The Pomeranian Review January 2008
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JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 12008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12162007, 1146 AM14\,\4'r wJJf l\Jj jr4m n 4 i i i i i 2 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWJoan Behrend - Lil Behrs Pomeranians2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12162007, 1146 AM2Our foundation is growing strongerOur newest Champion bitchesCh. Lil Behrs Willa B Fame-Us and Ch. Lil Behrs Honey Crisp... and our foundation boysOur next Special, Ch. Lil Behrs Honey Nut Cheerio pictured4 AW,a0rV .U,-1 ibt mm-wr miBET BREED i sPOCONO ImountainkennelCLUB, INC. .scp^ia. zoot J.C. Photo mand next to be presented in the ring, Janesa's Hold the Applause, bred by Jerrie Freia.My thanks to Jerrie Freia for our little Holden. Our Bravo son will add your years of experience and hard work to our breeding program.Belated congratulations to Chuck and Randy on their kennel visit last issue. Your breeding program will blossom with so much caring behind it The guest room is ready for when you visit New YorkCongratulations to Margaret McKee on your" www.LilBehrsPoms.comJANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 32008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12162007, 1146 AM3mr 4 n i i i i1440 Pom Orchid Lane, Kannapolis, NC 28081 Ph 704 938-2042 - Ken and Eleanor Griffith - Owners4ie-i ,.S mL.VKMA \v m, V'L I BEST OF WINNERS IVi^ MvNEW CHAMPION MAJOR AWARD SPECIALTY______NORTH EASTERNSMSSSaX MARYLAND F^ XA \ t WWinners Dog - Baltimore Pom Specialty 1107PRESENTING CHAMPION 10 FOR 2007CH. WILD FIRE OF LENETTEHandler Vikki OelerichSire Ch. Magic Touch of Lenette Dam Amberglow of LenetteWe would like to thank our clients for buying and finishing seven of the ten champions.We have some interesting litters coming up including Firey's first litters. Please check our website for details and give us a call for prices. We no longer have a fax number and we do not do e-mail.4Best wishes to Margaret McKee on your kennel visit. Keep up the good work you are doing with your breeding program.www.lenettepoms.com4 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12162007, 1146 AM4mr 4M'9jmUnnPAMCHsIleJiwn fa,up in Canada, and on the move...IIS-jB . - -. -_v ..I..taking SiOJJi gum a Special at the 5jog Dag Cluft if Clntwda Spacialtg4 Mxv..Jhk mS LEBRON JAMESim'^KdiwaifN_ItsAOn LeBrons first weekend out in Canada, he was awarded BOB over some very nice dogs, including a Special, at the Toy Dog Club of Ontario Specialty with his handler Danielle Sartain.Thank you Danielle for doing such a wonderful job handling, grooming and presenting LeBron.You make an awesome team and have made me very proudWatch fxw, eBtoti and tDxmieite at, they sUtwe to complete fils, Canadian Championship,4TBREEDEROWNER FRANCES ZOZZARO BROOKLYN,NY 718-769-6531JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 52008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12162007, 1146 AM5I II II ms4Phyllis EnsleyPet Action ShotsThank you to Regina's wonderful Breeders Camilla Knight - Sundown Pomeranians Jerrle Frcta Janesa's PomeraniansCamilla, you knew from the first time we met that Regina would be the perfect addition to our family- thank you for Introducing us to the Pomeranian breed Jerrle, we only met for the very first time this past summer-you are truly a special person and a caring breeder-congratulations on all of your successes over your many years In Poms Thanks to both of you for Regina and tor her sistcr- Sundown's Susana Elizabeth MJP.A special, special thank you to Maria Outhle, Animal Massage Practitioner.Marla, your magic touch and great advice has helped transform Regina into the athlete that we always knew was insideRegina could not have come this far without expert agility training thank you to Bill Herbein - 4 Paws Performance Training - and all of the patient agility Instructors at Splash Dash K9 Sports.Finally, Carol Leemhuls from Carleez Pomeranians is Indispcnslble to us In keeping Regina groomed and always being there to guide us on all aspects of owning and caring for all ot our Poms Including CH Carleez Boom Boom Boom OA AXJ and CH Carleez Crowd Pleaser MXJThe biggest THANK YOU of all goes to Regina, who introduced us to the wonderful world ot AKC agility Regina, you are absolutely gorgeous and you train harder than anyone would ever Imagine and are always enthusiastic about It- even when you are on the treadmill at 430 a.m.You are the best Partner that an agility handler could ever hope for My little piece of heaven on earth is running by your side on the course, and working with you each dayA huge thank you from your handler and Mom4OWNERS - JANICE SMITH AND GEORGE SMITH LATROBE, PENNSYLVANIA 412-860-2660Plwto b Deb Hjgcnuin, Aiii Graphs6 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12162007, 1148 AM6 INI 4 n i i i iliiiil ays... Woodrase Finishes Another PomrJS WINNERS DOG BEST OF WINNERSNEW championHILO SH05LSVUKE JOHNSON PHOTO l MVtilti Cil. iMlWd UlilJ Ijiiu llJlL.i i MU iidllijSlHHJHHI liSiUHl HiS SilUHJiliHIBillil Hi11 UJUIJliB JilJ UUllHI iliS. iUIHllH iilUillHi JU-i UJUrii SilJ a Hll JJsJUHHI j, 2LLIiJH Jijjijjjjj liiiil iHHf IIIUjUB ill SHJH1I SilUiS, ill iSB JlJHU liJH IllUilJUS. lit 4re-aEiL iuuiliuiiij dliiJli lliu Ciidll Wtejlunyliid il' ililliildF\__IflWINNERS BITCH MAJORToy Dog Show dMIKE JOHNSON PHOTOP AJANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 72008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12162007, 1148 AM74Cil. illllliJ Uililld iliil ihlid Mil i lililiillliJd'i fillllidJjJj diiuujiid j Iii3 PuwaioiiJuii EIuj jI ilj jjii'j jjiiaijJJy jjj iJjauiM til, M Ju 3B331B OWJ31 jili. llisjj Julias awl iiisl uJ IteB juiiibj uiufe aull-iisuaslu Jiaeileilute I1In aura JuJjJJjd allii llils aiu jud lasaM u 'Hi JUllJ lu JUUlll Judy 1113311 Ml3 U3l3J jUJ Jjjujjuj 33 Jj 333 Slab'I II II miUsINTRODUCING OUR NEW STARr0 9Sil 1- yf BbT IN S'UlPSUKFs - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ^JtJfT-EBEST OF WINNERSSPECIALTY SHOWMIKE JOHNSON PHOTO_______ce comments itom both lodges,n. He hos proven himsell as a producer.USJ Mil JJJJ Apl'dlennel visit and lonioi Hope 6onld. ine n winning 2008Clarice Yvette Oganeku45-232 Lrlipuna Rd WOODROSE Ph 808 235-8142Kaneohe, HI 96744 where quality counts woodrosehawaiErrcomwoodrosehawali,rrxom8 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12162007, 1148 AM8mr 4 n m4ChipRP Tk OkS jyekT V' l\KV^BEST OF WINNERSMAJORKENNESAW KERNEL CLUBO^T. 27,2007 iRob GerityLir.JTh k th thto ate u esan s rh Aave la erapp r ppr1-hGM Lit-r eorge moviebM MK ertr ooreoii JbM W K KertlamusseoM Du ermottenn crLTAU r o ya orsd hite nSvernn m 5 ownbreeders Owners5t^onna Macfinialc. [ana Coventry Ron Ronnie RussellfVofesionally RJandled by \nn Eerry man4JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 92008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12162007, 1148 AM94i m m m4gIMirr\\Thanks to Spud s breeder, Mr. Ken Griffith - Lenette Poms - USA and Angela Semansky for her friendship and support 4Owners Luiz Esperon Filho Angelo de Oliveira Itajai - SC - BrazilV. 4mmmsmm, - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12162007, 1148 AM10 INI 4 n m4Introduces1 ISSt-m L jIluiAj5lAmlnt CH DreamWeavers Cracklin Fire x DreamWeavers TiramisuEmber is shown winning WBBOS out of the BBE class. This well-moving girl is Dustin's first offspring, and we are very happy with the results.Thank you Judge Clinton Harris for this win.DreamWeaver Poms - Linda Pelz - Michael Liz Wellswww.dreamweaverpoms.com44JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 112008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12162007, 1149 AM114 i i i in4Proudly Introducesi ' -r i- - -YTrrsr i. v," 4-WINNERSofUgrtrEmlleen2007XT" SOSA98S-845-45624rVJRoyal Tee's Fox Six News x Royal Tee N Janesa's JannaConner is shown going WDBOW from the puppy class. Thank you Judge John Ramirez for this win. Conner is a lovely black tan boy, whom we hope will produce lots of black tan puppies for us.OwnerLinda PelzDreamWeaver PomsBreederAngela BlockerRoyal Tee Poms4OwnerSandra McCutcheonCarodoc Poms12 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12162007, 1149 AM12 INI I I I mAphrodites Cha Cha Chiam\ JMB.4r4Sire Ch. Trudy's Kentucky Blue at Aphrodite Dam Ch. Aphrodites MoonstruckCha Cha is pictured winning Best Bred By Exhibitor Group 1 after a Best Bred By Exhibitor Group 3 the day before.Congratulations to the "Mystery" kennel visit person, whoever you are Congratulations to Hope Gould on your Junior feature.Congratulations to Margaret McKee on your well-deserved re-visit. Thank you Margaret for a GREAT grooming lesson in Fitchburg where Pamie received Winners Bitch and Best of Opposite Sex after her grooming.Someone was missing this Christmas. I remember the first time I saw him almost 14 years ago. He was the sweetest little puppy I had ever seen. My special Austin has gone to the bridge. lie was always such a happy guy. He has blessed the Pom world with four champions and mothers of champions. I just want to say good bye to my wonderful man. I miss you so much.Breeder Owner HandlerLinda DeCicco - Aphrodites PomeraniansWindham, ME - 207-2121-5812 - Pomsaaol.com4JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 132008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12162007, 1149 AM13British In Ns Liberty of LenetteCh. Band of Gold of Lenette x Valancia Of Lenette^ amj rjaMBriJwmp T. v. TM. " wWINNERSMAJORNEW CHAMPIONMARIONKENNELCLUBK. BOOTH IJThanks to Judge Fabian Ariente pictured for awarding Liberty her finishing points, in strong competition at the Ft. Wayne Indiana Cluster shows.Thanks also to Judges Carole A. Beattie, Dr. Carolyn Hensley, Frank Sabella, and her ringside admirers who appreciated Ms. Liberty's balance, structure and sound movement.Liberty is always a crowd pleaser with her antics in the ring.Ms. Liberty was finished in limited shows thanks to handler Brenda Segelken.British LaneWendy ChambersLc slant. IL - PH. SI5 36S-3203 pcitieranianfaceshihart.iiet14 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12162007, 1149 AM144 i i i inJ' r ' j Tnyv psnf ShHizscelebrating our first Rally titlessar SrAQuALS \ \ NEW scopTITLES^RALLYOBEDIENCEUAMAVOuArKEJpattWOJCAAillJKCase'sSmart and Sassy and Kristy receive Rally Novice Title.JV[y rA AtKristy and Case's Spice Girl D'Malashel. Thank you, Elaine, for this beautiful and smart girl f7mWINNERSKSTWnms isiy.wsf30. 2007PtCase's Carbon Copy winning a 4 point major under Steve Hayden. A special thanks to Brian Incorvia for grooming "C".M'A fAAH'l rlAtAj JiM AAaIatIafloral Park., New York - 718 470-6267 - Ca3S3jomsi'J2AoJ.oojrjJANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 152008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12162007, 1149 AM15Mtn. Views Vakn It To Vfie LimitMmVI"K-' BEST OF WINNERSHMAJORF^MW5TRKT mwa.c^tobftWv Rowdy needs just one point to finish.Judge William J. Dolan and Handler David Fitzpatrick are pictured.We wish to thank Judges Mr. William J. Dolan, 4 point majorMr. Reinaldo Rey Burgos, 4 point major and David Fitzpatrick for his expert handling of Rowdy.We congratulate Margaret McKee and Idlewyld Pomeranians on their kennel visit. Congratulations to Hope Gould on her Junior Jive feature.BreedersOwnersRoger and Pat DagueStuarts Draft, VA 24477 Phone 540-337-2965httpwww.geocities.commtnviewpomsHandlerDavid Fitzpatrick16 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12162007, 1150 AM16 4 i i i i n4Int.Ch. Marbil's Mini Cooper At MNMftfotof Power in aSmaffPacfcmemsmamamfe m A7 200rA rur-r004Cooper had his motor running at the International Shows. On his way to taking his International Championship, he garnered three Group Two Bred By Puppy, one Group Three Bred By Puppy and a Group Two Puppy.Cooper is now starting his AKC show career. He is a very nicely marked black and tan with lovely movement. We will be anxiously waiting for him to finish so we can see what he will produce for MNM and Marbil.Congratulations, Margaret, for your well-deserved kennel visit, and we wish you continued success in all your endeavorsBreeders Mari Iffland and Donna Riehm - OwnerBreeder Handled by Mari IfflandOwnersMary E. Wells, MNM Pomeranians660367-2254, e-mail mnmpomsgallatinmo.netMari Iffland, Marbil Pomeranians618435-6127, e-mail pomsawaylocalnet.comJANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 17Proud BreederOwnerHandlerLaCueva Kennel Poms, Sherrilynn Rogers, Dayton OH 45414, email LaCuevaknlaol.comCH LaCuevas One Tough Cookie Ch Cascades Dynamic Man X Reginapoms Rumble LenaCH Tuffys New FriendMelissa Brown aka MissyLaCueva Kennel Poms is proud to introduceWatch for Ch LaCuevas One Tough Cookieout with his new friend, Missy. They make awonderful team. After four Bests of Breed ina row, they took off for the EukanubaChampionship in California. Missy also hasthe top winning Border Collie bitch, Betty ChShorelands Rock Me, which won the NationalSpecialty in Oct. Missy has also shown topwinning Black Russian Terriers, as well asseveral other herding, working, sporting andterrier breeds. Watch for her out with a few ofour best Pom hopefuls and, of course, Mr.Tuffy. Missy still has openings for a few selectclient dogs. Inquire for availability and rates is availableat stud, by private treaty, to approved bitches.Join us for the 2008 Memorial Day Weekend here inHistoric Virginia PomVirginia is for ^ LoversFour shows in one indoor location includingSunday, May 25, 2008Pomeranian Club of Central Virginia, Inc.pending AKC approvalOur First Specialty Breed Judge Mr. Ken MillerPuppy Sweepstakes Veteran SweepstakesOur Fifth Annual Futurity Stakessee httpwww.geocities.comPCCV_home for nomination informationFriday and Saturday, May 23 24, 2008 Langley Kennel Club shows and trialsSunday and Monday, May 25 26, 2008 Gloucester Kennel Club shows and trailsSuperintendent MB-F, Inc.While youre here, plan a quick trip to Williamsburg, Jamestown, Yorktown, Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Richmond, Charlottesville,Petersburg, Historic Plantations, the Chesapeake Bay and the Great Dismal Swamp to name a few of the attractions in this historic area.Congratulations to PCCV Member Margaret McKee on your Kennel Visit2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12162007, 1150 AM17 INI 4 i i i in7Ik.BEST OF BREED'oHii4PCCYPomeranianClub of Central Virginia4418 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12162007, 1150 AM18rm 4n33 m'^IT'S A MAJORSPECIALTY" October, WPhotography vH.t SitH-atizrIIL mMany thanks to Judge Blaine Matpis for Packer's five point major at tpe Central Arkansas Pomeranian Specialty.Owner Carol KivcyElkhart Texas 903-764-9963wwwgeocities.comcararayfiomsCo-Owner Nancy ReedLone Star Texas 903-755-2324 mewxjeodties.comNansPomsNortfimoor Tomsm mi mr.NortKmoor Totally Incorrigible' "CoraCh. Vince'X CK. Kctf2eefrGonWtfhThWind''Tana''XXCT1XC ll'BIS ChampionJanesa's TotaCCy Invinci6Ce "'Vince"Vince announces his newest bred by show hopeful daughters, Cori and Lainey.Watch for them in the ring in 2008.Big Congrats to Jennie Smith and Ch. Indigo's Flower Power, "Flower", on her first BISA.May there be many more to come. Congrats to the "Mystery Guest" on your feature.Lisa Goodman Northmoor Poms Coloradowww.NorthmoorPoms.commi4Northmoor Totally Illuminating "Lainey"CtLTince X Northmoor 1Wanna "Win 'Em ACC "Emma"JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 19-2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12162007, 1150 AM19Yknot PomeraniansWOULD LIKE TO CONGRATULATEMargaret McKeeOn HER WELL DESERVED KENNEL VISIT.IDLEWYLD'S YKNOT ROCK Da BOATDanielI HAVE TO THANK HER AGAIN AND AGAIN FOR ALLOWING ME TO HAVE MY FIRST SHOW POMERANIAN.HE IS A WONDERFUL BOY WITH DIVINE MOVEMENT AND PERSONALITY.fcLBEST OFWINNERSOPPOSITEMAJOR 4.ItCHARLOTTESVILLEALBERMARLEBEST OF OPPOSITE SEXROCK CREEK KENNEL CLUB YBEST OF WINNERS ' SHAWNEE KENNEL V CLUBYKNOrPOMERANIANS La Plata, MDWWW.YKNOTPOMS.COMSOMD.POM.MOMGMAIL.COMBeverly Allen Kam GuerraS3f tGreat Rivers Meg Rules Malashel, CD, RE, CGC, TDI6Enew TITLE,RALLYOBEDIENCESUttOlKCOUHTfWHHELCU1BIW. 0l M,AMEl CANKENNE.O.UB'E I IOI Kl OJI "NT VC RE. CGCI SlT-F r wfriDThese two girls make me very proud. They are incredibly smart and absolutely irresistible. They make the people who watch them happy and that makes me enjoy working with them. Meg does therapy work at a nursing home and I have already seen the amazing things she has done for the patients. They are both working toward their RAEs, Meg has three legs and Abigail two. Watch for them in the ring at upcoming shows.Malashel Poms aad Shellies - Elaine Wishnow718-891-3451, 2351 E. 17th St., Brooklyn, NY 11229 m al ash el t j ep ora m sn. com20 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAdvertisers Index..................................................102AKC Code of Sportsmanship..............................88APC Board Summary Janice Russell..........................31APC National Specialty Info..................32,33,34,35APC Officers...........................................................27APC Statement......................................................27APC Stats Joan Behrend...................................55-59APC Summer Specialty Information......................28Archives.........................................................48,49Arkansas Pom Club............................................50,51Ask Us Anything Annette Davis.................................29Back Issue Information..........................................102Behind New Titlists...............................................24Canadian Pom Club.............................................68,69Canine Health Conference Kathy Norem.............70-72Coming Events....................................................94Corrections...............................................24Cover Story ..............................................20Dallas Fort Worth Pom Club Christmas.............110,111Developing High Achievers Dr. Carmen Battaglia...61-65Emergency Form Barbara McClatchey.......................60EukAKC Invitational......................................78-83Hawaiian Pom Club Ellen Takayama.................106,107Health and Genetics Geneva Coats..................61-65Judges Education Fred Bassett........................66, 67Junior Showmanship Hope Gould..................103, 104Kennel Visit Margaret McKee....................................39Kennel Visit Jerrie Freia........................................43Kennel Visits, Future Features...........................23,52Letter to the Editor.........................................24Membership Report Annette Davis...........................26New Champions Joan Behrend.............................58,59Performance News Barbara McClatchey.............73-77Pom Charitable Trust..................................................21Pom Club of Greater Baltimore.................................22Pom Talk Roxanne Collins...................................84,85Presidents Report Jane Lehtinen............................28Purina Program.............................................52,53Registrars Corner Carol Leemhuis...........................26Reproduction Danielle Sartain....................................89Rescue Joanne Norris..............................................25Review Advertising Rates.....................................30, 94Size Katie Gammill............................................86,87Subscription Card.....................................................98SubscriptionReview Information........................30,98Sunshine and Roses...........................................92Sweden Judge Sally Baugniet............................90-92Ways and Means Donna Riehm................................54Website Address.......................................................27Cheerio is our exciting boy out of our first groupplacing homebred girl, Ch Lil Behrs Honey NutCluster. We bred Honey to Ch ChriscendoCommunicado, Chad, and brought 30 years ofbeautiful Chriscendo breeding into our home.Our thanks to Jenn and Junior Munn and ElizabethHeckert, Chads owners, and to Chris and JohnHeartz, Chriscendo Pomeranians, Chads breeder,for giving us this opportunity to own such adelightful little boy.Also, thanks to Claudia Jones, Titania Cavaliers,for finishing Cheerios litter sister, Ch Lil Behrs HoneyCrisp you made it look easyCheerios front cover portrait by Jill Anne Blumat www.jills-unique-pet-art.comJoan BehrendLil Behrs - www.LilBehrsPoms.netOn the coverCh Lil Behrs Honey Nut Cheerio2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12162007, 1150 AM20The Pomeranian Review4ContentsJANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 21POMERANIAN CHARITABLE TRUST AND EDUCATIONAL SEMINARHopefully the New Year finds you making plans to attend the National in March and that you have noticed a schedulechange from previous years. The educational seminar kicks off the start of activities on Sunday afternoon on March 9 at 1 PM. Werealize this might necessitate moving up your travel plans. Here is an explanation of why this needed to occur.APC has the same problems scheduling its National that other clubs experience. It comes down to having so many goodactivities that we desire to do in so little time. Formulating a National schedule is like working with a jigsaw puzzle. Each activityrequires matching the block of time needed with the availability of proper-sized room. Some of those blocks which are the actualcompetitive blocks are also dictated by AKC rules. These keep in mind the number allowances of judging per day and even whenthere may be judging breaks.It becomes easily apparent that the APC three-day schedule cannot accommodate a 3-hour or longer seminar. Until thisyear we have had presenters that could oblige our 2-hour request. However, most of the nationally recognized speakers have setformats that they will not adjust to less time. The speakers have experience knowing that their subject matter just cannot beadequately presented in less time.It becomes further apparent that there is no perfect solution to this scheduling dilemma. One of the positives about theSunday time slot is that attendees will not be sandwiched hurriedly in between other main events and can then look forward tocontinuing their discussions while socializing at the very popular hospitality evening.Taking under consideration that this schedule is different from what we have done in the past, we announced it early forpeople to plan accordingly. Seminars of this caliber are not inexpensive to host. It has been years in the planning to be able to do sofinancially. Education is one of the PCTs goals. But it is ultimately the support of the Pom fancy that makes this possible. Sohopefully, this sheds some light onto what went into making this decision and that you are able to attend this renowned presentationPat Hastings Puppy Puzzle. For more information on the presenter, the subject matter, or how to attend, please check the informationregarding the 2008 National.The Pomeranian Charitable Trust wishes to gratefully acknowledge the very generous contributions of the La CajunPomeranian Club of Louisiana, Jerrie Freia and Barbara Messmer totaling approximately 4,500.00. This donation will bedesignated toward the Alopecia X research fund.2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12162007, 1151 AM21I II II m. MPM17 'sCl'IOi urjf I 5fiiiake'3 Center or Attentic Si-Ms - rAmanda 7ftmarl u j jaiarPomeranians422 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWCongratulations to you,Margaret,on your accomplishments.Best Wishes for yourfuture endeavors.Keep adding those titles.Janice RussellCin-Jan PomsCONGRATULATIONS TOMARGARET MCKEEAND THE LOVELYIDLEWYLD POMERANIANSBEAUTIFUL POMS WITHINTELLIGENCE ANDTHE TITLES TO PROVE ITTHANK YOU FOR YOURCONTINUED DEDICATION TO THEBETTERMENT OF OUR WONDERFULPOMS, AND FOR YOUR DILIGENTSUPPORT AND SERVICE TO THEAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB.RIEHM POMERANIANSDONNA RIEHM2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12162007, 1151 AM22 4 i i i in4GIANT HEARTW RNSBENEFIT PONERANIAN RESCUEA BAD RELATIONffllP WITH HIARTWORM CAN BREAK A DOC HEART BUT THEY Will EAU IN 10VE WITH TUI ONEThe Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore, Inc. Rescuecommissioned a limited number of these plush and embroidered Giant Heartworm squeaky toys with 100 of the profit going to the rescueHOW DO YOU GET ONEA LIMITED NUMBER OF GIANT HEARTWORM ARE AVAILBLE WHEN YOU MAKE A MINIMUM 10 DONATION PLUt .50 9HIPPINGHANDLING.Save shippinghandling by contacting us for our upcoming show schedule, e. ShippingHandling will be discounted for multiple donations.Online Go to www.pcgbinc.comheartworm and fill out the order form and process your donation right onlineBy Phone Call to reserve and your Giant Heartworm will be mailed once payment is received. 301-942-4222By Mail Mail your check or money order to PCGB, Inc. co Lorelei Sibet PCGB Rescue 4415 Garrett Park Road, Silver Spring, MD 20906Questions Call the number above or email us at rescuepcgbinc.comGiant Heartworms will be sent by USPS.The Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore, Inc. is an AKC APC Recognized Breed Club-www.pcgbinc.orgInchesTallThis is the only place you can get this toy with a squeaker insideOriginal Size4JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 23Congratulations MargaretMargaretMargaretMargaretMargaretOn your well-deserved Kennel Visit.We thank you for sharing your experienceand wisdom in the show ringWe wish you all the best in the titles youpursue with your lovelyIdlewyld Pomeranians.Kay TravisKay TravisKay TravisKay TravisKay TravisTramark PomeraniansKENNELVisitsDan and Tammee FelixSunGlo PomsPlease contact the Editor to nominatecandidates for upcoming APC Kennel Visits.Send information to The Pomeranian Review,Brenda Segelken, Editor, 11139 E. CamelotAve., Effingham, IL 62401 or phone 217-3475731. Email fame62401yahoo.comAdvertising DeadlineFebruary 1, 20082008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12162007, 1151 AM23New PREVIEW VIDEO CLIPS BEFORE YOU BUYFREE LEAFLETS INCLUDED WITH EACH VIDEO GROOMING TIPS, EQUIPMENT NEEDED AND WHERE TO BUY IT, AND HOW TO TRIM EARS.Have you ever wondered how the Poms in the showring and pictures are trimmed so nicely and how it is done We are pleased to present this Pom grooming video, "Pomeranian Grooming with Karen Crawford," by Karen Crawford of Xitable Pomeranians. This tape is not just for Pom show people, it is for all of you who have Poms and want to learn the professional but easy way to properly trim your Poms - from head to toe. For more information about Karen, the video, preview video clips, satisfied customer reviews and ordering, please visit our web site at httpwww.foxxlanepoms.comVideo, e-mail Pauline McFarlane at, or call Pauline at 304-813-1541.We would like to thank Mike Cande Gordon of Pominique Pomeranians for allowing us to useAMInt CH Pominique Chasing Tatonka aka Tony as our demonstration model.Congratulations to Margaret McKee of Idlewyld Poms on your feature and to Hope Gould on your Junior feature. Looking forward to the "Mystery" Kennel Visit and congratulations to whomever that might bePoiith mmgKaren Crawford, Xitable PomeraniansandJohn and Pauline McFarlane, FoxxLane Pomeranians24 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWORANGE FEMALE DOB 112206BREEDERJOAN C. BEHRENDOWNERS JOAN C. BEHREND, BRUCEBEHREND, CLAUDIA JONES AMCAN CH CHRISCENDO CLASSICOAMCAN CH PEPPIPOMS CLASSICALLY YOURS WINDMIST WHATYAGONNADOAMCAN CH CHRISCENDO COMMUNICADO MILLAMORS MIGHTEE OF EMCEECHRISCENDO CAMEO ROSE CH EMCEES JACKIES ESTHER BEE CH GREAT RIVERS LIL LOVER BOYCH GREAT RIVERS CUPIDS ARROW CH STARFIRES SARINACH LIL BEHRS HONEY NUT CLUSTER CH GREAT RIVERS LIL LOVER BOYLIL BEHRS EVER READY REPRISED AMCAN CH CORLEAHS EVER READY AT WEITOILetters to the EditorBehind the TitlistsWanted to let you know the magazine looksFABULOUS.. it gets better every issue.. seriouslyWhoever fixed the champion page THANK YOU. Itwas so hard to read before and now its beautiful. Keepup the GREAT work.Julie ClemenI loved reading the article, results, JudgesCommentary, and pictures in the Pomeranian Review aboutour Houston shows. They look great You managed tofind room for a long article, over two dozen photographs,the results from both shows, and the commentary fromthree judges. I do not know how you do itJohn David and I are very appreciative of yourhard work and so is the Houston Pom Club. The wholemagazine looks great and I enjoyed reading through itcover-to-cover. I am especially taken with the back coverthis month.I will be ordering several back issues and I amsure many others will as well...Best of everything to you, your family, and thePomeranian Review,Connie ZiebaOPPSOh my gosh Big mistakes My sincerest apologiesWahyuni Lan Wibowos name was mispelledin the NovDec Pom Review. Sorry.In the NovDec Pom Review Yvette OganekusScreamers West Oahu KCs win wasin August, not January. Sorry for the typo.CORRECTIONSCH LIL BEHRS HONEY NUT CHEERIOCH LIL BEHRS HONEY CRISPORANGE MALE DOB 112206BREEDERJOAN C. BEHRENDOWNERJOAN C. BEHREND AMCAN CH CHRISCENDO CLASSICOAMCAN CH PEPPIPOMS CLASSICALLY YOURS WINDMIST WHATYAGONNADOAMCAN CH CHRISCENDO COMMUNICADO MILLAMORS MIGHTEE OF EMCEECHRISCENDO CAMEO ROSE CH EMCEES JACKIES ESTHER BEE CH GREAT RIVERS LIL LOVER BOYCH GREAT RIVERS CUPIDS ARROW CH STARFIRES SARINACH LIL BEHRS HONEY NUT CLUSTER CH GREAT RIVERS LIL LOVER BOYLIL BEHRS EVER READY REPRISED AMCAN CH CORLEAHS EVER READY AT WEITOIHope this fines everyone well and in good spirit.The holidays are here.I hope that you pass this onto allyour Pom friends, breeders, exhibitors and handlers.My mom, friend and I went to the Miami dogshow.I must tell you, Pom People were the most polite, friendly,pleasant, and informative people weve ever encountered,from Eukanuba to local home town shows.Thank you for giving us your time. Thank youfor explaining to us about your favorite breed. Thank youfor sharing your experiences. Thank you for being so kindand so friendly. Thank you for putting up with those of uswho are a pain. Thank you for not being snippy, snobish,rude and short. Please remember we love your breed asmuch as you. And wish that we too could be in your shoes.My friends and I go to the dogshow, because welove dogs and we want to learn more, so we depend on allof you for your knowledge and experience. Sorry if we area pain, we dont mean to be.I know not to bug handlersowners while they arepreparing to go in the ring and while they are showing inthe ring. Am I missing something elseI love you Pom people So nice and great to talk toKim Frederick2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12162007, 1151 AM24 INI 4 n i i i i4 44JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 25RESCUERESCUERIPPLE AN AROUND-THE-TOWN KIND OF GUYSubmitted by Joanne NorrisRipple had been abandoned at a shelter in Barnstown, Kentucky by his ownerswho decided it was too cold for him to survive all winter outside.A young kid, just 2 years old, his coat was burned by the harsh summer sun, andlack of good nutrition and proper care was evident.It was not long after he arrived at the shelter that the staff realized his only hopeof finding a home was to go to a rescue organization where he could be fostered andtrained then it was hoped a family could be located that would love him forever.Smaller Paws and Pom Rescue was contacted and we accepted him into ourprogram.All the initial vetting was ordered and we hit yet another, snafu. Riffle in onlytwo short years had become heart worm positive and would need costly treatment beforebeing eligible for adoption. Fortunately the vet who was treating him, offered to reducethe customary fees and help little Ripple along his journey. After his treatments he wasthen transported from Barnstown, Kentucky, to North Manchester, Indiana.He was a smart dog and quickly learned all the correct puppy behaviors to win everyone over so much so, he wasselected to go to a foster home in the city of ChicagoShortly after an application came in on Ripple. The couple had put in a search for a smaller dog about five monthsearlier, but was unable to find the perfect match. Brad, the husband, had recently taken a new job offer in Alabama. Theycurrently lived in Wisconsin, and were concerned a rescue would not allow them to adopt then move so soon after adoption.Suzanne the wife was excited to be moving where there is no snow but was hoping Santa would bring her a pet forChristmas. Suzanne then received an email and read it to Brad shortly before Thanksgiving. Jumping with joy she ran toBrad and said, This is it It is him I just know it Ripple is the perfect dog for usBrad said he was going to get her a Pom for Christmas, so she should apply for Ripple and if it was meant to be itwould be. Suzanne didnt want to get her hopes up since they were moving, but within days she received their approvalBrad works second shift and she worked first, so picking him up in Indiana was difficult. Suzanne asked if theycould come down on Thanksgiving Day since they were both off work. They were thrilled to be told, Ripple was with fosterparents in Chicago Then even better, the foster parents were traveling to Wisconsin for Thanksgiving.It was oh so perfect Everything fell into place. Ripple was meant to be their FUR EVER baby The foster parentsdelivered him right to their door Ripple traveled from Kentucky, to Indiana then on to Illinois, and now lives in Wisconsinbut soon to move to Alabama Talk about a world travelerNow Brad and Suzanne love him very much and cannot imagine life without him. After his heartworm treatmentsand a good spa day, his coat is beginning to shine with all the love and devotion his new family has blessed him with.L-R Ripples before Ripples after.Editors note Ripples before photo does not reflect the extent of the sun damaged hair or the healthy shiny coat in the after photo in black and white.Joanne Norris2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12162007, 1151 AM254 i i i inD VIa oe' 4 4b. i426 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW REGISTER OF MERITTim Sues Traces Trinket BOwner Tim Sue Goddard HALL OF FAMEPom Acres Atomic Dragonfly CD RAE NAAXP AJPOwner Lois MorkasselMystic Mtn Moonlight Jasmine UD RAEOwner Paul H Cantwell GOLD CLUBCH Patricias Smokin Mystic Bee BOwner Greg Golfomitsos2318 Rose Garden RoadPittsburgh, PA 15220412 344-8257 391 N. Mink Creek Rd. Pocatello, ID 83204 208 234-0932 infoavalonpom.comLetters other than those from sponsorscommenting on the applicants whose names arepublished in the Review are to go to JaniceRussell, 3540 Kessler Blvd. N. Dr., Indianapolis, IN,46222. Comments must be received within 30 daysof publication Standing Rule II 3. See the APCWebsite httpwww.AmericanPomeranianClub.orgor contact Annette Davis for membershipapplications.Visit the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website athttpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgNEW MEMBERSDarlyene Delbert Spann TXSponsors Kevin Orr, Linda PelzColleen Kelly Scott INSponsors Brenda Segelken, Doris M. WheelerJennifer L. Murcks ALSponsors Geno Sisneros, Mary AllanJean Marty Kroll PASponsors Nina Fetter, Jerrie FreiaDeborah B. Procaccini CTSponsors Terry J. Rothell, Alane LevinsohnSherry Letson AZSponsors Marjorie Conway, Alfredo LapuzKathlene McClain MISponsors Nancy Coddington, Becky SabourinChar Atnip TXSponsors Charlotte Creed, Annette RisterAPPLICATIONSJessica Nicole Goodrich MNPATRONLinda Haggstrom IASponsors Angela Blocker, Karen ChisamAmy Matsuoka HISponsors Hazel Miller, Clarice OganekuByron Christie Lisenbee OKSponsors K.G. Griffith, Jessie KleinVikki H. Highfield ALSponsors K.G. Griffith, David GilstrapDon and Kelly Woods KYSponsors Judy Stone, Geneva R. CoatsMembership Report Continued2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12162007, 1152 AM26 INI n i i i i Hembeiship CencrtAnnette DavisRegistrar Rem it Carel LeemliuisJANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 27AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. OFFICERSPRESIDENT...................................................................................CYNTHIA G. BOULWARE6450 Rolling Heights Circle, Kaufman, TX 75142 PH 972-962-3872 Fax 972-962-3872 e-mail lovencountryearthlink.netFIRST VICE PRESIDENT.........................................................................JANE LEHTINEN1517 8th Street S, Virginia, MN 55792 PH 218 749-1154 Fax 218 741-9435 e-mail janlepomsnetscape.net2ND VICE PRESIDENT.....................................................................FRANCES J. STOLL2488 E Hwy 50, Washington, IN 47501 PH 812-254-3857 Fax 812-254-3254 e-mail stolanne650dialup.comRECORDING SECRETARY...........................................................JANICE C. RUSSELL3540 Kessler Blvd. N. Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46222 PH 317 924-9093 e-mail indypomsbcglobal.netCORRESPONDING SECRETARY.................................................DANA COVENTRY1185 Banbury Court, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 PH 248-540-4888 e-mail caninelegalaol.comTREASURER....................................................................................ERIKA MOUREAU21522 Rosehill Church Rd., Tomball, TX 77375 PH 281351-9516 Fax 281 351-6620 e-mail ........................BOARD OF DIRECTORS............................Sally Baugniet David Gilstrap Judith B. GreenJackie Rayner Donna S. Riehm Greggory WatersThe American Pomeranian Club, Inc. is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting the Pomeranian dog and the protection and advancementof the breed. We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims. If you are interested in joining the APC,please contact APC Membership Chairperson, Annette Davis, 391 N. Mink Creek Road, Pocatello, ID 83204. Phone 208 234-0932 or Membership applications also may be downloaded from the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website If you only wish to subscribe to the Pomeranian Review, please contact the Pomeranian Review Circulation Manager,Cheri McDonald, PO Box 3402, San Dimas, CA 91773. Phone 909 394-7923, Email or Fax 909 599-4692. You need not bean APC Member to subscribe to or advertise in the Pomeranian Review.JACKIE RAYNER, DONNA RIEHM, DAVID GILSTRAP, GREGG WATERS, FRANCES STOLL, JANICE RUSSELLERIKA MOUREAU, DANA COVENTRY, CYNTHIA BOULWARE, JANE LEHTINEN, SALLY BAUGNIET. JUDY GREEN ABSENT.Website httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.org2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12162007, 1152 AM2744 4p ff , Mm,-Pt i 4trV"4 in.' WSJ S'MV. V, v , V1 1 1 4 ILLLL^^H28 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWThis is our countdown to the nationals. We hope gas prices are not so outrageous that it keeps us from ourannual trek to Louisville. We have a lot of wonderful things planned this year for each and everyone who comesto the nationals. Please make your hotel reservations early, as rooms will be in short supply. And sign up for ourseminars that we are having.We will be looking, while we are there this year, at alternative hotels and have a few in mind. We hope to haveone in place by the time we leave town, so keep your fingers crossed.We say farewell to Dot Martin as she is off applying for more breeds to her judging license. We wish her luck.Keep adding more breeds, Dot. We welcome Fred Basset as our new Judges Education Chairman. Fred will bein Louisville putting on our judges seminar, mentor seminar and breeder seminar. Please say hello to him andwelcome him.The board is in the process of creating a Standard Committee to rewrite certain issues in our standard. We hopeto have that committee in place before Louisville. They will be there to talk to and discuss the standard withmembers and get ideas from members as to what the membership would like to see changed. Contrary to belief,we are only trying to improve our standard. This committee will work to improve the standard so we dont havethe confusion that we seem to have now.There is still time also to donate for the trophies if you havent yet. We also need donations for the welcomebags. Anything dog-related is welcome.Acting PresidentJane Lehtinen2008 APC National SpecialtyDATES TO REMEMBERDeadline to be listed in the CatalogJanuary 23, 2008Catalog Advertising CloseJanuary 28, 2008Show Close DateFriday February 15, 2008ATTENTION - ATTENTIONRegional Pom Clubs are needed to host futureAPC Summer Nationals.Request letters must be sent to theCorresponding Secretary,with a carbon copy to the Acting President.Dont hesitate. Send your request today.Your clubs support is needed to continue ourNational Summer Specialty tradition.2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12162007, 1152 AM28rn 111 the PresidentCynthia C. 11 uhtiiire2SLJn -e,5imfRAWNAI^L.JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 29A sk Us Anything Annette Davis, CNOur question for this issue is My Pom puppy keeps eating her stools. How can I get her tostopCoprophagia or stool eating can be an unhealthy and extremely annoying problem for dog owners. The followingsuggestions may helpCertain parasites, infections, or digestive enzyme deficiencies can increase stool-eating behavior. Take a stoolsample to your veterinarian for testing. If parasites are a problem, your veterinarian can prescribe appropriatetreatment. If digestive enzyme deficiencies are the problem, pet supplements that contain digestive enzymes canbe used.Probiotic supplements beneficial bacteria and canine multi vitaminmineral supplements are also helpful in manycases. A good source for pet supplements is only premium food. Low-quality foods contain ingredients that are difficult to digest, which may contributeto stool eating.Try pouring a little V8 or tomato juice over food daily. As long as your dog is not allergic to tomatoes, this canwork very well. Adding canned pumpkin to food and sprinkling a little garlic powder over food can also help.Clean fecal matter promptly so there is less chance of your dog ingesting his stools.Provide toys and other diversions so that your dog doesnt play with or eat stools out of boredom.If none of these suggestions work, a pet product called For-Bid or Monosodium Glutamate can be used toimpart a foul taste to the stools. I prefer to try the healthier suggestions above first and would only try MSG if allelse fails.Our next question is How can I safely eliminate doggie odors in my homeYou may direct new questions or answers to these questions toAnnette Davis, 391 N Mink Creek Rd., Pocatello, ID 83204208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792, e-mail infoavalonpom.comPrevious Ask Us Anything Columns may be viewed on line www.avalonpom.comPomCare.htm2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12162007, 1152 AM29 INI 4 n i i i i-rIf4 4430 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWEditor...........................................................................................................Brenda Segelken11139 E. Camelot Ave., Effingham, IL 62401 PH 217 347-5731 fame62401yahoo.comSubscription Manager.......................................................................Cheri McDonaldPO Box 3402, San Dimas, CA 91773 PH 909 394-7923Fax 909 599-4692 cheribachmanpoms.comProofreader...........................................................................................Cynthia LankfordAdvertisement Manager...................................................................................Joan Behrend6 Richmond Blvd., Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 PH 631 366-2330 mzjoanoptonline.netBusiness Card Manager.................................................................................Kathyrn Norem0599N 650E, Knox, IN 46534 PH 574 772-3910 ecpomsearthlink.netBrenda Segelken Cheri McDonaldJoan Behrend Kathy NoremSubscriptions6 issues per yearUSPS First Class...............................45.00USPS Bulk.........................................37.00CanadaMexicoPuerto Rico.............55.00Foreign.....................................100.00Single Issue.....................................10.00Back Issues....................................10.00 Advertising RatesFront Cover Color.......................600.00Back Cover Color.............................450.00Inside Front Cover Color................300.00Inside Front Cover BW..................125.00Inside Back Cover Color.................300.00Inside Back Cover BW.....................125.00Page 3, 4, 5, 6 Color........................300.00Page 3, 4, 5, 6 BW...........................125.00Center Spread BW........................250.00Full Page Deluxe Color.....................275.00Full Page BW...................................100.00Half Page Color................................150.00Half Page BW.................................60.00One Quarter Page Color..................75.00One Quarter Page BW....................40.00Business Card 6 ......Small 70, Large 100All ads include one photo. Additional color photos are 25each additional black and white photos are 10 each.SUPPORT THE APCSUPPORT THE REVIEWMail ad text, photos and payment toThe APC Pomeranian ReviewBrenda Segelken, Editor11139 E. Camelot Ave.Effingham, IL 62401-7460Or Email fame62401yahoo.comMake all checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club.DeadlinesAd Deadline IssueDec 1...............OBEDIENCE... JanFebFeb 1........................................MarAprilApril 1..................National Report...MayJuneJune 1.............COLOR FEATURE...JulyAugAug 1......ANNUAL STUD ISSUE...SeptOctOct 1..............MEMORIAL ISSUE..NovDec.........official A. P. C. publication.........sent to Breed Group Judges.........reasonable rates.........quality reproductions.........only source of APC Archives.........provides APC news and reports.........APC Specialty coverage.........Regional Pom Club coverage.........obedience training information.........interesting, informativeThe Pomeranian Review2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12162007, 1152 AM30i i i inThe Pcmeranian ReviewThe Official Publication of The American Pomeranian Club, Inc.7 ^T yA fVAj\ipIs'4vK44JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 31October Board SummaryFred C. Bassett has been appointed the Judges Education Coordinator who will enhance and continue the workof Dot Martin. The APC Board greatly appreciates her contributions of time and efforts to the club and ourPomeranian breed.3540 Kessler Blvd N. Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46222 Email indypomsbcglobal.netAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc. Board SummaryJANICE RUSSELLNovember Board SummaryMotion was passed to increase all 15.00 classes to 20.00 for the 2008 Nationals. This is due to the increasesin AKC fees.The motion carried for the Standard Committee to consist of five members.A sum of up to 800.00 will be set aside to be used for reimbursement, with proper receipts, for the purpose ofresearching, copying and securing information from the AKC library files for the Pomeranian historical recordsestablished between 1900 and 1980.Motion carried that, since we must amend our application to include the information that new applicants mustsubscribe to the Pomeranian Review, the APC Membership Application will be reviewed to see if any otherchanges should be made.Attention All Committee ChairsPlease compile a one page or less report reviewing your committees work for the year through December 31st.Submit to the Corresponding Secretary, Dana Coventry at with a copy to the RecordingSecretary, Janice Russell, at The Corresponding Secretary will compile in a packet fordistribution at the annual meeting.If an APC member has concerns regarding the aspects of an APC Committee, the member is to contactthe Committee Chair with those concerns. Those concerns will be communicated by the Committee Chairwithin two weeks after receipt, if possible, to the Boards APC Corresponding Secretary so that the Boardis aware of those concerns.2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 948 PM31 i i w i n4432 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWMARK YOUR CALENDARMarch 10 - 12, 2008The American Pomeranian Club Cordially Invites you toAttend our National Specialty in Louisville, Kentucky.MondayTuesdayWednesday, March 10-12 APC NationalSpecialtyJim Rau Dog Show - Superintendent for APC - PH 610376-1880 Close date February 15,2008Thursday, March 13- Dog Show Obedience Trial MidKentuckyKCFriday, March 14 - All Breed Show, Obedience Rally.Louisville KCSaturday, March 15 - Dog Show Evansville KCSaturday, March 15 - All Breed Show, Obedience RallyGreater Louisville Training ClubSunday, March 16 - All Breed Show, Obedience RallyLouisville KCRV PARKINGRV Parking will be located at the fairgrounds acrossthe street from the Hotel. Hookups are available at a rate of45.00 per night, dry dock rate is 25.00 per night. Space islimited. Be sure to make reservations early, reservationnumber is 502 367-5384.JUDGESREGULAR CLASSES JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIPMrs. Michele Billings 917 NE 16th Avenue Apt 2 Ft.Lauderdale, FL 33304PUPPY VETERAN SWEEPSTAKESMrs. Audrey Roberts, 1613 S. Hood St. Alvin, TX 77511OBEDIENCEMrs. Nancy K. Withers, 15 Hain Ave., Wernersville, PA19565RALLYMrs. Barbara McClatchey, 57 Poplar Ct. Lake Jackson, TX77566SPECIAL EVENTSPRE-ORDER YOUR SHOW CATALOGTo ensure no one goes home disappointed, we areoffering pre-ordered show catalogs. The price will be 10.00per catalog, and you may order as many as you like. Thepre-order form can be found on enclosed pages. There willbe a limited number of catalogs available at the show for12.00 each. The Show Catalogs will also be available forpurchase on the APC website www.americanpomeranianclub.orgSPONSORS NEEDEDThe APC Show Committee is looking for sponsorsto help with a number of events such as Morning Jack Onofrio - Superintendent for all the KentuckianaCluster Shows P.O. Box 25764, Oklahoma City, OK. 73125-0764 - PH 405 427-8181 - or - P.O. Box 4660,Portland, OR. 97208-4660 - PH 503 239-1080 - KYPremium List available for download at www.onofrio.comFOR FURTHER SHOW UPDATES CHECK OUT OURWEBSITE www.AmericanPomeranianClub.orgSPECIALTY ROOM AND TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTSThe American Pomeranian Club will hold its Specialty atthe EXECUTIVE INN, 978 Phillips Ln, Louisville,Kentucky, 40209 - Telephone 1-800-626-2706. We have ablock of rooms for a special rate of 91.00 per night plusapplicable taxes reserve a double or king room for this rate,1-4 guests per room. The 91.00 rate will be good fromMarch 8 to 16, 2008. Reservation deadline is February 7,2008. When making your reservation be sure to state thatyou are with the APC dog show for the group rate. TheExecutive Inn will serve as our headquarters and will allowus to enjoy all the shows because of its close proximity tothem. There are many amenities at the Executive Inn such asroom service, a full service restaurant, lounge, pool, fitnesscenter, beautybarber shop. Most rooms are equippedwith coffee maker, modem lines, wireless capabilities, iron,ironing board, hair dryer.The Airport is located across the street from thehotel, Executive Inn will send a van to pick you up. Youmay call them from a courtesy phone located in the airport,Executive Inn asks that you pick up your luggage beforecalling.2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 948 PM324 i i i in1st2008American Pomeranian ClubNational Specialty5K4tuclc^ Som eXj o 9loe4 4JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 33Evening Hospitality, Judge Baskets, Exhibitor Bags,Banquet Gifts, more.The following Sponsorship Levels and Donation Benefitsare being offered to all individuals and Regional PomeranianClubs1. Rosebud level, amount of donation 25.00, benefits areListing in the premium and catalog on signage at sponsoredevent.2. Miniature Rose level, amount of donation 50.00,benefits are same as level 1 plus a free Business card ad inthe Show Catalog.3. Tea Rose level, amount of donation 75.00, benefits aresame as level 1 plus a page ad in the Show Catalog.4. Dozen Roses level, amount of donation 100.00, benefitsare same as 1 plus a page ad in the Show Catalog.5. Roses Derby Hat level, amount of donation 200.00,benefits are same as 1 plus a full page ad in ShowCatalog.Please email us at hospitaltyamericanpomeranianclub.organd let us know the level and event you wish to sponsor, or,if you prefer, your donation can be placed in the generalshow fund.SUNDAY, MARCH 9100 PM - 400 PMPCT SEMINAR The presentation of Puppy Puzzle by PatHastings. Your invitation will be assured for a 30.00donation to the Pomeranian Charitable Trust. Held in theBallroom. Please complete mail the reservation formenclosed.500 PM- 630 PMGROUNDS SET UP Would you like to be first to set upyour equipment in the APC grooming room Then meetGregg Waters in the Ballroom, help him lay plastic, erectring gates, place chairs, etc. in the ShowGrooming Roomsand you will be allowed to set up your grooming equipmentahead of everyone else. See you there630 PMVENDOR EXHIBITOR SET UP All vendors andexhibitors will be allowed to set up their booths andgrooming equipment.700 PMHOSPITALITY Everyone is invited to help us kick off theSpecialty with good food and fun conversation. Please shareyour favorite dish with us send us an email to let us knowwhat you are bringing, Hospitality will beheld in the Pub Room. Hope to see you thereHOSPITALITY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Volunteers areneeded to help during our Meet Greet for 15 minutes eachshift, hour prior to the Meet Greet and Awards Banquet.MONDAY, MARCH 10800 AM starting time may change depending on totalentriesOBEDIENCE TRIAL1030 AM starting time may change depending on totalentriesPUPPY VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES400 PM 600 PM - Dolphin Room at the Executive InnMENTOR SEMINAR The Pomeranian Seminar presentedto Judges will be offered to anyone interested in attending.This is being offered for General Education purposes. Thesecond hour will be for Mentor candidates to discuss detailsof the AKC Mentor and Ringside Observation program.Approved mentors are an essential part of APCs JudgesEducation program. APC Standing Rules require thatanyone desiring to become an Approved Mentor must be anactive Pomeranian BreederExhibitor for 12 years with 5Pomeranian Champions and have attended the APCSanctioned Seminar. There is no charge for this seminar. Tomake reservations for this seminar mail in the enclosed formor contact Fred Bassett, PH 918 355-1188 Emailfredcbassettcox.net700 PMTOP 20 EVENT This is a formal event showcasing the TopConformation Pomeranians of 2007. Everyone, includingthe audience will participate. Dress will be cocktail, semiformalattire. The judging panel will consist of one AKClicensed judge, one Pomeranian breeder, and onePomeranian handler. Each judge will score the individualdogs using a Scale of Points. The Top Twenty winner willbe announced at the Annual Awards Banquet. Eachspectator purchasing a catalog will have the opportunity tovote for the Peoples Choice Award. The winner of thisaward will be announced by the Top Twenty Committee atthe end of the event. Cash bar and a light hors doeuvre willbe provided for your enjoyment. You may pre-order yourTop 20 Tickets andor Catalogs using the enclosed form oron the website. Ticket and catalog price will be 10.00 each.Pre Order deadline March 1.TUESDAY, MARCH 11730 AM starting time may change depending on entriesRALLY TRIAL900 AM 1100 AM - Dolphin Room at the Executive InnPOMERANIAN JUDGES EDUCATION SEMINAR TheAmerican Pomeranian Club will hold a Sanctioned JudgesEducation Seminar in conjunction with the NationalSpecialty. Ringside tutoring will also be available Tuesdayand Wednesday, March 11 and 12. There is no charge. ToNational Schedule Continued2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 948 PM334 i i i i n4 4434 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWmake your reservations contact Judges EducationCoordinator Fred Bassett by March 1. Phone 918 3551188,e-mail fredcbassettcox.net1015 AM starting time may change depending on entriesPARADE OF TITLEHOLDERS, JR. SHOWMANSHIP,ALL NON-REGULAR CONFORMATION, ALLREGULAR DOG CONFORMATION CLASSES.730 PMANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING.KAROKE NIGHTWant to have fun and clown around Join Bob Kennedy andAudrey Roberts following the Annual Meeting for aKaraoke night. Cash Bar available. Let your hair down, andjoin in. Plan now to attend.RESERVED SEATING AVAILABLE For the first timeAPC is offering 50 ringside front row seats for 50 perseat for the three days of the National. Seats are availableon a first-come, first-served basis. A show catalog isincluded with your seat reservation. Make checks payable tothe American Pomeranian Club, Inc. and mail to ErikaMoureau, APC Treasurer, 32110 Pattys Landing,Magnolia, TX 77354 or make a reservation on the APCwebsite www.americanpomeranianclub.orgWEDNESDAY, MARCH 12800 AM starting time may change depending on entriesREGULAR BITCH CONFORMATION BEST OFBREED COMPETITION.700 PM Cash Bar Opens - 730 PM Dinner is servedAPC AWARDS BANQUET AUCTION Reservations forthe banquet must be made no later than March 1, 2008.Banquet will include meal, beverage and dessert ticket pricewill be 35.00 per person advance sale. If purchased atshow, price will be 40.00. You can make your reservationsonline at or mail inenclosed form.AUCTION APC needs your auction items this event helpsto defray some of the large expenses incurred to host theNational. Please bring to Ways Means tables in ballroom.TROPHIESThe 2008 National Specialty Trophies will be a collection ofetched crystal and Pomeranian specific items. A few itemsbeing offered are etched crystal bowls, biscuit barrels,picture frames and grooming brushes. To make a donationgo to the website at Ifyou prefer to mail your donation please use the enclosedform. Donations received by January 25 will have thedonors name printed in the Show Catalog.APC NATIONAL SPECIALTY DVDBE ONE OF THE FIRST to receive the 2008 NationalSpecialty DVDs. They are a wonderful way to savetreasured memories of this once-a-year event. Check out ourwebsite for the pre sale offer and take advantage of the costsavings.CATALOG ADVERTISINGPlacing an ad in the American Pomeranian Club NationalShow Catalog insures your special Pomeranian, kennel ordog service will be seen. The National Catalog is purchasedand kept for reference by the majority of exhibitors,breeders and spectators attending. Dont miss thisopportunity to Be Seen place an ad. Send your photosand ad copy with check or money order made payable toAmerican Pomeranian Club to Carlene Gilstrap, PO Box22442, Chattanooga, TN 37422. If you need help with yourad Carlene can be reached at Phone 706 539-2355, or423 987-0266. e-mail . If you preferyou may e-mail your photos and ad copy please make surephotos are clear to . Visa,MasterCard, and American Express are accepted.Covers Front 250.00 Inside front 200.00Back Outside 225.00 Inside 175.00Full Page blackwhite ad 40.00Full Page Color 65.00Half Page blackwhite ad 20.00Quarter Page blackwhite ad 15.00Add 10.00 to above price for each photo used in ad.Mailed photos will be returned. No ads accepted afterJanuary 25, 2008.National Schedule Continued2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 948 PM344 i i i in4 4- rvY' 2008American Pomeranian ClubNational SpecialtyPom c 9loAAJANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 35APC AWARDS BANQUETNumber of Tickets ___________ Name______________________________________________Address____________________________________________________________ City ________________________ State ___________________ Zip______________Phone ____________________________ Email _________________________________ Sendyour check no later than March 1, 2008, made payable to the American PomeranianClub in the amount of 35.00 per person toKelly D. Reimschiissel, 6214 West 10150 North, Highland, UT 84003POMERANIAN CHARITABLE TRUST DONATION FORMDonations of 30 or more will receive an invitation to the Pat Hastings Seminar SundayMarch 9, 1 - 4 PM I am donating __________________To the Pomeranian Charitable TrustName____________________________________________________Address ________________________________________________________________ City_______________________________ State________________ Zip___________ Phone___________________Email_________________________________Please mail your check made payable to the Pomeranian Charitable Trust to MargeKranzfelder, P. O. Box 801, San Juan Bautista, CA 95045Invitations will not be mailed, but confirmation can be emailed if you include your emailaddress. Deadline for reservations is March 1, 2008.TOP 20 EVENTNumber of tickets________________________Catalogs___________Name ___________________________________________________Address _________________________________________________City _________________________ State __________Zip _________Phone _______________________e-mail ______________________Please mail your check made payable to the APC to Erika Moureau, APC Treasurer,32110 Pattys Landing, Magnolia, TX 77354.Deadline for pre-orders March 1, 2008.APC Trophy DonationsDonor names Kennel name as you would like it to appear in the Show Catalog________________________________________________________________________ I am donating ________________________________________ to the general trophy fund.I am donating _______________________________to be used to purchase a trophy for the________________________________________________________________________Make checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club, and mail to Erika Moureau,APC Treasurer 32110 Pattys Landing, Magnolia, TX 77354Donations must be received by January 23, 2008 for printing in the Show Catalog.CATALOG PRE-ORDER FORMNumber of Catalogs_________Name___________________________________Address___________________________________________________________City__________________________________State_________Zip____________Email_____________________________________________________________Make check payable to American Pomeranian Club mail 10.00 per catalog and thisform to Erika Moureau, APC Treasurer, 32110 Pattys Landing, Magnolia, TX 77354 JEC MENTOR SEMINAR RESERVATION Name________________________________________________________________ Address________________________________________________________________City___________________________________State___________Zip_______________Phone__________________________Email __________________________________No charge for this seminar. Mail your reservation no later than March 1 to Fred Bassett, 737 W. Helena Street, Broken Arrow, OK 74012 email -fredcbassettcox.netRESERVED SEATINGName_____________________________________________ No. of seats____________ Address_______________________________________________________________City ________________________________________ State_______Zip _____________Phone _______________________________ e-mail _____________________________Send your check no later than March 1, 2008, made payable to the American Pomeranian Club in the amountof 50.00 per seat to Erika Moureau, APC Treasurer, 32110 Pattys Landing, Magnolia, TX 77354.2008 APC NATIONAL SPECIALTY FORMS2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 948 PM3536 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12162007, 1153 AM36 INI 4 n i i i iCH IDLEWYLD TREASURE CHEST41^ tWK, ,4iX- \. fl'c . .'POMIRISH SUD'S SPIT N POLISH POMIRISH SUD'S WASH N SHINECh Idlewyld Treasure Chest x Pomirish Diablo's Sable SudsWhelped 9807 Pictured at 2 mos oldWi'IIInc\Ny n 7.7 4 ill.WI C^on^Mt nations 'VKar^urd 'Vftc'fcuon your re-viU LinnitBreeder Sally Baugniet Pomirish38115 Pierre LN Nov-April Zephyrhills, FL 33542 Ph 3851 Sand Bay LN May-Oct Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235 Ph 920-743-9048TJANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 372008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12162007, 1153 AM379 CongratulationsMargaret McKeeIdlewyld Pomeranians on your well-deserved kennel visitfl 9 9n09 or t, ' V i.v ' r ^ iG r5T'Br Ka\flbV48^^ h JAift'vPN Kni mf'jUSMG ftSN SWSrl maS3m ^ ^ ^ Rt- TttMargaret, thank you for your many years of friendship, mentorship and being my Pom Mom.Thank you for always being there Whether it is to cheer each other on through up times and down times, loaning that needed something just when it is needed most, or sharing that special joy - you have really been there Thank you for your two special Jdlewyld girls who currently reside at Stealurheart, Jdlewyld U've Got A Friend Ch. Jdlewyld Treasure Trove x Jdlewyld Cameo, who has produced our Bred By Ch. Stealurheart's Call of the Heart, and now Ch. Jdlewyld Dancing Fire Ch. Jdlewyld Precious Gem x Ch. Jdlewyld Piper of Lenette who I hope willproduce some bred bys in 2008.Becky Johnson and the Stealurheart Pomshttpwww.geocities.comstealurheartpoms Hampton, Virginia38 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWI am proud to have ownedI am proud to have ownedI am proud to have ownedI am proud to have ownedI am proud to have ownedMcDougal Dambeastie CDCh. Just a Trinket DambeastieCh. Idlewyld Gemstone CDX HOFCh. Idlewyld Star Coral CDX HOFCh. Idlewyld Lavalier CDX HOF CGCCh. Idlewyld ChrysoberlCh. Daybreaks Barbara AnnU-CD Idlewyld Charm Bracelet CDX, CGCCh Idlewyld Semi-Precious GemAmCan Ch. Idlewyld Koh-I-Noor Topaz CGCCh. Idlewyld Haunting Moonstone CGCAmCan Ch. Idlewyld TourmalineCh Idlewyld ScepterCh. Idlewyld Piper of LenetteU-Ch. Idlewyld Cameo CD RN CGCU-CD Golden Tiara Dambeastie CDXCh. Great Elms Idlewyld