for rescue. We had awonderful time and a great many laughs as well as receiving extra rescue funding. Each entrant paid 2.00 per event. Thewinners received gold, silver and bronze medals as well as participation certificates.The events were as follows, the Bob Sled event. PCCI member Kathy Gould had her little CH. Betsy on a snowshovel with her grandson Nathan as driver. Nathan managed to pull Betsy ALL the way around the course I had been trainingmy boy for two weeks and he lasted a mere twenty two seconds.Another event included the Longest Hair, won by Bill and Mary Hiltons cute rescue. Tied with them were Mike andSharon Maylen and little BB. A guest, Deb, took the bronze with her rescue Pom, Dasia.Our next event was the Singing Competition. PCCI Member Kathy Gould held her two of her girls Ch. Betsy andAddy. Kathy sang, her girls sang, and everyone rolled on the floor. Thank you Kathy for the lovely performance.The Fifty Yard Dash actually about thirty feet was the largest entry. A couple of Poms went go the wrong way. Theend result was Bill and Brenda Adams little blacktan girl dashing over the finish line in the second heat. Thanks to Bill andBrenda for entering almost every class in support of rescue.We then had the Prize Fishing event in which the dogs had to submerge their snouts to retrieve treats. Karin Wise hada hands down winner with her snorkeling Pommie. Sherrilyn Rogers also had a little one diving right in and waiting for thenext treat Who says labs are the water loversThe contest of Heavy Weight went to Connie Calders Pom TedE, while the Light Weight winner was owned by Billand Brenda Adams.Finally, we had an unexpected turn in the Tug-O-War event. There were no dogs of equal size entered. Karin Wisehad a boy that took Sherrilynn Rogers little one for a backwards walk in the first heat. However, in the second heat,Sherrilynns Pom had other plans and managed to pull the larger dog backwards a few feet.By Kelley Scott, PCCI Rescue and EducationPom-Olympics Continued 2006 PCCI WinterPom-Olympics2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 692006, 1121 PM62i i w i n4ir \ 1 1aJi SMI- Kj idlit W.11 jl1p iniHI \r. iri44JulyAugust 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 63In the interest of all Pomeranian lovers, the Pom Olympics was ahilarious success. Everyone laughed and had a wonderful time, including thePoms.Thanks to all participants who gave generously toward the rescue fund,and thanks also to my mom, Gloria Scott for her help.We hope to hold the Second Annual Pom-Olympics next year around thesame time. Everyone is invited to compete, or just watch and laugh. A specialthank you to the Pomeranian Club Of Central Indiana for hosting this excitingfun-filled Pom Olympics event. Check out our website for more information andphotos httpwww.angelfire.cominpccipom_olympicsPom-Olympics Continued2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 692006, 1121 PM63I I I I I i i i inmmi ImV o'-1 rJ -sr 4K S1 - f. v1L e i- clf .jssp\- v xJSiIvXfHOME OF THE YVUKKIINIj ontw XfrIf i ^ Vfe. I k,vl44aribr^VnCVJLVp fihi Var -- II. Mvti'fv i 5 13r ^[V,Tip pilr 11PR rX7TjJim64 - JULYAUGUST 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW NEWS AND VIEWSby Barbara McClatcheyPERFORMANCEAGILITYFrom North Dakota, Lois Morkassel writes This has been an amazing weekend that I dont imagine Iwill ever have again We were entered in a 3 day agility trial here in Fargo and both Flitter and Iriwere entered in Excellent A standard and jumpers classes. Flitter runs in 4" preferred and Iri runs inthe 8" division. Friday started with jumpers and Iri ran first. She is my 3 year old and it was a year ago that she fell offthe teeter and landed on her head and neck and was knocked out for 5 minutes. Iri has had troubleconcentrating when she sees pole setters and the judge and the crowd since her fall. The first run shenqed when she entered the weave poles, looked up and saw the crowd and then remembered she wasdoing something. BUT then she did 2 off courses the first was to go out wide to a jump in the directionof a pole setter and the other was to cut in on a jump closer to the judge. I was thrilled with her nqThen it was Flitters turn to run. She was on fire for her and the run was absolutely in the zone A trueZen Run Flitter adds AJP to her list of accomplishments And moved to excellent B to try for amasters leg. Then we ran the standard courses. Iri ran first again. She kept it together and I found myselfsinging out directions. She was so perfect on course I couldnt think of a place she could have donebetter Then Flitter ran. She had a great run, I didnt peel off enough speed on her and she enteredthe poles at 2-3, later she had to stop with her nose glued to the ground on a piece of Indie fluffanother pom that ran before us just before the table. Flitter was actually bounding though thecourse. Saturday started off with the small dogs first. Flitter opened the trial as the first dog to run for the dayin standard. She ran a course of perfection and earned her AXP Another move into the B class formasters legs. Iri ran later and nqed when she was more responsive to a shoulder roll than Ianticipated and came inside a jump. Later she hit a weave pole entrance but again looked into the crowdand missed poles but the run was very nice. Then Flitter started everyone in jumpers and I didnt get a cross in where I wanted to and Flitter wentaround a jump, turned to find me and back jumped it. 2 jumps later, she picked another jump to go outbig to for an off course that was usually a trap for the big dogs. It was a great run though. Iri ranwith so much fire and passion again I found that I was singing my directions and that there wasnta paw out of place. She earned her 2nd jumpers leg.2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 692006, 1121 PM64i i i in4r n4jT'iJtmr ft' .I l \ mmml' IjrT- ii11JrA 4 4nL J4JulyAugust 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 65Performance Continued It became apparent the girls were taking turns with qualifying so as not to detract from each othersDiva Moments. Sunday couldnt get better could it Iri ran first in jumpers and we ran a screaming course, with ahairy moment when she turned the wrong way on a rear cross, but reoriented to the correct directionand did not back jump, to earn a Q. AND her AXJ Flitter ran next in a clean run with 3 bobbleswhere I miscued, stopped and held for her to get back on to her line of travel for her first MJP leg Icouldnt believe 2 clean runs on the same course. All that was left for the weekend was standard. Iri ran first and worked layered jumps toward thecrowd like a pro Clean run for a 2nd AX leg and a double Q on the day Flitter ran last and had agorgeous run. I layered a jump and called her in a bit too much so she came inside the tire jump. Therest of the run was wonderful with a surprise ending she came down the A frame, tucked into thetunnel at the base, shot out to the jump straight in line where I did a right angle cross behind and pullto the last jump and the automatic timer. Flitter looked at me over her shoulder and gave me her tailas she bee-lined it to the chute which was about 25' away and with the entrance at a right angle to herline of travel Obviously she would like to play gamblers and really knows how to find the chuteentrance Flitter was SOOO proud of herself Weekend results 3 excellent titles and 1 masters leg and 2 excellent legs Amazing what happenswhen one takes a few minutes to come out of the show kitchen It is going to take me a while to getback to reality.We now have a MACH2 Pomeranian in Agility. Cindy Bricks, a fellow trainer who was there to seeit happen wrote, Gail Donaldson and her Turbo Pom April who flowed through the courses today andmade it look easy and went on to finish their MACH2. Gail and April were the 1 Pom in AKC agilityfor 2005. Gail and April flow around the courses and push the limits. What is even more interesting isthat April was on her 3rd home by the time Gail got her.A SCHUTZHUND TITLE WELL SEEAngie Patchen, whose Pom Kodak won High in Trial in 2005 at the National Specialty, is now training himfor the BH The BH is a Schutzhund title. Its essentially a temperament test. It has to be completedbefore continuing to the more advanced titles - for dogs big enough to complete those. - For those who like details This is an outside sport, done on an open field in any weather.The BH involves A LOT of heeling . Theres an on-leash heel pattern about 135 paces with a group afigure 8 difference from AKC obed. is there are 4 people there. You leave the group, remove theleash and repeat the figure 8 and heel pattern. Then there is a moving sit - heel forward 