The Pomeranian Review January 2009
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JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 12009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 942 PM1ire fipsiff fifffifffifi aifjuj fjffffwfiHr [ii nmffjfi 5 If H2 - JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 942 PM2LACUEVA KENNEL ,LA CUEVA -DHCREW PRIDc-N-PREJUDICECH DHCP.EW PMFF-ff-PFADY Y LACUFVA-VHCPFVA PATTI'S LEGACYis proud to introduce our new BIS-BBE International ChampionPM- f I0 0 ff agOVEMBER 2008 DON MEYER PHOTO^ This sound, handsome, clear orange boy has been a pleasure to show. He has one of the most correct coats I have ever felt. He needs only 3 singles or a i 4th major to finish his AKC Championship, having ' picked up 3 majors in two weeks, and he only needs 30 of the required 100 Pts for his UKC Title. I showed him at Nationals last year where he took 2nd place in the large 9-12 month Puppy Class in Sweeps, and then took the large BBE class at the All Breed shows on Thursday and Friday. I put him away to mature after showing him a couple times to help build majors. I just brought him back out this past Summer. We went to St. Louis in November for the International shows and came home with a Best In Show on Saturday and his Intl Title. I look for him to be my next BBE Champion. My sincere thanks to all the judges who have appreciated his soundness, movement and type.This little girl is just cute-cute-cute, and she loves to show. She took 2nd place in the large 9-12 mos. Puppy class at Nationals this year, then went into her one year blow after taking BOWBOS for 2 pts. I just brought her back out this fall and she has picked up another 2 pts. and a couple ofRWB to majors. She also went to St. Louis for the Infl Shows and came home with her Inf 1 Title and a Reserve Best In Show on Sunday. She needs only 5 of the required 100 pts for her UKC Title, having beat her Daddy, Ch LaCuevas One Tough Cookie, for BOB one day. She has been sold on a co-ownership to Handler Rui Jorge daSilva in Belgium, and will be going there to get her FCI Titles as soon as she finishes her AKC and UKC Titles. Thanks to all the judges who have appreciated this fun little girl.Congratulations Geno on your well-deserved Kennel Visit... and your selection to the APC Board. I just love my little red Ch. Castile's Southern Comfort daughter, LaCueva's GI Braveheart Revival aAa "Revi", and look forward to finishing her soon.tri u nuffvtahtfPImu.jtfSi TT- i . ibest in show IBRED B1 RESERVENOVEMBER 2008MftMEYERuras-oLaCueva Kennel - Proud BreederOwnerHandler Sherrilynn J. Rogers3016Hiawatha Dr., Dayton, OH 45414, 937 275-4062 - Email Cell Phone 937 286-1462JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 32009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 942 PM3i i i infi spar4\ f r \. rv \ f3J J.f7-c ' Vcft1 Vif'4.4^,. GROUP THIRD vTRI-STAR KENNEL CLUBr.OCTOBER 2008DON MEYER PHOTOThank you Judge Ms. Peggy Dillard Carr for this nice win. Congratulations Geno for your kennel feature. Good luck in all your future endeavors.Mountain Crest Pomeranians David and Carlene GilstrapPO Box 22442, Chattanooga, TN 37422 Phone 423-987-0266 E-mail mountaincrestpomeranians.com44 - JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 942 PM4I II II mMnpresentHtmPredoEuropean Dog Show 2008 Budapest, HUNGARY i A - WWUI2008rCI-MCOEEuropean Dog Show 200803-05 10. 2008 Budapestwww.eurodogshow2008.huBIS All Breedr HI IK r r4JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 52009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 942 PM5frfi t irww. A .3r\ i J. E. S V,' a I- Ip j I i Mi- ,.V l 11is MM J-fWBft 'ffis ii"n s v wANOTHER VICTORY OF STARLIGHT POMERANIAN In BUDAPEST HUNGARYBIS BISS AM.TH.GRAND.CH.STARLIGHTS MY SWEET DREAMBest of breed Best In FCI group 5 3rd In Show....MagyarpeTH.CH.STARLIGHT'S STATUS SYMBOLEuro Junior Winner 3rd Best Junior in FCI group 5 3rd Best Junior In MEOE Spritz Club ShowContactSTARLIGHTS POMERANIAN Breeder and Owner Mr.JAY Suradej Ekviriyakit Website Email, Phone 668182373336 - JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 942 PM611 INI n i i i iCh. Mtn. Views I'll B Starting A FireI L. r v\\ t'S fHiL 'Co ktiL, i-a-J4-Ik STEUBEN VI. j,, KENNEL SBOC INC .. ,. . Kum.sP""T'co" f\fe D ^4Flint finished with 4 majorsThank you to Judges Norman Patton 4 point major Robert Stein 3 point major William Taylor 3 point major David Doane 4 point majoriK__ f ' We want to thank David Fitzpatrick^ tJ Plj , ' for his care and handling of Flintas well as Mari Iffland of Marbil Pomeranians for allowing us to use m3 "Fire", giving us this wonderful,p ^Jjf loving little fella.BreedersOwnersHHHKSHi-OKi s riii bi n kinmi. ASSOCIATION, INC.Ch. Marbil's Games of Chance x Mtn. Views Winter Hope Pictured with Judge David Doane.^What's theYAP about 100 USDAChicken Jerky TreatsPatricia DagueStuarts Draft, VA 24477-0209 httpwww.geocities.commtnviewpomsHandler David FitzpatrickKona's ChipsA avChicken JerkyTreatsCreated by a Pom Owner Made in America with LoveMake sure your special babies get the best - not a dangerous import.Pomeranians go WILD for the taste of KONA'S CHIPSYou will feel good about giving your pet a safe and healthy treat. Great for "bait" and training. Give your Pom the bestKONA'S CHIPS - It's what the toy dogs are yapping aboutIt's easy to order on-line or call our toll-free numberWWW.KONASCHIPS.COM Have you checked your chicken jerkylabel for country of origin4TJANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 72009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 942 PM7RobCary's latest Champion for 2008m7L^60 wr,Jrs vUSJNEWCHAMPION Ji 'BEST OF WINNERS mwtTRAVISCOUNTYkennel clubLUKE ALLEN PHOTOGRAPHY', , o-.V.Vvs\\W1ESThank you Jean Fournier for awarding T.C. WD, BW and BOS to finish with 2 BOB over Specials. T.C. is available at stud by private treaty.2008 was a great yearCH RobCary's You Rock My World finished from the BBE classes and had several nice BOB and a Group 4 in a handlful of outings as a Special.CH RobCary's Softly Upon My Heart finished from the BBE classes at only 10 months old.RobCary's Gabriella won 13 points with a major from the BBE classes. Gabby has been bred to Parker and hopefully will be on "maternity leave" until next year.aomACaryl and Todd Scrimpshercandtsgvtc.com210-889-8939WANTED We are still looking for an exceptional silver cream or wolf sable for stud service and a male or female to purchase.8 - JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWNOTICE FROM THE SUBSCRIPTIONMANAGERJust a friendly reminder to our subscribers to pleasesend in change of address notices to me as soon aspossible. We dont want any of our subscribers tomiss a single issue. First class subscriptions areforwarded for a limited time and bulk mail is NOTforwarded at all. If you are a bulk subscriber itsvery important to update us with your new addressas bulk mail gets thrown away instead of beingforwarded. The Pomeranian Review is notresponsible for resending issues that were missedbecause a subscriber did not update their address.Please send address changes toCheri McDonaldPO Box 3402San Dimas, CA 91773or via email at cheribachmanpoms.com2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM8NAMEvr wr miM mu MDfii mMmrnw MmiOrder online ol or pay through PayPal to - or - Send name, complete address, phone number and payment method to Erika Moureau, 32110 Patty's Landing, Magnolia, IX 77354STREET ADDRESSCITY, STATE, ZIPCODE, COUNTRYPHONE NUMBEREMAIL ADDRESSCREDIT CARD NUMBER EXP DATE SECURITY NUMBERCARD HOLDER SIGNATUREANNIVERSARY R ISSUE PRICES 25 Pre-orderpre-paypick up ot APC Notionol 30 Pay and pick up at the APC National 30 plus 5 shipping AFTER the APC National 10 foreign shippingAnniversary Ossue wificlelutat tie A1C National Jvtarcl zoog.PRE-ORDER DEADLINE mmmmmAJANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 92009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM9TDomeMMiatBreeders offline Poivis slitce ^5J1440Pom Orchid Lane, Kannapolis, North Carolina 28081 Phone 704 938-2042 Ken and Eleanor GriffithCh. Barbaro of Lenette X Samantha of LenetteWe have nine new litters of puppies and more on the way.Now would be a good time to contact us for that show or breeding prospect. We also have several young proven broods for sale.Best Wishes to Geno on your kennel visit.Keep up the good work you have been doing with your Poms.Endless Love of Lenette Grand Finale at Hilcrest X Butterfly of Love of LenetteWe are now breeding a few black and lenettectc.net10 - JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM10M INI 4- n i i i iRandy'sPomeronianslust back from Puerto Rico with a new CHAMPION and new PUPPYWishing you and yours a prosperous 2009 full oi l 1 T I NEW CHAMPION 1BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX WINNERS BITCH 1OCTOBER M . HjAmiinmany purple ribbons Champion Shallanys Dezigner Money Randy H 1xitiimVr'4'k,L,. 3 CyjfmM' vwLUF W vA-ww V^cA' 1r\rv PPrj7y-fjCkipA6-Vrfy tRandys PomsRandy Buske, Buckety, WA randyrandyspoms. com www. randyspoms. comGEE KANN Pomeranians Ooi Chee Heong, Penang, Malaysia durainsamyahoo, com www. durainsam-durainsan 1. magix. net4JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 112009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM11mrfc i Cj, ^ Ste4a,,Ni..vaji HM III OpCCMIHfjust two weeks after finishingultiple Croup PIincluding from the classes completely breederownerhandledifPomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore Thank you judge Alan BucknerGroup 4 - Elizabeth Muthard Group 4 - Sue WoodleMany thanks to those judges who have appreciated Gibson's excellent breed type and showmanship.5Ch. Silhouette's [MlPCiKil "Gibson" ^Elizabeth Heckert - Hampton, VA- 757 224-0371 Show puppies available very occasionally. Stud service to approved bitches.12 - JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM12mr 4- I I I ITTCti TABLETOPS TO -ar 1X WaAr , 'Tw.T'l\BEST OFr BREEDNEW CHAMPIONfTHE STANDARD IMAGEFRITZ CLARK'Sire CH 1 abretop s Black Mail Sender Dam CH Rodi s AlscaThank you to the Judges who awarded Pippin his points.Mrs. Dorothy Dalton major, Mrs. Robert D. Smith, Mrs. Lydia Colman Hutchinson,Mrs. Gloria Geringer, Mr. Francisco Jose Cabrera, Mr. Jeffrey M. Bazell, Mrs. Judy Webb, Mr. Lester Mapes, Mrs. Sari Brewster Tietjen major - pictured.BreederOwner HandledBest wishes to Geno Sisneros on your kennel visit. JRn Stachurski George LandryTableTop PomeraniansTableTopPomsverizon.netTJANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 132009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM13 INI 4 n i i i i4Jrj0XITAIPETSUPPLIES..-_s,TIDBIT OF IENETTECh. Barbara of Lenette x Jorja of Lenette"Tidbit" wins WD at the Pomeranian Club of Hawaii Specialty under Mr. Steven Arnold. He is shown at 8 months old and needs majors to finish.Mahalo goes to Ken Griffith for this lovely boy and to his supporters.Congratulations to Geno Sisneros, Castile Poms, on your kennel visit.WHERE QuALIClarice Yvet45-232 Lrlrpuna Rd,Kaneohe, HI 96744 WOODROSErette O ROSE4Ph 808 235-8142 woodrosehawah.rr.com14 - JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAdvertisers Index......................................................94AKC Eukanuba Invitational Results.................67 - 71Anniversary Issue Order Forms............................8, 90APC Board Summary Janice Russell.........................25APC National Specialty Info.........................34,35,48, 91APC Officers...........................................................21APC Statement......................................................21APC Stats Joan Behrend...................................49 - 53Ask Us Anything Annette Davis..................................26Back Issue Information..........................................94Breed To Win Katie Gammill.........................72 - 74CHF.................................................................41Coming Events....................................................79Cover Story ........................................................15Cusings Disease Geneva Coats.........................37 - 40DVD Order Form 2009......................................27Election Results..........................................23Getting To Know You Linda Lewis............................47Health and Genetics Geneva Coats...............54 - 57Houston Pom Club...................................59 - 61Judges Education Fred C. Bassett...........................58Just FUR Fun.............................................................77Kennel Visit ......................................................29 - 33Kennel Visits, Future Features.................................44Membership Report Annette Davis..........................20National PreFlyer Information...............................34 - 36National Order Forms................................33, 34New Champions Joan Behrend........................52, 53Performance News Barbara McClatchey............62 - 66Pom Charitable Trust...........................................45, 46Presidents Report Cynthia Boulware.......................22Purina Program............................................23, 71Registrars Corner Carol Leemhuis...........................20Review Advertising Rates.....................................24Review Front Covers 2001 - 2005....................92Review Front Covers 2005 - 2009...........................93Salute to Our Armed Forces...................................80Skeeters Story..............................................42 - 44Spain Events.............................................75 - 76Subscription Card.....................................................78SubscriptionReview Information............................8, 78Sunshine and Roses...........................................79Ways and Means Donna Riehm...................................48Website Address......................................................21Sire Am. Thai. BIS, BISS. Ch. Pufpride Sweet DreamsDam Am. Ch. Finchs Angel In My EyesTrevor wins in Mexico includeMULTIPLE BEST IN SHOWSWORLD DOG SHOW 2007 BOB WINNERINTERNATIONAL DOG SHOW GROUP WINNERAnd he won GROUP FIRST INLAS AMERICAS CHAMPIONSHIP SHOWin Colombia 2006.Our thanks to Diane Finch, Trevors Breeder, for givingus the opportunity to own such a delightful little boy.Special thank you to all the judges who haverecognized the quality of our special boy.Thank you Jose Antonio for doing such a wonderful job handlingTrevor. You make an awesome team and have made us very proud.Owners Carolos Bahena - Ricardo EscotoKabah Pomskabahpomshotmail.comHandler - Co-Owner Jose Antonio Fernandezjfdez57hotmail.comAMERICANMEXICANCOLOMBIANINTERNATIONALWORLD 2007CH. FINCHS DREAM OF JACINDA2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM14The Pomeranian ReviewContentsI I I ITTFront Cover0 44JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 152009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM15Royal Tee Ball O Fire CGC, CD, FFX-OGShiloA great performance Pom comes of age for several reasons1. Great breeding Royal Tee Poms, Angela Blocker2. Great Training Huntsville Obedience, Kathy Prince and House of Paws, Cindy and Pam3. Persistent daily work by the ownerhandlerShilo is one of the finest all around dogs I have ever worked with. Thank you to all who have had a hand in bringing him to maturity.Owner Handler Tom Kelly Owned by Tom and Karen Kelly16 - JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM16 INI 4- n i i i iHer 'Maiesfu 's "Poms---- rf J 1TOWN AND COUNTRY KENNEL CLUB HOLLOWAY PHOTO I2008 J2'Edith AnneBrogaru Her Jdajeshj 's 0 No Hon HidvmfMajor Pointed w ^CH Damascusroad Dream Buster X Her Majestys Princess VictoriaLandinThank you Geno for your friendship and congratulations on all of your success.Thanks to Bronya Johnston for your wonderful handling of Edith Anne and Victoria You birthed some beautiful babies for us A special thanks to Barbara Moore for letting us use Buster Good Luck with BroganThank you Carlene Gilstrap for helping us show LandinWe want to wish everyone a New Year that exceeds all of your dreamsBred and Owned by Chuck Whittemore and Randy HoustonMajestysPomsaol.comJANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 172009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM17I I I I I 4 n i i i iSPRINGWOOD POMERANIANSwants to show off its girls. 0 ' m " ^ f 4'fe Vnk '4WL,i..'wTJR vEftsv TaJii k I wiil^nHEHrirv."Lark" .W3KVW4v 3'yirbSWiRRCh. Bar-net All About Springwood Ch. Castile Song of SpringwoodNixJ7fjZgi4r-'9t-TMLBunnySpringwoocfls Tete a Tete ivv\' Ch rvIMnr"Addison"Ch. Castile's Eternal Flame Co-Owned"Veda"Springwood's My Girl pointedThese beautiful girls are the foundation of Springwood Pomeranians. Springwood would like to thank Pat Barnett her friendship and great cooperation that has helped to produce some of these wonderful champion bitches. Several of these girls are expecting puppies with Ch. Bunny's on the ground. Springwood Pomeranians has been truly blessed and the future looksbright. Lane, Julie and I wish you all a Happy New Year.Springwood Poms Becky Jackson513 Springwood Drive Owner-Breeder-HandlerFlorence, AL 35634 springwoodpomsaol.com256 762-5958 www.springwoodpoms.com418 - JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM18 INI n i i i iLEGENDACy PCMSwishes to thank our friend and handlerBetsy OwensCur boys are champions because of your love and expertise...MBOBREED VARIETYJEFFERSON CITY IMOI KENNEL CLUB JULY 2004PHOTO BY DOWNEY 6.Cfi Czark's Travelin Dude Cfi Marbil's Landry Irish Coffee "Dude" "Pete"Thanks, too, for your help in trainina and aroomina Lucy. She is lookina for a maior to finish from Pred-Py.0BEST OF l \ \ - OPPOSITE AvyMAJOR WIN ,7JULY 2007MEYER PHOTO By DonANLeaendary Memory of Cakridae"Lucy"Leaendary Lems - Nancy SmithNorwccd. Aiissoiirl 417 746 474C nancyC5cenliiiyleI.nelJANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 19KENNELVisitJan StachurskiTabletop PomeraniansPlease contact the Editor to nominatecandidates for upcoming APC Kennel Visits.Send information to The Pomeranian Review,Brenda Segelken, Editor, 11139 E. CamelotAve., Effingham, IL 62401 or phone 217-3475731. Email fame62401yahoo.comMarchApril 2009Advertising DeadlineFebruary 1, 20092009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM19 INI n i i i iisupiVJftos 4 i u. \ -v,_A, JjifeSuevpvgFJtcwvIc6ij OTCThank you so much to all the wonderful friends who supported our first kennel visit in the Pom Review.Linda PelzWendy LaneJr. Jennifer MunnKen Eleanor GriffithRoberta MalottNancy SmithClarice Yvette Oganeku Roxanne Collins Carolyn Brandenburg Karen Crawford John Pauline McFarlane Dan Tammee FelixSherrilynn Rogers Special thanks to Debbie FlollanderMichael Shalon ParrottRagdoll Poms662-280-8060RAGDOLLPOMaol.comEJftanfi UauOust amity uwuid tide ta tfianfi att tfie uwndertfut [Pam people uifia eocp^tedded concern, dent coett-ujidfied, and many ptayertd on atm den Scott during did 3 meat ft f attic with concert. Scott padded away Afaa 11 in o-an fto-tne.Utaycn and fPat iDaguc and 3amity20 - JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWPO Box 23163Pittsburgh, PA 15222-6163412 848-6987 391 N. Mink Creek Rd. Pocatello, ID 83204 208 234-0932 infoavalonpom.comLetters other than those from sponsors commenting on theapplicants whose names are published in the Review are togo to Janice Russell, 3540 Kessler Blvd. N. Dr., Indianapolis,IN 46222. Comments must be received within 30 days ofpublication Standing Rule II 3. See the APC Website or contact AnnetteDavis for membership applications.NEW MEMBERSCindy Golden FLSponsors Bobbi Earle, Diane L. FinchSuzie Zemo-Letchworth VASponsors Jennifer Munn, Elizabeth HeckertJoan Rose CANADASponsors Celeste Solano, Cheri McDonaldGail Stewart CANADASponsors Celeste Solano, Cheri McDonaldBeverly A. Allen Kam Guerra MDSponsors Kay Lyman, Margaret R. McKeeBette L. Meredith DESponsors Julie Clemen, Shari ShieldsSheila K. Koty WASponsors Diana Gross, Beverley A. CarterKathy Amanda Seitzer AZSponsors Gina Williams, Lisa GoodmanDerrik Deronda Sharp AZSponsors Alane Levinsohn, Kelly ReimschiisselAPPLICATIONSDawn Freeman TXSponsors Jackie Hirschberg, Judy StoneWilliam Erika Paviglianti FLSponsors David Gilstrap, Rebecca B. JacksonRobbie C. Hudson, NP TXSponsors Olga Baker, John David ZiebaGold ClubCH Howlene-Teahra Precious Cargo DOwner Hazel Miller, Arelen Otaguro RobinWatanabeHall Of FameSecond Chance Oliver Twist DOwner Barbara McClatcheyMalashels Incredibly Irresistible CD RAE BOwner Elaine WishnowGreat Rivers Meg Rules Malashel CD RAE BOwner Elaine WishnowBallykin Commando Cody CDX RAE DOwner Paulette ZeccaCH Paughprint Endless Tradition CDX DOwner Paulette ZeccaBanjo James Reliknam Wishsong CD RAE DOwner Kevyn Michael ThomasRegistry Of Merit ROMMtn Views Winter Hope BOwner Pat Roger Dague, Mari IfflandCH Marbils Games Of Chance DOwner Mari Iffland Donna RiehmCH Dress Circle Animation BOwner Lorinda Vasuta Pat DresserCH Band Of Gold Of Lenette DOwner Alfredo LapuzCH Reuben Of Lenette DOwner Alfredo LapuzVisit the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website athttpwww.americanpomeranianclub.org2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM20 INI n i i i i-ti Membership RepcrtAnnette Davis4flDefiistrar Dentil Card Leemhuis4JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 21PRESIDENT.....................................................................................................JANE LEHTINEN1517 8th Street S, Virginia, MN 55792 PH 218 749-1154 Fax 218 741-9435 janlepomsnetscape.netFIRST VICE PRESIDENT.........................................................................DAVID GILSTRAPPO Box 22442, Cattanooga, TN 37422 PH 423 987-0266 dcgilstrapaol.com2ND VICE PRESIDENT.....................................................................JUDITH GREEN822 Parkside Blvd, Claymont, DE 19703 PH 302 798-3023 razzledazzlepomsverizon.netRECORDING SECRETARY...........................................................KELLY REIMSCHIISSEL6214 West 10150 North, Highland, UT 84003-3419 PH 801 756-2092 kileipomsatt.netCORRESPONDING SECRETARY.................................................CAROL LEEMHUISP.O. Box 23163, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-6163 PH 412 848-6987 RegistrarAmericanPomeranianClub.orgTREASURER....................................................................................ERIKA MOUREAU32110 Pattys Landing, Magnolia, TX 77354 PH 281 252-0333 ........................BOARD OF DIRECTORS............................Pat Barnett Betsy Owens Celeste SolanoVictoria Oelerich Linda Pelz Geno SisnerosThe American Pomeranian Club, Inc. is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding andexhibiting the Pomeranian dog and the protection and advancement of the breed. We arecurrently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims. If youare interested in joining the APC, please contact APC Membership Chairperson, AnnetteDavis, 391 N. Mink Creek Road, Pocatello, ID 83204. Phone 208 234-0932 or Membership applications also may be downloaded from theAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website Ifyou only wish to subscribe to the Pomeranian Review, please contact the PomeranianReview Circulation Manager, Cheri McDonald, PO Box 3402, San Dimas, CA 91773.Phone 909 394-7923, Email or Fax 909 599-4692. Youneed not be an APC Member to subscribe to or advertise in the Pomeranian Review.American Pomeranian Club, Inc. website httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgAMERICAN POMERANIANCLUB, INC. OFFICERS2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM21mr 4- i i i in22 - JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWJane LehtinenPresidentThe elections are over and we now have a new board. I would like to welcome the following to the board, KellyReimschiissel, Betsy Owens, Linda Pelz, Celeste Solano, Pat Barnett, Geno Sisneros, and Vikki Oelerich andreturning members, David Gilstrap, Judy Green, Erika Moureau, and Carol Leemhuis. Please feel free tocontact any of us if you have a question or want to help or donate time. I wish to thank the past members of thisboard for donating the time and effort to make this club work as a team. Thank you so much for electing usNow the hard work begins. As promised we will be opening up communication between the Board and themembers. This includes putting up as much information as we can to the members only website so each of youcan check on us and see what were up to. We want to start the process for getting recognized by CHIC and geta committee to look into starting us on the road to rescue. With so much going on, dont be surprised if you get aphone call from someone asking for your help or asking you to be on a committee The surveys we sent out andhad returned will be such a help with this.There is lots to do and now is your chance to get a hold of one of the new Board members and let them knowwhat you want to do and how you want to help the club.Our flyer has been sent out and from what you can see we are planning a lot of fun things at our next National. Ittakes money to put on this show and we do need your donations again if we are to succeed so please help outany way you can. For those of you who did not get the flyer, here is what we are offering. A MENTORSEMINAR if you wish to become a mentor, contact Fred Bassett and sign up. Canine Reproduction, Whelpingand Puppy Intensive Care Seminar by Myra Savant Harris RN, a must see, as I hear she is awesome. JUDGESSEMINAR for those who aspire to be a judge. TOP TWENTY EVENT, which showcases our top, dogs in ourbreed. Please contact Christine Creasey for this event. KARAOKE NIGHT, maybe we will discover a new starfor the next TV show and last is the APC AWARDS BANQUET AUCTION where we dine and whine andbuy all the goodies that our wonderful members donate. We are always sure to have some wonderful times. Andwe cannot forget the National Specialty itself where we have Ms. Sandra Goose Allen for the breed and forSweeps Betsy Owens. Please make your reservations early.Welcome new members Amy Eiseman, Pamela Dodsworth, Larry Fox, Beth Hawthorne, Thomas and KarenKelly, and Corey Gatewood, Derrik Deronda Sharp, Cindy Golden, Suzie Zemo-Letchworth, Joan Rose, GailStewart, Beverly A. Allen, Kam Guerra, Bette