The Pom Reader January 1987

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AtJANUARY 1987 - HAPPY NEW YEARP.USiAft V4 nVo. -cr^c" " -1 V - c V - JivJviiFf ^ nVoV i'' ' V4 VefVeij 'Vdt CVi 7 tl.iV nV V c O a'co if '1 v O A o r t trcf _ V- ''V. ' -i ^ GROUP FIRST GROUP FIRSTST. JOSEPH KENNEL CLUB 1986PHOTO BY KtWUSKaasST JOSEPH KCTOYk-iMULTIPLE BEST DM SHOWCH. PRECIOUS PETITES GABRIELOn The Cover CH. PRECIOUS PETITES GABRIELmmi9.mmBEST IN SHOWLAWRENCE JAYHAWK KENNEL CLUB 19 8 6PHOTO er PETRULISbl. JUDtrnu jci pi 11c1mST JOSEPH KCBESI IN SHOW _____CH. PRECIOUS PETITES GABRIELGABRIEL IS THE NUMBER ONE POM FOR 1986 - ALL SYSTEMS - LOOK FOR GABRIEL IN NEW YORK - GABRIEL CONGRATULATES HIS TWO BROTHERS ON THEIR WINS IN 1986 CH. PRECIOUS PETIT RIPLE SUPREME AbeCH. PRECIOUS PETIT TOUCH OF RIPLE JasonHandled by KATHY BUCHERC^Jl'eeiow Jlhlcs ^IS wBreederOwnerCLAUDIA PFEFFERP.O. BOX 10432Jefferson, LA 70181 504 737-1729CH. PATTIES DUFFIES LIL SKIPPER THE BEST IS LOOKING FORWARD...ITO A BRIGHT 1987ffafflre ^Aear 9earram tA Q yCmrn cmtOwner SYLVIA KELLY 7455 Vista Del Monte Van Nuys, CA 91405 818-780-7663 eves. 783-6300 daysThe Pom Reader January 198748. 16.17.18. tfleacer^asiuartf197Volume 2, Number 11O'mmmM "iV\ 'K .J. . V 2 X., . ' U-' wSy ^a Mr v \ ' - V- ' V-JV- vn\ \ mhSit4'fJv 'T'GThe Pom Reader is published by Doll-McGinnis Enterprises, Incorporated, 8840 thru 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, Florida, 33809, out of admiration for the purebred Pomeranian. EDITOR JOE MCGINNIS. BUSINESS MANAGER DUANE DOLL. Postage paid at Lakeland, FL. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the editor. The opinions expressed in this publication either editorially or in advertising copy are those of the authors and do not necessarily constitute endorsement by the publishers. The editor reserves the right to reasonably edit all copy submitted. Ail articles submitted become the property of the publishers. Subscription price for Third-Class Service in the continental United States 24.00. Foreign and First Class prices upon request. Issues of the Pom Reader are sent as a courtesy to all AKC licensed Pomeranian, Toy Group, and Best In Show judges.Direct all inquiries toJoe McGinnis, Editor The Pom Reader 8848 Beverly Hills Lakeland, FL 33809 PH. 813 858-3839. This issue of the Pom Reader is made possible in part by the following advertisersArtwork by Nancy RossTABLE OF CONTENTSFront CoverJOE CLAUDIA PFEFFER PRECIOUS PETITESPET THERAPY PROGRAMGeorgina Lane tells of the work of the Jupiter Tequesta Kennel Club.MIDWEST NEWSJeanne Stafford covers the Pom Club of Michigan Specialty.ASK SHU-SHUEverything but the kitchen sink What to take to dog shows.UPDATEFinals for 1986.STORK REPORTNew expected litters.VIEWPOINT - A CHAT WITH A BRITISH JUDGEVikki Powell interviews May Robertshaw.GERMAN FEDERAL CHAMPIONSHIP SHOWBill Ledbetter reports on Europes largest dog show.DOG SHOW GOOF-UPSSally Baugniet tells of bloopers and blunders.SPECIALS ADDITIONFinals for 1986.POMERANIAN CLUB OF MICHIGANOfficial Show Photos.Back CoverDUANE DOLL JOE MCGINNIS PANATELLABAKER, 0..........................................................10BARTHOLOMEW, N. F................................ 10CARSON, M. B............................................. 17COOK, S........................................................... 10CREED, C........................................................... 9DOLL, D............................................................ 20F1DDICK, J.......................................................13FREIA, J..............................................................9GAD, N..............................................................10GODDARD, T. S............................................17GRAF, H..............................................................8GRIFFIN, G....................................................... 10GRIFFITH, K.....................................................13HARTZ, K............................................................8HEARTZ, J. C..................................................9HIEMENZ, S......................................................13HOVEY, J..........................................................13JENSEN, P..........................................................7JOHNSON, S......................................................7KELLY, S............................................................ 