Jewel CDMay Morning Small Talk CD ROMCh. Idlewyld Star Pendant CD ROMIdlewyld Hope Diamond CDCh. Idlewyld Daybreak Fun, Fun, FunCh Idlewyld Marquis Cut Diamond CDCh. Idlewyld Koh-I-Noor Diamond CGCCh. Idlewyld Basic Black N Pearls CDCh . Idlewyld Koh-I-Noor PearlCh. Idlewyld TalismanCh. Idlewyld Treasure Trove RN CGCAKCUKC CH. Idlewyld Precious GemCh. Merrymont Spring FeverCh. Idlewyld Dancing Fire The Greyhounds The Greyhounds The Greyhounds The Greyhounds The GreyhoundsU-CDX Alexandra of Cobberidge CDXCh Harmonys Storm Warning CGC, TDI I am proud to have bred I am proud to have bred I am proud to have bred I am proud to have bred I am proud to have bredIdlewyld Wild Bill Cody CDCh. Idlewyld Treasure ChestCh. Idlewyld Pocket Change O Tramark2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12162007, 1153 AM380idlewyldearthlink.netJANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 39Kennel Visit ContinuedA Kennel visit to Idlewyld PomeraniansHi Come in. Would you like some coffee or tea Welcome to Idlewyld. I just love having visitors who like to talk about dogs.Idlewyld is a 7 bedroom colonial house on 13 acres in rural Goochland County, half way between Richmond and Charlottesville.We moved here when our dog population exceeded the legal limit in Richmond. Goochland is very dog friendly. Our propertybacks up to that of a hunt club. There are several roads with dog in the name. Weve been here 21 years. The kennel is a 12X 30 foot room just off the kitchen. The floor is ceramic tile, the walls wood-paneled, and several floor to ceiling louveredwindows provide lots of air circulation. A wooden Dutch door is always left half open so I can hear whats going on. The dogsare in two tiers of large wire cages. A quick trip through the garage leads to a 50 by 50 area covered in pea gravel. A large oakand a big holly provide shade. Windows in the kitchen and family room look out on the exercise area. The nursery is upstairs,near my bedroom, so I can hear if anything is not right. Each mom is given a large cardboard box with a door cut out of oneside, put inside a 2 X 4 x-pen. Puppies at 3 weeks quickly learn to get out of the box to use the newspaper.John and I have been married 41 years.He is semi-retired he says hes retired butyou sure cant tell it He owns his ownmaterials handling business. We havethree grown children. Rachal Sager is aproject coordinator and occasionallyprofessional dog handler. She has had agreat deal of success with her FieldSpaniels and is now President of the FieldSpaniel Society. She and Scott are theparents of our adorable grandchildren,Andrew 6 and Elizabeth, 3. Recentlymarried, John L is a welder who lives notfar away in Henrico Co. Elaine Askewand Billy live in Virginia Beach, whereshe has become a perennial student,maintaining perfect attendance and a 4.0.Im a science teacher in a residentialtreatment facility for disturbed teenageboys. Elk Hill Farm is located on 400acres in beautiful western Goochland. Inaddition to teaching science, I teachanger management, social skills, and selfdiscipline.I have to be a combination ofmother, counselor, and disciplinarian. Yes,I sometimes have to get physical withthem. Because we are a 12-month school,we try to offer more fun electives in thesummer. Of course, I teach Dog Careclass, which emphasizes obedience. Eachkid is assigned a dog, either a staff dog orone of the Poms. The goal is to pass theCanine Good Citizen test. Its a verydifficult class to teach, testing my patiencebut has amazing benefits for the boys.I bought my first dog 39 years ago. I knewI wanted something little and furry, wentto a pet shop and was lucky enough tocome home with a Pom. He was huge andugly, but sweet and smart, and I washooked on Poms. We trained him inobedience, but I did not know anythingabout competition. My second Pom, hishalf brother, also went to obedienceclasses. This time, my instructors insistedI compete with him. He got three straightlegs, all with placements, and again, I washooked. Taking Dougal to trials, I got toobserve conformation. I would go toMargaret McKee and Ch. Idlewyld Precious Gem 2006IdlewyldPomeraniansMargaret McKeeAPC Member 19752008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12162007, 1153 AM3944 4"V' -vr'v3ViAV s7vvn ^I I I I n 4 i i i i i 40 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWthat, the supply of black and tans just driedup. Now Im showing a little spitfire I coownwith breeder Kay Lyman. Hes half mybreeding as I bred his father, Mouse Ch.Idlewylds Pocket Change of Tramark.About six years ago, I bought a bitch puppyfrom Ken Griffith who grew up to be ChIdlewyld Piper of Lenette, taking breeds andgroup placements from the Puppy Classalong the way. A deep orange, she was bredto TJ Ch Idlewyld Tourmaline. There weretwo females and a male, Gemmy, in thelitter.Kennel Visit Continuedringside with my big, ugly dog in my armsand none of the conformation people wouldtalk to me. We attended an obedienceseminar conducted by Merrill Cohen nowdeceased, both a conformation andobedience judge. He looked at my dog andsaid, The Pom is next. It is a Pom, isntit Thats when I vowed that my next Pomwould be good looking. When Dougal died,the search was on. Back then it was verydifficult to find and contact breeders. NoInternet, no breeder referral chairs. I madea pest of myself and called every name Icould find. I got lucky. Visiting a kennel inMaryland, I did not care for the dog I wasoffered but spotted a puppy sitting by herselfwho looked gorgeous to my untrained eye.After much begging, the breeder relentedand sold her to me. That little red sablebecame my first champion.Marlene Scott put the majors on Trinket.After that Ive mostly shown my dogsmyself, with some help from Rachal. Elaineput the last major on TJ. Ive also finisheddogs for other people in conformation andobedience. I was so pleased to finish twoblacks back to back. Rachal and Elainecompeted in Junior Showmanship withvarious Poms. Both were very skilled andnationally ranked.Over the years, my philosophy has been tobreed for soundness, hoping for a dog thatcould be successful in both conformationand obedience. I wanted good legs and apretty outline, and let the color chips fallwhere they may. Occasionally, an unusualcolor would appear. In almost 40 years, Ivehad three creams. My first black and tan,Nikki was in a litter of four, both of whoseparents were orange. I traced back sixgenerations on the pedigree to find the GreatElms dog who was the sire of the first AKCblack and tan champion. Oh, those elusiverecessive genes Before he died lacking onemajor, Nikki sired a litter of four three blackand tans survived I sold one to a marvelouspet home. The other two were Phred ChIdlewyld Semi-Precious Gem and Lizzie ChIdlewyld Basic Black N Pearls CD. AfterHe appeared to be a dark orange until afterhe finished. Rachal kept saying to keep himas he was a specials dog. Sure enough, hematured into a deep, eye-catching red withan amazing side gate. Hes the only dog Iveever seriously specialled. The first year hewas out, he had climbed to number sevenin the rankings when he was bitten by apoisonous copperhead snake. Miraculously,he survived, but his coat was destroyed bythe toxin. He was through showing for theyear. Last year I brought him out again, andhe was steadily moving up in the rankingswhen I became ill, and we were out for therest of the year. This year, I did not attemptto show him I can take a hint However,his daughter Fire, also a deep red, gave mea lot of fun this year. She began by takingher class at the National, then WB, BW,BOS for a huge 5 point major the day afterthe National in Louisville. She wasWB,BOS at the Delaware Valley Toy DogFanciers, finished at the PCCV supportedentry-winning Best in Sweepstakes andWB, then followed up by winning GrandFuturity Winner in the PCCV Futurity. I amhoping to keep the red and black and tancolors going.Ive alternated showing in conformation andobedience with both the Poms and theElaine finishing TJCh. Idlewyld TourmalineCh. Idlewyld Basic Black N Pearls CDfinished from puppy classCurrent hopeful Tekken,co-owned with breeder Kay LymanCh. Idlewyld Precious Gem2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12162007, 1153 AM40 INI 4 n i i i i4-A.1r._m_________ ______SN I^L4t A-ailwcHro"BEST OF WINNERSALTIMORE COUNTY KENNEL [2 CLUB VSiLl i4JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 41First points forCh. Idlewyld Dancing FireCh. Idlewyld Treasure Trove RD CGCMy first homebred champion,owner handledCh. Idlewyld Gemstone CDX HOFL-R Ch. Penny CD ROM, Ch. Pooh Bear CDX HOF, Hope CD, Ch. Val CDX HOF,Ch. Gem CDX HOF, Tiara CDX. All dogs are related and have obedience titles.Photo taken in 1985 and I am still using the POM MOM license plate.honorary Poms, the Greyhounds. Someyears would see me out with two or threePoms in conformation, then Id disappear,and hit the obedience trials for a while. Iam very proud of the 19 obedience titlesmy Poms have earned. This year Idiscovered the fun of Rally Obedience. Itssort of a combination of obedience, agility,and what we old-time trainers calldoodling, a way of refining heeling. Withonly five and half weeks of training, Ientered littermates Trove and Cammy at theAPC National in Rally, and wow Not onlydid both qualify, but both took placements.And I was hooked again Cammy is workingon her rally advanced and open obedience.Trove is still working on his CD. AndGreyhound Breeze will be out in RallyNovice soon.Ive also spent a lot of time and energy ondog clubs. My first club was Richmond DogObedience Club, where I have served asInstructor, Demonstration Chair, Trial Chairand Secretary, and President. I was recentlyelected to the Board. I was on the Board ofthe American Pomeranian Club for about15 years, including four years as President.Im also a member of the Pomeranian Clubof Greater Baltimore and active in thePomeranian Club of Central Virginia.Some accomplishments have eluded me.Ive never gotten a BIS. But there are tworecords of which I am VERY proud. One isI bred, owned, and showed the only dualtitledPom Ch Lavalier CDX HOF bothof whose parents were dual-titled ChIdlewyld Gemstone CDX ex Ch IdlewyldStar Pendant CD ROM. The other is Ivefinished the most dual-titled Poms-eight.Seven of those were homebred.The goal of trying to breed that really greatdog, the challenge of trying to train thesparkling performance, the gratification ofserving the clubs that advance the breed areall quite important. But in the end, thepeople who share all that with you are whatmemories are made of . Ive been trulyblessed by a husband who is willing to stayhome and be kennel help, by daughters whounderstand and share my joys andfrustrations, and by fellow breeders andexhibitors who share, who cheer, whocommiserate, who make it all fun. Thankyou all.Editors note Since writing this articleMargaret was in a serious vehicleaccident December 7, 2007 due to icecovered pavement. Daughter, Rachel,phoned to say that Margaret willrecouperate. However the vehicle wastotaled. Surgery was performed to repairMargarets badly damaged hand.Margaret wanted to send thanks themany people who have supported andhelped her and the McKee family sinceher accident. Margaret, we are allpraying for you. Get well soon.2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 950 PM41i i i i n44I_ 3J WP. L mw v e NEW CHAMPION r_r............ k.MID-KENTUCKYlBEST OF WINNERS SOUTHERN MARYLAND KENNEL CLUB[1a 'hA'W\ 4Vc.1 VirginiaMOMPOM442 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 950 PM42Who is This Pom BreederCongratulations on the Mystery Kennel VisitRivendell Pomeranians www.knology.netbonincRivendell. htmCarolyn BoninJANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 43Jerrie FreiaMorgan City, Louisiana - APC Member 1976JANESA POMERANIANSThe Mystery Kennel VisitOnce upon a time, long long agono seriously, as far back as I can rememberthere were always dogs. My father always hada few beagles for hunting. When I was fouryears old my sister and I each received ratterriers as childhood pets. When I was twelve,I raised an orphaned 13 beagle puppy Inamed Nancy by bottle-feeding her cannedmilk. Nancy became mine and was my firstexperience with breeding after she grew up.Nancy had several litters of beagle puppiesfor me in Washington DC as a teenager. Afterthe war was over, we left DC and moved toLake Charles Louisiana. I was a sophomorein high school when we moved from LakeCharles to Morgan City to be closer to wheremy father worked.Morgan City, Louisiana is about 90miles southwest of New Orleans. A beautifulbayou runs across the back of my property. Ilove it here. Many of my northern friends teaseme about living in the swamp itself, but I willnever leave. This is home to me and to JanesaPomeranians.Married with four young children, Irecall purchasing a dog as our family pet inthe late 60s. In spite of not knowing any betterand purchasing our miniature schnauzerMister from a pet store, he was a wonderfulpet. When he was about eighteen months old,outside playing and pottying under mywatchful eye, a car pulled up and the dooropened. Mister hopped in and the car droveoff. We never saw him again.I then did some investigating to finda breeder. I made arrangements to purchaseanother schnauzer and to meet a breeder at adog show to pick one up. I was fascinated bythe dog show. I spent the entire day there,looking at dogs and talking to people. Thattrip was the beginning of my interest inshowing dogs. At that show I saw familiesand kids and it seemed like it would be a greatthing to do as a hobby with my children. Astime went on, I purchased several schnauzers.I started showing schnauzers and bred a coupleof litters. I did not have much success in theschnauzer show ring and did not enjoystripping terrier coats. My children all cameto shows with me until they turned sixteen.At sixteen, they could decide to come to theshow or to stay home. Joseph Jr, Kenneth,Brian and Vanessa were all successful in theconformation ring, earning many points onour dogs. I enjoyed spending time with all ofthem at shows and have fond memories ofwhen they traveled with me. When the kidswere young, I recall a show that I had takensome Demerol for pain in my feet and while Iwas in the ring I started seeing colors and feltmyself slipping to the floor. Friends caughtme and others caught my schnauzer and gotme out of the ring. After I had surgery on myfeet, it became imperative that I find a breedthat I did not have to run with in the showring. I began searching for a breed I wouldenjoy and be able to show without running.I was at a dog show in the 70s andsaw Al Williamson showing CH Chloes AprilDoll. I immediately knew I wanted a wholeCH CHLOES APRIL DOLLJanesa PomeraniansJanesa Pomeranians2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 950 PM43 INI i i i inwmmmmsaxm SSstijWtkZrftitFmvaeimmtMg,Wmmi-rvammm.4wmmvi.n4 4^VCV^.444 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWherd of exactly what she was, a Pomeranian.She was typey, small, orange and hairy. I beganmy search for ones like her. We all know howhard that search can be for the first showpom, the first good poms for breeding andfor a breeder that is willing to trust a personnew to the breed. I bought poms and placedpoms, bought more poms and placed morepoms. At the time, there were no other showbreeders in the area. I acquired Dancer,Sugarlands Flamingo Dancer, from GwenHodges and she was my first pom of quality.She had several litters and I kept everydaughter out of her. One of her daughterswent on to become my first champion CHJanesas Rock N-Ubet whom I calledUbet. At that time, I was working withRose Anne Jones and together we boughtseveral boys from Morris Carson of EmceePoms. I sent several girls to be bred to thoseEmcee boys. When Rose Anne retired, Iacquired all of the poms and forged ahead. Itwas the poms, my kids and I.My daughter, Vanessa could hold herown at a dog show. There was a Pomeranianexhibitor who was quite large and liked tooutshine her in the ring and was alwaysblocking the judges view of this cute petitechild. One day she decided she had enough ofthe unfair sportsmanship and made it a pointto not allow this handler to block the judgesview of herself and her dog. To accomplishthis she took a step forward each time thehandler blocked her. Each time the handlermoved forward a step, Vanessa moved forwardthree steps. They nearly waltzed across thering this way, almost to the point of passingup the judge. By the time they were on top ofthe judge, the handler gave up and Vanessawon. Not surprising, after that day, thathandler never tried to block her again.Vanessa was very interested in dogsand dog shows and totally involved in the earlyyears. My kennel name Janesa is acombination of the J from Jerrie and theanesa from Vanessa. During her early teensshe went to all of the shows with me andshowed the poms. When she was sixteen shediscovered one boy and Buster went on tobecome her future husband, to whom she ismarried to this day. She lost interest inshowing, but still has a dog.I had no mentor. There was noInternet no pom people at shows in our arealong-distance phone calls were expensive andthere were no cell phones or free minutes. Iveattended every National Specialty since 1986in my quest to see and learn as much as I canabout poms. In 1983 I went on a trip to acomputer school for the company that Iworked for. While I was away in CharlotteNC, I went to visit Ruth Beam of Great ElmsPoms. During that visit I saw a puppy bitchthat Ruth bred who was sold to Beverly Norris,Bev-Nors Missy Miss. I expressed an interestwith Beverly in acquiring one of her sonssomeday, preferably bred to her CH Bev-NorsToasted Fudge or a Fudge son. Later whenBev-Nors Missy Miss was bred to Fudge, Iwas able to acquire a wonderful dog who wenton to become CH Bev-Nors ToastmasterROM, Master and one of the foundationdogs of my breeding program. I bought severalgirls from Beverly Norris, as well. I alsobought two girls from Lennis Rains of LennisPoms who were out of CH Lenniss-Tar-BabyOf-GreatElms ROM, a black and tan.I read every issue of The PomeranianReview with great interest and a desire tolearn. It seemed in every issue that I read aboutpoms dying at young ages. Not wanting tohave poms dying young, I began a search forthe oldest poms I could find that were stillproducing. I found two boys. Neither wereshow dogs, but did continue to produce intotheir teens. I acquired both boys around 9 or10 years of age. One was a chocolate boynamed Prince Cho-Ko who was fondly calledCho-Ko and the other was a black and tanboy named Rosewoods Timstoppers Shadow,whom I called Shadow. Both boys made animpact on longevity in my breeding program.Both boys are also largely responsible for thecolors of chocolate and black and tan seen inmy breeding program to this day. Even thoughblack and tan was not a recognized color atthat time, I was very smitten by its beauty.In the early days, I finished a fewgirls. I learned a lot by trial and error. From thelearning process, I agree with many of todaysexperts who say to buy the very best girls thatyou can afford to buy. Girls are the backbone ofyour breeding program. That said, most girlsnever have enough puppies to be exceptionallynoteworthy. Over the years, Ive had my mostsuccess by line breeding. I try to breed type totype. After Ive done enough line breeding, I willoutcross for specific traits and then I come rightback into what Im used to working with andline-breed some more. It is always moreimportant to breed for soundness over type. If Ihad it to do over, I wish that I could have boughttwo really good broods instead of twenty-fivemediocre dogs and had to spay and neuter andplace the majority of them to get quality. Twoother things can help along the way, having aprepotent stud dog and having simple good luck.As I have said, girls are the backboneof a breeding program. Boys however are thedogs that seem to be remembered. The boys thatmake the biggest impact in a breeding programgo on to be remembered because of the manyoffspring that they have and the quality andconsistency of those offspring. I would like tomention some of the males that have had animpact at Janesa Poms over the years.After Prince Cho-Ko and RosewoodsTimstoppers Shadow made their impact onlongevity, the next male was Gambler CHJanesas Whatta Gambler. He gave me prettyheads and was an offspring of my firstchampion CH Janesas Rock N-Ubet. Master, from Beverly Norris madethe next impact. He went on to become CHBev-Nors Toastmaster ROM and was the sireof thirteen champions. Master gave me thebone, substance and type that I was searchingfor. Master was shown to his championship byCharlotte Creed of Southland Poms and myself.In the late eighties three dogs wereborn that would make all the difference atJanesa Poms. I saw Tally as a young dog. Hecould pick up a tennis ball and run with it. Iwas immediately crazy about the dog.Thankfully for me, he was a noisy dog andconsidered not easy to live with. I jumped atthe opportunity to co-own him with CherylJackson and Joel Taylor of Glen Iris Poms. Hewas a striking black and tan and became mynext love. He was shown to his championshipby his co-owners Cheryl and Joel and was bredCH JANESAS ROCK N-UBETCH BEV-NORS TOASTMASTER ROM2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 950 PM44i i i in4 44JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 45by Cassandra Evans of Wee Hearts Poms. Hebecame CH Weehearts Glen Iris TalismanROM and the sire of thirteen champions. HeCH MORENOS TUFF TO TOPwas a wonderful gentleman and gave meeverything I wanted no matter what he was bredto. He was my outcross to the Master childrenBlack and tan was acceptable by then in theshow ring, but still difficult to finish.Commander CH Sun-Dots CommandPerformance came from Dudley Roach andTuff CH Morenos Tuff To Top came fromCH JANESAS VERY SPECIAL JAN-SHARJulie Moreno Moreno Poms and DollyTrauner Phyner Poms. Both dogs werefinished when they came to live with me andboth were great outcrosses to my linebred girls.Tuff was a magnificent black dog and was useda lot in my chocolate breeding program andCommander added clear colors to my orangebreeding program.The early nineties brought two dogsthat were exceptionally cute. First was WagsCH Janesas Very Special Jan-Shar, whose tailnever stopped wagging. He was cute, little andmade me smile. He is the only pom that I neverhad to housebreak. In 1995 he won an Awardof Merit at Westminster, handled by HiramStewart. Second was Arnie CH Jan-Shars TheTerminator Of Janesa, who was a gift fromSharon Hanson of Jan-Shar Poms. Arnie wasa living doll, cute, little and made puppies withbeautiful heads. Arnie gave me many clearcolors and was as sweet as they come. Arnie isalso the sire of the next two dogs to make animpact at Janesa.Arnies boys Sake and HP havebeen invaluable to me. HP is CH JanesasHush Puppy. HP gave me strength. He has legsof steel and he was my first climber. HP canclimb out of anything. Whatever run he is inwhen visiting anywhere, must have a roof. Inroofless yards, HP climbs from yard to yard tocheck on any girls that might be available.Sake is CH Janesas For Keep-Sake ROMXCH JANESAS FOR KEEP-SAKE ROMXand Sake was my second climber. Presently,Sake is still siring puppies at eleven years ofage. When Sake was a puppy he had lightcolored hairs on two of his back toes. I tried foralmost a year to sell him to anyone and everyonethat wanted a puppy. I couldnt sell him nomatter how hard I tried. By the time he was ayoung adult, the light hairs were hardlydetectable on his creamy orange legs and I wasable to see his beautiful shoulders and head.Carolyn Crockett and I showed Sake to hischampionship and I will always be grateful thatno one wanted to buy him. He has made alasting mark here and is in many of thepedigrees for dogs that are born here now. Sakehas currently sired seventeen champions.JAN-SHARS N JANESAS HURRAHHurrah has left a legacy here ofbeautiful daughters and several champion sons.Jan-Shars N Janesas Hurrah was a son ofTookeyes The Goldsmith ROMX importedfrom England by Sharon Hanson. Hurrahwould have been a larger boy in the ring duringhis youth, but could have been finished todaywhen larger poms seem to be more noticed inthe ring. He was another wonderful outcross tomy line bred girls.Just beginning to make an impact atJanesas currently are CH Janesas Dont Kissand Tell, sired by CH Raine N Janesas TimeTo Chat and CH Janesas Hip Hip Hurrah,sired by Hurrah. Presently, I have a tightlyline-bred son of Sakes that is beginning tomake his mark named Bravo, CH JanesasApplause, Please. Bravo is already the sire ofCH JANESAS APPLAUSE, PLEASECH WEEHEARTS GLEN IRIS TALISMAN ROMfour champions. I consider Bravo to be theclosest Pom that I have bred to the PomStandard. I must also mention other stud dogsthat are not mine that have made an impact atJanesa Poms over recent years. BoofaDochlaggie Devils Snow, was a white dog bredby Denise Leo of Dochlaggie Poms in Australia.Boofa made an impact by improving my whitebreeding program and giving me many whitecarriers. Chance a short backed heavy sableboy CH Janesas N Jan-Shars Chance ROMsired two Janesa champions and is owned andloved by Camilla Knight of Sundown Poms.Lucky was an elegant cream boy CH Mystars2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 950 PM45 93W lOlOHd V31116610010 13NN3X A311VA N30109SU3NNIV JO 1S38NOIdUVHO M3N 446 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWBon Chance that was co-owned with BarbaraMessmer of Bar-Jon Poms. Lucky helpedimprove my cream program and was out ofwhite breeding. Zeke is BISS CH SundownsHide N Zeke CD ROMX GC and has fabulousshoulder layback and has sired seven Janesachampions. Zeke belongs to Carol Leemhuisof Carleez Poms. Dakota CH HeartlandsKnight N Day ROM has most recently beenused to improve my chocolate program and hehas sired three Janesa champions including myfirst chocolate champion. Dakota has anexceptional tail set and is owned by Laurie Otisof Horizon Poms.In the early nineties I showed severalpoms in obedience, first was Janesas SouthlandTanner. Tanner taught me patience and howJANESAS SOUTHLAND TANNERto train a dog for each obedience exercise.Tanner is the mother of three noteworthyoffspring CH Janesa Penrus Dixieland Jazz,Janesas Rah Rah Rah CDX NA and JanesasTiffany Is An Angel UD RAE NA NAJ HOF.Next I trained Daisey CH Janesas Hi-StruttinDaisey. Training for obedience teaches howto train a dog complex exercises and by doingso, we learn how the dogs think and how tobest communicate with each individualpersonality.I feel that there are several healthproblems in the breed that we need to bewatching for and trying to prevent. First isAlopecia X which has been increasinglyprevalent in recent years and frequentlyobserved in the show ring in its early stagessecond would be thyroid problems third wouldbe trachea problems, and fourth would beluxating patellas. If we would all be honest andhave our dogs evaluated by veterinarians fordetectable problems instead of guessing if aproblem exists, such as thyroid problems,trachea problems and luxating patellas, wewould save ourselves heartache in future years.Finding at least one really good vet is essentialto long-term success.My biggest disappointment has beenthe expanding number of poms with AlopeciaX today. It is a problem that I absolutely hateand I have little tolerance for it and would liketo have a test or marker to completely breedaway from it. I dont want any part of it Itseems to just keep getting worse instead of betterin the show world. I personally feel that to getbetter control over this problem that it is best tobreed a male only once or twice while they areyoung. This is to teach them how to breed andprove that they can sire puppies. After that, Ido not feel they should be regularly bred untilthey are over three to five years of age. If wewould all wait to use the majority of boys untilafter they were five or at least three, we wouldeliminate a lot of sires that go on to becomebald after siring a large number of puppies. Theother thing we can each do is to actually seethe males we are planning to breed to. It is usefulto see that a male is still in good health, canstill walk on his legs, isnt honking like a gooseand still has healthy hair. If we see dogs thatappear to be a problem or definitely are aproblem, dont breed to them. We can all helpto find studies to find solutions and supportresearchers and veterinarians who want to helpus. We can donate money, donate pom bloodsamples and donate our pedigrees. We are allneeded to be a part of the solution. Because I had no mentor, I am tothis day willing to help new people that arewilling to listen and learn. There is an oldsaying, Dance with the one that brung ya. Ilike to tell new people this should be theirphilosophy for success. Find a type that youlike and someone that is breeding that type andthen stick with it If you like X type ofPomeranians, buy X type of Pomeranians fromone or two breeders that have that line of dogs.Line-breed those dogs and stick to it. So manynew people make the mistake of buying oneof these and one of those sometimes fromten different lines and then they try to breedthem all together. Get something that is workingfor someone whose dogs you admire and stickto what they have done for at least three yearsto five years. After that time, you can usuallyadd to what you have and bring somethingdifferent that is an outcross back into what youhave.The show ring is where many of usget to see all of our hard work come together.Raising pom puppies certainly has many lowpoints and sad points. Watching people thatare new to the breed raise youngsters and showthem with top success is always a pleasure.There have been a few winners in the pastdecade that made me smile because Ive bredone or both of their parents and helped theirbreeders through some early learning in poms.BIS BISS CH AJs Smokin Joe ROMX GCHOF, known fondly as Frazier was a stunningheavy sable bred and owned by Jerry AshleyMiller of AJ Poms, finishing number one inthe country in 1999. Keegan, CH SundownsKeegan Xavier ROM GC another orange sablefinished number two in the country in 2004bred, owned and handled by Camilla Knightof Sundown Poms. Zeke, BISS CHSundowns Hide N Zeke CD ROMX GC wasowner handled to the top ten for two years in2002 and 2003 by Carol Leemhuis of CarleezPoms and bred by Camilla. These are all greatsuccess stories of poms descended from Janesapoms. Baxter BISS CH Rivendell ApplaudsJanesa was co-bred by myself and his owner,Carolyn Bonin of Rivendell Poms and was thenumber four pom in 2006, breederownerhandled by Carolyn. Indy CH Horizon-NJanesaIndian Sundown was ranked in 2006owned and handled by Laurie Otis of HorizonPoms and co-bred by Laurie, Camilla andmyself. All of these poms are beautiful examplesof the breed. Each of them had exceptionalshowmanship and movement and werebalanced enough to be worthy of the toprankings.I always enjoy showing my ownpoms. However, my time is always limited andeven more limited are the directions that I cantravel living on the southern coast of Louisiana.I can only go north. This limits the number ofdog shows that are within my range. As a result,I have had the help of numerous people whohave shown my dogs over the past years. Yearsago I had the help of Charlotte Creed, HiramStewart, Cheryl Jackson, Joel Taylor andNadine Hersil who finished CH JanesasForever The Star, Ringo. In more recent yearsI have had the help of Carolyn Crockett whohelped to show Sake and finished GucciCH Janesas Fashion Statement.Most recently Ive had the help of awonderful group of ladies who have helped meto get many poms finished. I am grateful fortheir hard work.CH JANESAS HI-STRUTTIN DAISEY2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 951 PM464fttb i fj' ,44JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 47CH JANESAS NATURALLY AWESOMECarolyn Bonin Rivendell Poms showed Bravo CH Janesas Applause Please, and Wishes CH Janesas Dont You Wish.Carol Leemhuis Carleez Poms showed Bud CH Janesas This Bud Is For You AJ, BJ CH Sundowns Bets On Janesa, Wanda CH Janesas Cast A Spell, Keeper CH Janesas Block The Quaffle, Teller CH Janesas Dont Kiss And Tell, Tag CH Janesas Tag You Are It, owned byDebbie Gray, and Dream CH Janesas The Places Youl Go.Camilla Knight Sundown Poms showed TallyHo CH Janesas TallyHo, WinnerCHJanesas Chance For The Ribbons, George CH Janesas By George, Justin CH Janesas Just In Time, and Awesome CHJanesas Naturally Awesome.Laurie Otis Horizon Poms showed Finder CH Janesas Zeek N Ye Shall Find, Justin CH Janesas Just Because I Can, ownedby Diane Hall, Turner CH Janesas Turning Heads, owned byCorie Gavin, Dream CH Janesas The Places Youl Go, and Esther CH Janesas Esther Price.For a long time I have been trying tobreed a few nice chocolates and a few nicewhites to be shown in conformation. Neitherendeavor is easy. My