The Pomeranian Review November 2008

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2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 12008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1024 PM1a jz z zl Sivanti K -v^l'ft-w5 r v V'V -IT - 9j j2 - 2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1024 PM2I II II m11I s tUJiamuJDiJjnta j j_rjJJDDU JJVy 7'N.JV 4-l\ IMji-BEST OF WINNERS MAJOR WINMEMPHIS. TENN KENNEL CLUBAUGUST 2008BILL MEYER PHOTO f'W-I would like to tliaok Piper's breeders. David and Darlene Gllstrap for this pretty girl. Tbanks also to David aid Darlene Dilshap and Jinn Berryman for shewing her. Thanks to the iollewing judges who appreciated Piper.Mr. Zell Von Pohlman - Best of Winners, Best of OppositeMr. Edd E. Bivin - Winners, Best of OppositeMrs. Erika K. Moureau - Best of Winners, Best of BreedMr. James Hupp - Best of Winners, Best of OppositeMr. Dana Plonkey - Best of Winners, Best of Opposite - MajorBarbara MeyerMrs. Dorothy Naegele - Best of Winners - Major Dr. Harry Smith - Best of Winners Mr. David J. Kirkland - Best of Winners Mr. Norman Patton - Best of WinnersShown byDavid a Carlene Gllstrap, Ann Berrym442008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 32008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1024 PM3 INI n i i i i4mfifuHer Jkk. - J v^B I ^vllpiNEW CHAMPION CRSn IlJJh. i ll I.My sincere thank you to Sally Baugniet for this beautiful fella - he is my FIRST show dog and part of my heart and soul. Thank you Lynn Meyer for your fantastic and caring handling of my boy in taking him to his Championship with back to back MAJORS. Thank you both so much.Blessed HolidayI BEST OF BREED OR VARIETY "Ucongrats to lenna McMullins,- i------------ is want to thank my beautiful great-niece, Hope Gould, for continuing Macks' career as a Special with multiple BOBs and in Jr. Showmanship.What a blessing she is.Owned and Loved byWendy Lone - Honeys PomsBreeder Sally Baugniet V. lanelycos. com4 - 2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1024 PM4mr 4- n i i i iStarfires Odiame MasiuEnzoOwned byMaria De Luna J. Carlos De LunaOwned Bred by Tony Cabrera Fabian ArientiT2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 52008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1024 PM54i i mOnCy 10 months ohf...-Back to Back All Breed Best in Show with only 7months of age Mexico-Best Puppy in the history of Mexico winning 18times Best Puppy In Show-Best Pom in Mexico 2008 winning 30 times Best of Breed-Winners Dog The Pomeranian Club of GreaterHouston 2008 Specialty-Best of Sweepstakes The Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston 2008 SpecialtyThanks to all the judges in Mexico USAWe would also like to thank our beloved friend and exclusive handler in Mexico Oscar Hernandez Lizardi.Starfires Poms 305 257-2818 www.starfirespoms.comFortuna Kennel 52 722 271-6614 www.fortunakennel.comTftaEXPOSICIONTODAS LAS RAZAS6 - 2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1024 PM6rm mtZsW^TlCfA O memnUMiA freierMCH O MY VALENTINO LOVCH Valcopy Wakhan Valentino X O My Pistol s Ebony Jewel-T I-JTHIRD PLACE GROUP js.METRO MILE HIG KENNEL CLUB, LT _ ^71008 ""4V, I GENT PHOTOIrm4A special thanks to Judge Caroline Herbal who recognized that at 9 12 years "The old boy still has it" and awarded him a BOB and Group 3 from the Veterans Class at the June Metro Mile Hi Toy Specialty.At the September Metro Mile Hi Toy Specialty he was awarded Best in VeteranSweepstakes by Judge Doug Johnson.Congratulations to the "J Team", Junior Handler Jenna McMullins and Kissami's Junior Attraction aka "JR" on your feature. You show JR to perfection.Nancy ThomasThomas 303-985-36152008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 72008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM7 i i i inn arIfun'j'ju Iv fvnrysm 'wfw suppsrlsd sur lOguurfVisit kisi vitwiLA..Lbw m . vw.V^ 7ATCongratulations rMihe dShalon on your feature We treasure your friendship, wish you Soth many years of health, happiness e success. Thanh^youfor the opportunity to co-own c handle Thai's first Som 'Daisy" to her championship. She has Seen so much fun to show e has Srought us some wonderful memories of our time in the ring -with her dad.Jr dC Jennifer JLunn8 - 2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM8I II II mRagdoll ed0s\ v' tit. I Ifi\iiIIm11 .\I j r\ t- 3-JrSU-Ch Achilles Fit To Be Thai'd X Keody's Spirit Of TaraAt only \Qi months old "Daisy already has an impressive show record that includes back to back majors, multiple BOB wins from the classes, and 13 points, in just 11 shows with Jr A Jennifer Munn of Achilles Pomeranians. iBred Owned by Mike Shalon Parrott Co-Owned Handled by Jr Jennifer Munn2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 9Hey Whatcha doing Why dont we sit a minute together and I can tell you a story that started what seems like toomany years ago, and other times seems just like yesterday. Grab a cup of coffee, or a Coke, and sit down a minute.We are Mike and Shalon Parrott, Ragdoll Poms. When we started it was Little Ragdoll Pomeranians. OK, maybeits the arthritis or something but that seems like way too much Mike never writes, unless under threat of something,so almost always it is me. Come to think of it, it is mostly me on the phone as well. How the heck did he get equalbilling in all this I guess we will have to look further into that. Maybe its his great handling and trainingMy friend, Jennifer Munn and I thought quite a bit about writing kennel visits, as they are one issue apart. Sheactually took the issue I wanted, and not being able to put it off any longer - after all December is the last one of theyear. I finally caved in. We procrastinated on the normal First came this dog, then that dog, then the next dog typeof visit. I guess they are OK, and believe me later in this there will certainly be some back patting going on. But weboth said we wanted to do something a little different as well. So lets take a small trip back in time, down memorylane as they say.A very little boring background Mikes working life has been in the printing industry, mainly as a bookbinderoperator. I have been in several things, but I too have a background in printing, and many times we have workedtogether at the same company. I have also worked in Human Resources and customer service. We met at work, ata printing company. We married, bought a house, etc, and wanted to get a pet. We had a few different ones, CockerSpaniels as well as a bunny, a white ring-neck dove, and oh the fish Mikes mother had a Pom named Fozy. Wedecided we were going to get a Pom. We did, our first Pom was Peanut. I call her our rescue Pom, because I thinkthat we did in a way rescue her from where she was, though she wasnt technically from a rescue group. She wasspayed, and had all kinds of health issues. As most pet owners do, we watched Westminster. Wow... what the heckHow come those Poms look different than our Peanut Well I want one like thatThat takes us to the tabloid, sordid secret past of Ragdolls. Well not really, because I have always been honest toanyone who would listen. But I think it bears repeating, because as much as everyone in Poms thinks they are wellknown, Im quite sure there are people who dont know anything about us. Maybe one or two new people will seethemselves in our story. I have always believed that you will take away all the wind in the gossip sails if you tellwhatever it is, and taking that power away. We bought Poms out of the paper. Typical of what you would think,APC KENNEL VISITRagdollPomsMikeandShalonParrott2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM9 INI 4 i i i inVa...-.4 4410 - 2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEWthere were no rules. No spayneuter,nothing. We were going to breed andsell Yippee This would surely be somegood extra money. Wrong. We hadAKC Poms, as well as the dreaded CKCContinental Kennel Club Poms. Youknow them, the worthless registry rightWe were snowed into that by a breederthat in retrospect we think wassuspended from AKC, but what did weknow We didnt like what we had,placed them all and tried to get realPoms, like the ones we saw on TV. Ibought books, magazines, anything Icould get. We bought real show Pomsfrom show breeders. And we bought, andwe bought. Poms that were sold asshow. Many were not. There areseveral reasons for this. Many of themare ours. Lack of knowledge andexperience, first and foremost. Butbreeders share equal responsibility whenthey claim everything to be a showdog. And buyers when they dont knowenough about structure, pedigrees, anddont know to wait. No different thantoday - we started back in 1995 - youcould certainly buy a male, but bitcheshow long did it take you to be able touse that word without cringing wereimpossible. We bought an AKCregistered black Pom out of the paper.The first Pom we showed. Again,looking back probably not the best thing,but his quality turned out pretty nice anda natural show dog. Thank goodness Wesure didnt know what the heck we weredoing. We thought they all were that waysomeone slap me now I of coursedidnt know how to groom, or shall wereally cut to the chase and say sculpt.Back then, when we traveled by wagontrain, the standard did not say we couldsculpt. Only trim for neatness. The ears,feet, around the butt. Well seems wewere the only naive ones back then. Weactually showed that way, while manyshow people would snicker at us and toldus we needed to learn how to groom.Wonder who got that last laugh Theyloved us, loved to make points from ourentries. If people think that it is difficultto show other colors now, it wasalmost impossible back then. Iremember one show after an 8-hourdrive that Mike was told to stand in acorner. Never did he leave that corneragain, with our black dog. We went insearch of an orange dog. This wassupposed to be a family thing, but it wasquickly falling apart. People were rude,unfriendly, and we had no mentor.Others tried to run us out by startingrumors. Welcome to the dog game. Wepersevered. I learned to groom bylooking at the Pom magazines, therewere three at that time, and try to copythose dogs. Mike took over showing,because to be blunt, I would come homein tears due to peoples actions. All ofthe friendliness that we thought was indog showing just wasnt there for us.Mike got better, I got better. We boughta male from Eleanor Miller - MillamorPoms that was to put us on our way. Hewas called Ralph. His registered namewas misnamed by us, another novicemistake. One. We spent years having toapologize for and explain. Did I say thatIm pretty blunt Maybe I should take aminute to say that now. Eleanor and Italk, and its fine now. But breeders,dont assume that everyone knows theins and outs of showing dogs. If there isa name you want to use, discuss this withthe buyers. There will be nomisunderstandings then.Anyway, girls... bitches... where werethey Not available unless you knewsomeone. What was to be one of ourfoundation bitches came from KenGriffith - Lenette Poms. Her name isNora. She is still with us at 14 years oldby the time you read this. That breedingof Ralph to Nora, is what produced ourvery first bred by litter of quality. Thatone litter produced our very firstchampions. That litter was a very firstof many things. They were the first allchampion litter we bred. The firstbrothersister champions we bred, andthe female, Kirby, was the very first timewe ever won a point. This was THREEYEARS of showing before we ever wona point. How many of you would havepersevered that long Not one of thenewer people I know would go threeyears in this without a win and still behere. That litter was Ch. RagdollsBateries Not Ncluded Kirby and Ch.Ragdolls No Assembly RequirdGizmo. Gizmo was RWD at theNational Specialty in 1999, how far wehad come... and won an Award of Meritthe following year in 2000. Quite sadlyand unexpectedly we lost Giz about 6RAGDOLLS TANGO OF SOURWOODCH RAGDOLLS NO ASSEMBLY REQUIRDCH RAGDOLLS BATERIES NOT NCLUDEDKennel Visit Continued2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM10I4 secss.Vvve4 S3tTiI2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 11months after that to an aneurysm. Hewas shown at the Nationals the first timein 1999 by Linda Pelz, and the followingyear by Donna Machniak. Both of thesewomen at the time, as well as MikeWells, showed several of our dogs forus, while we were showing some as well.They were, and still are excellent at whatthey do, and during the early years weprobably could not have done what wedid without the extra help, so thank youall. See I told you the this dog, thenthat dog part would get here.As things go, so does dog showing. Itseems like you can win the single points,but not the majors. You can win themajors, but not BOB. Its like a glassceiling. But once you have done it, itgets easier. Honestly I dont rememberwho the next Champions were. Therewas a repeat breeding of the GizKirbylitter, which produced Ch. RagdollsHeat Advisory, Hampton. He was shownCH RAGDOLLS HEAT ADVISORYand owned by Andrea Hall, SunsationPoms. When we lost Giz, we tried onemore time for that magic and producedthe litter of Lance and Brook. In manyways I have always thought Lance wasthe best Pom we had ever bredgorgeous in every way, and a red sablecolor to die for. We showed him to noavail. Linda Pelz took him and put 7points on him, but he never finished.Lance is retired now. His sister diedtragically after being perfectly healthy,whelping a litter and the very next dayhad a complete trachea collapse afternever having a problem a day in her life.Oxygen, intensive care, and the optionof surgery would not have saved her. Welost her, then her entire litter when wehad to send them to another breederfriend Trish Rowley to raise. It was notthe best time here that is for sure. Thereason why we sent the babies to Trishwas because not only did we lose Brook,but at the same time one of our showkids snuck out the door, was stolen andheld for ransom. They moved him twohours away and we had to pay to get himback. It was all touch and go and wereally didnt know if we would get himback. That was all after I had hand raisedhim and his litter sister from birth to 10weeks. The two of them were RagdollsThey Call Me Kid Rock Kid and Ch.Ragdolls Cookies And Cream CC.When they were shown they were ourCH RAGDOLLS GINGERBREAD COOKIECH RAGDOLLS COOKIES AND CREAMfastest pointed kids to date, and wethought they would finish together untilKid, who always had an up and downteste, decided that having them both staydown wasnt his plan. Sadly after a yearhe was placed.In between there were many otherchampions, some owned by us, some byothers. We bought a brood bitch fromElaine Way, named Lakeway NRagdolls Candy Apl. Candy was thebeginning of our infamous Cookie lineof our pedigrees. Candy was nevershown, but she gave us Ch. RagdollsGingerbread Cookie Cookie and in thesame litter, Ch. Ragdolls Gift OfAllridge Jerry owned and shown byValerie Allridge, Allridge Poms. FromCookie came Ch. Ragdolls SugarCookie Sugar, Ch. Ragdolls CookieCH RAGDOLLS GOLDMST SUGAR COOKIECrumb Crumb, and Ch. RagdollsCookies And Cream CC. From Sugarsone and only litter comes Ch. RagdollsCream And One Sugar Chai, ourfastest finishing Pom to date, finishingCH RAGDOLLS CREAM AND ONE SUGAR2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM11^^ZCCCQ 4eV412 - 2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEWin 3 weekends at 7 months old, beatingCC who finished in 9 total shows. Chaiwon a Group 2 as a move up Special thenext show weekend. Chai is the newmom of JD, the sire is Thai Ch.Achilles Fit To Be Thaid. Hopefully thiswill be the next generation to come. AtCH RAGDOLLS GOLDMST COOKIE CRUMBRAGDOLLS DAZED N CONFUSEDNEWEST PUPPY BORN AT RAGDOLLCH ACHILLES FIT TO BE THAIDCH GLEN IRIS MARK OF ZORROthe time of the GizKirbyHampton erathere was also Ch. Ragdolls As GoodAs It Gets, named Jack after JackNicholson and the movie of the samename. He was born during the AcademyAwards that year. Jack was owned byMary Allan, Allayns Poms, and shownby Coral Appleton and Mary.That leads us to the current era. Wealso bought and finished two boys fromCheryl Jackson, Glen Iris Poms. One ofthose, Ch. Glen Iris Mark Of Zorro thesire of Chai is one of two boys we areusing now. Our hope is that he and Ch.Achilles Fit To Be Thaid, bred byJennifer Munn, and finished ownerhandled by the Munns will help usfurther on our way. We also hope to havepuppies sired by Ch. DreamWeaversRing Of Fire Tango in 2009. This willincorporate what we already work with,a blend of the Great Elms andChriscendo backgrounds through notonly our existing dogs here, but with theAchilles, DreamWeaver, and Glen Irisadditionally. Both Thai and Zorro arethe sires to some promising puppies atthis time. Thais first puppy, a bitchnamed Daisy, Ragdolls Dazed NConfused, is gorgeous. She is majorpointed 13 points going BOB threetimes, being shown by Jennifer andJunior Munn. We thank them for takingDaisy and showing her for us. I had aserious health problem in May, and theMunns stepped up to help us, one of justa few people to do so.There are many things we could talkabout, and really should talk about for aminute before the normal sign off. Thereis the question of buying showpuppies. How many of the people outthere have the patience necessary Theyneed or want male or female - doesntmatter. For the most part, immediatelythe high volume breeders are thought ofand approached. Granted, not manysmall breeders have puppies to offer allthe time. But the slippery slope to thatis that people should really take the timeto get to know the breeders that theyadmire. Look at the websites, themagazines, whatever it is and narrowdown the breeders that breed the typeof Pom you like and want to have. Getto know those people. In turn, you willbe privy to upcoming puppies that maybe what you want. A lot of this impulsebuying that people do would end. Do notbe unrealistic, and expect that breederto keep the dog for a year while youdecide, but it is a slightly bigger decisionthan going to WalMart to get a gallon ofmilk. With trepidation I say go to visitthem. I say trepidation because we allhave lives, lets be real a minute. Whenits convenient for you to drop by oneweekend, may not be for me. Plus mostpeople feel compelled to have a spotlesshouse for people to drop in. Mine isntspotless for any of you thinking this is agood ideaThere are the many health issues,including that dreaded Alopecia.Breeder of a dog that came down withit Yep, sure am. Bought a dog that camedown with it Yep, sure did. Bred a dogafter it showed signs No, I have not.Kennel Visit Continued2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM122008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 13MICHAEL JOSHBEFORE MARINE BOOT CAMPBut I also cannot, and will not judgewhat others do. Again, lets be real. Ourfirst one lost coat at 7 years old. Do youthink he was never used prior Iveknown others that were 10. Think theywere not used The whole cottonycoat issue everyone wants to pounce on.Well I actually have known of more dogsthat had normal coats lose them, thanthe cottony ones. I should put in thisdisclaimer I know several dogs withcoat loss, owned by various people. Ihave heard of probably 10x that many.If someone discloses information thatthey dont want repeated on this subject,I dont. For that reason, I couldnt eventell you all their names. I am told inconfidence, then I promptly forget it.Another lesson for newer people. Speakless, listen more. Especially as thispertains to the numerous email lists thatare everywhere on the Net. Put anotherway, while you are trashing a breederon email lists think about this Unlessyou absolutely never plan to breed, youtoo will be a breeder one day. You toomay see your name in lights. No one isforced to buy a dog, and the future ofthat dog is not in your control. Untilthere are DNA markers andor rule inout tests, we do the best we can.Should you test Should you guaranteeShould you have strict contracts Thereare so many things. As so many readersof this magazine are APC members, youshould conduct yourself appropriately,always as if your mother is looking overyour shoulder.When I became ill recently, it broughthome the importance of friends andfamily. There are several people we callfriends, and many more acquaintances friendsthat have shown our dogs for us,friends that you cry with, friends youcall when you win, friends that you canwhine to, and they will bring the glasses.If you are to survive long, you will needthem. They will come and go. Noteveryone is meant to stay forever. Youwill have falling outs, and getting backs.We would like to take a moment toacknowledge just a few of them, but byno means all of them. Linda Pelz,DreamWeaver Poms, of course,probably my longest friend and that hasnot always been a smooth road eitherJennifer Munn, a newer friend, but onethat has often times a scary way of beinglike me and thinking alike run Jen runand her husband Junior. Trish Rowleyand her sister Judy Stone. They havehelped Mike show our dogs so manytimes I cant even tell you remember, Idont go. Mike helps them as well.Tammee and Dan Felix, RoxanneCollins, Roberta Mallot, Randy Buske,Cassandra Evans and Jo Eanes. Mymemory is not as sharp now, and Imsure I have forgotten many.One last shout out to our son Josh. He isour pride and joy, and was often thekennel help, the one that did at one timeor another almost everything. He isgrown now and has become a Marine,but he will always be a part of Ragdolls.Semper Fi JoshIn closing, we would like to thankBrenda and the Pom Review for our veryfirst APC Kennel Visit There is so muchmore I could write, and Im sure peoplehave read other articles Ive written...but until we meet again...HappyHolidaysfromThe APCand ThePomeranianReview2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM13jSSz 'ov^v ,8 t' ..4\Vlr4 11HIm4Jfi',-ii i i i n 4 nni^H14 - 2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAdvertisers Index......................................................92AKC Responsible Owners.....................................58, 59AKC Secretary Report........................................40Anniversary Issue Hard Bound............................94Anniversary Issue Order Blank...........................94APC Board Summary Janice Russell.........................31APC Dues Notice.............................................93APC National Specialty Info..............................38, 39APC Officers...........................................................27APC Poll Results.................................34-36APC Statement......................................................32APC Stats Joan Behrend...................................47-49Ask Us Anything Annette Davis...........................32, 33Back Issue Information..........................................92Columbia Pom Club.....................................90, 91Coming Events....................................................58Cover Story ........................................................15Dallas Pom Club.........................................76, 77DVD Order Form............................................89Enemy Within Marge Kranzfelder........................41, 42Health and Genetics Geneva Coats....................52-55Housebreaking, Stages of Barbara McClatchey.........37Judges Education Fred C. Bassett....................56, 57Junior Showmanship Jenna McMullins...............70, 71Just FUR Fun.........................................................69Kennel Visit ......................................................9-13Kennel Visits, Future Features............................78, 89Letter To The Editor............................................36Members Only Website......................................28Membership Report Annette Davis............................26Memorial, Patty Griffin.......................................75Michigan Pom Club............................................45Nominating Committee Report..............................39New Champions Joan Behrend............................50, 51Ode To An Alopecia X Pom......................................46Performance News Barbara McClatchey..............62-68Pom Club of Central Indiana.................................43, 44Presidents Report Cynthia Boulware.................28, 29Purina Partner Plan......................................29Registrars Corner Carol Leemhuis...........................26Review Advertising Rates.....................................30Ring Ready Katie Gammill...............................72-74Salute to Our Armed Forces...................................78Saries Story Donnita Ackley......................60, 61Spa Weekend Geneva Coats....................................33Subscription Card.....................................................88Subscription Manager Notice....................................93SubscriptionReview Information.......................88, 92Sunshine and Roses...........................................88Trophy Donations........................................93Ways and Means Donna Riehm...................................932008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM14The Pomeranian Reviewn i i i iContents Front Cover.