3LUG1NSLAND, J................................................7MARCHBANKS, M. H.....................................8MCGINNIS, J.....................................................20MCKAMEY, N................................................... 13MILLER, E.........................................................10NORRIS, B........................................................17PFEFFER, C.................................................... 1,2PRESSER, M. M............................................. 9REILLY, R. J................................................. 13ROSENBAUM, M................................................9SANDIFER, D..................................................... 7STAFFORD, J.....................................................5TERRITO, S........................................................ 9The Pom Reader January 1987Proudly Introduces WINDJAMMERS SNEAKAPEAK ZEKE5V ____ON THIS DAY I TURNED SIX MONTHS OLD I WON WINNERS DOG I WON BEST OF BREED OVER 3 SPECIALS judge HAZEL ARNOLD, AND..........................................................gQm V I f iGROUPI WON FOURTH IN THE TOY GROUP OVER MULTIPLE BEST IN SHOW TOP WINNING SPECIALS THANK YOU JUDGE MR. ROY L. AYERS SR. ALSO THANKS TO MR. DEL GROSSO FOR 3 POINTS, AND KEKE BLUMBERG FOR 1 POINT THE FOLLOWING TWO DAYSBreederOwnerHandler WINDJAMMER Bob Jeanne Stafford1231 Carberry Road, Niles, Ml 49120 616-683-02143yQThe Pom Reader January 1987SHOWSIGHT - FROM THE EDITORBah Humbug Yes, its true, there are several things I hate about the Holiday Season. First off, the Christmas decorations. This is always a travesty, and its all my fault, I admit. Now, every year I come up with a new theme commonly referred to, around here, as Joes Cockamamie Christmas Decoration Ideas] rarely do my themes work according to plan, and always they are the cause of heart-rending profanity, smashed fingers, and misery they all require at least thirteen trips to various stores, and when people try to help they never do it right. Take for example the year of the Prettiest Yuletide Utility Pole In Imperial Polk County. This was a disaster. We have a sixty foot utility pole on the property, and it was fairly screaming to be decorated, but what does one do with a sixty foot utility pole Cover it with lights, of course I skillfully plotted out the whole design however, there were numerous flies in the ointment. First of all, most strings of lights have gaps in between bulbs, and I would not stand for gaps in my Yuletide Utility Pole. Therefore, I devised a plan for stringing lots of strings of lights together, cleverly staggering the ends, in order that there be no unlit areas. This required twenty-seven strings of lights, but at last it was complete. And then there was the minor detail of attaching the lights to the pole itself. Stacking ladder upon ladder did little to reach the summit, and I could convince no one to climb the pole itself. However, a brilliant solution came quickly to mind in the back of the barn there was a piece of PVC pipe which could be attached to a lot of other pieces of PVC pipe which would, in time, reach the top. Out of clothes hangers and something else I devised a kind of two-sided hook which could be inserted into the pipe for the trip up, with the other side of the hook ready to slip into the little round piece of metal I could just barely see up there. Hook attached to lights attached to pipe, I began to raise the lights to their prescribed position.This next part of the operation started out just great - however, the PVC tended to sway in the wind, and it was impossible for one person to control the unweildy conveyance therefore I called upon Duane Doll and Sherri, a girl who worked for us then and quit shortly thereafter. The three of us were out there, squinting up at the little hole, and maneuvering the pole as the lights themselves swayed back and forth in the breeze, pulling