L. Meredith, Sheila K. Koty and Kathy Amanda Seitzer.Again, thank you all for your vote of confidence and we all hope to see some most of you in Kentucky inMarch.2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM224 i i i i no 3JBIG KAHUAAJ^\w_4JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 23The American Pomeranian Club is a participating member in this program.Purina Parent Club Partnership PPCP ProgramMembers of Purina Pro Club whose national parent club participates in the Purina Parent Club PartnershipPPCP Program may earn funding for canine health studies, education andor rescue efforts that willbenefit their breed. Since 2002, the first year of the PPCP program, there has been more then 710,000generated for health research, education or rescue. As of 2005, there are 149 National breed clubsparticipating in the program.Heres how the PPCP Program works Pro Club members redeem weight circles from bags of participatingPurina brand dog foods. Purina tracks these weight circle submissions, and for every 100 of qualifyingweight circle points earned by Pro Club members, Purina donates 10 to the participating national parentbreed club.Points are accumulated throughout a calendar year, and in February, a check representing 10 percent of thevalue of the submitted weight circles for the year is evenly split between the participating national parentbreed club and the AKC Canine Health Foundation. The donation that goes to the AKC Canine HealthFoundation is eligible to be matched up to 100 percent by the Canine Health Foundation if it meets theFoundations funding guidelines.364 Ballots Received, 0 InvalidPRESIDENT217 Jane Lehtinen141 Sally BaugnietFIRST VICE PRES209 David Gilstrap152 Frances StollSECOND VICE PRES 167 Judith Green107 Margaret McKee84 Donna MachniakRECORDING SECRETARY231 Kelly Reimschiissel129 Janice RussellTREASURER193 Erika Moureau167 Alane LevinsohnBOARD207 Vikki Oelerich202 Betsy Owens171 Pat Barnett167 Linda Pelz165 Celeste Solano149 Geno Sisneros144 Geneva Coats138 Joan Behrend131 Charlotte Creed122 Kathryn Norem116 Connie Zieba66 Kelly Tracy Woods57 Teresa White46 Patricia Rowley46 Judy StoneELECTION RESULTSCarol Leemhuis, Coressponding Secretary2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM23 i i i in24 - JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWSubscriptions6 issues per yearUSPS First Class...............................45.00USPS Bulk.........................................37.00CanadaMexico..............................55.00Foreign.....................................100.00Single Issue.....................................10.00Back Issues....................................10.00 Advertising RatesFront Cover Color.......................600.00Back Cover Color.............................450.00Inside Front Cover Color................300.00Inside Front Cover BW..................125.00Inside Back Cover Color.................300.00Inside Back Cover BW.....................125.00Page 3, 4, 5, 6 Color........................300.00Page 3, 4, 5, 6 BW...........................125.00Center Spread BW........................250.00Full Page Deluxe Color.....................275.00Full Page BW...................................100.00Half Page Color................................150.00Half Page BW.................................60.00One Quarter Page Color..................75.00One Quarter Page BW....................40.00Business Card 6 ......Small 70, Large 100All ads include one photo. Additional color photos are 25each additional black and white photos are 10 each.SUPPORT THE APCSUPPORT THE REVIEWMail ad text, photos and payment toThe APC Pomeranian ReviewBrenda Segelken, Editor11139 E. Camelot Ave.Effingham, IL 62401-7460Or Email fame62401yahoo.comMake all checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club.DeadlinesAd Deadline IssueDec 1...............OBEDIENCE... JanFebFeb 1........................................MarAprilApril 1..................National Report...MayJuneJune 1.............COLOR FEATURE...JulyAugAug 1......ANNUAL STUD ISSUE...SeptOctOct 1..............MEMORIAL ISSUE..NovDec.........official A. P. C. publication.........sent to Breed Group Judges.........reasonable rates.........quality reproductions.........only source of APC Archives.........provides APC news and reports.........APC Specialty coverage.........Regional Pom Club coverage.........obedience training information.........interesting, informativeThe Pomeranian ReviewEditor...........................................................................................................Brenda Segelken11139 E. Camelot Ave., Effingham, IL 62401 PH 217 347-5731 fame62401yahoo.comSubscription Manager.......................................................................Cheri McDonaldPO Box 3402, San Dimas, CA 91773 PH 909 394-7923Fax 909 599-4692 cheribachmanpoms.comProofreader...........................................................................................Cynthia LankfordAdvertisement Manager...................................................................................Becky Jackson513 Springwood Dr., Florence, AL 35630 PH 256 762-5958 springwoodpomsaol.comBusiness Card Manager.................................................................................Kathyrn Norem0599N 650E, Knox, IN 46534 PH 574 772-3910 ecpomsearthlink.netBrenda Segelken Cheri McDonaldKathy NoremBecky Jackson2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM24The Pcmeranian ReviewThe Official Publication of The American Pomeranian Club, Inc.01 JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 253540 Kessler Blvd N. Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46222 Email indypomsbcglobal.netAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc. Board SummaryJANICE RUSSELLIf an APC member has concerns regarding the aspects of an APC Committee, the member is to contact theCommittee Chair with those concerns. Those concerns will be communicated by the Committee Chair within twoweeks after receipt if possible, to the Boards APC Corresponding Secretary so that the Board is aware of thoseconcerns.October Board SummaryLinda Lewis was appointed Rescue Coordinator for APC.Motion made, seconded and passed to have the revised standard reviewed by the general membership in an informal pollbefore it is sent to AKC. It was suggested each section could receive a yes or no on approval.Motion made, seconded and passed that APC hire an independent firm to tabulate the votes received for the APCelections. We can afford it and no one can accuse anyone else of voter fraud.The board decided to hire the firm United States Notary Association, part of the Pennsylvania Association of notaries tocount the ballots and report the findings. Motion made, seconded and passed.The requirements for becoming a certified Mentor are to be the introduction paragraph to Judges Education in themembers only section. This motion made, seconded and passed.There was discussion on the email waiver. One change to include a space to not receive information by email was added.Motion made, seconded and passed to accept the waiver and send out with the dues notices.Motion made, seconded and passed to have Kelly R look into an interactive listforum for board and members to interact.Some on the board expressed this should be in proposal form to the board.A question was brought up about APC joining CHIC. Discussion arose on thyroid, patella, heart, and hips. It is felt bysome, testing is still subjective at this time.November Board SummaryMotion passed to have a link on the APC Website to the website of the Genome Barks Podcast for possible Pom healthinformation.Motion made and passed that APC order the new bar jump to accommodate the new AKC regulation regarding the 4 inchjump heights. Approximate total cost 185.00.Updates from the following committees were givenStandard Revision, By Law and Show Chair. Also an update on the membership application.2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM25AFiVS4D,26 - JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW Annette Davis, CNA sk Us AnythingThe question for this issue is What is eclampsia and how can it be preventedEclampsia puerperal tetany is the result of low serum calcium hypocalcemia. It can be caused by a faulty diet,kidney disease, parathyroid malfunction, or excessive milk production. It is a very serious condition that all toybreeders should be familiar with as it can lead to the death of your bitch and her litter.Symptoms The nursing bitch may have rapid breathing, restlessness, nervousness and some whining. She maystagger and develop stiff legs and elevated body temperature. She may be unable to rise and lie with extendedlegs, salivating and sounding congested. If untreated, it can lead to convulsions and death. It is most commonduring the first few weeks of lactation, but can occur up to six weeks after delivery.Treatment Emergency treatment is necessary. Your veterinarian will give an intravenous calcium solution.Caution must be used with intravenous calcium as it has a profound effect on the heart muscle. No more than10 solution should be used and it must be administered slowly. An overdose can cause heart arrhythmia anddeath. Pups must be removed and bottle fed or tube fed so the bitch can retain calcium. In some cases, the pupscan nurse once in each 24 hour period if recovery has been rapid. Do not leave the pups with her as they willnurse every few hours and deplete her calcium.Prevention Feed a premium dog food with the correct canine calciumphosphorus ratio of 1.2 to 1. Startsupplemental calcium with vitamin D at whelping and continue through weaning time do not start before laborunless advised by your veterinarian. Be sure to choose a pet supplement appropriately dosed for your bitchsweight do not overdose.Our question for the next issue is I have a brood bitch that seems to skip heat cycles. Is there anything Ican do to help increase her fertilityYou may direct new questions or answers to these questions toAnnette Davis, CNCertified Nutritionist391 N. Mink Creek Rd.Pocatello, ID 83204208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792e-mail infoavalonpom.comPrevious Ask Us Anything Columns may be viewed on line www.avalonpom.comPomCare.htm2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM26VJANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 27gAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc. 2009 Nationals DVDOrder your DVD of the 2009 NationalsThere will be 3 DVDs to choose from. DVD 1 will contain DVD 2 will contain DVD 3 will containPuppy Veteran Sweepstakes Winners Dog Top TwentyJunior Handlers Winners BitchBest Of BreedAPC National Specialty DVD Order FormI am ordering ______Conformation DVD 25.00 each.I am ordering ______Sweepstakes and Junior Handler 20.00 each.I am ordering ______Top Twenty DVDs 10.00 each.Add Shipping for above within USA 3.00 and outside USA 8.00 each.I am ordering _______sets of all the above, a 55.00 value and receive 25off for a total of 45.25 includes 4.00 US shipping per set ordered.Offer good until March 15, 2009.Effective March 16, 2009 the price is 59.00 in USA and 65.00 outside USA.Make check payable to the American Pomeranian Club and mail toErika Moureau, 32110 Pattys Landing, Magnolia, TX 77354Email address_____________________ Phone with area code___________________Please Print Information On Shipping Label belowShipping LabelShip From Erika Moureau, APC Ways Means 32110 Pattys Landing, Magnolia, TX 77354 USAShip ToName__________________________________________________________Address________________________________________________________City_________________________State_____________Zip______________Country________________2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM274 i i i i n4 4428 - JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM28Introducing the show hopefuls...M0AT endiDOLCE 6 c HaAnd our specials...LASERmicroZEUsapolloCASTILE 2009JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 29My name is Geno Sisneros. I would like to start by thanking The Pom Review for asking me to share thestory of Castile Pomeranians. I was born and raised in the Florida panhandle, in a small town called Niceville.My father was in the Air Force, and my mother was a banker. Most of the pets I had were kept at mygrandparents home in Alabama. When I was 14, I began playing tennis, and that became my passion. Over theyears I worked in several top tennis clubs, played two years of NCAA Division I tennis at Troy State University,and eventually became a teaching professional, which I have tried to mix in, though not enough, with school,work, and dogs.At Troy State I completed degrees in biology and physical science, graduating summa cum laude. Myinterests were diverse, and while in college I participated in a variety of things Greek life, Collegiate andMadrigal singers, theatre and musical theatre, public speaking, student government, and many others, and Imade the most of every opportunity. My many interests made it difficult to decide on a career, though. Whileon a trip to Mexico, I realized how lucky I was to be able to see the many beautiful things I experiencedand Irealized that there are many people who cannot even see the things we take for granted every day - family,friends, etc. It was then that I decided that I wanted to help people to see, so I registered for the OATOptometry Admissions Test, scored well, and was accepted to the University of Alabama at BirminghamSchool of Optometry into a dual O.D. and Masters program. After UAB, I moved to Minneapolis, Minnesotafor two years and then returned to Montgomery, Alabama in 2004, where I currently reside in a 91-year-oldhome in Montgomerys historical Garden District and practice full-scope optometry.My life in Pomeranians began in June of 1998. I finished at Troy State and within a week moved toBirmingham, Alabama to start my Masters work in vision science. At the time, I knew nothing of the world ofshow dogs and found a local breeder, Sarah Walker, of Zanara Pomeranians. I went to her house and fell in lovewith Wally, BIS Ch. Zanara Glen Iris Braveheart. He had recently won breed at Westminster and had been the1 ranked Pom, but I did not understand why she was unwilling to sell him. Finally, after searching the localnewspapers, I found a puppy, a cute little black and silver boy who came to me as soon as I walked in the door.He went home with me that day. I named him Bandit because of the mask on his face. Over the years, thelittle boy grew into a big boy of about 20 pounds. As I finished optometry school and began breeding andbecame limited by the number of dogs I could keep, Bandit went to live with my parents, who treat him likeGeno SisnerosGeno SisnerosC astile P omeraniansC astile P omeranians2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM29^^ZCCCQ 4 i i i inc ... V VJ44, a4 4430 - JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWtheir baby. He is now ten and ahalf, and it is hard to believe thattime has passed so quicklyDuring my second year atUAB, I was working in thecomputer lab and overheard awoman discussing Pomeranianpuppies that she had for sale. Ispoke to her, and she invited me toher home to see her dogs. Thiswoman was Cheryl Jackson, ofGlen Iris, who also did research inthe vision science department atUAB. When I arrived at her home Iwas welcomed by the most beautifuldogs I had ever seen - BIS BISS Ch.Glen Iris Castle Rock ROM HOFGC Evan, and two of his children,Glen Iris Castle Knight ORiley,the prettiest black Pom I have everseen and my favorite Pomeranian tothis day, and Glen Iris Castle in theSky Fiona. However, the girl thatI was there to look at did not pay methe slightest attention. She wasspunky and full of attitude and didnot seem to like me at all, but afterlong discussions and going throughold magazines and show photos andpedigrees, Cheryl let me takeDuchess, a Wally daughter, homeas a show prospect. I named herGlen Iris Duchess of Castile Castilewas a play on castle in CastleRock and on the region in Spain,as my family originally came fromSpain, and Castile was to becomemy kennel name.Cheryl taught me how togroom and handle, and three monthslater, we began showing in Valdosta,Georgia, where Duchess got apuppy group 3 but did not win inthe regular show. Afterwards, thepresident of the kennel club cameup and offered me some tips ongaiting her, and I thanked her andheaded to Tallahassee for the nextstop in the circuit. The next day,while I was waiting to go in thering, an older man in a wheelchaircame over and commented on howpretty Duchess was and wished usluck. That man was Jack Onofrio,and his words meant a lot to me.We went in, and Duchess won herfirst point. That afternoon, though,she became sick and had to havesub-q fluids and antibiotics. I caredfor her in the hotel room for a fewdays, and I realized how special shewas. As sick as she was, she wouldget down off the bed and go to thetiled bathroom to use the bathroom.As she recovered we bonded. Fromthen on she was my best friend, andshe never let me out of her sight.Showing Duchess was noteasy. She was headstrong andstubborn. Cheryl recommendedbreeding her to see if she wouldcalm down and mature, so it wouldbe a couple of years before shewould be shown again. In themeantime, during my third andfourth years of optometry school, Ifell into deep depression. Lifebecame unbearable. Nothing mademe happy, and I felt like a weightwas on my chest all of the time.Often, I could not go to class orclinic, and when I did go, my mindwould race with horrible thoughts. Itwas as if 10 different radio stationswere blaring at the same time. Icould not listen or even study, but Imanaged to get by in my classes andclinic. At one point, I was walkingacross the pedestrian overpass andlooked down in the traffic belowand wondered what would happen ifI just fell over into the cars. Then, Irealized that Duchess was at homewaiting for me, with her loving eyesand sweet smile, and I knew that Ihad to do something because I couldnot leave her. With all of the infinitesadness I felt, she alone understoodand did not judge. She would makeme get out of bed and take care ofher. She made life go on. I believethat I would not be here today hadshe not been in my life at that time.She literally saved me.My nickname for Duchesswas momma, and what anamazing mother she was. A coupleof her kids finished before she did,but she completed herchampionship with two four-pointmajors and a breed win overspecials. Many thanks to Nina Fetterfor this accomplishment. She has 10champions to her credit Ch.Castiles Silhouette, Ch. CastilesDuchess winning her first point.Geno with his first Pom Bandit.2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM304 i i i in'i4 4rnV4JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 31Kennel Visit ContinuedHermione of Glen Iris, Ch. CastilesPicasso, Ch. Castiles SouthernComfort, Ch. Castiles Song ofSpringwood, Ch. Castile Legend ofMtn. Crest, Ch. Castiles Corrine,Ch. Castiles Everlasting Love, Ch.Castiles Endless Love, and Ch.Castiles Eternal Flame.Sadly, Duchess died onOctober 2, 2006, after whelpingthree puppies, two boys and a girl. Iwas devastated. Thankfully, Cherylbegan tube feeding the puppies andhad a bitch who took care of them.We tube fed them the next day, andthen my roommate Corey and mymother drove them up to Nina inOhio, who had a bitch who had justhad one puppy a few days before.The bitch took the new babies, anda few weeks later, they came backhome, alive and healthy. I namedthem Castiles Everlasting LoveZeus, Castiles Endless LoveApollo, and Castiles EternalFlame Addison. Jane Lehtinenco-owned Zeus with me andDuchess last litter, Apollo, Zeus, andAddison, on their first Christmas.Geno in the ring with Glen Iris CastleKnight, ORiley.Ch. Glen Iris Duchess of Castile,ROMS and APC Dam of the Year2007.Apollo winning 3rd place in the BredBy Exhibitor class at the 2008 the bred-by class at theNational this year and, like hisfather, finished out of the bred-byclass. It took a little longer, but itmeant more to me to finish him thisway. Apollo recently picked up acouple nice breed wins and will alsobe specialed in 2009. I have highhopes for these two boys.With Duchess gone, Ithought I was done withPomeranians. I had always said thatI would have Poms only as long asDuchess was around, but when shedied so soon, I did not want all ofher efforts to go to waste, so Ibecame even more devoted tofinishing her get so she will beremembered. Last year she attainedher ROMX and was APCs Dam ofthe Year. This year she earned herROMS and still has another pointeddaughter here at home Riley that Imay try to show more. My goals inPoms remain centered aroundDuchess. I hope that she can be thedam of two best in show winners, sohopefully Zeus, Apollo, or Ledgerwill make this dream come true.Duchess gave me a great start in thebreed, and I owe my success inPoms and in life to her. She willfinished him quickly. He hasproduced some beautiful puppies sofar and is currently co-owned andstarting his specials career withJoseph Threadcraft. Addison, coownedand finished by BeckyJackson, is currently expecting herfirst litter. Apollo earned third placenever be forgotten.During Duchess break fromshowing, I co-owned two specialdogs with Cheryl. I showedORiley, the little black Evan son,and finished his sister, Fiona. For abeginner, I did pretty well, but thatwas because of the quality of thedogs and Cheryls support. My firsttime in the ring with ORiley, wetook a Group 4, and my first timeout with Fiona we took a major.Fiona has proven herself to be agood producer as well, and Cherylgraciously kept me on as co-owner2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM314 i i i in3RD PLACE BRED BY EXHIBITOR DOGMARCH 11,2008 VNATIONAL SPECIALTYTHOMAS PHOTOGRAPHSfZLfc3'l4 4 raFjiMap d giisroiL'Aaa432 - JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWKennel Visit ContinuedLeica completing her championshipwith Corey Gatewood.Laser winning Group I.Micro with Bronya Johnston, winningAward of Merit at Westminster 2006Ch. Glen Iris Castle in the Sky, ROM, that I could be a part of herbreeding. In just two litters, she hasfive champions. Ch. CastileEveylnne dGlen Iris was agorgeous girl and free-whelped alitter of four before she was stolenfrom my yard in 2006. Ch. Glen IrisEllesse dCastile Elle was BOS atthe Pomeranian Club of Greater DesMoines. Both were handled by JaneLehtinen and Greg Larson.In 2006, Betsy Owensfinished Micro Ch. Glen IrisEssence of Cuilean, GC. Micro wasspecialed briefly by BronyaJohnston, who won several groupplacements, including back-to-backGroup 1s, and an Award of Merit atWestminster, and by David Stout,who added several more groupplacements. He is currently back inthe ring with Bronya. His littermatesister, Leica Ch. Glen Iris EvonnedIstar finished last year with CoreyGatewood on the lead. Hislittermate brother, Ch. Glen IrisEvian dCastile or Laser, was thefirst dog I finished from the bred-byexhibitor class, winning three bredbyBest in Shows. Laser spent alittle over a year in Estonia withLinda Jurgens Heidelinds, wherehe won two Best in Show titles andcompleted championships inEstonia, Russia, Finland, Latvia,Lithuania, a Baltic championshipand an FCI Int. Championship.Laser was named Estonias all-breedDog of the Year for 2007 and inhis first month back in the stateswon the Toy Group in Jordan, MNwith me on the lead - the first time Ihave competed for BIS andhopefully not the last.Pomeranians have definitelychanged my life. Although I amlimited in where I can live and whatI can do, they offer unconditionallove and acceptance and a way toget away from the stress of life.Showing Poms has opened manydoors for me and allowed me totravel and meet wonderful people.They made me realize that I need tothink about something other thanmyself and become less selfish. I amvery lucky to have had good supportin this undertaking. My parents havealways helped with the dogs, andsince they moved to Montgomerylast year about 10 minutes from myhouse, they take care of the dogsGenos parents,Joan and Gene Sisneros.2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM32^^ZCCCQ 4 i i i in4r8slAward Of MeritWESTMINSTERmWINNERSw44JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 33The dog yard during a rarewinter snow.when I am out of town for work orshows, which is quite a chore Also,my friend Corey Gatewood has beenan integral part of the past twoyears. He loves Pomeranians,perhaps even more than I, and haslearned to take care of them, as wellas groom and show them. He has itin him to become a great Pomhandler. Cheryl Jackson has been adevoted friend and mentor. JaneLehtinen welcomed me into theworld of Poms the first time Iventured from the south to showand has freely shared her knowledgeand friendship and has shown manyof my dogs. David and CarleneGilstrap, Carol Leehmuis, LaurieOtis, Jerrie Freia, and countlessothers have offered their friendshipand years of experience to foster mygrowth in the breed. I owe a lot tothe people in Poms and others in thesport of dogs who have taught andgiven advice and friendship andmade me feel welcome. I owe a lotto the dogs who have given me lifeand love. I owe it to them to workfor a better future for our breed.Thank you.Kennel Visit ContinuedAPC AWARDS BANQUETNumber of tickets ______ Name_________________________________________Address ____________________________________________________________City _______________________________ State ______________ Zip_________Phone __________________________ Email ____________________________Send your check no later than March 1, 2009, made payable to the American Pomeranian Clubin the amount of 38.00 per person toKelly D. Reimschiissel, 6214 West 10150 North, Highland UT 84003CATALOG PRE-ORDER FORMNumber of Catalogs_________Name _____________________________________________________Address____________________________________________________City ______________________________ State _________ Zip _______Email _________________________ Phone ______________________Make check payable to American Pomeranian Club, mail 10.00 per catalog andthis form to Erika Moureau, APC Treasurer 32110 Pattys Landing, Magnolia, TX77354JEC MENTOR SEMINAR RESERVATIONName ____________________________________________________________Address___________________________________________________________City ____________________________ State _____________ Zip ____________Phone ________________________ Email ______________________________No charge for this seminar. Mail your reservation no later than March 1 to FredBassett, 737 W. Helena Street, Broken Arrow, OK 74012 email fredcbassettcox.netCopyand sendseminarreservations,catalog andbanquet ticketorders.More Nationalinformationand orderforms onthe followingpages.2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM33rrrr 4Race,to r ame,009 VatioKoLtymtyAiMriocui pomrtwm CU4AmV.V ''34 - JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWPRE-SHOW FLYERKentucky PomRace To FameMarch 9 - 11, 2009The American Pomeranian ClubCordially Invites you to Attend ourNational Specialty In Louisville,Kentucky.Holiday Inn Hurstbourne1325 SHurstbourne Pwy,Louisville KY 40222Reservations 502 425-2600 or 800HOLIDAYMonday, March 9, 2009 ObedienceMonday March 9, 2009 Puppy Veteran SweepstakesTuesday March 10, 2009 Rally Trial National SpecialtyWednesday March 11, 2009 NationalSpecialtyShow Secretary Jane Lehtinen CoRau Dog Shows, Ltd. P.O. Box 6898,Reading, PA. 19610 610 376-1880Close date February 18, 2009Thursday, March 12- Dog Show Obedience Trial Mid-Kentucky KCFriday, March 13 - All Breed Show,Obedience Rally Louisville KCSaturday, March 14 - Dog ShowEvansville KCSaturday, March 14-All Breed Show,Obedience Rally Greater LouisvilleTraining ClubSunday, March 15 - All Breed Show,Obedience Rally Louisville KCJack Onofrio - Supt. for all theKentuckiana Cluster ShowsKY Premium List available fordownload at www.onofrio.comSPECIALTY ROOMS AND TRAVELARRANGEMENTSThe American Pomeranian Club willhold its Specialty at the Holiday InnHurstbourne, 1325 S. HurstbournePwy, Louisville Kentucky, 40299Telephone 1-502 426-2600 or 800HOLIDAY.When making your reservation stateyou are with the POM dog show for thegroup rate. We have a block of roomsfor a special rate of 109.90 per nightplus applicable taxes reserve a doubleor king room for this rate, 1-4 guestsper room. The rates will be good fromMarch 7-14, 2009. Reservationdeadline February 14, 2009. TheHoliday Inn will serve as ourheadquarters to enjoy all the Louisvilleshows. There are many amenities at theHoliday Inn such as a full servicerestaurant, lounge, pool, health club,dry sauna, whirlpool, in room coffeemakers, data ports, voice mail, HappyHour Specials, room service, businesscenter, and complimentary parking. RVparking allowed if stay in hotel,otherwise 125.00 per day. KOA campground also located in Clarksville IN, ashort distance away.The Airport is located 10 minutes fromthe hotel. They will send a van to pickyou up. You may call them from acourtesy phone located in the airport.Pick up your luggage before calling.Fairgrounds RV PARKINGRV Parking is located at thefairgrounds. Hook ups are available ata rate of 45.00 per night, dry dock rateis 25.00 per night. Space is limited,make reservations early 502 3675384.JUDGESREGULARCLASSES JUNIORSHOWMANSHIPMs. Sandra Goose Allen. 