\ Am pp \ IjaSIRE CH. JAN-SHARS FRESH OFF THE FARM DAM POOLSIDE A PIECE OF THE ROCKWH1HFAmmM . W.mim-M mm.i"ssI Xwm\uw1-mM442008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 152008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM15Clhi Breeders offline Porvis slrtce ^SJ1440Pom Orchid Lane, Kannapolis, North Carolina 28081 Phone 704 938-2042 Ken and Eleanor GriffithE3Simw."A . ^Hilcrest's Flying High x Ch. Misty Moonlight of LenetteIntroducing "Griff', our new show and stud hopeful for 2009. He is the grandson of Ch. Merrymont Fly By Nite and great-grandson of Ch. Merrymont Sat'rday Nite Fever. We have named him in memory of our friend Patty Griffin.Thanks Vikki Oelerich for finishing our newest stud Ch. Smoky Mtn. Rain of Lenette. Sired by Ch. Band of Gold of Lenette and out of Honeycomb of Lenette. This is champion 8 for his sire and champion 7 for his dam.Congratulations to Alta and Tommy Davis on finishing Ch. Rialta's Paperdoll of Lenette.This is the 8th Lenette champion to finish this year.Best wishes to Mike and Shalon Parrott on your kennel visit.WE HAVE 11 NEW LITTERS EXPECTED, including the first litters by Ch. Smokey Mtn. Rain of Lenette and Ch. J.J.'s Crown Prince of Lenette. Get those orders in early so you won't be lenettectc.net416 - 2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM16CR Afina's Honey Bear CuddlesCH Cheyennes Kodiak Bear Second ROM x Geebears CR Carebearvy -i AzAvJiS BEST OF WINNERS. ^^ toMAJOR WIN MENSONA KENNEL CLUBAUGUST 2008 0BEST OF OPPOSITE SEXOBrien PhotosaA4 Point Maj orWinnersBest of WinnersBest of Opposite to a very nice special.Thank you [udge Thomas A. Kilcullen for recognizing Sophie's merits in the show ring.Fancy Face Poms - Wendi fancyfacepomssbcglobal.net2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 172008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM17CR Afina's Honey Bear CuddlesCH Cheyennes Kodiak Bear Second ROM x Geebears CR CarebearJ ITSEPTEMBERV\N\UNERS \KOHLR PHOTO i4Sophie continued her winning streak at Prescott Arizona Kennel Club Show. September 13 WBOS Thank you Judge Mrs. Sari Brewster Tietjen. September 14 WBOS Thank you judge Mrs. Loraine Boutwell. October 4 WOS, Group 3 Best OS Florence Males.October 5 WOS, Group 1 Best OS Linda Caldwell.Thank you to all of the judges for appreciating our girl.Fancy Face Poms - Wendi fancyfacepomssbcglobal.net18 - 2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM18New ChampionCH LARAJUS PARAGON'S HOW D MOST WAS WONJ "HOWDy" M\r B i il,NEW CMMPIONBEST OFWINNERSy\siLONGVIEW KELSO KENNEL club2008 .ji l AUGUSTli PALLSCM-LEA PHOTO s ... men Jl VmJorLaRajus Collateral Damage x Park Awe's Sweet MagnoliaTHANK YOU TO THE FOLLOWING JUDGES Dr. John C. Shelton 3 point majorMr. Robert D. Sharp 4 point majorDr. Harry Smith Jr. Mrs. Donnelle Richards Mr. David M. Krogh Mrs. Suzanne DillonBred by Tom Wilson and Laura Newbold Owned and loved by Teresa and Kevin White Handled by Teresa WhiteEvensong www.evensongpoms.com2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 192008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM19 INI i i i in"JoJo" wins the group...CH. WOODROSE'S CAUSIN' A COMMOTIONST.f ,KfcaMMACCH. RAZZEL DAZZLE HAT DANCE ROM X WOODROSES JENNIMALALO goes to Ms. Dorothy MacDonald for this Group 1 win and Mr. Heitzman for the BOB on September 27, 2008. Also, MAHALO to Mr. Norman Patton for a Group II on September 28,2008 and BOB October 5, 2008 under Mrs. Pardue.INTRODUCING OUR NEW STAR...TIDBIT OF LENETTE_- irjEKS4Congrats to MikeShalon Parrott on their kennel visit.Congrats also to Jenna McMullins on your Junior featureCH. BARBARO OF LENETTE XJORJA OF LENETTEThis was "Tidbit's" first show winning points at just 7 months under Mr. Heitzman. FLASH Tidbit goes BOW October 4 and 5, 2008 underJudges Muthard and Pardue. MAHALO to Ken Griffith for this lovely boy. He is a joy with a wonderful personalityClarice Yvette Oganeku45-232 Lilipuna Rd.Kaneohe, HI 96744"WHERE QUALITY COUNTS" WOODROSEPH 808 235-8142 email woodrosehawaii.rr.com420 - 2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM20mr 4 n i i i ilZr-ym\u\SMITH ftrest of newWINNERS CHAMPIONBARWti20KWe want to send a great 6ig Congrats to Jenna MctMuCCitis and "JRJ ahja Kjssami's Junior Attraction on tfeir Junior Handlerfeature. I have not yet had the pleasure of meeting Jenna, hut I hope to soon. I did however meet J as I am the very proudhreeder. JJjwas speciaCas a pup and he hnew it. O6vious[y so didPaula when she saw him during her visit to our home, as she called me ahout a month later ashing for him. I thanhjPauCa also for hedeving in J^andnot giving up on his showing. She searched and found Jenna and WOW what a team they have made His sire is equally as proud.Roxanne Coffins BreederCo-OwnerXissami enne[ 219 866 4464 www. angeCfire. com. inhissamihennel4Can Ch issami's Roadside AttractionMajor pointedI also want to send a huge and very wed-deserved congrats toShalon andMihe of RagdoCCPoms. Hour friendship is a blessing, your dedication to the breed is outstanding. Hour Poms are gorgeous. May you have many more years of success.i r T fT i rStar Di Rreamer's 'jlomeraniansCongratufations toJenna McMuCCinsfor her Junior Jhandfer feature. ffianCyou so much for aff your hard worffwith JR.he J-Jfeam is so much fun to watch in the ring.Wishing hoth of you hots ofpurpfe andgofdVauCa OfiCemackerstardreamerspomsprodigy. net 303-646-9144 poft[emacfterprodigy. net www.stardreamerspoms. com Star Dreamer's Miss Cafypso uu42008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 212008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM21CH DreamWeavers Rockin Robinnw\t 9v a CH DreamWeavers Ring of Fire X Royaltee N DreamWeavers Into The WestSWEEPSTAKEBEST OF BREEDh'if - f^ AWINNERSDOG Rf BESTOF OPPOSITE4p "Robin" is our 10th champion to finish from the Bred By Exhibitor Class and our 5th generation DreamWeaver Champion. He finished with a bang, by going Best in Sweeps and WDBOS over specials at the DFW Pom Specialty and then WDBOWBOB over Specials the next day at the Dallas Toy Dog Show. He also won Bred By Exhibitor Group One.Congratulations to Shalon and Michael Parrott of Ragdoll Poms.It's been a wild ride these last ten years, but you guys have done great.BreederOwnerHandler - Linda Pelz - Dreamweaverpoms.com22 - 2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM22CH Kalo's Rock N Music City-.VAWARD OF MERITTHOMAS PHOTOGRAPHYthomasphoto30hotmail.comXmAt nearly 6 years old,Nash is still going strong. As of August 3112 Pom - Breed system 11 Pom All Breed system.ashCongratulations Mike and Shalon on your kennel visit.You have gorgeous Poms - always beautifully groomed and well-trained.Belated congratulations to Junior and Jennifer Munn on your kennel visit in the SeptemberOctober 2008 Pom Review. I wished you would come down to our neck of the woods more often.Carolyn Brandenburg - Kalo's E-mail kalospomscomcast.netBeaucliff Kennels would like to thankBeverley Carterfor entrusting Luke, who is now an Australian Champion.At the Annual 2008 Royal Adelaide Show on September 12, 2008 "Luke" took many titles, including BOB, Best Of Group and continues to be shown towards a Grand Championship TitleCAN DAMASCUSROAD LUKE SKYWALKEREddieand Ruth Karciauskas2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 232008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM23New PREVIEW VIDEO CLIPS BEFORE YOU BUYFREE LEAFLETS INCLUDED WITH EACH VIDEO GROOMING TIPS, EQUIPMENT NEEDED AND WHERE TO BUY IT, AND HOW TO TRIM EARS.Have you ever wondered how the Poms in the showring and pictures are trimmed so nicely and how it is done We are pleased to present this Pom grooming video, "Pomeranian Grooming with Karen Crawford," by Karen Crawford of Xitable Pomeranians. This tape is not just for Pom show people, it is for all of you who have Poms and want to learn the professional but easy way to properly trim your Poms - from head to toe. For more information about Karen, the video, preview video clips, satisfied customer reviews and ordering, please visit our web site at httpwww.foxxlanepoms.comVideo, e-mail Pauline McFarlane at, or call Pauline at 304-813-1541.HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL OUR POM FRIENDSCongratulations to Mike and Shalon Parrott of Ragdoll Poms on your Kennel Visit and to Jenna McMullins on your Junior Handler feature.We would like to thank Mike Cande Gordon of Pominique Pomeranians for allowing Wl us to useAMInt CH Pominique Chasing Tatonka aka Tony as our demonstration model.mingKaren Crawford, Xitpble Pomeranians John and Pauline McFarlane, FoxxLane PomeraniansWANTEDTo purchase Silver Cream or Wolf Sable show quality male or female.Caryl has over 40 years experience in dogs and will train, groom andSHOW IN A PROFESSIONAL MANNER. WE KEEP 10 OR FEWER POMS. RIGHT NOW WE HAVE SEVEN ADULT POMS, FOUR ARE CHAMPIONS AND TWO ARE NEAR COMPLETION OF THEIR CHAMPIONSHIPS. THEY ARE PART OF OUR FAMILY AND VERY WELL CARED FOR.WE ARE NEAR COMPLETION OF OUR DREAM HOME ON A 26 ACRE HILLTOP NEARSan Antonio. Texas where the Poms will have large shaded yards asWELL AS THEIR OWN ROOM IN OUR HOUSE.IF THIS SOUNDS LIKE THE RIGHT OPPORTUNITY FOR YOUR SPECIAL POM, PLEASE CONTACT US.WE ARE ALSO INTERESTED IN STUD SERVICE FOR OUR CHAMPION BITCHES TO AN EXCEPTIONAL SILVER CREAM OR WOLF SABLE STUD.Caryl and Todd Scrimpsher RobCary PomsCANDTSGVTC.COM 210-889-893924 - 2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM24rmsy"v- V v.w1snn i i i iPOMERANIAN REVIEW ' - a 0 The Official Publication of Ihe American Pomeranian Club. Inc.udjdjjjt^ZO Ooy ' 'Wcvidv'XfiA.C 20 OS. - r4 Fifewm1 ' 2002-20WPOMERANIAN REVIEW_r jitOan^eb ZOOSi'l it time YOU advertise inTHE POMERANIAN REVIEW7IContact Advertising ManagerBecky lackson ol springwoodpomsaol.cotn or phone 256-762-5958 todayn,qifn,,.,.n,a..a ........ rr. ., SeptOct 2008Ch. Pondside High Voltage CD CGN RNScooting in to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and aff the 6est for 2009.LAV 1Wxfly hr'MAJOR WIN WINNERS IJL_Best "Wishes to Shafon and "Mihe Parrott - Rag doff Poms - on their ennef Visit.Roberta fMafott - Roadside Royswww.pondsidepoms.com4Congratulations Mike and Shalon on the occasion of your kennel visit. We are happy to have Ragdoll's Cookie Dough with us. She is a beautiful little girl, and has just been bred to our Parker son, Ch.Ozark's Travelin Dude. We have our fingers crossed for puppies as pretty as mom and dad.Sdcmcy fdjvifjynuay fSdcm6 Cd f 7W6--40-dO2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 252008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM2544 TA2ND PLACE BRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCHMARCH 12. 2008NATIONAL SPECIALTYTHOMAS PICTOGRAPHYthomaspl1 J3nf5h 1mail.comO'I I I IApril 18, 2007 -September 18, 2008RRIGIBLEWell d her MQuy to herChmipioDship snd dready id vomy hearts, Cor passed over the bridge d theTOTOID, fSepteTOfee 18, 2008. Ihe will fee very toed toJ slwys loved.BreederOwnerHandlerLisa Goodman Northmoor Pomswww.NorthmoorPoms.com0 Mtv-, tf-V 'Vflic 9IM I r nriffr rriHTZiTITr r 4fru r . p r nr 4r'r.-r L fIlf _ . . mi.-d. m. -r.VTSunGloPomeranians Dan Tammee httphome.att.netsunglopomsk-im. .StsaK3Sferi- S526 - 2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEWPO Box 23163Pittsburgh, PA 15222-6163412 848-6987 391 N. Mink Creek Rd. Pocatello, ID 83204 208 234-0932 infoavalonpom.comLetters other than those from sponsors commenting on theapplicants whose names are published in the Review are togo to Janice Russell, 3540 Kessler Blvd. N. Dr., Indianapolis,IN 46222. Comments must be received within 30 days ofpublication Standing Rule II 3. See the APC Website or contact AnnetteDavis for membership applications.Visit the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website athttpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgNEW MEMBERSAmy Eiserman PASponsors Camilla Knight, Carol LeemhuisPamela Dodsworth Larry Fox CANADASponsors Elizabeth Heckert, Joan BehrendBeth Hawthorne GASponsors Alta Davis, David GilstrapThomas Karen Kelly ALSponsors Algela Blocker, Carolyn BoninCorey Gatewood ALSponsors Geno Sisneros, David GilstrapAPPLICATIONSCindy Golden FLSponsors Bobbi Earle, Diane L. FinchSuzie Zemo-Letchworth VASponsors Jennifer Munn, Elizabeth HeckertDiane Freeman TX Sponsors Jackie Hirschberg, Judy StoneJoan Rose CANADASponsors Celeste Solano, Cheri McDonaldGail Stewart CANADASponsors Celeste Solano, Cheri McDonaldBeverly A. Allen Kam Guerra MDSponsors Kay Lyman, Margaret R. McKeeBette L. Meredith DESponsors Julie Clemen, Shari ShieldsSheila K. Koty WASponsors Diana Gross, Beverley A. CarterKathy Amanda Seitzer AZSponsors Gina Williams, Lisa GoodmanGOLD CLUBOTCh Gidgets Cinnamon Prince UDX5 RA DOwner Mike Carolyn SmithCH Ursa Minors Easy Ramble BOwner Ronald L McKim, Barbara Krzewicki,Heather McKimCH Golden Stars Terminator DOwner Anek SanehmahakulCH Tabletops Black Mail Sender DOwner Jan StachurskiREGISTRY OF MERIT EXCELLENTCH Music Maker Of Lenette DOwner K G GriffithHoneycomb Of Lenette BOwner K G GriffithMembership ContinuedMembership Continued2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM26 INI n i i i i-ti Membership RepcrtAnnette Davis4flDefiistrar Dentil Card Leemhuis42008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 27AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. OFFICERSPRESIDENT...................................................................................CYNTHIA G. BOULWARE6450 Rolling Heights Circle, Kaufman, TX 75142 PH 972 962-3872 Fax 972 962-3872 e-mail lovencountryearthlink.netFIRST VICE PRESIDENT.........................................................................JANE LEHTINEN1517 8th Street S, Virginia, MN 55792 PH 218 749-1154 Fax 218 741-9435 e-mail janlepomsnetscape.net2ND VICE PRESIDENT.....................................................................FRANCES J. STOLL2488 E Hwy 50, Washington, IN 47501 PH 812 254-3857 Fax 812 254-3254 e-mail stolanne650dialup.comRECORDING SECRETARY...........................................................JANICE C. RUSSELL3540 Kessler Blvd. N. Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46222 PH 317 924-9093 e-mail indypomsbcglobal.netCORRESPONDING SECRETARY.................................................CAROL LEEMHUISP.O. Box 23163, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-6163 PH 412 848-6987 e-mail RegistrarAmericanPomeranianClub.orgTREASURER....................................................................................ERIKA MOUREAU32110 Pattys Landing, Magnolia, TX 77354 PH 281 252-0333 e-mail ........................BOARD OF DIRECTORS............................Sally Baugniet David Gilstrap Judith B. GreenJackie Rayner Donna S. Riehm Greggory WatersThe American Pomeranian Club, Inc. is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting the Pomeranian dog and the protection andadvancement of the breed. We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims. If you are interested injoining the APC, please contact APC Membership Chairperson, Annette Davis, 391 N. Mink Creek Road, Pocatello, ID 83204. Phone 208 2340932or Email Membership applications also may be downloaded from the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website If you only wish to subscribe to the Pomeranian Review, please contact the Pomeranian Review CirculationManager, Cheri McDonald, PO Box 3402, San Dimas, CA 91773. Phone 909 394-7923, Email or Fax 909 599-4692.You need not be an APC Member to subscribe to or advertise in the Pomeranian Review.JACKIE RAYNER, DONNA RIEHM, GREGG WATERS, CAROL LEEMHUIS, DAVID GILSTRAP, ERIKA MOUREAU.SALLY BAUGNIET, JUDY GREEN, JANE LEHTINEN, JANICE RUSSELL, FRANCES STOLL. CYNTHIA BOULWARE ABSENT.American Pomeranian Club, Inc. website httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.org2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM27I II II m4rsriiI"VS 4 JSkyy-1 yy428 - 2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEWJane LehtinenActing PresidentAs I write this, Fall has truly fallen here. We just had ourfirst killer frost last night so my plants are droppinginstantly. Fall colors are in abundance as the leaves beginto change starting about the 15 of August. Our APCelection deadline to receive ballots is coming up fastNovember 15. We hope that each and every club memberwill vote. It is every members privilege to be able to vote, so please exercise it. Presently, we are looking foranother hotel to hold our National this March. The Clarion has had damage from a storm and we have been toldthat it is not going to be available for us to use. I know I can hear your yea about this one. I have been awareof the many posted emails from people expressing their concerns on the reviews that others have made on thisparticular hotel. So to make my explanation short and simple, we are moving to another hotel. I will let you allknow which one and where as soon as we have signed the contract. Check the APC website for the latestupdates regarding this.We had 300 surveys returned from club members. We hope to have the results posted on our Members Onlywebsite as soon as Kelly gets it up and running. Kelly Reimschiissel has been working on this new area of thewebsite and it should be completed shortly. Each member will be given a password to log on with. We plan tohave current information there that members can view at their convenience.The AKC has decided to change the number of groups from seven to ten. We, the American Pomeranian Club,have asked to remain in the Toy Group. Poms are a toy breed and even though they are also a Northern breed wefeel it best to be presented in its original group.The By-laws Committees work is progressing and we hope to have it presented to the membership by theNational next year. The committee is working hard on this daunting task but it understandably takes time tocomplete such a large, important job well.The Standard Committee is also working hard to produce a standard revision that all members can support. Ifyou have any suggestions, please contact Erika Moureau, or any committee member, to let them know yourthoughts.Welcome to the new members of our club Christine Crane VA, Ron Merilyn Smith AZ, Cathy MarkDriggers FL and Kimberly K. Thompson CA.The APC Officers and Board of Directors is pleased to announce the Members Only Website for APC Membersexclusively is now up and running. This site is only to be accessed by members of the American Pomeranian Cluband may be found at www.americanpomeranianclub.orgmembers If you have not received or misplaced the logoninformation, please contact Carol Leehmuis at CorrSecAmericanPomeranianClub.org2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM28 INI n i i i iru m the PresidentCynthia C. PculnareImaSLL.4 442008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 29The American Pomeranian Club is a participating member in this program.Purina Parent Club Partnership PPCP ProgramMembers of Purina Pro Club whose national parent club participates in the Purina Parent Club PartnershipPPCP Program may earn funding for canine health studies, education andor rescue efforts that willbenefit their breed. Since 2002, the first year of the PPCP program, there has been more then 710,000generated for health research, education or rescue. As of 2005, there are 149 National breed clubsparticipating in the program.Heres how the PPCP Program works Pro Club members redeem weight circles from bags of participatingPurina brand dog foods. Purina tracks these weight circle submissions, and for every 100 of qualifyingweight circle points earned by Pro Club members, Purina donates 10 to the participating national parentbreed club.Points are accumulated throughout a calendar year, and in February, a check representing 10 percent of thevalue of the submitted weight circles for the year is evenly split between the participating national parentbreed club and the AKC Canine Health Foundation. The donation that goes to the AKC Canine HealthFoundation is eligible to be matched up to 100 percent by the Canine Health Foundation if it meets theGROUP REALIGNMENTS - Marge KranzfelderAPC recently asked its members to participate in a survey regarding whether they thought Pomeranians should remain in theToy Group or change to the Nordic Group. Did you wonder why the AKC is increasing the number of groupsAs you know, dog shows originally were established to evaluate breeding stock used for hunting by landed gentry. Thus theinitial group was the basis of todays Sporting Group. Later not all dogs at shows were used for hunting. Consequently thedogs were divided into two groups sporting and non-sporting originally the catch-all for anything that wasnt used forhunting. It explains the wide variety that has remained among that group. As more and more breeds were recognized in theshow world and the numbers within a group became too large to manage, dogs of similar heritage and function were pulled outto form their own group. Some of todays exhibitors will remember when the Herding Group was the last to be added. Groupstherefore do evolve.Besides the Nordic group question, another functionary difference that will be recognized is in the present Hound Group. Sighthound and scent hound enthusiasts feel that their breed differences warrant dividing this large group along these functionaldifferences. The Sporting Group will subdivide into two groups PointersSetters and RetrieversSpaniels. The Non-SportingGroups name will be changed to the Companion group. It is a name fitting to those dogs, but as the Toy Group enthusiastspoint put, it is not exclusive to that group alone. All Toys main function is that of companion, as are most canines. We will justassume they mean canines in most of the other groups could have a day job in which they would excel while also beingintegral as a companion.We, as members of the APC, have only one question to consider What is best for Pomeranians The AKC should hopefullyhave taken into consideration all the ripple effects of the realignment issue. For instance, judging assignments could beaffected. Those that were able to judge the complete Toy Group might end up with these realignments to have breeds spreadover four groups toy, companion Crested, sight hounds IGs, Nordic Poms. Please note that the proposed changes if theyare approved will not align themselves with Canada or FCI groups. Not that they necessarily should on the other hand,conformity might be nice, have some advantage, and possibly be considered.Maybe it is a good time to remember that the only thing that we know we can count on to stay the same is change itself.2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM29 i i i in30 - 2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEWSubscriptions6 issues per yearUSPS First Class...............................45.00USPS Bulk.........................................37.00CanadaMexico..............................55.00Foreign.....................................100.00Single Issue.....................................10.00Back Issues....................................10.00 Advertising RatesFront Cover Color.......................600.00Back Cover Color.............................450.00Inside Front Cover Color................300.00Inside Front Cover BW..................125.00Inside Back Cover Color.................300.00Inside Back Cover BW.....................125.00Page 3, 4, 5, 6 Color........................300.00Page 3, 4, 5, 6 BW...........................125.00Center Spread BW........................250.00Full Page Deluxe Color.....................275.00Full Page BW...................................100.00Half Page Color................................150.00Half Page BW.................................60.00One Quarter Page Color..................75.00One Quarter Page BW....................40.00Business Card 6 ......Small 70, Large 100All ads include one photo. Additional color photos are 25each additional black and white photos are 10 each.SUPPORT THE APCSUPPORT THE REVIEWMail ad text, photos and payment toThe APC Pomeranian ReviewBrenda Segelken, Editor11139 E. Camelot Ave.Effingham, IL 62401-7460Or Email fame62401yahoo.comMake all checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club.DeadlinesAd Deadline IssueDec 1...............OBEDIENCE... JanFebFeb 1........................................MarAprilApril 1..................National Report...MayJuneJune 1.............COLOR FEATURE...JulyAugAug 1......ANNUAL STUD ISSUE...SeptOctOct 1..............MEMORIAL ISSUE..NovDec.........official A. P. C. publication.........sent to Breed Group Judges.........reasonable rates.........quality reproductions.........only source of APC Archives.........provides APC news and reports.........APC Specialty coverage.........Regional Pom Club coverage.........obedience training information.........interesting, informativeThe Pomeranian ReviewEditor...........................................................................................................Brenda Segelken11139 E. Camelot Ave., Effingham, IL 62401 PH 217 347-5731 fame62401yahoo.comSubscription Manager.......................................................................Cheri McDonaldPO Box 3402, San Dimas, CA 91773 PH 909 394-7923Fax 909 599-4692 cheribachmanpoms.comProofreader...........................................................................................Cynthia LankfordAdvertisement Manager...................................................................................Becky Jackson513 Springwood Dr., Florence, AL 35630 PH 256 762-5958 springwoodpomsaol.comBusiness Card Manager.................................................................................Kathyrn Norem0599N 650E, Knox, IN 46534 PH 574 772-3910 ecpomsearthlink.netBrenda Segelken Cheri McDonaldKathy NoremBecky Jackson2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM30The Pcmeranian ReviewThe Official Publication of The American Pomeranian Club, Inc.0Li- - ^1 2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 313540 Kessler Blvd N. Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46222 Email indypomsbcglobal.netAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc. Board SummaryJANICE RUSSELLIf an APC member has concerns regarding the aspects of an APC Committee, the member is to contactthe Committee Chair with those concerns. Those concerns will be communicated by the Committee Chairwithin two weeks after receipt if possible, to the Boards APC Corresponding Secretary so that the Board isaware of those concerns.August Board SummaryMotion made, seconded and carried to adopt email notification for board and club members to include, but not limited tomeeting notices, dues notices, and minutes. Those who do not sign waiver will continue to receive U.S. mail.COMPLAINTS AGAINST APPLICANTS FOR MEMBERSHIPThe APC Board has approved that complaints against an applicant will be addressed in the follow mannerThe APC Board will designate an individual member who will be charged with the responsibility of investigating allcomplaints. This individual will acknowledge and understand that his or her only mission is to fact find and report backto the Board all information garnered from their discussions with the parties involved. Contacts will be made with boththe person making the complaint and the applicant the complaint is being made against. Contacts will be with theinvolved parties only persons making complaint and applicant.The Board charges the person it designates to address these complaints with fact finding only, remaining neutral at alltimes with all parties, and reporting the facts as garnered from both sides to the Board. The Board wants facts andinformation only that individual Board members can use to base their own decisions on as to the applicant, and at no timewants the designated person doing the fact finding to offer an opinion regarding any complaint investigation.Preferred method of contact would be by phone not email.Motion made, seconded and carried to appoint Marge Kranzfelder as the complaint Investigator of new applicant proconinformation received by the board.September 2008 Board SummaryMotion made, seconded and carried that we poll the members on the group the Pomeranians show, the ToyGroup or move to the Nordic Group.Motion made, seconded and passed that we post the results of the recent survey on our website and in the PomReview.2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM314 i i m i nv 'WA4- 4432 - 2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW Annette Davis, CNA sk Us AnythingOur question for the next issue is What is the best way to treat coccidiosisAs long as you feed a premium food, normal Pomeranian stools are small, firm, and without foul odor. A change in normalstools is a red flag that something is amiss. A common intestinal disease among dogs is coccidiosis. Coccidia are parasiticprotozoan single celled organisms found in the intestinal tract of many animals, including dogs. Coccidiosis causessevere losses of agricultural animals each year, especially calves and fouls. It is highly contagious and extremely difficultto eradicate. In dogs, the first symptoms are soft stools that contain yellowish mucous and have a characteristic sweet odorsimilar to freshly cut alfalfa. The infected animals eyes are often watery and the coat becomes dull and rough.As damage to the mucous lining of the intestines progresses, a secondary bacterial infection sets in and the stools begin tosmell foul and often contain large amounts of mucous and blood. Infected dogs often eat each others stools. Symptomsare similar to the protozoan infection giardia, except that in giardia infections, the stools are light colored and have agreasy consistency. It is not uncommon for more than one species of parasitic protozoan to occur at the same time.Because cysts are shed intermittently, it can be very difficult to confirm protozoan infections by fecal examination.Coccidiosis is spread when an animal ingests infective cysts that are passed in the stools. Cysts may be passed by animalswith an active infection as well as carriers that show no clinical signs but continue to harbor infection. There is a commonmisconception that coccidiosis is only a problem in filthy and crowded kennels. This is simply not the case. Certainly filthand overcrowding will accentuate any disease, but coccidiosis can become a problem in even the cleanest of kennels. It isbest treated with the drug sulfadimethoxine brand name Albon as prescribed by your veterinarian. Talk to yourveterinarian about lengthening the treatment time to 21 days. The label directions suggest a shorter treatment period,however because coccidia run a 21-day cycle, many breeders have found that better results are achieved by continuingtreatment for a longer period of time.Coccidiosis and Giardia can run concurrently. If Giardia is confirmed, talk to your veterinarian about fenbendazoletrade name Panacur 50 given for three days in a row and then repeated at one week intervals until the infectionclears generally 3-4 weeks. Please note Although studies have shown that fenbendazole is more effective thanmetronidazole in treating Giardia in dogs, and it approved for this purpose in Europe, it is currently licensed in the USAfor the treatment of worms only.It is important to clean all fecal matter promptly and disinfect all kennel surfaces, bedding, and toys daily. Coccidia arenot destroyed by Clorox and many other disinfectants. It has been shown that they are readily destroyed by ammonia andold fashioned Lysol Concentrate 1 part Ammonia or Lysol to 10 parts water. Do not use plastic food or water dishes.Coccidia can stay in the crevices. Use stainless steel, crock style, or glass food and water dishes. Change drinking wateroften and clean the foodwater dishes with a mild ammonia solution regularly.Separate all infected dogs as much as possible. It is imperative that you do not allow the infected animal to becomedehydrated. Supportive care and oral electrolyte solutions are helpful. Keep the animal warm and away from drafts. B2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM32V2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 