The Pomeranian Review May 2008

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APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 12008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 450 PM1I I I I I i i i in, Mir11I il\l4IIJ Vne ZOOST 23[111 Ml] r\ i1jA ' j 4\i .W aPfli'''...-1 IBlIlPIraMMmV Iv. -A\w4 r1IV IK, nw1' BEST OF BREED4 4WWW 1' iwmm\J9MARCH 12, 2008 m mijlpilllllllllvDn 1mNATIONALSPECIALTY IA HOMAS PHOTOGRAPHYJ.. Jf,thomasphoto30hotmail.comroV togm' 14Itip]fg'.Ir fii2 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 450 PM2rm i i i in4 .iWerPomD crouavriiufJoOur Horae Bred New Champion m ThailandAm. CH. PowerPom High Performanceft ftCalvin finished very fast with 3 majors from the puppy class. This is a great win at the APC National. Thanks to Curtiss Smith for his expert handling Thanks to respected judge Ms. Michele Billings for this wonderful winv0V ' fio0 L Vv i' M1J ' c.we imS' '[' ff."^ ni-RESERVE WINNERS DOG MARCH 11.2008 1V1I7tI' VINAL SPECIALTV . 'i JTHOMAS PHOTOGRAPHY -4T,1 I 14 4i UA O 0SAy iVJ-.\ ^ fV u 'X.'Vifeir.A Br\nsV. rL n if'BESTPUPPYMARCH 12. 2008sVNATIONAL SPECIALTY Congratulations to all winners at the APC National 2008.THOMAS PHOTOGRAPHYIhomasphoto30holmail.coml.'Jiii\YvS\Congratulations to Kevin Orr of Davin Pomeranians for his Kennel Visit.MLVL So saddened by the loss of Sue Goddard of TimSue Pomeranians.hiBreederOwner Pongsakom Pongsak Nissara Pongsak, Thailande-mail www.powerpom.comAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 32008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 450 PM3I I I I I i i i in4PomirishSuper GreyPomirish Diablo''s Super Duper x Pomirish Diablo''s Sable Suds' fVW IkVS\y\r ^ \\ 1A , 1V , I5J 1s\l\1ST PLACE AMERICAN BREDT'' hi i'IlllhDOGMARCH 11.2008 Jfi4 4UJInational^specialtyv\ [.Vj aAtir LI HiTHOMAS PHOTOGRAPHY^ Vll ih- 7ift fm miank you, thank you, thank you to Judge Michele Billings for such a FANTASTIC win. Jack is truly a wonderful dog from the depths of his heart and soul to the tips of his gorgeous coat. Thank you again, Judge Billings for recognizing his beautiful self Congratulations to Kevin Orr, Davin Poms and special congratulations and the very best to Junior Handler, Amanda Seitzer.p]IOwnerWendy LaneGlen Ellyn, IL - Ph. 630-942-8724 w. lanemailcity. comHandlerLynn MeyerBreederCo-OwnerSally Baugniet44 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 450 PM4^^ZCCCQ i i i inZfA 7j V Ari'i.Z'lVI^T Wi 4. w - r--V' A4 4tMyheartfelt gratitude to Tony Cabrera and Fabian Arienti of Starfire Poms for the opportunity of a lifetime.I love you both.BreedersOwners Tony Cabrera Fabian ArientiHandled By Pain Dziuk Sc Carla McBainOwnerCarla McBain4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 52008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 450 PM5rm i i i i4C54 Starfcres^TrouGCe Q\fcparadiseEve finished her Championship at The 2008 APC National Specialty taking Winners Bitch with a 5 point major. Thank you to esteemed Judge Michele Billings for this incredible winM. rI'tai'KVcIOH i aiJ 3t HTIf Bim wi"piteP4 \V ' wv4 yvwW. 3-4 4Thank you to Judge Audrey Roberts for her appreciation of Eve and this fantastic win at The 2008 APC National Specialty.rtjm r.if 1. i 4^ cto\SVSsVWK V VYThankyou, Pam Dziuk for the incredible job you did showing Eve at the Nationaland finishing her6 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 450 PM6I I I I I i i i inIQftmV L JiM1r ^\s Jfi. V rrllrt ____t,ii ,421 v\. - IB \ 4 jM. j .i nh f. 1ST PLACE EnL OPENROCSMARCH 12,2008S5ff6. JvI'1 1v. TvP- -Jw ATIONAL SPECIALTY ilVIHY r\THOMASIhomaspho mSsiS'SSsawsX\\eafeyjcTCh.Pinecrest Smoke and Fury X Ch. Pinecrest's Shimmervsi Spsg1are proud to havphfs winjbxapry competitive.Glas feCo n g ratu I a t i op^to a 11 the-National winnergjpnaj^ffilans to belrf^^ing boxJaWthis yearHiashv.4FOr ss1WtP MTlWiPUUKrVw.Pinecrest Kennels Reg'd,905-697-2488Catherine Bolahoodwww.pomeramans.caAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 72008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 450 PM7rm i i i inu VtfjfiK wV. v_.^ i V'V - ' f "^I..' 1 . .. 'UV is_fV ' ft,.J'ulr tN'\V. i'S-S -C'W 0, Kt RESERVE.jiTTfr fV 5'.SBSfe.. Upfhv,p K. - . r 7 -V. WINNERS BITCHi'V.V v ,0IIk'. gMARCH 12, 2008ip,ssNATIONAL SPECIALTY4 tuf,-.THOMAS JfjliLft,Jffi i.mII Sin, fi7Y 1 o\j. ,o v.OY5Jf5a o ' Vv intiWo.I1 Vli _CH Horizon-N-Janesa Indian Sundown x CH Gar-Vs Zeek-A-Boo ROMXAt the tender age of 10 months Tyra won Reserve Winners Bitch at the American Pomeranian Club National Specialty. Thank you to Michele Billings for this amazing win. And a special thanks to Carol Leemhuis for entrusting me with this beautiful bitch.nQVr ^V7WJm fnationalspecialstooLouisvfc. Kentucky laicli 10 T2BreederCarol LeemhuisCarleez Pomswww.carleezpoms.comj.leemhuisatt.netOwner Handler Danielle SartainDasar Pomeranianswww.dasarpoms.comdasarpomeranianshotmail.com20088 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 450 PM8i i i inV rin'.. -vJ-V 7l r hjTP \ 'mI 14Vrmmr .Vv.v flin1t ' V1 MlTjjL BEST OF OPPOSITE 9 WINNERS 3-,T7 ioCENTRAL OKLAHOMA TOY DOG CLU8 II Su. HollortY1-VAI'- 2 L djvM . X ' ai.JKNft -omhI HIT 1UVIIISI f1V ,sItSufe gives Belinda Sweep IMB__ - iCH. Tim SuesTrinkets Treasure ' J3Vfl1.'4,Mr F r PLj' GROUP PLACEMENT TYLER. TEXAS KEMCL CUB SEPTEMBERIS I CH. Tim SuesL Sih CH. Tim Sues Lucky Striker LCLBEST OF WINNERSO MOM STU PHOTO BT GREG 'Ta 9,i -,SS2005coPRi"eTOfSOmimVAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 9A tribute to my dear friendSue Goddardof Tim Sue PomsThirty plus years of friendship, many many mileswe shared to shows and back, hours sitting inyour or my living room having our coffee talkWords just dont do justice to my feelings of lossYou were so supportive and your hospitality wasalways superb Always a waiting bed for a wearyovernight guest, always some great Cajun or otherdish smelling up the house as you walked in thedoor I will miss it all so very much Every inch ofyour warm home oozed with your special touch, yourcharm, and your style And you had such a greatstyle I will miss your Midwest Kansan practicality,and matter of fact attitude On our last visityou told me there was nothing in life that youwanted that you did not get You have Tim toThank for that He is a dear soul, full of kindnessand wisdom and a true friendIm sharing some pics of the many TimSue PomsI had the privilege of showing through the yearsAlso, one very special Sweeps win I had under you.You left many footprints on my heart and I love youAudrey RobertsShyacres Poms2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 450 PM9410 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 450 PM10I I I I I i i i in m WHEN YOU COMBINE GREAT RIVERS, GAR-VS LILIS... AVHAT DO YOU GETyys China RoseVIntroducing4K I- ChinaCC 99ZAvmto .L, Wjk,r-jAVIkjai'e. I ^ Yit 'vV rM -JIn Nt- lV v \TT'him431 l v.A LfV 4TH PLACE uV6 To 9 \ 1APUPPY v.r sBITCHii lllft9VnJl]NATIONAL SPECIALTY MwIHOMAS PHOTOGRAPHY4MABCH 12, 2008 . ,siif,I5 77V yrJr,jGtl Carleez N Gar-Vs Magic Rragon x Ctl Great Rivers Beaudaeious Betsy mk'iSSAt just 6 months old and at her very first show, little China received a placement out of a very large puppy class at the APC National Specialty Thank you Judge Michele Billings for noticing our little girlChina is my first Bred-By puppy to hit the ring and I couldnt be more thrilled She is everything I couldve dreamed for.Thank you Gail Garvey for letting me use your beautiful boy, Puff. China is very obviously his daughter - in looks and in attitudef mmi L ,v[VBred, Owned handled By Co-Bred By Co-Owned ByLisa fheilo m haron yampiro Gail GarveyUlsis Poras Great River poras Gar-C Pomslisalilisporas.eora greatporasjuno.eora gailgarvporas.eora flSSufr.i. iAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 112008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 450 PM11I I I I I TrmvTWO LITTLE POMS...ONE BIG SHOW SnigjfRivszrs izau f IsieiousGrszatszlilahLC 59gK s VJ1iW-V'm M4TFL 4 .T \ vi \\rv, ,A"TO\ Li YCrtfre iLj\aI 1ST PLACE A.O.A.C.national specialtythomas photography glmHCHTf.2008cOPEN Al V'M\iiBITCH i iePUN4Mfttr.rifk VTf1 iW01 fira, tw W 01 Sra, T^o W. H MlWhat a thrill to win this class at the National Specialty Thank you Judge Michele Billings for the nice compliments on Delilah.'Delilah has had some wonderful wins including WB at The Progressive Toy Dog Show in NYC and a BWBOS 5 pt major. Since her very first point, Little D has consistently won BOS or BW placements almost every time in the ring She is just looking for one last major to finish.litf MiUThank you so much Sharon Yampiro for this beautiful little doll.A^wm Owned Handled 8g Lisa fltelloJsilsis poms lisalilispoms.eomyampiro 'pat River Poms greatporasjuno.eora\12 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 450 PM12rm i i i in4Evensong PomeraniansPresentsCH La Raj us Blame It On The RainMillivv ifx'A lwm \mm Jsk'I \Uiir iPiM ..\\ 1i.y EA y.mW-.' awi'Vi, 8V.'X V,Xy A MB4 4AJr',tff I 2. \M Winners Bitch m m01 wmH e 'ifiiky njrLinn County Kennel Club February 9 10,2008mXRoberts PhotosI__CH Jakens Splashing In The Rain At Jan Le X Lydon CheerleaderThank you to the following judgesMrs. Sherry L. Swanson WB 4 Point MajorMr. William Bergum WB 4 Point Major - Best Puppy, Puppy Group 4Mr. Raymond D. Bay WB 3 point major, Ms. Betsy Dale WBBOW, Mrs. Sharon A. Krogh WBBOS.EVENSONG POMERANIANSKEVIN TERESA WHITEBreederLAURA L. NEWBOLDOwnerHandler TERESA WHITEPORTLAND, OR 503 314-9026 www.evensongpoms.comAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 13Lenette PomeraniansBreeders of fine Poms since 19571440 Pom Orchid LaneKannapolis, North Carolina 28081Ph 704 - Ken and Eleanor GriffithBARBARO OF LENETTECh. Magic Touch of Lenette X Ch. Amber Glow of LenettePresenting our newest red boy. He is littermate to Wild Fire of Lenette.The third boy in the litter is Aljens Ichi of Lenette is being shown and owned by Kathy Lauderville.The fourth pup is a sister and should be shown soon.We have three litters out of our two new red boys.Belated best wishes to Dan and Tammee Felix and your kennel visit last issue. I guess we had one of those many senior moments.Best wishes to Kevin Orr on your kennel visit in this issue.HANDLER VIKKI e-mail lenetteCTC.net2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 450 PM13rm i i i i4i'iOrviwlv..bks JW1I xiVA Jy 4 TL.TA I'WINNERS4 4DOG KMAJOR WINCLEARWATER KENNEL CLUBJANUARY 2008DON MEYER PHOTOF414 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 450 PM14I I I I I i i i in4Even at 9 we had a qreat time atThe APC riatio nal Specialty in Louisvillepan Bitch Sweeps WinnerMb ove ClVete m9Y Feaps an asstCH. JAMESA'S SCARLETT LIVES OM IM TARAVlWjJSWEEPSTAKESVETERANBEST OPPOSITEBISS, BISA Ch. AJ's Smokin' Jup. III paizep sScarlett1 oeCH. Paine's Rhett Butlep's D peamrrVli APictuped with handl Bpenda Seqelhen an Judqe Audrey PoheptsIALTYNnnuii fcep THOMAS UTOGRAPHY [^Mhomaspl^^^ GPholmail.comd HIfV' TlTtfl wjm' \VHI. .Alonq with hBest Vetefpom the 9 VCh. JAMESA'S RHETT HEADED VIXEMsistep 4CPpan r,tMM[AJAbove Cl i meaps an assAkLWf\BISS, BISA Ch. AJ's SmoBn'Jup. III paizep sSccpUH'Wi IBESToeLKCH. Raine's Rhett Butlep's D VETERANpeamJ Ap - . 4. MARCH 12. 2008 '4 Iiational"sp1LTY IkiPPictured with h Mapcia Cbreedvimep ownep epTHOMAS PHOTthomasphoto30Ed Judox an qeMichele Billi mgsyOld Champions still have funwannaThese t d and beautiful qipls ape owned and loved htjwo sounMapcia C ox016 W. Chautauqua, Caphondale, IL 639014APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 15WITH JERRIES APPRECIATED HELP AND GUIDANCEWE HOPE TO ADD TO OUR FAMILY OF JANESAS.CH. Raines Rhett Butlers Dream ScarlettCH. Janesas Rhett Headed Vixen Little RhettCH. Janesas Scarlett Lives On In Tara TaraJanesas Mon Belle Amiee, CGC BelleAnd our newest Champion and only BoyCH. Janesas Rhett Butlers Romance of Belle Tara ButlerJERRIE, THANKS SO MUCH FOR ALLOWING ME TO USE YOUR PRESTIGIOUSKENNEL NAME IN MY SMALL JANESA BREEDING PROGRAM. I AM SO PROUDTO HAVE BOTH FRAIZER AND CHATTER AS SIRES TO MY TWO LITTERS.2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 450 PM15I I I I I i i i inBELATED CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR GRANDMAON YOUR WELL-DESERVED KENNEL VISIT1216 W. Chautauqua, Carbondale, IL 629014 V 3 Lews And jfo'n i3 iIxiciilOur hearts are just so heavy and. our eyes are filled with tears.Where did all the time go Way to fast for 13 yearsJrJust yesterday you were a puppy and the love of Scarlett s life.myThe day I brought you home her little eyes were just so brightYou two grew up togetherand both champions you became.i My Scarlett's true companion in every way but name.fJai" The Rainbow Bridge has called you and taken. .youaway.V I mBut I kn ow that you'll be waiting... my Scarlett's Percy Fame.Cri MM ML PMSQS1AIIJY Marcia CoxJuju JO, 1QG - fL-fuuij 20,200616 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 450 PM16I I I I I i i i inCh. TableTop's Black Mail Sender APC Top Ten in 2006 2007VI - 'TOP 2 U'j NATIONAL'SPETHOMAS PH0T06Ithomasphoto30hoti4 4i,j Itr wHi14'f\iim s\k,I i ruV mSender kept a Top 20 status in 2005, 2006 2007 and... dare we hopeAlways shown the old-fashioned way, "with guard hair And incredible structure and movement.Deepest sympathy to the family of Sue Goddard.BreederOwnerHandlerJan StachurskiTableTopPoms Verizon.Netn-VAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 17chris heartz2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 450 PM17rm i i i in4Can.Am. Ch. Chriscendo Coronitaby Am. Can. Ch. Chriscendo Coldplay ex Tim Sue's FantasiaTOS3f 77i\ i1,v IfHaf3cii7TIAmaif jSVj4 4mmfiamwJSElfFilri.RTSIt was with great sadness we say goodbye to our friend Sue Goddard. We are proud to be able to carry on with her Tim Sue girls and hope we make Sue proud."Fallon" finished quickly in Canada with an All Breed Best In Show under Breeder judge Melvin Beech. She also won a Reserve BIS, 3 Group Firsts and 3 Best Puppy in Shows, all in two weekends, all under Toy Specialists.Handled by Deena Simons, Fallon finished in the US before one year of age. She is now back home awaiting the next chapter in her career and will be bred to Call To Arms in the Spring.ChriscendoJohn Christine Heartz P.O. Box 189 Brookfield, Nova Scotia Canada BON 1C0 phone 902-673-2446 our web site email chrischriscendo.com418 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 450 PM184jJortijmoDiPomVX J '^, l ' \IiV,M'i2ND PLACE BRED BY EXHIBITOR [U[ABITCH eMARCH12,20080s1na INAL SPECIALTYTHOMAS PHOTOGRAPHY Iomasphoto30hotmail.L-3TOF BREEDGARDEN CITYKANSAS K, KENNEL CLUBRINEHART fit PHOTOGRAPHY^j34 4 ,. k.i ^tj rCh. Northmoor Wind Dancer "Daniii2VNorthmoor Totally Incorrigible "Cori"Ch. Tara wishes to thank the judges for recognizing her beautiful daughters. Cori walked away from her first show with her first point, then went to Nationals to take 2nd in BBE. Ch. Danis first time out as a special she took BOB and made the cut in group. She then went to Nationals to make the cut there as well.T iL 3Ch. KaCees Gone With The Wind "TaraIiiLisa Goodman Northmoor Poms Coloradowww.NorthmoorPoms.com4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 19Willy came to Europe from the world-renowned TOKIE Kennel based in Thailand.He is being shown in Europe with very successful results He has won Puppy Best in Show Winner, Junior Best inShow Winner at the Middle and Eastern Cup show in Poznan 2007, Group Winner, Junior Specialty Winner inPoland and in Slovakia, Jun Ch Md, and Jun Ch Pl.In March Willy was shown at the National Specialty in Kentucky with his breeder Toby and won class 12-18month with many beautiful Poms Im very proud of him Thank you judge Mrs. Michele L. Billings for this winWilly also won Winners Dog and 1 Award of Merit with 5 points in Mid-Kentucky show under judge Mr. Jeffrey MBazell. Thank you A day later Willy won another Winners Dog with 5 point major under judge Mr. Randy E. Garren.Thank you Currently he has 10 pointsI want to thank all judges who awarded Willy in Europe and in America Special thanks to his breeder Toby for thisbeautiful boy and fantastic wins in the U.S.A.OwnerBozena Borkowska-GrochalaPolande-mail bozena.grochalagmail.comBreeder - Tokie PomeraniansToby Tangkavarakun, BangkokThailandwww.tokiepomeranians.com2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 450 PM19^^ZCCCQ i i i in1J UU. fllllj 111l LlL1 _ULLLI lull-Milli. AAfirrvV k 3\1 ' r7 BS^\I i y \\ V 11ST PLACE 12 To 18 3 viPUPPY DOG4 irvtaATIONAL SPECIALTYjTHOMAS PHOTOGRAPHYMARCH 11 2008 \I , ^ jtf20 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 450 PM20I I I I I i i i in44t.Honeyklst RocKnFantasy of Prussiaf CIp ,M i5 i 'm\Lr\t.i AI4 k. mBjkr 3 41vm M.Zk4iiV mb mSWEEPSTAKES' iM \'14TH PLACE ' If AJL6 To 9 ici m1 BITCH Wiy"V Jj NATIONAL SPECIALTY i THOMAS PHOTOGRAPH1" 1\o f Ij- l\ih4F ^ - j rST4 4 rp]r aBEST OF OPPOSITE SEXVALDOSTA KEffCL CLUBFEB. 2008 PHOTO BY BRYAN MSNAB8 XiLfrIton.j'mam m,ek. r.s.I brought Fantasy out for a few shows to train for the American Pomeranian Specialty and look what she didFebruary 21 All Breed match show Best Puppy pictureFebruary 22 WBBOS Phillip Lanard, III pictureFebruary 23 Reserve Winners Bitch Gloria GerrinerFebruary 24 WBBOWBEST OF BREED Mrs. Dennis Mary Lou Kniola pictureFebruary 29 WBBOWBOS Mr. Frank SabellaFebruary 30 WBBOW Mr. Raymond BayMarch 8 Best Bred By in classes RWB and Bred By Group 3APC Specialty Sweeps 4th place pictureAlso showing Honeykist Doin It My WayWD Mr. William Cunningham, WD BOW BOB Mr. Don Rogers,WD Mr. Frank Sabella, WD BW BOB Mrs. Ruth PrehnI BEST OF BREED I1BEST OF WINNERS I 4A A \Sally HestlePensacola, Florida4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 212008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 450 PM21I I I I I i i i in4^IMPOSSIBLEwheredfCftlS make all thinqs possible.POMn kr4 4iKimpossible s Maximus the Gladiator KimpossibleCH. Noah of Lenette x Royal Tee's Keep The FaitnCongratulations to Elisabeth Spillman on your purchase of Lucilla. We hope your dreams tome true in the ring and whelping box.s LucillaKim Bill CrutchfieldVISIT 951313-965222 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 450 PM22I I I I I n m4W A. xizmkzMWj.I "f ati'll .fir -ms V 'S 1 At j" T'XV. tV. I L- t4 oi .L fA,y1 3ftk 2 Ikt v3fe.f.t 1t VAit rHW-' .L- i- '"3IK h' , v 4r , KiU 'k3 itf y..b K Lit -Eb A Iv aIUy C I- i fI .V v\oJ is511- -JTc to\ JM TitoI -, urf\l Wia f au -V1 V fr1l. a 11--1-iii. uW- IMpjSJK.Paid for by friends of Sue Goddard and Second Chance Poms.14 4Randy's PomsSire Ch. Randy's Cash On Hand Dam Randy's Feel-N Lucky 2 NiteRandy's Wall Street BelleRandy's Taken Chance's 29 EaZS-V^p-K.1-'-TV'.v1V,5^- j .-- -iir . j \a--' S' N M mLZWLookingforward to some fun filled times with these two littermates in 2008Puppies occasionally.CO2.hURandy's Poms - 253740-5060www.randyspoms.com4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 232008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 450 PM23rm i i i i42008 Colambla9i Momara^ian4t iTOuciaftT lach Specialtylintel with two ft re ilwwi forlJ't0'LestL kel Cr[lit J^Otn^rCiflUin C liOitecl 4 ^^nrpetHri OHV^1C0'1VScarsrOfajorsS o.Jo4 4mj pomeranian Club 20, 2008 JitJ7 7110ALL BREED SEMINAR S SWE LOCATION dpciFriday Handling Tips Tricks with Terry MacIntyre Saturday Pawsitive Motion Spinal Health Care for Animalswith Lisa Piccioni, DVM Pus a Potluck Thursday Raffle on Friday \\Show Chairperson Christy Murphy httpwww.ColumbiaPomeranianClub.orgT724 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAdvertisers Index......................................................104APC Board Summary Janice Russell.......33,35,36,37APCNational Awards....................................76APC National Photos Banquet.......................77-79APC National Photos Top 20................................. 46APC National Photos Casual......................42-45, 48APC National Photos Wins...............................50, 51APC National Sweeps Photos...............................52APC National Sweeps Results.............................52-56APC Officers...........................................................29APC Statement......................................................29APC Stats Joan Behrend...................................63-67Ask Us Anything Annette Davis............................34Back Issue Information..........................................104Coming Events....................................................95Corrections...................................................92Crufts ........................................................92Front Cover Story........................................24Health and Genetics Geneva Coats..................68-71Judges Critique Audrey Roberts..........................53,54Judges Critique Michele Billings..................................49Judges Education Fred C. Bassett............................72Junior Showmanship .....................................86, 87Just FUR Fun.........................................................25, 31Kennel Visit Kevin Orr.........................................38-41Kennel Visits, Future Features........................27, 96Letter From the Editor.........................................92Letter To the Editor...................................92Membership Report Annette Davis..........................28Memorial Sue Goddard..................................88-91Memorial Jim Hattori..........................................93New Champions Joan Behrend.............................66, 67Performance News Barbara McClatchey.......80-85Pom Charitable Trust......................................73-75Pom Club of Central Indiana....................60Presidents Report Jane Lehtinen...............................30Purina Club..................................................30Registrars Corner Carol Leemhuis..........................29Rescue..............................................61Results, Regular Classes...............................56-59Results, Sweeps....................................................55Review Advertising Rates.....................................32, 95Salute to Our Armed Forces...................................95Subscription Card.....................................................94SubscriptionReview Information............................104Sunshine and Roses...........................................94Top 20 Event.............................................46,47Ways and Means Donna Riehm...................................62Website Address....................................................292008 National WinnerAm, Rus, Fin. Ch. VelocitysShake Ur Bon BonThank You very much toJudge Mrs. Michele L. Billings for this presigious win.Proudly Owned by Margo KogaHandled by Noble InglettBred by Daniel YonaBon2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 450 PM24i i i inContents Fruit Cover r\ i-S'A tX '-a wmmn^SfSi\8iy ff ^ -4- sBEST OF BREED V i9' 48MARCH12. 2008trNATIONAL SPECIALTY m.'Jt Jo.1THOMAS PHOTOGRAPHYIhomasphoto30hotmall.coniEm,w-m0 hpAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 252008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 450 PM25rm i i i in4 s iSf' S' t S- \ -^2^ I T 0yrH. t 'tv. 9They cant see me in here. Trish ItmIPian.SRi.5 fc3g.k\ 1o S'rk- s\.. Hi\ ,V.n V 1StfLvV kvvXvfi-It^a_VZot --Ug .i'Jn Si- r's VMy ball, and I am not sharing. Shared by Joanne Norris. im Me Why woulchou think th^t From Trish Inman\\Ytr rOk, enough already Souvy. 07i4 4 4 -r v\ f Keep smiling. Shared by Naida Colburn.What big teeth you have Sk^ry CartwrightIj ' led by Trish Inman. VCute as a "Button", o'rVIJOriaSSTea, anyoneBoo owned by Geneva Coats.Got milk From Floater McKim.Urn Its so good From Fleather McKim.426 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW bronyaolga bakerCongratulation toKevin Orr and the Davin PomeraniansYou go guyLots of Luck for the future._____________________________On a somber noteIn Memory of Sue GoddardAll my sympathy to her grieving family.She was one of a kind and will live on inthe hearts of Pomeranian loverseverywhere. Her contributions to the breedwill never be forgotten.Goodbye My FriendAnita J. Farr - AnTom PomsOur special little Sue has left us... and so suddenly...and has now gone across that well-knownRainbow Bridge.But rather than being greeted by her little dog ...Sue will be greeted by 200 or 300 yapping little kids,tails wagging, so happy to have her with them.Sue will I guarantee know each little one by name,owner, record, sire, dam, and general history...she was a marvelDarrell and I, and Tim and Sue, were bestbuddies for lots of years and we miss her terribly.Olga and Darrell BakerKevin,CongratulationsKevin. Its been along long time.Good luck in thefuture.Bronya2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 450 PM264LK,- Pr IPJi [1 NttH'1 ill1I I . ..I1 v.K,,\ if, ,'5 r ifl i Q111i .aHhr.2ulllll 4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 27KENNELVisitsKelly ReimschiisselKileipoms PomeraniansPlease contact the Editor to nominatecandidates for upcoming APC Kennel Visits.Send information to The Pomeranian Review,Brenda Segelken, Editor, 11139 E. CamelotAve., Effingham, IL 62401 or phone 217-3475731. Email fame62401yahoo.comJulyAugust 2008Advertising DeadlineJune 1, 20082008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 450 PM27rm mNew PREVIEW VIDEO CLIPS BEFORE YOU BUY.FREE LEAFLETS INCLUDED WITH EACH VIDEO GROOMING TIPS, EQUIPMENT NEEDED AND WHERE TO BUY IT, AND HOW TO TRIM EARS.Have you ever wondered how the Poms in the showring and pictures are trimmed so nicely and how it is done We are pleased to present this Pom grooming video, "Pomeranian Grooming with Karen Crawford," by Karen Crawford of Xitable Pomeranians. This tape is not just for Pom show people, it is for all of you who have Poms and want to learn the professional but easy way to properly trim your Poms - from head to toe. For more information about Karen, the video, preview video clips, satisfied customer reviews and ordering, please visit our web site at httpwww.foxxlanepoms.comVideo, e-mail Pauline McFarlane at, or call Pauline at 304-813-1541.We would like to thank Mike Cande Gordon of Pominique Pomeranians for allowing us to useAMInt CH Pominique Chasing Tatonka aka Tony as our demonstration model.Our sincerest condolences to the family and friends of Sue Goddard of TimSue Pomeranians.The Goddards made great contributions to the Pom world with their wonderful Poms.Sue will be truly missed.Congratulations to Amanda Seitzer, Sweetwater Pomeranians, on your Junior Handler Feature.kCongratulations to Kevin Orr of Davin Pomeranians on your Kennel Visit. ranian GroPom"Wwin Congratulations to all the winners at the APC National.Karen Crawford, Xitable PomeraniansandJohn and Pauline McFarlane, FoxxLane Pomeranians4 44^4n fs7oloojk.v \oft428 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWPO Box 23163Pittsburgh, PA 15222-6163412 391 N. Mink Creek Rd. Pocatello, ID 83204 208 234-0932 infoavalonpom.comLetters other than those from sponsors commenting onthe applicants whose names are published in the Revieware to go to Janice Russell, 3540 Kessler Blvd. N. Dr.,Indianapolis, IN 46222. Comments must be receivedwithin 30 days of publication Standing Rule II 3. Seethe APC Website or contact AnnetteDavis for membership applications.Hall Of FameRise N Shines Black Coffee AX AXJ BOwner Anita MoranGold ClubCH Majestics Artistic Impression BOwners Annette Rister, Charlotte Creed, BrendaTurner SW TurnerRegistry Of MeritCH Damascusroad Dream Buster DOwner Barbara MooreCH Janesas Traditional Trend CD BOwner Camilla KnightNEW MEMBERSMark A. Denney MISponsors Donna Machniak, Dana CoventryWendy Lane ILSponsors Charlotte Meyer, Brenda SegelkenKayla Wilson TXSponsors Eleanor Miller, Betsy OwensLisa Aiello NYSponsors Brenda Segelken, Sharon YampiroWendi Nilsson CASponsors Marge Kranzfelder, Walda GreenAPPLICATIONSPaulette Smith MSSponsors K.G. Griffith, David GilstrapElaine Waugh OHSponsors Diane L. Finch, Kathryn J. NoremFrances Zozzaro NYSponsors Daniel Yona, Elaine WishowCarole VanDerMeulen TXSponsors Mary Latimer, Darlyne SpannRicardo Solis CASponsors Janet Lucido, Jessica Solis not relatedLacey Miles CASponsors Al Lapuz, K.G. GriffithBarbara Moore TXSponsors Bronya Johnston, David GilstrapJulie Volkheimer AKSponsors Jessie Klein, Geneva CoatsMonty and Alora Hart AKSponsors Linda Mulso, Roxanne CollinsLuisa Leon PeruSponsors Tony Cabrera, Jane LehtinenVisit the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website athttpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgMembership Continued2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 450 PM28I I I I I i i i in4embership CencrtAnnette DavisDeeistrar Report Carel LeemhuisT "mm' I \ ^4 i JK- jSTtmpiu5 tlICTp]piKj.6]STt4 4plu 15 tl lICTp]piKj.6]4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 29AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. OFFICERSPRESIDENT...................................................................................CYNTHIA G. BOULWARE6450 Rolling Heights Circle, Kaufman, TX 75142 PH 972 962-3872 Fax 972 962-3872 e-mail lovencountryearthlink.netFIRST VICE PRESIDENT.........................................................................JANE LEHTINEN1517 8th Street S, Virginia, MN 55792 PH 218 749-1154 Fax 218 741-9435 e-mail janlepomsnetscape.net2ND VICE PRESIDENT.....................................................................FRANCES J. STOLL2488 E Hwy 50, Washington, IN 47501 PH 812 254-3857 Fax 812 254-3254 e-mail stolanne650dialup.comRECORDING SECRETARY...........................................................JANICE C. RUSSELL3540 Kessler Blvd. N. Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46222 PH 317 924-9093 e-mail indypomsbcglobal.netCORRESPONDING SECRETARY.................................................CAROL LEEMHUISP.O. Box 23163, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-6163 PH 412 848-6987 e-mail RegistrarAmericanPomeranianClub.orgTREASURER....................................................................................ERIKA MOUREAU32110 Pattys Landing, Magnolia, TX 77354 PH 281 252-0333 Fax 281 252-0333 e-mail ........................BOARD OF DIRECTORS............................Sally Baugniet David Gilstrap Judith B. GreenJackie Rayner Donna S. Riehm Greggory WatersThe American Pomeranian Club, Inc. is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting the Pomeranian dog and the protection andadvancement of the breed. We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims. If you are interested injoining the APC, please contact APC Membership Chairperson, Annette Davis, 391 N. Mink Creek Road, Pocatello, ID 83204. Phone 208 2340932or Email Membership applications also may be downloaded from the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website If you only wish to subscribe to the Pomeranian Review, please contact the Pomeranian Review CirculationManager, Cheri McDonald, PO Box 3402, San Dimas, CA 91773. Phone 909 394-7923, Email or Fax 909 599-4692.You need not be an APC Member to subscribe to or advertise in the Pomeranian Review.JACKIE RAYNER, DONNA RIEHM, GREGG WATERS, CAROL LEEMHUIS, DAVID GILSTRAP, ERIKA MOUREAU. SALLY BAUGNIET, JUDY GREEN, JANE LEHTINEN, JANICE RUSSELL AND FRANCES STOLL.American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.org2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 450 PM29I I I I I i i i in4ygv M.4W^. nr iViV" \k ''mW\i-irhtw" yrpm A h-\tr A' Y_ i'vW4Kf4 4430 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWThe American Pomeranian Club is a participating member in this program.Purina Parent Club Partnership PPCP ProgramMembers of Purina Pro Club whose national parent club participates in the Purina Parent Club Partnership PPCPProgram may earn funding for canine health studies, education andor rescue efforts that will benefit their breed.Since 2002, the first year of the PPCP program, there has been more than 710,000 generated for health research,education or rescue. As of 2005, there are 149 National breed clubs participating in the program.Heres how the PPCP Program works Pro Club members redeem weight circles from bags of participating Purinabrand dog foods. Purina tracks these weight circle submissions, and for every 100 of qualifying weight circle pointsearned by Pro Club members, Purina donates 10 to the participating national parent breed club.Points are accumulated throughout a calendar year, and in February, a check representing 10 percent of the value ofthe submitted weight circles for the year is evenly split between the participating national parent breed club and theAKC Canine Health Foundation. The donation that goes to the AKC Canine Health Foundation is eligible to bematched up to 100 percent by the Canine Health Foundation if it meets the Foundations funding guidelines.Jane LehtinenActing PresidentWith the ink just drying on the last pages of the catalog westarted the process over again planning next years specialty.Next year we hope to have a bigger and better specialty withthe National moving to the Clarion Hotel across town. Thisnew hotel has enough room to keep even the mostclaustrophobic person happy with 22,000 square feet ofroom to hold our specialty. We will not be lacking room here. The dates for next years National are March 9,10 and 11, 2009.I would like to thank some of those that I missed at the banquet for the wonderful help we had this year. Wewould not be able to hold our National each year if it were not for those who take time out of their busyschedules and volunteer their time to put on the nationals year after year. I would like to thank Vicky Palmer forher time and effort in choosing those wonderful trophies that we enjoyed this year. With her planning we hadlittle left over. Thanks to Judy Smith who sat all three days, giving Marge a breather so she could watch theshow for a change, at the table handing out catalogs and tickets. Special thanks to Bob Fiddick for the fun headds to the auctions each year. Donna Riehm and Marilynn Heestand deserve a big thank you for running ourWays and Means table that helps raise money needed to put on our show each year. Without these people wecould not do it. This club is a club of volunteers and we can always use more.This year we selected two new life members Marge Kransfelder and Fred Basset who have given a lot of theirtime to making this club work. They join a select group of members that we honor.We welcome Carol Leemhuis to the board as Dana has had to step down due to health issues. We shall miss her.Thank you, Carol, for stepping up to the job.2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 450 PM30I I I I I i i i inFir m the President a2n s iJjflInCynthia C. Pculuare i Tft,vJl JIv'SL.I ^ \s2ti tLvl m.r 'ck,-t4 44APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 312008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 450 PM31rm i i i in4o yyp t\ r m '.salrff \ Vvt. AV' 1J ,1 V irtCt k\\ Y-v k f v lMV '.v 1i i c3sj\ Al.V1 ^vZW Poms singing on key with Beverly Taub.73m, dressed up and no where to go. Shared by Joanne Norris4 4ewmKSI 0- A.A A. A35 rJVrv^ lSKiMERICAN nnel Club4 A V fflV A-------- , .,1A,UN ui1hV 4 v Tight-wire walking. A new performance competition.Vii rV 1ix WTU' SSl4 ,7",. IITKA.' _ IrvJ nMUirrrvvHV,i nr 1Ready SmileShared by Thomas Photography432 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWEditor...........................................................................................................Brenda Segelken11139 E. Camelot Ave., Effingham, IL 62401 PH 217 347-5731 fame62401yahoo.comSubscription Manager.......................................................................Cheri McDonaldPO Box 3402, San Dimas, CA 91773 PH 909 394-7923Fax 909 599-4692 cheribachmanpoms.comProofreaders.......................................................................Becky Sabourin, Cynthia LankfordAdvertisement Manager...................................................................................Joan Behrend6 Richmond Blvd., Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 PH 631 366-2330 mzjoanoptonline.netBusiness Card Manager.................................................................................Kathyrn Norem0599N 650E, Knox, IN 46534 PH 574 772-3910 ecpomsearthlink.netBrenda Segelken Cheri McDonaldJoan Behrend Kathy NoremSubscriptions6 issues per yearUSPS First Class...............................45.00USPS Bulk.........................................37.00CanadaMexicoPuerto Rico.............55.00Foreign.....................................100.00Single Issue.....................................10.00Back Issues....................................10.00 Advertising RatesFront Cover Color.......................600.00Back Cover Color.............................450.00Inside Front Cover Color................300.00Inside Front Cover BW..................125.00Inside Back Cover Color.................300.00Inside Back Cover BW.....................125.00Page 3, 4, 5, 6 Color........................300.00Page 3, 4, 5, 6 BW...........................125.00Center Spread BW........................250.00Full Page Deluxe Color.....................275.00Full Page BW...................................100.00Half Page Color................................150.00Half Page BW.................................60.00One Quarter Page Color..................75.00One Quarter Page BW....................40.00Business Card 6 ......Small 70, Large 100All ads include one photo. Additional color photos are 25each additional black and white photos are 10 each.SUPPORT THE APCSUPPORT THE REVIEWMail ad text, photos and payment toThe APC Pomeranian ReviewBrenda Segelken, Editor11139 E. Camelot Ave.Effingham, IL 62401-7460Or Email fame62401yahoo.comMake all checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club.DeadlinesAd Deadline IssueDec 1...............OBEDIENCE... JanFebFeb 1........................................MarAprilApril 1..................National Report...MayJuneJune 1.............COLOR FEATURE...JulyAugAug 1......ANNUAL STUD ISSUE...SeptOctOct 1..............MEMORIAL ISSUE..NovDec.........official A. P. C. publication.........sent to Breed Group Judges.........reasonable rates.........quality reproductions.........only source of APC Archives.........provides APC news and reports.........APC Specialty coverage.........Regional Pom Club coverage.........obedience training information.........interesting, informativeThe Pomeranian Review2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 450 PM32I I I I I i i i inThe Pomeranian ReviewThe Official Publication of The American Pomeranian Club, Inc.- ri IfyIim11s4 44 I O'es fAvlc fkCVIVv t.t IB\A,O'APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 33If an APC member has concerns regarding the aspects of an APC Committee, the member is to contactthe Committee Chair with those concerns. Those concerns will be communicated by the Committee Chairwithin two weeks after receipt if possible, to the Boards APC Corresponding Secretary so that the Board isaware of those concerns.February 2008 Review Board SummaryThe Board regretfully accepted the resignation of the Corresponding Secretary, Dana Coventry.The following members have been appointed to serve on the Standards Committee. Freia, Jerrie Moureau, Erika, Chair Norem, Kathy Rothell-Lusk, Terry Stoll, FranCarol Leemhuis has been appointed by the Board to fill the vacant position of Corresponding Secretary.The following motion passed to replace an existing standing ruleThe outline below is to be submitted to each Committee Chairman by December 1st to be completed andreturned to the APC Corresponding Secretary by January 15th of each year.The __________ 200____ End-of-the-Year Committee Report1. Title or name of this committee ____________ _________ _________ _________ __2. Commitee chairman ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _3. Name of each committee member ____________ _________ _________ ________4. GOALS of the committee a. ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ b. ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________6. Indicate those goals that still need to be accomplished, if any.7. Submit the above information to the APC Corresponding Secretary by January 15.8. Additional information to your report is welcomed.Thank you for your cooperation.Attention Regional ClubsPlease notify APC of your current president, show chair and corresponding secretary providing name, address,telephone and email and also your breed rescue contact. Please send to Corresponding Secretary, CarolLeemhuis, email Meeting Continued3540 Kessler Blvd N. Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46222 Email indypomsbcglobal.netAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc. Board SummaryJANICE RUSSELL2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 450 PM33I I I I I i i m i nA1 Tr4 r4l "4 4l\. V r. 1T5vPIHD. O Q -v434 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW Annette Davis, CNA sk Us AnythingOur question for this issue is What can I do about my Poms doggie breathThe main cause of bad doggie breath is dental disease.Following are some suggestions to help1 Give puppies toys early. If they get in the habit of chewing on toys, they will keep their teeth much cleaner. Make sure anytoys given do not have small pieces that could be chewed off and choked on.2 Feed a premium dry food as much as possible. Canned food, low quality foods that contain sugar, and many commerciallyprepared doggie treats promote tooth decay. If you want to give treats, you can boil liver or beef heart, cut it into smallpieces and keep it in a zip lock baggie in the freezer. Your liver or beef heart will last several months in a freezer baggie. Youcan also give small bits of cheese as treats.3 Give marrowbones often beef femur cut into 1" slices at the butcher. Be sure there are no sharp edges and boil toeliminate germs before giving. You can also offer things like chew toys, chew hooves, rawhide chews, and pig ears.4 If your Poms teeth have scale that cannot be removed at home, you should have them professionally cleaned by yourveterinarian. After a professional cleaning, you can scale them yourself every month or so to keep them clean. Some peoplelike to use a doggie toothbrush and toothpaste to clean their dogs teeth each day. Other alternatives to a toothbrush are gauzeor a finger brush. Dental instruments for scaling, and dog toothbrushestoothpaste are available from most pet supplycatalogues.Poor gut health can also cause bad breath. In a healthy person or animal, beneficial microorganisms outnumber pathogenicmicroorganisms creating a state of intestinal balance. Disease, medications such as antibiotics, and even chronic stress killsbeneficial microorganisms allowing pathogenic microorganisms to multiply unchecked. Pathogenic microorganisms producefoul smelling waste, which results in bad breath. Along with proper dental care, probiotic beneficial bacteria supplements,digestive enzymes, and green supplements such as spirulina can quickly improve your dogs breath.Health problems such as kidney disease and lung disease can also cause bad breath. Your veterinarian should be consulted ifthe problem persists.Our next question is What can I do to help my Pom lose weightYou may direct new questions or answers to these questions toAnnette Davis, 391 N. Mink Creek Rd., Pocatello ID 83204208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792 e-mail infoavalonpom.comPrevious Ask Us Anything Columns may be viewed on line www.avalonpom.comPomCare.htm2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 450 PM34I I I I I I i i m i nShsm-11r4 44APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 353540 Kessler Blvd N. Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46222 Email indypomsbcglobal.netAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc. Board SummaryJANICE RUSSELLMarch 2008 Review Board SummaryFred Bassett and Marge Kranzfelder were nominated to become life members. They accepted, voted, and motioncarried.The APC Board after discussion voted to host the 2009 National Specialty at the Clarion Hotel in Louisville,Kentucky. The dates of the 2009 Nationals are March 9 - 11.The JEC will form a three member Mentor Committee, headed by the JEC. APC Board will have approval ofthe Committee appointments, but then the committee will function on its own. All APC Breeder Judges will beinvited to be officially listed as Approved Mentors. All APC Life Members will be invited to be officially listedas Approved Mentors. The Mentor Committee will invite other APC members, that they unanimously agree arequalified to be officially listed, as Approved Mentors. The committee will invite an initial list during 2008, andthen perform an annual review thereafter. Members who accept these invitations will be sent an orientationdocument listing AKCs breed mentor policies and forms.The APC Board approved the 2008 JEC presentation with the following recommendations The title page willcarry, This Presentation created for and is the sole property of The American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Copyright 2005 American Pomeranian Club, Inc., Revision 2008 by Fred C. Bassett, Judges Education Coordinator.The credits page will carry, The original 2005 Presentation created by Dorothy Martin, Judges EducationCoordinator and approved by the APC Board.The Standing Rule that refers to Approved Mentor Qualifications is revised as follows APC Approved MentorGuidelines require that minimum qualifications are a The person must be an APC Member who is an activePomeranian breeder andor exhibitor for 12 years b Have bred five Pomeranian champions c and Haveattended an APC sanctioned Mentor Seminar d Or be an AKC approved Pomeranian judge. Approvedmentors may also be invited to participate by the Mentor Committee from the APC membership list. APCseminars will be presented by the JEC, or an Approved Mentor.2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 450 PM35^^Hmn i i m i nlI ikI ft.I4 4s r, 4 3 4Iat t.Cfs1 ST 1y J-436 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW3540 Kessler Blvd N. Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46222 Email indypomsbcglobal.netAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc. Board Meeting - Lousville, KentuckyJANICE RUSSELLMarch 9, 2008The board meeting was called to order by Acting President, Jane Lehtinen.The minutes of the previous board meeting were approved as published in the Review.There was no President Report.Corresponding Secretary reported she has been working on gathering the information for the Roster, gatheringdocumentsreports from committee chairs and making copies for the nationals.Recording Secretary had nothing to report.Report of the Treasurer The 2007 taxes of 401.00 were paid. The budget will be worked on with Jane. The2006, 2007 Audit report will be delayed. They were later tabled. 2007 Year to Date Income was 112,591.07,Expenses 109,494.55 with a Profit of 3,096.52.Report of Show Chair Charlene and company are setting up the ball room.Grounds Report Gregg said all the vendors will be able to set up tonight.Top Twenty Reports It was mentioned that refunds had been made as there was a limit of 130 allowed. Theboard discovered Margaret McKee had to purchase her catalog and ticket for the Top 20 in order to narrate theDVD. Motion made, seconded and passed to refund her money.Report of JEC Fred advised he is keeping track of the number of people attending seminars. In New York therewere 30 people attending. He will be handling The Dog Judges Association of America with assistance fromErika. Fred advised if his calendar is open, he would prefer to do the seminars himself. He has 31 peopleregistered for this seminar. The JEC said he would like to have the committee of three work together to establisha mentor list, to invite all breederjudges to be approved mentors and felt mentors should be APC members. Hewould also like to invite the life members to be listed as approved mentors.The Standing Rule that refers to Approved Mentor qualifications is revised as follows APC Approved MentorGuidelines require that minimum qualifications are a the person must be an APC Member who is an activePomeranian BreederExhibitor for 12 years, b have bred 5 Pomeranian champions, c and have attended anAPC sanctioned Mentor Seminar d or be an AKC Approved Pomeranian Judge. Approved Mentors may alsobe invited to participate by the Mentor Committee from the APC membership list. APC Seminars will bepresented by the JEC, or an Approved Mentor. The preceding motion was made, seconded and passed.2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 450 PM36i i w i nmiWj ii4 44APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 37A motion regarding the approval of the revised JEC CD presentation was read, voted and carried.Report of Review Editor Brenda showed the board the bags for this year and offered some Reviews to Fred forhis seminars. She also said our Printer, Kingery Printing, had been in business 40 years this year and hadprovided a certificate worth 40.00 to be used towards our next bill. The corresponding Secretary was asked tosend a congratulatory card for their years of service.Brenda requested approval which she received for a marketing presentation of selecting any of various roses atthe Review table which held discounted certificates of 10 up to a free ad in the Review if people purchasedthem at the show. She then gave a presentation on the various steps involved in the making of the Review.The Review Anniversary issue was discussed. Committee of Kathy Norem, Ellen Takayama, Carlene Gilstrap,Brenda and Donna Riehm as the board representative has been established. They are suggesting the front coverbe a generic type, with the inside back, outside back and inside front auctioned by Ways Means. It will be aseparate issue, not covered by a subscription. Recommend its dbut at the nationals in 2009. Estimate ordering1,000 copies with no up front printing money until completed.The following committee reports were provided2007 Membership Report 2007 Awards Committee Report2007 PR Editor Report 2007 Annual Awards Report2007 Historical Awards Hospitality2007 Web Report Subscription Manager ReportBreeder ReferralBack Issue Brenda Segelken Margaret McKeeAKC Classified Police Erika Moureau reported people had been really good.There was no Delegate Report from Darrell Baker due to major surgery and a fall.The Rescue Coordinator has resigned and a new one is needed. There is no reimbursement to them.The Ways Means personnel of Erika Moureau and Donna Riehm said they would continue their co-chairpositions.The By-Laws Committee is making progress. There are some areas of concern.Erika Moureau reported the Standards Committee has just started. They are making progress.Old Business Membership Application Revision, it was reported that it is almost done and the Code of Ethicswill be completed this month.Olga Baker will be asked to continue as the AKC Gazette Columnist and Jane Lehtinen will contact DarrellBaker regarding his AKC Delegate role.PCTrust Marge Kranzfelder advised that Mars Veterinary is conducting a blood DNA collection in support ofcanine genetic research. A portion of each sample provided will be shared with Dr. Tosso Leeb at the Universityof Berne, in Switzerland to support Alopecia research. Mars-Waltham will directly pay the veterinary bills andshipping for the collection process, use a portion for their research and send a portion on to Dr. Leeb for hisresearch.Jane then moved to close the board meeting and move into a closed session.2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 450 PM37I I I I I i i i in44 4438 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWFirst, I want to thank Brenda for asking me to do thiskennel visit for The Pomeranian Review. Who wouldhave thought that at the YOUNG age of 51 I would begetting ready to enjoy the pleasure of my first hipreplacement I have taken a break from showing sincelast November due to my hip and will receive my newhip on March 17, and with rehab will hopefully beshowing again in May.Looking back over the past 15 years of showing dogsand limited dog breeding experience, I have to behonest and admit that I actually stumbled into theaddictive sport of showing dogs. I feel blessed to havemade so many wonderful friends through this sport soyou will hear about them throughout my article,although some of them may not admit to knowing mein publicMy partner Darryl and I were given our first champion from a wonderful friend of mine, Fran Terhune. WinstonCh. Seajoys Sir Winston Deloy was a beautiful 2-year-old fawn male pug. The only stipulation that Franplaced on us was that I continue to show Winston. This was a challenge that I thought might be something Icould take on and would enjoy as a new learning experience. Of course, being a total novice, and told that all Ineeded to do was attend a few handling classes to show a dog, I accepted the challenge.Well, it did not take me long to realize that I was learning this hobby backwards by starting out with a best ofbreed special, although I totally enjoyed it. After showing for a few months I realized that I needed to get a newpuppy to show, which I did. Through the breeder I met one of my first dog show friends, Bronya Johnston.For over a year Bronya told me that I needed to switch from Pugs to Pomeranians, that I would enjoy showingthis breed much more. Well, I hate to admit it, but she was right and I felt I had now switched to the breed I wasmeant to showThrough Bronya I met many of my now longtime friends, Annette Rogers-Rister, Charlotte Creed, Tim and SueGoddard, Barbara Moore, David and Carlene Gilstrap, Cindy Boulware, Darrell and Olga Baker, Leslie Stone,Renata Richter, Carolyn Crockett and many more including the now illustrious AKC Judge, well-known to thePom world, Judge Erika Moureau.My first homebred champion was Coal, Ch. Davins Midnight Eclipse, who was out of a lovely Tim Sue bitchCh. Tim Sues High as a Kite and sired by a Travis Ch. Finchs He Walks On Water son, Chad Ch. FinchsWalkin After Midnight.2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 450 PM38i i i inKevin Orr..AV,''0MpfrBEST OF BREED'i POMERANIAN CLUB OF OKLAHOMAMAY2003 rmmlmSE4 4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 39Kennel Visit ContinuedI realized after breeding four or five litters and facingthe many challenges of breeding, including staying upall night waiting on that first puppy, c-sections, tubefeeding and the loss of puppies in the first few weeks,that breeding this heartbreak breed was not for me andI would leave the breeding to others.It was thrilling to breed my first special, and I hadreally wanted a black Pomeranian, not knowing at thetime that it was much harder to finish a black Pom.Coal was a pleasure to show and it was exciting to winmy first Best In Specialty Show with Coal at the DFWPomeranian Club under respected Judge Clyde Shaw. Iwas encouraged by my good friends Dale and JaneMartenson to continue on with Coal as a special andhave always been thankful for their opinions.My next special was to be AmInt. Ch. Sugar Raes ImA Believer Mickey. I was so thrilled to get Mickeyto special after being referred to the breeder AngelaSemansky. Angela and I have become great friendsand after thousands of hours on the phone and tons oflaughs over the last five years. Now all we have left todo is to meet in personMickey was fantastic to show, a great mover withwonderful structure. Only a few weeks after I beganshowing Mickey he went Best of Breed at the SoonerPomeranian Club of Oklahoma City and not long afterwent Best of Breed at the DFW Pomeranian Clubunder Judge Vicki Abbott. Ill be telling you moreabout Angela Semansky and Sugar Rae Poms shortly.AmInt. Ch. Sugar Raes Im A BelieverCh. Davins Midnight EclipseCh. Davins Midnight EclipseKennel Visit Continued2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 450 PM39^^ZCCCQ i i i in4b it i liji ps AA y .Hri s j l. ICl vBEST OF BREED OR VARIETYJEFFERSON CITY MISSOURI KENNEL CLU8JULY2002O GARDEN STUDIO. 