10 paces, givethe sit command and continue forward 30 paces, stop, turn around and return to the dog. Then youheel forward 10 paces, give the down command and continue 30 paces forward. You recall the dogfrom the down and have them finish. This is done in pairs, so while one dog is working, the other isdoing a long down with the handler 30 paces away from the dog with their back turned. All of theabout turns are left abouts. The hardest part This is a memorized pattern.After that, the dogs undergo a traffic test. People form a circle, you walk the dog in and have himsit. The people circle around, close in and back out. You leave the circle and repeat this with the dogin the down. Then you walk your dog while someone jogs across your path and a bicycle goes by and2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 692006, 1121 PM65i i i in4r4 4L J466 - JULYAUGUST 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWPerformance Continuedrings a bell. Then you tie the dog and go out of sight while someone walks a dog by and a person walksby the dog. This is the true temperament test part. Ive been a Schutzhund groupy for a couple years. My trainers do the sport. It is a lot to remember. Walking it several times without the dog was a must. It requires any dog to be in good shape and I thinkfor the small dogs, drive is a must. Since I know the pattern and have a nutty little Pom, I think Ill gofor it. It would be really rewarding to be the first of something That traffic test would be the decidingfactor for little dogs with issues - aggression or serious shyness.My Schipperke bitch completed hers in Oct. Ive heard that there is one other Schip with this title and ittook 3 times to earn it. Angie hopes to show Kodak in June well be watching for a report on the results For anyone interested inmore information, there is a detailed description at httpwww.geocities.comColosseumLoge4844BH.html. And just in case you were wondering, BH stands for Begleithunde. Now do you know any more thanyou didTRACKINGAnn Griffith writesBogey went tracking today and faced a new challenge. We went to an area he hasnt been to before. The track started invery short sparse cover, made a turn, then in the middle of the second leg, it went abruptly into very tall lush green grass.Note to self find shorter cover or make taller flags. What I failed to notice when I laid it was a big thistle just exactlynose-high on Bogey, right at the edge of the change of cover. He worked the first corner pretty hard but picked it up andwent on. Then we reached the change of cover. He figured out the track went into the tall cover, but when he committed, hisnose and the thistle collided. He immediately came back to me, sat on my feet, and announced that Pomeranians are lapdogs, and lap dogs do not track into thistles. I urged him on. He sat on my feet. I picked him up and put him back into thescent pool, past the thistle. He immediately came back, sat on my feet, and repeated his observation about Poms and thistles.Repeat thrice. Finally I put him in the scent pool, took hold of his harness, and walked him down the track. He resisted withevery fiber of his being for about 10 feet, then decided to track. He finished the remainder of the track in terrific style. Afterwe came out of the tall cover and went back into the short stuff, he figured out that tracking is easier in tall cover and wantedto go back. LOLI ran my collie on the same track, and she had trouble with that thistle, too, so it wasnt just a size issue. But, as I explainedpatiently to both of them, thistles happen. I think they both figured out that it is possible to go around thistles.The collie had a light-bulb-above-the-head moment today. I think shes finally figured out what tracking is about. Now itwill be a race to see which one gets a TD first. Bogey is way ahead of Rave at this point, but he hasnt hit the wall yet. Heshould be there in two-three weeks and well see how long it takes him to get past it.There are at least two other people on the Active Pomeranian e-list who are training their Poms for tracking,so we may have some tracking titles coming soon. Join us to talk about all these activities see below.STATISTICSThe AKC statistics are now available on AKC Pomeranian titles for 2005. We may find something interestingin them. Obedience saw 16 CD titles, 2 CDX, 1 UD, and 1 UDX. Rally showed 53 RN, 16 RA, 6 RE, and 1RAE titles. Agility had 18 NAs, 16 OAs, 9 AXs, 5 MXs, 29 NAJs, 14 OAJs, 11 AXJs, 4 MXJs, 42006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1118 PM66i i i in4r n4 4L J4JulyAugust 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 67MACHs, 7 MACH2s, 1 MACH4, 7 NAPs, 4 OAPs, 1 AXP, 1 MXP, 12 NJPs, 7 OJPs, 4 AJPs, 1 MJP,and 1 MJP2.That means that there were 93 Obedience and Rally titles and 156 Agility titles, for a total of 249 CompanionEvents titles finished by Pomeranians in 2005. This compares to a total of 290 Pomeranian breedChampionships in 2005. In Companion Events, many of the titles are obtained by the same dog during thesame year. For example, we know that all the RA, RE, and RAE dogs had previously acquired in 2005 theRN title and whichever of the other titles led up to the latest title. Most Agility dogs get both the Standardand Jumpers titles, at least in Novice, within the same month, and many go on to do the same thing in Open.Still, that is a large number of dogs, and a lot of showing we have much to be proud ofIm sorry not to be able to print the titles this month, but hope theyll be ready for the next issue. Dontforget to send your own News and Views to Barbara McClatchey, 57 Poplar Court, Lake Jackson, TX77566. Or call me at 979-297-7383. Or e-mail me Why not join our egroup Brags and advice available at ActivePomeranian-subscribeyahoogroups.comPerformance ContinuedBeauty, the chow hound. Owned by Sylvia HessDickens and Beauty, say what Owned by Sylvia HessHowd they get there Linda TindleMikala owned by Linda Pelz Chance, owned by Angie Page2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1118 PM67i i i ini i i i i 4a4 4c M4 44i 4c4 .l1 K ,0ilc4 44 4cA A 4 yr v f 'aLv11s4 f\XS5 Ii'j' A.LI Mr- JLl.'TZ.Lj 4 1r.,i i. J4C1 J "4C AdC4, w- iIlJ3MP -- ST .ai y. N,. 1 r.r -fisisrL f BSi A4I4cI T rawzmk JP r4cVS4 44M DiHAv 'M rTVf 4J\Vn\I 4l. ^41 4rx][44 T4 y.y -4r nmL J468 - JULYAUGUST 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW Pom Talk questions and comments may be found online at httpwww.MyFamily.comisapi.dll Members and friends may post answersand comments online or contact Roxanne Collins, 6405 W. 650N, Fair Oaks, IN 47943, Ph. 219 866-4464 or pommomnetnitco.netWith Roxanne CollinsOur question for this issue is, what is in your whelping kit and whyWe have 2 partsPart 1 VetSection ContainerA small size, high top Rubbermaid containingA heating disk for keeping puppies warm2 rub down towels2 receiving blankets.This goes with the bitch when we are going for a section, toget the puppies home in. Keeps puppies warm after you gethome or while you are whelping a bitch, gives you someplacefor puppies while you prepare the whelping box.Part 2The fishing tackle box contains1 small bottle of Iodine1 small bottle of Betadine1 small bottle of rubbing alcohol1 pair small scissors1 pair of hemostats1 suction bulb1 small dental floss1 bottle of OxytocinThermometerSyringes and needlesNutrical John and Christine HeartzSeveral pairs of hemostats of assorted sizesUnwaxed tooth floss for tying off the cordCouple pair small scissors for cutting cord and flossA vial of Calphosan calcium injectableA vial of OxytocinSeveral assorted syringesVaseline and thermometerAstroglide and tomcat catheters in case baby needslubricating to help it slide down and outDeLees suction thingy to clear out any mucus from babysmouthSterile gauze squares to grab puppy partsRoll of paper towels - always usefulOld towels to wrap, clean, dry, whateverSmall microwave-heatable pad in case pups need warmthI also have on hand during whelpingLots of coffee, the phone and a good book to fill all thatwaiting time Mary AllaynThermometerRoll of paper towelsCouple pair of small scissors to cut cordDental floss plain no mint flavor to tie off cordSyringe no needleSuction bulb blue baby type to suction out air way ifneed beNutrical andor Nutri-Stat energy for MOM or baby ifneededPlastic bag to dispose of used paper towels and gook.Jan StachurskiDigital thermometer, dental floss, surgical scissors andclamps, stethoscope, small animal suture kit, sharptoenail clippers, 90 proof alcohol Jack Daniels is mychoice, kidding Iodine, Betadine, Silver Nitrate sticks,latex gloves, Nutrical, Cal-Sorb andFading Puppy Remedy, Arnica and various Homeopathyand Bach Flower