first white championfinished in 2006 and became CH JanesasNaturally Awesome. My first chocolateCH JANESAS ESTHER PRICEJERRIE AND PUPPIES 1998me to achieve my goals in the show ring withthese special colors. I have several other whitesthat will be shown in the future and I have asmall group of chocolates that I plan to exhibit.An exciting moment at Nationals this yearhappened when Cappy Janesas HorizonCappucino, a chocolate, won the Open BBBclass and went on to the final contenders duringthe Winners Dog class, handled by Laurie Otis.I consider the whites and the chocolates a workin progress.At shows, I enjoy seeing friends andvisiting with people. I also enjoy seeing morePoms I go to as many shows as I possibly can.I have been very fortunate to have met a lot ofnice people, known a lot of great dogs andsimply been very fortunate in my Pomendeavors. The two best things about breedingpoms are making new friends both human andcanine and the smell of puppy breath. I cantthink of anything I would rather do than get upchampion finished very quickly in 2006 andbecame CH Janesas Esther Price. Thank youto Camilla Knight and Laurie Otis for helpingin the morning and see a Pom puppy. I enjoystaying up all night to whelp a litter. I cantimagine life doing anything else. I look forwardto being a part of the next success story and thenext accomplishment. Ive met many peoplethrough the dogs and pom people are great.I consider all show wins memorable.I cant think of any that are better than another.From the first point to a new champion to abreed win, a group placement or even biggerwins at Nationals and other prestigious shows,each win is special.To me, the most important attributesI look for when evaluating Poms are a greattail set, head carriage, movement and pleasingheads in that order. If a dog is lacking one ofthe first two things, Im pretty much done withthat dog.Id like to thank my travelingcompanions from the area for traveling withme to many shows over the past many yearsRose Anne Jones, Charlotte Creed and Barbaraand Jonny Messmer of Bar-Jon Pomeranians.You have all been wonderful companions.Barbara, I thank you for your friendship andfor always being there to help with whelping,tattooing and the many other tasks that arise.Your friendship is invaluable. You are alwaysthere when I need you and we have beenthrough a lot over the years with the Poms.Thank you to Jonny Messmer for helping mearound the house with fixing things and puttingup new things for the dogs. Your friendshipand hard work are always appreciated. I amsure that we would all be good friends even ifwe did not have poms.Thank you to Brenda Segelken forasking me to do this feature. I have refrainedfrom having a feature for many years because Inever wanted anyone to feel pressured to placean ad because of me. I requested the MysteryVisit so that you could all enjoy the featureand not feel any obligation to me.Thank you to Sue Bennett who is myfriend, my neighbor and my babysitter for allof my fur children while I am fortunate enoughto travel to dog shows and other familyactivities. Without Sue, I would never be ableto leave home. With Sue, I feel my kids areloved and taken care of while I am away. I amvery active in Pom Rescue. My neighbors,including Sue, help me to find homes for pomrescues and help in socializing the dogs thatcome through rescue. My neighbors arewonderful helpers in the Rescue endeavors.Thank you to Georgia Crittenden for takingcare of my pregnant girls and new motherswhen I am away from home at the NationalSpecialty. Knowing my girls are in good handsmakes traveling away from them much easierand gives me piece of mind.I have to thank Carol Leemhuis whotook the notes for this feature and combinedthem into an article about the past 40 plus yearsin dogs. I hope you have enjoyed learning aboutthe past of Janesa Pomeranians. I hope that thecoming years are just as exciting. I intend tobreed and show poms as long as physicallypossible. Life without the poms is unimaginableto me. Thank you to everyone out there whohas owned a Janesa Pom, loved a Janesa Pomor shown a Janesa Pom. I wish everyone goodluck in the whelping box, good luck in the showring, and best wishes for success in all yourendeavors.2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 951 PM47 INI 4 n i i i i4..MBS'. m NBEST OF WINNERS^ f --'"'v aJi4448 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc. Archives2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 951 PM48 INI 4 i i i in4zSWITH THE TOY DOGSBY MISS STEWART.Adtlrr alt communications. letter, rc- T ports, news Items, anti photograph Inteotletl a lor this department to Editor of "With The Toy Port." rare of Field and Fancy, lt-16 Church St.. New York City.SPECIALTY CLUB DIRECTORY.JAPANESE SPANIEL CLUB-Frank S. Sternberg, Yonkers Park. N. Y., Secretary. POMERANIAN CLUB-Miss M. F. Surges, 36 Park Avenue. New York City. Secretary. TOY SPANIEL CLUB-Miss IL O. Parlott, Corcoran Manor. Mount Vernon, N. Y.. Secretary.FRENCH BULLDOG CLUB-Dr. J. Lee Morrill. 67 Fajf 73th st.. New York City.L. K. A. of A.Mrs. A. G. B. Wadaworth.Irvington. N. Y.. Secretary.L. K. A. of M.Mrs. C. F. Denee. Boston. Mass.. Secretary.BULL TERRIER CLUB-A. P. Nurthbrldge.121 Covert st.. Brooklyn.BOSTON TERRIER CLUB-F. A. Tcellng. ESS Rutherford ave.. Charlestown, Mass.The question of tailor In Pomeranians is one demanding serious consideration. The recognized colors at the present time are white, black, brown, bine, orange and shaded sable, surely a pretty liberal classification. says Stanley Mnppln in the English Kennel Gazette. And It would be well for the breed if no other colors than these were rccoguized. Recently tile following new colors have made their appearance Creams, which are a bad colored while fawns, bad light colored browns beavers, which are what their owners like to describe them, according to the classification at the show at which they are to be exhibited orange shaded sables, a most inexplicable color, which no one but the owner can defiue and. last but most difficult of all to tabulate, briudle shaded sables.All the above should be classified with the parti-colored, and should be entered in the class provided for them at every show, viz,, that for "any other color.At one notable American show the absurd situation was presented ly owners of blacks, etc., with entries, and not only claiming but receiving recognition, in tile any-other-color class, because ail the colors excluded were not specified, though there were other special classes for the blacks and the browns. Could anything have been more unreasonable. wiien every Pomeranian breeder knows, or should know, thnt the any-other-color class is for parti-colors, or for self-colored types not given special classiicatlonEvery one is agreed as to the definition of the color of the black, brown or white and of the blue, but the definition shaded sable" Is very elastic. There Is but one true shaded sable, and with tills true type in his mind a judge should penalize all those whose color is not up to the correct standard.Oranges are the worst offenders of all, the majority being absolutely devoid of any preFIELD AND FANCV.fytensions to the true color. Most of those shown as oranges, .though often good dogs in other respects, have no earthly right to be in an orange class, and tn fairness to exhibitors of tile correct color it is the duty of the judge to turn them out of the ring without a the brown, too, there is great variation of tint. Miss Sturges's wonderful Chocolate Flyer is a truo type of the perfect chocolate shade of brown so highly prized, deservedly admired, but rarely seen. Flyer is the most correct brown Pom In this country, and bad the same said of him lu England before he was imported.CIl Haughty Prince, .Mr. Houlker owner, and Cb. Pomerla Chocolate Fly. one of Miss Ivess kennels, are the most noted browns in England, and are examples of the correct depth of color. They are far famed among the enthusiasts for this color, the richest of nil In Poms, and next to the orange, the most dlllicult to breed to true type.Miss Anna Lands is the fortunate owner of a wonderful colored blue Pomeranian, her lively little Lulu. Its deep, true blue its profuse cont, general sturdiness, yet its minfttVMISSIVES' BLUE JACKET.iature size, make it attract attention everywhere.It is not too obvious to say that when each separate color Is being Judged the Judge should keep iii view exclusively a very strict standard of each, and turn out of the ring any bad colored specimens in any class that appear before him. In justice to the judge as well as the dogs, Poms should never be , Judged under any but a clear daylight, the lute afternoons or the calcium being utterly out of place as making it impossible to accurately Judge comparative depths of color or defects lu shading.The way ring stewurdlng of Pomeranians is too frequently carried out Is really painful. To conscientiously perform tile duties of a ring steward for a breed like the Poms is really hard work, and is not a task that should ever be undertaken lightly.No matter how good in points, a few white hairs handicap an animal. The colors in parti-colored dogs ought to be evenly distributed. In a competition of wbote and mixed colored dogs the former have prefer- once. A whole colored dog having white hair on the feet or on one foot cannot compete in a whole colored class. The all white must be absolutely free from any lemon or shading of any color whatever. A white dog with Just a streak or two of dark markings here and there cannot he reckoned n parti-color, and should not have a place in any class. Too often u black dog with a little white on the chest is entered for competition and obtains a prize, but judges should remomber that whole colored dogs in whole colored classes deserve the parti colored dogs the colors should be evenly distributed on the body in patches. A dog with a white foot or a white chest is not a parti-eolor. Whole colored dogs with a white foot or feeb leg or legs are the most objectionable, and are at once to be disqualified from competing as a whole colored specimen, and should be excluded from particolored classes, as they are not true parti- colors.In mixed classes whore self-colored specimens and parti-colored Pomeranians compete together, the preference should he given, if In other points they arc equal, to the self- colored or whole colored specimen.Shaded sables must be shaded throughout with three or more, colors as uniformly as possible, and with no patches of self-color.Oranges must be self-colored throughout, and light shading, though not actually disqualifying, should be severely discountenanced. Dogswith false markings make good pets, nevertheless, and can be sold at specially moderate prices for this purpose, but should never be Intruded in the show ring. However. In selling them for pets, their disqualifications should be pointed out. ns the prospective buyer may later wish to become an exhibitor. Disqualifying faults of any breed should honestly be acknowledged In the selling of a dog. especially to un inexperienced and trusting purchaser. Otherwise the money is obtained under false pretences, as every purchaser assumes that n dog is perfect unless otherwise pointed ouL and has the right to that standpoint under the law.In addition to color breeders should grasp the fact that the best judges will not recognize a diminutive, badly conditioned little weed over a sturdy, better type though heavier dog. The only way to obtain correct type is to breed from healthy bitches of sound constitution with a weight of not less than five pounds. Have nothing to do with breeding from an undersized weakling merely for size, who only perpetuates a type which is even worse than that of her progenitors. Good judges and all those who have the welfare of the breed at heart do not care about size, and a good dog is not now handicapped In the show ring because he weigh seven pounds.It may lie said without fear of contradiction that In the majority of cases the smaller' tlie Pomeranian in similar proportion do ills points deteriorate-bad head with too prominent eyes, soft, fiat coat, long back, unsoundness on legs and the texture of the coat being common faults. In diminutive show "runts" the coat Is more like silk than44JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 49American Pomeranian Club, Inc. ArchivesThanks to Elizabeth Molinafor sharing the Field andFancy article from 1907.Thanks to Alane Levinsohn for sharing the 1906 Champion list.Miss MiriamEndicott, of AtlanticCity, with Ch. LittleSahib, with the cupwhich went with Bestin Show.This photo is from ascrapbook compiledby the late Maud W.Van Rensselaer.Special thanks toMary E. Picone andVictoria Leitner forsharing.2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 951 PM494 INI i i i in4hair,instead of stand-off, .spiky ami all that the coat of a roineranlnn should In.The American Pomeranian Club, under Its new secretary and wltli Us increasing membership, will take a stand to the fore in promoting the true type of the Pom in this country. All frauds iu exhibiting aud breeding are to be severely discountenanced, and handsome price are to be offered for the encouragement of breeders and owners who strive to achieve the perfect standard.. . . We regret tliat the printer played dominoswith our paragraphs last week, especially the report of the American Pomeranian Club, hut feel sure our readers, at least those accustomed to reading the New York dally papers, were able to make it out clearly by looping tlic loops.. I .title Iot, the smallest Yorkshire in the country, was the sensation of the Board Walk at Atlantic City during the Easter holidays and s ring also IdHitch I, who was at the other cud of the iihlMu that prevented Little lot from chas- iug Intrusive Bulldogs and Mastiffs into the surf. Incidentally, Little Dot wore a gold\awTYPICAL WHITE POM. PREMIER LADYWOLPINA.bell, in addition to her white mitten of a sweater, so that if she fell through a knothole r a crook Miss Ritchie's escorts could locate her whereabouts to get her out again. We are nil familiar with "belling the cat, hut this idea of belling a small pet is a very sensible one. Mrs. James Speyer and Mrs. Robert Collier both own handsome Chow-Chows. Tills breed is gaining appreciation in this country. Mrs. Florence A. Hanley, of Cleveland, lias Just Imported a tine Ruby. He Is small, well built, strong on his legs, short of back and cobby. He has good head, very short nose and broad, square muzzle. II" carries t magnificent coat and Is a solid rleh color. A winner in England. he won llrst limit first open and special at his first appearance In this country, making his debut at Cincinnati as Cottage Sundial. Ch. Rosemary Calvert knows It Is spring time. Among the matrons that have visited him lately are Mrs. B. B. Dickinson's Ross- inoyne Ruby, three rubles of Mrs. W. W. Hadley's and a little Indy Imported from Mrs. Jenkin'g Clevedan kennels now a pet of Mrs. Silles. Also a King Charles from Syracuse. Mrs. Hadley's King Chnrles and Mrs. Alfred K. Wright's Ruby have both whelped recent litters to Calvert. , ,Miss Annie A. tlraff has forwarded photos of l.l Hung Chang and fj Hung, her noted Pekinese, and they will appear lu the article on Pekinese in America. Every owner of a Pekinese Spaniel, a Pekin Pug or a genuine sleeve dog which Is really a Pekinese Terrier IS invited to forward news of them andFIELD AND FANCY.tholr picture before this article appears, that it may be of as great interest us possible ami advantage to lovers of the breed. Pictures and the whole history of Mrs. Llnthicuufs sleeve dog have been secured and will le Included in the article.ROSALIE STEWART.Ji1w.rhJkLIST OF FULL CHAMPIONS, Jan. ist, 1906.Nam ic ok Doo. Co t.on u. Bkkkdkk. SlKK. Dam.Rob of Rozelle White I Unknown U nknown UnknownKonig of Rozelle White Miss Hamilton Rob of Rozelle PeggotyBelper Snow White Miss Chell Belper Bounce Belper GlenisBelper Fritz White Mr. Chell Snap Jack Belper RoseBelper Sprite White Miss Chell Belper Fritz Belper MinnieBelper Flossie White Mr. Chell Rob of Rozelle Belper RoseBelper Peggie White Miss Chell Belper Don Belper Beau tvTatcho White Mrs. Birkbeck Belper Snow Helper PearlThe Lady Frou-Frou White Miss Chell Belper FritzTatchoBelper GlenisThe Lady Verna White Miss Lee-RobertsIThe Lady Frou- FrouBlack Boy Black Mrs. Ireland Leiblung LuluKing Pippin Black U nknown Unknown U nknownUaicham Nip Black Unknown Unknown I UnknownMarland King Black Mrs. Day Kensington King Orange GirlWalkley Queenie Black Miss Chell Belper Cheeky Belper SadieLittle Billie Boy Black Mrs. Bird King Pippin VeraTina Brown Mrs. Addis Bayswater Swell KitseyPrairie King Brown Mrs. Harvey Bayswater Swell QueenieKing of the Fairies Brown Miss Fox-White Kensington King Queen MabHaughty Prince Brown Mrs. Iloulker. Aigburth Prince Haughty MurielMoorland Pixie I Brown Lady Conyers. Moorland Brownie FairyCrimbles Duke Brown Mrs. Walters Tufnell King Tufnell BeckieGolden Tina Brown Mr. Taylor Fritzkin SissyFritzkin Brown Unknown Unknown UnknownTiny Brown Brown Mrs. Sanderson Reigate Masher BlanquettesBrunetteChocolat 1 Blue Mr. Marples Black Boy 1 JudyBoy Blue Blue Mrs. Fisher Prince Victory l Princess ZuluDainty Boy ] S. Sable Unknown Unknown 1 UnknownDainty Belle S. Sable Mrs. Hall-Walker Dainty Boy Bibtiry BelleBibtiry Belle S. Sable Mrs. Judge King Khama Bibury MaggieRuffle S. Sable Unknown Unknown 1 UnknownPrairie King. S. Sable Mr. Harvey Bayswater Swell QueenNanky Po S. Sable Mr. liirkinshaw Dr. Nansen Lady ClareThe Sable Mite S. Sable Mr. Hirst Little Nipper Laurel FluflieThe Sable Atom S. Sable Mr. Fielding Little Nipper Cinderella4450 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWReported by Babe McCombsBenton, Arkansas, Oct 27. 2007, was the place to be foranother great Specialty There was an amazing 5 pt major inboth dogs and bitches, and some very happy winnersAs always, before the show, we provide a large table ofwonderful food and invite all exhibitors to eat with us. Thisis our way of welcoming all Pom people and getting to knownew Pom friends. We want to thank everyone for comingand hope you had an enjoyable time.CAPC members are excited about plans for holding back-tobackPom Specialties in October 2008 in Benton, Arkansas.They will be held in conjunction with two all breed shows.Thats four shows in three days. Start making plans nowNote We will not be having a February Specialty this yearat Pine Bluff.Lovely trophies were donated by club members, and therewere three tables of wonderful items for a silent auction,with proceeds from one of the tables going to our rescuefund.Judge Elaine Mathis was given quite a task to choose just afew winners out of the 36 beautiful Poms strutting aroundthe ring with proud owners and handlers. After a gentle andthorough examination of each Pom, she made the followingplacements.Puppy Dogs, 6 to 9 months1 JJs Giorgio Armani, Breederowner Julie Javernick2. Chars Cravin for a Parti, Breederowner CharlotteMeyer3. Witt-Elles Money For Nothing, Breederowner StephanieWitt4. Nans Sweet Talking Guy, Breeder Nancy Reed, ownerCarol Kivch Nancy ReedPuppy Dogs, 9 to 12 months1.Chars Bringin Sexy Back, Breeder C Meyer, D Finch,owner C Meyer, G B Bertrand, J D Kim, A Y Jung, WLane, G Johnson2. Heavenbound Amazing Beryl, Breeder Bryan Lisenbee,owner Carol KivchPuppy Dog, 12 to 18 months1. Sweethearts Teddy Bear, Breeder Kathy Hildago, ownerCarol KivchBred by Exhibitor Dog1. Karnans Leader Of The Pack, Breeder Nancy Reed,owner Carol Kivch Nancy Reed2. Chas-T-Dee Come Fly with Me, Breederowners Charles Dee McNeiceAmerican Bred Dog1. Chars Heart Of My Heart, Breeder Charlotte Meyer,owners C Meyer Katy Lou Stalnaker, C MeyerOpen Dog1. Bi-Mars Reach for the Sky, Breeder Mary Rosenbaum,owner Margaret Lowry Elizabeth Curtiss2. Allayns Pie In The Sky, Breederowner Mary Allan3. Finchs Cut To The Chase, Breederowner Diane Finch4. Chars Meant To Be A Parti, Breederowner CharlotteMeyerWINNERS DOGKARNANS LEADER OF THE PACKRESERVE WDBI-MARS REACH FOR THE SKYPuppy Bitches, 6 to 9 months1. Mountain Crest Caught up N U, Breeder David Carlene Gilstrap Ann Berryman, owners Barbara Moore,D C Gilstrap2. Chars Most Beautiful Parti, Breeder Charlotte Meyer Diane Finch, owner C Meyer3. Legacys Tator Tot O Witt-Elle, Breeder Stephanie Witt,owner Patricia Rowley4. JJs Donatella Versace, Breederowner Julie JavernickPuppy Bitches, 9-12 months1. Peannetes Cloud Nine, Breederowner Anne HendlerCENTRAL ARKANSASPOMERANIANCLUB SPECIALTY2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 951 PM50^^ZCCCQ 4 i i i in0 v1VjAN 44 44JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 51Puppy Bitches, 12 to 18 months1 Bar-Net Satin N Lace of Oakridge, Breederowner PatBarnett2. TLCs Bella Luna, Breederowner Elizabeth CurtissAmerican Bred Bitch1. Peannetes Fancy Queen, Breederowner Anne HendlerOpen Bitches1 Chars Whiskey Sour Parti, Breederowner CharlotteMeyer2. Bar-Nets Nina Belle of Lenette, Breeder K Griffith,owner Pat Barnett3. Finchs Too Good To Be True Parti, BreederownerDianne Finch4. Finchs Dream Parti, Breederowner Diane FinchWINNERS BITCHPEANNETES CLOUD NINERESERVE WBCHARS WHISKEY SOUR PARTIBEST OF BREED CH FINCHS BETTIN ON CHARSBreeder Diane Finch, owners Charlotte Meyer, Gail BillBertrand, Lynn SalehBEST OF WINNERS BEST OPPOSITE SEXPEANNETES CLOUD NINECongratulations to the winners2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12162007, 1154 AM5152 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWThe American Pomeranian Club is a participating member in this program.Purina Parent Club Partnership PPCP ProgramMembers of Purina Pro Club whose national parent club participates in the Purina Parent Club PartnershipPPCP Program may earn funding for canine health studies, education andor rescue efforts that will benefittheir breed. Since 2002, the first year of the PPCP program, there has been more than 710,000 generatedfor health research, education or rescue. As of 2005, there are 149 National breed clubs participating in theprogram.Heres how the PPCP Program works Pro Club members redeem weight circles from bags of participatingPurina brand dog foods. Purina tracks these weight circle submissions, and for every 100 of qualifyingweight circle points earned by Pro Club members, Purina donates 10 to the participating national parentbreed club.Points are accumulated throughout a calendar year, and in February, a check representing 10 percent of thevalue of the submitted weight circles for the year is evenly split between the participating national parentbreed club and the AKC Canine Health Foundation. The donation that goes to the AKC Canine HealthFoundation is eligible to be matched up to 100 percent by the Canine Health Foundation if it meets theFoundations funding guidelines.Purina sent the year-end Parent Club Partnership Program report for 2006. APC had 793 Pro Clubmembers declared for the program. There were 154 members that submitted weight circles from Januarythrough December 2006 the total earned by APC was 4,382.05. Purina sent a check with their reportmade payable to APC in the amount of 2,191.03 a second check for the same amount will be mailed byPurina to the Canine Health Foundation on behalf of APC.As of 93007 the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. has 898 members declared for the Purina Parent ClubPartnership Program. From January 1, 2007, through September 30, 2007, 134 members have submittedweight circles resulting in a total of 2,933.10 accumulated thus far for the 2007 Program.Regional Clubs You can help by promoting this program within your clubs.KENNEL Dan Tammee FelixSunGlo PomsPlease contact the Editor to nominate candidates for upcoming APC Kennel Visits. Send informationto The Pomeranian Review, Brenda Segelken, Editor, 11139 E. Camelot Ave., Effingham, IL 62401or phone 217-347-5731. Email fame62401yahoo.comAdvertising DeadlineFebruary 1, 2008Visit2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12162007, 1154 AM52 INI 4 i i i in4JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 532008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12162007, 1154 AM53Trademarks owned by Society des Produits Nestis S.A., Vevey, SwitzerlandThese simple tools can help researchers of serious canine diseases.23i5P odV kgWhen your breed club members cut out and save package weight circles as Purina Pro Club members, and participate in the Purina Parent Club Partnership PPCP Program, your club will begin to earn financial contributions from Purina and the Canine Health Foundation. You'll want to learn about all of the important details by contacting us soon Breed clubs have already earned a total of almost 1.2 million for their breeds' health studies, education programs andor rescue efforts.For complete details about how the PPCP Program works, call us toll-free at 1-800-778-3375, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. CT, Mon.-Fri. or e-mail us at If you'd like to join Pro Club and participate in the PPCP, call toll-free 1-877-PRO-CLUB 1-877-776-2582, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. CT, Mon.-Fri., or apply on-line at Current Pro Club members can simply notify the Pro Club, by phone or e-mail, and tell them that they want to participate in the PPCP program.msEB vVPURINAPURINAi One.HiProMtOTEINIi FORHAKlAVOKKINf, IKX.s BBSJfflPURINA Parent ClubPartnership Program54 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWWays WaysAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc. Means MeansDonna RiehmHeres just one example of the exciting donationsthat will be at Kentucky a one-of-a-kind, 2008National logo, purse designed and created by JackieHirshberg.ALERT ALERT ALERTYOUR CLUB NEEDS YOUR HELPYour item donations are needed aspart of our fundraising effortsduringTHE NATIONAL SPECIALTYWe always appreciate the special items that are created and handcrafted by our members. Any items such asdog collectibles, art, jewelry, beds, crates, prints, crate covers, grooming items, figurines - just any dog relateditems that you think would interest our members and friends.The homemade cookies for us humans have always been a big hit.Please bring your item to specialty, and be sure to signthe log-in sheet so we can acknowledge your donation.If you are not attending and would like to support thismain fundraising event, please mail your items to me byMarch 1, 2008.I thank you for your generous support in the past andlook forward to seeing your donations for 2008.Donna Riehm, 669 Ava Road, Murphysboro, IL 62966e-mail if your have questions mom4pomsaol.coomATTENTIONLAST CALL LAST CALLLast chance to place an order for the 3 2007 APCNational CDs. Order yours today while the supply lasts2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12162007, 1154 AM54 INI 4 n i i i ip 'm,, . yM4 4V,rs-im n4JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 55Top 10BrBrBrBrBreedeedeedeedeedJoan BehrendAKC TopDogssm Using Breed TotalsStarting January 1, 2007 and ending December 31, 2007For Events Processed Through Wednesday, November 14, 2007 TotalRank Name Sex BOB Defeated 1 CH Eagle Creeks Hamin It Up D 110 1,853Owner K Norem 2 CH Lanas Let Me Introduce Myself D 63 1,152Owner L Price 3 CH Finchs Bettin On CharS D 54 974Owners C Meyer, L Saleh, G Bertrand, B Bertrand 4 CH Razzle Dazzle Heavenly Choir D 80 883Owner R Rechler 5 CH Valcopy Janels Spiderman D 41 717Owners J Pardue, J Reich, D Plonkey 6 CH Cr Tuff Guy Of Isabella D 44 545Owners R Solano, C Solano, R Smith, M Smith 7 CH Gayels Destinys Child B 19 528Owner N Guenther 8 CH Starfires Here Comes Trouble D 26 495Owners N Roberts, V Winter, J Cabrera, F Arienti 9 CH Indigos Flower Power B 24 374Owner J Smith, T Smith 10 CH Jan-Shars Little Ceaser D 58 362Owners H SklarAPC Member denoted by 2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12162007, 1154 AM55mTA,ft56 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWTop 10All BreedPomeranians AKC TopDogssm Using All Breed TotalsStarting January 1, 2007 and ending December 31, 2007For Events Processed Through Wednesday, November 14, 2007 TotalRank Name Sex BIS I II III IV Defeated 1 CH Eagle Creeks Hamin It Up D 8 33 30 12 11 20,012Owner K Norem 2 CH Lanas Let Me Introduce Myself D 1 9 14 13 5 7,198Owner L Price 3 CH Cr Tuff Guy Of Isabella D 1 12 12 6 6 6,932Owners R Solano, C Solano, R Smith, M Smith 4 CH Razzle Dazzle Heavenly Choir D 0 5 6 13 19 5,188Owner R Rechler 5 CH Starfires Here Comes Trouble D 3 7 3 5 3 5,127Owners N Roberts, V Winter, J Cabrera, F Arienti 6 CH Finchs Bettin On CharS D 1 7 9 5 6 4,414Owners C Meyer, L Saleh, G Bertrand, B Bertrand 7 CH Jan-Shars Little Ceaser D 1 7 11 13 6 4,302Owner H Sklar 8 CH Gayels Destinys Child B 1 4 5 0 0 3,683Owner N Guenther 9 CH Indigos Flower Power B 1 3 5 3 3 3,194Owners J Smith, T Smith 10 CH Valcopy Janels Spiderman D 0 1 4 5 4 2,986Owners J Pardue, J Reich, D PlonkeyAPC Member denoted by 2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 953 PM56mr 4- i i m i nTA,JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 57Top TenExhibitor, Breeder,Junior ShowmanshipTop Ten Exhibitors, Breeders, Sires, and DamsJan. 