750314th Ave N. St Petersburg, FL. 33710PUPPY VETERANSWEEPSTAKESBetsyOwens..283NW 40 Rd., Clinton, MO 64735OBEDIENCEMrs. Paula P.Barras.3209 EdsonBlvd., Shreveport, LA 71107RALLYMrs. Paula P.Barras.3209 EdsonBlvd., Shreveport, LA 71107SPECIAL EVENTSPRE-ORDER YOUR SHOWCATALOGTo ensure no one goes homedisappointed, we are offering preorderedshow catalogs. The price willbe 10.00 per catalog. The pre-orderform can be found on enclosed pages.There will be a limited number ofcatalogs available at the show for12.00 each. The Show Catalogs willalso be available for purchase on theAPC websitewww.americanpomeranianclub.orgTROPHIES- Sponsors NeededTrophies for the 2009 NationalSpecialty will be practical items for allPom lovers, including grooming andshowing equipment. You may mailyour donation to Margaret McKeeusing the enclosed form. Donationsreceived by January 21 will have thedonors name printed in the ShowCatalog. Donations may also be madeon the website atwww.americanpomeranianclub.org2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM344 i i i inOMDOg^tM^ C3gRMDCSiRwe, rtj2009 OJatmaOa 4AiKef'icM Pwef'OLitm Chi4 44JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 35RING SIDE RESERVED SEATINGNumber of seats ______________________Name_______________________________________________City _____________ State ____________ Zip ______________Phone _____________ Email _______________Send your check no later than March 1, 2009, made payable to the American Pomeranian Clubin the amount of 50.00 per seat to Erika Moureau, APC Treasurer, 32110 Pattys Landing,Magnolia, TX 77354APC TROPHY DONATIONSDonor names and kennel name as you would like it to appear in the Show CatalogName _________________________________Kennel Name____________________I am donating ______ to the general trophy fund.I am donating ______to be used to purchase a trophy for the classes requested_____________________________________________________________Makechecks payable to the American Pomeranian Club and mail to Margaret McKee, 2426Sandy Hook Road, Goochland, VA 23063. Donations must be received by January 21, 2009for printing in the Show Catalog.POMERANIAN CHARITABLE TRUST DONATION FORMDonations of 30 or more will receive an invitation to the Myra Savant Harris R.N. SeminarTuesday March 10, 2009 3 - 6 PMI am donating __________________to the Pomeranian Charitable TrustName ______________________________________________________________Address ____________________________________________________________City _______________________________ State ________________ Zip _______Phone __________________ Email ______________________________________Please mail your check, made payable to the Pomeranian Charitable Trust, to MargeKranzfelder, P. O. Box 801, San Juan Bautista, CA 95045 or donations may be made via PayPalby going to the PCT website www.pomeraniancharitabletrust.orgInvitations will not be mailed, but confirmation can be emailed if you include your emailaddress. Deadline for reservations is March 1, 2009.TOP 20 EVENTNumber of tickets ________Catalogs _______________Name _________________________________________Address ______________________________________City ___________________State _______Zip _________Tickets 10.00 each. Catalog includes vote 10.00 each. Send your check no later than March1, 2009, made payable to the American Pomeranian Club, to Erika Moureau, APC Treasurer,32110 Pattys Landing, Magnolia, TX 77354SUNDAY, MARCH 8300 PM- 600 PM GROUNDSSET UPWould you like to be first toset up your equipment in theAPC grooming room MeetGregg Waters in theBallroom, help lay plastic,erect ring gates, placechairs, etc. in the ShowGrooming Rooms and youwill be able to set up yourgrooming equipment aheadof everyone else. See youthere630 PM VENDOR EXHIBITOR SET UPAll vendors and exhibitorswill be allowed to set uptheir booths and groomingequipment. Contact GreggWaters for a vendor booth at801-597-3869 or emailshimmereepomsgmail.com700 PM-10PMHOSPITALITYEveryone is invited to helpus kick off the Specialtywith good food and funconversation. Please shareyour favorite dish. Send usan email to let us know whatyou are bringing,hospitalityamericanpomeranianclub.orgHospitality will be held inthe Preakness Room at thetop of the stairs off theatrium. See you thereHOSPITALITYVOLUNTEERS NEEDEDVolunteers are needed tohelp during our Meet andGreet for 15 minutes eachshift, hour prior to theMeet and Greet and AwardsBanquet.MONDAY, MARCH 9Grand Ball Room800 AM starting time maychange depending on totalentriesOBEDIENCE TRIALContinued2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM354 i i i i n4 4436 - JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWSWEEPSTAKES1000 AM starting time may changedepending on total entriesPUPPY VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES300 PM JUDGES SEMINAR - DerbyRoomPOMERANIAN JUDGES EDUCATIONSEMINAR The American PomeranianClub will hold a Sanctioned JudgesEducation Seminar in conjunction with theNational Specialty. Ringside tutoring willalso be available Tuesday Wednesday,March 10 11. There is no charge. Tomake your reservations contact JudgesEducation Coordinator Fred Bassett byMarch 1. Phone 918 355-1188630 PM TOP 20 EVENT This is a Semiformalevent showcasing the TopConformation Pomeranians of 2008.Everyone, including the audience willparticipate. Ladies dress will be semifancyto semi-formal. Gentlemen ties areoptional, although jackets are requested.Please no jeans, tank tops or shorts. Thejudging panel will consist of one AKClicensed judge, one Pomeranian breeder,and one Pomeranian handler. Each judgewill score the individual dogs using aScale of Points. The Top Twenty winnerwill be announced at the Annual AwardsBanquet.Each spectator purchasing a catalog willhave the opportunity to vote for thePeoples Choice Award. The winner ofthis award will be announced by the TopTwenty Committee at the end of the event.Cash bar and a light hors doeuvre will beprovided for your enjoyment. You may preorderyour Top 20 Tickets andorCatalogs using the enclosed form or thewebsite. Ticket and Catalog price is 10.00each. Pre Order deadline March 1.TUESDAY, MARCH 10730 AM starting time may changedepending on entriesRALLY TRIAL800 AM 1100 AM Derby RoomMENTOR SEMINAR The PomeranianSeminar presented to Judges will be offeredto anyone interested in attending. This isbeing offered for General Educationpurposes. The second hour will be forMentor candidates to discuss details of theAKC Mentor and Ringside Observationprogram. Approved mentors are anessential part of APCs Judges Educationprogram. APC Standing Rules require thatanyone desiring to become an ApprovedMentor must be an active PomeranianBreederExhibitor for 12 years with 5Pomeranian Champions and have attendedthe APC Sanctioned Seminar.1000 AM starting time may changedepending on entriesJR. SHOWMANSHIP, ALL NONREGULARCONFORMATION, ALLREGULAR DOG CONFORMATIONCLASSES.300 PM - 600 PM Carriage RoomThe presentation of Canine Reproduction,Whelping and Puppy Intensive CareSeminar by Myra Savant Harris RN. Yourinvitation will be assured for a 30.00donation to the Pomeranian CharitableTrust. Please complete and mail theenclosed reservation form. Donations canalso be made via PayPal by going to thePCT websitewww.pomeraniancharitabletrust.org730 PM Carriage RoomANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING.KARAOKE NIGHT - Carriage Roomfollowing meetingWant to have fun and clown around JoinBob Kennedy and Audrey Robertsfollowing the Annual Meeting for aKaraoke night. Cash Bar available. Letyour hair down and join in. Plan now toattend.WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11800 AM starting time may changedepending on entriesREGULAR BITCH CONFORMATIONPARADE OF TITLEHOLDERSBEST OF BREED COMPETITION.700 PM Cash Bar Opens - 730 PMDinner is Served BallroomAPC AWARDS BANQUET AUCTION Reservations for the banquetmust be made no later than March 1, 2009.Banquet will include meal, beverage anddessert ticket price is 38.00 per personadvance sale, and 43.00 if purchased atthe show. You may make your reservationsusing the enclosed form or online atwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgAUCTION APC needs your auction items.This event helps to defray some of the largeexpenses incurred to host the National.Please bring items to Donna Riehm at theWays Means tables in the ballroom. Ourresident auctioneer Bob Fiddick looksforward to seeing you at the auction.SPONSORS NEEDEDThe APC Show Committee is looking forSponsors to help with a number of eventssuch as Morning Evening Hospitality,Judges Baskets, Exhibitors Bags, etc. Thefollowing Sponsorship Levels andDonation Benefits are offered to allindividuals and Regional PomeranianClubs. At the Post 25.00 Listing in thepremium and catalog, on signage atsponsored event. At the Gate 50.00 Listing in thepremium and catalog, on signage atsponsored event. Small ad in the catalog. On the Backstretch 75.00 Listing in thepremium and catalog, on signage atsponsored event. 14 page ad in thecatalog. At the Wire 100.00 Listing in thepremium and catalog, on signage atsponsored event. 12 page ad in thecatalog. Winners Circle 200.00 Listing in thepremium and catalog, on signage atsponsored event. Full page ad in thecatalog.Judges Baskets. 30.00 - are available forclubs only. Your clubs name will beattached to the basket.Continued2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM364 i i i in4 44JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 37Your Pomeranian seems tired and irritable, excessively thirsty, has aravenous appetite, and he is losing his coat. Your veterinarian tells youthat many different problems could cause these symptoms, includingthyroid disease, diabetes, or Cushings disease. Youve heard of thyroiddisease and diabetes. But, what is Cushings diseaseCushings disease is a set of symptoms that occur when excess cortisolis circulating in the body. Cortisol is a steroid hormone produced in theadrenal glands, the small glands located next to the kidneys.Your endocrine system consists of several glands that producehormones, which regulate processes throughout your body. Endocrineglands include the adrenals, pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, pancreas,ovaries in females and testes in males. These glands interact witheach other in a biofeedback manner to maintain proper hormone levelsnecessary for health.CANINE CUSHINGSDISEASEBy Geneva Coats, R.N.The adrenal glands have various effects on metabolism, including regulating water and electrolyte balance,blood pressure control, producing sex hormones such as testosterone and DHEA, a precursor of estrogen.Another layer of the adrenal gland produces the nervous system regulators epinephrine and norepinephrine.Cortisol along with epinephrine and norepinephrine is produced in response to stress, stimulated by the fightor flight response. Think of how you feel when you just narrowly avoid a car accident or witness a crime. Yourbody reacts instinctively in a primal survival response to deal quickly with this threat. Your sympathetic nervoussystem automatically kicks into overdrive. Your heart pounds, you breathe rapidly. Your hair stands on end.Your stomach is tied up in knots. Your sphincters may relax OH NO causing incontinence. Your body shuntsblood to the extremities so you can RUN away from the dangerous situation or so you can fight off anaggressor. Cortisol is released from the adrenal gland, and this cortisol in turn stimulates the release ofglucose from the liver and other cells of the body, so that you will have energy to deal with your stressfulsituation. Cortisol has potent anti-inflammatory properties and anti-allergy effects. When the immune system issuppressed. However, you then become more susceptible to infection.Cortisol is necessary for survival, as a mechanism to deal with stress. Normally the body compensates for thisstress response with a relaxation phase produced by the parasympathetic nervous system. However, if yourbody is continually producing excess cortisol, you may develop the same symptoms as someone under chronicstress high blood pressure, elevated blood sugar levels, hunger, thirst, fatigue, irritability, redistribution of fat tothe abdomen, thinning of skin and loss of hair, loss of bone mass and muscle mass, and increasedsusceptibility to infection. Disruption of the calcium-phosphorus balance can result in joint pain and weakeningof cartilage.There are several ways that the adrenal glands are stimulated to produce excess cortisol. If the master glandin the brain pituitary is overactive, as with a pituitary tumor, it can stimulate the adrenals to produce too muchcortisol. Dr. Harvey Cushing first described a woman with signs and symptoms of this disease in 1912, and in1932 he was able to link the adrenal overproduction of cortisol to an abnormality in the pituitary. Occasionallytumors of the thyroid, lung or pancreas can produce similar hormones that overstimulate the adrenal glands.Even rarer is a tumor of the adrenal gland itself.Due to their potent anti-inflammatory effects, synthetic corticosteroid medications such as prednisone ordecadron are used to treat allergies or arthritis. Prolonged use of these corticosteroids can also produce theContinued2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM37i i i i nm38 - JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWsymptoms of Cushings disease, such as elevated blood sugar levels and impaired immunity which can lead toinfection. When taking steroids, your adrenal glands turn off production of cortisol due to high levels alreadydetected in your body. For this reason, abrupt withdrawal of steroid medications is never advisable, anddosages are tapered down over several days. Your body needs some time to gradually resume its ownproduction of cortisol. A gradual withdrawal of these medications will allow the natural hormonal balance of thebody to become re-established.DIAGNOSTIC TESTINGIf your dog presents with Cushings symptoms such as excessive thirst, hunger, or thinning coat, your vet willwant to rule out other more common conditions with similar symptoms, such as diabetes, thyroid disease, oruse of veterinary steroids, before he decides to test for Cushings disease. Bottom line, most of the tests forCushings disease are time-consuming, expensive and not reliably diagnostic. Ultrasound of adrenals andkidneys may rarely show a tumor. CT or MRI are less commonly used for dogs.Diagnostic lab tests can be done. These tests work by either stimulating the adrenal glands with syntheticAdrenocorticotropic Hormone ACTH stimulation test, or by suppressing the release of ACTH from the pituitary glandlow dose dexamethasone suppression test or LDDS. Using the stimulation test, one is looking for excessive releaseof cortisol from the adrenal glands and using the suppression test, one is looking at whether or not cortisol levels canbe completely suppressed for a prolonged period of time.The ACTH stimulation test measures serum cortisol levels before and after injection of the pituitary stimulatorhormone. Very high levels can indicate Cushings, although a large percent of affected dogs will have normal findings.The LDDS test can distinguish between pituitary-stimulated Cushings disease and adrenal-dependentCushings disease. The dog is injected with the steroid hormone dexamethasone, and levels of cortisol andACTH are then measured as they decline over an extended period of time. In dogs with Cushings disease, thecortisol levels remain high. False positives occur in roughly half the subjects, most likely due to the stressinvolved in the testing process. A high dose test can also be attempted.Upon diagnosis, treatment might be surgical to remove a tumor, occasionally radiation therapy isrecommended, or various medications can be used. These medications aim to control the release of cortisolfrom the adrenal glands. None of these medications is without serious side effects.MEDICATIONSAnipryl Selegiline, a drug used to treat canine senility, works in some cases of pituitary over-activity. Anipryldecreases pituitary production of ACTH. It is expensive and only works in about half the patients.Nizoral Ketoconazole is an antifungal medication which also blocks the production of cortisol and othersteroid hormones.Lysodren mitotane is commonly used. It causes erosion of the adrenal cortex. Careful monitoring isnecessary as too much erosion of the adrenal cortex can permanently damage the adrenal gland, resulting insevere deficiency of cortisol. This is the reverse of Cushings disease, and is known as Addisons disease. AnAddisonian crisis can be fatal.Vetoryl Trilostane suppresses cortisol levels by inhibiting production, not by destroying the gland. It is notcurrently available in the US but can be obtained with a prescription from two distributors, or Arnolds Veterinary Products Trilostane is currently beingprescribed by veterinary schools at the University of Pennsylvania, Cornell, and the University of CaliforniaDavis Veterinary School. Trilostane is costly and does not remain in the system for an extended period of time,so it is important not to miss a dose. Also, Trilostane is not effective for atypical cases caused by high levels ofsex hormones. See atypical Cushings disease, next page.2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM384 i i i i n4 44JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 39ATYPICAL CUSHINGS DISEASESome dogs show many of the signs and symptoms of Cushings disease, yet have normal circulating cortisol levelson standard Cushings tests. This is called atypical Cushings disease, meaning the disease presents in a mannerwhich is not typical. This is also known as adrenal hyperplasia-like syndrome or hyperestrinism. Some researchersbelieve that Alopecia X may, at least in some cases, be due to atypical Cushings disease.Cushings disease symptoms may sometimes be due to excessive levels of cortisol precursors, in particular the sexhormones estradiol the most potent form of estrogen and hydroxyprogesterone, a form of progesterone fromwhich cortisol is produced in the body. In addition to cortisol, both estradiol and hydroxyprogesterone are producedby the adrenal glands. Dogs commonly have elevation of progesterone. Increased estradiol occurs frequently, butless so than for progesterone. Testosterone is increased only rarely. Several patterns of hormone increase canoccur, so a complete adrenal panel will provide your vet with the most useful information.The University of Tennessee veterinary school is on the forefront of research into Alopecia X, Cushings and atypicalCushings disease. An adrenal panel blood test can be sent there for analysis. In a study published earlier thisyear, UTs Dr. Linda Frank determined that estrogen receptors in hair follicles did not have any affect on hair folliclecycles in dogs. Dr. Frank does not believe that Alopecia X in Pomeranians is related to atypical Cushings disease.Further, she states that a diagnosis of atypical may just mean that testing was inconclusive, although the dog mayactually have Cushings disease.A retained testicle or ovarian remnant may cause Cushings symptoms. Early spay-neuter has also been suspectedof playing a role in adrenal imbalance, due to the interplay between the ovariestestes and the adrenal glandproduction of sex hormones. Genetic predisposition may play a role in the development of Cushings disease.Antiestrogen drugs like Arimidex are now being used with some success to treat atypical Cushings cases. Arimidexprevents the conversion of certain male hormones into estradiol. Lupron, a hormone which suppresses estrogen,and Nolvadex tamoxifen, an estrogen blocker, have been suggested as possible treatments but are notrecommended by the University at this time.Melatonin has been used with some success. Melatonin is a hormone from the pineal gland in the brain. Melatonincontrols the timing and release of the female reproductive hormones. Human breast cancer patients often haveestrogen-dependent tumors, and high levels of circulating estradiols, along with low levels of melatonin. Thesebreast cancer patients are often prescribed estrogen-blocking drugs such as Lupron, Arimidex and Nolvadex.Dr. Jack Oliver, endocrine specialist at the University of Tennessee, has developed a diagnostic testing andtreatment protocol for atypical Cushings, which includes the following suggestions revised 11-13-2008Where positive test results of increased adrenal activity are present, consider the need for1. Ultrasound to rule out a primary adrenal tumor2. Melatonin. Often used as a first treatment, especially if alopecia is present, since it is inexpensive, hasfew side effects, and is available in health food stores. Typically, a total dose of 3 mg is given every 12 hoursfor dogs less than 30 lbs a total dose of 6 mg is given every 12 hours for dogs over 30 lbs. Use regular, notextended release products. Melatonin inhibits estradiol production and effectively lowers cortisol levels.3. Melatonin implants. Dose dependent on weight of dog. Effects last 3-4 months.NOTE Melatonin and flaxseed oil with lignans are used together when estradiol is increased.4. Flaxseed oil FSO with lignans. The lignans in FSO have phytoestrogenic activity and may competewith estradiol for tissue estrogen receptors with less biological effect. Lignans lower both estradiol and cortisol.Sources include health food stores and internet sites or www.vitacoast.comnsiflaxseedlignans suggested dose 40 mg every other day for dogs weighing less than 30 lbs, or once dailyfor dogs weighing over 30 lbs.5. Lysodren may be useful in combination with melatonin and lignans to help lower sex steroid levelsother than estradiol. Also useful by itself as the traditional treatment and is very effective in lowering cortisol,progesterone and other sex steroids. Estradiol is not always suppressed by Lysodren.Continued2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM394 i i i i n4 4440 - JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW6. Trilostane Available in UK and Europe . Trilostane will INCREASE some sex steroids, Lysodren may bepreferable for atypical Cushings cases. Care should be used when switching from trilostane to lysodren.7. Ketoconazole Nizoral May be effective as an alternative treatment for hyperestrinism in dogs, andmay also be used in combination with melatonin and lignans.8. Anipryl Selegiline Alternative treatment which decreases ACTH stimulation from the pituitary.9. Specific hyperestrinism treatment such as Arimidex and Aromasin. Kinetic studies are lacking.10. Ovarian remnant detection11. Retained testicle detectionFor further information refer to website THERAPIESPhosphatidylserine PS is a natural fat produced by the body which maintains proper nervous system function. PS isavailable as a dietary supplement. Clinical studies have shown that PS raises circulating levels of such hormones asdopamine and melatonin, and reduces levels of ACTH and cortisol. It may have some usefulness in treating Cushingsdisease as well as senility.Some holistic veterinarians prescribe PS for borderline Cushings cases or use PS in addition to other therapies. Othercomplementary therapies include use of various herbs Ginkgo biloba, milk