The Pomeranian Review July 2008

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APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 12008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 111 PM1I I I I I i i i inR m ieh r rI Li r i_ vsa] rr 5X35 sib.j1i Im fUlfcvrA.1rry.V fkS -4- v V4 . 4i Aiv.vjr. rt r v.w'Jut- fuirj jLouk V'MimSIRE - CH. JAN-SHARS DR. PHIL DAM - JAN-SHARS WILD CARDy2 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 111 PM2i i i in4SPAN1SHG1BRALTARPORTVGAL1NTERNAT10NAL CHAMPIONMVLT, CR CAN XIV X1V F10NNA0'ey fon YMVT vLora'-I_eL.A.K A Jlx -if. il 'ku.4 4,'a -4 V .Bto'.-^F'liH a.aMmaa fM , ,I4'Photo by Mr. Alberto Nevado[\vA \_______Jua __'FIONNAIS A MULT. CH. PINECRESTS POWERBALLS DAUGHTER.Only two years old and she has already won four championships.I hope she continues her success in other different countries.Shes her Father's daughter. No doubt about thatCAN XIU XIU POMERANIANS BREEDER OWNER HANDLERhttpwww.canxiuxiu.comcanxiuxiuhotmail.comMaria Jose of Can Xiu Xiu SpainTAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 32008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 111 PM3I I I I I i i i in' r yTo ,r7J ' 'rJJ M^--------------------------------------------------- 1 -------J' _ r Vr fCh. Char's Meant To Be AKismetA Merlin Son',NN. "A xV 4\4 4ft\-,i i \f brlitKennel Club, Inc.jSATURDAY MAY 17.2008 4M,'\ TtiOTOS 'S\J... SVSJW II.WAJf, lieA4MIsFrom the beginning we knew Kismet was Meant To Be" a very special PartiHe was owner handled to all his points but his last majorof breed winsIlexasiiand has been owner handled to multipleXtermi 4s a wswy \m al CteTs Poms Sflsl mrgfikrfte 4o iprmteiJSj itep wimiins irJoosw3iflfetfsCharlotte Meyer 906-466-9048 charspomshughes.net44 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 111 PM4i i i i nClassesr SpJJJ JjjrII1 'Ig1willcrsBEST OF .BREEDVARIETY1L,T\m] mh jg S aai s s 3 Ag sums s4a 1I\r l'r'lvmlWlj\T .kf JL Crtm. t omSwThank you to judges Robert Sturm and Elaine Mathis for making this a most memorable day with these fantastic wins.Congratulations to Kelly Reim.schii.ssel. on your featured Kennel Visit. Thank you for all your hard work for the betterment of our breed.APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 52008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 111 PM5I I I I I i i i inMlTIN DANCERnij toii-j jU yr rU rlr ir ii. WPx"S_W9War1"IBI1kx. 01Vi'4.II,inV ,rI I ,c. -nL^r- jBy I n Mj i',i - SIW n \-4WVK t - X' vTr\ _4ifi1IrtnboEL SAMnEIVlAC -ASrA '^sate AA.with a BEST IN SHOWWe went home ...Thank you to Tony and Fabian for this very sound boy with personality and pizzazz.Breeders Tony Cabrera Fabian ArientiOwners Donna Riehm Fran Stoll6 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 111 PM6rrrr I I I I4 r i M JPV ' JfJ r-. rHome of Hawaii's 1 Pom for the 6th consecutive yearr,V B-ar.iCI7MBr.Irr.vj4 jV IRrJ- I5Nf s.'.vtftji nrWk ftKi tet ' w, wr. wmjKj i]4.0. ft,r irJ5Rf^ ,if 441"5W\ VJr fc2Kiy 3i Jlr3t -A i1iVJifjT j, Our Record for 2007 21 Bests of Breed out of 22 shows 2 Group Firsts L 15 Group Placements Specialty Best In Show Specialty Best of Opposite Sex 16 Bests of Opposite Sex 3 Bred-By-Exhibitor Champions ROMX for Pinnacle Holly of Howlene AmCan Ch Howlene Teahra Baccarat of Amour's Owned, Handled Loved by Shirley Leu - Amour's APC 7th Place Breeders of the Year APC 9th Place Breed Bitch of the YearnC'' V . [vw.f.4-vc, y.SJAPC 2nd Place Dam of the YearMany special Thanks to our friends and supporters especiallyc handlers Kosei Inoue, Wendy Yokoyama John Gaidos.-ttS VV,ItAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 72008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 111 PM7I I I I I i i i in"a v.r-4j frr rOther winners ror 2007v1LVs- iL. "wkLiuL\L4 . s.-V' 4 . r ..1Ch. Howlene Teahra Impero, GC, HOF, ROM 2 Pom 6 ToyCh. Howlene Teahra Tenaj 3 Pom 10 Toy44'T-43fKnz.kl i ymKMIA1w4r \sijt mm Swik4 rM9jJ i tA. 1ATjCh. Gourmet Howlene Teahra Caviar Ch. Howlene Teahra Dolce Meta 5 Pomv V4PomHazel Miller Robin Watanabemhinjaol.comArlene Otaguro808-593-2322 yggcatshawaii. rr. comX-A8 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 111 PM8rm i i i i4k ViRtageGfe. Vintage Orange Blossom Mistli,\ ,w49 iIti4 4riji Gh. ShsAcres Oar Man Samson x Vintage Margarita SplashVintage Pomeranians is very proad to present "Blossom" my latest champion. Blossom was the soangest papps being shown this sear and completed her championship on the das she tamed 9 months old from the bred bs exhibitor Glass. She is ms first champion oat of Gh. ShsAcres Oar Man Samson. Sam, Blossom and I send kisses and a warm Mahalo to Aadres Roberts for the generoas loan of Gh. Sam to prodace Blossom.Gongratalations to Kells Reimschiisel of Kilei Pomeranians or soar kennel visit. It was fan meeting soa at the Brash Prairie, Washington sammer nationals in 1992. Yoa look exactls the same now as soa did back then. LThank soa to tke following jadges who foand Blossom worths of her wins Mr. Stephen Habbell - RWB to major Air. Is. T. Haverstock - WB - 5 point major Mrs. Jane Kas - WB - 5 point major Mrs. Jads Webb - WB - 4 point major Mr. Rickard Beaackamp - WB - 4 point major Mtkla Mrs. Msron Gorks Gaager - WB - 4 point majorossor^VintageEllen TakavaiwaviRfcagefeawaiivaftoo.coiRAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 92008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 111 PM9I I I I I i i i in mNGWOOD BAR-NH-Hr nn r1rriPOMERANIANSHave come together to produceV' 7IANew ChampionThank you Judge Lee Canalizio for finishing this gorgeous girl. She is now preparing for puppies.ma11O[VM'JWCH. MT CREST AT SPRINGWOOD X BAR-NET ABIGAIL OF OAKRIDGELittermatesM14s'1 -iU- ifI il111I HI Ml II Vim I1tow.r mF 2J\ - nHvBoth majors total 9 pts.. Currently showing. Thank you Judge Margo Klinger for this nice win pictured and for all the judges that appreciated his typeyness and beauty.r mii-- ES3 WitBar-Net's Home Bound of OakridgeJ - rWOBecky Jackson - Owner and Co-Owner513 Springwood Driva, Fbrarica, AL 35S34 255j 732-5353 trmt.springvoodjT10 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 111 PM10rrn i i i in4CH Evensong's Little Deuce Coupe"Deuce"iA T wALV f^ i.5E7 ' \1i IMUifJwrvV,BBTQPWNNfcfib4 4MAJORnew championKLAMATH OObfANOW^ _11 May 2008 \gMBISS CH LaRajus Palisades Van Gogh x BOSS CH Finch's Char's Amazing GraceThank you to the following judges who appreciated Deuce's structure, soundness and typeDr. John C. Shelton WDBOW 3 Point Major Mr. Eugene Blake WDBOWMr. David M. Krogh WD Mrs. Keke Kahn WD Mr. Darryl Vice WDBOW 4 Point MajorMs. Joanne N. Paulk WDBOW 4 Point MajorEVENSONG POMERANIANSDeuce was finished from the bred-by class.KEVIN TERESA WHITEPortland, OR 503 314-9026 www.evensongpoms.comBreederOwnerHandlers KEVIN TERESA WHITE4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 112008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 111 PM11I I I I I i i i in4TDmMattc4M6MnfmMm0Breeders of flive Poms stiA.ce if 5^1440 Pom Orchid Lane Kannapolis, North Carolina 28081 Phone 704 938-2042 Ken and Eleanor Griffith1aJ ]m mm m._Hiv11 IiwV7 mf8m4' 1' , ' y -rBEST OF WINNERSIKEgT Tcii40iillllSSv\vCH. WILD FIRE OF LENETTECh. Magic Touch of Lenette x Ch. Amber Glow of LenetteWe have a nice selection of puppies at the present time. Visit our website or give us a call.Best wishes to Kelly Reimschiissel on your kennel visit. Thanks for all you do in helping to host our National lenettepomsctc.net12 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 111 PM12rm i i i inPomeranians11.wCh. Mtn ViewsAutumn Promise Ch. Regulars Mtn View Stars Shine x Reginapoms Wild Angelm1Best of Opposite Sex in Sweeps at the PCCV first Specialty. 3Autumn came out of retirement to have fun at the specialty and moved around the ring like a youngster. She had a wonderful time. Autumn is now lovingly owned by Donnita Ackley and we thank her for letting Autumn come out to play. Autumn is our first home bred champion. Since Donnita and I were busy with club duties, we thank Mari Iffland, Valerie Crane and Judy Stone for their help getting our dogs ready and in the ring.jfJV-ik VThank you to judge Fabian Arienti for awarding Autumn this great honor.HiGLOUCESTER Kennel ClnfcOwner Donnita Ackley - Handler Valerie Crane41 JBreedersRoger and Patricia DagueHiwnwiBnaa MtnviaW4 Turn It Up Tlirn It UpMajorI___i'J'Echo is really turning it upOnly four weekends out with handler, Mari Iffland, and she already has 8 points and both majors Many thanks to judges R. Sturm her first point, C. Gish pictured - 4 pt. Major and C. Harris second major. Thanks to Deb Kingery, Debut Poms, for allowing us to use her gorgeous boy, Seger. Thanks to Lynn Meyer for her graciousness at Corydon.Handler Mari Iffland, Marbil Pomeranians 618-435-6127BreedersOwnersRoger and Patricia DagueStuarts Draft, Phone 540-337-2965 httpwww.geocities.commtnviewpomsrAvriifP. LV AymSp-.A-. ]Ar t\yJ ,.J,V ., BEST OF OPPOSITE SEXST. LOUIS DOGI BREEDERS ASSOCIATIONMA2008f GARDEN STUDIO. INC.g photoBEST OF WINNERSi\j .'mmHi. \ \\ A.Debut's Turn The Page x Mtn Views This Sweet Dream 4v4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 132008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 111 PM13i i i in4i- PinecrestI\ en nes7UOut usu'i uriyi xut mmA IT.tlViuznm 1 BEBM 0d 'IMi Ia .J-d. v IIS1.'llVt Uib .A u r A4v' v- i" \ SKISI vPi. .rl PsuAP F ji 1yIff II, Ip ,V Jfr i t'Oh iLk.-t] . i .manji '-r 2vir\-fi r Ui \raurikii'. iiSwy SUI554Jjrrjn ill ^ rr 'ifiiiKgtHiiiliii S JEi'tlacth w4 Inecrest KenneCatherine Bolahood905-697-2488www.pomeramans.capinecrestrogers.com414 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAdvertisers Index......................................................88AKC Eukanuba Invitational 2009.............................50Anniversary 50th Pom Review.......................84, 85, 89APC Board Summary Janice Russell...................33, 41APC National Specialty Info....................................80APC Officers...........................................................29APC Statement......................................................29APC Stats Joan Behrend...................................51 - 53Artist Feature Audrey Roberts..........................46, 47Ask Us Anything Annette Davis..................................34Back Issue Information..........................................88City Of Angels Results.......................................42, 43Coming Events....................................................80Cover Story ........................................................14Designer Dogs Katie Gammill..............................70, 71DVD Order Form..................................................31, 80Hadleigh Poms..................................................48, 49Health and Genetics Mike Wells.......................56 - 59Judges Education Fred C. Bassett.............................60Just FUR Fun.................................................61, 73Kennel Visit Kelly Reimschiissel........................37 - 39Kennel Visits, Future Features.............................75, 76Letter From the Editor Brenda Segelken....................84Membership Report Annette Davis.............................28National Information........................................30New Champions Joan Behrend..........................54, 55Performance News Barbara McClatchey.........62 - 66Pom Charitable Trust................................................40Pom Club of Central Indiana Olympics............44, 45Pom Club of Central Virginia............................68, 69Presidents Report Jane Lehtinen...............................30Purina Health Chart...........................................35Purina Program..........................................31, 72Registrars Corner Carol Leemhuis............................28Review Advertising Rates.....................................32, 76Salute to Our Armed Forces...................................75Subscription Card.....................................................74SubscriptionReview Information......................74, 85Summer Pests E. Katie Gammill......................67Sunshine and Roses...........................................71, 74Ways and Means Donna Riehm...................................50Website Address........................................................29Louie and the JAN-SHAR Pomswish you all a happy Fourth of July.This picture is Louie and Sweeps JudgeAudrey Roberts in Louisvilleand his handler Tish Cannon.Check with Tish for her new line of DIVAscissors... thinning shears especially for Poms.FlashFlash FlashCH. JAN-SHARS ELEMENTARYMY DEAR WATSONBest Puppy in ShowandBack to Back Toy Group IBREEDER AND OWNERSHARON HANSONwww.janshar.compomsjanshar.comJAN-SHAR POMS2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 111 PM14i i i inContents Fruit CoverVfa fS s J., rfa JfjtenuiAr fa'yls VGRANDSWEEPSTAKES Ml MARCH 10. 2008 SJ . ikNATIONAL SPECIALTY HOMASPHOTOGRAPHY-S _-v'' is8wgV -\S3ziS_ 48Ew-0h4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 152008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 111 PM15rm i i i in4CH.KARNAN'SLEADER OF THE PACKi mA 1w 1r i h. Wllii3i-'m 4AiBkmmm. ije I . t. i7u V.^ 'Ka litmm r.M Iff-3rah r- if ii - a1wre 5TtF V X 1.9 IBM 1IHP4 4A 00 " A[EE m sV rUTTiYIiT-j SLY- ' SiEu 1 .yh]M W JiN7a1\Thanks to Ms. Erika K. Mcurcan far finishing Packer with a major win.Packer finished with 3 majors.Thanks to the other judges for Packer's majors and pointsMr. Timothy S. Robbins Ms. Elizabeth Muthard Mrs. Elaine E. MathisThanks Nancy for letting me have Packer fcr my breeding pregram.Cc-Owner and BreederNancy Reed399 Willcw Pt. Narine Lcne Star, Texas 903-755-3334www.geecities.ccmnanspcmsOwnerCarol Kioch3419 ACR 181, Elkhart, Texas 903-764-9963 carclkivch hctmail.ccm www.geccities.ccmcararaypcms416 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 111 PM16I I I I I I i i i in4The latest New Champions atDamascusroad' V- V nrWf'- \,4CH Damascusroad Deepsea Magictwo year old granddaughter of CH Emily, our y foundation bitch who we lost earlier this year to L old age. Maggie is out of our only Emily L,daughter CH Ellie. mmjA ,Maggie is from a litter of four. The other three w-tL finished last year but Maggie still needed two points at year end. She got them, and then some, May 1718th weekend. , -M.3.M 4X iMS-Fi-vv- -Af' ,1- ' 4 t VV V,T3CfS P Vuv' 1CH Damascusroad Logan by the Seaeight month old great-grandson of our foundation bitch CH Emily. Logan is out of CH Ellies daughter CH Molly and is a fourth generation Damascusroad Champion.ft.F.T- .I Mr Logan is one of two boys from our September V 2007 MollyColt litter the other boy is waiting in the wings. Logan finished from the Group in one weekend and three shows, the same weekend as his Aunt Molly.K-.iSbevcarterdamascusroad.cawww.damascusroad.ca4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 172008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 111 PM17rm i i i in4JlaCuevaennefis hroua to announce,..Like Father. Like Daughter. Pictured here taking BOB, BOW BOS on the tough Florida circuit in January2008. Bridgette also took 2nd in the large 9-12 mos puppy bitch class at the APC Specialty in March.CH LaCueva's One Tough Cookie is going to India with his new co-owner Yousuf Khaja to get his InternationalTitles and...LaCueva's Bridgette Does Belgium is going to Belgium with her new co-owner Rui Jorge da Silva to get herInternational Titles.Kit jJUj - Io 11BEST OF WINNERSBEST OF BREED OR VARIETY\A 4 4\GAINESVILLE DOG FANCIERSJANUARY 2008DON MEYER EjTim______itlLiikiuffu 3c l^ridaetteI am proud to have bred and owned both of these wonderful dogs and will be even prouder to go visit and see them showin the rings abroad and to see the influence they will have on future generations of show Pomeranians in other countries.look forward to having Bridgette come back to the U.S.A. to finish her AKC Championship if she hasn't done so before sheleaves in September. Tuffy will be leaving in June. Watch for future ads of them as they make their way in the show ringsCongratulations Kelly Kilei Poms on your kennel visit. You have been a constant contributor to the APC, and your friendshiphas meant a lot to me.LaCueva KennelProud BreederOwnerHandler - SheiTilynn J. Rogers 3016 Hiawatha Dr., Dayton, OH 45414, Phone 937 275-4062 E-mail, Cell phone 937286-1462418 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 111 PM18I I I I I i i i in4Dreamweaver PomeraniansRoyaltee N DreamWeavers Into The Westv5,rl \ i BEST OF OPPOSITEIIS 4ORMT DENTON KENNEL CLUB MIVIA2008LAMBERT PHOTOeeperCh. Noah Of Lenette X Royaltee Jada Of LenetteBeeper is shown going WBBOS for a 3-point Major under Murrel Purhiser. A huge thank you to Aslynn for handling some of my dogs when I can't getaway due to my husband being overseas.Congratulations to Kelly Reimschiissel of Kileipoms on your kennel visit.BreederHandlerOwnerHandlerLinda PelzDreamweaverpoms.comAngela BlockerRoyalteepoms.comAslynn RoseAslynnrose.comwAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 192008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 111 PM19I I I I I i i i in4DreamWeaver PomeraniansAnd Son DreamWeaversI RockinRobin- 0wVI. 4 i1,\\ 'Robin made his show debut at the Sooner Pomeranian Specialty in Oklahoma. Thank you Rhonda Lee for awarding him Best in Sweeps.T V -'X\ .\ fVJLM V V- 4Sweepslakes sTSooner Pomeranian Club ofOklahoma Citj. Inc.Studio E Photographyh, DreamWeavers Ring of Fire X Royaltee N DreamWeavers Into The West i6I- Thanksalso to Sharon Newcomb for awarding Robin RWD from the BBE class. Robin also took RWD the next day at the regular show.Hkvhr"iV '-miReserve SpecialtyJS V fSooner Pomeranian j .A Club of Oklahoma Oil. Inc. BreederOwnerHandlerLinda Pelz MAY 2008 ] 7Jatjftj Studio E V20 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWPomeranian Club of Central Indiana, Inc.Will be holding our 6th AnnualPomeranian Specialty the evening ofFriday, September 12, 2008At the Boone County 4-H FairgroundsLebanon, IND.Regular Class - Judge William UsherwoodSweepstakes Linda GeorgeWeekend shows will be Greater Lafayette Kennel Club. Superintendent Roy Jones Dog Shows.Show ChairpersonJanice RussellIndianapolis, IN 46222indypomsbcglobal.netShow SecretarySherri Alspaugh5400 Lee Acres DriveBoonville, IN 47601812-925-6477paughprintpomspeoplepc.com2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 111 PM20rm i i i i4 tt jN Pomeranian Club of Central Indiana4 44APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 212008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 111 PM21I I I I I i i i in4M1L WrA\ M1rMi r4"We^9. jtiattteo- fCammy finished her Rally Advanced title at Old Dominion KC on April 19.Trove finished the CD on May 24.The honorary Pom, Breeze, finished her RN on April 20, so the Greyhound is now Ch. Harmony's Storm Warning RN.That's three titles in a month.Congratulations Kelly'Mtwicfiiet R. TttJKee804-556-3380idlewyldearthlink.netidlewyldpomeranians.com22 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM22rm i i i in\1 _ .X'''MARCH 11, 2 - JtzKf-irNATIONAL SPI ,lTHOMAS PHOTthomasphoto301 V ,1m 4mT,i,vSSmPi7mw ,,jj.rL, M 0glWj34nilXVmm'is pictured with Ch. British Lane Sweet Spring. The Parade of Champions at the National was Hunters first timepro, even though Spring hadn't been in the ring for some time. I would like to thank everyone who look time toCongratulations to all. - I have a very nice black and white parti bitch available. Inquiries welcome.815-38-3203 - pomeraiiianfacesliibart.iietAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 23CH Chriscendo Communicado X CH Lil Behrs Honey Nut ClusterThank you to Mrs. Avery Gaudin, Respected Group Judge, for our Group Win at Bucks County KC, Mr. Fabian Arienti,respected Pom breeder Judge, for our Breed Win at Trenton KC, Mr. Ken Miller, respected Pom breeder Judge and theWe took our Group 2 Winning Bitch and added Premium Canadian Bloodlines to make our Group Winning Little BoyPomeranian Club of Central Virginia for Cheerios Best in Specialty Show recognition, and,of course, Cheerios many fansWe are grateful to Chris and John Hearz, Chads breeders Elizabeth Heckert Jenn Junior Munn, Chads owners for Chad. Also to Sharon Yampiro for the Great Riversbloodlines behind our Honey.Lastly, thank you to Toby, Mo, and friends for Cheerios wonderful presentation at theNationals We had a great time and hope we see each other many more timesBack cover photo by Thomas Photography.Congrats Kelly on your feature Lil Behrs Pomeranians Joan C. 631 366-2330Breeder . Owner . Handler2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM23i i i inHesaHoneyol nn"0"... .BISS Ch Lil Behrs HoneyHe'sr,\tmfM \VGROUPFIRST Vwfy KMvsy j BUCKSCOUNTY1 Dogl xNCBUiproiA a^PA Wlit x KscorM ^ KENNEL.C LUB .kennel clubVrJteZimIE3ijijimXTs'"'tiwfWltB,24 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWThe Utah Valley Kennel Club, Inc.would like to congratulateKelly D. Reimschiisselon her well-deserved kennel visit.Your many years of service as ourPresident and Show Chair and yourdedicationto our club is appreciated by all of us.We wish you the bestWe also want you to knowhow much we will miss Pumbaaat our board meetings.Utah ValleyKennel Club, Inc.www.uvkc.orgThe Pomeranian Club of Greater Des Moineswould like to invite you to our Fall Specialty.All Pomeranian Exhibitors and Enthusiasts welcomeSpecialty Show and Silent Auction always lots of neat items to bidon donations are welcome followed by our annual picnicmeeting Friday evening. Its free to all exhibitors and friends.Come see old friends and meet new ones.Friday September 5th, 2008Iowa State Fairgrounds, Des Moines, Iowaclimate controlled Varied Industries buildingJudges will be Sweeps Kathy Francis, Regularnon-regularclasses Frank Summerside, Rally Mrs. Kathy Davidson, OBNovice A B Open A Mr. Stephen Pool, Open B Mrs.Nancy Withers, Utility A B Mrs. Joy-Ann PoolTwo all-breed shows follow on Saturday and Sunday at the samesite. For details on Specialty or all-breed shows check out Onofriowebsite JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM24rm i i i inVCongratulationssj.Kellyon your kennel visitWe are so proud of you for