1, 2007 through Oct. 31, 2007 as reported by the American Kennel ClubTop Exhibitors14 Diane L Finch 9 Charlotte Meyer 6 Sharon Hanson 4 Cathy Anderson 4 Carlene Gilstrap 4 David Gilstrap 4 Laurie Otis 3 Joan Beech 3 Melvin Beech 3 Bruce Behrend 3 Joan C Behrend 3 Sharry Christianson 3 Carol Leemhuis 3 Nina M Fetter 3 Cheri McDonald 3 Lynn Meyer 3 Hazel Miller 3 Linda Mulso 3 Arlene A Otaguro 3 George Smith 3 Janice Smith 3 Celeste Solano 3 Robert Solano 3 Robin Watanabe 3 Lorinda Vasuta 3 Julie A VolkheimerTop Breeders17 Diane L Finch 9 Charlotte Meyer 8 Sharon Hanson 7 Jerrie Freia 6 K G Griffith 5 Cathy Anderson 5 Laurie Otis 4 Joan Beech 4 Melvin Beech 4 Cheri Fields 4 Carol Leehmuis 4 Hazel Miller 4 Arlene A Otaguro 4 Geno Sisneros 4 Robin WatanabeTop Sires10 CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams 5 CH Music Maker Of Lenette 4 CH Chriscendo Call To Arms 4 CH FinchsCharsMakinWavesParti 4 CH Heartlands Knight N Day 4 CH Rodis CR King of Gondor 4 CH Sundowns Hide N Zeke CD 3 CH Chriscendo Communicado 3 CH Damascusroad Dream Buster 3 CH Janesas American Cutiepye 3 CH Janesas Applause, Please 3 CH Janesas For Keep-Sake 3 Jolvins Royal Review 3 CH Paughprints On The MTN CrestTop Dams3 Finchs N Chars Turnin Tricks3 Finchs Seasoned Just Right3 CH Glen Iris Dutchess of Castile3 Labays Savannah of Lenette3 CH Kacees LTL Darlin Want-A-B3 CH Sofines Legally Blonde2 CH Pom Acres Classic TNT2 CH Razzle Dazzle Wedding March2 Cottontop Fancy Dancer2 Finchs My Bets On You Baby2 CH Gar-Vs Zeek-A-Boo2 Irresistibles Arctica Fox2 CH Lil Behrs Honey Nut Cluster2 Pinnacle Holly of Howlene2 Pixies Tornado Alley2 Shimmeree Northern Lights2 Toyland Jolvin Southern Song2 Vanna White of LenetteTop Junior HandlersCatherine M. Jessen, Juniors ChairNovember 1, 2006 through Oct 31,2007 as reported by BestJunior.comJessica Christiansen 310Stephanie Hentschel 157Rebecca Silverberg 95Chelsea Valles 56Amanda Seitzer 48Gretel Berglund 44Bailey Pfannerstill 29Lauren Hamilton 27Danielle Miller 15Taylor Irvin 15Sheppard, Rosie 12The Pomeranian Review includes all Pomeranian Exhibitors in their publication. American Pomeranian Club Members are noted with an. In order to be eligible for APC Awards given at the Annual Banquet, you must have been a member for one 1 calendar year.2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 953 PM57mr 4- i i m i nTA,58 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWNew ChampionsSEPTEMBER NEW CHAMPIONSCH Animations Jeckle D CH Heartlands Knight N Day x CH Dress Circle Animation. Owned byCarol Leemhuis Lorinda Vasuta. Bred by Mrs. Pat Dresser Lorinda Vasuta.CH Bar-Net P-Nut Samron Of Oakridge D Nobles Command Performance x Bar-Net Abigail OfOakridge. Owned by Norma Smart Pat Barnett. Bred by Pat Barnett.CH Chars Eye Candy B CH Finchs Nicely Packaged Deal x Finchs N Chars Turnin Tricks.Owned by Charlotte Meyer Wendy Lane Lynn Meyer. Bred by Charlotte Meyer LynnMeyer.CH Exquisites Treasure Delight B CH Finchs Dream Come True II x CH Avalons Angelina.Owned by Wahyuni Wibowo. Bred by Wahyuni Wibowo.CH Finchs You Light My Fire B CH Chriscendo Call To Arms x Finchs Fashion Blitz N Black.Owned by Diane L Finch. Bred by Diane L Finch.CH Foxworth Foxtrot D CH Razzle Dazzle Hat Dance x CH Foxworth Foxy Roxy. Owned byPamela Dodsworth Larry Fox. Bred by Pamela Dodsworth Larry Fox.CH Glen Iris Evonne DIstar B Heartlands Too Close To Call x CH Glen Iris Castle In The Sky.Owned by Isabel Taylor Becky Jackson. Bred by Dr. Cheryl A Jackson Geno Sisneros Isabel Taylor Lawrence Myers.CH Great Rivers Tur-Beau Charged D CH Great Rivers Cupids Arrow x Great Rivers Chelsey.Owned by Sharon Yampiro. Bred by Sharon Yampiro.CH Horizons Hickory Dickory Doc D CH Sundowns Hide N Zeke CD x CH Kacees LTLDarlin Want-A-B. Owned by Gail Bertrand Bill Bertrand. Bred by Laurie Otis.CH Jan-Shars Serengeti B CH Jan-Shars Go For The Gusto x CH Jan-Shars The Cookie Monster.Owned by Sharon Hanson. Bred by Sharon Hanson.CH Jan-Shars Tiffany And Company B Jan-Shars Ghost Buster x Janesas N Jan-Shars CottonTop. Owned by Sharon Hanson. Bred by Sharon Hanson.CH Janesas A Black N Tan Affair D CH Janesas Hurray x Janesas Goodness Sakes Alive.Owned by Lori Kamrath Lindsey Kamrath. Bred by Jerrie Freia.CH Janesas Just Because I Can D CH Heartlands Knight N Day x CH Janesas The PlacesYouL Go. Owned by Diane Hall. Bred by Jerrie Freia.CH Janesas Rhet Butler Romance Tara D CH Raine N Janesas Time To Chat x CH JanesasScarlett Lives On In Tara. Owned by Marcia Cox Bruce Cox. Bred by Marcia Cox BruceCox.CH Jolvin Good To Go B Jolvins Royal Review x CH Jolvin Sweet Song Singer. Owned by JoanBeech Melvin Beech. Bred by Joan Beech Melvin Beech.CH Jolvin Hot On Your Heels B Jolvins Royal Review x CH Jolvin Sweet Song Singer. Ownedby Lee-Ann Lambert. Bred by Joan Beech Melvin Beech.CH Kayras Onyx Of Magical Meadows D Kayra N Dreamweavers Tiger Eye x Kayras DarlingDaninty Dot. Owned by Alan Merrigan Kay L Chaney Reed Adams Heidi Merrigan.Bred by Kay L Chaney Reed Adams.CH Mountain Crest Neiman Marcus D CH Mountain Crest Fridays Special x Mountain CrestMaiden Mist. Owned by Barbara Moore David Gilstrap Carlene Gilstrap. Bred by DavidGilstrap Carlene B Gilstrap.September New Champions Continued2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 953 PM58m 11 i n1WJANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 59New ChampionsOCTOBER NEW CHAMPIONSCH Bachmans All You Need Is Love D CH Nguyen,Cory Loverboy Of GQ x Bachmans PreciousAlexandrite. Owned by Robert Solano Cheri Mcdonald Celeste Solano. Bred by CheriMcdonald.CH Cappys Hawaiian Hot Ta Honey B Yevgeny Of Lenette x Elusive Toys Quaint Clarice.Owned by Marissa Capelouto. Bred by Marissa Capelouto.CH Cj-Peep Tequila Sunrise D CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams x Finchs Walks All Over You. Ownedby Julia Smith John C Landry Sue Landry. Bred by Julia Smith John C Landry Sue Landry.CH Cr Gold Strike D CH Rodis Black Gold x Shimmeree Northern Lights. Owned by Diane LFinch Robert Solano Celeste Solano. Bred by Celeste Solano Robert Solano.CH Lil Behrs Honey Nut Cheerio D CH Chriscendo Communicado x CH Lil Behrs Honey NutCluster. Owned by Joan C Behrend Bruce Behrend. Bred by Joan C Behrend.CH Lt Cherubs Meet The Press Of Lenette D CH Music Maker Of Lenette x Sarah Of Lenette.Owned by Charlotte Meyer. Bred by K G Griffith.CH Park Avenues Double Platinum D Allayns Pie In The Sky x Nobles And Park Aves Lola.Owned by Linda L Brown. Bred by Mary Allan Tom Wilson.CH Peachs Little Miss Dream Boat B CH Peachs Day Dream Believer x CH Peachs Little MissDaisy. Owned by Bob Pietzsch. Bred by Bob Pietzsch.CH Peannetes Cloud Nine B CH Starfires Pawegre Hulabaloo x CH Peannetes Wave OfDreams. Owned by Anne Hendler. Bred by Anne Hendler.CH Pombredens Cloud Chaser D Smoky Mtns Dusty Snow x Pombredens White Eve-O-Lution.Owned by Laurie Schwabauer. Bred by Barbara A Breden.CH Premiers Jazzy Natalie B CH Razzle Dazzle Hat Dance x Premiers Jillian Jill. Owned byLorene Staats. Bred by Lorene Staats.CH Prestigious Elvis Is King D CH Prestigious High Octane x Prestigious Promise A Parti.Owned by Sherry Dollar Robbie C Hudson. Bred by Sherry Dollar.CH Woodroses Two Thumbs Up D CH Woodrose Olde Tyme Tradition x Woodroses HollyBerry. Owned by Clarice M Oganeku Yvette H Oganeku. Bred by Clarice M Oganeku Yvette H Oganeku.CH Nans Sit N Spin D Nans Touche To Yogi x Nans WitchN Women. Owned by GinaWilliams Nancy Reed. Bred by Nancy Reed.CH Power Pom Beyond My Expectation B CH Nobles Born To Perform x Powerpom Kazillion.Owned by Pongsakorn Pongsak. Bred by Pongsakorn Pongsak.CH Silver Meadows J.C.s Shadow D CH Silver Meadows Jus Cruisin x CH Silver MeadowsT.J.s Charisma. Owned by Jacquelyn W Klein. Bred by Jacquelyn W Klein.CH Siriuss Chudenuhee D CH Finchs Awesome On All Four x Oasis Wind Beneath Her Wings.Owned by Nina M Fetter Kathryn J Norem. Bred by Ellen FetterLLEN Nina Fetter.CH Sofines Outta My Way D CH Damascusroad Dream Buster x CH Sofines Legally Blonde.Owned by Mary E Latimer. Bred by Mary E Latimer.September New Champions Continued2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 953 PM59m 11 i nW60 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWEMERGENCY PROCEDURE IN CASE OF ACCIDENTIn an emergency, please notifyname ____________________________________________________________phone ___________________________________________________________,Or name__________________________________________________________phone ___________________________________________________________.In the event that I,__________________________________________________,am incapacitated and unable to make my wishes known regarding mycolor ___________________ breed ______________________________ dog,call name ________________________________________________________.Please honor the following requestsname ____________________________________________________________is to be contacted as soon as possibleat phone______________________cell phone__________________________.If she cannot be reached, contact _______________________________________at phone ______________________ cell phone_________________________.ALL EXPENSES FOR THE DOGS CARE WILL BE GUARANTEED BY THEM.If the dog is not injured, she is to be cared for by the nearest reputableboarding kennel, and be kept in the best possible manner until arrangementscan be made to get him or her home.If the dog is injured, she is to be cared for by the nearest reputable veterinarian.I prefer that my veterinarian, Dr.________________________________________,be contacted at phone ______________________________________________,address __________________________________________________________.regarding decisions on the dogs care and treatment. This veterinarian will alsobe able to provide information about immunizations. If the dog is injured beyondall hope of recovery, she is to be humanely euthanized. In every case, the welfareof my dog is my primary consideration.signature _________________________________________________________date _____________________________________________________________phone _______________________ cell phone __________________________address___________________________________________________________Permission to reproduce this page for personal use is encouraged and granted.Complete this information sheet and place in your vehicles storage compartment.2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 953 PM604 i i i in4 44JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 61Health GeneticsGeneva CoatsOriginally published as Early Neurological StimulationBy Carmen L. Battaglia Surprising as it may seem, it isnt capacity that explainsthe differences that exist between individuals because mostseem to have far more capacity than they will ever use. Thedifferences that exist between individuals seem to be relatedto something else. The ones who achieve and out performothers seem to have within themselves the ability to use hiddenresources. In other words, its what they are able to dowith what they have that makes the difference. In many animal-breeding programs the entire processof selection and management is founded on the belief thatperformance is inherited. Attempts to analyze the geneticsof performance in a systematic way have involved some distinguishednames such as Charles Darwin and Francis Galton.But it has only been in recent decades that good estimates ofheritability of performance have been based on adequatedata. Cunningham 1991 in his study of horses found thatonly by using Timeform data, and measuring groups of halfbrothers and half sisters could good estimates of performancebe determined. His data shows that performance for speed isabout 35 heritable. In other words only about 35 of all thevariation that is observed in track performance is controlledby heritable factors, the remaining 65 are attributable toother influences, such as training, management and nutrition.Cunninghams work while limited to horses provides agood basis for understanding how much breeders can attributeto the genetics and the pedigrees.Researchers have studied this phenomena and have lookedfor new ways to stimulate individuals in order to improve theirnatural abilities. Some of the methods discovered have producedlife long lasting effects. Today, many of the differencesbetween individuals can now be explained by the use of earlystimulation methods.Introduction Man for centuries has tried various methods to improveperformance. Some of the methods have stood the test oftime, others have not. Those who first conducted researchon this topic believed that the period of early age was a mostimportant time for stimulation because of its rapid growthand development. Today, we know that early life is a timewhen the physical immaturity of an organism is susceptibleand responsive to a restricted but important class of stimuli.Because of its importance many studies have focused theirefforts on the first few months of life. Newborn pups are uniquely different than adults in severalrespects. When born their eyes are closed and their digestivesystem has a limited capacity requiring periodic stimulationby their dam who routinely licks them in order to promotedigestion. At this age they are only able to smell, suck,and crawl. Body temperature is maintained by snuggling closeto their mother or by crawling into piles with other littermates.During these first few weeks of immobility researchers notedthat these immature and under-developed canines are sensitiveto a restricted class of stimuli which includes thermal,and tactile stimulation, motion and locomotion. Other mammals such as mice and rats are also bornwith limitations and they also have been found to demonstratea similar sensitivity to the effects of early stimulation.Studies show that removing them from their nest for threeminutes each day during the first five to ten days of life causesbody temperatures to fall below normal. This mild form ofstress is sufficient to stimulate hormonal, adrenal and pituitarysystems. When tested later as adults, these same animalswere better able to withstand stress than littermateswho were not exposed to the same early stress exercises. Asadults, they responded to stress in a graded fashion, whiletheir non-stressed littermates responded in an all or nothingway. Data involving laboratory mice and rats also shows thatstress in small amounts can produce adults who respondmaximally. On the other hand, the results gathered from nonstressedlittermate show that they become easily exhaustedand would near death if exposed to intense prolonged stress.When tied down so they were unable to move for twenty-fourhours, rats developed severe stomach ulcers, but litter matesexposed to early stress handling were found to be more resistantto stress tests and did not show evidence of ulcers. Asecondary affect was also noticed.DEVELOPING HIGH ACHIEVERS2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 954 PM61i i i i n62 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW Sexual maturity was attained sooner in the littermatesgiven early stress exercises. When tested for differences inhealth and disease, the stressed animals were found to bemore resistant to certain forms of cancer and infectious diseasesand could withstand terminal starvation and exposureto cold for longer periods than their non-stressed littermates.Other studies involving early stimulation exercises have beensuccessfully performed on both cats and dogs. In these studies,the Electrical Encephalogram EEG was found to beideal for measuring the electrical activity in the brain becauseof its extreme sensitivity to changes in excitement, emotionalstress, muscle tension, changes in oxygen and breathing.EEG measures show that pups and kittens when given earlystimulation exercises mature at faster rates and perform betterin certain problem solving tests than non-stimulated mates.In the higher level animals the effect of early stimulation exerciseshave also been studied. The use of surrogate mothersand familiar objects were tested by both of the Kelloggsand Dr. Yearkes using young chimpanzees. Their pioneerresearch shows that the more primates were deprived ofstimulation and interaction during early development, the lessable they were to cope, adjust and later adapt to situationsas adults. While experiments have not yet produced specific informationabout the optimal amounts of stress needed to makeyoung animals psychologically or physiologically superior,researches agree that stress has value. What also is knownis that a certain amount of stress for one may be too intensefor another, and that too much stress can retard development.The results show that early stimulation exercises canhave positive results but must be used with caution. In otherwords, too much stress can cause pathological adversitiesrather than physical or psychological superiority.Methods of Stimulation The U.S. Military in their canine program developed amethod that still serves as a guide to what works. In an effortto improve the performance of dogs used for military purposes,a program called Bio Sensor was developed. Later,it became known to the public as the Super Dog Program.Based on years of research, the military learned that earlyneurological stimulation exercises could have important andlasting effects. Their studies confirmed that there are specifictime periods early in life when neurological stimulationhas optimum results. The first period involves a window oftime that begins at the third day of life and lasts until thesixteenth day. It is believed that because this interval of timeis a period of rapid neurological growth and development,and therefore is of great importance to the individual. The Bio Sensor program was also concerned with earlyneurological stimulation in order to give the dog a superioradvantage. Its development utilized six exercises which weredesigned to stimulate the neurological system. Each workoutinvolved handling puppies once each day. The workoutsrequired handling them one at a time while performing a seriesof five exercises. Listed in order of preference the handlerstarts with one pup and stimulates it using each of thefive exercises. The handler completes the series from beginningto end before starting with the next pup. The handling ofeach pup once per day involves the following exercises1. Tactical stimulation between toes2. Head held erect3. Head pointed down4. Supine position5. Thermal stimulation.1. Tactile stimulationHolding the pup in one hand, the handler gently stimulatestickles the pup between the toes on any one foot using a Qtip.It is not necessary to see that the pup is feeling the tickle.Time of stimulation 3 - 5 seconds. Figure 12. Head held erectUsing both hands, the pup is held perpendicular to the ground,straight up, so that its head is directly above its tail. This isan upwards position. Time of stimulation 3 - 5 seconds Figure2.Figure 1. Tactile stimulation.Figure 2. Head held erect.2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 954 PM62 INI 4 i i i in4 44JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 633. Head pointed downHolding the pup firmly with both hands the head is reversedand is pointed downward so that it is pointing towards theground. Time of stimulation 3 - 5 seconds Figure 3.Figure 3. Head pointed down.4. Supine positionHold the pup so that its back is resting in the palm of bothhands with its muzzle facing the ceiling. The pup while on itsback is allowed to sleep struggle. Time of stimulation 3-5seconds. Figure 4Figure 4. Supine position.5. Thermal stimulationUse a damp towel that has been cooled in a refrigerator forat least five minutes. Place the pup on the towel, feet down.Do not restrain it from moving. Time of stimulation 3-5 seconds.Figure 5Figure 5. Thermal stimulation. These five exercises will produce neurological stimulations,none of which naturally occur during this early periodof life. Experience shows that sometimes pups will resist theseexercises, others will appear unconcerned. In either case acaution is offered to those who plan to use them. Do notrepeat them more than once per day and do not extend thetime beyond that recommended for each exercise. Overstimulation of the neurological system can have adverse anddetrimental results. These exercises impact the neurologicalsystem by kicking it into action earlier than would be normallyexpected. The result being an increased capacity thatlater will help to make the difference in its performance. Thosewho play with their pups and routinely handle them shouldcontinue to do so because the neurological exercises are notsubstitutions for routine handling, play socialization or bonding.Benefitsof Stimulation Five benefits have been observed in canines that wereexposed to the Bio Sensor stimulation exercises. The benefitsnoted were1. Improved cardio vascular performance heart rate2. Stronger heart beats3. Stronger adrenal glands4. More tolerance to stress and5. Greater resistance to disease. In tests of learning, stimulated pups were found to bemore active and were more exploratory than their non- stimulatedlittermates over which they were dominant in competitivesituations. Early Neurological Stimulation Continued2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 954 PM63I I I I I 4- n i i i i14 464 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWSecondary effects were also noted regarding test performance.In simple problem solving tests using detours in amaze, the non-stimulated pups became extremely aroused,whined a great deal, and made many errors. Their stimulatedlittermates were less disturbed or upset by test conditionsand when comparisons were made, the stimulated littermateswere more calm in the test environment, made fewererrors and gave only an occasional distress when stressed.Socialization As each animal grows and develops three kinds ofstimulation have been identified that impact and influencehow it will develop and be shaped as an individual. The firststage is called early neurological stimulation, and the secondstage is called socialization. The first two early neurologicalstimulation and socialization have in common a windowof limited time. When Lorenz, 1935 first wrote aboutthe importance of the stimulation process he wrote aboutimprinting during early life and its influence on the later developmentof the individual. He states that it was differentfrom conditioning in that it occurred early in life and tookplace very rapidly producing results which seemed to be permanent.One of the first and perhaps the most noted researchefforts involving the larger animals was achieved by Kellogg Kellogg 1933. As a student of Dr. Kelloggs I found himand his wife to have an uncanny interest in children and younganimals and the changes and the differences that occurredduring early development. Their history making study involvedraising their own new born child with a new born primate.Both infants were raised together as if they were twins. Thisstudy like others that would follow attempted to demonstratethat among the mammals there are great differences in theirspeed of physical and mental development. Some are bornrelatively mature and quickly capable of motion and locomotion,while others are very immature, immobile and slow todevelop. For example, the Rhesus monkey shows rapid andprecocious development at birth, while the chimpanzee andthe other great apes take much longer. Last and slowest isthe human infant. One of the earliest efforts to investigate and look for theexistence of socialization in canines was undertaken by ScottFuller1965. In their early studies they were able to demonstratethat the basic technique for testing the existence ofsocialization was to show how readily adult animals wouldfoster young animals, or accept one from another species.They observed that with the higher level animals it is easiestdone by hand rearing. When the foster animal transfers itssocial relationships to the new species, researchers concludethat socialization has taken place. Most researchers agreethat among all species, a lack of adequate socialization generallyresults in unacceptable behavior and often times producesundesirable aggression, excessiveness, fearfulness,sexual inadequacy, and indifference toward partners. Socialization studies confirm that the critical periods forhumans infant to be stimulated are generally between threeweeks and twelve months of age. For canines the period isshorter, between the fourth and sixteenth week of age. Duringthese critical time periods two things can go wrong. First,insufficient social contact can interfere with proper emotionaldevelopment which can adversely affected the developmentof the human bond. The lack of adequate social stimulation,such as handling, mothering and contact with others, adverselyaffects social and psychological development. Second, over mothering can prevent sufficient exposureto other individuals, and situations that have an importantinfluence on growth and development. The literatureshows that humans and animals respond in similar ways whendenied minimal amounts of stimulation. In humans, the absenceof love and cuddling increases the risk of an aloof,distant, asocial or sociopathic individual. Over mothering canalso have its detrimental effects. It occurs when a patientinsulates the child from outside contacts, or keeps the apronstrings tight, thus limiting opportunities to explore and interact.In the end, over mothering generally produces a dependent,socially maladjusted and sometimes emotionally disturbedindividual. The absence of outside social interactions for both childrenand pups usually results in a lack of adequate learningand social adjustment. Protected youngsters who grow up inan insulated environment often times become sickly, despondent,lacking in flexibility and unable to make simple socialadjustments. Generally, they are unable to function productivelyor to interact successfully then they become adults. Owners who have busy life styles with long and tiringwork and social schedules often times cause pets to be neglected.Left to themselves with only an occasional trip outof the house or off of the property they seldom see othercanines or strangers and generally suffer from poor stimulationand socialization. For many, the side effects of lonelinessand boredom set-in. The resulting behavior manifestsitself in the form of chewing, digging, and hard to controlbehavior Battaglia. It seems clear that small amounts of stress followed byearly socialization can produce beneficial results. The dangerseems to be in not knowing where the thresholds are forover and under stimulation. Many improperly socializedyoungsters develop into older individuals unprepared for adultlife, unable to cope with its challenges, and interactions. Attemptsto re-socialize them when adults have only producedsmall gains. These failures confirm the notion that the windowof time open for early neurological and social stimulationonly comes once. After it passes, little or nothing can bedone to overcome the negative effects of too much or toolittle stimulation. The third and final stage in the process of growth anddevelopment is called enrichment. Unlike the first two stagesit has no time limit and by comparison covers a very longperiod of time. Enrichment is a term which has come to meanthe positive sum of experiences, which have a cumulativeeffect upon the individual. Enrichment experiences typicallyinvolve exposure to a wide variety of interesting, novel, andexciting experiences with regular opportunities to freely investigate,manipulate, and interact with them. When measuredin later life, the results show that those reared in anenriched environment tend to be more inquisitive and aremore able to perform difficult tasks. The educational TV programcalled Sesame Street is perhaps the best known exampleof a childrens enrichment program. The results showEarly Neurological Stimulation Continued2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 954 PM644 i i i i n4 44JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 65that when tested, children who regularly watched this programperformed better than playmates who did not. Followup studies show that those who regularly watched Sesametend to seek a college education and when enrolled, performedbetter than playmates who were not regular watchersof the Sesame Street Program. There are numerous children studies that show thebenefits of enrichment techniques and programs. Most focuson improving self-esteem and self-talk. Follow up studies showthat the enriched Sesame Street students when later testedwere brighter and scored above average and most often werefound to be the products of environments that contributed totheir superior test scores. On the other hand, those whosetest scores were generally below average, labeled as dulland the products of underprivileged or non- enriched environmentsoften times had little or only small amounts of stimulationduring early childhood and only minimal amounts ofenrichment during their developmental and formative years.Many were characterized as children who grew up with littleinteraction with others, poor parenting, few toys, no booksand a steady diet of TV soap operas. A similar analogy can be found among canines. All thetime they are growing they are learning because their nervoussystems are developing and storing information thatmay be of inestimable use at a later date. Studies by Scottand Fuller confirm that non-enriched pups when given freechoice preferred to stay in their kennels. Other litter mateswho were given only small amounts of outside stimulationbetween five and eight weeks of age were found to be veryinquisitive and very active. When kennel doors were left open,the enriched pups would come bounding out while littermateswho were not exposed to enrichment would remain behind.The non-stimulated pups would typically be fearful of unfamiliarobjects and generally preferred to withdraw rather thaninvestigate. Even well bred pups of superior pedigrees wouldnot explore or leave their kennels and many were found difficultto train as adults. These pups in many respects weresimilar to the deprived children. They acted as if they hadbecome institutionalized, preferring the routine and safe environmentof their kennel to the stimulating world outside theirimmediate place of residence. Regular trips to the park, shopping centers and obedienceand agility classes serve as good examples of enrichmentactivities. Chasing and retrieving a ball on the surfaceseems to be enriching because it provides exercise and includesrewards. While repeated attempts to retrieve a ballprovide much physical activity, it should not be confused withenrichment exercises. Such playful activities should be usedfor exercise and play or as a reward after returning from atrip or training session. Road work and chasing balls are notsubstitutes for trips to the shopping mall, outings or obedienceclasses most of which provide many opportunities forinteraction and investigation. Finally it seems clear that stress early in life can producebeneficial results. The danger seems to be in not knowingwhere the thresholds are for over and under stimulation.However, the absence or the lack of adequate amounts ofstimulation generally will produce negative and undesirableresults. Based on the above it is fair to say that the performanceof most individuals can be improved including thetechniques described above. Each contributes in a cumulativeway and supports the next stage of development.Conclusion Breeders can now take advantage of the informationavailable to improve and enhance performance. Generally,genetics account of about 35 of the performance but theremaining 65 management, training, nutrition can makethe difference. In the management category it has been shownthat breeders should be guided by the rule that it is generallyconsidered prudent to guard against under and over stimulation.Short of ignoring pups during their first two months oflife, a conservative approach would be to expose them tochildren, people, toys and other animals on a regular basis.Handling and touching all parts of their anatomy is also necessaryto learn as early as the third day of life. Pups that arehandled early and on a regular basis, generally do not becomehand shy as adults. Because of the risks involved in under stimulation aconservative approach to using the benefits of the three stageshas been suggested based primarily on the works ofArskeusky, Kellogg, Yearkes and the Bio Sensor programlater known as the Super Dog Program. Both experience and research have dominated thebeneficial effects that can be achieved via early neurologicalstimulation, socialization and enrichment experiences. Eachhas been used to improve performance and to explain thedifferences that occur between individuals, their trainability,health and potential. The cumulative effects of the threestages have been well documented. They best serve the interestsof owners who seek high levels of performance whenproperly used. Each has a cumulative effect and contributesto the development and the potential for individual performance.References1. Battaglia,C.L., Loneliness and Boredom DobermanQuarterly, 1982.2. Kellogg, W.N. Kellogg, The Ape and the Child, NewYork McGraw Hill.3. Scott Fuller, 1965 Dog Behavior -The GeneticBasics, University Chicago Press4. Scott, J.P., Ross, S., A.E. and King D.K. 1959 TheEffects of Early Enforced Weaning on Stickling Behavior ofPuppies, J. Genetics Psychologist, p5 261-81.ABOUT THE AUTHORCarmen L Battaglia holds a Ph.D. and Masters Degree from FloridaState University. As an AKC judge, researcher and writer, he hasbeen a leader in promotion of breeding better dogs and has writtenmany articles and several books. Dr. Battaglia is also a popular TVand radio talk show speaker. His seminars on breeding dogs, selectingsires and choosing puppies have been well received by thebreed clubs all over the country. Those interested in learning moreabout his articles and seminars should visit the website httpwww.breedingbetterdogs.com2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 954 PM654 i i i i n4 4466 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAPC Judges EducationAPC Judges EducationAPC Judges EducationAPC Judges EducationAPC Judges EducationI am honored to have been asked by the APC Board to takeover the responsibility of Judges Education Coordinator.Before introducing myself to you I want to thank Dot Martinfor all of her hard work and dedication during her tenure inthis role. It is a great service to the Club and to the breed,and I sincerely appreciate it, as I know you do.My name is Fred C. Bassett, and most of you probably knowme most currently as an AKC Approved judge for Pomeranians. They were the first breed that I was approved to judgeback in 1977, so this is my 30th year judging the breed. I gotmy first Pom in 1965 from Dorothy Bonner, and Poms remainedmy major focus while I was actively breeding andshowing. I purchased my first show dog, a Miniature Poodle,in 1961 when I was 12 years old, and bred a couple of generationsof Poodles before switching to Poms. I have alsoowned and exhibited Keeshonden, Old English Sheepdogs,Miniature Schnauzers, a Chihuahua, a Cavalier King CharlesSpaniel, and an English Cocker Spaniel. My wife and Icurrently live with a Cavalier, and a Ragdoll Cat. I am approvedfor all Toy, Non Sporting and Herding breeds as well as eight Terrier breeds ManchesterTerriers, Miniature Schnauzers, Scottish Terriers, Kerry Blue Terriers, Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers,Smooth Fox Terriers, Wire Fox Terriers and West Highland White Terriers Junior Showmanship,Miscellaneous Breeds, and Best in Show. I am continuing my education at this time to completeapproval for the rest of the Terriers.I was active in dog clubs from the early 1970s onward, and have held just about every office andhandled every role possible over the years. Those of you that have been around long enough willremember that I was quite active in APC in the 70s and 80s. I served on the Board for manyyears, was the AKC Delegate for a while, and was the National Specialty Show Chairman andorShow Secretary for a number of years. I was also President and Show Chairman of the PomeranianClub of Michigan for a couple of years in the 70s, before moving to Oklahoma in 1975. I amcurrently a member of the American Pomeranian Club, the Mid-Continent Kennel Club of Tulsa,and two of the major judges organizations.One of my passions over the years has been helping other judges understand Pomeranians. Ideveloped my own Judges Education Presentation on Poms about 15 years ago, and have presentedit all over the