Remedies, More Milk, Tree BarkGruel, Pregnancy Formula, small scale, notebook,working pen, magnifying glasses, large wet cloths, TheWhelping and Raising Puppies book a godsend andrecipes for the bitch and liver remedy for the puppies.Suzanne WarfieldTwo pair of hemostats one medium and one smallSmall scissorsCalciumOxytocinDopramPurell hand cleanerTowelsAstroglideSyringesThermometer2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1118 PM68I I I I I i i i in4'MmivaM x 1i. mWA1l4 44JulyAugust 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 69AlcoholPeroxideNutricalCotton ballsClavamox Valerie OgilvieCalaphyonOxytocinDopramVaselineKY JellyFading Puppy SyndromeNutri DropsIV FluidsClampsSuture Material tie off cordsTowelsNutricalJust BornFrench Feeding TubeSilicone NippleTons of syringesBulb SyringeCritter Bed Heating Pad Julie ClemenInjectable calcium gluconate to help with contractions and toaid in eclampsia if neededOxytocinKY JellySurgical glovesStethoscopeSterile string to tie off umbilical cordsSharp surgical scissorsAspiration device to suck out fluid from babys mouthGauze padsWhite wash clothesEmpty plastic bottles to fill with hot water for warmth ifneededVanilla pudding cups for mom if she needs a boostGerber Baby Chicken for mom for proteinClean sherpa for bedding. Linda HerrmannVets number memorized Best friends number memorizedBack up best friends number memorized Good magazinesor plan on catching up on paper workSeriously,Clean ragsAlcohol to wipe downKelly clampsScissorsKY JellyGloves dont usually end up using themSanitizer for handsClean water in a bowlInfant nasal syringeNutricalNutristat for mamasThermometerStethoscopeI also have ready in case,Puppy incubatorClean plastic dishpanHeating padSeveral layers of clean beddingPuppy bottlesFormula made upIf not used, mamas love it. Christine CreaseyWell here is what is in my whelping kitBaby bulb syringeNumerous small hemostatsSmall scissorsKY JellySuture For tieing cordsGlovesSmall towels for dryingAlcohol rubbing grinStethoscopeHeating PadDopramOxytocin Linda PelzCardboard whelping box, with one side cut down to about 3inches from the bottom, to allow dam to leave periodically.Plenty of new white towels and wash cloths. Use to dry offand stimulate newborns. It is easiest to see blood or any otherbody secretions on a white towel. I use white towels untilwhelping is complete, then switch to cotton receiving blanketsfor bedding.Lots of clean cotton receiving blankets, youll want to changethe bedding a couple of times a day.Thermometer to check the dam twice daily and thereby knowwhen to expect the puppiesIf the room is cold, a heating pad with only the LOW it under a section of the whelping box. Keep atleast half the box off of the heating pad to avoid overheatingmom and pups. If the weather is warm you probably wontneed a heating pad at all.Stethoscope to listen to heartbeats and breath sounds. Cleandiaphragm with alcohol after each use.Hot water bottle-at the start of whelping, fill it and place it ina small box separate from the whelping box. Cover this boxwith a couple of towels, and it will be a warm holding areafor puppies while the dam is delivering the next one. Alsohandy to have if you need to make an emergency trip to thevet.Several sterilized scissors and SMALL hemostats for cuttingumbilical cord. Hemostats which are too large are too heavybulkyclumsy to use.Pom Talk Continued2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1118 PM69I I I I I i i i in44 4470 - JULYAUGUST 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWSuggestions and techniques in this article are the opinion of each individualcontributor. The American Pomeranian Club, Inc. and the Pomeranian Review doesnot endorse or recommend any procedure or accept responsibility of their use. Alwaysconsult a professional, legal council andor a licensed veterinarian.Alcohol and Betadine for cleaningsterilizing. Hydrogenperoxide to remove blood stains from linens.Gram scale to weigh pups as they are born.Note padpencil to record events. Clockwatch for time.Calsorb to give dam by mouth at time of whelping to preventlow calcium and eclampsia.Nutrical for dam or pups who might need a quick energyboost.Sterile lubricant gel KY or similar in case of need tolubricate birth canal.Small bulb syringe to gently suction out mouths of newbornsif necessary.Phone book with numbers of vet, emergency clinic and yourPom friends and mentorsReference book or manual on whelping.Bottled water and syringe to give dam liquids by mouth oncewhelping completed.Trash bag for soiled disposable items.Bucket for soiled reusable items, which need to be sterilizedprior to next use.Some 5 French feeding tubes, Pedialyte and cans offormula, in case tube feeding becomes necessary. GenevaCoatsThread, dental floss, scissors, plenty of clean towels, heatingpad, small sturdy box, alcohol, iodine, a can of chickennoodle soup, a pad of paper, pens, a weigh scale, handsanitizer, small bulb for fluid extraction, hemostats, anditems on hand to make puppy formula. Bev StekliSyringesHemostatsPreemie nippleVolu-feedNutricalDeeLee Mucus trapBulb SyringeFeeding tubeSterile glovesMilk replacementBaby blanketTrash bagsRagsTowelsThermometerHeating padPermanent marker fine pointWhelping blanketsAbsorbent TowelsStethoscopeScalesBeen thinking of adding a Summit Doppler. MelissaBarefootQuilting thread or dental floss for tying navel cordsDophram given as directed by the vetAlcohol I get small the traveling sizeForceps for holding the cordsSeveral sterile syringes 1 cc sizeBetadine towelettesBetadine salve got both of these from a hospital supply asthey are in small packs individually wrappedSmall pair of scissors for cutting the threadSuper glue I use this if a cord is too short or wont stopbleeding - do not have gloves on when using.2 pair of surgical glovesTube of KY JellyInjectable calciumSmall flashlight I learned the hard way with a power failureright in the middle of a pup being born Cassandra EvansPlastic tub, heating pad, lots of towels and washcloths, bulbsyringe, small scale, small red rubber catheter for feeding ifneeded, timer for the vets, if I go. I keep everything exceptthe plastic tub and heating pad in a small bag and I can justgrab it at whelping time. I keep small hemostats for umbilicalbleeding. My vet taught me that the bitch tears the tissue onseparating the umbilicus from the placenta so if I separate it Itear it with my nails, kind of gross but cutting it makes itbleed too much. But I dont like it to bleed much I applypressure and if its still oozing I clamp on the hemos. JaninePannellWhelping Box - A box with sides large enough for the bitchto stretch out comfortably. She and the pups will live in thebox for the first few weeks.Newspapers - Keep a good supply of newspapers on hand toline the whelping box during the actual whelping. As thepapers become messy, you can just put a new layer down andclean the whole thing up when the whelping is over.Keep a plastic litterbag on hand for use during the whelping.Incubator Box - You need a smaller box on hand to put thepuppies in when Mom is delivering another puppy. You dontwant the pups to get cold so line it with a towel and keep itnear a heat source or put a heating pad under the towel.Sharp Safety Scissors - For cutting the umbilical cord.Quick Stop Powder - To stop bleeding, if there is any, aftercutting umbilical cord.Betadine - For cleaning umbilical cord end after cut.Hemostat forceps - For clamping off the umbilical cord priorto cutting it. You can use two and tear the cord as analternative to cutting it. This helps inhibit bleeding.Dental Floss - For tying off the umbilical cord after cuttingit.Simple basic items that have been all that I need. Jan YoungPom Talk Continued2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1118 PM70I I I I I i i i in44 44JulyAugust 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 71 WANTED Unique and candid Pom photos are welcome. Its Just Fur Fun.Piano Pom, owned by Barbara HunsleyHead em up, move em out Daisy on duty.Baby Oh Baby, owned by Beth ShattuckTake me for a stroll Owned by Beth Shattuck2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1119 PM714vf W' 4 4.4 4 x\_ 44\5fi V I-T' 3" T\\SJr i t- a-.- rk4Wrf.\ at . - Or 7 ML4 iif IF vmUK__ ia sB2X, C^.^r"4Nr4 act^aa5 '2f I. asfe.-T- VmtCr..rftf'-'Z1a4 4a.SsawJv v8S3S2- ' , ww yd 'r L4 F4- M\i Lni y r, r\ \ .