following your dream to become a judge We are so sorry about your beloved Pumbaa and know his legend will live on in his kids and grandkids. We will be excited to see Kilei N Wilde's Red Fish Blue Fish in the ring Congrats to you and Denny for your GroupTwo win and your BBE Group One winWe love youNiki WildeWilde PomeraniansMelissa PfannerstillStar Kota PomeraniansCristy Jessica ChristiansenBlack Crystal Pomeranians4 4POMERANIAN CLUBV4II,GREATER DES MOINES34APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 25The Central Arkansas Pomeranian Clubis excited to announce our firstback to back Pom SpecialtiesOctober 24 25, 2008Shows are being held in Benton, AR....just a few miles west of Little Rock.Friday, Oct 24 Sweepstakes Judge David GilstrapSpecialty Show Judge Charles TrotterSaturday night, Oct 25, Specialty Show Entries limited to 50Judge Mildred BryantWe will have cash prizes, a Raffle, and food provided for everyone on Saturday evening.We are hoping to make these Specialties really specialContact Show Secretary, Pat Barnett, for infoor write Show Chairman, LaVerne Anderson, PO Box 86, Bryant, AR 72089Also plan to attend the two Saline County all breed showsthe same weekend. See Onofrio Dog Shows.Thats four shows in 3 days, and we usually have majors.Start making plans now to join us in October2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM25i i i i n4 uT uTSS SS SS SS SS4 4 4 iVAN CV iVAN CV iVAN CV iVAN CV iVAN CVP4 4aVN ^vmtTcvi^5 Sp Sp Sp Sp 3p4 4 4 4 4iVAN CV iVAN CV iVAN CV iVAN CV iVAN CV426 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWJUDGE CLASSMrs. Carole A. Beattie Puppy, 9-12 Mo DogsFred C. Bassett Puppy, 9-12 Mo DogsRodney E. Herner Open DogsMalcolm E. Moore Open Dogs WBWChuck Winslow Open Dogs WStephen F. Hurt Open DogsNeil W. Graves Open Dogs WBBWMs. Betsy Dale Open Dogs WBBWRichard M. Chashoudian Open Dogs WBWMs. Paullet DeLong Open DogsRaymond D. Bay Open DogsMar-D PomeraniansWould like to thank the following JudgesFor getting our new boy here so farParkave-Mar-DsWinke Dinke DooM StephensD BuchananHandler Diane Stevenson541-592-5161 e-mail mar-dpomscavenet.comVisit our site to see our new babieswww.mar-dpomeranians.comDinkeDooIntroducing DarrenLil-Ponderosa Dare To Staresoon available at stud by private treaty.Just beginning and already pointed.Pedigree info to serious inquiries only.Congratulations Kelly Reimschiisselon your wonderful Kennel VisitRon Sherry CartwrightLil-Ponderosa Regd715-874-6936lilponderosawwt.nethttpwww.lilponderosapoms.com2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM26I introducing great Rivers Ho BeauTravis44 99L Vi4 tvA' - "v\rs Travis captured Best of Breed at the Union County Kennel Club show, and then went on to win a Group 3 placement under respected judge Mrs. Houston Toddie Clark...all from the Puppy Class I am so proud of my beautiful boy. A big thank you to Traviss breeder, Sharon Yampiro, for this wonderful boy and for all of her support. I look forward to making you proud with many more wins. And a big thank you to all of the judges who have had such kind words to say about Travis.m ISiTT'T' "tVWe are looking forward to a great 20081 mmrsgn4\\A._ m [iTililIPi'lTiA'fa Sharon Yampiro Great River Poms greatpomsjuno.comVj', mm. ,Sf\ 4.0s Owned,handled and loved byAmando Hernandez amando0220aol.comX UWOHCOW \ao..wc. If May 26^ MOl i1 fflEfl 8-4w...J-3-J , -.. aemr .SBC'3r- JiJ -'-U I'' V. ,.IN.Lif pfeIM9ELa4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 27Congratulations toKelly Reimschiisselon your well -deserved kennel visit. It has beensuch an honor getting to know you over the years and I hope that our friendship lasts well into the future. My sincere condolenceson the loss of your beloved Pumbaa. I hopethat his offspring will help to heal your heart.Showcase PomeraniansAlane Levinsohn www.showcasepoms.com2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM27New PREVIEW VIDEO CLIPS BEFORE YOU BUYFREE LEAFLETS INCLUDED WITH EACH VIDEO GROOMING TIPS, EQUIPMENT NEEDED AND WHERE TO BUY IT, AND HOW TO TRIM EARS.Have you ever wondered how the Poms in the showring and pictures are trimmed so nicely and how it is done We are pleased to present this Pom grooming video, "Pomeranian Grooming with Karen Crawford," by Karen Crawford of Xitable Pomeranians. This tape is not just for Pom show people, it is for all of you who have Poms and want to learn the professional but easy way to properly trim your Poms - from head to toe. For more information about Karen, the video, preview video clips, satisfied customer reviews and ordering, please visit our web site at httpwww.foxxlanepoms.comVideo, e-mail Pauline McFarlane at, or call Pauline at 304-813-1541.We would like to thank Mike Cande Gordon of Pominique Pomeranians for allowing us to useAMInt CH Pominique Chasing Tatonka aka Tony as our demonstration model.Congratulations to Kelly Reimschiissel of Kileipoms Pomeranians on your Kennel Visit.ranian Gro"mingPom" wwinKaren Crawford, Xitable Pomeranians John and Pauline McFarlane, FoxxLane Pomeranians4Ourfirst New Champion in 2008 BPI6 CH Damascusroad Luke 6kywalkerV fShown only four times, Luke captured a Group 2 and a Group 3 as a 6 month old puppy and two Group 1 wins and a BPIS show as a nine month bevcarterdamascusroad.ca428 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWHall Of FameSassy Girl Sheffield UDX RAE2 BOwner Lisa S SheffieldPrincess Wiggles Vonsnifsnif CD RAE BOwner Lisa SheffieldMusic To My Eyes CDX RAE DOwner Marcia MessinaPark Aves Lyn Large In Charge AX AXJ NF BOwner Saranah TandbergRegistry Of Merit Supreme ROMSCH Chriscendo Call To Arms DOwner John Chris HeartzNEW MEMBERSPaulette Smith MSSponsors K.G. Griffith, David GilstrapElaine Waugh OHSponsors Diane L. Finch, Kathryn J. NoremFrances Zozzaro NYSponsors Daniel Yona, Elaine WishnowCarole VanDerMeulen TXSponsors Mary Latimer, Darlyene SpannRicardo Solis CASponsors Janet Lucido, Jessica SolisBarbara Moore TXSponsors Bronya Johnston, David GilstrapJulie Volkheimer AKSponsors Jessie Klein, Geneva CoatsMonty Alora Hart AKSponsors Linda Mulso, Roxanne CollinsLuisa Leon PeruSponsors Tony Cabrera, Jane LehtinenNannette Walker TXSponsors Linda Pelz, Cheryl JacksonPO Box 23163Pittsburgh, PA 15222-6163412 391 N. Mink Creek Rd. Pocatello, ID 83204 208 234-0932 infoavalonpom.comLetters other than those from sponsors commenting onthe applicants whose names are published in the Revieware to go to Janice Russell, 3540 Kessler Blvd. N. Dr.,Indianapolis, IN 46222. Comments must be receivedwithin 30 days of publication Standing Rule II 3. Seethe APC Website or contact AnnetteDavis for membership applications.Membership ContinuedVisit the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website athttpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgAPPLICATIONSChristine Crane VASponsors Jennifer Munn, Elizabeth HeckertDerrik Deronda Sharp AZSponsors Alane Levinsohn, Kelly ReimschiisselRon Merilyn Smith AZSponsors Alane Levinsohn, Kelly ReimschiisselCathy Mark Driggers FLSponsors Bobii Earle, Jose CabreraKimberly K. Thompson CASponsors Heidi Merrigan, Julie Clemen2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM28I I I I I i i i in4"^Hembership Report-1 Annette DavisRegistrar Report Carel Leemhnisr jL 0 iL Si FW4 6' _, _sitta5 V.X.VSit4 4u5 V.X.V4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 29AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. OFFICERSPRESIDENT...................................................................................CYNTHIA G. BOULWARE6450 Rolling Heights Circle, Kaufman, TX 75142 PH 972 962-3872 Fax 972 962-3872 e-mail lovencountryearthlink.netFIRST VICE PRESIDENT.........................................................................JANE LEHTINEN1517 8th Street S, Virginia, MN 55792 PH 218 749-1154 Fax 218 741-9435 e-mail janlepomsnetscape.net2ND VICE PRESIDENT.....................................................................FRANCES J. STOLL2488 E Hwy 50, Washington, IN 47501 PH 812 254-3857 Fax 812 254-3254 e-mail stolanne650dialup.comRECORDING SECRETARY...........................................................JANICE C. RUSSELL3540 Kessler Blvd. N. Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46222 PH 317 924-9093 e-mail indypomsbcglobal.netCORRESPONDING SECRETARY.................................................CAROL LEEMHUISP.O. Box 23163, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-6163 PH 412 848-6987 e-mail RegistrarAmericanPomeranianClub.orgTREASURER....................................................................................ERIKA MOUREAU32110 Pattys Landing, Magnolia, TX 77354 PH 281 252-0333 Fax 281 252-0333 e-mail ........................BOARD OF DIRECTORS............................Sally Baugniet David Gilstrap Judith B. GreenJackie Rayner Donna S. Riehm Greggory WatersThe American Pomeranian Club, Inc. is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting the Pomeranian dog and the protection andadvancement of the breed. We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims. If you are interested injoining the APC, please contact APC Membership Chairperson, Annette Davis, 391 N. Mink Creek Road, Pocatello, ID 83204. Phone 208 2340932or Email Membership applications also may be downloaded from the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website If you only wish to subscribe to the Pomeranian Review, please contact the Pomeranian Review CirculationManager, Cheri McDonald, PO Box 3402, San Dimas, CA 91773. Phone 909 394-7923, Email or Fax 909 599-4692.You need not be an APC Member to subscribe to or advertise in the Pomeranian Review.JACKIE RAYNER, DONNA RIEHM, GREGG WATERS, CAROL LEEMHUIS, DAVID GILSTRAP, ERIKA MOUREAU.SALLY BAUGNIET, JUDY GREEN, JANE LEHTINEN, JANICE RUSSELL, FRANCES STOLL.American Pomeranian Club, Inc. website httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.org2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM29I I I I I i i i in4V' 3ST VVr''ftJBS' -w v"r- \ F^L 'J px k[\ \kS.'SS^Lmf-\9i Vjjr \ ' I.Ml.1i'jsti Svy'RtJst4 4430 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWJane LehtinenActing PresidentSummer is finally here even for those of us living in the north. Itwas a long and cold winter and late arriving spring. And eversince, gas prices keep going higher. People are not going toshows as frequently as before as they just cannot afford the priceof entries, motel rooms and gas. Ive noticed that entry numbersare dropping so that shows, which typically had majors, nowThis is the time of year that planning for next years National in Kentucky gets to be serious. It is exciting to know thatthe room at the Clarion Hotel we have for next years show is 22,000 sq. feet, which is way larger than what we had towork with in previous years.The Club is always in need of volunteers in order to make the National the best it can possibly be. One of our primeneeds at this time is relating to the Top Twenty event. Jackie Rayner chaired this very popular and worthwhile projectthe past two years since its inception however we are presently in need of fresh talent to helm this event and othersto assist with it. Everyone agrees that we would like to keep it on the schedule for 2009.So, no matter in what capacity that you would be able to help us out, we want to hear from you Just contact me or ourShow Chair, Janice Russell. Wed be glad to answer any questions you might have regarding this. If each of us does alittle part to help, we all get to share a wonderful time.And part of that is to have a great entry. So, in todays economy, that translates to start saving all you can now so thatyou can definitely plan on joining us next March in Louisville.barely qualify for one point. Most exhibitors will have to tighten up financial belts if they wish to keep going to shows. Bethankful that we are not in England, where I am told gas Petro is presently a whopping 10.00 per gallon.Plans are well underway for our next years show in Kentucky. We are looking for people who would be willing to help usput on the Top Twenty. Jackie Rayner chaired this very popular and worthwhile event last year however, we arepresently in need of fresh talent to helm this event. Everyone agrees, we would like to keep it on the schedule for 2009.We always have a few positions to fill each year and are always looking for people to volunteer to help put on this show.If there is a way for you to help, just contact our Show Chair Janice Russell or myself. With the new show site ClarionHotel, we are going to have more room to put on this show. The show room that we are going to have is 22,000 squarefeet, far larger than previously years. I hope that each and every one of you can make it to the show next year so pleasestart saving all those pennies.We are presently still working on revising our by-laws and have added Judy Green to the committee. We would like tofinish this task by the end of the year. The committee welcomes any comments from the membership so please feel freeto give input to this important project.I have heard that Jim Shearer had a stroke and is in a nursing home. We know he would welcome phone calls from hisfriends. See Sunshine N Roses, page 74 in this issue, for Jims contact information. Jim has served this club verydiligently in many ways, including past president and National Show Chair for several years.2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM30I I I I I i i i inFir m the President a2n s iJjflInCynthia C. Pculuare i TKVm'WL.I ^if2ijf i Il m. 5S 4 MSA4 44APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 31The American Pomeranian Club is aparticipating member in this program.Purina Parent Club Partnership PPCP ProgramMembers of Purina Pro Club whose nationalparent club participates in the Purina ParentClub Partnership PPCP Program may earnfunding for canine health studies, educationandor rescue efforts that will benefit theirbreed. Since 2002, the first year of the PPCPprogram, there has been more then 710,000generated for health research, education orrescue. As of 2005, there are 149 National breedclubs participating in the program.Heres how the PPCP Program works Pro Clubmembers redeem weight circles from bags ofparticipating Purina brand dog foods. Purinatracks these weight circle submissions, and forevery 100 of qualifying weight circle pointsearned by Pro Club members, Purina donates10 to the participating national parent breedclub.Points are accumulated throughout a calendaryear, and in February, a check representing 10percent of the value of the submitted weightcircles for the year is evenly split between theparticipating national parent breed club and theAKC Canine Health Foundation. The donationthat goes to the AKC Canine Health Foundationis eligible to be matched up to 100 percent bythe Canine Health Foundation if it meets theFoundations funding guidelines.Happy4th of Julyfrom thePom Review2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM31rm i i i i2008 APC NATIONAL DVDORDER FORMCopy this order form, check appropriate hop, addshipping, fid in mailing information, enclose check, made out to A'PC.DVD 1WINNERS DOG WINNERS BITCH BEST OF BREED 25.00 each plus shipping DVD 2PUPPY VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP 20.00 each plus shippingDVD 3TOP TWENTY 10.00 each plus shipping SHIPPINGUSPS - 3.00 PER DVDFOREIGN - 8.00 PER DVD4 4FULL SET - ALL THREE DVDs55.00 plus shipping USPS 4.00, Foreign 10.00NAMESTREET ADDRESSADDITIONAL ADDRESSCITY, STATE AND ZIP CODEV PHONE NUMBER E-MAIL ADDRESSW.i U Mail toThe American Pomeranian Club Erika Moureau32110 Patty's Landing Magnolia, TX 77354A 7...n,1Ginf. \ .jv \it\32 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWEditor...........................................................................................................Brenda Segelken11139 E. Camelot Ave., Effingham, IL 62401 PH 217 347-5731 fame62401yahoo.comSubscription Manager.......................................................................Cheri McDonaldPO Box 3402, San Dimas, CA 91773 PH 909 394-7923Fax 909 599-4692 cheribachmanpoms.comProofreader...........................................................................................Cynthia LankfordAdvertisement Manager...................................................................................Becky Jackson513 Springwood Dr., Florence, AL 35630 PH 256 383-8771 springwoodpomsaol.comBusiness Card Manager.................................................................................Kathyrn Norem0599N 650E, Knox, IN 46534 PH 574 772-3910 ecpomsearthlink.netBrenda Segelken Cheri McDonaldKathy NoremSubscriptions6 issues per yearUSPS First Class...............................45.00USPS Bulk.........................................37.00CanadaMexico..............................55.00Foreign.....................................100.00Single Issue.....................................10.00Back Issues....................................10.00 Advertising RatesFront Cover Color.......................600.00Back Cover Color.............................450.00Inside Front Cover Color................300.00Inside Front Cover BW..................125.00Inside Back Cover Color.................300.00Inside Back Cover BW.....................125.00Page 3, 4, 5, 6 Color........................300.00Page 3, 4, 5, 6 BW...........................125.00Center Spread BW........................250.00Full Page Deluxe Color.....................275.00Full Page BW...................................100.00Half Page Color................................150.00Half Page BW.................................60.00One Quarter Page Color..................75.00One Quarter Page BW....................40.00Business Card 6 ......Small 70, Large 100All ads include one photo. Additional color photos are 25each additional black and white photos are 10 each.SUPPORT THE APCSUPPORT THE REVIEWMail ad text, photos and payment toThe APC Pomeranian ReviewBrenda Segelken, Editor11139 E. Camelot Ave.Effingham, IL 62401-7460Or Email fame62401yahoo.comMake all checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club.DeadlinesAd Deadline IssueDec 1...............OBEDIENCE... JanFebFeb 1........................................MarAprilApril 1..................National Report...MayJuneJune 1.............COLOR FEATURE...JulyAugAug 1......ANNUAL STUD ISSUE...SeptOctOct 1..............MEMORIAL ISSUE..NovDec.........official A. P. C. publication.........sent to Breed Group Judges.........reasonable rates.........quality reproductions.........only source of APC Archives.........provides APC news and reports.........APC Specialty coverage.........Regional Pom Club coverage.........obedience training information.........interesting, informativeThe Pomeranian ReviewBecky Jackson2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM32I I I I I i i i inThe Pcmeranian ReviewThe Official Publication of The American Pomeranian Club, Inc.- ri iryIim1, \'it''4 Vi w. A\w4 44 I CYes \vcfkCVIVV...J It.t IB\A,O'APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 33If an APC member has concerns regarding the aspects of an APC Committee, the member is to contactthe Committee Chair with those concerns. Those concerns will be communicated by the Committee Chairwithin two weeks after receipt if possible, to the Boards APC Corresponding Secretary so that the Board isaware of those concerns.Board Summary for AprilA motion to look into purchasing a projector for the APC for use at seminars was made. The amount to be used for this purchase wasdesignated to be under 1,000. This motion seconded and passed. The Pomeranian Charitable Trust offered to purchase this for theAmerican Pomeranian Club. This offer was gratefully accepted.A motion made that the Board of the APC set up an official members only section on our website for its membership. Details to beworked out by the Board and the web mistress. Motion seconded and carried.The following people were suggested by the JEC for the Mentor Committee. Vicki Oelerich - Eastern US, Nadine Hersil - CentralUS, Curtis Smith - Western US. A motion was made, seconded and carried.A motion was made that we place a button on the APC website for general donations. This motion was seconded and passed.Motion made to amend the Standing Rule for sweepstakes judge at the Nationals so they receive two 2 nights lodging at the NationalSpecialty in addition to their banquet dinner. Motion seconded and carried.Motion made that we add 4,000.00 to our Reserve fund, to be used and invested as our standing rule states. Motion seconded andpassed.Motion made to furnish banquet dinners for the hospitality and obedience chairpersons. Motion seconded and carried.Motion made to amend our Standing Rule to say the rosters will be mailed the least expensive way where they will be returned to thesender. Motion seconded and carried.Motion made that the obediencerally chairperson receive two 2 nights lodging, lunch both days of the events and a banquet dinnerpaid by APC. If there is a different chair for each event, they will each receive one nights lodging, lunch on the day of their event anda banquet dinner. Motion seconded and carried.Motion made to amend Standing Rule as follows APC restricts a conformation judge and a Sweepstakes judge from judging eitherthe National or the APC Summer Specialty more often than once in five years previous to the Specialty they are contracted to judge.All APC National and Summer Specialty conformation and Sweepstakes judges agree not to judge the Pomeranian breed the 4 monthsprior to their NationalSummer assignment. Motion made, seconded and passed.Motion made that A list of judges, Sweeps judges included, who have judged the National or Summer Specialty five years previous tothe judges Nominations procedure, be listed and noted that they are ineligible because they have judged the National or SummerSpecialty within five years of the date of our National or Summer Specialty referred to on the Nominating Form. Motion secondedand carried.3540 Kessler Blvd N. Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46222 Email indypomsbcglobal.netAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc. Board SummaryJANICE RUSSELL2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM334c[cK' i1cc ro"crev."' S3if v \4 4I' Ir9 1^[ljff AI1hx fv"M4i i i n34 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW Annette Davis, CNA sk Us AnythingOur question for this issue is What can I do to help my Pom lose weightFor humans and canines alike, a high calorie diet coupled with a lack of physical activity often leads to obesity. Hypothyroidism, insulindisorders, rare genetic diseases, and medications such as steroids may also be causative factors.Obesity greatly increases the risk of serious preventable diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, gallbladderdisease, osteoarthritis, and respiratory disorders. Increasing physical activity and restricting calorie intake are the best treatment options.Dogs who are used to being overfed often strongly object to food restrictions. Owners may find it next to impossible to resist the begging andpuppy dog eyes. It is important to remind yourself that, by giving into the begging, you are feeding your dog to death. Following the planbelow will give your dog a longer, healthier life. 1 Choose a premium dog food free of sugars, artificial colors, flavors and preservatives. A lower fat 12 for dry food 3 for cannedfood food will help with calorie content. 2 Rather than free feeding, divide your dogs rations into 2 daily servings. Warning toy puppies under one year of age are prone tohypoglycemia. It is not prudent to restrict feedings until after one year of age. If your puppy seems to be overweight, cut back treats andincrease exercise instead. 3 Cut back the quantity you are feeding by 10 per week for 3 weeks 30 reduction. Weigh your dog weekly using an infant scale or akitchen scale. Using your bathroom scale may not be sensitive enough for Poms. See the attached chart used with permission from NestlePurina Pet Care to help you recognize your adult dogs ideal body weight. 4 Do not feed table scraps or give high calorie treats. You may keep small cubes of frozen lean meats to give as rewards in limitedquantities. 5 For a mid-day snack, you can mix string beans andor cooked carrots with a tablespoon of low fat cottage cheese or plain yogurt. Again,limit the quantities of all snacks. 6 Use a top dressing such as Nupro, The Missing Link, or Spirulina Powder. These supplements contain nutrients which help support healthand weight loss. 7 Provide room to run and daily exercise opportunities such as walks with speed bursts. Taking walks with your dog will benefit both ofyou. 8 See your veterinarian if your dog fails to lose weight after 2 months. Your dog may have an underlying health problem such ashypothyroidism which requires veterinary care. Our next question is What is hypothyroidism You may direct new questions or answers to these questions to Annette Davis, 391 N. Mink Creek Rd., Pocatello ID 83204 208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792, e-mail Previous Ask Us Anything Columns may be viewed on linewww.avalonpom.comPomCare.htm2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM34I I I I I I i i m i nShsm-11r4 44APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 35g2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM35i i i in4EENestl PURINABody Condition SystemRibs, lumbar vertebrae, pelvic bones and all bony prominences evident from a distance. No discernible body fat. Obvious loss of muscle mass.1 -Va1\ tm iRibs, lumbar vertebrae and pelvic bones easily visible.No palpable fat. Some evidence of other bony prominence. Minimal loss of muscle mass.ec2azRibs easily palpated and may be visible with no palpable fat. Tops of lumbar vertebrae visible. Pelvic bones becoming prominent. Obvious waist and abdominal tuck.33j 4Ribs easily palpable, with minimal fat covering. Waist easily noted, viewed from above. Abdominal tuck evident.V,Ribs palpable without excess fat covering. Waist observed behind ribs when viewed from above. Abdomen tucked up when viewed from side.5 aL4 45Ribs palpable with slight excess fat covering. Waist is discernible viewed from above but is not prominent. Abdominal tuck apparent.6JRibs palpable with difficulty heavy fat cover. Noticeable fat deposits over lumbar area and base of tail. Waist absent or barely visible. Abdominal tuck may be present.7aec 7Ribs not palpable under very heavy fat cover, or palpable only with significant pressure. Heavy fat deposits over lumbar area and base of tail. Waist absent. No abdominal tuck. Obvious abdominal distention may be present. 8OAr,Massive fat deposits over thorax, spine and base of tail. Waist and abdominal tuck absent. Fat deposits on neck and limbs. Obvious abdominal distention.9 9The BODY CONDITION SYSTEM was developed at the Nestle Purina Pet Care Center and has been validated as documented in the following publicationsMawby D, Bartges JW, Moyers T, et. al. Comparison of body fat estimates by dual-energy x-rayabsorptiometry and deuterium oxide dilution in client owned dogs. Compendium 2001 23 9A 70 Laflamme DP. Development and Validation of a Body Condition Score System for Dogs. Canine Practice JulyAugust 1997 2210-15Kealy, et. al. Effects of Diet Restriction on Life Span and Age-Related Changes in Dogs. JAVMA 2002 2201315-1320Call 1-800-222-VETS 8387, weekdays, 800 a.m. to 430 p.m. CTUsed with permission from Nestle Purina PetCare.4Nestle PURINA436 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM36I I I I I i i i in4inmemonumKILEI POMEw mfch kilei's no worriesVft ffpumbaathe metamorphosis of pumbaa1994 spring 1996 fall 1996 1997TT7- fnr' IN v C , ar 9c \w 1i3I84 41998 1999 2000 2001HUfw -im. jt\" i9 JF x -nin less than 75 shows 5 Group 1, 2 Bred-by Exhibitor Group I, 1 Veteran Group I, 2 Group II, 10 Group III, 6 Group IV, 67 BOB, 4 BOS.1994 - 2008Bm801.756.2092www.kileipoms.comAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 37Kelly D.Reimschiissel KileiPomeraniansBefore introducing Kilei Poms and myself to you I would like to thank the Review for the opportunity and honor of thiskennel visit.I have been a member of the American Pomeranian Club since 1993 and have served the APC as past Awards Chair andcurrently as the Hospitality Chair for the National and Web Keeper. I have also been an 18-year member of the Utah ValleyKennel Club and a founding member of the Beehive Toy Group of Utah having served on the Board and Show Committeesfor both clubs. I have met and become friends with many wonderful people who have enriched my life in many ways,encouraged me and stood by me over the years. I will always be grateful for their love, trust and knowledge. I would like tothank all of my friends that have helped me over the years. I have built close and deep friendships, shared laughter and tears,and traveled with wonderful people. I have a truly deep love and appreciation for this breed.Pomeranians have been a part of my life since the age of two, but my passion and enthusiasm for show dogs began afterattending a local dog show. I was absolutely fascinated and joined the Utah Valley Kennel Club and shortly thereafter theAPC and the Beehive Toy Group of Utah. I spent several years working at the local shows, learning how shows and AKCworked while looking for a show dog. I read every book I could get my hands on about structure, movement, color genetics,and health issues. I also studied every pedigree I was able to get as well. I originally wanted to start in parti-colored poms butat that point in time it was extremely difficult to finish anything of color and so I decided to stay with the traditional colorsI had grown up with.I met Randy Blackburn, Painters, who was working with Art and Joy Davison, Jo-Arts, with his breeding program whichincluded Queenaire Diamond Apple ROM Star and purchased my foundation bitch from him, Painters Modern Classic,CGC. I was also fortunate to be able to use Star in my breeding program and will always be grateful for that. I bred veryrarely as I was raising a family so have had very few litters in the past 18 years.The first Pomeranian I finished was Ch Painters Tinkle Lil Star an orange sable that Randy gave me. Tink was a Stargrandson. Tink was a natural born show dog and when he walked into the ring could easily have shown himself. WhileA Glimpse into the Future2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM37i i i i n-k V ,I^ '' 'Z3P rJArrvIK i.5^-vT 1 v mfv a fe_ P a ^i-i-vi vs ii 7h irli, Xn V- i . ,v.^V.VVfl.-JAyT r.-zrp. rjiiareV a. -.^34di38 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWshowing Tink I was also showing myfirst bred-by, a son of Star, Ch KileisNo Worries Pumbaa who became myfirst bred-by champion. He also becamemy first special. In limited showing overthe next three years, shown in less than75 shows and handled by myself andSusan Adamson, Pumbaa won 5 GroupI, 2 Group II, 10 Group III, 6 Group IV,67 BOB, 4 BOS, 9 APC Pom 1999 andin the Top 15 AKC from each of the yearshe was specialed.The first bitch I finished was a black andtan daughter of Tinks Ch PaintersKileis Star Xd Lvr Luna. What spunkthat bitch had. She finished with threemajors and at the time she finished it wasstill quite difficult to finish a black andtan. The second bitch I finished was adilute orange bred-by out of Pumbaa,Ch Kileis Fifth Element Lei-Lu. LeiLuwas also my daughter Tacias juniorshowmanship dog and she had two BestJunior in Show one with Lei-Lu andone with Pumbaa. Tacia was also 3APC Junior in 2002 only showing for atotal of 18 months in juniors.While I was working for the 2002 WinterOlympics, Susan and I purchased ChGreat Elms Summer of LenetteSummer, and Susan finished her in ashort period of time. We also purchasedCh Patricias Golden Phoenix Phoebean extremely typey orange sable bitchthat finished very quickly. We alsoPainters Modern Classic Ch. Painters Kileis Star Xd Lvr LunaCh. Kileis No Worries PumbaaTacias Best Junior In ShowCh. Great Elms Summer of Lenettepurchased a bitch that didnt make it tothe show ring Jan-Shars Third Times ACharm Charm that produced very well.I had also been helping Susan handleShih Tzus, Pekingese, Pugs, StandardPoodles, and Lhasas for many years aswell as a couple of Pomeranian clientsand I had been seriously consideringapplying for my judges license as mychildren were grown when I was in aserious accident. This accident put backmy breeding program and my applicationfor judging for about four years. I am nowback on track having bred several morelitters from Pumbaa and applied forand received my AKC judges license.I am currently showing a Pumbaa xCharm son Kileis Denny Crane Lck NLoad Denny, a dark orange boy whowon the bred-by exhibitor class underEdd Bivin at the 2007 Kentucky Nationaland currently has one of his majors andKileis Denny Crane Lck N LoadDennyKileis Denny Crane Lck N LoadDenny2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM38i i i iniiaH1I a5I V 1rvII mm\iINTERMOUNT AW KENNEL CLUB MAY 2002\ 4\i 1lBESTJUNIORchandler\ kdhier-kemp cIP.' ^va A4 \'w m hV4- k\ VIiv S\'Vno'- rV laV' ^1ST PLACE BRED BY EXHIBITOR 0'VNATIONAL SPECIALTY-f 2jag-M o0APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 39a Group II. His orange sister, Kileis IvBeen Schmidt CanD Piper is alsopointed. Kileis Nothin But The RainKara, is a cream daughter of Lei-Luswho also has one of her majors and isalmost single pointed out.Kileis Nothin But The Rain KaraLei-LuThere are a few more Pumbaa kids outthere waiting to make it to the show ringwith many thanks from me to my dearfriends who used him at studBlackcrystals Zack Attack,Blackcrystals Malibu Barbie, ChutneeFrom Pumbaas Wilde Pickle, Apiffaneeat Kileis Wilde Parti, Kileis Aslan AnUntamed Lion. A special thanks to NikiWilde for allowing me to have Chutneeto show and for my breeding program.Chutnee produced two beautiful boysbred to Ch Sundowns Green Eggs NHam Benny, one a blue and tan who iswith Randy Houston and ChuckWhittmore and the other Kilei N WildesRed Fish Blue Fish Caviar that wasborn blue and tan and oranged out that Ico-bred and co-own with Niki Wilde. Icant wait to see both of them in the showring when they grow up. I would also liketo thank Alane Levinsohn for sending meShowcase Town Flirt for my breedingprogram. Although I lost her puppy fromPumbaa she has been a great additionto our home.A special thanks to everyone whosupported my kennel visit, I trulyappreciate each and every one of you.Kilei Poms is located in Utah just southof Salt Lake City. My husband and I havethe same name, Kelly, which cansometimes confuse callers to our home.We have two daughters and a grandson.Tacia, the youngest, is getting marriedin June to Natty Coleman whowholeheartedly loves the poms. Kristinaand Levi are owned by Summer, oneof my retired champions. We lost ouradopted son Mike last fall and willalways remember him. Some of my nondoghobbies include designing websites,cake decorating, cooking, quilting,bicycling and occasionally hiking withmy husband.Caviar and bluetan boyKelly D. ReimschiisselThe kidsTacia and NattyKristina and LeviCake decorated by Kelly2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM39'SiI ,4fsLPF .I "L 1 afkVfVresitjV29F4- 4n' IMMm. U M.1\f4 or,ILa MIo Em4k ii i i i n nni^H40 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWThis past spring has been a very productive time for thePCT. As you can see we now have a wonderful logo toremind us that our Pomeranians care remains forevercompletely in our hands. This logo was designed anddonated by Christine Heartz. As always, her creativityand caring effort well represents the PomeranianCharitable Trust and the spirit of the Pom community.And what better method to present this persona to todays world than on the Internet The PCT finally has its very own website.Please visit it at It will keep you informed of any new information we have aboutAlopecia X. It is also a good place to direct newcomers to the breed for their initial knowledge of this condition. We finallyhave a proper billboard to thank our generous donors.Now is also the time to give the Pom community a big round of applause. You should feel proud. Our DNA blood sampledrive was very successful. We now have enough samples to complete this phase of Dr. Leebs Alopecia X research project.Martine Huslig was able to work out a method that would facilitate using both U.S.A. and Canadian volunteers. Martine saidthis response was unprecedented. I explained to her that it shows both the caring nature of our people and the frustrationweve endured about not being able to find out scientific answers relating to Alopecia X.Let me relate what a win-win attitude can accomplish. We are very fortunate to have Martine demonstrate this attitude. Justabout the time our DNA drive was complete, I had a call from the genome project at the Broad Institute requesting samplesof Pomeranian DNA to enhance their earlier work. I didnt feel that we could ask the Pom community for more blood sosoon after this very successful campaign. Honoring the confidentiality of the donors, Martine worked at asking some donorsif it would be OK to change destinations with their samples in order to share some with the Broad Institute. This was beyondher responsibilities with Mars Veterinary. And to keep the same offer to the donors, the PCT offered to reimburse the vet fees.We did this at the time only considering the potential vast scope of future projects that the genome project has. Later, wefound out that Dr. Leeb would be working in conjunction with the Broad Institute for our Alopecia X project. So, now weknow these projects become inter-related. The Alopecia X project is dependent on the enhancement of the Broad Project.Allow me to mention what reality lies ahead. You have successfully provided the number of samples for this phase of studybut we have just barely begun to crack open the realm of Alopecia X knowledge. There will be future phases of Alopeciaresearch that will need additional DNA samples. And of course, additional samples will also be needed regarding otherhealth conditions. Therefore, if volunteers contacted me after we had reached our present quota, I asked if they would mindif I keep their contact information for future use. If they had contacted Martine, she cannot pass on this information honoringthe confidentiality promised.And last but not least, we all know that genetic research is dependent on two things DNA samples and funding. The totalfunding for this next phase is approximately 100,000. You can see why we need to save our funds during the planning stage,which generally takes more than one year so that we have maximum funds available when needed. Once projects are approved,the funds are needed quickly. The PCT will donate funds for this project. But we cant do it alone. Dr. Leeb will apply toseveral sources of funding, and it would then become another PCT project to assist in facilitating these other sources.For the sake of our Poms, thank you for helping to make both of these necessities possible.POMERANIAN CHARITPOMERANIAN CHARITPOMERANIAN CHARITPOMERANIAN CHARITPOMERANIAN CHARITABLE ABLE ABLE ABLE ABLE TRTRTRTRTRUSTUSTUSTUSTUSTREPORREPORREPORREPORREPORTS PRTS PRTS PRTS PRTS PROGRESSOGRESSOGRESSOGRESSOGRESS2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM40I I I I I i i i in404 44APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 413540 Kessler Blvd N. Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46222 Email indypomsbcglobal.netAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc. Board SummaryJANICE RUSSELLMay Board Summary - June 5, 2008Motion made and passed to purchase a grooming table to be used at the nationals. It will be shipped to WendyDonnelly to be stored with our ring gating.Motion made and carried to add Judy Green onto the By-Law Committee.The members of the nominating committee are David Gilstrap, Marge Kranzfelder, and Brenda Segelken. Amotion was made that Marge Kranzfelder be appointed Chairman of this Nominating Committee. Motioncarried.2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM41I I I I I i i m i n4rHRs M.xmmv tm hrL4 4toto M rj- 9''. 'x ,0'EXlo47r rr .oo4.O w V- ^t -iyjNv rzJlVi 4 47A J0 oPomeranian Club of Central Indiana to oor.O20tho'HappyPom Club of Central IndianaAnniversarytototo the [o .O.OO]o'toto.o.o442 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWSweepstakes Judge-Gregg WatersBest in SweepstakesCR Lovely GiovanniBy Ch. CR Tuff Guy of Isabella XTLC Lovely TracyBreeders Robert and CelesteSolanoOwners Robert and Celeste Solanoand Victoria LovelyBest Opposite Sex in SweepstakesSweetwaters Back Stage PassBy Ch. Ju-Mars Tollhouse ofLenette X Henrys SofeeBreedersOwners Amanda andKathy SeitzerBest Veteran in SweepstakesCh, Bachmans Precious JewelBy Nguyen Cory Loverboy of GQ XCh. Bachmans Lady LexusBreederOwner Cheri McDonaldConformation Judge-Fred BassettBest of BreedCh. CR Tuff Guy of IsabellaBy Ch. Raintrees Tuff-E-Nuff XCh. CR Classic AttitudeBreeders Celeste and RobertSolano and Lori DrewOwners Ron and Merilyn Smith,Celeste and Robert Solano andPongsakorn PongsakAward of MeritCh. Lanas Delicious SurpriseBy Ch. Bachmans All American XLanas Vanilla N Icee DelightBreederOwner Lana PriceBest of Opposite SexBest ofWinnersWinners BitchBest PuppyStarfires Wicked WandaBy Ch. Starfires Wicked Mean NNasty X Starfires StrawberryMarmeladeBreedersOwners Jose A. Cabreraand Fabian ArientiWinners DogPower Pom TataniumBy Ch. Nobles Born to Perform XCandyfloss Jo BlackBreederOwner PongsakornPongsakReserve Winners BitchLanas Something to Talk AboutBy Ch. Sirius Its All About Me XCh. Lanas Copper TopBreederOwner Lana PriceReserve Winners DogJan-Shars Louis VuittonBy Ch. Jan-Shars Dr. Phil X JanSharsWild ChildBreederOwner Sharon HansonBest VeteranCh. Bachmans Precious JewelBy Nguyen Cory Loverboy of GQ XCh. Bachmans Lady LexusBreederOwner Cheri McDonaldBest Bred by ExhibitorCR Lovely GiovanniBy Ch. CR Tuff Guy of Isabella XTLC Lovely TracyBreeders Robert and CelesteSolanoOwners Robert and Celeste Solanoand Victoria LovelyTHE CITY OF ANGELS POMERANIAN CLUB16TH ANNUAL SPECIALTY SHOW ANDSWEEPSTAKESMAY 22, 2008 - POMONA, CALIFORNIAReported by Geneva CoatsPhotos by Becky Cockrum2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM42I I I I I i i i in4gOM m 31mornsv'viCV' birectoi1HI .. IVrJr4 4 x mkLW \VS AMkL-J4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 432008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM43i i i in4iWl I\fAA.\V, frIjnkf4\A,m 'i3kV 43fe4 4i a\-'IHBri\ i L J\LI i p08 Becky Cockr4 \,,L LftL.rWARMk J , r7t r ri t__iI 00S BecW444 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWThe Pomeranian Club OfCentral Indiana sponsored the thirdannual Pom Olympics on SundayMay 4th. Our rescue members andclub president hosted the event.Pat Mappes took manydelightful photos of the event andwinners. Cathy Gould did a greatjob of taking entries and keepingthem organized. Karin Wise postedthe winners and presented medalsand certificates. My mom chaseddown my little Olympians who weremore interested in making friendsthan winning gold medals. Thanksto my mom, Gloria Scott, whodrove me to the event.Our singing competition hadthree SILENT entries, Willy Scott,Primo Stoll, and Broker Scott. Allof the entrants and the spectatorsenjoyed listening to their humanshowl, sing, and make strange noisesto no avail.The second event was theBob Sled Class with six contestants.Addy Gould won the gold, BBMaylen won silver, and Primo Stollwon bronze. Cathy Goulds pomsseemed to really enjoy being pulledaround the room on a snow shovel.Our third event was theBiggest Pom. Mrs. Mary Hilton,owned by Angie the Rescue Pom,proudly took the gold as the biggestwinner. Our Smallest Pom categorywas won by Willy Scott whocheated by unloading any extraweight in the car on the way there.The 50 Yard-Dash event hadsix contestants. The Gold went toMandy Hilton, Silver went to BreeHollander, and Hope Smith won theBronze.In the Ice Fishingcompetition, Cathy Goulds littleAddy made this event a real treat.She showed such determination andconcentration trying to retrieve thehot dog out of the water. Addy wasour Gold Medallist. Fran StollsTango, and my Willy would notconsider getting their noses wet.The final fun event was TugOf-War.My guy Broker, who isMUCH larger took the Gold medalfor pulling Tango Backwards. Iwould like to mention here that FranStolls Tango is a BIS Championand our club is VERY proud of Franand Tango Thank you so muchFran for entering every event insupport of rescue. Andcongratulations on your big winI would like everyone toknow how much it means to helpwith rescue. We had three verygenerous cash contributions fromDebbie Hollander, Lauretta Flynn,and Sherrilyn Rogers.The PCCI Ways and MeansCommittee held an auction tablethat took in 52.50. With thecontributions and Olympic entriesTHE PCCI 2008POM OLYMPICSKelley Scott Rescue Coordinator pom lover Photos by Pat Mappeswe collected 303.00 for ourRescue. The numbers of rescueddogs has almost doubled in the lasttwo years due to mortgage crisis,loss of employment, and people nolonger able to keep their pets whenthey must move. I am so gratefulthat all of our Pom loving membersare so willing to join in and dedicatethis day for their beloved breed. Ihope to see everyone again nextyear having fun and giving back tothe beloved Pomeranian.2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM44I I I I I i i i in4s- vM j4 44[fePomeranianClub of Central Indiana4 41 ,4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 452008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM454M --"4mW-ALV' Jir.._ .