33You may direct new questions or answers to these questions to Annette Davis, 391 N. Mink Creek Rd., Pocatello, ID83204 Phone 208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792 Email infoavalonpom.comPrevious Ask Us Anything Columns may be viewed on line www.avalonpom.comPomCare.htmgVitamins may not be given during the Albon treatment. Albon works by inhibiting folic acid, therefore B Vitaminsupplements with folic acid may negate its action. Zinc and Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids may be given during treatment.One of the negative side effects of Albon is that it destroys beneficial intestinal bacteria leaving the animal moresusceptible to pathogens. During and after treatment with Albon, it is important to give a high potency Probioticbeneficial microbial supplement. After Albon treatment has finished, continue the Probiotic and give B Vitamins,Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids, and Zinc. To avoid future outbreaks, keep your dog in excellent health, free of worms andmaintain scrupulous cleanliness. Immediately separate any dog that shows signs of the disease and treat accordingly.Our question for the next issue is What is eclampsiaYOU KNOW YOU NEED A SPA WEEKEND AWAY FROM THE POMS WHEN... By Geneva CoatsYoud rather walk into PetSmart than Sephora.You notice that ChalkMate leaves your hands oh, so silky soft and it smells just divine tooYouve stopped using lipstick because it has the annoying habit of transferring onto your bait.Your grooming smock doubles as a bathrobe.You cant remember which shampoo you bought for the dogs and which you bought for yourself.You start to imagine how youd look with a just a little trim around your ears.While at Victorias Secret, you try to decide which perfume name would be just the perfect name for that cute little girl inyour newest litter. You make an appointment to have your nails trimmed - er, I mean, have a pedicure.The correct conditioning formula for your show dog involves great scientific study, but you figure the family can use aVO5 combo shampooconditioner from the 99 cent store.Your favorite cologne is eau de Crown Royale Magic Touch Conditioner.Your closet is overflowing with sensible shoes and you cant find an outfit without huge patch pockets.The phrase optical brighteners intrigues you To cover your gray, you decide to personally test the dogs color enhancingconditioner.On a show morning, you blow dry the dogs hair first, then your - but only if there is enough time.You think if you wear dark nail polish, lipstick, and thick black eyeliner, your lovely pigment might make a better impression ontodays judge.You check behind you in the mirror as you head out the door in the morning, but then you suddenly remember, you areNOT the one with the plumed tail.Your dog brush is Mason Pearson 100 pure boar bristle, and his comb a Greyhound, mail order from England. Yourpersonal brush and comb are Goody brand from a bin at WalMart.2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM334 i i i i n4 4434 - 2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEWCORRESPONDING SECRETARY REPORTCarol LeemhuisBelow are the results of the 2008 Membership Poll. Thank you to everyonewho took the time to respond. This information has been used by the presentBoard and Committees to help make informed decisions. It will also be usedin the future. _____________________________________________________________AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. MEMBERSHIP POLLCAROL LEEMHUIS1 Your name______300 SURVEYS RETURNED2 What is your profession Countless professions3 Do you have any other areas of expertise outside of your profession Countless expertise4 What other clubs do you belong to other than the APC Please include all clubs. Too numerous tomention.5 What events or activities have you helped with for those clubsall breed conformation shows - 141 membersfun matches 166 membersring stewarding 121 membersshow chair 77 membershealth clinics 27 membersformal events 27 membersways means 33 membersbreed rescue coordinator, transport or housing 66 membersofficerboard member - 152 membersweb design 26 membersannual awards 42 membersperformance events 39 membersTrophies 106 membersshow secretary 29 membersgrounds crew 52 memberscommittee head 84 members4 Regarding the Winter APC National Specialty check or circle all that applya. 74 Most likely, I WILL NOT attend the National Specialty regardless of where it is held or what it isheld in conjunction with 7430024.7b. 133 Most likely, I WILL attend the National Specialty regardless of where it is held or what it is held inconjunction with 13330044.3c. 88 I WOULD be more likely to attend the National Specialty if it were held in conjunction with all-breedshows 8830029.3d. 35 I WOULD NOT be more likely to attend the National Specialty if it were held in conjunction withall-breed shows. 3530011.72008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM34 i i i inr -f M2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 355 If all-breed shows add to the appeal of attending the National Specialty, I would prefer the following.check or circle all that applya. 89 National Specialty followed by All-Breed shows 8930029.7b. 14 All-Breed shows followed by National Specialty 143004.6c. 124 Order of events regarding National Specialty versus All-Breed shows WOULD NOT affect myattendance at the National Specialty 12430041.3d. 13 Order of events WOULD affect my decision to attend the National Specialty 133004.3e. 14 Order of events WOULD affect my decision to attend the All-Breed shows 143004.7f. 61 I ONLY attend the National Specialty and the timing of an All-Breed show is NOT important to me. 6130020.36 Do you have any interest in helping with any of the followingGeneral Annual Awards Statistics 9 membersAKC Delegate 17 membersAKC Gazette Columnist 12 membersBreeder Referral 36 membersBoard Member 45 membersHealth Genetics 19 membersHistorian Club Pomeranian History 9 membersHistorical Awards 7 membersJudges Education 37 membersMembership 28 membersOfficer of the Board 26 membersPerformance Events 10 membersPomeranian Review 37 membersWays Means 13 membersWeb Design Web Graphics 11 membersNational SpecialtyGrounds 11 membersRing Steward Conformation 20 membersRing Steward Obedience or Rally 12 membersTop Twenty Event 24 membersTrophies 26 membersHospitality 20 membersAuctioneer 2 membersPomeranian Rescue Coordination 20 membersTransportation 24 membersHousing Placement 21 membersLogoWear Items 1 member7 Regarding the Size of Pomeranians in our breed standard, I prefer the followingmark with an X your most preferred option and you may circle any other options that are also acceptablea. 199 Leave it the way that it is in the current standard The average size of the Pomeranian is from 3 to 7pounds, with the ideal weight for the show specimen being 4 to 6 pounds. Any dog over or under the limits isobjectionable. However, overall quality is to be favored over size. 19930066.3b. 57 4 to 7 pounds with 4 to 6 preferred for the show specimen 5730019c. 14 3 to 6 pounds with 4 to 6 preferred for the show specimen 143004.7d. 58 4 to 8 pounds with 5 to 6 preferred for the show specimen 5830019.3e. 1 2 to 6 pounds with 4 to 5 preferred for the show specimen 13000Write Ins 2 -3-7 w4-5 ideal1 -height standard with no DQ1 -3-8APC Membership Poll Continued2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM35 i i i in36 - 2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEWSummary 329 answers from selectionsLeave it the same 19932960.5Make it bigger bd11532935.0Make it smallerce153294.58 How do you feel about the color Merle in the Pomeranian breed check or circle all that apply454 responses 300 surveysa. 60 I do not think any changes need to be made regarding the merle color 13.2 20b. 170 I would like to see the merle color pattern be a disqualification for the show ring 37.4 56.7c. 32 I would like to see the merle color pattern be allowed in the show ring 7.1 10.7d. 192 I would like AKC to mark the pedigrees of all Pomeranians carrying the merle gene to protect ourbreed in the future from accidental merle breedings from unknown carriers. 42.3 649 How do you feel about receiving APC Correspondence through email check or circle all that apply304 answers 300 surveysa. 41 I prefer US Mail ONLY 13.5 13.6b. 139 I prefer email with a follow up by US Mail if no response is received 45.7 46.3c. 79 I prefer email AND a follow up by US Mail 26.0 26.3d. 45 I prefer ONLY email. 14.8 15.010 What is your preferred current email addressa. _updated those wchanges__b. Not applicable11 Was all of your information correct in the 2008 lavender APC Rostera. 207 Yes 69b. 44 Not sure 14.7c. 42 No, please update the following 14.0 updated theseAPC Membership Poll ContinuedLetter to the EditorI cannot even begin to imagine how you get it all done I am in total awe and respect of your talent, your work ethic, and your infinitepatience. I truly mean it when I say your work is the greatest contribution and boon to the APC, the regional clubs, the Pomcommunity, and the breed. When I started working on the Houston club bio, I used the club archives, which had been given to me by Olga Baker, and I alsoborrowed the library of past Pom Reviews belonging to Sue Goddard. I have not been able to put the Pom Reviews down. They haveabsolutely everything anyone would ever want to know about the people and the Poms throughout the last several decades. I see many names I recognize. I just got done reading a kennel visit for Tim and Sue Goddard way back in October 1972. It waswritten by Sue, Eleanor Miller, and Olga Baker. Some of it was brand-new information to me. Some of it was completely familiar. Itwas wonderful. Of course, back then the Review was not the glossy, state-of-the-art magazine that you have made it into. However, everyone who hasever shown a Pom is in debt to the Review. Wow And Thanks...Connie Zieba2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM36I II II m42008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 37STAGES OF BEING HOUSEBROKEN 1 Neonatal stage birth to 2 weeks. Puppy urinates and defecates only when stimulated by mother,who cleans it up. 2 Toddler stage 2 weeks to 5 weeks. Puppy begins to go on his own, and when allowed, tries to doso away from the nest. [Instinct for cleanliness] 3 Pre-school stage 5 to 9 weeks. Puppy begins to want to go in a particular place, frequently aplace having the right smell, but sight picture often enters in. Most puppies leave home at this pointand lose that favorite place, which can result in confusion. Sometime during the pre-school stage, the puppy is ready to begin the journey into housebrokenness. Some puppiesdogs do not get the opportunity to progress, and may be stuck in the toddler stage even,due to lack of opportunity or because of inadequate response by the owner. From now on, the stages inhousebrokenness are the same, whether for a puppy or for an adult dog, and knowing the stage the doghas reached can suggest the best approach to learning. Progression will vary depending on breed,individual dog, owner attention, etc. 4 Dog does his business away from his own bed and feeding area. 5 Dog has a preferred spot for doing his business. Never mind that it is the middle of the dining roomcarpet, its a preferred spot 6 Dog understands that the preferred spot is outside on the grass, and when he needs to go and istaken there, he will do it there. 7 Dog understands the preferred spot and will let the owner know when he needs to go out. 8 Dog learns to hold it until taken out by owner. 9 Dog learns to do it on command, whether or not he greatly needs to go. 10 Dog will not release it unless in the right place or under command.Some time between 6 and 9, the dog learns to do it in approved locations away from his preferredspot. I am not talking here about HOW to accomplish all of this, just the recognition that housebreaking is notan eitheror proposition. Submissive or excitement urination has little or nothing to do with housebreaking, and must beaddressed separately.Copyright 2008 by Barbara McClatcheyPermission to distribute is given, but copyright must remain attached.2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM37 i i i in38 - 2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2009 AMERICAN POMERANIANCLUB, INC. NATIONALSPECIALTY - RACE TO FAMEThe American Pomeranian Club Cordially invitesyou to attend The National Specialty in Louisville,Kentucky.March 9-11, 2009HOLIDAY INN HURSTBOURNE1325 Hurstbourne Pwy, Louisville KY. 40222Off I 64 East502 426-2600 or 800 HOLIDAY.Use POM as the code for the rate.JUDGESREGULAR CLASSES JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIPMs. Sandra Goose Allen, 7503 14th Ave N. St Petersburg,FL. 33710PUPPY VETERAN SWEEPSTAKESBetsy Owens, 283 NW 40 Rd., Clinton, MO 64735OBEDIENCEMrs. Paula P. Barras, 3209 Edson Blvd., Shreveport, LA71107RALLYMrs. Paula P. Barras, 3209 Edson Blvd., Shreveport, LA71107SUNDAY, MARCH 8300 PM- 600 PMGROUNDS SET UP Be first to set up your equipment inthe APC grooming room Meet Gregg Waters in theBallroom, help him lay plastic, erect ring gates, placechairs, etc. in the ShowGrooming Rooms and you will beallowed to set up your grooming equipment ahead ofeveryone else. See you there630 PM VENDOR EXHIBITOR SET UP All vendors exhibitors will be allowed to set up their booths andgrooming equipment.700 PM-10PM HOSPITALITY Everyone is invited tohelp us kick off the Specialty with good food and funconversation. Please share your favorite dish with us, sendus an email to let us know what you are bringing, Hope to see youthereMONDAY, MARCH 9800 AM starting time may change depending on totalentriesOBEDIENCE TRIALSWEEPSTAKES1000 AM starting time may change depending on totalentriesPUPPY VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES300 PM JUDGES SEMINARPOMERANIAN JUDGES EDUCATION SEMINAR TheAmerican Pomeranian Club will hold a Sanctioned JudgesEducation Seminar in conjunction with the NationalSpecialty. Ringside tutoring will also be available Tuesday Wednesday, March 10 11. There is no charge. To makeyour reservations contact Judges Education CoordinatorFred Bassett by March 1. Email fredcbassettcox.net630 PMTOP TWENTY EVENT This is a Semi-formal eventshowcasing the Top Conformation Pomeranians of 2008.Everyone, including the audience will participate. Ladiesdress will be semi-fancy to semi-formal. Gentleman ties areoptional, although jackets are requested. Please no jeans,tank tops, shorts. The judging panel will consist of oneAKC licensed judge, one Pomeranian breeder, and onePomeranian handler. Each judge will score the individualdogs using a Scale of Points. The Top Twenty winner willbe announced at the Annual Awards Banquet.Each spectator purchasing a catalog will have theopportunity to vote for the Peoples Choice Award. Thewinner of this award will be announced by the Top TwentyCommittee at the end of the event. Cash bar and light horsdoeuvres will be provided for your enjoyment.2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM384 i i i inDUISVHXB, CSRnMXC^7I ^Pac to FamuL2009OlatioHCiOtfytOmtyAmmmh PorntrantOLK Chi4 42008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 39TUESDAY, MARCH 10730 AM starting time may change depending on entriesRALLY TRIAL800 AM 1100 AMMENTOR SEMINAR The Pomeranian Seminar that ispresented to Judges will be offered to anyone interested inattending. This is being offered for General Education purposes.The second hour will be for Mentor candidates to discuss detailsof the AKC Mentor and Ringside Observation program.Approved mentors are an essential part of APCs JudgesEducation program. APC Standing Rules require that anyonedesiring to become an Approved Mentor must be an activePomeranian BreederExhibitor for 12 years with fivePomeranian Champions and have attended the APC SanctionedSeminar. There is no charge for this seminar.1015 AM starting time may change depending on entriesJR. SHOWMANSHIP, ALL NON-REGULARCONFORMATION, ALL REGULAR DOGCONFORMATION CLASSES.300 PM - 600 PM The presentation of Canine Reproduction,Whelping and Puppy Intensive Care Seminar by Myra SavantHarris, RN. Your invitation will be assured for a 30 donation tothe Pomeranian Charitable Trust. Donations can also be madevia PayPal by going to the PCTs websitewww.pomeraniancharitabletrust.org730 PM ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING.KAROKE NIGHT Wantto have fun and clown around Join Bob Kennedy andAudrey Roberts following the Annual Meeting for aKaraoke night. Cash bar available. Let your hair down, joinin. Plan now to attend.WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11800 AM starting time may change depending on entriesREGULAR BITCH CONFORMATIONPARADE OF TITLEHOLDERSBEST OF BREED COMPETITION700 PM Cash Bar Opens - 730 PM Dinner Is ServedAPC AWARDS BANQUET AUCTIONReservations for the banquet must be made no later than March 1,2009. Banquet will include meal, beverage and dessert ticket pricewill be 5 higher if purchased at show. You can make yourreservations online at www.americanpomeranianclub.orgAUCTION APC needs your auction items this event helps to defraysome of the large expenses incurred to host the National. Please bring toWays Means tables in the ballroom.NOMINATING COMMITTEE REPORTThe important duties and its formation of theNominating Committee are outlined by ourBylaws. This Board-appointed committee ischarged with the serious task of recruiting thevery best of capable, honest, talented APCmembers of integrity and morals who wouldbest serve in the interests of our breed and Club.Many factors were taken under considerationgeographical diversity, independence ofthought, team spirited, breed knowledge, andleadership experience. The Committee is proudto have been able to present a slate thatindividually has these qualities and collectivelywill be capable of leading APC into excellence.This slate is composed of a balance of thoseboth new to the board and those with boardexperience. The committee has served diligentlyand APCs future is now in the hands of themembership vote.Respectfully submitted by the NominatingCommittee.Marge Kranzfelder, ChairDavid GilstrapBrenda SegelkenThe 2009 Board Nominated SlatePresident Jane Lehtinen1st Vice-president Fran Stoll2nd Vice-president Margaret McKeeCorresponding Secretary Carol LeemhuisRecording Secretary Janice RussellTreasurer Erika MoureauBoard Members Pat BarnettJoan BehrendCharlotte CreedKathy NoremBetsy OwensConnie Zieba2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM394 i i i i n4 4440 - 2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE AMERICAN KENNEL CLUBSEPTEMBER 2009 CHAIRMANS REPORTNew York, NY - The American Kennel Club faces enormouschallenges in reversing the continuing decline in registrations. Today,we are losing market share at an alarming rate, especially in theretail sector. We are being challenged competitively and financially.The declining registrations and associated core revenues, if allowedto continue, will fundamentally change our organization goingforward. Make no mistake, the very future of the AKC and our sportis at risk.We can all remember some of the premier name brands andcompanies of the past, leaders in their field. The ones that we thoughtwould be around forever. These giants, thesehousehold names, held the same standing asthe AKC. Companies such as Westinghouse,Pan American Airlines, Standard OilCompany, EF Hutton, Woolworths,Montgomery Ward, just to name a few.Today, there are at least 30 All-Breedregistries in addition to the AKC, whosecombined registration numbers exceed thatof the AKC. If this trend is allowed tocontinue, if we do not stop the hemorrhagingof declining registrations, we will no longerbe the premier registry in the world, let alonein our country.Management has been directed by the Boardto aggressively pursue all dogs eligible for AKC registration. Weintend to reach out, communicate, and educate those in the retailsector as to why an AKC puppy is the gold standard and why theyshould be registered with American Kennel Club. In achieving thisobjective we intend to continue to raise the bar by vigorouslyenforcing our policies. This action is essential to protect and preserveour leadership.As the pre-eminent and only not-for-profit registry, we live our valueseveryday with our commitment to the integrity of our registry andthe excellence of our inspections program. Having AKC involvedthrough our compliance and inspection programs elevates the qualityof AKC puppies.Our Compliance Program allows us to educate breeders about puppysocialization, genetic health screening, grooming, exerciserequirements and adherence to breed standards. This is thebenchmark of excellence we expect of all AKC breeders whetherunder mandatory or random inspections.In 1996, when the Board first passed our care and conditions policieswe knew it was, and still, is the right thing to do. We know thatinsisting upon good breeding practices is the right thing to do. Andwe intend to continue to do the right things for dogs. The AmericanKennel Club provides what no other registry provides. In order tocontinue to be the dogs champion, we must remain a strong, viableorganization.We are losing litters, dogs and entire colonies to competing registries.If litters and dogs arent registered with AKC, we cant inspect them,we cant help the breeders and we cant grow our sport.AKC used to dominate the marketplace. Even places like Macysand Gimbels sold AKC puppies. Many pet owners who boughtthese puppies, and I was one of them, tried their hand at showingand breeding. These owners who purchased their first purebred froma retail outlet, not only added to AKCs registrations, but those whowanted to advance in the sport, then soughtout fanciers to continue their journey.The available pool of AKC registrablepuppies is being lost to other registries, alongwith potential participants in the sport. Aswe lose registrations, we also lose our corerevenues, our ability to generate alternativerevenues and our legislative influence. Weneed to get back on track growing ourinfluence as the premier registry in theworld.We know that AKC puppies and ourbreeders are the best. They are the GoldStandard in the marketplace. We need tocontinue to reinforce that. Lets not allowthose other registries to weaken us or put us out of business. Letsnot allow them to make AKC a nostalgic memory as well.For decades we collected millions of registration dollars from AKCpet owners. These millions overwhelmingly subsidized our sport.Today, this scenario no longer exists. Twenty-five years ago almostall of our revenue was registration related. Last year less than onehalf of our revenues came from registrations. Dog registrationspeaked at 1.5 million in 1992. By the end of 2008 it is projected wewill register only 725,000 dogs. This is a staggering 53 decline.It was not that long ago, that there were only two All Breed registries- the AKC and UKC. Today there are at least 30 All-Breed registries.Going forward, we need to do whatever is necessary to stop ourregistration free fall. We can and will be aggressive in pursuing allAKC-registrable dogs and do so while upholding our values andhigh standards.As we go forward, let me make it clear to all, that the AKC willcontinue to enthusiastically support the Parent Clubs Codes of Ethicsincluding, as it relates to their members sale of puppies throughcommercial entities.2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM4044i pqa4v ^ \V ovw4i i i i n 4 nni^H2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 41If the current trend continues and dog registrations decline to 250,000over the next several years, AKC will face an annual revenue shortfallof 40 million. To put this in perspective, if this scenario occurred,and we relied solely on raising the event service fees to make up forthis revenue shortfall, the fee would be a staggering 20 per entry.Our preference would be to grow our registrations to the point thatwe could lower, not increase event fees. Some would say the obvioussolution is a significant reduction in expenses. However, a 40 millionrevenue shortfall would necessitate a reduction of our expenses bytwo-thirds. This is totally unrealistic.Let me remind you that since 2002 we have reduced our headcountby more than 50 employees and aggressively controlled expenses,which have remained relatively flat since 2003, in spite of inflation.Our problem is clearly not an expense problem. Its a revenue problemand a serious revenue problem.We need to secure our AKC and our sport so that future dog loverscan experience the same joys and passions we have so fortunatelyenjoyed for more than a century. No one is suggesting we lose sightof our rich heritage and traditions, but lets not allow the stated goalof our competitors to become a reality.As Bill Wrigley Jr. said recently in the New York Times, We mustrespect the past...but at all times do what is right for the future.Sincerely,Ron MenakerChairmanTHE ENEMY WITHIN AKC REGISTRATIONNUMBERS AS BAROMETER OF PUBLIC OPINION Marge KranzfelderPlease keep in mind my perspective. It comes from working in therank and file within the sport of dogs attempting to assist in keepingit viable in todays society. It is one of respect for the AKC. TheAKC has established and maintained a uniform method ofcompetition across our large nation. Its record keeping has keptpace with modern technology. These functions reflect its missionstatement. My writing while critical comes with the hope that theAKC will do what it takes so that future generations are able toenjoy the pleasure and contentment that sharing lives with caninesbrings. My concerns in recent years about the AKCs future werefurther crystallized by Ron Menakers September 2008 ChairmansReport.I am the second generation of my extended family involved in thesport of dogs. I have been raised in awe of those true dog men andwomen that have dedicated their lives, talent and seamless blend oflearned and instinctual knowledge to canine endeavors. The AKCsown breeding program is not producing these exceptionalcaretakers in the number they once were. I grew up during the 50swhen the word breeder was a term of respect. It was a professionyou wanted to aspire to, not be apologetic about in general society.Yes, our society is rapidly evolving. Though well intended, AKCsactions are more reactive than proactive. The writing was clearly onSan Mateos wall in 1990. By AKCs reaction to outside forces,they have turned up the heat on the people that were their supportbase. While having high morals standards within should be somethingexpected and continually strived for, they should have quicklyprovided the public a real reason for joining in the sport, believingin the joy of pure-bred animals and really worked at making it easierto maintain a breeding program in todays life-style.Allow me to state a few of the obvious reasons, people are no longeractively breeding dogs and dedicating their lives to this activity. Two people in a household need to work outside the home.This doesnt leave time to raise puppies and take care of multipledogs. Limit laws prevent an active breeding establishment.Breeding one champion to one champion may produce a championbut it does not define a breeding program that will improve thebreed. Air travel is being hampered by laws, expenses, publicattitude toward dogs and increasingly intrusive security scrutiny. Cost of showing has increased. There are more shows withless leisurely quality time spent there. Veterinarians, influenced by those against breeding,discriminate against breeders or particular breeds. Veterinarian costshave increased greatly while the local veterinarians averagereproductive knowledge declined. Breeders are not valued by the general public.Placing more arbitrary standards on those within the sport can becompared to the education of our children in this country. Requiringmore testing doesnt really equate with better education. We mustfind the way to inspire and create curiosity so that individuals areself-motivated to be educated. If we educate well, the student willtest well. However, conversely, if a student tests well doesnt implyhe has necessarily been well educated.The analogy applies to the artificial promotion of health testing andcare regulations as gold standards. Testing for testing sake shouldntbe the end goal. Of course, we want people to care for their animalsand do the best health and genetic screenings available. This shouldbe morally promoted and accepted practice. Standards of careshouldnt be to impress the public