4___'tor Ato -\I rI 2]11Ai sGROUPTHIRDBEST OFDALLAS- FORT WORTH TOY DOG CLUB, INC.4 .BREEDV ARIITYAViEfr rm Mli li LH.n. CLUB ii4_ n 440 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWKennel Visit ContinuedWhile I was specialing Coal and Mickey I became verygood friends with Valerie Humbird who was specialingan incredible Brussels Griffon named Dartagnon. Atthis time I had decided it would be fun to learn anotherbreed to show, and through Valerie met Shirley Polsonof Gruffels Brussels Griffons. I love my Pomeraniansbut I have to tell you, Griffs are another wonderful Toybreed to own and show. I co-own two wonderful griffsthat I have had from about 3 months old.My first griff to finish was a male who we named RexCh. Gruffels You Take My Breath Away and about ayear later my partner and I received a cute little femalegriff, which we named Jade Ch. Gruffels ImperialJade. I loved showing the griffs and wouldrecommend them to anyone as a second breed, BUTthey are a handful when it comes to grooming Now Ireally really admire all the handlers who show anybreed that requires hand stripping I will probablyshow and finish a few more griffs down the road, and itwas a fun learning experience, but after finishing twogriffs I was ready to get back to my PomsThis is where I return to my good friend AngelaSemansky. I had let Angela breed to Coal and from thelitter he sired she had kept an adorable black boy thatlooked just like Coal. After showing him for a shorttime in her area she decided to send him to me tofinish. I could not believe how much he looked likeCoal so I had a good feeling about him finishingquickly and he did just that. Pie, Ch. Sugar Raes Pie inthe Sky. Not only did he finish quickly, but he finishedwith his second major and went best of breed at SoonerPomeranian Club of Oklahoma City under JudgeNorman Patton. What a thrill it was to call Angela andgive her the news.I was really looking forward to another great showcoming up, the Reliant Series of Dog Shows inHouston, Texas. The Houston Pom Club has their showAmInt. Ch. Sugar Raes Im A BelieverCh. Gruffels You Take My Breath AwayCh. Gruffels Imperial Jade2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 450 PM40i i i in4 rW'"v Jjtpi-vj"S.iLIKt1i'I 3r S'm IBEST OF BREEDBEST OF BREEDmD,ST ABILENE KENNEL [I CLUB I w\y MX E-fs-I 1 LLUKE ALLEN.PHOTOGRAPHY feKevin Or4 4BEST OF BREED OR VARIETY TYLER TEXAS KENNEL CLUB OCTOBER 2005O GARDEN STUDIO. INC. PHOTO BY GREG'mL4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 41in conjunction with the Reliant Show and JudgeRodney Merry gave Pie his second Specialty win lessthan two months after he had finished in Oklahoma. Itwas so much fun showing Pie, the son of my firstspecial Coal. When it was time to send Pie home Idecided to take a short break from showing.Of course, it was not long before Angela called andtold me she had two boys and she thought I might likeone to show for myself. Both boys were so cute I washaving a hard time deciding which boy to go with, so Iasked her when they were born. Well, that answeredmy question, when I found out the one I was to nameSonny had been born on my birthday he had to be theone So, Angela sent me yet another beautiful Pom tofinish and Sonny would become AmInt.Ch. SugarRaes I Got You Babe. I had planned on starting Sonnyout as a special this year, but my hip had other plans.So, if my new hip cooperates, I will start showingagain in May and will be out there fulfilling my dogshow addiction once again.Ch.Sugar Raes Pie in the SkyCh.Sugar Raes Pie in the SkyKennel Visit Continued AmInt.Ch. Sugar Raes I Got You Babe AmInt.Ch. Sugar Raes I Got You Babe2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM41^^ZCCCQ i i i in4L\^Li.4931sViTV[l],0THIRDPLACE GROUPfrrt4i v8 TRAVIS COUNTY KENNEL CLUB OCTOBERr4 42006 NUGENT PHOTO wiZ 1Kennel Cliui4in11 -r nmiiOF BREEDWeW CHAMPIONhM SANGRE DE CRISTO KENNEL CLUB[l]DAN PEARSON PHOTOGRAPHYJUNE 2007 ---M __, v.442 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 APC NationalPhotos thanks to Angela Blocker, Pat Mappes, Judy Mechiz.2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM42I I I I I i i i in4petiV m2Ir ' A vV \1IJtjib yj 4I35O' A,, o Ifik Wsi.jKV V 3i Plt^4TVuondIhan'nisl VceVV Inc.f^\.\ 1 -4T ' ^ft J4 4cJtT s4F^T [V p1wig ' 1r, iiHi v,"W jk kW'i ,i- 'I VgMi J KIIllw .s t 4w.ij 4T1tfCr\r'' ' .-TSecond[ idfioms,mu .,dhavce V \ y iri-'J^ZInc. s rWWW. 1secondcha 1i04APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 432008 APC NationalPhotos thanks toAngela Blocker, PatMappes, Judy Mechiz.2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM434Wrxii L\ALi _ . V _iteL -.X fl] T ^ nr . -V4 J .''a14 l1m ' ii . r\ l-i liaBvIS a i" 5sr" i1 l 4. 34iv- rii 1SF \\4I4 4 API ii.i'k x', _y ^ i i4EHi .J^9 w9^1S ir\EDIb.4 .X IL4 Afea' It jV m9ir HH iIr 1'4'1.I X-o O] T ftp i Lv 4M ,X5Sjp15SMB '4^ j'.i^BsiseaJfUJ AV .j4i i i i n44 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 APC NationalPhotos thanks to Angela Blocker, PatMappes, Judy Mechiz.2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM44I I I I I i i i in4L,^ .m_'it.M TOt. Vfe- ''v.'' r_2^1 isSIWf [\Sffl] Tife, ' 1 V jnM6' tsSi,-srHh Rirrt.L ' SL^3n3B.S c-k.SwaiJI.wmWm.. IPL4 4SB\ gi .s'F,r i-V4\ LiniV SSiJiVSRi^S IE ni 1i'CTLrPIVXBRft5StMSB ]\lkv'1Kt^ 1 5 J.31ML 'A y m rsra ie , \AjV \x2 mjiNac5i. VJL,iNi.4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 452008 APC NationalPhotos thanks to Angela Blocker,Pat Mappes, Judy Mechiz.2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM45I I I I I i i i in4 V N f.9i 7u, f5 1S iW]mMg -mr Mli Ti if, B I1 791iatJl Sl' ,Mfy JT tgftiSgi-K. T',wgl V IlfVWp,f4 4[i'Meg .as4 3gi \ 1\ VvBTi ISistf kASSj1 55S' 7.3A 'ESS 1seas iM rvfsSftVSI 5 imS5Sa' T rs-1 W Lfg .. u446 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWThe Top 20 event was an overwhelming success this year, both from a monetary standpoint and through attendance.2008 judges were Betsy Owens - Handler Judge, Brenda Segelken - Breeder Judge, and Erika Moureau - AKCJudge. We had a great time A scrumptious chocolate fountain, for fresh strawberries and pineapple, as well ascheese, crackers, veggies and dips were enjoyed.All Top 20 dogs were entered, with 12 competing. All attendees received a lovely silver dog bone charm engravedwith APC 2008 Top 20, as well as a beautiful Top 20 rosette.The Top 20 winner Ch.CR Tuff Guy of Isabella received a Tom Tom GPS System, while the Peoples ChoiceAward, Ch. Gayels Destinys Child, received a four place setting of Pomeranian China from the Danbury Mint.Thanks to the marketing skills of Pam Dzuik and Deena Simon, the 5050 raffle was quite successful. WinnerCarolyn Bonin received 700 dollars. Deena Simon served as the very capable and entertaining master of ceremonies.This years event was underwritten by Mr. Jerry Pollock, CEO of Flex Team Staffing Services. A very specialthanks for his generosity. We also wish to thank the many other contributing members and friends. Special thanksto the worker bee Bonnie Stetson who compiled and completed the lovely catalog and attended to many otherdetails.Congratulations on another job well done to the Top 20 committee, headed by Jackie Rayner and Joan Behrend.CH. BACHMANS BRIGHTEST STARCH. CR TUFF GUY OF ISABELLACH. EAGLE CREEKS HAMIN IT UPCH. FINCHS BETTIN ON CHARSCH. GAYELS DESTINYS CHILDCH. INDIGOS FLOWER POWERCH. JAN-SHARS LITTLE CEASERCH. KALOS ROCK N MUSIC CITYCH. LANAS LET ME INTRODUCE MYSELFCH. MAJESTICS JUMPIN JACK FLASHCH. NOBLES MESSIN WITH THE BESTCH. PRESTIGIOUS GORGEOUS GEORGECH. PUFPRIDE SOMEWHERE IN TIMECH. RAZZLE DAZZLE HEAVENLY CHOIRCH. RIVENDELLL APPLAUDS JANESACH. SHOWCASE GOT TO BE MECH. STARFIRES HERE COMES TROUBLECH. TABLETOPS BLACK MAIL SENDERCH. TIM SUES TRICK OR TREATCH. VALCOPY JANELS SPIDERMANThe Second American Pomeranian ClubTop 20TOP 20 INVITEESTOP 20 ATTENDEESCH. CR TUFF GUY OF ISABELLACH. GAYELS DESTINYS CHILDCH. FINCHS BETTIN ON CHARSCH. KALOS ROCK N MUSIC CITYCH. LANAS LET ME INTRODUCE MYSELFCH. NOBLES MESSIN WITH THE BESTCH. PRESTIGIOUS GORGEOUS GEORGECH. PUFPRIDE SOMEWHERE IN TIMECH. RAZZLE DAZZLE HEAVENLY CHOIRCH. TABLETOPS BLACK MAIL SENDERCH. TIM SUES TRICK OR TREATCH. VALCOPY JANELS SPIDERMAN2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM46I I I I I i i i in44 4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 47Top 20American Pomeranian ClubCH. GAYELS DESTINYS CHILD2008 TOP 20 WINNERPEOPLES CHOICE AWARDCH. CR TUFF GUY OF ISABELLA2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM47I I I I I i i i in4V tfVIP IrllJWINNER I 20,4 vf AJP^SMj v. Ji - 'W\ jiRf2'Vjt6TmiI 'St,PEOPLE S CHOICE jXTOP 20IAL SPEC f4PHOTOGm utoV AL SPECM an75 JS2fa[faiLE Ik1 r V1jr-cM1^2Lr94 4.\iji \V7V V^ VssstV 1A v F^5"J 54 -4 'tS- 4 k'hA11-Ait 4fEjy nct n3 "-I1-r^--V iiF ^-.v 4U, w\ \ r^x fipi 1Sy,\'f Ji,4'tr- k b -LLW kftVy-Ai ESEAISWS448 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 KENTUCKY POM DERBY OF ROSESMarch 10, 11, 12, 20082008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM48I I I I I i i i in4v17Jill] HtLi4 izJWS' K wtt fefetj I LJ^h4PiWAVrwm3ktSSvRot H I I I rr 11 r 5i, 3L ,\v _ti5,^ t mnfi1 MmmmrcC . MM j-.SSSsSI 1^ jS.- AV\5EvvgSte innn iZjT.44 \4 4"553kjjgTVI. -.ofSgTSaalIjsSm Eti- m bw.\JkxI '. -I , j a 9' . ' 6 sEjMR 5H3 aE7 - MRRsWK 1rr" 1r ^r LJLh.33 m 8S.ikmigaSSas cw. rfam Jt 3 u4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 492008 KENTUCKY POM DERBY OF ROSESMarch 10 through March 12, 2008From the moment the Premium List arrived with its adorable logo of a Pompeeking out from under a hat covered with roses, the vibes that this wouldprove to be a great National came over me and they certainly proved to be true.I expected to see the usual number of standouts but in no way was I expectingthe virtual sea of excellence present in almost every class. Evidence of this isconfirmed by the fact of the vast number of dogs and bitches that made theinitial and subsequent cuts throughout the judging.Thus I began the task of sorting out a very large class of wonderful 6-9 monthpuppy dogs.There were some very nice youngsters in the 9-12 month group to include a STAR, POWER POMS HIGH PERFORMANCE.He was an easy Reserve Winners Dog. I predict a great future for this little fella.The 12-18 month class was a real challenge in that first and second could have gone either way as both had different qualities to offer.The only class that I was not totally thrilled with was bred-by exhibitor. However, it brought forth one outstanding red young male,279 MOUNTAIN CREST U DONT OWN ME. He is a perfect size, stands well up on 4 great legs that move flawlessly fromevery angle. His coat is profuse and of good texture which will only improve with age. He very proudly led the final line up to goWINNERS DOG and subsequently BEST OF WINNERS.The bitch entry, though less in number, was almost on a par with the dogs quality-wise. A lovely sable youngster who caught myeye and heart immediately from the 12-18 month class prevailed to capture Winners Bitch. 156 STARFIRES TROUBLE INPARADISE completed her championship with this win. Reserve went to the stunning winner of the BBE Class, 96 CARLEEZON THE CATWALK.I loved my Veterans one and all. The Best Veteran, 130 CH. JANESAS RED HEADED VIXEN, an almost 10-year-old bitch,was in beautiful condition, sound as a dollar. The years have been kind to this old girl.The Specials Class of 64, with minimal absentees, was, as the young people would say, TOTALLY AWESOME, which necessitatedmy having to make several cuts. Finally, after much deliberation and consideration BEST OF BREED was awarded to CH.VELOCITYS SHAKE UR BON BON and BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX 106 CH. GAYELS DESTINYS CHILD. The award ofmerits were as follows 319 CH. RAZZLE DAZZLE HEAVENLY CHOIR dog, 110 CH. STARFIRES MAMACITA bitch,186 CH. JOLVIN REGAL RISK bitch, 111 CH. TIM SUES TRICK OR TREAT dog, 181 CH. STARFIRES HERECOMES TROUBLE dog. My only regret is that I didnt have at least 10 more AOM to award.With regard to the Awards of Merit, Dog 97 CANTON BRAVESTAR was a strong contender for the breed from the get-go.Somehow his number did not get transferred from my cut card to my stewards card and he was not called in for the final minutesof judging. It was an unintentional, unfortunate incident. However the very fact that he remained at the head of the line throughoutthe lions portion of the judging supports my appreciation of his excellence and intentions of a possible placement.BEST PUPPY was the Reserve Winners Dog POWER POMS HIGH PERFORMANCE. BEST BRED-BY was the Winners bitchand new CH. 156 STARFIRES TROUBLE IN PARADISE.The overall quality at his National was such that, in my opinion, it was the most outstanding assembly of Pomeranians that I willever hope to see. It was a thrill and a privilege to judge them.2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM49i i i invtm Ia1 --S 7w . i Jw 4r''VT14 3tImyw r4 4Fi r. n y'l J tAwW A. wi.50 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWCH. VELOCITYS SHAKE UR BON BONAPC National SpecialtyJudge Michele Billings - Louisville, KentuckyMarch 2008CH. RAZZLE DAZZLE HEAVENLY CHOIRCH JOLVIN REGAL RISKCH STARFIRES MAMASITACH TIM SUES TRICK OR TREATLETESHA GIRTH ROYAL TEE BALL OFIRE2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM50I I I I I i i i inV1 f oW xi 't\ t L\Kf' 4 A w 1 AWARD OF MERIT 3MARCH 12, 2008\ \ .NATIONAL SPECIALTYTHOMAS PHOTOGRAPHYi ii....fjLiki c1Sr if,-. jt BEST OF BREED It, ' aJi vft VJ I iMARCH 12, 2008I f vESare mAWARD OF MERIT9 NATIONAL SPECIALTY L jMARCH 12. 2008 i. t. THOMAS PHOTOGRAPHYI t thomasphoto30holmail.comSPECIALTYi iikmka 4i ^4ri\f- f\j . r 4 mI isiiAWARD OF MERITLSa.- MARCH 12.2008Urn FUAL SPECIALTYHOMAS PHOTOGRAPHY i "Mj'fr CnV ^X VVjr-,lLsr S 9a VF^lS,ls4^ OBEDIENCE HIGH IN TRIAL' -, 7BESTJUNIOR HANDLER 4 k IMARCH 10. 2008 mAWARD OF MERITp'-V tMARCH 11.2008i.MARCH 12. 2008 V NATIONAL SPECIALTYTHOMAS PHOTOGRAPHYAaNATIONAL SPECIALTYTHOMAS PHOTOGRAPHY ATIONAL SPECIALTYJLHOMAS PHOTOGRAPHYmuAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 51MOUNTAIN CREST U DONT OWN MEAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUBNational SpecialtyJudge Michele Billings - Louisville, KentuckyCH GAYELS DESTINYS CHILDPOWERPOM HIGH PERFORMANCECH. JANESAS RHETT HEADED VIXEN CH. DAMASCUSROAD DREAM BUSTERPOWERPOM HIGH PERFORMANCESTARFIRES TROUBLE N PARADISECARLEEZ ON THE CATWALK2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM51I I I I I i i i in4^ '\ -^7lBEST OF WINNER^ BESTBRED BY EXHIBITOR MARCH 12. 20089 1m\ 7^-VA .itrvi hi\ x JTIflilt. k . SPECIALTY\ W 'il,GRAPHYSiP- 1L rJ ... ]1mr aey.A f. _M1BEST OPPOSITEr v \'MARCH 12, 2008 . yV' V'WI pJikiL1IATI0NAL SPECIALTYJ'HOMAS PHOTOGRAPHYthomspholo30BholnaiCconi WINNERS BITCHV iMARCH 12.2008,pi NATIONAL SPECIALTY JmPHOTOGRAPHY4 4i In, k'\-^radv .,I mr.mft- AhiI 14-V51ST PLACE STUD DOG MARCH 11, 2008 yy' - i.. Ct 1 vVETERAN 4_JI MARCH 12,2008 ATIONAL SPECIALTYf H , 11,. II - f H ,\L2Ji13]o] NATIONAL SPECIALTY JmTHOMAS PHOTOGRAPHYLKJrt-i\cjr ,1 w o Pi, K v\\ iTMi 24RESERVEWINNERS BITCH l KiRESERVE WINNERS 00G I1 MARCH II. 2008 ft . I iMARCH 12.2008 BESTPUPPYTMARCH 12. 2008r.- - XNATIONALSPECIALTY ATIONAL SPECIALTYTHOMAS PHOTOGRAPHYTHOMAS PHOTOGRAPHNATIONAL SPECIALTYTHOMAS PHOTOGRAPHYU' i452 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWJAN-SHARS LOUIE VUITTONAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUBSweepstakes - Judge Audrey RobertsMarch 10, 2008PEPERIE PETUNIA MOUNTAIN CREST U DONT OWN MESTARFIRES TROUBLE N PARADISECH. HEARTLANDS TOO TOUGH TO TOP CH. JANESAS SCARLETT LIVES ON IN TARA2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM52I I I I I i i i in4fa-rW' -Vy fifT i ftJw 11 fs-sJr LA TW' \Ir -r',-t't..fcrr V'n Ml'Si'J,. V.i-.Nmjgsg .nmwv .nr GRANDSWEEPSTAKES MARCH 10, 2008I1 i i ' if_1 V41riVNATIONALSPECIALTY awMTHOMAS PHOTOGRAPHY ]ihuiiiisolioii'^ooinijimaiixom ftp-fcr Al4 4 2T-,MKrAiki \v\ VuAr, \i Tlr' . t..r L'-.i Vr MAma,w VU .T s Mr\ ,1i r4BEST I SWEEPSTAKESlSWEEPSTAKES BEST OPPOSITE JUNIOR ^ SWEEPSTAKESSENIORVs BEST OPPOSITE SENIORV 11'^3L4- .mNATIONALSPECIALTY[THOMAS PHOTOGRAPHY 1-liPCH-lOJOOB NATIONAL SPECIALTYTHOMAS PHOTOGRAPHY NATIONAL SPECIALTYTHOMAS PHOJOGRAPHY H I v J [1mmmmrTMHJJttfOltX \tL'-sV.1 1'a"W1FIr r gSNfXWa SWEEPSTAKES VETERAN BEST OPPOSITEVt rSWEEPSTAKES,v- ^ -BESTVETERAN- A4', Eu^ NATIONAL SPECIALTYNATIONAL SPETHOMAS PHOTOthomaspholo30lio 'THOMAS PHOTOGRAPHY4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 53SWEEPSTAKES JUDGECRITIQUEI want to thank the APC for this amazing opportunity to judgethe best puppies of the year I was so humbled by the offer and evenmore so by the unbelievable entry I received. My heartfelt thanks toeach and every one of you who brought me an entry.Many years ago I judged a sweepstakes in Dallas, TX. I put up a little6-9 month dog with little hair. So many asked why I put him up whenthere were so many with more coat and more mature. My answer wasno one could out move him and no one could out show him and his hairwill grow Two years from that show he was a multi Best In Show AllBreed and the 1 Pom for that year I am quite sure I found many justas nice this go round and thats saying a lot So lets get started6-9 months puppy dog Out of a class of fourteen superpuppies I put in fourth place GEEBEARS SHUT YOUR MOUTHowned by Gina Williams and Linda Pelz. This was a very solid blackand tan boy with great coming and going movement and a super plushcoat. In third place was HORIZON ANIMATION MIGHTY MOUSEowned by Lorinda Vasuta and Laurie Otis. He was a lovely orangehonest dog. By honest I mean the highest compliment. No fancybusiness necessary he stood on his own merits. He had very nicemovement. In second place was LT CHERUBS CHASING A DREAMAT SUNSET owned by Darlene Davis and Donald Wickham andSharon Wheeler. He was an orange sable with a lovely profile, plushcoat, a solid mover with a very pretty head. In first place was JANSHARSLOUIE VUITTON owned by Sharon Hanson. This was asuper typey black boy with a proper textured plush coat. He had anamazing profile and was showy to the core. He had four nice legs anda pretty head that topped it off.9-12 months puppy dog Out of a class of nine super puppies,I put in fourth place POWERPOM ROLLER COASTER, KCTHowned by Pongsakorn Pongsak. This was a small bright orange boywith an adorable head. He was very showy and happy. In third placewas JAN-SHARS CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD owned by SharonHanson. This boy had a huge orange coat and a gorgeous head. Hewas unsure of himself. I really liked him. In second place was IFEVER RICKYS MOONLIGHT DANCE owned by Jeanne Heger andJudy Mehciz. Judy is the super nice lady making all the funny noisesduring the photo shoots. Again, another honest dog. He was verysolid with a nice lovely orange coat and nice head. He had goodmovement. In first place was JOLVIN REGAL REPETITION ownedby Joan and Melvin Beech and Susan Popescu. He was a very lightorange or cream stylish boy who was a great mover even on a looselead. He had a great profile which he maintained in movement and alovely head.12-18 months puppy dog I have to stop at this point andmention that so many of the pups from the previous classes wereoutstanding and only four ribbons can be given in any one class but Ineeded at least eight blue ribbons in every class This 12-18 class inparticular was unbelievable in the quality presented to me. I make astaunch prediction that the four placements in this class will becomeBest In Show Dogs Out of an amazing class of 20 dogs I picked infourth place POMHAVENS U GOTTA HAVE FUN owned byLeeAnn Lambert. He is a huge coated orange boy with great movement,nice head, lovely profile, good size, close to ideal In third place wasFOXWORTH FIVE CARD STUD owned by Pamela Dodsworth andLarry Fox. He had unbelievable coat and a head to die for He wasgood moving or standing. He never once dropped his ears. His sizewas ideal. I might have trimmed a little hair to show off his finerpoints. In second place was POMHAVENS THE HEAT IS ON ownedby Sandra Beisel and Colleen Beland. This was a solid orange boywith enormous coat and great movement a lovely head and beautifulside profile. He was a great showman In first place was MOUNTAINCREST U DONT OWN ME I wish I did owned by David andCarlene Gilstrap. Again, he had a huge coat, gorgeous head withundeniable great movement and a lovely side profile He was beautystanding or moving. He showed himself to perfection. In this class itcame down to minute details between these placements as they wereall so lovely. Thank you so much for showing them to me. I washonored.Now for the ladies 6-9 months puppy bitch Out of a class of twentyfoursuperb entries, I placed in fourth place HONEYKIST ROCKNFANTASY OF PRUSSIA owned by Sally Hestle. Once again I haveto say an honest bitch. I mean this as the highest compliment. Shestood on her own merits with solid legs a lovely head and greatmovement. In third place I put STARFIRES WICKED WANDA ownedby Jose Cabrera and Fabian Arienti. She was a small orange sable girlwho was very compact with a lovely head and great movement Shewas beautiful in movement and standing. In second place wasROBCARYS SOFTLY UPON MY HEART I love this name ownedby Caryl Fennell Scrimpsher. This was a very lovely moving, beautifulheaded, and perfect sized bitch. She had a great coat and was veryshowy. She is definitely a keeper In first place was PEPERIEPETUNIA owned by Peter Petterson and Victoria Oelerich. She wastype, style, and profile personified A beautiful red girl who couldmove and maintained her profile in movement She had a lovely headand nice puppy coat with good texture. Again in this class I ran out ofribbons before I ran out of quality.9-12 mos. puppy bitch Out of a great class of twelve bitches, I placedin fourth PIECE OF EDENS NEVER SAY DIE owned by KathleneMcClain. This was a lovely profiled black girl who had nice movementcoming and going. She had a very pretty head and a great plush coat.In third place was CUDDLE INNS FASHIONABLY LATE ownedby Camilla Knight. Again, I have to say an honest bitch. She stood onher own merits. She had a great coat, good movement, a nice head, agood profile and great size In second was JANESAS BAR-JONSLOTTA KISSES owned by Barbara Messmer and Jerrie Friea. Thisone could have gone home with me She is the perfect size bitch forshow and breeding. She had a lovely head with a great ear set, a supercoat, was fluid in movement, and maintained her profile in movement.In first place was CH. CHARS DARE TO DREAM owned by Gailand Bill Bertrand and Charlotte Meyer. I was questioned several timesabout a Champion being in Sweepstakes and it is perfectly okay to dothis. I was on the board many years ago when this was questioned andI was one in favor of allowing this. Why should a breederowner beMarch 10, 2008AudreyRoberts2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM5344 4i1i4i i i i n54 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWpunished because their wonderful puppy finished quickly Some workall year to breed that perfect pup for sweepstakes and their finishingshouldnt stop them from being able to showcase them This was avery typey, showy, lovely light orange or some may say cream bitch.She had a great coat, beautiful head, lovely profile, and over all wasjust breathtaking12-18 months puppy bitch Out of a class of twelve lovelygirls I place in fourth place PAUGH PRINTS HEAVENLY BODYowned by Sherri Alspaugh. This was a nice compact black and tan girlwho moved nicely and had a pretty head and good coat. In third placewas KISSAMIS ASTARZ FREEDOM ATTRACTION owned byDonna Stekil and Roxanne Collins. She was another nice solid honestbitch. She had a nice orange coat with a good head and solid movement.She maintained a great profile and showy attitude. In second wasPOMHAVENS DREAM OF THE ORIENT owned by ColleenBeland. She was a very typey orange girl with excellent movementand maintained her profile in movement. She had a nice head andgood coat. Another keeper In first place was STARFIRES TROUBLEN PARADISE owned by Carla McBain and Tony Cabrera and FabianArienti. There arent enough great adjectives to describe this girl.Awesome She had an amazing profile maintained in movement. Shewas a super mover with a lovely head and a great tail set And so muchmore She had personality overflowing and was perfectly presentedThen I was asked to pick the best of the best. What a lineup.I couldnt go wrong It came down to showmanship. A six month oldwho never gave up and a bitch who oozed personality My Best JuniorSweepstakes Puppy Dog was JAN-SHARS LOUIE VUITTON. Hejust kept on going and showing For Best Of Opposite to Best Juniorwas PEPERIE PETUNIA. She was very showy with an amazingprofile For Best Senior In Sweepstakes was STARFIRES TROUBLEN PARADISE and it came down to the last minute showmanship.For Best Of Opposite To Best Senior was MOUNTAIN CREST UDONT OWN ME. An absolutely gorgeous dog My Grand SweepsWinner was JAN-SHARS LOUIE VUITTON the little energizerbunny who kept on showing and showing I also had the honor ofjudging our older Poms. These dogs contribute much to our breed anddeserve a lot of respect.6-9 year dog class I had three entries in this class. In thirdplace was CH. PUFPRIDE BIT O GOLD BEAMER owned by LindaGreen and Darlene L. Davis-Thompson. He had a great coat and wasa good mover with a lovely head. In second place was CH.STOLANNES ITS MY TURN owned by Donna Riehm and FrancesStoll. He was a solid nice moving, pretty headed boy with a great coat.In first place was CH. HEARTLANDS TOO TOUGH TO TOP ownedby Kathlene McClain. This boy was very typey and showy with agood coat and a lovely head. Nine years and over dog class Out oftwo entries I placed second CH. MARBILS GAMES OF CHANCEowned by Mari Iffland and Donna Riehm. He had a big coat and stillhad teeth, and got around the ring in grand style In first place wasSUNDOWNS HIDE N ZEKE, CD owned by Carol Leemhuis. Hehad a super coat and great movement with a lovely headpiece. He wasa very youthful looking dogThen came the lovely ladies. 