The Pomeranian Review March 2008
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MarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 12008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1046 AM1rm i i i i4POMERANIANThe Official Publication of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.003h4 4. -..A aZOOZ - zo KIraam uv^qx^hZ2005 THEWINNINGIMAGE.COM2 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1046 AM2I I I I I i i i inII I IAmlnt CH DreamWeavers Cracklin FiregIf r th tmokA.o moyoJwJ14 4mrX \f '\vIBEST OF OPPOSITE ifc1I JE ALLEN V^1ra __ AmlntCH DreamWeavers Sparklin Fire Cracker X CH DreamWeavers Sparklin Fire Rose"Dustin" is our 7th champion to finish from the Bred By Exhibitor class at just under 1 year of age. He is now 3 years old and looking terrific. Watch for him in the specials ring in Texas.We would like to congratulate two special friends, Dan and Tammee Felix, on their kennel visit. When I moved to California, they made me feel right at home. I sure miss our sushi get-togethers.Linda PelzMichael and Liz WellsDreamWeaverpoms.com4MarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 32008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1046 AM3rm i i i ini i \3ft Houma Jliemmti aHallaam n sr au ly rthe sweetest little\om you could ever know.September 26, 1997 - January 9,2008Mis life urns short, Sut his legacy is long.Mis done was unconditionad, not sure what went wrong. Ms personality was dominant his presence was prominent. jAdan s heart, he immediately won nener saw two jriends have more jun.Our home has a noid that nothing can fill we hane to accept this must he ^od s wild.jreal memories remain oh how we were blessed.1 v Sjfr'0o hane doned 0eddy JjUoEErjCline was truly the lest.r43fhVWe would like to thank everyone who sent cards, made phone calls and did whatever they could to express their sorrow and friendship.Etmccrety,iTeddy Jan at a Texas Rai k. baseball game May 20G ffachie and dAban Jbirshbergmmm4 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1046 AM4I I I I I i i i in4SHOW PHOTOS PORTRAITS CASUALR.\IK 1AiA-pkoto^rdjjky ' V \WINNERS DOG'NATIONAL SPECIALTY2M ' 00262-544-1822thomasphoto30hotmail.commehciz8195msn.comi7HTHOMAS iiy\\l4.-sA-1i Afere's, to ZOOS A A fjzti-dtty4 4IIj,WM i .jL " w^ 1pw 'I , TCJIft. j XsJiL ti T. iBSt Tka i .t mi3 i T 1 rtiaIIIVW54Ai M ' m7^untuckyMarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 52008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1046 AM54JJ'"MissEllie" finished her championship very quickly winning points every weekend she was shown including WB at the Indiana Pom Specialty We would like to send a special thank you to Fran Stoll, Miss Ellie's breeder, for allowing her to join us at Eagle Creek Pomeranians.MI__- 'mii[7j1 A-fw k i0. yI Vf r 1 4- Ax. j r\ \i__4 4rI AWINNERS rp mki ^l Pi nav , aBOOTHPHOTOV.Sept J14 \-i BY2007 y^ANGEIAjlPomeranianClub m d4s 4TsiPomeranian Club of Central IndianaBIS BISS Ch Jan-Shars Dudly Doright, ROMX, GC, HOF x Ch Stol'n Song of The Magic PastBreeder - Fran Stollinians Washington, INmm BlMIfl nr aIf]46 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1046 AM6rm i i i inBAR-JON PRESENTSCH. BAR-JOHS APPLAUSE JANES ASAr v 1VIitmBEST OF OPPOSITEI VJ -V4NEWCHAMPIONMAJOR WINHUNTSVILLE KENNEL CLUB n i TON CLUSTERNOVEMBER 2007DON MEYER PHOTCf4\ .f A CH. Janesa's Applause, Please x CH. Bar-Jon's Southern BelleThank you to the judges who appreciated Jan. She is one of the three 1 finished in 2007. Congratulations to Jerrie Freia on her Mystery Feature. We have had many good times in the past, present and looking for more in the future. Thanks for all the dogs from the past, present and looking for more in the future. Thanks for all you have done for us. Belated congratulations to Chuck and Randy on their feature.Barbara Jonny Messmer - Bar-Jon's2249 Suwannee Drive Marrero, LA 70072 504-348-9150AMarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 72008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1046 AM7rm i i i in4Multiple Group Specialty WinningrrJ XX Mrr1 d77^A 14 Jkmrr 0jm 4 Ff.jKfm pwapaaHBBKY- \ - s W'-m i a.BPRSH. iKillfcwsviaSi4 4fei,, w,.1. ijvMft ,V Xjv-isrveMUEM,33-.- iA VSURSy ' v' Ar SzMVit rBiw- 1a 3S^V'V^ JSr c]dreatPixP^otos WXtv ^iM vv -1 ^JLJl ' JTf wM 4iF jOrion wants to congratulate his 2nd family, Celeste and Bob Solano on the birth of their new son, Jace Robert Solano. In limited showing in 2007 Celeste and Orion had some wonderful wins.Were looking forward to 2008.Wed like to congratulate our friends Dan Tammee Felix on their Kennel Visit. Its about time that we read about your beautiful Sunglo Poms. Thanks for the many years of friendship and good times.Co^B rcccfc rsCo-OwncrsCfieri-. ' onafcf e Bcvcrfy lvuu. 6orfiwairpnms. cornJa ruffe rCo-Own e r l SoCano unvw.crpoms.com8 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1046 AM8I I I I I i i i in7r vt^'ceerA ourn5\A ^czft\r\ 7Vi4r g' 'vb truU a a4r.f ^ A 'i'l\Wz\Xc\i -for n^V^An^ Y\ec \^ce^pc\c^ V^-noWn in \A^. \A \Nee^er\\ oirti^V^-in^ ^ s point Mz^r, -flloVVAn^ \Art\r ^ v-v^ot^ in^ludin^ O-frj\Ainn5^ 'tyetA Pj Innioj ^p^i^tfgj ^ft 'tvi^- will^n^^tt^- npj P^ F^n^i^ ^7o\A Und^r Air t3bs- \A^tton4p1 ,sL3Ax vBPISCAH moFng onDlrftKl 'Sl4pl-I4ranrfe^ ',i ru,jm 4AU - Ai m ' -53-T ,I IT7iVi 'j^.ff\viJGROUP7 As1 ..WILLAMETTE TOY DOGI v.ODECEMBER 6.7.2007PHOTOSBY ELAINE' ,7]We^cAeA j ^oll^n ^^ndaraM " ' f 4 IMarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 92008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1046 AM9I I I I I i i i in j t r MAromemmamto ,rirHI'Siiff ssuxuleA A cl luce Pornis hiwee' 11571440 Pom Orchid Lane, Kannapolis, NC 28081, Ph 704 938-2042 - Ken and Eleanor Griffith - Owners OF THE 10 CHAMPIONS WE SPED IN 2007A S\SmwmMmMmt-v.IS' 1willHERE ARE THE i'n. JjflWINNERS J HE BEST OF OPPOSITE KlV 1v .yV e.r [7ij K. BOOTHa mujjj CH. MISTYMOONLIGHT OF LENETTEuj m u-jszfj OP iPjJPTPr' .JrOmbr. Wamdy Ghsiulsss Handler Branda SaijitaOwner Lenette Poms Handler Vikki Oelerich4 .. iJBEST OF WINNERSDCJiUVVM.IVHT,4v CH. WILD FIRE OF LENETTE'rm it. v Owner Lenette Poms Handler Vikki Oelerichi r7r mSS rr, v,Eif- Vv Villi11 i i rf yA 57. 17 SJj 711 7UrSHFIELD CHA OF LENETTEikki Highfield HandlerMEET 0F LENETTErlotte Meyer Handler Lynn Meyersjj. m 777\SSm www.lenettepoms.comSW Hiynfisld Gwnsir ieOmbr. \10 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1046 AM10I I I I I i i i inCastile's Legend pf Mtn. Crest mVrvft\MAJOR WIN WINNERS i"IEi4sjf0 g fphtvibmgkimWiWiMihjilWWIfUlm6vf6 ih11ImWwvvy "S vVsVs[S CH. Mountain Crest JJ X CH. Glen Iris Dutchess of CastileBack to hack BOB and Group 4 eb. 2 and 3, 2008r us in the future.rjrAtlaiWaiigratulation d Tammee Felix on your kennel visit. It was nice visiting with^yoi^tast December in Long Beach.'on s DaIountain To rest9omeramans111David and Carlene GilstrapP.O. Box 22442, Chattanooga, TN 37422 Phone 423-987-0266 e-mail www.mountaincrestpomeranians.comMarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 112008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1046 AM11^^ZCCCQ 4fCH.JAN-SHARS TAKE YOUR BEST SHOT700[r 11- - rm1 aBEST OF WINNERS 1 j4atmmmAVTOY DOG BREEDERS OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA-H-oUoway Photocmm SIRE-CH. JAN-SHARS GO FOR THE GUSTO DAM-CH. JAN-SHARS COOKIE MONSTERSHOOTER IS SHOWN HERE WITH HANDLER TISH CANNON AND JUDGE FABIAN ARIENTEI DO HAVE SOME VERY NICE CHAMPION AND NON-CHAMPION FEMALES FOR PLACEMENT IN NEW HOMES FOR THE COST OF SPAY, DENTAL AND SHIPPING FEE ONLYproud owner and breederSHARON HANSONpomsjanshar,com www.janshar.comfr412 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1046 AM12i i i inCictcr^uyL-CiOeuL'V'laliriUiUi UJCutr tsrtitbblv Kr iEr4 4'N a jr i iV- \it arf'uloM'ir LuQiy Or ttjjy yvassCZS-Z.L ^lunrJrSS ptsss.Si^iSsiSLull's ilu^Cs^ tL yiOstr try' [1007.tOtrisaf fj-tri ''Sif ii.SMj'lct.iid dtstisi^lfjtyu Z'bidhui0W'lr.rJ.ikf f"7y [i rh jj mra BBSra,. vC^albf. ggJattils Ij-Wlr is tiiSSr teisjr UCtli fi Sfj. jliii isi'i^t^Sr' 'Tlyr arfssuL ty [[jaiuai'iiiJ asdL iCa'usykisi' iTjiib usjab [iuLirnsf afr rfc"tnaaj.TMarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 132008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1046 AM134mr-ft. . v -.TLl3W \[_jr^A,J 4 t ^^ Ik V Jr^ V i4^rV 'ft 1r T7 v 4.rL5JT n i V riv\4ft 1 r 4uuI uf ,K 7 _tmLv L ^71 A'IV 4J1b .V._ Jff R K - y.wShown placing first in the group at Fort Smith undere 3 '9 . \ J' j ^-0\IkwB .f,1 ur.. it a - . T V4 career has started\ '3A III0off with a m\rm'r I GlWfclCl i v1vJr gMUCllprrlf [acII FIRST PLACEGROUP PLACEMENT FORT SMITH KENNEL CLUBOCTOBER2007 GARDEN STUDIO. INC. PHOTO BY GREGf\c I n,r.mWAjp -\fkc ltkLJr'iMci^ourmim\ m 1f eV iriSi ISrI4n[ f,1ft5JPllfiI BKJ IWlIf IaiM r r r mr1 J250 tfa\ TxMWAfATA] rlIMfR' 1 LJTJ' fi 4frnncl^SBUAIIISQj[rjys5niranir PlfML.m aCIaHIff 0113 jI , v Ip] rid u M ML[Al rAl rA9 Vr. ' \Nold BestStorage[aTOkan14 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1046 AM14i i i in4wJsMU AKJA S.A1 \ -- I fMf lA- ,mkI 7\ Vi I V- rH r^7v9 1 ,jfc.3\0'VAew Cha^P1Ddm64 4ibI\rBreedersDonnaMachniak and Dana Coventry OwnersConnie Ron Russell Expertly Handled By Ann Berryman Vfc.v V . ' , iV ' in V- V 1- V,'k fi .i4r ^AMarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 152008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1046 AM15i i i in41BrasilDogShowPomeranianmNJI41JK7 ^ i'4 4mJ9V. Ariumph's MuttiriMan of B416 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM16i i i in4AW C11 11LZ. aAm.Q, 14 Psfa' ptjLl3S SSI HV 3'1 r_H amVC,vfk I' t iy ri hat a1f it ^ SIa r\IMvr at.jha\HOir, iy rV\ mm14 4BEST OF BREED OR VARIETY1 isV'rr,Vi r GREATER OCALA DOG CLUB NOVEMBER 2007DON MEYER PHOTCfxijt. v m.I WmJ^'A i'MHSiTRESTIQUE-N-GGS SHOWDOWN ROM X CH. TRESSTIQUE'S BILLIE JEANThank you Bonnie Harris for all of your knowledge and for getting us started in Poms. Many thanks to all of the judges who appreciated Cody's breed type, movement, and showman-like attitude. Also, thank you to Cody's handlers Dawn Kierzek and Vikki Oelerich.Tim O'Harrah and Jim Hart Co-Owners 352 200-7758 3453 White Willow Way Spring Hill, FL 34606Bonnie HarrisBreederOwner 631 205 5223 Tresstique's Pomeranians Middle Island, NY 11953Cody is loved and cared for by Tim O'Harrah and Brie Leasure,4MarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 172008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM17I I I I I i i i in4IIIIHMIKiSS.CAIBIir MMIIHIIIilL4 V. hi IK1 V '. V-A1 1ri A 5\ A mV- JviaL' lii i'S , Ir- I Ny s Bfl.tJ FOURTH IN GROUP I-Pi P vwfcA y t 4 4WESTOAHl SHOW. MIKE JOHNSON IllOM\II IIIai ill lliiu^lUl]iiij [iimliiMH Sj 3 4M Jk to ^jjiixii wlnifliw u ijijjjjjj J iMlar Mii UlLI Jill GGdIMIiVSiNiwM^TNlTliiiam ,vif in vMElMRtDMi,MMF no' SiVML l i l I il-ll m iUmi 4 mHlib MJ id- LiMlifc ijlJJJJU J - ill jJiiiiiJ^JJllLijJfill. I I,1 I Uii MlI7. m\\\\i J4Iv in mmwrill JUWi 11M m jjjjjjJm Uiib- uJ Jiw M JMw iiJ HJuij mu wMar Mi fewt Miik te sfljiuiats Jjj mMs m jjiMJlijjijjJkWoodroses Cash anShenii.iiILi iNote We have a nice blacl Congratulations totimJ imm inJto jjjj m Ml MHiliMUiMi.WHEREClarice Yvette OganekuWOODROSE r.-.yr.445-232 K_rIrpuna Rd. Kaneohe, HI 96744Ph 808 235-8142 18 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM18I I I I I i i i inHEAVENBOUND AMAZING BERYLBest of Winners Three Point Major Thanks to Judge Carl C. Yochum for this major.QM BreederByron Christie LisenbeeuOwner Carol Kivch Elkhart, Texas 903-764-9963 www.geocities.comcararaypomsyBEST OF WINNERS ]MAJORVCEN-TEX KENNEL CLUB NOVEMBER 2007Co-Owner Byron Lisenbee Tuttle, OK 405-255-4429heavenboundpomsexcite.comwww.heavenboundpoms.com1 NUGENT PHOTOI,4 4Best d Oppcsi^ Thanks 14 fudge Jand Turuage Xahikian hr ihene pcinh. ftj ,A1BreederLeslie SlewColumbus, Texas 919-132-5102 Iy tT,Vi S dpOwnerCard KirchElkhart, Texas 903-164-9963 carolkl och tvsoso.goociSios.conicdrdrdyponisar 9OF OPPOSITENOLAN RIVER KENNEL CLUBIrinehart iPHOTOGRAPHS1Lil Rek's Cutiepye BradileusMarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 192008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM19I I I I I i i i in4mCAN CH FOXWORTH FINEAm Can Thai Ch Starlight's Fun Time X Foxworth Film Starf yi1iA Im m. X Vi Ift viff,-.At1^'I '7j.N,-rJilA 4p 9 -j mmK '.-4 I Mi'iV ' \lMUfl4 1T4 p A1SDean Dennis Pfiotoprapfiy 2007dyntu Best Puppy in Show group 2ncCNew BrunswickjKc a4lootynntvtrsary Shows_In Canada "Jacks" finished at just 6 months of age winning BIS under Judge R. William Taylor.He is pictured above winning a Group Second and one of his 6 BPIS under Judge Michele Billings.In the U.S., from puppy class, Jacks has won the breed over specials and a Group Second under breeder Judge Ken Miller.Thank you to all the judges for Jack's exciting winsFoxworthPamela Dodsworth and Larry Fox 181 Darlings Island Road Darlings Island, NB ESN 6S1506-832-2161 foxworthnbnet.nb.caA20 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM20rm i i i inMustang PomsA major win finished her championship at the Greater Baltimore Specialty. Thanks to Judge Richard Mullen for his appreciation of the quality and flawless movement of this beautiful girl.Also, thank you so much Shari Shields for letting me add this lovely girl to my breeding program.Congratulations to all those who have spotlights in this issue.r 34mm k ^4w \ Minr I \4fTiiWgk c .4 mw mI IV ,I WINNERS NEW CHAMPION BEST OF OPPOSITE SPECIALTY.__ NORTHEASTER^MARYLAND Mil IT _7m KENNEL, CLUB r V MV'\ V1o.^ V, Joyce Birks OwnerHandled570-888-4195mustongclarityconnecf.comShari Shields - BreederCh. Monarc's Mark At M4 4Sunglo N Showcase Gangsta Style CD, RASnoopQaad Cued ta euenyene at the Afational.viyi tfVA \\V wvIkAFinL vCjt nPsI A.irT kV]toIN WA I Kennels V f' T1it-.'AVawVSnoop is pictured here placing first as he qualifies for the second leg of his JWW Preferred Title. Congratulations to Tammee and Dan Felix on your kennel visit. I am proud to love and handle a "SunGlo Kid1'Diedre SchloyerVicShelia JiottfSfieila3nuaAU- uuuw.3nua.iMN \ A4MarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 212008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM21i i i inVII II I A iI' 14 4iiVBESTOFBREEDVARIETYOZARKS KENNEL CLUB NOVEMBER 2007PHOTO BY DOWNEY 6'"''VAX'4tThank you to Judge Edd Bivin fA Breeder,Owner, HandlerTeresa Livezey AckerP.O. Box 3156 Bartlesville, OK 74006 918-335-0449 t.livezeyatt.netrA22 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM22I I I I I i i m i n4New PREVIEW VIDEO CLIPS BEFORE YOU BUYFREE LEAFLETS INCLUDED WITH EACH VIDEO GROOMING TIPS, EQUIPMENT NEEDED AND WHERE TO BUY IT, AND HOW TO TRIM EARS.Have you ever wondered how the Poms in the showring and pictures are trimmed so nicely and how it is done We are pleased to present this Pom grooming video, "Pomeranian Grooming with Karen Crawford," by Karen Crawford of Xitable Pomeranians. This tape is not just for Pom show people, it is for all of you who have Poms and want to learn the professional but easy way to properly trim your Poms - from head to toe. For more information about Karen, the video, preview video clips, satisfied customer reviews and ordering, please visit our web site at httpwww.foxxlanepoms.comVideo, e-mail Pauline McFarlane at, or call Pauline at 304-813-1541.We would like to thank Mike Cande Gordon of Pominique Pomeranians for allowing us to use AMInt CH Pominique Chasing Tatonka aka Tony as our demonstration model.Congratulations to Dan and Tammee Felix of SunGlo Poms on your kennel visit.BEST WISHES TO ALL AT THE UPCOMING APC NATIONAL SPECIALTYTTujiJJiJijPom - i iVJIKaren Crawford, Xitable PomeraniansandJohn and Pauline McFarlane, FoxxLane Pomeranians4 4Mar-D Pomeranians -Vu- ,. .To everyone who supported my kennel visit, especially Kay, Becky, Donna, Janice and Bev. Your good wishes came at a time 1 really needed them. I love you all.Home of Champions and Quality PomsmmWe would like to wish everyone Good Luck at the farznPuppies for sale.fM. StephensD. Buchanan Cave Junction, OR 541-592-5161httpuser, ca venet. compomsaryaet IIkMarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 232008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM23rm i i i in4Mtn.View PomeraniansNew Champion Mtn. Views Takn It To The LimitRowdy received his championship under Judge Connie S. Clapp and was expertly handled by David Fitzpatrick.r...K'1f fl ^u 7j 2 BreedersOwners'As2W .. r rNEW CHAMPIONRoger and Pat Dague Stuarts Draft, VA Phone 540-337-2965f BEST OF BREED Ri7TTTTS3 rt httpwww.geocities.commtnviewpoms^ kj.. . JIWJ .HandlerDavid Fitzpatrick4 4Mtn. Views Wild Fire At MarbilsJust starting in the ring, Aiden took WB and Best Puppy under Judge Mrs. Clover Allen. She went on to take Puppy Group Two. Aidens championship would give her dam AND sire their ROM. We know she can do it Watch for Aiden and Mari in the ring at Nationals2f-1r ' 1I ^ Ir.J i BreederOwner Pat and Roger Dague 540-337-2965TITOwnerHandler Mari Iffland Marbil Pomeranians 618-436-6127rj 1 uAicJanCongratulations to Dan and Tammee Felix and SunGlo Poms on their kennel visit.CH Marbil's Games of Chance X Mtn. Views Winter Hopev24 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM24rm n4A qAAvA 14 irrrm,i it j t v1 n ''. 4 4f ^ -- "Indroducing our new show hopefulNONE SUCH TOUGH GUY aka "Pancho1 DOB 13th June 2007by Int-Ch Cro-Ch, Slo-J Ch. BOG Windrunner of Lenette x BIS-J3 None Such Symphony of Lenettei_Our pride and joy Multi Ch, World Ch, Int Ch, Euro-J Ch, N.l TOP DOG 2000, multi BOG, BISS,... ABISHAG OF LENETTE shown still going strong at 9 years of age winning BIS-2 VETERAN AT EURO DOG SHOW 2007 V Jv jOf course all our gratitude goes to the wonderful KEN AND ELEANOR GRIFFITH for all the gorgeous and smart Poms that they shared wiith us, we really adore each one of themNika Kocjancic, NONE SUCH pomeranians, SLOVENIA httpwww.geocities.comnone_such_pomsBest wishes also to Dan Tammee Felix with their cute Sunglo gang4 4Bine Moon's Back in Ike USSRK h.'5 Congratulations, Dan and Tammee-vv ^ aV 7TI-7 I Iv4_ v,"V.Tour advice, support, humor and friendship have been invaluable to us over the years. We certainly would not be where we are today without your help and your friendship Your kennel visit is certainly well-deserved and we wish you the best of luck in both the conformation and obedience rings in 2008.f.4 Aj .- SirSSkfc . iA.44..Lori and Lindsey KamrathBlue Moon PomeraniansyA V ir 4 AI'.,E.irrX' Y4MarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 25Join us for the 2008 Memorial Day Weekend here inHistoric Virginia PomVirginia is for ^ LoversFour shows in one indoor location includingSunday, May 25, 2008Pomeranian Club of Central Virginia, Inc.Our First Specialty Breed Judge Mr. Ken MillerPuppy Sweepstakes, Veteran Sweepstakes - Judge Fabian ArientiOur Fifth Annual Futurity Stakes - Judge Mrs. Lee Cooksee httpwww.geocities.comPCCV_home for nomination informationFriday and Saturday, May 23 24, 2008 Langley Kennel Club shows and trialsSunday and Monday, May 25 26, 2008 Gloucester Kennel Club shows and trailsSuperintendent MB-F, Inc.While youre here, plan a quick trip to Williamsburg, Jamestown, Yorktown, Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Richmond, Charlottesville,Petersburg, Historic Plantations, the Chesapeake Bay and the Great Dismal Swamp to name a few of the attractions in this historic area.Dont forget the PCCV Supported entry the following weekend at theMay 31, 2008 Charlottesville-Albemarle Kennel Club show.2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM25i i i i n ^rLp 'S\ . OS Oj w ft mii,i\2h'1 ii 21 vy^uiliiiiiJ t vanmim yon a ml Xy si- iiJJ i]j5 inirdiJes iris np.^ itown iii younrn v.^rr in 2UU WAjrri yri.4 5 ilfF i''llliVV''ll, HIT fiP I alxsaiy-srrrl pri 4rmviiWJH' r,IH JbirIwIvL k mj j. " 14'V iill aa1 A '737- I. ll-- 9'mtami m.J if-4HPTVWt j4. H. KHMffivI IVFf4 IV7weeks oldi btz,'oyj-CQZzK,_i.L. To purchase Pee Pant contact lgerdescifUl [R1XJ_ fX. COTl.4 4wPomeranian Club of Central VirginiaLF426 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAdvertisers Index......................................................102AKC Discipline.............................................85APC Board Summary Janice Russell..........................33APC Membership Application..............................45, 46APC National Specialty Info..............................42 ,43APC Officers...........................................................35APC Pomeranian Standard....................................44APC Statement......................................................35APC Stats Joan Behrend...................................50-59APC Summer Specialty................................30Ask Us Anything Annette Davis.................................34Back Issue Information..........................................102Coming Events....................................................90Corpus Poms................................................72-75Cover Story .............................................26Health and Genetics Geneva Coats....................60-63Her Majestys Poms.........................................98-100Judges Education Fred C. Bassett............................64Just FUR Fun.........................................................103Kennel Visit Dan Tammee Felix.......................37-41Kennel Visits, Future Features.............................29, 81Letter from the Editor.........................................71Letters To The Editor....................................71Membership Report Annette Davis............................28Memorial John H. Cribbs.....................................100Memorial Josephine Ching..................................66Memorial Ruby Poole.....................................67New Champions Joan Behrend............................50-51Performance News Barbara McClatchey..............68-71Pom Charitable Trust..................................................31Pom Talk Roxanne Collins ....................................86Presidents Report Cynthia Boulware.........................30Progressive Toy Club........................................84, 85Purina Program..........................................33Registrars Corner Carol Leemhuis.............28,76-78Reproduction Danielle Sartain.........................48Review Advertising Rates.....................................32Review Mug Offer...................................28, 89Salute to Our Armed Forces...................................94Savannah..........................................................87Standard, Sally Baugniet...........................................47Subscription Card.....................................................89SubscriptionReview Information.......................89, 102Sunshine and Roses...........................................88Ways and Means Donna Riehm........................48, 88Website Address........................................................35Westminster KC.........................................82, 83When There Are No Rules Katie Gammill........80, 812002-2007Like other one-named dynamos, ZsaZsa wasa character larger than life. But unlike Cherand Madonna, to name two, ZsaZsa wastaken from us in the prime of life. Some sortof vicious bacteria proved to be too muchfor her, and she has been holding court andentertaining the troops over the RainbowBridge since November.ZsaZsa was outgoing and bossy in an adorableway. She demanded attention, andrepaid it with affection, humor and intelligence.She was, until the last brief period ofher life, sturdy and fully engaged in everymoment of every day. She was extravagantof nature and beautiful of face. She hopesthat someday you all get to meet a creatureas singular and marvelous as she.Love to you, little girl Dana2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM26I I I I I i i i inContents Fruit Covermw mmfu mAZf 8-4- S 48Ew-0h4MarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 272008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM27I I I I I i i i in'atiJee 6 rwcft'Xiiio a2 i1 I-coicu' oocSi o.I-t3ofOoomi4CLI IHis very proud Sire and Dam Multiple BISA ll's Victorian Angel X Ch. Firebrook'sA special thanks to Steve and Brenda Heimbach for sharing Spirit with me Best of luck to all at the 2008 Speciality in LouisvilleStephanie Pineault - Sanlee Pomeranians - Spineaullmsn.com28 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWLetters other than those from sponsors commenting on theapplicants whose names are published in the Review, areto go to Janice C. Russell, 3540 Kessler Blvd. N. Dr.,Indianapolis, IN, 46222. Comments must be receivedwithin 30 days of publication Standing Rule II 3. See theAPC Web Site httpwww.AmericanPomeranianClub.orgor contact Annette Davis for membership applications.NEW MEMBERSLinda Haggstrom IASponsors Angela Blocker, Karen ChisamAmy Matsuoka HISponsors Hazel Miller, Clarice OganekuByron Christie Lisenbee OKSponsors K.G. Griffith, Jessie KleinVikki H. Highfield ALSponsors K.G. Griffith, David GilstrapKelly Don Woods KYSponsors Judy Stone, Geneva R. CoatsAPPLICATIONSMark A. Denney MISponsors Donna Machniak, Dana CoventryWendy Lane ILSponsors Charlotte Meyer, Brenda SegelkenNanette Walker TXSponsors Olga Baker, Cheryl A. JacksonTheresa Charlene Tafoya NMSponsors Laura Meineke, Sherry CartwrightPO Box 23163, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-6163412 848-6987Registraramericanpomeranianclub.orgREGISTER OF MERITCH Razzle Dazzle Hat Dance DOwner Judy Green 391 N Mink Creek Rd. Pocatello, ID 83204 208-234-0932 infoavalonpom.comKayla Wilson TXSponsors Eleanor Miller, Betsy OwensLisa Aiello NYSponsors Brenda Segelken, SharonYampiroWendi Nilsson CASponsors Marge Kranzfelder, WaldaGreenMembership ContinuedMembership ContinuedReceive one FREE MUG by purchasing a NEW SUBSCRIPTION, or RENEWING your current subscription, or EXTENDING your PR Subscription.Available only in Kentucky.Sorry, absolutely NONE will be mailed.Dont forget to pick up yourFREE MUGat the Review tablein Kentucky at theNational SpecialtyRegistrars Annual Report may be found on pages 76-782008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM28I I I I I i i i in4Membership CencrtAnnette DavisRegistrar Dem it Carel LeemhuisVJt ,atir ar UrSTtqi Ui I5 v yv \4 1LfOg44 4l mm2J X \ v r. 1X- nipj[apr.61American IP omeranian Clk \4MarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 29KENNELVisitMayJune 2008Kevin OrrDavin PomeraniansPlease contact the Editor to nominate candidatesfor upcoming APC Kennel Visits. Send informationto The Pomeranian Review, Brenda Segelken,Editor, 11139 E. Camelot Ave., Effingham, IL 62401or phone 217-347-5731. Emailfame62401yahoo.comAdvertising DeadlineApril 1, 20082008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM29i i i inKayra PomsCongratulationstoDan and Tammeewant to congratulateDan and Tammee ofSunGlo Poms for their kennel visit. You both have been so supportive of me and Kayra Poms through thick and thin.Thank you for all that you have done for me and the little ones.and their beautifulSunGlo Poms.We wish you continued success on all your endeavors.Love,The Pom MafiaIf u' v.Kim Thompson Mick, Gage Saucie Julie Clemen with Rise N Shine PomsLove,Kay, John and, of course, Cruiser4iTTiTTiim m 0 mm njiinri. i'1tiBEST OF WINNERSSOUTI Patrick M,Ch. Tresslique No Bull I'm Cute x Ch. Suber's IndyI would like to thank Daniel Yona for presenting and showing him so well. I would also like to thank Mr. Zell Von Pohlman for awarding Patrick BOW, and Mr. Bernhard helfrich for awarding Patrick Winners Dog for another point.Moloshel Poms ood Shellies - Eloioe718-891-3451,2351 E. 17th St., Brooklyn, NY 11229 m al ash elti epom m sn .com30 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWThe National is once again upon us. This gathering ofPoms and their enthusiasts puts a great start to Spring. Wealready know people are planning to come from far andwide, both nationally and internationally. We also are awarethat the U.S. economy is reflected in rising hotel, gas, food,and dog show entries therefore we appreciate that many ofyou make personal sacrifices in order to attend. For others, they might have made the difficult decision that theyshould root for their friends from home this year.As you might know, we are presently seeking another hotel to host next years National. Hopefully, we will beable to make a decision on this while we are in Louisville. We have been looking, but the search is not an easyone. Our show and related activities needs are complex. If any of you have any suggestions, please contact anyboard member about them for consideration.We have a Standard Committee newly in place. It is composed of Erika Moureau, Jerri Freia, Kathy Norem, andTerri Rothell. These members were chosen for their open-mindedness and willingness to keep the best interestof the breed above all else. And it is important for you to keep in mind that the ultimate responsibility of ourbreed standard lies in your hands. Any revision of standards must be voted upon by the membership. Input iswelcome from the membership during this process and can be passed onward by contacting any of thecommittee members.The Board is also interested in improving membership communications. A Members Only section will be afuture addition of the APC website. Hopefully this on-line method will make it easier to get in touch with us. Itwill be a way to ask your questions, let us know of your concerns, and offer viewpoints regarding any clubmatter. Of course, please know that you may presently email me at We will announcewhen the Members Only site is up and functioning by way of the APC email list. In the meantime, take care, and I hope to see you in LouisvilleJane LehtinenJane Lehtinen, Acting PresidentRegional Pomeranian Clubs are needed to host future APC Summer Nationals.Request letters must be sent to the Corresponding Secretary, with a carbon copy to the ActingPresident. Dont hesitate. Send your request today. Your clubs support is needed to continuethe National Summer Specialty tradition.ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM30I I I I I i i i inFrom the President\p 5mCynthia C. Eculnare i J,jVJBjg KAHUNAfoI \V L.h \C -3^\. '.ypA4-rVA\s r^r.14 44MarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 31Alopecia X Research Need is UrgentAs we have stated in the past, it takes months of time to put together the next phase of research then thetiming when membership help is urgently needed is critical. This is one such time.We have recently been contacted by WalthamMars Veterinary with interest in collecting DNA samples on arepresentative sample of Pomeranians. These samples will be used to help establish the genetic fingerprintthat represents and defines a Pomeranian as a Pomeranian. Mars Veterinary has recently launched their firstgenetic test the Mars Wisdom Panel Mixed Breed analysis test with the hopes that testing for predispositionfor certain diseases will follow. Mars has a DNA bank of over 13,000 samples that has been used to supporttheir work and cutting edge research like the recent studies identifying the primary gene associated with smallsize in dogs.As part of their DNA collections, WalthamMars Veterinary agrees to share a portion of the sample at theowners request and will share these samples with outside researchers. Therefore, in order to help reach thenumber of samples required for Alopecia X researchthey have agreed to share the samples they collect onPomeranians with Dr. Leeb in Switzerland. Mars Veterinary will cover all of the expenses to have the samplescollected and the shipping charges for these samples will be covered by Mars Veterinary and Dr. Leeb. Eachowner will be provided with a certificate for each dog collected with his or her dogs identifying bar codenumber. Owners will be asked to fill out basic information sheets and a consent allowing for the sample to beforwarded to Dr. Leeb. Owners will follow-up directly with Dr. Leeb via the Internet regarding detailed healthinformation on their dogs.How is this request different from those in the past and why is the timing so critical There is a more recentmethod of searching DNA now being used. Dr. Leeb, using this method, can rely less on having families ofdata by slightly increasing the numbers of samples he needs. This means for those of you who have purchaseda dog that now has Alopecia hisher DNA sample alone will be helpful. However, he does need an equalnumber of affected dogs and unaffected dogs. For the purposes of this phase of research, he is definingunaffected as a Pom at least 4 years of age or more who has had no coat loss issues.Mars Veterinarys is offering a huge help to enable our study to go forward. They have agreed to gather up oursamples, store them properly, and forward them in batch through customs properly to Dr. Leeb. However, thisoffer is time limited therefore making your decision to donate now critical.Your privacy is also assured. Your Poms sample is identified by a bar code and is sent through the Walthamrepresentative to Dr. Leeb. All of this information is kept completely confidential. You only need to tell Dr.Leeb detailed health information on your dog.It is important enough to repeat that there is no financial cost to the donors owner. Mars will pay your vet andshipping costs.If you are interested in participating in this collection with control dogs or dogs that may have issues withAlopecia X you can contact me at or Martine Huslig directly for a collection kit or 512 858-7939.This is a great opportunity to try to see work move forward to figure out what is going on with our dogs andAlopecia X. Thank you once again for caring about our Pomeranians.Marge KranzfelderPomeranian Charitable Trust, TrusteePOMERANIAN CHARITABLE TRUSTPomeranian Charitable TrustPO Box 801San Juan Bautista , CA 950452008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM31I I I I I i i i in44 4432 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWEditor...........................................................................................................Brenda Segelken11139 E. Camelot Ave., Effingham, IL 62401 PH 217 347-5731 fame62401yahoo.comSubscription Manager.......................................................................Cheri McDonaldPO Box 3402, San Dimas, CA 91773 PH 909 394-7923Fax 909 599-4692 cheribachmanpoms.comProofreader...........................................................................................Cynthia LankfordAdvertisement Manager...................................................................................Joan Behrend6 Richmond Blvd., Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 PH 631 366-2330 mzjoanoptonline.netBusiness Card Manager.................................................................................Kathyrn Norem0599N 650E, Knox, IN 46534 PH 574 772-3910 ecpomsearthlink.netBrenda Segelken Cheri McDonaldJoan Behrend Kathy NoremSubscriptions6 issues per yearUSPS First Class...............................45.00USPS Bulk.........................................37.00CanadaMexicoPuerto Rico.............55.00Foreign.....................................100.00Single Issue.....................................10.00Back Issues....................................10.00 Advertising RatesFront Cover Color.......................600.00Back Cover Color.............................450.00Inside Front Cover Color................300.00Inside Front Cover BW..................125.00Inside Back Cover Color.................300.00Inside Back Cover BW.....................125.00Page 3, 4, 5, 6 Color........................300.00Page 3, 4, 5, 6 BW...........................125.00Center Spread BW........................250.00Full Page Deluxe Color.....................275.00Full Page BW...................................100.00Half Page Color................................150.00Half Page BW.................................60.00One Quarter Page Color..................75.00One Quarter Page BW....................40.00Business Card 6 ......Small 70, Large 100All ads include one photo. Additional color photos are 25each additional black and white photos are 10 each.SUPPORT THE APCSUPPORT THE REVIEWMail ad text, photos and payment toThe APC Pomeranian ReviewBrenda Segelken, Editor11139 E. Camelot Ave.Effingham, IL 62401-7460Or Email fame62401yahoo.comMake all checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club.DeadlinesAd Deadline IssueDec 1...............OBEDIENCE... JanFebFeb 1........................................MarAprilApril 1..................National Report...MayJuneJune 1.............COLOR FEATURE...JulyAugAug 1......ANNUAL STUD ISSUE...SeptOctOct 1..............MEMORIAL ISSUE..NovDec.........official A. P. C. publication.........sent to Breed Group Judges.........reasonable rates.........quality reproductions.........only source of APC Archives.........provides APC news and reports.........APC Specialty coverage.........Regional Pom Club coverage.........obedience training information.........interesting, informativeThe Pomeranian Review2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM32I I I I I i i i inThe Pcmeranian ReviewThe Official Publication of The American Pomeranian Club, Inc.IwkrV\JL4 44MarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 33If an APC member has concerns regarding the aspects of an APC Committee, the member is to contactthe Committee Chair with those concerns. Those concerns will be communicated by the Committee Chairwithin two weeks after receipt if possible, to the Boards APC Corresponding Secretary so that the Board isaware of those concerns.3540 Kessler Blvd N. Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46222 Email indypomsbcglobal.netAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc. Board SummaryJANICE RUSSELLDecember 2007Discussion on various items took place however, no motions.January 2008A motion that Parliamentarian Chris Dickey be placed under contract for another year by APC was made and carried.The motion carried that Erika Moureau be appointed Chair of the Standards Committee.After discussion a motion carried that when a motion is not seconded with in seven 7 days then it is retired so as not tohold up business.Also, the present standing rule 28 of carrying motions through a second reading was deleted and replaced by a new rulestatingAll motions made, seconded and discussed will be published by the Recording Secretary in the next Board packet forvoting on in the next board ballot.The revised APC Historical Awards Applications for Hall of Fame, Gold Club, and Register Of Merit, Register of MeritExcellent and Register of Merit Supreme were approved by the board.The American Pomeranian Club is a participating member in the Purina Parent Club Partnership PPCP ProgramMembers of Purina Pro Club whose national parent club participates in the Purina Parent Club Partnership PPCP Program mayearn funding for canine health studies, education andor rescue efforts that will benefit their breed. Since 2002, the first year ofthe PPCP program, there has been more then 710,000 generated for health research, education or rescue. As of 2005, there are149 National breed clubs participating in the program.Heres how the PPCP Program works Pro Club members redeem weight circles from bags of participating Purina brand dogfoods. Purina tracks these weight circle submissions, and for every 100 of qualifying weight circle points earned by Pro Clubmembers, Purina donates 10 to the participating national parent breed club.Points are accumulated throughout a calendar year, and in February, a check representing 10 percent of the value of thesubmitted weight circles for the year is evenly split between the participating national parent breed club and the AKC CanineHealth Foundation. The donation that goes to the AKC Canine Health Foundation is eligible to be matched up to 100 percent bythe Canine Health Foundation if it meets the Foundations funding guidelines.2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM3344 4_.'ijm 4 1rm wrjai i i n34 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW Annette Davis, CNA sk Us AnythingOur question for this issue is How can I safely eliminate doggie odors in my home1 The first step in eliminating doggie odors is to stop your pet from soiling inappropriate areas. Dogs arenaturally attracted to places that have been soiled previously, so it is very important to find old stains andeliminate them. A black light, available at most hardware stores can help identify old stains.2 Once a stain has been located, do not use normal household cleaners. These are not effective in permanentlyremoving pet odors and they can inactivate enzyme cleaners, which actually do work.3 Do not use a steam cleaner or hot water until an enzyme cleaner has done its job. The heat will set the stainmaking it more difficult to remove.4 Good quality enzyme cleaners meant to remove pet odors are a very good way to go. Enzyme cleaners workby literally eating the bacteria that cause odors. Once the cleaner has had time to do its work, the odor will begone.5 On tile floors and other bleach safe areas, chlorine bleach and water can be used to effectively eliminateodors. Nasty fumes can be created when the bleach solution mixes with urine, so use caution. Also, be verycareful not to splash any bleach solution on clothing or carpets as these are easily ruined by bleach. Allow thearea that has been cleaned with bleach solution to dry completely before pets are allowed into the area. Bleachsolution is irritating to your dogs skin and lungs.6 Essential oils such as lemon, orange, eucalyptus, and peppermint are naturally antimicrobial whilediscouraging insects at the same time. They can be added to mop water or a few drops placed on a washcloth.Use caution with essential oils on finished woods as they can dissolve the finish.Our next question is What can I do about my Poms doggie breathYou may direct new questions or answers to these questions toAnnette Davis391 N Mink Creek Rd.Pocatello ID 83204208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792e-mail infoavalonpom.comPrevious Ask Us Anything Columns may be viewed on line www.avalonpom.comPomCare.htm2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM34I I I I I I i i m i n4fi' jwkx r a rW, 3 f'XV V ui4 44MarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 35AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. OFFICERSPRESIDENT...................................................................................CYNTHIA G. BOULWARE6450 Rolling Heights Circle, Kaufman, TX 75142 PH 972-962-3872 Fax 972-962-3872 e-mail lovencountryearthlink.netFIRST VICE PRESIDENT.........................................................................JANE LEHTINEN1517 8th Street S, Virginia, MN 55792 PH 218 749-1154 Fax 218 741-9435 e-mail janlepomsnetscape.net2ND VICE PRESIDENT.....................................................................FRANCES J. STOLL2488 E Hwy 50, Washington, IN 47501 PH 812-254-3857 Fax 812-254-3254 e-mail stolanne650dialup.comRECORDING SECRETARY...........................................................JANICE C. RUSSELL3540 Kessler Blvd. N. Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46222 PH 317 924-9093 e-mail indypomsbcglobal.netCORRESPONDING SECRETARY.................................................DANA COVENTRY1185 Banbury Court, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 PH 248-540-4888 e-mail caninelegalaol.comTREASURER....................................................................................ERIKA MOUREAU32110 Pattys Landing, Magnolia, TX 77354 PH 281 252-0333 e-mail ........................BOARD OF DIRECTORS............................Sally Baugniet David Gilstrap Judith B. GreenJackie Rayner Donna S. Riehm Greggory WatersThe American Pomeranian Club, Inc. is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting the Pomeranian dog and the protection andadvancement of the breed. We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims. If you are interested injoining the APC, please contact APC Membership Chairperson, Annette Davis, 391 N. Mink Creek Road, Pocatello, ID 83204. Phone 208 2340932or Email Membership applications also may be downloaded from the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website If you only wish to subscribe to the Pomeranian Review, please contact the Pomeranian Review CirculationManager, Cheri McDonald, PO Box 3402, San Dimas, CA 91773. Phone 909 394-7923, Email or Fax 909 599-4692.You need not be an APC Member to subscribe to or advertise in the Pomeranian Review.JACKIE RAYNER, DONNA RIEHM, DAVID GILSTRAP, GREGG WATERS, FRANCES STOLL, JANICE RUSSELLERIKA MOUREAU, DANA COVENTRY, CYNTHIA BOULWARE, JANE LEHTINEN, SALLY BAUGNIET. JUDY GREEN ABSENT.g2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM35I I I I I i i i inItUJPL .yy'A Xiff\Hy1, A,- .i w" "p711 af7. kSAr ^ f7 aii' FIyrj. \i-Lqjl5\iir1 f'f'T'Eo,PAIX4 LJ, r 'Vt ,'-v.j11is sWift,\ y, mm nVi V ' , 'nHflvSl4 4436 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM36rm i i i inPomeranians-4.Vilili tit titrsmiiFsurt]12Lj aA.a iS -fckIvdLl i1 FA0 wS,-. .,'' \V.Kf U151Rfer^ .i"1 J4ts1'\k'SunGlo's Sweet Talkin Gal "Daisy1fp v.-'r.-jPSBv'Br' ar-t-SI\3 A m-3i.We would like to thank our friends Leesa Molina and Karen Huntsberger for allowing us to breed to your special boy "Guy". We hope to make you proud. We would like to wish everyone best of luck at the 2008 Nationals SunGlo's Yakity Yak Don't Talk Back "Gabby1SunGlo PomeraniansDan Tammee httphome.att.netsunglopomsMarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 37Kennel Visit ContinuedHello, we would like to start out by saying we weretickled when Brenda asked us about having a visit. Wereally havent done much to write about, but here wego.SunGlo Pomeranians consists of Dan, Tammee Felixand a small herd of Pomeranians. You start out witha Pom, then you get another and you have a pair,then you add one more its a pack and after that its aherd. Weve always said we are pet people that show.Our Poms are companions first everything else we dowith them is just icing on the cake.Our dogs are raised in our home. When we are nothome, most of them are confined to doggie jail,which is one of our bedrooms with linoleum, opencrates and dog beds with the TV playing the AnimalPlanet channel. When we are home, they have run ofthe house and yard. Puppies are raised in our bedroom.Around 4-5 weeks, when we are home, we bring themout into a pen in our living room. After about 8 weeksthey move into that pen permanently until they areready to move into the dog room. We try to rotate who gets to go on little road trips and do something specialwith each Pom.Our first two Poms are huge 20lbs. They were obtained as companions and they are wonderful, but they barelyresemble the breed. We call them our robo-Poms. They will both turn 15 this year. A funny thing about themis that we dont think they know they are big Perhaps because of them, this is where our obsession with likingthe little ones came from.When we first started showing, we used a handler. We decided we wanted to be more involved in showing. Wetook handling classes and ventured into the ring ourselves. It may take us a little longer to finish the titleourselves but the pay off is bigger. We receive a great sense of accomplishment and pride when we are able toput a new title on one of our Poms.2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM37i i i inSunGlo Pomeranians' t,. ,Ak uVkA vm .1 ^ig, i , ,' ' i-'v -iLj, i'ai XfiMtJa V iV v_ feifofck V- vifir i v-J i2,MSfrioJftl.MA5 a el4 4 tI japwv m t v ilbJ '.Vft38 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWUsually Dan shows the dogs and I do the work behindthe scenes. I am unpaid kennel help. Its a team effortand we each bring something different to the mix.While we were showing Ch. SunGlos Just Lookin ForTrouble, aka Snickers, half way through his points,Dan and Snickers decided they didnt like showingtogether. Determined to earn the bred by medallion,which means a lot to us I had no other option but tostep into the ring myself. Snickers showed well for me,we picked up two additional majors including WinnersDog at the S. D. P. C. Specialty and the singles neededto complete his championship. We still occasionallyshow Snickers here and there. Last year Dan decidedhed like to try showing him again and they picked up aBest of Breed at San Fernando, and both days at BahiaSur.GidgetKennel Visit ContinuedTammee and SnickersA couple of years ago, when the late onset coatproblem started showing up in some of our dogs, andshowed up as early onset in one of our showhopefuls, our beautiful black and tan boy Skeeter. Isay hopeful because he didnt finish before heshowed signs of being affected. He had both majors,but we pulled him before he could complete hischampionship. We tried every potionlotiondietsuggested, and then one day we woke up and realizedwe were nuts. He has a medical condition that causedhim to lose his coat. Accept it. Get over it. Be donewith it. He is probably the best dog wed everproduced at that time, and it broke our hearts the daywe had him neutered but we decided a long time agowe would not contribute to this medical condition thataffects our breed.I became very discouraged by the coat loss issue andstarted to wonder if it was all worth it. We decided tospayneuter everyone except one champion male, whohas never been bred, and our Reginapom girl who hasnot produced any coat issues and began the search tostart over again with our breeding program. Little didwe realize what a challenge that was going to be Ithought about quitting but realized quitting doesnt fixthe issue.We had always admired the dogs Nancy and RobertCoddington had produced so we contacted Nancy andgot lucky. She had a cream female available. Gidgetwas soon on her way to California. Shortly after we gotGidget, Nancy had a litter out of her black and tanGrace and she had an orange-sable female. We were inSnickers BOB and Skeeters first Rally leg2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM38li n I mLmi' tntlllli'lliTr- im I ill r I lwarnii Ji in IIi ii a iy'Lt -'"W.S'___4Tj ja V.5w s17JII vIMarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 39Kennel Visit ContinuedMadisonlove before we even saw her and when she was oldenough Madison also headed west. We cannot thankNancy and Robert enough for allowing these twobeautiful girls to become part of our family.When Tapanga, our Reginapom girl came into season,we inquired with Leesa Molina and Karen Huntsbergerabout breeding to their male Melenbri Sweet TalkinGuy, whom I had fallen in love with after meeting. Weloved what Guy had produced and admired that hiskids had the beautiful side profile we were trying toimprove in our own dogs. They were kind enough toallow us to breed to Guy and we were blessed with abeautiful litter of three, two girls and a boy. We justtook them to their first show in January. Were going tohold the bigger girl out to allow her to get her head onstraight and grow more coat while we continue to playwith the boy and the smaller girl. We like to showpuppies and let them get into the show routine. Alsowaiting in the show ring wings are our bred by girlSunGlos Kiss me Kiwi and our two Trudy kids,Madison and Gidget, who are just waiting for theirmature coats, which is like watching grass grow.We are fortunate to have Poms representing SunGlonot only in conformation and performance events, butalso in the community. We take great care and pride inworking to produce not only show dogs but dogs thatcan go on to participate in other events. Both agilityand obedience require soundness and therapy workrequires a wonderful temperament. Let me share a littleabout a few of them.DaisyGabbyPhilazuli2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM39. 3 . rv-. .. 'so f,.Ar. rw.'' i- wm ''.F -.X, Jt,. .JPL'.sprVvl V graft sr.i VjftvcAi4 NTV VA-'.__________ - wi v,4Vl.JS V ' ' Wmim- 4 .-v 'K5bA. JKJ frugal I s inI EKi2 _ip . vi'.^ '- v .40 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWSunGlos Havin A Black N Tan-Trum aka Skeetersstory does not stop with the end of his conformationcareer. He was in the Animal Planet Eukanuba DogShow commercial in 2006 and was hired to do a photoshoot for them. He has earned his Rally Novice titleand is training to compete in Rally Advanced andObedience. He is also a registered therapy dog. Besidesvisiting patients in hospitals and convalescent centers,Skeeter hopes to begin reading with children at thelibrary soon. Hes always a crowd pleaser and makesmany new friends every time he goes out. He may nothave earned his championship by AKC standards buthe is a champion to us.SunGlo N Showcase Play It Agin Sam, aka Samson isa 3 12lb creampuff. We showed him in conformationSamson and SecretDan and SamsonDan and Grandson AnthonySkeeter at Balboa ParkKennel Visit Continuedfor a while, but he hated it, so we pulled him. He justhung out at home and became a great coffee shopand road trip buddy. I had been training one of ourother Poms in agility, but we unexpectedly lost Chargerto cancer. Determined to continue training in agility, Ilooked around our house for my next victim oops Imean volunteer. Samson was agile like a cat. Samsonis doing great. His A-frame needs work and we arentgreat at weaves yet, but were getting there. Werestarting a new class in the spring with a trainer thatspecializes in toy dogs. Hes also dabbling in rally butwere not ready to compete yet.Another one of the SunGlo kids whos done really wellin the performance events is Snoop, SunGlo NShowcase Gangsta Style, RN, RA, CD and 2 legstowards his JWW jumpers with weaves. Snoop is a 22008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM40I 1, - rrs [7.V.9 i m.IMMtmAs 15Ej MfiiSi.l\ .- 4t mft11it oo[7MarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 41and lb black dynamo owned by our friend Diedre.We started him in conformation but came to therealization he was just too little, even for us to finish. Afriend of ours had asked us if we had a female partiPom available. I wrote her back and said, No, but wehave a 1 year old black male available. She asked forphotos and that was it. She was in love. Snoop was achallenge. Not only was he small but he is also a littleon the shy side. Diedre worked with Snoop and hasaccomplished more with him than we wouldve everdreamed possible.We sold an adorable little girl to friends of ours Robinand Dave. Robin named her SunGlos Just Say OliveJuice aka Libby. Libby is a registered therapy dog. Shereads with children at the library.Were also looking forward to trying Lure Coursingwith Kiwi and Madison this spring. They are laser lightfanatics and I think theyll have fun with the lurecoursing. More details to follow once weve tried it.I find training for conformation fun. Training for theperformance events is challenging. I dont want tomake it sound like training for conformation is a pieceof cake but theres usually food motivation. I dont findit as hard to get a dog to stand and stare at me withfood in my hand as I do to get them to stay in a downposition, between two huge dogs, while I stand acrossthe ring from them, ask them to run up a teeter and siton the end until it slams to the ground. While I find thetraining a lot more time consuming and challenging, Ifind the pay off from the performance events muchmore rewarding. Good or bad is based on me and how Icontrolcommand my dog, not on someonesinterpretation of the breed standard. The other thingthats fun about performance is everyone entered canqualify. They award first through fourth places. Youcan still qualify towards your title even if you dontfinish in the ribbons. Although I must confess, getting aribbon is fun tooWe realize no visit is complete without the list of thankyous, but we decided if we listed everyone who hashelpedsupported us it would be like reading the phonebook. We have been very fortunate on this adventure.We dont have any horror stories about bad dogs webought, or how people tricked us. We have beenblessed to make many great friends, met manywonderful people, and owned terrific dogs. Wed liketo extend a special thank you to those of you who havetrusted us with one of your dogs or allowed us to breedto one of your studs. We truly appreciate it To ourfriends whom we have laughed and cried with, it wouldnever be the same without youDan and Tammee Felix at Disneyland2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM41rzTiii'JKkJLMu,3b Irf"i f\4i 42 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWMARK YOUR CALENDARMarch 10 - 12, 2008The American Pomeranian Club Cordially invites you toattend our National Specialty in Louisville, Kentucky.MondayTuesdayWednesday, March 10-12 APC NationalSpecialty. Supt. Jim Rau Dog Show - PH 610 376-1880www.raudogshows.comThursday, March 13-16 Kentucky Cluster All Breed Shows,Obedience Rally. Kentucky Expo Center. Jack Onofrio,Supt. for all the Kentuckiana Cluster Shows PH 405 4278181www.onofrio.comFOR FURTHER SHOW UPDATES CHECK OUT OURWEBSITE www.AmericanPomeranianClub.orgThe following Sponsorship Levels and Donation Benefitsare being offered to all individuals and RegionalPomeranian Clubs1. Rosebud level, amount of donation 25.00, benefits areListing in the premium and catalog on signage atsponsored event.2. Miniature Rose level, amount of donation 50.00,benefits are same as level 1 plus a free Business card adin the Show Catalog.3. Tea Rose level, amount of donation 75.00, benefits aresame as level 1 plus a page ad in the Show Catalog.4. Dozen Roses level, amount of donation 100.00, benefitsare same as 1 plus a page ad in the Show Catalog.5. Roses Derby Hat level, amount of donation 200.00,benefits are same as 1 plus a full page ad in ShowCatalog.Please email us at hospitaltyamericanpomeranianclub.organd let us know the level and event you wish to sponsor, or,if you prefer, your donation can be placed in the generalshow fund.SUNDAY, MARCH 9100 PM - 400 PMPCT SEMINAR The presentation of Puppy Puzzle by PatHastings. Your invitation will be assured for a 30.00donation to the Pomeranian Charitable Trust. Held in theBallroom. Please complete mail the reservation formenclosed.500 PM- 630 PMGROUNDS SET UP Would you like to be first to set upyour equipment in the APC grooming room Then meetGregg Waters in the Ballroom, help him lay plastic, erectring gates, place chairs, etc. in the ShowGrooming Roomsand you will be allowed to set up your grooming equipmentahead of everyone else. See you thereSPECIALTY ROOM AND TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTSThe American Pomeranian