the pole with them. OOOOOOOHHHHHH, we would holler, as the three of us ran in the direction of the swing. Then we would regain balance, and then OOOOOOOHHHHHHH again as we ran the opposite way. We were having a lot of fun.Twice the hook refused to hold, and the lights came cascading down on top of us, adding an element of excitement, not to mention danger, to the proceedings. After several hours, however, the lights were in place, and we proceeded to walk around and around and around and around and around the pole to wrap it neatly and properly. At one point, Sherry got so dizzy she fell right down, kerptop. This last endeavor completed, we firmly attached the end of the lights to the bottom of the pole, sat back, exhausted, and turned on the power.It was breathtaking. Absolutely gorgeous. Spasms of jealousy struck several executives at Disney World, forty miles away after all, they didnt have a Yuletide Utility Pole. All in question agreed that it had been very worth the effort, until I ruined the whole thing...Oh NO We have to take it back down, I cried, only to be met with looks of incredulity from everyone present. Cant you see Way, way up there, the color sequence is wrong Theres TWO BLUE BULBS RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER To this day thereThe Pom Reader January an argument when the Yuletide Utility Pole is mentioned.Then there was the year of the Christmas Tree With Lights Zooming Out In All Directions. I got a huge Christmas Tree, decorated it just so, and put it in the middle of the main cross-fence leading up the hill of the front yard. Then I attached lights all along the board fence, starting from the tree and reaching out into infinity and then some. Then, when the Christmas Tree blinked, it appeared to be sending sparkles of love and peace out to the world, happiness to all. Of course, attaching the lights to the board fence was fun it required 623 little thumb tacks, but nothing was going to stand in the way of this creation. When I finished, however, it was spectacular some said it almost looked good enough to eatUnfortunately, some thought so, too. The very first morning, as I popped out of bed in the predawn darkness to view my masterpiece, something was amiss. The star was gone from the top of the tree, and the tree itself was swaying back and forth in a wild manner. Fearing a hurricane, I rushed outside, only to be confronted with several of Duane Clark Dolls Stupid Jerk Cows happily munching away on the hapless Tree. Now every time someone mentions trees an argument ensues.But of course, this year was even better. This was the year of The Wall of Lights. It has been my practice for several years to have twinkling lights all along the white board fence, and a fully decorated Christmas tree in the middle of the property, but out of the reach of the Angus. Then I decided to string twinkly lights up in the branches of the trees, too. i planted poinsettia in every available spot, and stuck up some wreaths on the sides of the buildings. But it didnt seem enough. Why not, I thought, why not a solid Wall Of Twinkly Lights How beautiful it would be Alas it was not to be. Having been to dog shows the previous five weekends, I quickly discovered that during my absence some ill-mannered individuals had purchased all available twinkly lights actually, I was able to find fifteen strings, total, to add to the ones I already had, but it wasnt enough for my Wall of Lights. Watch next year, though next year Im planning aheadAnd speaking of planning ahead, everyone is excited about upcoming shows. The January Circuit kicks into gear this week then theres the Cow Palace, then the Garden and the APC Specialty, then the International, and a myriad of other shows to enter. The APC Specialty will again be held at the Roosevelt, this year on February 8th, with Morris Carson doing the Sweeps, and E. W. Tipton Jr. doing the regular classes. Dr. Samuel Draper will judge Showmanship. Entries are 14 Regular, 8 Sweeps, and they close January 21st so youd better hustle. For more information contact Pete Galindo, Show Secretary, 611 New York Street, El Paso, TX 79902. From what Ive