-Pi4f___i^ nA yrv"v0a. \\ \y44T4ii i i n rm72 - JULYAUGUST 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWGRescueGracies StorySubmitted by Jo NorrisPCCI Rescue Co-ordinatora wound, but in rare cases it can invade the intestinal system. This likely diagnosiscame after 2, very long, difficult months since her adoption.Gracie has now been on the anti-fungal therapy for over a month and she isnow thriving. She has a voracious appetite is gaining weight goes on 1 mile dailywalks and plays endlessly with Chloe, her smooth fox terrier sister. We love her somuch and are so glad that her original owners decided to give her up. We cantremember our life without her We are also so glad that we had the support of Jo andour wonderful, dedicated vets without whom Gracie NEVER wouldve survived.Jan PetersGracie is an 18-month old, wolf-sable colored, Pomeranian cross. I came across her picture and information on aPomeranian Rescue site mid-February, 2006. Two days later, February 18th, my husband and I started our 3-hour, one-waydrive from Cincinnati, Ohio to Ft. Wayne, Indiana to see her. My husband was a little shell-shocked on how quickly we wentfrom the isnt she cute stage to a road trip. To ease his mind, I assured him he would have the final say whether or not we wouldadopt her. Gracie must have known whom to impress because she went to my husband immediately with her toy. She was oursJo, the rescue coordinator, told us that the reason her original owners had given her up was because she had chronic diarrhea.Gracie was born in Florida and her owner had moved to Indiana about 2 months earlier, about when the current episode ofdiarrhea had started, so we thought that the diarrhea was probably caused by stress. According to the sketchy vet records that weobtained with her, we knew that Gracie had a history of chronic diarrhea, but thought it would be rather simple to control withgood diet and a stable home. She also was clearly anorexic. One could feel every rib, her backbone, hipbones and breastbone. Joand I agreed that we would give her a trial period and if she didnt work out with us, we could return her to Jo.After we took Gracie home, we realized the extent of her diarrhea. It was not only constant she had the diarrhea between15-24 times each day but it was also very bloody. We took her to our vet on Monday, February 20 for a thorough exam and shewas given Flagyl. That did little to improve her symptoms and it was soon augmented with Amoxicillin and Metronidazole.These also produced no results so Gracie was referred to a vet internist. The internist performed an ultrasound followed by acolonoscopy with a biopsy. The colonoscopy showed some intestinal irritation and bleeding. The ultrasound did not show anyclear intestinal abnormalities. The internist thought she might have been suffering from an intestinal telescoping where the smallintestine spasms and collapses into the large intestine. He prescribed Metronidazole and Questran.Gracie showed little improvement over the next few weeks even after had her medications were changed to Sulfasalazine.Finally, she underwent an exploratory laporotomy and several biopsies were taken. The surgery showed extensive thickening ofthe bowel in several places and an abnormal thickening of the adjacent lymph glands. Suspecting it might be Pythiosis, acommon water-borne disease her biography stated she loved swimming or some other fungal disease, she was started on 2different, and expensive, anti-fungal drugs Itraconazole and Terbinafine. The initial pathology report simply indicated thepresence of a fungus. The lab did a second test and still could not pinpoint the nature of the fungus. A former veterinarian fromOhio State University was consulted. He examined the tissue and concluded that that the likely fungus was Sporotrichosis. Thisfungus is present nearly everywhere in the environment in soil and vegetation. It typically manifests itself as a skin abscess on2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1119 PM72AH nr wv v\i0,4 4t \K4JulyAugust 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 73When we were invited to relate the achievements of our Pero Ch. Howlene Teahra Impero, HOF, GC, ROM in the Review,we were incredulous at first, then excited and honored. Other than in ads, how often does one get to brag about their babyin a national magazine it was an honorHawaii has an average of only 21 shows a year 6 held on neighbor islands with the Pom ring having one of the highestentries.Whelped in March 2001, Pero and his litter sister Ch. Howlene Teahra You Go Girl Cats entered their first show at sixmonths of age. He won the Breed over several champions and went on to Group Four. Cats took WB and BOS. Hazel,Robin and I were three very proud MomsBest in Show was won at age 11 months from the Bred-By Class. This was at Hawaiian Kennel Club, which holds our largestshows.Pero has been Hawaiis 1 Pom, has placed in the Top Ten Toys and the Top Ten All Breeds for the last 4 years. His recordBIS, 33 - BOBs, 14 Group Ones and many placements. In spite of the low number of shows, Pero has placed nationallyseveral times. Recently he was 25th for the year 2005 and was 6th as of February 2006. He and some of his get have beeninvited to several Eukanuba shows. However, the quarantine problem hinders us from entering.We dont breed a lot averaging less than one litter a year. Pero has sired eight Howlene Teahra pups and of these 5 arefinished one with 9 points. All were shown in the Bred By Class.Its been a challenge as he is a larger boy and many judges first priority is tiny. Some judges commented that theypreferred a smaller dog, but could not deny his structure and soundness. Tiny is certainly not a top priority in our limitedbreeding program, so well keep meeting that challenge.It is so heartwarming to know that a magazine such as the Pom Review can be interested in a faraway dogs achievements.Much mahalo, especially to a very special lady, Brenda Segelken.Ch. Howlene Teahra Impero, HOF, GC, ROMPero2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1119 PM7344 4 4 ^AmMr W rrs'A- ySU a l..L \-_f.,S^9ri i i i n74 - JULYAUGUST 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1119 PM74i i i i n4American Pomeranian Club, Inc. jrSjJAPPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP 4' 4Please type or print CLEARLY 'Nf'rNOTICE Except for patrons, applications must be endorsed by TWO members in good standing a who have been APC members for two 2 years or more b who have known the applicant two 2 years or more c who do not reside in the same household d who are not related to each other or to the applicant. Applications must be accompanied by the correct dues amount in US funds.This application is for SINGLE , HOUSEHOLD , FOREIGN , JUNIOR , t PATRON see reverse Name__________________________Occupation______________________2nd Household Applicant if applicableOccupation______________________COMPLETE Address_____________Phone__________________________ _____ Fax______Kennel Name____Were you previously an American Pomeranian Club memberWas prior membership under another namePlease check all that apply breeder , exhibitor , obedience exhibitor , Judge , handler , agility , flyball , tracking How many showstrials have you entered in the last three 3 yearsPomeranians American Kennel Club registerable__Have you ever been suspended from the AKC _from the American Kennel Club, please tell us why, when, and how long on a separate sheet of paper.List memberships in any all-breed, specialty, or obedience clubs in which you now or have been a member. Give dates.E-MailDo you participate in RescueURLWhenIf yes, what nameHow many Pomeranians do you own Are your if you have been suspended4 4List memberships in any local Pomeranian clubs. Give the dates you were a member and the club Presidents' namesDo you subscribe to the Pomeranian Review___Are you willing to support the goals and projects of the American Pom Club___SPONSOR REFERENCE 1How long have you known the applicant minimum 2 years___ Have you met the applicant in person___ Have you been in theapplicant's home___ Why do you recommend the applicant for membership Use a separate sheet of paper if neededPrint Name Signature DateSPONSOR REFERENCE 2How long have you known the applicant minimum 2 years____ Have you met the applicant in person____ Have you been in theapplicant's home___ Why do you recommend the applicant for membership Use a separate sheet of paper if neededPrint Name Signature DateReminder, your sponsors must have been APC members for a minimum of 2 yearsAPC Membership Application Revised 0406 Pg. 14JulyAugust 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 752006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1119 PM75I I I I I i i i in4Current Dues to be Included with this ApplicationSingle Membership - United States Resident 30.00 Household Membership - United States Resident 45.00 Junior Membership - United States Resident 10.00Foreign Resident 35.00 Foreign Household 50.00 t Patron Minimum 20.00 donationNote Payment must be in US Funds. VisaMastercardPay Pal Accepted -Household Membership means 2 people over the age of 18 living at the same address.