Club SpecialtyEXECUTIVE INN, 978 Phillips Ln, Louisville, Kentucky,40209 - Telephone 1-800-626-2706. When making yourreservation be sure to state that you are with the APC dogshow for the group rate. The Airport is located across thestreet from the hotel. The Executive Inn will send a van topick you up. Call from a courtesy phone located in theairport, pick up your luggage before calling.RV PARKING RV Parking is located at the fairgroundsacross the street from the Hotel. Hookups 45.00 per night,dry dock rate is 25.00 per night. Space is limited, makereservations early 502 367-5384.JUDGESREGULAR CLASSES JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIPMrs. Michele Billings, 917 NE 16th Avenue Apt 2 Ft.Lauderdale, FL 33304PUPPY VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES - Mrs. AudreyRoberts, 1613 S. Hood St. Alvin, TX 77511OBEDIENCE - Mrs. Nancy K. Withers, 15 Hain Ave.,Wernersville, PA 19565RALLY - Mrs. Barbara McClatchey, 57 Poplar Ct. LakeJackson, TX 77566SPECIAL EVENTSPREORDER SHOW CATALOG. Preorder show catalogs,10.00 each. A limited number of catalogs available at theshow for 12.00 each. Show Catalogs will also be available forpurchase on the APC website www.americanpomeranianclub.orgSPONSORS NEEDED The APC Show Committee islooking for sponsors to help with a number of events suchas Morning Evening Hospitality, Judge Baskets,Exhibitor Bags, Banquet Gifts, more.2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM42i i i in4f2008American Pomeranian ClubNational Specialty M5K4twcicj, 9m j o 9loe4 44MarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 43630 PMVENDOR EXHIBITOR SET UP All vendors andexhibitors will be allowed to set up their booths andgrooming equipment.700 PMHOSPITALITY Everyone is invited to help us kick off theSpecialty with good food and fun conversation. Please shareyour favorite dish with us send us an email to let us knowwhat you are bringing, Hospitality will beheld in the Pub Room. Hope to see you thereHOSPITALITY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Volunteers areneeded to help during our Meet Greet for 15 minutes eachshift, hour prior to the Meet Greet and Awards Banquet.MONDAY, MARCH 10800 AM starting time may change depending on totalentriesOBEDIENCE TRIAL1030 AM starting time may change depending on totalentriesPUPPY VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES400 PM 600 PM - Dolphin Room at the Executive InnMENTOR SEMINAR The Pomeranian Seminar presentedto Judges will be offered to anyone interested in attending.This is being offered for General Education purposes. Thesecond hour will be for Mentor candidates to discussdetails of the AKC Mentor and Ringside Observationprogram. Approved mentors are an essential part of APCsJudges Education program. APC Standing Rules requirethat anyone desiring to become an Approved Mentor mustbe an active Pomeranian BreederExhibitor for 12 yearswith 5 Pomeranian Champions and have attended the APCSanctioned Seminar. There is no charge for this seminar. Tomake reservations for this seminar mail in the enclosedform or contact Fred Bassett, PH 918 355-1188 Emailfredcbassettcox.net700 PMTOP 20 EVENT This is a formal event showcasing the TopConformation Pomeranians of 2007. Everyone, includingthe audience will participate. Dress will be cocktail, semiformalattire. The judging panel will consist of one AKClicensed judge, one Pomeranian breeder, and onePomeranian handler. Each judge will score the individualdogs using a Scale of Points. The Top Twenty winnerwill be announced at the Annual Awards Banquet. Eachspectator purchasing a catalog will have the opportunity tovote for the Peoples Choice Award. The winner of thisaward will be announced by the Top Twenty Committee atthe end of the event. Cash bar and a light hors doeuvre willbe provided for your enjoyment. You may pre-order yourTop 20 Tickets andor Catalogs using the enclosed form oron the website. Ticket and catalog price will be 10.00each. Pre Order deadline March 1.TUESDAY, MARCH 11730 AM starting time may change depending on entriesRALLY TRIAL900 AM 1100 AM - Dolphin Room at the Executive InnPOMERANIAN JUDGES EDUCATION SEMINAR TheAmerican Pomeranian Club will hold a Sanctioned JudgesEducation Seminar in conjunction with the NationalSpecialty. Ringside tutoring will also be available Tuesdayand Wednesday, March 11 and 12. There is no charge.2008 APC Nationals DVDsDVD 1Puppy Veteran SweepstakesJunior HandlersDVD 2Winners DogWinners BitchBest Of BreedDVD 3Top Twenty 1. Sweepstakes and Junior Handler, 20.00 eachplus 3.00 US shipping2. Conformation DVD, 25.00 eachplus 3.00 US shipping3. Top Twenty DVDs 10.00 eachplus 3.00 US shippingLimited time offer All three 55.00 value for 41.25, plus4.00 US shipping per set.Offer good until March 16.Please add 6.00 for shipping to Canada and all ForeignCountries.Make check payable to the American Pomeranian Club andmail, with your name address and phone number, to ErikaMoureau, 32110 Pattys Landing, Magnolia, TX 77354Donated items any amount are still needed to fill the APCNational welcome bags. Items must be delivered to Kentuckybefore Sunday evening, March 9. Then phone 217-343-9466.2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM43I I I I I i i i in44 4444 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWThe 1997 Official Standard for the Pomeranian. Approved December 9, 1996, Effective January 31, 1997General AppearanceThe Pomeranian is a compact, short-backed, active toy dog. He has a soft, dense undercoat with a profuse harshtexturedouter coat. His heavily plumed tail is set high and lies flat on his back. He is alert in character, exhibitsintelligence in expression, is buoyant in deportment, and is inquisitive by nature. The Pomeranian is cocky, commanding,and animated as he gaits. He is sound in composition and action.Size, Proportion, SubstanceThe average size of the Pomeranian is from 3 to 7 pounds, with the ideal weight for the show specimen being 4 to 6pounds. Any dog over or under the limits is objectionable. However, overall quality is to be favored over size. The distance from the point of shoulder to the pointof buttocks is slightly shorter than from the highest point of the withers to the ground. The distance from the brisket to the ground is half the height at the withers. Heis medium-boned, and the length of his legs is in proportion to a well-balanced frame. When examined, he feels sturdy.HeadThe head is in balance with the body. The muzzle is rather short, straight, fine, free of lippiness and never snipey. His expression is alert and may be referred to as foxlike.The skull is closed. The top of the skull is slightly rounded, but not domed. When viewed from the front and side, one sees small ears, which are mounted highand carried erect. To form a wedge, visualize a line from the tip of the nose ascending through the center of the eyes and the tip of the ears. The eyes are dark, bright,medium in size and almond-shaped. They are set well into the skull on either side of a well-pronounced stop. The pigmentation is black on the nose and eye rimsexcept self-colored in brown, beaver, and blue dogs. The teeth meet in a scissors bite. One tooth out of alignment is acceptable. Major Faults Round, domed skullunder-shot mouth overshot mouth.Neck, Topline, BodyThe neck is short with its base set well into the shoulders to allow the head to be carried high. The back is short with a level topline. The body is compact and wellribbed with brisket reaching the elbow. The plumed tail is one of the characteristics of the breed, and lays flat and straight on the back.ForequartersThe Pomeranian has sufficient layback of shoulders to carry the neck and head proud and high. The shoulders and legs are moderately muscled. The length of theshoulder blade and upper arm are equal. The forelegs are straight and parallel to each other. Height from elbows to withers approximately equals height from groundto elbow. The pasterns are straight and strong. The feet are well arched, compact, and turn neither in nor out. He stands well up on his toes. Dewclaws may beremoved. Major Faults Down in pasterns.HindquartersThe angulation of the hindquarters balances that of the forequarters. The buttocks are well behind the set of the tail. The thighs are moderately muscled with stiflesthat are moderately bent and clearly defined. The hocks are perpendicular to the ground and the legs are straight and parallel to each other. The feet are well arched,compact, and turn neither in nor out. He stands well up on his toes. Dewclaws, if any on the hind legs may be removed. Major Faults Cow hocks or lack of soundnessin hind legs or stifles.GaitThe Pomeranians gait is smooth, free, balanced and vigorous. He has good reach in his forequarters and strong drive with his hindquarters. Each rear leg moves inline with the foreleg on the same side. To achieve balance, his legs converge slightly inward toward a centerline beneath his body. The rear and front legs are thrownneither in nor out. The topline remains level, and his overall balance and outline are maintained.CoatA Pomeranian is noted for its double coat. The undercoat is soft and dense. The outer-coat is long, straight, glistening and harsh in texture. A thick undercoat will holdup and permit the guard hair to stand off from the Pomeranians body. The coat is abundant from the neck and fore part of shoulders and chest, forming a frill, whichextends over the shoulders and chest. The head and leg coat is tightly packed and shorter in length than that of the body. The forequarters are well feathered to thehock. The tail is profusely covered with long, harsh, spreading straight hair. Trimming for neatness and a clean outline is permissible. Major Faults Soft, flat or opencoat.ColorAll colors, patterns, and variations there-of are allowed and must be judged on an equal basis. Patterns Black and Tan - tan or rust sharply defined, appearing aboveeach eye and on muzzle, throat, and fore chest, on all legs and feet and below the tail. The richer the tan the more desirable Brindle - the base color is gold, red, ororange-brindled with strong black cross stripes Parti-color - is white with any other color distributed in patches with a white blaze preferred on the head. ClassificationsThe Open Classes at specialty shows may be divided by color as follows Open Red, Orange, Cream, and Sable Open Black, Brown, and Blue Open Any OtherColor, Pattern, or Variation.TemperamentThe Pomeranian is an extrovert, exhibiting great intelligence and a vivacious spirit, making him a great companion dog as well as a competitive show dog.Even though a Toy dog, the Pomeranian must be subject to the same requirements of soundness and structure prescribed for all breeds, and any deviation from theideal described in the standard should be penalized to the extent of the deviation.POMERANIAN STANDARD2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM4444 4kmrvvMiymii i i n i i i i i iMarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 452008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM45rm i i i in4American Pomeranian Club, Inc.APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP Please type or print CLEARLY 37w'NOTICE Except for patrons, applications must be endorsed by TWO members in good standing a who have been APC members for two 2 years or more b who have known the applicant two 2 years or more c who do not reside in the same household d who are not related to each other or to the applicant. Applications must be accompanied by the correct dues amount in US funds.This application is for SINGLE , HOUSEHOLD , FOREIGN , JUNIOR , t PATRON see reverse NameOccupation_____________________2nd Household Applicant if applicableOccupation_____________________COMPLETE Address_____________Phone E-MailFaxKennel Name Do you participate in RescueURLWere you previously an American Pomeranian Club member Was prior membership under another nameWhenIf yes, what name___________________________________________Please check all that apply breeder , exhibitor , obedience exhibitor , Judge , handler , agility , flyball , tracking How many showstrials have you entered in the last three 3 yearsPomeranians American Kennel Club registerable_Have you ever been suspended from the AKC _from the American Kennel Club, please tell us why, when, and how long on a separate sheet of paper.List memberships in any all-breed, specialty, or obedience clubs in which you now or have been a member. Give dates.How many Pomeranians do you own Are your if you have been suspended4 4List memberships in any local Pomeranian clubs. Give the dates you were a member and the club Presidents' namesDo you subscribe to the Pomeranian Review____Are you willing to support the goals and projects of the American Pom Club___SPONSOR REFERENCE 1How long have you known the applicant minimum 2 years__ Have you met the applicant in person___Have you been in theapplicant's home___ Why do you recommend the applicant for membership Use a separate sheet of paper if neededPrint Name- .SignatureSPONSOR REFERENCE 2DateHow long have you known the applicant minimum 2 years____ Have you met the applicant in person____Have you been in theapplicant's home___ Why do you recommend the applicant for membership Use a separate sheet of paper if neededPrint Name SignatureReminder, your sponsors must have been APC members for a minimum of 2 yearsDale.APC Membership Application Revised 0406 Pg. 1446 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM46rm i i i in4Current Dues to be Included with this ApplicationSingle Membership - United States Resident 30.00 Household Membership - United States Resident 45.00 Junior Membership - United States Resident 10.00Foreign Resident 35.00 Foreign Household 50.00 t Patron Minimum 20.00 donationNote Payment must be in US Funds. VisaMastercardPay Pal Accepted -Household Membership means 2 people over the age of 18 living at the same address.-Junior members are under 18 years of age - they may not vote or hold office.t Patrons are individuals who wish to contribute to the APC but do not meet the sponsorship requirements for membership.Patron status is not a prerequisite to obtaining APC Membership. Patrons may not vote or hold office. Their names will be published in a special section of the Roster and they will receive a copy of the Roster annually.Make checks or money order in US funds payable to the American Pomeranian Club and mail toMrs. Annette Davis 391 North Mink Creek Rd Pocatello, ID 83204 info avalonpom.comCode of EthicsI agree to follow the regulations as set forth by the American Kennel Club as they pertain to my purebred dog operations.I will furnish a signed registration or transfer with each puppy sold unless a written agreement is made with the purchaser at the time of sale that papers will be withheld.I will not sell my puppies to pet shops or commercial pet mill establishments, nor will I donate puppies for raffles or auctions. I will not crossbreed or advertise for sale puppies that have been crossbred.I will not give stud service to unregistered bitches.I will advise the purchaser of my puppy to have the puppy checked by a veterinarian within 2 days 48 hours of the sale additional time allowed if the puppy is sold on a Friday or Saturday. I will refund the purchase price or take the puppy back and replace it, if it is found to be unfit.Except for unusual situations, I will not sell my puppies at less than eight weeks of age.I will maintain the best possible standard of health and care in all of my dogs and see that puppies are immunized and checked for parasites.I will price my puppies within the breed range.In my breeding program, I will keep alert for and work to control andor eradicate problems and conditions that are particular to my breed and breed as closely as possible to the standard of the breed.I will represent my dogs as honestly as possible to prospective buyers and try to assist the serious novice in his understanding of the breed.I will try at all times to show good sportsmanship and keep in mind that the good of the breed comes before any personal benefit.4 4I, an applicant for membership in the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. or patron certify that I have read the Code of Ethics and agree to abide by them on pain of disciplinary action under ARTICLE VIII of the By-Laws of the Club.Print Name Signature DateDO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLYDate received Date published Date accepted Membership packet sent onDate dues received Check No. Current POMERANIAN REVIEW subscriber Yes No APC Membership Application Revised 0406 Pg. 24MarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 47BYSally Baugniet38115 Pierre Ln. 3851 Sand Bay Ln.Zephyrhills, FL 33542 Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235Think waaay back to when you first became acquainted with dogs. How old were youWhat did your first dog look like Was it a purebred Where did it come from When didyou first find out about dog shows What made you decide to start breeding Did you decide to purchase a dog fromsomeone with a better dog than you had How did you know their dog was betterWasnt that fun to think about the answers to those questions Each one of us probably had different answers andexperiences relating to those questions. Each one of us should have some things in common. We either had to dependupon a mentor with many years of experience in breeding and showing Pomeranians or we started out the hard way....learning from experiencetrial and error. No matter how we started in the Pomeranian world, I hope we eventuallylearned about the fact that each breed of dog had an AKC Standard of perfection to which we were to strive to achieve inbreeding and to which all judges were to use in judging the dogs that came into their ring.If we were to poll all local and national Pom Club members, I wonder what percentage would answer that they did READthe APC Pomeranian Standard What percentage would answer that they have STUDIED the Pomeranian Standard Whatpercentage would say that they have taken a TEST and PASSED that test with 100 percent score What percentage wouldanswer that they BRED to the Pom Standard What percent qualify to be mentors for potential Judges who HAVESTUDIED and PASSED a test on the Pomeranian StandardThis month I have all kinds of questions to ask our readers. The purpose of it all is to make you think about your answers.Lets hope we all know there is a Standard and that it is there as the description of the IDEAL Pomeranian.Breeders are to try to produce, as close as possible, that ideal Pom. Most of us will try to breed to the Standard as best aswe are able. Some of us dont care what the Standard says. We are going to do our own thing no matter WHAT it says,because we like how our own Pom is regardless of what the Standard says. Others will pay attention to only certain partsof the Standard and forget about the rest of it. Other breeders dont even know what the Standard says and dont intend tobother finding out. KNOWLEDGE and ATTITUDE make a BIG differenceThe other reason for a breed Standard to exist is for a judge to judge the dogs in the ring and place those dogs in the orderthat best represent that written Standard. No dog is perfect. All dogs have faults. Judges need to find and reward the BESTthe dogs possess, not continually look for and penalize the BAD things.Both breeding and judging are subjective. Breeders have to decide what good things are more important and what faultsare more important to eliminate without sacrificing the good things they worked so hard to develop. Since all people donot think alike, one breeder may think one way, while another may have a different opinion. They have many hours, days,months, and years to decide the direction they will take.A judge needs to find the best dogs in the ring using hisher knowledge of the Standard. A judges decision has to be madein 2 minutes per dog Since all people do not think alike, one judge may put up one dog, while on a different dayanother judge may have a different opinion. Wouldnt exhibitors give up showing dogs if all judges thought alike and putup the SAME dogs at every dog showTHOUGHT FOR THE MONTH LETS ALL USE THE STANDARD AS IT WAS MEANT TO BE USED.KNOWLEDGE and ATTITUDE make a BIG differenceTO DO OR NOT TO DOTHAT IS THE QUESTION2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM47I I I I I i i i in43AT 4 4448 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWby Danielle SartainAs a breeder and licensed veterinary technician working in canine reproduction, I find it useful to use progesteronetesting to let me know when to breed a bitch and when she will be due to whelp. As a reproductive hormone,progesterone rises and leads to ovulation in the bitch. Breeders will successfully breed a bitch her entire life withoutever performing a progesterone test however, some breeders need precision. I am that breeder.Progesterone tests should be started approximately day five of the bitchs season and are usually repeated every two orthree days as directed by a veterinarian. The most accurate progesterone test is performed through a veterinarian whoutilizes an outside laboratory. These tests generate an exact number, usually in ngml. Many veterinarians also offer inhousetest kits. While these tests have been available for twenty plus years they are sometimes not accurate at lowprogesterone levels. They only produce an estimate of a hormone level, and an estimate does not cut it when usingchilled or frozen semen.Fast turn-around time is also important when testing progesterone levels if it takes four days to receive results, theoptimal breeding time may be missed.Processing is also key samples must be collected in red-top collection tubes and not in serum separators. The bloodmust be spun down as soon as it is clotted, and the serum separated from the remaining blood cells and refrigerated.Any error in collection or processing can give inaccurate results, which may result in a missed breeding.A bitch will ovulate by releasing undeveloped eggs when her progesterone level is at approximately 5 ngml. Mostbitches start at a level less than 1 ngml and, once it starts to consistently rise, will reach 5ngml within two days.Others dont follow the pattern and will have high baseline levels up to a 3 ngml before ovulation.I personally owned a bitch that stayed at 2ngml for two weeks. When her progesterone finally rose, we bred hersuccessfully. Without performing progesterone tests, I would have bred her 10 days too early.Typically, your bitchs level reaches a five then testing can stop and you can begin breeding. The eggs need 48 hours tomature, leaving a three-day window of prime fertility if using fresh semen. If you plan on using fresh semen,remember that semen will live for 5-7 days once inside the bitch, therefore it is the preferred option when availableopposed to chilled and frozen.A second very practical reason for monitoring progesterone levels during breeding involves timed c-sections. Eightypercent of bitches will whelp 62-63 days from ovulation 5ngml. Therefore a c-section can be accurately scheduled,avoiding trauma, lack of sleep, and high emotionI wish our Pomeranian bitches could always breed and whelp without assistance, but that just is not the case.Progesterone testing can help to assist you in breeding and whelping your future litters.For anyone who gets progesterone levels back in mmolliter, you can simply divide it by 3.3 to convert it into ngml.2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM48rm i i i inlbsA'R.egvUcmtMCjdm^dSev Bv A C-csvSei VTZ1NN 'TeawcJAiVj 'Tiffzou- -rwe eye-S of a 15epv^7 4 44MarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 49Ways WaysAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc. Means MeansDonna Riehm IT IS SPECIALTY TIMECan you believe we are looking once more to that grand event welove so much - our National SpecialtyI am asked often how special is Specialty, and I tell everyone Specialty is visiting with great friends, seeing themost beautiful Pomeranians, enjoying educational seminars, having the opportunity to talk with the APC officersand directors, seeing all the donations and one of a kind items offered for sale and auction, seeing our TopTwenty Pomeranians compete in such a grand event, and the obedience Poms are just awesome competitorsand a thrill to watch. The list is endless. If you have not experienced Specialty, you really need to, then you willknow firsthand what makes Specialty special.Dont forget your donations for the auctions during our National Specialty.This is our main fundraiser for the year and we need everyones help. We have been so fortunate in the past tohave members that always come through and donate such wonderful items that the auctions have been fabulousevents.Remember, if not attending, you can ship your item, but, itneeds to reach me by March l.See you in Louisville,Donna Riehm669 Ava RoadMurphysboro, IL 62966Mom4pomsaol.com2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM49I I I I I i i i in4jjrjt kVj rJ,v-_ .J Hir- , 1AEl \' -a vM1_____________W x y_.77i2008 American Pomeranian ClubNational Specialty^CnJwcLj. 