6-9 yrs. bitch class Out of sixentries I placed in fourth CH. LABEAU MY SECRET CHINA MAGICowned by Sharon Wheeler and Patricia Gilbert. She had a good coat,was a good mover and had a nice head. In third was CASCADESSUNKIST OO LA LA owned by Bev and Donna Stekil and ChrisSchaefer Blair. She had a good coat, was a good mover and had a nicehead. In second place was CH. ZANARAS SAND PEBBLES ownedby Carolyn Brandenburg. She was a good size girl with nice coat,good movement and a lovely head. In first place was IDLEWYLDCAMEO, CD, RN owned by Margaret McKee. She was a nicelycompact girl with good coat and a beautiful head who was very attentiveto her handler.Nine years and over bitch class I was honored to have two entries. Insecond was CH. JANESAS SCARLETT LIVES ON IN TARA ownedby Marcia Cox and in first was CH. JANESAS RHETT HEADEDVIXEN owned by Marcia Cox. I found out these were litter sistersand it explained why I had such a hard time deciding between the twoof them. They both were very nice sized girls with lovely huge coatsand wonderful head type It was a tough choice.My Best Veteran in Sweepstakes went to CH.HEARTLANDS TOO TOUGH TO TOP. He won on presence andshowmanship. Best Of Opposite To Best Veteran went to CH.JANESAS SCARLETT LIVES ON IN TARA who was still solidand going strongI just wanted to give a few comments on how I decided myjudging. I must admit showmanship was at the top of my list. Profilesand the maintaining of those profiles during movement were next. Coatwas not wanting so was not really a factor except for the over groomingand lack of grooming on very few. There were a few placements thatmay have had a slight change because of this. But it did not affect thetop winners. Head types are so varied and I appreciate so many differenttypes that unless a dog was course I rarely faulted this. Bites, I do drawmy line in the sand here I wont use an undershot dog. Im pleased tosay I found less than a handful so it really wasnt a big consideration.Rears in general were good and fronts could use improvement. Therewere great tail sets out there Bravo Overall a striking bunch ofsuperb puppies were presented to me.I was so thrilled to see that Mrs. Michele Billings chose for her WinnersDog and Winners Bitch my Best Senior and Best of Opposite to BestSenior And what a lovely breed dog she chose.Thanks again for this privilege of judging these amazing dogsIt will definitely be one of the most memorable moments in my dogshowing years2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM54i i i in44rt-6I JS mifiy9PBt V JAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 55Sweepstakes 6 months and under 9 months, Dogs.1st JAN-SHARS LOUIE VUITTON, Owner Sharon Hanson.2nd LT CHERUBS CHASING A DREAM AT SUNSET, OwnerDarlene Davis Donald Wickham Sharon Wheeler.3rd HORIZON ANIMATION MIGHTY MOUSE, Owner LorindaVasuta Laurie Otis.4th GEEBEARS SHUT YOUR MOUTH, Owner Gina Williams Linda Pelz.Sweepstakes 9 months and under 12 months, Dogs.1st JOLVIN REGAL REPETITION, Owner Joan Melvin Beech Susan Popescu.2nd IF EVER RICKYS MOONLIGHT DANCE, Owner Jeanne R.Heger Judy Mehciz.3rd JAN-SHARS CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD, Owner SharonHanson.4th POWERPOM ROLLER COASTER, Owner Pongsakorn Pongsak.Sweepstakes 12 months and under 18 months, Dogs.1st Mountain Crest U Dont Own Me, Owner David Carlene Gilstrap2nd POMHAVENS THE HEAT IS ON, Owner Sandra Beisel Colleen Beland.3rd FOXWORTH FIVE CARD STUD, Owner Pamela Dodsworth Larry Fox.4th POMHAVENS U GOTTA HAVE FUN, Owner LeeAnn Lambert.Sweepstakes 6 months and under 9 months, Bitches.1st PEPERIE PETUNIA, Owner Peter Pettersen Victoria Oelerich.2nd ROBCARYS SOFTLY UPON MY HEART, Owner Caryl FennellScrimpsher.3rd STARFIRES WICKED WANDA, Owner Jose Cabrera FabianArienti.4th HONEYKIST ROCKN FANTASY OF PRUSSIA, Owner SallyHestle.Sweepstakes 9 months and under 12 months, Bitches.1st CH. CHARS DARE TO DREAM, Owner Gail Bill Bertrand Charlotte Meyer.2nd JANESAS BAR-JONS LOTTA KISSES, Owner BarbaraMessmer Jerrie Friea.3rd CUDDLE INNS FASHIONABLY LATE, Owner Camilla Knight.4th PIECE OF EDENS NEVER SAY DIE, Owner Kathlene McClain.Sweepstakes 12 months and under 18 months, Bitches.1st STARFIRES TROUBLE N PARADISE, Owner Carla McBain Tony Cabrera Fabian Arienti.2nd POMHAVENS DREAM OF THE ORIENT, Owner ColleenBeland.3rd KISSAMIS ASTARZ FREEDOM ATTRACTION, Owner DonnaStekli Roxanne Collins.4th PAUGH PRINTS HEAVENLY BODY, Owner Sherri Alspaugh.Best Junior in Sweepstakes JAN-SHARS LOUIE VUITTONBest of Opposite Sex to Best Junior in Sweepstakes PEPERIEPETUNIABest Senior in Sweepstakes STARFIRES TROUBLE N PARADISEBest of Opposite Sex to Best Senior in SweepstakesGrand Sweepstakes Winner JAN-SHARS LOUIE VUITTONVeteran Sweepstakes 6 years and under 9 years, Dogs.1st CH. HEARTLANDS TOO TOUGH TO TOP, Owner KathleneMcClain.2nd CH. STOLANNES ITS MY TURN, Owner, Donna S. Riehm Frances J. Stoll.3rd CH. PUFPRIDE BIT O GOLD BEAMER, Owner Linda Green Darlene L. Davis-Thompson.Veteran Sweepstakes 9 years and over, Dogs.1st CH. SUNDOWNS HIDE N ZEKE, CD, Owner Carol R. Leemhuis.2nd CH. MARBILS GAMES OF CHANCE, Owner Mari Iffland Donna Riehm.Veteran Sweepstakes 6 years and under 9 years, Bitches.1st IDLYWYND CAMEO, CD, RN, Owner Margaret R. McKee.2nd CH. ZANARAS SAND PEBBLES, Owner Carolyn G.Brandenburg.3rd CASCADES SUNKIST OO LA LA, Owner Bev Donna Stekli Chris Schaefer Blair.4th CH. LABEAU MY SECRET CHINA MAGIC, Owner SharonWheeler Patricia Gilbert.Veteran Sweepstakes 9 years and over, Bitches.1st CH. JANESAS SCARLETT LIVES ON IN TARA, Owner MarciaCox.2nd CH. JANESAS RHETT HEADED VIXEN, Owner Marcia Cox.Best in Veteran Sweepstakes CH. HEARTLANDS TOOTOUGH TO TOPBest of Opposite Sex to Best in Veteran Sweepstakes CH. JANESASSCARLETT LIVES ON IN TARA.JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP COMPETITION1st CH. NOBLES MESSIN WITH THE BEST, Breeder N. Inglett.Owner Letesha Girth Noble Inglett. Jr. Handler Letesha Girth2nd WYNDLOR TISHA DARLA DORIGHT, Breeder P. Dieball B.Sabourin. Owner Becky Sabourin Stephanie Hentschel. Jr. HandlerStephanie Hentschel.Best Junior Handler WYNDLOR TISHA DARLA DORIGHT.SWEEPSTAKES RESULTSMarch 10, 2008AudreyRoberts2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM55I I I I I I i i i iny\ W'a'v456 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2nd JOLVIN REGAL REPETITION. Breeder Joan Melvin Beech. Owner Joan Melvin Beech SusanPopescu.3rd CASTILES ENDLESS LOVE. Breeder G. Sisneros.Owner Geno Sisneros Corey Gatewood.4th LT CHERUBS CHASING A DREAM AT SUNSET.Breeder, Owners Darlene Davis Donald Wickham Sharon Wheeler.American Bred, Dogs.1st POMIRISH SUPER GREY GHOST. Breeder SallyBougniet. Owner Wendy Lane Sally Bougniet.2nd ROYAL-TEES FOR RICHER OR POORER.Breeder Angela Blocker. Owner Tommy Davis AltaDavis.3rd ROYAL TEES HES AN IDOL. Breeder AngelaBlocker Emilie C Harris,DVM. Owner AngelaBlocker.4th ACHILLES MACON THE CUT. Breeder, OwnerJennifer Munn.Open, Red, Orange, Cream Sable, Dogs.1st SHOWINS THE BIG BAD WOLF. Breeder B.Raymond. Owner Jose Cabrera Audrey Caywood Fabian Arienti.2nd BARBARO OF LENETTE. Breeder, Owner. K. G.Griffith.3rd FOXWORTH FURTHER TO FLY. Breeder PamelaDodsworth Larry Fox. Owner Cheryl Kerr.4th FONS CHASING TIME. Breeder, Owner SujitraPeeyachaiprapha.Open, Black, Brown Blue, Dogs.1st CHARS CHOCOLATE DOUGLAS. Breeder,Owner Charlotte Meyer.APC National Results Judge Mrs. Michele L. BillingsPuppy 6 months and under 9 months, Dogs.1st HORIZON ANIMATION MIGHTY MOUSE.Breeder L. Otis. Owner Lorinda Vasuta Laurie Otis.2nd CHELANES TRIN A LIL ROCK N ROLL.Breeder Elaine Waugh. Owner Angela Blocker.3rd JAN-SHARS LOUIE VUITTON. Breeder, OwnersSharon Hanson.4th CHARS PARTI TIL THE COWS COME HOME.Breeder, Owner Charlotte Meyer.Puppy 9 months and under 12 months, Dogs.1st POWERPOM HIGH PERFORMANCE. Breeder,Owner Ponsakorn Pongsak.2nd IF EVER RICKYS MOONLIGHT DANCE.Breeder K. G. Griffith. Owner Jeanne R. Heger JudyMehciz.3rd POWERPOM ROLLER COASTER. Breeder,Owner. Pongsakorn Pongsak.4th CHARS RENDEZVOUS ROMEO. Breeder C.Meyer. Owner Kathleen Stuart Charlotte Meyer.POMERANIANS, 12 to 18 month, Dogs.1st TOKIE TIME WILL TELL. Breeder T. Chaivat C.Prakit. Owner Bozena Borkowska Grochala.2nd FOXWORTH FIVE CARD STUD. Breeder,Owners Pamela Dodsworth Larry Fox.3rd POMHAVENS THE HEAT IS ON. Breeder ColleenBeland. Owner, Sandra Beisel Colleen Beland.4th STARFIRES DBL TROUBLE. Breeder JoseCabrera Fabian Arienti. Owner Geri Wm. Arnold Darly Flaata.Bred-by-Exhibitor, Dogs.1st MOUNTAIN CREST U DONT OWN ME. Breeder,Owner David Carlene Gilstrap.REGULAR CLASSES2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM5644 4xyOfU,am 'y1 H. I. 7 \4 V n.V Avf w4ii i i nAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 57Open, Any Other Allowed Color, Dogs.1st CHARS CRAVIN FOR A PARTI. Breeder, OwnerCharlotte Meyer.2nd MARBILS MINI COOPER AT MNM. Breeder MariIffland Donna Riehm. Owner Mari Iffland MaryWells.3rd EAGLE CREEKS CHOCOLATIER PARTI.Breeder Kathryn Norem. Owner Laurie Otis CarolLeemhuis.4th CHARS ONE HANDSOME PARTI. BreederCharlotte Meyer Diane Finch. Owner Katy Stalnaker Charlotte Meyer.Winners Dog MOUNTAIN CREST U DONT OWNME.Reserve Winners Dog POWERPOM HIGHPERFORMANCE.Puppy 6 months and under 9 months, Bitches.1st STARFIRES WICKED WANDA. Breeder, Owners.Jose Cabrera Fabian Arienti.2nd LILIS CHINA ROSE. Breeder Lisa Aiello SharonYampiro. Owner Lisa Rose Aiello Gail Garvey.3rd ROBCARYS SOFTLY UPON MY HEART.Breeder, Owner Caryl Fennell Scrimpsher.4th PEPERIE PETUNIA. Breeder Owners JudithGreen. Owner, Peter Pettersen Victoria Oelerich.Puppy 9 months and under 12 months, Bitches.1st PIECE OF EDENS NEVER SAY DIE. Breeder C.Lowe. Owner Kathlene McClain.2nd LACUEVAS BRIDGETTE DOES BELGIUM.Breeder, Owner Sherrilynn Rogers.3rd JANESAS BAR-JONS LOTTA KISSES. Breeder J.Freia. Owner Barbara Messmer Jerrie Friea.4th CUDDLE INNS FASHIONABLY LATE. BreederDonna Smith. Owner Camilla Knight.12 to 18 month, Bitches1st STARFIRES TROUBLE N PARADISE. Breeder T.Cabrera F. Arienti. Owner Carla McBain TonyCabrera Fabian Arienti.2nd SIRIUSS SHAKE NOT STIR. Breeder, Owner NinaFetter.3rd RIALTAS PAPERDOLL OF LENETTE. Breeder K.G. Griffith. Owner Alta Tommy Davis.4th KISSAMIS ASTARZ FREEDOM ATTRACTION.Breeder Roxanne Collins. Owner Donna Stekli Roxanne Collins.Bred-by-Exhibitor, Bitches.1st POMHAVENS DREAM OF THE ORIENT.Breeder, Owner, Colleen Beland.2nd NORTHMOOR TOTALLY INCORRIGIBLE.Breeder, Owner Lisa Goodman.3rd TRESSTIQUE 4EVERNBLUE JEANS. Breeder,Owners. Bonnie Harris.4th DREAMWEAVERS CREME BRULEE. Breeder,Owners Elizabeth Michael Wells Linda Pelz.American Bred, Bitches.1st CR QUEEN OF GOSSIP. Breeder R. C. Solano.Owner Jennifer Munn.2nd NORTHMOOR HAVA LIL FAITH. Breeder, OwnerLisa Goodman.Open, Red, Orange, Cream Sable, Bitches.1st PINECRESTS PRIVATE EYE. Breeder, Owner.Catherine Paige Bolahood.2nd LITTLE CHERUBS I CAN DANCE. BreederDarlene Davis Thompson. Owner Charlotte Meyer.3rd JENUWANE SIMPLY IRRISISTABLE. BreederJenny Hryniuk. Owner Patricia Mappes.4th STARFIRES CLEMENTINA. Breeder, Owners JoseCabrera Fabian Arienti.Open, Black, Brown Blue, Bitches.1st CARLEEZ ON THE CATWALK. Breeder CarolLeemhuis. Owner Danielle Sartain.2nd CHARS SUPER MODEL PARTI. Breeder, OwnerCharlotte Meyer.3rd PAUGH PRINTS MIDNIGHT PASSION. BreederN. R. Coddington. Owner Sherri Alspaugh.Open, Any Other Allowed Color, Bitches.1st GREAT RIVERS BEAU DLICIOUS. BreederSharon Yampiro. Owner Lisa Rose Aiello.2nd CHARS SPICE GIRL. Breeder C. Meyer D.Finch. Owner Charlotte Meyer Joo Dong King AhYoung Jung.3rd PAUGH PRINTS HEAVENLY BODY. Breeder,Owner, Sherri Alspaugh.Winners Bitch STARFIRES TROUBLE N PARADISEReserve Winners Bitch CARLEEZ ON THE CATWALKVeteran Class 6 to 9, Dogs1st CH. HEARTLANDS TOO TOUGH TO TOP.Breeder D. Kieffer. Owner Kathlene McClain.2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM57I I I I I i i i in44 4458 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2nd CH. STOLANNES ITS MY TURN. Breeder F.Stoll. Owner Donna S. Riehm Frances J. Stoll.3rd CH. PUFPRIDE BIT O GOLD BEAMER. BreederW. Dimick. Owner Linda Green Darlene L. DavisThompson.VeteranClass 9 and over, Dogs.1st CH. MARBILS GAMES OF CHANCE. BreederMari Bill Iffland. Owner Mari Iffland Donna Riehm.2nd CH. SUNDOWNS HIDE N ZEKE. BreederCamilla Knight. Owner Carol R. Leemhuis.Veteran Class 6 to 9, Bitches1st CH. ZANARAS SAND PEBBLES. Breeder S.Walker. Owner Carolyn G. Brandenburg.2nd COTTONTOP WHATCHA DOIN. Breeder L.Mulso. Owner Caitlin Blowney Linda Mulso.3rd CASCADES SUNKIST OO LA LA. Breeder C.Schaefer Blair. Owner Bev Donna Stekli ChrisSchaefer Blair.Veteran Class 9 and over, Bitches.1st CH. JANESAS RHETT HEADED VIXEN.Breeder, Owner Marcia Cox.2nd CH. JANESAS SCARLETT LIVES ON INTARA. Breeder, Owner Marcia Cox.Best of Breed WinnerCH. VELOCITYS SHAKE UR BON BON. BreederD. Yona. Owner Margo KogaBest of WinnersMOUNTAIN CREST U DONT OWN ME.Best of Opposite SexCH Gayels Destinys Child. Breeder Gayle Rivers,Owner Naimi GuentherAWARD OF MERITCH. Razzle Dazzle Heavenly Choir. Breeder J. Green.Owner Roger Rechler.CH Starfires Mamasita. Breeder J. Cabrera F.Arienti. Owner Lusa Leon Fabian Arienti JCabrera.CH Jolvin Regal Risk. Breeder Owners Joan MelvinBeech.CH Tim Sues Trick Or Treat. Breeder Tim SueGoddard - Owner Mary Lattimer.CH Starfires Here Comes Trouble. Breeder J Cabrera F Arienti. Owner Jose Cabrera Fabian Arienti Veronica Winter N. Roberts.Best PuppyPOWERPOM HIGH PERFORMANCE.Best Bred-by-ExhibitorMOUNTAIN CREST U DONT OWN ME.Best VeteranCH. JANESAS RHETT HEADED VIXEN.Stud Dog Class.1st CH. DAMASCUSROAD DREAM BUSTER.Breeder B. Carter. Owner Barbara Moore.2nd CH. STARLIGHTS FUN TIMES. Breeder, Owner.Ekviriyakit Suradej.3rd CH. HORIZON-N-JANESA INDIANSUNDOWN. Breeder Laurie Otis Camilla Knight Jerrie Freia. Owner Laurie Otis.4th CH. LA CUEVAS ONE TOUGH COOKIE.Breeder, Owners Sherrilynn RogersBrace Class.First PlacePAUGH PRINTS MOONLIGHT MAGIC. Breeder,Owner Sherri Alspaugh.PAUGH PRINTS HEAVENLY BODY. Breeder,Owner Sherri Alspaugh.Second PlaceLA CUEVAS TOUGH LITTLE GIDGET. Breeder,Owner Sherrilynn Rogers.LACUEVAS BRIDGETTE DOES BELGIUM.Breeder, Owner Sherrilynn Rogers.Third PlaceBABBIS ROCK LEGEND OF PRUSSIA. BreederBarbara Meyer Sally Hestle. Owner Barbara MeyerMOUNTAIN CREST ROCK PRINCESS. BreederDavid Carlene Gilstrap. Owner Barbara Meyer.JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP COMPETITION1st CH. NOBLES MESSIN WITH THE BEST.Breeder N. Inglett. Owner Letesha Girth NobleInglett. Jr. Handler Letesha Girth.2nd WYNDLOR TISHA DARLA DORIGHT. BreederP. Dieball B. Sabourin. Owner Becky Sabourine Stephanie Hentschel. Jr. Handler Stephanie Hentschel.Best Junior Handler - Letesha Girth2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM58I I I I I i i i in44 44APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 59OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSESNOVICE CLASS A1st Score 185 DAZIE MAEBLACKBURN,AX,AXJ. Breeder Ira Marcus. OwnerWhitney Blackburn.NOVICE CLASS B1st score 197 ROYAL TEE BALL O FIRE. BreederA. Blocker. Owner Thomas Karen Kelly.2nd score 192 LITTLE MISSTURBO.CD,MX,MXJ,NAP, Breeder J. Rentschler.Owner Mona L. Gitter.3rd score191 SUNDOWNS MY TREND ISJANESA. Breeder, Owner Jerrie Freia.4th score 187 PRINCESS WIGGLES CONSNIFSNIFCD,RAE. Breeder Lisa Tennyson. Owner Lisa S.Sheffield.OPEN CLASS A1st score 181 CH. PAUGHPRINT ENDLESSTRADITION,CD. Breeder S. Alspaugh. OwnerPaulette Zecca.VETERANS1st score 189 BALLYKIN COMMANDOCODY,CDX,RE. Breeder R. McGrath. Owner PauletteZecca.2nd score 159 TOMMIHAWK,CD,RN. Breeder,Owner, Wendy Donnelly.BRACE1st score 163 SUNDOWN N JANESASPERFECTION. Breeder Camilla Knight. OwnerRochelle Fugate.RALLYRally Novice B1st Score 98 CH Paughprints Endless Tradition CD.Breeder S. Alspaugh. Owner Paulette Zecca.2nd place Score 89 Sundowns My Trend is Janesa.Breeder, Owner Jerrie Freia.Rally Advance B1st Score 100 Sassy Girl Sheffield UDX RAE2.Breeder L. Tennyson. Owner Lisa S. Sheffield.2nd Score 95 Ballykin Commando Cody CDX, RE.Breeder R. McGrath. Owner Paulette Zecca.3rd Score 83 Idlewyld Cameo, CD. Breeder, OwnerMargaret McKee.Rally Excellent B1st Score 100 Sassy Girl Sheffield UDX, RAE2.Breeder L. Tennyson. Owner Lisa S Sheffield.2nd Score 78 Ballkin Commando Cody CDX,RE.Breeder R. McGrath. Owner Paulette Zecca.2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM59i i i in4m 4 0 -_.4HpmKv ii' m 1 . , 114 ^Aif 'W I IB.i,Ifc-9 i Jv 'f--\ \ vt 1V- KItI fi aWT]\'J -Og p'vjps MWae vS5^N4460 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW Pomeranian Club of Central Indiana Inc. Designated SpecialtySat. Feb. 9, 2008Indianapolis, IndianaThe Pomeranian Club of Central Indiana Inc. held its first Designated Specialty at the Central Indiana Kennel Club Dog Show duringthe four days of competition at the Winter Classic. On an unseasonably warm and sunny winter day, the entry was huge 55 with 10absent. Trophies were grand and competitors were many. Norman Patton judged this large entry of many colors and varieties ofbeautiful Poms. His choices wereWinners Dog 5 pts. From the open class, Royal Tees Sweet Home Alabama. By Ch. Noah of Lenette and Royal Tees Daisys inAlabama. Angela Blocker, breederowner.Reserve Winners Dog from the 12 to 18 mo. class, Lanas Perfect Love. By Ch. Nguyen Cory Loverboy of GQ and Lanas WhitePetals Place. Lana Price, breederowner.Winners Bitch 5 pts. From the puppy class, Finchs One Smart Cookie. By Ch. Pufpride Sweet Dreams and Finchs Lo Behold.Diane Finch, breederowner.Reserve Winners Bitch From the open class, Jenuwane Simply Irresistable. By Ch. Clairmonts Carolina Beau and Jenuwane Look atWillow Do It. Jen Hryniuk, breeder. Pat Mappes, owner.Best of Breed, and Group III Ch. Lanas Let Me Introduce Myself. By Ch. Jan Shars Dudly Doright and Dupres Sparkling GoldPatina. Dog. Lana Price, breederowner.Best of Winners Royal Tees Sweet Home AlabamaBest Opposite Sex Finchs One Smart Cookie.Best Puppy JJs Georgio Armani. By Ch. Mercers Utmost Crown Prince and Ch. JJs She Talks to Angels. Dog. Julie Javernick,breederowner.A complete listing of entries and class placements is available at Results, click on Central Indiana KennelClubDuring the show, competitors, family and friends enjoyed a delicious snack table graciously prepared by Pat Mappes. Following thejudging and snacktime, the club held their business meeting with ten members and six guests present. Show chairman Janice Russellthanked all who helped, including trophy chairman Fran Stoll, and all who had supported the event with their entries. Plans for thenext regular specialty, Sept.12 at Lebanon, Indiana in conjunction with the Greater Lafayette Kennel Club dog show, were discussed.Following the meeting, the PCCI raffle for the beautiful hand quilted Pomeranian Wall hanging was concluded and the drawing of thewinning ticket was held. The lucky winner was Nadine Hersil.Considering this was the first time PCCI has done a Designated Specialty, everyone considered it a success.By Cathy Gould and Jo Norris2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM60I I I I I i i i in4v' 4 ''sPomeranian Club of Central Indiana4 4SPJ^ miUc.33. effly.sfli1IMW BBa km i..a r7 Ste\V\4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 61Im one of those people who cant pass by a pet store without going injust to see the puppies. For some reason I am a self inflicting sap. Alwaysenjoy a good girly movie with love and laughter mixed with tears. Isuppose that is one of the things that draws us to rescue. The happysadness, the mixed emotions, the ups the downs, and the fabulous foreverhappy endings.It was February 2008 when a post came across the rescue messageboards POMS IN NEED.As a foster, of up to 8 or 9 Pomeranians at a time, I know better than tohit the read key.Yet, more often than not, I find myself waiting as the computer loads themost recent crisis for these sweet dear Pommies.This e-mail was announcing they were able to remove 20 of the 200Pomeranians found in trailer, in Southern Indiana. The dogs were beingdisbursed to rescue groups this very evening, and transport was goingfrom Bedford Indiana up through Ft. Wayne.Gee, Ft Wayne, is only 45 minutes from our home. I suppose we couldtake just one or two to help. Ten hours later we were loading six newdogs into our van and heading to our groomers home at 1000 PM atnight to begin to evaluate what was needed for each little raggedy soul.One little Pom was so covered in feces and urine we were told it was afemale, but after the shave down we discovered she was a HE - n intactHESoon, we took him to the vet and he was neutered, given a dental,wormed, vaccinated, micro-chipped, the works as we refer to it. He thenKasperby Joanne Norrislearned to wear a collar, walk on a leash, use the correct potty facilities and to trust people to give him unconditional love andaffection. Still, being un-socialized for several years he was not the first guy we would receive applications on and with his new hairdo he looked like a baby Harp Seal more than a Pomeranian.One woman, a kind hearted lady, who spends her days caring for others as a home aid for the Guardian Angels Hospice Agency, hadstarted her search for a new dog to adopt. She had adopted a Pom who had lost an eye and she thought her little UNO would enjoyhaving a fur sibling. She wanted another Pom because she was just crazy about Uno.In her own wordsI just thought Kasper was so cute and his story was sad because he hadnt had anyone to love him. Then I e-mailed Smaller Paws Pomeranian Rescue about fostering to adopt him. The day I met him, he was so scared and I knew we were moving so I couldnt takehim yet. Leslie said she would foster him until I was ready. We moved into an unfinished house earlier than we planned because myolder son was moving into our current house. Well, Leslies mom was in the hospital so she needed me to take him before I was quiteready. I dont remember which came first, Kasper or the toilet The yard wasnt fenced yet, so we were walking our three dogs outsideon leashes. Now Kas made four a mastiff, a bassett, and two wiley little Poms - quite a workout.But I am so glad I got Kasper He is just precious. His name means treasurer andhe is my treasure. He is such a baby. He is constantly on my lap and if Im notholding him he is patty-pawing on my knees.I just feel like he deserves all the love and attention he never had, althoughsometimes I put him down and remind him to go be a doggy. He sleeps with me everynight, he likes to be under the covers until he gets too hot. He trusts me and I thinkhe makes more progress towards being a doggy all the time. He takes toys from Unosometimes but hes not sure what to do with them once he gets them. I just cantbelieve he never had a mommy who loved him because he is so specialWell, now he has a forever mom, and she is just purrrfect2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM61I I I I I i i i in4AIn'mV- ff1Ii\4 4___462 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWI can hardly believe that another SPECTACULAR National Specialty has come and gone so quickly. There is SOMUCH time and effort put forth by so many people to make our Specialty such a grand event to all attending. Icertainly appreciate the time spent working with such truly devoted friends and members of this club.We enjoyed a very profitable fundraising event. We were blessed with so many donations of wonderful and creativeitems. I must apologize for not being in the ballroom when many of you dropped off your donations. The Boardmeeting ran longer than anticipated, and because I was not there the log in sheets that we record your donations on wasnot available to you. We tried to let everyone know during the event that we needed your names and donationdescription but I am sure we missed many. I can only thank you all and let you know how very important your supportof the club through your item donations means to us. This is our main fundraiser for the year and the proceeds helps tooff set costs of the Specialty and fund other endeavors in support of our Pomeranians.As is the past, the donations were wonderful and Buyers took home some very special items.I want to thank my friend and main support person that worked tirelessly in our booth during the show MarilynHeestand. She has traveled the last two years from California to help with our Ways and Means fundraising. Shecertainly does not get to see much of the show, but we are so thankful for the many hours she spends in support of theAPC. Thanks MarilynAlso a big Thank You to our wonderful auctioneer, Bob Fiddick. You make the banquet auction a truly fun event.THANKS AGAIN TO EVERYONEWays WaysAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc. Means MeansDonna Riehm Co-Chair2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451'"..o ii'\M\\ \jV - .5 oI M0j ciraei 2a\^a. -wt vUv''11\^y,1I 4jI fl.4 4syrim.oh 4 r.ii3'4i i i i n nni^HAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 63Top 10BreedJoan BehrendPomeranians AKC TopDogssmUsing Breed TotalsStarting January 1, 2008 and ending December 31, 2008For Events Processed Through Thursday, March 6, 2007 TotalRank Name Sex BOB Defeated 1 CH Velocitys Shake Ur Bon Bon D 21 347OwnerM Koga 2 CH Cr Tuff Guy Of Isabella D 17 301Owners R Solano, C Solano, R Smith, M Smith 3 CH Lanas Let Me Introduce Myself D 13 242Owner L Price 4 CH Chars Bringin Sexy Back D 14 168Owners C Meyer 5 CH Razzle Dazzle Heavenly Choir D 10 155Owner R Rechler 6 CH DonT Play With Funny Money Wow D 4 107Owners T Rothell, J Rothell 7 CH Larajus Don Juan At So-Me D 2 68Owners R Mellem, L Newbold, L Solomon 8 CH Gayels Destinys Child B 2 62Owner N Guenther 9 CH Valcopy Janels Spiderman D 4 58Owners J Pardue, J Reich10 CH Castile Legend Of Mtn Crest D 5 55Owner D Gilstrap, G SisnerosAPC Member denoted by 2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM63i i w i nmi'v\.IWJ11 4\m m3ILVf - j4 4464 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWTop 10All BreedPomeranians AKC TopDogssm Using All Breed TotalsStarting January 1, 2008 and ending December 31, 2008For Events Processed Through Thursday, March 6, 2008TotalRank Name Sex BIS I II III IV Defeated 1 CH Velocitys Shake Ur Bon Bon D 0 2 6 3 3 2,622OwnerM Koga 2 CH Cr Tuff Guy Of Isabella D 0 1 3 3 3 2,266Owners R Solano, C Solano, R Smith, M Smith 3 CH Lanas Let Me Introduce Myself D 0 0 2 2 1 1,098Owner L Price 4 CH Valcopy Janels Spiderman D 1 1 0 0 0 478Owners J Pardue, J Reich 5 CH Majestics Artistic Impression B 0 2 0 0 0 405Owners A Rister, C Creed, B Turner, S Turner 6 CH Castile Legend Of Mtn Crest D 0 0 0 0 1 378Owner D Gilstrap, G Sisneros 7 CH Chars Bringin Sexy Back D 0 0 1 1 1 360Owners C Meyer 8 CH Razzle Dazzle Heavenly Choir D 0 0 0 1 0 336Owner R Rechler 9 Powerpom Cold Mountain D 0 0 0 2 0 299Owner P Pongsak 10 CH DonT Play With Funny Money Wow D 0 0 1 0 0 269Owners T Rothell, J Rothell APC Member denoted by 2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM64i i w i n4O'rCw4 44APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 65Top TenJanuary 1, 2008 through February 29, 2008 as reported by the American Kennel ClubTop Exhibitors4 Charlotte Meyer3 Diane L Finch2 Carol Leehmuis2 Betsy RybaTop Breeders 5 Diane L Finch 5 Charlotte Meyer 2 Carol Leehmuis 2 Sharon HansonTop Sires 2 CH Chars All That Jazz 2 CH Finchs Bet On The Parti 2 CH Pufpride Sweet DreamsTop Dams 2 CH Chars Walkin N A Winnin WayTop Junior Handlers Through January 31, 2008 As reported by BestJunior.comAmanda Seitzer 32Rebecca Silverberg 26Stephanie Hentschel 6Ginger Riley 5Hope Gould 4The Pomeranian Review includes all Pomeranian Exhibitors in their publication. American PomeranianClub Members are noted with an . In order to be eligible for APC Awards given at the Annual Banquet,you must have been a member for one 1 calendar year.Exhibitor, Breeder, Sires,Dams