they should exist because it ismorally right and efficacious. The public naturally expects this.Therefore this should not be relied upon to create public incentiveThe Enemy Within Continued2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM414 i i i in4 4442 - 2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEWto own a purebred. Promoting purebreds supersedes promoting purebredsthat have passed a string of testing. The soft, fuzzy love of owning apurebred is why someone wants to purchase a purebred. Their truecompanionship and life benefiting love is why they keep those purebreds.The soft-sell emotional commercial models are the ones to probablyconsider primary. We dont need movies the likes of Disneys 101Dalmatians nor the up-coming Beverly Hills Chihuahua to spikeregistration numbers but we could use the promotion of devoted,purposeful individuals integrated into a modern day life-style, a currentLassie, Rin-tin-tin, and Old Yeller figuratively, to keep us company.Smoltzy, yes. But it cuts to the core of human motivation.Two unintended negative consequences of making the gold standardof health testing a primary public strategy must be addressed. The reflectedincreased costs per puppy prohibit both breeding and then purchasingpuppies. Either the public is then convinced to go to their shelters toobtain a mixed breed that does not have this expense to cover or theynow expect guarantees on a puppy for its full life that only a plush toycould offer.A conclusion can be drawn that if care and testing standards are writtenin a reactionary manner to animal rights pressure, we have allowedthem to set us up for failure. No finite list of acceptable results on testscan assure that a puppy will be healthy and desirable. Like the aboveeducation analogy, the AKC must inspire and instill in its breeders thedesire to morally use every possible tool to produce a desirable dog tothe best of the breeders ability.I realize the concept of how to inspire and instill morals is a difficultone. It is one of motivation. Todays trend of legislative restrictions addsmany additional constraints onto breeders. If the AKC adds furtherregulation in attempts to prove itself, it invites the real danger of snuffingthe creativity of those truly gifted individual thinkers. I believe that oneof the strong incentives to being a breeder is to have a hobby that iscontinually challenging while utilizing creativity and problem solvingabilities. An activity that is highly regulated will not attract a giftedindividual. The end result of over-regulation is mediocrity. AKC shouldexplore the concepts employed by Genentech, Google, think tanks andinnovative research facilities. This could help explain the decease ofhigher echelon participants in this sport.At first I was disappointed that my childrens generation isnt anxious toget involved in dog competition. Then I worried about where mygrandchildren, when they become adults, will be able to purchase afamily pet. Unfortunately, I am now worried about whether they willeven consider owning one, especially considering an AKC purebred.The AKCs public relations campaign addressing the reasons to want toshare your life with a purebred is too little and far too late. From advicegiven from experience in ring competition, the AKC shouldntconcentrate so much on the competitor other registries, designer breeds,etc.. Instead the AKC must concentrate on improving its own excellenceThere is a passion in those that succeed. The uniqueness of successfullyaccomplishing its goals will then bestow recognition. Another way ofstating this is if the people involved within the sport are truly enjoyingwhat they do and receiving personal benefits, others will want to join in.The AKC has much ground to make up against the animal rights lobby.It must attack this far more aggressively. It must find its terrier withinUntil the AKC finds ways to push back against those forces, by findingways to encourage and make a breeders life legal, more desirable, anda respected part of society, its registration numbers will continue todecline. Until the AKC increases the activities that a normal workingfamily can engage doing with their dog and encourage public places tobe accessible and acceptable to people with dogs, its registration numberswill continue to decline. Until the AKC gives people reason to keep aregistered purebred andor rescuing another in just about every home,its registration numbers will continue to decline.Since every organization needs fiscal soundness to survive, I have onefurther observation to make regarding the survival of AKC. I will addressRon Menakers noble comment concerning downsizing. So far, theeffort has been a beginning token. Im sure there are corporate modelsthat have successfully re-organized in order to survive which can inspirea more extensive expense cutback. Flat line expenses can only balanceflat line revenue. Until there is not a revenue problem, the balancesolution remains the expense problem. Taking the advice we promotewith breeders, selectivity is a main tool to achieve your goal.The Board can respond, But we have tried all that. They have expandedtheir income base with parentage testing. They have fostered moreprograms than just breedingconformation, recognizing the new revenuepossibilities that activities like agility and rally have provided. Theyhave fostered public education days, breeder recognition awards andtelevised dog shows. My intent is not to berate the AKC. I have done myvery best to keep positive over the years and help in whatever capacityI am able however, to be silent with these concerns would be tantamountto not helping. Until the AKC addresses some of the core directionalissues I have mentioned, I question its ability to turn the present situationaround.Obviously with the continued decline in registrations, the AKC will notbe able to continue to sustain our beloved sport of dogs. Registrationnumbers should be considered the barometer of public opinion of thevalue of an AKC registered dog. The Gold Standard If a majorredirection is not considered, I fear that, like the US dollar, the AKCwont be worth a silver certificate.Respectfully,Marge KranzfelderPomeranian Charitable Trust, Founding TrusteeAmerican Pomeranian Club, President 2005-2006American Pomeranian Club AKC Delegate 1999-2004American Pomeranian Club Life MemberNorthern California Pomeranian Club, Board MemberThe Animal Council, TreasurerSan Mateo County Animal Task Force, 1991The Enemy Within Continued2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM424 i i i i n4 442008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 43It was a very warm, humid Fridayevening in Lebanon, Indiana for the AnnualPCCI Pom Specialty. As yummy horsdoeuvres, desserts and drinks were beingenjoyed, a great auction table of lovely donateditems was available to examine and bid on.Exhibitors were ready to go at the prescribedtime of 600 p.m. as Sweepstakes judge Ms.Linda George entered the ring to judge 14entries. Following 50 minutes of judging, thesewere the resultsPUPPY SWEEPSTAKESPuppy Dogs 6-9 mo. 1- Geebears Murphys Law. 2- LaCueva N Marbil Jokers Wild BNT.Dogs 12 18 mo. 1- Mtn Views I Wanna B A Rock Star. 2- Stolannes Premium Blend.Puppy Bitch 6-9 mo. 1- LaCueva N Marbil Penny Ante BNT.Puppy Bitch 9-12 mo. 1- Aragons Saphira of Loreland. 2- Panaches Infallable Fallon. 3- Val-Ks Totally Cool Elizabeth.Bitch 12 18 mo. 1- LaCuevas Bridgette Does Belgium. 2- LaCuevas GI Braveheart Revival. 3- Marbils Careful Im Addictive.BEST IN PUPPY SWEEPSTAKES - MTN.VIEWS I WANNA B A ROCK STARBOS TO BEST PUPPY SWEEPS LACUEVAS BRIDGETTE DOES BELGIUMVETERAN SWEEPSTAKESVeteran Dog over 6 yrs. 1- Ch. Stolannes Its My Turn.Veteran Bitch over 6 yrs. 1- Ch DHCrew Sunkist Cinnamon Twist. 2- Ch Cascade LaCueva Panaches Tinker.BEST IN VETERAN SWEEPS - CH.DHCREW SUNKIST CINNAMON TWISTBOS TO BEST IN VETERAN SWEEPS CH.STOLANNES ITS MY TURN At 705 our judge for regular classes, Mr.William Usherwood, entered the ring to judge13 dogs, 19 bitches, 3 veterans and 7 specials.POMERANIAN CLUB OFCENTRAL INDIANA, INC. SPECIALTYSEPT. 12, 2008 LEBANON, INDIANAFollowing 1 hour and 30 min. of judging, thesewere the resultsREGULAR CLASSESPuppy Dogs 6-9 mo. 1- LaCueva N Marbil Jokers Wild BNT.By Ch. Marbils Games of Chance Ch.LaCueva Jenuwane Debutante. OwnerSherrilynn Rogers.Dog - 12-18 mo. 1- Mtn Views I Wanna B A Rock Star. ByCh. Marbils Dont Rock The Jukebox MtnViews Turn It Up Turn It Up. Owners MariIffland and Donna Riehm. 2- Stolannes Premium Blend. By Ch.Eagle Creeks Hamin It Up - StolannesEssence of Barkley. Owner Frances Stoll.Bred-By-Exhibitor Dog 1- Weebits Love Bug. By Trudys MicroMight Grow Ch. Weebits Im a Piranha.Owner Kathlene McClain. 2- LaCueva-DHCrew Pride-N-Prejudice. ByCh. DHCrew Ruff-N-Ready LaCueva-DHCrewPattis Legacy. Owner Sherrilynn Rogers. 3- Stolannes Sergeant Drummer. By Ch.Stolannes A Song for Timothy StolannesPark Ave Princess. Owners Frances Stoll andDonna Riehm. 4- Geebears Murphys Law. By Ch. NansSit N Spin Doubletake N Geebears Poetry NMotion. Owners Gina Williams and Reena Fair.Open Dogs Red, Orange, Cream, Sable. 1- Lorelands River of Dreams. By FinchsHarry Potter Ch. Lorelands Annabelle Lee.Owners Lauretta John Flynn and DebbieHollander. 2- Marbils Zack Daniels. By FirebrooksStoli Ohranj Marbils Shes So Fine.Owners Mari Iffland and Donna Riehm.Open Dogs Black, Brown, Blue 1- Chars Chocolate Douglas. By FinchsN Chars Parti Fudge Chars RockinMocha Parti. Owner Charlotte MeyerOpen Dogs Any Other Color, Pattern, orVariation 1- Chars Taylor Made to Parti. By Ch.Finchs Chars Spellbound Parti DossmarsMissSparkle. Owner Charlotte MeyerWINNERS DOG 3 PT. WEE BITS PCCI Specialty ContinuedSubmitted by Cathy Gould, Secretary,PCCI. Photos by Pat and Dan Mappes andPCCI members.2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM43i i i i nKpPomeranianClub of Central Indiana1I- .Mr\ ^TJP'44 - 2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEWLOVE BUGRESERVE WINNERS DOG MTNVIEWS I WANNA B A ROCK STARPuppy Bitches 6-9 mo. 1- LaCueva N Marbil Penny Ante BNT.By Ch. Marbils Games of Chance Ch.LaCueva Jenuwane Debutante. OwnerSherrilynn Rogers.Puppy Bitches 9-12 mo. 1- Panaches Infallable Fallon. By Ch.Panaches Tresor Trove OJoayne PanachesBarely Bashful. Owner Laura Meineke. 2- Aragons Saphira of Loreland. By BahstoyMaken My Case Ch. Lorelands Annabelle Lee.Owners Lauretta and John Flynn. 3- Val-Ks Totally Cool Elizabeth. By Ch.Debut My Give a Dams Busted Mtn.Views Onyx N Lace.Owner Valerie Crane.Bitches 12-18 mo. 1- LaCuevas GI Braveheart Revival. ByCh. Castiles Southern Comfort MurcksPraying For A Lexus. Owner Sherrilynn Rogers 2- LaCuevas Bridgette Does Belgium.By Ch. LaCuevas One Tough Cookie Ch.La Cueva Jenuwane Debutante. OwnerSherrilynn Rogers.Bred By Exhibitor Bitch 1- Stolannes I Write The Song. By Ch.Jan-Shars Dudly Doright Ch. Stoln SongOf The Magic Past. Owner Frances Stoll. 2- Panaches Totally Assertive. By Ch.Nobles Hardly Humble Sundowns PomPanache Cover Girl. Owner Laura Meineke. 3- LaCuevas Tough Little Gidget. By Ch.LaCuevas One Tough Cookie Ch.LaCueva Jenuwane Debutante. OwnerSherrilynn Rogers.American Bred Bitch 1- Special Ds Sweet Mega Pixel. ByFinches Tribute To Sweetness Carma RoseMary Clooney. Owner Debbie HollanderOpen Bitches Red, Orange, Cream, Sable 1- Exotic Rare Lily Of Ali-Mae. ByExotic Raren To Go Exotic LitN Maiden.Owner Kelly Tracy Woods. 2- Stolannes I Love Desi. By Ch.Stolannes Hey Look Me Over StolannesCaramel Candy.Owner Frances Stoll. 3- Lorelands Barefoot Contessa. By FinchsHarry Potter Ch. Lorelands Annabell Lee.Owners Lauretta and John Flynn. 4- Viktres Zoo Zoo Petals. By Ch.Powerpom The Incredible Nasty NastashaOf Lenette.Owners Victoria Oelerich andWendy Lane.Open Bitch Black, Brown, Blue. 1- Cardinal Hill Aniversary Surprise. ByCh. Texstar Dualin For Me Cardinal HillSara Sunshine. Owner Dawn FreemanOpen Bitches Any Other Color Pattern orVariation. 1- Mtn. Views Turn It Up Turn It Up. ByDebuts Turn The Page Mtn. Views This SweetDream. Owners Patricia and Roger Dague. 2- LaCuevas Singin The Blues PC. ByBritish Lane N Fame Parti Boy LaCueva LilPonderosa Whitney. Owner Sherrilynn Rogers.WINNERS BITCH STOLANNES IWRITE THE SONG 5 PT.RESERVE WINNERS BITCH PANACHES TOTALLY ASSERTIVEVeteran Dogs 6 yrs. And Over 1 - Ch. Stolannes Its My Turn. By Ch. WynlorDoin It Right Ch. Marbils Place In TheSun.Owners Donna Riehm and Frances Stoll.Veteran Bitches 6 yrs. And Over 1- Ch. Cascade LaCueva Panaches Tinker.By Ch. LaCuevas Peppered Palamino Ch.Cascade Bev-Nor Black Velvet. OwnerLaura Meineke. 2- Ch. DHCrew Sunkist Cinnamon Twist. ByMai-t-Tois Arizona Tumbleweed CascadesSunkistAmber. Owner Sherrilynn Rogers.BEST OF BREED CH. DELPOMS SIRNICHOLAS OF LENETTE. By Ch.Rueben Of Lenette Sweet Caroline OfLenette II. Owner Lisa DelpBEST OF WINNERS WEEBITS LOVE BUGBOS TO BEST OF BREED STOLANNES I WRITE THE SONGBEST BRED-BY-EXHIBITOR WEEBITS LOVE BUGBEST VETERAN CH. CASCADESLACUEVA PANACHES TINKER Once again, our specialty drew lots of entriesthus making major wins for both dogs 3pt.and bitches 5pt.. Numerous members of the club graciouslysponsored prizes not only for the main winnersbut also for all four placements in the classes.Along with ribbons, prizes included lovelyceramic Pomeranian bells and ceramic Pomwind chimes, picture frames, digital pictureframes, and the Best of Breed prize was a digitalcamera. Trophy chairman Fran Stoll receivedmany compliments from exhibitors for havingvery nice prizes. Following all the judging, eating, and visiting,the auction table was closed and winningbidders picked up their items. It was a funevening for all and exhibitors began to anticipatethe next two days of the Greater LafayetteKennel Club all-breed shows. We extend a special thank you to our judges,Ms. Linda George for sweepstakes, and Mr.William Usherwood for regular classes. Theirexpertise, timeliness and professionalism wasappreciated and enjoyed. Thanks also goes out to all exhibitors,attendees and club members who helped makeour Specialty such a big success by supportingour Specialty with their entries, donations forauction table and food table, trophysponsorships, and their time. Those membersserving on committees are especiallyappreciated. They are Show Chairman, JaniceRussell, Show Secretary Sherri Alspaugh,Trophy Chairman, Fran Stoll, Ring Steward,Cathy Gould, Hospitality and DecorationsPatMappes, Auction Table Lauretta Flynn,Advertising Brenda Segelken, Grounds andShow Site Janice Russell, Best Helpers in theWorld without whose help we wouldnt havemade it Dan Mappes and Bob Gould. We look forward to our 2009 Specialty Shownext Sept. in Lebanon, Indiana. Hope manymore of you will join us at our Specialty and atPCCI Specialty Continued2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM4444i j .j,4i i i i n 4 nni^H2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 45the Greater Lafayette All-Breed showsGreat Lakes Toy Club Of Southeastern MichiganSeptember 12, 2008Submitted by Barb GregsonDesignated Michigan Pom SpecialtySt. Clair Kennel ClubSaturday 09132008SWEEPSTAKES JUDGE Mr. James LehmanJunior, 6 to 9 Months Dogs.1 TRUDYS IM HERE FOR THE PARTY.Sweepstakes, Junior, 9 to 12 Months Dogs.1 TRUDYS WORTH THE WAIT.Sweepstakes, Junior, 6 to 9 Months Bitches.1BJSWBSW CARLEEZ FLYING FIRST CLASS.REGULAR CLASSES JUDGE Mr. WilliamCunninghamPuppy, 6 to 9 Months Dogs.1 TRUDYS IM HERE FOR THE PARTY. By TrudysHey Dude - Trudys Comedy Act. Owner NancyZurek.Breeder Nancy Coddington RobertCoddington.Puppy, 9 to 12 Months Dogs.1R POSHS THE TRANSFORMER. By Ch EagleCreeks Hamin It Up - Jolvin Kim Possible. Owner SusanPopescu.Breeder Susan Popescu.Bred by Exhibitor Dogs.1WBW TRUDYS ROCK MY WORLD. By KayrasCalif. Dream At Trudys - Ch Trudys Club Paris. OwnerNancy Coddington Robert Coddington.BreederNancy Robert Coddington.Open, Black, Brown and Blue Dogs.1 JANESAS CHOCOLATE SENSATION. By ChHeartlands Knight N Day - Janesas Sassy Also. OwnerDr Geno Sisneros Laurie Otis.Breeder Jerrie Freia.Open, Red, Orange, Cream and Sable Dogs.1 COLBY CDS TOO MUCH BLING. Lil Darlins CarvedIn Stone - Shining Stars Love Me Tender. Owner WayneHough.Breeder Rex Hopkins.Puppy, 6 to 9 Months Bitches.1WOS SIRIUSS BUBBLING CHAMPAGNE. By ChSirius Its Sable Adam - Ch Darlin Sum Thing To TalkAbut Siruis. Owner Nina Fetter.Breeder Nina Fetter Dorothy Ashbey.2R HORIZONS FASHIONABLY LOUD. By ChHeartlands Knight N Day - Carleez Made To Order.Owner Danielle Sartain.Breeder Laurie Otis.12 to 18 Months Bitches.1 EMMY AWARD WINNING BAJAN STAR. By ExoticFlash O Ice Storm - Adorings Bajan Crystal Candy.Owner Michelle E Cavanaugh. Breeder Michelle ECavanaugh.Bred by Exhibitor Bitches.1 TOONTOWN MY BOYFRIENDS A PIG. Toon TownsS.S. Minnow - Toon Towns Magic Wand. Owner Mary Michelle Ridenour.Breeder Mary Michelle Ridenour.Open, Red, Orange, Cream and Sable Bitches.1 BRAVOS I SCREAM YOU SCREAM. By Jan-SharsRocko Barokko - Janesas High Fashion. OwnerKimberly Nowland.Breeder Dr Elena Turbina.Best of BreedBG4 CH POWERPOM HIGH PERFORMANCE. ByCh Nobles Born To Perform - Bavanews LivingIntervention.Dog.BreederOwner Ponsakorn Pongsak.2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM454INCCh SS36Gs OS35PitO HCQ oo orAo4.fewod3SIijiwM- mw JV '3ai14Cva^X46 - 2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEWDear BreederThank you for your very kind e-mail last evening. As you can imagine, there will be a few very sad days around our house with the loss of FrancescaPom age 11.It seems like yesterday that we were at your home trying to choose just the right dog to replace Petula. With several Poms that you offered as aselection, one of the smallest kept making herself the focus of attention. She was always the first at the fence to greet Bonnie. Always offering themost affection. You were very right in saying we didnt choose her. She chose us.It is difficult to believe it was so long ago that I stood in a handicap stall in a mens room in Chicago airport trying to get this little dog to pee on anewspaper. The flight attendants all wanted that cute little dog with her little black eyes and fuzzy head popping out of the Sherpa bag. We told themthat this little retired show dog probably had more air miles than we did. The bond between Francesca and Bonnie was complete before the planegot us home to Mechanicsburg.Francescas tenacity lasted well beyond the weekend we shared with you at your home. She proved to be pound for pound one of the strongestwilled dogs that I have known. When she wanted something or some attention, she wouldnt give up until she got her way. Her knick names fondlybecame Bonehead or Knucklehead, among others. Cutting her nails was a test of will and physical strength. Although the session would endwith the nails cut, I must admit, Francesca made her point and the nail cutting sessions were fewer and farther between than they otherwise mighthave been.One story Bonnie enjoys telling is how one time after Francesca lost her hair, Bonnie a cancer survivor was watching her walking around in thefamily room and she said jokingly, Shes ugly. I dont like her anymore. Lets get rid of her. I dont know what made the thought come to my mind,but I immediately quipped, She loved you when you lost your hair. With a tear in her eye, Bonnie picked up Francesca, hugged her and said, Yes,she did.In spite of the hair loss, Francesca was always healthy and a good companion. I dont think our granddaughters ever noticed that she wasnt supposehave smooth skin instead of a fluffy coat. Francesca never lost the hair on her face or head and with those little black eyes and cute face she capturedeveryones heart.Her last couple of days were a little rough, but the little Francesca that we knew stayed true. Although very ill, she kept looking to us for affectionand offering hers. Without speaking, her little face spoke volumes. It would have been heartless to make her fight longer to stay with us.I know you have dealt with these feelings over the loss of many little dogs and I know you, perhaps more than anyone, understand that the joys andthe heartaches go hand in hand. The heartaches will eventually heal. But the joys and pleasant memories will linger and the stories of theiraffections, habits and peculiarities will be shared with others for years to come.Thank you again for your comforting words and even more importantly, thank you again for allowing Francesca to become such a part of our livesand our hearts.Love, Lee and Bonnie WolaniukDear Bonnie and Lee,I know it was a very difficult day for you both. And Im sure the last week hasnt been easy at all. Francesca, from the time she was born, exuded howspecial she was. She had that special spark within her. Im glad you got to have that experience with her, yet she also had equally perplexingconditions that were a source of worry and concern.Rest tonight knowing you took care of her with the best of your abilities. There are so many things in this life that are just plain not within our powerto correct. Try as we might, we cannot change them. So, then we are left to dwell on those good times when everything just seems to click into its rightplace.Francesca was a bundle of both. Maybe that is the lesson her life can share with us. The very good and bad often come bundled together, yet thenature of our canine friends accept this and still go about life joyfully and able to greet those they love only anticipating the good inside of us.Love, Francescas BreederODE TO AN ALOPECIA X POM2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM464 i i i i n4 442008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 47Top 10BreedJoan BehrendPomeranians AKC TopDogssm Using Breed TotalsStarting January 1, 2008 and ending December 31, 2008For Events Processed Through Thursday, September 11, 2008 TotalRank Name Sex BOB Defeated 1 CH Velocitys Shake Ur Bon Bon D 75 1,579OwnerM Koga 2 CH Cr Tuff Guy Of Isabella D 65 1,022Owners R Solano, C Solano, R Smith, M Smith 3 CH Powerpom High Performance D 46 695Owner P Pongsak 4 CH Chars Bringin Sexy Back D 49 648Owners C Meyer 5 CH Oakrose HighN Mighty D 31 570Owners J Rose, G Stewart 6 CH Lanas Let Me Introduce Myself D 26 369Owner L Price 7 CH Majestics Artistic Impression B 28 360Owners A Rister, C Creed, B Turner, S Turner 8 CH Larajus Don Juan At So-Me D 13 347Owners R Mellem, L Newbold, L Solomon 9 CH Razzle Dazzle Heavenly Choir D 21 320Owner J Green 10 CH Lil Behrs Honey Nut Cheerio D 27 298Owners J Behrend, B BehrendAPC Member denoted by 2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM47r..748 - 2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEWTop 10All BreedPomeranians AKC TopDogssm Using All Breed TotalsStarting January 1, 2008 and ending December 31, 2008For Events Processed Through Thursday, September 11, 2008TotalRank Name Sex BIS I II III IV Defeated 1 CH Velocitys Shake Ur Bon Bon D 4 27 18 9 6 12,911OwnerM Koga 2 CH Cr Tuff Guy Of Isabella D 2 20 9 10 5 8,904Owners R Solano, C Solano, R Smith, M Smith 3 CH Powerpom High Performance D 1 7 6 9 12 5,901Owner P Pongsak 4 CH Chars Bringin Sexy Back D 0 3 9 3 6 2,411Owners C Meyer 5 CH Oakrose HighN Mighty D 0 4 0 3 3 2,094Owners J Rose, G Stewart 6 CH Lanas Let Me Introduce Myself D 0 3 2 4 2 1,958Owner L Price 7 CH Larajus Don Juan At So-Me D 0 3 2 4 0 1,608Owners R Mellem, L Newbold, L Solomon 8 CH Majestics Artistic Impression B 0 2 2 1 3 1,332Owners A Rister, C Creed, B Turner, S Turner 9 CH Razzle Dazzle Heavenly Choir D 0 1 2 3 1 1,243Owner J Green 10 CH Starfires Latin Dancer D 1 1 2 2 1 972Owners F Stoll, D RiehmAPC Member denoted by 2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM484- i i w mT2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 49Top TenExhibitor, Breeder,Junior ShowmanshipTop Exhibitors10 Charlotte Meyer 9 Diane L Finch 6 Celeste Solano 6 Robert Solano 5 Fabian Arienti 4 Jose A Cabrera 4 Sharon Hanson 4 Juanita Fiddick 4 Nina Fetter 4 K G GriffithJanuary 1, 2008 through August 31, 2008 as reported by the American Kennel ClubTop Breeders15 Diane L Finch11 Charlotte Meyer 7 Fabian Arienti 7 Jose A Cabrera 6 Sharon Hanson 6 Carol Leehmuis 6 K G Griffith 5 Juanita Fiddick 5 Carlene B Gilstrap 5 David Gilstrap 5 Karen Power 5 Tom WilsonTop Sires7 CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams4 CH Mt Crest At Springwood4 CH Cheyennes Kodiak Bear Second4 CH Finchs Bet On The Parti3 CH Babydolls Buckle Up Ur Genes3 CH Daystar Cowboys And Indians3 CH Firebrooks Tabasco Fiasco3 CH Horizon-N-Janesa Indian Sundown3 CH Janesas American Cutiepye3 CH Magic Touch Of Lenette3 CH Reuben of Lenette3 CH Starfires Here Comes Trouble3 Starlights Dream Comes TrueTop Dams3 CH Amber Glow Of Lenette3 CH Great Rivers Tiamo Lets Hav A Ball3 Labays Savannah Of Lenette2 CH Gar-Vs Zeek-A-Boo2 CH Chars Walkin N A Winnin Way2 CH Great Rivers Tiamo Lets Hav A Ball2 CH Jan-Shars The Cookie Monster2 CH Rodis Cr Queen Of Stars2 CH Starfires Wicked Mary2 Bar-Net Abigail Of Oakridge2 Bavanews Divine Intervention2 Bynows I Know Who Lies2 Finchs Lo And Behold2 Finchs Shamoo Parti2 Gar-Vs Beau-Tiful Windflower2 Lt Cherubs Chapel Of Dreams Of Labeau2 Panaches Picture Perfect2 Park Aves Sweet Magnolia2 Pomhavens Casa Dora2 Pomrytes Penny For Yor Thots2 Precious Moments Tender Love2 Starfires Robcary U GlowgirlTop Junior Handlers Through Aug 31, 2008As reported by BestJunior.comStephanie Hentschel 312Amanda Seitzer 304Rebecca Silverberg 76Ginger Riley 29Hope Gould 25Colten Pfannerstill 13Letesha Girth 11Nathan Lisenbee 11Taylor Brown 10Samantha Hyde 9Bailey Pfannerstill 9Matthew Lisenbee 8Ian Maniates 4Chelsea Valles 3Trinity McKain 3Daniel Belcher 2Rosie Sheppard 1Noelle Oleartchick 1Cora Halliday 1The Pomeranian Review includes all Pomeranian Exhibitors in their publication. American Pomeranian Club Members are noted with an .In order to be eligible for APC Awards given at the Annual Banquet, you must have been a member for one 1 calendar year.2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM49 i i m 4- i i m i nTM50 - 2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEWNew ChampionsJuly ChampionsCH Bachmans Wild Wild West D CH CheyennesKodiak Bear Second x Lanas Centerfold Pin-Up.Owned by Krystal Morris. Bred by Cheri Mcdonald.CH Castiles Eternal Flame B CH Glen Iris EvianDCastile x CH Glen Iris Duchess Of Castile. Ownedby Rebecca B Jackson Geno Sisneros. Bred byGeno Sisneros.CH Cj-Peep Dantes Inferno D CH Cj-Peep TequilaSunrise x CH Cj Rolin Onthe River. Owned by JuliaSmith Susan C Landry. Bred by Julia Smith.CH Daystar Ryms W Spring Fever B CH IslandsOne Wild Child x CH Sublimes Cocoberries 4 RymsW. Owned by Karen Power. Bred by ShelleyWiemer-Martin Karen Power Russ Martin.CH Finchs All American Girl B CH PufprideSweet Dreams x CH Finchs Born To Be Wild.Owned by Diane L Finch. Bred by Diane L Finch.CH Finchs Spectacular Parti B CHFinchsCharsMakinWavesParti x Finchs Kick It Parti.Owned by Diane L Finch. Bred by Diane L Finch.CH Firebrooks Thymeless B CH Band Of Gold OfLenette x Firebrooks Its About Thyme. Owned byLee D Cook. Bred by Lee D Cook.CH Halstons Heartbreaker D CH Puf PrideCloudbreaker x Halstons Stormy Weather. Ownedby Larry Lopez. Bred by Larry Lopez.CH Honeykist The Boss D CH Regmars MTN.View Stars Shine x Honeykist IM The Boss. Owned byChristine Bousquet. Bred by Christine Bousquet.CH Jenuwane Simply Irrisistable B CHClairmonts Carolina Beau x Jenuwane Look AtWillow Do It. Owned by Patricia Mappes. Bred byJenny Hryniuk.CH Jjs Crown Prince Of Lenette D CH MercersUtmost Crown Prince x CH Jjs She Talks To Angels.Owned by K G Griffith. Bred by Julie Javernick.CH Pom Acres Inchalla Red Alert D CH PomAcres Lets Cruise x CH Pom Acres Nike. Owned byJuanita Fiddick. Bred by Juanita Fiddick.CH Pom Acres Mr Markus D CH Pom AcresAtomic Dictator x CH Pom Acres Victorious Dawn.Owned by Juanita Fiddick. Bred by Juanita Fiddick.CH Showins Thunderball D CH Barbaras DancingWith Silver x Sho-Wins Call Of The Wild.Owned by Audrey Caywood Jose A Cabrera,Fabian Arienti. Bred by Barbara Raymond AudreyCaywood.CH Sincitys IM A Tuff Little Demon D CH TwoTs Tuff-R-N-Pop x Bynows I Know Who Lies.Owned by Michele Arvanites. Bred by MicheleArvanites John Arvanites.CH Touch Of Lace Chereokee Paco D CHStolannes Musical Nightrider x Adams Coal MinersDaughter. Owned by Wanda Sue Cox. Bred byWanda Sue Cox.CH Weewyns FlyN First Class B CH WeewynsDouble Ooh Seven x Weewyns Oncore Performance. Owned by Cathy Anderson. Bred by CathyAnderson.CH Win-Sums LAttitude B CH Ben Aires MoonBeam x CH Linetrees Brooke O Cottontop. OwnedBred by Clint Marsha Taylor.August ChampionsCH Aldens N Chars Popcorn B Aldens LastOutlaws Henry x Aldens Truely Trudys Trouble.Owned by Charlotte Meyer. Bred