9m 'DeXj. Slowi4 41ft\ Jr ttrr 2008American Pomeranian ClubNational SpecialtyV3CenlocLjr Som o 9loe450 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWNew ChampionsNOVEMBER 2007 CHAMPIONSCH Allayns Pie In The Sky D Dlara Rockn Skyhigh x Allayns Just Desserts. Owned by Mary Allan.Bred by Mary Allan.CH Bar-Jons Applause Janesas B CH Janesas Applause, Please x CH Bar-Jons Southern Belle. Ownedby Barbara Messmer. Bred by Barbara Messmer.CH Bar-Jons Cheers Janesas D CH Janesas Hip Hip Hurrah x Janesas-Bar-Jons Live Wire. Owned byBarbara Messmer. Bred by Barbara Messmer.CH British Ln Ms Liberty Of Lenette B CH Band Of Gold Of Lenette x Valancia Of Lenette. Owned byWendy Chambers. Bred by K G Griffith.CH Creiders Finishing Touch D CH Pom Acres Basic Black x Creiders Worth Talkin About. Owned byRoberta Tompkins. Bred by Mrs. Norma Creider.CH Designs TurnN OnA Bitacharm B Mabins Ring Bearer x Rubys Eva Y-Two-K Designs. Owned byTeresa A Livezey. Bred by Teresa A Livezey.CH DonT Play With Funny Money Wow D CH Randys Cash On Hand x CH Shimmeree Fulla PizzazzWow. Owned by Terry J Rothell Jordan Rothell. Bred by Terry J Rothell Jordan Rothell.CH Finch Schars A Novel Idea D CH Finchs Nicely Packaged Deal x Finchs Havin A Blond Moment.Owned by Deborah L Breikss. Bred by Diane L Finch Charlotte Meyer.CH Finchs High Roller Parti D CH Finchs Bet On The Parti x Finchs Shamoo Parti. Owned by Diane LFinch Kathy Norem. Bred by Diane L Finch.CH Finchs Togood Tobe True Parti B CH Finchs Betn Ona Sureshotparti x Finchs Parti Daiquiri. Ownedby Diane L Finch. Bred by Diane L Finch.CH Finchs YouRe So Special Nblk D CH Finchs Golden Opportunity x CH Finchs Youre So Vain.Owned by Celeste Solano Diane L Finch Robert Solano. Bred by Diane L Finch.CH Gay Els Showboat Raz Berrie B CH Keepsakes Berrie Traditional x CH Gayels Miss Kitty. Ownedby Karleene L Morrow. Bred by Gale A Rivers.CH Highfield Chatty Cathy Of Lenette B CH Band Of Gold Of Lenette x Sweet Betsy Of Lenette. Ownedby Vikki H Highfield. Bred by K G Griffith.CH Indigos Man About Town D CH Jjs Victorian Angel x CH Indigos Talk Of The Town. Owned byValerie Allridge. Bred by Kevin Smith Jennifer Smith.CH Jan-Shars Beyonce B CH Jan-Shars Shaquille ONeal x Jan-Shars Shooting Star. Owned by JessicaSatallante Sharon Hanson. Bred by Sharon Hanson.CH Jan-Shars Caught In The Act B Candyfloss Center Stage x CH Jan-Shars High Maintenance. Ownedby Sharon Hanson. Bred by Sharon Hanson.CH Kacees Gone With The Wind B CH Kacees Ready-Set-Go x Janesas Foxy Lady At Kacees. Ownedby Katy Stalnaker. Bred by Katy Stalnaker.CH Lanas Love Of Gold D CH Nguyen,Cory Loverboy Of GQ x Lanas Touch Of Fine Gold. Owned byLana Price. Bred by Lana Price.CH Majestics Jackelicious B CH Majestics Wolfman Jack x CH Majestics Artistic Impression. Owned byAnnette Rister Charlotte Creed Brenda Turner S W Turner. Bred by Annette Rister CharlotteCreed Brenda Turner S W Turner.CH Monarcs Mark At Mustang B Dhcrew Start The Commotion x CH Monarcs Center Fold. Owned byJoyce Birks Bob Birks. Bred by Sharon A Shields.November New Champions Continued2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM50I I I I I i i m i n41 44MarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 51New ChampionsCH Mountain Crest My Name Is Earl D CH Mountain Crest Hard Rock x Mountain Crest Rainy.Owned by Pat Barnett David Gilstrap Carlene Gilstrap. Bred by David Gilstrap Carlene BGilstrap.CH Mountain Crest Red Clover B CH Mountain Crest Hard Rock x Mountain Crest Maiden Mist.Owned by Lorelei Sibet Glory Ann Pigarut. Bred by David Gilstrap Carlene B Gilstrap.CH Pickets Beach Bunny B Finchs Stride Right Baby x Avalons Silver Bell Ariel. Owned by BetteMeredith Gary L Meredith. Bred by Anastasia Sowers.CH Powerpom Picture Perfect D Joey Of Green Hill x Windmist Fly Like A Bird. Owned byPongsakorn Pongsak. Bred by Pongsakorn Pongsak.CH Siriuss Pomaumatic Chaos B CH Finchs Awesome On All Four x Siriuss Miss Cookie. Owned byNina Fetter. Bred by Nina Fetter.DECEMBER 2007 CHAMPIONSCH Animations Comet B CH Firebrooks Tabasco Fiasco x CH Animations Olive Oyl. Ownedby Lorinda Vasuta Darren Lane. Bred by Lorinda Vasuta Darren Lane.CH Chars Bringin Sexy Back D CH Finchs Bettin On CharS x Star Haven Dark NThensome. Owned by Charlotte Meyer. Bred by Charlotte Meyer Diane L Finch.CH Dreamcastles Gismo D CH Macs Frankly My Dear x Macs I Just Want To Be Me. Ownedby Nancy Pinder Sandra Mccutcheon. Bred by Vickie Coulter.CH Hickory Bends Rambling Emma B CH Mustangs Poco Pedro x Legendary Leilani OfOakridge. Owned by Tom B Davidson David L Lamb. Bred by Tom B Davidson David LLamb.CH Honeykist Wood U Believe D CH Honeykist How Sweet It Is x Woods Sting Like A Bee.Owned by Christine Bousquet. Bred by Christine Bousquet.CH Islands One Wild Child D CH Ryms W Fair Warning x CH Finchs Island Sweet Dreams.Owned by Russ Martin Susan Plouff Shelley Martin. Bred by Sunny Shawley.CH Jan Les Pose A Time For Ladybug B CH Jan Les A Time Will Come x Jan Les Stripe APose. Owned by Connie Charles. Bred by Jane Lehtinen.CH Mcs Magnificent Mariah B CH Doubletakes Johnny Angel x Mcs Hearts desire nikki.Owned by Christina L Armstrong Michael V Armstrong. Bred by Christina L Armstrong Michael V Armstrong.CH Mtn Views Takn It To The Llimit D Firebrooks Shenanigans x Mtn. Views Winter Hope.Owned by Patricia Dague Roger A Dague. Bred by Patricia Dague Roger A Dague.CH Olympus Sir Ivanhoe D Miteycute Chip Of Ben-Cher x Ben-Cher Dixie Chick. Owned byCherri Johnson. Bred by Cherri Johnson.CH Stolannes Magic Moments B CH Jan-Shars Dudly Doright x CH Stoln Song Of The MagicPast. Owned by Kathryn J Norem. Bred by Frances J Stoll.CH Storybook Parti At Whitfields D Whitfields Its My Parti x Storybook Its My Parti. Ownedby Karen Whitfield Barbara Krzewicki. Bred by Joseph Taylor.2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM51I I I I I i i m i n44 4452 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWTOP 10 ALL-BREED DOGS TotalRank Name Defeated 1 CH Eagle Creeks Hamin It Up 21,009Owner K NoremBreeder K Norem 2 CH Cr Tuff Guy Of Isabella 7,985Owners R Solano, C Solano, R Smith, M SmithBreeders R Solano, C Solano, L Drew 3 CH Lanas Let Me Introduce Myself 7,842Owner L PriceBreeder L Price 4 CH Starfires Here Comes Trouble 6,142Owners N Roberts, V Winter, J Cabrera, F ArientiBreeders J Cabrera, F Arienti 5 CH Finchs Bettin On CharS 4,791Owners C Meyer, L Saleh, G Bertrand, B BertrandBreeder D Finch 6 CH Valcopy Janels Spiderman 3,190Owners J Pardue, J Reich, D PlonkeyBreeders J Reich and D Plonkey 7 CH Majestics Jumpin Jack Flash 1,846Owners A Rister, C Creed, B Turner, S TurnerBreeders A Rister, C Creed, B Turner, S Turner 8 CH Jjs Victorian Angel 1,457Owner B HeimbackBreeder J Javernick 9 CH Nobles Messin With The Best 1,316Owners N Inglett, L GirthBreeder N Inglett 10 CH Tabletops Black Mail Sender 1,210Owner J StachurskiBreeder J StachurskiAPC Members are denoted by an . In order to be eligible for APC Awards and receive a certificate or trophy at the Annual Banquet you must havebeen a member for one 1 calendar year.APC 2007 AWARDS2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM52i i w m44 44MarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 53TOP 10 BREED DOGS TotalRank Name Defeated 1 CH Eagle Creeks Hamin It Up 1,982Owner K NoremBreeder K Norem 2 CH Lanas Let Me Introduce Myself 1,243Owner L PriceBreeder L Price 3 CH Finchs Bettin On CharS 1,120Owners C Meyer, L Saleh, G Bertrand, B BertrandBreeder D Finch 4 CH Valcopy Janels Spiderman 717Owners J Pardue, J Reich, D PlonkeyBreeders J Reich and D Plonkey 5 CH Cr Tuff Guy Of Isabella 545Owners R Solano, C Solano, R Smith, M SmithBreeders R Solano, C Solano, L Drew 6 CH Starfires Here Comes Trouble 495Owners N Roberts, V Winter, J Cabrera, F ArientiBreeders J Cabrera, F Arienti 7 CH Showcase Got To Be Me 326Owners C Solano, R Solano, A LevinsohnBreeder A Levinsohn 8 CH Bachmans Brightest Star 274Owners C McDonald, C Solano, B TiagaBreeders C McDonald, B Tiaga 9 CH Kalos Rock N Music City 264Owner C BrandenburgBreeder C Brandenburg10 CH Pufpride Somewhere In Time 250 Owners L Beard, V DimickBreeder V DimickAPC Members are denoted by an . In order to be eligible for APC Awards and receive a certificate or trophy at the Annual Banquet you musthave been a member for one 1 calendar year.APC 2007 AWARDS2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM53I I I I I i i m i n44 4454 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAPC 2007 AWARDSTOP 10 ALL-BREED BITCHES1 CH Gayels Destinys Child 4,434Owners N Guenther, S OwensBreeder G Rivers2 CH Wee Hearts Excuse Me 409Owners G Bertrand, B Bertrand, C MeyerBreeder C Evans3 CH Honeykist N Millamor In Harmony 291Owner C BousquetBreeder C Bousquet4 CH Aldens Last Outlaws Helen 186Owners A Domrase, J DomraseBreeders A Domrase, J Domrase5 CH Aljens Princess Caroline 158Owner A LapuzBreeder A Lapuz6 CH Cinbows Prim-A-Donna 145Owner C BowlingBreeder C Bowling7 CH Majestics Jackelicious 118Owners A Rister, C Creed, B Turner, S TurnerBreeders A Rister, C Creed, B Turner, S Turner8 CH Ursa Minors Easy Ramble 114Owners H McKim, B Krzewicki, R McKimBreeder B Krzewicki9 CH Jan Les Pose A Time For Ladybug 91Owner C CharlesBreeder J Lehtinen10 CH Pom Acres Ice Princess 70Owner J FiddickBreeder J FiddickAPC Members are denoted by an . In order to be eligible for APC Awards and receive a certificate or trophy at the Annual Banquet you musthave been a member for one 1 calendar year.2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM54i i w m44 44MarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 55APC 2007 AWARDSTOP 10 BREED BITCHES1 CH Gayels Destinys Child 528Owners N Guenther, S OwensBreeder G Rivers2 CH Honeykist N Millamor In Harmony 102Owner C BousquetBreeder C Bousquet3 CH Aldens Last Outlaws Helen 93Owners A Domrase, J DomraseBreeders A Domrase, J Domrase4 CH Cinbows Prim-A-Donna 90Owner C BowlingBreeder C Bowling5 CH Ursa Minors Easy Ramble 58Owners H McKim, B Krzewicki, R McKimBreeder B Krzewicki6 CH Wee Hearts Excuse Me 55Owners G Bertrand, B Bertrand, C MeyerBreeder C Evans7 CH Designs TurnN OnA Bitacharm 40Owner T LivezeyBreeder T Livezey8 CH Jan Les Pose A Time For Ladybug 29Owner C CharlesBreeder J Lehtinen9 CH Howlene Teahra Dolce Meta 18Owners A Otaguro, H Miller, R WatanabeBreeders A Otaguro, H Miller, R Watanabe10 CH Pom Acres Ice Princess 16Owner J FiddickBreeder J FiddickAPC Members are denoted by an . In order to be eligible for APC Awards and receive a certificate or trophy at the Annual Banquet you must havebeen a member for one 1 calendar year.2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM55i i w m44 4456 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAPC 2007 AWARDSAPC TOP EXHIBITORS17-Diane L FinchCH Finchs Power Play Parti GlitzCH Finchs Top GunCH Finchs Believe It Or NotCH Finchs Just Tobe Ur Parti ManCH Finchs Sweet Dream PartiCH Finchs Great PotentialCH Finchs How Sweet It IsCH Finchs ArenT You ImpressiveCH Finchs Chocolate Bon Bon PartiCH Finchs So Fine PartiCH Finchs Breathtaking SensationCH Finchs Outa Sight SweetnessCH Finchs You Light My FireCH Cr Gold StrikeCH Finchs High Roller PartiCH Finchs Togood Tobe True PartiCH Finchs YouRe So Special Nblk10-Charlotte MeyerCH Chars Golden PromisesCH Chars Forever DiamondsCH Chars Parti GamesCH Chars Truth Or DareCH Finchs Chocolate Bon Bon PartiCH Finchschars Hot Walkin BlondCH Chars Forbidden FruitCH Chars Eye CandyCH Lt Cherubs Meet The Press Of LenetteCH Chars Bringin Sexy Back8-Sharon HansonCH J-Das Among The StarsCH Jan-Shars Just One LookCH Jan-Shars YouRe The One That I WantCH Jan-Shars Heads I WinCH Jan-Shars SerengetiCH Jan-Shars Tiffany And CompanyCH Jan-Shars BeyonceCH Jan-Shars Caught In The Act5-Carlene David GilstrapCH Mountain Crest Traveling ManCH Moretoys Suprise PackageCH Mountain Crest Love BugCH Mountain Crest Neiman MarcusCH Mountain Crest My Name Is Earl4-Celeste Robert SolanoCH Oakrose Goddess Of LoveCH Bachmans All You Need Is LoveCH Cr Gold StrikeCH Finchs YouRe So Special Nblk4-Lorinda VasutaCH Animations MarlinCH Animations RufusCH Animations JeckleCH Animations Comet4-Nina FetterCH Horizons The Passion Of Ali-MaeCH Siriuss The Mighty TonkaCH Siriuss ChudenuheeCH Siriuss Pomaumatic ChaosAPC TOP JUNIORSAs reported by BestJunior.comNovember 1, 2006 through December 31, 2007Congratulations to Jessica Christiansen, who placed second overall in the Toy Group for 2007.Thanks to Cathy Jessen, for your work as our Juniors Chair over the years.Gretel Berglund 44Bailey Pfannerstill 29Lauren Hamilton 27Danielle Miller 15Taylor Irvin 15Jessica Christiansen 310Stephanie Hentschel 214Rebecca Silverberg 117Amanda Seitzer 96Chelsea Valles 5612 Members exhibited 3 poms to titles this year.2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM56i i w m44 44MarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 57APC 2007 AWARDSAPC TOP BREEDERS22-Diane L FinchCH Finchs Power Play Parti GlitzCH Finchs Top GunCH Finchs Believe It Or NotCH Finchs Just Tobe Ur Parti ManCH Finchs Sweet Dream PartiCH Finchs Great PotentialCH Finchs How Sweet It IsCH Finchs ArenT You ImpressiveCH Finchs Sonic The HedgehogCH Finchs Chocolate Bon Bon PartiCH Finchs So Fine PartiCH Finchschars Hot Walkin BlondCH Finchs Breathtaking SensationCH Finchs Outa Sight SweetnessCH Finchs See Em CominCH Finchs You Light My FireCH Finch Schars A Novel IdeaCH Finchs High Roller PartiCH Finchs Togood Tobe True PartiCH Finchs YouRe So Special NblkCH Chars Bringin Sexy BackFinchs Whirling Dervish CD RE AXJ AJP11-Charlotte MeyerCH Chars Golden PromisesCH Chars This AinT No PartiCH Chars Burnin For YouCH Chars Forever DiamondsCH Chars Parti GamesCH Chars Truth Or DareCH Finchschars Hot Walkin BlondCH Chars Forbidden FruitCH Chars Eye CandyCH Finch Schars A Novel IdeaCH Chars Bringin Sexy Back10-Sharon HansonCH J-Das Among The StarsCH Jan-Shars Just One LookCH Jan-Shars Katy Bar The DoorCH Jan-Shars YouRe The One That I WantCH Jan-Shars Heads I WinCH Jan-Shars SerengetiCH Jan-Shars Tiffany And CompanyCH Jan-Shars BeyonceCH Jan-Shars Caught In The ActMACH Jan-Shars Dax Emmanuels Gift CDX NJP9-Ken GriffithCH Highfield Ring Of Fire Of LenetteCH Magic Moments Of LenetteCH Heavenboundstaccato Of LenetteCH Nicolas Of LenatteCH Leo The Lion Hearted Of LenetteCH Misty Moonlight of LenetteCH Lt Cherubs Meet The Press Of LenetteCH British Ln Ms Liberty Of LenetteCH Highfield Chatty Cathy Of Lenette7-Jerrie FreiaCH Janesas Dressed Enuff For KcCH Janesas Cause For ApplauseCH Janesas Black IceCH Janesas Turning HeadsCH Janesas A Black N Tan AffairCH Janesas Just Because I CanSundowns Regina Elizabeth NA MXJ NJP5-David Carlene GilstrapCH Mountain Crest Traveling ManCH Mountain Crest Love BugCH Mountain Crest Neiman MarcusCH Mountain Crest My Name Is EarlCH Mountain Crest Red Clover4-Carol LeemhuisCH Carleez Sundown ConspiracyCH Carleez Defies All LogicCH Carleez Crowd Pleaser MXJCH Carleez Boom Boom Boom OA AXJ4-Hazel Miller, Robin Watanabe, Arlene OtaguroCH Howlene Teahra Dolce MetaCH Howlene-Teahra AdonisCH Howlene-Teahra Baccarat For-AmoursCH Howlene-Teahra Tenaj4-Geno SisnerosCH Castiles Southern ComfortCH Castiles CorrineCH Castles Everlasting LoveCH Glen Iris Evonne DIstar4-Lorinda VasutaCH Animations MarlinCH Animations RufusCH Animations JeckleCH Animations Comet2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM57i i w m44 4458 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW10-CH Pufpride Sweet DreamsCH Nobles So-So SharpCH Finchs Believe It Or NotCH Finchs Sweet Dream PartiCH Jolvin Sweet Song SingerCH Finchs Great PotentialCH Finchs How Sweet It IsCH Finchs ArenT You ImpressiveCH Luminesques Dont Cry For MeCH Finchs Outa Sight SweetnessCH Cj-Peep Tequila Sunrise5-CH Music Maker Of LenetteCH Aljens Princess CarolineCH Magic Moments Of LenetteCH Premas Gwen My Music PlaysCH Heavenboundstaccato Of LenetteCH Lt Cherubs Meet The Press Of Lenette4-CH Chriscendo Call To ArmsCH Chars This AinT No PartiCH Finchs Top GunCH Tokie Triumph KingdomCH Finchs You Light My Fire4-CH FinchsCharsMakinWavesPartiCH Finchs Power Play Parti GlitzCH Finchs Just Tobe Ur Parti ManCH Finchs Chocolate Bon Bon PartiCH Finchs So Fine Parti4-CH Heartlands Knight N DayKacees Horizons Just 4 KicksCH Horizons Hope Springs EternalCH Animations JeckleCH Janesas Just Because I Can4-CH Janesas Applause, PleaseCH Janesas Cause For ApplauseCH Rivendells Magical Mischief MakerCH Janesas Turning HeadsCH Bar-Jons Applause Janesas4-CH Rodis Cr King Of GondorCH Windsors Smooth SailingCH Cr Queen Of TalkCH Bachmans Brightest StarCH Bachmans King Of The Road4-CH Sundowns Hide N Zeke CDCH Keglers Wanna Be A FlintstoneCH HorizonS Bippiti Boppiti BooCH Horizons Hickory Dickory DocSundowns Peekaboo At Janesa CD RE NAJ NJP3- CH Band of Gold of LenetteCH Highfield Ring Of Fire Of LenetteCH British Ln Ms Liberty Of LenetteCH Highfield Chatty Cathy Of Lenette3-CH Chriscendo CommunicadoCH Dreamweavers Ring Of FireCH Lil Behrs Honey CrispCH Lil Behrs Honey Nut Cheerio3-CH Finchs Nicely Packaged DealCH Chars Forbidden FruitCH Chars Eye CandyCH Finch Chars A Novel Idea3-CH Janesas For Keep-SakeCH Janesas Dressed Enuff For KcCH Carleez Sundown ConspiracyCH Bar-Jons Janesas No More Sass3-CH Paughprints On The MTN CrestCH Mountain Crest Traveling ManCH Majestys Princess PenelopeCH Cr N Rodis Sapphires N GoldAPC 2007 AWARDSAPC TOP SIRES2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM58i i w m44 44MarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 593-CH Glen Iris Dutchess of CastileCH Castiles Southern ComfortCH Castiles CorrineCH Castles Everlasting Love3-Finchs N Chars Turnin TricksCH Chars Burnin For YouCH Chars Forbidden FruitCH Chars Eye Candy3-Finchs Seasoned Just RightCH Finchs ArenT You ImpressiveCH Finchs Outa Sight SweetnessCH Finchs See Em Comin2-CH Finchs Island Sweet DreamsCH Islands Luck Of The DrawCH Islands One Wild Child2-CH Gar-Vs Zeek-A-BooCH Carleez Crowd Pleaser MXJCH Carleez Boom Boom Boom OA AXJ2-CH Lil Behrs Honey Nut ClusterCH Lil Behrs Honey CrispCH Lil Behrs Honey Nut Cheerio2-CH Majestics Artistic ImpressionCH Majestics Jumpin Jack FlashCH Majestics Jackelicious2-CH Pom Acres Classic TNTCH Classics High VoltageCH Classics Kissin Dynamite2-CH Razzle Dazzle Wedding MarchCH Razzle Dazzle SongbirdCH Razzle Dazzle Shall We Dance2-Cottontop Fancy DancerCH Weewyns Cottontop Last DanceCH Weewyns Cottontop Legacy2-Finchs Havin A Blond MomentCH Finchschars Hot Walkin BlondCH Finch Schars A Novel Idea2-Finchs My Bets On You BabyCH Finchs Believe It Or NotCH Finchs Great Potential2-Mountain Crest Maiden MistCH Mountain Crest Neiman MarcusCH Mountain Crest Red Clover2-Pinnacle Holly of HowleneCH Howlene Teahra Dolce MetaCH Howlene-Teahra Adonis2-Shimmeree Northern LightsCH Cr Queen Of TalkCH Cr Gold Strike2-Vanna White of LenetteCH Magic Moments Of LenetteCH Misty Moonlight of LenetteAPC 2007 AWARDSAPC TOP DAMSAPC TOP AGILITY POMERANIANMACH 3 Lord Peter of Bristol CourtOwned by John David Zieba Connie ZiebaThere were no applications for the Obedience and Tracking Top Awards.2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM59i i w m44 4460 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWHealth GeneticsChihuahua Club of America Faces DilemmaLobbying by AKC Director interferes with Standard revision vote processBy Geneva CoatsIm taking a slight detour this issue from the article I had planned regarding vaccination. That article will be presented in the next issue ofThe Pomeranian Review. Instead, Ive decided to share some interesting information regarding a recent chain of events involving theproposed AKC standard revision for the Chihuahua. Our breed experiences many similarities with the Chihuahua breed. Both breeds are toybreeds, whose function is companionship. Both breeds enjoy general popularity and large numbers of annual registrations. Many of theseregistrations originate with commercial or pet breeders who sell through pet shops, Internet agents and newspaper ads. The AKC AmericanKennel Club Chihuahua standard states any color allowed the AKC Pomeranian standard states all colors, patterns and variationsthereof allowed. So when it comes to the recent efforts by the Chihuahua Club of America CCA to revise their standard and deal withthe controversial merle pattern issue, we here in the Pom world have understandably begun to sit up and take notice.The CCA recently submitted to AKC proposed revisions to their standard. One of these revisions is a disqualification of the merle pattern. By avote of 11-1, the AKC Board of Directors approved this standard revision to be sent to the CCA membership for a vote. Ballots were sent out tothe membership.Within days, AKC board member Steve Gladstone the lone dissenting vote e-mailed a letter to approximately 100 CCA members and alsomany non-members. The letter was sent out from his AKC e-mail address, and the subject line of this email was AKC DIRECTORSTATEMENT. Here is the e-mail note which was sent out to the CCA members by GladstoneSubject AKC Director StatementMy name is Steven D. Gladstone, Esq. I am currently President-elect of the CWCCA Cardigan Welsh Corgis Club of America a Director ofthe AKC, Class of 2009 Chairman of the Board, AKC Companion Animal Recovery, Inc. and a Director of the AKC Canine Health Foundation.I have long time breeding experience and a long time political experience to analyze dog politics. I felt it necessary to take this time to write toyou in regards to your upcoming AKC Chihuahua Breed Standard Revisions. Please take the time to review the attached letter on these mattersat hand, and give it careful consideration. You can contact me with any questions you may have regarding this information.Gladstone then attached his letter, again rattling off his list of credentials as a merle breeder of Cardigan Welsh Corgis, AKC board member,chairman of AKC Companion Animal Recovery, and director of AKC Canine Health Foundation. Gladstones letter was written on AKCletterhead, AKC logo upper left corner, and listing in the upper right hand corner Gladstones name and position listed as Director.Gladstone is urging the CCA membership to reject the proposed disqualification of the merle pattern. He states in his letter there are onlyproblems with merle when a double merle is produced that a person who knows about dogs would not breed a double merle, and that a voteto ban merle Chihuahuas would support animal rights activists. All of these statements regarding merle are erroneous, but this would be thesubject of another articleGladstone followed up this mass emailing with a postal mailing, sending out a 16-page packet promoting his pro-merle viewpoint - again,repeatedly emphasizing his position with AKC.When an AKC Director interferes with a Parent Club, any Parent Club, in this manner it is serious to all parent clubs, states CarolWilliams, President of the American Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club. Parent Clubs are the guardians of their breeds. AKCDirectors should not interfere in this manner... For an AKC Director to interfere with a Parent Club in this manner is, in my opinion,totally inappropriate and if not addressed by other or all parent clubs, could set a very dangerous precedent. I dont care whether heput a disclaimer at the end of his letter or not. The letter was sent by an AKC Director, on AKC letterhead.Geneva Coats2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM60I I I I I i i i inl4 44MarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 61Chihuahua Club of America board of directors immediately returneda letter of objection to the AKC Board of Directors, requesting censureof Gladstone and written retraction of his statements. Incredibly, in aletter from James Crowley to the CCA, AKC failed to acknowledgeCCAs legitimate concerns, and refused to act. Both the CCA letter toAKC and Crowleys response are posted on the CCA website.Crowleys rationale for dismissing any concerns was that Gladstonestated in his PS at the end of his two-page letter that his opinionswere his own. Nowhere, however, did Gladstone clearly state that hewas not representing AKC, and many CCA members believed thatthey were being counseled by AKC on how to vote in their election.Graham Foote has been a Chihuahua breeder for over 40 years he isalso the Chairman of the British Chihuahua Club and a long-timeexhibitor and judge of Chihuahuas all over the world. Regarding theletter by Gladstone, Mr. Foote comments He Gladstone is, of course,perfectly entitled to his opinion, but I must admit that I am surprisedthat he gets away with using the AKC letterhead in trying to influencethe voting of members of a breed that he has nothing to do with. I amsure that the AKC is a respected organization and although he has asmall two-line disclaimer saying that his views are not intended tosuggest endorsement by any of the organizations mentioned, he doesnot specifically mention the AKC as not endorsing his views. The letteris on an AKC letterhead and when he mentions his credentials he goeson at length about being a board member of the AKC and the positionsthat he has held within the AKC, also in a later paragraph after sayingthat England I presume this means the British Kennel Club has bannedmerle Chihuahuas with little cause, he comments We are trying tohave that poor decision reconsidered. I believe most members of theCCA will think that in WE he is referring to the AKC, as trying to havethe decision reconsidered and may indeed vote to support what is afterall their governing body. So the pro-banning lobby is likely to losevotes.As chairman of the BCC, I would be astounded if, whoever it is, thatis trying to get our Kennel Club to change the ban on merle colour inChihuahuas, has any success. All our Chihuahua breed clubs had afree vote and in eight out of nine clubs in the country, the vast majorityof members voted in favor of the ban. I believe our members voted infavour of the ban because we have never had merle Chihuahuas in theUK, and believe that our breed like most breeds have plenty of healthrelatedproblems that need to be bred out, so why start to breed in newhealth problems and put our breed through unnecessary suffering.We have had the breed in the country since early in the 20th century,when they were mainly imported from the States. Practically all ourbreeding stock was lost in the 1940s, but a considerable number wereimported from the States again in the early 1950s, so our linesoriginated from the States and over the years others have been importedfrom the States, yet we do not have the merle gene in our breed. I thinkthat in general we accept the scenario put forward that this gene hasbeen introduced in the states by crossing with other breeds, otherwiseit would surely have shown up in our lines over the years.Even if not in particularly large numbers, it does on occasions appearto cause eye and hearing problems and I think all breeds with themerle gene present admit to this. It therefore seems to me to be cruel tolet our Chis suffer to satisfy certain individuals vanity in theirpreference for a particular colour.The whiteChihuahuais a doublemerle butthe NOEYEChihuahuais a singlemerle.We do not have the gene in other than a handful of Chis recentlyimported into this country from the States, and I think no truly caringbreeders will want to allow this gene to proliferate in the UK, and thisis no doubt why the vote against it was so strong.CCA member Gloria Lambert responded to GladstoneWhile breeds such as yours limit the number of color patterns, I doubtvery highly that the CCA will follow suit, since the addition thru crossbreeding of this pattern has occurred in Chihuahuas. Our breed hastraditionally allowed all colors. What you refer to, as scare tacticsis truthful, factual, scientific, information. I have attached two photosthat I am sure will dispute your comments. We did not have theseproblems in our breed before the addition of merle and there is no wayanyone can claim they are doing no harm when they are adding thispattern. There is no need to perpetuate these types of dogs becausesome have thought to cross breed to add a pattern that has not existedin this breed in its history until recently. The white Chihuahua is adouble merle but the NO EYE Chihuahua is a single merle.Lambert continued, While I appreciate your concern for animalrights activists that are trying to control breeders in general, I andmany others believe our breed will be animal rights activist fodder, ifpeople are allowed to continue with a pattern that has traditionally2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM61I I I I I i i i in4Wf5r4 4 - 7 ' . yVy f. c_462 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWbeen bred safely only in breeds with LIMITED color patterns.I have to say that I take great offense at your use of the AKC letterhead to get your personal point across. I have sent this on to club relations.Abuse of power is an unattractive trait. You are interfering in a ballot for a club and a breed that you are neither a member or an ownerbreeder.While I appreciate you have dogs and that you fancy yourself an expert in the merle gene I have to say I am disappointed that someoneconnected to AKC can be so ignorant of scientific research and that they would use their position to influence a vote when they do not have adog in this fight.Ms. Lambert also responded to Mr. CrowleyJanuary 22, 2008Dear Mr. Crowley,Thank you for your email reply regarding the mass email that was sent by Mr. Steven Gladstone, to members of the Chihuahua Clubof America as well as to others who are not members.Again I was disappointed by your response, as it greatly under estimates the effect of the AKC logo on correspondence received bythose who are active in the dog fancy. Some members of the Chihuahua Club of America believed that the letter was an official AKC letter andthat it was counseling them how the AKC believed they should vote on the standard ballot. Do you not see the problem The impression that thecommunication is OFFICIAL and from AKC has already been made. To put a Post Script is rather like trying to put the toothpaste back in thetube - the impression misrepresentation has already been made.I register my dogs with AKC. Since you yourselves have now set the precedent, if anyone can use the logo for personal comments,may I expect there will not be a problem if I add the logo myself in my own correspondence while expressing a personal opinion, provided I usea post scriptYour reply notes that on a vote of 11-1 by the AKC Board of Directors, the standard changes were approved to be submitted to themembership for a vote. Will the membership and others who received this email from Mr. Gladstone, now receive 11 email communications, onAKC stationary, from each Board member advising why they voted to allow Chihuahua Club members to consider and vote on the proposedchanges That would be refreshing, and would reassure those members who felt intimidated by Mr. Steven Gladstones email message.It is very disturbing to see one individual improperly use the logo of the AKC to make such an obvious effort to sway the membershipof the Chihuahua Club of America to their perspective, on the interpretation of the merle color pattern. Someone doing this at the same time asthe membership is completing their ballots, while under the guise of an AKC official is in my opinion reprehensible.There are a few other credentials which Gladstone neglects to mention in his letter. He is AKCs staunchest supporter of PAWS. He is alsoan enthusiastic fan of commercial breeders. Gladstone has been a member of the AKCs High Volume Breeders HVB committee and has beenthe keynote speaker at Hunte corporation breeders seminars. The Hunte Corporation buys puppies from commercial facilities and resells themto pet stores.Why would Gladstone lobby heavily in support of PAWS and, in his next breath, lecture the dog fancy to be wary of the AR animal rightsgroups Why would Gladstone tout his position with AKCs Canine Health Foundation and at the same time advocating for promotion of themerle gene with its attendant defects of vision and hearing These defects have been well-documented for decades in breeds where merle is acommon coat pattern - frighteningly common in homozygous double merles but, there are also cases of eye abnormalities in heterozygoussingle merles. Breeds which have traditionally embraced the merle pattern also strictly limit their allowable colors in an admirable attempt tolimit production of handicapped dogs. Remember, the Chihuahua and Pomeranian breeds do not at this time limit acceptable colors or patternsin their current AKC standards.These vision and hearing problems in merles are fairly common so common, in fact, that there are rescue groups devoted exclusively to placingsuch handicapped dogs.Quite puzzling is the refusal of AKC to censure Gladstone for this abuse of his position of power. Gloria Lambert states, It does make onewonder if this person is acting alone or with corporate blessings. Has Gladstone and the rest of the AKC board forgotten that AKC was foundedon the admirable goals of breeding the best dogs, protecting the various breeds from fashion fads, and promoting improvement in our individualbreeding programsGraham Foote closes his letter, Going back to your original question of what I thought about