andJunior Showmanship2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM65i i w i n4O'rC1,44 wa4 4466 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWNew ChampionsJanuary ChampionsCH Beautiful Stars Pettistree Sandy B CH Golden Stars Bobby Dazzler x Pettistree Shades OfGold. Owned by Pongsak Pultapnmit. Bred by Pongsak Pultapnmit.CH Benaires The Real Deal D CH Ben Aires Moon Beam x CH Tresstique You Go Girl. Ownedby Reena D Fair Celeste Lujan. Bred by Benson E Ray Sharon Masnick.CH Carleez Front Page News B CH Horizon-N-Janesa Indian Sundown x Gar-Vs Beau-TifulWindflower. Owned by Carol Leemhuis. Bred by Carol Leemhuis.CH Chars Dare To Dream B CH Chars All That Jazz x CH Chars Walkin N A Winnin Way.Owned by Charlotte Meyer Gail Bertrand Bill Bertrand. Bred by Charlotte Meyer.CH Chars Heart Of My Heart D CH Chriscendo Call To Arms x Highlands Litl Cricket.Owned by Mrs. Katy Lou Stalnaker Charlotte Meyer. Bred by Charlotte Meyer.CH Chars Most Beautiful Parti B CH Finchs Rockin Parti x Finchs Carmella Parti. Owned byCharlotte Meyer. Bred by Diane L Finch Charlotte Meyer.CH Chars Something To Talk About D CH Chars All That Jazz x CH Chars Walkin N AWinnin Way. Owned by Mary Valles Charlotte Meyer Chelsea Valles. Bred by CharlotteMeyer.CH Chriscendo Coronita B CH Chriscendo Coldplay x Tim Sues Fantasia. Owned by ChristineD Heartz. Bred by Christine D Heartz.CH Finchs Day Dreams B CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams x Finchs My Bets On You Baby. Ownedby Vivian Stark. Bred by Diane L Finch Charlotte Meyer.CH Firebrooks Abbapoolas Sune D CH Magic Touch Of Lenette x Firebrooks Itsy BitsySpyder. Owned by Tammy Moynihan. Bred by Lee D Cook.CH Hillsides Maximillion DBri-Cor D CH Rueben Of Lenette x Brireg Hillside Westside Story.Owned by Xiomara B Larson. Bred by Brian Incorvaia Xiomara B Larson.CH Jan-Shars Dressed To The Nines B CH Jan-Shars If Looks Could Kill x Jan-Shars Born To BeWild. Owned by Carol Felker Ruth A Packer. Bred by Sharon Hanson.CH Jan-Shars Take Your Best Shot D CH Jan-Shars Go For The Gusto x CH Jan-Shars TheCookie Monster. Owned by Jeanette Bishop. Bred by Sharon Hanson.CH Mountain Crest Caught Up N U B CH Mountain Crest Fridays Special x CH Mountain CrestTalking Back. Owned by Barbara Moore David Gilstrap Carlene B Gilstrap. Bred by DavidGilstrap Carlene B Gilstrap Ann M Berryman.CH Razzle Dazzle Two To Tango D CH Razzle Dazzle Hat Dance x Candlebrites Cuz IM WorthIt. Owned by Judith B Green Ellen Parkin. Bred by Judith B Green Lisa M Pauls.CH Starfires Mamasita B CH Starfires Hello Its El Hottie x CH Starfires Wicked Mary. Ownedby Luisa Leon. Bred by Jose A Cabrera Fabian Arienti.CH Tresstiques Pom Pilot D Trestique-N-Ggs Showdown x CH Tresstiques Billy Jean. Ownedby Timothy P OHarrah James Hart Bonnie Harris. Bred by Bonnie Harris.CH Windkiss Pistol Pete D CH Aphrodites Donmar Desperado x Windkiss Red Ruby. Owned byLinda L Saball. Bred by Linda L Saball.Denotes APC Member2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM66I I I I I i i m i n4ismoyrfVl'V1 4Vw frT^4ryo.o 3APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 67New ChampionsFebruary ChampionsCH Dejays Chip Off The Old Block D CH Firebrooks Tabasco Fiasco x Lil Havens TrulyDarlin. Owned by Connie Russell Ron Russell. Bred by Donna J Machniak DanaCoventry.CH Dreamweavers Chance To Shine D CH Desert Thunder Of Lenette x Trudy NDreamweavers Firestar. Owned by Michael Wells Linda Pelz LEONARD WELLS. Bredby Linda Pelz Michael Wells.CH Finchs Check Me Out B CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams x Finchs Jet Black. Owned byDiane L Finch. Bred by Diane L Finch.CH Finchs Dream Parti B CH Finchs Bet On The Parti x Finchs A Parti Fantasy. Owned byDiane L Finch. Bred by Diane L Finch.CH Finchs Excuse To Parti D CH Finchs Bet On The Parti x Finchs In Your Dreams Parti.Owned by Tiffany Owen Diane L Finch. Bred by Diane L Finch.CH Islands Hanging With The Band D Cr Classic Act x Pominique Flecks Of Gold. Ownedby Sunny Shawley Robert Solano Celeste Solano. Bred by Sunny Shawley.CH Janesas Carleez Hocus Pocus B CH Pom Meadows Cedar Of Lenette x CH Janesas TheGolden Snitch. Owned by Carol Leemhuis. Bred by Carol Leemhuis Jerrie Freia.CH Larajus Blame It On The Rain B CH Jakens Splashing In The Rain At Jan Le x LydonCheerleader. Owned by Teresa G White Kevin M White. Bred by Laura l Newbold.CH Linetrees Nathan Of Pom Acres D CH Pom Acres Inchalla Lexus x Marbils Rhiannon OLinetree. Owned by Juanita Fiddick. Bred by Mary Bonnell.CH Northmoor Wind Dancer B Nans Echo In The Wind x CH Kacees Gone With The Wind.Owned by Lisa M Goodman. Bred by Lisa M Goodman.CH Panaches For A Noble Cause D CH Nobles Hardly Humble x Panaches Picture Perfect.Owned by Theresa Tafoya Gina Williams. Bred by Laura Meineke.CH Pinecrests Mannequin D Diogenoir Smoke And Mirrors x Pincrest Crystals Glory.Owned by Donna Machniak Catherine Bolahood Dana Coventry. Bred by CatherineBolahood Paige Bolahood.CH Powerpom High Performance D CH Nobles Born To Perform x Bavanews DivineIntervention. Owned by Pongsakorn Pongsak. Bred by PONGSAKORN PONGSAK.CH Reba Mcentirely Allridge B CH Allayns Archangel Of Allridge x Tatiana Of Lenette.Owned by Carol L Wittrock Valerie Allridge. Bred by Valerie Allridge.Denotes APC Member2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM67I I I I I i i m i n4VoI r' vrvl4 \ V 4yi o.o JQw68 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWHealth GeneticsGeneva CoatsVaccinationThe basics explained addressing common concernsVaccines are one of the greatest medical developments of the modern era.Thanks to vaccines, many formerly common diseases have been controlled. Fatal andcrippling diseases such as polio, whooping cough, measles, rubella German measleshave been so reduced in incidence that many people today have never seen a clinicalcase. Smallpox, once a great killer, has been practically eradicated. Our dogs also reapthe benefits of vaccination science for control of once-common diseases such asdistemper, parvo and rabies.However, in recent years, questions have arisen regarding the safety, efficacy and advisability of vaccinations for our caninefriends. Most of these concerns are based solely on anecdotal evidence. A vaccine is given, and days, weeks or months later, a healthproblem surfaces. As we search for reasons why our dog was so unlucky to develop this problem, we wonder Did the vaccine causethe health problem While it is tempting to blame the health problem of our dog on a prior vaccine, this is the logical fallacy ofcoincidental correlation. Simply because one event follows another does not mean that the first event caused the second. It is just aslogical to state that putting gas in your car causes car accidents. Medical problems that occur after immunization are often blamed onthe vaccine, but, in most cases, solid evidence is lacking.Search the Internet and you will find innumerable websites claiming that vaccines are unnecessary, even harmful. Muchresearch has been done on vaccination in humans. Despite the many wild claims about alleged dangers to humans from vaccines livercancer, autism, brain damage, etc, the studies do not support these claims. It is likely that the case for vaccine dangers in dogs hasalso been overstated.Lets examine some of these concerns about vaccinations for dogs.Vaccines dont work.Vaccines are highly effective. In several studies, vaccination against specific canine diseases is 100 effective in producingimmunity. However, there are always some individuals who will not develop immunity after vaccination. Poor response to a vaccinemay be due to the neutralizing effect of maternal antibodies circulating in very young puppies. It can also be a result of the vaccinelosing its potency when stored improperly. Poor immune response may be due to a weak vaccine challenge for example, killedvaccines are not as effective as modified live virus vaccines. Fever and impaired immune response of the host can reduce vaccineeffectiveness. Regardless of the cause, these individuals with poor response to a vaccine have the same risk of contracting a disease asnon-vaccinated dogs. It is due to the variability in response to vaccine that most veterinarians recommend a puppy series, and asecond booster vaccination for adults with unknown vaccine history.In general, live vaccines are more effective than killed vaccines, and viral vaccines are more effective than bacterial vaccines.Bacterial vaccines such as kennel cough and leptospirosis only provide immunity for a few months to a year at most. Luckily, the corevaccines are modified live viral and, in the case of rabies, killed viral vaccine, with a very high rate of successful, long-lastingimmunity. Live virus vaccines should not be given to ill or immunocompromised individuals.Vaccines are effective in preventing disease not only in individuals, but also in communities. This type of protection is calledherd immunity. Herd immunity works by decreasing the numbers of susceptible individuals. When this number drops low enough,the disease will disappear from the community because there are not enough individuals to carry on the catch-and-infect cycle.According to Ron Schultz, PhD, vaccine researcher the University of Wisconsin, although the U.S. probably vaccinates more dogsthan any other country, our coverage is only about 50 of the total canine population. With another 20-25 covered, we could, forall practical purposes, eliminate these diseases, because we would have so much better herd immunity, Schultz stated at a 2007canine health conference.2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM68I I I I I i i i inJa 1if 11v4 44APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 69Vaccines are not safeIn truth, few things meet the definition of safe. For example, every year in the U.S., 350 people are killed in bathroom orshower-related accidents, and 200 are killed choking on food. Yet few of us regard taking a shower or eating as unsafe activities.No vaccine is 100 harmless. Almost all vaccines can cause pain, redness, or tenderness at the site of the injection. Inaddition, vaccination during the perinatal period can cause abortion, congenital anomalies, fetal death and failure to conceive. Morerarely, some individuals may develop transient immune suppression, arthritis, autoimmune hemolytic anemia, encephalitis andseizures. The distemper vaccine is also under investigation as a possible cause of hypertrophic osteodystrophy. Vaccines can alsocause fever and malaise, and extremely rarely death. It should be noted that these risks also occur with a naturally acquired infection.Allergic responses can result from serum components in the vaccine. A Banfield study done in Florida in 2001-2002 revealeda rate of severe anaphylactic reaction of 1 dog per 5000 out of a study done on 838,015 dogs.We need to understand that diseases such as distemper, parvovirus and rabies often cause permanent disabilities andfatalities. The risk of the vaccine must be weighed against the very real risk of contracting the disease.Vaccines are not necessaryIn some ways, vaccines are victims of their own success. Many dog owners today have never seen a case of distemper orparvo. As a result, they may question the continued need for vaccines. However, the disease organisms remain in the environment anda danger to every unvaccinated dog. Herd immunity is also some protection for unvaccinated dogs, but it is by no means a guaranteethat the dog will not succumb to an infectious disease.Rabies is transmissible to humans and invariably fatal consequently, rabies vaccination and re-vaccinations are legalrequirements in all states. Rabies is a killed, adjuvant vaccine with higher risk of adverse reactions. There is an ongoing rabieschallenge study at this time, to determine duration of immunity obtained from rabies vaccination. If results are as expected, this willhopefully provide a basis for lengthening the legally mandated rabies vaccine administration intervals.Some people believe that by not vaccinating, they can develop, through survival of the fittest, a strain of dogs with naturalresistance to infectious disease. To illustrate the fallacy of this sort of idea, lets consider that most deadly of zoonotic contagiousdiseases, rabies. The existence of this disease has been documented since at least 2300 B.C., and has likely existed for many millenniaprior to that. If it were possible to develop a natural resistance to rabies through non-vaccination and survival of the fittest, rabieswould have ceased to be a threat centuries ago, as the less fit, less immune animals died from the disease. Yet we humans and ourdogs remain vulnerable to rabies, and only through recent advances involving immunoglobulin administration and vaccinations havediseases like rabies become a reduced threat.While in the U.S. we have reduced risk of many infectious canine diseases, canine rabies and adenovirus infectioushepatitis have recently been found in imported dogs, so the continued threat of disease remains very real.Puppies are too young to be vaccinatedBecause young puppies have had limited exposure to diseases in the environment, they have little developed immunity andare more vulnerable than adults to contract infectious diseases. They receive protection from their mothers antibodies for severalweeks, but once that protection wears off, it could be argued that vaccination is more important for young puppies than for maturedogs.The age to begin core vaccination in puppies is a topic of much debate. AAHA 2006 guidelines suggest the earliest age innormal circumstances should be 6 weeks, but in the face of an outbreak or in a shelterrescue situation, vaccination can begin at aneven earlier age. Rabies is not recommended to be given until after age12 weeks. Studies in humans have shown that children are fullycapable of responding to vaccines in the first months of life. Studies in dogs have produced similar results.It is best not to give more than one vaccine at a time.Puppies are capable of responding to millions of different bacteria and viruses because they have billions of immunologiccells circulating in their bodies. Therefore the vaccines given in the first few month of life are literally a raindrop in the ocean of whatthe puppies immune systems successfully encounter in their environment every day. Studies on human infants show that multiplecombined vaccines are easily handled by the immune system.A Banfield study on dogs indicates that the risk of overall reactions is slightly increased with multivalent vaccines 27 per10,000 as opposed to single vaccines 7 per 10,000. However, most reactions were transitory and not clinically significant. Also,since the dogs received multiple different antigens simultaneously, a reciprocal increase in reaction rate could reasonably be expected.There was an overall reaction rate of 16 per 10,000 dogs in this study with 2 per 10,000 dogs vaccinated suffering seriousanaphylactic reactions.Vaccines cause dogs to develop autoimmune disease.Results from studies on families and twins show an important role in both genetic and environmental factors in the eventualdevelopment of autoimmune disease.The portion of the genome that codes for the genes that help us recognize self is called the MHC-the MajorHistocompatibility Complex. These genes are located very close to each other and it is rare for recombination to occur. This in effect2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM69m mf 'r ,.. r 4 470 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWmeans that the genes from each parent are inherited intact. Remember, you inherit genes in pairs, one from each parent. If theparents are closely related, the possibility exists that they share the same genes at that site they are homozygous by descent. Itappears that susceptibility to an autoimmune disease is determined by the lack of variability in the MHC genes. Line breeding andinbreeding may result in this lack of variability. Close breeding increase susceptibility in the offspring to develop an autoimmunedisease when an environmental trigger is present.Though the tendency to autoimmunity is genetic, most autoimmune diseases are triggered by some sort of toxic assault, orviral or bacterial exposure. Scientists believe that the body reacts to small protein-like fragments of the pathogen that are similar instructure to the normal cellular components of the body. A recent study showed that vaccine contaminants may cause the dog to makeantibodies against these contaminants. Not all the vaccinated dogs in this study developed this response, and those who did were inthe same particular family group, further reinforcing the genetic basis of autoimmunity.Dogs who are genetically susceptible to the autoimmune process are at greater risk for such problems as thyroiditis,hypertrophic ostedystrophy, and autoimmune hemolytic anemia. These conditions may be provoked by vaccination andor infection.However, as noted by Dr. Schultz, vaccines may trigger autoimmune disease, but they do not cause it. And, if dogs do not receive theircore vaccines, Dr. Schultz notes, They wont go on to develop thyroiditis. Theyll die from distemper or parvo.Naked DNA vaccines are under development. These vaccines would contain solely the desired antigen, with no bovine contaminants.This would mean that when this type of vaccine is given, antibodies specific for the disease would be produced, without the high riskof allergic reactions or antibody responses to bovine components.My dog is too small to be vaccinated.Small breeds, and several specific breeds, are at higher risk of adverse vaccine reactions. A Purdue study involving more thata million dogs found that dogs 22 lbs. or less had approximately twice the risk compared to dogs weighing over 22 lbs. The onemilliliterdose volume listed on most vaccine labels is recommended only because that is the dose used for the licensing process.During testing, the issue of breed or size of dog has received no attention. Since we have research indicating a higher risk of reactionto vaccines by small dogs, hopefully some studies will be done to determine the lowest effective dose for toy breeds and breeds athigher risk of reaction such as Chihuahuas, miniature pinschers, Boston Terriers and dachshunds. According to Dr. Schultz, body sizeis less critical with biologics than pharmaceuticals, and a toy poodle is as likely to need a full dose of a vaccine as a Saint Bernard.Vaccine BasicsThe goal of a vaccination program is to develop immunity to serious diseases while minimizing risks of allergy andinappropriate immune response. Natural infection and recovery from a disease confers long-lasting immunity. A vaccine can also havethe same beneficial effect on immunity.The oldest and most common vaccine is the MLV or modified live virus vaccine. The actual disease-causing viral organismthe antigen is cultured, then altered so that it wont cause disease symptoms. Another type of live vaccine, the vector vaccineVV, is a genetically engineered vaccine, which is also very reliable and safe. Both MLV and VV are infectious vaccines. They workby producing a mild disease response in the individual. When the VV or MLV vaccine is given, the bodys immune system respondsby producing antibodies, which kill the virus. Immunologic memory allows the immune system to remember the organism to which ithas been previously been exposed. Duration of immunity is determined by the memory cells, but the only way these cells respond is ifthe individual becomes infected. Due to the live virus, which is introduced to the memory cells through use of a live vaccine, the VVMLV vaccines induce reliable and long-lasting immunity. A stressed, ill, or immunocompromised dog should not receive a livevaccine.The other type of vaccines is noninfectious vaccines, killed or subunit vaccines. The virus or bacteria is actually killedby use of radiation or a chemical, and cannot produce disease. This type of vaccine has less chance of producing disease symptoms,but may also be less effective in provoking immunity in the host. Rabies vaccine is killed, so that there is no chance of the dogdeveloping a fatal case of rabies. Manufacturers may add adjuvants or immune-boosting substances, to the killed vaccines in anattempt to improve their effectiveness. These adjuvants often produce adverse side effect such as local inflammation, allergy, and inthe case of one in ten thousand cats tumor formation at the vaccine site. Cats lack the tumor suppression gene that would act on aninjection site that is inflamed by certain vaccine adjuvants, particularly from rabies and feline leukemia vaccine. This problem in catshas prompted researchers to develop safer vaccines.Core vaccines recommended for dogs are distemper, adenovirus hepatitis, parvovirus and rabies. These are all viralvaccines, which readily provoke cellular memory and induce long-term immunity. There should be a dose of core vaccine at 14-16weeks as the final dose in the puppy series, then at age one year, then after that not more than every three years. Minimum duration ofimmunity from the core vaccines is thought to be seven to ten years. Yearly vaccination is outmoded and unnecessary, and exposes thedog to an increased risk of an adverse reaction. Those reactions are rare, but unacceptable if your dog receives something he doesntneed and consequently dies.Blood levels of antibodies can be measured. This is known as a titer test. There is no standardization between different labsand their testing methods, and testing can be costly. The presence of antibodies may indicate a level of protection against a certaindisease however, titer levels needed to infer protection from disease are not known. Therefore, it is not possible to know if a giventiter in a specific animal indicates adequate protection against disease. In the future, measurements of titers may provide a method ofdetermining intervals for re-vaccination.2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM70m i m44 4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 71Vaccine programs should be individualized depending on the age of the dog, the breed, and the diseases prevalent in the area.Consult the American Animal Hospital Association Canine Vaccine Guidelines 2006 for the most recent recommendationshttpwww.aahanet.orgPublicDocumentsVaccineGuidelines06Revised.pdfA bit about a sensationalistic and erroneous article.There has been a widely circulated article entitled The Science of Vaccine Damage which is filled with inaccuracies, halftruths,and scare tactics. Now I must confess, when I first read this article, I fell for it hook, line and sinker Then, my skeptical naturetook over. This article extensively references a limited Purdue study, which involved a small number of beagles. I accessed the studyand read the entire report. This study concludes that certain dogs may develop antibodies to bovine contaminants in the vaccine serum.This is certainly no evidence for vaccines causing any long-term health effects in any dogs, let alone ALL dogs, yet that is just whatthis author states in her articleI quote here from the Purdue reportThis study did not find any evidence of autoimmune disease in the vaccinated dogs.There was a marked increase of autoantibodies to the skeletal muscle proteins, myoglobin and myosin, in BOTH groups ofdogsvaccinated and non-vaccinated... this is surmised to be due to frequent blood sampling of the dogs for the study.There was no increase of antithyroglobulin antibodies in the vaccinated animals, or other evidence of thyroid dysfunction.Various autoantibodies to bovine contaminants were detected in some of the vaccinated dogs. These antibodies were notfound to react with the dogs own tissues. The long-term significance of these autoantibodies has not yet been determined. Sincebovine serum components in the vaccine may be responsible for the majority of autoantibodies, elimination of these bovinecomponents may avoid this problem... new generations of vaccines, especially naked DNA vaccines, are free of serum components,and these should not induce autoantibodies.BINGO Thank goodness for research and development. We are discovering how to make better, safer, more effectivevaccines Great news for our dogs So the next time you see that article floating around the Internet lists, just remember to read it withsome skepticism.Id like to address a few more of her faulty accusations. She states The monkey retrovirus SV40 keeps turning up in humancancer sites. Per the CDC, SV40 has been found in cancers of people who either DID or DID NOT received the polio vaccine.SV40 has not been present in any vaccine since the early 1960s. SV40 may be associated with some cancers, but the virus istransmitted to people by a mechanism other than vaccines. Lastly, SV40 has not been proven cause cancer, anymore than any othervirus, that might lie dormant in the body.She also states that allergy should be synonymous with the word vaccination, and goes on to state that vaccinessensitize render allergic this is such an inaccurate statement Actual allergies to vaccine components are rare, and the process ofimmune system activation, while perhaps sharing some similarities, is NOT the same as the allergic response process.More false statements She states The Purdue study found that the vaccinated dogs had developed autoantibodies to theirown DNA. Nowhere was this found in this study The study mentions that B cells form antibodies to the DNA of the antigendisease organism NOT their own DNA And this happens as a result all normal immune responses, not specifically vaccination, butalso from exposure to disease organisms in the environment. The study dogs were found good homes. No, they were euthanized at22 weeks so that their tissues could be examined. There are many other misquotes in this article, and faulty conclusions as well, butthe worst may well be her own conclusion, Some of us, myself included, have chosen not to vaccinate our pets at all.Lucky for her dogs, herd immunity will likely afford them some protection even if she refuses to contribute to the health ofthe community through vaccination. Once you are terrorized against vaccinating your pets, you can go to the website where she willhappily sell you untested, unproven remedies for health and wellness. For just 31 per year you can sign up for a newsletterThe article on vaccine damage is not an unbiased viewpoint, and far from scientific. We would do better to look to the realscientists and the ongoing research when formulating our health care plans.ReferencesNovak, Will, DVM, MBA Predicting the Unpredictable Vaccine Reactions Proceeding of the NAVC Congress, 2007.Schultz, Ron, PhD What Everyone Needs to Know About Canine Vaccines and Vaccination Programs AKC CHF Healthconference, St. Louis, MO, Oct 2007.Fortney, William, DVM Newest Vaccination Strategies for Sporting Dogs, North American Veterinary Conference, 2006.Thorpe-Vargas, Susan, PhD. Genetic and Breeding Strategies Essays for the Dog Breeder.Offitt, Paul A., M.D.and Bell, Louis M, M.D., Vaccines What You Should Know 3rd edition, 2003.Hogenesch, Harm, Azcona-Olivera, Juan, Scott-Moncrieff, Catharine, Snyder, Paul W., and Glickman, Larry T., Vaccine-InducedAutoimmunity in the Dog Advances in Veterinary Medicine, Vol. 41, pp 733-747.Rynders, Patricia E., DVM, MS New Protocols for Canine Vaccination Canine Pediatric Care Symposium, WSAVA 2005.Greene, Craig E., Avoiding Vaccine