^iiT ^r\- fVti. 9A XB 4'JT ...nVJ.7vjgrfvAIi I ggyi^ yHIn I IQfe.zA4 4imw ji ii ii -. iSi[y.n^4L iV rtiS 49k 4oBHBirSTnfi] II.fc lfS A 71 piit\ Vi-,iS5 k 1 ^ y i.ifdaijs UBiujag [A M 73 V-SiSit4i i i i n nni^H46 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 ARTIST FEATUREI do not consider myself a commercial artist. I did go to school and study butfor my own knowledge not as a profession. It was my mothers wish that I get an artdegree but I had other plans. I went to school and majored in Pre-Vet. Then marriage,kids, horses, dogs, and many years went by.Art has always been my therapy As a child I had reasons to spend a lot oftime alone in a little place under the staircase that no one else could fit into and I drew,played, colored, painted, and spent many hours honing my skills. Mostly I drewhorses. They were my passion for most of my life. The dogs came later.AudreyPardue RobertsMy artwork is very similar to my puppies. They are my babies and precious to me and I have a very hard time lettingthem go My home is filled with art from my horse years, my therapy years, and my dog yearsOne dog painting in particular has a very special meaning to me. It doubled as therapy for a little dog that meant somuch to me that I lost. His name was Shyacres Tap Dancer. He was the prettiest thing I had ever seen He was one of thosepuppies that you know with all your being was a phenomenal one of a kind At three months he won a Specialty Match. Hewas Best in Match over all the puppies and the adults. But I never received his pictures from that match. On one occasionI took a whole roll of film of him and realized when the film was gone that the lens cap had been on for the entire time. So,again no pics. At 6 months old he went to New York to the Nationals and my daughter won the Junior Showmanship Classwith him. Between that show and before his photo arrived I had taken him to the vet, a dental specialist, and had his puppycanines removed. He died under the anesthesia. I was absolutely in shock and unable to cry at all. Then several weeks laterhis photo from nationals arrived and I sat and cried for a solid six hours Then I got up and in less than an hour painted oneof my best works ever of this gorgeous baby It was my way of grieving and moving on.My senior project from school hangs over my fireplace. It was my fathers absolutely favorite piece I ever did. Ithung in his home until after his death. It is four horse heads. As I was painting it sitting in the middle of my bed with all mypaints around me he would come in every hour or so to see my progress. He would say, That is going to be mine, isnt itSo indeed it was his and it was also a Grade A projectI have taken a step into the commercial art field recently. I began making porcelain dog jewelry and have sold it atthe National for several years now and quite successfully Then in early 2007 I began makingcomplete sculptures. I find such joy in my little darlings. The time it takes to develop apiece, sculpt, mount, and paint it really gives me a lot of pleasure. Ive only presentedthem at two shows for sale and have sold quite a few. Its really hard to let themgo but I know people get great pleasure from them and that makes it easierI do several breeds and each one is a one of a kind The hardestthing about my art is finding the time to sit and work. One friend uponseeing my booth at Nationals and seeing the sculptures said, Oh this iswhat you do between 2 AM and 5 AM She was right in one respect.Once I start a project I cant stop until it is finished and Im often upall night working on it. Its like an obsession until its doneI was both honored and delighted to be asked by thePomeranian Club of Greater Houston to come up with a logo for ourSpecialty and the Summer National of APC in 2007. I did foursketches and they liked them so much we used them all. They werecartoonish and a lot of fun Houston We Have A Pom Problem2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM46rrn i i i in4MeaPomprobteft,VjiOlO1WaQ 4, .1.'DivAug. 23,2,2007A-P-C- National ummer Specialty PCOGHouston Specialty4 vI'nv4 49f2008 American Pomeranian ClubNational Specialty vPm of 9loAe4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 47When Connie Zieba showed me that they had made key chains with the logo on them I was floored and actually cried. It wasso neat to see my artwork on such a solid metal key chain I will cherish that foreverWhen APC announced they would be holding an art contest to come up with future logos I was reluctant at first but decidedto give it a go. Brenda Segelken had sent me a photo she had taken of CH. Fame Lone Ranger who I was specialing at the time. It wasan amazing photo. I asked her if I could use that as my inspiration for my artwork and she graciously agreed. And so Derby Hat cameto be. I had gone to the Museum at Kentucky Downs and seen the hats people had worn to the Kentucky Derby. One hat in particularcaught my attention and I adapted my memory of it for this painting. I was humbled that my artwork was chosen for the 2008Nationals I loved the theme the club came up with. Kentucky Pom Derby of Roses Brenda picked a great color for the T-Shirts thattruly complemented the artwork. I also liked the way it came across rendered on the black goody bagsSince I have no idea who might read this article I will take this time to give my opinion on a very important subject and hopesomeone who can help change things reads this Art in schools is so important Without Mrs. Woods from junior high, Mr. Wilsonfrom high school and my kindergarten teacher, who thought my artwork was great, I would never have developed my talents It got methrough some tough times in my life and it was always a guaranteed A on my report card not to mention the treat I looked forward toevery day in school Funding for the Arts is paramount to a well-rounded education and we all need to support it2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM47i i i in4' \\ir\-4' . AMt, IP A aV\_ i Vp4^-7""u i- i . . iO7 ngt.inv --ri.' -- 4 4Br ^ 3- fr i i \\AVi 4 ytjvfvjPsMSon-1v K14 r- 1 \tf -jLa n448 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWTHIS ARTICLE FIRST APPEARED IN ANDREW BRACES GOING AROUND COLUMN INENGLANDS DOG WORLD WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, ISSUE DATED March 28, 2008.I have been to Japan tojudge on several occasions but neverbefore have I had the opportunity tovisit Kazu Igarashi and see what he isdoing with Pomeranians since heinherited the Hadleigh kennel namefrom Gladys Dyke. Thankfully my tripto Chiba presented such anopportunity even if it did mean Kazucancelling a days golfing with someimportant SenatorAround 50 years ago theyoung Kazu, captivated by thePomeranian breed, approached GladysDyke to buy a dog. Given hisprivileged background he had alwaysbeen used to the best, but his overturesto the most famous Pom kennel inhistory were ignored. Undeterred,Kazu resolved to take advantage of hisfamily connections and so his uncle,then Japanese Ambassador in London,was asked to orchestrate a meetingwith the doyenne of the breed, arequest that eventually proved highlysuccessful when Kazu visited DickensAvenue for the first time in 1965 atthe age of 23. One can only imaginehow impressed the Dykes and theirneighbours were when thediplomatic car drew up outside theirmodest Middlesex home, butgradually Kazu managed to charmGladys, a lady who was born of ageneration who had anything but aI dont like long distance travel now,too long flights with no smoking and this from a man who at 65 goes tothe gym regularly, walks his Shiba ona daily basis and still fits into thedesigner suits he did at 20Talking of Shibas anational treasure in Japan Kazu ownsthe beautiful Sakurako. She won Bestat the Nippo Specialty out of 1,120dogs. The Shiba fraternity in Japan canbe likened to the German Shepherdculture in Germany, in that that theyhave no interest in the all-breeds world.Whilst Kazu is not a Shiba breeder assuch, he acknowledges that the breedis part of his natural heritage and sobreeders just think of him as a goodowner, Shiba is a one-man dog, hesays, Fastidiously clean with veryindividual character. Not a dog foreveryone.Clearly the Japanese Shibaowners have recognised his loyalty tothe breed by entrusting him with thebest.She is very good for me,of his fondest memories is of winning theToy Group at Crufts in 1966 with SweetDreams of Aurum who had actually takenthe breed over Mrs Dykes Ch Peacheyof Hadleigh. His connections andenthusiasm made him popular with thelikes of Joe Braddon and StanleyDangerfield who became close friends buthis interest stretched way beyond Poms.He was instrumental in persuading manybreeders to sell dogs to Japan at a timeMovement is very important to Kazi Igarashi, whostressed that with Poms being classified in the FCIGroup 5 along with Samoyeds, Siberians andMalamutes, they have to move. Proving the point isCh Hadleigh Dragon Fly, winner of 18 all breed BIS.Photo IgarashiThe view from the present day Hadleigh kennel rather different from the view of its original home, Dickens Avenue in Hillingdon Photo Brace2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM48418- DOG WORLD, March 28, 2008Going around by Andrew BraceHadleigh legend lives on1T1Sga 2 KA.4 4i __.i '5uj, 1r T.9vskiUrtp' ij'4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 49Andrew Brace can be contacted via emailat orcheck out the to reprint granted by StuartBaillie, Dog Worlds editor, AuthorAndrew H. Brace and Kazu Igarashi.positive imagine of the Japanesepeople, to such an extent that anenduring and deep friendshipblossomed, and began to writePomeranian history .Having convinced Gladys ofhis commitment to the Pomeranianbreed he had previously beeninvolved in German Shepherdsamongst other breeds the teenageKazu began to explore BritishPomeranians and bought on a grandscale, paying handsomely for what hewanted. It has often been said thatBritish Poms suffered because Igarashibought the cream. On one trip hebought no less than 45 Poms thoughnot all from Hadleigh of course.Kazu became a regularvisitor to the UK, showing and winningwith the Hadleigh dogs and others. Oneof impeccable taste, and many in the UKand beyond will vouch for the fact thathis generosity knows no bounds.Having given me a fantasticvolume of a book he has put together onthe breed, and realising he, and moreimportantly his dogs, were likely to featurein DOG WORLD, he said quietly Pleasegive me little mention make your pieceabout Mrs Dyke.That would be hard to do underthe circumstances, but here is a man whohas genuine passion about his chosenbreed. Repeatedly he said to me Gladysteach me so much, now I must teach otherpeople about the true Pomeranian, and Imust breed dogs she would like.Interestingly, but notsurprisingly, Kazu makes the observation,American Pom people know more aboutHadleigh than English people and he hasa point, in that we now have a generationof people in the breed that does notremember those days when you had somany of the great kennels competing forthe CCs at every show.All the dogs I saw were happy,outgoing creatures with great personality,all beautifully cared for and groomed.However it was obvious to see, when wecame to getting puppies on leads, who werethe favourites as they had clearly been givenmore schooling than their kennelmatesWhilst Kazu constantly refers tothe intense quality of the vintage Hadleighdogs, he admits that not all were as soundas they could have been, and he hasconsciously tried to improve that area whilststill maintaining the Hadleigh look.Kazu was probably the firstJapanese judge to make an impact on theglobal dog scene. He has done most of whatany Japanese would want to do, butintriguingly he must be one of the fewjudges who have actually turned down aninvitation to judge his own breed at Crufts.Hadleigh Sunny Guy, another promising puppy with abeautiful head. Photo BraceSakurako, the Shiba who was Top Shiba at theNippo National Show in an entry of 1,120 Shibaswhen it was considered by the British tobe decidedly politically incorrect thankslargely to the Tokyo Chikuken Companysmass importation policy at the time. Hebought a Champion Beagle fromCatherine Sutton and some of the originalstock that started Toshi Omuras SmashToy Poodle dynasty.Over the years Kazu developeda special bond with Mrs Dyke who hadby now dramatically changed her view ofJapanese people and he was a greatbenefactor until she died. Surprisingly tomany, Mrs Dyke travelled to Japan manytimes when most of her contemporarieswould only have thought of knitting Tothis day he refers to her with greatreverence as my greatest teacher andconstantly reminds whoever he is talkingto at the time that Gladys instilled in himthe need for a Pom to have a beautifulhead and expression. When I got to seethe dogs he had at this particular home he has several he went through all thedogs, often saying This face Gladyswould like With a solid foundation ofpure Hadleigh he did not stop there butKazu bought other dogs from the majorkennels when Poms in the UK had theirhalcyon period and set about puttingtogether all the parts of the jigsaw.In FCI countries Poms are nowin the Spitz group competing withSiberian Huskies and such like so theyhave to move, be strong and healthy hesays. Reach and drive is a phrase he usesmore than any Pom person I have evermet. They have to be competitive withthese other breeds in the big ring he says,as he thrusts a 5 months puppy into myhands and says Feel the chestEvery room of this particularhouse faces out to the bay. The Hadleighdogs of today have incredibletemperament, body and soundness andeven the most untrained of puppies getsput on a lead and seems to performnaturally. Around the house, which islittered not only with historicallysignificant Pomeranian memorabilia butalso beautiful paintings and elegantantiques, are reminders of Kazus successin the UK, but he remains a modest manKazu at the kennel with one of the Hadleigh brood bitches. Photo BraceKazu Igarashi with Hadleigh Crown Prince, a promisingdog puppy that he is running on. Photo BracePerpetuating the Hadleigh look, Ch HadleighStanding Ovation. Photo Igarashihe says, I walk to Mr Kamisatos houseso many times with my Shiba itkeeps me fitIn recent years Kazu Igarashihas not been intensely competitive withhis Poms. He has varied businessinterests, a fishing boat moored in thebay and a love of golf. But he is wellaware that All over the world they stillwant Hadleigh Pomeranians.Kazu has something of alaissez-faire attitude to dog breeding.He is the kind of person who will giveyou his best if he likes you, but if hedoesnt then no money in the world willbuy a dog off him. He is in the happyposition of not relying in dogs for anincome and tells many stories of howdisenchanted his family was when hespent so much money buying dogs.Now I like to continueGladys dream, he says nonchalantly.One day it would be good to seeHadleigh again BOB at Crufts. Then Ithink she smiles down from where sheis and be happy.Something tells me thatGladys Dyke is looking down fromwherever and she is smiling. She couldnever have found a better student.2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM49I I I I I i i i in4' 1 , i H-mt m4 4te.. TjH SSim -wmi .gm5Hi v.rMsmmm '450 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWHi All.Hope this finds everyone enjoying some exciting Pom moments either at the shows or at home.Just a reminder to check the website often for the items the APC has available. There are still somefantastic original works of art available but very limited. Be sure to e-mail me prior to ordering.We are in the planning stages of next years Specialty and I would love to hear from you as to what items you might contribute to ourfund raising events. Our club is so blessed to have members who are so talented in so many varied venues, all creating those specialtreasures. I already have donations of some very special collections. I cant wait to display them.Thanks to each and every one who supports this club in so many ways.Mom4pomsaol.comWays WaysAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc. Means MeansDonna RiehmPOMERANIAN REVIEWSTUD ISSUE SEPTOCT 2008INCLUDES PHOTO, THREE GENERATIONPEDIGREE, SHORT DESCRIPTION INCLUDEDxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxONE THIRD PAGE 30DOGS TITLE AND NAMEEXAMPLESTUD ISSUE13 PAGE 30.002008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM50I I I I I i i i in4 'MilyH. MMm MpjMSS ____ o'hi r5 cVtX^CD4 4rsVf 4 IPk,j4"'feX ^y4Rvjy.r'r , tsMSlil 7 ryw x\4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 51BreedJoan BehrendPomeranians AKC TopDogssm Using Breed TotalsStarting January 1, 2008 and ending December 31, 2008For Events Processed Through Thursday, May 8, 2008 TotalRank Name Sex BOB Defeated 1 CH Velocitys Shake Ur Bon Bon D 43 1,004OwnerM Koga 2 CH Cr Tuff Guy Of Isabella D 29 483Owners R Solano, C Solano, R Smith, M Smith 3 CH Chars Bringin Sexy Back D 27 372Owners C Meyer 4 CH Lanas Let Me Introduce Myself D 22 359Owner L Price 5 CH Razzle Dazzle Heavenly Choir D 18 273Owner R Rechler 6 CH Valcopy Janels Spiderman D 11 195Owners J Pardue, J Reich 7 CH Majestics Artistic Impression B 14 167Owners A Rister, C Creed, B Turner, S Turner 8 CH Larajus Don Juan At So-Me D 5 157Owners R Mellem, L Newbold, L Solomon 9 CH Oakrose HighN Mighty D 6 132Owners J Rose, G Stewart10 CH Powerpom IM Hot Like Vodka D 6 127Owner B OwensAPC Member denoted by Top 10Pomeranian2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM51rm i i m i n4I, 44Jnm2.rm 3pi'm4 4452 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWTop 10All BreedPomeranians AKC TopDogssm Using All Breed TotalsStarting January 1, 2008 and ending December 31, 2008For Events Processed Through Thursday, May 8, 2008TotalRank Name Sex BIS I II III IV Defeated 1 CH Velocitys Shake Ur Bon Bon D 1 11 9 5 5 6,701OwnerM Koga 2 CH Cr Tuff Guy Of Isabella D 0 5 5 5 3 3,404Owners R Solano, C Solano, R Smith, M Smith 3 CH Lanas Let Me Introduce Myself D 0 3 2 4 1 1,803Owner L Price 4 CH Chars Bringin Sexy Back D 0 1 5 1 2 1,173Owners C Meyer 5 CH Razzle Dazzle Heavenly Choir D 0 1 1 2 1 1,091Owner R Rechler 6 CH Valcopy Janels Spiderman D 1 1 0 1 1 893Owners J Pardue, J Reich 7 CH Larajus Don Juan At So-Me D 0 1 1 1 0 801Owners R Mellem, L Newbold, L Solomon 8 CH Majestics Artistic Impression B 0 2 0 0 1 700Owners A Rister, C Creed, B Turner, S Turner 9 CH Daystar Pomrytes Cowboy Up D 0 1 2 0 0 619Owner K Power 10 CH Powerpom Cold Mountain D 0 1 0 3 0 576Owner P Pongsak APC Member denoted by 2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM52I I I I I i i m i n4O'rCIwJa,4 4jQ,iiV4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 53Top TenExhibitor, Breeder,Junior ShowmanshipTop Exhibitors6 Charlotte Meyer4 Diane L Finch3 Celeste Solano3 Robert Solano3 Susie Zemo-Letchworth2 Christine Crane2 Shari Fukuyama2 Sharon Hanson2 Roger Lau2 Carol Leehmuis2 Carlene Gilstrap2 David Gilstrap2 Carol Mehlhaff2 Linda Pelz2 Pongsakorn Pongsak2 Karen Power2 Katy Stalnaker2 Betsy Ryba2 Gina Williams2 Terri Valentine2 Gena ZglinskiTop BreedersJanuary 1, 2008 through April 30, 2008 as reported by the American Kennel Club 7 Charlotte Meyer 6 Diane L Finch 4 Karen Power 4 Sharon Hanson 3 Fabian Arienti 3 Jose A Cabrera 3 Carlene B Gilstrap 3 David Gilstrap 3 Carol Leehmuis 3 Pongsakorn Pongsak 3 Robin MurrayTop Sires4 CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams3 CH Daystar Cowboys And Indians2 CH Chars All That Jazz2 CH Cheyennes Kodiak Bear Second2 CH Chriscendo Call To Arms2 CH Chriscendo Coldplay2 CH Finchs Bet On The Parti2 CH Firebrooks Tabasco Fiasco2 CH Janesas American Cutiepye2 CH Jan-Shars Go For The Gusto2 CH Magic Touch Of Lenette2 CH Mt Crest At Springwood2 CH Nobles Born To PerformTop Dams2 Bavanews Divine Intervention2 CH Chars Walkin N A Winnin Way2 CH Jan-Shars The Cookie Monster2 CH Rodis Cr Queen Of Stars2 Labays Savannah Of Lenette2 Pomrytes Penny For Yor Thots2 Precious Moments Tender LoveThe Pomeranian Review includes all Pomeranian Exhibitors in their publication. American Pomeranian Club Members are noted with an .In order to be eligible for APC Awards given at the Annual Banquet, you must have been a member for one 1 calendar year.Top Junior Handlers Through April 30, 2008 As reported by BestJunior.comAmanda Seitzer 157Stephanie Hentschel 102Rebecca Silverberg 70Ginger Riley 14Hope Gould 9Letesha Girth 6Taylor Brown 5Chelsea Valles 3Trinity McKain 3Samantha Hyde 2Rosie Sheppard 1Noelle Oleartchick 12008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM53i i w i n4O'rC1,44 wa4 4454 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWMarch 2008New ChampionsCH Babydolls BCuz Ima Shedevil B CH Babydolls Buckle Up Ur Genes x Babydolls Bit Of A Showoff.Owned