thistle, dandelion, rehmannia, turmeric,astragalus, boswellia and ashwagandha. Holistic veterinarians may also recommend purified drinking water, anddietary modifications such as adding antioxidant vitamins E and C, essential fatty acids, probiotics, glucosamine, andCoEnzyme Q10.Always seek the advice of your veterinarian for diagnosis and for forming a treatment plan for your dog.XENOESTROGENSHormone disruption is believed to play a major role in many dogs who display Cushings symptoms. One newertheory involves synthetic environmental estrogenic compounds called xenoestrogens. These compounds arefound in petroleum products, plastics, pesticides and fertilizers, even in some skin creams. Xenoestrogens arebelieved to mimic the effects of estrogen in the body, including suppression of melatonin and promotion of estrogendependentdisorders such as breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and endometriosis. Xenoestrogens may also beresponsible for decreased sperm count in males and a host of other problems. Because they derive from oil, mostof these synthetic products are, like steroid hormones, fat-soluble. This means that, rather than leaving the body asthey would if they were water-soluble, these synthetic products accumulate in the fat tissues of the body.Xenoestrogens are everywhere in the modern environment. The effects may be with us for generations to come.There are many different factors involved in a disease such as Cushings, which is characterized by disruption ofhormonal pathways. Since the disease is often caused by tumors, it often occurs in old age. Arriving at the correctdiagnosis and treatment is often a process of trial and error. Always consult with your veterinarian for adviceregarding your dogs unique situation.ReferencesHillier, Andrew, BVSc, MACVSc, Dipl ACVD, Alopecia, is an Endocrine Disorder ResponsibleOhio State University, est date 2006Kirzeder, Elizabeth M., Frank, Linda A., Sowers, Kristi D., Rohrbach, Barton W., Donnell, Robert L. Influence of Inflammation andCoat Type on Estrogen Receptor Immunohistochemistry Veterinary Dermatology, Vol 19, Issue 5 Aug 7, 2008.Oliver, Jack W., DVM, PhD Steroid Profiles in the Diagnosis of Canine Adrenal DisordersProceedings 25th ACVIM Forum, Pp. 471-473, Seattle, WA. 2007Paddock, Lisa Atypical Cushings Disease A Cushings Primer Great Scots Magazine, March-April 2005Schmeck, Heidi Complications and Concurrent Disease Associated With Hyperadrenocorticism Hyperadrenocorticism TreatmentOptions Overview Canine CushingsAutoimmune Care, 2007University of Tennessee, Clinical Endocrinology Service, College of Veterinary Medicine Steroid Profiles in the Diagnosis of AtypicalCushings Disease revised 11-13-2008Continued2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM404 i i i i n4 44JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 41American Kennel Club and AKC Canine HealthFoundation Release Podcast about Canine SkinAllergiesRALEIGH, NC The American Kennel Club andthe AKC Canine Health Foundation are pleasedto debut the next podcast in the Genome Barksseries.In this weeks Genome Barks podcast, CHFDirector Lee Arnold welcomes BruceHammerberg, DVM, PhD, a professor of immunologyand parasitology at the College of VeterinaryMedicine North Carolina State University .Funded in part by the AKC Canine Health Foundation,Dr. Hammerberg has spent the lastdecade studying the function of mast cells andIgE in allergic diseases.The essential cause of the itching skin that startsatopic dermatitis reactions has been well knownfor decades, yet we do not know why there is analarming increase in the number of dogs afflictedwith this disease and we do not know why somedogs suffer much more than others living in thesame environment. The cause of the itching skinis histamine and other mast cell products that arereleased when mast cells coated with the immunoglobulinIgE binds allergens such as housedust mite or pollen proteins. All dogs have mastcells in their skin and many without the diseasehave IgE that specifically bind allergens. Theever increasing numbers and complexity ofgenetic factors being discovered that predisposehumans to allergic diseases are likely to be foundas similarly daunting obstacles to fully understandingthe genetic basis for canine atopicdermatitis.Working with breeds as diverse as the WestHighland White Terrier and the RhodesianRidgeback, Dr. Hammerberg has focused hisattention on atopy allergies in geneticallysusceptible dogs, working to develop markers topredict disease development in puppies.New podcasts are released every two weeks andcan be accessed from either the AmericanKennel Club website at or the AKCCanine Health Foundation website click on Podcasts. They willalso be available on Apples iTunes and 9 11th 2009Schedule and all times are tentative Sunday, March 83pmShowroom and Grooming Room Setup6pmVendor and Exhibitor Setup700 pm - 1000 pmHospitality Monday, Mar 9 - Grande Belle Hall800 am - 1000 amObedience900 am - 1100 pm - Jefferson Room Judges Education Seminar1000 am - 430 pmSweepstakes630 pm - 830 pmTop Twenty - Grande Belle Hall Tuesday, Mar 10 - Grande Belle Hall730 am - 1000 amRally Trial900 am - 1100 pmJudges Education Seminar1015 am - 445 pmJunior ShowmanshipRegular Dog Classes, Non-Regular Classes3PM Pomeranian Charitable Trust SeminarJulia Bell Ballroom730 pm - Julia Bell BallroomAnnual Membership Meeting9pm Karoke Night - cash bar Julia Bell Ballroom Wednesday, Mar 11800 am - 500 pm Grande Belle HallRegular Bitch ClassesParade of titleholdersBOB Competition730 pm - Julia Belle BallroomAwards Dinner and Auction - cash bar 7002009 APCTENTATIVENATIONALSCHEDULESUMMARY2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM41A AMERICAN KENNEL CLUBCANINE HEALTH FOUNDATIONPRESS RELEASE^Fooe. to Feme.2009 Nattorn4L42 - JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWI caused a bit of a stir upon my arrival, Hes black and tan, my mom said, Hes probably a heavy sable, said everyone else. A lot ofpeople thought I was special because I was black and tan, but my mom knew I was special because of my soul.My brother and I had a great puppyhood. We quickly earned the title of The Beastie Boys. We got into everything. Mom and Dad hadno idea puppies could get into SO MUCH STUFF Thankfully we were given faces that you couldnt stay mad at and personalities youcouldnt help but love.I was blessed with not only a cute face, but nice bone, coat, and movement. I had it all. My show career started with a bang. I got a majormy second weekend out, I quickly got my second major with limited showing right after my first birthday, and then it all started to fallapart my coat started thinning. My mom knew what was happening. Sadly I was pulled from the show ring. My brother continuedshowing and he achieved a championship title, but that title was not going to come to me.After going through the initial thyroid and Cushings tests, a variety of different lotions, potions and every other suggestion people had,to make my coat come back, my mom woke up one morning and sat me on her lap and said we were done trying, my show career wasover. I was off to the vet to be neutered and get on with my life. She promised me there was life after Alopecia. We just needed to findthe right job for me.Shortly after I was neutered I recoated a HUGE BIG COAT, that often happens. I think our hormones get all stirred up and weird thingshappen. The big coat was cool while it lasted. In 2006 I did a TV commercial that appeared in a few movie theaters and on AnimalPlanet for the AKCEukanuba National Championships. I co-starred in the scene with my favorite Sheltie, Chorus. I also got to do areally cool photo shoot with a great photographer from New York. They told my mom they were amazed how quickly I learned andpicked up on things since I had no real training. That got my mom thinking I should obtain my CGC, Canine Good Citizencertificate. We were off to class.I easily completed the CGC requirements, and while at the annual Heart Walk in our community one of the other walkers asked mymom if I was a therapy dog because shed like to have me visit her unit. My mom said no, but that got her mind spinning again. Shelooked into the requirements for a therapy dog with the organization called Therapy Dogs Inc. and contacted the evaluator in our area.The evaluation process with Therapy Dogs Inc. was very interesting. First we met the evaluator at her home and she tested me onseveral things to see how I would react to different scenarios. Then we went to a park and she watched me walk in different patternswith my mom. I dont have to heel, but I do need to walk politely on the leash and not pull. Then we went over and met some really niceBY SKEETERAKA SUNGLOS HAVIN A BLACK N TAN-TRUM, RNANGELSCOME IN ALL SHAPES SIZES. SOME EVEN HAVEFOUR PAWSANGELSCOME IN ALL SHAPES SIZES. SOME EVEN HAVEFOUR PAWS2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM4244 4 V- mbfe1 1 1 1 ""JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 43children to see how I reacted to strangers. After all of that was done, they setup an appointment for me to go to my first facility training. Boy, was that funThe staff loves the therapy dogs. I felt like a movie star, all that was missingwas the paparazzi After my evaluation was done, I had to go to the vet for myannual exam to make sure I was current with my rabies and otherimmunizations and a fecal exam-yuck Then all the paperwork was submittedand I got my ID card. I was registered and ready to workMy human momdad both work for a large health care organization in SanDiego, so they contacted one of their facilities to see if they would like therapydog visits. I was quickly snatched up by the Oncology department. If I havetime after I visit the oncology patients, I scoot across to the other side of thefloor and visit the surgical patients. One day while walking into the building,someone came running out of a door and wanted to meet me. They asked if Icould visit their patients, also. So, now I visit the outpatient oncology area,also. Those are patients that are having outpatient chemo treatments. I visitthree different units on Thursdays. I also still visit the pediatric unit at Kaiser.That is the hospital where I initially had my training. I dont have a set schedulewith them. They let me come whenever I can. I really like visiting with patients.Every visit with each patient is different, some people just want to see me,and some want to pet me. My favorites are the patients that will let me sit andhang out with them. I like to snuggle up and go to sleep. Sometimes they willexchange stories with my mom, and sometimes they just want a quiet momentwith me. Im a very good listener I keep all the secrets I am told.One of my favorite visits was when I was at the pediatric unit, the little boy in the first bed didnt want to see me, and so I visited the boyin the second bed. As we were leaving the first little boy asked if he could maybe see me. My mom said of course. She asked if I couldsit with him and he said yes. He proceeded to tell my mom that he was afraid of dogs because he had been bitten when he was little. Idont think hes going to go out and get himself a dog, but I think I made an impact and a difference in his life. Now he knows all dogsarent mean. But we reminded him to always be careful, and its best to ask the owner before going up to a strange dog that you do notknow.Another favorite visit was with a patient who the nurse told me had a Rottweiler at home. My mom teased her that she shouldremember to never put her rottweiler in the dryer because it could end up like me-she laughed During one of our visits with her, shetold me her stomach had been hurting all day, but when I got there, her pain went away.I could tell stories all day-but Ill end with this one, we were visiting a patient who was over 100 years old The nurse asked my momto put me up on her table tray because they didnt think she could see me, the patient leaned in close to my face and said meow.Everyone laughed and told her I wasnt a cat, I was a dog, but she just said meow again. She was fun to visit withI also occasionally read with the children at the library. Ok, I dont read to them, they read to me. Studies have found that children withreading challenges dont mind reading to the dogs because they know we dont judge them, we just love to hear a story, it helps buildtheir reading skills.In October I was honored with a Pet Therapy award through Planetree organization for my visits at Sharp Coronado. I had my picturein their awards program, and I got a really cool medallion. Its really big and I think it weighs more than I doThere are a variety different programs and options out there for someone who might like to look into therapy work. Theres a fit foranyone interested.In addition to being a therapy dog, I enjoy Rally. I have completed my Rally Novice title, and I am currently training for RallyAdvanced. Although I must admit with my busy visiting schedule, my Rally training sometimes get put on the back burner, but momand I are committed to get my RA in 2009SKEETER MODELING HIS PET THERAPYAWARD METAL FROM PLANETREEContinued2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM43ik Mill 5 - .A44 - JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWVisitJan StachurskiTabletop PomeraniansAdvertising DeadlineFebruary 1, 2009MARCHAPRIL 2009KENNELPlease contact the Editor to nominate candidates for upcoming APC KennelVisits. Send information to The Pomeranian Review, Brenda Segelken, Editor,11139 E. Camelot Ave., Effingham, IL 62401 or phone 217-347-5731. Emailfame62401yahoo.comThe downside of being a therapy dogis that when Im out I think everyonewants to meet me and say hello. Thebest part about being a registeredtherapy dog and visiting patients is,even though my mom always tellsthem about my Alopecia condition, nobody cares, they love me anywayThey must see the beauty inside methey dont judge me by my coat. I havewhat mom calls good hair days andbad hair days. I have very little hairon my tail, and none on my back endand it thins inout on my neckback. Imay not have a championship title atthe beginning of my registered name,but I have a very important job. Dontlet my small size fool you, inside mysmall frame is a LARGE heart, it takesa special soul to be a therapy dog.There is life after AlopeciaThere are several Pomeranian owners who also have therapy dogs. I am lucky to be in such great company. I would like to thank Brendaand the Pom Review for letting me tell my story.A patient I was visiting with told me that angels come in all shapes and sizes, and some even have four paws. I believe she is rightSKEETER, AKA SUNGLOS HAVIN ABLACK N TAN-TRUM, RN, READY FORA NIGHT OUT.S IS FOR SUCCESS ANDSWEET SKEETER2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM44A i i m i n4v'i V7S'4Ilx4JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 45A new year begins. A new APC board is seated. This processhopefully adds fresh perspectives and enthusiasm to theadministration of the Club.A trust is not an organization in that same sense. One importantfunction of the trust is to provide stability no matter whatelse is happening within the breed and breed club. The trusteesdo not have terms that they serve for this reason. Itsindependent functioning should be conducive to stability. Itsindependence is also required by law. Its source of donationsmust be greater than just that which APC might donate. Thatis to insure that it is not merely a tax shelter for any oneentity. It is easy to understand that the government sets strictstandards how a trust must operate. Laws are meant to ensurethat trusts are trustworthy trustees must behaveresponsibly and honorably. It is a legal arrangement by whichthe trustees holds and manages money or property belongingto someone else in the PCT it is the breed itself.However, I have used the term symbiotic a cooperative,mutually beneficial relationship between two people orgroups describing the relationship between APC and the PCT.Both APC and the PCT share the same goal of helpingPomeranians. The APC can be a very supportive benefactorof the Trust the Trust can offer tax benefits to all its donors,APC included. And it can serve APC by assisting in the mutualgoal of benefiting Pomeranians directly.I have also used the term designated funds. That meanswithin the trust fund we can keep funds separated intoaccounts for specific purposes that lie within the scope oftrust. One such fund is the Education Fund. Recall that thisfund, like the others, started with nothing in it. The goal wasto bring outstanding speakers to present seminars. Eventuallythe goal was to include speakers that regional clubs mightnot be able to afford on their own. For instance, last year webrought Pat Hastings to the National. This expense was over1600.00 for the PCT as usual, some of which needed to bepaid before any income is taken in. The PCT was veryfortunate that Ms. Hastings was diligent to keep after DeltaAirlines to reimburse the PCT the cost of projector rental286.00 when her luggage was detained. And she alsoPOMERANIAN CHARITABLE TRUST WORKING TOGETHER TO MAKE A DIFFERENCEgenerously donated back a percentage of the book sales fromthose attending the seminar 360.00. This enabled the Trustto purchase a projector that the judges educator can usethroughout the year and any future National Seminar thussaving the costly hotels rental fee yearly. The projector cost795.00.This coming March the PCT has arranged to bring MyraSavant Harris from the West Coast to present her renownedpresentation on whelping and neo-natal survival methods. Youcan make your donation on-line this year through PayPal onthe PCT website or send a donation check directly to the PCT,PO Box 801, San Juan Bautista, CA 95045. A confirmation ofyour invitation will come by email as it has before. Yourminimum donation of 30.00 helps defray this expense.As we mentioned in our previous Review article, the PCT haspledged its financial support of Dr. Leebs study to the AKCCanine Health Foundation. They have not told us the amountit will take but thanks to the generosity and foresight of ourdonors, the PCT should be able to cover what is expected ofus. In all likelihood, there will be addition funds needed tocontinue this study into subsequent phases.Chris Heartz has been inspired once again with yet anotherunique functional Pom art, which she will first create thendonate to the PCT to be this years major fundraiser. We hopeto allow everyone an opportunity to participate and possiblybecome the owner of this fine collectible. But once again,there are laws, which must be adhered to, and we must takethis under consideration. Kindly be understanding of this. Hintabout what this creation might be The winner could chooseto celebrate while sipping a Pomtini.We have been asked to consider other types of scientificresearch studies for support. We certainly desire to do so. Wecan start by looking at what other grants the AKC-CHF areputting together. But remember that our funds are restrictedby the wishes of our donors. If funds were donated for AlopeciaX research that is exactly where those funds must beadministered. So far, we have not solicited funds for otherpurposes.Marge Kranzfelder, Trustee2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM45Pomeranian Charitable Trust446 - JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWWe have begun to try to put together guidelines for rescuefunds. These guidelines must provide a fair way of assessinglegitimate rescue projects that the PCT is able to afford. Anda grant application must be constructed. The APC has anenthusiastic new Rescue Coordinator the PCT hopes it canhelp facilitate those in vital need.If you havent seen the pictures and information concerningAlopecia X displayed on the PCT please do so. The PCTis interested in expanding the picture files of Poms that havebeen successfully recoated after what is believed to havebeen an episode of Alopecia X or Clipper Alopecia. Formore information of what we would like with theseexamples and how to submit them, please refer to thePCT website.May 2009 take us a step closer to understanding even asmall part of what comprises Alopecia X.Thank you for your continued enthusiastic and generoussupport.Visit the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website athttpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgCHECKS, MONEY ORDERS, MASTERCARD, VISA,AMERICAN EXPRESS, DISCOVERY, PAYPAL ACCEPTED.PAYMENT ALSO MAY BE MADE ONLINE ATTHE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUBS WEBSITE athttpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgPCT ContinuedPomeranian ReviewsBack Issuesmake great gifts.Place your orders todayContactBrenda Segelken11139 E. Camelot AvenueEffingham, IL 62401Phone 217-347-5731 orfame62401yahoo.com2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM464 i i i i n2ri f POMERANIAN REVIEW -Till\\X\ V i.TMtSUiAm Mr"M2002 - 20 trsiRF, - ClI. JAN-SIIARS DR. mil. DAM - MN-SHARS WILD CARD POMERANIAN REVIEW4TUOffUUtViUU.ti- tfTUfimrit., fwnil..Cht. l,u eptOct 2008Isn't it lime YOU advertise inTHE POMERANIAN REVIEWContact Advertising ManagerBecky lackson I at or phone 256-762-5958 today12AchiCCes Pomerdmans 4JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 47YouGettingToKnowLinda LewisAPC RESCUECHAIRPERSONGetting To Know You willintroduce many talentedfine folk who are active in the APCCommittee work and thePomeranian Review.THE AMERICANPOMERANIAN CLUBPOMERANIAN RESCUEI want to start off by thankingBrenda Segelken of the PomReview and BarbaraMcClatchey of Second ChancePoms for their support and theirefforts to make others aware ofthe need for rescue in thePomeranian world.I am currently active inPomeranian Rescue with aNorthern California group aptlynamed Pomeranian RescueGroup. Founded by Jan Yaleover 12 years ago it has recentlybecome a 501c3 non-profitorganization. I currently havefour foster dogs at my homealong with my showPomeranians. I actively supportthis rescue group in many otherways. I recently created aPomeranian Rescue Calendar tosell and raise money for ourgroup.Through Jan and Barbara I havelearned more about the need forrescue and when I realized thatthe APC had no rescuecoordinator I volunteered for theposition. I hope to accomplish amore cohesive and supportiverescue team with more APCmembers becoming involvedwith rescue on various levels.The final goal being that morepoms in need find permanenthomes and the love and carethey deserve.There is more to rescue than justtaking in a homeless pom. Iwould like to get the word outthat there are many ways youcan do for rescue that dontrequire that you take in a dog.We are always in need offunds like any other rescuegroup some people are verygood at raising money for acause they believe in. Canyou help in this manner Weneed supplies to provide forthe dogs as well as individualswho can sometimes transportthe dogs to another destinationfor treatment or care. Rescuesupport can also mean doing ahome visit or checkingreferences of prospectiveadopters. This type of supportis invaluable for the peoplewho care for the rescued dogsuntil they go to their foreverhomes. Do you know how tomake a website Having awebsite can allow the rescuegroup or individual to befound easily with a websearch by someone looking toadopt a rescue pom. There areso many ways to contributeThis is not to say that wedont need more foster homesor individuals who canactively care for the dogs butwe all have something to offerto rescue so that the entireburden doesnt rest with thecaregiver or foster.I would like to seePomeranian Rescue becomean integral part of theAmerican Pomeranian Clubbecause what better role totake than to help aPomeranian in needIm looking forward to thisnext year and hope to have achance to speak with moreAPC members who areinterested in working withrescue to provide care for thebreed we love so much.2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM47 INI i i i inrroTO48 - JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWWays WaysAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc. Means MeansDonna RiehmCo-ChairHeres hoping that everyone had a grand Holiday Season with family, friends and our beautiful Poms close athand to enjoy those special days with.It does not seem possible that another National Specialty is so close at hand. I want to take this opportunity toextend the clubs thanks to all of you who support our fundraising endeavors year after year.I have had several contacts already regarding some really special items that will be coming to Louisville for theauctions. Very exciting We have such a wealth of talented and creative members and friends of the APC it is ajoy to work with you all, and I am amazed that each year seems to bring new and different items of interest.So, if you have not decided on that special item you will donate to the clubs fundraising event, now is thetime. If you cant bring it to Louisville, just mail it to me to arrive by March 1, and I will transport for you.Thanks to all Your continued support of the APC is pricelessDATES TOREMEMBERCATALOG ADVERTISING CLOSE JANUARY 21, 2009TROPHY SPONSORSHIPS IN CATALOG JANUARY 21, 2009HOTEL RESERVATION DEADLINE FEBRUARY 14, 2009NATIONAL ENTRIES CLOSE DATE FEBRUARY 18, 20092009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM48 INI 4 n i i i irK. '__4 4ysQDOgsmtLSo cssauwgcOTRaw to Fane,2009 fiatioKof ,SpcjwPtyAtte^iajt pomranm Ch64JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 49Top 20BreedPomeranians AKC TopDogssm Using Breed TotalsStarting January 1, 2008 and ending December 31, 2008For Events Processed Through Friday, November 14, 2008 TotalRank Name Sex BOB Defeated 1 CH Velocitys Shake Ur Bon Bon D 96 1,832OwnerM Koga 2 CH Cr Tuff Guy Of Isabella D 76 1,130Owners R Solano, C Solano, R Smith, M Smith 3 CH Powerpom High Performance D 62 941Owner P Pongsak 4 CH Chars Bringin Sexy Back D 60 813Owners C Meyer 5 CH Oakrose HighN Mighty D 42 717Owners J Rose, G Stewart 6 CH Majestics Artistic Impression B 36 522Owners A Rister, C Creed, B Turner, S Turner 7 CH Larajus Don Juan At So-Me D 15 398Owners R Mellem, L Newbold, L Solomon 8 CH Lanas Let Me Introduce Myself D 26 369Owner L Price 9 CH Jan-Shars Elementary My Dear Watson D 40 359Owners H Sklar, S Hanson 10 