-Junior members are under 18 years of age - they may not vote or hold office.t Patrons are individuals who wish to contribute to the APC but do not meet the sponsorship requirements for membership.Patron status is not a prerequisite to obtaining APC Membership. Patrons may not vote or hold office. Their names will be published in a special section of the Roster and they will receive a copy of the Roster annually.Make checks or money order in US funds payable to the American Pomeranian Club and mail toMrs. Annette Davis 391 North Mink Creek Rd Pocatello, ID 83204 info avalonpom.comCode of EthicsI agree to follow the regulations as set forth by the American Kennel Club as they pertain to my purebred dog operations.I will furnish a signed registration or transfer with each puppy sold unless a written agreement is made with the purchaser at the time of sale that papers will be withheld.I will not sell my puppies to pet shops or commercial pet mill establishments, nor will I donate puppies for raffles or auctions. I will not crossbreed or advertise for sale puppies that have been crossbred.I will not give stud service to unregistered bitches. I will advise the purchaser of my puppy to have the puppy checked by a veterinarian within 2 days 48 hours of the sale additional time allowed if the puppy is sold on a Friday or Saturday. I will refund the purchase price or take the puppy back and replace it, if it is found to be unfit.Except for unusual situations, I will not sell my puppies at less than eight weeks of age.I will maintain the best possible standard of health and care in all of my dogs and see that puppies are immunized and checked for parasites. I will price my puppies within the breed range.In my breeding program, I will keep alert for and work to control andor eradicate problems and conditions that are particular to my breed and breed as closely as possible to the standard of the breed.I will represent my dogs as honestly as possible to prospective buyers and try to assist the serious novice in his understanding of the breed.I will try at all times to show good sportsmanship and keep in mind that the good of the breed comes before any personal benefit.4 4I, an applicant for membership in the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. or patron certify that I have read the Code of Ethics and agree to abide by them on pain of disciplinary action under ARTICLE VIII of the By-Laws of the Club.Print Name Signature DateDO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLYiDate received Date published Date accepted Membership packet sent onDate dues received Check No. Current POMERANIAN REVIEW subscriber Yes No APC Membership Application Revised 0406 Pg. 2476 - JULYAUGUST 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWWalda Greens Mother passed away May 27. Sympathy to friends and family.Sending prayers and wishes for a speedy recovery to Audrey Caywoods husband Hal who is having surgery in June.Sympathy to the family and friends on the passing of Trudy Keplinger of Tru-Kep Poms.Sympathy goes out to Billy Shull, Bynow Poms on the loss of his mother.Get-well wishes and a speedy recovery are sent out to Mickey Stephens of Sunrunner Poms on her recent heart attackand to her husband who is fighting cancer.Sympathy goes out to Beth Shattuck, Sapphire Poms on her mom passing away.Speedy recover to Mary Rosenbaum, Bi-Mar Pomeranians, who broke her wrist.Happy Anniversary April 28, Katy and Charles Stalnaker, KaCees Poms, celebrated their 50 wedding anniversary.Speedy recover to Christine Creasey, Hollily Poms, on her neck surgery.APC member, Jessie W. Young, 84, Jabil Poms, passed away in May. As a past president and board member, Jessie washonored as a lifetime member of the Bay Colony Pom Club. Sympathy to her family and friends on her passing.APC Member Therese Reeder passed away recently. Our sympathies to friends and family.Congratulations to Betsy Owenss granddaughter Alexis Bach. She won Best Junior Handler in a regional competition toreceive an AKC scholarship.Prayers go out to Sherrilynn Rogers mom who has been ill.Reena Fairs recently lost her 30 year old sister to a tragic death. May the Lord give you His strength to endure.Condolences to Ann Berryman, whose mother passed away in May.Sunshine and Roses are published free of charge. Contact Donna Machniak Phone 517 546-7446 or Email APC members addresses are published in the APC roster if you would like to send cards.i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmnealpweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, itdsenot mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is tahtthe frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you cansitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed erveylteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh yaeh and I awlyas tghuhotslpeling was ipmoranttSunshine Rosesand2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1120 PM76I I I I I i i i in44 44JulyAugust 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 77AKC SCHEDULE OF POINTSPOMERANIANS - EFFECTIVE MAY 15, 2006 1 POINT 2 POINTS 3 POINTS 4 POINTS 5 POINTSDogs Bitches Dogs Bitches Dogs Bitches Dogs Bitches Dogs BitchesDivision 1 is comprised of Connecticut,Maine,Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rh. Island,Vermont. 2 2 44 8 8 910 1113Division 2 is comprised of Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania. 2 2 5 5 8 8 10 10 13 14Division 3 is comprised of District of Columbia, Kentucky,Maryland, N. Carolina,Tennessee,Virgina,W. Virginia. 2 2 7 6 11 10 15 13 23 18Division 4 is comprised of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana,Mississippi, South Carolina. 2 2 6 5 10 8 12 9 15 12Division 5 is comprised of Illinois, Indiana,Michigan, Ohio.2 2 7 7 12 12 14 14 18 17Division 6 is comprised of Iowa, Kansas,Minnesota,Missouri, Nebraska,Wisconsin.2 26 691011 1216 17Division 7 is comprised of Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma,Texas.2 265 10 812 101513Division 8 is comprised of Colorado, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Utah,Washington,Wyoming.2 28 7141218 142518Division 9 is comprised of California.2 2 7 7 12 11 14 12 17 15Division 10 is comprised of Alaska.2 23 34 47 58 6Division 11 is comprised of Hawaii.2 2 5 3 8 4 9 7 10 8Division 13 is comprised ofMontana, North Dakota, South Dakota.2 28 312 415 1018122006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1120 PM77m4 4i i i i i i i .................................78 - JULYAUGUST 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWTake A RideOn TheWildPermission to republish granted by Chris Cashman, ManagingEditor, The News SunBy Dan MoranSTAFF WRITERWAUKEGAN, IL Animal Warden Tina Fragassi said shewas not surprised when her office fielded a report Thursdayabout a 10-pound Pomeranian attacking an 80-pound pit bull.SidePit bull attacked by Toy Warden not surprised They stand their ground,those little dogsTHOMAS DELANY JR. Capone, a 2-year-old pit bull owned by GarryLaffredi of Waukegan, is recovering after beingattacked by a Pomeranian.They stand their ground, those little dogs, she said, describing how one of her relatives has a small mixedbreeddog that charges her own pit bull and Labrador every time the three dogs cross paths.Thats basically what happened Thursday afternoon at a Sunset Avenue apartment complex, where GarryLaffredi said he was walking his 2-year-old pit bull Capone when a neighbors Pomeranian came running at them.Capones not a bad guy. Hes real friendly. Hes people friendly, Laffredi said. He loves other dogs.But this little Pomeranian ran out and starts biting him on the foot.Pomeranians, which are classified as Toy dogs by the American Kennel Club, can be as small as three poundsand resemble a fox in appearance, generally having a bushy orange coat and pointed ears.Laffredi said the Pomeranian bit Capones foot hard enough to draw blood also managed to nick Capone onthe top of the head as he tried to pull the pit bull away on a leash.Eventually, Laffredi said, Capone grabbed the dog and more or less set him off to the side before the twodogs were separated.Citations issuedAnimal control officers called to the scene reported that Laffredi told them the Pomeranian also bit him on thehand two weeks ago, but he chose not to report it at the time. The owner of the Pomeranian was issued four citationsfor Thursdays incident failure to prevent a dog bite, owning a dog running at large, not possessing a dog licenseand not having updated rabies