country. I was even asked to present it two years ago when I judged in SouthKorea and had quite a roomful of Korean judges and aspiring judges to see it. Giving a seminarwith an interpreter translating everything that I said was quite an experience So I come to thisnew role with experience in the job, and a strong opinion of what helps judges in a seminar andwhat doesnt.Many members of the APC Board had already seen my personal Seminar presentation when I wasasked to take over and liked it very much. They asked me to blend my materials with the existingAPC materials, which at the time of this writing I am in the process of doing. Our plan is to have itcomplete and approved by the Board in time to present the new version during the National SpeFredC. Bassett2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 955 PM66 INI i i i in 'VAlimm m 1JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 67cialty activities in March. We will offer a special session just for APC Members and Exhibitors, aswell as official sessions for aspiring Pomeranian Mentors and Judges. The detailed information onthese sessions is listed below, and will appear in the Premium ListMonday, March 10th 400to 500 PM - Dolphin Room at the Executive InnPomeranian Seminar - Open to allThe same Pomeranian Seminar that is presented to Judges will be offered to anyone interested inseeing it. This is being offered for General Education purposes, and to provide an opportunity tosee what APC provides for Judges Education. No reservation is needed.400 to 600 PM - Dolphin Room at the Executive InnApproved mentors are an essential part of APCs Judges Education program. Prospective Judgesstudying Pomeranians use Parent Club Approved Mentors for ringside observation experiences anddiscussions of the breed. If you want to give something back to your breed you need to attend thisseminar to become an APC Approved Mentor. The first hour of this session will be the PomeranianSeminar listed above which is open to all, followed by a closed session for Mentor candidates todiscuss details of the AKC Mentor and Ringside Observation program. APC Standing Rules requirethat anyone desiring to become an Approved Mentor must be an active Pomeranian BreederExhibitor for 12 years with five Pomeranian Champions and have attended the APC SanctionedSeminar. Please join us in the Dolphin Room. There is no charge for this seminar.Tuesday March 11th 900to 1100 AM - Dolphin Room at the Executive InnPomeranian Judges Education SeminarThe American Pomeranian Club will hold a Sanctioned Judges Education Seminar in conjunctionwith the National Specialty. Ringside tutoring will also be available Tuesday and Wednesday, March11 and 12. There is no charge for the judges seminar or ringside tutoring. To make your reservationscontact APC Judges Education Coordinator Fred Bassett by March 1 Phone 918 355-1188 Email fredcbassettcox.netMy goal is to do the best job I can for the Pomeranian breed and the APC in this new role, and Iappreciate the support already given to me by the APC Board. I hope that the Membership willsupport me as well and that together we can provide meaningful educational experiences for thoseinterested in learning more about our wonderful breed.Dot MartinThank you Dot Martin, former Judges EducationCoordinator, for the many years of dedicated service to Judges,The Amercian Pomeranian Club and the Pomeranian breed.We wish you well in all future endeavors.Thank youThank youThank youThank youThank you2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 955 PM67 INI i i i ina RM-iI68 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWTotal Entered 38 Total Exhibited 36Judge Dorothy MacDonald Carmel Valley, CA. USABest of BreedAm Can Ch Gayels Destinys ChildBreeder Gale A. Rivers, Owner Naimi GuentherBest of Opposite SexBest Canadian BredAm Can Ch Oakrose High N MightyBreedersOwners Joan Rose and Gail StewartBest of WinnersLowens Willow BarkBreederOwner Sheila LowenWinners MaleLowens Willow BarkBreederOwner Sheila LowenReserve Winners MaleLowens Labor LeaderBreederOwner Sheila LowenWinners FemaleDaystars Kharmen GhiaBreeder Karen Power, Owner Colleen BelandReserve Winners FemalePomhavens A Lexus Is BetterBreeder Colleen P. Beland, Owners Colleen Fitzpatrickand Colleen BelandBest Puppy in Breed and Award of MeritJenuwane Look At Me NowBreeder Jen Hryniuk, Owner Lenore GishStud Dog GetAm Can Ch Oakrose High N MightyBreedersOwners Joan Rose and Gail StewartBrood Bitch and ProgenyRock N Pixie of OakridgeBreeders Nina Epps Patricia Barnett, Owners LisaStasiuk and Michael CarbnoThe ClassesJunior Puppy Male1st - Starhaven Ohso Tan N Dark Breeder Janice YoungOwner Christine Hansen2nd - Pomhavens The Edge of a Dream BreederOwnerColleen Beland3rd - Pomhavens Just Fur Fun - BreederOwner ColleenBeland4th - Cin Dur Texas Rodeo at Firesprite Breeder CindyDurbin Owner Christine HansenSenior Puppy Male1st - Lowens Labor Leader BreederOwner Sheila LowenBred by Exhibitor Male1st - Lowens Willow Bark BreederOwner Sheila LowenJunior Puppy Female1st - Pomhavens Dream of the Orient BreederOwnerColleen Beland2nd - Pomdells Lucky Charm BreederOwner Del Dennis3rd - Pinecrests Model Tyrant Breeder CatherineBolahood Owner Lenore Gish4th - Pomhavens Dream Girl BreederOwner ColleenBelandSenior Puppy Female1st - Pomhavens A Lexus is Better BreederColleen BelandOwners Colleen Fitzpatrick Colleen Beland2nd - Pomhavens Thats Hot Breeder Colleen BelandOwners Lee-Ann Lambert Colleen Beland12-18 Month Female1st - Diogenoir Black To The Darkside BreedersOwnersLisa Stasiuk Michael Carbno2nd - Damascusroad Deepsea Marina Breeder Beverly A.Carter Owner Laureen SolversonBred by Exhibitor Female1st - Chinookwinds Black Velvet BreederOwner AnnFulton2nd - Pomwinds Prima Donna Breeder Laureen SolversonOwners Laureen Kristin Solverson3rd - Sharians Irish Mist BreederOwner Carolynn BradyOpen Female1st - Daystars Kharmen Ghia Breeder Karen PowerOwner Colleen BelandPPPPPomeromeromeromeromeranian Club ofanian Club ofanian Club ofanian Club ofanian Club of Canada Canada Canada Canada CanadaNaNaNaNaNational Specialty Rtional Specialty Rtional Specialty Rtional Specialty Rtional Specialty Resultsesultsesultsesultsesults2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 955 PM6844 4xj N V oG o'Ooo^V\i i i i n 4 nnnn^^^mJANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 692nd - Oakrose Athena Warrior Goddess BreedersOwnersJoan Rose and Gail StewartJuvenile SweepstakesTotal Entered 9 Total Exhibited 8Judge Cheryl Stuber, Medicine Hat, AlbertaBest in SweepstakesCh Diogenoir Trailr Trek PrincessBreedersOwners Lisa Stasiuk and Michael CarbnoBest of Opposite Sex to Best in SweepstakesJenuwane Look At Me NowBreeder Jen Hryniuk, Owner Lenore GishThe Sweepstakes Classes not divided by sex6 - 9 Months1st - Jenuwane Look At Me Now Breeder Jen HryniukOwner Lenore Gish2nd - Starhaven Ohso Tan N Dark Breeder Janice YoungOwner Christine Hansen3rd - Pomhavens The Edge of A Dream BreederOwnerColleen Beland4th - Cin Dur Texas Rodeo at Firesprite Breeder CindyDurbin Owner Christine Hansen9 - 12 Months1st - Ch Diogenoir Trailr Trek Princess BreedersOwnersLisa Stasiuk and Michael Carbno2nd - Pomhavens Thats Hot Breeder Colleen BelandOwners Lee-Ann Lambert Colleen Beland3rd - Pomhavens A Lexus Is Better BreederColleenBeland OwnersColleen Fitzpatrick Colleen Beland12-18 Months1st - Diogenoir Black To The Darkside BreedersOwnersLisa Stasiuk and Michael C. Carbno2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 955 PM69 INI 4 i i i in4'-"5Ti I ,PomeranianClubof Canada SUMMER 2007 PHOTOGRAPHY BY cunincsasAWARD OF MERIT BEST PUPPY IN BREED PomeranianClub of Canada SUMMER 2007 PHOTOGRAPHY BY Ciluiine--f \olo AsAA70 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWI was pleased to have been one ofapproximately 350 attendees, and theAPC representative, for this veryinformative conference, which wassponsored by Purina. Theinformation was presented by someof the top research scientists in thecountry. A very diverse group was inattendance including representativesfrom parent clubs, veterinarians andveterinarian students, breeders, AKCjudges, and personnel from CHIC,OFA, and Purina.Over the course of 2 days, thetopics ranged from immunizations tocancer to cardiology and stem cellresearch. Some of the presentationswere applicable to any breed, such ascancer therapy and some werespecific to a particular breed such asocular melanosis in the Cairn Terrier.On the topic of cancer, it wasinteresting to note that Pomeraniansare considered to be at much lowerrisk of developing cancer in theirlifetime than many of the otherbreeds.Many of the parent clubs presentedposters describing their approaches tohealth issues within their breeds andthe genetic testing that is beingconducted as they work to controland, in some cases, eradicate, healthissues particular to their breeds.Although the parent clubs are atvarying levels with their approach tothe specific issues of their breeds,many of them sponsor health andorgenetic testing clinics at theirNationals. A number of them havedeveloped protocols and guidelinesfor health and genetic testing prior tobreeding and many participate in theCHIC and OFA data bases. Theveterinarians and veterinarianstudents were being encouraged tocounsel their clients about health andgenetic testing those breeders haddone when they bring in their newlypurchased puppies for their firsthealth checks. In fact, there was aseparate session for veterinarianstudents conducted by the CHICrepresentative on the subject of healthand genetic testing and breeders useof the OFA and CHIC databases.Upon completion of the mapping ofthe canine genome, researchers havea tool that allows the identification ofgenetic markers signifying some ofthese health issues with a muchbroader range and at a faster pacethan ever before. Participants weregiven a complete listing, by breed andby disease type, of the genetic testcurrently available as of 92707. As Ireviewed the list, I was sad to seethere are no tests specific toPomeranians. Only one test wasavailable to all breeds and that wasthe genetic test for the merle color. Iam hopeful that some of the genetictests identified for other breeds maysoon be also available for our Poms.Purina has created a Parent ClubPartnership Program to generatefunds for breed health studies,education efforts, andor rescueprograms. The Purina Parent ClubPartnership Program PPCP worksthrough Purina Pro Club to generatefunds through the weigh circleprogram. For those who feed Purinaand participate in the Pro Clubearnings plan, Purina will also make adonation to the APC. When youparticipate in the PPCP, it doesntimpact your personal Pro Clubearnings in any way. You receive thisPPCP benefit as a bonus BUT youmust notify Purina that you wouldlike to participate in PPCP. Call tollfree1-877-PRO-CLUB 1-877-7762582700 am to 500 pm CT, Mon Fri, or update your information onlineat Doit for the health of our PomsUpon returning home, I spent a greatdeal of time transcribing some of thehandouts and my notes. I wasamazed that I ended up with 67typewritten pages There was a totalof 24 different presentations over thecourse of the 2 day conference andI quickly realized I would not be ableto write a summary with any degreeof substance, in a short article for theReview on every topic that had beenpresented. Doing so would take an2007 AKC Canine Health FoundationNational Parent Club Canine HealthNational Parent Club Canine HealthNational Parent Club Canine HealthNational Parent Club Canine HealthNational Parent Club Canine HealthConferenceConferenceConferenceConferenceConferenceOctober 19 21, 2007St. Louis, Missouri By Kathryn Norem2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 955 PM7011 III II II mT.L 1JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 71entire issue of the ReviewTherefore, I will write a generalsummary for two of the topics thatwere presented over the course ofthat weekend for this article. Forthose of you who would like morecomplete information please feel freeto email me at ecpomsearthlink.netand I will be happy to email you acopy of my transcribed notes andconference handouts. A copy ofthese notes was also given to eachmember of the APC Board, BrendaSegelken, and Marge Kranzfelder.The AKC will be sending a completetranscript, as well as the power pointpresentations that were used duringthis seminar, at a later date.Likewise, these should be valuableresources for members.Responsible Breeding Managementof Genetic DiseaseJerold S Bell DVM, Department ofClinical Sciences, Tufts CummingsSchool of Veterinary Medicine, N.Grafton, MA. jerold.belltufts.eduBreeders of dogs desire to producethe best with their matings. However,breeding has become morecomplicated today, and more peoplewith intact dogs are becomingbreeders. The most commoninherited disorders for all dog breedsaccording to the AKC Canine HealthFoundation are cancer, eye disease,epilepsy, hip dysplasia,hypothyroidism, heart disease,autoimmune disease, allergies,patellar luxation, and renal dysplasia.So, if breeders desire to produce thebest with their matings, the basicquestion becomes, Who is areputable breeder For purposelybreddogs, it is those breeders whoperform genetic testing for breedsusceptibledisorders. Official testresults should be made available toprospective breeders, and the pet andbreeding-stock purchasing public. Itdoesnt matter whether a breeder is alarge commercial breeder, or onlybreeds once. In todays environment,not testing for documented breedrelatedhereditary diseases isirresponsible breeding.Responsible breeding also involvesknowledge of how best to use theresults of genetic testing. For purebreedsthere are concerns about thebreadth of the available gene pool andgenetic diversity. Genetic test resultsshould be used to benefit the overallhealth of breeds, not to limit it.For direct genetic tests, official testresults of the parents, andor theoffspring tested prior to placementshould be made available toprospective breeders or purchasers ofpet or breeding dogs. For disorderswhere there is no direct genetic testavailable, the knowledge ofphenotypic test results for affected,or carrier status if possible should bemade available in open healthdatabase registries.Veterinarians should ask for pedigreesand results of parental or early agehealth testing of purebred andcrossbred puppies on firstpresentation to their clinics. If the testresults were not provided to theowner, many can be immediatelysearched in on-line databases likeCanine Health Conference Continued2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 955 PM714 i i i ini i i i il A4uAHrumlAlPro PlanPARTNERS IN HEALTHRESEARCH^Oninr Heelth FoundationIrish Setter Club of AmericaRating to the Future Fundraising with theIRISH SETTER CLUB OF AMERICA FOlUDAftlu4472 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWOFA or CHIC. A lack of available testresults shows that the puppy was notpurchased from a health consciousbreeder, and it may be liable todevelop genetic disease. The generalpublic must be educated to becomeinformed consumers whenpurchasing puppies.The Canine Health InformationCenter wasestablished by the AKC CanineHealth Foundation and the OF A toassist breeds with managing breedspecificgenetic disorders. The AKCnational breed clubs determine therecommended testable disorders forthe breed whether tests of thephenotype or the genotype. Thebenefit of the CHIC system is thatdogs gain CHIC certification bycompleting their health testing,regardless of their test results. CHICis about health consciousness, nothealth perfection.What Everyone Needs to KnowAbout Canine Vaccines andVaccination ProgramsRon Schultz, PhD University ofWisconsin - MadisonFor many veterinary practitionerscanine vaccination programs havebeen practice management toolsrather than medical procedures. Thus,it is not surprising that attempts tochange the vaccines and vaccinationprograms based on scientificinformation have created greatcontroversy and unique methods ofresistance to the proposed changeshave been and are being developed.For some practitioners the issues arenot duration of immunity for thevaccines, or which vaccines areneeded for the pet instead, it is feltthat every licensed vaccine should begiven to every pet on an annual ormore frequent basis.The core vaccines, those that everypup should receive and identified ascore by most canine vaccine expertsin the United States, include 1Canine Parvovirus type 2 CPV -2,2 Canine Distemper virus CDV, 3Canine Adenovirus type 2 CA V-2,4 Rabies Virus RV.As a minimum, puppies should begiven at least one dose at 16 weeks ofage or older. Preferably, they shouldbe given three or more times startingat 6 to 9 weeks then at an interval of2 to 4 weeks revaccinate 9 to 12weeks then again at 14 to 16 weeks.It is critical that the last dose be givenat 14 to 16 or more weeks of age. Itis important not to give them earlierthan 6 weeks unless there is asignificant risk of a specific disease,and then give only the vaccine for thedisease you want to prevent e.g.CPV -2. Never vaccinate a pup lessthan 4 weeks of age. The mosteffective canine core productscurrently include modified live andrecombinant vaccines alone or incombination.After the puppy series is completed,revaccination is recommended againat one year of age or one year afterthe last puppy vaccination. Rabiesmust be given again at one year thenevery three years, whereas the othercore vaccines need not be given againfor at least three or more years. Thereis no benefit from annual rabiesvaccination, and most one-year rabiesproducts are similar or identical to thethree-year products with regard toduration of immunity andeffectiveness. However, if they areone-year rabies vaccines, they mustbe legally given annually2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 955 PM72i i i in4Mi1SitinMPOSTEREXHIBITSEW4 49Be wise aiul immunize, but immunize wiselyTable 1 Minimum Duration of Immunity for Canine VaccinesVaccineMinimum Duration of ImmunityMethods Used to Determine ImmunityCOKE VACCINESCanine Distemper Virus CDV Rock born Strain 7 yrs15 yrs chall eng es erol ogyOnderstepoort Strain Canarypox Vectored rCDV Canine Adenovirus-2 CAV -25 yrs9 yrs3 yrs4 yrs7 yrs9 yrschallenges erol ogy challengeserology challenge -CAV-1s ero logyCanine Parvovirus-2 CPV -2 Canine Rabies7 yrs10 yrs3 vrs5 vrschallenges erol ogy challenges erol ogy4JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 73 NEWS AND VIEWSby Barbara McClatcheyPERFORMANCEOBEDIENCE and RALLYKim Thompson writes I have 2 Pomeranians that I am currently showing in Obedience.My black and tan named Serafinas Mickey Doodle Bug RN,RA,CGC, TDI has now earned first legsfor his CD and RE and will hopefully finish in the next two weeks with these titles. Mickey was born 52305 and at 10 months was diagnosed with Legge Perthes, so he had a femur head and neck ostectomyand was neutered, thus ending his show career. However, Mick is active and happy, loves the jumps inRally and this weekend in Palmdale, CA took a First Place in Rally Excellent, earning his first leg tohis next title My other Pom is Rise N Shines Hot Stuff Gage RN,RA,CGC made his debut in Rally at the NationalSpecialty in Kentucky last March where at 10 months he scored a 99 in Rally Novice. He completed hisRN in the KCCC show the end of March, placing in the top four with each entry. He completed his RAin July in Ventura and is currently preparing to enter Rally Excellent. In January Mick and Gage willbe competing in Rally Pairs a new Non-Regular class. Id be happy to write more and of course I have lots of pictures but I thought Id share a picture of thetwo of them completing their Rally Advanced Title where Mick placed 2nd and Gage placed 4th. AGILITYPOMERANIANS AT THE FIRST DOCNA NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPSFrom Judy Chandler, another CalifornianOctober 5, 6, and 7, 2007, Dogs on Course in North America DOCNA held its first ever nationalchampionship agility trial. DOCNA was founded in 2005 by Jim and Mary Kay Mills with the goal ofproviding agility for everyone. The championship trial was held simultaneously in the eastHamden, Connecticut and in the west Buckeye, Arizona. Many events were competed on a regionalbasis, but for one event, the North America Challenge, all dogs competed nationally. The Eastern andWestern Championships drew exhibitors and dogs from Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, New Jersey,New York, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Nevada, and Utah.2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 955 PM734r n4 4Wa. TVlIii i i n 4 nnnn^^^m74 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWThree Pomeranians competed successfully in the championships. Among them, the three Pomsbrought home 19 first and 5 second place ribbons, as well as three gold and three silver medals.Streak Hylan Acres PT-Cruiser NAP NJP, a 7 tall, 4 pound black and white parti girl owned byJudy Chandler Sacramento, CA, competed in the Western Championships and came home with eightfirst place ribbons, one second place ribbon, one gold medal and one silver medal. Besides a regionalfirst place and a national second place in the North America Challenge NAC, Streak advanced to theFinals in both Jumpers and Standard, earning a blue ribbon in each one. The North AmericaChallenge is a Standard agility course that offers more difficult challenges than a regular Standardcourse, with several discriminations and changes of direction required. Streaks picture by Tristatristadynamicdogphotos.comKody Kodiak MX MXJ, a red sable owned and handled by Sheryl Petruska Orefield, PA, earned 8ribbons, including seven first place ribbons, as well as a gold and a silver medal. Kody won first placeregionally in the NAC and second place nationally, as well as qualifying to compete in the Finalrounds, where he won first place in both of his Final events. Kody is nearly 11 years old but still runsagility courses and does it in style Kody has now earned 51 titles during his agility career.Ziggy Zero Gravity Zigmyester and his ownerhandler, Cheryl Truskowski, ran at the Specialist levelDOCNAs highest level, earning eight ribbons, including three first place awards. Besidessuccessfully competing in Traditional Gamblers and Strategic Time Gamblers, Ziggy progressed to theFinal Standard round, where he placed second. He also earned a regional first place and nationalsecond place award in the North America Challenge, as well as both gold and silver medals. Ziggyspicture copyright Barry Rosen Photography, sent a link to videos of the DOCNA trials, and I have to say that I was VERY impressed I hopethe link is still live by the time you get this issue of the Review httpwww.tunnelvisionvideo.comdocnanatlvidzigctrusk.htmMY BABYI have to give a short brag here. I received a call one New Years Day from the director of a nearby shelter,asking if I could take a mother Pom and her one-day old baby into rescue. Of course, I said I could. The storywas that the owners had taken the mother, already too long in labor, to the emergency clinic on New YearsEve. She had an emergency c-section with 3 dead pups and an emergency hysterectomy. The owners left,saying they couldnt pay for this. The clinic called the shelter, and the director took them to his home butdidnt want to take them up to the shelter to be exposed to everything there. He said the mom had onenecrotic nipple. I took them on the day after New Years, and could see that half of her abdomen was a putridgreen.My own vet said the mother was extremely toxic and should not be let near the baby. She stayed in intensivecare for three days and did get a home, and I hand-raised her baby, whom I named Peregrin Took, Pippin,for short. Of course, he and I bonded pretty heavily, especially since he sucked various parts of my hand toget in his sucking needs, eventually ending up with my thumb as his preferred appendage.I placed Pippin in a home that did Agility and Flyball. He has already done well in Flyball, is now welllaunched into his agility career see last Perf. page, and his foster mom couldnt be prouder. Pippins pictureis by Tien Tran, TienTranPhotoatt.net2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 955 PM744 i i i in4 44JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 75Performance ContinuedTITLES, WE GOT TITLESAMERICAN KENNEL CLUBCompanion DogDhcrew Patriot Ruffrider CD, Denise Davis, 9152007Nina CD RE, Darla Hook, 972007, ILPLittle Cherubs Top Banana CD, Ann Jerman Kelly Ann Beck, 10202007Princess Wiggles Vonsnifsnif CD RAE B, Lisa Sheffield, 10132007, ILPUtility DogMcs Choclet Kanya-Doit Bar UD, Martha Chastain, 9222007Mystic Mtn Moonlight Jasmine UD RAE, Paul Deborah Cantwell, 10132007Rally NoviceChars Its My Parti RN, June Mintchell, 9302007Cupaluvs ID Rather Be Bowling RN, Amy L Eiserman, 9292007Finchs Indispensable Walker CD RN, Nancy Brown, 9292007Mustangs Diamond Jim Brady RN, Marla Brady, 9272007Sasquatch Van Dam RN, Gloria Petroni Stephen Hams, 922007, ILPSome Velvet Morning RN, Marcia Messina, 9272007The Chance Of A Lifetime RN, Carly Kennelly, 9292007Banjo James Reliknam Wishsong RN, Kevyn Michael Thomas, 10122007Cases Smart And Sassy RN, Susan Lucatorto, 10142007Dreamweavers Thunder Cloud RN, Sandra McCutcheon, 10272007Rally AdvancedD D Copper Penny RA, Deb Beean, 9292007K Bar Js Klondike Bar CDX RA OA OAJ, Carla Brown, 10192007Rally ExcellentBallykin Commando Cody CDX RE, Paulette Zecca, 9292007Great Rivers Meg Rules Malashel CD RE, Elaine Wishnow, 922007Malashels Incredibly Irresistible CD RE, Elaine Wishnow, 9292007Nina CD RE, Darla Hook. 972007, ILPRally Advanced ExcellentPrincess Wiggles Vonsnifsnif RAE, Lisa Sheffield. 9292007, ILPPom Acres Atomic Dragonfly CD RAE NA OAJ AXP AJP, Lois Fae Morkassel, 10282007Novice AgilityCH Carleez Boom Boom Boom NA OAJ, Janice George Smith, 912007Razamataz Taz NA NAJ,Owned by Shirley Koch, 982007, ILPLittle Candy Queen NA OAJ, Candace Carolyn Lincoln, 10132007Novice Agility PreferredWynmors William Bailey Small CD NA NAJ NAP NJP, Laura Maiman, 10720072008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 955 PM754 i i i in4 4476 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWPerformance ContinuedOpen AgilityCheris Lil Swee Pea OA NAJ, Gena Zglinski, 9232007Northmoor Riverstone Intel Inside OA NAJ, Trish Whitley Lisa Goodman, 10122007Agility ExcellentMasquerade Parti Madison AX MXJ, Melinda Ryba, 972007Rise N Shines Black Coffee AX AXJ, by Anita Moran, 9162007Cheris Lil Swee Pea AX OAJ, Gena Zglinski, 10122007Master Agility ExcellentParis Da Bomb Pom Francine MX MXJ, Rhonda R Hamlett, 10212007Novice Agility JumperRazamataz Taz NAJ, Shirley Koch, 912007, ILPSecond Chance Pippin NAJ, Beverly Taub, 9222007, ILPNovice Agility Jumper PreferredSundowns Peekaboo At Janesa RE NAJ NJP, Jerrie Freia,.9282007Open Agility JumperCH Carleez Boom Boom Boom NA OAJ , Janice George Smith, 912007Cheris Lil Swee Pea OA OAJ, Gena Zglinski, 9302007Little Candy Queen OAJ, Candace Carolyn Lincoln, 1012007Northmoor Riverstone Intel Inside OA OAJ, Trish Whitley Lisa Goodman, 10142007Second Chance Pippin OAJ, Beverly Taub, 10202007, ILPOpen Agility Jumper PreferredFinchs Whirling Dervish, Paula Kerezsi, 9232007Excellent Agility JumperCH Carleez Boom Boom Boom NA AXJ, Janice George Smith, 9292007Cheris Lil Swee Pea AX AXJ, Gena Zglinski,.10212007Master Excellent JumperPomacres Iridescent Dragnfly RE AX MXJ, Lois Fae Morkassel, 10192007Master Excellent Jumper PreferredFoxfire Jack CDX RA MX MXJ MJP, Gail L Donaldson, 9232007Poolside Au Naturel OA OAJ AXP MJP, Susan Major, 10282007Agility FAST OpenSparky The Charming Boy CD AX MXJ OF, Mary Sundholm, 912007, ILPMaster Agility ChampionMACH Cayden R U Ready CD RN, Patricia Mcmahon, 10262007Flitter RAE2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 956 PM764 i i i inNEW TITLE RAE .oiS'i.'4 44L JJANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 77Master Agility Champion 2MACH2 Bebe Luc Doyon CD, Guylaine Doyon, 932007Master Agility Champion 5MACH5 Sargeant Ceasar, Frances Fleck, 10212007Master Agility Champion 6MACH6 Little Polly Party Girl, Betsy Ryba, 9302007Razamataz Taz NA NAJ, Shirley Koch, 982007, ILPDogs now eligible for the APC Hall of Fame, a Historical Award.Dogs now eligible for the APC Gold Club, a Historical Award.To read about the requirements for these Historical Awards and how to submit your doggo to .American Pomeranian Club members are listed in bold print ILP dogs are usually Rescues. Only APCmembers for at least one year are eligible for Annual Awards Top Obedience Pom, Top Agility Pom,etc., and the relevant information must be submitted by the APC member. All Poms are eligible for theHistorical Awards.Congratulations to all who train, show, and title their Poms in the Companion EventsDont forget to send your own News and Views to Barbara McClatchey, 57 Poplar Court, LakeJackson, TX 77566. Or call me at 979-297-7383. Or e-mail me Rescuesecondchancepoms.orgWhy not join our e-group Brags and advice available at ActivePomeranian-subscribeyahoogroups.comStreakIri MJX2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 956 PM774sr.mJv224,Ivs' 4. - ^ ^ .' I4A1__i i i i n iini^H78 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW7th AKCEukanuba National Championship2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 957 PM78i i i in4f L ' -i1IK SIRS i 5 m' 'AS i I MJIIU, vfw m3ispMirl""IHIVI,1m kar. mm , . A iAV,'."1a r.