by Alden ADomrase Janet R Domrase.CH Aphrodites Blue Sea Star B CH TrudysKentucky Blue At Aphrodite x Windkiss AphroditesStar Gazer. Owned by Beverly Allen LindaDecicco. Bred by Linda Decicco.CH Bubba Littleman D CH Articpoms-WynLighting-Strksx Baby Jumper. Owned by Susan LFellows. Bred by Susan L Fellows.CH Cameos Sir Galahad D CH BachmansPrecious Diamond x Mathews A Lil Miss Behaven.Owned by Karen C Betz. Bred by Karen C Betz.CH Chars Spice Girl B CH Chars I Wanta TalkAbout Me x Star Haven Dark N Thensome. Ownedby Joo Dong Kim Ah Young Jung. Bred by CharlotteMeyer Diane L Finch.CH Cottontop N Weewyns Taking A Chance AtSirius Ec D CH Janesas Cause For Applause xCottontop Arabesque. Owned by Nina Fetter Kathryn2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM50V2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 51New ChampionsNorem. Bred by Linda L Mulso Cathy Anderson.CH Debut My Give Adams Busted D CH Fan-CsPat OHairy x Debut Touched By An Angel. Ownedby Valerie Crane. Bred by Debbie Kingery.CH Delpoms Sir Nicholas Of Lenette D CHRueben Of Lenette x Sweet Caroline Of Lenette II.Owned by Lisa Delp. Bred by K G Griffith.CH Dlts CodyHeritage Of Labeau D CHApolloette The Contender x Labeau Summer Sunset.Owned by Cathy Driggers Mark Driggers. Bredby Cathy Driggers Patricia A Gilbert.CH Eco N Sundowns Celebration B CHHeartlands Knight N Day x CH Sundowns CmonGimme A Chance. Owned by Camilla Knight. Bredby Elizabeth B Cockrill Camilla Knight.CH Finchs Life Of The Parti B CH Finchs Parti ToImpress Me x Finchs Keepsake Parti. Owned byBrenda Reynolds. Bred by Diane L Finch.CH Finchs Time Is Right For Pomjoy D CHFinchs Bet On The Parti x Finchs Shamoo Parti.Owned by Sheryl Anne Goodman Diane L. Finch.Bred by Diane L Finch.CH Golden Stars Terminator D CH Dominic OfLenette x Xantah Pearls Ruffina. Owned by AnakeSanehmahakul. Bred by Anake Sanehmahakul.CH Great Rivers N Viktres Beau-Nita B CH GreatRivers Cupids Arrow x CH Great Rivers Tiamo LetsHav A Ball. Owned by Sharon Yampiro VictoriaOelerich. Bred by Sharon Yampiro VictoriaOelerich.CH Her Majestys Over The Edge D CH MajestysPrince Daschael x CH Finchs Get Over Yourself.Owned by Charles Whittemore Randy Houston.Bred by Charles Whittemore Randy Houston.CH Horizon Animation Mighty Mouse D CHDarlins Wildcard At Sirius x CH Horizons WishfulThinking. Owned by Lorinda Vasuta DarrenLane. Bred by Laurie Otis.CH Larajus Paragons How D West Was Won DLarajus Collateral Damage x Park Aves SweetMagnolia. Owned by Teresa White Kevin White.Bred by Tom Wilson Laura Newbold.CH Lt Cherubs Chasing A Dream At Sunset DCH Pufpride Bit O Gold Beamer x Lt Cherubs ChapelOf Dreams Of Labeau. Owned Bred by Darlene LDavis Donald C Wickham Sharon Wheeler.CH Mountain Crest All That Glitters B CH MountainCrest Hard Rock x Ragdolls DonT LeaveUnatNded. Owned by Connie Russell RonRussell. Bred by David Gilstrap Carlene BGilstrap.CH Oakrose Summer Breeze B CH Cr Tuff GuyOf Isabella x Oakrose Summer Rain. Owned byJoan Rose Gail Stewart. Bred by Joan Rose Gail Stewart.CH Patriots On Cloud Nine D CH PatriotsTucked In A Cloud x Patriots Princess Fiona. Ownedby Joanne E Rusk. Bred by Joanne E Rusk.CH Pomhavens Dream Of The Orient BStarlights Dream Comes True x Pomhavens CasaDora. Owned by Colleen P Beland. Bred by ColleenP Beland.CH Pomhavens Il Divo D Pomhavens GiorgioArmani RA x Pomhavens Casa Dora. Owned byLee Ann Lambert. Bred by Colleen P Beland.CH Rise N Shines Shes So Hot B CH Rise NShines Hes A Hottie x Nans Shes All That. Ownedby Kimberly K Thompson Brad Thompson. Bredby Julie Clemen.CH Royal Tees Sweet Home Alabama D CHNoah Of Lenette x Royal Tees Daisys In Alabama.Owned by Angela Blocker. Bred by Angela Blocker.CH Shamai Blumoon Nite At The Oscars DJanesas Command Performance x Shamai AndMnms Tiger Lily. Owned by Kelly Klingbeil LoriKamrath. Bred by Kelly Klingbeil.CH Starfires Dbl Trouble D CH Starfires HereComes Trouble x CH Starfires Go Go Dancer.Owned by Geri Arnold William Arnold DarlysFlaata. Bred by Jose A Cabrera Fabian Arienti.CH Storybrook Beach Blanket Bingo DStorybooks Snowball Parti Boy x Storybooks PolkaDot Parti. Owned by Barbara Krzewicki MichelSeid. Bred by Joe Taylor.CH Woodroses Causin A Commotion D CHRazzle Dazzle Hat Dance x Woodroses Jenni.Owned by Clarice M Oganeku Yvette H Oganeku.Bred by Clarice M Oganeku Yvette H Oganeku.New Champions Continued2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM51 INI A n i i i iyw52 - 2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEWHealth GeneticsPART TWO - THE MECHANICS In 1866 Gregor Johann Mendel, the abbot of a Brunn now in Czechoslovakiamonastery, published the results of eight years of careful experimentation. He hadcrossed and back-crossed several distinct varieties of garden peas and discovered thatMary Allan, Guest WriterPart One - The Vocabulary may be found in the SeptOct 2008 Pom Reviewseveral characteristics were inherited independently of each other and in specific ratios. The scientific world resoundinglyignored these revelations. In 1900 three scientists, two German, one Dutch the famous Hugo de Vries - working separately - rediscovered them.Mendels Laws have been the geneticists guiding light ever since. In this part the nuts and bolts of inheritance will be explored the way in which the different alleles combine to producea unique individual. In part one it was noted that normal body cells are formed by a duplication process called mitosis, inwhich the genetic material is copied exactly. It was also noted that the sperm and ova undergo a process called meiosis,whereby the genes are halved. During this reduction process one allele from each gene pair is donated to the gamete. If theindividual is homozygous for a trait, only that one form of the trait can be passed on to the ensuing offspring. But what if theorganism is heterozygous In this case, one half of the offspring will inherit the dominant allele, whilst the other half willreceive the recessive one.Checkerboard diagrams These give quick and easy demonstrations of the ratios expected from projected breedings. They are fine if only a veryfew traits are being considered. Suppose we want to find out what would happen if we bred Midnight a homozygous blackmale BB, to Cocoa a homozygous chocolate bitch bb Midnight B B b Bb Bb Cocoa black black b Bb Bb black black Because B is dominant to b, all the puppies will be black. They are all heterozygous for the chocolate gene, though. Now what if we decided to do a full brother-sister breeding from this litter This is called a backcross.2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM52 i i i in4 442008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 53 B b B BB Bb black black b Bb bb black choc. Statistically, this litter would consist of three black to one chocolate. The homozygous black BB will breed true for thatcolor. The heterozygous blacks will not it will depend on which of the alleles each offspring receives. Likewise the chocolate,if bred to another chocolate, will breed true. However, if bred to a dog carrying the B allele, the recessive b would be masked. Lets try adding a new trait to the diagram. The depth of color is controlled by a gene D. The dilute colors - blue, lilac palebeige - seen in the Weimeraner are the result of the recessive d. The double-heterozygote BbDd will be black. If we bred twoof these individuals, what could we expect BD Bd bD bd BD BBDD BBDd BbDD BbDd black black black black Bd BBDd BBdd BbDd Bbdd black blue black blue bD BbDD BbDd bbDD bbDd Black black choc. choc. bd BbDd Bbdd bbDd bbdd black blue choc lilac We get 9 blacks, 3 chocolates, 3 blues and 1 lilac. These are the expected ratios for random combination of two heterozygoustraits. We could add another trait try Ll the shortlong hair gene There are 64 possible combinations of these alleles,assuming heterozygosity of both parents and totally random combinations animals Phenotype Genotype 27 black short hair B-D-L 9 black long hair B-D-ll 9 blue short hair B-ddL 9 chocolate short hair bbD-L 3 blue long hair B-ddll 3 chocolate long hair bbD-ll 3 lilac short hair bbddL 1 lilac long hair bbddll Some alleles have more than just one alternative. These alternatives are called multiple alleles or allelic series. Anexample was seen in part one, when discussing the S series. Note that only two alleles can be inherited for any one gene, nomatter how many alleles are in the series. Each gene is acquired in a random fashion, independent of any other gene. This is Mendels Law of IndependentAssortment in action. There is an exception to this. Gene linkage is the tendency for two or more traits to be transmittedtogether, due to their genes being located close together on the same chromosome. taken from Robinson, Roy 1982 Genetics for Dog Breeders, Pergamon Press, Oxford, England.2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM53m m54 - 2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEWPART THREE - COAT COLOR In part one we learned the language of genetics. Part twoshowed how allelic combinations can affect phenotype. Inthis part genetic components of coat color will be explored.This will give a feel for manipulating several genes at onetime, and act as a guide for those of us interested in the rareor exotic colors. Different workers have differing views onsome of the coat color components. The alleles and seriespresented here are the ones readily accepted by most, and arelargely taken fromLittle, C.C., 1957 Inheritance of Coat Color in Dogs, CornellUniversity Press.Onstott, Kyle Revised by Onstott, Phillip, 1962 The NewArt of Breeding Better Dogs, Howell Book HouseRobinson, Roy 1982 Genetics for Dog Breeders, PergamonPressThe A Series Five alleles are postulated for the A seriesAw wild type black banded hairsay Fawn, clear sable, or yellowasa Saddle patternat Tan patterna recessive black The ay allele is responsible for the red to yellow spectrum.This can be a clear color, but dark or black-tipped hairs areoften found in the coat of these individuals. When many ofthese hairs are present, sable is produced. The number of blackhairs or degree of sabling is controlled by polygenes that areinherited independently of ay. The true agouti, aw, is not generally found in dogs - perhapsby chance, or perhaps ancient breeders, needing their domesticdogs to be easily distinguished from wild dogs and wolves,bred it out. The saddle pattern, asa, is responsible for the dark shadingover the back and sides of, for example, the Airedale Terrier.The extent of the pattern is variable. The at gene is responsible for the tan points found in,for example, the Rottweiler.The B Alleles There are two B alleles. Dominant B allows theproduction of black pigment in the coat and on the lips, nose,eye rims and pads.Recessive b provides chocolate coloration in these areas.The C Series There is some controversy over the number andnomenclature of these alleles. The following is a compositeview.C Allows melanin to be formedcch Chinchilla - reduces redtan pigmentationcd White coat, black nose, dark eyes disputed by Littlecb Cornaz pale greyish coat and blue eyesc Albino - white coat, pink nose and eyes Little - ca The C allele allows full expression of color, and it appearsthat many breeds are CC. cch acts mostly on the redyellow spectrum, reducing thesecolors. In combination with the a agouti, wild-color avery grey pattern, as seen in the Chinchilla is seen - hence thename. cd is disputed by Little - he says that a white coated, darkpigmented animal can be produced by cch acting on ay or eesee later individuals. cb, the Cornaz dilution, is very rare. It was studied inPekinese and Pomeranians by Pearson and Usher 1929, butas the coloration is considered a fault it has been bred against,and presumably reduced considerably in the generalpopulation. c, complete albinism, is very rare in the dog.The D Alleles There are only two allelesD causes intense pigmentation, as determined by other colorgenes. d, if homozygous, causes dilution of that color. Thedegree of dilution is determined by modifying genes. This isa gene which can cause black to dilute to blue.The E Series Causes extension or restriction of dark pigment in the coat.Em Extension of pigment with dark maskE Extension of pigment without dark maske Restriction of dark pigmentThese alleles affect dark pigment rather than redtan. BothEm and E allow dark pigment to be formed. These also allowdark lips, eye rims, noses and pads, and dark eyes. The restrictive allele e does not permit black pigment tobe formed, even in animals that carry the black-forming geneB. These ee animals will be a clear red, orange or yellow.The K Series Dominant black. Overrides the Aagouti locus Dominant Black KB Brindle kbr kyky2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM544 i i i in4 442008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 55 One KB gene will override the agouti locus information toproduce a black dog. kbr permits black pigment to form in layers through tan, togive the striped effect seen in Boxers and Great Danes. Ifpresent with Em or E, ebr will give the brindle effect in thetan areas. To have a brindle phenotype, a dog must have oneEm, in which case it will be a brindle with a melanistic maskor one E allele, in which case it will be brindle with no mask.Dogs which have two recessive alleles kyky can express avariety of phenotypes. All black-and-tan dogs or dogs withtan points are kyky. All fawn or sable dogs are kyky,whether they have a melanistic mask or not. Red dogs thathave an ee genotype however, could be any genotype atthe K locus.This allele is named ky because it allows yellow orphaeomelanin pigment to show. Where it shows depends onthe alleles at the agouti locus.The G Alleles There are two G alleles. The dominant G causes aprogressive greying of the black portion of the coat till itbecomes slate grey or blue-grey. It appears in breeds such asthe Yorkshire Terrier and the Kerry Blue Terrier. The ggindividuals remain black. GG or Gg dogs are born black. It seems that those animalsthat are blue due to the dd dilution are slate-blue at birth.The M Alleles There are two M alleles - M and m. Black pigment seemsto be more affected by this gene than tan. The dominant M, if homozygous, causes an almost-allwhiteanimal that has a tendency towards sight and hearingdefects. Heterozygosity, Mm, causes merling dappling as seenin the Shetland Sheepdog and other breeds. Homozygous mm individuals show colors as determinedby genes at other loci areas.The P Alleles There are two alleles, P and p, proposed by Little, but notgenerally agreed on by other workers. He suggests that Paffects depth of pigment whilst p reduces black and brownpigment, leaving redtan unaffected.The S Series These alleles are responsible for the amount of whitemarking appearing in the coat.S Self-color, or totally pigmented Irish Spotting - small white areas on toes and chest.sp Piebald spotting, as seen in Springers, Brittanies.sw Extreme-white piebald only small, if any, pigmentedareas. This is seen in, for example, the white Bull Terrier.The T andor R Alleles There is divided opinion on these. It is suggested that T isresponsible for ticking, or small pigmented areas on a whitedog e.g. the Dalmatian while R is said to be the roan gene,which produces a mixture of colored hairs in a white areae.g. Pointers, English Setters. The recessives of these alleles,t and r, do not permit ticking or the roan pattern. Where does that leave us, as breeders Perhaps thefollowing table might helpPhenotype GenotypeBlack............................... A- B- C- D- E- S- KBChocolate...........................A- bb C- D- E- S- KBClearredorange....................A- B- C- D- ee S- K......OR............................ay- B- C- D- E- S- kyky......OR............................ay- B- C- D- ee S- KBkySable redorange, dk hairsaddle...ayasa- B- C- D- E- Skyky......withmask.....................ayasa- B- C- D- Em- S- kykyCream black pigment...............As- B- cch- D- ee S- K......OR............................As- B- cdcd D- ee S- K......OR...........................ay- B- cchd D- ee S- KBlue................................A- B- C- dd E- S- KbLilacbeige.......................A- bb C- dd E- S- kyky......OR............................A- bb C- dd ee S- K- or k......OR............................a- bb C- dd ee S- Kb-or kyBeaverbeige, choc. sabling.......ay- bb C- D- E- S- kykyWolf Sable grey, black sabling....ay- B- cchd D- E- SkykyBlacktan...........................atat B- C- D- E- S- kykyChocolatetan.......................atat bb C- D- E- S- kykyBlackwhite Parti-color.............A- B- C- D- E- Sp- KbChocolateWhiteParti-color.........A- bb C- D- E- Sp- KbRedwhite Parti.....................A- B- C- D- ee Sp- Kb- orkykyBrindle.............................ay- B- C- D- E- S- Kbrkbr Note By convention, the most dominant allele is writtenfirst and is capitalized. The ee colors will frequently look cleaner than their Ecounterparts,due to the lack of darker hairs. The cch- wolfsable is more likely to be pale cream sable than the cdcd wolfsable. This last is my opinion only. Now get out those pedigrees youve been hoarding incase they come in useful, and practice working out colorgenotypes.Part Four Continued in the JanFeb 2009 Pom Review.2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM554 i i i in4 4456 - 2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAPC Judges EducationFred C. BassettGreetings to all Pom fanciers These areinteresting times at AKC with a committeeactively pursuing the reorganization of theexisting seven Groups into a proposed 10Groups. Initial recommendations were presentedto the AKC Delegates at their lastmeeting, and as I am not sure if you will get areport on this elsewhere I am going to make itthe topic of my article.As all of you know who have attended one ofmy Pomeranian Seminars Judges Education,or Mentor I spend a substantial amount oftime discussing the relationship of the Pomeranianto its family of origin. The family isknown by many names including NorthernBreeds, Spitz Breeds and Arctic Breeds. Mostof the breeds in this family share a commonmake and shape and general appearance.Along with the Pomeranian these include theKeeshonden, American Eskimo, Finnish Spitz,Alaskan Malamute, Samoyed, Akita, SchipperkeShiba Inu and Norwegian Elkhound.Others are less obvious because of selectivebreeding to produce a unique look, such asthe Shar Pei, Chow Chow and Siberian Husky.The general traits that are shared by most ofthe Spitz breeds are Square to Off-Square Body Proportions Small, High-Set Prick Ears Wedge-Shaped Head, with varyingproportions of Muzzle to Skull length High-Set Plumed Tail, most carried overthe back Profuse Double Coat most with Mane,Pants Tail Plume Cobby Build Good Substance StrongBoneThe placement of the Pomeranian is still underdiscussion by the AKC Committee. It lookslike it will either stay in the Toy Group, or moveto the Northern Breeds Group. I would like tosee it move to the Northern Breeds group, andhave made that personal recommendation tothe committee. I have asked an APC Boardmember whether the AKC has asked for anopinion yet from APC, and was told that theboard has not yet been consulted.Poms have been a member of the NorthernSpitz group in Europe and other FCI countriesfor decades, and have competed very successfullyagainst its larger brethren. Sizeamongst its competitors does not need to be aconcern, although I have heard it voiced.Consider the existing Hound group where theMiniature Dachshund has competed againstthe Irish Wolfhound and other large breedswith great success, and the Terriers wheresize ranges from the Airedale down to theNorwich. Initial reports are that the ItalianGreyhounds are going to move to the newSighthound Group, where they will be thesmallest. At any rate, this all provides greatfood for thought. By the time you read thisthe APC Board will probably be involved in thediscussion.Following are the breeds that are included inthe first draft of the new Northern BreedsGroup in the AKC Committee proposal, aspresented to the Delegates MeetingAkitaAlaskan MalamuteAmerican Eskimo DogChinese Shar-PeiChow ChowFinnish Spitz Continued2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM56 i i i in2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 57Icelandic Sheepdog Miscellaneous status7108KeeshondNorwegian Buhund Miscellaneous status1107 Full Recognition 1109Norwegian Lundehund Miscellaneousstatus 7108Norwegian ElkhoundSamoyedSiberian HuskySchipperkeShiba InuSwedish VallhundThere are a number of other breeds thatare part of this family, and compete inother parts of the world. Included are theGerman Spitz breeds that were presentedin the SeptemberOctober issue ofthe Pomeranian Review by the SpanishClub Espaol del Spitz Aleman. They areknown in Europe as Zwergspitz, Kleinspitzand Mittlespitz. The smallest of these isthe equivalent of the Pomeranian, and theother two are larger sizes ranging up tothe American Eskimo sizes with multiplecolors allowed. In Australia these competeas German Spitz. We could alsoeventually see the Chinese Foo Dog, theCanadian Eskimo Dog, and a number ofAsian breeds Hokkaido Dog, Kai Dog,Kishu Dog, Shikoku Dog, and the KoreanJindo Dog.The 10 new Groups that are proposed are1. Sporting - Pointers Setters2. Sporting - Retrievers Spaniels3. Scent Hounds4. Sight Hounds5. Working Breeds6. Terrier Breeds7. Toy Breeds including the Pomeranian8. CompanionBreeds formerly NonSporting9. Herding Breeds10. Northern BreedsI wish you all a joyous and blessed holidayseason enjoying family, friends and Pomeranians.RegionalPomeranian Club Specialtycoming events are published free of charge.For updates and regional club contact information go to theAPC website at httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgNovember 13, 2008 - Pom Club of GreaterBaltimores Regional Specialty. Held inconjunction with the National Capital KennelClub at Howard County Fair Grounds in WestFriendship, MD. For further information contactPaul Gates, destineepomshotmail.comDecember 13-14, 2008 - AKCEukanubaNational Championship at the Long BeachConvention Entertainment Center. More than2,000 dogs compete for a total of 225,000 inprize money and the prestigious Best-in-Showtitle of National Champion. National titles willalso be awarded at the AKC National AgilityInvitational and the AKC National ObedienceInvitational. Spectators will enjoy the AKC Meetthe Breeds booths. This year, entrants from 52countries around the globe will also compete inthe second annual Eukanuba World Challenge.March 9, 10 11, 2009 - APC NationalSpecialty, Holiday Inn on Hurstbourne,Louisville, Kentucky. Judge Sandra Goose Allenand Sweeps Judge Betsy Owens.December 12 13, 2009 - AKC 125thAnniversary Celebration, Long Beach,California. AKC will waive the invitationalformat and classes will be offered. Go for more info.COMING EVENTSCHECKS, MONEY ORDERS, MASTERCARD,VISA, AMERICAN EXPRESS, DISCOVERY,PAYPAL ACCEPTED.Make PayPal payments totreasureramericanpomeranianclub.orgPAYMENT ALSO MAY BE MADE ONLINE ATTHE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUBS WEBSITEat Continued2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM57 i i i in58 - 2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW Saturday, September 20th wasAKC RDO Responsible DogOwnership Day. Located in lowerManhattan, Madison Square Parkwas the site and beautiful weatherwas our fortune. Our team was comprised ofElaine Wishnow with Great RiversMeg Rules Malashel CD, RAE,CGC, TDI and Ch. Subers IndyNile DMalashel RN, CGC, FranZozzaro with Zorros One HitWonder Gino and Edy Makariwand Dave Tabler with Cases Blackand Tannie RN Annie. We managed to unpack ourmaterial and get our table set upquickly. This was a good thing aswe had many visitors before theevent opened. A large number of adults came toour table. Many had Poms withthem. In speaking with them, wediscovered that a large numberwere rescues and pet shop dogs.We also had a few from breeders.Many were quite large, eitherorange or black, but we also hadsome interesting colors blue sable,cream sable and chocolate and tan,to name a few. Everyone took pridein his or her dogs. We also had a number of childvisitors who sat in one of our chairs2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM58i wmHijH'-"S vKfar.tfOfll3100tflSAlt\100 '0 X38W31d3S \j 4 am0 Mi A - NOSIQVW Mill2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 59with a Pom in their lap with a lookof satisfaction on their faces. It wasadorable. Even the youngest, a twoyear old, was very gentle with thePoms. A number of special events tookplace. There was the Parade ofthe Breeds to introduce the crowdto the various groups. I used Megas our representative. She wasvery popular as there were manyPom people in attendance. CGC testing was offered free ofcharge by AKC and provided theirpatch to all who passed the test.Three Poms took the test and,happily, they all passed. Theywere Indy with me, Annie withEdy and Caesar with Lorraine.From there we had pictures takenat the AKC Lifestyle booth. Thesephotos were also provided freegratis as AKC wants everyone tolearn about this new group. It is afan club formed by dog lovers fordog lovers. They have specialevents, network, and an expert toanswer questions. The pictureswere then e-mailed to us to bedownloaded. We handed out all of our PomReviews thank you, APC andBrenda and the informationpackets that were printed out. The event was supposed to end at3 PM, but we had so many peopleremaining at our table holding dogsand asking questions, that westayed until 415 PM. The day waswell worth the effort because ourPoms made a lasting impression oneveryone.2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM594i m m m' sr -SsiImmm mr ^ a, Au 2008 Ihe American Kennel Club. Inc60 - 2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEWMiss Saries StoryBy Donnita M AckleyMiss Sarie was found wandering the streets of Fairfax County Virginia in Juneof 2004. Once picked up by animal control the homeless little waif became aresident of the animal shelter for a few weeks just waiting for me to scoop herup She was thought to be around 12-14 years old. She was a tiny little girl atonly 3.2 pounds. Her eyes were cloudy with cataracts. With just a few sparseteeth her little tongue just wouldnt stay in her mouth. Her biggest issue was askin condition that caused her to have crusty sores and loss of fur over much ofher body. And if all of that wasnt enough, what fur remained was very mattedand her toenails were very overgrown. Can you imagine a little girl like herlost out in this big world I will be forever grateful to the shelter for believingshe was adoptable. They gave her the opportunity for another chance even thoughher age and physical condition could have justified them making a differentdecisionWhy she ended up on the street is part of her past that will never be known. Atragedy may have occurred or she may have been shoved aside. I dont try to create a storythat would just be fiction. But in my heart I believe she was dearly loved at some point before she came to me. Shedidnt come to me fearful or emotionally damaged in any way. Instead there she was, a little girl with a big spirit, in ahuge dog run just waiting to steal my heart I left the shelter that day with my little pistol butt knowing I had just won thelottery As tickled as I was I had no idea of how deeply I would fall in love with her and how much she would change mylife. When I arrived home with my little prize my teenage children thought I had lost my mind. It happened to be myoldest sons birthday so I pretended that she was his present. He was convinced I had certainly gone madSarie showed steady improvement over our first year together. Her weight increased to a lard butt size of 4.5pounds. The initial treatments for her skin included steroids, antibiotics, and allergy medications. Though there wasmuch improvement, the medications did not clear up her skin condition. A few months after she came to live with me shehad her first seizure episode. These episodes caused her to shake, pant, and at times lose her ability to stand. Theseepisodes were treated with Valium. Their reason is unknown to this day and they are unpredictable. Though theseepisodes are very rare, I always make sure to carry medications with me. She was also diagnosed with hypothyroidismthat is controlled with medication. But all of this isnt much given her age. She is doing very well for the old gal that sheis She plays like a puppy every day, just not as long as a puppyAround our 1st anniversary, I started her on high-quality human grade foods and salmon oil. I didnt know suchwonderful