CH Pufpride Somewhere in Time D 25 347Owners L Beard 11 CH Lil Behrs Honey Nut Cheerio D 33 335Owners J Behrend, B Behrend 12 CH Razzle Dazzle Heavenly Choir D 21 320Owner J Green 13 CH Kalos Rock N Music City D 17 295Owner C Brandenburg 14 CH Mountain Crest U DonT Own Me D 25 260Owners D Gilstrap, C Gilstrap 15 CH DonT Play With Funny Money Wow D 18 255Owner T Rothel, J Rothel 16 CH Gayels Destinys Child B 11 220Owner N Guenther 17 CH Delpoms Sir Nicholas Of Lenette D 17 213Owner L Delp 18 CH Valcopy Janels Spiderman D 12 208Owner J Reich, J Pardue 19 CH Powerpom IM Hot Like Vodka D 10 183Owner B Owens 20 CH Ltds Simon Sez of Koy D 12 150OwnerDebbie, Anton SvorinichAPC Member denoted by Joan Behrend2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM49444A,tSIw50 - JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWPomeranians AKC TopDogssm Using All Breed TotalsStarting January 1, 2008 and ending December 31, 2008For Events Processed Through Friday, November 14, 2008TotalRank Name Sex BIS I II III IV Defeated 1 CH Velocitys Shake Ur Bon Bon D 6 35 23 12 7 15,718OwnerM Koga 2 CH Cr Tuff Guy Of Isabella D 3 25 12 11 5 11,188Owners R Solano, C Solano, R Smith, M Smith 3 CH Powerpom High Performance D 1 8 10 10 15 7,248Owner P Pongsak 4 CH Chars Bringin Sexy Back D 0 4 11 5 7 3,403Owners C Meyer 5 CH Oakrose HighN Mighty D 0 5 2 3 4 2,694Owners J Rose, G Stewart 6 CH Larajus Don Juan At So-Me D 0 3 3 5 0 2,038Owners R Mellem, L Newbold, L Solomon 7 CH Lanas Let Me Introduce Myself D 0 3 2 4 2 1,958Owner L Price 8 CH Majestics Artistic Impression B 0 2 2 1 3 1,494Owners A Rister, C Creed, B Turner, S Turner 9 CH Jan-Shars Elementary My Dear Watson D 0 3 3 3 5 1,337Owners H Sklar, S Hanson 10 CH Razzle Dazzle Heavenly Choir D 0 1 2 3 1 1,243Owner J Green 11 CH Lil Behrs Honey Nut Cheerio D 0 1 2 4 4 1,208Owners J Behrend, B Behrend 12 CH Mountain Crest U DonT Own Me D 0 1 5 1 1 1,152Owners D Gilstrap, C Gilstrap 13 CH Gayels Destinys Child B 0 2 2 2 1 1,119Owner N Guenther 14 CH Delpoms Sir Nicholas Of Lenette D 0 0 3 2 2 991Owner L Delp 15 CH Kalos Rock N Music City D 0 1 2 2 1 979Owner C Brandenburg 16 CH Starfires Latin Dancer D 1 1 2 2 1 972Owners F Stoll, D Riehm 17 CH DonT Play With Funny Money Wow D 0 1 4 1 2 965Owner T Rothel, J Rothel 18 CH Valcopy Janels Spiderman D 1 1 0 1 1 906Owner J Reich, J Pardue 19 CH Powerpom Cold Mountain D 0 1 0 3 0 649Owner P Pongsak 20 CH Golden Stars Terminator D 0 3 0 0 0 629Owner A SanehmahakulAPC Member denoted by 2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM50JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 51Top Exhibitor, Breeder, Sire,Dam, and Junior ShowmanshipTop JuniorHandlersThrough Aug 31, 2008As reported byBestJunior.comAmanda Seitzer 385Stephanie Hentschel 331Rebecca Silverberg 94Ginger Riley 32Hope Gould 31Colten Pfannerstill 13Letesha Girth 11Nathan Lisenbee 11Taylor Brown 10Samantha Hyde 9Bailey Pfannerstill 9Chelsea Valles 9Matthew Lisenbee 8Taylor Blasco 6Ian Maniates 4Trinity McKain 4Daniel Belcher 2Sabrina Campbell 2Rosie Sheppard 1Noelle Oleartchick 1Cora Halliday 1Meagan Edgar 1Karinina Bailey 1Amanda Seitzer andStephanie Hentschel are theTop Two Toy GroupExhibitors as of October31st. Rebecca Silverbergranks 20th in the Toy Group.Amanda also ranks 26thoverall in the Juniorcategory. Congratulationsto these hard workingJuniorsJanuary 1, 2008 through October 31, 2008 as reported by the American Kennel ClubTop Exhibitors12 Charlotte Meyer10 Diane L Finch 7 Celeste Solano 7 Sharon Hanson 6 K G Griffith 6 Robert Solano 5 Fabian Arienti 5 Jose A Cabrera 5 Juanita Fiddick 5 Nina FetterTop Breeders16 Diane L Finch13 Charlotte Meyer11 Sharon Hanson 9 K G Griffith 8 Fabian Arienti 8 Jose A Cabrera 8 Tom Wilson 7 Juanita Fiddick 7 Carlene B Gilstrap 7 David GilstrapTop Sires9 CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams4 CH Mt Crest At Springwood4 CH Cheyennes Kodiak Bear Second4 CH Finchs Bet On The Parti4 CH FinchScharSspellboundparti4 CH Babydolls Buckle Up Ur Genes4 CH Band of Gold of Lenette4 CH Reuben of Lenette3 CH Chriscendo Coldplay3 CH Daystar Cowboys And Indians3 CH Firebrooks Tabasco Fiasco3 CH Great Rivers Cupids Arrow3 CH Horizon-N-Janesa Indian Sundown3 CH Janesas American Cutiepye3 CH Jan-Shars Dr. Phil3 CH Magic Touch Of Lenette3 CH Mountain Crest Hard Rock3 CH Nobles Born to Perform3 CH Starfires Here Comes Trouble3 Starlights Dream Comes TrueTop Dams3 CH Amber Glow Of Lenette3 CH Great Rivers Tiamo Lets Hav A Ball3 Labays Savannah Of Lenette2 CH Gar-Vs Zeek-A-Boo2 CH Chars Walkin N A Winnin Way2 CH Glen Iris Duchess of Castile2 CH Jan-Shars The Cookie Monster2 CH Rodis Cr Queen Of Stars2 CH Sirius Its About Time2 CH Starfires Between The Sheet2 CH Starfires Wicked Mary2 Bar-Net Abigail Of Oakridge2 Bavanews Divine Intervention2 Bynows I Know Who Lies2 Finchs Lo And Behold2 Finchs Shamoo Parti2 Gar-Vs Beau-Tiful Windflower2 Honeycomb of Lenette2 Lt Cherubs Chapel Of Dreams Of Labeau2 Panaches Picture Perfect2 Park Aves Sweet Magnolia2 Pomhavens Casa Dora2 Pomrytes Penny For Yor Thots2 Precious Moments Tender Love2 Starfires Robcary U Glowgirl2 Windkiss Red RubyThe Pomeranian Review includes all Pomeranian Exhibitors in their publication. American Pomeranian Club Members are noted withan . In order to be eligible for APC Awards given at the Annual Banquet, you must have been a member for one 1 calendar year.2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM51 INI A n i i i iw52 - JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWNew ChampionsSEPTEMBER CHAMPIONSCH Chars Taylor Made To Parti D CHFinchScharSspellboundparti x Dossmars MissSparkle. Owned by Charlotte Meyer. Bred byCharlotte Meyer.CH Chriscendo Congeniality B CH ChriscendoColdplay x Tokie Take It To The Limit. Owned byMary Latimer Christine Heartz RobertKennedy. Bred by Christine Heartz.CH Donmars Young Gun Of Windkiss D CHAphrodites Donmar Desperado x Windkiss Red Ruby.Owned by Mrs. Donna M Majewski. Bred by Linda LSaball.CH Dreamweavers Rockin Robin D CHDreamweavers Ring Of Fire x Royaltee NDreamweavers Into The West. Owned by Linda APelz. Bred by Linda A Pelz.CH Elusive Toys Artimus Gorgeous D CH AvalonsPrince Matchabelli x Elusive Toys Cherries Jubbly.Owned by Catherine Jessen Celeste Solano Annette Davis. Bred by Catherine M Jessen Annette Davis.CH Finchs Shes Not That Innocent B CH PufprideSweet Dreams x Finchs Simply Breathtaking. Ownedby Diane L Finch. Bred by Diane L Finch.CH Great Rivers Ho-Beau D CH Great RiversCupids Arrow x Great Rivers Cutie Pa Tootie. Ownedby Amando Hernandez. Bred by Sharon Yampiro Diane Price.CH Jan-Shars Chairman Of The Board D CH JanSharsDr. Phil x Jan-Shars Next Best Thing. Owned bySharon L Hanson. Bred by Sharon L Hanson.CH Jan-Shars Rosa Parks B CH Jan-SharsShaquille ONeal x Jan-Shars Jezabelle. Owned byJoyce Birks Bob Birks. Bred by Sharon Hanson.CH Jan-Shars Save A Horse Ride A Cowboy B CHJan-Shars Fresh Off The Farm x Poolside A Piece OfThe Rock. Owned by Sharon Hanson. Bred bySharon Hanson.CH Marbils Mini Cooper At Mnm D FirebrooksShenanigans x MTN. Views Onyx N Lace. Owned byMari Iffland Mary E. Wells. Bred by Mari Iffland Donna S Riehm.CH Mountain Crest Rock Princess B CH MountainCrest Hard Rock x Mountain Crest Rainy. Owned byBarbara Meyer. Bred by David Gilstrap Carlene BGilstrap.CH Mountain Crest Tiny Bubbles B CH MountainCrest Hard Rock x CH Mountain Crest Private DancerII. Owned by David Gilstrap Carlene B Gilstrap.Bred by David Gilstrap Carlene B Gilstrap.CH Oakrose One For The Money D FoxworthFrontier Spirit x Cinnakees Serenity. Owned by JoanRose Gail Stewart. Bred by Joan Rose.CH Panaches Totally Assertive B CH Nobles HardlyHumble x Sundowns Pompanche Cover Girl. Ownedby Laura Meineke. Bred by Laura Meineke.CH Pocobredens Icy Miss D Meaner B LanasStormy Cloud x Pombredens White Dinah-Mite.Owned by Diana Gross. Bred by Barbara A Breden.CH Power Pom Titanium D CH Nobles Born ToPerform x Candyfloss Jo Black. Owned by PongsakornPongsak. Bred by Pongsakorn Pongsak.CH Razzle Dazzle Straight From The Heart D CHChriscendo Communicado x Razzle Dazzle Sound OfMusic. Owned by Judith B Green Margaret RJohnson. Bred by Judith B Green Margaret RJohnson.CH Rialtas Paper Doll Of Lenette B CH Band OfGold Of Lenette x Tammys In Love Of Lenette. Ownedby Alta Davis Tommy Davis. Bred by K GGriffith.CH Sandalwood Gp Jada B CH Pinnacle IMStakinMy Claim x Sandalwood Kala. Owned by RogerM Lau. Bred by Roger M Lau.CH Sandegis As Good As It Gets D ShowinsAlanna Metallicman x TLC Maggie May Rocks OMoss. Owned by Debbie King. Bred by Gina Moss.CH Showins The Big Bad Wolf D Showins SaberDance-Lobo x Sho-Wins Pocahantes. Owned byAudrey Caywood. Bred by Barbara Raymond.CH Smoky Mtn. Rain Of Lenette D CH Band OfGold Of Lenette x Honeycomb Of Lenette. Owned byK G Griffith. Bred by K G Griffith.CH Tradewind Amazing Grace B CH Pom AcresKnigt Rider x CH Pom Acres New Days Dawn. Ownedby Glenda Shaffer Juanita Fiddick. Bred by GlendaShaffer Juanita Fiddick.2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM52JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 53New ChampionsOCTOBER CHAMPIONSCH Aphrodites Bluemoon Reflection D CH TrudysKentucky Blue At Aphrodite x CH AphroditesMoonstruck. Owned by Beverly Allen LindaDecicco. Bred by Linda Decicco.CH Aphrodites Daddys Lil Girl B Aphrodites InCharge x Aphrodites Simply Adorable. Owned by LindaDecicco. Bred by Linda Decicco.CH Chars Tiki Beach Parti B CHFinchScharSspellboundparti x Chars Rockin MochaParti. Owned by Charlotte Meyer. Bred by CharlotteMeyer.CH Day Star Of Lenette D CH Rueben Of Lenette xButterfly Of Love of Lenette. Owned by K G Griffith.Bred by K G Griffith.CH Designs Fire N Brimstone D CH DesignsHelzapoppin x Designs Causin A Commotion. Ownedby Teresa Acker. Bred by Teresa A Livezey.CH Geebears Atomic Particle D CH Joaynes MirrorRambo x Rubys Dreamin Of Black Gold. Owned bySamantha Miller Gina Williams Heike Bartlett.Bred by Gina Williams Andy Williams.CH Honeykist Keep The Faith B CH HoneykistHow Sweet It Is x Honeykist Special Edition. Owned byChristine Bousquet. Bred by Christine Bousquet.CH Jan-Shars Louie Vuitton D CH Jan-Shars Dr.Phil x Jan-Shars Wild Child. Owned by SharonHanson. Bred by Sharon Hanson.CH Jan-Shars Tamarac D CH Jan-Shars Code Red xJan-Shars Pick Me Pick Me. Owned by Paula A. Clark Sandra Jeffers. Bred by Sharon Hanson.CH Janesas Hot Tempered Hannah B CH JanesasHurray x Janesas Temper Tantrum. Owned by Lisa MGoodman Jerrie Freia. Bred by Jerrie Freia.CH Lowens Secret Mission D Lowens Willow Barkx Lowens In A Class Of Her Own. Owned by SheilaLowen. Bred by Sheila Lowen.CH Mtn. Views ILl B Starting A Fire D CHMarbils Games Of Chance x Mtn. Views Winter Hope.Owned by Patricia Dague Roger A Dague. Bred byPatricia Dague Roger A Dague.CH Mts Hoilini Porsche Cayenne B CH VintageVino Vino x CH Sandalwood HK Joie Of Vivre.Owned by Sylvia Miyake. Bred by Sylvia Miyake.CH Park Avenues Texas Hold Em D CH JakensSplashing In The Rain At Jan Le x Star Havens SpiritMedicine. Owned by Gail Bertrand Bill Bertrand.Bred by Tom Wilson.CH Park Aves Red Hard And Delicious D CHPufpride Sweet Dreams x Cinbows Annie Get YourGun. Owned by Tom Wilson. Bred by Tom Wilson.CH Parkave Mar-Ds WinkE DinkE Doo D CHPark Aves Red Hard And Delicious x Paragons Of ParkAves Nichi. Owned by Mary Stephens. Bred by TomWilson.CH Reignings U Wish U Were Mia B CHBabydolls Buckle Up Ur Genes x Debonaires CubbyBear. Owned by Gail Bertrand Bill Bertrand. Bredby Gail Bertrand Bill Bertrand.CH Shallanys Dezigner Money Randy B CheyennesDesign In Style x Randys Nickels And Dimes. Ownedby Randy Buske Ooi Chee Heong. Bred by ColleenFitzpatrick.CH Silhouettes Speakeasy D CH ChriscendoCommunicado x Sunterra Sweet Surrender. Owned byElizabeth Heckert. Bred by Elizabeth Heckert.CH Starfires Robcary Too Cool D CH StarfiresRobcary Sobe It x CH Starfires Between The Sheet.Owned by Caryl F Scrimpsher. Bred by Jose ACabrera Fabian Arienti.CH Sugar Raes Winnie The Pooh B CH NoblesSo-So Sharp x Sugar Raes Honeypot. Owned by Mr.Ronald George Elshaug. Bred by Angela Semansky.CH Surely You Are Not Sirius B CH Sirius Its SableAdam x CH Sirius Its About Time. Owned by NinaFetter. Bred by Nina Fetter.CH Tlcs Belle Of The Ball B CH TlcsSoutherngentlemanof Lenette x Charles Delilah OfLenette. Owned by Connie Charles. Bred by ConnieCharles.CH Viktres Feng The Shui B Chinadolls Pianomanx CH Windsors Darling Debutante. Owned by VictoriaOelerich. Bred by Victoria Oelerich ShaunaJenkins.2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM53 INI A n i i i iw54 - JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWHealth GeneticsPART FOUR - SOME INTERESTING STUFF By now genetic nomenclature is rolling lightly off our tongues, we areable to predict probabilities of the phenotypes expected from any twogiven genotypes, and we are able to see how most of the colors shown inour pedigrees were inherited. Of course, what we REALLY want to know is how do I produce three Best In Show Winners in every litterThe sad truth is that we cant. Remember Mendels Law of Independent Assortment We get the good mixed inwith the bad and the ugly every time. What we can do, by the intelligent application of genetic principles, isreinforce the traits we consider desirable and reduce the incidence of those we feel are detrimental. This isaccomplished by attempting to create in our litters as much homozygosity as possible for those alleles that producethe required effects. An animal that has a high percentage of its genes in the homozygous state will pass thosefeatures on with a great deal of consistency, and is said to be prepotent for those features.This summary of rules taken from Whitney may be found usefulDominant Traits1 Do not skip generations.2 Generally affect a large number of progeny.3 Only animals showing the trait carry it.4 There is less danger of continuing undesirable traits.5 The trait, when seen, may come from just one parent.Recessive Traits1 The trait may skip one or more generations.2 Generally affect a small number of progeny.3 Only animals homozygous for the trait exhibit it.4 Heterozygous animals can only be determined by mating, so there is more danger of continuingundesirable traits.5 The trait, when seen, must come from both parents. I have attempted to ascertain the mode of inheritance for several common traits and for some inheritable problems.The following information has been shamelessly plagiarized from many sources. I have given authors in parenthesis.Head Short foreface is dominant to the long foreface. Seranne Longer, narrower head skull is more dominant than the short, wide one. Seranne Willis Scissors bite is dominant to either under or overshot bite, but as there is so much variation in degree, there mustMary AllenGuest Writer2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM544.-m45m i m i i i i i iJANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 55be some polygenic control. Seranne Whitney Willis Normal number of teeth 42 appears to be dominantto missing teeth, but data is sparse. Whitney Willis Fused incisors appear to be genetically determined,but there is insufficient data to propose mode ofinheritance. Hitchin Morris, 1966, working withhighly inbred Lakeland Terriers, cited by Willis CleftPalateHare Lip do not seem to be inherited in standardMendelian manner. Willis suggests a recessive mode withthreshold characteristics. Vit A deficiency has producedthis anomaly in pigs, and Riboflavin Vitamin B2deficiency has been implicated in its appearance inpuppies. Robinson Willis Folic acid deficiency has alsobeen cited as a contributary cause. Dark Pigment is dominant to light on lips, nose, eyerims, pads. Little Onstott Seranne Willis Dark eye is dominant to light eye. Little SeranneWhitney Normal eye is dominant to large, bulging eye.Seranne Large ear is dominant to small ear, though the variancein size suggests some polygenic control. SeranneWhitney Low ear set is dominant to high ear set. SeranneBody Straight topline is dominant to a sway or roached back.Note that the dogs general condition can affect thetopline. Seranne Good spring of rib, deep chest and high tailset aredominant to narrow ribs, shallow chest and low tailset.SeranneForequarters Straight shoulders are dominant to a good shoulderlayback, though the degree is polygenically determined.Seranne Short legs are incompletely dominant to long legs.Whitney Dewclaws are dominant to their absence. RobinsonWhitney Short, compact foot is dominant to long, open foot.WhitneyHindquarters Straight stifles are dominant to well-angulated stifles,though probably under polygenic control. Seranne Patellar Luxation Slipping Stifles appears to be athreshold character. Polygenes govern the depth of thefemoral groove, height of the bony ridges, and thestrength and attachment of the ligaments which securethe patella. All these factors contribute to thepredisposition to the defect. Robinson Note the sizeand tone of the leg musculature will partially determinethe alignment of the stifle joint. Thus even minor traumacan precipitate luxation in the face of poor muscle tone,as seen in immature or unconditioned animals. SeranneThis last could also have implications for the prevalenceof cow hocks. Single dewclaws are dominant to double. WhitneyCoat Short coat is dominant to long, though the length of along coat is determined by modifying genes WhitneyWillis and grooming technique Allan Single coat appears to be dominant to double coat,though this information was arrived at from crossbreeding.Whitney Thin or sparse coat is dominant to dense coat incrosses, and is probably under polygenic control. Willis Coarse coat is dominant to fine coat, though the greatvariation suggests polygenic control. Seranne Willis Straight coat appears to be dominant to curly or wavycoat, with modifying genes responsible for amount ofwave seen. Willis Whitney Seranne disagrees.Tail Short tail is dominant or incompletely dominant tolong tail. Little Willis Straight tail is dominant to bent or kinked tailSeranne Note Whitney feels that many tail kinks arecaused by the embryonic tail being bent in utero, not bygenetic predisposition.Gait A smooth, ground-covering gait results from correctlyangulated front and rear assemblies, a correct balancebetween these angles and correct muscle tone. It istherefore under polygenic and environmental control.Temperament Environment plays a major role in the temperamentof a dog, but given equal conditions the following appearto hold true Active temperament is incompletely dominant overlethargic temperament. Iljin, cited by Whitney Shy temperament is dominant to outgoingtemperament. Krishinski, quoted by Whitney2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM55m m56 - JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWOther StuffSmiling Not of great moment in itself, but the smilevoluntary retraction of the lips can be mistaken for asnarl. Whitney feels that the smiling ability is dominant.ThyroiditisHypothyroidism Willis considers that there is strong evidence pointingto this being a genetic trait. He feels it to be polygenic innature, probably with a threshold level at which thedisease becomes apparent. A fairly simple blood test canprovide a thyroid function panel, and it should probablybe performed on any suspect animal. Low fertility,reabsorptions, abortions, low birth rates and high puppymortality rates are all associated with hypothyroidism.It would probably be prudent to remove any such animalfrom a breeding program.Pituitary Dwarfism Robinson feels that this is produced by a recessivegene, dw. Homozygous dwarfs have low somatomedina growth hormone levels. He feels that heterozygoticDwdw animals have intermediate levels.SkinCoat Problems Some causes, such as pituitary dwarfism orhypothyroidism, are genetically determined. Others, suchas Cushings Disease, may be caused by a tumor or havesome genetic component. Allergies, parasites e.g. mangeor Cheyletiella mites, as well as nutritional deficienciesmay all contribute, and need to be excluded diagnosticallybefore a genetic basis is assumed. Willis Please notethat some Breeds have a genetically determined lowtolerance threshold for mange mites.Herniae There are four kinds scrotal inguinal groinumbilical abdomen and diaphragmatic in chest cavity. Willis quotes Phillips Felton 1939, Angus Young 1972 and Robinson 1977. All suggest apolygenic mode of inheritance. Robinson suggests apolygenic threshold character. Seranne feels that scrotal or inguinal herniae arefrequently caused by recessive genes, but that umbilicalherniae can be either genetic or caused by the dams toovigorous tugging or licking of the umbilical stump.Cryptorchidism This is the non-descent of one or both testicles. It canbe produced under laboratory conditions by feeding dietslow in biotin andor Vitamin A. Folic acid deficienciescan cause delayed migration of the testes to the scrotum.Manning, 1950, working with rats - cited by Willis It is highly unlikely that vitamin deficiency is thecausal factor in the vast majority of cases outside thelaboratory. The best evidence for a genetic basis is work done byLush et al 1930 and Warwick 1961. They studied theproblem in Angora goat herds, and used differentintensities of selection against the trait. They found thatwhen they bred for the trait, by using cryptorchid males,the incidence increased dramatically. When they bredagainst it, by using various criteria entire malesdeletion of parents of affected males from the programdeletion of affected males siblings as well as his parentsfrom program etc the incidence decreased rapidly andin proportion to the degree of selectivity. There is anexcellent table and explanation of these experiments inWillis. He concluded that the trait is probably recessive,probably with polygenic modification. It is myPERSONAL view that a males testicles should be inthe normal position at a very early age. My own cut offdate no pun intended is 10 weeks. If they requiretugging, stretching, massaging, pills, potions, shots orother artificial means of relocation then he is, in fact,cryptorchid and should not be used at stud. Lifes tooshort to tug testicles...Legg Calve Perthes Disease This degenerative disease, almost exclusively limitedto small and Toy breeds, affects the femoral neck andhead. It is almost always unilateral. The few studies donesuggest a simple recessive mode of transmission, but datais still sparse, and further breeding tests are needed.WillisHip Dysplasia This complex problem, wherein the femoral head isnot correctly located in the acetabulum hip socket whichitself may or may not be correctly formed, is thought bymost researchers to be genetically determined. Theconsensus of opinion is that it is controlled by severalgenes, with the environmental component also involved.It is generally held that members of vulnerable Breedsbe X-rayed and assessed by the OFA prior to any2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM564 i i i in4 44JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 57reproductive activity. Only those rated good or bettershould be used in a breeding program.Epilepsy Generally described as seizures. The causes ofseizures can be diverse Hypoglycemia hypocalcemiahypoxia liver disease ingestion of poisons eclampsiabrain tumors head traumas. Obviously all these need tobe excluded before a genetic component can beconsidered. From the data available it would seem thatmales are generally affected more than females, whetherthis is due to different hormonal patterns is not known.An autosomal recessive mode of inheritance has beenpostulated.Collie Eye Anomaly As its name implies, this affects Collies rough andsmooth Shelties and, to a small degree, Border Collies.There are several symptoms, but the most commonlynoticed are blood specks in the eye as well as abnormalvision. Upon veterinary examination the most usualfinding is unusually tortuous retinal blood vessels. Itappears in both sexes, and is not apparently related toany coat color variation. It can readily be diagnosed by afew weeks or months of age. It is thought to be recessive,and although some dogs appear to be more affected thanothers a grading system is not considered effective, as itis thought that there are simply normal and affecteddogs, and the affected ones will pass on the condition.These affected dogs should not be used in a breedingprogram. Carriers are possible.Progressive Retinal Atrophy PRA - Generalised This condition causes progressive visual impairment.Night vision is affected first followed by daylight visionimpairment. It is seen in several Breeds Setters, Poodles,Cocker Spaniels, Elkhounds, Dachshunds, TibetanTerriers, Miniature Pinschers and others. It is thought tobe caused by a simple autosomal recessive gene. WillisPRA - Centralised This differs from the Generalised form in that thereis no initial night blindness. It appears that peripheralvision is generally unimpaired, whilst central vision isaffected. Total blindness is not common in affected dogs,and secondary cataracts common in the generalisedform are not seen as frequently. Breeds most frequentlyaffected are Border Collies, Labrador Retrievers, RoughCollie, Golden Retriever, English Springer Spaniel andCorgis. According to Barnett 1976 there is no sexlinkageor sex-limited effect. Age of onset can varygreatly, though most cases can be identified by 2yrs.Willis believes that this is caused by an incompletelydominant gene with a penetrance of about 80. Thismeans that while dogs with two PRA alleles will exhibitthe condition only about 80 of those with one PRAallele will suffer from the disease. The remaining 20of the heterozygous dogs will appear to be normal thoughthey may well transmit the disease. Dogs with no PRAallele will be normal and transmit normality if bred toother normals. WillisHaemophilia A and B Both these disorders, which affect the blood-clottingmechanisms, are sex-linked. They are carried recessivelyon the X chromosome. This means that generallyspeaking females will be carriers, whilst approximately50 of their sons will be affected. Symptoms ofhaemophilia are lameness, swellings due to internalbleeding and failure of the blood to clot. Several Breedsare susceptible to these diseases including the GermanShepherd, St Bernard, Labrador Retriever, Irish Setter,Cocker Spaniel and