shots.Each citation comes with a 25 fine if paid within 30 days. Fragassi said in cases of a first-time animal-toanimalbite with no current rabies shots, the animal is not seized but the owner must have the dog checked by aveterinarian for rabies after 10 days.The owner of the Pomeranian declined to speak about the incident, describing it as an unfortunate episodethat she wanted to put behind her.0422062006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1120 PM78I I I I I i i i in4w4 Mx1]Vt 4''8, rV4 44JulyAugust 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 79Pom TaleReprinted from the October 1963 Pom ReviewComes now another dog story, this time about two little Pomeranians, both real cut-ups, whowent for a drive in the family car all by themselves.It happened this way Yesterday afternoon, Mrs. Evelyn Michael of Route 1, Greensboro, droveover to a grocery store on Highway 220 about three miles south of town. She pushed the drive lever inneutral, left the engine running and dashed into the store to buy a package of cheese crackers. The littledogs had been acting hungry, or at least they had been acting up.When she came back out a couple of minutes later, the dogs were gone. So was the car It wasrolling merrily down Highway 220, legal as sunrise on the right side of the road. Wasnt going very fastbecause the engine was idling and neither one of the dogs could reach the gas pedal.Mrs. Michael took one horrified look and tore after it as hard as she could tear, and that waspretty fast. When she caught up, both little dogs were perched on the drivers seat, paws on the steeringwheel, doing an altogether commendable job. Still, Mrs. Michael didnt trust them. She jumped in andtook over the wheel herself.How did it happen One of the little beggars had pushed the automatic drive lever into drive.Risky thing. Both of them could have been pulled in for not having a license.Writers and other communicators who specialize in purebred dogs are invited to enter competition for the Purebred Alliance ofWriters PAW Arthur Frederick Jones award to be presented at PAWs Second Annual Meeting and Luncheon February 10, 2007, atSardis Restaurant, New York City, the Saturday before the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. Winners will be selected by a blueribbonpanel of judges active in communications and knowledgeable in the sport of purebred dogs.Judging criteria will include content, excellence in use of the English language, accuracy, knowledge of subject, thoroughness ofresearch, and relevance to purebred dogs, the sport, and current issues of interest to the fancy.Entries should educate and inform the fancy or the general public The breeds, the great dogs, history and traditions, shows,events, programs, and people.Awards will be given for work published, aired, screened, or streamed from September 1, 2005-September 1, 2006.The Arthur Frederick Jones Award is named in honor of the late editor of the American Kennel Gazette, now the AKC Gazette. Jones wasknown for his well-researched, lively writing on purebred dogs and issues of interest to the fancy. He began his career in 1924 as the veryfirst dog writer employed by The New York Times, for which he wrote a Sunday dog column until he was hired the next year by the AKCas an editorial assistant for the Gazette.During a 44-year career with the Gazette, Jones rose to the position of Editor-In-Chief. A prolific writer, he will always beremembered for his in-depth kennel profiles written during dogdoms golden era. Jones also worked for National Geographic, andWebsters Dictionary assigned him the task of defining canine terminology - the vocabulary that we use today in writing about the sport ofdogs.For complete rules and entry form go to the PAW website Entry deadline is October 1.P A WPUREBRED ALLIANCE OF WRITERS JONES AND STONEHENGE AWARDS2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1120 PM79I I I I I i i i in44 4480 - JULYAUGUST 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWADVERTISING RATESFull Page Color 275.00Full Page Black White 100.00Half Page Color 150.00Half Page Black White 60.00Fourth Page 40.00All ads include one photo.SUBSCRIPTION RATESUSPS First Class 45USPS Bulk 37Foreign 100Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico 55Single Issue 10For more information contact217 347-5731fame62401yahoo.comKENNELVisitsSharon YampiroGreat River PomeraniansContact Editor Brenda Segelken to suggestor nominate candidates for upcoming APCKennel Visits. Phone 217-347-5731 or Write PomeranianReview, Brenda Segelken, 11139 E CamelotAvenue, Effingham, IL 62401-7460.DEADLINE AUGUST 1SEPTOCT 2006For updates and regional club contact information go to the APC website at httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgCOMING EVENTS2006Columbia Pom Club Hillsboro, OR 2 Jul 13, 14 2006Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston Specialty July 20, 2006Mr. Darrell Baker RegNon-Reg Mrs. Adelene Pardo SweepsPart of 4-day Reliant Park World Series of Dog Shows in Houston, TXCanadian Pom Club August 11,12,13, 2006DeMoines Pom Specialty September 9, 10, 2006Michigan Pom Specialty Sept 16Pom Club of Central Indiana, Lebanon, Indiana Sept 16Central Arkansas Oct 28, 29EUKANUBA INVITATIONAL Long Beach, California, Dec 2, 3, 2006. Pom Breed Judge JacquelineStacy2007Westminster Kennel Club, New York, NY Frank Sabella Pom Breed Judge Feb.APC National Specialty, Louisville, Kentucky March 12, 13, 14 20072006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1120 PM80I I I I I i i i in44 44JulyAugust 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 81PomsPARKVENUEATom Wilson916-689-1222SACRAMENTO, CAparkavepomsyahoo.comPUPPIES OCCASIONALLY AVAILABLESChampion PomeraniansN6603 Forest Ct., Holmen, WI 54636PH 608 526-1051 sandpomscharter.nethttpwww.sandpoms.comandpomsSJandraohnson2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1121 PM81rm i i i in4H^1Jf a4 Irk1 rtk.' lmmssm Linda Pelz - Tx254 420-1724Michael Wells - Ml616 844-4217Champion Stud ServicePuppiesAdults Occasionally Show HandlingKevin Teresa WhitePortland, OR 503314-9026 www.dreamweaverpoms.comHome of BISS CH LaRajus Palisades Van Gogh4 4rarti iouter 7O'Chelanes r1 iSpecializing in Parti and Parti-factored Pomeranians-J f x0^7 cjf f CH CkrissyCH Chelanes Simply Irresistible CH Finch's Peacemaker PartiElaine Waugh www. chelanes. netChelanes Peace Keeper Parti CH Chelanes Remington SteeleKeeperCH Gunner ZAf'm-AyI J iAaii Till iCH Remyi p\ n ssefJlJ- Jl,Vi 5att.netm PSr [ijMISli M[l ixui482 - JULYAUGUST 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWElusive ToysCatherine Jessen4165 E 100 NorthRigby ID 83442208 745-5267PomsandToyPoodlesBolahoodPINECREST KENNELSChampionPomeraniansandManchesterTerriersCatherine2404 Reg. Road 57Bowmanville, ON LIC www.manchesterterriers.ca905 697-2488818 352-9536website ShowcasePoms.comPomeraniansShowcaseHome of ExceptionalPomeranian DogsAlane LevinsohnShowcase PomeraniansJoe and Janette DallySt. Louis, MO314 389-3275utrkaosswbell.netWhipstaffPomeraniansWhere Type,Quality andSoundnessCountCheri McDonaldcheribachmanpoms.comwww.bachmanpoms.com909-394-7923Southern CaliforniaPhfax 831 336-8285winstarpomssbcglobal.netWalda A Green8120 Harvard DriveBen Lomond CA 95005Long Island, New York631 366-2330httpwww.geocities.comlilbehrs_pomsHandling Services, Limited Boarding AvailableLil ehrsBJoan C. BehrendSubscriptionsand Back Issuesmake great gifts.Order online today atamericanpomeranianclub.orgPom Review2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1121 PM82I I I I I i i i in4Pf Y IX-1^4 A. JkAm IfeSK7. m \' 4 4S43y4 4packman, fome'tanico^jr . NJVt________________.4 40Lfjfci pawWt^kL it\ r. W4 .1MF, 14 Jt^.9-^44JulyAugust 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 83ShyacresProfessional HandlingAudrey M. RobertsIngleside, Texaswww.shyacres.comaudreyshyacres.comPhone 713 204-7225Assisted by Jessica JohnsonAvalonCh. Avalons Prince Matchabelli MonteStarfires Conan the Barbarian xAvalons Queen NefertitiAnnette Eric Davis208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792email infoavalonpom.comweb site www.avalonpom.comQuality, lovingly raised puppies.Inquiries welcome.PomeraniansBI-MARPOMERANIANSBIS, BISS, ROMX, HOF, GCCH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KIDMARY A ROSENBAUM145 Fay RoadChehalis, WA 98532-9204phone 360 767-0104fax 360 767-0105email Iffland11290 Old Lake RoadBenton, IL 62812618-435-6127email pomsawaylegypt.netProfessional Handling ServicesInquiries welcome.TresstiquePomeraniansBonnie Harris20 Oakcrest AvenueMiddle Island NY 11953631-205-5223tresspomshotmail.comMountain View PomeraniansPat and Roger DagueP O Box 209, Stuarts Draft, VA 24477Phone 