by Jessica Satallante. Bred by Deborah Sullivan.CH Bar-Net All About Springwood B CH Mt Crest At Springwood x Bar-Net Abigail Of Oakridge.Owned by Rebecca Jackson. Bred by Pat Barnett.CH Belstars Sweet Lil Guy D CH Belstars Sweet November x Belstars Winter Hope. Owned byIsabell Stoffers Christy Nelson. Bred by Diana Gross.CH Canefyres Will You Be Ready D Sandalwood In Pop Up At Canefyre x Sndlwd Bn Taste The Rainbow. Owned by Lynn M Kamiya Shari M Fukuyama. Bred by Lynn M Kamiya Shari M Fukuyama.CH Cases Carbon Copy D CH Firebrooks Tabasco Fiasco x Weepawz Case Of Black Beauty. Ownedby Susan Lucatarto. Bred by Susan Lucatarto.CH Chars Parti Illusion B CH Chriscendo Call To Arms x British Lanefinchs Aliparti. Owned by CharlotteMeyer. Bred by Charlotte Meyer.CH Cr Classic Charm B CH Cheyennes Kodiak Bear Second x CH Rodis Cr Queen Of Stars. Ownedby Christine Crane Robert Solano Celeste Solano. Bred by Celeste Solano Robert Solano.CH Daystar Pomrytes Cowboy Up D CH Daystar Cowboys And Indians x Pomrytes Penny For YorThots. Owned by Karen Power. Bred by Verda Wright Karen Power.CH Daystar Pomrytes Penny Candle B CH Daystar Cowboys And Indians x Pomrytes Penny For YorThots. Owned by Julie Volkheimer Sharry Christianson. Bred by Verda Wright Karen Power.CH Finchs One Smart Cookie B CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams x Finchs Lo And Behold. Owned byDiane L Finch. Bred by Diane L Finch.CH Jan-Shars A Force To Recon With D CH Jan-Shars Dr. Phil x Jan-Shars Tina Turner. Owned bySharon Hanson. Bred by Sharon Hanson.CH Jan-Shars Patsy Cline B CH Jan-Shars Go For The Gusto x CH Jan-Shars The Cookie Monster.Owned by Sharon Hanson. Bred by Sharon Hanson.CH Karnans Leader Of The Pack D Amberglows Chip Of Confection x Hylan Acres Papricka. Ownedby Carol Kivch Nancy Reed. Bred by Nancy Reed.CH Mountain Crest Let Mikey Havit D CH Starfires Sexy Santino x CH Mountain Crest Extra Special.Owned by Katy L Stalnaker Charles A Stalnaker. Bred by David Gilstrap Carlene B Gilstrap.CH Mountain Crest U DonT Own Me D CH Damascusroad Dream Buster x Mountain Crest JustPerfect. Owned by David Gilstrop Carlene B Gilstrap. Bred by David Gilstrop Carlene B Gilstrap.CH Powerpom Cold Mountain D CH Chriscendo Coldplay x Nobles Autumn Breeze. Owned byPongsakorn Pongsak. Bred by Pongsakorn Pongsak.CH Ransom N Dw After Midnight B CH Dreamweaver Sparklin Firecracken x Reginapoms GatorPrincess. Owned by Gina Williams Linda Pelz. Bred by Anna Ransom.CH Retros Gunshy Of Pomeranian World B Gunfire Of Pomeranian World x Gunsmoke Of PomeranianWorld. Owned by Elizabeth A Molina. Bred by I E Gunn-Boutier.CH Robcarys You Rock My World D CH Mt Crest At Springwood x Starfires Robcary U Glowgirl.Owned by Caryl Fennell Scrimpsher. Bred by Caryl Fennell Scrimpsher.CH Sofines Heat Wave D CH Firebrooks The Heat Is On x Cutiepyes Malibu Barbie. Owned by CaroleVandermeulen Linda Nichols. Bred by Mary Latimer Adrienne B Pye.CH Starfires Trouble N Paradise B CH Starfires Here Comes Trouble x Starfires Lolita II. Owned byCarla Mcbain Tony Cabrera Fabian Arienti. Bred by Tony Cabrera Fabian Arienti. Denotes APC Member2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM54I I I I I i i m i n4ismoyrfVl'V1 4Vw frT^4ryo.o 3APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 55April 2008New ChampionsCH Barbaro Of Lenette D CH Magic Touch Of Lenette x CH Amber Glow Of Lenette. Owned by K G Griffith. Bredby K G Griffith.CH ChimurN Star Dancing LeFemme B Sandalwood LG Vintage Wizard x Chimurs Is Suzi Q. Owned by FaithChinen. Bred by Faith Chinen.CH Cr Classic Leap Of Faith B CH Cheyennes Kodiak Bear Second x CH Rodis Cr Queen Of Stars. Owned byChristine Crane. Bred by Celeste Solano Robert Solano.CH Crystaltons Peanut D CH Pomhavens Tommy Hilfiger x Crystalton Valcopy Pretty Cute. Owned by CarolGraham. Bred by Carol J Graham.CH D-N-HS-Bowboys Little Cesar D CH D-N-Hs One Mo Rebel In Camelot x Halstons Poster Girl. Owned byKathryn Hartz Pat Foley. Bred by D Stephen Turner Patricia A Foley Kathryn Hartz.CH Daystar Barefoot In The Park D Furrondies Bear Ft-N-The-Prk x CH Daystar Indian Summer. Owned bySandra Beisel. Bred by Karen Power.CH Daystar Tell Me No Lies B CH Daystar Cowboys And Indians x Shamai Daystar Temper Tantrum. Owned byKaren Power. Bred by Karen Power.CH Horizons Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah D CH Sundowns Hide N Zeke CD x CH Kacees LTL Darlin Want-A-B. Ownedby Gloria Walsh. Bred by Laurie Otis.CH Jolvin Regal Repetition D Jolvins Royal Review x CH Jolvin Crown Jewel. Owned by Susan Popescu JoanBeech Melvin Beech. Bred by Joan Beech Melvin Beech.CH Kitsan M-Js Paper Doll B Lil Darlins Irresistible Challenge x CH Kitsan Poppin Country. Owned by TrilvieHaynes. Bred by Trilvie V Haynes.CH Lanas Perfect Love D CH Nguyen,Cory Loverboy Of GQ x Lanas White Petals And Lace. Owned by LanaPrice. Bred by Lana Price.CH Little Cherubs I Can Dance B CH Lt Cherubs Meet The Press Of Lenette x Lt Cherubs Chapel Of Dreams OfLabeau. Owned by Charlotte Meyer. Bred by Darlene L Davis-Thompson.CH Lovely Worther Weight N Gold B Lovely White N Sable Gold x Lovely Dallara Of Del Rey. Owned by RobertSolano Victoria E Lovely Celeste Solano. Bred by Victoria E Lovely.CH Monarcs Dazzling Diva B Dhcrew Start The Commotion x CH Monarcs Center Fold. Owned by Sharon AShields. Bred by Sharon A Shields.CH Nobles Go Getum Tiger D CH Tokie The Legend Continues x Star Havens Charismatic Cocoa. Owned bySylvia Miyake Roger Lau. Bred by Noble Inglett.CH Nsync Triggers Dancn Dolly B Nsync Jami Gotagun O Allridge x Goodwons Golden Girl. Owned by ElizabethHawthorne. Bred by Jean Goodson.CH Patriots Tucked In A Cloud D CH Destinees Cloud Dancer x Wynmors Simone Says. Owned by JoanneRusk. Bred by Joanne Rusk.CH Powerpom Bedazzled B CH Nobles Born To Perform x Bavanews Divine Intervention. Owned by Ven Grasso.Bred by Pongsakorn Pongsak.CH Sandalwood Jo Doogal D CH Pinnacle IM StakinMy Claim x Sandalwood LJ Barbie. Owned by Joan HKaneshiro Roger M Lau. Bred by Roger M Lau.CH Serafinas Luc Lessard D CH Lessards Boisterous Serafina x CH Serafinas Got The Jitters. Owned by AliceLessard Margaret Nance. Bred by Alice Lessard Margaret Nance.CH Sincitys No More Drama B CH Ransom N Dw Midnight Caper x Bynows I Know Who Lies. Owned by MicheleArvanites. Bred by Michele Arvanites John Arvanites.CH Starfires Latin Dancer D CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams x CH Starfires Table Dancer. Owned by Frances J Stoll Donna S Riehm. Bred by Jose A Cabrera Fabian Arienti.CH Tabletops Short Fuse D Hollilys Circuit Breaker x Tabletops Tahitian Pearl. Owned by Christine Creasey Jan Stachurski. Bred by Jan Stachurski.CH Vintage Orange Blossom Mist B CH Shyacres Our Man Samson x Vintage Margarita Splash. Owned by EllenTakayama. Bred by Ellen Takayama. Denotes APC Member2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM55I I I I I i i m i n4VoI r' vrvl4 \ V 4yi o.o JQw56 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWHealth GeneticsI would like to first thank Geneva Coats and Brenda Segelken forinviting me to write this article and also I would like to thank my wife,Liz, in being my editor. Being a pharmacist by profession I find thesubject of antibiotics and their application to maintaining our dogshealth very interesting. However, I realize not everyone is as fascinatedby the subject as I am, so hopefully you will not be lulled to sleep asyou read. My goal is to help you understand the purposes ofantibiotics in health care for dogs and to outline the classification ofantibiotics along with their uses and potential side effects. And finally I will give you some tips on how toadminister antibiotics under the direction of your veterinarian for optimum outcomes.Bacteria in our livesFor many people the word bacteria conjures up thoughts of germs and bad hygiene. However the fact is thatbacteria actually inhabits everyones body all of the time. It can be found on our skin and eyes, within ourmouth and in our small and large intestine. Bacteria that lives in and on us share a friendly relationship withus. For instance bacteria found in the gastrointestinal tract help to break down certain carbohydrates thatnormally we couldnt digest. However when our bodies immune system is weak or if there is a breakdown inthe bodys defense system these friendly bacteria can become opportunist bacteria and cause infections. Inaddition other bacteria that do not normally live in our systems can invade the body and cause illness. It is atthese times when we call on antibiotics to help fight infection.The term antibiotic was first defined as any agent with biological activity against living organisms. Howevertoday it is often used to refer to any substance with antibacterial, antifungal or antiparasitical properties.Historically antibiotics have been around as early as 2500 years ago, but compounds to treat serious infectionswere not discovered until the 20th century. Alexander Fleming is credited with the first discovery of penicillinin 1928, although historically it has been documented that two other individuals made the discovery yearsearlier.Antibiotic classificationsThe antibiotics of today are classified in several different groups. As of today there are ten groups. Thecommon classifications in order as they appear in the Merck Veterinary Drug handbook are as followsPenicillins, Cephalosporins and Cephamycins, Amino glycosides, Quinilones, Sulfonamides, Tetracyclines,Chloramphenical and its derivatives, Macrolides, Lincosamides, and one other group that can be classified asother or miscellaneous. Within many of the classes of antibiotics, there are subclasses. The subclasses eithernote an order of when the antibiotic was discovered commonly referred to as first generation, secondgeneration, etc. or they describe certain properties the antibiotic has such as beta lactamase sensitive or narrowvs. broad spectrum.Guest writer MIKE WELLS2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM56I I I I I i i i in4Mw'4 P4tt_4 44APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 57The term beta-lactames is something that should also be explained. As the evolution of antibiotics has evolvedso has the bacterias ability to inactivate antibiotics that are trying to kill them off. This is where the termantibiotic resistance comes from. Some bacteria have found ways to resist antibiotics by producing enzymes toinactivate the antibiotic. These enzymes are called beta-lactamase.Many of these antibiotics are given orally but are also used in ophthalmic in the eyes, otic used in the ear andalso topical applications. They are sometimes combined with other compounds such as corticosteroids andorantifungal agents.PenicillinThe classes of penicillin antibiotics are broken down into six subclasses based on certain areas they work in.Narrow-spectrum -Lactamase-sensitive Penicillins e.g. penicillin, Narrow-spectrum -Lactamase-resistantPenicillins e.g. oxacillin, cloxacillin, dicloxacillin, and flucloxacillin, Broad-spectrum -Lactamase-sensitivePenicillins e.g. ampicillin and amoxicillin, Broad-spectrum -Lactamase-sensitive Penicillins with ExtendedSpectra e.g. carbenicillin, ticarcillin, azlocillin, and piperacillin, -Lactamase-protected Broad-spectrumPenicillins Potentiated Penicillins e.g. Clavamox and Carbapenems e.g. Imipenem.Antibiotics in the penicillin class are often given orally while some should be given intramuscularly orintravenous. It is important to follow label directions carefully.The penicillins typically dont have major side effects but Clavamox can cause stomach upset in some animalsand can cause diarrhea. Certain drugs in this class should be given on an empty stomach which should be notedon the label, while some you might want to consider giving with food as it might cause stomach upset, e.g.Clavamox.CephalosporinCephalosporins are a class of antibiotics that are similar in some ways to the penicillin class in that they share asimilar structure and in some ways share some of the pharmaceutical properties of the penicillins. Like thepenicillins, the cephalosporins are also broken down into classes from 1st generation through 4th generation.Just like many of us have taken and are familiar with the penicillin class, cephalosporins are no different. Drugslike Keflex, Ceftin, Vantin and Suprax, are also used in veterinary medicine but usually under a different name.Even though the cephalosporins are similar in structure and have similar activity as the penicillins, they are morestable when given orally. As the generations go up in number so does the antibacterial spectrum with the 4thgeneration of cephalosporins having added activity against beta-lactamase enzymes as discussed earlier.As a class they are used in the treatment of everything from soft tissue infections to surgical prophylaxis. Aswith the penicillins, cephalosporins also have similar side effects and these are very few. Hypersensitivity is oneof the primary concerns, especially if a dog has had an allergic reaction to penicillin or amoxicillin in the past.Nausea and diarrhea may occur as side effects.Amino glycosideAmino glycosides are a class of antibiotic that include eight different types within the class. Streptomycin wasactually the first to be discovered within this class in 1943. Interestingly enough it was the first drug toeffectively treat tuberculosis. This class of drugs is commonly reserved for industrial strength bacteria such asPseudomonas aeruginosa and Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus commonly known as MRSA. It isalso sometimes used to sterilize the gut. Because of the nature of the medication it is almost always given eitherintravenously or intramuscularly. So in many cases the dog owner will not be giving these. Antibiotics in thisgroup are the following streptomycin, dihydrostreptomycin, neomycin, paromomycin, kanamycin, apramycin,and spectinomycin. These drugs are typically used to treat serious andor complicated infections. They are2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM57m mf 'r ,.. r 4 458 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWsometimes used topically in the eye and ear. When given intravenously or intramuscularly special precautionsmust be taken to make sure the medication is given at the right time and dose. If they are given incorrectly it cancause kidney problems as well as hearing problems.QuinoloneMany people have taken or at least heard of Cipro or Levaquin. These drugs are in the Quinolone class and are also usedin veterinary medicine. Antibiotics in this group include but are not limited to the following Batytril, Orbax, Zeniquinand Ciprofloxacin. Quinilone antibiotics are only used in adult usually over two years old dogs as a rule. This is alsotrue in human medicine where they only use quinonlones in people over the age of 18. The reason for this is that drugtrials and research have shown that using it before the growth cycle stops can cause cartilaginous erosions leading topermanent joint problems. This group is typically used to treat everything from urinary tract infections to ear infections,depending on the bacteria present. Adverse effects for this group are limited to gastrointestinal distress, diarrhea, andpossible decreased activity. Baytril tablets can be crushed but the manufacturers warn that it might have a bitter taste. Thedog that is treated should have plenty of water to drink.SulfonamideThe sulfonamides, like the pencillins are a group of antibiotics that are among the most used antibiotic in veterinarymedicine. They are used in everything from ophthalmic drops and ointments to wound powders and in burn wounddressings. The sulfonamides are grouped into four areas. The first group is typically used for urinary tract infectionsbecause they are highly soluble, e.g. sulfisoxazole Gantrin. The second group is sulfonamides that are not well absorbedin the intestine. This means that they do not act systemically and will act locally. For that reason they are typically used totreat gastrointestinal infections or treat inflammatory conditions like ulcerative colitis in dogs. The next group calledpotentiated sulfonamides is used to treat protozoal infections. Topical sulfonamides would make up the last group. Onefamiliar antibiotic in this group is silver sulfadiazine silvadene cream. It is used in human as well as veterinary medicinefor treating burns. Within this group there are a couple of things to remember. If you are treating a dog with a urinary tractinfection it is important to make sure they have plenty of water to drink. If you are giving the suspension type ofmedication it is important to shake it before use as the medication may settle in between doses. Side effects with thisgroup are limited to gastrointestinal upset, but other serious side effects should be noted by going to this web addresshttpwww.merckvetmanual.commvmindex.jspcfilehtmbc191247.htmTetracyclineThe tetracycline class of antibiotics are considered a broad spectrum antibiotic. Use of tetracycline has fallen off becauseof some resistance but it is still used to treat certain conditions. Mycoplasma and Rickettsiae spotted mountain feverand Lyme disease are just a few that this class of antibiotics is used to treat. One of the major contraindications within thisgroup is not to use it in juvenile dogs due to the fact that it can result in discoloration of the teeth and high doses cancause delays in bone healing. This is primarily seen with tetracycline and oxytetracycline. Doxycycline and minocyclineare less likely to cause these problems. When given this class of drugs it is important to give it without food or anythingcontaining calcium or magnesium as these will affect the absorption of this group. So do not use the common trick ofhiding the pill in a piece of cheese.ChloramphenicalChloramphenical is a drug that is used primarily in veterinary medicine but with caution since it has some potential toxiceffects. Two distinct types of bone marrow suppression can occur. For this reason, a certain amount of caution is usedwhen using this medication. It is discussed in Plumbs Veterinary handbook that one manufacturer Osborn states thatchloramphenical should not be administered to dogs maintained for breeding purposes. The drug is acceptable to use totreat certain types infections where other antibiotics may fail. If it is being used, the caretaker of the animal, should handlethis medication with care and wash hands after handling this medication. Chloramphenical is a bitter drug so dogs or otheranimals may not accept the medication if the tablet or capsule has been crushed.MacrolideThe Macrolide group of antibiotics consists of erythromycin and azithromycin. Initially only erythromycin was available.2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM58i i i i n44 44APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 59It was first discovered in 1949 from a strain of bacteria called Streptomyces erythraeus. It has been the mainstay in themacrolide group until about 1995 when zithromax was introduced and then later clarithromycin. They are all typicallyused to treat infections like upper respiratory infections as well as soft tissue infections. Eye ointments are also availableto treat susceptible bacteria. Side effects are typically uncommon for these antibiotics except for erythromycin which cancause nausea and a pro-motility effect. Interestingly enough because of this side effect erythromycin is sometimes used totreat gastroperesis delayed emptying of the stomach. Erythromycin, clarithromycin and azithromycin come in a liquidandor a tablet dose.LincosamidesLincosamides are made of clindamycin and lincomycin. Most of us as breeders or dog owners have had our dogs teethcleaned and one of the antibiotics often sent home with the dog is a form of clindamycin solution usually 25mgml. This isone of the many uses of this antibiotic. It may also be indicated for mastitis or other bacteria that are susceptible to itsactions. Adverse reactions that have been typically reported with this drug have been gastrointestinal disturbances. Onething to be looking for when using clindamycin is bloody stool or protracted diarrhea while the dog is on this medication.Contact your veterinarian right away. Clindamycin and lincomycin come in both a capsule and liquid form.MiscellaneousThe final group is typically labeled miscellaneous. These include Polymyxin, Bacitracin, Vancomycin, rifampin,Nitrofurans, and nitroimidazole. Polymyxin and Bacitracin are typically used in wound powders, creams and ointments.Polymyxin is used only in rare cases of life threatening situations where there is resistance to other drugs. It is only usedin these situations because it can be nephrotoxic and neurotoxic.Vancomycin is a drug that is normally given intravenously unless it is being used for entorcolitis caused by antibiotics.Normally most us will not see this drug given unless our dog is under the care of a vet at the clinic or hospital.Rifadin in generic form called rifampin is most common for treating tuberculosis or resistant staph endocarditis. Dogson this medication will have a urine change to a dark orange-red color as well as tear stains.Nitrofurans is a group that commonly is used to treat urinary tract infections. In human medicine Macrobid andMacrodantin are two of the most common drugs used to treat urinary tract infections and the corresponding generic drugused in veterinary medicine is Nitrofurantoin. Furazolidone is the other common medication from this group that may beused to treat giardia. Stomach upset and nausea are the most common side effects.And last but not least the Nitroimidazole group has metronidazole as its most common drug. It is most notable for treatingprotozoal infections. A common side effect with this medication can be nausea resulting in vomiting.Using AntibioticsWhen your dog has been prescribed antibiotics by your veterinarian, make sure you are careful to give all of the medicinefor the entire time as directed. Most antibiotics are stored at room temperature, but a few require refrigeration. If themedicine is accidentally left out it can affect its potency, so