French Bulldog. Haemophilia A isthe most common. Dodds cited by Willisvon Willebrands disease. This is another bleeding disorder, closely studied byDodds. It does not appear to be sex-linked and appearsto be dominant with variable penetrance. Tests seem toindicate that the disease becomes less severe as the dogages, and during pregnancy. Several Breeds are affected.Most notable are German Shepherds, Dobermans,Scotties, Schnauzers and Golden Retrievers. Dodds citedby WillisBibliographyLittle, C.C. 1957 Inheritance Of Coat Color In Dogs.Howell Book House.Onstott, Kyle 1962 The New Art Of Breeding BetterDogs. Howell Book House.Robinson, Roy. 1982 Genetics For Dog Breeders,Pergamon Press.Seranne, Ann. 1982 The Joy Of Breeding Your OwnShowdog. Howell Book House.Whitney, Leon F. 1984 How To Breed Dogs. HowellBook House.Willis, Malcolm B. 1989 Genetics Of The Dog. HowellBook HousePart 5 Continued In MarchApril Pom Review2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM57m m58 - JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAPC Judges EducationFred C. BassettGreetings to all Pom fanciers In my last article I wrote about the AKCproposal to reorganize the existing seven Groups into a proposed 10Groups. This has generated a great deal of interest and discussion, andadditionally the APC Board put the proposed alternatives for thePomeranian to a general membership vote. The alternatives are to leavethe Pomeranian as a member of the Toy Group or to move it to the newNorthern Breeds Group. By the time this issue is published we may havethe results in. Keep in mind that the Parent Clubs, including the AmericanPomeranian Club, have a major voice in the decision, but ultimately thefinal decision will be made by AKC and a vote by the AKC Delegate body.This process is expected to take at least another year.The first draft of revisions to the Pomeranian breed standard has beenpublished by our Standards Committee. This is a difficult and timeconsumingtask, and I want to personally thank the Committee for their hard work and dedication. Theprogress can be tracked in the members only section of the APC Website. There are instructions thereon how to get access to that password protected link if you dont already know how. Please check it out,and stay current on this important task.My Mentor Committee has sent their final lists to me of recommendations for APC members to be invited tobecome official Parent Club Approved Mentors. I am a bit behind on getting all of the paperwork done toconsolidate the lists and get the letters sent to those who will be invited. I have had a really busy couple ofmonths judging, including two weeklong trips out of the country, so I apologize for not being further along.My goal is to have the invitation letters out before the end of 2008, and be able to report the results to youin my next article in the first part of 2009. My sincere thanks go to the Committee consisting of NadineHersil, Curtiss Smith and Vikki Oelerich.We have had a very busy year with presenting Judges Seminars, and I will be preparing a year-end summaryreport for the APC Board shortly. I will publish a report of those results for all of our members as well.One final item I found quite interesting and wish to pass along. There has been much discussion over thelast year about the declining AKC Registration statistics as a general trend in the purebred dog community.Dr. Carmen Battaglia published an article recently which documented these statistics in a very interestingway, and Pomeranians were one of nine breeds that he focused on. The statistics highlighted the changeover the 10 year period between 1996 and 2007. Overall AKC registrations were down over half a million521,147, from 1,333,599 in 1996 to 812,452 in 2007 - a decline of 39. The item of special interest to usis that Pomeranians were among the nine breeds with the biggest numeric and percentage decline over thissame period. The nine breeds with the biggest decline were Rottweilers, German Shepherd Dogs Carmensbreed, Labrador Retrievers, Cocker Spaniels, Dalmatians, Poodles, Golden Retrievers, Shetland Sheepdogsand Pomeranians. These 9 breeds account for a full 61 of the overall decline in registrations. ThePomeranian statistics show a decline of 23,107 registrations, from 39,712 in 1996 to 16,605 in 2007 - adecline of 58. Quite a major number The bulk of the decline probably comes from commercial breedingkennels. The real question for us, and for AKC, is whether they are indeed breeding fewer Pomeranians orare just registering them with other organizations. It raises interesting questions, and drives home thechallenges facing AKC.I wish you all a joyous and blessed holiday season enjoying family, friends and Pomeranians.2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM58 i i i inJANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 59The Houston Pom Club held its annual Christmas party on December 7, 2008. Our hosts for the second year in a row were TireyCounts and Jim Walker. Jim and Tireys home was a Christmas fantasyland with incredible decor and inspiring themes. Every roomin the house featured a uniquely decorated Christmas tree. The front and back yards were filled with twinkling Christmas lights. Agigantic Nutcracker greeted guests by the front door and a six-foot tall Santa Claus wished everyone Merry Christmas in the livingroom.Special prizes were awarded to several ladies and one gentleman wearing the most festive holiday attire. More prizes were handedout to the Veterans present, in honor of Pearl Harbor Day. Our gratitude and respect goes to Joe Brazzatti, Don Savoie, and StanWasilewsky for heroically serving our nation. Another special prize was given to Nathalie Dollar for being the youngest guest present.A lovely gift was presented to Connie Zieba for her contributions to the club and her service as Corresponding Secretary for manyyears. Connie assisted by her husband read an emotional speech please see below thanking the group. Club Vice President, OlgaBaker, presented the gift to Connie and gave a moving speech. Robbie Hudson was also warmly welcomed as a new Board memberand given the club members congratulations and best wishes.The club is pleased to announce we received our first application for Junior-Handler Membership at our party. Eleven-year-oldNathalie Dollar, the daughter of club member Sherry Dollar, will become an honorary member. Our club will do all we can to supportand encourage Nathalie in all her efforts.By Connie ZiebaPhotographs by John Davidand Connie ZiebaTirey Counts and Jim WalkerPOMERANIAN CLUBOF GREATERHOUSTONCHRISTMAS PARTYPOMERANIAN CLUBOF GREATERHOUSTONCHRISTMAS PARTY2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM594 i i i in3y4 4IK460 - JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWThe club wishes to thank John David and Connie Zieba for contributing all the specialprizes, the invitations, and coordinating the refreshments. We would like to sincerelythank Don and Alice Savoie for volunteering to stay after the party to help our hosts cleanup. The club cannot thank Tirey and Jim enough for opening their gorgeous home to us.They provided an incredible array of food and gave the club an unforgettable experience.Thanks also to the members and guests who brought food and fantastic gifts for the giftexchange, and drove from everywhere to attend the party.We hope to see you all again at next years Christmas party.Dear Houston Pom Club Members and Friends,Today is my last official day to serve as Corresponding Secretary. The invitations meetingnotices that were mailed out for this party are the last I will ever prepare. Last night I figured outI have mailed out roughly over 4600 meeting notices over the many years I have held this position.That is a staggering amount of stamps, paper, envelopes, and manpowerThe job of Corresponding Secretary will now be filled by the very capable, Robbie Hudson. Icannot thank Robbie enough for taking this job on. I have come to know Robbie well and Iconsider her to be a very good friend. I can tell you she is one of the kindest, smartest, and mosthard-working people I know. She is a treasure and I have complete confidence she will do anoutstanding job.I would like to take a moment to thank the people who have served as officers for nearly as longas, or longer than I have. When I first came onto the board, Olga Baker was our Club Presidentand Darrell Baker was a Member of the Board. These two people have become precious friendsto me. They have been supportive of everything John David and I have done. They have lent theirvaluable counsel, assisted in every way, and been a treasure trove of friendship and support.John David and I have been lucky enough to spend time with them in and out of the club, and theyhave been a special and unforgettable part of our lives. They are truly the nicest, kindest, friendliest,most fun, and wonderful people I know. Even though they have reached the pinnacle of successin the dog world, they are still the most humble people anyone could ever meet. What they do forthis club with their presence, their personalities, and their genuine warmth and caring, simplycannot be measured. I thank them from my heart for everything they have meant to me and JohnDavid.Tim Goddard is another very special person I have come to depend on. He is an endless sourceof support and friendship. He can always be depended on to take care of anything and anyone.He is a quiet man who we all lean on. I respect his intelligence, his kindness, and his strength. Healways knows just what to say and what to do. He is a tower of strength to his friends and I countJohn David and myself lucky to be in that category. Like the Bakers, John David and I have spenttime with Tim in and out of the club. There is just no way to express what Tim means to us andwhat a very good person he is.Nathalie Dollar, Robbie Hudson,Sherry Dollar and Connie ZiebaConnie and John David ZiebaKim Cagle, Connie Zieba, KuddlesDon and Alice SavoieNora Gurton, Norma Lee French, KimCagle and Sharon SpillerKen Thornell, Robbie Hudson, Nathalie, SherryDollar, Olga, Darrell Baker and Tim Goddard.2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM604 i i i in-K 4i4Af-I4JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 61Another precious friend and board member is Johnis McAden. Johnis and David joined the club at almost the same time we did. Johnis joined theboard shortly after I did as well. She and her husband, David, have become good friends. They offered our family shelter during the evacuation forHurricane Ike. They have celebrated many special occasions with us. They have the greatest distance to drive to attend club meetings and boardmeetings, and yet, they have a better attendance record than anyone else. Whatever they have been asked to do, they have done and always with asmile. They are dependable, truly genuine, kind-hearted people and we are so pleased to know them.I would also like to thank my husband, John David. I am very lucky to have a spouse who is also my best friend. Everything we have done in thisclub, we have done as a team. Every time I have come up with a project, such as putting together the web site, or the banquet DVD, or any of theother projects I have devised over the years, it has been John David who helped carry them through.I could not have done any of these things without his expertise. He has never once told me he is too busy or too tired or anything else. He alwaysfinds the time to make my ideas reality. I am especially proud of this man and very grateful that we have been given the opportunity to spend thistime together doing things we enjoy.What I have enjoyed the most about being the Corresponding Secretary over the years is the opportunity it has given me to get to know all of you.I have learned a little about your dogs and your lives. I never tire of hearing about someone getting a new dog or the kinds of activities they like toparticipate in with their dogs. I grieve when someone loses a dog and I cheer when puppies are born.Our club has a few members who have never attended a single meeting. I have come to know them too through E-mail and phone. I can tell youthey also contribute to the club by giving trophy donations and other means. I still miss and think about former members who have long sincemoved on. I thank all of you for giving me this precious opportunity to get to know you.This club has grown mightily over the years. We have members of long-standing and newermembers, and every single person is appreciated and valued. Our club has set the standard forother clubs across the nation and I feel sure we will continue to do so. We are all united by ourlove of Pomeranians and we all contribute in some way.Whether we take our dogs in the ring, competewith them in agility, flyball, obedience, or rally,train our dogs for therapy work, volunteer forthe very difficult rescue work that is so vital, orlove our dogs as pampered pets, every personin this club is important and respected, andevery dog belonging to our members istreasured.During this holiday season, I wish for each ofyou good times and special memories. Whenthe New Year comes around, lets all start anew,building on what we have accomplished so farand adding more great activities, friendships,and goodwill.Sincerely,Connie ZiebaKalima, Auwe, Keoki with DarrellBaker as Santa ClausConnie Zieba and Joe BrazzattiVeteranDon Savoie, Susan Lucas, DarrellBakerKevin Hebert, Don Savoie andJohn David Zieba2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM614 i i i in4ta134462 - JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW NEWS AND VIEWSPERFORMANCEBarbara McClatcheyBy Barbara McClatcheyIn her NovDec Pomeranian Review article, E. Katie Gammill asksConformation exhibitors,ARE YOU YOUR DOG RING READYOn reading her check lists, I could see that for the most part, with just a little twist, her recommendationsalso apply to those who show their dogs in the more active sports. So here is my twist on the subject,copying some of Katies suggestions in italicsRESPONSIBILITY TO YOUR DOG Coat and conditioning, required proper trimming for the breed.No, you are not being judged on your dogs coat and trim in the active sports. But judges are humanbeings, and they cant help being affected by the apparent care or lack thereof that you have given to yourdog. There was a white dog showing in Obedience in my area several years back not a Pom that wasalways filthy. He not only looked bad, but to put it mildly, he stank. Can you imagine being the judgewho had to touch that dog on the Stand for ExamMuscle tone and proper weight.Can your couch potato run a course on the leftover hamburger and french fries he has scrounged from yourlunch When is the last time you took him for a long walk, or threw the ball for him until your armachedA mentally sound attitude.This attitude thing holds for both you and the dog. Having trained your dog to perform above and beyondwhat might be required in the ring today showing in Rally Novice, for example, you know the dog CANperform all of the Advanced and Excellent exercises, you go into the ring with confidence in the abilitiesof both of you to handle any situation. This confidence will transfer to the dog, who is now far more likelyto perform well and happily for you.Encourage the dogs natural ability to withstand the rigors of the show ring have dog in peak condition.Mentally as well as physically, our Poms need to be able to perform in front of a crowd and have thestamina to do so when they might easily be overwhelmed by the noise and confusion outside the ring.Among other things, this means taking dogs to shows and giving them some happy one-on-one attention toteach them to enjoy their time at a show it also means sometimes crating them at a show and going2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM624r4n4''" 31f Bopu2s4 rr1_i i i i n 4 nni^HJANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 63Performance Continuedshopping or otherwise leaving them for a while. We also need to exercise our dogs, both physically andmentally, for them to be alert and capable of whatever we need from them in the ring.HOMEWORKWatch the presentation of your dog in a mirror.Any good training building has several mirrors in it to enable this. At home, even if all you have is a fulllengthmirror on your bedroom closet, you can do much with it. Stand sideways to the mirror with thedog in Heel position. Wait a minuteis that really Heel position Is the area from the dogs head andshoulder really in line with your left hip Release your dog and turn to face the mirror. Call him toHeel. Where is he Is he at an angle, rather than straight in line with the direction [you are] facing Ishe actually at an arms length from you wide, or is he so closely velcrod that he is crowding youDetermine the gait that best suits your dog.This is of vital importance when showing a Pom in Obedience. Your stride needs to be such that the twoof you appear to be working together. All too often, the handler of a Toy breed strides out, and the dog, ifhe really wanted to be in consistent heel position, would have to be making frog leaps in order to keep up.A mirrored wall or video camera can be a help here.Train your dog to be up on command.It is useful to have a word for this. Many experienced handlers use the word ready, since that is a wordyou may naturally use in the ring. The judge asks, Are you ready, and you respond, Ready If yourdog associates that word with pleasant and exciting things, a treat, a game, etc., then it will carry over intohis attitude in the ring. In practice, for example, take a racing stance with your Pom in heel position, andsay, Ready Ready Ready Go and run wildly forward, whooping and hollering. Go back to theoriginal location and say, Ready Heel and move forward a few brisk steps before treating. Then fromthe original location, Ready and toss a favorite toy or a treat out ahead. Personally, I also like to usethe dogs name as a cue that we are about to perform together. If you do this, it is important not to wastethat name by using it for a scolding or just casually. Use the dogs name only when you are reallyconnecting with him, focusing on him, letting him know that it is you and me together and nothing elsematters.Go in with a positive attitude.If you are unsure of your dog and yourself, the dog will feel it, and so will the judge. Gather yourselftogether, put your shoulders back, take a deep breath, and KNOW that you and your dog are able tohandle whatever comes your way.Carry bait your dog responds to.OOPS Be sure you have emptied your pockets before you even approach the ring. Once I had thesteward ask the Novice A Rally handlers to be sure to empty food out of their pockets, and fine of themremoved food before entering the ring. If the judge finds out you have food in the ring, you will receive anon-qualifying score and be excused from the ring in disgrace. And watch out for that habit some peopleform of giving the dog a treat right at the ring entrance. If the dog spits a treat out in the ring, he isfouling the ring, and will be NQd and excused. It is a good idea well before the trial to train your dogto accept up to 10 minutes of work with praise and petting no food for a reward. The best way to do thisis to decide ahead of time that you will treat for an especially good performance a front, or a retrieve,etc. that occurs after a specific timesometimes one minute, or five minutes, or two minutes, or 30seconds, or six minutes. You are still rewarding the superior performance, but at random intervals.2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM634 i i i i n4 4464 - JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWPerformance ContinuedRALLYING TO OBEDIENCENannette Walker writes that her Pomeranian, Cherie Southpaws Cherish Every Moment RA, earned hersecond Rally title in only 3 trials. She placed first in each one with scores of 97, 95, and 95. It wouldhave been higher if I hadnt messed up. She is such a joy to play with. Now I will finish her firstobedience title of which she already has one leg. Dont know if we can maintain the high scores inobedience but will try. But I have no doubt she will at least qualify.Rally is definitely a good way to get started in a show career. Whether you are headed to Obedience or toAgility, the Rally ring is a laid-back way to get ring experience for you and your dog. You learn to follow acourse and we hope you learn to follow instructions and work with your dog in front of an audience anda judge. Sometimes this is more difficult for the handler than for the dog. Since there are no half-points inRally, and since you can talk to and signal your dog, the pressure is less, and it is easier to concentrate onthe performance. Then when you go on to Obedience or Agility, you are ready to concentrate on the eventitself, with fewer ring nerves.A FEW WISE SAYINGS No matter what happens in the ring, you still get to take the best dog home. Anonymous The AKC will always take your money for another show. Bernie Brown, in Front and FinishPlease write me at with your own performance news and viewsTITLES, WE GOT TITLESCompanion DogLovepats CanT You Hear My Heart Beat CD D Owned by Mrs. Helen F Fonteneau. 9122008Wanna Be A Morning Glory CD RN B Owned by Robin Botelho. 9142008Rally NoviceCases Black N Tannie RN B Owned by Edy Makariw. 962008Millamors Make Your Mark RN D Owned by Margery Sturm. 9212008CH Subers Indy Nile DMalashel RN B Owned by Elaine Wishnow. 9282008Rally ExcellentHallie RE AX AXJ B Owned by Suzanne Record. 9282008Stans Black Sky Is The Limit CD RE OA OAJ OAP AJP B Owned by Stan Halifko. 9112008Rally Advanced ExcellentBallykin Commando Cody CDX RAE D Owned by Paulette Zecca. 962008Banjo James Reliknam Wishsong CD RAE D Owned by Kevyn Michael Thomas. 91420082009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM644 i i i i n4 44JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 65Performance ContinuedGreat Rivers Meg Rules Malashel CD RAE B Owned by Elaine Wishnow. 9272008Novice AgilityBeau James Rotten To The Core NA D Owned by Kathryn J Baumler. 9262008C Gs Jr Boy NA NAJ D Owned by Cindy Dale. 962008Nippers Godiva Truffle RN NA B Owned by Dian Nipper John Nipper. 912008Novice Agility PreferredPrincess In Training NAP B Owned by Marcia Messina. 9142008Open AgilityC Gs Mr. JJ OA OAJ D Owned by Cindy Dale. 952008Lucy TD OA OAJ B Owned by Terry Vanhook. 912008Agility ExcellentChristannes CGs Jewel AX AXJ B Owned by Cindy Dale. 972008Dreighton Skye RN AX AXJ D Owned by Donna Sager Stanley Sager. 9122008Max AX AXJ D Owned by Barbara Gilligan Timothy Gilligan. 9132008Master Agility ExcellentCH Carleez Boom Boom Boom MX MXJ D Owned by Janice Smith George Smith. 9262008Novice Agility JumperC Gs Jr Boy NA NAJ D Owned by Cindy Dale. 962008Excellent Agility JumperChristannes CGs Jewel OA AXJ B Owned by Cindy Dale. 962008Agility FAST NovicePrincess Wanna Be OA OAJ NF B Owned by Andrew Yokas. 912008Companion DogKelseys Miss Mia CD B Owned by Kelsey Mattson. 1052008Wenkests Gold N Dragon CD RN D Owned by James F Swimme Mrs. James F Swimme. 10252008Rally NoviceBeau James Rotten To The Core RN NA D Owned by Kathryn J Baumler. 1042008Beau James Fae Joyous Merit RN MX AXJ B Owned by Chris L Ellicott. 10252008Turbo RN NAJ D Owned by Pamela Jb Arnold. 1042008Rally AdvancedSatrapa Sayornis RA B Owned by Marcia Messina. 10252008Southpaws Cherish Every Moment RA B Owned by Nannette Walker. 10262008Rally Advanced ExcellentLobo RAE D Owned by Darla D. Hook. 10252008Nina CD RAE B Owned by Darla Hook. 102620082009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM654 i i i i n4 4466 - JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWPerformance ContinuedRally Advanced Excellent 4Sassy Girl Sheffield UDX RAE4 B Owned by Lisa S Sheffield. 10112008Novice AgilityAs Cute As A Button Bear NA NAJ B Owned by Katherine Roche. 10252008Daddys Mighty Dakota NA NAJ D Owned by Cathleen OHearn. 1042008Mocha Pickerill NA MXJ OF D Owned by Judy Pickerill Stephanie Pickerill. 10252008Pom Acres Copper Dragonfly NA B Owned by Lois Morkassel. 10192008Novice Agility PreferredFoxfire Jack CDX RE MX MXJ NAP MJP D Owned by Gail L Donaldson. 10182008Master Agility ExcellentValentines Cricket MX MXJ OF D Owned by Terri Valentine. 10122008Novice Agility JumperAs Cute As A Button Bear NA NAJ B Owned by Katherine Roche. 10252008Bella Renee NAJ NJP B Owned by Linda Hall Terry Hall. 1042008Castaway Supersonic D Hedgehog NAJ D Owned by Julie Vanoni. 10182008K Bar J Storm N Furry Of Iskato NAJ B Owned by Ann Golding. 10182008Nippers Godiva Truffle RN NA NAJ B Owned by Dian Nipper John Nipper. 10312008Excellent Agility JumperCH Carleez Front Page News AXJ B Owned by Janice Smith George Smith. 10252008Excellent Agility Jumper PreferredPom-Peis Nikitas Wish NAJ AJP B Owned by Pat Varo. 10192008Master Excellent JumperFizzles Lucky Break AX MXJ NF D Owned by Jill P. Beitel. 10112008Hallie RE AX MXJ B Owned by Suzanne Record. 10192008Agility FAST OpenMocha Pickerill MXJ OF D Owned by Judy Pickerill Stephanie Pickerill. 10112008Master Agility ChampionMACH Cheris Lil Swee Pea NF D Owned by Gena Zglinski. 10172008MACH Paris Da Bomb Pom Francine B Owned by Rhonda R Hamlett. 