540-337-2965Champion Regmars Mtn ViewStars ShineATTENTIONRRRRRegional Pegional Pegional Pegional Pegional Pom Clubsom Clubsom Clubsom Clubsom Clubs Regional Pom Club Eventinformation is published free ofcharge in the Coming Events. Regional Clubs special lowadvertising rates. Reports and photos of Pomspecialties and matches arepublished free.Send coming events, reports,and photos to the editor.2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1121 PM83i i i in41f EjJJET. ^ - ^V tm 'i____ j4rk'k.Kw\ L' 1 t 4 4\' ''fs ' -14 J_____484 - JULYAUGUST 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.SUBSCRIPTIONSPER YEARPUBLISHED BI-MONTHLYSubscription CardSUBSCRIPTION MANAGERCHERI MCDONALDPO Box 3402San Dimas, CA 91773Phone 909 394-7923 Fax 909 599-4692Email cheribachmanpoms.comNAMESTREET ADDRESSCITY, STATE, ZIP CODE, COUNTRYPHONE NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESSVISAMASTERCARDAM EXPRESS CREDIT CARD NUMBER EXP DATECARD HOLDER SIGNATURE DATE45 First Class USPS37 Bulk USPS55 CanadianMexico100 ForeignDel-May PomeraniansDeborah K. Barrett2035 MapledaleFerndale, MI 48220Phone 607 435 5325 Email delmaywowway.com2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1121 PM84rm i i i in4LoCuevaKennelf Pomeraniansfisi i- n-iJE i" - . JV i.Vyjfe4SsIil ,45._5.A IfcL' - S. mansSSherrilynn I. Rogers- yamfyomsa WA Breeding for Quality, Not Quantity4 4riL J4JulyAugust 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 85FabyanPomsAlice R. Carlson6009 Edgewater DriveCorpus Christi, TX 78412361-991-5410361-993-4059fabyanpomssbcglobal.netDiane L. FinchCH PUFPRIDES SWEET DREAMS CH FINCHS CHARS MAKIN WAVES PARTICHPARKERCHSPLASHPhone 985 384-7466Fax 985 384-8628www.janesa.comJerrie Freia1072A Landry LaneMorgan City, LA 70380PomeraniansJanesaBred for beauty and soundness of body and mindDiane L. Finch28453 530 th Avenue, Kelley, IA 50134 - Phone 515 - www.finchspoms.comDeJay PomsCH. FIREBROOKS TABASCO FIASCOTobyDonna MachniakBreederHandlerGroomer517-546-7446www.dejaypoms.comDana CoventryManagerOwner248-258-9259Attorney at Lawfor the Sport of DogsGreggory S WatersCharlene R Waters1625 East 11400 SouthSandy, Utah 84092-5428801-571-4959SHIMMEREEMSN.COMQuality PomeraniansA REFLECTION ON THE WATERSwww.members.tripodfujitsupomsTom Diane ZechFujitsu Poms 360 871-84042006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1121 PM85I I I I I i i i in4w 9kif i HRS,^Sr m m -iWI,r vt-sCTeresa Livezeym.r kP.O.Box 386 Depew, OK 74028 Phone 918 324-5390 ^ www.geocities.comdesignspomeranians'.1mMk.jr4 4Finch's Pomeranians Ltd. , S Wl\ILL486 - JULYAUGUST 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWSincere thanks to our friend and Maxs breederhandler Bonnie Harris on finishing our Max to hisChampionship. We also want to thank the judgeswho appreciated our Max Mr. Desmond Murphypictured Mr. Timothy Catterson and Mr. RichardBauer who gave him his majors Mrs. Robert Smith,Mrs. Jackie Rayner, Dr. David Doane, Dr. AnthonyDiNardo, and Mrs. Ruth Zimmerman.TRESSTIQUE-N-GGS SHOWDOWN X CH. TRESSTIQUE BILLIE JEAN2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 692006, 1222 AM86I I I I I i i i in l 222'OS.mvjmii n r---T,rger--'fC3-n .LAmS rsft'NTV . ^iLrivjfi tF'j - ^.rz \1T.O1\1P \1 l i\VX'.'4illV Is V1WINNERS if ' v-- -'ViNEW CHAMPION'LONG ISLAND JKENNEL CLUB^PUiy21,2006 Parry Phillips5F.4L^IeAm4 42Re 1V -ftj ,if I J3 VV 'Tike Father...New ChampionBonnie HarrisBreederOwnerHandler 631 205-S223 Tresstique's Pomeranians, Middle Island, NY 11953Jim Hart Tim O'HarrahCo-Owners 631 724-3132 27 Spruce St., Smithtown, NY 11787JulyAugust 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 87CH Tresstiques Secret Agent 86 X Lil Behrs Hot CocoaBlack Tan Chocolate SableOur Little Girl made an impression in Louisville at the Nationals and finished her Championship at the Bay ColonyPomeranian Specialty, where she won Grand Sweepstakes Winner, Best BBE, Best of Winners and Best of Opposite Sex.Lina has made quite a splash finishing with three majors and a BBE group 1st and 2nd in limited showing. She wasone year and two days old when she finished her championship. She is a little girl with lots of attitude. My appreciation to thejudges who saw what I saw in Lina Mrs. Jackie Rayner pictured, Ms. Lani McKennon, Ms. Shirley Limoges, Mr. Desmond J.Murphy, Mr. Larry Abbott, and Mr. C. Michael Benson. Also, thank you to the ringside fans who had such lovely complimentsfor her.We want to congratulate Linas dad, Max, CH Tresstiques Secret Agent 86 on finishing his championship and conveyour utmost appreciation to Bonnie, Jim, and Tim, for letting me use Max for our newest generation of champions.Congrats to Char Meyers on her kennel visit. Condolences to the families of late APC Members Jessie Young, Jabil Poms andTerese Reeder, TJ Poms.2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 692006, 1222 AM87I I I I I i i i in4v--.4\W'i rl 1Vr1A \IS'i4jtrK A1\AV CflfmL m.jBEST OF WINNER^ AND 0PP0SITrA wI44aMAY t 2006 .MAY 8 2006L ,it7 .........................Like Daughter... Mew ChampionLi'l Behrs Pomeranians631 366-2330 www.geocities.comlilbehrs_pomsJoan C BehrendBreederOwnerHandler, Long Island, New York88 - JULYAUGUST 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAnniversary Issue, Oct 1988 25.00Jan 75, Oct 77, May 79, April 80 20.00August 1997 15.00Available Back Issues 10.00To order back issues, mail check toAssistant Back Issues Manager, Laura Meineke7008 Grace Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45227, 513 271-3983panachepomshotmail.comBack IssuesThe Pomeranian Review ISSN 0744-8546 is published andedited bi-monthly in Effingham, IL, by the American PomeranianClub, Inc. Subscriptions are 37 per year USPS Bulk,and 45 per year USPS 1st class. First class rates apply toUSA and APOs. CanadaMexicoPuerto Rico subscriptionrates are 55.00 per year. Overseasforeign subscriptions are100.00 per year. US funds only.The American Pomeranian Club and editor are not responsiblefor the contents or accuracy of articles and advertisements,or the opinions expressed by authors. Per APC StandingRule The Editor can refuse any ad. Opinions expressedare not necessarily those of the APC, publisher, or editor.Reproduction in whole or part is strictly prohibited. Permissionto reproduce is available only from the publishereditor.Display advertisements consisting of typesetting, artwork andlayouts may not be used without written permission of thepublisher. Original artwork is sole property of the editor. The Pomeranian ReviewAdvertisersArienti, Fabian.........................................5Baldinger, Susanne......................................93Barrett, Deborah.....................................84Behrend, Joan..........................................81, 87Blanchet, Paulette....................................94, 95Bolahood, Catherine.........................................82Cabrera, Jose.....................................................5Carlson, Alice.................................................85Chisam, Karen............................................13Coventry, Dana.........................................85Dague, Roger and Pat..........................................83Dally, Joe and Janette.................................82Davis, Annette and Erik..............................83Farmer, J. Patrick...................Front Cover, 18, 81Finch, Diane....................................................6, 85Freia, Jerrie..................................................85Gilstrap, David and Carlene...........................14, 15Goddard, Sue...........................Front Cover, 18, 81Green, Walda......................................................82Griffith, Ken and Eleanor.................................17Harris, Bonnie...........................................4, 83, 86Hart, Jim...................................................86Hebert, Kevin..........................Front Cover, 18, 81Hirshberg, Jackie........................................91Hogg, David....................................................89Houston, Randy............................................89Iffland, Mari...............................................83Jessen, Catherine...........................................82Johnson, Sandra..............................................81Levinsohn, Alane.....................................82Livezey, Teresa....................................................85Machniak, Donna..........................................85McDonald, Cheri....................................................82McFarlane, Pauline...............................................19McKee, Margaret..............................................90McKim, Ron...............................................16Meyer, Barbara............................................92Meyer, Charlotte.................................................. 