- 3 I Eikanubai k.fiisMnrHTS mSaJANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 797th AKCEukanubaNationalChampionship2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 957 PM79'EUKANUBA STAGEAGILITYOBEDIENCE80 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW7th AKCEukanuba NationalChampionshipDecember 2007 Eukanuba QualifiersBest In ShowCH CR TUFF GUY OF ISABELLACH EAGLE CREEKS HAMIN IT UPCH FINCHS AWESOME ON ALLFOURCH FINCHS BETTIN ON CHARSCH GAYELS DESTINYS CHILDCH JAN-SHARS LITTLE CEASERCH LANAS LET ME INTRODUCEMYSELFCH MAJESTICS JUMPIN JACKFLASHCH SHOWCASE HOT TOPICCH STARFIRES HERE COMESTROUBLEBred by ExhibitorCH ALJENS PRINCESS CAROLINEALFREDO LAPUZCH ANIMATIONS RUFUSLORINDA VASUTADARRENLANECH ANTOMS SIR WIGGLES OFWAGNER CD RN J RUTHWAGNERANITA J FARRCH BABBIS ROCK DIVA OFPRUSSIA SALLY HESTLEBARBARA MEYERCH BACHMANS BRIGHTESTSTAR CHERI MCDONALDBEVERLY TIAGACH BAR-NETS PRIDE OFOAKRIDGE PAT BARNETTNINAK EPPSCH BENRAYS N MILLAMORSTYLE BENSON E RAYSHARONMASNICKCH BLACKCRYSTALS STARLITEGEM CRISTY CHRISTIANSENPATI DANIELSONJESSICACHRISTIANSENCH BRAVO FOR THE LOVE OFBENJI V J MCEVILLYCH CARLEEZ CROWD PLEASERMXJ CAROL LEEMHUISCH CARLEEZ HOLLY JOLLYCHRISTMAS CAROL LEEMHUISCH CARLEEZ SUNDOWNCONSPIRACY CAROLLEEMHUISCAMILLA KNIGHTCH CHARS TRUTH OR DARECHARLOTTE MEYERLYNNMEYERCH CHARMIN CARMIN OFALLRIDGE VALERIE ALLRIDGECH CHAS-T-DEE VANILLA ICECHARLES DEE MCNEICECH CHIMURN N CHANTNSILVRY QP DOLL FAITH CHINENCH CLASSICS HIGH VOLTAGEPAT GROSSAMY GROSSCH CLASSICS LIVE WIRE PATGROSSAMY GROSSCH CLASSICS WILD MOUNTAINHONEY PAT GROSSAMY GROSSCH CR PRINCESS OF MISCHIEFCELESTE SOLANOROBERTSOLANOCH CR TUFF GUY OF ISABELLACELESTE SOLANOROBERTSOLANOLORI DREWCH DAYSTAR COWBOYS ANDINDIANS KAREN POWERCH DOUBLETAKES GLORYDAZE REENA D FAIRCH DREAMWEAVERSCRACKLIN FIRE LINDA PELZMICHAEL WELLSCH DREAMWEAVERSENDURING FREEDOM MICHAELWELLSLINDA PELZCH DREAMWEAVERS RING OFFIRE LINDA PELZMICHAELWELLSCH EAGLE CREEKS HAMIN ITUP KATHY NOREMCH EAGLECREEKSTRUFFLICIOUS PARTI KATHYNOREMCH EVENSONGS WIN N FOR ZGIPPER TERESA G WHITECH FISBECKS COLOR ME ONCECOLOR ME TWICE JEANETTEFISBECKCH FUR RONDIES ZOOM-ZOOMZOOMJULIE A VOLKHEIMERSHARRY CHRISTIANSONCH FURRONDIES PLATINUMJAXX JULIE A VOLKHEIMERSHARRY L CHRISTIANSONCH GEEBEARS I AM SOOONAUGHTY GINA WILLIAMSANDY WILLIAMSCH GLEN IRIS EVIAN DCASTILEC JACKSONG SISNEROSITAYLORL MYERSCH HEATHERCREEK ALVIN BATJUDY PARISLETITIA CANNONCH HORIZONS HOPE SPRINGSETERNAL LAURIE OTISCH HOWLENE TEAHRA DOLCEMETA ARLENE OTAGUROHAZEL MILLERROBINWATANABECH HOWLENE-TEAHRA ADONISARLENE OTAGUROHAZELMILLERROBIN WATANABECH HOWLENE-TEAHRA TENAJHAZEL MILLERARLENEOTAGUROROBIN WATANABECH INDIGOS FLOWER POWERKEVIN SMITHJENNIFER SMITHCH J-DAS AMONG THE STARSDAVID SOLISSHARON HANSONJESSICA SOLISCH J-DAS OF MYTH N LEGENDSDAVID SOLISJESSICA SOLISCH JAN-SHARS JUST ONE LOOKSHARON L HANSONLETITACANNONCH JAN-SHARS YOURE THEONE THAT I WANT SHARONHANSONLETITA CANNONCH JOLVIN GOOD TO GO JOANBEECHMELVIN BEECHCH JOLVIN REGAL RETURNMELVIN BEECHJOAN BEECHCH JOLVIN REGAL RISK JOANBEECHMELVIN BEECHCH KOYS MAJICAL MOMENTELIZABETH A KOOYNANCY WKOOYCH LACUEVAS ONE TOUGHCOOKIE SHERRILYNN J ROGERSCH LEGACYS EMMINENTDANGER PATRICIA L ROWLEYCH LIL BEHRS KING CRIMSONJOAN C BEHRENDCH LIL BEHRS THUMBELINAJOAN C BEHRENDCH LUMINESQUES DONT CRYFOR ME JACQUELINE A MOORECH MAJESTICS JUMPIN JACKFLASH ANNETTE RISTERCHARLOTTE CREEDCH MI BABE IMAGINE THATBABE MCCOMBSCH MI BABE RIVER OFPASHMINA BABE MCCOMBSCH MOUNTAIN CREST LOVEBUG DAVID GILSTRAPCARLENEGILSTRAPCH MTS HOILINI RENDEZVOUSWIT MOI SYLVIA MIYAKECH PANACHES NOTABLESNOOTY FOX LAURA MEINEKECH PANACHES TRESOR TROVEOJOAYNE LAURA MEINKECH PEACHS GLEAM OF GOLDBOB PIETZSCHCH PICONS ROYAL BLOSSOMTERESA PICONCH PREMAS GWEN MY MUSICPLAYS SHERRY LETSONCH PRIZED HAPPY TO WALK NTRADITION MONA DE LANCYCAROLYN CROCKETTCH RAGDOLLS CREAM ANDONE SUGAR MICHAELPARROTTSHALON PARROTTCH RANDYS HALLE BERRIERANDY BUSKESHELLEYWIEMER-MARTINCH RAZZLE DAZZLEHALLELUJAH CHORUS JUDITH BGREENCH RAZZLE DAZZLE HEAVENLYCHOIR JUDITH B GREENCH RIVENDELL APPLAUDSJANESA CAROLYN BONINJERRIE FREIACH ROYEL SIRHENRYEPISODE2ALJEN ELIZABETHNORMANDINCH SERAFINAS LORD JIMMARGARET NANCECH SERAFINAS ROCK N ROLLROADIE MARGARET NANCEAKCEUK Invitees Continued2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 957 PM80 INI 4 n i i i imi ^ Ur.i4 44JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 81CH SERAFINAS TORCH SONGMARGARET NANCECH SHIMMEREE QUICK SILVERCHARLENE R WATERSGREGGORY S WATERSCH SOPPHIRES ROUTE 66 BETHSHATTUCKCH SPRINGWOODS TETE A TETEREBECCA B JACKSONCH SPRINGWOODS LOVE METENDER REBECCA B JACKSONCH STEALURHEARTS CALL OFTHE HEART MARGARETJOHNSONCH TERALEES R U MISBEHAVENLEANNE WILKINSSANDRA O SHANEYFELTCH TRESSTIQUE M I CUTE ORWHAT BONNIE HARRISCH TRESSTIQUES SECRETAGENT 86 BONNIE HARRISCH TRUDYS HUGS AND KISSESNANCY CODDINGTONCH TRUDYS WOODY WINNANCY CODDINGTONCH TWO TS MOUSE THATROARS NORMAN NEALTROSINODOROTHY M TROSINOCH TWO TS TUFF-R-N-POPNORMAN NEAL TROSINODOROTHY M TROSINOCH WEEBITS IM A PIRANHAKATHLENE MCCLAINCH WEEWYNS COTTONTOPLEGACY CATHY ANDERSONLINDA L MULSOForeign InviteesBrazil - WHITE DOVE KEL, LAKEBUENA VISTA YAN, LAKEBUENA VISTA CIELITO, LAKEBUENA VISTA SISSY, LAKEBUENA VISTA T4, LAKE BUENAVISTA TALISHA, LAKE BUENAVISTA PANDA, LAKE BUENAVISTA SHAULA, LAKE BUENAPANSY, HILMANDS POMSMATCH POINT, LAKE BUENAVISTA SARIN, KHYIL KHOR IRISAZUL GALILEU GALILEI, IRISAZUL KHYILKHOR LEA, IRISAZUL KKHOR MOLLY WEASLEY,EXCALIBUR QUEST CRISTOBAL,GUTO LARANJA DO BAKTARANCanada - CH. CLAN LASSLYN CUTABOVE, CH. CRYSTALTONSPEANUT, CH. BABYDOLLSBUCKLE UP UR GENES, CH.CHRISCENDO COLDPLAY, CH.DEBONNES MISS CANADAChile - YUYITO ASHY, LENNYVON ZIUSColombia - CH.CO. ZUIRY DELRINCONCITOIreland - CH. BELLIVER LATESTCREATIONMexico - HEXE TURM CACHAO,TAKEDAS VALENTINO RASERA,FINCHS DREAM OF JACINDA,BLACK JACK BAKERRAMIREZMEX.FCI, REYNAS GUERO BOY,KING KONG ESQUER MEX.FCI.Peru - LAKE BUENA VISTA VINNY,NANITA DUSA WILLOWBROOKPortugalLUA DO VALE DAIVA, BI-MARSRED NUGGET IISouth Africa - CALMADY WHYNOT A ROSE AT XANTAH, CHFINDK,NWO4 FINWO5LINNANHALTIJAN KERBOROS,CH CHARS HES ALL THAT NMORE AT XANTAHUnited Kingdom - PAKOVS I AMVIVA, CH TOYBOX GOLDENOPPORTUNITY JW SHCMAKCEUK Invitees ContinuedOver 2,444 dogs competed for 225,000 at the Seventh Annual AKCEukanuba National Championship December 1 and 2,2007 in Long Beach, California. The show was held in conjunction with the AKC Agility Invitational and the AKC NationalObedience Invitational for a combined entry of nearly 3,000 dogs.New this year was the Eukanuba World Challenge. This international competition featured top dogs from 40 countries and sixcontinents.The AKCEukanuba National Championship will be simulcast on Animal Planet and the Discovery Channel Saturday,February 2, 2008. Highlights from the AKC Agility Invitational will air on Animal Planet on Sunday, February 10, 2008.Invited to compete in the show were the countrys top 25 dogs from each breed and variety, Best in Show winners, reigningNational Specialty winners, and breederowner handled Champions from the Bred-by-Exhibitor andor Puppy class, as well asinternational competitors. Over 981 dogs, nearly 43 percent of the total, were entered in the Bred-by Exhibitor competition.7th AKCEukanuba National ChampionshipPOMERANIAN BEST OF BREEDCH RAZZLE DAZZLE HEAVENLY CHOIRBEST OF OPPOSITE SEXCH GAYELS DESTINYS CHILDBEST BRED BY EXHIBITORCH RIVENDELL APPLAUDS JANESAAWARDS OF EXCELLENCECH BACHMANS BRIGHTEST STARCH CR TUFF GUY OF ISABELLACH RIVENDELL APPLAUDS JANESASTARFIRES APOLO2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 957 PM81i i i i n4aAKCASt v7IIIVSm4 4482 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW7th AKCEukanubaNationalChampionship2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 957 PM8244'V\\ Ii1 ^1I IsJiwiVVtfVVr if.t.4ii i i n 4 iini^HJANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 837th AKCEukanubaNationalChampionship2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 957 PM83i i i i n INIAWAL PROMTS ,Y DRYERSfaH-srst IWHi.VISAMAl "UOllCTSIJ84 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW Pom Talk questions and comments may be found online at httpwww.MyFamily.comisapi.dll Members and friends may post answersand comments online or contact Roxanne Collins, 6405 W. 650N, Fair Oaks, IN 47943, Ph. 219 866-4464 or pommomnetnitco.netWith Roxanne CollinsWhat is your vaccination protocol Do you follow your vets advice when to vaccinateI try to follow any directions that my vet gives me, but if it doesnt seem right, I question so heshe will explain thereasoning behind it to me. I then get an education along the way, or sometimes the vet does. I like a vet that willwork with me and also go into detail and explain what and why. I dont blindly follow advice. Because I have a setupthat quarantines my Pom babies, I give their first shot at 9 weeks, second at 12 and third at 16 weeks. When Iused to raise German Shepherds and Rotties especially the Rotties because they are more susceptible to Parvo myvaccination schedule was 5 weeks - killed Parvo, 6 wks - 1st Ft. Dodge Puppy Shot, 9 wks - 2nd Puppy Shot, 12wks - 3rd Puppy Shot, 16 wks - 4th Puppy Shot.Molly Anderson - Pawfection PomeraniansI give a shot at 8 weeks, one at 12 weeks, and one at 16 weeks. If the dog is going to be shown, I give one at 6months also. Then, one year from the end of the series. I usually dont give them another shot. I give Proguard 5only. I dont give Lepto or Corona though. I have spoken to vets in my area, and they havent had cases of either.My personal vet gives more shots than I do, and she says what I do is fine.Kay - Kara PomsI follow the new vaccination protocol puppy series then one year later although we must follow the city law forrabies vaccinations whether the dog needs it or not. See Dr. Bobs article at . I would nevertake puppies into a vet clinic for vaccinations as they are not immune and the chance of getting a disease from thereis too great.Virginia Dimmick - Pufpride PomeraniansSince I very rarely offer my puppies for sale, I wait as long as possible to begin vaccinating. If I feel comfortable, Imay give the first shot as late as 11 or 12 weeks. I give the second and last puppy shot 4 weeks later. I was usingVanguard 5, but now only give parvo and distemper. They also get that at 1 year old. Im still experimenting. I trynot to give rabies before 6 months. However, that is not always possible since I have a kennel license that requiresannual inspections. If a pup is going to a new home, I start the shots at 9 weeks. Because my Poms are very smalland I am an overly anxious mom, they dont generally leave before 12 weeks. I am curious to know how manybreeders are giving only half the vaccine at a time and how that is working. Valerie Allridge - Allridge PomsI use Intervet puppy starting at 8-9 weeks every 3-4 weeks for 3 vaccinations. I give one more at 1 year of age, andthat is it. I do give rabies, as they are pretty strict about that here in Texas. And no, I dont follow my vets adviceon when to vaccinate. Linda PelzDreamWeaver PomsPom Talk Continued2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 957 PM84I I I I JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 85Suggestions and techniques in this article are the opinion of each individual contributor. The American Pomeranian Club, Inc. and the Pomeranian Review do not endorse orrecommend any procedure or accept responsibility of their use. Always consult a professional, legal council andor a licensed veterinarian.I absolutely DO NOT follow my vets advice on when to vaccinate and what to vaccinate for. I did not vaccinate mychildren annually, and, likewise, I view canine vaccinations as providing effective life-time immunity upon completionof the series. You can read my article in this issue about the AKC Health Canine conference and see the position ofthe top research scientists on the MINIMUM duration of immunity for canine vaccines. I vaccinate with Proguard5 at 8 weeks, 12 weeks and 16 weeks. I give only ONE booster of this same vaccine exactly 1 year after the last onewas given. I do not vaccinate again for these things. I will have my vet give a 3 year rabies at 6 months, and I do notrepeat that either. I have brought my vet all the articles about over-vaccination, as well as Dr. Jean Dodds protocols.My vet respects my position on this issue, but I do not think it has changed their minds for their other clients.Kathy Norem - EagleCreek PomsI wait as long as I can before giving the first shot, usually no later than 10 weeks. Then 4-5 weeks later the secondround and again in 4-5 weeks for the last one. They each get a booster at 2 years then not again unless necessary.Rabies is given at 6 months or older and another one a year later then no more unless I absolutely must. I useDuramune Puppy Shot, but this round I used Proguard 5. Rabies must be done by my vet. I have in the past givenhalf a shot to 8-week-olds who were just 13 oz. with no ill effects, but try not to do that if at all possible.Roxanne Collins - Kissami Kennel PomeraniansThank you all who responded. This article wouldnt be possible without youOur question for next issue is What do you use as an all-around wormer When do you start, and how much do you givePom Talk Continued7th AKCEukanuba NationalChampionship2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 957 PM85 INI 4 I I I ITT4yi-AJPOODLES t1Korea FfdiQv4486 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW E. Katie Gammill - Lerna, Illinoisindcrk13011consolidated.netwww.indiancreekshelties.comSIZEIN THEBREEDRINGEvery breed standard has a suggested size. Manygo to such extremes as to qualify sizes asDisqualifications. Often exhibitors pushing the limitbecome agitated when a judge has the audacity tomeasure and disqualify their dog. Ever notice a dogacceptable on size when it loses to the competition, growstaller in proportion to the wins heshe is awardedExhibitors can reinstate dogs disqualified regarding size andtemperament if they elect to go through the process of reinstatement.This is a true statement IF one chooses to show something differentfrom the norm, one should realize a judge might well take exceptionand react accordingly. However, this article is not about breed size,disqualifications, faults or virtues of any breed. This article measurescharacter regarding participants in the sport. In this case, size matters.When my grandson was still small enough to ride in a grocerycart, we wheeled through the local supermarket where they were givingaway samples of pizza. Going down an aisle, this lady asked him, Wouldyou like a piece of pizza He replied. Yes, thank you. She smiled athim, and we promptly went on our way.Coming down an aisle later, my grandson asked. Grandma, doyou think she would give me another slice I replied, It never hurts toask. Proceeding down the previous aisle, my grandson said to the lady,May I have some more, please The lady smiled and replied, Ofcourse, young man Well, hardly a young man, but he was conductinghimself as such. In my eyes, Sean wasa Gerber baby if there ever was one.His big blue eyes, curly blond hair andbig smile did not hurt a bit, but Isuspect all grandmas feel that way.Turning to me, my grandsonsaid, Grandma. Manners matterNow, being small enough to still fitinto the basket at the grocery store,my grandson exhibited maturity farbeyond his age. On another note, atthat time I was convinced he was wellon his way to becoming a comedianor politician due to his suavedemeanor and sense of impishness.Both rely on the same basic instinctswhen playing to an audience.I must proceed with my story.Having been involved in the greatsport of dogs since the early 60s andjudging for over 25 years, I amconvinced most judges truly attemptto study standards and do a crediblejob of judging. I am convinced mostbreeder-exhibitors have goodwill2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 958 PM86i i w mw.' JJANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 87toward each other. Lifelongrelationships develop. We encourageeach other toward championshipgoals. We suffer hardships together,support each other, cry with eachother and rejoice when we hit the bigone Unfortunately, beneath it all, wehave all stepped on an occasionalsnake in the grass.There are those whounfortunately gossip and tell untruthsnot only of dogs but also of otherexhibitors within the sport. In anattempt to build themselves up, theyattempt to bring those above themdown to their level. This poisonpermeates the atmosphere. First, thisleads one to question why somepeople are so eager to believeunproven facts. Second, why doesone not simply ask the source andclarify the situation How many of usover the years know of outstandingdogs having their careers destroyed bysuch people Why is it so importantto do soThere are those who attempt toinfluence judges. There are judgeswho truly love the sport, take everyopportunity to educate themselvesaccording to the standards, and makeevery attempt to remain abovereproach. Judging may well be athankless job.One stands in the sun and rain,walks on sore feet, may be left at anairport, then finds at the end of theday in each breed, only three peopleare happy WD, WB, and BOB. Thegreatest feeling judges can have iswalking away knowing they have donetheir best and satisfied in their opinion,the best dog won.Character assignation appearsto be an insidious sport within thesport of dogs. This often is done in aneffort to promote a personal agenda.Most handlers are professional inevery aspect of their vocation. Theyare kind, helpful, and courteous. Theywin when they should not, and losewhen they should win. They take it instride, congratulate the winners, walkout of the ring with their heads highand go on down the road They makenotes of a judges likes and dislikesand show their clients dogsaccordingly.Exhibitors should be asgracious. Telling tales out of schoolspeaks of a total lack of character.It does nothing to enhance the sportof dogs neither does it encourageothers to participate.There is no argument a targetcan give that will NOT drag themfurther down into the well ofanimosity. There is no way to cut thehead off the snake. In time, thepoison lessens, but it taints friendships,superior animals, and the sport ingeneral. It is a no-win situation foreveryone involved.Isnt it interesting that my littlegrandson in the grocery cart had it allfigured out so many years ago whenhe looked at me with those big blueeyes and said, Grandma Mannersmatter As they say, Out of themouths of babes.Size In The Breed Ring ContinuedThe 2008 National Specialty ShowCommittee is looking for sponsorsfor a multitude of events such asmorning and evening hospitality,judges baskets, exhibitor bags,banquet gifts, and more. How canyou do this Anyone can donatefunds and anyone attending theNational can donate their time.Clubs may donate and theirmembers can host whicheverevent they so choose. Several clubscan work together to sponsor anevent. Email and let us know howmuch you want to sponsor andwhat event you wish to sponsor orif you would like your donation togo to general funding.1. Rosebud level at 25.00 receiveslisting in the premium and catalog onsignage at sponsored event. 2. MiniatureRose level at 50.00 receives a listing inthe premium and catalog on signage atsponsored event, and business card ad inthe catalog. 3. Tea Rose level at 75.00receives a listing in the premium andcatalog on signage at sponsored eventand 14 page ad in the catalog. 4. DozenRoses level at 100.00 receives listing inthe premium and catalog on signage atsponsored event and 12 page ad in thecatalog. 5. Roses Derby Hat level at200.00 receives listing in the premiumand catalog on signage at sponsoredevent and full page ad in the catalog. Other sponsorship options include JudgesBaskets. 30.00. These are available forclubs only. Your clubs name will beattached to the basket. Please call or emailif you have any questions. Donationsmade out to the APC can be made bycheck, money order, or PayPal using PayPal please e-mail a copy of thepayment to the Hospitality Chairperson.More information can be found at httpwww.american pomeranianclub.orgnational sponsorship.htm including theoption to make your donation onlinethrough PayPal. Benefits of donationoptions are listed as well. Your club willalso be listed on the website as a sponsor.Please let us know if your club is willingto help out in 2008KENTUCKY POM DERBY OF ROSESMARCH 10TH THROUGH 12TH, LOUISVILLE, KY2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 958 PM87 INI 4 i i i in4- 4w88 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAKC CODE OF SPORTSMANSHIPThe sport of purebred dog competitive events dates prior to 1884, the year of AKCs birth.Shared values of those involved in the sport include principles of sportsmanship. They are practiced inall sectors of our sportCONFORMATION,PERFORMANCEAND COMPANION.Many believe that these principles of sportsmanship are the prime reason why our sport hasthrived for over one hundred years. With the belief that it is useful to periodically articulate thefundamentals of our sport, this code is presented. Sportsmen respect the history, traditions and integrity of the sport of purebreddogs. Sportsmen commit themselves to values of fair play, honesty, courtesy, andvigorous competition, as well as winning and losing with grace. Sportsmen refuse to compromise their commitment and obligation to the sportof purebred dogs by injecting personal advantage or consideration intotheir decisions or behavior. The sportsman judge judges only on the merits of the dogs and considers noother factors. The sportsman judge or exhibitor accepts constructive criticism. The sportsman exhibitor declines to enter or exhibit under a judge where it mightreasonably appear that the judges placements could be based onsomething other than the merits of the dogs. The sportsman exhibitor refuses to compromise the impartiality of a judge. The sportsman respects the AKC bylaws, rules, regulations and policiesgoverning the sport of purebred dogs. Sportsmen find that vigorous competition and civility are not inconsistent andare able to appreciate the merit of their competition and the effort ofcompetitors. Sportsmen welcome, encourage and support newcomers to the sport. Sportsmen will deal fairly with all those who trade with them. Sportsmen are willing to share honest and open appraisals of both the strengthsand weaknesses of their breeding stock. Sportsmen spurn any opportunity to take personal advantage of positions offeredor bestowed upon them. Sportsmen always consider as paramount the welfare of their dog. Sportsmen refuse to embarrass the sport, the American Kennel Club, orthemselves while taking part in the sport.2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 958 PM88i c40\ ^POB^.JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 89First I will start with an intro. My name is Danielle Sartain of Dasar Pomeranians in Michigan. I ama Licensed Veterinary Technician and work for Dr. Wilson, one of the top reproduction vets in the country.In addition to reproduction he also specializes in orthopedics and maintains four veterinary hospitals in theeastern part of Michigan. Wilson Veterinary Hospital is a 24-hour hospital and is also an AKC certifiedFrozen Semen Center. Within the last two years we started traveling to different shows and collecting andfreezing on the show grounds as a convenience to our clients. At the shows we also put on a variety ofreproduction seminars to help educate the public.I have been involved in Pomeranians for about four years. My first litter is just turning 2 years old.I decided I would like to contribute to the Pomeranian Review because it is a very informative publicationthat is well-written and is always in good taste.Now that you decided that you want to start breeding and you have done all your research, you areready to begin. Well maybe not so quickly. Just because you have a bitch and she comes into season, is thata reason to breed Knowledge is everything, and you can never read enough before you think about havingyour first litter. It is also a good idea to attend dog shows, watch the breed, get to know breeders, and askquestions. Finding a good mentor is priceless, someone who wants to help you produce the nextgeneration of the breed. It may not be bad to find a good friend in another breed.Once you think you have the correct bitch, its time to find a male that will complement her, both intype and pedigree. Instead of breeding to the hottest winning dog in the rings, try to breed to a dog thatproduces consistently, a stud that produces close to the standard. To breed to the stud of your choice, youmay have to ship your bitch or have semen shipped to your bitch. Either way, it probably wont be easy,but nothing about breeding is easy Breeding for convenience will probably not get you the quality you areafter. And, by the way, it most likely will not be cheap either.Choosing to breed is a personal decision. It takes a lot of education and a lot of work. It ischallenging and can be rewardingOver the next few columns I will get into the following topicsProgesterone and Ovulation TimingSemen The good, the bad and the infertileCaring for your pregnant bitchWhelping and RearingRaising and Caring for NewbornsI would like to offer my e-mail to anyone who has a specific topicthat heshe would like addressed concerning reproduction. Between myself and Dr. Wilson, we will shareall the knowledge we can and hope to make this a column that breeders look forward to reading.By Danielle SartainRRRRR eeeeeppppp roductionroductionroductionroductionroductionComposed By A Licensed Veterinary Technician,Through The Eyes Of A Breeder.2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 958 PM89 INI 4 i i i in490 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWIn 1980 Elisabeth Spillman, of Vasteras, Sweden, bought a Pom bitch from me. I showed POMIRISH SPORTSSWEDISH LADY to her AKC Champion title and was going to send her to Elisabeth. Elisabeth said I should keep her andbreed her to one of my Poms and THEN send her.I bred CH. Lady to my top winning light cream CH. POMIRISH CREAM PUFFS ONLY CHANCE aptlynamed because his dam CH POMIRISH CREAM PUFF died during her c-section surgery. The two pups were raised by abitch with her own litter. That was Cream Puffs only chance to produce a litter. Both Chance and his sister finished theirAKC Champion title.Sweden had quite a longquarantine at the time Lady was sent toSweden. Lady whelped a litter of fourpuppies in quarantine. As I understand,she and her litter were to come out ofquarantine soon when the Veterinarian incharge put a new arrival, a Spaniel if Iremember correctly, from the USA in thesame room as she and her pups. That dogdied of Parvo. The pups got Parvo fromthat new import. Three pups died. Onemale survived. Elisabeth named thesurviving pup, Noble Art ChicagoBullit. She said no one would know thelocation of Mishicot, WI, population of900 but everyone would know whereChicago was.When Bullit was of showingage, Elisabeth sent his picture to me. Hewas the most gorgeous Pom pup I hadever seen, so nice that I told my husbandthat we just HAD to go and see him. Wewent to Sweden to see this terrific littlepup, in person. In time, Bullit becamethe top Pom in Sweden and later Top Pomin Finland. He became a NordicChampion.Today, Bullit is behind most ofthe Poms in that country and behind manyPoms in the other Nordic countries. Ioften think of the potential lost when hisJUDGING IN SWEDENlittermates died because of the stupidity ofthat Veterinarian in charge of quarantine.Elisabeth said he was fired soon after that.Many more quarantine reforms tookplace. Today is much better than it was in1980.I received an e-mail fromElisabeth last year inviting me to come tojudge the Swedish Pomeranian ClubsNational Specialty. The Swedish KennelClub also invited me to judge their showthe following day.I flew to Sweden on WednesdayJuly 18 from Green Bay, Wisconsin andarrived in Stockholm, Sweden onThursday July 19 at 210 PM. The PomSpecialty was held on an island on thegrounds of an old castle on July 21. Myaccommodations were at a downtownhotel every day except the Saturday beforethe All-Breed show. For easy shopping.THE SVENSA POMERANIANKLUBBEN OFFICIELLAUTSTALLNINGThe weather was gorgeous. The Pomswere beautiful. The ring Stewards markthe catalog after I judge each class andmake my placements. Keep in mind I amtrying to decipher my Swedish markedcatalog. Things are very different than wein the USA are used to as far as awardsgo.PUPPY CLASSES ValpklassThere was one very nice red 4-6month puppy dog entered who wasawarded BOS Puppy Dog in the 4-6month Puppy Dog class. KEROVSDEVIL HEART was 10 days shy of 6months old.In the 6-9 month puppy dogclass, four puppies were entered. One wasabsent. I chose the 8 month old creamsablePOM-CLASSIC KING OFSHADOW from Norway, for my 6-9month Puppy Dog class Best of BreedPuppy Dog AND the BEST IN SHOWPUPPY. This puppy had it all. Those ofyou who know me surely know I love aPom with small high-set ears, high set tailcarried flat over the back, one who moveswith a head carried proudly and high,with an attitude that says, Get out of theway. Here I come This puppy had it allThe owners were from Norway.There were five 4-6 month PuppyBitches entered in this class. The Best ofBreed Puppy Bitch in the 4-6 month classwent to CIMAROSAS BLACK MAGICWOMAN, who was also awarded BESTBy Sally BaugnietMiniature Viking Village in the Viking museum at Birka.2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 958 PM90i i i in4.'TMfJANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 91L-R Swedish Pom-breeder friend ofElisabeth, Kriotina Bertilosson editorof the Swedish Pom Club magazine,and Elisabeth Swedish Pom ClubV.P..BOB BIS 1 Pom-Classic King Of SpadeIN SHOW PUPPY SECOND. Its colorwas black.The 6-9 month puppy bitch hadan entry of three bitches. The BEST OFOPPOSITE SEX PUPPY BITCH in thisclass was POMEROY SILVER JADE, acream.REGULAR DOG CLASSESJUNIOR DOG CLASS Juniorklasshanar had an entry of five dogs. Mywinner was DRAKEDRAM FROM THENORTH, a beautiful orange.INTERMEDIATE DOG CLASSUnghundsklass hanar had an entry offive males. NOBLE ART DOS ANDDONTS, an orange sable bitch, was 1stin this class.OPEN DOG CLASS Oppen klasshanar Ten dogs were entered. Thewinner of this class was NUCH sorry, butI am not sure of those initials, I think it isindicating a Champion from Norway.POM-CLASSIC KING OF SPADES. Thedog was a two-year-old cream sable dogfrom Norway. This dog was everything Ilook for in a Pom. He had all that Ipreviously described, as well as excellentfront and rear movement and excellentside movement.NUCH POM-CLASSIC KING OFSPADES was awarded the ChampionCertificate.CHAMPION DOG CLASSThere were three entered in this class withone absentee. My winner of this class wasSUCH Swedish Champion, I believeMUSSEBOS BERNARD.VETERAN DOG CLASSThis class had two entries. NUCH SUCHNV-03 POM-CLASSIC RAINBOWRIDER from Norway, was the Veterandog class winner.BEST MALE was the fantasticallywonderful Pomeranian winner from theOPEN DOG CLASS NUCH POMCLASSICKING OF SPADESJUNIOR BITCH CLASSThere were nine bitches entered in thisclass. My best winner of this class wasone-year-old orange DRAKEDRAMHURRICANEINTERMEDIATE BITCH CLASSUnghundsklass tikarOne-year-old orange CITELLUSEVENING NICITA was winner in thisclassOPEN BITCH CLASS Oppen klasstikarThirteen bitches were in this class. Onewas absent and one was excused, becauseit could not be examined. This class waswon by NUCH TAA PALATIS REAR TOME, an orange 5 year old from Norway.CHAMPION BITCH CLASSChampionklass tikarFive beautiful bitches were entered in thisclass. One very outstanding bitch was atwo-year-old cream sable bitch fromNorway, POM-CLASSIC QUEEN OFSPADES.VETERAN BITCH entry was a nineyear-oldsable, NOBLE ART DOLLARSLIL DARLING.BEST BITCH Basta Tik was POMCLASSIC QUEEN OF SPADES.BEST IN SHOW-1 was the best male,NUCH POM-CLASSIC KING OFSPADES.BEST IN SHOW-2 was the best bitchPOM CLASSIC QUEEN OF SPADESBEST IN SHOW-3 was the Open ClassBitch winner NUCH TAA PALATTISREAR TO ME I wondered if that was aBOS BIS 2 Pom-Classic Queen OfSpade and BIS puppyBIS 1 VALP, BIS 1, BIS 2Judging In Sweden ContinuedPom-Classic King Of Shadow, the breederand owner is Mrs Eva McQuinston fromNorway at Kennel Pom-Classic.2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 959 PM91 INI 4 i i i in4'.a,C3rmwmK'irp [1uiyVL 4'S'll^'is ms ' - '492 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWSunshine RosesandSunshine and Roses are published free of charge. Contact Donna Machniak Phone 517 546-7446 or Email APC members addresses are published in the APC roster if you would like to send cards.Sweden Pom breeder we visited.misprint and meant DEAR.BEST IN SHOW-4 was the 1st placeIntermediate Dog Class NOBLE ART DOSAND DONTSBEST IN SHOW-R means 5th or reservewas the Best Junior Bitch DRAKEDRAMHURRICANEBEST IN SHOW PUPPY was POMCLASSICKING OF SHADOWYou will notice that MY Best inShow, Best Opposite Sex and Best Puppywere all cream sable. Color had nothing todo with my judging. After judging wasfinished, two of the exhibitors came up tome. They said the Best Puppy, was a repeatbreeding of the Best of Breed and what wecall the Best Opposite Sex to Best of BreedThey called it BIS-2. BIS-1 and BIS-2were littermates. All three were fromNorway and the CHICAGO BULLIT wastheir great grandsire I CHOKED UP FORTHE FIRST TIME EVER AT A DOGSHOW All three of those winners had mybreeding in their pedigree On aninteresting note their 1st place ribbon isred. Their second place ribbon is blue.I judged Miniature Pinscherswhich are in the FCI Pinscher Group,Chow Chows and Shar Peis for the SwedishKennel Club on Sunday. I over drew, soanother judge did the puppies of thosebreeds and all of the Bulldogs.Elisabeth Spillman took me tomeet some of the Swedish Pom breeders oneday, stopping at various other places on theway. We visited and had a great time.Another day Elisabeth, herhusband, and foster son took me on a boatto a huge island that was formerly inhabitedby the Vikings. It had a Viking Museum andexcellent tours that explained Viking lifecenturies ago.I had one day for shopping andwalking in downtown Vasteras. Elisabethdrove me to a motel in Stockholm near theairport, where on Thursday, I started mylong flight toward home. I changed planesin the Netherlands and Detroit. We landedin Green Bay. My luggage caught up withme two days later. It was a long trip, butWHAT A NICE EXPERIENCEJudging In Sweden ContinuedWooden sculpture of a viking.Margaret McKee was in a serious vehicle accident Dec. 7. Surgery was performed to repair a crushed hand. Get well soon, Margaret.Pat Barnett has asked for prayers for her new grandson born with a heart condition November 23. He had heart surgery and isexpected to remain in intensive care for six to eight weeks, with two more surgeries in the future.Julie Volkheimer, Furrondie Poms, husband has been ill but improving.Happy Belated Birthday to Ruth Wagner who celebrated her 85th birthday.Our deepest sympathy to Dana Coventry on the loss of her precious little ZsaZsa. ZsaZsa was the unofficial spokesPom in thecampaign to find a cure for Alopecia X. ZsaZsa will be missed by her many worldwide admirers.Get well wishes are sent to Keokie, the infamous performance Pom, owned and loved by John David and Connie Zieba. We pray he isback to normal soon.Congratulations to Kathy Norem, Eagle Creek Poms, on her new baby granddaughter born November 12. And congratulations tomother, KatieOur prayers and sympathy go out to Scott Wolfgang Luminesque Poms, on the loss of his daughter Renee, and to Jackie Moore onher granddaughter.Ruby Poole passed away December 7. Our sincere condolences to friends and family.Get well wishes and a speedy recovery are being sent to Sherrilynn Rogers of LaCueva Poms on her recent surgery.A speedy recovery and well wishes are being sent to Angie Nesbit of Mai-T-Toi Poms. Angie fell and broke her hip.Paulette Smith of Litil Kisses Pomeranians has recently undergone medical treatments. Our prayers of support are with her.Congratulations to the Pom winners and to all who attended Eukanuba in California in December.Well wishes go out to Virginia McCoy of Showtime poms on her recent health concerns. We are grateful her problems have beenresolved and wishing you a speedy recovery.Congratulations to Stephanie Henschel on qualifying in Junior Handling for Westminster Kennel Club show in New York.We are wishing everyone a healthy, happy, and winning New Year in 2008 May God keep everyone safe and healthy this year.2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 959 PM92i i i injT\upIKIIS.a ' ^ mT HP 1vJANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 93AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. 