Reactions in Dogs and Cats WSAVA 2003.Roth, J. A., DVM, PhD Factors Influencing Vaccine Duration of Immunity The North American Veterinary Conference January2007.Maybury, Bonnie A. and Peters, Pamela M., PhD VaccinesHow and Why MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM71m mf 'r ,.. r 4 472 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAPC Judges EducationFred C. BassettJudges Education Coordinator Article - March 2008I hope that all of you had as great a time as I did at our NationalSpecialty gathering in Louisville. It was wonderful to spend so manydays among Pom fanciers and old friends, and also over 300 beautifulPoms. It was a busy time as well, with a couple of major educationalactivities and meetings to attend. As your Education Coordinator Imade a couple of proposals to the Board, which were accepted. Theyinvolve improvements to our APC Approved Mentor program, andshould be documented in the Board minutes in this issue. I will gointo more detail in the next issue of the Pom Review. The Board alsoapproved all of my revised educational materials, which were usedfor the first time during Nationals.APC hosted two educational programs which I presented including an Approved Mentor Seminar, and aJudges Education Study Group. Both were well attended, and well received by those attending. I had 19people who attended the Mentor seminar. The schedule turned out to be a difficulty for this seminar, asit was scheduled for late afternoon on Monday, following Sweepstakes judging. There was a huge entryin Sweeps this year, which was still going when we had to start the seminar. We couldnt delay it asmany folks were going to the Top 20 competition which was happening that same evening. Hopefullywe wont run in to so much overlap next time.The Judges Education Study Group took place on Tuesday morning, and had 14 prospective judgesattending. We had a very international flavor, with three of those attending coming from overseas. Ms.Elisabeth Spillman an approved FCI Judge was with us from Sweden, Mrs. Ulla Paavola from Finland,and Ms. Nika Kocjancic from Slovenia. I appreciate the time and effort that it took for all of ourattendees to be there, and particularly those who came from such a long distance. The format of ourJudges Education Study Group is what AKC officially calls a National Specialty Study Group. Itincludes the formal classroom presentation with hands-on experience with good representatives of thebreed, and also the extensive ringside mentoring time during the specialty judging. AKC awards twoeducational credits for this overall experience. Judges applying for the breed must have at least foureducational credits, so you can see how significant a good Nationals experience can be.I want to thank a number of people who helped me greatly in making these important events successful.Gregg Waters was wonderful with all of the coordination for the Hotel and Conference Room. A bigthank you also goes out to Nadine Hersil and Vicki Oelerich who brought their lovely Specials dogs tothe Judges Seminar for the hands-on part of the program. I couldnt have possibly made the ringsidementoring time a success for the judges attending without the help of a number of members who assistedwith the mentoring. Thank you so much to Arlene Benko, Marge Kranzfelder, Kelly Reimschiissel,Gregg Waters, and our wonderful Sweepstakes judge Audrey Roberts.2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM72I I I I I i i i in41'.Afm.4___4 44r-i 4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 73I am scheduled to present two seminars this summer both of which will be significant opportunities toshowcase our breed. The first is scheduled in July, to be conducted in conjunction with the HoustonReliant Park cluster shows. The seminars are being hosted jointly by AKC and the Dog JudgesAssociation of America. Poms will be part of the AKC Advanced Toy Institute. Erika Moureau hasagreed to help me with this important event. The second seminar is scheduled in August as part of theAmerican Dog Show Judges Advanced Institute, held in Indiana, Pennsylvania. Carol Leemhuis andCamilla Knight have graciously agreed to assist me with that one.Until next time, enjoy the shows and enjoy your PomsJudges Education ContinuedPCT SEMINAR PUPPY PUZZLE PAT HASTINGSPCT SEMINAR PUPPY PUZZLE PAT HASTINGS2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM73I I I I I i i i in4I1 f I,\4...... tsr.1aKHifeSiVnailll\\ _1ilSIA v.s'OKwfc' -I f rJI4 4nfj iKJratYMa f7-h -. k v,474 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWPomeranian Charitable TrustPomeranian Charitable Trust 4th year ReflectionsThe generosity and concern of Pom enthusiasts always are so very apparent during the celebrations that Nationalsprovide. Before I share these specifics, I think it is time for me to review the purpose and function of the PCT. Just as greatdog people know that form structure and function are so inter-related in dogs purpose and function is likewise primarywith organizations and trusts.The PCT is a managed fund whose purpose is to serve Pomeranians in the areas regarding health, education, and welfarerescue. Its trustees govern this fund and have the capability to further designate restrict funds for the purposesexpressed by donors within these areas. The trust agreement and application for IRS non-profit status taken togetherfurther restrict how money can be allocated. For instance, health fund donations can be made directly or through othernon-profits to researchers at educational institutions working on subjects that relate to Pomeranian health, but not toveterinarians in private practice. Education of Pom fanciersenthusiasts is included because the education of the peoplethat handle Poms directly be it general public, owners, breeders, or judges will achieve the betterment of Poms themselves.The ability to distribute rescuewelfare funds is self-explanatory in purpose. However, this is one area of the Trust thatneeds to have guidelines formatted before implementation. The Trustees take this task seriously and look forward togetting this underway.There are many matters to take under consideration in order to operate the Trust legally. Bank regulations with regard toHomeland Security restrict the Trust from receiving or sending wired funds. Charitable organizations are highly regulatedfrom raising funds through raffles particularly conducted through the Internet. Our government considers this organized,interstate gambling. So it is understandable from that prospective that it is more complex than what it first might appear.The Trust safeguards money for Pomeranians. It is not a part of APC. Five years ago, the APC board realized thatPomeranians would benefit from its formation. It was the founding donor. Their relationship is symbiotic. They bothhave the goal to benefit the breed. But the ways they may accomplish this are clearly defined and different. The Trustmust reach out and serve more than just the APC membership. APC and PCT working together with a good relationshipwill maximize the benefit to Poms.Because a particular situation occurred this past year, it is also necessary to mention what the PCT cannot do. It cannothelp human individuals or the individuals Poms. There was more than one tragic occurrence to loyal, contributing APCmembers this past year. Comments have been made that the PCT should help these individuals. Maybe the charitablein its name causes confusion. But there are legal restrictions that just do not allow that to occur. One organization thatdoes have this ability is Take The Lead. That organization was formed to help people in the dog world. It isnt that thePCT trustees dont care. They are duty-bound to serve the stated purpose of the Trust and that is to help all Pomeraniansas a whole.Now, let me turn to the good news, what we have accomplished and just received. Even before the Trust became official,we promoted having an educational seminar given in conjunction with the National. We started with zero funds availableand relied on our in house talent to initiate this function. The goal was to incorporate nationally recognized speakersthat regional clubs might not be able to afford. This year was evidence that this goal was successfully achieved. PatHastings gave her wonderful Puppy Puzzle seminar emphasizing the relationship of structure to function and helping usto recognize what we see. The Trustees chose to help make it affordable for attendees. And yet staying strictly within theeducation designated funds, it was able to cover the approximate 3,000.00 cost of this presentation. Pat Hastings haspromised to donate a portion of the proceeds from her materials sold at the seminar back to the PCT. Additionally, theTrustees are pleased to be able to use Education funds to offer an amount toward APCs purchase of a projector that willfacilitate not only the Judges Education Power Point presentation during the year, but also whatever educationalMarge Kranzfelder2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM74I I I I I i i i in44 44APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 75presentations that will occur at the National. We now look forward to setting up an equally informative seminar for nextyears National just as soon as we know its dates and location. Thank you for helping to support this important function.Most people think of the PCT or its health fund synonymous with its Alopecia X fund. It certainly was a prime motivationfactor in its formation. And it is natural to reflect the prime health concern of APC and its membership. This elusiveproblem has been a worldwide concern of Pom enthusiasts. And we are also fortunate that the Alopecia X fund has thelong-time concern and wonderful support of the PC of Canada, along with individuals from other countries. It makes somuch sense to pool our resources and work together to find answers. Specifically, the PC of Canada generously donated1,000.00 US. And an equally generous donation of 1,000.00 US was given by Luisa Leon Segura as she arrived fromPeru. Chris Heartz, once again, added great enthusiasm to our third donation in Kentucky. She designed, painted, andthen donated a Pom crate for auction. It is truly a masterpiece. In order to allow those not able to attend to participate inthis auction, we set rules to accept phone bids. It was Margo Kogas winning bid that added 2,200.00 to the PCTAlopecia X fund. This was an example of the owner of the BOB Pom giving back to the Breed in this generous way.This years contributions certainly help in creating a war chest against this troubling Pom condition. It will take bothblood and money to help find scientific answers. The breakthrough development of DNA technology gives hope to bothDr. Johnson and Dr. Leeb that finding a marker is within reach. The PCT is glad that two leading researchers are workingat finding solutions by studying DNA. But we must remind people that even if we find a DNA marker that will ideallyhelp to prevent Poms from ever being affected, funds could still be needed to study how to help those that presently dohave it. Or is there more than one marker to be found Commitment to finding answers edges us forward, but our workis far from concluded.We try utilizing as many resources as possible and facilitating effective teams. This has included the AKC-Canine HealthFoundation and the Morris Foundation. We are presently fortunate to have embarked on a joint project with MarsVeterinaryWaltham to help collect needed DNA blood samples. As stated in my previous article, they will pay for thePom donors veterinary and shipping costs. Their research coordinator, Martine Huslig, will arrange for sample kits to godirectly to your vet. These kits also contain the necessary release forms and simple health questionnaire regarding thedonors Pom. She collects these samples, forwards portions to the Mars Foundation and Dr. Leeb. She provides thenecessary security of donor confidentiality. No one connected with our breed neither in APC nor PCT are provided anyinformation concerning the donors. The new methods of DNA search require the samples to be from both affected andunaffected Poms. So please help us with this blood sample drive. Our goal is to obtain about 60 samples. The portiongoing to Mars Veterinary will benefit any of their future canine research. Each donation therefore helps more than justone particular scientist. Those attending the National were offered a nice travel coffee mug as a thoughtful reminder andthank you from MarsWaltham. For more information or to arrange for a sample kit, contact Martine or 512 858-7939 or Marge Kranzfelder at or 831 623-9265Thank you all for caring enough to make a positive difference for our Poms.2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM75I I I I I i i i in44 4\ if 1 v a V. V 1V .S5- iIM ^k476 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAPC AWARDS BANQUET - LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM76I I I I I i i i in4Ik . r TYi7.V,IIIM 1 iF-\ jv j4 4l-___ vcfe.T.\A,V34APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 77APC AWARDS BANQUET - LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM77I I I I I i i i in41ilwmmmJfSS 7i ,U3w ritiV V.1t 'c7 4V Vfcr' \.VL7ni'.V\I ''Wir ' V fc _ .---i . - ^n ivI\ a 3cr T3 - 2n f r j4Ai .- -i ftwftrjl f i wIp fvr^S1 ,c f.454 4v^ -A ^ Vrii111Fja ,- L-r '\ idi478 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAPC AWARDS BANQUET - LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM784flwT-ii' 2lurI" iiIJ'i " ^ V. 54 " r Ss3T i. L . -LJ4If4 r J15 ___atE 2SF^ , 1 Cf r,,[ A-wE4 4ti^4r"-_A ivHi4.1'N v'-UMM.AI,,V,t '1r IIU u J\4i i i i n rmAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 79APC NATIONAL, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM79I I I I I i i i in4 .wPMI'4ki. pfc3I.St rCIfjrrV' ikr Ii ^" A. j. s"viLit --Jmy i- aiCV1sL .rlV .7'-r r 'vO4 4.' V rV1IEkit r 1Cjj' y.ri mwHr T. yn\ i5 ,V 'Ji V' K------ H nrAfrt. I 4_cr4ri ira,V ft K s iv- ifiibeMS'rT11. 480 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW NEWS AND VIEWSPERFORMANCEBy Barbara McClatcheyBarbara McClatcheyAPC National Specialty Obedience Report by Lisa SheffieldI have had the privilege of attending and participating in APCs National Specialty in Louisville, KYsince 2004. I can truly say that I have enjoyed myself each time and look forward to the next yearsspecialty as I drive home. I do wish that we could have another costume contest. It was the highlight ofmy first specialty.It was so exciting to have eighteen competitors in the obedience trial this year. Our little dogs arewonderful performance dogs and we should be very proud of them.High in Trial was earned by a spectacular little guy named Royal Tee Ball OFire with a score of 197 for1st place in the Novice B class. His ownerstrainers are Thomas and Karen Kelly. Tom and Karen alsoadvised that this was just his 3rd show and he had finished his Companion Dog title with this show. WOOHOO I look forward to seeing his progression in this sport.2nd place went to Mona Gitters Little Miss Turbo, CD, MX, MXJ, NAP with a score of 192 . 3rd placewent to Sundowns My Trend is Janesa with a score of 191, owned by Jerrie Freia. My Princess WigglesVonsnifsnif placed 4th with a score of 187.Paulette Zeccas Ch. Paughprint Endless Tradition, CD-Tyler took 1st place in the Open A class with ascore of 181. It was also his Companion Dog Excellent title. Way to go guysAll in all everyone had a great time and I hope to see everyone again at next years specialty.APC National Specialty Rally Reportby meI had thought that Lisa might report on this one, also, but she left it to me, and Im delighted to do it.It was a great honor for me to be invited to judge Rally at the National. I enjoyed designing courses toshow off our obedient Poms and in fact have used those courses for my Front and Finish column forJune. In Excellent, I wanted to show off the ability of the dog to stop without sitting, so included theMoving StandWalk Around Dog, which can be a very showy exercise for a Specialty. I also used theBack Up 3 StepsDog Stays in Position, which is fun for the dogs once they learn it and a lot of fun to2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM804r n4 42i,iiil \ VPnno ,, Mlli iUl lo OTi ^j i fMM.H 44-f VI .n s.l- o cvV-9i _L J4i i i i nAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 81Performance Continuedwatch. In Advanced, I included the Stop and Down, again an impressive exercise, especially when welldone,and the HaltStandWalk Around Dog. I always include a walk-around exercise on every course.Unfortunately many handlers dont realize that the pause in heel position is absolutely required in theexercise description, and failure to pause sometimes causes an Incorrect Performance score, costing 10points. The point of this requirement is to demonstrate that the dog will not move just because the handlerhas returned to heel position.Placements wereNovice B 1st place went to CH Paughprint Endless Tradition CD, owned by Paulette Zecca, with a score of98. 2nd place went to Sundowns My Trend Is Janesa CD, owned by Camilla Knight, with a score of 89.Advanced B 1st place was taken by Sassy Girl Sheffield UDX RAE2, owned by Lisa Sheffield with a scoreof 100. 2nd place was Ballykin Commando Cody CDX RE, Paulette Zecca, with a 95, and 3rd place wasIdlewyld Cameo CD RN, owned by Margaret McKee, with an 83.Excellent B 1st place again went to Sassy Girl Sheffield UDX RAE2 with a 100. More about this later. 2ndplace was Ballykin commando Cody CDX RE with a score of 78.Please notea score of 100 is a perfect score. Even one perfect score is not a common occurrence, butthis time there were two 100 scores in one day, and both were by the same dog in two different classes.Sassy and Lisa were a real team, and I heard later from those watching from outside the ring that they werein awe watching these performances. I stood there with my clipboard and score sheet in hand, but the onlything I got to write on it was the comment NICE on a couple of stations. The Moving Stand and MovingDown were especially impressive, as Lisa did not even need to look at Sassy or give a signal, just theverbal Stand or Down and the dog instantly performed. I even bragged about this performance on theRally Judges e-mail list. It was an honor to be allowed to judge this teamTITLES, WE GOT TITLESAMERICAN KENNEL CLUBCompanion DogCanefyres Sparkling Icee CD RN, Jodi Shari Fukuyama Laurella Pang, 2242008Sundowns My Trend Is Janesa CD, Camilla Knight, 2162008Obedience Trial ChampionOTCH Gidgets Cinnamon Prince UDX5 RA, Mike Carolyn Smith, 1202008According to the AKC, Levi is only the 5th Pomeranian and the 1st male Pomeranian to receive theOTCH title. In order to attain this title, a dog must have earned 100 points based on placement in Open Bor Utility B with a specific number of dogs defeated. For example, in order to earn just 2 points for a 1stplace win, there must have been at least 6 dogs competing in Open or 3 competing in Utility. In order toearn 1 point for a 4th place, there must have been at least 31 dogs competing in Open, or 20 in Utility. Thedog must earn at least one 1st place in Utility and one 1st place in Open, as well as an additional 1st place ineither Open or Utility. The 1sts must be under 3 different judges, and only one may be at a Specialty.Rally NoviceShowcase Shadowbox Rose RN, Shirley Morrell, 1520082008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM81I I I I I i i i in44 4482 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWPerformance ContinuedSouthpaws Cherish Every Moment RN, Nannette Walker, 1132008Jan Les T-Nee B-Nee Babe CDX RN, Barbara Dressler Jane Lehtinen, 2172008Janesas Wrinkle In Time RN, Barbara McClatchey, 2242008Im very proud of Tessie. She is not yet ready for the big time, a.k.a. Obedience competition, but weregoing to continue in Rally to help her learn ring manners. This is what Rally was originally designed for,and I expect it to be very useful in this case.Rally AdvancedKilpatricks Soot N Silver RA , Joyce Hayes, 1272008Martis Mini Oreo CD RA NA NAJ OAP OJP, Marti Halifko, 1122008Pcs Little Two Tone Chevi CD RA, Pamela Neely. 1242008Toyrific Miko Hime, Sandra Harada, 2232008Rally ExcellentK Bar Js Klondike Bar CDX RE OA OAJ, Carla Brown, 2152008Rally Advanced ExcellentBeelzebubba Pork Chop CDX RAE OA, Brandon Watson, 2162008Novice AgilityApaws Wirl Wind Romance NA, Susie Zemo Letchworth, 2172008Open AgilityBoffo Barking Binnie CD OA OAJ, Julie Lindsey, 2182008, ILPOpen Agility PreferredVip-Odyssey Buttons Lil Beau NA OAJ OAP OJP, Kathy Flesner, 1262008Master Agility ExcellentCheris Lil Swee Pea MX MXJ, Gena Zglinski, 222008Novice Agility JumperMax NAJ, Barbara Timothy Gilligan, 2162008, ILPOpen Agility JumperBoffo Barking Binnie CD NA OAJ, Julie Lindsey, 2172008, ILPLoverboy Fauntleroy OAJ, Sandra Disque, 2162008, ILPExcellent Agility JumperSecond Chance Pippin AXJ, Beverly Taub, 1112008, ILPMaster Excellent JumperCheris Lil Swee Pea AX MXJ, Gena Zglinski, 1262008Agility FAST NoviceRoxie Frye NA NAJ NF, Richard Frye, 2172008, ILP2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM82I I I I I i i i in44 44APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 83Performance ContinuedMaster Agility Champion 2MACH2 Cody Joe C Man, Carol Mehlhaff, 1182008Master Agility Champion 3MACH3 Judys Itzy Bitzy Mitzi OF, Judy Thompson, 2232008Master Agility Champion 7MACH7 Little Polly Party Girl, Betsy Ryba, 2172008Master Agility Champion 8MACH8 Maya Mango Shes A Delight, Betsy Ryba, 292008Someone asked me, UDX 5 MACH 7 MACH 8 What do these people do with their spare timeThe answer is simplethey train the dog in Freestyle, do Pet Therapy at nursing homes, and generallyenjoy being with their dogs in any way they canDogs now eligible for the APC Hall of Fame, a Historical Award.Dogs now eligible for the APC Gold Club, a Historical Award.To read about the requirements for these Historical Awards and how to submit your dog, go .American Pomeranian Club members are listed in bold print ILP dogs are usually Rescues. Only APCmembers for at least one year are eligible for Annual Awards Top Obedience Pom, Top Agility Pom,etc., and the relevant information must be submitted by the APC member. All Poms are eligible for theHistorical Awards.Congratulations to all who train, show, and title their Poms in the Companion EventsDont forget to send your own News and Views to Barbara McClatchey, 57 Poplar Court, Lake Jackson,TX 77566. Or call me at 979-297-7383. Or e-mail me Why not joinour e-group Brags and advice available at ActivePomeranian-subscribeyahoogroups.com2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM834r nJi IV4SSiV. .4 H"444 7 VVr'1IiViP4.Siv, ft'll , Ari'. i'- ^ L3f. f II I I II4 4L J4i i i i n84 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWPerformance Continued2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM84I I I I I i i i inr9 r ABOUT 10 15 20 25 30 0r SPIRALiRIGHT I LEI F ,RD DOL _ 10 L iNsip5 7m10M l10'cIS 15SjVr SENDOVER JUP HANDLER n nPASSES BYi r20 20SENDOVEIfASlJUMIIHANDLERLI'AC e^cyp3STEPS DOG STAYS IN' POSITIONSPASSEWv258 [TURN psslCALLT^EELrn LE3 30RIJ r---------iifMOVIJ ANDUtS^ItW, AROUNDJI 794 4bn-or4I4lleft CALLFRONT- GHT4FIMI f40 t45RISTART 1C___Handler [[honorFinish-45 46I__lDogLeash Entrance10 15 jw_START 11.360 Right Turn 1112. Send Over Jump-Handler Passes By 343. Spiral Left-Dog Inside 224. Send Over Jump-Handler Passes By 345. HALT-90 Pivot Right-Halt 376. Moving Stand-Walk Around Dog 487. 270 Left Turn 108. Fast Pace 189. Normal Pace 1910. HALT-About Turn Right-Forward 32111. HALT-Down-Sit 4512. Left Turn 613. Back Up 3 Steps-Dog Stays in Position 4914. HALT-Turn Right One Step-Call to Heel-HALT 3515. Call Front-Finish Left-Forward 14FINISH 216. Honor 50Exit National Specialty 1 Excellent ITuesday. March 11. 2008 Louisville. KY Judge B. McClatchey iL _lJL J4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 852008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM85I I I I I i i i in4rrSc-s ^ A-OBEDIENCE BRACE 1ST PLACE MARCH 10. 2008LmOBEDIENCE 1ST PLACE VETERAN MARCH 10. 2008f T a mOBEDIENCE NOVICE B-4PNATIONAL SPECIALTY MARCH 10. 200811 npTHOMAS PHONOGRAPHY At . JNATIONAL SPECIALTYTHOMAS PHOTOGRAPHYIATI0NAL SPECIALTYft w1. m8^ m, IOBEDIENCE NOVICE B 3RD PLACE MARCH 10. 2008r.OPEN A 1ST PLACE NEW TITLEI .f H4V. ^MARCH 10. 2008 ,J\NATIONAL SPECIALTYTHOMASNATIONAL SPECIALTY 11 THTIPAASL PHTITnr.RAPHYOBEDIENCE4 4 mf4.Vswf'I VLUl.kii tf K 4^ 4 iA j Ipi- APmI ala.5W7e-K\ JimaA a ^L J486 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWJuniorJiveAmanda SeitzerMy name is Amanda Seitzer and I am 17 yrs old. Ibegan showing just a short two years ago, when Ifell in love with a puppy from Mary Rosenbaumof Bi-Mar Poms. I have had Poms since I was 7years old when I first got one for my birthday.Dog showing is not something you will find in myfamily history, some of my relatives had nevereven heard of such a thing until I started. But Imhappy to tell them about what I do and show themmy accomplishmentsI live in the beautiful state of Arizona near CaveCreek, with my two brothers and parents. Whenmy mom and I are not at dog shows, you canusually find us riding quads at the Sand Dunes inSouthern California. I attend a Charter school so I am able to travel a lot without missing much school. I amplanning to graduate early and start college. Im still unsure of what I want to do with my future, but I still havetime to figure it out.My mom Kathy and I were breeding pet quality Poms off and on for about eight years, before we ever consideredshowing. Our kennel name is Sweetwater Pomeranians.When I first got my puppy Duke, neither of us knew what in the world we were doing. I found a handling classnearby, where I learned the basics and developed my techniques and personal style of showing. I still continue toattend those classes once or twice a week. I was once told if theres nothing new to learn, its no longer fun, and Itruly believe it.I have had many ups and downs with showing in both juniors and breed. In juniors I have to say sometimes thejudges dont even give you a second look when you have a toy dog. It can be frustrating but you have to learn onceyou step out of the ring to forget about what happened with the placements and focus on what you can do better forthe next time. Aside from the frustrations there are so many great times. Even if I dont place as long as my dog andme performed well, I am very happy. I love the feeling of knowing I trained him myself and although we didnt winwe did the best we could. A lot of kids have push button or top ranked dogs from handlers, I know my dog is farfrom being push button but we have a connection that some juniors and their dogs are not lucky enough have. I amvery proud to say I finished 2007 as the 4 Pomeranian Junior and qualified for the 2008 Eukanuba in less thanthree months. It will be my first year going and I am very excitedI have been so fortunate with the people I have met in this world of dog shows especially the Juniors. I met two ofmy best friends ringside, Hayden Hadley and a fellow Pom Junior handler Rebecca Silverberg. She has taught me alot of my grooming techniques, which I am very fortunate for. Without her I dont know where I would be. Its nicehaving another Pom Junior around, because we can watch each other and give one another tips on what we could dobetter and we both understand how hard it is with Poms.2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM86i i i i n4rn________ _ ___\ nA 4,M34APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 87Along with Juniors I have had a lot of accomplishmentsin the Breed Ring. In December I single-pointed out mypuppy Doubletakes Center of Attention Tanner afteronly three months, including two Best of Breeds fromthe 6-9 class. He has been my pride and joy. He is a bigshow off his name really says it all I hope to finishhim soon. I have also recently put two majors on a dogowned by Reena Fair which finished him, his name isCH Benaires The Real Deal Dealer I was so honoredto have the opportunity to do that for Reena. I would liketo thank her once again for trusting me and letting meaccomplish that for you He is the first Pom I havefinished and this will be something I remember for therest of my life.This year in 2008 I have put a 4 point major on my maleRhett Butler of Lenette, won several Best inSweepstakes with Tanner, and have had some fantasticBest Junior wins and placements. I am most proud of mytwo second place wins at the big Denver show with ajunior entry of about 20 in the Open Senior class. I amcurrently the 1 Pomeranian Junior Handler and 6 ToyJunior handler. Statistics according I will also be bringing out a couplenew dogs this year, one being my first Bred-by bitchSweetwaters Back Stage Pass Brooke, a beautiful littlegirl Sweetwaters B-Kind Rewind of Lenette Kasey andanother bred-by Sweetwaters Its a Guy Thing Dude.I would like to thank the breeders that given me theopportunity to own some of their beautiful dogs, ReenaFair of Doubletake, Ken Griffith of Lenette, MaryRosenbaum of Bi-Mar, and Sharon Hanson of Jan-Shar.2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM87I I I I I i i i in4_______ ___ _rmr-w-mr.'iaCEV6tP X'sM- BEST JUNIORHANDLERl kcmlek 1 Ws-a -r fawmmr _Lrl.fvrfVftyS4 4KENNEL CLUBPALA SPWNGS'I JANUARY 2008ity bestq.IC WINNERSmTiTTV-,- y-V,I.r A4ilTOY DOG FANCIERSj]NORTH SAN DIEGO COUNTY ^OCTOBER 2007TSiM MWWCmiBI\ KENNEL CLUB yNOVEMBEfl 2007 1BEST OF'. \ 1 BREEDNUMA ivj BEST JUNIOR- HANDLERKOHLERk.C4 I 'hi A..o HIPP tei'best OFftnvj488 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWIn Memory ofSue Goddard3-18-05 Audrey Roberts Connie Zieba Sue at Take the Lead3-15-06 Sue Bob Kennedy and Cosmo3-15-06 APC Nationals Obedience Judge Patricia Krause, SweepstakesJudge Sue Goddard, Conformation Judge Erika Moureau1-24-08 Tim and Sue Goddard50th AnniversaryJudge Janice Luginsland Earl, Sue, Teresa Livezey, Audrey RobertsTim and Sue on recenttrip to EgyptTim and Sue on recenttrip to Egypt2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM88i i i i nII li I P 1fe '7O'l msrWf l 4t,fj1jjiwft SsL Jfc-f Mr ra.i i r 1mKVV 1\ sstr V-f'. -VrnInf r. .''