foods existed. It was an exhaustive search for something to help her skin that led me to their discovery. Shealso started having weekly baths with an anti-bacterial and anti-fungal shampoo followed by a colloidal oatmeal rinse.The new foods, omega-3 fatty acids, and baths were the magic formula that finally controlled her skin problems. Notonce has she been prescribed antibiotics or steroids for her skin since this approach was started To this day she stillneeds a weekly bath or her skin starts to act up. But she sure loves the special 10-minute massage and the afterbath frolicthat follows the spa treatment.With her spay history unknown her Vet took a conservative wait and see approach to minimize any trauma to her.As it turned out the trauma was just postponed for a few years. Just a few months before our 3rd anniversary I almost losther Upon waking one morning I realized that my little girl was sick. I took her to an emergency clinic thinking she had aurinary tract infection only to be told she required immediate surgery. The diagnosis was pyometra. The only other optionI was given was to euthanize her. Though my world had just been blown apart, I knew my choice was No way, no how,not here After calling my vet of 20 plus years he agreed to come in to do the surgery. Not only did she survive underhis highly skilled hands but also has thrived to even higher levels of overall health and energy since the surgery. And withthe hormones gone her coat has become even more glorious.From the time Sarie came to live with me we have spent a lot of time out in the public eye. She makesappearances at many dog events and enters every contest she can Often she wins, but even if she doesnt we have greatfun and she charms all that met her. Sometimes we can even be found at dog shows around Pomeranian ring time. WithSARIE JULY 20042008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM6044 4ifm i i i 4 MINI2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 61her being such a little people magnet, she spreads the rescue messageeverywhere we go. I always take the opportunity to rave about thejoys of older dogs. I explain how they are the hardest ones to findhomes for but so deserve a home of their own Puppies are sweet butolder dogs rule We take promotional materials with us on theoutings. Sarie has her own special calendars I make every year fromthe photos I take of her. I carry a stack with me and everyone shemeets gets one with her story on the back.During Saries first few years with me I volunteered with a rescuegroup and Sarie was the mascot. EverySaturday we could be found at the adoption event talking with the folks that werelooking for their new friend. All the rescue volunteers looked forward to Sariesarrival. It was not uncommon when Sarie and I arrived at adoption events, tohear a chorus of Hi Sarie Good thing I wasnt oversensitive because Iwasnt even noticed The spotlight was always shining directly on her.But none of this tells of the love between Sarie and me. In July of thisyear we celebrated our 4th year together. I never dreamed I would haveher with me this long. Our every moment together is treasured and weare inseparable Every morning as I leave for work, I slow myself downto say a very special goodbye to little Sarie. I want to make sure shefeels all the love I have for her. I also want the memory with methrough the day of this special little girl. And I go right to her when Icome home at the end of the day. Most days when I arrive home she isso happy that her bark lifts her little butt off of the floor Saries storywill always be told as long as I am able to speak of her There really issomething SPECIAL about SarieThank you for reading the story of my darling little heart girl.Donnita and SarieBEST BARVARIAN COSTUMES SARIES BATHTIMEWHERES THE CHICKEN SEPTEMBER 2008SARIES 4TH ANNIVERSARY2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM6144aPWV0Nm.y1ii i i n nni^H62 - 2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW NEWS AND VIEWSPERFORMANCEBarbara McClatcheyBy Barbara McClatcheyUKC AGILITYLois Morkassel wrote a description of some recent UKC Agility trials, and since I never get to see UKCAgility, I was fascinated, and thought others might be also. So here it is pretty much in its entiretyThe last 5 weekends have been show weekends and only one was a home weekend. This past weekendwas in Ft. Dodge, IA at an UKC agility and obedience trial. We had an 8-hour trip one way to get there.This was Shimmers first agility trial.UKC agility is different from AKC agility in many respects. The equipment is smaller. The jumps can be3' wide. In AGI the first level there are no weave poles and there is a hoop tunnel. This consists of hulahoopsin a frame that is open sided. The dog must travel though the hoops and stay within the frame. If hepops out, he must retry the obstacle. There are 2 retries allowed in AGI. If a dog puts a foot on a contact,or bales off, a fault is called and the dog must retry it and complete the obstacle for it to count. The entrieson contacts must be straight on and off. If they are crooked over a side or jumping on the edges of thecontact, points are assessed against the score. The course times seem very generous compared to AKC.The handler gets to choose a position for the table, but whatever they call, the dog has to do. So if you saysit and the dog downs, a fault is called and the count doesnt start until the sit is performed. A specific sideis marked as the on side for the table and another is for the dog to come off and finish the course.In AGII, there are 9 weave poles, a pause box which is a box formed out of 4" PVC pipe that lays on thefloor. The performance requirements are the same as the table, except the judge tells the handlers if it is asit or down in the box., and a platform jump which is 2 raised platforms that are 2x3' with measureddistance between them and a jump centered between the platforms. The dog must get on the first platform,sit, jump the bar onto the second platform and sit before coming off to complete the rest of the course.Each of these obstacles has a line on the floor 2 feet away from the obstacle. The dog must perform theobstacle with the handler on the outside of that 2-foot line.There is a sway bridge this has on and off ramps to a slatted wood and rope bridge that the dogs must runup and over without jumping or falling off and a swing plank, which is a 2x3' board that is suspended onchains in a frame that can move back and forth, sideways and twist. The dog must place all 4 feet on thisobstacle while traveling the length of the 3' plank without falling off or coming off the sides. There is alsoa six-foot long crawl tunnel that is set at the height the dog jumps, with a fabric over the supports. The dogmust crawl under the length of the tunnel without coming out of the open sides and not jump on top of thefabric or frame of the tunnel.2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM624r4n4''" 31f Bopu2s4 rr1_i i i i n 4 nni^H2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 63Performance ContinuedI dont have these pieces of equipment, so I tried to make some obstacles that would have similar featuresfor Shimmer to practice on. Others I tried to find playground equipment that might give her a taste of theskills she would need to negotiate the equipment. Fortunately there was a run thru of the equipment thenight before, so I got a chance to put Shimmer over the new equipment. I could see her cross an obstacleand just about see her make a connection to the experiences she had a the playgrounds and the equipmentthat I had made up for her to try. I was thrilled that she seemed to generalize her previous experiences andconnect them to the trial equipment.This UKC trial weekend was set up for 2 trials on Sat and 2 trials on Sunday. To save time, the trials arerun concurrently, meaning that the first course is set and walked and run, followed by the course changesneeded for the second course at the same level - but this is now trial 2 and it is then walked and run. Thisis repeated for each of the 3 levels offered.The first runs of the day were the UAGII courses, the ones with the equipment we dont have. The first runwas a mess. Shimmer did listen to me, but we missed equipment and needed several tries to get throughthe weave poles, which is usually her strong suit. The next run was much better with the only trouble spotbeing 3 tries to get the weave poles. Dogs are only allowed 1 retry at this level, so it was a second NQnonqualifying run.Then the third level runs took place.The next 2 runs were the AGI level and Shimmer did a lovely job of taking cues and working on anotherclubs equipment. She Qed qualified in both runs with a first and 3rd place.That evening, I took the girls out to potty them because they were acting weird. When I got outside thehotel, the sirens were going off and there was a tornado about 10 miles to the Northwest. It was verystrange because there were patchy clouds overhead, wicked looking clouds to the Southeast and clear skywith the sun shining brightly on the other side of the cloud that the funnel was coming out of. I pottied thegirls and took them in. I decided I better film the tornado, or my husband would never forgive me.Eventually the tornado disappeared. It didnt come our direction.The next morning started with the AGI courses and Shimmer was speedy and accurate. She looked like shewas having a lot of fun. All the practice with the start line stays so I could lead out into the course paid off.She earned two more Qs and finished her UAGI title with two first places.Then the 3rd level courses were run.They were followed by the AGII courses the ones with the unusual equipment. The first run was for trial1 and Shimmer was fast and almost perfect. She was so excited that she jumped off the side of the downramp on the sway bridge to lose 2 points. She still Qed that run to earn her first leg for that title. They didscores and ribbons for that 1st trial and Shimmers run in AGI was the fastest in the trial with perfect score,so she earned High in Trial over all the other dogs that ran that day in that trial.Shimmer had one last run and I liked the course. Shimmer was steady on the start line as I lead out. Shewas just about vibrating in place, but didnt move until I called her. Then she was off like a flash over thelog jump, I rotated into her travel path and she turned on a dime onto the swing plank and flew across it toclear a bar jump and a flower jump with a collection to nail the weave pole entry and stick them all the waythough. Then on to the crawl tunnel at full speed where she dropped and crawled at running speed to2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM634 i i i i n4 4464 - 2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEWPerformance Continuedemerge and clear the panel jump, curve into the tire jump and run up and over the sway bridge, fly over thebar jump while watching for my cue that she needed to double back and get on the platform jump and sit,then jump the bar to land and sit on the next platform. Then it was straight ahead to the picket fence jumpwhile reading my cue that she needed to arc her path to the tire jump again and once more over the swaybridge and to fly to the bar jump and clear the last log jump. I knew we were clean and fast. Shimmer tookfirst in her class. This was her 2nd Q in AGII and she only needs one more to finish her title.I was floored when the judge handed out the ribbons to find that Shimmer not only took first, but againtook High In Trial in the second trial with her run in AGII. When the Judge presented the rosette andtrophy for the HIT, she made a point to note that Shimmer had run the course 52 seconds under coursetimeLooking back over the past 23 days, on July 19th - Flitter finished her AKC CDX 2nd level Obediencetitle, on July 26th - Iri finished her AKC MX 3rd level agility title and on August 10th Shimmer earnedher UKC UAGI first level agility title with 2 HITs on her first show weekend. What a SUMMERThe 8-hour drive back from Ft. Dodge didnt seem like 8 hours.But just to make sure we didnt get too big for our britches, in class this week Shimmer couldnt find thetunnel in front of her because a door was open where she had never seen one before, so she had to go tothat instead of the tunnel. And just to be totally in sync as a team, I didnt remember that there were 4 moreobstacles to complete the course after the closed tunnel. Oh well, we have until mid-October to get back toearth and run for our first AKC agility trial.Thank you, Loisa great reportTOY BREEDS AND THE GROUP EXERCISESThe following letter was written to The Pomeranian Review by Roberta Mallott, with the express approvaland on behalf of the Pomeranian Club of Ontario and the Pomeranian Club of Canada. The background forthe letter is an incident that horrified the Obedience world that took place last summer involving a Pom.The dog was in Open B doing the Group Down, when a Dalmatian that had competed with this dognumerous times suddenly went into attack mode. The Pom ran, and the running set off prey drive in all thedogs. The owners were preparing to return to their dogs, so were in the ring, and the Poms owner stood atthe gate and was able to catch his frantic dog. The Pom required some pretty extensive surgery.Roberta writesIt is with great concern that I write this letter. Canine obedience is a sport where one forms a bond withtheir dog. A bond that should not be endangered each and every time one enters the obedience ring forcompetition.Small dogs are put in serious danger, with death being very possible, while performing the group stayexercises. We do not feel this is an individual dog problem, as most times it is a small dog that isperforming well, minding hisher own business, that is the victim of another dog that for some reasongoes into attack mode. Should this other dog be a larger breed, the small dog stands to either beseriously injured or killed.2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM644 i i i i n4 442008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 65Performance ContinuedWhile we feel the stay exercises are of utmost importance at both the novice and open levels, theremust be some way of having the dogs perform these exercises in a safe environment. It would not benecessary to completely revamp the exercises I am suggesting various ways safety could be addressed.1. Division of the novice and open classes by height up to 16 and over 162. An honour down or sit3. A moving down or sit or variations of this exerciseDivision of the classes would not entirely delete the problem it would certainly minimize the injuriesinflicted.Reading from the obedience rulebook, the purpose of obedience trials is to demonstrate the usefulnessof the purebred dog as a companion of man, not merely the dogs ability to follow specified routines.Obedience trials are a sport and all participants should be guided by the principles of goodsportsmanship both inside and outside the ring. I would like to think that good sportsmanship includesbeing able to enter an obedience ring knowing my little dog can do so in safety.Many small dog owners refuse to participate in this fun sport because of the safety concerns. Thisproblem seems to be growing in attacks, some dogs are not ready for the ring and their temperamentsare becoming a problem. Should one of these dogs be put beside a small dog, it is an accident waitingto happen.When Brenda sent me the letter, I asked permission and then forwarded it to Pat Krause, an APC memberwhom many of you know, and formerly head of the Companion Events Department at the AKC. This isher responseI appreciate the concern pointed out in Robertas letter. I showed DinaMite my Pom for many yearsand, yes, I was concerned about her safety on the group exercises, as I am for any of my dogsregardless of the breed or size of the dogthat is human nature, as I am also concerned about straydogs coming into my yard, cars on the street, jumping off the bed, passing another dog at a dog show,getting stung by a bee, etc. etc .etc.It is my belief that too many dogs are entered in dog shows not just obedience trials without beingproperly trained. Years ago, a dog was not entered in a trial until the dog was trained to stay in theposition it was left and the exhibitor was positive and I mean positive that the dog would not movewe just didnt have problems. In my opinion, too little effort is going into training a dog before it isentered in an obedience trial and there is not enough proofing to determine if the dog is ready to be leftin a ring with other dogs.Regarding Robertas suggestions for various ways safety could be addressedDivision of the novice and open classes by height - up to 16" and over 16". Again, in my opinion,while it might make the handlers a bit relieved, it does not address the problem of poorly traineddogs. Not all of the problems on the group exercises are large dogsmall dog. Any size dog can have astay problem and small dogs can be nasty too, but if that change made the small dog owners happy, Iwould not be opposed to the change.An honor down or sit or amoving down or sit. I am not in favor of either of these substitutionsfor the group exercise and would be extremely disappointed if either was implemented. My biggestdisappointment was when they changed the rally regulations so a dog that does not stay on the honor2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM654 i i i i n4 4466 - 2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEWexercise can still qualifywonderful, now on to obedience where they can disrupt the novice groupexercise, no longer on leash.The potential of a dog attack is never going to go awaythere will always be the chance one dog maydecide they do not like another dog. This happens in everyday life, not only at a dog show, and many,many more incidents occur outside the ring at an all breed dog show than occur inside the ring at anobedience trial, but we still take our dogs to the dog show, dont we And yet, small breed dog ownerswill take their dogs to a dog show and subject them to attack, but will not enter them in an obediencetrial where the chance of attack is much less.Last weekend, I excused a dog while it was entering the ring for the group exercise because I heard agrowl in the next group I excused a Sighthound that looked and postured like it was going to eat theDobe next to him because the Dobe whined a couple of times. No question in my mind that we weregoing to have a problem and in both cases, the dogs appeared to be dangerous. In closing, theanswer to the problem is better-trained dogsthis is the sport of obedience. Ten dogs should be able tobe placed four feet apart and be obedient for 1- 5 minutes - not too much to ask if they are properlytrainedand they deserve to be better trained.Roberta should know that AKC is in the process of compiling group exercise incident reports for a12-month period from all judges. After the mandatory reporting is completed, the results of thisstudy should be released for public knowledge. I hope. Until then, it doesnt appear there will be anychange to the current group exercise.Like everyone else, when this incident occurred, I was horrified. But I did seek out the facts from theowner of the Pom and from a judge who was present and witnessed the attack. There was no provocationon the part of the Pom, which was lying there apparently sleeping it off, a position I love to see on theLong Down, since it means the dog wont move until I return. The Dal and the Pom had been in multiplegroup exercises together previously with no problem.A suggestion not mentioned by Pat Krause, and one I would favor, would be to change the regulations toput the dogs into the catalog by jump height order. This might not solve all problems. In this particularclass, there was only one other Toy dog, and the next size up was a Border Collie. I think this might be abetter solution than the Division suggestion, which might provoke a desire for multiple placements, ashappens in Agility Divisions. Unfortunately, although this is an option in the new regulations which willprobably be passed by the board before this is published for classes with a jump, it is not required neitheris it an option for Novice. Since the attack occurred while the owners were in the ring, there is no reasonto indicate that it might not have also occurred during a Novice group exercise. And in fact, Novice dogsbeing the least well-trained and experienced, it would appear to be more likely there. I can remembernumerous times when Novice dogs have wandered, including my third time in Novice A when my Pomwas investigatedtwiceby a Siberian Husky.The group exercises seem to be the most popular ones with the general public visiting a show, who ofcourse cannot get their own dogs to stay in place. It is a difficult question is there more danger to a dogdoing a group exercise in an obedience ring, or in walking down the street on leash One of our adoptorshad a Pom previously that was walking on leash and killed by a Doberman that came charging out the doorof the house. Should we then not walk our dogs anywhere Im not sure of the solution. But theimpressiveness of the group exercises, in itself, should not be a reason, in my opinion, to retain it as is.And Im not sure that saying, The dogs should be better trained will make that happen.Performance Continued2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM664 i i i i n4 442008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 67TITLES, WE GOT TITLESCompanion DogJills Princess Tiger Lilly CD RN, Jill Jack Rodgers, 7262008Companion Dog ExcellentPom Acres Atomic Dragonfly CDX RAE NA OAJ MXP MJP, Lois Fae Morkassel, 7192008Rally NoviceCarleez Command Performance RN NAJ, Pamela Audrey Cunningham, 7272008Cases Strike While Shes Hot RN, Edy Makariw Susan Lucatorto, 7112008Wanna Be A Morning Glory RN, Robin Botelho, 8152008Wicket RN, Julie Hunt, 8172008, ILPRally AdvancedCH Extane Haleighs Fire Dream CD RA NA NAJ, Crystal Brown, 7192008Goldchips One In A Million CD RA, Rae LaPotin, 7122008Sundowns My Trend Is Janesa CD RA, Rochelle C Fugate, 7202008Mustangs Diamond Jim Brady RA, Marla Brady, 8162008Rally ExcellentHermes RE NAP NJP, Laverne Havelka, 8242008, ILPStreet Fighting Man CD RE NA NAJ NF, Marcia Messina, Anita L Platt, 8312008Rally Advanced ExcellentMalashels Incredibly Irresistible CD RAE, Elaine Wishnow, 8292008Open AgilityTwintiers Thief Of Hearts OA OAJ, Sue Peterson, 752008, ILPZiggy Zero Gravity OA NAJ, Cheryl Truskowski, 7202008, ILPAgility ExcellentTwintiers Thief Of Hearts AX AXJ NF, Sue Peterson, 8312008, ILPMaster Agility ExcellentPomacres Iridescent Dragnfly RE MX MXJ, Lois Fae Morkassel, 7262008Novice Agility JumperWitt-Elles Shoot To Thrill NAJ, Laurie Otis Carol Leemhuis, 882008Open Agility JumperApaws Never Never OA OAJ NF, Susie Zemo Letchworth, 752008Princess Wanna Be OA OAJ, Andrew Yokas, 8222008, ILPOpen Agility Jumper PreferredPom-Peis Nikitas Wish NAJ OJP, by Pat Varo, 7192008Performance Continued2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM674 i i i i n4 4468 - 2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEWExcellent Agility JumperTwintiers Thief Of Hearts OA AXJ, Sue Peterson, 762008, ILPWoodards Blackjack OA AXJ, Darcey Woodard, 7272008Excellent Agility Jumper PreferredVip-Odyssey Buttons Lil Beau NA OAJ AXP AJP, Kathy Flesner, 7192008Master Excellent JumperCH Carleez Boom Boom Boom AX MXJ, Janice George Smith, 7132008Mocha Pickerill MXJ NF, Judy Stephanie Pickerill, 7132008, ILPMaster Excellent Jumper PreferredFinchs Whirling Dervish CD RE AXJ MJP, Paula Kerezsi, 7262008Agility FAST NoviceCheris Lil Swee Pea MX MXJ NF, Gena Zglinski, 7182008MACH2 Finchs Peach Melba Delight NF, Karl Judith Seiter, 7202008Street Fighting Man CD RA NA NAJ NF, Marcia Messina, 7192008Twintiers Thief Of Hearts OA AXJ NF, Sue Peterson, 7272008, ILPAgility FAST ExcellentSparky The Charming Boy CD MX MXJ XF, Mary Sundholm, 8302008, ILPMaster Agility ChampionMACH Cheris Bad Boy Brutus, Michael Zglinski, 7132008MACH Pepe, Leslie Smith, 8232008, ILPMaster Agility Champion 3MACH3 Bebe Luc Doyon CD NF, Guylaine Doyon, 8172008, ILPMaster Agility Champion 8MACH8 Little Polly Party Girl, Betsy Ryba, 7202008MACH8 Bouncin Bundle Of Bear CDX RE NF, Shirley Michaels, 812008American Pomeranian Club members are listed in bold print. Only APC members for at least one year areeligible for annual awards. These awards include Top Obedience Pom, Top Agility Pom, Top Flyball Pom,etc., and they must be applied for by the owner. Now eligible for the APC Hall of Fame Now eligible for the APC Gold ClubThe Hall of Fame and Gold Club are Historical Awards available to any Pomeranian, but the owner mustapply for them. To read about the requirements only some of which are based on titles for these awards,go to . Eligible Poms are enrolled as HOF or GC in the records of theAmerican Pomeranian Club, and their names are listed on the APC website.ILP or PAL dogs are usually rescues.Please write me at with your own performance news and viewsPerformance Continued2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM684 i i i i n4 442008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 692008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM69mr 4 i i i m4o r\ 4 m 2\Sh' o n\s"o r,.P mj rKm,\'Li'.TABOOv 1Sent in by Linda DeCiccoSanta Pom trom Elaine Wishnow.V oStar nursing her precious babies Shared by Olga BakermmW0. mUw5i-x.