heard, everybody and their brother will be there, and it promises to be a super time for all.And speaking of judging, judging from the quality weve seen lately, this year is going to be tough going forjudges and exhibitors alike but remember, no matter how hard you have to work for your wins, or how difficult your decisions in the ring, it could be worse...l could ask you to help with the WALL OF LIGHTSHappy New Year Our very best from everyone here to everyone out there. And remember...POMS AWAYJMcGLLL KENNELS LATEST RERUNSJ0Starring CH. LLL MOONGOLD TRAPPER as leading man. Co-leading lady Ch. LLL Mite of Gold Suzanna. Co-leading lady Rosewoods Gold Mite Legacy. Both repeat breedings of previous champions andor major pointed offspring.Good luck to all exhibitors in New YorkJanice Luginsland, Rt.1, Box 97, Americus, KS 66835 Ph. 316-443-5157Pattys PomeraniansFor Sale 1500.00Ch. Pattys Peaches of DamonsMoe-Best Tan-Talizer x A Love Note From Lennis Showstopper, Great Elms, CavalierI am reducing my kennel and have some nice show and breeding stock for sale. Great Elms, Showstopper, Creider, Queenaire lines.Patty Jensen 612 472-59506520 Game Farm Rd. E. Mound, MN 55364DOO-SHAYS HOOLIGAN\eRESERVEWINNERSOAKLAND COUNTYbePICTURED GOING RESERVE WINNERS AT THE MICHIGAN POM CLUB SPECIALTY at age 9 months under judge Mr. Lou Durocher. Congratulations to Windjammer Poms for finishing Precious Petit Touch of Riple so quickly, I barely saw him out there.DOO-SHAY POMERANIANS Shannon Johnson6270 Tripp Road, Holly Michigan 48442 313634-1331DESIREES POMS,Happy Jfeu YearCandy and a Red Bird exchange greetings. All here at Desirees Poms wish the same to youDesaree Sandifer 509 Oakdale Street704 865-0859 Gastonia, NC 28054The Pom Reader January 1987PET THERAPY PROGRAMby Georgina LaneI have judged Toys and Non-Sporting breeds for many years and showed my first dog when I was a small girl, so my interest is not a short casual affair. I was widowed four years ago and do volunteer work at the Senior Centre near here. I was asked to bring my pet Peke, China Moon, so the folks in the Adult Day Care Centre could pet him. I had read of dogs going to rest homes, etc., but they were mixed breeds from the local Animal Shelter and I felt we should educate folks that our purebred dogs are just as friendly and as lovable, so I took him. I did not know I was opening a Pandoras box. In no time I needed help as Mrs. R. Ballinger of the Peke club here asked me to take over visits to the Joseph Morse Geriatric Centre for five months while she was up North.China Moon is only one small dog - in spite of his opinion that he is the biggest dog in town - and I felt that being petted by over two hundred patients was just too much for him so I asked for help from my club, Jupiter Tequesta Kennel Club. I asked for champions if possible and all groomed as for a show. At first they felt it was going to be a lot of work and believe me, it is, but they decided to help. Once they have gone with me they never refuse. All feel they are repaid fully by the looks on folks faces.Administrators are amazed we get patients to talk who have sat or lain silent for months. If we can give pleasure and also help them return to this world we know we have to do it.My usual team is made up of a Great Dane, German Shepherds, an Airedale, a Tibetan Terrier, Brittany Spaniel, Pugs, Yorkies, and my Peke. The dogs have never seen one another before and yet are one big happy family. I wish you could see a lady in a wheelchair with her arm around a Danes neck kissing it. I found my shepherds are really special - all from the Kleins kennel - we have had a 9 month old, a mother, a Grandma, and a great Grandma who is 10 years old - all looked so nice and enjoyed every minute.When we start I give a short talk on each dog, what country he originated from and what he has won in shows -1 give his show name and his call name. Our Yorkies are very popular and the residents laugh when I tell them one is called Karo for the syrup because she is so sweet. But our Pugs are a treasure. Corinne Black has one who like our audience is handicapped. Her name is Maggie and she only has three feet - but doesnt know she is different and folks say If SHE can get around without a foot, I guess Ill just have to try a little harder. They adore my pekes face and to be honest Im just a bit jealous as last week he was kissed four times and no one kissed meWe are getting more dates than we can cover but do our best and we all go home thanking God that he has given us his greatest gift - good health. We feel we are educating people that our purebreds are not mean and vicious as some seem to think. It seems we are about to expand our educational program as the School Board has approached me and would like a program on various breeds for Elementary School Students in 1987. Ill have to do a good job as my audiences will be 200 to 300 children each time.If anyone would like further information I will be glad to help. I can be reached at 305-842-4884. Georgina LaneJ MS PRESTIGIOUS POMERANIANS- Introducing our resident star JDs Desert Bred Colt - Pets, adults, and show prospect puppies generally available. All inquiries answered promptly and courteously.MARY JJ MARCHBANKS4986 Avila Way, Buena Park, CA 90621714-994-0259HAPPY NEW YEAR FROMDOVER HOLIHOUSEHome ofAm. Can. Ch. Mi Dee Mikie of the Pines3 pound true creamCh. Camelots Mighty Thor5 pound blackCh. Edneys Little Bronco3Vz pound true orange sableCamelots Rebel Did It5 pound deep red sablePombredens Lil Blue Testament4 pound blue Also our Parti Boys Pombredens Read Luke Sixteen Dovers Little Caesar of PombredenAll Black White Parti with blazesAll Boys Are At Public StudFee Pedigree Upon RequestCallPat 609-394-0298 or Kathy 609-695-1642GrafenhorstsPomeraniansX.\Horst Graf12000 N.W. 2nd Street Plantation, FL 33325305 475-2465The Pom Reader January 1987MIDWEST NEWS... .Jeanne StaffordThe Pomeranian Club of Michigan held its specialty show on November 23, 1986, in Detriot, Michigan. Sweepstakes judge was Janet Heffington. Janet is a well known face in the Pom ring as she is coowner and agent of Am. Can. Ch. L-Rs Rock Concert Av Stran. Janet guided Rocky or did Rocky guide Janet to multiple Bests in show in both the U.S. and Canada. I believe Rocky is retired now, but f f Tfc as he is a true showman, I would not besurprised to see him out again someday.Sweepstakes class winners were as follows6-9 Puppy DogsAnimations Atom Ant 9-12 Puppy DogsSundown Tweedle Dum 6-9 Puppy Bitches LLL Ts Gold Country Missy 9-12 Puppy Bitches Doo-Shays Hooligan Sabra 12-18 Month Bitches Dan-Ds Dresden DollBEST IN SWEEPSTAKES LLL T-s Gold Country Missy owned by Carol Galavich Donna Megenhardt.BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX SWEEPS Animations Atom Ant, owned by Lorinda Vasuta.Each entrant received a toy lead.The regular classes were judged by Lou Durocher. His choices were as follows6-9 Puppy DogsAnimations Atom Ant 9-12 Puppy DogsSundown Tweedle Dum Open Red, Orange, Cream, Sable DogsAnimations Sylvester the CatWINNERS DOG Animations Atom Ant, bred owned by Lorinda Vasuta this was also the BEST OF OPPOSITE SWEEPS WINNER, but Lorindas winning does not end here - read on RESERVE WINNERS DOG Sundown Tweedle Dum, bred owned by Lois Downs.6-9 Puppy BitchesLLL Ts Gold Country Missy 9-12 Puppy BitchesDoo-Shays Hooligan Sabra Bred by Exhibitor BitchesDan-Ds Dresden Doll Open Red, Orange, Cream, Sable Bitches Animations Sweet PeaWINNERS BITCH Animations Sweet Pea, bred owned by Lorinda Vasuta.RESERVE WINNERS BITCH Doo-Shays Hooligan Sabra, bred owned by Shannon Johnson.BEST OF BREED Am. Can. CH. Millamors Im A Windjammer, breeder, Eleanor Miller owners Bob Jeanne Stafford.BEST OF WINNERS Animations Sweet Pea Lorinda Vasuta. BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX Ch. Animations Tweety Bird, bred owned by Lorinda Vasuta.BROOD BITCH CLASS Ch. Emcees Suss Anna, bred by Morris Betty Carson, owned by Lorinda Vasuta.Everyone gathered in the Hospitality room to enjoy an after judging feast, provided by the club members. Here, we were able to catch up news with old friends and to meet new ones.Anyone interested in joining this club may contact the secretary,9Janet Griffith, 39212 Wade Rd., Romulus, Ml 48174 or you may contact meWe have some new champions in the area - they are Ch. Mercers Allyssa of Doo-Shay, owner Shannon Johnson Ch. Pattys Dinomite of Bren-Ray, owner Patty Jensen Ch. Harbins Diamond Solitaire, owners Carolyn Roberts Pat Whitaker Ch. Precious Petit Touch of Riple, owners Jeanne Stafford Claudia Pfeffer Ch. Magics Trinket of Wright Way, owner Nancy L. Fry. Congratulations to all of the winners at the specialty, and the breeders and owners of these new champions.Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season, and look forward to seeing you in New YorklDJeanne Stafford1231 Carberry Road, Niles, Ml 49120.SiOffers At Stud CH. BONNERS LEGACY GOLDEN DRAGONOwnerHandler SANDRA TERRITOP.O. Box 33 Lakeland, LA 70752 Tel 504 627-5700Multiple Best In ShowCH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KIDBI-MAR POMERANIANSMary A. Rosenbaum Phones36520 28th Ave. South 206-838-6397Federal Wav. Wa 98003 206-927-2369SOUTHLANDSouthland Poms - Rays of Sunshine"6618 Lost Ridge, Pineville, LA 71360 Ph. 318-466-3456Charlotte Creed^asieaJerrie Freia P. O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70381 504-384-7466^SamerinianMarlene Marlin Presser209 886-5561 21789 E. Hwy 4 Stockton, CA 95205iohn e. heartzPROFESSIONAL HANDLING IN CANADA POMS" A SPECIALTY P.O. BOX 1259, TRURO, N.S. CANADA PHONE 902 895-7427The Pom Reader January 198710yCsA cSiuz-oAujDear Shu-ShuWe have been going to the local dog shows around here and my family has decided that it is time for ME to join the line of beautiful exhibits, but we are all in awe of the paraphernalia that gets dragged along to the shows. Is all this stuff necessary just to walk into the show ring once Please give us a small list of necessities along with your encouragement.Your friend, MandarinSouthfield, MlDear MandarinLet me scamper through just a few items for you1. SCISSORS One large pair-straight edge one large pair-curvededge one medium pair of both curved and straight edges thinning shears in two or three varieties. The real short pair of scissors are important, both curved and the blunt end. Approximately 8 pair needed.2. NAIL CLIPPERS at least 3 pair, as you always lose at least onepair per show.3. HAIR DRYER Used to dry off those sweat beads from yourowner.4. EXTENSION CORD you can either use it for your electrical items,or you may string it across a walk way about 4 inches off the floor and be prepared to call for an ambulance. Just make sure you get your competition5. POWDER in various shades and any kind of permanent dyeand hair coloring.6. TABLE for grooming anythingand anybody elses dog.7. EXERCISE PEN Use it for just that, too, and watch that handlersmovement8. TOWELS A couple dozen small cloth type, beach towels to siton while grooming and at ring side. Several rolls of paper towels, toilet paper this is a must for your owner, as you never notice that this is missing in the restrooms until it is too late.9. FOOD WATER A 40 pound bag and a couple of extra gallonsof water should do it, most everyone at the show will want to try yours.10. CAMERA Take pictures of everyone just to have the memories,and then run out of film just as YOU enter the ring.11. SHOES High heels, tennis type, loafer and boots. All in variouscolors.12. COMBS BRUSHES all in differnt styles, shapes and colors.13. LEASHES LEADS In every possible color to match everypossible outfit of every possible ownerhandler showing that day. Being coordinated is the KEY14. LUNCHES SNACKS BEVERAGES MUNCHIES in yourcoolers, lunch basket, etc. Bring enough to feed the entire group of judges. ANOTHER KEY.OPTIONS All kinds of medications, aspirin, tranquilizers for you and your owner, pep pills for you and your owner, you own vet to correct any last minute surgical problems that may arise, your own cheering section, mainly from other breeds, to keep the morale up and convince you that you are the best and will go all the way at todays show after all, will your ownbreed give you that support. Of course, you will be riding in high style in your new and necessary MOTOR HOME Ohhh, to be so lucky, to transport all this necessary paraphernalia.Heed my advice and suggestions and Ill be watching for you...oh, will I be watching for