if it has been more than an hour or two it is best to call yourveterinarian to get a fresh batch.Many but not all antibiotics can be crushed and mixed with food or can be made into a suspension liquid by a pharmacy.They can even add flavor to many antibiotics to make them more palatable for picky eaters and dogs who may have losttheir appetite. So if you have a dog that doesnt want to take its medicine, there are alternative ways of making it go downa little easier.Information in this article is offered only for reference. Please consult your veterinarian or local pharmacist with specificquestions about your dogs health and prescriptions they may need.Mike Wells graduated from Ferris State University in Michigan with a degree in pharmacy in May 1992. He currently practicespharmacy in a retail setting and also has experience in long-term care pharmacy. He has been breeding and exhibitingPomeranians under the DreamWeaver name since 1995. Mike enjoys sharing his expertise with fellow exhibitors and invitesyou to e-mail him with any medication questions whether they be for your dogs or yourself at mikewschartermi.net2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM59m mf 'r ,.. r 4 460 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAPC Judges EducationFred C. BassettAs your Judges Education Coordinator, I made a couple of proposals to theBoard during Nationals, which were accepted. I am going to devote this articleto going into some detail on these items. They involve improvements to ourAPC Approved Mentor program and were documented in the Board minutes inthe last issue of Pom Review.The basic premise of the changes is that some APC members are so wellqualifiedas Mentors that they should be invited to become Mentors if they arewilling to accept, rather than having to attend a seminar and document theirexperience. This should be done utilizing a Mentor Committee so that no oneperson is making the decisions. Here are the guidelines that were approved bythe Board1. A new Mentor Committee will be formed, headed by the Judges EducationCoordinator and including three other members. The APC Board will haveapproval of the Committee appointments.2. All APC Breeder Judges will be invited to be officially listed as Approved Mentors.3. All APC Life Members will be invited to be officially listed as Approved Mentors.4. The Mentor Committee will invite other APC Members that they unanimously agree are qualified to be officiallylisted as Approved Mentors. The committee will invite an initial list during 2008 and then perform a periodic reviewthereafter.5. Members who accept these invitations will be sent an orientation document listing AKCs breed mentor policies andforms.The Mentor Committee has been formed and approved by the Board. They are from three different sections of thecountry in order to have a good balance of knowledge of the membership in different areas. All three are highlyrespected breeders and handlers so are out there week after week and in touch with the breeders in their areas. Theyare Vicki Oelerich - Eastern US Nadine Hersil - Central US Curtiss Smith - Western USBy the time you read this, the Committee will be active and reviewing the membership roster to determine who will beinvited to be listed as Approved Mentors. Letters will have gone out to Breeder Judges and Life Members as well.I want to point out that other APC members can still be approved as Mentors by meeting the minimum qualificationsrequired by our Standing Rules. The Standing Rule that refers to Approved Mentor qualifications Miscellaneoussection, 37 has been revised and approved by the Board to incorporate our changes. It reads as followsAPC Approved Mentor guidelines require that minimum qualifications are a the person must be an APC Memberwho is an active Pomeranian BreederExhibitor for 12 years, b have bred 5 Pomeranian champions, c and haveattended an APC sanctioned Mentor Seminar d or be an AKC Approved Pomeranian Judge. Approved Mentors mayalso be invited to participate by the Mentor Committee from the APC membership list. APC Seminars will bepresented by the JEC, or an Approved Mentor.I believe that these items will provide improvements to the Approved Mentor program and provide a robust list of contacts forjudges who are interested in studying our breed. Until next time, enjoy your Poms, and good luck at the shows.2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM60I I I I I i i i in41'.Afm.4___4 44r-i 4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 612008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM61i i i ini i i i i 4o Y\ . ft-r'f'^'1 oo\ \ l0t\o CI '4VV\O - ,3'44" . j .4Mste 'Aiden putting on the brakes. From Stephanie Pineault.riiWe're messing with your perception. From Lorlei Sibet.FrsMy ' ... 1l Mjsawa 1Peek-a-boo Pom, shared by Andrea Hall.4 4rXi"S9m3N4.-mr A 0ik , 4,4Charlotte Andersen's Nynne and Stormy.L V,a -4UfvJ2Ba ASAtiS'T- ..LW\ 1 t'cO - ---6'LW .- 4jfc. J9 "WfftttVi-... Oliver studying for Rally. Thanks to Barbara McClatchey.Trish Rowley shares "Danger".462 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW NEWS AND VIEWSPERFORMANCEBarbara McClatcheyBy Barbara McClatcheyGETTING STARTED ALL OVER AGAINIt is certainly interesting to be training a new dog. I have shown three Poms to the Utility title, including aUDX and a UUD, and two others to the CDX, and each dog has trained a little differently from the onebefore. Additionally, there are new methods coming up all the time, new ways of dealing with trainingissues.As I shared in a recent column, I had problems teaching Tessie to Stand. It wasnt a Stay issue, it was aStand issue. No matter what I seemed to do, she would move as soon as I tried to position her into thestand, and she would keep moving. She could handle it on a stool all right, but as soon as I put her on thefloor, it would happen again. She seemed to me to be doing her favorite thing, trying to lick my hands.Enter my training partner, Patti Hecht. She watched what was happening and said, Barbara, Tessiedoesnt like your hands all over her. Patti then showed me a training trick she had learned from someoneelse, and it worked like a charm. I am now going to reveal Pattis secretDog is sitting at your side. Treat in your hand Patti uses the left, but I use the right because that is mynormal hand for giving a Stand signal. Lift the treat above the dogs head, at about the level of your waist,with a little upward movement. We all know from failures in teaching the Sit that dogs will jump up to geta treat, right Right. So the dog jumps up, and comes back down on all fours. Reward. This can befollowed with a Stay command and a walk-around. It took all of two minutes to teach to Tessie andproduces a beautiful, voluntary kick-back stand by the dog that can be very impressive to watch.And speaking of getting started all over, I may be out of my mind, but unless another performance homecomes along pretty soon, I may be keeping one of my current rescues. This little girl was turned in to theTexas City pound because she had a heart murmur and the vet said she needed surgery. Second ChancePoms took her in and provided the surgery for Patent Ductus Arteriosus PDA, a condition in which ablood vessel in the heart does not close at birth. It is not just life threatening but a death sentence, and thislittle girl will now live a normal healthy life instead of perhaps just 3 months. And she is SO verytrainable. I have no business with another new dog right now, but that kind of thing happens sometimes,doesnt it You, my faithful readers, will be kept updated on the subject2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM624r nmJg4 4rw.-r' "30f,Bop I23laife i itI Ww f Ri" i l I I11 ir- I u I I 1 V____L J4i i i i nAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 63Performance ContinuedCANINE FREESTYLE AT MEMORIAL SERVICEPomeranian Hermie, owned by LaVerne Havelka, recently took part in a Memorial Service for a dog trainer. Thisstory was written by the owner of one of the other dogs in the service.Recently, the co-director of our obedience school lost her battle with brain cancer. It has been a devastating year for allof us, and her memorial service was held on May 9. Although not a freestyler herself, this woman was responsible forbringing freestyle classes into this family-oriented obedience school. She was a big supporter of freestyle and ourbiggest fan.I Darlene Chroninger was asked to put together a short demo to be performed in the sanctuary at the end of the service.I chose three of our most advanced freestylers and their dogs.All three of us began obedience classes together at this school 7 years ago. All three dogs are 7 years old. All three dogsRobinson, a Sheltie Hermie, a Pomeranian and Banshee, a Min-Pin were in the Pilot Program at Childrens NationalMedical Center in Washington, DC, for pet assisted therapy under the direction of this awesome woman. The programis now thriving and was her vision and dream come true. So, with tears in check, we had one practice and proceeded.Costuming was easy - our canine parade drill team uniform - green shirts wbig red heart on front which says I love mydog, white pants and shoes. One of the handlers made the dogs green bandanas with a red heart sewn on it - it was ifthe dogs were wearing their hearts on their sleeve for this woman who cherished each one of them.On Friday morning the entire congregation including her husband was surprised we had hidden the dogs away priorto the service when the back doors opened, When the Saints Go Marchin In blasted forth, and we entered down thecenter aisle.Those pups held their heads high, stayed right in step and wagged away as we proceeded single file with perfect heelingand a spin as each one reached the center. We went up the stairs to the altar area and formed a triangle in the very smallspace.Each one came forth individually and did several beautiful behaviors as the audience began clapping in time to themusic. We completed the routine by forming a star and revolving twice around with hands joined at the center. Wecame out of the circle into a straight line and stopped still, dogs on sit.The audience came to a complete silence as we did a slow, military type salute toward heaven to give a final salute tothe woman who so lovingly led us. We exited to a standing ovation, and the last dog to exit, the tiny min-pin, stoppedto give much-needed affection to the new widower.It was not just a performance but an experience we will never forget. The lady we lost would have loved it, the audiencewas moved to tears, and the dogs seemed to know it was a very special presentation. They were welcomed, made over,and fed at the reception.Never in a million years would I have thought that freestyle could have been such a blessing for so many. It is good toshare with those who appreciate the comfort our canine children can bring to us and to others. By Darlene Chroniger in MarylandOn April 26, Hermes got his third leg and UKC Agility I title he took 3rd place in his class.2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM63I I I I I i i i in44 4464 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWPerformance ContinuedTITLES, WE GOT TITLESCompanion DogChars Its My Parti CD RN, June Mintchell, 392008D D Little Mavrick CD RN, Deb Beean, 3302008Dazie Mae Blackburn CD AX AXJ, Whitney Blackburn, 3102008 ILPRoyal Tee Ball O Fire CD, Thomas Karen Kelly, 3102008This dog took High in Trial and his CD in Louisville on March 10. Tom wrote, Well, my little boy isntthrough at all as we went to Nashville to an all-breed trial on March 29 and Shilo earned a great score of198 and was one of only three dogs to earn that score. So, we were in a run off for high in trial with twoGolden Retrievers and because of a handler error by me we didnt win the High in Trial. Tom hasdecided to take time out of Obedience with Shilo and do some Agility we will look forward to seeing theresults of that alsoStans Black Sky Is The Limit CD RA OA OAJ OAP AJP, Stan Halifko, 3162008CH Dhcrew Rock-N-Rumble CD RN, Cindy Onosko, 4202008Wyndlor Sir Christian CD, Rebecca Vacha, 4272008Companion Dog ExcellentCH Paughprint Endless Tradition CDX, Paulette Zecca, 3102008Rally NoviceNippers Godiva Truffle RN, Dian John Nipper, 3222008Sundown N Janesas Perfection RN, Rochelle Fugate, 3162008Sundowns My Trend Is Janesa CD RN, Camilla Knight, 3112008Jills Princess Tiger Lilly RN, Jill Jack Rodgers, 4102008Rally AdvancedStans Black Sky Is The Limit CD RA OA OAJ OAP AJP, Stan Halifko, 3162008Idlewyld Cameo CD RA, Margaret R Mckee, 4192008Jan Les T-Nee B-Nee Babe CDX RA, Barbara Dressler Jane Lehtinen, 4192008Rally ExcellentJaken Star Of Stageandscreen CD RE, Eileen Stopa, 382008Martis Mini Oreo CD RE NA NAJ OAP OJP, Marti Halifko, 3202008Banjo James Reliknam Wishsong RE, Kevyn Michael Thomas, 4192008Foxfire Jack CDX RE MX MXJ MJP, Gail L Donaldson, 4122008Rally Advanced ExcellentMusic To My Eyes CDX RAE, Marcia Messina, 462008Rally Advanced Excellent 3Sassy Girl Sheffield UDX RAE3, Lisa S Sheffield, 3222008Novice AgilityPaugh Prints Rox Yur Sox Off NA, Sherri Alspaugh, 3302008Ziggy Zero Gravity NA NAJ, Cheryl Truskowski, 3222008 ILPBabaghoush Is Falling NA NAJ, Maria Badamo, 452008Max NA NAJ, Barbara Timothy Gilligan, 452008 ILP2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM64I I I I I i i i in44 44APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 65Performance ContinuedOpen AgilityApaws Shes A Bear-Bear OA NAJ. Susie Zemo-Letchworth, 3232008Agility ExcellentPark Aves Lyn Large In Charge AX AXJ NF, Saranan Tandberg, 452008Master Agility ExcellentDazie Mae Blackburn CD MX AXJ, Whitney Blackburn, 3142008 ILPValentines June Bug MX AXJ, Miranda Terri Valentine, 462008Novice Agility JumperAnnabelle No No Sasafras NAJ, Brenda Slaughter, 392008 ILPDaddys Mighty Dakota NAJ, Cathleen OHearn, 382008Woodards Blackjack NAJ, Darcey Woodard, 382008Ziggy Zero Gravity NA NAJ, Cheryl Truskowski, 3222008 ILPBabaghoush Is Falling NA NAJ, Maria Badamo, 452008CH Carleez Front Page News NAJ, Janice George Smith, 4192008Open Agility JumperCamlyns Right On The Money OAJ, Gloria Ray Flippen, 4102008Max NA OAJ, Barbara Timothy Gilligan, 4202008 ILPOpen Agility Jumper PreferredPerfumed Powder Puff NAP OJP, Joan Behrend, 4192008Joan says, Chloe cant get up the A frame anymore, but we are trying for our MJP in jumpers. Since weonly go to agility about four weekends a year, the dog will have to live to be 20 years old, but you have tohave a goalExcellent Agility JumperMocha Pickerill AXJ, Judy Stephanie Pickerill, 392008 ILPBoffo Barking Binnie CD OA AXJ, Julie Lindsey, 4132008 ILPMaster Excellent Jumper PreferredPom Acres Atomic Dragonfly CD RAE NA OAJ AXP MJP, Lois Fae Morkassel, 3212008Agility FAST NoviceApaws Never Never OA NAJ NF, Susie Zemo Letchworth, 4202008Fizzles Lucky Break AX AXJ NF, Jill P. Beitel, 4262008 ILPMocha Pickerill AXJ NF D Owned by Judy Stephanie Pickerill. 4202008 ILPRavens Chain Reaction AX AXJ NF, Kerry Lowrey, 4122008 ILPAgility FAST OpenValentines Cricket AX AXJ OF, Terri Valentine, 392008Master Agility ChampionMACH Masquerade Parti Madison, Melinda Ryba, 31520082008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM65I I I I I i i i in44 4466 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWPerformance ContinuedMaster Agility Champion 2MACH2 Cheris Popeye The Zailor, Gena Zglinski, 4132008MACH2 Our Little Indy Man, Carol Delton Mehlhaff, 442008Master Agility Champion 5MACH5 April May Wicket Moxon, Todd Moxon Gail Donaldson, 3222008American Pomeranian Club members are listed in bold print. Only APC members for at least one yearare eligible for annual awards. These awards include Top Obedience Pom, Top Agility Pom, Top FlyballPom, etc., and they must be applied for by the owner. Now eligible for the APC Hall of Fame Now eligible for the APC Gold ClubThe Hall of Fame and Gold Club are Historical Awards available to any Pomeranian, but the owner mustapply for them. To read about the requirements only partially based on titles for these awards, go . Eligible Poms are enrolled as HOF or GC in the records of theAmerican Pomeranian Club, and their names are listed on the APC website.ILP dogs are usually rescues.Please write me at with your own performance news and viewsJohn David and Connie Zieba were unable to attend the APC National this year, so Barbara McClatcheybrought their certificate and trophy to them and awarded it at a meeting of the Pomeranian Club of GreaterHouston. Keoki, Top Agility Pomeranian of the year, received the certificate and trophy himself, alongwith a rose to represent the theme of the Specialty.2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM66I I I I I i i i in4r4 4rit.i fI.k 'I-'O'L J4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 67MAGGOTS, FLEAS, AND TICKS OH MYDid you ever wonder how many places fly feet walk before they land on your picnic table The flymay well be public enemy number one Let us address summer pest issues.TICKS Ticks are deadly and abundant during spring and summer. Falling from trees when they sensebody heat beneath them, they are not particular which body part they invade and they hang on for dear life.Proof in point. Bathing late one evening after a mushroom expedition, I find a red scratchy spot nearmy rib. Due to a burning sensation, my husband checks it out. I think theres something in here, he says,heading to the bathroom for tweezers. It refuses to budge after two hours of prodding. My husband calls ourneighborhood nurse.Shortly after 1145 P.M. and an unsuccessful excavation with a hypodermic needle, the nurse slits myskin and removes the barbed leg of a tick. Cleaning the wound, she applies ointment. I locate the rest of the ticknear the drain and place both in a plastic baggie. Deer ticks are prevalent in our area. I am concerned as to whatmight be down the road for me.FLEAS When magnified, the flea is ugliest of them all. Picture a creature from Mars with barbedswords. Flea bites burn like crazy for weeks. Anyone allergic to a fleabite understands the severity of theirsaliva. Fleas inside your clothing will neatly bite in a straight line. They can jump 30 feet when you attempt tocatch them. To remove them, slow them down with a douse of hand cream or alcohol first.Fleatick products are a blessing. Inexpensive when compared to bathing and dipping 15 dogs, no longerdoes a lone survivor threaten to seed the next generation. Treat your kennel and yards. Make sure the chemicalsused are safe for your animals.The pesky flea carries then releases tapeworm eggs once ingested. Yomesan and Numeral were popularwormers for dogs hosting a tape at one time. Those drugs pushed the tapeworm down the chute, head and all.Effective and final, it is unfortunate neither is available today due to bowel purging.Let us go back to FLIES and their contribution to summer misery. A fly lightly lands on an unreachablearea and lays its eggs. Given the proper amount of time and conditions, maggots hatch. They infest open woundsand orifices and may go unnoticed under the tail. Hot living quarters encourage maggot infestation.MAGGOTS are a fly larva. Some indigenous societies use maggots to treat wounds. Maggots, one ofnatures clean up crew, dispenses dead animals efficiently. Forensic science uses maggot development toidentify not only the time of a death but also often the locale.Hot weather encourages maggot infestation to both animals living in inhumane conditions and properlycared pets. Farm animals are hosts of maggots, especially if housed in unclean conditions. Heavier canines areunable to properly clean themselves. Animals tied out in the summer heat in small enclosures cause maggots toprosper. Coat care is necessary during the summer as dirty coats cause hotspots.Maggots are not to be ignored. Finding some on his Border collies spine, my friend calls the vet. The vetcleans the area, then gives an antibiotic shot and applies ointment. My friend, who loves and cares for his dog, ishorrified and chastises himself for not giving the dog better summer care.Brush dogs weekly. Trim the hair around the anus of long coated dogs, offer clean housing and bedding.Wash igloos, bleach runs, move their turn out spots and check overweight dogs periodically beneath the tail.Maggots, opossums, vultures, and rats, are sweepers of offal. Often unobserved, they silently work among us.In the 1960s, we used gallons of dip and flea shampoo. We brushed and fluffed, sprayed, and powdered.Today your vet offers a number of tick and flea preventatives. Be aware some breeds must avoid Ivermectin dueto their genetic make up. Discuss this with your vet.In the fall, clean inside the ears where leaf dust and earwax collect. Products are available to assist you.There is no care free season. Changing seasons bring a new set of challenges for pet owners to address.Avoidance is best, but caution and awareness is the answer. Pet owners can win the battle of the bugs.Scratching, rolling, digging, chewing, rough coats, tape segments in stools, and scooting indicate problems.Address them early and both you, and your pet, will have a great summer.I will bug off now.By E. Katie Gammill2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM67I I I I I i i i in44 4468 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWPhotos by Donnita Ackley and Bruce BehrendThe Pomeranian Club of Central Virginia Inc.held its first Designated Specialty during the four dayVirginia Memorial Day Cluster at the Hampton RoadsConvention Center. The Gloucester Kennel Club ofVirginia, Inc. set up a dedicated space in a low trafficspot for the club to use the whole day of the specialty. Itwas like having our own convention center for the dayMany of the top vendors were there so the shopping wasalso grand Spacious indoor grooming with electricitywas also available for exhibitors, some of which couldbe reserved. Many of the exhibitors traveled a gooddistance to be at the event. The PCCV membership wasso excited with the turnout for their first specialty and islooking forward to future eventsAlong with the Regular Classes a Futurity Stakes,Sweepstakes, and Veteran Sweepstakes