-t3'Pom 3 fun times by Gladys Atilano from New York. Thanks for sharing 04Rudolph Pom Pom from Elaine Wishnow.470 - 2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEWJenna McMullins and JRJunior JennaMcMullinsJiveJenna and JR, The J-TEAMIt all started when my mombrought home the new baby. I was 7 yearsold and I was so excited about our newpuppy. She had pretty brown eyes, and was sosmall My love for any other creature wentright out the door. It was hard work to keep upwith all her needs, but she was partially myresponsibility and I didnt want to let her down.Our family named her Payton. My mom thoughtPayton was all hers. Boy was she wrong Although sheloves my mom, I have a connection with her that no oneelse has. Oh, did I mention that Payton is my ShetlandSheepdog I know this is the Pomeranian Review, but Payton isthe reason for my love of dogs, and she is the reason for my desire to show dogs. She is the one who started itallMy name is Jenna McMullins, and I am 13 years old. I show the cutest little Pomeranian named JR,Kissamis Junior Attraction, for our friend Paula Ohlemacher, Star Dreamers Pomeranians. But I started longbefore that. When we first got Payton, back in 2002, I decided to go into Dog 4-H. I thought it would be a lot offun to train my dog and to work together. We looked for local clubs, and found 4-Paws. Since 2004, I have beengoing strong in 4-H, winning three Overall Grand Champions in Showmanship and one Reserve GrandChampionship in Rally. Getting that far took a LOT of hard work. Payton was pretty easy to train in thebeginning, but boy is she really smart I have been showing her for four years now and its really hard to showher in obedience anymore. She has figured out that she does not get any treats in the ring and she doesnt wantto perform. Its been frustrating to find ways to motivate herShowmanship is much easier. Payton is a great showman and the treats are a big plus Every Tuesdayand Thursday, we go to practice at our local fairgrounds in Castle Rock, Colorado. For two hours if I canhandle going that long our club works in Obedience, Rally, and Showmanship. Our leader, Mary Parenti, gotmy mom and I into the local Shetland Sheepdog club, which got us started showing in AKC. I started showingin Juniors as soon as my age allowed me to and loved it. I worked so hard to get to the Open Classes and it took2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM70__kt2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 71me 6 shows. So I was so excited when I did.After showing in Open for a little over twoyears, though, I realized that 4-HShowmanship was much more fun thanAKC, so I settled into showing in 4-H.Occasionally, I would show someonesSheltie in the breed ring and sometimes mymoms Sheltie Hal.While going to 4H classes, we wouldstay later for the conformation class that my4H leader was also teaching. That is wherewe met Paula. This last summer, she waslooking for a junior to handle one of herPoms. I was eager to do some showing overthe summer, and thought that learning tohandle a Pom would be really fun When Ifirst saw JR, I thought he was one of thecutest little dogs on the planet. He has beenstaying with my family and me for aboutthree months and he sure is a character. Atfirst, it was frustrating working with him he needed some training in learning how to stand still for longer thantwo seconds and stacking on the table, he is just so happy all the time. It also is taking me time to adjust toshowing a different breed. Ive had to slow way down, because Shelties move out a bit faster But it is gettingmuch easier to show him.Our first show was at the Colorado Springs Kennel Club and was pretty good. The first day was a nailbiter I was so nervous that I would mess up. Then, it ended up being a good day, even though he got secondand RWD. The second day was a little more fulfilling we got first and RWD again. JR and I received his firstpoint at the Longmont Kennel Club dog show by going Best of Breed over a special. I was a basket case in thegroup ring because I had never been in the group ring before. In the short period that JR and I have beenshowing, he now has four points towards his AKC Championship title. Showing JR has been such a greatexperience and a lot of fun and we cant wait until our next show.I would like to thank the Pomeranian Review for asking us to do the Junior Handler article in theirmagazine. I would also like to thank Paula for giving me the opportunity to show JR in the Pomeranianconformation ring. See you in the ring2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM71,_________I I I I I___4IVII I mQjmBEST OF BREED ariOR VARIETYBUCKHORN VALLEY KENNEL CLUB 2008 NUGENT PHOTO6 4-4iamm VI, . nr4OTm472 - 2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEWRING E. Katie Gammill - Lerna, Illinoisindcrk13011consolidated.netwww.indiancreekshelties.comARE YOU YOUR DOGREADYSo you want to show your dog Should you hire a handlerPerhaps you prefer to show the dog yourself. If you do plan toshow your own dog, what is required to achieve this purposeHere are some things to take into consideration.BE PREPARED1. Are you financially prepared2. Have you attended Conformation Classes3. Do you understand required grooming techniques4. Do you have a proper show lead5. Do you own required grooming toolsMany owners join puppy socialization Classes to prepare their dogfor the show environment. This introduces your dog to other unfamiliarbreeds. Mentally stimulating, the dog learns what is expected in the showring. How many of us own backyard champions Stunning in the back yard,once these dogs walk through a ring gate, they either freeze, or meltThe fact remains, it is easier to bring an over-active dog down thanto bring a sulky, fearful dog up. Watch the pack order in your litters.Whether you agree or not, ring presence is the key to success. It explainswhy some bad dogs win and good dogs are overlooked.Perhaps the puppy that draws you is not quite as nice as another. Faceit ATTITUDE plays an important part in selection. Dedicated breeders spotthis early in a litter. Good dogs do not always win Many dogs of lesserquality finish quickly WHY ATTITUDEOften puppy flyers fail to reach expected adult potential. Manypeople feel a dog should be required to pick up the second. major after a yearof age to enable all to see the true potential. This is another discussion foranother day.If you must contend with a flyer in the ring, wish them luck. Letthem finish and get out of the way. Another important fact when showing adog is picking the right time and the right competition. Weak spots becomeavailable when one does theirhomework. Puppy bloom and attitudeis often fleeting and often is noindication of the dogs quality atmaturity.Training must start early. Somedogs are born CHAMPIONS Somedogs are born SPECIALS. A wiseperson understands the difference.Many exhibitors feel a handlerhas an edge when it comes to winning.Perhaps if an owner dedicated 247 likemany handlers do, the playing fieldwould be more even. Handlers makesure their client dogs are physically andmentally ready.Do owners attend showsEVERY WEEKEND Do they hidefaults and enhance virtues to increasetheir chances of winning Too often,when opportunity presents itself toappear in the Group ring, theinexperienced handler does not showcontinuously, but visits with others,and are unaware of the picture theypresent. Unfortunately, that may be thevery time the judge is evaluating theirdog.2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM72 INI 4 n i i i iiwLg- -jvLwWk4 442008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 73How many show and goexhibitors do we see today How manystick around for Groups and educatethemselves Handlers are successfulbecause they understand the followingHANDLER RESPONSIBILITY TOYOUR DOG1. Coat and conditioning, requiredproper trimming for the breed.2. Muscle tone and proper weight.3. A mentally sound attitude.4. Encourage the dogs naturalability to withstand the rigors of theshow ring.5. Presentation.6. Understand what judges lookfor.7. Willingness to travel to an areawhere the dog is competitive.8. Work 247 to ensure the clientdog is in peak condition.9. Understand top lines, structure,type, and breed specific movementaccording to the breed standard.10. Send ribbons and catalogs in atimely manner.Why do exhibitors complain dogshows are political More often than not,presentation and selecting proper judgesmake the difference. The belowsuggestions will assist owners in becomingmore competitive when showing their owndog.HOME WORK1. Watch the presentation of yourdog in a mirror.2. Watch someone else handle yourdog in the ring and compare it to thecurrent competition.3. Make sure the coat is ready andthe dog is in good condition, mentallyand physically.4. Determine the gait that best suitsyour dog.5. Train your dog to be up oncommand.6. Go in with a positive attitude.7. Carry bait your dog responds to.Give the dog a choice of bait.8. Be at ringside early or on time while determining if your dog needsto relax, or if your dog burns out early.There are pros and cons when you hire a handler. Determine thecurrent number of client dogs your handler represents. Realize your dogmay NOT be handled exclusively if more than one dog of the same breedwins their class, ask what method determines which dog the handler stayson. Address mileage and hotel expenses. Have a written contract andaddress all before signing the contract. This ensures a better relationship.WHY DO PEOPLE HIRE HANDLERS1. Handlers dont show dogs that arent ready2. They bathe, brush and trim on a daily basis.3. They road work for muscle tone and ensure proper diets.4. They clean teeth and trim nails.5. Handlers emphasize the positive and downplay the negative.6. Handlers appear ON TIME at the ring with the CORRECT armband number7. Handlers DO NOT run up on judges or other exhibitors.8. Handlers dress as to not distract from the dog.9. Handlers follow ring instructions.10. Handlers set dogs up when put on the table.11. Handlers do not stuff bait into a dogs mouth during examination ofteeth.CLIENTS PAY HANDLERS WELL FOR THEIR EXPERTISE ANDKNOWLEDGE. Up front, it may be cheaper to hire a handler as they gofarther and more often.UP FRONT OWNER RESPONSIBILTY1. Be prepared to pay your bills on time.2. Have an understanding as to WHO is responsible for entering yourdogs in WHAT show.3. Clarify which dog your handler will remain on when returning forWinners. Be prepared to work your way up the ladder of client preference.4. Accept your handlers expertise. Some dogs may be taken directlyfrom a kennel to the ring. Crating is required for others for proper weightgain and coat. Controlled exercise and measured food is required. Will youdefer to what your handler feels is best for your dogs successWhen presenting your own dog, do not underestimate theimportance of clean teeth and trimmed nails. Proper conditioning isimportant. Good owners and handlers know if a dog becomes used upearly by standing ringside or if the dog needs time to settle in.When presenting your own dog, if you do not win, do NOT jerk ormishandle your dog when returning to the set up. Congratulate the winnersand go on down the road. Its only one persons opinion on a particular day.Look around at the winners and take notes of the judges preferences.When success avoids you, try another area of the country.Participate in performance to encourage bonding. Judges can only judgewhat walks into the ring on a specific day. Dogs have bad days, ownershave bad days, handlers have bad days, and judges have bad days. The2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM73m74 - 2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEWweather MAY NOT cooperate. Thats dog showsEXHIBITOR EXPECTATIONS OF A JUDGE1. Treat each exhibitor with respect and fairness.2. Be on time and dont visit ringside.3. Handle EACH dog gently.4. Examine each dog thoroughly.5. Know and apply the standard.6. Make instructions clear to all7. Courtesy from both exhibitor and judge is of utmost importance.8. Judges should enjoy judging the breed...Judges, depending on their background, may interpret standards differently. Keep records of judges likes anddislikes. Remember, if all judges judged alike, there would be no sport.When drinking from the cup of success, the wine is sweeter Share your happiness. Encourage and assist others.Dogs bring us new friends and experiences. If you want to show a dog, YOU MUST LEARN TO ROLL WITH THEPUNCHES.There is a learning curve. The smart breederexhibitorhandler returns to the ring each time a little wiser andmore prepared for the next show. Remember, when the going gets tough, the tough get goingThe essence of success is not having to think up a new idea. One must only improve on the initial ideas of others.Watch successful handlers and copy the details. Avoid their mistakes. This is best learned from watching top handlers inthe ring.Often a top handler is viewed as an overnight success. Truth be told, it is an accumulation of many years ofdedication, effort, heartbreak and perseverance. They are simply someone who refuses to give up in the face of illfortune.They choose to make a difference.Anything easily achieved has little lasting value. Many top people in our sport show undeniable courage,understanding, determination, and an instinct for success. Adversity breeds strength. Those passionate about our sport ofdogs will embrace the journey.Subscriptionsand Back Issuesmake great gifts.Order online today at americanpomeranianclub.orgor PayPal pay or contact Cheri McDonald at Cheribachmanpoms.comPomeranian ReviewRing Ready Continued2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM74w2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 75PATRICIA JO GRIFFINMAY 19, 1945 - SEPTEMBER 24, 2008MERRYMONT KENNELSAfter a six-months battle with pancreatic cancer Pattydied on Sept. 24, 2008. A memorial service was held in thechapel of Forsyth Memorial Park. Her Hospice chaplain wasin charge and a fair number of close friends attended. Eleanorand I were able to attend as were other close friends such as herchildhood friend Brenda Kelly and her family and JohnWoodring, her dear friend and handler.I think one word comes to my mind in thinking aboutPatty and that is unique. Certainly in every way possible shewas a unique person unique in the way she approached life,made and kept friends, was able to talk with people, kept herhouse, and you could go on and on. I think the most uniqueaspect of her life was her uncanny ability to produce showPomeranians.Approximately 25 years ago I met Patty when shevisited us to purchase a puppy. She also got stock from GreatElms, Apple Poms, Cedarwood Poms and Mrs. Coble. Thesebloodlines intertwined with each other. Patty was able to takethose same lines and create her own individual look of mostexceptional quality. She quickly made many champions. Asfar as I know she only kept four or five brood matrons. One ofher broods was Merrymont Cameo Keepsake, the mother ofmultiple champions. Her most famous pom was Ch.Merrymont Satrday Nite Fever who sired over 20 champions,I believe. Even with Patty showing him he was winning groupsas a very young puppy. Most of Fevers champions were bredIN LOVING MEMORYby Patty. Fever had the ability to produce excellent black andtans. His red champion grandsire was in a litter of two blackand tans. Neither parent was black and tan but after this chancehappening the black and tan genes were ever present. Pattyalso showed and loved dearly Sattlebred horses for many years.About 15 years ago Pattys life took a turn for the worse.Three tragic things happened in a short period of time whileshe lived in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Patty was sodevastated she moved to Fancy Gap, Virginia. She boughtseveral acres and put in a mobile home and later built a nicekennel. She had a small pond out back and she loved it. Oncewhile visiting I needed to use the bathroom. Lo and beholdthere were about a dozen ducks in her bathtub. She was raisingthem up to put on the pond.Patty readily told her friends that she had beendiagnosed bipolar, which wreaked havoc with Pattys life. Aftera couple of years in Fancy Gap she decided to stop breedingPoms because she said her nerves couldnt take the whelpingand losing of the puppies. Before she could completely sellout another tragedy struck. Patty was able to recover and wentinto Corgis and later had a couple of Japanese Chins. Her lastlove was for the Aussies and she had two beloved pets andshow dogs. Two weeks before Patty died she was at our localdog shows showing her Aussies.Ruth Dotson in California was a dear phone friend.She and Patty talked on the phone every few days for manyyears. At the last of Ruths Pom career, Patty got some lovelySunDot Poms.Eleanor and I will miss Patty dearly. We will missgoing up to the mountains and taking her out for lunch, sendingher a goodie box each Christmas, hearing all of her uniquetales about dog shows and our unique friendship. Life on thisEarth was really rough for Patty but I know she is now enjoyingwalking on those streets of gold, seeing the walls of jasper andgates of pearls. If there are dogs in Heaven I know Patty has aPom in one hand and an Aussie in the other. Patty you weretruly a unique gift from God. Enjoy your new home.CH. MERRYMONT SATRDAY NITE FEVERBy Ken Griffith2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM75w,JJ-A 11i Irin'.-W-NWWWVW76 - 2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEWDALLAS FORT WORTH POM CLUB49th Fall Specialty Show and SweepstakesSeptember 12, 2008 Sterling Hotel, Dallas, TXShow Secretary Nannette Walker, EventSecretary Debbie Williams, AdvertisingHospitality Gail Bertrand, Catalog Sales RaffleDarlyene Spann, Ring Steward Liaison CarolVanDerMeulen, Chief Ring Steward JeanieSchmidt, Grounds Del Spann, Trophies RaffleCatalog Sales Charlene MarshThe Dallas Fort Worth Pomeranian Club held its49th Fall Specialty Show and Sweepstakes atSterling Hotel in Dallas, Texas on Friday,September 12, 2008. The show was held inconjunction with the two days of The Dallas-FortWorth Toy Dog Club shows. The Specialtyincluded a raffle, followed by the after-show dinnerat Joes Crab Shack.The Specialty began with Sweepstakes, judgedby Ms. Becky Jackson. Ms. Jackson awarded theBest In Sweepstakes to a very promising puppyDREAMWEAVERS ROCKIN ROBINRobin shown and owned by Linda Pelz. TheBest in Sweeps puppy not only collected sweepsmoney, but a really cool Leather Dog Sofa. TheBest of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes wasawarded to a dynamic little bitch namedREIGNINGS U WISH U WERE MIA Miashown by Chris Lewis and owned by Gail andBill Bertrand. Along with their sweeps money,they won a doggy Princess BedThe regular classes were judged by Mrs. Vicki L.Abbott with a three point major in dogs and a fourpoint major in bitches Mrs. Abbott awardedBest In Breed, Best of Winners, Winners Bitch toan adorable Junior bitch over three nice specials,CHRISCENDO CONGENIALITY Cha Chashown by Bob Kennedy and owned by MaryLatimer, Robert Kennedy and Christine Heartz.Best Of Opposite Sex To Best In Breed, WinnersDog, and Best Bred-By-Exhibitor was given tothe 11 month old supper puppy,DREAMWEAVERS ROCKIN ROBINRobin owned and shown by Linda Pelz. Whenit was all over the puppies stole the show Way togo Cha Cha and Bob, Robin and Linda, Mia andChrisThis year, our Trophies were big and bold and theraffle items were plentiful At the conclusion ofthe judging, exhibitors and guest gathered aroundthe raffle table to win a collection of very colorfuland unique items. Thanks to our young juniorDFW member, Kaleb Bertrand, for puttingtogether the elaborate trophies, calling and pullingthe raffle tickets.This year our 49th Specialty Show was bitter sweet,while we were showing Hurricane IKE wasravaging our friends to our South. Luckily nofatalities have been reported and we were able toextend our hospitality to them until it was safe forthem to return home.SWEEPSTAKESJUDGE Ms. Becky JacksonDOGS6-9 MONTH PUPPY DOGS1 DAMASCUSROAD DEEP SEA ELITE.2 PRESTIGIOUS HIGH IMPACT.3 PRESTIGIOUS DEEPEST DESIRE.4 ROYAL TEES HY RANSOM AT VANMELL.9-12 MONTH PUPPY DOGS1 DREAMWEAVERS ROCKIN ROBIN.2 ROYAL OAKS IN SEARCH OF A CONQUEST.3 KOUTERIES SIGN OF THE LION AT COSMOS.BITCHES6-9 MONTH PUPPY BITCHES1 PRESTIGIOUS HIGH SOCIETY.2 CIN DUR ELLA ENCHANTED.9-12 MONTH PUPPY BITCHES1 REIGNINGS U WISH U WERE MIA.2 ROYAL OAKS DONT MESS WITH MYATTITUDE.12-18 MONTH JUNIOR BITCHES1 CHRISCENDO CONGENIALITY.12-18 MONTH JUNIOR BITCHES1 PRESTIGIOUS HUNKA BURNING LOVE.2 PARK AVENUE SINGULAR SENSATION.BEST IN SWEEPSTAKESDREAMWEAVERS ROCKIN ROBIN.BEST OF OPP SEX TO BEST IN SWEEPSREIGNINGS U WISH U WERE MIA.Regular and Non-Regular ClassesJUDGE Mrs. Vicki L. AbbottDOGS6-9 MONTH PUPPY DOGS1 DAMASCUSROAD DEEP SEA ELITE. BreederBeverley A. Carter. By Ch. Chriscendo Cold Play xCh. DamascusRoads Lady Eleanor. Owner BarbaraMoore2 PRESTIGIOUS DEEPEST DESIRE. BreederSherry Dollar. By Prestigious Mr Wonderful xPrestigious Hello Kitty. Owners Sherry Dollar andRobbie Hudson3 ROYAL TEES HY RANSOM AT VANMELL.Breeder Angela Blocker. By Royal Tees Fox Six Newsx Royal Tees Sassy Pants. Owners CaroleVandermeulen and Linda Nichols4 PRESTIGIOUS HIGH IMPACT. Breeders Owners.By Ch. Prestigious High Octane x Prestigious BlondeBombshell. Owners Robbie Hudson and Sherry Dollar09-12 MONTH PUPPY DOGS1 KOUTERIES SIGN OF THE LION AT COSMOS.Breeders Vickie McGehee and Renate Richter. ByChipawas Treasure Hunter x Gem Stars SecondChance. Owner Robin Lane12-18 MONTH JUNIOR DOGS1 DREAMWEAVERS PUMPKIN SPICE LATTE.Breeders Linda Pelz and Michael Wells. By Ch.WeeWyns Cottontop Last Dance x DreamWeaversRainn Fire. Owner Aly BellBRED-BY-EXHIBITOR DOGSOS, W 1 DREAMWEAVERS ROCKIN ROBIN.Breeder Owner. By Ch. Dreamweavers Ring Of Firex Royaltee N Dreamweavers Into The West. OwnerLinda Pelz2 ROYAL OAKS IN SEARCH OF A CONQUEST.Breeder Owner. By Dreamweavers Walk The Line xPrestigious Plan A Surprize. Owner Darlyene SpannOPEN DOGSRW 1 BLACKJACK BAKER-RAMIREZ. BreedersOlga M. Baker and J. Humberto Ramirez. By Ch.Jeribeth Mostly TimSue x Ch. Jeribeth Lil Tazmanian.Owner Olga Baker2 LARAJUS COLLATERAL DAMAGE. BreedersLaura Newbolt and E. Smith. By Lil Darlins The NeedFor Speed x Palisades Larajus Fantasy. Owner LauraNewbolt3 STARFIRES ROBCARY TOO COOL. BreedersJose A. Cabrera and Fabian Arienti. By Ch. StarfiresRobCary Sobe It x Ch. Starfires Between The Sheet.Owner Caryl F. Scrimpsher4 CHIPAWAS TREASURE HUNTER. BreederMark Ward. By Ch. Chipawas Treasure Seeker xChipawas Seminole Kita Music. Owners Mark Wardand Renate Richter5 FINCHS TIME IS RIGHT FOR POMJOY. BreederDiane L. Finch. By Ch. Finchs Bet On The Parti xFinchs Shamoo Parti. Owner Sheryl Anne GoodmanBITCHES6-9 MONTH PUPPY BITCHES1 PRESTIGIOUS HIGH SOCIETY. BreedersOwners. By Ch. Prestigious High Octane x PrestigiousBlonde Bombshell. Owners Robbie Hudson and SherryDollar2 CIN DUR ELLA ENCHANTED. Breeder Owner.2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM76^^ZCCCQ 44 I fr4 4.v4rvPah zvi i i in4 442008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 77By PowerPom Pirate of the Caribbean x Wee HeartsGiget Goes to Hollywood. Owner Cindy Durbin9-12 MONTH PUPPY BITCHESRW 1 REIGNINGS U WISH U WERE MIA.Breeders Owners. By Ch. Babydolls Buckle Up UrGenes x Debonaires Cubby Bear. Owners Gail BillBertrand12-18 MONTH JUNIOR BITCHESBOB, BW, W 1 CHRISCENDO CONGENIALITY.Breeder Christine Heartz. By Ch. Chriscendo Coldplayx Ch. Tokie Take It To The Limit. Owners Mary Latimer,Robert Kennedy and Christine Heartz2 PRESTIGIOUS HUNKA BURNING LOVE.Breeder Sherry Dollar. By Ch. Prestigious High Octanex Prestigious Promise A Parti. Owners Sherry Dollarand Robbie Hudson3 PARK AVENUE SINGULAR SENSATION.Breeder Tom Wilson, By Ch. Jakens Splashing In TheRain At Janie x Starhavens Spirit Medicine. OwnersBill Gail BertrandBRED-BY-EXHIBITOR BITCHES1 ROBCARYS GABRIELLA. Breeder Owner. ByCh. Mt. Crest At Springwood x Starfires RobCary UGlow Girl. Owner Caryl Fennell Scrimpsher2 ROYAL OAKS DONT MESS WITH MYATTITUDE. Breeder Owner. By Dreamweavers WalkThe Line x Prestigious Plan A Surprize. Owner DarlyeneSpann3 CHRISMARKS LITTLE MISS MUFFET. BreederOwner. By Ch. Horizons Zip-A-Dee-Do-Dah xChrismarks Lolly Pop. Owner Gloria C. WalshAMERICAN BRED BITCHES1 DREAMWEAVERS ALL FIRED UP. BreedersLinda Pelz Michael Wells. By Ch. DreamweaversDancing With Fire x Dreamweavers Rainn Fire. OwnerDeborah SnowOPEN BITCHES1 DASARS DRAMATIC ENTRANCE. BreederDanielle Sartain. By Ch. Finchs Nicely Packaged Dealx Dasars Dreaming Of Lenette. Owner Linda PelzBEST OF BREED BEST OF WINNERSCHRISCENDO CONGENIALITYBest of Opp Sex to Best of Breed DREAMWEAVERSROCKIN ROBINBest Puppy REIGNINGS U WISH U WERE MIABest Bred-By-Exhibitor DREAMWEAVERSROCKIN ROBIN.2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM774 i i i in4r4.yra..VMlcat.Bl'V4TnJS'4478 - 2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEWWe salute the courageous men,women and their families of ourarmed forces. May they be safeand protected from all harm.KENNELVisitGeno SisnerosCastile PomeraniansPlease contact the Editor to nominatecandidates for upcoming APC Kennel Visits.Send information to The Pomeranian Review,Brenda Segelken, Editor, 11139 E. CamelotAve., Effingham, IL 62401 or phone 217-3475731.Emailfame62401yahoo.comAdvertising DeadlineDecember 12008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM78 i i i i nDave Victor and Tessa Riley Kelso. WA. [503] 8B7-68BORaised with Love in our HomehtCpvoyagerpoms.corn voyagereskiesyahoo.comPINECREST KENNELSChampion Pomeranians andManchester TerriersCatherine Bolahood905 697-2488 2404 Reg. Road 57 Bowmanville, ON LIC 3K4 www.manchesterterriers.cav-Wee Bonny Bears PomsCh. Finch's Sonic the HedgehogPa-tAo^ Tca pa-msOwwtefwxxHxK aep-ams. cam'ra^ot^eepa-ms fec-. ^^eL 256-586-0282 ar 25G-550-2251Smao, Gd-cL Lves Y-usre- cScotty Carole MooweebonnybedRcableonenet 928-537-8880PO Box 2495, Show Low, AZ 85902-CHARLEN^VlAR Tony PhillipS]2016 Vista View Roanoke, TX 76262 817-637-3533 www.KCPOMS.COM 4. A w ma v -cI42008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 792008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM79 4 i i i i n4TABLETOPJanStachurski21 Perry Avenue Brockton, MA 02302 508587-6146 TabletopPomsverizon.netgarnet'Xin XlnPoTOerwtesmMsris Jose QuerrerAptttedo de Crreos d 37 J.m B-08820 El rjt f LloferegstbrceloDS, Espmsa _ffctf ' 3 696 96 13 65' A,'k P porosc9Dxiaxia.coP3httpwww.c9Dxiuxiu.coro "rop winning BIS Poms Home of Batman Spiderman Stud service to approved bitches We breed on limited oasis a few puppies available 360 435-5978Janell Reich breederAPC Member Tish Cannon Handler 760 985-4656SHOWBOATPOMERANIANSon the Coast oi Oregon\CH RAZ RERRIE, AOMKarleene L. Morrowwww.showbootpoms.comshowboalpomsholmail.comBABBI'SPOMERANIANS136 W. Queens Drive Slidell, LA 70458Phone 985-649-3136 Mobile 985-788-4704 y i p p y v o n \v o r f excite.comAl n ReamCedcM,503 395-2225 Ranier, h ttpGeminiPoms. comu oCa ve a iJuf cSeeed503 429-8019 Vernonia, OR christy bea vercreekpoms. com httpBeaverCreekPoms. com480 - 2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM80Monty Hart Alora Hart-V-"ufPOMERANIANSphone 907 346-2506 e-mail www.starfoxpoms.comDarlene Don\Cocoa, FloridaLittleCherubPomshotmail.comv'V.[ tf iVINTAGEEllen TakayamaP.O. Box 905Pearl City, HI. 96782-0905 Phone 808 488-8325vintagehawaiiyahoo.com2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 81Champion PomeraniansSJSN6603 Forest Ct., Holmen, WI 54636PH 608 526-1051 sandpomscharter.nethttpwww.sandpoms.comandpomsohnsonandra2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM81 4 i i i i n4iLmmEvensong PomeraniansKevin and s' Teresa White ^Portland, Oregonjjf ML4H. f 503314-9026 evensongpomsveri www.evensongpoms.comCH EVENSONG WIN N FOR Z GIPPERLaCueva Kennel PomeraniansSherrilynn J. RogersBreederOwnerHandler Dayton, OH 45414 937 275-4062 937 386-1462 Cell Email lacuevaknlaol.comBREEDING FOR QUALITY, NOT QUANTITY- y^ef' oBeauty and brains in one well-balanced package home ol record selling 8 dual-lillisl.Margaret R. McKeExhibitorBreederHandlerGOOCHLAND, VA 804-556-3380idlewyldeDrlhlink.nelwww.idlewyldpomeranians.fc QJJ-4-528ShowmSkcrslymarOChel esSpecializing in Parti and Parti-factored PomeraniansCH Chrissy CH Gunner ROM CH Chelanes Simply Irresistible CH Finch's Peacemaker Parti ROMElaine Waugh www.chelanes.netCH Chelanes Peace Keeper Parti CH Chelanes Remington Steele CH Keeper CH Remyt Jf r , ^Li LdmrmSacramento, Aparkavepoms pi mcsontsiiiviiiv availableornermm^lwn^iAe trtfot tMtsMLMr"482 - 2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM82eQ'ewbr-ardariALAI JHome ofBIS, BISS, Am, Can, Mex FCI Inti Ch Showcase Hot Topic, GC, HoF2006 Number One Pomeranian, All Breedoiveme ememuam 818352-9536 ShowcasePoms.com70iamenamatuifoie fomette DaMy314 397-5606 V. 0. Sox 11X 'WtaacoufaA, 941 6225'wictoud954QfCi6oo, comt yWhere Type, Quality Soundness Count iiCh. Bachmans Precious Jewelwww.bachmanpoms.comBISS Ch. Bachman's Brightest StarCheri McDonald 909-394-7923HerMajesty's PomeraniansyCH PenelopeChuck Whittemore Randy Houston Cleveland, TN 37312 423-728-0200E-Mail MajestysPomsaol.comwww.hermajestyspoms.comCARLEEZ POMSCarol LeemhuisPittsburgh, PA wHome 412 344^8257 ^Cell 412 848-6987 carleezpoms www.carleezpoms.comHome of picturedBISS Ch. Sundown's Hide N Zeke, CD, ROMX, GC. ft T W '. .