10112008Master Agility Champion 10MACH10 Maya Mango Shes A Delight B Owned by Betsy L Ryba. 10192008 Due to Barbaras untimely unfortunate fall the new performance titles were formatted differently in thisissue. We didnt want to go to print without including the new titles and apologize for the inconvenience.2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM664 i i i i n4 44JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 678th AKCEukanuba NationalChampionshipDecember 13 14, 20082009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM674i m m m4i 2 CTS VM 'i k0^\v [\\J' e^ryrrirf'-- tY isaRI SSBRmmwagmm. ,,8 V- e r4amajnNliidT V-I rjvc^iAfW MM,V'iVw^sa^ssj r3^jKwvXHv A468 - JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAKCEUKANUBA AUTOMATIC QUALIFIERSDogs automatically qualify for the AKCEukanuba National Championship by meeting any one of the following criteria Dogs ranked in the top 25 of their breed by breed points only at the end of the qualifying period 1 Year Dogs receiving an all - breed Best in Show at an AKC show held during the qualifying period 1Year Dogs winning Best of Breed at a parent club national specialty 1 Year Dogs completing their championship with all points earned from the bred-by-Exhibitor Class during the current and priorQualifying periods of October 10, 2006 to October 7, 2008 2 Years The seven top breed winning dogs from over 60 International Registries and the Best of Breed and Best of Opposite Sex toBest of Breed winners from Crufts 2 YearsTOP 25 QUALIFIERSBIS winnerCH Chars Bringin Sexy BackCH Cr Tuff Guy Of IsabellaCH Delpoms Sir Nicholas OfLenetteCH DonT Play With FunnyMoney WowCH Eagle Creeks Hamin ItUpCH Evensongs Win N For ZGipperCH Finchs Bettin On CharSCH Gayels Destinys ChildCH Jan-Shars Elementary MyDear WatsonCH Kalos Rock N Music CityCH Lanas Let Me IntroduceMyselfCH Larajus Don Juan At SoMeCHLil Behrs Honey NutCheerioCH Ltds Simon Sez Of KoyCH Majestics ArtisticImpressionCH Mountain Crest U DonTOwn MeCH Oakrose HighN MightyCH Powerpom Cold MountainCH Powerpom HighPerformanceCH Powerpom IM Hot LikeVodkaCH Pufpride Somewhere InTimeCH Razzle Dazzle HeavenlyChoirCH Tabletops Black MailSenderCH Valcopy JanelsSpidermanCH Velocitys Shake Ur BonBonBRED-BY EXHIBITORChampionsQualified between Oct 11, 06 andOct 07, 08.CH Aljens Princess Caroline,Alfredo LapuzCH Animations Comet, LorindaVasutaDarren LaneCH Animations Rufus, LorindaVasutaDarren LaneCH Babbis Rock Diva Of Prussia,Sally HestleBarbara MeyerCH Bachmans Brightest Star, CheriMcdonaldBeverly TiagaCh. Bobiis Wana B Andre AgassiCH Cameos Sir Galahad, Karen CBetzCH Canefyres Will You Be Ready,Lynn M KamiyaShari M FukuyamaCH Carleez Front Page News NAAXJ, Carol LeemhuisCH Carleez Sundown Conspiracy,Carol LeemhuisCamilla KnightCH Castiles Endless Love, GenoSisnerosCH Chars Truth Or Dare, CharlotteMeyerLynn MeyerCH ChimurN N ChantN SilvRyQp Doll, Faith ChinenCH ChimurN Star DancingLeFemme, Faith ChinenCH Classics High Voltage, PatGrossAmy GrossCH Cr Classic Act, Robert SolanoCeleste SolanoCH D-N-HS-Bowboys Little Cesar,D Stephen TurnerKathryn HartzPatricia A FoleyCH Daystar Tell Me No Lies, KarenPowerCH Dlts CodyHeritage OfLabeau, Cathy DriggersPatricia AGilbertCH Dreamweavers Ring Of Fire,Linda PelzMichael WellsCH Dreamweavers Rockin Robin,Linda A PelzCH Evensongs Little Deuce Coupe,Kevin M WhiteTeresa G WhiteCH Firebrooks Thymeless, Lee DCookCH Fisbecks Color Me Once ColorMe Twice, Jeanette FisbeckCH Fur Rondies Zoom-ZoomZoom,Julie A VolkheimerSharryChristiansonCH Furrondies Platinum Jaxx, JulieA VolkheimerSharry L ChristiansonCH Geebears I Am Sooo Naughty,Gina WilliamsAndy WilliamsCH Hillsides Maximillion DBriCor,Brian IncorvaiaXiomara BLarsonCH Horizons Hope Springs EternalLaurie OtisCH Howlene Teahra Dolce Meta,Arlene OtaguroRobin WatanabeHazel MillerCH Howlene-Teahra Adonis, ArleneOtaguroHazel MillerRobinWatanabe8th AKCEukanuba NationalChampionship 20088th AKCEukanuba NationalChampionship 2008December 13, 14, 20082009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM68I II II m1 mV5^5AKCEukanuba j National ChampTonsnip\ tuksmubaVWELCOMETheAKCEukanuba' Ua\\ona\ Champ\onsmp3 vV \4 44JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 69CH Howlene-Teahra Tenaj, HazelMillerArlene OtaguroRobinWatanabeCH Indigos Flower Power, KevinSmithJennifer SmithCH J-Das Among The Stars, DavidSolisSharon HansonJessica SolisCH J-Das N Jan-Shars Center Stage,David SolisSharon HansonJessicaSolisCH Jan-Shars Just One Look,Sharon L HansonLetitia CannonCH Jan-Shars YouRe The One ThatI Want, Sharon L HansonLetitiaCannonCH Jolvin Good To Go, JoanBeechMelvin BeechCH Jolvin Regal Repetition, JoanBeechMelvin BeechCH Jolvin Regal Return, MelvinBeechJoan BeechCH Kalos Mischievous Chance,Carolyn G BrandenburgCH Kitsan M-Js Paper Doll, TrilvieV HaynesCH Lacuevas One Tough Cookie,Sherrilynn J RogersCH Ladybug Tinkerbelle OfNeverneverland, Connie CharlesCH Larajus California Gold Rush,Tom WilsonLaura NewboldCH Legacys Emminent Danger,Patricia L RowleyCH Lil Behrs Honey Nut Cheerio,Joan BehrendCH Lt Cherubs Chasing A DreamAt Sunset, Darlene L DavisDonaldC WickhamSharon WheelerCH Luminesques Dont Cry ForMe, Jacqueline A MooreCH Majestics Jumpin Jack Flash,Annette RisterCharlotte CreedCH Majestics Jackelicious, AnnetteRisterCharlotte CreedBrendaTurnerS W TurnerCH Marbils Mini Cooper At Mnm,Mari IfflandDonna S RiehmCH Mcs Magnificent Mariah,Christina L ArmstrongMichael VArmstrongCH Mi Babe Imagine That, BabeMccombsCH Mi Babe River Of Pashmina,Babe MccombsCH Mountain Crest Love Bug,David GilstrapCarlene B GilstrapCH Mountain Crest Tiny Bubbles,David GilstrapCarlene B GilstrapCH Mountain Crest U DonT OwnMe, David GilstrapCarlene BGilstrapCH Mts Hoilini Rendezvous WitMoi, Sylvia MiyakeCH Northmoor Wind Dancer, LisaM GoodmanCH Panaches Totally Assertive,Laura MeinekeCH Peachs Gleam Of Gold, BobPietzschCH Peachs Little Miss Dream Boat,Bob PietzschCH Premas Gwen My Music Plays,Sherry LetsonCH Prized Happy To Walk NTradition, Mona De LancyCarolynCrockettCH Ragdolls Cream And OneSugar, Michael ParrottShalonParrottCH Randys Halle Berrie, RandyBuskeShelley Wiemer-MartinCH Razzle Dazzle HallelujahChorus, Judith B GreenCH Robcarys Softly Upon MyHeart, Caryl Fennell ScrimpsherCH Robcarys You Rock My World,Caryl Fennell ScrimpsherCH Royel Sirhenry Episode2aljen,Elizabeth NormandinCH Serafinas Lord Jim, MargaretNanceCH Serafinas Rock N Roll Roadie,Margaret NanceCH Sopphires Route 66, BethShattuckCH Springwoods Love Me Tender,Rebecca B JacksonCH Starfires Elizabeth Trailer, JoseA CabreraFabian ArientiCH Stealurhearts Call Of TheHeart, Margaret JohnsonCH Tradewind Amazing Grace,Glenda ShafferJuanita FiddickCH Tresstique 4ever-N-Blue, JeansBonnie HarrisCH Two Ts Mouse That Roars,Norman Neal TrosinoDorothy MTrosinoCH Vintage Orange Blossom Mist,Ellen TakayamaCH Weebits Too Hot To Top,Kathlene McClainCH Weewyns Cottontop Legacy,Cathy AndersonLinda L MulsoCh. Weewyns FlyN First ClassCH Windkiss Pistol Pete, Linda LSaballINTERNATIONAL QUALIFIERSBRAZILLake Buena Vista Sunsets SonLake Buena Vista TecoMilla DLu FonceKhyil Khor Iris Azul GalileuGalileiLake Buena Vista UrsullaHilmands Poms Delta FlyerPatcha Drons JadeFudge Triumphs Von LebensraumIris Azul Kkhor Molly WeasleyBR DiLibras Triumphs ElJusticeroWhite DoveKovuOakrose Let The Thrumpet RoarReingards Hilmand Pao DeQueijoWhite Dove NalaCHILETondro Zummo Von ChiramCOLUMBIACh.Co. Zuiry Del RinconcitoHOLANDFairytalelands Don GiovanniShowcase I Put a Spell On YouIRELANDCh Belliver Latest CreationMEXICOStarfires Odiame MasLi-Os Le Bon Pauline Del PandesJan-Shars TequilaValerie FernandezMEX.FCI.Great ImpactRamirez MEX.FCI.PHILIPPINESPhil HOFAM Ch. Jan Les DontMake Me LaughPhil HOFAMTHA Ch. CantonBravestarSOUTH KOREAThe Sky Lark JeffUNITED KINGDOMCh Casarwos Nighfever JWZentarr HollieVENEZUELAStarfires ApoloPOMERANIAN RESULTSJudge David OjalvoBest Bred by Exhibitor and Toy Group - 3rd Place Bredby ExhibitorCH CASTILES ENDLESS LOVEBest of BreedSTARLIGHTS SMILE FROM SIAM PHIL GR THAI CHBest of Opposite SexCH GAYELS DESTINYS CHILDAward of ExcellenceCH LARAJUS DON JUAN AT SO-MECH STARLIGHTS MY SWEET DREAMCH VALCOPY JANELS SPIDERMANTHE SKY LARK JEFFAKC AGILITY INVITATIONALFive agility dogs and their owners one doghandler team ineach of the five height categories were crowned at the event,which brought together nearly 470 dogs from across the countryand beyond.Placing first in the 12 inch height division was12- April a Pomeranian owned by Todd Moxon and GailDonaldson of Manor, TexasThese are really prestigious wins. Dogs had to qualify at the highestlevels of competition just to be invited to compete, said AKCspokesperson Lisa Peterson. Agility and obedience require dedicationfrom the handler and talent from the dog, and of course an intense bondbetween the two. These winners represent the fastest, the most agile andobedientthe all around best.Highlights of the AKC Agility Invitational will be broadcast on AnimalPlanet on February 7th, 2009 at 8 PM ETPT.JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIPJuniors representing Pomeranians wereAmanda Seitzer and RebeccaSilverberg. Job well done2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM694 i i i in4 4470 - JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW8th AKCEukanuba NationalChampionshipDecember 13 14, 20082009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM70rm mV fc91AE-fH'-77ks \'L.'l4 JL9fLJ4'VUOIN 3- Vir1^JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 718th AKCEukanubaNational ChampionshipDecember13 14,2008Photos thanks toBecky Cockrum,Lisa Sheffield andcourtesy AmericanKennel Club.2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM71 INI n i i i iViL'i EH arR .TO. V VI M Afr r -r ^r JtK 1AfflSSVJR4S'VnTkwnLi-kr'-i. 1 a\I m72 - JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW E. Katie Gammill - Lerna, Illinoisindcrk13011consolidated.netwww.indiancreekshelties.comBREEDINGTO WIN orWINNINGTO BREEDAn old dog showing friend went to a local show with me after10 years of abstinence. She welcomed the opportunity after her sabbatical.She was visually distressed when she observed the classes. Thisintensified when a less than average class dog went on the BOB. Thewaning quality in our beautiful breed was so apparent she remarkedthat it would do little good to show a dog correct to standard in the ringtoday, as many judges have a tendency to put up a dog that fits in withthe rest of the entries. This in itself is a sad statement.Having observed some of the same situations, we remarked onthe lack of neck, restricted front movement and lack of drive and rearfollow through on most breeds. We discussed gay tails and the variancein breed type. We watched faulty movement coming and going andremarked on the coats that drag the ground. Weak pasterns and sicklehocks completed the picture. Functional dogs have fallen prey to theperfection of mediocrity.Today, many breeders and owners choose to be involved in agility,rally, and obedience. Many no longer enter their lovely animals, as atbest, it is a crap shoot as to what type will take the points. Truer wordswere never spoken, but I make this statement at the expense of beingtarred and feathered. Today the hardest dog to finish will be the bestdog you ever bred, as it will look different in the ring. Just because acertain look floods the ring, it does not mean this represents correctness.Often the best dog in the ring is a stand out. Insecure judges may nothave the courage to reward this animal due to it being different, thusmediocrity wins again.I was approached recently in Albuquerque, New Mexico by arespected dog person of long standing.She told me someone attending ajudges education function told hershe was advised when selectingwinners she should go with dogsthat conformed to the same typerepresented in the entries. My answerwas Surely not I dont believe thatI truly question if this personmisunderstood what was being said.Well, I believe it now Afterobserving an all breed judge fromringside, I watched two outstandingindividuals walk as they lookeddifferent than the rest of the shortneck, sickle hock, smaller thanaverage dogs that had no side gait atall. They pitty patted around the ringand some werent even cute. Theywere fuzzy little caricatures of ourbreed standard. AND it isnt just MYbreed standard. This disease hastaken over our ring in many breeds.WHAT does it say about a judge whoneither has the eye for correctness, butalso lacks the courage of their2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM72 INI 4 n i i i iiwLg- -jvLwWk4 44JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 73conviction regarding its quality thatthey refuse to reward it over lesserindividualsUpon asking a breeder ofanother breed what their standard saidabout head planes, I received thisresponse. What are parallel planesI took the standard and explained, andthen I discussed theoccipital bonewhich puzzled them. We discussedshort muzzles, medium muzzles, andbalanced heads. Their responseWHAT Obviously they neither readtheir standard, nor understood whatthey were reading. The terminologyescapes them. However, I do NOTcondone making all language ofstandards common to make it easierfor judges, neither do I like having thepoint system removed from the oldstandards that tell one where to hangtheir hat. If one has enough interestin something, they will pursue withvigor that which makes a breed,breed specific. Making it easy doesnot add to the ability to interpret oranalyze a standard for anyone.Where are the people with theability to articulate what these peopleare reading Yet, these same peoplebreed and breed, and sell and sell, andlead others to believe what they aredoing is correct. In all actuality, it isthe Judas kiss to many of our breedstoday.I question judgeseducation. In most programs, theissue of soundness is not addressed.Type is emphasized. Granted, withouttype, a breed is nothing. However, acertain part of type is SOUNDNESSAny dog must be able to walk to thewater bowl without falling over itsown feet-even toy breedsThis brings us to the nextquestion. Are not judges protectorsof the breed standards Initially Ithought perhaps judges educationmight be at fault. However, it is notThe problem is what a new judgeDOES NOT bring to the tablewhen applying to judge.To have the privilege ofpassing judgment on a breed, onemust understand the basics. TheAKC assumes applicantsunderstand structure when makingapplication to be a judge. TheAKC required anatomy test doeslittle to assure that a new judge hasthe knowledge required to be agood judge. All judges shouldhave the ability to analyzestructure of both a good andor badanimal.Some breeder judgestoday send dogs with a handlerwith little thought as to theirquality, or their effect on the breed.They want another notch in thechampionship measuring stick.Should not breeder judges beespecially careful to send correctdogs for public observationShould these dogs conform tostandard Do we breeders nothave a responsibility to our breedto put out the best of the bestrather than a dog that wins simplybecause it looks like the rest Arewe not sending false signals toboth ringside, and the judgesHearing judges say, Thismust be what the breeders want asthe ring is flooded with this typereally is detrimental to any breed.It ISNT about what breederswant. WE breeders should bebreeding to standard, not breedingto win This goes for all breeds.Why do handlers showdogs for clients when they KNOWthe dog or bitch IS NOT a goodrepresentative of the breedstandard Handlers KNOW andcontribute to the current dilemma.The bottom line is this. Breeders,exhibitors and handlers have aresponsibility to promote onlydogs that DO represent our breedstandard and to sell as pets those whodo not A good handler will put alltheir effort to finishing a dog,however, should they not be particularin the dogs they accept to show andfinishQUESTIONS1. Why do breeder judges put dogswith handlers when they know theanimal does not represent breedexcellence Is winning thatimportant2. Why do handlers accept such dogsknowing once they finish, they willbe petted out Why dont they sayNO3. When are breeders going to take agood look at the direction of theirbreeding programs4. When are breeders and newcomersgoing to READ THE RESPECTIVESTANDARDS and understand whatthey say5. Why wont mentors open up tonewcomers Many new people refuseto listen and are not receptive todirection.6. Are dogs accepted just becausethey constitute a paycheckPUTTING A BREED, ANY BREED,BACK ON TRACK REQUIRESETHICAL HANDLERS, ETHICALDEDICATED BREEDERS, ANDAN UNDERSTANDING OFBREED STANDARDS. ITREQUIRES KNOWLEDGEABLEJUDGES MAKING RESPONSIBLESELECTIONS ACCORDING TOTHE WRITTEN STANDARD.THEY MUST HAVE THE ABILITYNOT ONLY TO ANALYZE EACHDOG, BUT THEY MUST HAVETHE COURAGE TO REWARD ITWHEN IT APPEARS IN THEIRRING, EVEN IF IT DOES LOOKDIFFERENT. ISNT THIS WHATJUDGING IS ABOUT, HAVING2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM73m74 - JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE GUTS TO SEND A DOG OFBREED EXCELLENCE ON TOTHE NEXT LEVEL JUDGESMUST NOT ASSUME TODAY ADOG IS GOOD BECAUSE AHANDLER IS HIRED TO SHOWTHE ANIMAL. THIS IN ITSELF,CAUSES PROBLEMS TODAY. What many people used to callpolitics has become the lack ofability of some judges to read andapply a breed standard properly. THISIS WHY WE BECAME BOGGEDDOWN IN THE FIRST PLACE. Let us face it many breeds bottomout Then and only then, do serious,dedicated breeders take over and put thebreed back on track. We have waitedfar too long regarding our beautifulShetland sheepdog. AustralianShepherds are in the same boat. SaintBernards and Great Danes are on theirway up. Golden Retrievers have losttheir legs and proportion and the listgoes on and on. German Shepherdscould use some direction. ShetlandSheepdogs are included in this mix.Again, there are two different types, onestandard. This should not happen Advertisement does not mean a dogrepresents breed excellence. Having acertain influence, JUDGES selecting onadvertising alone destroys our breeds.Putting up an advertised dog becausesomeone else did leaves your credibilityin question. Only through ruthlessculling of puppies and breed knowledgecomes breed improvement andexcellence. Property judging of dogs has anegative effect on many breeds.Selecting the best eye, ear set, foot, coatcolor, etc. makes specialty judges put uppieces rather than the entire package.Not that those virtues arent important,but they must be incorporated into thedog that fills the eye. That is the truedog to behold. A single virtue should notforgive a plethora of faults THIS ISWHY MANY JUDGES TAKE SOLONG TO JUDGE A CLASS. Theyfind the ears on one dog, the eye onanother, coat on another, and any judgeworth hisher salt knows judging is allabout prioritizing. Some people havethe ability to prioritize to standard, somedo not Exhibitors approach me and ask Italk to some judges This I haveNEVER done and will NEVER dounless approached. Until judgesdedicate their time and effort tounderstanding what makes a breedbreed specific, and what constitutesbreed excellence, we will continuedown this path. Granted, each person isentitled to hisher opinion. However, itshould be a knowledgeable opinion.When ONLY dogs of similarappearance are rewarded, there isdefinite problem.Conformity in type does notmean correctness. Only throughdedication to the standard will thoselovely, functional animals once againtake their place in the ring. Our goal isbreed excellence, not only in mind,but body, movement and type. Wemust ask ourselves Have we perfectedmediocrity Another issue is spot entering.Granted, today people enter underspecific judges where they feel there isa chance of winning. However, why ona four-day weekend, is there one pointon Thursday, a major on Friday, onepoint on Saturday, and a major onSunday Should not one support theperson who supports them by enteringall four days If they show underYOUR selected judges, shouldnt thefavor be returned Give this somethought. If there is a major, dont break it bynot attending. Dont bump up a bitch ordog to BOB without first asking theother exhibitors their preference. Manypeople drive miles only to findsomeone failed to show up ringside orbumped up a new champion and brokethe major. This cooperation issomething we used to be able to counton. Today it is iffy at best. This wecall sportsmanship Watch those dogs go around thering. Those who are behind gaitinghave reasons structurally. Many do notopen their shoulders and reach. Pittypat movement is not functional whenherding sheep nor guarding a felon.Ask yourself why one dog outmovesanother. Go to the all-breed rings andanalyze short-coated dogs. Take thisknowledge to your own breed ring andlook beneath the coat. Understandtop lines, body shape, and moderation.We all need to do some soul searchingand accept responsibility.Ringside observers and other breedenthusiast look on in dismay andwonder where our functional dogs ofthe past have gone. Why do judgesaccept unsoundness in one breed andrequire soundness in another Thesefaults are obvious in all breeds and arenot always breed specific. Isnt it sadsome faults are so prevalent they arenow considered a virtue I recall aringside remark made when someoneask me what a specific breed did. Iresponded, They are herders. Theyherd what So I will get off my soapbox. I havebeen requested to address this issueover and over. Usually judging, I havelittle time to sit back and see the bigpicture. The big picture is upon us, andfolks, it isnt pretty I might add, myhusband advised me not to becomeinvolved in this controversy. However,my reason for judging initially was toselect breeding stock and the best ofthe best. I love dogs I love SOUNDDOGS with BREED TYPE BOTHVIRTUES, BELIEVE IT OR NOT,CAN BE PRESENT IN THE SAMEANIMAL Can this be fixed Perhaps throughcombined efforts and a willingness tocall a spade a spade will our breedsurvive Breeding for the sake ofwinning is a downhill slide. Winningbecause of an exceptional breedingtakes us all toward breed excellence.This alone assures the future of ourlovely breeds. It will take dedicatedbreeders, critical handler selection, andeducated exhibitors to turn this around.All of our breeds deserve nothing lessthan the best of our intentions.2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM74mJANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 75October 25 and 26, 2008, our Club C.E.S.A held a Monographic and Specialty show in Malaga, a beautiful city locatedin the south of Spain, where the weather is always fantastic.A total of 30 Spitz dogs from all over Spain members and non members of our Club took part in the event. Four out ofthe five varieties of the German Spitz race were shown Wolfspitz, Mittlespitz, Kleinspitz, Zwergspitz.The Judge of the monographic was Mrs. Ana Mesto. She is an international Judge and also a very prestigious YorkshireTerrier breeder in Spain and in the world. She counts on more than a 150 Champions at her Kennel La Villa y Corte. Shehas been in charge of judging our race in Spain and next year she will be the judge for the compulsory point for theChampionship of Spain.The three best SPITZ DOGS were chosen among all the dogs gathered there once the judgment of the race had finished.The first position was for a male Pomeranian called Magnus de la Virreyna, whose owner is Mr. Ulises from La VirreynaKennel. The second position was for a male Wolfspitz called O Hara, whose owner is Mrs. Tina Drake of Rodina Kennel.MONOGRAPHIC AND SPECIALTYSPANISH GERMAN SPITZ CLUBMALAGA, SPAINShe is a very prestigious breeder fromIreland who lives in Spain and is amember of our Club. The thirdposition was for a female Pomeranianpuppy called Tito Poms Baby, whoseowner is Mrs. Laura Gonzalez fromPerlas Doradas Kennel and whosebreeder is Rosario Hidalgo from TitoPoms Kennel.At the end of the Monographic allexhibitors received a trophy asparticipants and the winners got afantastic award as well. The club wasresponsible for taking a lot of picturesof everybody and every moment livedthere.The next day and still bearing in mindthe great success of the previous showa Specialty took place at the samelocation. The judge for this occasionwas Mr. Rafael Malo. He is a very well-known international judge who has judged the Pomeranian in Canada. There were25 SPITZ dogs competing. Again the three BEST SPITZ dogs were chosen and awarded. The first position was for amale Pomeranian puppy called Bubba de Karlan whose breeder and owner is Mr. Julio Martinez from Karlan Kennel.The second position was for a male Pomeranian called Rassera Poms Pavarotty By Takeda, whose owner is Mr. JulioMartinez from Karlan Kennel and whose breeder is Rasera Kennel. The third position was for a female Wolfspitz calledHaloween Flamboyants Housey, whose owner is Mr. Nelson Vila and whose breeder is M. Das Neves and J. Silveira.Both events were wonderful and all the participants showed their enthusiasm. According to the Canine Society of Malagathe agreement to celebrate a new event next year in October 2009 has been approved. We are all looking forward to itMaria Jose, President2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM754 i i i in4i imlXL CkNIN ' \ AH eo-x.HI4476 - JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWOur Club would like to invite you allto take part in the National SpringMonographic on March 20 and 21,2009 in Barcelona in Spain. The Judgewill be Mr. Fabian Arienti fromStarfire Poms. You can check all theinformation about this in our websitehttpcesa.webcindario.comThanks very much for letting usC.E.S.A. share all these greatexperiences with you once more.httpcesa.webcindario.com2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM76 i i i inAlemana JLs935\ xJa\ 3Iss-\va u\J ^4IiJLJANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 772009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM77mr 4 i i i mooo\M,\m i Jr Q 4Cup of Pom, anyone Thanks to Carole Moore.You don't smell like supper. From Ingrid Gunn.4NZ iM. t 9... -' mN The Frorifn 'Wanna dance Shared by Ingrid Gunn4Whatis a vets office From Norma Smart.78 - JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE A MERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.SUBSCRIPTIONSPER YEARPUBLISHED BI-MONTHLYSubscription CardSUBSCRIPTION MANAGERCHERI MCDONALDPO Box 3402San Dimas, CA 91773Phone 909 394-7923 Fax 909 599-4692Email cheribachmanpoms.comNAMESTREET ADDRESSCITY, STATE, ZIP CODE, COUNTRYPHONE NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESSCREDIT CARD NUMBER EXP DATE CID NUMBERCARD HOLDER SIGNATURE DATE45 First Class USPS37 Bulk USPS55 CanadianMexico100 ForeignADVERTISING RATESFull Page Color 275.00Full Page Black White 100.00Half Page Color 150.00Half Page Black White 60.00Fourth Page Color 75.00Fourth Page Black White 40.00All ads include one photo.SUBSCRIPTION RATESUSPS First Class 45USPS Bulk 37Foreign 100Canada, Mexico 55Single Issue 10For advertising information contact217 347-5731 fame62401yahoo.comSubscription information contact909 394-7923 cheribachmanpoms.comKENNELVisitsJan StachurskiTabletop PomeraniansPlease contact the Editor to nominatecandidates for upcoming APC Kennel Visits.Send information to The Pomeranian Review,Brenda Segelken, Editor, 11139 E. CamelotAve., Effingham, IL 62401 or phone 217-3475731. Email fame62401yahoo.comMARCHAPRIL 2009Advertising DeadlineFebruary 