were also held.The purse for this years Futurity, that was distributed tothe breeders, owners and sire owners of all winners andclass placers, was 483.21. There were 11 puppies thatwere individually nominated from 12 nominated litters.Six of those puppies were entered. The counts of dogsactually showing were Futurity Stakes - 4-2,Sweepstakes - 6-5, Veteran Sweepstakes - 3-2, Specialty- 16-12 2-1 3-0. There were also the followingabsentees Sweepstakes - 2 dogs, Specialty - 2 dogs, 3bitches. The breeder judges were Mrs. Lee D. Cookfor the Futurity, Mr. Fabian Arienti for the Sweepstakesand Veteran Sweepstakes, and Mr. Kenneth E. Miller forthe Specialty.The trophies were admired and enjoyed by all. Theywere carefully selected pottery from Emerson CreekPottery artisans located in the foothills of the Blue RidgeMountains of Virginia. Their ceramic pieces have beenfeatured at Mt. Vernon, Monticello, and the SmithsonianInstitute. Exhibitor bags, that were bursting withtreasures donated by club members, were given to eachregistered dog exhibitorowner.Grand Futurity Winner DIMONDES SOLAR FLARESweepstakesBest In Sweepstakes JAN SHARS ELEMENTARY MYDEAR WATSONBest Senior In Sweepstakes DIMONDES SOLAR FLAREBest of Opposite Sex Senior In Sweepstakes MTN.VIEWSWILD FIRE AT MARBILSBest of Opposite Sex Junior In Sweepstakes HONEYKISTKEEP THE FAITHVeteran SweepstakesBest Veteran In Sweepstakes CH IDLEWYLD PRECIOUSGEMBest of Opposite Sex Veteran In Sweepstakes CH MTNVIEWS AUTUMN PROMISERegular ClassesWinners Dog 4 points DESIRES CATCH THE RAINWinners Bitch 4 points Best of Winners Best of OppositeSex HONEYKIST SPICED TREASUREBest of Breed BOBG3 CH LIL BEHRS HONEY NUTCHEERIOBest Puppy PG1BPIS JAN SHARS ELEMENTARY MYDEAR WATSONBest Bred-By-Exhibitor DIMONDES SOLAR FLAREBest Veteran CH IDLEWYLD PRECIOUS GEMJudges Awards of Merit DESIRES CATCH THE RAIN, CHIDLEWYLD PRECIOUS GEM, FOXWORTH FIVE CARDSTUDDuring the break between the Veteran Sweepstakesand Regular Classes a lovely catered lunch of sandwichtrays, chips, cookies, and soda was enjoyed by many. Nextyear the PCCV is considering two back to back specialtiesat the same venue. The club is hoping to enjoy a dinnerduring the evening of the first day of next years event.The planning has already begunPhotos from the event can be seen at results of the event can be seen at the PCCV Club websitehttpwww.geocities.compccv_homeSpecialty_Futurity_080525results_080525.htmlArticle by Donnita AckleyDesignated SpecialtyMay 25, 2008Hampton, VA2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM68mmn irPomeranian Club of Central Virginiai4 44APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 692008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM69i i i in4iKBir ' SB1IuarTT vnHiSfii\IijVv'Via,- , -5V,A k A v 2^ i" r, 'IONSA fT V- iNpL-v i1_ CI .y. .M liWffiWr" L klrlw4I 1Wkr pr li'sffi-Xr cwO' ^ AiI ' 1J4.s 4cmr J4I'll\1-10 vlI 4t-INS 4Ri iStfijTP TIn0^ ''-4ir 'tv\ ccfl 1l'' Vi1V f1rJ4s 1i r Wm '9 tmt -j^ v470 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW E. Katie Gammill - Lerna, Illinoisindcrk13011consolidated.netwww.indiancreekshelties.comDesignerDogDisclosureThe American Canine Hybrid Club embraces over 400experimental mixed breeds called Designer Dogs. Those searchingthe Internet for a canine to fit their life style often fall victim todeceptive practices. U.S. breeders and the Down Under blokesfuel this current fad. Both are raking in the cash. Questionable breeders bilk thepublic out of thousands of dollars1000.00 per breed-2000.00minimum for LabradoodlesLabrador-Poodle cross,Goldendoodles Golden and Poodle,Shockers Shiba-Cocker Spaniel,Yorkipoos Yorkshire Terrier-Poodle,Maltipoo Maltese-Poodle etc. Theycannot guarantee ANY desired geneswill surface neither can they predicta dogs coat, size, temperament, oradaptability at maturity.NO ethical breeder allowsANY purebred dog to become part ofa cross breeding program. How dothese people convince the public thatby combining two distinct breeds,they will produce a dog with genesthat eliminate shedding and allergyproblemsAny Poodle breeder will tellyou Poodles are NOT fixers Theywill speak of upkeep and hyperactivity.Health documentation is notavailable by those who cross breed.Inevitably, animal shelters becomethe recipients of unwise decisions.Buying from a purebredbreeder assures temperament andtype. At maturity, your dogresembles the canine initiallyselected. Home raised puppiesreceived proper socialization andhealth attention. Purebred dogbreeders sell pets on spay and neutercontracts to control pet overpopulation.Documenting andaddressing breed problems, theyfurnish AKC registration papers theoldest organization in the history ofdogs and encourage sportinvolvement. Internet breedersaccept no accountability. Perfectingmarketing techniques, they simplyaccept your money Why dopurebred breeders get the bad rapBreed specific rescueorganizations rescue purebreddogs and ANY dog appearing to beso. They temperament test eachanimal, inoculate, spay or neuter, andfind suitable homes. The adoption feeis insignificant compared to the2000.00 for a Doodle-poo.Upon adoption, one signs acontract stating IF THIS ANIMALDOES NOT FIT INTO YOURHOME, IT MUST BE RETURNEDTO THE RESCUE GROUP. After asecond evaluation, the dog isrelocated to a more suitableenvironment. Sorry, sniff, sniff,Ellen Degeneres, YOU AREWRONGFrankly, Peke-a-poos andMalti-poos are lovable and easilycontained. They are charming, and, ifyou desire to own one, go for it.However, do not expect supportregarding problems.Search the Internet regardingPoo-doodle breeds. Research breedspecific genetic problems, playtechniques, and original purpose.2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM70i i m i n4iwA 1 Lm\I ^t ' jtVII- rfl 44APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 71Dogs are nippers, pouncers,slammers, and diggers. Combiningadverse play techniques could causeinjury to an existing pet. Buying aLabra-doodle may saddle you witha thirty-inch uncontrollable animalin a limited space. It may have threetimes your strength and require fourwalks a day. A Labrador and Poodlecross doubles on retrievers. Thesewater magnets, full of excessenergy, relish any quagmire.The wrong dog quicklydestroys family camaraderie, causesemotional turmoil, and takes abite out of the budget. Puppiesinteract daily with your family.Search to find breedinformation regardingtemperament, size, coat, medicalhistory, and upkeep of your chosenbreed. Be aware of breed specificpeculiarities.Poo-doodle breeders eluderesponsibility. They breed twoopposite breeds of good traits togetherand guarantee magical offspringcombining the best of both worlds.How cool can that beHere is a test Breed twooutstanding specimens together youand your spouse. The offspring is asmall child reflecting the best of youboth. Right As your child matures,who adjusts Can you control YOURchilds growth, attitude, andappearance Which side of yourfamily claims those renegade genesAre dogs any differentDogs do not reason. Theiractions neither consider your desires,nor understand consequences. Theydo what feels good It may be digging,killing a bunny, or chasing a car. Thereis NO shame or regret regardingmuddy paw prints and hairballs. Flatears and a tucked tail are NOT anapology for taking up most of yourbed.The first mistake is buying adog over the Internet. The second iscrediting dogs with human emotions.Lets face it When it comes to scams,your dog is the ultimate con-artist.If you truly want aLabradoodle, contact your localshelter. Welcome it into your pack.How tough can it be Remember, allbreeds are wired differently.Crossing adverse breeds short circuitpresumed results and produce faultyconnections. Kennel visits,encouraged by reputable breeders, area starting point. Then, weighing youroptions, buy your dog of choice.Dogs offer unconditional loveand devotion. We in turn must attemptto become as nice a person as our dogsthink we are.Sunshine RosesandSunshine and Roses are published free of charge. Contact Donna Machniak Phone 517 546-7446 or Email APC members addresses are published in the APC roster if you would like to send cards.Condolences and prayers go out to the family of Bonnie Harris of Tresstique Poms on the passing of herdear mother in May.Speedy recovery goes out to Jen Hryniuk of Jenuwanepoms, who was injured while cutting grass on ariding lawnmower.Condolences to family and friends of Pom breeder, handler and UK Judge Pat Gaskell of MarshburyPoms. Pat judged Pomeranians at Crufts in 1994. She will be greatly missed by all in her country.Another speedy recovery and well wishes for quick healing go out to Carlene Gilstrap of Mountain CrestPoms on her broken wrist.Prayers go out to Virginia Dimicks Pufpride Poms daughter, Jan, who is undergoing cancer treatment.Sympathy and prayers go out to the family of Sandy Girth Sandegi Poms on the recent loss of herfather in May.Get well wishes to Sharon Hanson.2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM71i i i i n44 4472 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM72^^ZCCCQ i i i in4These simple tools can help researchers of serious canine diseases.vigfSgcr \ IWhen your breed club members cut out and save package weight circles as Purina Pro Club members, and participate in the Purina Parent Club Partnership PPCP Program, your club will begin to earn financial contributions from Purina and the Canine Health Foundation. You'll want to learn about all of the important details by contacting us soon. Breed clubs have already earned a total of almost 1.2 million for their breeds' health studies, education programs andor rescue efforts.For complete details about how the PPCP Program works, call us toll-free at 1-800-778-3375, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. CT, Mon.-Fri. or e-mail us at If you'd like to join Pro Club and participate in the PPCP, call toll-free 1-877-PRO-CLUB 1-877-776-2582, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. CT, Mon.-Fri., or apply on-line at Current Pro Club members can simply notify the Pro Club, by phone or e-mail, and tell them that they want to participate in the PPCP program.4 4cL ,X5 u.GOill PURINAONE01 . PURINACO PURINAProPlanu IIPUPPYCHOUILV3 IC rCLI01 ITH YOGURTPROTEINFOR HARDWORKING DOGSChmu mpumsh unit'V iihih-CL5 391-r-QLC5 Parent ClubFBpurinaosRELPartnership ProgramCOI4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 732008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM73rm i i i in4o Yv S ^\ v, .rt sMrr \ri L4t^ ouo \\v\tv.4\O cKH4Qi vliin'tMKaBKiiJo Norris shares Vanka sunbathing.t4 4Diane Zech's Suki says,Leave me alone, I want my beauty sleep."ii3 4UgSi birr mm\_ -L [5lra9 yiiM UHHro YHanging out at the National. Owned by Paulette Zecca, photo by Marilyn Heestand.Kleenex Too late Shared by Jo Norrisi474 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE A MERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.SUBSCRIPTIONSPER YEARPUBLISHED BI-MONTHLYSubscription CardSUBSCRIPTION MANAGERCHERI MCDONALDPO Box 3402San Dimas, CA 91773Phone 909 394-7923 Fax 909 599-4692Email cheribachmanpoms.comNAMESTREET ADDRESSCITY, STATE, ZIP CODE, COUNTRYPHONE NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESSCREDIT CARD NUMBER EXP DATE CID NUMBERCARD HOLDER SIGNATURE DATE45 First Class USPS37 Bulk USPS55 CanadianMexico100 ForeignSunshine RosesandSunshine and Roses are published free of charge. Contact Donna Machniak Phone 517 546-7446 or Email APC members addresses are published in the APC roster if you would like to send cards.APC Life Member James Shearer had a stroke August 2007, now resides in a nursing care facility,paralyzed on left side in wheelchair but can talk. He has been battling cancer for last 10 years. Hecurrently has liver and lung cancer and taking chemo orally. Jim would enjoy calls, cards, and lettersfrom Pom friends. James Shearer, P.O. Box 127Walnut Creek, OH 44687. Phone 330 893-3200.Sending out lots of prayers and good wishes to Ken Griffith of Lenette Poms who underwent surgery forcancer in May.Sending Sunshine and speedy recovery to Shalon Parrott of Ragdoll Poms who suffered some healthissues in May. We pray there will be no lasting effects and she will be back to the show world soon.Prayers and sympathy go to Randy Buske of Randyspoms and her family on the loss of her 91 yr oldMother.Long time member of the Louisville Kennel Club and Southern Indiana Kennel Club, AKC judgeBeverly Lehnig passed in April. She will be missed by many.2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM74I I I I I i i i in44 4rmL j4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 75We salute the courageous men,women and their families of ourarmed forces. May they be safeand protected from all harm.Let freedom ringKENNELVisitsJr. and Jennifer Munn Achilles PomeraniansPlease contact the Editor to nominate candidates for upcoming APC Kennel Visits. Send information to The Pomeranian Review, BrendaSegelken, Editor, 11139 E. Camelot Ave., Effingham, IL 62401 or phone 217-347-5731. Email fame62401yahoo.comAdvertising Deadline August 12008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM75rm i i i in4TABLETOPEP1 PPomsyrinjsMiA1Jan Stachurski21 Perry Avenue Brockton, MA 02302 508587-6146 TabletopPomsverizon.netfjiLvCsd Xiu Xin4k DomersDlas4 y.trMarisJose QuerrermWiTop winning BIS Poms Home of Batman Spiderman Stud service to approved bitches We breed on limited oasis a few puppies available 14psrta4 da Crreos n 37 E-08820 El rat da Llofcregat Barcelona, EspanaMr4, mf l''' Mliv'1 w ffBM 360 435-5978MoMl 3 696 96 IB 65 Janell Reich oreederAPC Member Tish Cannon Handler 760 985-4656poroseanxiuxia.eoP3httpwww.csnxiuxiu.coro4 4 JL BABBI'SPOMERANIANS\[mil itit it 136 W. Queens Drive Slidell, LA 70458Phone 985-649-3136 Mobile 985-788-4704 y i pp y von w or fexcite. c o mA76 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWADVERTISING RATESFull Page Color 275.00Full Page Black White 100.00Half Page Color 150.00Half Page Black White 60.00Fourth Page Color 75.00Fourth Page Black White 40.00All ads include one photo.SUBSCRIPTION RATESUSPS First Class 45USPS Bulk 37Foreign 100Canada, Mexico 55Single Issue 10For advertising information contact217 347-5731 fame62401yahoo.comSubscription information contact909 394-7923 cheribachmanpoms.comKENNELVisitsJunior and Jennifer MunnAchilles PomeraniansPlease contact the Editor to nominatecandidates for upcoming APC Kennel Visits.Send information to The Pomeranian Review,Brenda Segelken, Editor, 11139 E. CamelotAve., Effingham, IL 62401 or phone 217-3475731. Email fame62401yahoo.comAdvertising DeadlineAugust 1, 2008Subscriptionsand Back Issuesmake great gifts.Order online today atamericanpomeranianclub.orgPomReview2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM76rm i i i in4HMontyHart Alora Hart, \^GJ77J7sS7s7sU7s77JSa.' 7 'w1STUfl7ft, Ph 34 609 49 39 49POMERANIANSphone 907 346-2506 e-mail www.starfoxpoms.comSSE E ,nVrs sV.iuM Lfisi ataaaiEfaVIwwill ffllli STlllfi siPomeranian' 2006waaaoTopwin'nirig^Parti in breed history 04 44APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 77PomsPARKVENUEATom Wilson916-689-1222SACRAMENTO, CAparkavepomsfrontiernet.netPUPPIES OCCASIONALLY AVAILABLEChampion PomeraniansSJSN6603 Forest Ct., Holmen, WI 54636PH 608 526-1051 sandpomscharter.nethttpwww.sandpoms.comandpomsohnsonandra2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM77rm i i i in4SSr\AMma\iV4a\i JEiF55Evensong PomeraniansKevin and ^\Teresa white\ Portland, Oreqon\Linda Pelz - Tx254 420-1724Michael Weils - Ml616 844-4217Champion Stud ServicePuppiesAdults Occasionally Show HandlingIV J P 503314-9026 www.evensongpoms.comCH EVENSONG WIN N FOR Z GIPPER www. dream weaverpoms. com4 4 fyeiuud C^TirBegun and brains in one well-balanced package home ol record selling 8 omer TMargaret R. McKeto rChelExhibitorBreederHandler j esmgfill Specializing in Parti and Parti-factored Pomeranians' '290GOOCHLAND, VA H r804-556-3380 its m.\\ Jcrrto-JCHChrissy CH Chelanes Simply Irresistible CH Finch's Peacemaker Parti ROMElaine Waugh www.chelanes.netCH Gunner ROM eweaT ft..r's CH Chelanes Peace Keeper Parti CH Chelanes Remington Steele CH RemyvVt- -^eV3rftV- CH Keeperwf. ssi l'V j 7\r . XU VAm. \TiftK2 [gUftft JMffyfarcMM I ]iui478 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWWhere Type,Quality andSoundnessCountCheri McDonald909-394-7923Southern Californiacheribachmanpoms.comwww.bachmanpoms.com2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM78rm i i i in4^fumeaAe 7vmt-CUticisii , St.'\\1 ^ w w \.V.HerMajesty's PomeranianskHome ofBIS, BISS, Am, Can, Mex FCI Inti Ch Showcase Hot Topic, GC, HoF2006 Number One Pomeranian, All Breed jtjnbChuck Whittemore Randy Houston Cleveland, TN 37312 423-728-0200E-Mail www.hermajestysponns.comYnAom'ieomemnianAiweaAe marCH Penelope4 4v v 3 -IVil CARLEEZ POMSA J.CJCarol Leemhuis Pittsburgh, PA Home 412 344-8257 Cell 412 848-6987 J. www.carleezpoms.comHome of picturedBISS Ch. Sundown's Hide N Zeke, CD, ROMX, GC Spoiled companions, conformation, obedience and agility Poms mr VIL X.r\1 5 iHr ,v Xr , Obhowin ISomsB0kZM f Specializing in Wolf Sables, Whites, Creams and Tri-colored Partis and occasionally other colors.A^udrcp Popweed276 629-9483Mam \T,p'tyZO'YaH irtBarbara xYLapmend503 864-2459H i m Wtmmm Jim httpwww. showinpoms. comWmtvX.Z^r' v..y. rc'n. s mAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 79BI-MARPOMERANIANSBIS, BISS, ROMX, HOF, GCCH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KIDMARY A ROSENBAUM145 Fay RoadChehalis, WA 98532-9204phone 360 767-0104fax 360 767-0105email Avalons Prince Matchabelli MonteStarfires Conan the Barbarian xAvalons Queen NefertitiAnnette Eric Davis208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792email infoavalonpom.comweb site www.avalonpom.comQuality, lovingly raised puppies.Inquiries welcome.Pomeranians ShyacresProfessional HandlingAudrey M RobertsAlvin, Texas - Houston Areawww.shyacres.comaudreyshyacres.comPhone 713 204-7225Assisted by Jessica Johnson2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM79rm i i i in4itir\ MO' iuAWV Jtifm"ai5f^ v.V - Ot sVv'htfCJa4 1 r jiwfimj\ r,p, t . tfy r7r 1 fi 68 i. vST-' ._PUPPJE3 AVAJLA3LE 9lkJm Step Finns5713 Arrowha-id Dr.EJ P2J50, TO Ml SumjnrisirPoiiB^aoJiCwrj WimsjllwriJrjriarporfB.ooMJSw..ih.rj WIlKIWIRIi'rb iPifjf'jiIimm] ^MoTtiR.0 01- t4 4'jDmeMUtuza ISP SmK\ \4j' wt9^3^ d Janette DaMy314 397-5606p. o. Sox m'WtaacoufaA, 9JI 6225 looetTiowl 954cpz6oa.cow480 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWVisit the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website athttpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgCHECKS, MONEY ORDERS, MASTERCARD, VISA,AMERICAN EXPRESS, DISCOVERY, PAYPAL ACCEPTED.PAYMENT ALSO MAY BE MADE ONLINE ATTHE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUBS WEBSITE athttpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgRegional Pomeranian Club Specialty coming events are publishedfree of charge.For updates and regional club contact information go to the APCwebsite at httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgJuly 4 7, 2008 Pom Club of Canada and PomClub of Ontario Specialties with Sarnia KennelClub All-Breed Shows. One of a kind, ChristineHeartz handedpainted cookie jar will be raffled.July 17 20, 2008 Pom Club of Greater HoustonSpecialty. Sweeps Judge Patrick Farmer, RegularJudge Timothy Robbins. www.onofrio.comSept. 