. 'U-S.J-Zxir- .. ' . ^7, - 'r-,S lr,.a iit. 1 IIS jtsi^___ , jV 4ii 1fe f rj iU1 V1J1 r v.rlfe4F V.'Jrl r'"h ott k'feAV -^k - \APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 89IN CELEBRATION OF SUE GODDARDBy Connie Zieba, Photographs by John David ZiebaOn March 22, 2008, Sue Goddard passed away in Houston, Texas, one month shy of her 72nd birthday. She was surroundedby her family. Sue had been diagnosed with liver cancer just one month previously.Sues family and friends came together at the Goddard home a few days later to celebrate her life. Everyone brought food, aswell as pictures, cards, and mementoes to give to the family. At the gathering, each person shared stories about Sue, and thoughts onwhat she meant to them.Tim and Sue Goddard and Darrell and Olga Baker were often said to be joined at the hip. They enjoyed doing just abouteverything together from house-hunting to playing Balderdash. At the memorial, Olga shared some of the happy moments she hadenjoyed with Sue, as well as words Sue herself had expressed shortly before her death. Sue had said she was not afraid of dying shehad had a good life and been fortunate enough to do the things she had most wanted to do. These comments impressed us all deeply.John David and I reflected on the many Houston Pom Club meetings held in the Goddard home, the Christmas parties,birthday celebrations, the dinners, and the social evenings to play silly games. I loved all the great Pom stuff Sue had all over herhome. Each item was a trophy won over the years or a gift from a friend. Everything had a funny story behind it.I still remember when John David and I showed one of our dogs for the very first time in the ring and he was selected forWD. We called Sue and Olga long-distance shaking with excitement. They were just as excited as we were Another fond memoryis the time Darrell, Olga, Sue, and Tim drove out to a run-down horse arena in the country to watch our Pom compete in agility. Icouldnt believe they had made the long drive to stand out in the heat just to see our Pom run. I thought then and still think now, weare very fortunate to know such kind, thoughtful, and fun-loving people.A large number of the 30 Pom-friends gathered at the Goddard home currently own Tim Sue Poms, or have owned one inthe past. Sue not only found great homes for her puppies, she also brought the new owners into the Houston Pom Club as members,and then started them showing their new Poms. She was truly the best example of improving the breed by her own breeding program,and by the sizeable number of people she brought into the Pom community.Another wonderful example of the strong bonds shared by the Pom community was witnessed by the reunion of Tim andSues daughters, Zarena, Zanna and Timmara, with the daughters of Darrell and Olga Baker, Jeri and Toni, and Erika Moureausdaughter, Jennifer. These young ladies have grown up together going to dog shows, playing together, and later helping their parentsshow dogs. They have all inherited a life-long love of animals and appreciation for the relationships that bind dog-people together.Present at the memorial were long-time friends of Sue and Tim, many going back twenty, thirty, and even forty years. Peopletraveled from Dallas, Austin, and even greater distances to be present at the memorial celebration. Humberto Ramirez known asBeto to everyone flew in all the way from Guadalajara, Mexico. Beto spoke about his great joy in being able to work with Sue toexpand the Tim Sue line to areas of Mexico that had not previously seen such high-quality breeding. Beto is committed to continuingthe work he and Sue began together.On January 24 of this year, Tim and Sue celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary. The Houston Pom Club held acombination meeting and anniversary party in the home of Audrey and Charlie Roberts. Audrey filled her home with decorations andour members brought food, a cake, and champagne. We drank champagne punch out of a silver punch bowl, won as a challengetrophy by one of the Tim Sue Poms sometime in the past. Sue and Tims friends brought funny cards and gifts. The following day,they left for Florida for a family vacation. They were able to swim with the dolphins together with their children and grandchildren.Sue and Tim Goddard and the Tim Sue line, is well-known to Pomeranian fanciers. Both Sue and Tim have served theAmerican Pomeranian Club well. Sue is a Past-President of the APC and Tim served on the Board of Directors. They have also beenHonorary Life Members for the past several years. They have been invaluable members of the Pomeranian Club of Greater Houstonsince shortly after its conception in 1968 and Tim currently serves as Treasurer. They were charter members of the La CajunPomeranian Club of Louisiana and active members for many years. In 2006, Sue judged Sweepstakes at the APC Nationals inLouisville, Kentucky. In August 2007, Tim and Sue served as Show Chair and Secretary for the APC National Summer Specialty inHouston, Texas.The Tim Sue line began in 1962 and since that time has produced over 100 champions. CH TIM SUES HIGH LIGHTS isdistinguished by winning Best of Breed at Westminster. There are many other famous Tim Sue Poms and their progeny are still goingstrong today. Among many other accomplishments, CH TIM SUES FLYING HIGH Cosmo owners Patrick Farmer and KevinHebert won the Award of Merit at the APC Nationals in 2006 and has been on the APC Top Ten lists for the past few years.The most recent achievement in the Tim Sue line is the Award of Merit given to CH TIM SUES TRICK OR TREATGoblin owner Mary Latimer at the 2008 APC Nationals in Louisville. Goblin was also a Top Twenty Pom at the Nationals andhas many other big wins to his credit. Also recently, CH TIM SUES TRACES TRINKET Trinket was awarded the ROMdesignation. In 2007, Trinket was listed as an APC TOP TEN DAMS. Those of us in Houston knew Trinket as Sues little shadow,following her around the house and never leaving her side for a minute.In 2006, Sue made the decision to downsize her kennel in order to be able to spend more time traveling with her family. Sheturned to her long-time friends, Christine and John Heartz of Chriscendo Poms. Chris brought several of the Tim Sue Poms intoher own program in Canada and continues to do great things with them. It gave Sue a lot of pleasure to know her precious Poms hadgone to such an excellent home and outstanding program. Chris wrote the following tribute to Sue2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM89I I I I I i i i in44 4490 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWIt took all my courage to attend Hospitality night at my first APC Specialty in 1978. At the time, the Specialty was held inNew York. As I got to the door, I searched for a friendly face, but not knowing a soul, the gentleman at the door asked if maybe I wasin the wrong room. Close to tears, I turned to leave when a beautiful young girl saw me, ran up and asked, Do you own MillamorsRock Medallion I said, Yes. And she said, Well, my Mother will want to say hi. Zannas simple act of kindness was the startof my friendship with Sue Goddard that has lasted for 30 years.Although we lived so very far apart, Sue has always been there to share in the triumphs and the tragedies we have had inPoms. Years ago we agreed to co-own a little dog that Sue fell in love with at the Specialty. She took him home and made him one ofthe greatest producing Poms in the history of the breed. Besides City Lights, we shared several other dogs back and forth over theyears, Kirby, High Lights, Hans and Denver.Tim and Sue even drove all the way up to Nova Scotia in the fifth wheel to spend time with us one summer. We had a lobsterfeast on the deck, spent a weekend in PEI, ate more lobsters and walked on the beach after the dog show. That trip will always be aspecial memory for us. I always envied Carolyn and Olga, as they got to spend so much more time with Sue than I did, but we alwaysmade the most of the time we did have and corresponded regularly.A couple of years ago, Sue felt she would like to spend more time with Tim, the girls and her grandchildren. Rather than justgive up breeding she asked John and I to take the last seven of her Pom girls. Although they have to brave the snow up here, thegirls are all happy and healthy. I am sure Sue is smiling down on us all and will be proud of their accomplishments for years tocome.Sue devoted the majority of her life to Poms and she was a very successful breeder. The TimSue dogs are behind many linestoday and Sue can certainly claim responsibility for starting a lot of people in Poms. She consistently produced top winners, yearafter year. Sue has also served in so many capacities and has given much to the breed and several regional Clubs as well as ourNational. Sue just had a way of getting people involved when she was in charge.My heart breaks for those left behind, but I only hope when the pain fades that you all remember Sue Goddard, the lady withthe million-dollar smile. Chris and John HeartzMarge Kranzfelder, Past-President of the American Pomeranian Club, and long-time friend of Tim and Sue, was unable tobe present in Houston for the memorial. However, Marge wrote a beautiful letter, which was read aloud to the gathering. Hersentiments perfectly express what Sues life-work was all aboutI consider it a privilege to know both Sue and Tim. As I reflect, I see mental snapshots. They are of her fine Pom ringpresentations with the Greats of TimSue moving out at the end of the lead. This is THE image that both helped teach me and I stillhold when mentoring others. Then there is Sue, the quiet, dignified, knowledgeable judge at the Nationalnot overshadowing thefun-loving, hospitable Sue sipping Green Beer on St Paddys Day or a Tequila Sunrise.I am so very, very happy to Highlight my memory images with both of you last August. They serve as a reminder to me tograb onto these opportunities whenever possible no one ever knows when there might not be another chance.And yes, I enjoyed seeing Goblin at the National in Kentucky. I like that dog And as I watched him in the ring, he was andstill is a favorite of mine. I knew his odds of winning the big one I had no question he would at least obtain the Award of Merit. Butknowing the health situation with Sue, his presence was sentimental and poignant as well. He represented all the great TimSue Pomsand he took on this responsibility well. Sue has rightfully earned a respected place in Pom history.But most of all, I realize and am sad that Poms and their people have lost a great one. I look forward to our paths crossingonce again.With sincere sympathy, Marge KranzfelderLong-time friend Erika Moureau and her daughter, Jennifer, were part of the group gathered at Tim and Sues house tocelebrate Sues life. Erika expressed her thoughts beautifully in the following tributeWhen you lose a very dear, long-time friend like Sue, it takes a while to cope. But I am happy that God didnt make hersuffer very long.So, I like to think about all the good times we had traveling together, all the laughter and the fun. All the wins and somelosses we shared on her dogs and mine.She contributed a great deal to the Pomeranian breed and the National Club. Sue and I had a favorite dog, Ch.Tim SuesHighlights. I am sure that High was waiting at the Gates of Heaven for Sue, along with many others. Erika K. MoureauSherry Dollar wrote the following about her long friendship with SueI was 21 years old when I met Sue and Olga. I say that because as long as I can remember, wherever there was one, not faraway was the other. Early on it didnt seem we had a lot in common because I was new and was into the partis, and of course, Sueand Olga didnt have partis or much interest in them at the time. I remember them saying someone very young needed to work withpartis because it looked like partis were going to take so many years of development.After searching around everywhere for partis to work with and not coming up with much that was acceptable, Suerecommended me to Ken and Eleanor Miller for a stud service on a parti female, litter sister of CH. PRESTIGIOUS PEE WEE PARTIto their CH. MILLAMOR MARK TRADITION, which I am now 8-9 generations down from. In recent years, Sue has lent me studservice with very complimentary pedigrees to mine. Most notable is CH. PRESTIGIOUS HIGH OCTANE out of CH. TIM SUESFANTASTIC HIGH and out of my CH. PRESTIGIOUS ROYAL HIGHNESS, first parti ever all breederownerhandler finished. CH.2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM90I I I I I i i i in44 44APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 91PRESTIGIOUS HIGH OCTANE finished quickly, became a proven stud at 10 12 months old, and has become a prolific breeder andoutstanding producer of consistent quality, including two champion get in 2007 and numerous others pointed and currently beingshown.I have told Sue many times in the past year that CH. PRESTIGIOUS GORGEOUS GEORGE was her grandson and weagreed he is the most beautiful parti in the world aside from being 1 Parti Pom for 2007 and Top 20 All Poms. Even though Sue hadmany champions and accomplishments of her own, she was humble and not wanting to take much credit for her contributions.However, the current 1 Parti is a direct result of Sues help and participation. I am grateful she was able to witness his success andI know she was proud of him.Sue was an honest and trustworthy person. She had class and tried not to get caught up in the ugliness that can go on in thedog game. She was also a fun person who should be remembered as a role model for new people because it is always the peoplebehind the dogs who are important. Sincerely, Sherry DollarOlga Baker, Sues close friend, paid the following tribute to SueOur sweetest words about Sue came from my Darrell. All dog folks are familiar with the Rainbow Bridge that little dogscross over after they die. The dogs wait for their person to join them. Darrell said in Sues case, she wont be greeted by one littledog, she will be greeted by 200 or 300 Poms, yapping, tails wagging, and so happy to see her.I thought that was very sweet, and added, Yep, but in Sues case, guess what She was our Encyclopedia of Pomeraniansso she will know every dogs name, heritage, sire and dams name, show history, owner, and on and on and onWe miss that little girl. She will never be forgotten. Olga BakerTim and Sue were very supportive of Second Chance Pom Rescue, operated by Barbara McClatchey. The Goddards respected theefforts of the Second Chance volunteers and lent their own assistance on many occasions. The family has suggested in lieu offlowers, donations may be sent to SCP, co Barbara McClatchey, 57 Poplar Court, Lake Jackson, TX 77566-4635, 979 297-7383,, and Tim have a wide circle of friends spread out all over the continent. Tim and his family received e-mails, letters, cards, phonecalls, and many other expressions of sympathy from these wonderful people. The Pom community is outstanding at showing theirlove and support of one another. Tim, his daughters, sons-in-law, grandchildren, and extended family wishes to thank each one of youfor your thoughtful expressions of concern.To contact Tim, you may e-mail or write to 412 Duncan Street, Alvin, TX 77511-3419To see photographs of Sue and her Poms, go to www.houstonpomclub.gokeoki.comTHANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOUTo each of you who volunteered your time, effort, muscles, and to those whohauled boxes, equipment, and items for Wayne Means to Louisville,Your efforts are greatly appreciated. Many untold hours of labor in all areas ofthe country are freely given to bring you our National Specialty.We salute the Vendors, who support the specialty, Exhibitors, Breeders,Observers, and Guests from across this nation and the world.You all are what makes Specialty special.Thank you ONE and ALL.Janice Russell, Show ChairTHANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOUMemorial Continued2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM91I I I I I i i i in4ocvvs CDLT2IjjH4 4492 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWThank you so very much for printing the articles on Blue Merle Chihuahuas. It breaks my heart to think we have unethical breederswho want to proliferate such in our beloved poms. Two thousand years ago it was written in the Bible that the LOVE OF MONEY ISTHE ROOT OF ALL EVIL. Breeders who breed designer dogs are after one thing and that is money.I can remember quite distinctly that I wrote the committee for the latest standard back in the nineties pleading with them not to allowall colors and patterns. In fact my exact words were, YOU ARE GOING TO OPEN PANDORAS BOX. Their reply back to mewas that they needed to please as many people as they could with the new standard. When is pleasing people got any earthly thing todo with writing a standard It should all be for the welfare and the preservation of our Poms.We have had such a tremendous out-cry from pom breeders against Merles and I am really encouraged that they will be disallowed inthe new standard. I would encourage each of you to write or call the members of the new standard committee and implore them toexclude Merles.Unfortunately the water is already over the day and merle poms are already in the puppy mill establishments. Can you just imaginehow many pom puppies will be born with defects only to be hit over the head with a base ball bat in order to get these new designerpoms that sell for more money. May God have mercy upon us as a human race.Ken GriffithLetter to the EditorLetter From the EditorDue to the amount of reports from the National, not all business card ads purchased in Kentucky appear in this issue. Ifyou purchased an ad and did not send the information and photo to be used, please do so as soon as possible. We willdo our best to contact each of you in the near future. In the meantime, please send your BCA information . Thanks.CorrectionFrances Stolls name was not included in the list of names appointed to the Standard Committee in the MarchApril 2008Acting Presidents Report. We apologize for that error.JUDGE MRS. E. SUMNERBEST OF BREEDCH CASAROWS NIGHTFEVER JWDOG, OWNER MR C MRS J SPARROWBEST PUPPYLIREVAS SIR FIN THE NETDOG, OWNER D M CAWTHERADOG CHALLENGE CERTIFICATECH CASAROWS NIGHTFEVER JWOWNER MR C MRS J SPARROWBITCH CHALLENGE CERTIFICATEZENTARR HOLLIEOWNER MRS M ANDERSONRESERVE DOG CHALLENGE CERTIFICATELIREVAS SIR FIN THE NETOWNER D M CAWTHERARESERVE BITCH CHALLENGE CERTIFICATETHELBERN TA-DIE-FOROWNER D M CAWTHERA2008 CRUFTS RESULTSCH CASAROWS NIGHTFEVER JW2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM92I I I I I i i i in44 4rufts.org24APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 93MITSUO JIM HATTORI, MDDr. Jim Hattori of Kaneohe, HI. passed away on 022508. Hewas born and educated in Tokyo, Japan and is survived by his wife of 45years, Marit, son Erik, daughter Tami and two granddaughters, Jade andRobin. He treasured every moment with his wife and children andenjoyed watching his young granddaughters grow up.LIFE WITH MEDICINE - Jim received his medical degrees inJapan and the US and a PhD degree in physiology from UCLA. Jim andMarit were pioneers in the heart lung machine and met in an operatingroom where they were doing an experimental operation on a goat inCalifornia. They finally settled in Hawaii over 40 years ago where theyraised their family. Jim specialized as a pediatric anesthesiologist savingmany children requiring surgery over his many years of practice. Hisdedication and love for medicine was inspiring and was evident every dayof his life. Here are some quotes by some of his co-workers over theyearsWhat an honor it was to have known Dr. Jim Hattori. He was aclass act I cant imagine what it would have been like to work atKapiolani Hospital without his smiling face, caring spirit, kind ways andinfectious laughter. Jim was an exceptional anesthesiologist and was most certainly a stabilizing factor in the OR, oftenfilled with a type A personalities. Oh, how he loved the babiesIt was such an honor to know and work with Dr. Hattori. I trusted him completely with the anesthesia care formy own children. Ill always remember his kindness to his patients and their families, his warm friendship and superbclinical skills. He will be missed by many.I was a traveling RN in Hawaii at Kapiolani Hospital from 89 to 93 and loved working with Dr. Hattori. I was apediatric operating room nurse from Boston Childrens Hospital and we worked so well together. The pediatric anesthesiacommunity of Hawaii has lost a great manJim was a wonderful man, good friend and colleague who provided excellent specialty services to the children ofHawaii and Pacific Islands for many years.LIFE WITH DOGS - Over the past two decades of dog involvement, the Hattoris have owned several differentbreeds standard and toy Poodles, Dobermans, Silky Terriers, Yorkshire Terriers, Labradors and most recently the HaikuKennel Pomeranians and Miniature Pinschers. They were involved in two major television series with the Dobermansand the Labradors as well as still photography work with professional Japanese Golfers promotion in Hawaii for golfcourses.Doctors are usually known to be good golfers but breaking the mold, Dr. Hattori never golfed but enjoyedshowing and breeding their dogs instead. He loved the hands on involvement with the breeding program and was anexcellent owner handler in conformation as well as obedience. I remember him handling one of his favorite Poms whosecall name was Kitsy Puppy to top pom in Hawaii one year. That was a long time ago and Kitsy is no longer alive butwas known as Kitsy Puppy until the day she died. Haiku kennels had bred two BIS poms which the Hattoris generouslyshared with other people. They are no longer active in showing dogs and have only one pet Pom left to keep Maritcompany.Traveling was a passion for the Hattoris and Jim had many experiences to share when he returned from the manytrips that he took. He and Marit loved to travel to the dog shows and I remember them taking a group of us to see a horsefarm on my very first trip to the APC Nationals in Louisville in 2003. In later years, they enjoyed cruising to exoticplaces and visited Norway Marits birthplace several times to visit some distant relatives who treated them like royalty.Genuinely gracious, he was especially appreciative of the continuous love and support provided by his family andfriends during his illness.It is with great sadness that we express our deep feelings of loss for a truly great man. His life will always beremembered with highest honor and respect. His legacy is rich with deep love for humanity, a lively spirit, devotion anddedication to his work and family, generosity and kindness for all and so much more. We will miss Dr. Hattori very muchand we will always remember him for having lived the life he loved.Dr. Jim HattoriMEMORIAL2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM93i i i in4uHS^Iyl \K \' t j^ij6 ftiMM iTV4 4494 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWSunshine RosesandSunshine and Roses are published free of charge. Contact Donna Machniak Phone 517 546-7446 or Email APC members addresses are published in the APC roster if you would like to send cards.The Pom world has suffered a great loss with the passing of SueGoddard of TimSue Poms. Sincere condolences go out to TimGoddard and all the family and friends. Sue will be rememberedfondly for all her contributions to the history of Poms.We are happy to announce the marriage of Kay Chaney KayraPoms to John F. Fecko. May you be blessed with many happyyears together.Jerry Andrews, Morroco Poms, passed away recently. Sympathygoes out to the friends and family of Jerry.Prayers go out to Patty Griffin of Merrymont Poms on herrecently learned illness.Kevin Orr had hip replacement surgery. Heres to a speedyrecovery and hope to hear you are back out showing soonRoger Rechler, owner of Ch. Razzle Dazzle Heavenly Choirpassed away. Mr. Rechlers dogs various breeds won recordbreaking 300 plus AKC Best in Show Awards. His variouscontributions to the sport of pure-bred dogs will be greatlymissed.Sympathy and prayers go out to Dewayne Ward of DeBonnePoms on the passing away of his mother.Well wishes for a speedy recovery to Charlotte Creed on herrecent knee replacement.Praying for Diane Zechs Fujitsu Poms husband Tom whorecent had knee surgery and is facing knee replacement in thefuture.Congratulations to all the winners in Kentucky at the latestAPC National. Hoping everyone had a safe trip to and from.We are praying for Heidi Merrigan on her future back surgery.May the Lord bless Ken Griffith of Lenette Poms with goodhealth and daily strength.THE POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE A MERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.SUBSCRIPTIONSPER YEARPUBLISHED BI-MONTHLYSubscription CardSUBSCRIPTION MANAGERCHERI MCDONALDPO Box 3402San Dimas, CA 91773Phone 909 394-7923 Fax 909 599-4692Email cheribachmanpoms.comNAMESTREET ADDRESSCITY, STATE, ZIP CODE, COUNTRYPHONE NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESSCREDIT CARD NUMBER EXP DATE CID NUMBERCARD HOLDER SIGNATURE DATE45 First Class USPS37 Bulk USPS55 CanadianMexico100 Foreign2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM94I I I I I i i i in44 4r nUfL J4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 95Regional Pomeranian Club Specialty coming events are published free of charge.For updates and regional club contact information go to the APC website at httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgCOMING EVENTSMay 26 Bay Colony Pom Club Specialty at Nor East Toy Dog Show cluster, Fitchburg, Maine.July 4 7, 2008 Pom Club of Canada and Pom Club of Ontario Specialties with Sarnia Kennel Club All-BreedShows. One of a kind, Christine Heartz handedpainted cookie jar will be raffled.July 17 20, 2008 Pom Club of Greater Houston Specialty. Sweeps Judge Patrick Farmer, Regular Judge TimothyRobbins. www.onofrio.comSept. 