8Norem, Kathyrn...............................84, Back CoverOHarrah, Tim..............................................86Pelz, Linda..............................................81Pom Club of Central Indiana.................................21Pongsak, Pongsakorn and Pannipa..........................2Reimschiissel, Kelly............................................81Roberts, Audrey..........................................83, 94, 95Rogers, Sherrilynn..........................................84DVisit the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website athttpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgRosenbaum, Mary......................................83Segelken, Brenda........................................94, 95Shelew, Edeltraut.......................................13Smith, Janice.....................................................3Valles, Mary..............................................7Waugh, Elaine.......................................81Waters, Gregg and Charlene...............................85Wells, Mike....................................................81White, Teresa......................................................81Whittemore, Chuck...........................................89Wilkens, Leanne.........................................19Wilson, Tom.....................................................81Wishnow, Elaine..........................................13Zech, Diane................................................85Advertisers Continued2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 692006, 1222 AM88I I I I I i i i in4C74 44JulyAugust 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 89DIAS WINTER WHISPER wc partiDias is a small hobby kennel,where we endeavor to breedsound and healthy dogs thatconform to the standard of thebreed.Ch. Dias Uptown Saturday Night DIAS GRACE AND FIRE bt partiCh. Dias Uptown Saturday Night xDias Lady Marmalades PartiCh. Dias Uptown Saturday Night x Whitehavens CyraWe now have some quality breedingstock to offer, which are white and partifactored. Inquiries welcomed.Czar Although we have accepted the challenge ofworking with the more difficult colors, we areproud of the results of our labor in the abovegirls that have been retained for our breedingprogram.DIAS POMERANIANSDavid A. Hogg321 So. 14th St.Richmond, IN 47374765-966-8878DIAS POMERANIANSDIAS POMERANIANSDIAS POMERANIANS2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 692006, 1222 AM89I I I I I i i i inl EsILVBomeraniaiHX'Thank You Bonya Johnston for a wonderful job handling Dash to his championshipi' -i.f1Thanks to the following jul. W MAJOR WIN121705 Mr. Norman L. Patton 2pt 121805 James G. Reynolds 1 pt 010806 Mrs. Joan G. Alexander 3pt 032506 Mrs. Dawn Hansen 2pt 032606 Dr. Jacklyn E. Hungerland 042406 David B. Doane 3pt 042906 Mr. Larry C. Abbott 3ptOwned and Bred By Chuck Whittemore and Randy Houswww.hermajestyspoms. 423-728-0200 Cleveland, TNWINNERS rBAYTOWN KENNEL CLUB APRIL 2006Q GAFiDEN STUDIO. INC. PHOTO BY GREGn mLJBESTCH Majestys Prince DaschaelOh Paughprints on The Mtn Orest X Benrays Sherri Kaye4 4r4 4-'lAM.ij_Yk 4rT 90 - JULYAUGUST 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW The red dog is backThanks to judges Annie Clark, Arlene Benko,and Loraine Boutwell for recent Group IIs and to Dr.Berndt for the Group IV. Gemmy kids Daniel, Fire, and Laurette will be in the ring soon.Congratulations to Sally Baugniet on her newest Champion Ch. Idlewyld Treasure Chest Ch.Idlewyld Treasure Trove CGC ex Ch Idlewyld Piper of Lenette.Margaret McKee 804-556-3380Idlewyld Pomeranians Ch Idlewyld Precious Gem Ch Idlewyld Tourmaline exCh Idlewyld Piper of LenetteUKC, AKC2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 692006, 1222 AM90n m-V V-' KtY lii 515828ftv t i mZS' V r m av 5 warTT vswm xr. -r V.. ,Xssei_ . 1 v 1rv\ V 14 v, vA a V . Bk Li9kwsV KmV'W zmSc1WM Vr KV XK '. i -t f i V 8Wsn PBKw" VW'3fe Ev'rsf V i jmi xJin 4I Vl. fcVsjvsijS355yr a 'diXlfySrr\ 4 ' rfF4wi4-4 . ^n, 4' flI 4MVL4. 'i t10.tSi 7-, 3511 A-,rf47m vs4r'l R41 f , .,1. 4 4SSS fc rjur'^1 If 4y 5 v rJulyAugust 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 91m2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1127 PM91rm i i i iy y yVj i1n1 ^ i\ 7'X's, \ r Ix^- Mijr\w .9jy.V' as i.,'Xo Pi anrTpi.4\ jIW'XyBEST OF BREEDVARIETYV,,\]2006coprTphoto by L. F. SOSA985-845-4562IVv\Stes\ iSy.1 flOBiAndyes, we do believe in her big time Alan and I were so proud when MeMe won BEST OF BREED at the Fort Worth Kennel Club Show last March. I would like to extend BIG THANK YOU to JUDGE JACKIE HUNGERLAND for this beautiful win, and for your patience with pictures. The final result was well worth it. Also, thank you Cindy Boulware for deciding MeMe could become a part of our family. She is a real delight. Thanks to Alan, my husband, for sharing his life with me and our Pomeranians.Tin far toipomsOacfoe Tffitsfiheras\92 - JULYAUGUST 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWRufus and I would like to thank Judge Sue Goddard for the great honor of beingchosen Best Veteran In Sweepstakes at the National Pomeranian Specialty in March.Rufus and I would also like to thank Sally Hestle, who finished Rufus Championship,for taking us and the rest of our canine family in during and after Hurricane Katrina.Sally took such great care of my babies after I had to return to Louisiana, resumework and start on the house and yard repairs, so that they were able to come backhome to a safe yard to play in. Thanks to her love and care they never exhibitedany signs of stress or trauma from the hurricane evacuation or separation from me.Barbara Meyer136 W. Queens Drive, Slidell, La 70458985 788-4704 yippyvonworfexcite.comBabbis PomeraniansCH Goldkist Rockin KnightRufus2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1127 PM92I I I I I i i i infRKId. Av1 f ^A V 'a'J^SsJlM. m miI SWEEPSTAKES\jr 1br- r' XIBESTt\hVETERAN2MA f. 0R 0 to]Ci.NATIONALS PENALTY\ 6H 413THOMAS PHOTOGRAPHYIhomasphoto30hotmail.commm ZnlAsF,V uhi rkFiAm'2K2 2 Kov1K4JulyAugust 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 93BIS Multi Jr.Ch. Chars No. One at PiccadillySwiss Luxembourg Junior Champion, CACIBCACMulti BOB Winner, 2 x 2nd Place of Group Five,Qualification for Crufts 2006 2007, BIS at the Swiss National 2005.Congratulation to your well deserved kennel visit, Char Thank you so much for sending me such lovely dogs andyour support to a novice like I was in this breed and your trust. Keep on going with your wonderful work.Tel 41 62 893 34 60 Cell 41 79 208 45 67 infopiccadillys.chHardstrasse 3, 5103 Wildegg, SwitzerlandPiccadillys - Poodles Poms PugsSusanne BaldingerAndy2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1127 PM93I I I I I i i i inIIAfJ4.if y ii a jIk^7hPJl. m_iVcr 9mytO a4 4Fk J i494 - JULYAUGUST 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1128 PM94rm i i i in4BISABISS H FAMEy Iv.^ k .. kl j' . 1 4 i4 ^ 1 .fcvBE OFBEST OF BREEDVARIETY k,RIETYHUTCHINSON ENNEL CLUB 2006oto ev MELIA BREEDJMIO-CONTOCIITkennel auBOf ni I006 \MELIA 5. wPHI, u 4Withthe speechof tight, a cCoudofdust anda hearty hi-yoSihver. 0Ch. Tame Lone rides againThe Lone Ranger reed by Fran StrikerI believe that to have a friend, a man must be one. That all men are treated equalthe power to make this a better world. That God put the firewood there but thathimself. In being prepared physically, mentally and morally to fight when necessaryshould make the most of what equipment he has. That 'This government of theshall live always. That men should live by the rule of what is best for the greatestwhere, somehow, we must settle with the world and make payment for whattruth...and that truth alone, lives on forever. In my Creator, my country and myBreederOwnerBrenda SegeGdm Tame PomeraniansJulyAugust 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 952006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1128 PM95rm i i i in4zSzzsg, - itJtJr. 'urAr^eI'A X'VTr, iv- y__ vna.Cvmi\ vAl 'V \rfi \ALA 7AGROUP PLACEMENTSMID-CONTINENT KENNEL CLUB OF TULSA2006PHOTO BY MELIA4 4f mIlf,I 1 1ILjs O\ .z \-vru7- . Zl O'V oor -x IThanhs lo judges Mr. Forrest McCoy - Expert breederMaxine Beam - Toy fudge extraordinaireSandra Goose Allen - Renowned Toy Expert'KandferAudrey Roberts - Shy acres Co-OwnerDr. pauCette BCanchetA96 - JULYAUGUST 2006 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2006 JULY AUG REVIEW.p65 682006, 1128 PM96I I I I I i i i in4S m rrflJjjrrtS7kA4 4iv Jah .v i-ifak jteCongratulations to Charlotte Meyer on your kennel visit.-' 7 '.1 v3WWW. 4-r .-- 5r'rff - i"' ... -4 l . .4