\.t v 3a2r\lSpoiled companions, conformation, obedience and agility PomsQbhowin iQomsSpecializing in Wolf Sables, Whites, Creams and Tri-colored Partis and occasionally other colors.Barbara dtapmend dkudrep Papweed503 864-2459 276 629-9483httpwww. showinpoms. com2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 83BI-MARPOMERANIANSBIS, BISS, ROMX, HOF, GCCH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KIDMARY A ROSENBAUM145 Fay RoadChehalis, WA 98532-9204phone 360 767-0104fax 360 767-0105email Avalons Prince Matchabelli MonteStarfires Conan the Barbarian xAvalons Queen NefertitiAnnette Eric Davis208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792email infoavalonpom.comweb site www.avalonpom.comQuality, lovingly raised puppies.Inquiries welcome.Pomeranians2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM83 4- i i i i nKAHHI^ l f-4m vmipwea-v^SiJES AVAILABLEMkfjrj Step foots5713 Arrowhead Dr.EJ Paso, T 79324 SunriirmarPirn33oJ.corrj www.surjrurirjarpiorrs.sorrjaJRJ5CLNPtfJohn Christine Heartz P.O. Box 189242 Shartis Lake West Rd.Brookfield, N.S.CanadaBON1COphone 902-673-2446web www.chriscendo.comemail chriscendonorthnovecabler Belstar Poms ^Member American Pomeranian Club and Columbia Pomeranian Club Top 10 CH Belstar's Sweet November "Keanu" OFACERF Show Quality Whites 3 generations of OFACERF Champions Diana Gross - Eugene, OR 541 543-4271 - -"'smLinda Pelz - Tx254 420-1724Michael Wells - Ml616 844-4217Champion Stud ServicePuppiesAdults Occasionally Show Handlingwww.dreamweaverpoms.comf10\ 84 - 2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEWDel-May PomeraniansDeborah K. Barrett1446 West Square Lake RoadBloomfield Hills, MI 48302Phone 248 745 3888 Email delmay1wowway.com2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM84. I1JiIJoanne Jo NorrisSmaller Paws Pom RescueAWHEN YOU'RE LOOKING FOR A DOG TO or httpwwwlpetfinder.comsheltersIN294.html Phone 260-982-8541 Cell 574-527-1451 E-mail North Manchester, IN 46962Ayumi PomeraniansAmy Tsay BreederExhibitor PCCV - Recording Sec.434 589-3652 Lake Monticello, VAWWW.AYUMI-POMS.COMAYUMI.POMSGMAIL.COM VV JU J 4' ^ LVDANIELLE SARTAIN L.V.T.WWW.DflSARPOMS.COM810-656-0883DASARPOMERANIANSHOTMAIL.COMJfoftiCy PomeraniansMgChristine Creasey30 Short St., OahyiCCe, C06779phone 860 274-7997 hoCCifypomssnet.netBBUCKHORNLEATHERrV isvK-9 Electric BlowersMKVte^ssvsAV.VMEBIST FOE VDUE SHOW DOS D ^ V f fe fe Dffl utnXS2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 85CH PUFPRIDES SWEET DREAMS CH FINCHS CHARS MAKIN WAVES PARTICHPARKERCHSPLASHDiane L. Finch28453 530 th Avenue, Kelley, IA 50134 - Phone 515 - www.finchspoms.comDiane L. FinchPhone 985 384-7466Fax 985 384-8628www.janesa.comJerrie Freia1072A Landry LaneMorgan City, LA 70380PomeraniansJanesaBred for beauty and soundness of body and mindDeJay PomsBIS, BISS CH. FIREBROOKS TABASCO FIASCOTobyDonna MachniakBreederHandlerGroomer517-546-7446www.dejaypoms.com2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM85 4 i i i i nMILL AMOR POMSDTKen and Eleanor Miller870 Jersey Church Road, Lexington, NC 27292 Ph 336-245-9010 Email millamortriad.rr.comBreeding again. Puppies avaiCa6Ce to Coving Homes.r. CL Lilf^ui CiieerloLJoan C. Beti-end Long Island, New JoanLilBehrsPoms.netHandling Services - Limited Boarding Available 631 366-2330IXSMH1Sfj rrarerrei reirei rer reirei rex rei ret reirei -C.H. LaKajus Cosmic KioShyacres Pomeranians Audrey Charlie Roberts. _ , Santa Fe, www.shyacres.comDriggers Lil' Treasurers, Inc.and DLT PomeraniansMark Cathy DriggersOwner, Breeder, HandlerLake Helen, Florida ILAKC Registered Pomeranians, Dog Supplies and Specialty GiftsAuthorized Solid Gold Dog Food DealerPhone386-228-1010 Fax386-218-5739E-mail www.driggersliltreasures.comm mFinch's Pomeranians Ltd.IiN i486 - 2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM86^7aw^eddL 1No reKnox, IN 46534 www.eaglecreekpoms.comRandy BuskeBreederExhibitorMember American Pomeranian ClubPuget Sound Pomeranian Club-P.O.Box 2408 Buckley, WA 98321360 897-2163 253 740-5060 www.Randyspoms.coml M3Rivendell P omeraniansCarolyn BoninBlountsville, Alabama 256-931-4838 bonincotelco.netBISS Ch Rivendell Applauds Janesa "Baxter"alashelPoms and ShelliesElaine Wishnow718-891-34512351 E. 17th St. Bklyn, NY 11229 Home of quality Poms and SheltiesX netMulti Group Winning BISS Champion Mountain Crest JJDavid Carlene GilstrapP.O.Box 22442 Chattanooga, TN 37422 Phone 423-987-0266 E-Mail dcgilstrapaol.comcxla,ojtmautfiRon Irene Smith3388-B Merlin Rd 356, Grunts Puss, OR 97526 541-441-7634lrenereonpomernninns.comMember oi the Americon Pomeronion Club, Inc.IMPOSSIBLE POM...dreams make all things possibleKimpossible's Dare To DreamBill and Kim CrutchfieldRiverside, CA 92516 951 313-9652website www.kimpossiblepom.com2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 87A REFLECTION ON THE WATERSGreggory S. WatersCharlene R. Waters801-597-3869shimmeree.charlenegmail.comQuality Pomeranians2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM87 4 i i i i n4SINCITr pcmsMichele280 Hole N Rock Circle Central, UT 84722702 203-4790-l VAKC Registered Pomeranians puppies available occasionallyValerie Crane3683 N. 1800 E. Rd. Clifton, IL 60927 rvcrane75hotmail.comB^J^CowCene - ^JLeafiraPomeraniansJLrfene Otaguro HazeC tMiCCer R,[o6in Watana6eJlr-Qan's grooming SaCon Phone 808-593-2322 mhinjao[.com -yggcats hawaii.comSoFine PomsMarvj Latimerwww5ofineponis.commaryllmac.com979-690-7179ace j oinscyftendi JS'it idssmumw .fanaifacepoms. com fancijfacepomssyc^oM. netMember of the American Pomeranian Club and Nor-Cal Pom Club'HP' '. sft ' rLEE-ANN LAMBERT KINCARDINE ONTARIO, CANADA WWW.SUGARLAMB.CA MCQTNT21 .COM 519-396-646488 - 2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEWCondolences go out to the family of Christine and Larry SurteesPomkees on the loss of Larrys father. Lots of hugs and prayers are going to Pat Dagues Mountain ViewPoms family to help her son fight the cancer he is battling.Ms. Patricia Jo Patty Griffin, 63 Merrymont Poms passed awayafter a short illness of cancer. Sympathy goes out to friends andfamily.Sympathy and prayers go out to the family of Becky SabourinWyndlor Poms on the loss of her mom.Judge Irene Bivin, wife of Edd and mother of Theresa Naill, lost herbattle with cancer in September. Our condolences to friends andfamily.Christy Murphy had an accident on the way to a dog show. We prayshe is doing well.Gail Garvey had back surgery in October. Keep her in your prayersthe next several months while she is recovering.Sunshine RosesSunshine and Roses are published free of charge. Contact Donna Machniak Phone 517 546-7446 orEmail All APC members addresses are published in the APC roster if you would like to send cards.andTHE POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE A MERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.SUBSCRIPTIONSPER YEARPUBLISHED BI-MONTHLYSubscription CardSUBSCRIPTION MANAGERCHERI MCDONALDPO Box 3402San Dimas, CA 91773Phone 909 394-7923 Fax 909 599-4692Email cheribachmanpoms.comNAMESTREET ADDRESSCITY, STATE, ZIP CODE, COUNTRYPHONE NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESSCREDIT CARD NUMBER EXP DATE CID NUMBERCARD HOLDER SIGNATURE DATE45 First Class USPS37 Bulk USPS55 CanadianMexico100 ForeignKeeping our thoughts and prayers for the family of Nancy Reedswhose father passed away.Carolyn Brandenburg had thyroid surgery in October. We pray forher healing and strength.We pray for healing for Marlin and Marlene Presser with continuedhealth issues.Bob and Juanita Fiddick continue to battle health problems. Ourprayers are with you.Beth Shattuck recently lost her precious Segar. Segar will be sadly missed.Our continued prayers for our APC President Cynthia Boulware.May she continue to gain strength and healing.Nancy Smiths husband Jim is having joint problems and facessurgery.Mike Collins, husband of Roxanne had surgery and havingtherapy. Get well soon2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM88 i i i in2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 89ADVERTISING RATESFull Page Color 275.00Full Page Black White 100.00Half Page Color 150.00Half Page Black White 60.00Fourth Page Color 75.00Fourth Page Black White 40.00All ads include one photo.SUBSCRIPTION RATESUSPS First Class 45USPS Bulk 37Foreign 100Canada, Mexico 55Single Issue 10For advertising information contact217 347-5731 fame62401yahoo.comSubscription information contact909 394-7923 cheribachmanpoms.comKENNELVisitGeno Sisneros Castile PomeraniansPlease contact the Editor to nominatecandidates for upcoming APC Kennel Visits.Send information to The Pomeranian Review,Brenda Segelken, Editor, 11139 E. Camelot Ave.,Effingham, IL 62401 or phone 217-347-5731.E-mail fame62401yahoo.comAdvertising DeadlineDecember 1, 20082008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM89 Mill 2008 APC NATIONAL DVD ORDER FORMCopy this order form, chick, appropriate hoC, addshipping, fill in maifiny information, enchose check made out to A'PC.DVD1WINNERS DOG WINNERS BITCH BEST OF BREED 25.00 each plus shippingDVD2PUPPY VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP 20.00 each plus shippingDVD3TOP TWENTY10.00 each plus shipping SHIPPINGUSPS - 3.00 PER DVDFOREIGN - 8.00 PER DVD FULL SET - ALL THREE DVDs55.00 plus shipping USPS 4.00, Foreign 10.00NAMESTREET ADDRESSADDITIONAL ADDRESSCITY, STATE AND ZIP CODEPHONE NUMBER E-MAIL ADDRESSMail toThe American Pomeranian Club Erika Moureau32110 Patty's Landing Magnolia, TX 7735490 - 2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEWCOLUMBIAPOMERANIANCLUB SPECIALTYJuly 17 July 18, 2008Submitted by Sheila KotyCorresponding SecretaryThe Columbia Pomeranian Club had itsannual two-day Specialty at the PortlandExposition Center in Portland, Oregon.This was our second year with this showcluster at this location.Thursday dawned with beautiful sunnyskies, with an expected high of 80degrees. A great day for showing dogsand enjoying the company of otherenthusiasts who enjoy this breed somuch.The day started with my favorite classes,the Puppy Sweeps, being judged by Ms.Joy Thomas.This was then followed by the RegularClasses judged by Mr. Robert Sharp, whohad his work cut out for him with somevery nice quality Poms presentrepresenting the breed.After much deliberation, Mr. Sharp chosehis Best In Specialty Show, Ch LarajusDon Juan At So-Me, owned by RoxanneMellem, Laura Newbold and LoriSolomon.Best of Opposite went to Ch GayelsDestinys Child, owned by NaimiGunther.Best of Winners was from the 12 18month old puppy class. A little boy calledLarajus Paragons How D West Was Won,owned by Theresa and Kevin White.After Best of Breed judging concluded,Tish Cannon, a well-known professionalhandler, held a well-attended groomingclass, giving everyone there, not onlytasty snacks and after a full day ofshowing was very much appreciated butalso tips and tricks of grooming Pomslearned over the years of successfulhandling. Little tips that most of us put tovery good use the next day withwonderful resultsUpon the conclusion of Tishs class, wegathered for our annual potluck around awell-laden table of delectable food toinclude Darlyss famous turkey andgoodies that sent a tantalizing aromaaround the entire area. That alone wasenough to cause even the most ardentdieter to skip their meal plan for that dayThe next day dawned, not quite so sunny,but definitely pleasant and everyoneready to hit the ring for the secondSpecialty show.Again, we had a very nice array ofpuppies ready to compete in Sweeps,being judged by Mr. William Monohon.At the conclusion of Sweeps, Mrs.Loraine Boutwell stepped into the ring tobegin Regular classes for the day. Therewere lots of classes with wonderful dogsfor her to judgeAfter hours of judging, it finally camedown to the Best of Breed. Mrs.Boutwell chose, for her Best in SpecialtyShow, Champion Velocitys Shake UrBon Bon, owned by Margo Koga.Best of Opposite, again went to,Champion Gayels Destinys Child,owned by Naimi GuntherBest of Winners went to a pretty littlebitch, from Open, called PomhavensCasa Dora, owned by Colleen P. Beland.At the conclusion of breed judging ahandling seminar, Handling Tips Tricks, was provided by, ProfessionalHandler, Terry McIntyre. This was alsowell attended with Terry giving theattendees the benefit of his years ofshowing dogs and the common mistakesto avoid, not only in the ring, but alsooutside of it.Upon the conclusion of Terrys seminar,more fun was to be had at our annualraffle and silent auction. The raffle tablewas an embarrassment of riches withhuge baskets of goodies, professionallywrapped, a gorgeous hand madebirdhouse, pillows, shirts and too manyother items to list here. A BIG thank youto everyone who donated for this eventYou made this raffle and silent auction asuccess, again, this yearAfter the Raffle was concluded, most ofus retired to Geri Arnolds beautiful fifthwheel for another potluck we sure do eatwell at these events to celebrate thebirthday of a local favorite Pomenthusiast, Lori Solomon.Due to a misprint in the catalog, after ourpotluck, we had another handling seminarhosted by Ms. Tish Cannon.Those of us, who stayed for bothhandling seminars, were lucky enough toget perspectives and tips from two veryknowledgeable professionals in the showring today.Saturday evening we had our finaleducational seminar, which was providedby Dr. James OBrien. This, also, was awell-attended event, which gave valuableinformation on canine chiropracticpractice and medicine.It was amazing how much was packedinto two short days. The ColumbiaPomeranian Club membership would liketo thank Christy Murphy, our showchairman, for her hours of hard workand stress to put on two successful andenjoyable Specialties2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM904'Xi,v Ji. 4 4i i i i n 4 nni^H2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 91COLUMBIAPOMERANIAN CLUBRESULTS7172008SWEEPSTAKES - JUDGE Ms. JoyThomasBSS JAN-SHARS LOUIE VUITTON.BREEDER Sharon Hanson. By ChJan-Shars Dr Phil-Jan-Shars WildChildOSS JAN-SHARS FLYING FIRSTCLASS. BREEDER Sharon Hanson.By Ch Cassios Hot Shot-Jan-SharsWarm and FuzzyREGULAR CLASSES - JUDGE Mr.Robert D SharpBPY JAN-SHARS LOUIEVUITTON. BREEDER SharonHanson. By Ch Jan-Shars Dr Phil-JanSharsWild Child. OWNER SharonHanson.WINNERS DOGBEST OFWINNERS - LARAJUS PARAGONSHOW D WEST WAS WON.BREEDER Tom Wilson LauraNewbold. By Larajus CollateralDamage-Park Aves Sweet Magnolia.OWNER Teresa G White Kevin MWhite.RESERVE WINNERS DOG ELUSIVETOYS ARTIMUSGORGEOUS. BREEDER Owners.By Ch Avalons Prince MatchabelliElusiveToys Cherries Jubbly.OWNER Catherine M Jessen Annette Davis Celeste Solano.WINNERS BITCHBEST BRED ARN-ETTEU GOT THE LOOK.BREEDER owners. By GeminisWam Bam Thankyou Dan-ShowinButter Cookie Arnette. OWNER Geri William Arnold.RESERVE WINNERS BITCH OAKROSESUMMER BREEZE.BREEDER Joan Rose GailStewart. By Ch CR Tuff Guy ofIsabella-Can Ch. Oakrose SummerRain. OWNER Joan Rose GailStewart.BEST OF BREED - CH LARAJUSDON JUAN AT SO-ME. Dog.BREEDER Laura Newbold. By CHJimcins Larajus Johnny Friday-T-JsDazzling Black Dahlia. OWNERRoxanne Mellem Laura Newbold Lori Solomon.BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX - CHGAYELS DESTINYS CHILD. Bitch.BREEDER Gale A Rivers. By ChGayels Jon Bon Jovi-Ch Gayels MsOakley. OWNER Naimi Guenther.COLUMBIAPOMERANIAN CLUB7182008SWEEPSTAKES - JUDGE Mr.William MonohonBSS JAN-SHARS CHAIRMAN OFTHE BOARD. BREEDER SharonHanson By Ch Jan-Shars Dr PhilJan-SharsNext Best ThingOSS JAN-SHARS SAVE A HORSERIDE A COWBOY. BREEDERSharon Hanson By Ch Jan-SharsFresh Off The Farm-Poolsides APiece Of The RockREGULAR CLASSES - JUDGE Mrs.Loraine BoutwelLBPY JAN-SHARS LOUIE VUITTON BREEDER Sharon Hanson By ChJan-Shars Dr Phil-Jan-Shars WildChildWINNERS DOG - BACHMANSWILD WILD WEST BREEDERCheri McDonald By Ch CheyennesKodiak Bear Second-LanasCenterfold Pin-UpRESERVE WINNERS DOG POMHAVENSJUST FUR FUN.BREEDER Colleen P. Beland. By ChStarlights Fun Times-PomhavensViva Las Vegas. OWNER Colleen P.Beland.WINNERS BITCHBEST OFWINNERS - POMHAVENS CASADORA. BREEDER Colleen P.Beland. By Cheyennes Timstoppersbuddy-Pomhavens Tiger Lily.OWNER Colleen P. Beland.RESERVE WINNERS BITCH BPY- ARN-ETTE U GOT THE LOOK.BREEDER owners. By GeminisWam Bam Thankyou Dan-ShowinButter Cookie Arnette. OWNER Geri William Arnold.Best of BreedBB CH VELOCITYS SHAKE URBON BON. Dog. BREEDER DanielYona. By Ch Razzle Dazzles HatDance-Velocitys simply stunning.OWNER Margo Koga.Best of OppositeCH GAYELS DESTINYS CHILD.Bitch. BREEDER Gale A Rivers. ByCh Gayels Jon Bon Jovi-Ch GayelsMs Oakley. OWNER NaimiGuenther.WHO CAN BE CALMReprinted from October, 1969Pomeranian ReviewWho can be calmWhile watching a PomIts dainty feet prancing,Its eyes also dancing.Its tail as a plumeWhile walking the room.Its mouth gently grinning,Its temper most winning.Yes, who can be calmWith this kind of Pomby Alice Cooper, Age 112008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM914 i i i i n4 4492 - 2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEWArienti, Fabian....................................................4, 5Arvanites, Michele.............................................87Barrett, Deborah........................................84Behrend, Joan............................................85Birks, Joyce...............................................95Blocker, Angela............................................78Bolahood, Catherine....................................78Bonin, Carolyn..................................................86Brandenburg, Carolyn.....................................22Buske, Randy.....................................................86Cabrera, Tony...................................................4, 5Caywood, Audrey.............................................82Collins, Roxanne.....................................................20Crane, Valerie...........................................87Creasey, Christine...........................................84Crutchfield, Bill and Kimberly...............................86Dally, Joe and Janette.................................86Davis, Annette and Erik...........................83DeLuna, J. Carlos Maria.................................4, 5Driggers, Cathy............................................85Felix, Dan Tammee................................25Finch, Diane...............................................85Freia, Jerrie..................................................85Gilstrap, David and Carlene...................................86Goodman, Lisa............................................25Griffith, Ken and Eleanor.................................15Gross, Diana..................................................83Hanson, Sharon.............................Front Cover, 14Hart, Monty..................................................80Heartz, John Christine.................................83Houston, Randy...................................................82Jackson, Becky............................................84Johnson, Sandra..............................................81Jose, Maria................................................79Karciauskas, Eddie and Ruth......................................22Lambert, Lee-Ann.............................................87Lane, Darren................................................96Lane, Wendy...........................................................3Latimer, Mary.................................................87Leemhuis, Carol.............................................82Levinsohn, Alane........................................82Machniak, Donna.........................................85Malott, Roberta......................................24Marsh, Charlene.................................................78McDonald, Cheri........................................82McFarlane, Pauline....................................23McKee, Margaret........................................81Meyer, Barbara................................................2, 79Meyer, Char.................................................80Miller, Eleanor..............................................85Miller, Hazel...............................................87Moore, Scott and Carole...................................78Morrow, Karlene........................................79Munn, Jennifer.......................................................7Murphy, Christie.........................................79Nilsson, Wendi........................................16, 17, 87Nonell, Ignacio........................................80Norem, Kathryn...............................................86Norris, Joanne................................................84Oganeku, Clarice and Yvette.......................................19Ohlemacher, Paula...........................................20Otaguro, Arlene...........................................87Parrott, Michael and Shalon......................................8Pelz, Linda.................................................21, 83Quintanilla, Maria...........................................79Reich, Janell................................................79Reimschiissel, Kelly..................................................81Riley, Tessa..................................................78Roberts, Audrey................................................85Rogers, Sherrilynn.........................................95, 81Rose, Aslynn.............................................81Rosenbaum, Mary...............................................83Russell, Ron and Connie....................................84S S Supplies...............................................84Sartain, Danielle......................................84Scrimpsher Todd Caryl...............................23Smith, Nancy............................................24Smith, Ron and Irene..........................................86Stachurski, Jan..............................................79Stephens, Micky......................................................83Takayama, Ellen...........................................80Thomas, Nancy......................................................6Thompson, Darlene Davis......................................80Tsay, Amy..............................................................84Vasuta, Lorinda.............................................96Watanabe, Robin.................................................87Waters, Gregg and Charlene...............................87Waugh, Elaine....................................................81Wells, Mike Liz...................................................83White, Kevin and Teresa..............................18, 81Whittemore, Chuck...................................................82Wilson, Tom.....................................................81Wishnow, Elaine.....................................................86Zech, Tom and Diane...........................................852008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM92lAtt ISSUESTo order back issues, mail check pay to APC to The Pomeranian Review co Brenda Segelken 11139 E. Camelot Avenue, Effingham, IL 62401 Phone 217-347-5731, e-mail Order online at Please specify the issue.Jan. 75, Oct. 77, May 79, April 80 20.00August 1997 15.00All other available back issues 10.00INFORMATIONThe Pomeranian Review ISSN 0744-8546 is published and edited bi-monthly in Effingham, Illinois by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 37 per year USPS Bulk and 45 per year USPS First Class. First Class rates apply to USA and APOs. Canada, Mexico and Puerto Rico subscriptions are 55.00 per year U.S.A. funds only.The American Pomeranian Club and Editor are not responsible for the contents, accuracy of articles and advertisements, or the opinions expressed by authors. Per APC Standing Rule The Editor can refuse any ad. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the APC or editor.Reproduction in whole or part is strictly prohibited. Permission to reproduce is available only from the publishereditor. Display advertisements consisting of typesetting, artwork and layouts may not be used without written permission from the editor. Original artwork is sole property of the editor.2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 93WE NEED YOUR HELP WE NEED YOUR SPECIAL DONATIONSThe Ways N Means needs your donations. One of a kind Pom items and special Pom crafts aregreatly appreciated, as well as other doggiePom collectibles and useful items. Bring your items toKentucky and drop them off at the Ways N Means table. If you need to mail items, please do sobefore Feb. 25, 2009 to Donna Riehm, 669 Ava Road, Murphysboro, IL 62966. . Phone 618-684-4644.LETS MAKE THE NATIONAL TRULY SPECIALAre you a procrastinator I am, world class When something comes in the mail, I open it think Illtake care of this in a few days. then toss it on the desk. All too often, more than a few days go by and I forgetand miss a deadline. Trophy donation requests and ballots frequently fall victims to this. I do better with a clearcutdeadline. I usually manage to get my grades turned in and always get entries in by closing.Im sure you agree with me that trophies can add much to the fun and glamour of a show.And we all want our National Specialty to be very special. So right now, put down this wonderfulmagazine and go get your checkbook. How much should you send Think in terms of entry fees most are atleast 25 these days, so think in multiples of that. Let me know how you want it to be used. Need a deadline toprompt you I need your check by November 8, 2008 to include your name in the premium list. After that, westill need your money and will happily recognize your generosity in the catalogue. Of course, Pay Pal is also anoption just send me a note to designate class or placement. Please. Do it nowMargaret McKee, 2426 Sandy Hook Road, Goochland, VA 23063 - email idlewyldearthlink.netNOTICE FROM THE SUBSCRIPTION MANAGERJust a friendly reminder to our subscribers to please send in change of address notices to me as soon as possible. We dontwant any of our subscribers to miss a single issue. First class subscriptions are forwarded for a limited time and bulk mailis NOT forwarded at all. If you are a bulk subscriber its very important to update us with your new address as bulk mailgets thrown away instead of being forwarded. The Pomeranian Review is not responsible for resending issues that weremissed because a subscriber did not update their address. Please send address changes to Cheri McDonald, PO Box 3402,San Dimas, CA 91773 or via email at cheribachmanpoms.com2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM93NOTICE OF DUESPlease remit your dues as soon as possible as we would like to have all the CORRECTIONS for the Roster. Dues paid after January 1st are subject to a 15.00 late charge and names may not be printed in the roster. AFTER JANUARY 31, UNPAID MEMBERS WILL HAVE TO RE-APPLY. Motion 060302 Membership is effective from Jan. 1, to Dec. 31.RATES PER YEAR ARE AS FOLLOWS USA FOREIGNSINGLE MEMBERSHIP.........................................................30.00 35.00JUNIOR MEMBERSHIP.........................................................10.00...................................naHOUSEHOLD MEMBERSHIP...............................................45.00 50.00LATE FEE AFTER JAN 1...................................................15.00...........................15.00ERIKA MOUREAU, 32110 PATTY'S LANDING, MAGNOLIA, TX 77354 - PHONE 281-252-0333J94 - 2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEWLIMITED EDITIONHARD BOUNDPOMERANIAN REVIEW50 TH ANNIVERSARY EDITIONORDER EARLY ONLY 50 WILL BE MADEONLY 75.00 IF PICKED UP AT THE 2009 APC NATIONAL SPECIALTY IN LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY.85.00 AFTER KENTUCKY INCLUDES U.S. SHIPPINGORDER NOW STILL AVAILABLE, BUT GOING FAST2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM94s. rANAMSTREET ADDRESSCITY, STATE, ZIPCODE, COUNTRYPHONE NUMBEREMAIL ADDRESSCREDIT CARD NUMBER EXP DATE SECURITY NUMBERCARD HOLDER SIGNATUREiiiimmw Mi ffi-dm w'Mmrnu M'rnOrder online ol or pay through PayPal to - or - Send name, complete address, phone number and payment method to Erika Moureau, 32110 Patty's Landing, Magnolia, TX 77354s ANNIVERSARY ISSUE PRICES25 Pre-orderpre-paypick up at APC Notional 30 Pay and pick up at the APC National 30 plus 5 shipping AFTER the APC National 10 loreign shippingAnniversary Ossue wiff debut at the A1PC Nationaf Jvtarcb ZOOg.PRE-ORDER DEatMINE 0102008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 95joyce birks2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM95rmLiHJmannounce..iBEST OFWINNERS MAJOR WINThis handsome orange boy is out of my precious LaCueva-DHCrew Patti's Legacy who was named after her grand-dam that I had lost right before she was born, and sired by CH DHCrew Ruff-N-Ready. I just love this little boy. He has the sweetest temperament. He's my bed buddy... along with two Veterans, Ch. Petey and Ch. Twizzie. I showed him at the Nationals last year as a puppy and he took 2nd place in the large 9-12 class in Sweeps. I showed him a couple of times after that to help build majors then I put him away to let him mature. He's 2 years old now and has one of the most correct coats I have felt in a longtime, with wonderful structure, type and movement. We just picked up three majors in two weeks. I look for him to be my next Bred By Exhibitor Champion.Congratulations to Shalon and Mike Parrott of Ragdoll Poms on your APC Kennel Visit. I read your BreederOwnerHandler Opinion in the September Pom Reader and I've been there.Congrats also to Junior Handler Jenna McMullins on yourspecial feature. You make us old-timers proudProud.BLaCueva Kennel Poms, Sherrilynn Rogers,jfa3dsDjJ3jJafjfJJaT lEayiwj Oi\ 454141537 275-4^2 5-jjjuIJ LaiayajwJMustang PomsI FI rJanar JiUj-We wish to present our newest champion We sincerely thank the judges who recognized this beautiful black girl's quality. Her wonderful movement, conformation and great personality.We also must thank you friend and expert handler, David Fitzpatrick. My Poms always love you,David. Last, we need to thank Sharon Hanson, the breeder of this pretty black. Thank you for letting this sweet girl come live with us. m.a.-'...NEW CHAMPION 1BEST OF OPPOSITE AND WINNERSWARRENTONKENNEL CLUBCongratulations to all who have a visit this issueHappy Holidays to allHCdrtCrJoyce and Bob Birks - Mustang Poms - mustangclarity connect.com96 - 2008 NOVDEC APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2008 NOV DEC Review.p65 10192008, 1025 PM96I II II mJjjxjuiwsjjjsJrwNI i\LI Lanrrrnri^Mighty'uit'iAy \1ST PLACE6 To 9DOGMARCH 11.2008 V^iATIONAL SPECIALTYHOMAS 4Jjiijjjis b bbjjlb itiJJbrjs b bb sjjasbiiy j]ilbwsij JJb xua bj bb jj j a 3wjjj J7 a jjb flsi sjjiiiy a 7 jjjiijbjs vi ug.ib Ujjbijcb fi]b bba jjjsjJws u 23 jjwjjbs. Du bJJWbsi iinjjj b b ijb baida, L-wb 3b, br bbjbijbb yry siwjb iwy b Jub nur baadbuyuubyw rwuj, Sjjabib bsMSJjj, DuAb iUiibJb mib JbJjjjj Lajjjsbbr jjb jjbjbs -jjb pbaajjjajji.rf ''n. Breeder - Horizon Boms - Laurie OtisOutMfJhiuilhf_ Uir. LvWidA ^Aiswisi^Dsldj^A2jutm OtJSi, Dlshj -U274 m2diH13TAnimation1167 Bidgewoo T