5, 2008 Pom Club of Greater Des Moines Specialty. Sweeps Judge Kathy Francis, Regnon-regular JudgeFrank Summerside. Rally and Obedience offered.September 12, 2008 Dallas Fort Worth Pom Club Specialty. Sweeps Judge Becky Jackson, Regular Class JudgeVicki Abbott. www.mongramdogshows.comSeptember 12 Pom Club of Central Indiana Specialty, Lebanon, Indiana.October 24 and 25 Central Arkansas Pom Club back to back Specialties.Barneybarnett1suddenlilnk.netDecember 13 and 14, 2008 - AKCEukanuba Invitational, Long Beach, California. www.akc.orgADVERTISING RATESFull Page Color 275.00Full Page Black White 100.00Half Page Color 150.00Half Page Black White 60.00Fourth Page Color 75.00Fourth Page Black White 40.00All ads include one photo.SUBSCRIPTION RATESUSPS First Class 45USPS Bulk 37Foreign 100Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico 55Single Issue 10For advertising information contact217 347-5731 fame62401yahoo.comSubscription information contact909 394-7923 cheribachmanpoms.comCHECKS, MONEY ORDERS, MASTERCARD, VISA,AMERICAN EXPRESS, DISCOVERY, PAYPAL ACCEPTED.PAYMENT ALSO MAY BE MADE ONLINE ATTHE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUBS WEBSITE athttpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgWe salute the courageous men, women and their families of ourarmed forces. May they be safe and protected from all harm.Let freedom ringArtwork thanks to Mary-Ann Yanez2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM954xb as-'iiR 7.,3 HUAf', IIB\ \ eAy v, m -K - -K- Jf ^ ^rum - , J 4 44i i i i n96 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWSubscriptionsand Back Issuesmake great gifts.Order online today atamericanpomeranianclub.orgPomReviewKENNELVisitKelly Reimschiissel - Kileipoms PomeraniansJulyAugust 2008Advertising Deadline - June 1, 20082008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM96rm i i i in4OPottiCy PomeraniansARABBI'SPOMERANIANSrJa 'tfintai 4.,p,' .136 W. Queens Drive Slidell, LA 70458Phone 985-649-3136 Mobile 985-788-4704 yippyvonworfexcite.comXChristine Creasey30 Short St., OahyiCCe, CT06779 Vhone^S60j 274 7997 hoffi[^omssneLnetlit i. . 4WmS IPIiAa- mm u IS '7 7MlN ."s'.LpBiirsfiflaragTiE vSaw, rsisj [51mg.A ,Ppmeranian'20060DTHSsac ETCIt] s4 4pcutccf pace 'PmcSfatiMify ln excellence in the faieect.tfane 4.. 1Poinsyrsitifsif'tA."F ^F .. jl70e Senjj, 7tuf.vtid. dmcUat. Cft 7eatjlocated in kautifrd'Monteieq bounty. f TJtemle of the Tfot - al Pmt 0U 70encU 'JtiUxn fancyface^MUcticytcdat. netfTop winning BIS Poms Horne of Batman Spiderman Stud service to approved bitches We breed on limited oasis a few puppies available 360 435-5978Janell Reich breederAPC Member Tish Cannon Handler 760 985-46564APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 97PomsPARKVENUEATom Wilson916-689-1222SACRAMENTO, CAparkavepomsfrontiernet.netPUPPIES OCCASIONALLY AVAILABLEChampion PomeraniansSJSN6603 Forest Ct., Holmen, WI 54636PH 608 526-1051 sandpomscharter.nethttpwww.sandpoms.comandpomsohnsonandra2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM97rm i i i in4SSr\AMma\iV4a\i JEiF55Evensong PomeraniansKevin and ^\Teresa white\ Portland, Oreqon\Linda Pelz - Tx254 420-1724Michael Weils - Ml616 844-4217Champion Stud ServicePuppiesAdults Occasionally Show HandlingIP 503314-9026 www.evensongpoms.comCH EVENSONG WIN N FOR Z GIPPER www. dream weaverpoms. com4 4C^TiLoCueva Kennelrar IJ.ImMII.IM.U omer Tfo rCkel esSpecializing in Parti and Parti-factored Pomeraniansr-r r" iP K .R . ift.,CH Chrissy CH Chelanes Simply Irresistible CH Finch's Peacemaker Parti ROMElaine Waugh www.chelanes.netCH Gunner ROM eweSherrilynn I. RogersraBreeding for Quality, Not Quantity ICH Chelanes Peace Keeper Parti CH Chelanes Remington Steele CH RemyCH Keeperkrfe 1 11 ill li^i801.756.2092 iapoi11satt.110tiwww.fcifeipoms.comwe thyroid, OFA Cerf our poms498 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWWhere Type,Quality andSoundnessCountCheri McDonald909-394-7923Southern Californiacheribachmanpoms.comwww.bachmanpoms.com2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM98rm i i i in4jgacAmazTvm-z'ta.nicLs,G4newaniaM6lw r M,3KS.J ly'MULM " 1 r Q5ft 'A 93V. HerMajesty's PomeraniansHome ofBIS, BISS, Am, Can, Mex FCI Inti Ch Showcase Hot Topic, GC, HoF2006 Number One Pomeranian, All BreedL ^L- m ..k.Chuck Whittemore Randy Houston Cleveland, TN 37312 423-728-0200E-Mail www.hermajestysponns.comYnAom'ieomemnMiiAhmeaAeV marCH Penelope4 4Xv "V 2 -IVil CARLEEZ POMSA J.C J CarolLeemhuis Pittsburgh, PA Home 412 344-8257 Cell 412 848-6987 J. Lm-X.rHi-Home of pictured BISS Ch. Sundown's Hide N Zeke, CD, ROMX, GCSpoiled companions, conforma5 \1 I t wHf min, obedience and agility Pomsr , Qhamn ISornsB0kZMSpecializing in Wolf Sables, Whites, Creams and Tri-colored Partis and occasionally other colors.Sarbara 0lapmmd Jkudrcp OPapweed276 629-9483Mum \Ya 1rtH i503 864-2459Vmohrjitmm u\ 'm httpwww. showinpoms. comW - ,y. APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 99BI-MARPOMERANIANSBIS, BISS, ROMX, HOF, GCCH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KIDMARY A ROSENBAUM145 Fay RoadChehalis, WA 98532-9204phone 360 767-0104fax 360 767-0105email Avalons Prince Matchabelli MonteStarfires Conan the Barbarian xAvalons Queen NefertitiAnnette Eric Davis208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792email infoavalonpom.comweb site www.avalonpom.comQuality, lovingly raised puppies.Inquiries welcome.Pomeranians ShyacresProfessional HandlingAudrey M RobertsAlvin, Texas - Houston Areawww.shyacres.comaudreyshyacres.comPhone 713 204-7225Assisted by Jessica Johnson2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM99rm i i i in4itir\ MO' iuAWV Jtifm"ai5f^ v.V - Ot sVv'htfCJa4 1 r jiwfimj\ r,p, t . tfy r7r 1 fi 68 i. vST-' ._PUPPJE3 AVAJLA3LE 9lkJm Step Finns5713 Arrowha-id Dr.EJ P2J50, TO Ml SumjnrisirPoiiB^aoJiCwrj WimsjllwriJrjriarporfB.ooMJSw..ih.rj WIlKIWIRIi'rb iPifjf'jiIimm] ^MoTtiR.0 01- t4 4'jDmeMUtuza ISP SmK\ \4j' wt9^3^ d Janette DaMy314 397-5606p. o. Sox m'WtaacoufaA, 9JI 6225 looetTiowl 954cpz6oa.cow4100 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWMountain View PomeraniansPat and Roger DagueP O Box 209, Stuarts Draft, VA 24477Phone 540-337-2965Champion Regmars Mtn ViewStars ShineDel-May PomeraniansDeborah K. Barrett1446 W. Square Lake Rd.Bloomfield, MI 48302Phone 248 745 3888 Email delmay1wowway.com2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM100rm i i i in4iV'm Im f 4 \jV.-X i. f A MML' r^r I ,'i Af 3- 5SI f' 4 lift muIIAyumi Pomeranians i Jill II [I1r\Amy Tsay BreederExhibitor PCCV - Recording Sec. m -4 ar.A V s434 589-3652 Lake Monticello, VA m'Illll,'nlil [iinumiyTMQjlWWW.AYUMI-POMS.COMAYUMI.POMSGMAIL.COM1 if IllMl m\ MED4 4^2dSIRIMPOSSIBLE POM...dreams make all things possible.FperviRMWs DANIELLE SARTAIN L.V.T.WWW.DflSARPOMS.COM810-656-0883DASARPOMERANIANSHOTMAIL.COMwI Kimpossible's Dare To Dream4t system Riverside, CA 92516p\X951313-9652website www.kimpossiblepom.coniTHE BEST FOB f OUR SHOW DOS MO [vsaAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 101Phone 985 384-7466Fax 985 384-8628www.janesa.comJerrie Freia1072A Landry LaneMorgan City, LA 70380PomeraniansJanesaBred for beauty and soundness of body and mindCH PUFPRIDES SWEET DREAMS CH FINCHS CHARS MAKIN WAVES PARTICHPARKERCHSPLASHDiane L. Finch28453 530 th Avenue, Kelley, IA 50134 - Phone 515 - www.finchspoms.comDiane L. FinchDeJay PomsBIS, BISS CH. FIREBROOKS TABASCO FIASCOTobyDonna MachniakBreederHandlerGroomer517-546-7446www.dejaypoms.comDana CoventryManagerOwner248-258-9259Attorney at Lawfor the Sport of DogsPINECREST KENNELSChampionPomeraniansandManchesterTerriersCatherine2404 Reg. Road 57Bowmanville, ON LIC 3K4pinecrestrogers.com905 www.manchesterterriers.ca2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM101rm i i i in4MILLAMOR POMSrLJT..4VHLyyT itMk1k . fc .mKen and Eleanor Miller870 Jersey Church Road, Lexington, NC 27292 Ph 336-245-9010 Email millamortriad.rr.comBreeding again. Puppies avaiCa6Ce to Coving domes.Ck Lii rkLs Heuiery^ul CiiaeioVk K-LaToTJSttEr l JIS s2eJoan C. Handling Services - Limited Boarding AvailableLong Island, New York 631366-2330 IlihkL lifiriiEsI 51 M 5 fcWsleiEj iej4 4Finch's Pomeranians Ltd.iwm ojteuiiuirn \j. 3388-B Merlin Rd 356, Grants Pass, OR 97526 541-441-7634lrenereonpomeranians.comwww.loydogslles.comReonMember of the American Pomeranian Clob, Inc.ii4.m4102 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM102rm i i i i4Joanne Jo NorrisSmaller Paws Pom Rescue^ or httpwwwlpetfinder.comsheltersIN294.html Phone 260-982-8541 Cell 574-527-1451 E-mail North Manchester, IN 46962fyoWHEN YOU'RE LOOKING FOR A DOG TO LOVEsWa WaiSTARFOX POMSRivendellPomeraniansAKC Registered Pomeranians SfrCarolyn BoninAy4013 Windswept Dr Madison, Al, 35757 Ph 256-830-0897ivwww.Knology.netbonincRivendell.htm Monty Hart Alora Hartphone 907 346-2506 e-mail www.starfoxpoms.comBISS Ch Rivendell Applauds Janesa "Baxter"4 4Driggers Lil' Treasurers, Inc.and DLT PomeraniansalashelEJ Mark Cathy DriggersPoms and Shelties ,v litOwner, Breeder, HandlerLake Helen, FloridaM IX Elaine Wishnow718-891-34512351 E. 17th St. Bklyn, NY 11229 Home of quality Poms and SheltiesMAKC Registered Pomeranians, Dog Supplies and Specialty GiftsAuthorized Solid Gold Dog Food Dealer\ Phone 386-228-1010 Fox 386-218-5739 E-moil www.driggersliltreasures.com_Randy BuskeBree derExhibitorMember American Pomeranian Club Puget Sound Pomeranian Club 'TI'lotMtaitt fyiedt1ft 41 'i^ is.Multi Group Winning BISS Champion Mountain Crest JJP.O.Box 2408 Buckley, WA 98321-1 I A tm1 1David Carlene GilstrapP.O.Box 22442 Chattanooga, TN 37422 Phone 423-987-0266 E-Mail dcgilstrapaol.com360 897-2163 253 740-5060 www.Randyspoms.comWw4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 103A REFLECTION ON THE WATERSGreggory S. WatersCharlene R. Waters801-597-3869shimmeree.charlenegmail.comQuality Pomeranians2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM103rm i i i in4^J^CowCene - ^JLeafira PomeraniansiLAS VEGASJLrCene Otaguro HazeC MiCCer R[o6in Watana6eSINCITY POMSM.vMichele280 Hole N Rock Circle Central, UT 84722702 203-4790tJr-an's grooming Saion Phone 808-593-2322 mhinjao[.com -yggcats hawaii.comfASoFine PomsMari] Latimerwwwsofine330ms.comman3llmac.com979-690-7179_4 4Csd Xiti Xiti1oieMDl3SH15 Js QuerreroAS A Mftpsrisdo d Crreos d 37 E-08820 El 1rs d Liobregst Jtercelorjs, EspsBs11'ill1rIjKovil 3 696 96 13 65C Atvv porocDxiUKia.eorohttpWWW.C3Dxiuxiu.eonjP.TABLETOP SiOaAm JLEE-ANN LAMBERT KINCARDINE ONTARIO, CANADA WWW.SUGARLAMB.CA MCQTNT21 .COM 519-396-6464Jan Stachurski21 Perry Avenue Brockton, MA 02302 508 587-6146 TabletopPomsverizon.netk\A104 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAiello, Lisa................................................10, 11Arienti, Fabian...................................................4,5Arvanites, Michele.............................................103Baker, Darrell and Olga..................................26Barrett, Deborah........................................100Behrend, Joan............................................101Bolahood, Catherine....................................6, 101Bonin, Carolyn..................................................102Buske, Randy.....................................................22, 102Cabrera, Tony....................................................4,5Carter, Beverley...............................................105Caywood, Audrey.............................................98Collins, Roxanne............................................106Columbia Pom Club......................................23Coventry, Dana...........................................101Cox, Marcia................................................14, 15Crane, Valerie...........................................107Creasey, Christine...........................................96Crutchfield, Bill and Kimberly........................21, 100Dague, Roger and Pat..........................................100Dally, Joe and Janette......................................99Davis, Annette and Erik...................................99Driggers, Mark and Cathy......................................102Farr, Anita........................................................26Finch, Diane...............................................101Frederick, Kim.............................................106Freia, Jerrie..................................................101Garvey, Gail..........................................................10Gilstrap, David and Carlene..............................102, 110Goodman, Lisa.............................................18Griffith, Ken and Eleanor.................................13Grochala, Bozena..........................................19Guerro, Jose................................................103Hanson, Sharon.........................................111Hart, Monty..................................................102Heartz, John and Christine............................17Heger, Jeanne................................................109Hestle, Sally.................................................20Houston, Randy...................................................98Inglett, Noble....................................Front Cover, 24Jackson, Becky............................................100Johnson, Sandra..............................................97Johnston, Bronya.........................................26Koga, Margo....................................Front Cover, 24Lane, Wendy................................................3Lambert, Lee-Ann.............................................103Latimer, Mary.............................................103Leemhuis, Carol.............................................98Levinsohn, Alane........................................98Machniak, Donna.........................................101Marsh, Charlene.................................................98McBain, Carla..............................................4, 5McDonald, Cheri........................................98McFarlane, Pauline......................................27Meyer, Char.....................................................96Meyer, Barbara...............................................96Miller, Eleanor..............................................101Miller, Hazel...............................................103Moore, Barbara..................................................105Nilsson, Wendi............................................96Norem, Kathryn...............................................102Norris, Joanne................................................102Ohlemacher, Paula...........................................99Otaguro, Arlene...........................................103Pelz, Linda..................................................97Pettersen, Peter............................................Back CoverPongsak, Paye and Nissara............................................2Reich, Janell................................................96Reimschiissel, Kelly..........................................97Roberts, Audrey........................................8, 9, 99Rogers, Sherrilynn................................................97Rosenbaum, Mary...............................................99Russell, Ron and Connie....................................100Sartain, Danielle..............................................7, 100Second Chance Poms..........................................22Smith, Ron and Irene........................................101Stachurski, Jan...........................................16, 103Stekli, Conna.........................................................106Stephens, Micky......................................................99Takayama, Ellen................................................108Tsay, Amy..............................................................100Watanabe, Robin.................................................103Waters, Gregg and Charlene...............................103Waugh, Elaine....................................................97Wells, Mike....................................................97White, Kevin and Teresa.........................................12, 97Whittemore, Chuck...................................................98Wilson, Tom.....................................................97Wishnow, Elaine.....................................................102Zech, Tom and Diane...........................................1012008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM104i i i in4ADVERTISERSiaHU4IU I ISSUES 4-a To order back issues, mail check pay to APC to The Pomeranian Review co Brenda Segelken 11139 E. Camelot Avenue, Effingham, IL 62401 Phone 217-347-5731, e-mail Order online at Please specify the issue.Jan. 75, Oct. 77, May 79, April 80 20.00August 1997 15.00All other available back issues 10.00z.La-tINF02M4TICN8The Pomeranian Review ISSN 0744-8546 is published and edited bi-monthly in Effingham, Illinois by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 37 per year USPS Bulk and 45 per year USPS First Class. First Class rates apply to USA and APOs. Canada, Mexico and Puerto Rico subscriptions are 55.00 per year U.S.A. funds only.The American Pomeranian Club and Editor are not responsible for the contents, accuracy of articles and advertisements, or the opinions expressed by authors. Per APC Standing Rule The Editor can refuse any ad. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the APC or editor.Reproduction in whole or part is strictly prohibited. Permission to reproduce is available only from the publishereditor. Display advertisements consisting of typesetting, artwork and layouts may not be used without written permission from the editor. Original artwork is sole property of the editor.IU-4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 1052008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM105rm i i i in4CU DAMASCUSROAD DREAM BUSTERWins thejZOQi ks at the' APC National in Kentuckykiffin\ e3LIJmt III IImo111HH5EElmi4 4iVi1 W\W J2l - w'\ amm r''1c Fa - B 'ustkrVfcs'-J o ,cJ "i LIrif4 wVilli'aIi i iWe are so very proud of Buster beside the judge, with Barbara and his get.One of Buster's sons was Best of Winners to finish his championship at the National. American CH Mountain Crest U Don't Own Me, bred and owned by David and Carlene Cilstrap. Another of his sons won an Award Of Merit at the National, handled by Bob Kennedy. CH. TimSue's Trick or Treat bred by a dear friend, the late Sue Coddard.Pictured with Bronya is Buster's little champion daughter fiina, owned by Barbara.CH. Sofine's Dare To Dream bred by Mary Latimer.Buster, who is also on the Top Sire list for 2007, is only at very limited stud.He will be visiting Canada later this year to spend time with some of the girls at Damascusroad.BreederBeverley A. Carterwww. d am a s cu sro a d. ca b evcarterd am as cu sro a d. caOwnerBarbara MooreMoreToys Pomeranians b2mooresuddenIink.net106 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM106I I I I I i i i in4\KlAre you an AKC registered MUTT Oops I mean POM Is your Mom a REPUTABLE breeder only the BEST will doAre you over the age of 8 Wkslegal "Beagle" stuffA V 'V Z Short Nosed, Short Bodied...Compact can we say ...hand bag accessoryi NJCan you THROW toys out of toy box whenever Moms vaccumingmom loves bending overDo you have whats known as SELECTIVE hearing you know who likes to shoutf VGood at DRAGGING toilet paper everywherehow about ...shredding TGood at FIGHTING for LAP spaceCue Mom's pooped out on couchAble to look INNOCENT instantlytiming is everythingEIf youre a PARTI girl and youre a TAZ at the abovewhat are you waitin' onWe are not interested in breeding.Ask your Mom to email us KIMLYN191AOL.COMDONT FORGET YOUR PHOTO RESUMEIll go over your benefits when you move in1\ W r^i vp A inf4We would lite to introduceKissami's flstrz freedom attractionoolojCan CH KSumi'i 6dside flttoetioo t Kjuam'i fnwton To lo It flsjiniSJazzy plaeed 3rd in Sweeps and 4th in Regular Classes at the Nationals. We are proud of this, as there were many many niee Poms exhibited. FdThank you to fludrey Roberts Sweeps and Michele Billings Regular for these nice placements, fllso, to Ken and Jaekie Rayner for awarding her WB at the Cumberland lihows for her first points.'tkJazzy is proudly owned and expertly handled by Ronna litekli. F iaCongrats to Kevin Orr and flmanda eitzer for their features. Belated eongrats to fan and Tammee Felix on their visit.jOur sympathies and prayers to the Goddard family on liues passing.ftfanne Collins - Brj^erCo-Owngr Kjssaml Kfcnnfcl pomsfair Oak. INwww.angz]lrz.omlnkJsaroikznnz]pomrooranzlnilao.nzlBonna Stgkli - Own^rHandl^r flslarz Itoshondn and pomsMyzrsvillz. Maryland www.ailarz.nzl dzlzklJaslarz.aoro4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 107Thank you to Debbie Kingery for letting this lovely little boy come to live with us in our home.He is a dream come true and a joy to love.Also, I would like to thank Debbie of Debut Poms and Mari Iffland of Marbil Poms for introducingme to so many wonderful Pom people and helping me get started in this breed. It has been somuch more rewarding because of your info and help. It is very much appreciated.Matthew won his first BIS, and received his Int. Championship at the International Dog Show atPurina farms all in one weekend. He has both majors and 13 total points towards his AKCChampionship. We would like to thank all the judges that have noticed this little guy because heis adorable. Watch for Matthew in the ring and his offspring that will make their debut soon.Also, thank you to everyone who made the Nationals so enjoyable.I had a great time and made some really great friend.2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM107i i i inHi II Ik5A AII Il ,V^. ^ iHir'r, UTj 0v\ r, \vi \Xi V. . 1 LI pimmi...r,', 'v^' 111mFiISg 1\' 4 tSI 'vs - internationalALL BREED CANINE ASSOCIATION \miMua 5][iR WIIs 4 sI I108 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM108rm i i i i4VmtadeVintage Orange Blossom MistBlossom Continues her winning streak with back-to-back 4 point majors at the Hawaiian Kennel Gkib Shows.,v,Vis Thank you to judges Mrs. Judy Webb from New Mexico and Mr. Richard Beauchamp from Galifornia for appreciating this naught puppy in the BBE class with her very nervous kandler. I am just amazed at 7 months of age, Blossom already has 14 points.WINNERS BITCH4H K C SHOWM1KI JOHVsOV PHIIIO4 4Blossom and I send KISSES to Audrey Roberts for the generous loan of her sire, Sam, to create this showy little girl.tlm _ yaVfkCongratulations to all who are featured this issue.iWINNERS BITCHs My condolences to the family of Sue Goddard. Pomeranians have lost another GREAT breeder.H K C SHOWm'iESoMIKE JOHNSON PHOTOGtt. SlijAcres Oar Man Samson x Vintage Margarita SplashBlossomVintageEllen Takayamavintageftawaiiaftoo.coiRAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 1092008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM109 I I I I I i i i in4II Ever Rickys Moonlight DanceXW3f vV 'f^ rARicky placed second in 9 to 12 mos. Sweepsand second in the 6 to 9 mos. APC Nationals.-, 'X.m tnRkkjV,pkj2ND PLACE 9 To 12 PUPPYMARCH 11.2008 rwNATIONALSPECIALTY LiTHOMAS PHOTOGRAPHY V\VAh. vlU, ...m illihLi.juwiitS4 4--1..Ever I'm Dancing The Night AwayHI MOM MADE THE Vik kiCUTMARCH 12. 2008fV W0 ' rIATI0NAL SPECIALTY XTHOMAS PHOTOGRAPHYthomisphoto30Wholmill.comam3^ rMom, I made the cut in the 6 to 9 months class at the APC National Specialtym ^OM EftSi1 -7.0Oancer. i1Uiv 'u5 ctooo.ryo' v..4VV \rOwnerleanne Heger815-459-3821 P. 0. Box 2006 Crystal Lake, It 60039ludy Mehciz262-544-1822110 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM110rrn i i i inn JYl ountain in rest Jc^ 1 ^ New CiJiJiri pjoii ^ omeraniansi 't Own Her I r-rslJ.American Pomeranian Club National Specie Best of Winners Best Bred By Exhibitor Best of Opposite in - virJrvr.jSto. \ IUK i ABEST OF WINNERSi \ 'BEST IIBRED BY EXHIBITOR MARCH 12. 2008 4A M1dfU] 4 Li ifNATIONALSPECIALTY.1'THOMAS PHOTOGRAPHY lms. 1m Rj 7i ^What a thrill Thank you to Audrey Roberts and Ms. Michele BilljUH, for this honor. We are looking forward to Buster Boy's specials career Congratulations Kevin on your feature. Hope you are recouping nicely and back in the show ring soon.The Pom world has lost a great friend in the passing of Sue Goddard. Sue and her beautiful TimSue Poms have made a tremendous impact on the breed. Our sincere condolences to Tim and his family. Sue will be greatly missed.David and Canene uii Pi0- Box 22442, Chattanooga, TN 37422 Phone 423-987-0266 e-mail dcgiIstfpaol www.mountainCrestpomeranians.gomstrapfm -i.com4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 1112008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 451 PM1114Sire- Ch. Jan-Shars Dr. Phil Dam - Jan-Shars Wild ChildnA ITSV,V lft Aiv ----- I VLimvsite-n HAV L\ o5A5V\ JS TVv4N7 vNV0tmV, r^ \V\ EsV LrGRANDSWEEPSTAKES MARCH 10, 2008L mmJJi mrLJV \ r jr - i H i\H4l 7^ V\NATIONAL SPECIALTYAKffyKi l17 S't ITHOMAS PHOTOGRAPHYgg^B .. - -- \-1-V'VgrasPBHHk1 Rk Thanks to Sweeps JudgeTVudfey Roberts for this nice winnk.Condolences to the family of Sue Goddard^She was a mighty force for the Pomeranian ltreed'mm. tg pJi \ \o\ JKMP'jmSHARON H A N S O NIlk .Iifrrww,] a n s h a r.comi riT 7 j7 v t ToL imrr4112 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132008, 452 PM112I I I I I i i i inPEPERIE PETUNIAvrl ftA vi ' '-s"Je r V,' i y'\2.ik n \a\Ji s ifjSWEEPSTAKESBEST OPPOSITE JUNIORij J vMsA5IIff3 At, mNATIONAL SPECIALTY MTHOMAS 4MfSTSrikTififiTJf]iBBISThaiCan. Ch. Starlights Dream Come True x Ch. Razzle Dazzle Songbird7'T to .-4PEPERIEPETUNIA is pictured winning BOS Junior Sweeps at the APC National in Louisville under breeder-judge Audrey Roberts. We thank her for this very exciting winAt the all-breed shows, following the National, Petunia picked up two back- to-back 5 point majors and this past weekend in Springfield, Mass, received a 3 pt. major under breeder-judge Jackie Rayner All at just 7 months old. Thank you to everyone who had such nice things to say about our TuniPeter Petter.viktrespomsaol.com_________senpeperieaol.comVikki OerlerichPetunia is co-bred with Judy Green Beautifully presented by Vikki.