1, 20092009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM78 i i i i nr \I v Jr ^JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 79Regional Pomeranian Club Specialty coming events are published free of charge.For updates and regional club contact information go to the APC website at httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgCOMING EVENTSSunshine RosesandSunshine and Roses are published free of charge. Contact Donna Machniak Phone 517 546-7446 orEmail All APC members addresses are published in the APC roster if you would like to send cards.February 6, 2009 Progressive Toy Club Dog Show, Pennsylvania Hotel, New York, NYFebruary 9, 10, 2009 Westminster Kennel Club, Madison Square Garden, New York, NYMarch 9-11, 2009 APC National Specialty, Holiday Inn Hurstbourne, Louisville, Kentucky. Judge SandraGoose Allen. Sweeps Judge Betsy Owens.March 20, 21, 2009Club Espaol Del Spitz Aleman C.E.S.A. is planning for the National Spring Monographic of The GermanSpitz 2009 Barcelona, Spain. Hotel Barcelo Atenea Mar In Barcelona, Spain. Judge Mr. Fabian Arienti, StarfirePoms, U.S.A.Wishing all the Pomeranian Lovers, APC members and everyones families a very Joyous and Merry Christmas and a VeryHealthy and Happy New Year in 2009.Keeping Josh Parrott, son of Mike and Shalon, Ragdoll Poms in our prayers, he has finished basic training and is now a fullfledgedMarine, and is now working for our country keeping it safe.Prayers and sympathy go out to the family and friends of Lee Cook, Firebrook Poms whose husband passed away suddenly.Sympathy and prayers go out to the family and friends of John McFarlane, Foxxlane Pomeranians who passed away at theVeterans Hospital in Washington, DC.Condolences and prayers go out to the family of Pat Dague, Mountain View Poms, on the loss of her son who was fightingcancer.Well wishes and a speeding recovery are on the way to Melissa Spranger, Valhalla Poms, she is recovering from back surgery.Prayers and a speedy recovery are on their way to Judge George Heitzman, husband of Judge Barbara Dempsey Alderman, whosuffered a stroke in-flight to a dog show.Condolences to the Caroline, Maureen and David Odd of Trenarwyn Poms family on the loss of two dear Poms, Tia and Batty.We pray for a full recovery for Mary Stephens who had surgery the end of October.Due to a tragic accident, Pat Murk lost a beautiful puppy. A palm branch fell into the dog run.Barbara MacCrimmon, Fluffalove Poms and a founding member of the PCOO, passed away in late November. Prayers go out toBarbaras family and friends.Prayers and a speedy recovery are going out to Mike Parrott, Ragdoll Poms who is having back problems. We hope it is resolvedand better soon.Continued prayers for Cindy Boulware and family for extended health concerns.We received word Darlene Denton has passed away. Our prayers of strength go to family and friends.Our dear Barbara McClatchey took a hard fall in December. The trooper she is, still managed to get her Performance report in.Bless you, Barbara.2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM79 i i i in80 - JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWWe salute the courageous men,women and their families of ourarmed forces. May they be safeand protected from all harm.Let freedom ring2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM80 i i i i nVoyDave Victor and Tessa Riley Kelso. WA. [503] 887-6860Wee Bonny Bears PomsIRaised with Love in oun Homehttpvoysgerpoms.comvoysgereskiesyshoo.comCh. Finch's Sonic the HedgehcgL_Scotty Carole Mooweei 928-537-8880" PO Box 2495, Show Low, AZ 85902 CharlenPMar Tony Phillip 92016 VISTA VIEW Roanoke, TX 76262 817-637-3533 WWW.KCPOMS.COMPINECREST KENNELSChampion Pomeranians andManchester TerriersCatherine Bolahood905 697-2488 2404 Reg. Road 57 Bowmanville, ON LIC 3K4 www.manchesterterriers.cav-P.8-lAaZ TC' PMOvwier Arujpet Bfo-ckr uhaj-m-. eprws. crvis256-586-0282256-550-2251Snu, -d Ld-lMS yd-UslDamascusroadHome to four generations of chanpion bitches and breeder of the I Pom in Francelin 2005 and 2008Beverley A. CarterConception Bay Highway, Holyrood, NL, Canada, AOA 2R0 709-229-1783 pomsdamascusroad.cawww.damascusroaci.caaJANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 812009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM81 4 i i i i n4TABLETOPJanStachurski21 Perry Avenue Brockton, MA 02302 508587-6146 TabletopPomsverizon.netgarnet'Xin Xln PoTOerwtesmMsris Jose QuerrerAptttedo de Crreos d 37 J.m B-08820 El rjt f LloferegstbrceloDS, Espmsa _ffctf ' 3 696 96 13 65' A,'k P porosc9Dxiaxia.coP3httpwww.c9Dxiuxiu.coro "rop winning BIS Poms Home of Batman Spiderman Stud service to approved bitches We breed on limited oasis a few puppies available 360 435-5978Janell Reich breederAPC Member Tish Cannon Handler 760 985-4656SHOWBOATPOMERANIANSon the Coast oi Oregon\CH RAZ RERRIE, AOMKarleene L. Morrowwww.showbootpoms.comshowboalpomsholmail.comBABBI'SPOMERANIANS136 W. Queens Drive Slidell, LA 70458Phone 985-649-3136 Mobile 985-788-4704 y i p p y v o n \v o r f excite.comAl n ReamCedcM,503 395-2225 Ranier, h ttpGeminiPoms. comu oCa ve a iJuf cSeeed503 429-8019 Vernonia, OR christy bea vercreekpoms. com httpBeaverCreekPoms. com482 - JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM82Monty Hart Alora Hart-V-"ufPOMERANIANSphone 907 346-2506 e-mail www.starfoxpoms.comDarlene Don\Cocoa, FloridaLittleCherubPomshotmail.comv'V.[ tf iVINTAGEEllen TakayamaP.O. Box 905Pearl City, HI. 96782-0905 Phone 808 488-8325vintagehawaiiyahoo.comJANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 83Champion PomeraniansSJSN6603 Forest Ct., Holmen, WI 54636PH 608 526-1051 sandpomscharter.nethttpwww.sandpoms.comandpomsohnsonandra2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM83 4 i i i i n4iv.n MM^ d\'Evensong PomeraniansKevin and ^\Teresa WhitePortland, Oregonit' 503314-9026 evensongpomsveri www.evensongpoms.comCH EVENSONG WIN N FOR Z GIPPERLaCueva Kennel PomeraniansSherrilynn J. RogersBreederOwnerHandler Dayton, OH 45414 937 275-4062 937 386-1462 Cell Email lacuevaknlaol.comBREEDING FOR QUALITY, NOT QUANTITY"A I - y^ef' oBeauty and brains in one well-balanced package home cl record selling 8 dual-lillisl.Margaret R. McKeExhibitorBreederHandlerGOOCHLAND, VA 804-556-3380idlewyldeDrlhlink.nelwww.idlewyldpomeranians.fc QJJ-4-528ShowhfavidUvigmSkdsLymarOChel esSpecializing in Parti and Parti-factored PomeraniansCH Chrissy CH Gunner ROM CH Chelanes Simply Irresistible CH Finch's Peacemaker Parti ROMElaine Waugh www.chelanes.netCH Chelanes Peace Keeper Parti CH Chelanes Remington Steele CH Keeper CH Remyt Jf r \4 ri Li Lidmr ,mSacramento, Aparkavepoms id mtsoiTisiiiwm availableomercmEf484 - JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM84eQ'ewbr-ardariALAI JHome ofBIS, BISS, Am, Can, Mex FCI Inti Ch Showcase Hot Topic, GC, HoF2006 Number One Pomeranian, All Breedoiveme ememuam 818352-9536 ShowcasePoms.com70iamenamatuifoie fomette DaMy314 397-5606 V. 0. Sox 11X 'WtaacoufaA, 941 6225'wictoud954QfCi6oo, comtyWhere Type, Quality Soundness Count iiCh. Bachmans Precious Jewelwww.bachmanpoms.comBISS Ch. Bachman's Brightest StarCheri McDonald 909-394-7923HerMajesty's PomeraniansyCH PenelopeChuck Whittemore Randy Houston Cleveland, TN 37312 423-728-0200E-Mail MajestysPomsaol.comwww.hermajestyspoms.comCARLEEZ POMSCarol LeemhuisPittsburgh, PA wHome 412 344^8257 ^Cell 412 848-6987 carleezpoms www.carleezpoms.comHome of picturedBISS Ch. Sundown's Hide N Zeke, CD, ROMX, GC. ft T W '. .\.t v 3a2r\lSpoiled companions, conformation, obedience and agility PomsQbhowin iQomsSpecializing in Wolf Sables, Whites, Creams and Tri-colored Partis and occasionally other colors.Barbara dtapmend dkudrep Papweed503 864-2459 276 629-9483httpwww. showinpoms. comJANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 85BI-MARPOMERANIANSBIS, BISS, ROMX, HOF, GCCH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KIDMARY A ROSENBAUM145 Fay RoadChehalis, WA 98532-9204phone 360 767-0104fax 360 767-0105email Avalons Prince Matchabelli MonteStarfires Conan the Barbarian xAvalons Queen NefertitiAnnette Eric Davis208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792email infoavalonpom.comweb site www.avalonpom.comQuality, lovingly raised puppies.PomeraniansSubscriptionsand Back Issuesmake great gifts.Order online today atamericanpomeranianclub.orgPomReview2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM85 i i i ink---------------- 25t ' w ^BOjRJ^CLNPtfJohn Christine Heartz P.O. Box 189242 Shartis Lake West Rd.Brookfield, N.S.CanadaBON1COphone 902-673-2446web www.chriscendo.comemail chriscendonorthnovecabler Belstar Poms ^Member American Pomeranian Club and Columbia Pomeranian Club Top 10 CH Belstar's Sweet November "Keanu" OFACERF Show Quality Whites 3 generations of OFACERF Champions Diana Gross - Eugene, OR 541 543-4271 - - dianabelstaraol.comfrs5r\.1Linda Pelz - Tx254 420-1724Michael Wells - Ml616 844-4217Champion Stud ServicePuppiesAdults Occasionally Show Handlingwww.dreamweaverpoms.comMiUit86 - JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWDel-May PomeraniansDeborah K. Barrett1446 West Square Lake RoadBloomfield Hills, MI 48302Phone 248 745 3888 Email delmay1wowway.com2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM86. I14iIJoanne Jo NorrisSmaller Paws Pom or httpwwwlpetfinder.comsheltersIN294.html Phone 260-982-8541WHEN YOU'RE LOOKING Cell 574-527-1451FOR A DOG TO LOVE E-mail North Manchester, IN 46962Ayumi PomeraniansAmy Tsay BreederExhibitor PCCV - Recording Sec.434 589-3652 _ mLake Monticello, VA H i M i IvWWW.AYUMI-POMS.COMAYUMI.POMSGMAIL.COMa- ni^ 4 VDANIELLE SARTAIN L.V.T.WWW.DASARPOMS.COM810-656-0883DASARPOMERANIANSHOTMAIL.COMJCoCCiCy Pomeraniansr fMgChristine Creasey30 Short St., OahyiCCe, C06779Phone 860 274-7997 hoCfifypomssnet.netBUCKHORNLEATHERrV3 K-9 Electric Blowers QUftVEBE3q^ ^ pkVTHE BEST FOE fOUE SHOwww.snspetsupplies.comMB PETsacaL. V scjiL. MI deserveJANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 87CH PUFPRIDES SWEET DREAMS CH FINCHS CHARS MAKIN WAVES PARTICHPARKERCHSPLASHDiane L. Finch28453 530 th Avenue, Kelley, IA 50134 - Phone 515 - www.finchspoms.comDiane L. FinchPhone 985 384-7466Fax 985 384-8628www.janesa.comJerrie Freia1072A Landry LaneMorgan City, LA 70380PomeraniansJanesaBred for beauty and soundness of body and mindDeJay PomsBIS, BISS CH. FIREBROOKS TABASCO FIASCOTobyDonna MachniakBreederHandlerGroomer517-546-7446www.dejaypoms.com2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM87 4- i i i i nMILL AMOR POMS5Ken and Eleanor Miller870 Jersey Church Road, Lexington, NC 27292 Ph 336-245-9010 Email millamortriad.rr.comBreeding again. Puppies avaiCa6Ce to Coving Homes.r. CL Lil iSlis Hoasujf ^ui CiieerloJoan C. Beti-end Long Island, New JoanLilBehrsPoms.netHandling Services - Limited Boarding Available 631 366-2330I tsums\nCH. LaRajus Cosmic KioShyacres Pomeranians Audrey Charlie RobertsScintci Fe www.shyacres.comDriggers Lil' Treasurers, Inc.and DLT PomeraniansMark Cathy DriggersOwner, Breeder, Handler Lake Helen, Florida IAKC Registered Pomeranians, Dog Supplies and Specialty GiftsAuthorized Solid Gold Dog Food DealerPhone386-228-1010 Fax386-218-5739E-mail www.driggersliltreasures.commFinch's Pomeranians Ltd.i... Ai \ i488 - JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM88Randy Buske Bree derExhibitorMember American Pomeranian Club Puget Sound Pomeranian Club^7aw^eddL \No reKnox, IN 46534 www.eaglecreekpoms.coml M3ubP.O.Box 2408 Buckley, WA 98321360 897-2163 V 253 740-5060 www.Randyspoms.comRivendell P omeraniansCarolyn BoninBlountsville, Alabama 256-931-4838 bonincotelco.netBISS Ch Rivendell Applauds Janesa "Baxter"xla,onetanutRon Irene Smith3388-B Merlin Rd 356, Grunts Pass, OR 97526 541-441-7634lrenereonpomeranians.comMember of the American Pomeranian Club. Inc.alashelPoms and ShelliesElaine Wishnow718-891-34512351 E. 17th St. Bklyn, NY 11229 Home of quality Poms and SheltiesX netMulti Group Winning BISS Champion Mountain Crest JJDavid Carlene GilstrapP.O.Box 22442 Chattanooga, TN 37422 Phone 423-987-0266 E-Mail dcgilstrapaol.comIMPOSSIBLE POM...dreams make all things possibleKimpossible's Dare To DreamBill and Kim CrutchfieldRiverside, CA 92516 951 313-9652website www.kimpossiblepom.comJANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 89A REFLECTION ON THE WATERSGreggory S. WatersCharlene R. Waters801-597-3869shimmeree.charlenegmail.comQuality Pomeranians2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM89 4 i i i i n4SINCITr pcmsMichele280 Hole N Rock Circle Central, UT 84722702 203-4790-l VAKC Registered Pomeranians puppies available occasionallyValerie Crane3683 N. 1800 E. Rd. Clifton, IL 60927 rvcrane75hotmail.comB^J^CowCene - ^JLeafiraPomeraniansJLrfene Otaguro HazeC tMiCCer R,[o6in Watana6eJlr-Qan's grooming SaCon Phone 808-593-2322 mhinjao[.com -yggcats hawaii.comSoFine PomsMarvj Latimerwww5ofineponis.commaryllmac.com979-690-7179ace j oinscyftendi JS'it idssmumw .fanaifacepoms. com fancijfacepomssyc^oM. netMember of the American Pomeranian Club and Nor-Cal Pom Club'HP' '. sft ' rLEE-ANN LAMBERT KINCARDINE ONTARIO, CANADA WWW.SUGARLAMB.CA MCQTNT21 .COM 519-396-646490 - JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWLIMITED EDITIONHARD BOUNDPOMERANIAN REVIEW50 TH ANNIVERSARY EDITIONORDER EARLY ONLY 50 WILL BE MADEONLY 75.00 IF PICKED UP AT THE 2009 APC NATIONAL SPECIALTY IN LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY.85.00 AFTER KENTUCKY INCLUDES U.S. SHIPPINGORDER NOW STILL AVAILABLE, BUT GOING FAST2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM90s. rANAMSTREET ADDRESSCITY, STATE, ZIPCODE, COUNTRYPHONE NUMBEREMAIL ADDRESSCREDIT CARD NUMBER EXP DATE SECURITY NUMBERCARD HOLDER SIGNATUREiiiimmw Mi ffi-dm w'Mmrnu M'rnOrder online ol or pay through PayPal to - or - Send name, complete address, phone number and payment method to Erika Moureau, 32110 Patty's Landing, Magnolia, TX 77354s ANNIVERSARY ISSUE PRICES25 Pre-orderpre-paypick up at APC Notional 30 Pay and pick up at the APC National 30 plus 5 shipping AFTER the APC National 10 loreign shippingAnniversary Ossue wiff debut at the A1PC Nationaf Jvtarcb ZOOg.PRE-ORDER DEatMINE 010JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 91WE NEED YOUR HELP WE NEED YOUR SPECIAL DONATIONSThe Ways N Means needs your donations. One of a kind Pom items and special Pom craftsare greatly appreciated, as well as other doggiePom collectibles and useful items. Bring youritems to Kentucky and drop them off at the Ways N Means table. If you need to mail items,please do so before Feb. 25, 2009 to Donna Riehm, 669 Ava Road, Murphysboro, IL 62966.Email . Phone 618-684-4644.LETS MAKE THE NATIONAL TRULY SPECIALAre you a procrastinator I am, world class When something comes in the mail, I open it think Illtake care of this in a few days. then toss it on the desk. All too often, more than a few days go by and I forgetand miss a deadline. Trophy donation requests frequently fall victim to this. I do better with a clear-cut deadline.I usually manage to get my grades turned in and always get entries in by closing.Im sure you agree with me that trophies can add much to the fun and glamour of a show.And we all want our National Specialty to be very special. So right now, put down this wonderfulmagazine and go get your checkbook. How much should you send Think in terms of entry fees most are atleast 25 these days, so think in multiples of that. Let me know how you want it to be used. The deadline to beincluded in the premium list has passed, but we still need your money and will happily recognize yourgenerosity in the catalogue. Of course, Pay Pal is also an option just send me a note to designate class orplacement. Please. Do it nowMargaret McKee, 2426 Sandy Hook Road, Goochland, VA 23063 - email idlewyldearthlink.netHEAR YE HEAR YE HEAR YEDonations for the welcome bags are needed. Collect small items appropriate to fill the APCWelcome Bags and send or bring them to Kentucky. Any amount is welcome. See BrendaSegelken for further information. Items need to be arrive by mail before March 5 or deliveredin Kentucky Sunday afternoon, March 8, 2009 in order for them to be included. Phone 217-3475731or email or mail items toBrenda Segelken, 11139 E. Camelot Ave, Effingham, IL 62401.2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM91 INI 4 n i i i i4iNOTICE OF DUESraPlease remit your dues as soon as possible as we would like to have all the CORRECTIONS for the Roster. Dues paid after January 1st are subject to a 15.00 late charge and names may not be printed in the roster. AFTER JANUARY 31, UNPAID MEMBERS WILL HAVE TO RE-APPLY. Motion 060302 Membership is effective from Jan. 1, to Dec. 31.RATES PER YEAR ARE AS FOLLOWS USA FOREIGNSINGLE MEMBERSHIP............................................................30.00 35.00JUNIOR MEMBERSHIP........................................................... 10.00.................................. naHOUSEHOLD MEMBERSHIP..................................................45.00 50.00LATE FEE AFTER JAN 1.......................................................15.00.........................15.00ERIKA MOUREAU, 32110 PATTY'S LANDING, MAGNOLIA, TX 77354 - PHONE 281-252-033392 - JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM92I I I I Iomeraman PeOteluIrft mPomeranian ixeUtelu'Uy,'lan-SPicrtt ^Sli'a iTnncih ia Cfic 'IVifftbV .^ , IPomeranian ebieto an-5- I mi nli s III.. fesj - ^V 'f iim^Vv.v ^3omeranian. floitt JetrietoCh Plrsitfooij'i 'Jabsijco FiascoK\pysui x.TjmPomeranian Petnetoanuaryi^eruary ZOOStic DieaMt Doy-0 Pomeranian 3\ebteto. _ 9 TME OFFICIAL AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB. INC PU6UCAT10N Vovrtnt i fJ rrctnc 200csr i o'r an Jotn in, iromcniman ihcliictoPomeranian ScDiriujf.n r s- Mf X v , AMERICAN lI POMERAHIAH ClUB IJ _ jssr-a.l j , HVe.Ay, 11Pomeranian^CaTf.JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 932009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM93rm mmMUllUl'IIIHIIlifiMiBI Ki 13\l M ILi UM ' rmn Si7rAchiues PomeraniansI 'jc.i'rz'j miPi anion Reviewi 3 ill'll uztrnuor iiliJiUliisifitaJiijaiJa]Due CaiJa teiuEsjito Ck Glen Iris Essence Ol Cuilean GCnri nr.SMil' POMERANIAN Rri t r 1 ri\' iKMDBniRI4v,rII wl 111ANNETTE MICK d VENI V m oiJiUiiu4IV Mec 2 0 0 6 CN7,mumt 5^'m VfanVjifi .A^1TTCosm.0UiiltMUT- W.The Toy Tribune-jVET INVOr.VrntS talkISSg,,, fJ. Ckl TimSue s FhjinA High . ^SKEENS-Pomeranian Reviewwnm Mmiimmm iits nctiniyyitmmi.lwYtliililiiH m494 - JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWArvanites, Michele.............................................89Barrett, Deborah........................................86Bahena, Carlos..............................Front Cover, 14Behrend, Joan............................................87Blocker, Angela.........................................80Bolahood, Catherine....................................80Bonin, Carolyn..................................................88Buske, Randy.................................................10, 88Carter, Beverley.........................................80Caywood, Audrey.............................................84Crane, Valerie...........................................89Creasey, Christine...........................................86Crutchfield, Bill and Kimberly...............................88Dague, Roger and Pat..........................................6, 19Dally, Joe and Janette.................................84Davis, Annette and Erik..............................85Driggers, Cathy............................................87Ekviriyakit, Suradej...........................................4, 5Escoto, Ricardo..................................Front Cover, 14Fernandez, Jose..................................Front Cover, 14Finch, Diane...............................................87Freia, Jerrie..................................................87Gilstrap, David and Carlene...............................3, 88Griffith, Ken and Eleanor................................9Gross, Diana................................................85Hanson, Sharon.........................................82Hart, Monty..................................................82Heartz, John and Christine.........................85Heckert, Elizabeth.......................................11Heong, Ooi Chee..............................................10Houston, Randy...........................................16, 84Jackson, Becky.........................................17, 86Johnson, Sandra..............................................83Jose, Maria................................................81Kelly, Tom and Karen......................................15Kona Chips................................................6Lambert, Lee-Ann............................................89Landry, George.....................................................12Latimer, Mary....................................89Leemhuis, Carol.............................................84Levinsohn, Alane........................................84Machniak, Donna.........................................87Malott, Roberta...........................................8Marsh, Charlene.................................................80McDonald, Cheri........................................84McKee, Margaret........................................83Meyer, Barbara...........................................81Meyer, Char.................................................82Miller, Eleanor..............................................87Miller, Hazel..............................................89Moore, Carole................................................80Morrow, Karleene.........................................81Murphy, Christie.............................................81Nilsson, Wendi.........................................89Nonell, Ignacio........................................82Norem, Kathryn...............................................88Norris, Joanne................................................86Oganeku, Clarice and Yvette................................13Otaguro, Arlene...........................................89Parrott, Michael and Shalon.............................19Pelz, Linda..................................................85Pruden, Darlene............................................82Reich, Janell................................................81Reimschiissel, Kelly....................................83Riley, Tessa.....................................................80Roberts, Audrey................................................87Rogers, Sherrilynn................................................2, 83Rose, Ashlynn..................................................83Rosenbaum, Mary...............................................85Russell, Ron and Connie....................................86Sartain, Danielle......................................86Scrimpsher, Todd and Caryl............................7Sisneros, Geno.............................................28Smith, Nancy...................................................18Smith, Ron and Irene..........................................88Stachurski, Jan..............................................12, 81Stephens, Micky......................................................85Takayama, Ellen..............................................82Thompson, Darlene Davis......................................82Tsay, Amy..............................................................86Watanabe, Robin.................................................89Waters, Gregg and Charlene...............................89Waugh, Elaine....................................................83Wells, Mike....................................................85White, Kevin and Teresa..............................................83Whittemore, Chuck...................................................16, 84Wilson, Tom....................................................83Wishnow, Elaine.....................................................88Zech, Tom and Diane...........................................872009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM94lAtt ISSUESTo order back issues, mail check pay to APC to The Pomeranian Review co Brenda Segelken 11139 E. Camelot Avenue, Effingham, IL 62401 Phone 217-347-5731, e-mail Order online at Please specify the issue.Jan. 75, Oct. 77, May 79, April 80 20.00August 1997 15.00All other available back issues 10.00INFORMATIONThe Pomeranian Review ISSN 0744-8546 is published and edited bi-monthly in Effingham, Illinois by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 37 per year USPS Bulk and 45 per year USPS First Class. First Class rates apply to USA and APOs. Canada, Mexico and Puerto Rico subscriptions are 55.00 per year U.S.A. funds only.The American Pomeranian Club and Editor are not responsible for the contents, accuracy of articles and advertisements, or the opinions expressed by authors. Per APC Standing Rule The Editor can refuse any ad. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the APC or editor.Reproduction in whole or part is strictly prohibited. Permission to reproduce is available only from the publishereditor. Display advertisements consisting of typesetting, artwork and layouts may not be used without written permission from the editor. Original artwork is sole property of the editor.JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 952009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM95\ S- ^5- v\45BESTOFBREED OR VARIETYGLOUCESTERCOUNTYifX'fit kennel, clubgfcv SATURDAYOCTOBER 18, 2008 TOM DIGIACOMO i a 6Fancy is a very typey, sound, little white girl who is out of Ch. Great White LaceV \ 'L2JIRE AT RIVERS PONBreederOwnerHandlerSHARON 631 -156-8466T496 - JANFEB 2009 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2009 JAN FEB REVIEW.p65 12162008, 943 PM96rmI.'5 -yfififT. i 111w wSswH PIViP Wjsttr1 'l''f' 39Hi ^New Ch ponm rrw P'MgS_ -------- T- r 4mm 5\BEST OF WINNERSNEW CHAMPIONWESTBUfty K.AarassJK2008Perry Phillipsn9Iyr"-W.''Thank you to the judges who helped us earn our championship Patricia Larrissey, Denny Mounce, Toddie Clark, June Penta, Elaine Lessig, Houston Clark and Barbara WoodLook for Travis competing as a Special in 2009 i1 OwnerHandler Amando Hernandez amando0220aol.comBred by Sharon Yampiro Great River Pomeranians www.greatriverpoms.comjp.IDesign Rob Lahoda, wit wm mmSSmBtm 1 IIBISPii' I