Mr. Gladstones letter, only he knows what isbehind it, but one thing for sure, it certainly is not the love of Chihuahuas. Driven by animal rights activists who oppose all breeding PAWS Pet Animal Welfare Statute was a bill which was defeated in 2005. PAWSproposed to regulate breeders by the numbers they produce and sell. This numbers game would have resulted in many hobby breeders fallingunder the save rules and regulations as commercial kennels.Registration of merle Chihuahuas has been banned in both Australia and England. In Canada, merle Chihuahuas are now banned from the showring. Germany has banned merle Chihuahuas from both breeding and exhibition, while South Africa and Mexico are working toward similarresolutions.2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM62m m4 4MarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 631. Do not breed merle-to-merle. Breeding merle to merle carries a high risk of producing double merles who are almostinvariably deaf, blind, or both. Vision and hearing defects are intimately associated with merle, so those who choose to breed formerle should be aware of this fact.2. Breeding merles to partis particularly if they are over 50 white should be discouraged. The risk of hearing defects isbelieved to be increased in merle, particularly when there is much white in the coat. A merle should preferably be bred to asolid-colored, dark mate.3. BAER testing may also be recommended in cases of predominantly white coat due to the merle or piebald gene, or whenbreeding a merle to a piebald dog piebald refers to a dog with patches of white in varying patterns such as Irish-marked,piebald or extreme piebald.4. CERF testing has been recommended by our parent club. CERF testing is a MUST for this high-risk pattern, to prevent thespread of eye defects in our breed. More information below. CERF testing should be done annually per CERF protocol.5. There is a genetic test now which definitively determines whether a dog is non-merle, single merle, or double merle. ThisDNA testing for merle should be done for all offspring of any merle dog, even those who do not appear to be merle. Only aDNA test will tell you for sure if the dog in question carries the merle gene. We often get clear oranges or creams even frommating two black or blacktan dogs, so hidden merles could often appear. Full disclosure of merle status should be given tobuyers.6. Educational information should be posted on the American Pomeranian Club website, stating that merle is a pattern uniqueand different from any other, with several documented risks involved. A further statement should be posted that one shouldproceed to breed merle dogs only with great caution.7. In deference to the APC code of ethics, I will price my puppies within the breed range. Prices should not be inflatedsolely due to a color or pattern.An incompletely dominant gene like merle is fairly easy to control or eliminate from a breeding program, if desired, now thatthere is a definitive test Merle can either be seen or tested for if there is any doubt as to its presence.If a dog is non-merle, even if there are 100 generations of merle behind him, he cant pass merle to his offspring. This is NOT arecessive gene it doesnt skip generations. If a dog is DNA tested as clear of merle, there is no need to mark registration papersto denote merle status.Australian Shepherds, which have a large percentage of merles in their gene pool, also list eye defects as the most commonproblem in their breed.From CA Sharp and the Aussie health websiteUntil fairly recently, virtually all iris colobomas in Aussies were seen in merle dogs. In the past few years more and more iriscolobomas are being reported in non-merles. The reason for this is not known, but it is possible that the gene for the defect islocated on the same chromosome as the merle gene. Such genes are said to be linked. Linked genes tend to be inheritedtogether, though the process of recombination will mix them up. However, if two genes are located close to each other, they willonly rarely become separated. This may have happened with the genes for merle and iris coloboma, resulting in the recentincrease in non-merle Aussies with the defect.The Catahoula Leopard Dog the official state dog of Louisiana has a large percentage of merles in their gene pool. The merlegene provides the spots in the coat for which they have been called Leopard Dogs. This breed has a unique feature... theirmerles, even their double merles, retain much dark coat color, and they also have fewer incidences of merle-related defects thanother merle breeds. The suspicion is that they have some as-yet undiscovered gene or genes, which mitigate the defects usuallyassociated with the expression of merle. Perhaps through future genetic research, we can locate and even utilize these geneticfactors, which can tame the ill effects of the merle gene. This would be a great breakthrough for breeders everywhereThis H G articles purpose is not to promote, advocate, nor ban merle. This information is supplied to be of help to those breedingmerles or those who might be contemplating do so.THOUGHTS RELATING TO BREEDING MERLE POMERANIANS2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM63m m4mmmiS4 4mm64 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAPC Judges EducationFred C. BassettGreetings to all of my fellow Pom fanciers, and best wishes for aGREAT National Specialty gathering. I am really looking forward toit myself, and to all of the educational offerings we will have there.By the time you read this all the preparations will be complete, yourentries will be in, and all that will remain is for us all to enjoy it.I have spent the last couple of months getting organized and orientedfor my new roll as Judges Education Coordinator. Ive revised thepresentation materials, and am anxious to use them for the first timeduring the National Specialty. Reservations are coming in well forboth the Mentor Seminar and Judges Education Seminar, so we shouldhave good attendance at both.I want to thank Vikki Oelerich for presenting our Judges Education Seminar at the DJAA DogJudges Association of America sessions, which were held in New York City the weekend beforeWestminster in February. These seminars are always very well-attended and are a wonderfulopportunity to reach a large audience. We appreciate you, VikkiI am going to recap the scheduled educational activities during Nationals in Louisville below. Wewill offer a special session just for APC Members and Exhibitors, as well as official sessions foraspiring Pomeranian Mentors and JudgesMonday March 10th400 to 500 PM - Dolphin Room at the Executive InnPomeranian Seminar - Open to allThe same Pomeranian Seminar that is presented to Judges will be offered to anyone interested inseeing it. This is being offered for General Education purposes and to provide an opportunity tosee what APC provides for Judges Education. No reservation is needed.400 to 600 PM - Dolphin Room at the Executive InnMentor Seminar - Open to qualified APC MembersApproved mentors are an essential part of APCs Judges Education program. Prospective Judgesstudying Pomeranians use Parent Club Approved Mentors for ringside observation experiences anddiscussions of the breed. If you want to give something back to your breed you need to attend thisseminar to become an APC Approved Mentor. The first hour of this session will be the PomeranianSeminar listed above which is open to all, followed by a closed session for Mentor candidates todiscuss details of the AKC Mentor and Ringside Observation program. APC Standing Rulesrequire that anyone desiring to become an Approved Mentor must be an active PomeranianBreederExhibitor for 12 years with 5 Pomeranian Champions and have attended the APCSanctioned Seminar. Please join us in the Dolphin Room. There is no charge for this seminar.Judges Education Continued2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM64I I I I I i i i inP ._______4 44MarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 65Tuesday March 11th900 to 1100 AM - Dolphin Room at the Executive InnPomeranian Judges Education SeminarThe American Pomeranian Club will hold a Sanctioned Judges Education Seminar in conjunctionwith the National Specialty. Ringside tutoring will also be available Tuesday Wednesday,March 11 and 12. There is no charge for the Judges seminar or ringside tutoring.If any of you Breeder Judges or approved Mentors will be with us on March 11 and 12 and wouldbe willing to help with the ringside tutoring please contact me, home phone918-355-1188, cell phone 918-808-1951. Thank you.Judges Education ContinuedTo all my Pom family and friends,As most of you are aware my son was struck from behind while riding his Harley on July 31 and severely injured. We were fortunate to bewithin minutes of a major trauma center in Cincinnati, where he was cared for by some of the best doctors and nurses I have ever seen. Wehad some very critical weeks with most news being bad. I reached out to everyone who could say a prayer for us and so many of you werethere for us. We had prayers being lifted up in so many places by so many people. When all seemed hopeless those prayer lines and emailsand phone calls gave us hope.I cant begin to thank you all enough. I am happy to report that my Christmas present was the greatest ever in that Jim came home from thehospital. He has many months of therapy ahead, but he is SO MUCH better and most medical issues have resolved other than thoseinvolving the broken bones, and we are told that it may take years to regain his strength and stamina, but we will get there. You cant knowhow much his voice is music to my ears. I tell everyone who is concerned about me, that I will be better when Jim is better. I guess mothersunderstand that the best.Believe me, there is a God and prayers are answered.Thank you all,Donna RiehmWell, I gave Hope the magazine. SHE IS SOOOOO HAPPY AND LOVES IT SOOOOO MUCH I cannot even tell you. She goes to bed withit has taken it to school and EVERYONE has seen it and are quite impressed You did a fantastic job and I thank you with all my heartUpdate in Oshkosh. On Saturday Hope got last out of four kids. She really held up pretty good. Then on Saturday evening sheworked with Porsche on a couple trouble areas showing dogs teeth for one. Sunday AM she got up and thought, Ok did not dotoo well yesterday. Today we are going to get first. Guess what She DID. GOD BLESS. Hope got 1st out of 4 Dillon Kipp gotbest handler but how exciting and PROUD Her father has said this is the first time he has ever seen Hope so passionate aboutanything COOL, EH THANK YOU AGAINWendy Lane Junior Handler Hope Goulds auntLetters to the EditorWe want to thank you for sending the copies of the Pom Review that we requested for our Meet The Breed booth.Your support is invaluable to our club and our breed.Sincerely,Linda Lewis and Walda Green NCPC2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM65i i i i n4 4466 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWThe Pomeranian Club of Hawaii is very sad to report the passing of Josephine Ching.Josephine was a very active member of our club for many, many years and served inseveral capacities including show chairman, club officer and director. She was alwayswilling to share her time and vast knowledge of the breed with anyone and many of usconsider her our mentor. Josephine was also one of the first to volunteer to bring a fooddish to our potluck meetings or functions. She was truly a MEMORABLE person whowill be sorely missed by her family and friends.JOSEPHINE CHINGPomeranian Club of HawaiiMEMORIAL2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM66i i i inSi.itI Pp^7..r.i"1fd vi r- [ ILjIWVftI 4w.te vVJMarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 67Oh please dont look for me and cry Im not here, Idid not die. Our Lord sent the angels in the night itwas time for my heavenly flight. Ah I feel no pain,only joy, as I approach the heavenly gates. What anawesome sight I see Mom, Dad, Norman, E.G. andmy baby boy, Karl, whos been waiting for me. I willmiss my family and friends you all stood by me tilthe end. Please dont look for me and cry, I am nothere I did not die.Therefore having been justified by faith, we havepeace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,through whom also we have access by faith into thisgrace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of theglory of God. Romans 51-2. This was underlined inRuby Faye Michell PooleMay 19, 1937 - December 7, 2007Rubys Bible. Her kindness to animals and legacy oflove will live on through her family and friends.BIS, BISS CH. RUBYS LOVELYS STANDING OVATION GC, HOF BillyMEMORIAL2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM67I I I I I i i m i nA42jaL'-r "3f JN[[i\1'Vur Ai SIfmm[ 1 L. A\ 4 '4 4n M,r.f 17irVIVViS',srr c lii 1.BfSI Of BREED kivvKrigvrw68 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWFINDING TIME TO TRAIN, LATENT LEARNING, AND OTHER STUFFTime to train has been scanty lately. See my rescue article for details I had planned to do a blitz catchupjob of training and be ready to show Oliver and Tessie in Obedience Utility and Novice respectively. Istill may, and by the time you read this, the die will be cast. Either we do well or we dont do well orpossibly we dont show. Interesting that by the time you read this you may know which of the above.One thing that may save me in part is what is known as latent learning. The theory behind latent learningis that dogs can learn when they are not training. I have seen this in at least one of my dogs. Taffy,Johnstoys Friday Jam Session CDX RA, was the supreme example of this process. While training him forNovice, I found that I could not get him to do the Stand for Exam. It wasnt that he wouldnt stay whensomeone came to touch him, but that he wouldnt stand. At all. When I stood him, his rear wouldimmediately sink to the floor, not in a sit, but in a scared dog posture. I used every method I ever heard ofand a few I made up on my own, and nothing worked. Finally, I just gave up. Then one day months later,in Pet Therapy at a nursing home which he loved, the therapist asked for him to stand on a stool so thatsomeone could reach down to pet him. He stood and was petted. I tried him at home, and he would do aperfect Stand for Exam, completely as in the ring, letting me leave him and return to heel position while hejust stood still. Maybe it was standing on the stool that did it, so I added that to my training tool box. Orwas it latent learningTraining for Open, again I could not get Taffy to even take the dumbbell in his mouth, much less go anyfurther with it. He was a natural ball retriever, but would have nothing to do with this stupid hard object,even when I tried tricking him by sending him after it instead of a ball. Having used all possible trainingmethods, I quit, thinking that the CDX would be forever out of his reach. Then one day in Pet Therapy atthe psychiatric ward of the hospital, with nothing better to do, I pulled a dumbbell out of my purse doesntEVERYONE have a dumbbell in their purse and said, This is hopeless, but Im going to try it. I toldhim to wait, threw it, sent him, he retrieved it and sat in front. I said, Give, he dropped it into my hand,and then finished on command. Not one of those steps had he actually been taught. It was all learning thattook place based on my attempts to teach. Latent learningMore recently, I was not able to get Tessie Janesas Wrinkle in Time to stay in place for the Novice Stand.She just WOULD leave her place and follow me. I tried the step stool, and that worked as long as the stool NEWS AND VIEWSby Barbara McClatcheyPERFORMANCE2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM68I I I I I i i i in4rii i II IIVi0.0CJ 1 i. .r iHi1vi__if4 4xiIL J4MarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 69was there, but when I tried putting her back down on the floor, she would not stay. Then things blew up inrescue, and I had no time to train anything at all for a month. When I got back to it, she suddenly did aperfect Stand for Exam. Latent learningTITLES, WE GOT TITLESAMERICAN KENNEL CLUBOBEDIENCELATE BREAKING NEWS Gidgets Cinnamon Prince UDX5 RA, owned by Mike and Caroline Smithjust completed the OTCH More in my next columnCompanion DogKramie Casts A Shadow CD Peggy Mcgrath. 1132007. ILPD D Copper Penny CD RA Deb L Beean. 1282007Sundowns Peekaboo At Janesa CD RE NAJ NJP Jerrie Freia. 12162007Companion Dog ExcellentBritish Lane Tiny Toons CDX Dianne Ott. 12152007Utility Dog Excellent 5Gidgets Cinnamon Prince UDX5 RA Mike Smith Carolyn Smith. 12162007RALLYRally NoviceCottontop For Your Eyes Only RN Judy E Johnson. 1132007Loco Dakota Joe RN NA NAJ Laura Cass George. 11102007, ILPLudwigs Foxy Lady RN Janet Ludwig. 11242007Mustangs Little Dough Boy RN Pamela Audrey Cunningham.. 1142007Pomhavens Make Believe RN Karen Brearley. 1132007Prys Wildfire In The Rockies RN Vernell Pry Cora Aleta Ritchie. 11112007Showcase N Bluemoon O My Darlin RN Lori Kamrath Alane Levinsohn. 11302007Tlcs Court Jester RN Lori Kamrath. 11282007Ajs Flying Furball RN Joey Owens. 12152007Bcpoms Mr. Tuff Guy RN Ann Griffith Morris. 1262007CH Finchs Walkin N Talkin RN Jayne Hoemke. 1212007Harry RN Candy Starr. 1262007, ILPRally AdvancedBanjo James Reliknam Wishsong RA Kevyn Michael Thomas. 11232007Dreamweaver Northern Lights RA Michael Elizabeth Wells Linda Pelz. 11102007Enbar My Girl Riley RA Sherron Mcbee. 1142007, ILPLanas Teddy Of My Heart RA Sandra S Harada. 11302007Skippy Of Oak Brook CD RA Gregory Geisen. 11172007Rally ExcellentSerafinas Mickey Doodle Bug RE Kimberly BradThompson. 11242007Performance Continued2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM69I I I I I i i i in44 4470 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWRally Advanced Excellent 2He Sent Tedi Of Tiny Tykes CDX RAE2 Gertrude M Adair. 11262007AGILITYNovice AgilityPrincess Wanna Be NA NAJ Andrew Yokas. 11252007 ILPOpen AgilityCH Carleez Boom Boom Boom OA AXJ Janice George Smith. 1222007Agility ExcellentMorgens Squirrel N Merlin CDX RAE AX AXJ Judi John Rought Elizabeth Baugh. 1122007Valentines Cricket AX AXJ NF Terri Valentine. 1292007Master Agility ExcellentCheris Bad Boy Brutus MX MXJ Michael Zglinski. 1142007Masquerade Parti Madison MX MXJ Melinda Ryba. 12142007Novice Agility JumperPrincess Wanna Be NA NAJ Andrew Yokas. 11252007 ILPSteenbocks Ruby Red Squirt NAJ Nancy Jack Zolkowski. 1212007Open Agility Jumper PreferredVip-Odyssey Buttons Lil Beau NA OAJ NAP OJP Kathy Flesner. 1282007Excellent Agility Jumper PreferredFinchs Whirling Dervish CD RE AXJ AJP Paula Kerezsi. 11252007Master Excellent JumperSundowns Regina Elizabeth NA MXJ NJP Janice George Smith. 1122007Agility FAST NoviceMACH6 Bouncin Bundle Of Bear CDX RE NF Shirley Michaels. 11182007Master Agility ChampionMACH Cheris Popeye The Zailor Gena Zglinski. 1132007Master Agility Champion 7MACH7 Maya Mango Shes A Delight Betsy L Ryba. 1132007MACH7 Bouncin Bundle Of Bear CDX RE NF Shirley Michaels. 12272007Agility FAST Novice PreferredMACH2 Toyrific Lilbuttons NAP NJP NFP Anne Kathy Flessner. 12292007Agility FAST OpenMACH2 Walters Teasie Tootsie OF Patricia Walters. 12302007Performance Continued2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM70I I I I I i i i in44 44MarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 71Agility FAST ExcellentLittle Bear MX MXJ XF D Owned by Nancy Marmol. 12292007, ILPNOTE Although I no longer subscribe to Bloodlines, the publication of the United Kennel Club, Iwould be delighted to have print UKC titles column. If anyone would like to be my UKCcorrespondent, please e-mail meDogs now eligible for the APC Hall of Fame, a Historical Award.Dogs now eligible for the APC Gold Club, a Historical Award.To read about the requirements for these Historical Awards and how to submit your dog, go .American Pomeranian Club members are listed in bold print ILP dogs are usually Rescues. Only APCmembers for at least one year are eligible for Annual Awards Top Obedience Pom, Top Agility Pom,etc., and the relevant information must be submitted by the APC member. All Poms are eligible for theHistorical Awards.Congratulations to all who train, show, and title their Poms in the Companion EventsDont forget to send your own News and Views to Barbara McClatchey, 57 Poplar Court, LakeJackson, TX 77566. Or call me at 979-297-7383. Or e-mail me Rescuesecondchancepoms.orgWhy not join our e-group Brags and advice available at ActivePomeranian-subscribeyahoogroups.comPerformance ContinuedLetter From the EditorToday I am grieving the loss of a dear friend. He was a beautiful shiny black and only 5 years old. During his short time on this earth,he had always been there for me. Never did he let me down, always beside me while working through a stressful Review deadline inthe wee hours of the morning issue after issue. The poor fellow. I will miss him so.What caused this untimely death you may wonder. Was he loved to death by over stuffing or simply a dreaded virus I was toldneither was the case.It all began New Years Day when I was cleaning. I was performing my ritual dusting inside his tower during the Review down time.There they were, 3 of his capacitors all corroded, an accident waiting to happen. Thankfully the old guy was still working very well,but for how longI immediately took him to the repair shop only to be told the capacitors were blown and the cost of the repairs would be near the costof a new computer since it wasnt a standard mother board. I felt as though I was deserting my dear friend when I ordered the newcomputer, his replacement. Oh, he will be missed.This issue is the first issue on my new silvery gray wolf-sable friend. I am hoping he will be as dependable and that our relationshipwill be successful as my old IBM friend has been.Speaking of friends, thanks supporting the Pom Review with subs, ads, articles and reports. Success cannot be spelled without UBest to everyone attending the APC Nationals in Kentucky. May we all have a great time, win or lose. Have a safe trip. Please stop bythe Review table and say hello. Hope to see you soon2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM71I I I I I i i i inr n4 4L J472 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE CORPUS POMSby Barbara McClatchey, Second Chance Poms, Inc.Everyone should understand from the very beginning that I am going to be utterly truthful in everything I say in thisarticle. I may omit some things that I know to be true, particularly if I do not know something of my own direct knowledgeeverything I do write is from my personal knowledge or has been verified. New facts continue to emerge, but this is whatI know at this time. I will also be honest, which means that if I think a thing, I will say it, and accept that what I say maynot be pleasant hearing. As a long-time rescuer of Pomeranians, I have my own perspective on things, but I understandthat some people may not have that perspective.Most of you will know, since it made the national news and was widely discussed on the Internet, that one of our own, amember of the APC in Corpus Christi, Texas, was found to have 237 dogs in her house. Despite initial skepticism by some,that number is correct. There were 2 Standard Poodles, 10-20 Yorkies, 10-20 Shih-Tzus, and the remainder were Pomeranians.On December 18, I received my first knowledge of the situation in this e-mail from Kelli, the manager of Animal Care Centerthe pound in CorpusWe are seizing a large number of Poms today. There will be a hearing. If the Judge awards them to us, I will need some helpplacing them. Are you interested I will need to show the Judge a viable plan for these guys. If you are interested, can youprovide info on your org, such as references, by laws and 501CI told Kelli that we would take as many dogs as I could find foster homes for, not knowing how many were involved.Perhaps, I thought, as many as 20. I also did not know the circumstances, assuming it to be a puppy mill closure. I was in fora surprise, and so were many others, not only in Texas, but across the Pomeranian world. I began rounding up our usualfoster homes and recruiting others. And I sent Kelli our By-laws, Articles of Incorporation, 501c3 determination letterfrom the IRS, and a letter from our veterinarian.On December 19 the next day, I was scheduled to leave Lake Jackson in my motorhome for a trip to California to visit myson and family, returning January 2. I took my laptop computer with me, knowing that most campgrounds these days havewi-fi available. As I traveled, at each campground I received more and more information about the situation, and continuedto recruit more and more fosters, some from my own ObedienceAgility friends, some through the Houston Pomeranian club,and some from other Pom clubs and referrals. These homes had to be verified as suitable for foster Poms in this situation.My cell phone probably got more use in that 2 weeks than it had had in the previous 2 years, as I verified references anddouble checked on the ability of the fosterers to work with Rescues. Regretfully, we had to turn down some people whowould have taken good care of the Poms because of their being out of easy reach of our headquarters, or because the dogswould not be housed in such a way as to make it possible to housebreak and otherwise prepare the dogs for being in a pethome. With those restrictions, we found ourselves able to take 38 Poms.Without going into details, and condensing the information that emerged over subsequent 2 or 3 weeks, the owner of the dogshad at one time been a show person and a breeder. She was apparently not a bad breeder at one time, but for whatever reasonhad turned into a hoarder, amassing more and more Poms. At first I thought that this was not a puppy mill, since millersgenerally do not show dogs in the major registries. But it may depend on your definition of puppy mill. It is also hard tospeak from accurate knowledge. Research on the Internet showed that many at best commercial breeders were thankingthis person for her help and advice. Websites that were started in 2007 and offered paid advertisements for sellers of puppieshad links to this persons website. By the time we began doing the research, many pages utilized by her had been taken down,so these were just the ones still on the web. Breeders advertising on the same sites as this person included one breeder whowas breeding enough dogs to have litters due on virtually every day of the month of January. At least one breeder praisingher highly was showing 20 litters in 3 months time and indicated Poms with her kennel name in their kennel.Some good breeders who had recently sold Poms to the owner of the dogs, learning of the situation, worked to try to get thosedogs back. Finally, in an agreement with the city, the dogs owner, her lawyer, and others concerned for specific dogs, thewoman agreed to turn them over to the city. She was allowed to keep three dogs, which had to be speutered first. As Iunderstand it, her son in another state got one of the Poodles, twelve dogs were released to former owners or othersassociated with the dogs and concerned for them, and the remainder became city property. I have had contact with two of the2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM72m m4 44MarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 73people who re-claimed Poms, one a former owner, and one a former handler, but do not know of my own knowledge thesituations of the others which were reclaimed.One of our volunteers walked the shelter on December 31 to pick our 38 Poms. She said that it nearly broke her heart thatwe could not take all of them. Even by the time she saw them, after volunteer groomers from Corpus had worked to cleanthem up, the dogs were matted the kind of matts that Poms get when not groomed for months, feces-encrusted, and coveredwith urine. When the dogs were originally taken by the city, workers could not even tell male from female due to the feceson the rear end. We wanted to take the dogs immediately, but the agreement between the former owner and the city was thatthe dogs would all be speutered before leaving the shelter. Our 38 had the surgery on January 2, 3, and 4. One died duringsurgery, leaving 37 for us to take. Of the remainder, according to the Corpus Christi Caller, one sick dog was euthanized thefirst day and a puppy died. A Lhasa mix had a foot infection and died after not eating. In addition to our own, four othersdied during the surgery. And three or four were killed in a feeding frenzy at the very beginning. The dogs were given foodall together, apparently, and though not badly underfed previously, they fought and killed each other. When one of ourvolunteers walked the shelter, Poms that were being attacked by other dogs were put into the pens with the bitersyes, notthe attackers, but the ones BEING attacked were put there.On Saturday, January 5, we made a transport run down to Corpus Christi with four cars and eight volunteers. Drivingdistance and work involved in putting the dogs into crates in the cars and pottyingwatering them at a half-way point in the200-mile drive each way, plus getting them into our vet clinics cages with ID