2008 Nationals DVDBe one of the first to receive it. Order your DVD of the 2008 Nationals.Three DVDs to choose from.DVD 1 will contain DVD 2 will contain DVD 3 will containPuppy Veteran Sweepstakes Winners Dog Top TwentyJunior Handlers Winners BitchBest Of BreedAPC National Specialty DVD Order FormI am ordering ______Conformation DVD 25.00 each plus 3.00 US shippingI am ordering ______Sweepstakes and Junior Handler 20.00 each plus 3.00 US shipping I am ordering ______Top Twenty DVDs 10.00 each plus 3.00 US shippingI am ordering _______sets of all the above, a 55.00 value and receive 25 off for a total of 41.25 plus 4.00 US shipping per set ordered. Offer good until March 16. Please add 6.00 for shipping to Canada and all Foreign Countries.Make check payable to the American Pomeranian Club and mail toErika Moureau, 32110 Pattys Landing, Magnolia, TX 77354 Email address___________________________Phone ___________________Include Area CodePlease Print Information On Shipping Label belowShipping Label Ship From Erika Moureau APC Ways Means 32110 Pattys Landing, Magnolia, TX 77354 USA Ship ToName__________________________________________________________Address________________________________________________________City_________________________State_____________Zip______________Country________________2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 959 PM93 INI 4 i i i in494 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWADVERTISING RATESFull Page Color 275.00Full Page Black White 100.00Half Page Color 150.00Half Page Black White 60.00Fourth Page 40.00All ads include one photo.SUBSCRIPTION RATESUSPS First Class 45USPS Bulk 37Foreign 100Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico 55Single Issue 10For more information contact217 347-5731fame62401yahoo.comRegional Pomeranian Club Specialty coming events are published free of charge.For updates and regional club contact information go to the APC website at httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgCOMING EVENTSKENNELVisitsDan and Tammee FelixSunGlo PomsPlease contact the Editor to nominatecandidates for upcoming APC Kennel Visits.Send information to The Pomeranian Review,Brenda Segelken, Editor, 11139 E. CamelotAve., Effingham, IL 62401 or phone 217-3475731. Email fame62401yahoo.comAdvertising DeadlineFebruary 1, 20082008 APC National SpecialtyDeadline to be listed various donations in the Catalog January 23, 2008Catalog Advertising Close January 28, 2008Show Close Date Friday February 15, 2008Feb. 15, 2008 - Nor Cal Toy Dog Fanciers, Judge Cathy Gish, Sweeps Del RichardsonFeb. 16, 2008 - Nor Cal Toy Dog Fanciers, Judge Erika Moureau, Sweeps Julianne KowalskyFeb. 16, 2008 Sat night - Nor Cal Pom Club, Judge Michael HaeflinFeb. 17, 2008 - Santa Clara Valley KC, Judge Rodney HernerFeb. 18, 2008 - Santa Clara Valley KC, Judge Sherry SwansonNor Cal and Santa Clara Show Sec MBF at, Nor Cal Pom Show Secretary Lorie Abbott, 9 - 12, 2008 American Pomeranian Club National, Louisville, KentuckyMay 25, 2008 - Pom Club of Central Virginia Specialty, Futurity, Puppy Sweeps and Veteran Sweeps,Hampton, VA. In conjunction with Gloucester KC All-Breed Dog shows. Pending AKC confirmation.Trophy donations appeciated. Contact Diana Downey at Dimondeearthlink.net2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 959 PM94 INI 4 i i i in4JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 95SChampion PomeraniansN6603 Forest Ct., Holmen, WI 54636PH 608 526-1051 sandpomscharter.nethttpwww.sandpoms.comandpomsSJandraohnsonPomsPARKVENUEATom Wilson916-689-1222SACRAMENTO, CAparkavepomsyahoo.comPUPPIES OCCASIONALLY AVAILABLE2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 959 PM95 4- i i i i ni vEvensong PomeraniansKevin and ^\Teresa WhitePortland, Oregon JPwkb. 1 Zm 503 314-9026 www.evensongpoms.comCH EVENSONG WIN N FOR Z GIPPERarOCkelSpecializing in Parti and Parti-factored PomeraniansiLCH Chrissy CH Gunner ROM CH Chelanes Simply Irresistible CH Finch's Peacemaker Parti ROMElaine Waugh www.chelanes.netCH Chelanes Peace Keeper Parti CH Chelanes Remington Steele CH Keeper CH Remy " VLiJs5r\AfLinda Pelz - 7xf254 420-1724Michael Wells - Ml616 844-4217Champion Stud ServicePuppiesAdults Occasionally Show Handlingwww. dream weaverpoms .comLaCueva KennelizsssmaSherrilynn I. RopersBreederOwnerHandler3016 Hiawatha Dr Dayton, OH 45414937 275-4062 937 546-1741 Cell lacuevaknlaol.comBreeding for Quality, Not Quantityouter ^jf iwcT801.756.2092 we thyroid, OFA Cerf our poms496 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWWhere Type,Quality andSoundnessCountCheri McDonaldcheribachmanpoms.comwww.bachmanpoms.com909-394-7923Southern California818 352-9536website ShowcasePoms.comPomeraniansShowcaseHome of ExceptionalPomeranian DogsAlane LevinsohnShowcase PomeraniansPINECREST KENNELSChampionPomeraniansandManchesterTerriersCatherine2404 Reg. Road 57Bowmanville, ON LIC www.manchesterterriers.ca905 697-2488Bolahood2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 1000 PM96 INI i i i inI [winners n 'POSIT' ^llkrMnr Joan C. BehrendLI ' AmHerMajesty PomeraniansChuck Whittemore Randy Houston Cleveland, TN 37312 423-728-0200E-Mail www.hermajestyspoms.comVCH PenelopeA7 3mm 41 mrrty i..Jtf ,urnvs JC-'Spackmanrometanza^CARLEEZ POMS .Carol LeemhuisPittsburgh, PAHome 412 344^8257 r A,Cell 412 848-6987J. I Iwww.carleezpoms.comHome of picturedBISS Ch. Sundown's Hide N Zeke, CD, ROMX, GCSpoiled companions, conformation, obedience and agility Poms44JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 97ShyacresProfessional HandlingAudrey M RobertsAlvin, Texas - Houston Areawww.shyacres.comaudreyshyacres.comPhone 713 204-7225Assisted by Jessica JohnsonBI-MARPOMERANIANSBIS, BISS, ROMX, HOF, GCCH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KIDMARY A ROSENBAUM145 Fay RoadChehalis, WA 98532-9204phone 360 767-0104fax 360 767-0105email Harris20 Oakcrest AvenueMiddle Island NY 11953631-205-5223tresspomshotmail.comAvalonCh. Avalons Prince Matchabelli MonteStarfires Conan the Barbarian xAvalons Queen NefertitiAnnette Eric Davis208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792email infoavalonpom.comweb site www.avalonpom.comQuality, lovingly raised puppies.Inquiries welcome.Pomeranians2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 1000 PM97vj'^'njl\jymr \p 111... ' ' . .. P.. , v.. ... ' . . .liK'jf r W '-v"V"jdH fe _4rPUPPJES AVAILABLEStephens5713 Arrowbsd Dr.EJ Paso, TX 73324 SunrurinarPomsiglaoJ. torn w mi. siinrunnsrporrs. corn^DwenaUatt ,- -r.JL' --.f'jirflta, \,- 1 t"F1KJr-. Vfyoe tywette314 397-5606V.O. Sax 115 TKcucautaA, 9A 62255 iaaet^aml954^foAaa. cam98 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWMountain View PomeraniansPat and Roger DagueP O Box 209, Stuarts Draft, VA 24477Phone 540-337-2965Champion Regmars Mtn ViewStars ShineTHE POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.SUBSCRIPTIONSPER YEARPUBLISHED BI-MONTHLYSubscription CardSUBSCRIPTION MANAGERCHERI MCDONALDPO Box 3402San Dimas, CA 91773Phone 909 394-7923 Fax 909 599-4692Email cheribachmanpoms.comNAMESTREET ADDRESSCITY, STATE, ZIP CODE, COUNTRYPHONE NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESSCREDIT CARD NUMBER EXP DATE CID NUMBERCARD HOLDER SIGNATURE DATE45 First Class USPS37 Bulk USPS55 CanadianMexico100 ForeignDel-May PomeraniansDeborah K. Barrett2035 MapledaleFerndale, MI 48220Phone 248 546 6554 Email delmay1wowway.com2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 1000 PM98mr 4 I I I ITT4fi,twL V A aute fpiMsaiHffittBiBrmfikisflinn.. xAyumi Pomeranianswv .Amy Tsay BreederExhibitor PCCV - Recording Sec4,rr434 589-3652 Lake Monticello, VA S'WWW.AYUMI-POMS.COMAYUMI.POMSGMAIL.COM44JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 99FabyanPomsAlice R. Carlson6009 Edgewater DriveCorpus Christi, TX 78412361-991-5410361-993-4059fabyanpomssbcglobal.netDiane L. FinchCH PUFPRIDES SWEET DREAMS CH FINCHS CHARS MAKIN WAVES PARTICHPARKERCHSPLASHPhone 985 384-7466Fax 985 384-8628www.janesa.comJerrie Freia1072A Landry LaneMorgan City, LA 70380PomeraniansJanesaBred for beauty and soundness of body and mindDiane L. Finch28453 530 th Avenue, Kelley, IA 50134 - Phone 515 - www.finchspoms.comDeJay PomsBIS, BISS CH. FIREBROOKS TABASCO FIASCOTobyDonna MachniakBreederHandlerGroomer517-546-7446www.dejaypoms.comDana CoventryManagerOwner248-258-9259Attorney at Lawfor the Sport of Dogs2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 1000 PM99 4 i i i i nMILL AMOR POMSKen and Eleanor Miller870 Jersey Church Road, Lexington, NC 27292 Ph 336-245-9010 Email poms870earthlink.netBreeding again. Puppies avaiCaSCe to Coving Homes.Pauh PrintPernsSI, Sherry AlspaushPoonville, IN 4761 I Ph. 812 925 6477 paughprintiiomspeoplepc.comL7rFinch's Pomeranians Ltd.w\ElL4100 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 1000 PM100 4- i i i i n C77BSIBi9- 4,RivendellPomeraniansCarolyn Bonin4013 Windswept Dr Madison, Al, 35757 Ph 256-830-0897www.knology.netbonincRivendell.htmBISS Ch Rivendell Applauds Janesa "Baxter"IDREAMKATCHERSTOY DOG SHOW leadsDEBBIE CABBP 0 BOX 67 TIMNATH, CO 80547970\alashelPoms and ShelliesElaine Wishnow718-891-34512351 E. 17th St. Bklyn, NY 11229 Home of quality Poms and Shelties0 Q' eonTZ1-Ron Irene Smith3388B Merlin Rd 356, Grants Pass, OR 97526 541-955-5301 - pommonicharler.nelI Randy Buske I BreederExhibitorI Member American Pomeranian Club Puget Sound Pomeranian ClubMP.O.Box 2408 Buckley, WA 9832144r360 897-2163 253 740-5060 www.Randyspoms.comV ' " igli 1-.1Multi Group Winning BISS Champion Mountain Crest JJDavid Carlene GilstrapP.O.Box 22442 Chattanooga, TN 37422 Phone 423-987-0266 E-Mail dcgilstrapaol.comJANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 101A REFLECTION ON THE WATERSGreggory S. WatersCharlene R. Waters801-597-3869shimmeree.charlenegmail.comQuality PomeraniansG2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12162007, 1155 AM101SINCITr pcmsJohn Michele Arvanites North Las Vegas, NV 702-363-8458 sincitypoms.comLil-Ponderosa Poms, Red'dfr \iM.ftCSSmRon Sherry CartwrightPhone 715 874-6936 Email Website httpwww.lilponderosapoms.com1f.M0CowCene - ^JL eahraPomeraniansJLrCene Otaguro HazeC MiCCer Gto6in tWatana6eJlr-Dan's grooming SaCon Phone 808-593-2322 -yggcatshawaii.comSoFine PomsManj LatimerwwwsofinepomsjcommarEjllmac.com979-690-7179am.wn__________ HHMHCh. Moss Meadows Precious LokiMoss MeadowsPomeraniansGina 901 674-0449 dyemossaol.comLoki is owned by Michelle WilhoiteKIMPOSSIBLE POM...dreams make all things possible.MMSugarLamb Poms9JT "Ben" Lee-Ann Lambertt Where You Been l My Love o LenelleBill and Kim CrutchfieldP.O.Box 2917, Riverside. CA 92516951 313-9652 website www.kimpossiblepom.commcqlnl21.comwww.sugarlamb.ca_ iPBIS CH. IOLVIN HOT ON YOUR HEELS102 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAllen, Beverly....................................................19Alspaugh, Sherri..............................................99Arvanites, John Michele...................................101Barrett, Deborah..............................................98Baugniet, Sally................................................36Behrend, Joan.................Front Cover, 2, 20, 96Bolahood, Catherine.........................................96Bonin, Carolyn.............................................42,100Buske, Randy.....................................................100Carlson, Alice.................................................99Carr, Debbie..................................................100Cartwright, Ron Sherry....................................101Chambers, Wendy...........................................13Coventry, Dana................................................99Crutchfield, Bill Kimberly...............................101Dague, Roger and Pat........................................15,98Dally, Joe and Janette....................................97Davis, Annette and Erik.................................97Decicco, Linda...................................................12Domrase, Alden Janet......................................100Filho, Luiz Carlos Esperon.....................................9Finch, Diane.....................................................99Freia, Jerrie....................................................99Gilstrap, David Carlene....................................100Goodman, Lisa.....................................................18Griffith, Ken and Eleanor.................................3Guerra, Kam....................................................19Houston, Randy.................................................96Iffland, Mari.....................................................16Johnson, Becky................................................37Johnson, Gayle.....................................................105Johnson, Sandra.................................................95Kivch, Carol....................................................18Lambert, Lee-Ann.............................................101Lane, Darren.........................................................108Lane, Wendy........................................................105Latimer, Mary...............................................101Leemhuis, Carol.............................................96,109Leu, Shirley....................................................Back CoverLevinsohn, Alane..............................................96Lucatorto, Sue..................................................14Lyman, Kay.......................................................23Machniak, Donna..........................................99Marsh, Charlene.................................................96McClutcheon, Sandra..........................................11McDonald, Cheri..............................................96McFarlane, Pauline.............................................23McKee, Margaret...................................................38Miller, Eleanor.................................................99Miller, Hazel....................................................101Moss, Gina......................................................101Norem, Kathryn...............................................100Oganeku, Clarice and Yvette..............................6,7Ohlemacher, Paula.....................................................98Oliveira, Angelo......................................................9Otaguro, Arlene...............................................101Pelz, Linda...............................................10,11,95Pom Club of Central Virginia.......................................17Pom Club of Greater Baltimore..................................22Reed, Nancy..............................................................18Reimschiissel, Kelly..............................................95Riehm, Donna......................................................22Roberts, Audrey......................................................97Rogers, Sherrilynn.............................................17,95Rosenbaum, Mary...................................................97Russell, Janice.........................................................22Russell, Ron and Connie.........................................8Seitzer, Amanda and Kathy................................................21Smith, George and Janice......................................................5Smith, Ron Irene..............................................100Stephens, Mickey....................................................97Tsay, Amy.............................................................98Vasuta, Lorinda.....................................................108,109Watanabe, Robin...................................................101Waters, Gregg Charlene....................................101Waugh, Elaine........................................................95Wells, Mary............................................................16Wells, Mike........................................................10,95White, Teresa..............................................................95Wilson, Tom..........................................................95Wishnow, Elaine................................................19,100Zech, Tom Diane................................................99Zozzaro, Fran...........................................................42008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12162007, 1155 AM102II I I HI I XMAS I I Ml M Al 11 MSI I INDEX^mn i i i inADVERTISERSBACK ISSUESTo order back issues, mail check pay to APC to The Pomeranian Review co Brenda Segelken 11139 E. Camelot Avenue, Effingham, IL 62401 Phone 217-347-5731, e-mail Order online at Please specify the issue.Jan. 75, Oct. 77, May 79, April 80 20.00August 1997 15.00All other available back issues 10.00INFCBMATICNThe Pomeranian Review ISSN 0744-8546 is published and edited bi-monthly in Effingham, Illinois by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 37 per year USPS Bulk and 45 per year USPS First Class. First Class rates apply to USA and APOs. Canada, Mexico and Puerto Rico subscriptions are 55.00 per year U.S.A. funds only.The American Pomeranian Club and Editor are not responsible for the contents, accuracy of articles and advertisements, or the opinions expressed by authors. Per APC Standing Rule The Editor can refuse any ad. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the APC or editor.Reproduction in whole or part is strictly prohibited. Permission to reproduce is available only from the publishereditor. Display advertisements consisting of typesetting, artwork and layouts may not be used without written permission from the editor. Original artwork is sole property of the editor.4JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 103JuniorJiveHHHHHopeopeopeopeopeGGGGGouldouldouldouldouldJunior Jive ContinuedHi, my name is Hope Gould. I am 10 years old, going on 11 in March. I began to showin September 2007. My great-aunt and my grandma inspired me to start. I figured since my auntand grandma had Poms, that would be a great dog for beginners I live in Naperville, Illinois.There are five in my family Mom, Dad, Jeremy and Shane. Shane is only 9 months old.I have a lot of friends at school and am highly educated at Beebe Elementary School inNaperville, Illinois. I have a dog named Tess and have loved animals since I was born. I havelived with a dog since the day I came into the world.Some of the things I would like to do with my life are going to college and get educationso that I can do animal research. I would like to live on a ranch and have my own horses. I alsolove horses and have ridden since I was 5 off and on. I would love to live in Australia and doanimal research for a living. Then I could also raise Australian Shepards Aussies. My greatauntsPom recently had a litter of puppies and I loved playing with them as they grewThe hardest part about Juniors, for me, is calming down. When Im in the ring I getnervous and I get red and cant calm down. Sometimes I even start shaking I love when I showbecause I think I learn from each time I make a mistake and then I can learn from the tips thejudges give meI also recently met a friend named Alyssa. She showed me some formations, includingthe triangle and she will go on as I succeed. When I am not showing in the ring, I normally waitand hang out in the R.V. with the Poms, my Aunt and my Grandma. Then something else2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12162007, 1155 AM103I I I I I I I I ITT_kLIWL-1rmni'jtIrj j L __104 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWcomes up for us to watch and off we go. I alsopractice when we are not showing. Practice helpsme feel more at ease in the ring. Right nowPortia and I are a team. I have shown my auntsother Pom, Jax, in the past. I hope to continuegoing to shows and increase the time I show inthe future. I love meeting new people at theshows. I cant believe how much I have alreadylearned and continue to pick up new informationat each show.At the last show I was in I was 1st of one,3rd of four and 3rd of five. At school Isometimes daydream about dogs and being in theshow ring. I wish every day was show day Mynext show is on the weekend of November 24.Portia and I will be a great team. Portia loves thering and feels as if she is the superstar, which sheis of course. She is perfect for me, and we wantto do our personal best every show.Each new show is an opportunity to dobetter and learn more. I know I am not the last inthe competition, or maybe I am, but if I am,Portia and I are still working and trying ourhardest to rise to the top I have met manywonderful Poms, including Hammy I have alsomet many wonderful role models and handlers,such as my aunt and my grandma. In my lifetime,I have had two Boxers, one Bulldog and my Tess,who is a sheltie-poo, which is a PoodleSheltiemix. In my opinion, I think Poms are a greatshow dog for anyone. I cant wait until the nextshowI have set some goals for my Juniorshowing career. I would love to be the bestJunior, but I know that will take hard work andsome time, which I am willing to put in. BeforeJuniors I thought I knew a lot about dogs, but Ihave learned so much more since I have beenshowing. Now Im learning about the differentbreeds and how they act in the show ring. I amnow able to recognize my competition because ofmy experience with that person and their dog inthe ring. I feel as if there is a lot of competition inthe Juniors ring, and so I have to do my best toget to the topJunior Jive Continued2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12162007, 1155 AM104.jrVMS7fcWCW .T41i^4i fALUPfflO ifaixifI4c li]i"siuu.__u wm alii iu44JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 1052008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12162007, 1155 AM1054i m m m4j lations tor3rdto the neon has J 3jnf 132oaanii ,A Porschejdj. JEDrsrbX.THIRD PLACE fjtsILLINOIS CAPITOL KENNEL CLUBOCTOBER2007 GARDEN STUDIO. INC PHOTO 8Y GREG f FWith lots of Support and even more Love7 yourGrandma Gayle JohnsonandAunt Wendy Lane106 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWThe Pomeranian Club of Hawaii held its 31st Specialty Show and PuppySweepstakes on Sunday, November 18, 2007, at the VCA KaneoheAnimal Hospital Conference Room. We were quite fortunate to getPomeranian breeder Mr. Greggory Waters of Shimmeree Poms fromMagna, Utah, to judge our puppy sweepstakes with an entry of sevendogs. His selections are shown below6-9 Month Puppy Dogs1 Cappys Hawaiian Smooth Skipper - bred and owned by MarissaCapelouto1218 Month Junior Dogs1 Woodroses Causin A Commotion - bred and owned by Clarice Yvette Oganeku2 Vintage Fridays Southern Comfort - bred and owned by EllenTakayama6-9 Month Puppy Bitches1 MTS Hoilini Porsche Cayene - bred and owned by Sylvia Miyake12-18 Month Junior Bitches1 MTS Hoilini Sonerous Sonata - bred by Timmy Juney Chee andPOMERANIAN CLUB OF HAWAII SPECIALTY2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 1003 PM1064 i i i i n4HN'JV"V n .4'44.-.44'JA-"4L'4jTv.44JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 107owned by Sylvia Miyake2 Bryelles Shall We Dance - bred and ownedby Noelle Sasaki3 Vintage N MTS Accent the Positive - bredby Timmy Juney Chee and owned by SylviaMiyake Ellen TakayamaBest in SweepstakesWoodroses Causin A CommotionBest of Opposite Sex in SweepstakesMTS Hoilini Sonerous SonataRegular classes were judged by breederjudgeMr. Fred Bassett from Broken Arrow,Oklahoma. Presented for his opinion were 6class dogs, 7 class bitches, 5 male specials and2 bitch specials. After careful consideration hemade the following selectionsPuppy Dogs 6-12 Months1 Cappys Hawaiian Smooth Skipper - bred owned by Marissa CapouletoBred-By-Exhibitor Dogs1 Vintage Fridays Southern Comfort - bred owned by Ellen Takayama2 Woodroses Magic In the Air - bred ownedby Clarice Yvette OganekuOpen Dogs1 Woodroses Causin A Commotion - bred owned by Clarice Yvette Oganeku2 MTS Hoilini Intrepid Won - bred by SylviaMiyake owned by Marissa Capouleto3 Nobles Go Getum Tiger - bred by NobleInglett owned by Sylvia Miyake RogerLauWinners DogWoodroses Causin A CommotionReserve Winners DogMTS Hoilini Intrepid Won6-12 Month Puppy Bitches1 Sandalwood DQ Lisa - bred owned byRoger Lau12-18 Month Bitches1 Vintage N MTS Accent the Positive - bredby Timmy Juney Chee and owned by SylviaMiyake Ellen TakayamaBred By Exhibitor Bitches1 MTS Hoilini Porsche Cayene - bred andowned by Sylvia Miyake2 Bryelles Shall We Dance - bred and ownedby Noelle Sasaki3 Woodroses Cash and Carrie - bred andowned by Clarice Yvette OganekuOpen Bitches1 MTS Hoilini Sonerous Sonata - bred byTimmy Juney Chee and owned by SylviaMiyake2 Sandalwood GP Jada - bred and owned byRoger LauWinners BitchMTS Hoilini Porsche CayeneReserve Winners BitchBryelles Shall We DanceBest of BreedCh. Gourmet Howlene-Teahra CaviarBest of Opposite SexCh. Howlene-Teahra Dolce MetaBest of WinnersWoodroses Causin A CommotionBest Bred by ExhibitorMTS Hoilini Porsche CayeneBest PuppyCappys Hawaiian Smooth SkipperOur Parade of Champions had a nice entry ofseven champions but not all were present.Ch. Howlene-Teahra Dolce Meta - bred andowned by Arlene Otaguro, Hazel Miller Robin WatanabeCh. Howlene-Teahra Tenaj - bred by RobinWatanabe, Arlene Otaguro Hazel Miller andowned by Helen Yoshime the breedersCh. Amours Shes A Hot Diva - bred and ownedby Noelle SasakiCh. Pomdragon Yukis Carousel - bred by KaySpencer and owned by Eleanor Goto, ArleneOtaguro, Hazel Miller Robin WatanabeCh. Howlene-Teahra Almond Joy - bred byArlene Otaguro, Hazel Miller RobinWatanabe and owned by Eleanor Goto thebreedersAmCan Ch. Howlene-Teahra Bacarrat forAmour - bred by Arlene Otaguro, RobinWatanabe Hazel Miller and owned by ShirleyLeuCh. Howlene-Teahra Adonis - bred and ownedby Hazel Miller, Arlent Otaguro RobinWatanabe.The show was followed by a raffle that is gettingmore successful every year. Special thanks forJudy Leadbeater for organizing the raffle andsoliciting donations to Amy Matsuoka and JoanKaneshiro for helping set up the raffle items.And a warm MAHALO to the many companiesand individuals for their generous donations toour raffle. A special thank you to ShariFukuyama who donated a beautiful 150 retailvalue 20-piece Pomeranian china set whichhad all of us drooling and wishing we couldwin it. The lucky winner of this item was ArleneOtaguro of Howlene-Teahra Pomeranians. Thisraffle has been instrumental in allowing us toobtain breederjudges just for our specialty.Unfortunately Mr. Bassett was unable to stayfor our judges dinner later in the evening ashe had an early flight out. At the last minute,our show chairman Joan Kaneshiro put togethera fabulous luncheon where we were able to feedall attending. Mr. Bassett is now educationchairman of the APC and we were quitefortunate that he graciously gave us a miniseminarof the one that he is putting on inLouisville in March. His presentation was bothvery educational and enjoyable with picturesof old Pomeranians many of which are nolonger alive used as examples of good and badtraits.Our judges dinner was held at the PagodaRestaurant where we had our own privategazebo floating above a beautiful koi fish pond.This is one of our favorite restaurants with aprime rib and crab legs buffet and most of uswere stuffed by the end of the evening. Weenjoyed the wonderful food and each otherscompany for the evening before all too soon itwas time to leave.2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 1003 PM107 INI 4 i i i in..Kfi'Vvrfcr'5 , 1' rmis yvr.4 44108 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 1003 PM108Proudly.presenting our 31 st ChCH. ANIMATION'S RUFUS ^ ^ ^i i-t-iyiV\BT WINNERSaT.OFBEST OFBREED VARIETYMOUNTAINEER KENNEL CLUBSIPIS 06-22-07INCCh. Firebrook's Smoke and Mirrors x Ch. Animations Nell FenwickWe hope this wonderful boy will start the next row of foundation block in our breeding program. Rufus finished at ten months of age with two Group IIs and a Group III along the way. Thanks to Houston Clark, Michael Forte, Dorothy Hutchinson, Roger Pritchard and Everett Dean for his majors and group placements.Many congratulations to Pat Dresser for newly finished Ch. Animation's Marlin and to Carol Leemhuis on newly finished Ch. Animation's Jeckel.iniif matronecWBreederOwnerHandlerLorindaVasutaDarren Lane1167 Ridgewood Rd. P.O. Box 606, Sharon Center, Ohio 44274 330 239-4577JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 1092008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 1003 PM109yWedimtintych jeckle t . w.32ndChampion tor Animation Poms'.-43J\J1 \ iIir c,\Q7TTr,,uIbest of breedNEW CHAM MAJORrsfc'jSSEtLi1 A' LKi^rir\ .ri lIt i l tivlt , .V CH Heartland's Knight N Day ROM x CH Dress Cirde AnimationCarleez Poms Is proud to present new champion Jeckle. He finished at seven months of age with four Major wins and four Best of Breed wins. Thank you to judges Elizabeth Muthard, Dr Robert Smith, Alan Harper, _ June Penta and Lydia Cotcman Hutchinson for hisI big wins. Thank you to Lorinda Vasuta and DarrenLane of Animation Poms tor letting Jecklewith the Carleez Poms and for being a friend. Jeckle was bred by Lorinda Vasuta Pat Dresser.Congratulations to Jeme Freia of Janesa Pomsher Mystery Feature. Thank you for everything you have taught me. Congratulations to Margaret McKee of Idlewytd Poms on her feature and to Hope Gould on her Junior Jive. Big congratulations to all of the performance poms shown across the country and featured in this issue.OwnerHandler Carol Leemhute Carleez Poms Pittsburgh, PA ph 412-048-6967 J Breeder Owner Lorinda Vasuta Animation Poms Sharon Center Ohio ph 330-239-4577110 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWThe Dallas Forth Worth Pom Club had a nice turnout for our annual Christmas Party, with anabundance of food, better than any caterer inDallas. Bronya Johnstons husband Dick, made abrisket to die for, and it was the first to disappearfrom the buffet table. Phyllis and Bill Ewing hostedthe event. The room was filled with Christmasdcor provided by the talented and creative Phyllis.The most unique and creative decoration was aChristmas tree made out of Pomeranian pictureswith our Club Logo Star at the top.Our gift exchange turned out to be quite lively withseveral items being rather popular. DarlyeneSpanns gift was an elegant pink dog bed, justfitting and proper for a little Pom Princess. It was stolen the maximum number of times and ended up in thepossession of Charlene Marsh.The special event of the evening was a visit from Santa Paws and the Elf. Of course, only Poms on the nice listwere invited, so Santa welcomed every one of them to have their picture made with him. One invited PomGuest, Buddy, arrived in top hat and tails, and stole the show. Buddy, who is owned and loved by BronyaJohnston, just knew he was special in his formal attire, and gladly posed for many pictures. This adorable littleguy has no problem at all taking center stage. Look out Mr. Winkle.To all of our members who missed this special event, we missed you also. Hopefully, there will be many morehappy social events sponsored by our club in the future. We all would like to take this opportunity to wish a veryMerry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year to all of our Pom fancier friends.DFW POM CLUBCHRISTMAS PARTYDecember 8, 2007Submitted by Jackie Hirshberg, President2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12142007, 1003 PM110mr 4 I I I ITTAH CUi'- -Vft AH C9'4 4rVir1srNrv-4JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 1112008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12162007, 1156 AM111i i i i nir padgr VV bVi c.e-v.V'Aa s-urf31V-rvmr^112 - JANUARYFEBRUARY 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 JAN FEB Review.p65 12162007, 1156 AM112 INI n i i i iAMOUR'S OUR HAWAIIAN r v.rV MestoKmhem chmottohSammamish Kennel Ciuh August 26,2007Roberts Photos0MSB 'mMBPi. '^PSkSpksB3AMCAN CH. Howlene-Teahra Baccarat For Amour'sSire AM CH. Gourment Howlene-Teahra Caviar Dam AM CH. Howlene-Teahra You Go GirlThank you to all the Judges who found "Donta" worthy of his wins. Pictured above Judge Ann Hearn.Thank you for this wonderful win and finishing "Donta" to his Championship.We also finished our Hawaiian girl to her Canadian Championship Bred By Classes "Amour's Right Back At You". Flash Congratulations to "Donta's" sire who took Best of Breed at the Pomeranian Club of Hawaii's 31st Specialty. Thank you to the breeders of Donta for letting me buy this wonderful boy.OwnerHandlerShirley-Ann K, LeuP, O, Box 493Blaine, Washington 98231-0493BreedersArlene A. Otaguro Hazel Miller Robin Watanabe