5, 2008 - Pom Club of Greater Des MoinesSpecialty. Sweeps Judge Kathy Francis, RegnonregularJudge Frank Summerside. Rally andObedience offered.September 12, 2008 - Dallas Fort Worth Pom ClubSpecialty. Sweeps Judge Becky Jackson, RegularClass Judge Vicki Abbott.www.mongramdogshows.comSeptember 12 Pom Club of Central IndianaSpecialty, Lebanon, Indiana.October 24 and 25 Central Arkansas Pom Clubback-to-back Specialties.Barneybarnett1suddenlilnk.netDecember 13 and 14, 2008 - AKCEukanubaInvitational, Long Beach, CA. www.akc.org2009 March 9, 10 11 - APC National Specialty,Clarion Hotel, Louisville, Kentucky. Judge SandraGoose Allen and Sweeps JudgeBetsy Owens.2009 December 12 13 Long Beach,California. AKCs 125th Anniversary Celebration.AKC will waive the invitational format, and classeswill be offered. www.akc.orgCOMING EVENTS2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM80rrn i i i in42008 APC NATIONAL DVDORDER FORMCopy this order form, check appropriate hop, addshipping, fid in mailing information, enclose check, made out to A'PC.DVD 1WINNERS DOG WINNERS BITCH BEST OF BREED 25.00 each plus shippingDVD 2PUPPY VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP 20.00 each plus shippingDVD 3TOP TWENTY 10.00 each plus shipping SHIPPINGUSPS - 3.00 PER DVDFOREIGN - 8.00 PER DVD4 4FULL SET - ALL THREE DVDs55.00 plus shipping USPS 4.00, Foreign 10.00NAMESTREET ADDRESSADDITIONAL ADDRESSCITY, STATE AND ZIP CODEPHONE NUMBER E-MAIL ADDRESSMail toThe American Pomeranian Club Erika Moureau32110 Patty's Landing Magnolia, TX 773544APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 812008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM81rm i i i in4It's time you subscribe to the Pomeranian ReviewM TShooSml,- 1 .m i s31 M A sRmrThe Pomeranian Review is all about the Poms we love Each issue is packed with great full-colored photos and informative articles for the performance ring, conformation ring, rescue and pet owners.Simply return the form below, email, call or pay through PayPal online to treasurer americanpomeranianclub. orgj'4 e j mi4t '0 X. I4 Jaijr t J04. y4-4m.s1is.94^SIRE - CH4 4The Official Publication of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.s ditiSubscription ManagerCHERI MCDONALDPO Box 3402 San Dimas, CA 91773 Ph 909 394-7923 Fax 909 599-4692 cheribachmanpoms. com______IN. i i i r i.STR] DRESSfell V A \ ifCITY, STATE, ZIPCODE, COUNTRYear Subscription 6 issuesBiMonthly CIRCLE ONE5PHONE ADD]pj 3]345 First Class USPS 37 Bulk USPS 55 CanadianMexico 100 ForeignCREDIT CARD EXP DATE SECURITY CODEPersonal checks or bankpostal money orders must be drawn on a U.S. bank. Make checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club.Mastercard, Visa, American Express and Discover cards accepted.Pay online at or through PayPal to treasureramericanpomeranianclub.orgCARD HOLDER SIGNATUREk J82 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWMountain View PomeraniansPat and Roger DagueP O Box 209, Stuarts Draft, VA 24477Phone 540-337-2965Champion Regmars Mtn ViewStars ShineDel-May PomeraniansDeborah K. Barrett1446 West Square Lake RoadBloomfield Hills, MI 48302Phone 248 745 3888 Email delmay1wowway.com2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM82rm i i i in4.iVf, l, j re .si.rxi' X y A MML V- f -it ,'i A 3-EHKVaMfiMilB55l InII muAyumi Pomeranians i JI III [If .. r 1. zr " .Amy Tsay BreederExhibitor PCCV - Recording Sec. w-h1 I434 589-3652 Lake Monticello, VA 4 -4UJ Jk'millin','iiiiiifiTil 0mumFWWW.AYUMI-POMS.COMAYUMI.POMSGMAIL.COM0B 1 if IlluEmoMMSmEED4 4kJfoftiCy Pomeranians'tltoSAR r m 'perviRMWs DANIELLE SARTAIN L.V.T.WWW.DflSARPOMS.COM810-656-0883DASARPOMERANIANSHOTMAIL.COMW A-Christine Creasey30 Short St., OakyiCCe, CT06779 Phone 860 274-7997 hoCCUypomssnet.netJoanne Jo NorrisSmaller Paws Pom RescuefVVsvsCJU 4itets or httpwwwlpetfinder.comsheltersIN294.html Phone 260-982-8541 Cell 574-527-1451WMp\XTHE BEST FOB YOUR SHOW DOS MB PETWHEN YOU'RE LOOKING FOR A DOG TO LOVENorth Manchester, IN VISAAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 83CH PUFPRIDES SWEET DREAMS CH FINCHS CHARS MAKIN WAVES PARTICHPARKERCHSPLASHDiane L. Finch28453 530 th Avenue, Kelley, IA 50134 - Phone 515 - www.finchspoms.comDiane L. FinchDeJay PomsBIS, BISS CH. FIREBROOKS TABASCO FIASCOTobyDonna MachniakBreederHandlerGroomer517-546-7446www.dejaypoms.comDana CoventryManagerOwner248-258-9259Attorney at Lawfor the Sport of DogsPINECREST KENNELSChampionPomeraniansandManchesterTerriersCatherine2404 Reg. Road 57Bowmanville, ON LIC www.manchesterterriers.ca905 697-2488BolahoodPhone 985 384-7466Fax 985 384-8628www.janesa.comJerrie Freia1072A Landry LaneMorgan City, LA 70380PomeraniansJanesaBred for beauty and soundness of body and mind2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM83rm i i i in4MILL AMOR POMSIFVJ 1aV.fmL4- ..r mmmi_aHMeIk MKen and Eleanor Miller870 Jersey Church Road, Lexington, NC 27292 Ph 336-245-9010 Email millamortriad.rr.comBreeding again. Puppies avaiCa6Ce to Coving Homes.Ck Lii rkLs Heuiery^ul Ciiaeiom jL 4.tv4rToTJ SiiliJIS aJoan C. Beki' Handling Services - Limited Boarding AvailableLong Island, New York 631366-2330 IlihkL 51 M 5 fcWsleiEjiej4 4Finch's Pomeranians Ltd.v mri t tDriggers Lit' Treasurers, Inc.and DLT Pomeranians.Mark Cathy DriggersOwner, Breeder, Handler ^ ^ MI Lake Helen, Florida SVVrAKC Registered Pomeranians, Dog Supplies and Specialty GiftsAuthorized Solid Gold Dog Food Dealer \ 1Phone 386-228-1010E-mail infodriggersliltreasures.comFax 386-218-5739 www.driggersliltreasures.com484 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWFrom the EditorTrue greatness is the ability to serve. The capacity to lead not by the exercise of power, but by love.With great honor and love we announce the upcoming Anniversary Issue of the Pomeranian Review. 2008 marks theReviews 50th Anniversary.Your Anniversary Issue committee includes Carlene Gilstrap, Donna Riehm, Ellen Takayama, Kathryn Norem andmyself. We also have many other valuable team members behind the scene working diligently to make this huge project possible.The Anniversary Issue will not take the place of an issue within the subscriptions. This Commemorative issue, whichcan be purchased separately, will feature a high gloss heavy-weight cover, glued spine and color throughout.The Anniversary Issue will debut at the APC National Specialty in Louisville, Kentucky March 2009. We hope that thisnot only adds to the festivity of this uncommon occurrence, but also helps offset the handling and mailing costs. None will bemailed or available before the Kentucky debut.Given the rising costs in the printing industry, this project will be quite costly for the American Pomeranian Club.Please keep that in mind both when advertising and ordering issues. Only 1,000 copies will be available. This issue undoubtedlywill be highly sought after and collectible in the future. Pre-orders are welcome and recommended. See page 84 for pre-orderform and information.Advertising revenue will be a top priority to supporting this venture. We have tried to keep advertising prices asreasonable as possible, while still trying to balance its cost. This issue must be pre-paid by the APC. The APC must carry thefinancial burden until all issues are sold. Then and only then will the APC recoup the costs of printing, etc. Your advertisingsupport is paramount.So, send those ads in The earlier the better Pre-order now, and dont forget to order extra copies for investmentcollecting and what a great gift ideaFrom Sundays at the Magic Monastery 2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM84I I I I I i i i in X. QJ4, 4MDfii MlMffllltol JisfeWOrder online ol or pay through PayPal to treasureramericanpomeranianclub.orgSend name, complete address, phone number and payment method to Erika Moureau,ANNIVERSARYISSUE PRICESNAMESTREET ADDRESS25 Pre-orderpre-paypick up at APC Notional30 Pay and pick up at the APC National 30 plus 5 shipping AFTER the APC National10 toreign shippingAnniversary Ossue wihhcfehutat the AfC Nationaf 'March ZOOCj.CITY, STATE, ZIPCODE, COUNTRYPHONE NUMBEREMAIL ADDRESSCREDIT CARD NUMBER SECURITY NUMBEREXP DATECARD HOLDER SIGNATUREPRE-ORDER DEaDIIINE' M4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 852008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM85rm i i i in4ANNIVERSARYiYEARS Pomeranian ReviewADVERTISING AUCTIONPom Review5011 Iy Anniversary11following pagesthrough Erika Moureau, Tre otds accepted via phone 281 252-0333. e-mail, USPS, FedEx and vj o.Bids cJose 500 P.M. September 3, 2008.Ads include one photo. Additional photos 25 each. H \ m v1 ^ VBack Cover minimum bid 500Inside Front Cover min 350Facing Page to Inside Front Cover min 350 Inside Back Cover min 350Facing Page to Inside Back Cover min 350i b T 4- 4EGDEARS.AD PRICESIcCTlONPages 316 Color- 350 ^llPage - Color - 300 Half Page - Color - S175 Fourth Page - Color - 85 Full Page- BlkWht- 125 Half Page - BlkWht - 75 Fourth Page - BlkWht - 50 All ad include one photo. Additional color photo 25 each. Additional blkwht photo 10 each.PURCHASE 3 FULL PAGE ADS, RECEIVE 4TH AD HALF PRICENOT OIssue with purchase uf S400.00 orjnore.ANNIVERSARY ISSUE S25 Pre-orderpre-poypick up ol APC Nolionol. S30 Pay and pick up ol Ihe APC Nolionol.Pre-order deadline March 2.2009. See Pre-order form on pnge 84.Anniversary Ossue wiffdebut at the A1PC tNationaf "March ZOOg,DEADLINE - SEPTEMBER 20, 200886 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM86rm i i i in4RandyBuskeBree derExhibitorMember American Pomeranian Club Puget Sound Pomeranian Club[J6f 9 fP.O.Box 2408 Buckley, WA 98321aIrKQi 360 897-2163 253 740-5060 www.Randyspoms.comiWin'NoreKnox, IN 46534 574-772-3910 www.eaglecreekpoms.comRivendellPomeraniansc v ottetailtmviCarolyn Bonin ^Ron Irene Smith4013 Windswept Dr Madison, Al, 35757 Ph 256-830-0897 3388-B Merlin Rd 356, Gronls Poss, OR 97526541-441-7634www.knology.netbonincRivendell.htmlrenereonpomernninns.comBISS Ch Rivendell Applauds Janesa "Baxter"4 4E3alashel IMPOSSIBLE POM...dreams make all things possible.Poms and SheltiesL ^Elaine Wishnow718-891-34512351 E. 17th St. Bklyn, NY 11229 Home of quality Poms and SheltiesXTCouttfaw finestKimpossible's Dare To Dream'A-MultiGroup Winning BISS Champion Mountain Crest JJkBill and Kim CrutchfieldRiverside, CA 92516 951 313-9652website www.kimpossiblepom.comDavid Carlene GilstrapP.O.Box 22442 Chattanooga, TN 37422 Phone 423-987-0266 E-Mail dcgilstrapaol.comI4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 87A REFLECTION ON THE WATERSGreggory S. WatersCharlene R. Waters801-597-3869shimmeree.charlenegmail.comQuality Pomeranians2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM87rm i i i in^J^CowCene - ^JLeafira Pomeraniansi LAS VEGASJlrlene Otaguro HazeC Miller R[o6in Watana6eSINCITY POMST\ Michele280 Hole N Rock Circle Central, UT 84722702 203-4790tJr-a's grooming Saion Phone 808-593-2322 mhinjao[.com -yggcats hawaii.comIfA oFine PomsMarvj Latimerwww3oiineponis.commaryllmac.com979-690-7179A A'paacy 'pace Pom4ti, tTiJeacU Stnuriny pn ' TAexcellence VAocaiedin jeoatifad 'Woatcieif f.Member of the American Pomeranian Club and Nor-Cal Pom Clubmow, ^ncx^acefiomc, com ^anc^^iceiomcl^c^cc^o^zl. net iWe Cerf, Thyroid, Cardiac, OFATest V-'vaVi V,5a TSaVSXiLEE-ANN LAMBERT KINCARDINE ONTARIO, CANADA WWW.SUGARLAMB.CA MCQTNT21 .COM 519-396-6464F1 ]Hilll ll7lrails]MilHMA88 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWArvanites, Michele.............................................87Barrett, Deborah........................................82Behrend, Joan..............................23, 83, Back CoverBolahood, Catherine....................................13, 83Bonin, Carolyn..................................................86Buske, Randy.....................................................86Carter, Beverley....................................16, 27Cartwright, Ron and Sherry....................................26Caywood, Audrey.............................................78Central Arkansas Pom Club.............................25Chambers, Wendy.........................................22Christiansen, Cristy and Jessica.........................24Coventry, Dana...........................................83Crane, Valerie...........................................87Creasey, Christine...........................................82Crutchfield, Bill and Kimberly...............................86Dague, Roger and Pat.......................................12, 82Dally, Joe and Janette.................................79Davis, Annette and Erik..............................79Driggers, Cathy............................................83Finch, Diane...............................................83Freia, Jerrie..................................................83Gilstrap, David and Carlene....................................86Griffith, Ken and Eleanor.................................11Hanson, Sharon..............................Front Cover, 14Harris, Bonnie.....................................................90Hart, Monty..................................................76Hernandez, Amando Jr.........................................26Houston, Randy............................................78, 93Jackson, Becky............................................9, 82Johnson, Sandra..............................................77Jose, Maria.....................................................2, 75Kivch, Carol....................................................15Lambert, Lee-Ann.............................................87, 95Latimer, Mary....................................................87Leemhuis, Carol.............................................78Levinsohn, Alane........................................27, 78Machniak, Donna.........................................83Mallott, Roberta.................................................91Marsh, Charlene.................................................78McDonald, Cheri........................................78McFarlane, Pauline..............................................27McKee, Margaret........................................21, 77Meyer, Barbara.....................................................75Meyer, Char..................................................3, 76Miller, Eleanor..............................................83Miller, Hazel..............................................6, 7, 87Molina, Elizabeth..............................................92Nilsson, Wendi..................................................87Nonell, Ignacio.................................................76Norem, Kathryn...............................................86Norris, Joanne................................................82Ohlemacher, Paula...........................................79Otaguro, Arlene..........................................6, 7, 87Pelz, Linda................................................18, 19, 77Pom Club of Great Des Moines.........................24Pom Club of Indiana..............................20, 41Quintanilla, Maria..........................................75Reich, Janell............................................................75Reimschiissel, Kelly....................................36, 77Riehm, Donna.....................................................4, 5Roberts, Audrey................................................79Rogers, Sherrilynn................................................17Rosenbaum, Mary...............................................79Russell, Ron and Connie....................................82Sartain, Danielle.....................................................82Smith, Ron and Irene..........................................86Spain Spitz Club.......................................................91Stachurski, Jan.....................................................75Stephens, Mary...........................................................26Stephens, Micky......................................................79Stoll, Frances...................................................4, 5Takayama, Ellen...................................................8Tsay, Amy..............................................................82Utah Kennel Club............................................24Watanabe, Robin.................................................6, 7, 87Waters, Gregg and Charlene...............................87Waugh, Elaine....................................................77Wells, Mike....................................................77White, Kevin and Teresa......................................10, 77Whittemore, Chuck............................................78, 93Wilde, Niki........................................................24Wilson, Tom.....................................................77Wishnow, Elaine.....................................................86Zech, Tom and Diane...........................................83, 942008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM88rm i i i in4Dn r s vf\ VAs-KEluFACE ISSUES4 4fu_ To order back issues, mail check pay to APC to The Pomeranian Review co Brenda Segelken 11139 E. Camelot Avenue, Effingham, IL 62401 Phone 217-347-5731, e-mail Order online at Please specify the issue.Jan. 75, Oct. 77, May 79, April 80 20.00August 1997 15.00All other available back issues 10.00ZzIauINFORMATIONThe Pomeranian Review ISSN 0744-8546 is published and edited bi-monthly in Effingham, Illinois by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 37 per year USPS Bulk and 45 per year USPS First Class. First Class rates apply to USA and APOs. Canada, Mexico and Puerto Rico subscriptions are 55.00 per year U.S.A. funds only.The American Pomeranian Club and Editor are not responsible for the contents, accuracy of articles and advertisements, or the opinions expressed by authors. Per APC Standing Rule The Editor can refuse any ad. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the APC or editor.Reproduction in whole or part is strictly prohibited. Permission to reproduce is available only from the publishereditor. Display advertisements consisting of typesetting, artwork and layouts may not be used without written permission from the editor. Original artwork is sole property of the editor.UbAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 892008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM89I I I I I i i i iniir mmi irVI nI iweuf"IFtA Anniversary Ossue widebut at the A1C National Tvtarcfi 200g,i- ArrVifADVERTISING PRICESPages 3 - 16 Color - 350 , - ANNIVERSARY ISSUE PRICESFull Page-Color-300 Half Page- Color -175 Fourth Page - Color - 85 Full Page-BlkWht-125 Half Page - BlkWbt - 75 Fourth Page - BlkWht - 5 iS25 Pre-urderpre-puypick up oi APC Nolionol 30 Ppy ppd pick up ul ihe APC Nolionol 30 plus 35 shipping AFTER Ihe APC Nolionol 10.00 FOREIGN SHIPPI14 49'NPRE-ORDER DEADLINE MARCH 1,20 PRE-ORDER FORM ON PAG.f0 mAll ads include one photo. Additional color photos 25 each. Additional blkwht photos 10 each.PURCHASE 3 FULL PAGE ADS, RECEIVE 4TH AD HALF PRICE HASE 400 or more ADS RECEIVE ONE FREE ISSUE all ads directly to the Editor at fame62401yahoo.comADVERTISING AUCTION The following pages will be AUCTIONED through Erika Moureau. Tres.Bids accepted via phone 281 252-0333. e-mail. USPS. FedEx and UPS.Bids close 500 P.M. September 3. 2008. Ads include one photo. Additional photos 25 each.Back Cover minimum 500,e Front Cover minimum 350, Facing Page to Inside Front Cover minimum 350, de Back Cover minimum 350, Facing Page to Inside Back Cover minimum 20, 2f0890 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM90I I I I I i i i inmwtT.I Congratulations Kelly Reimschiissel on your kennel visit. I hope you get to sit more at next years banquet dinner.-nJeanie did very well at our National again this year, only a year and half of age and just needs a 3 pt. major to finish. Not bad for a blue. It's hard to find judges that know what she is. X aht .v 1V s i . i Id like to thank judge Michele Billings for appreciating this pretty blue girl. \\V'Vi. l PImm3RDPLACE BRED BY EXHIBITOR 1 . 1 I" fi KBITCHAnd thank you to all of Jeanie's fans for all the wonderful compliments paid at the National especially from Chris Heartz and Fred Bassett. It was an honor to receive such positive comments from two people who everyone holds in such regard.MARCH 12. 2008 '1ATI0NAL SPECIALTYiHOMAS tJ f. II.iV r1I'm sorry it took so long to express my appreciation, but my heart, soul and time was with my Mother whom I lost this Mothers Day. I'll miss her very much. Nothing will ever be the same.lill1I ii iii\ EH4 4ij.MlPKlwnnei ^3'Xwill 1A gnr ifmsim 7iwkhMMl4Wrmii1^1 WfLwVAYS'1m1M 'iiEllllh r. \rrr. fmu1ar .Xv Ml iTresstique puBonnie Harritrcsspomsliolinail.comR vTAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 912008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM91rm i i i inP O N D S I D EPROUDLY PRESENTS THEJR NEWEST COMPANION DOGrCH PONDSIDE WINGS OF AN ANGEL CGN CD s31 kLam My sincere thank you to the following judges Del Lunn - First Place with a score of 184.5 Robin Shea - Second Place with a score of 183.5 Susan Des Cotes - Second Place with a score of 180.5-o Annie is our special little girl and I am very proud of the way she worked.Her CD was obtained in one weekend of trials.mALESSMITHCOMPANION DOG , wtiiKENTRoberta MallottKCTift aue u2038 PONDSIDE TOYSpondside.toyssympatico.ca4 4SLllS SSPATDL JL SPITZ AL,'AAi C.ZAiJz,We would like people in all parts of the world to know about our Club of German Spitz in Spain. 4 Our most sincere thanks to the Pom Review for that.1M.u M 'C.E.S.AZ4.s BP rM ,t0 "-' hn [ 5 VXifIIn Spain, we are working to help and promote all varieties of this breed.This is the most important reason and first priority for our club.m mdrmk 53..w0sm\ y- tPAIN92 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM92I I I I I i i i in4DoublesseSpecial EffectUSrillrS'48W, i ^ ^- .-51^KewflBfiCSmsits ajir1 on your well-deserved Kennel Visit. We wish you continued success in your future breeding and showing. "W 3V5MrXrMa2' V . it riUm V.J 7mk\ A i r v"V 4tw, f.riA CTtlSfffSf mmtu FgTiTfM mm.rpXX 4ilAvertiscto A, to M\i jiJ1ICI..1UATMztmafATH\\ ^ 2,iiA'i ci SB 74rm i A^,'las. fyVBEST OF BREEDMABCH 12.2008 k L- W77KBI Ivi i iI IIIiJlllllHllllllllllllHIlllllll I, 11 vim hh mil r micrtbt UA,Ay_t1 jAN-SHARS V1UD cardDAMPH1LAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 932008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 112 PM93i i i inKfcIsPomeraniansr,s,-ra\zz7 sm^Li'iii1 RANt.fBEST OF WINNERSI '.O,82f miHii'IITMitffl 'JT, H t r7j\ 1Her Majesty's I Got Your Back Jonathan l\ Owned and Bred By Chuck Whittemore and Randy Houston423-728-0200 Cleveland, TNBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX COLUMBUS K.C. MAY. 2008 0 PHOTO BY BRYAN MQNABB4Kissami's Love Child For Her Majesty BrookeKelly we love you and can't thank you enough forZedd. The Pink is for youfiijaJ - - .F V 1Thanks to everyone who lifted us up over the past few months. For many of you that have asked.We have broken grounds2SI \i m lAHer Majesty's Over The Edge Ridge is currently being handledby our good friend Bronya JohnstonRidge494 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 113 PM94rm i i i i4 r Fujitsu s-Dragon Empress sp l T- i Citfetat 1\ I1v ..r wI StVAri', aaF\i- rti miixV i.vfJB' .an rftw eOFOPPOSISBl WINNERS BITCHyli4 4MT. BAKER KENNEL CLUBMAY 17 8t 18,2008PHOTOS BY ELAINEIThank you Judge Murrel Purkhiser for this WB and Best of OppositeSex at the Mt. Baker Kennel Club Show in Lyden, Washington. k1L f uj Congratulations Kelly Reimschiissel on your kennel visit. Fujitsu Poms sends special prayers for Shalon of Ragdoll Poms continued recovery Happy Birthday Mom Lila \Drane M, Zech - OwnerBreederHlandfer FujitsuPomsPort Orchard, WA 98366 - fujrtsupomsjwavecable,com Ph^ 360-871^8^04 www,members,tripod,comfujitsupomsr8Vf t tT7APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 952008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 113 PM95I I I I I i i i inhdrotn the COids o^ CUest ddr^tnia toCar ^irst adventure aillhe the aelds o^the Shoo dCtujFAIRYSTONES DR. PEPPER OF SHOWINSrBij clwuuis r^lart ^rindle tDiAl fVlptC^an,C3t c^wmJcis Cnjthw CUilds o^ Canada.u2 rwWby\i .AMHIVt ,sLv\I'3V, sA TlVi VI \ \ r\ V'i. 9P vM4i'fV F' I.xSwi1 n-I V ,1 A I y,ii s \1flv ..a'SJT ii .if i i \i2 vT[-.7]"'QCA. vyk T .P \mi fVign f j Doc is a "Wolf Sable" of excellent temperament and soundness. We will be introducing him into our breeding program.We appreciate all the inquires weve had about Doc but he will remain at Private Treaty through the end of 2008, t\19 LL r\' CjIKCOhlihJZ\ABred by Cheryl Roberson - Fairystone Kennels wned byLee-Ann Lambert -SugarLamb Poms mcqtnt21.com4k m96 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 JULY AUG Review 06 04 08 C.p65 6122008, 113 PM96i i i i nmmfti BMTfr,fa IwftU .r HItm mciPii..W1' 4to4miFirrc-t.. ..wV- ...oi'n1.i\tg1IsC3F 3 \iC0D y..i r u..S ,34,1 "i--t - .7-3 -L,