collars, made for a 12-hour day for most of theworkers involved. Our veterinarians at VCA Lake Jackson Animal Hospital very kindly offered to house them for us over theweekend while they waited for exams and other necessary medical work. I cant say enough good things about the way wewere aided by their staff. As it turned out, some of the dogs were boarded free for more than a week while waiting for theirdentals.Testing on Monday revealed that our biggest fearheartwormwas non-existent among these dogs. But they did havethreadworm, tapeworm, roundworm, hookworm, whipworm, giardia, coccidia, ear mites, and kennel cough. Some werevery thin. The teeth did not bear even thinking about. The adult dogs had extensive tartar that needed to be cleaned off, andof course lots of extractions in one case, all the teeth had to be pulled. The young dogs, for the most part and a few olderones, had retained baby teeth. Im sure no one is surprised about that We provided microchips for all the dogs that did nothave them. Thirteen of our thirty-eight dogs already had microchips, most with a combination of letters and numbers that Iam told means the European-style chip. Our dogs ranged in age from about 6 months to about 11 years. Having been told byKelli that one of the dogs was lame with a bad patella, I told our volunteer to pick that one, as we were probably his onlychance for surgery and a good life. We took an assortment of colors, but since our volunteer has and loves a black dog, shesomehow managed to pick a preponderance of blacks. Otherwise, we had cream, orange, black-and-tan, chocolate, bluemerle including one with a blue eye, sables, parti-colorsa wide assortment. The dogs we took ranged in age from twothat were 5 or 6 months old up to a very spry dog probably 11 years old.On Tuesday, the dental work began. Only a handful of young dogs did not need dental work and could go into foster careimmediately. Our clinic was able to average about 6 to 8 dogs a day for dentals, and we tried to get them all into foster careas soon as they were at least partially recovered from anesthesia. The foster homes needed to give multiple medications toeach dog, some twice a day. This can be really fun to do if the dog doesnt want medication Mason1 were keeping thenumber at the end of the new name given by each fosterer screams as soon as he realizes that medication is in the offing. Itactually makes giving liquid medication pretty easyhe screams, we stick the syringe down his open throat, he swallowsindignantly, and we go on to the next medicine.As of the time I am writing this, we have placed 16 of our 37 dogs, many to people who have previously adopted from us andwere looking for an addition to their family. All adopters must go through a screening process that includes an application,reference checks, and home visit. The home visit is to get to know the new family in their home environment. As shown bythe large number of breeders who were selling to the original owner of these dogs, it is not enough just to speak with someoneon the phone. You really need to learn more about them than that they have a great phone-side manner. The Internet canbe a great way to research someone, though not infallible. Havent you ever googled yourself to see what is thereNow for the tough partBreedershow did these dogs get into this situation You were responsible for the presence of your dog in this home. Iknow you didnt realize it was like that, no one did. But how could you not find it out Do you automatically believe2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM73I I I I I i i i in44 4474 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWsomeone when they tell you how many dogs they have she told some people she had 12 adults, others 15, especially if theyare APC members I hope that those of you who really care about your dogs are doing some hard thinking right now. If youbreed, you MUST take responsibility for what happens to the dogs after they leave you.Are you on the slippery slope Where do we draw the line between being a good breeder, a commercial breeder, and apuppy miller How many dogs can you keep and still maintain health and cleanliness in the dogs This woman said that shehad not had time to groom the dogs that morning when animal control workers arrived, and that she never went to bed withthe dogs dirty. How do you groom 237 dogs in a morning, and how do they acquire hanging, filthy matts from one day to thenext Are you able to socialize your dogs properly Some of these dogs show typical puppy mill characteristics, stiffeningwhen picked up, crouching in fear when reached for. Most appear not to have been leash-trained in any way. And they arevery needy, starved for attention and affection.Those of you who sold dogs to this woman Where were you when the you-know-what hit the fan Did you just close youreyes and let rescue take care of it We could take care of THIRTY-EIGHT dogs. Would you like to hear about theremainder Fifteen dogs were sent to a shelter which adopted them all out two days later to anyone who walked in the doorwith the right amount of cash. People were lining up early in the morning to get one of those little show dogs. Approximately80 of them were adopted out from a local shelter which does not do any verification of the home environment. The rest ofthe dogs were placed in similar situations. Most did NOT have those horrible teeth taken care of. The State of Texas requiresonly that shelters speuter and give a rabies vaccination. The dogs had kennel cough were they treated for that What aboutthe worms and germs The people adopting the dogs are the ones who responded to the original post in the Corpus newspaperby saying things like, Why are they worried that the dogs havent seen a vet for over 3 years I havent been to the doctorin 10 years, and it hasnt hurt me any They were demanding that ANYONE be allowed to adopt the dogs, and that is howit was for many of these beautiful Pomeranians.If you are a breeder and you left dogs of your breeding in this situation, even after the information came out, you should beashamed of yourself. And if you reclaimed your dogs 12 out of about 200 of them, remember, you can be proud that youworked on fixing what had gone wrong. A few of the dogs we took were in such good coat conditionand so friendlythatwe assume they were sold to the owner VERY recently. Was one of them yoursBreeders, where are your dogs now Do you know Do you care If not, you should rethink your breeding program andconsider yourself not one of the good breeders.How much has all this cost us in rescue A lot. Most of these dogs have cost us about 450 each. We get 250 from the newadopters. We have had donations from breeders and concerned people around the country, but at this writing we are still inhock to our vet clinic for thousands of dollars. Our vet didnt seem to want to keep the dogs when we ran out of money,though I suggested it. And that is though we started having had a golf tournament in October with so much that I was a bitworried about itnever again will I worry about having too much money And of course, we still have the specialist patellasurgery to do once we get our local vet paid off. I cannot praise them enough, by the way. VCA Lake Jackson AnimalHospital boarded these dogs free of charge during the time they were undergoing the dental work, which obviously could notall be done at once. The clinic manager went out of her way to go down on the weekends and check up on the dogs and wasable to catch one dog going into a hypoglycemic episode and take care of it. She also is fostering two of the Poms.In addition to the rescue money, which ALL goes toward medical expenses, we have spent and continue to spend time andeffort and our own money on gasoline and food and toys and crates and . . . you get the picture. We do it for love of the dogs,of course, and the dogs amply repay us as they gratefully snuggle in our arms though sometimes it takes awhile for them tounderstand that people are for loving.What about those that are NOT Corpus Christi Poms We are currently turning down 5-10 Poms a week that are in sheltersor that the owners are tired of or that are lost or any of the other myriad reasons that dogs get into rescue. What will happento them BECAUSE we are too full up to take them It doesnt bear thinking about.PLEASE consider the signature line I have in my e-mailIf you breed, rescue If you dont breed, rescue anyway2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM74I I I I I i i i in44 44MarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 75Esther Hesse, my granddaughter,spent part of her Christmas breakfrom college helping with the rescues.Volunteer Linda Miller holds one Pom.The shelter shaved all of their necksin order to put ID collars on them.Looks weird, doesnt it And a lot ofthe collars just came off anywayAt the vets most of the Poms were housed individually, but some of thesmaller ones were put two in a cage.At the Animal Care Center in CorpusChristi. We had borrowed numerouscrates to transport the Poms. Ourvolunteers put them into the crates andtook them out to our cars. We were gladit wasnt a really hot, cold, or rainy dayVolunteers Tinker Boyd andher daughter Darcy stop toadmire a little Parti.Pausing to admire the dogs. They are toosweet to just shovel them into the cratesThis is my favorite of the Corpusshelter pictures, despite the shadesun contrast, since it shows thework we were all going to in orderto take the dogs. The shelterworkers wanted them out of therefast, and we worked non-stop.By the time we got there, our Poms hadbeen speutered and were being housed insmaller numbers together. It was muchmore crowded when our volunteer walkedthe kennels earlier in the week.The wind wasblowing us a bitthat day, but itwas welcome inthe noonday sun.2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM75i i i in4 wsjjrr iILdI11,VitAi'm.irr' iSv". Ill . IXCCAAZ- \4 -rtracaigtn mmmm, ulidf4 4-Y t mUiilfA 4mm i9,L^. . L , f\IJ mmu I' I lTfviii4.,,U" 4476 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWCarol LeemhuisPO Box 23163, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-6163 - 412 848-6987 - Registraramericanpomeranianclub.orgHISTORICAL AWARDSAPC Historical Awards must be applied for. These titles are given to Pomeranians by The American PomeranianClub. They may be used as suffixes to the dogs registered name but may not be used when entering officialAKC events. The dogs receiving these awards need not be owned by an APC member.If you feel your dog is eligible for a Historical Award, please apply for it. Please check the APC webpage tosee if your dog is listed as having earned an award. httpamericanpomeranianclub.orghistorical_awards.htmlIf your dog is not listed, please do not advertise your dog as having received an award. magazines, pedigrees,etc. Please send applications and inquiries to Carol Leemhuis, APC Historical Awards Registrar. Lets getthose new awards publishedOffspring titles for ROM, ROMX and ROMS may come from conformation Ch., obedience CD, tracking TDor VST, agility NA or NAP or NAJ or NJP or Rally RA. Only the first obedience, tracking, agility or rallytitle level is credited. No offspring will be counted more than once toward a parents ROM title, regardless ofhow many titles that offspring acquires. Only AKC titles are counted.Register Of Merit ROMTo qualify for this award dogs must produce 6 or more titled offspring bitches must produce 4 or more titled offspring.Register Of Merit Excellent ROMXTo qualify for this award dogs must produce 15 or more titled offspring bitches must produce 6 or more titled offspring.Register Of Merit Supreme ROMSTo qualify for this award dogs must produce 25 or more titled offspring bitches must produce 10 or more titled offspring.Hall Of FameTo qualify for this award a Pomeranian must win an all-breed Best In Show, or win an all-breed High In Trial, or acquire a conformation championship Ch. and a Companion Dog Excellent CDX title, or acquire an Agility Excellent AX or Utility Dog UD title, or Rally Advanced Excellent RAE title or earn a perfect 200 score in obedience competition.Gold ClubTo qualify for this award a Pomeranian must dogs must win 100 Best Of Breeds andor Best Of Opposite Sex to Best Of Breeds, or bitches must win 50 Best Of Breeds andor Best Of Opposite Sex to Best Of Breeds, or win back-to-back Group 1s, or win back-to-back High In Trials, or acquire an Obedience Championship OTCh, or Utility Dog Excellent UDX, orChampion Tracker CT, or Master Agility Champion MACH title, or acquire a combination of 3 different titles, one each from conformation, obedience, tracking or agility.HISTORICAL AWARDS2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM76I I I I I i i i inLlJ4 44MarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 77Carol LeemhuisPO Box 23163Pittsburgh PA 15222-6163Phone 412 848-6987RegistrarAmericanPomeranianClub.orgSince being appointed as the Historical Awards Registrar, I have had a big goal which is to find a waythat all poms that are eligible for Historical Awards receive them. It isnt the dogs fault that as humans we dontalways communicate well and stay in touch regarding offspring, that we forget to submit applications, thatownership changes or unfortunate circumstances prevent applications from being submitted or that we just dontknow to apply. So, in my quest to be an advocate for all Pomeranians, I have solved the problem for dogs bornafter 1980. Using an AKC report including all titlists from 1980 through November 2007, the following newhistorical awards are confirmed.I have been searching for the past four years for Pre-1980 AKC Gazette Books and a volunteer to go tothe AKC Library in NYC. I now have some old Gazette books and a volunteer to begin photocopying at thelibrary in NYC. The Board has reapproved the search for new titlists from 1900-1980 and I expect the nextseveral years to involve photocopying, typing and compiling of information. When it is over, we should have acomplete list of all titled Pomeranians from when they became an AKC approved breed and began showing in1900 through the present. If anyone else lives near the AKC Library in New York City and would like to helpwith photocopying for me, please contact me. I am sure the person who volunteered would love to have somehelpHistorical Awards are granted by the American Pomeranian Club Registrar using the criteria on theprevious page. Applications for awards are normally submitted to the Registrar with proof of eligibility. Pleasecontinue to submit applications and contact me with questions if needed.Recinded AwardDue to a report error, the following award published in 2007 has been rescinded.ROM for CH Emcees Jackies Esther Bee BNew AwardsRegistry Of Merit Excellent ROMXCH Kacees LTL Darlin Want-A-B BFinchs Seasoned Just Right BCH Music Maker Of Lenette DRegistry Of Merit ROMFinchs Havin A Blond Moment BFinchs Simply Breathtaking BStarfires Marisa BStar Havens Righteous Jane BCH Raintrees Tuff-E-Nuff DCH Reginapoms Patrick OFinchs DIf the owners of these dogs wish to receive Certificates from the American Pomeranian Club for these awards, please contact theHistorical Awards Registrar. CongratulationsREGISTRAR CORNER2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM77I I I I I i i i inI4 4478 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAPC Historical Awards ApplicationDate_________________________Owners Names____________________________________________________Mailing Address____________________________________________________City, State, Zip_____________________________________________________Telephone______________________________E-mail_________________________________Registered Name of Pom______________________________________________ Check ____Dog or ____BitchCheck which Award applying for ____Gold Club or ____ Hall of FameList the win along with the date and event name, or acquired titles below attach a separate sheet of paper for any that will not fit here1___________________________ ___________________________________2___________________________ ___________________________________3___________________________ ___________________________________4___________________________ ___________________________________All applications along with supporting documentation should be mailed to the APC Registrar at Carol Leemhuis, APCHistorical Awards Registrar, PO Box 23163, Pittsburgh PA 15220-6163APC Historical Award RequirementsHall Of FameTo qualify for this award a Pomeranian must win an all-breed Best In Show, or win an all-breed High In Trial, or acquire a conformation championship Ch. and a Companion Dog Excellent CDX title, or acquire an Agility Excellent AX or Utility Dog UD title, or Rally Advanced Excellent RAE title or earn a perfect 200 score in obedience competition.Gold ClubTo qualify for this award a Pomeranian must dogs must win 100 Best Of Breeds andor Best Of Opposite Sex to Best Of Breeds, or bitches must win 50 Best Of Breeds andor Best Of Opposite Sex to Best Of Breeds, or win back-to-back Group 1s, or win back-to-back High In Trials, or acquire an Obedience Championship OTCh, or Utility Dog Excellent UDX, or Champion Tracker CT, or Master Agility ChampionMACH title, or acquire a combination of 3 different titles, one each from conformation, obedience, tracking or agility.Four to six weeks after a new AKC title is earned, the Historical Awards Registrar can check AKC reports that are sent to APC to verifythe new titles. For any titles that need verification faster than AKC provides verification to APC, you may send the following with anapplication.1 Proof of titlea. Copy of AKC Title Certificate orb. AKC Online Store Verification orc. AKC Awards Book Photocopy of New Title.For Verification of Best In Shows or High In Trials the Registrar can confirm them on the AKC web site approximately three weeks after most wins.For Verification of 100 or 50 Best of BreedBest of Opposite Sex Wins a copy of the Applicants Awards Record should be ordered from the AKCOnline Store and printed or emailed to the Registrar.For any questions, please email or call the Historical Awards Registrar at Carol Leemhuis, or 412 848-6987Revised 1082008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM78i i i i n44 44MarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 79American Pomeranian Club, Inc. 2008 Nationals DVDThree DVDs to choose from.DVD 1 will contain DVD 2 will contain DVD 3 will containPuppy Veteran Sweepstakes Winners Dog Top TwentyJunior Handlers Winners BitchBest Of BreedAPC National Specialty DVD Order FormI am ordering ______Conformation DVD 25.00 each plus 3.00 US shippingI am ordering ______Sweepstakes and Junior Handler 20.00 each plus 3.00 US shipping I am ordering ______Top Twenty DVDs 10.00 each plus 3.00 US shippingI am ordering _______sets of all the above, a 55.00 value and receive 25 off for a total of 41.25plus 4.00 US shipping per set ordered. Offer good until March 16.Please add 6.00 for shipping to Canada and all Foreign Countries.Make check payable to the American Pomeranian Club and mail toErika Moureau, 32110 Pattys Landing, Magnolia, TX 77354Email address___________________________Phone ___________________Include Area CodeShipping Label Ship From Erika Moureau APC Ways Means 32110 Pattys Landing, Magnolia, TX 77354 USA Ship ToName__________________________________________________________Address________________________________________________________City_________________________State_____________Zip______________Country________________2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM79I I I I I i i i in44 4480 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW E. Katie Gammill - Lerna, Illinoisindcrk13011consolidated.netwww.indiancreekshelties.comNO RULESWHEN THERE ARETodays attitude of Rules are made to be broken leavesone baffled. Initially, the sport of dogs evolved when dedicatedbreeders fine-tuned breed specific traits. Through culling,prospective buyers today select temperament, preferred size, and alook. The chosen puppy, as it matures, turns into their initial breedof choice. Perhaps not a perfect specimen, but their small fluffy lapdog will not end up a 130-pound package with a rambunctioustemperament that, too large for a lap, simply takes over the entirechair.Breeders, proud of their efforts, enter competition to be judgedas breeding stock. Breeding stock and show stock SHOULD besynonymous. Should not future generations benefit from concentratedefforts of those before us When did breeding stock and show stockbecome two different entities Why do hounds distinguish field fromshow in typeThe Way It Is in Dog News says, It is clear we need toacknowledge that times have changed. Amen Our days of largekennels have passed the thought of evaluation of breeding stock is notnecessarily valid in todays world Why not and our presentbreedersexhibitors show dogs to enjoy their dogs. Events availabletoday have the participants in mind. All future changes now address thepublic in general to encourage participation. The same changes cause past exhibitors to walk away from thesport. Scorning watered down rules, most accept they cannot hit amoving target when decisions are made on pieces of dogs or astyle not alluded to in the standard. Many exhibitors, breeders, andjudges today differ in opinion regarding the target, which withoutquestion, should be the established breed standards. We have a new breed of exhibitor today called show and go.Many grab a ribbon, then fail to show up for Winners. Few watchGroups or Best in Show few sit ringside or discuss breeds with fellowexhibitors. Is it fun or fair to destroy years of dedicated efforts due tolack of interestShould our sport be taken more seriously, or should it simply befun Those participating for the fun of it are often short-livedexhibitors. Many newcomers catchfire with a first win, but how manycontinue to burn with the fervor ofthe older breeders Are olderbreeders NOT feeding the flame, ordo young people want the instantsuccess of a full-blown bonfireThis concept of I can havewhat I want and Rules are madeto be broken takes us to smallcompetitions where dogs, dressed intutus, clown suits, bows andbangles, participate in a cute dogcontest.Example My friend and Iride the City of New Orleans downsouth. Retiring to the club car forrelaxation, we take our deck ofcards. Neither of us is a card sharkwe make up the rules as we go. Weoccasionally cheat to see if ourpartner catches on.A young man watching fromthe seat next to us catches onquickly. You cant do that sayshe. Peering over our shoulders, he2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM80i i w i n4uI5i\LMJ\9sxlm ik.fl 44MarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 81became involved. Not knowing wewere winging it for fun, I say, Ijust did Affronted, he quietlyresumes reading his newspaper, hiseyes flicking back and forth to peerover the edge. We flip and turncards, hooting our successes. Wewere on vacation remember.My friend tosses anothercard and hides a needed one in herlap. I do not see it, so it does notcount. The frustrated young manthrows down his newspaper andoffers to help us play by the rules.We are not interested in rules. Wewant to have fun and pass time.Smiling, we thank him. Walkingaway shaking his head, his partingshot is, That aint no game Thereaint no rulesCould this be how oldbreeders feel about newcomerinvolvement in their breed Mymentor was caustic and expressedher opinion of those who did notfollow the standard. When I startedshowing seriously, I asked her if shethought my dog at that time wouldfinish. Looking down her nose athim, she replied, UnfortunatelyYES He did, quickly. Althoughhe was not as sound as she liked, heoozed breed type. When we hearthe word balance, he was a primeexample of not only a balancebetween type and soundness, butalso front and rear. Two wrongsdont make a right theory. He didnothing wrong, but he did nothingright either, all the way to hisChampionship. MediocrityperfectedOne learns from sittingringside. Watching groups developsyour eye. It assists inunderstanding differences in toy,moderate, and giant breeds. If aSamoyed and Alaskan Malamuteappear the same size, one shouldhope the Samoyed is a male and theMalamute is a bitch. To learn thesenuances, one must be present andobserve.Another eye test is withthe Mastiff and Bull Mastiffcharacteristics and the BerneseMountain Dog and the GreaterSwiss Mountain dog. The BullMastiff and Bernese Mountain dogare off square. The English Mastiffand Greater Swiss are longer inbody and tend to slump a little.Actually, a good description of theGreater Swiss is it stands like acow. This depicts the difference inbody types of the breed.Are the inmates running theprison today Why are new peoplein the sport so willing to shoveaside dedicated persons filled withwisdom and experience Bandingtogether, groups lobby the AKC.Change is not always good. Perhapsthe tail is wagging the dog.Today, the hardest dog tofinish may well be the best dog youever bred. Why Because it oftendoes not look like others in the ring.An exciting, outstanding specimenbred to standard requires a certainamount of knowledge and courageon the judges part to recognize suchquality and reward it.My old mentor had noqualms about expressing heropinion and proved her points witha dog skeleton. Walking through herminefield of knowledge took atough hide, but I survived bygleaning information spewed forth.She raised the bar and expectedthose who asked advice to rise tothe occasion. To her, rules are rules,standards are standards, and ourresponsibility was to preserve allbreeds for future generations.Despite adversity, she had theanswers, and I felt privileged to bethe recipient of such. A connection throughhorses translated into dogs. Sheremarked, YOU breed tostandard. My reply Is there anyother way This solidified our lifelongfriendship and allowed me theopportunity to buy a bitch that putme on the map with sevenchampions.We each find our way in thisworld. Are we after a quick fix or alasting breeding program Wins areshort lived and elusive. Truewinners follow the rules othersestablished before their time. Whenthere are no rules, there is no game,regarding any endeavor in life.Short term gain means long termpain.Rules or lack of rules movethe sport of dogs into the future.Older breeders and judges pass us alit torch to light the way. Let uscarry it proudly through productivebreeding programs of lasting qualityand individual excellence.Future APCKennel VisitsKevin OrrKelly ReimschiisselJr Jennifer MunnMike Shalon ParrottPlease contact the Editor tonominate candidates forupcoming APC Kennel Visits.2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM81I I I I I i i m i n44 4482 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 WestminsterKennel Club Show2008 WKC INVITEES POMERANIANSCH Eagle Creeks Hamin It UpCH Finchs Bettin On CharSEntrants present for judging Feb. 12, 2008Ch Jan-Shars Tiffany And CompanyBreederOwner Sharon HansonCh Gayels Destinys ChildBreeder Gale A RiversOwner Naimi Guenther Stephani OwensCh Prestigious Gorgeous GeorgeBreederOwner Sherry DollarCh Jolvin Hot On Your HeelsBreeder Joan Beech Melvin BeechOwner LeeAnn LambertCh CR Tuff Guy Of IsabellaBreeder Robert Celeste Solano Lori DrewOwner Robert Celeste Solano Ron Merilyn SmithCh Velocitys Shake Ur Bon BonBreeder Daniel YonaOwner Margo KogaCh Valcopy Janels SpidermanBreeder Janell Reich Dana PlonkeyOwner Janell Reich Janice PardueCh Razzle Dazzle Heavenly ChoirBreeder Judith B GreenOwner Roger RechlerCh Finchs Bettin On CharsBreeder Diane L FinchOwner Charlotte Meyer Lynn Saleh GailBertrand Bill BertrandCh Chars Dare To DreamBreeder Charlotte MeyerOwner Gail Bill Bertrand Charlotte MeyerJudge Mr. Michael DachelFebruary 12, 2008BEST OF BREEDCh Razzle Dazzle Heavenly ChoirBreeder Judith B GreenSire Ch Razzle Dazzle Hat DanceDam Candlebrites Cuz Im Worth ItOwner Roger RechlerBEST OF OPPOSITE SEXCh Gayels Destinys ChildBreeder Gale A RiversSire Ch Gayels Jon Bon JoviDam Ch Gayels Ms OakleyOwner Naimi Guenther Stephani OwensCh Zorros Lebron JamesBreederOwner Frances ZozzaroCh Starfires ApoloBreeder Jose Cabrera Fabian ArientiOwner Friederike Hariton Jose Cabrera Fabian ArientiCh Patricias Smokin Mystic BeeBreeder Pati DanielsonOwner Greg GolfomitsosCh Premiers Jazzy NatalieBreederOwner Lorene StaatsAWARD OF MERITCh CR Tuff Guy Of IsabellaBreeder Robert Celeste Solano Lori DrewSire Ch Raintrees Tuff-E_NuffDam Ch CR Classic AttitudeOwner Robert Celeste Solano, Ron Merilyn SmithCh Finchs Bettin On CharsBreeder Diane L FinchSire Ch Pufpride Sweet DreamsDam Finchs Seasoned Just RightOwner Charlotte Meyer, Lynn Saleh, Gail Bill BertrandCH Lanas Let Me Introduce MyselfCH Razzle Dazzle Heavenly ChoirCH Valcopy Janels SpidermanFebruary 11 and 12, 2008Madison Square Garden, New York, New YorkReport by Joan BehrendPhotos by Bruce and Joan Behrend2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM82i i i in4mx4'41xV f.4s3XtBK4 44MarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 832008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM83I I I I I i i i in4,y.I i7vmt 1i.5ij t.Tila 1nr MZm. .JrSI41 1'^1 r''l\ "r OA A1 iJY5k4 4miIFnrT JrTtoi- ckRE5 RING 2rnsmfeH7'Vrf, 1484 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWProgressive Toy Dog KC ShowFebruary 8, 2008 Hotel Pennsylvania, New YorkReport by Joan BehrendPhotos by Bruce and Joan BehrendJUDGE Ms. Cecilia Cec RingstromPuppy, 6 to 9 Months Dogs.1WBWBPPG1BPS 2 Points CHARS PARTI TIL THECOWS COME HOME.By Chars Oakroate Costume Parti - Chars Power Of The Parti.Owner, Breeder Charlotte Meyer.2 ZORROS SIR J PAUL MCGEAR. By Ch Great RiversCupids Arrow - Zorros Midnight Blues. Owner Elyse Kopel Martin Kopel DVM., Breeder Frances Zozzaro.Puppy, 9 to 12 Months Dogs.1 MALASHELS MCDREAMY. By Ch Tresstique No BullIm Cute - Ch Subers Indy Nile DMalashel. Owner, BreederElaine Wishnow.2 PATRIOTS CANDY MAN. By Patriots Tucked In A Cloud- Patriots Keepsake Jewel Of Troy. Owner, Breeder Joanne ERusk.Open, Red, Orange, Cream and Sable Dogs.1R POMHAVENS U GOTTA HAVE FUN. By Ch StarlightsFun Times - Pomhaven Viva Las Vegas. Owner LeeAnnLambert. Breeder Colleen Beland.2 RAZZLE DAZZLE TWO TO TANGO. By Ch Razzle DazzleHat Dance - Candlebrites Cuz IM Worth It. Owner, BreederJudith B Green Lisa M Pauls.Puppy, 6 to 9 Months Bitches.1 CHARS SPICE GIRL. By Ch Chars I Wanna Talk About Me- Star Haven Dark N Thensome. Owner Charlotte Meyer JooDong Kim Ah Young Jung., Charlotte Meyer Daniel Finch.Bred by Exhibitor Bitches.1 PICONS BEST SCENARIO OF CASE. By Ch MerimaurBest Cases Scenario - Ch Picons Precious Rock. Owner,Breeder Teresa Picon.2 GREAT RIVERS N VKTRES BEAU-NITA. By Ch GreatRivers Cupids Arrow - Ch Great Rivers Tiamo Lets Hav A Ball.Owner, Breeder Sharon Yampiro Victoria Oelerich.Open, Black, Brown and Blue Bitches.1 VISIONS MISS MONEY PENNY. By Visions The Man InBlack - Visions Intrigue Future. Owner Nancy Eller., BreederVirginia C Renz.Open, Red, Orange, Cream and Sable Bitches.1R MONARCS DAZZLING DIVA. By DH Crews Start TheCommotion - Ch Monarcs Centerfold. Owner, Breeder SharonShields. 2 CR CLASSIC CHARM. By Ch Cheyennes Kodiak BearSecond - Ch Rodis CR Queen Of Stars. Owner Christine Crane Robert Celeste Solano., Breeder Robert Celeste Solano.3 DEMARCOS LOVE TOKEN. By Ch Damascusroads DonJuan De Marco - Tiger Lily Of Lenette. Owner FrancesZozzaro., Breeder Renee Suppe.Open, Any Other Allowed Color Bitches.1W 2 Points GREAT RIVERS BEAU DLICIOUS. By ChGreat Rivers Cupids Arrow - Ch Great Rivers Tiamo Lets Hav ABall. Owner Lisa Aiello., Breeder Sharon Yampiro.BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX CH CHARS DARE TO DREAM.By Ch Chars All That Jazz - Ch Chars Walkin N A WinninWay. Bitch. Owner Gail Bill Bertrand C Meyer.,Mansfield, TX 76063. Breeder Charlotte Meyer.BEST OF BREED CH RAZZLE DAZZLE HEAVENLYCHOIR. By Ch Razzle Dazzle Hat Dance - Candlebrites CuzIm Worth It. Dog. Owner Roger Rechler., Breeder Judith BGreen.2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM84i i i in44 4AAIflP[ 1 w ',.. HjwrjVV --V,I J 4MarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 85The AKC DISCIPLINE GUIDELINES, excerpted below for your attention, were passed by The American Kennel Club Board of Directorson 11292 for implementation by that board. There is no change in Show-giving Club administration of Bench Show Hearings.DISCIPLINE GUIDELINES Length of Amount Offense Suspension andor of FineI. Misconduct Against a Judgea. Physical abuse 6 months to life 200-1000b. Verbal abuse Up to 6 months 150-500c. Public criticism of a judges decision Up to 6 months 100-500d. Unsportsmanlike conduct during an event Up to 3 months 50-250 including but not limited to 1. Refusal or throwing down of a ribbon 2. Leaving ring without permission 3. Refusing to continue to compete 4. Failure to control an unruly doge. Attempting to influence a judge 3 months to 5 years 150-500II. Disorderly Conducta. Physical altercation 6 months to 3 years 200-500b. Abusive or foul languageverbal altercation Up to 6 months 150-500c. Impairing a clubs ability to retain site Up to 3 years 50-500III. Abuse of Dogsa. Physical abuse 3 months to life 150-1000b. Neglect Up to life 150-500c. Whelping dogs at event site 6 months to 3 years 150-500d. Judicial or administrative determination of animal cruelty or neglect Up to life 150-500IV. Violation of AKC Show RulesRegulations or Club Regulationsa. Showing the wrong dog withoutvoluntary correction 1 month to 6 months 150-500b. Substitution 5 years to life 1000-5000c. Judging improprieties the judge himself orcomplicity with a judge Up to life 500-1000d. Benching violations 0 50e. Disregard of published club rulese.g. parking, ex-pens, crates in aisle, unauthorizedconcession, selling puppies, etc. Up to 3 months 50-150f. Enteringexhibiting altered dog temporaryalteration Up to 5 years 100-750g. Enteringexhibiting altered dog permanentalteration 3 years to life 500-1000h. Willful refusal to return ribbon after awarddisallowed 2 months 50Explanatory Notations Reprimands will continue to be part of the disciplinary process, including reprimands for some infractions cited in theGuidelines. Any second offense will be penalized by up to double the penalty in the Guidelines. Any third offense will be penalized by up to lifetime suspension of all AKC privileges. An especially egregious offense will result in a more severe length of suspension andor fine than suggested in theGuidelines. Offenses occurring which are not covered in the Guidelines will be dealt with in the appropriate manner. These Guidelines will be reviewed from time to time. AKC DISCIPLINE GUIDELINES2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM85I I I I I i i i in4iyMvu^.- l M w I '. 'ivf- ftiH4 4486 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWSuggestions and techniques in this article are the opinion of each individual contributor. The American Pomeranian Club, Inc. and the Pomeranian Review do notendorse or recommend any procedure or accept responsibility of their use. Always consult a professional, legal council andor a licensed veterinarian. Pom Talk questions and comments may be found online at httpwww.MyFamily.comisapi.dll Members and friends may postanswers and comments online or contact Roxanne Collins, 6405 W. 650N, Fair Oaks, IN 47943, Ph. 219 866-4464 orpommomnetnitco.netWith Roxanne CollinsOur question for this issue is What do you use as an all-around wormer When do you start and howmuch do you giveI start my worming at 4 weeks of age with Nemex-2. I give them approx .5cc per pound. I follow that at 6weeks, 8 weeks, 10 weeks. At approx 11 weeks I give them Panacur for 3 days. .25cc per pound once a day.Kay Chaney, Kayra PomsI use Nemex at 6, 8 and 10 weeks followed by Ivermec at 14 weeks and Strongent at 18 weeks then I beginrotating Ivermec, Strongent and Panacure which is a 3 day treatment. I worm monthly because our showschedule opens us up to all sorts of possible parasite contraction. I dose carefully based on the individual pupsweight using each products suggested dosage and I would strongly caution you that if you feel at all confusedabout properly dosing it down far enough for your individual puppy to give your Vet a call and get hisherassistance rather than hoping your estimate is correct and taking a chance of an overdose Terry Rothell,WOW PomzI worm my mothers about 2 days after they deliver. I start my new kids at 2 weeks of age and at the same time Iworm the mothers also. PUPPIES ONLY THIS TIME ONThen I worm again at 6 weeks. Then at about 10weeks I do a three day worming. The first worming is done with Pyran 50, and the 3 day is with Panacure. RexHopkins, Colbyco PomsI use Nemex 2 and start puppies at 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 and 10 weeks of age. Lactating bitches 2-3 weeks after whelpingand adult dogs monthly. Louise, Pomunnist PartyI use Panacur for 3 days, starting at age 8 weeks. How much depends on weight. Linda Pelz, DreamWeaverPomsOur question for the next issue is What medicines do you all keep on hand, and when and what do you usethem forPlease send responses to or, if you like, you may call me with your answers. 219 8664464.Thanks once again for those who contributed to this column.2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM86i i i i n4AVo r Ost-v-- s - \ L _i V"J'VVk.ipiL4 44MarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 87Meet Savannah. Savannah is a darling four-pound parti Pom who was bred andowned by Wendy Chambers. Savannah was always special and we knew I could finish herchampionship. Many of you may remember Savannah winning the AOAC class at theNationals in 2005.Savannah only lacked a few singles to complete her championship title when she wasattacked and mauled by a larger dog. Several teeth were lost during the terrible ordeal, butotherwise Savannah was fine.Meet Martha. Let me introduce you to my dear mother, Martha. Mom will be 90years old on April 3. Happy Birthday, Mom My oldest sister, Reathel, lives with Mom nearOld DuQuoin in Southern Illinois. As mom ages she has become more and more a homebody.My sister, Reathel, has a few health problems, so between them their daily routines are ratherquiet.When we visit, Mom has always enjoyed our numerous Poms. About a year ago,Mom expressed the desire to have a lap dog. I was hesitant as, for the most part, Poms get toohot to sit in your lap for hours on end, and others are not quiet long due to their high energylevel. I wasnt sure a Pom would be ideal, but I began thinking about finding a perfect dog for Mom.Some Poms can be very hard to housetrain, and I knew a high-energy puppy would never work for Mom. My older fat and lazyPoms wouldnt work, as they could possibly cause a fall when they failed to move out of the way quickly. Oh to find the perfect dog.Winter was quickly approaching. Again, Mom mentioned something about getting a lap dog. Mom hasnt had an inside dog forover 40 years. Would it even work Maybe an outside cat would be better.After contacting rescue groups, I realized I really needed to know the dog to be able to properly match it with Mom and Reathel.One day, a thought popped into my head that Savannah would be perfect. She is so sweet, happy, entertaining, doesnt run away and ishousebroken.I phoned Wendy. Wendy, when Savannah retires from the show ring and whelping box, I have the perfect home for her, Iannounced. After explaining the situation, Wendy agreed that Savannah was the dog for Mom. Wendy said after Savannah had one morelitter she could move south.I hadnt let on to Mom what was in the making, when Mom phoned one day and said they decided a dog was NOT a good idea.About that time, after Savannah was attacked, Wendy phoned and said she had decided it was now best Savannah be a pet. No morepuppies for Savannah. But now Mom said no.Taking a big chance, I carried on the process of getting Savannah for Mom. Little did mom know what was going on behind herback. When it came time to make a 4-hour trip to pick Savannah up, I decided with gas over 3.00 a gallon, I better give mom a call to geta tentative OK. Oh, was I ever delighted when Mom said she would like to try a Pom after all.On Christmas Eve, Phil and I delivered Savannah to DuQuoin. Savannah walked right into Mothers house and made herself athome. And Mom was pleased. Reathel quickly drove to the store to get Savannah some play toys just before the stores closed forChristmas. They all were made for each other.After Christmas, Mom phoned one evening. Worried that their adjustment would be negative, I reluctantly picked up the phone.Mom quickly said everything was going great and little Ms. Savannah was the perfect dog for them.She eats perfect, sleeps perfect, plays perfect, barks perfect, begs perfect, goes out potty perfect, and rides in the car perfect.Mom fondly says to Savannah, Yeah, Savannah, youre a pretty good dog. Not good for nothing, but youre just perfect.When Wendy gave Mom Savannah, one thing she requested was to share Savannah with others. Wendy wrote a note and askedMom to take Savannah to a nearby nursing home to visit and entertain the residents. My Aunt Lucille Moms sister, who will be 94years old this year, resides at that nursing facility, also - just the perfect place for the perfect Savannah to visit Ahhh, sweet successAhhh, sweet SavannahMom and SavannahSweet SavannahSweet SavannahBrenda Segelken2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM87I I I I I i i i in4iI 4v ' rVJ4 4-' wf4t -4B V i'4'VI s 4 'V 'JU ___ ___488 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWSunshine RosesandSunshine and Roses are published free of charge. Contact Donna Machniak Phone 517 546-7446 or Email APC members addresses are published in the APC roster if you would like to send cards.Prayers and well wishes for a speedy recovery go out to Eleanor Miller of Millamor Poms who fell and broke afew bones while shopping.Lots of hugs and sympathy go out to Randy Houston and Chuck Whittemore of Majestys Poms on the loss of theirbeloved pets lost in a house fire on Christmas Eve. 85 of the house was lost. With the help of a neighbor whospotted the fire and the fireman she called, a few of the animals were rescued and saved. Continued prayers will goout to them while they are trying to rebuild a home and their kennel.Sympathy and prayers go out to the friends and family of Ann Winter of Rosskear Poms who passed away.Prayers and sympathy go out to Jackie Moore and Scott Wolfgang of Luminesque Poms. Jackies mom, Scottsgrandmother passed away on Christmas Eve.Continued wishes for a speedy and healthy recovery to Angie Nesbit of Mai-T-Toi poms on the healing of her hipand leg injury.Wishing everyone safe travel to and from the APC Specialty being held in Kentucky again this year.We continue our prayers for APC member Alice Carlson of Fabyan Poms.Best of health to Erika Moureau, Margaret McKee and Dick Baugniet.Sympathies to the families of AKC Judges who recently passed away Alan Harper and Dr. Jacklyn Hungerland.Sunshine to John David and Connie Zieba on their loss of their rescue Toy Fox Terrier, LaniContinued prayers for APC President Cynthia Boulware.T-shirtsSweatshirtsandHOODIESHOODIESHOODIESHOODIESHOODIESPurchase your T-shirts and Sweatshirts at the Ways and Meanstable in Kentucky. Original artwork by Audrey Roberts.Sorry, but we were unable to offer pre-orders this year.2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM88i i i i n44 4M, IM r'j.4^2008AmericanPomeranian ClubNational SpecialtyJvwvtuolu Jotn o4MarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 89THE POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE A MERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.SUBSCRIPTIONSPER YEARPUBLISHED BI-MONTHLYSubscription CardSUBSCRIPTION MANAGERCHERI MCDONALDPO Box 3402San Dimas, CA 91773Phone 909 394-7923 Fax 909 599-4692Email cheribachmanpoms.comNAMESTREET ADDRESSCITY, STATE, ZIP CODE, COUNTRYPHONE NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESSCREDIT CARD NUMBER EXP DATE CID NUMBERCARD HOLDER SIGNATURE DATE45 First Class USPS37 Bulk USPS55 CanadianMexico100 ForeignPurchase aNEW business card adand receive2 COFFEE MUGS2007 and 2008APC coffee mugSMALL bus cards 70LARGE bus cards 100one year-6 insertionsNo business cardDrop off your photo, text and payment andLet us design a business card ad just for youSorry, a limited amount of mugs will be available.When they are gone, they are gone Sorry, none will be mailed.2008 KENTUCKY PR Business Card Ad SpecialStop by thePom ReviewBooth in Kentuckyto pick upyourfree mugsSORRYTHIS OFFER APPLIESONLYTO NEW BUSINESSCARDS PURCHASEDIN KENTUCKY20082008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM89rm i i i in4y'^ pA n tJT omeranian v^lubmencanAmerican Pomeranian Club4 4rwi toL J490 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWADVERTISING RATESFull Page Color 275.00Full Page Black White 100.00Half Page Color 150.00Half Page Black White 60.00Fourth Page Color 75.00Fourth Page 40.00All ads include one photo.SUBSCRIPTION RATESUSPS First Class 45USPS Bulk 37Foreign 100Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico 55Single Issue 10For more information contact217 347-5731fame62401yahoo.comRegional Pomeranian Club Specialty coming events are published free of charge.For updates and regional club contact information go to the APC website at httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgCOMING EVENTSJuly 17, 2008 Pomeranian Club of GreaterHouston Specialtywww.houstonpomclub.gokeoki.comJuly 18, 19, 20, 2008 All-Breed ShowsHouston, Texas www.onofrio.comSeptember 12, 2008 - Dallas Ft Worth PCPlace Sterling Hotel, 1055 Regal Row,Dallas, TXJudge Mrs. Vicki AbbottSeptember 13 and 14 Back to back DallasFort Worth Toy Dog Club ShowsAKCEukanuba National Championship Dec.10-12, 2008The 2008 AKCEukanuba NationalChampionship will mark the eighth event inAKCs premier showcase for dogs, which ispresented with Eukanuba. The show will benationally broadcast on cable televisionsAnimal Planet and Discovery Channel.JudgesToy Group - Sandra Goose AllenBred-by-Exh Toy Group - Andrew BracePomeranians - David Ojalvo Argentina Junior Showmanship Preliminaries PeterKubacz, Jennifer PahlQualifying DatesAKCEukanuba National ChampionshipOctober 10, 2007 to October 7, 2008AKC National Obedience Invitational July 1,2007 to June 30, 2008AKC Agility Invitational July 1, 2007 to June30, 2008The Los Encinos Kennel Club, Kennel Club ofBeverly Hills and Long Beach Kennel Clubshows will precede the AKCEukanuba NationalChampionship at the same site on Dec. 10-12,2008.AKC NATIONAL OBEDIENCEINVITATIONAL AND AKC AGILITYINVITATIONALAKC National Obedience Invitational andAKC Agility Invitational will be held inconjunction with the 2008 AKCEukanubaNational Championship in Long Beach, Calif.,December 13-14, 2008.2008 Agility Invitational JudgesSteve Croxford Leicestershire, UKCynthia Tilly Sunset, La.Denise Van Housen Scotia, N.Y.Keith Van Housen Scotia, N.Y.2008 National Obedience Invitational JudgesMichael J. Bavilacqua Chico, Calif.Phyllis Broderick Oxford, N.J.Brian Cleveland Fountain Inn, S.C.Anna Lorenz Elkhart Lake, Wis.Patricia Scully Suffern, N.Y.Margery West Springfield, Mo.Qualifying dates are as followsAKC National Obedience Invitational July1, 2007 to June 30, 2008AKC Agility Invitational July 1, 2007 toJune 30, 2008For more information about the AKCNational Obedience Invitational and AKCAgility Invitational, please 2008Kevin OrrDavin PomeraniansPlease contact the Editor to nominatecandidates for upcoming APC Kennel Visits.Send information to The Pomeranian Review,Brenda Segelken, Editor, 11139 E. CamelotAve., Effingham, IL 62401 or phone 217-3475731. Email fame62401yahoo.comAdvertising DeadlineApril 1, 20082008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM90I I I I I i i i in44 44MarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 91SChampion PomeraniansN6603 Forest Ct., Holmen, WI 54636PH 608 526-1051 sandpomscharter.nethttpwww.sandpoms.comandpomsSJandraohnsonPomsPARKVENUEATom Wilson916-689-1222SACRAMENTO, CAparkavepomsfrontiernet.netPUPPIES OCCASIONALLY AVAILABLE2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM91rm i i i in4lBf. ^ 1 i m k JPmf ,V i .1EvensongPomeraniansKevin and v xTeresa Whitejk Portland, OregonLinda Pelz - Tx254 420-1724Michael Wells - Ml616 844-4217 \Champion Stud ServicePuppiesAdults Occasionally Show Handlingf-9r____ [ www.evensongpoms.comCH EVENSONG WIN N FOR Z GIPPERwww.dreamweaverpoms.com4 4CKj^iLaCueva Kennelrar BSSZnEEB omer, 7tO riChel es rSpecializing in Parti and Parti-factored Pomeranians Srlr. 1 . i1fie^Q^utuivj 1^ yCH Chrissy CH Chelanes Simply Irresistible CH Finch's Peacemaker Parti ROMElaine Waugh www.chelanes.netCH Chelanes Peace Keeper Parti CH Chelanes Remington Steele CH KeeperCH Gunner ROM 0Sherrilynn I. Rogers7tnCH RemyI rv t oV 801.756.2092 ip0111satt.nctwww.fcifeipoms.comwe thyroid, OFA Cert our poms492 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWWhere Type,Quality andSoundnessCountCheri McDonaldcheribachmanpoms.comwww.bachmanpoms.com909-394-7923Southern CaliforniaPINECREST KENNELSChampionPomeraniansandManchesterTerriersCatherine2404 Reg. Road 57Bowmanville, ON LIC www.manchesterterriers.ca905 697-2488Bolahood2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM92rm i i i in440'WeaAe WINNER' 3P0SITr -SffitmewznkmA rIi 1I[Zj I f I'IVTTtSI Ml'ij Tl ij i flH HerMajesty's PomeraniansHome ofBIS, BISS, Am, Can, Mex FCI IntiCh Showcase Hot Topic, GC, HoF2006 Number One Pomeranian, All Breed KJEufi Chuck Whittemore Randy Houston Cleveland, TN 37312 423-728-0200E-Mail'tocfYtrje CH Penelope4 4vl- 'jacAnai Pometaniay^V . I.\ 'CARLEEZ POMS.'J i1r vCarol Leemhuis Pittsburgh, PA Home 412 344-8257 Cell 412 848-6987 J. www.carleezpoms.comHome of picturedBISS Ch. Sundowns Hide N Zeke, CD, ROMX, GC Spoiled companions, conformation, obedience and agility PomsA2fthuMbid Jjkp'Ro.ZO'0Bfcjl K 7J,\- ic rmt LJat4MarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 93ShyacresProfessional HandlingAudrey M RobertsAlvin, Texas - Houston Areawww.shyacres.comaudreyshyacres.comPhone 713 204-7225Assisted by Jessica JohnsonBI-MARPOMERANIANSBIS, BISS, ROMX, HOF, GCCH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KIDMARY A ROSENBAUM145 Fay RoadChehalis, WA 98532-9204phone 360 767-0104fax 360 767-0105email Avalons Prince Matchabelli MonteStarfires Conan the Barbarian xAvalons Queen NefertitiAnnette Eric Davis208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792email infoavalonpom.comweb site www.avalonpom.comQuality, lovingly raised puppies.Inquiries welcome.Pomeranians2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM93rm i i i in4-75 TJ QUl'Y\Pn A JWsmmkimmuvV k 'r . ' i4nr\TP ' -swr miri rv S .1iTOfiiSsS" J 1tjPUPPIES AVAILABLEMkfjrj Stephens5713 A-rrowbs-id Dr.EJ Paso, T. 79324fti.inr.i.irirwrP.in0stfJLwm wmsiirjriimsrpoms.corrjWfa jEffiS "M'kK-iVfl rnygjjjEjEirU^i iwi'ilfi fticfeBEiaBKl_4 4^DcmetaacaadYX ' 'rJIk ._____S fyaaette DaMy314 397-5606 P.O. Sax 115 TKacoutaA, 9A 62255 'iteetTioml 954tfAoo.com494 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWMountain View PomeraniansPat and Roger DagueP O Box 209, Stuarts Draft, VA 24477Phone 540-337-2965Champion Regmars Mtn ViewStars ShineDel-May PomeraniansDeborah K. Barrett2035 MapledaleFerndale, MI 48220Phone 248 546 6554 Email delmay1wowway.comSubscriptionsand Back Issuesmake great gifts.Order online today atamericanpomeranianclub.orgPom ReviewWe salute the courageous men,women and their families of ourarmed forces. May they be safeand protected from all harm.Let freedom ringKENNELVisitMayJune 2008Kevin OrrPomeraniansAdvertisingDeadlineApril 1, 20082008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM94rm i i i in4 \'jffA V f, n Sh'i.Xi f1k'V.u lA It tlMivA ^e.--Kilf V'f1 II milBMSgTMWgBaBaAyumi Pomeranians i yimlli1' HAmy Tsay Breeder ExhibitorPCCV - Recording Sec. L v ^ -ws411434589-3652 Lake Monticello, VA W Jt 4 I V, IIrimiiinviiii] 0myinTfWWW.AYUMI-POMS.COMAYU M. PO MSG M A IL.COM 0 Wmlm4 4perv\mAtiAisDANIELLE SARTAIN L.V.T.WWW.DASARPOMS.COM810-656-0883DASARPOMERANIANSHOTMAIL.COM,ii'TM7V. 4 4 fi 4444444 M44 w 44444YMarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 95FabyanPomsAlice R. Carlson6009 Edgewater DriveCorpus Christi, TX 78412361-991-5410361-993-4059fabyanpomssbcglobal.netDiane L. FinchCH PUFPRIDES SWEET DREAMS CH FINCHS CHARS MAKIN WAVES PARTICHPARKERCHSPLASHPhone 985 384-7466Fax 985 384-8628www.janesa.comJerrie Freia1072A Landry LaneMorgan City, LA 70380PomeraniansJanesaBred for beauty and soundness of body and mindDiane L. Finch28453 530 th Avenue, Kelley, IA 50134 - Phone 515 - www.finchspoms.comDeJay PomsBIS, BISS CH. FIREBROOKS TABASCO FIASCOTobyDonna MachniakBreederHandlerGroomer517-546-7446www.dejaypoms.comDana CoventryManagerOwner248-258-9259Attorney at Lawfor the Sport of Dogs2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM95rm i i i in4MILLAMOR POMSir r-'MkKen and Eleanor Miller870 Jersey Church Road, Lexington, NC 27292 Ph 336-245-9010 Email poms870earthlink.netBreeding again. Puppies avaiCa6Ce to Coving Homes.--------PaushPrintPcmSxArilka'Emmi ASherry4lpaushvajsSv ,..mmSJr] amPt t nville, IN 47661 Ph. 812-925 6477 HP a mmn.'V [ililillSfr] lilt]ItlCj 'V__4 4Finch's Pomeranians Ltd.K iI s\L\II LiXJ-,71 7f496 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM96rm i i i i4 t kllifelt Iv fyo [SIM]MI[gI[ilSl\ FlPH []K mrr3^j B 5H liTT[iniiiiiiRivendellPomeranians TOV DOS SHOW LEADSDEBBIECarolyn BoninftCARR r4013 Windswept Dr Madison, Al, 35757 Ph 256-830-0897 P 0 BOX 67 TIMNATH, CO80547www.Knology.netbonincRivendell.htm i970 472-1830BISS Ch Rivendell Applauds Janesa "Baxter" httpwww.dreamkatcherssliowdogsupplies.comiiiain.sc4 4alashelej Poms and Shelties t 9eonElaine Wishnow718-891-34512351 E. 17th St. Bklyn, NY 11229 Home of quality Poms and Shelties Ron Irene Smith33B8B Merlin M 356, Grants Pass, OR 97526541-955-5301 - pommomchorter.nel\_____Randy BuskeBreederExhibitorMember American Pomeranian Club Puget Sound Pomeranian Club TJtMMfaitt finest1PMteufctOzvi\P.O.Box 2408 Buckley, WA 98321Multi Group Winning BISS Champion Mountain Crest JJ1David Carlene GilstrapP.O.Box 22442 Chattanooga, TN 37422 Phone 423-987-0266 E-Mail dcgilstrapaol.comt- Q 360 897-2163 253 740-5060,W4MarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 97GA REFLECTION ON THE WATERSGreggory S. WatersCharlene R. Waters801-597-3869shimmeree.charlenegmail.comQuality Pomeranians2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM97rm i i i i4-VT\i^fl^J^CowCene- ^JLeafira Pomeranians2KrLAS VEGASiL V JJLrCene Otaguro HazeC MiCCer R[o6in Watana6eSINCITY POMSMichele280 Hole N Rock Circle Central, UT 84722702 203-4790Vjr-Dan's grooming Saion Phone 808-593-2322 mhinjao[.com -yggcats i0________________________' SoFinePomJ j[ Maru Latimer8^ manjllmac.comr j7rf.979-690-7179w4 4Lil-Ponderosa Poms, Regd Moss Meadows Pomeranianst im "vjSt A. i .VJ . V Gina Moss 901 674-0449 dyemossaol.comLoki is owned by Michelle WilhoiteRon Sherry CartwrightPhone 715 874-6936 Kinail lilponderosa Website Ch. Moss Meadows Precious LokiSuparLamb PomsKIMPOSSIBLE POM...dreams moke all things possible. 7Lee-Ann www.sugarlamb.caBen.ipvrtte rollerHrimiti lErdiiBill and Kim CrutchlieldP.D.Bux 2917. niveisde. CA 92516951 313-9052 websile PBIS CH. IOLVIN HOT ON YOUR HEELS498 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWNormally I love to write, but this is one story I wish I didnt have to tell. It was just in the NovemberDecember issue we were given the opportunity to have a kennel visit, and just a couple months later, life haschanged. I have always loved the story of the Wizard of Oz because I believe in my heart it is the story weshould all live by. Our whole purpose in life is to help each other make it down the road of life. Through ourtragedy, I am more convinced than ever that this is true. Here it goes, please bear with me as I write about thesaddest time in our life.It was Christmas Eve and asalways, we go to Moms for the FamilyChristmas. Randy goes to the graveyardwhere his parents are buried and leads acandlelight service and then joins us at thehouse. I love Christmas. I guess I got itfrom my Mom she loves having the familyat her home for Christmas. The plan isalways the same. We go to Moms, opengifts, Randy comes back home to take careof the dogs, I stay with Mom, Dad, sisterand her husband, and Randy gets up thenext morning, takes care of the dogs andcomes back to Moms to see what Santahas delivered. Mom and Dad only live 30minutes away, so its not a long journey.This Christmas, the Grinch showed up anddestroyed Christmas.We had only been gone for threehours. All the Christmas lights wereunplugged and the regular lights were lefton. We had just finished our Christmas Evewith Moms family and Mom had given usour Christmas pajamas a tradition. Wehad put on our pajamas and made ChristmasEve pictures. Randy was taking the gifts tothe car and getting ready to head back tothe house when the phone call came. Heran back in the house, Chuck, the house ison fire.I dont know how to describe thefeeling other than shock. We ran to thecar and took off to the house. We cried thewhole way to the house. All I could sayover and over was, The babies, oh, thebabies.As we got close to the house, thepungent smell of smoke entered the car. Infront of the house were fire trucks with theirflashing lights. Randy ran. I walked. As Igot close to the house, I asked Randys sonAdam, what about the dogs He led meover to a lady, Carrie Davis and said, Shesaved what she could. She hugged me andsaid, I drove by and saw the smoke. I knewyou had dogs because I enjoyed seeing themrunning when I drove by. I called the firedepartment and saved the ones downstairs.The window on the house blew and I hadto stop. My car is full of dogs. Then whenthe fire department got here, we found thecats. I think we saved all of them exceptone that ran away.Did any of the girls upstairs getout I asked. A frown and tears came toher eyes, The fireman found the littlepuppies, and theyre in Adams car. Theytried to give some of them oxygen, but itwas too late.Tears filled my eyes as I walkedup on the porch. There laying at the frontdoor was Lily, the mother of the two 3 dayold puppies in the car. She had protectedher babies by laying on them, but had losther own life. I picked her up and just heldher. I heard my mother screaming for mypain. Randy went in to see if he could findanyone, but it was not to be.We immediately asked where thedogs and cats were. They were at the animalshelter. We called the man at the animalshelter, and he said he couldnt let us havethem. The fire investigator called him andasked him to give us the dogs to which hefinally agreed. We gathered the two puppiesand I called David and Carlene Gilstrap andasked for help. They had a mother of 4week-oldpuppies. David who lives anhour away asked where he needed to meetus. We told him we were on the way to theanimal shelter to get whoever was savedand to just drive and we would call himand meet him wherever he was.When we got to the animal shelter,the only dogs that were there were Jericho,Dash, Cole, Jonathan, Cade and SherriKaye, all of the dogs that were downstairsexcept for Megan. All of the cats were thereexcept the one who got away and a 12week-oldkitten. We took the dogs and leftthe cats there. As we were driving to meetDavid, our cell phones went dead. Howwere we going to find him We had nophone. As we pulled up to a pay phone atthe nearest exit, there sat David and AnnaDavid and Carlenes daughter fromCalifornia. Someone was looking out forus. We told David we had nowhere to takethe dogs, and he immediately said, Theycan go with me.As he drove off, Randy and I justsat in the parking lot at the gas station, inshock, not knowing what to say or do. Wefinally drove to moms. As I walked in thehouse, I walked up the stairs and saw mymom and sister, Dayna, and collapsed inthe floor crying, He took my babies, ohmy babies. My mother and sister sat andheld me. I couldnt stop wailing. I willnever forget the tears that hit my face frommy Mom and Daynas eyes. I couldnt stopcrying. Every time I would stop, one of thegirls faces would come to my mind and itwould all start over.Randy was downstairs with myFather and brother-in-law Chris. Randyheld it together better than I did. I felt badHER MAJESTYS KENNELDEVASTATED BUT NOT DESTROYED2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM98m m4 44MarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 99Her Majestys Kennel Continuedthat his family wasnt there to help him.Adam, Millie wife, and Sam grandsonare the only family he really has. Hisbrothers and family are missing out on areally good man.As we awoke a few hours later, itwas not a nightmare and the tears returned.Randy looked at me and said, Ive got toget the kids. I cant leave them there anylonger. I couldnt go. Adam and Milliemet Randy at the house and they searchedfor the kids. Not one was burnt. All haddied of smoke inhalation. Megan who wasthe only one downstairs that didnt get out,had gotten afraid and hidden under a table.Sienna was lying on the bed and the 2month-oldpuppies were in the pen. Therest of the girls were in the kitchen.We spent the rest of Christmas daycrying.The next day we came to look atthe damage. Everything was pretty muchruined. The fire had stopped at the entrancefoyer. It had burnt everything that wecherished and seemed to stop when it didntmatter anymore. As we walked in thebasement, out of the ashes came a smalllittle kitten. How it got there we will neverknow because the cats were all upstairs andwhere Miracle was, it was almostimpossible for her to get there unless thestray cat we adopted showed her the way.Randy took her and picked up therest of the cats at the animal shelter and tookthem to Animal Medical Center where theybathed, checked everyone out and boardedthem. As everyone left, one by one, werealized we were now homeless and had21 holes in our hearts.We were lost. What do you doWhere do you go How do you make itThen something amazing happened. Davidand Carlene brought us their motor hometo stay in. Randys nephew Todd, cameand started working and getting uselectricity I had never seen this guy before,but he stepped up and decided to be familyfor Randy. Ron and Connie Russell, whoown SS Pet Supplies, brought us acomputer and set it up in the motor homealong with phone service. People from ourChattanooga Kennel Club started showingup. Friends called saying, Well keep yourcats for you as long as you need us to. Acouple of girlfriends of ours showed up andtook what clothes we could find and wentand washed clothes so we would havesomething to wear. I am going to quitnaming names, because I will forgetsomeone. I know they didnt help forrecognition but because they care. A friendcalled Randy and said, Check your PayPalaccount. The Pom community had beguntheir work. Pom people from all over weresending money to us by PayPal. Checksand sympathy cards from the dog worldstarted rolling in. Calls on top of calls ande-mails on top of e-mails were coming, allfrom dog people, offers that you would notbelieve. We have a female puppy for you,a show quality when you are ready. I wantto loan you one of my females to breed oneof your boys to. I would look at Randy andsay, Who is that I dont know washis reply many times.People whether they knew us ornot were coming together to help. Theyfelt our pain. Many would say, I dontknow you, but Ive heard what wonderfulguys you are and I want to help. One emailwe received was on a board on NewYears Eve. It was from a lady in anothercountry who had heard of our despair and,in broken English, wrote, I want to sakyou all to stand still wan moment, fore the2 boys how have loss there 17 Poms, we alare together with are family and Pom, butwatt a heartbreaking night this mus be forethem, I hoop tad the will know tad tere arestill people like I how are thinking of themone this special nigt, leds say a little praythis night for them.If anything good came out of ourheartbreak, it was the Pom people and thedog world that proved me right. Our job isto help each other get down the road.Everything that everyone has done has keptus from giving up. Its like everyonesurrounded us and said, We are here andwe will not let you quit. Dont come up tous and say anything bad about anyone inthe dog world because we can prove youwrong. People may have their faults, butwhen it is time to step up, their hearts areright. It wasnt the Christian churches thatcame to our rescue, it was dog people, andfor that we will always be grateful.The fire investigator showed upand my greatest fear was that I had donesomething decorating for Christmas to startthe fire. Randy went over and met withhim. He was so complimentary of ourkennel. He said even through the ashes hecould tell how well our kennel was kept.He said he had been to many kennel fires,and he felt bad for the dogs that were keptthere. He told Randy that he might want toconsider designing kennels. He said, AndIve never been to a kennel where the dogshad their own big screen T.V., couch andrecliner. He found that the fire had startedin the kennel in the light fixture. It was nota connection it was a bad light and therewas nothing we could have done to preventit. Randy came to the camper in tears. Itwasnt our fault. There was nothing wecould have done to prevent it. It was thefirst time I had seen Randy actually breakdown.I went back to work January 2,2008. As I sat on the couch in the motorhome not wanting to go, crying until tearswould no longer come, Maj, her Majesty,visited me. She said, Hey Daddy, we areall OK. We played show dog today andthey let me win. Granny clapped as we allwent around. Were going to let Cassie winnext. Ellie Mae and Dorothy Gayle saidthey still think its stupid and wont play.Granny said you would come watch realsoon. She said it will seem like a long timeto you, but here it wont be long. Well, Igotta go play. I love you. Whether youbelieve it or not, I believe she came to me.As I got to my first patient, she toldme how sorry she was. I told her that ithurts, but I now look forward to making itto heaven because there were going to be abunch of Pomeranians lined up waiting forme to cross that gap. She asked, Do youbelieve dogs go to heaven I replied, AllI know is God is love, and those dogs suredid provide me with more love than I haveever known. So if God is love, the love Heprovided me with must be there, too. So,I asked her, Do you believe there are dogsin heaven She replied, I do now.Now I have one more thing I haveto do and, thank you, Brenda Segelken,for asking us to do this to help us heal.Ridge and Victoria are safe in theloving hands of Bronya Johnston hopefully2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM99I I I I I i i i in44 44100 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWVictoria is pregnant with Barbara MooresBuster.Jonathan, Cole, Dash, Deezel,Cade and baby Phoenix are in the caringhands of David and Carlene Gilstrap.Sherri Kaye and Jericho are camped outwith us.Eliza Blues kids, we are so sorrythat life was so short for you. You won ourhearts in such a short time.Little Boys, GeCorey, Doodah,and Capitan, what little time we had witheach of you was wonderful. You were ourhope for the future. You have become ournew hope for the future.Girls, I dont know what to sayother than our hearts are so badly brokenthat you are not here. Jenny Belle, you wereso pretty and already had your majors.Lottie Mae, we miss your preaching andyour happy personality. Chandy, you wereso sweet and beautiful.Dorothy Gayle, I so miss youevery time I sneeze and you dont comerunning to bless me. We so miss your sweetpersonality. Ellie Mae, you were oursweetness. You had produced beautifulbabies you were such a part of our success.Lily, you were such a good mother.You have one baby with you. The other,were praying so hard for. We named herPhoenix. Thank you for your selfless act.Penelope, well you got thatchampionship you so richly deserved. PPyou made us so proud.Cassie, you were so precious. Imiss those good kisses of yours. You wantedto be a show girl so bad. I hear now theysee your perfection, congratulations on yourwin today.Megan, always our happy littlegirl, thank you for being our first ring girl.You were so much better than we were ableto show you as.Hannah, you were our firstchampion. We so miss coming in the doorwith you being the first to greet us, alwayssmiling, always just wanting to be held.Eliza Bleu, girlfriend you reallyhad it. Your offspring were such a blessingto us. You had everything we ever wanted.Sienna Sky, my NeeNee, mycoffee buddy, you are so badly missed. Youwere the Pom I had dreamed of since I wasa kid. We fought so hard to keep you, andto be taken away the way you were justisnt fair.And finally, My Maj, Her Majesty,I think I will miss you most of all. You willnever know the joy you gave us. Youalways wanted to be by my side. The kennelwill continue in your honor. The joy youbrought will never be replaced. Take careof everyone until we meet again.You are all somewhere over therainbow in that land that we dream of wheretroubles melt like lemon drops and bluebirds fly, someday, someway well see youagain over that rainbow. Until then, mayGod keep you all in his hand, and wellkeep you in our hearts where you will liveforever.To EVERYONE, thank you forholding us in your hearts and helping us.Love your babies while you have them.They are so precious and the love they givein return makes life worthwhile.We love you all, Randy and ChuckLt. Col. JohnHenry Cribbs, Ret.USAF, 90,widower of LillianJulia Cribbs,passed away onTuesday, February5, 2008. He issurvived by oneson, Raymond L.Cribbs and wife,Catherine Ann ofAlexandria fiveLt. Col. John Henry Cribbs,Ret. USAFdaughters, Bonnie Cribbs Zimmerman andhusband, Douglas Gary Zimmerman, ofUpperco, Md., Robin Lei Johnson and husband,Richard Charles Johnson, of Fairfax Station,Va., Cynthia Del Cribbs of Richmond, Gale LynMatheny and husband, Dean Matheny, ofRichmond, Sandra Dee Cribbs and her lifemate,Carol deBruyn of Arlington, Texas also fivegrandchildren, Jonathan Lee Cribbs, GarrettAndrew and Julianne Cribbs Zimmerman, EthandeBruyn, and Dustin Matheny. Lt. Col. Cribbsserved his country in the USAF during WWII,Korea and Vietnam. He was an active sportsenthusiast and loved his Atlanta Braves.John was a past Director of the AmericanPomeranian Club and also served as theCirculation Manager of The PomeranianReview. He and his wife Lillian produced manyexcellent Pomeranians under the kennel nameTwin Pines. John was a true gentleman.Her Majestys Kennel Continued2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM10044 4Hii i i i nMarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 1012008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM101rm i i i i\ v in cI' iW jAAm 3EM Kj E EavI f" L iJJS'5 ,S' 3 1 v4T ILK5,BEHra4Mi o4 boy E E0 w m10 weeH ra ragjfcJCsTO SSTO[t[yi SIS] [Spl[SETS] M a\s s iSI s sitrarTbSEHIKTO S]rs S [SIsTO iRlilK rrH,K I .Sit] pfw [SIS. I rrrmfsBB k f ISIS][S] SHIs MKBETtl'Phoeniji with Poster 'Mom's Carfene and Savannah102 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAcker, Teresa.......................................................21Alejandro, Jorge....................................................15Alspaugh, Sherri.........................................95Arvanites, John and Michele...................................97Barrett, Deborah........................................94Beard, Lavonne.............................................13Behrend, Joan............................................92Beland, Colleen...........................................8Betz, Reed and Karen...........................................107Birks, Bob and Joyce....................................20Bolahood, Catherine....................................92Bonin, Carolyn..................................................96Buske, Randy................................................25, 96Carlson, Alice.................................................95Carr, Debbie................................................96Carter, Beverley...........................................109Cartwright, Ron and Sherry....................................97Chaney, Kay...................................................29Christiansen, Cristy and Jessica.............Back CoverClemen, Julie............................................29Coats, Geneva.............................................106Coventry, Dana..........................Front Cover, 26, 95Crutchfield, Bill and Kimberly...............................97Dague, Roger and Pat.....................................23, 94Dally, Joe and Janette.................................93Davis, Annette and Erik..............................93Buchanan, D......................................................22Dimick, Virginia...........................................13Dodsworth, Pam............................................19Domrase, Alden and Janet...........................96, 105Felix, Dan and Tammee..........................................36Finch, Diane...............................................95Fox, Larry..................................................19Freia, Jerrie.................................................95, 110Gilstrap, David and Carlene............................10, 96Griffith, Ken and Eleanor.................................9Hanson, Sharon.............................................11Harris, Bonnie.....................................................16Hestle, Sally................................................12Hirshberg, Alan and Jackie......................................3Houston, Randy..............................................92,101Huntsberger, Karen.........................................107Iffland, Mari.........................................................23Jackson, Rebecca.........................................94, 108Johnson, Sandra..............................................91Kamrath, Lori and Lindsey................................24Kivch, Carol...............................................18Kocjancic, Nika..............................................24Koty, Sheila.................................................20Kroll, Jean and Marty......................................110Lambert, Lee-Ann..........................................97,111Latimer, Mary..........................................97Leemhuis, Carol.............................................92Lisenbee, Byron...........................................18Levinsohn, Alane........................................92Machniak, Donna........................................95Marsh, Charlene.................................................92McDonald, Cheri........................................7, 92McFarlane, Pauline......................................22McKee, Margaret................................................22McNeil, Robin....................................................104Mechiz, Judy................................................4Messmer, Jonny and Barbara.................................6Miller, Eleanor..............................................95Miller, Hazel...............................................97Molina, Elizabeth............................................107Moss, Gina................................................97Norem, Kathryn.............................................5,96OHarrah, Tim..............................................16Ohlemacher, Paula...........................................93Oganeku, Clarice and Yvette...............................17Otaguro, Arlene..................................................97Parrott, Shalon.................................................104Pelz, Linda..................................................2, 91Pineault, Stephanie..............................................26Pom Club of Central Virginia.........................................25Reimschiissel, Kelly..........................................91Roberts, Audrey................................................93Rogers, Sherrilynn................................................91Rosenbaum, Mary...............................................93Russell, Ron and Connie.....................................14Sartain, Danielle.................................................94Schloyer, Diedre.................................................19Smith, Ron and Irene...............................................96Solano, Celeste...........................................................7Stephens, Mary.........................................................22Stephens, Micky......................................................93Thompson, Kim.................................................29Tiaga, Beverly........................................................7Tsay, Amy..............................................................94Watanabe, Robin.................................................97Waters, Gregg and Charlene...................................97Waugh, Elaine....................................................91Wells, Mike and Liz....................................................2, 91White, Teresa..............................................................91Whittemore, Chuck.............................................92, 101Wilson, Tom.....................................................91Wishnow, Elaine.....................................................29, 96Zech, Tom Diane........................................95, 106Zieba, John David and Connie.....................1052008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM102rm i i i in4Dn r s vf\ VAs-KEluFACE ISSUES4 4fu_ To order back issues, mail check pay to APC to The Pomeranian Review co Brenda Segelken 11139 E. Camelot Avenue, Effingham, IL 62401 Phone 217-347-5731, e-mail Order online at Please specify the issue.Jan. 75, Oct. 77, May 79, April 80 20.00August 1997 15.00All other available back issues 10.00ZzIauINFORMATIONThe Pomeranian Review ISSN 0744-8546 is published and edited bi-monthly in Effingham, Illinois by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 37 per year USPS Bulk and 45 per year USPS First Class. First Class rates apply to USA and APOs. Canada, Mexico and Puerto Rico subscriptions are 55.00 per year U.S.A. funds only.The American Pomeranian Club and Editor are not responsible for the contents, accuracy of articles and advertisements, or the opinions expressed by authors. Per APC Standing Rule The Editor can refuse any ad. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the APC or editor.Reproduction in whole or part is strictly prohibited. Permission to reproduce is available only from the publishereditor. Display advertisements consisting of typesetting, artwork and layouts may not be used without written permission from the editor. Original artwork is sole property of the editor.UbMarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 1032008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM103i i i inrm 4o sywt InY7^3 i V O4 y,A -Ao ^ Ui\.t\ o CJMP MAU _\1 I, itf ,ijQIiEM1' Tf l1yit4 4r l55VOlivia, daughter of Lisa Aiello, plays tag with puppy Picasso. Ikmis^ V Hollywood, here I come Shared by Elaine Wishnow.ifk 'QHMgfcleaifcllgsiw Mi 15]IKL so _ r-Vi cft ' r ftV-.V a 4mi,Howdy partner Where's your horse Shared by Elaine Wishnow.o QRock n' Roll is here to stay. Secret Felix models her Pomoodle skirt. 14104 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM104I I I I I I I I I ilxujAaMMMUm 1 TN ^Daisy.Daisy is the beautiful daughter of "Thai". She is his first puppy, and what a puppy Daisy has a lovely pedigree, the combination of a Crockett Can. Ch. Foxworth Frontier Spirit CROMX grandson to daughter breeding.fyJ QXWh S QnovA do Sni'Aodi KXXCJL mSrl\ 44j Uk.'.cN. - w ' f AV'M \'iT J IjlIr4 vT4 We are pleased to announce that we will have puppies available, sired by both Ch. Achilles Fit To Be Thai'd and Ch. Glen Iris Mark Of Zorro "Zorro". Please e-mail or call for information.ikr jCongratulations to Tammee and Dan Felix and the SunGlo Poms on their kennel visit Love you guys\ MA^ . iit Michael Shalon Parrott Ragdoll PomsmA v1 IPSmmm 662-280-8060RAGDOLLPOMaol.commuCh. Achilles Fit To Be Thai'd x Keody's Spirit Of TaraII\- 17KH Li it4Ccr^rafwaffcrs ftAnf Tammee Dm Dm. the Cfijcfcen ^fanI will be forever grateful for Libby, my heartbeat. She brings a smile to everyone she meets. Libby may be small but she makes a very big impressionvThank you for encouraging me to start my business.I would not have had the courage without your support.I . Hugs and kisses, Robin McNeil and Libbywww.libbysleashes.comMarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 1052008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM105I I I I I i i i in4LCOMACH3 LORD PETJ5R Hfmm11l _ _mil and another i h aiiJI a top ppj m yyr imaginAAfter six years competing in Fly retirement. At age 13, Keoki success, and great times than^ki is headed for on of our hearts.ive years in . ormer. Thanks] d possible. He ^HMTfjuijc Zioba PC TOP AGILITY POM 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 0- APC TOP FLYBALL POM 2003, 2004, 2005GOLD CLUB, HALL OF FAMEPOMERANIAN FIRSTSFirst Pom to earn Champion title in Flyball First Pom to earn Champion titles in both Agility and Flyball4 4Ch. Alden's Last Outlaw HelenGood luck to all theexhibitors at the Nationalsi\ 'r-T\' mH1 Kennel dispersal due to health.1AfA i' A A Breeder Owners Al and Janet DomraseI VAii\4 HandlerCharlie Zimmerman 630 393-4667"A[TillljJ[till] IAlden's Kennel6810 Barnard Mill Rd. Ringwood, IL 60072-9638 815 728-0559 e-mail aldenskennelpeoplepc.comVr .106 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWReceive one FREE MUG by purchasing a NEW SUBSCRIPTION, or RENEWING your current subscription,or EXTENDING your PR Subscription.Available only in Kentucky.Sorry, absolutely NONE will be the Review tablein Kentucky at theNational SpecialtyFREE MUGDont forget to pick up your2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM106^^ZCCCQ i i i inFujitsu's Tron Empress, Swki, is on her wtCongratulations Tammee and Dan Felix on the SunGlo Kennel VisitfaSjl. 'A 'A -ai 'L 1 'Nvimw^Mv\U Hurricane Wri^e Kw\e\ CMb juYj,mki \iy \ f lift 1' mI JT4VIXENPOMS^ 'k Vi VoftvCongratulations to my good friends Dan and Tammee Felix on their kennel visit You are wonderful assets to our breed. I wish you much continued success with your lovely SunGlo Poms. Also, congratulations to Jerrie Freia and Margaret McKee on their features last issue. Best wishes to Margaret Mckee on a speedy recovery.Geneva Coats - Vixen Poms - httpmysite.verizon.netcoatclosetMarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 1072008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM107i i i in4hifa ,W' iffiameocameopoms.comW ,8 - vrVf-\\Reedand Karen wish to acknowledge Sunglo on their well deserved feature, and wish you continued success.Multi-Champion Melenbri Sweet Talkin Guy, uk import14JflfPhool'4 4,\ -a1iif .41rWryv JSv.MS'' r ry. S9lSf'5^r 'VKM V.Vjtn - V. . mm GiPSraajIrSaVsmft .tK\ v. Sr.fS' ys iisKipskfcSfeiaBSi ^ipsy\ -TvJj-R .a[v. .3r\ZS ' 'vfStEKWe congratulate our dear friends Dan and Tammee Felix on their feature this month. We are thrilled that your breeding with Guy turned out to be such a great success. We are honored that you chose him to be a part of your already successful breeding program at SunGlo.SpiritRetroPomeranians Leesa Molina 818 342-7667Pomeranians Karen Huntsberger520 404-9637108 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM108 I I I I I i i i in-47Springwood Pomeraniansnthe Perfect Combination of Attitudb anti fteauiypresentsBAR-NET ALL ABOUT SPRII sBEST OF WINNERSmajorwin -IkTW-STARKOCL CUBOCTOBER 2007i .JriWm1_'4m JT C ' IS AvHT , 'A'yeTviI Griffin Goria1H Kennrl ClubM4a0 m 1 ^V.19 'f7, - 4 V ssCh. Mt. Crest at Springwood x Bar-Net Abigail of Oakridge. 0 i'VThank you Judges Nancy Hafner 3pt major-BWBOS, Mr. James Briley WOS, Mr. George Milutinovich WOS, Mr. Robert Moore WOS, Mr. William Robert Russell, Jr. 4pt major-WOS.VCongratulations Tammee and Dan on your kennel visit. It was so nice to meet you in California.Special thanks to Pat Barnett for our friendship and breeding this litter. Our common goals and personalities have forged a wonderful friendship that produced this gorgeous show girl, along with the right balance between Ch. Vinny and Abigail a beautiful Parker daughter. The littermates will be out soon. Pat,' you are the best. A new litter of Ch. Vinny puppies are 12 weeks old.V4BreederOwnerHandlerItRebecca B. Jackson Becky SPRINGWOOD POMERANIANSPat 513 Springwood Dr., Florence, AL 35634 256 762-5958Bar-Net PomeraniansMorrillton, ARwww.springwoodpoms.comMarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 1092008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM109I I I I I i i i inJuly 1, 1993 - FebruaryVii' mK.z7i.2Lv-. VA jfcp.jfryi. Hry rtfidfjti JA V \fPfelfiflw a3 .Pictured here at 13 years old two days alterDI'New champion at It - History in the malting4CH.Damascusroad' s JoyfulOur foundation bitch, the grand damThis little darling gave us lour generations of champions.She is behind the very best of Damascusroad, including MBISMBPIS and multiple Group winners.We'll miss you so much girl.Damascusroad will never be the same without youBeverley A.hevcarterdamascusroad.cawww.damascusroad.ca110 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM110I I I I I i i i inA A AA A A S\r w,nA 1.^f6d n " rIQin' - ,BorIWIN 1inmmiimmV 'n q TTnf n n D u a a a [ a a n a a a a J n n uji fa a a B n n nf u a ii i JiI 4b^PTWINNII AWESTERN P ENNQYLVANIA KENNEL ASSOCl 4B 04-02-05i V rJack finished his championship owner handled in 2005 with three major wins. He finished his Rally Novice title in 2007. In limited shows as a special he has multiple Best Of Breed wins and a Group Placement. He has been training for his Obedience, Agility and Tracking titles and will be shown soon for his CD in Obedience, TD in Tracking and NAJ in Agility. Jack has beauty and brains in one package, and is a once in a lifetime dog.Thank you to Brenda for asking me to do a Kennel Visit. Thank you to everyone who supported my feature and to everyone who has commented about it since it was published. Pom people are the greatest. Congratulations to Dan Tammee Felix on this months feature.Vmmm' mm\ 'itr t . CH Janesas N Jan-Shars Chance ROM BISS CH Sundowns Hide N Zeke CD ROMX GC CH Janesas Traditional Trend CDOwned, Trained, Handled Loved ByJean Marty Kroll Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 412881-6115 mk_jkjuno.comBreeder Jerrie FreiaJanesa Pomeranians Morgan City Louisiana 985 384-7466 PomsJanesa.comCH Janesas Wanna Play Jax RNCH Janesas Forever The StarRaine-Bets Wrapped n Ribbons ROM Raines And Bets Cee Jay www.janesa.comTMarchApril 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 1112008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1047 AM1114trPfHiVA2pv iS SvX rSJ 5'Si''''^'t'''''V'V'^.''^''mmwmmMImiiiimmiiiijiiiiiX lv5XN X1NVs.ji ,N I Xi^ S Swv'uNh ^H1 Svwsa XVXN.VX 4P niJt" .II M. ,iSrmm. ...di mrt IffsiX JPJIkVNS- 1KK5 S\m112 - MARCHAPRIL 2008 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 MAR APRIL Review.p65 2152008, 1048 AM112I I I I I i i i inJESSICA CHRISTIANSENOFBLACKCRYSTAL POMERANIANS20071 POMERANIAN JUNIOR HANDLER 2 TOY JUNIOR HANDLER INVITED TO EUKANUBASTATISTICS ACCORDING TO WWW.BEST.TUNIOR.COMEak1 i4k si\,\ -vM 4s CH BLACKCRYSTAL'S STARLITE GEM'lThank you Mom and Dad. Without you I wouldn't be where I am today. Also, thank you to the judges who made this possible and the dog show people who gave me support and taught me all I know.- JessicaIf wv r A.MMr jJNrmmmAged out of juniors on May 17. 2007WWW.BLACKCRYSTALPOMS.COM