you Good luck MICHIGANDERDeviously Yours, SHU-SHU Send your letters to Shu-Shu Shannon Johnson at 6270 Tripp Road, Holly, Ml 48442.WITH PLANNED PARENTHOOD DARRELL OLGA BAKER207 Shirleen Drive Seabrook, Texas 77586 713 326-2250MILLAMORELEANOR KEN MILLER5426 Spring Lake Drive Lakeland, Florida 33803 Residence Telephone 813 646-5864Rain Beau PomeraniansHome ofAmerican Canadian Ch. Coy's Lucky EightAt stud to approved bitches Jean Sue Cook6810 S. Magnolia, Ocala, Florida 32676 904 237-1636Labradors Smooth Fox TerriersBANDBOXCh. Stud Service in Orange, Cream Red Sable Puppies and Adults Occasionally 501-489-5733NANCY DEFOREST BARTHOLOMEW Rt. 1, Box 182 501-489-5733 OLA, AR 72853HOME OF THE4 KILLER tAND ALL THOSE GORGEOUS GIRLS 5908 Westside Road El Paso, TX 79932 STARLITE POMERANIANS Home of Champion Bitches STARLITES LUCKY SHANTICY STARLITES MISS DRAGON MITE STARLITES EDITORS BWITCHED STARLITE FANTICYS STAR MAKER Write for color photos or pedigrees Gayle Tom Griffin 9125 De Jong Road, Amity, OR 97101NORMA C. GAD 915 584-0942The Pom Reader January 198711dBorv BeadedCOMING IN MARCHAnniversary IssueWHAT HAPPENED LAST YEAR - WHAT WE HOPE FOR THIS YEARSPECIAL RATESFULL PAGE 90.00 HALF PAGE 49.00DEADLINE FEBRUARY 10, 1987HELP CELEBRATE THE THIRD ANNIVERSARY OF THE POM READER WITH AN AD TELLING ABOUT YOUR KENNEL, YOUR BLOODLINES, YOUR BEST NEWS FROM THE LAST YEAR AND YOUR HOPEFULS FOR THIS YEAR. DONT MISS THIS ECONOMICAL OPPORTUNITY TO FEATURE YOUR SUPER POMS IN THE MAGAZINE THAT REACHES MORE POM PEOPLE THAN ANY OTHER POM PUBLICATION...THE POM READER.THE POM READER Published by Doll-McGinnis Publications a division ofDoll-McGinnis Enterprises, Incorporated 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, Florida 33809 [813] 858-2639 or [813] 858-3839TheThe Pom Reader January 198712 UPDATE TOP TEN EXHIBITORS FINALS FOR 1986 Welcome to UPDATE, your monthly rating list of breeders and exhibitors out there winning points in the show ring. As most all serious Pomeranian fanciers are, in one way or another, involved in campaigning their Poms for AKC Championship points, we feel that it is important to keep tabs on the Pomeranian doings in this area.The procedures for tallying the point scale are as followsThe source for all points is the official show awards book of the AKC Gazette. Only this publication will be used for point credits. Exhibitors are credited with all AKC Championship points won in the Gazette year, and published monthly according to appearance in the Gazette. As keeping track of each and every AKC show in the UnitedEXHIBITOR.........States is an onerous task accomplished diligently by AKC, many times the actual show dates will vary from the date of publication i.e.- a September show may not be published until December.. The Gazette year, as a rule, runs from about November of the previous year until September of the present calendar year.Points cure allotted to THE REGISTERED OWNER OF THE DOG AT THE TIME OF COMPETITION.Statistician Susan Wade. Any questions concerning UPDATE may be addressed to the editor.THE FOLLOWING IS THE LISTING OF THE TOP TEN EXHIBITORS January through December 1986 AKC GAZETTE.POINTSDELORES WATTS...........................................114M. M. PRESSER............................................. 72GEMMILL PLONKEY..................................... 64SALLY BAUGNIET............................................ 62A G GONOS....................................................59ANNA LA FORTUNE......................................... 55GWEN HODSON................................................54T. HOOBAN........................................................44ELEANOR MILLER...........................................40CASSANDRA READY......................................40Tie placements alphabeticalYour Showcase for Purebred PomsThe Pom Reader January 198713CH. MCKAMEYS IDEAL SUNSATIONCh. McKameys Ideal Conquest CH. MCKAMEYS IDEAL STYLESTEPPERKrystals Cherry KijafaCh. Millamors Moonrock CH. DAJA JUSTA ROCKSAMPLEHoods Sweet Cookie ptd.Ch. Ken Gay Cavalier Joe CH. MCKAMEYS CAVALIERS PEPPERMcKameys Little DuchessCh. McKamey's Enchanting Pepper CH. MCKAMEYS ENGHANTING BEN JOMcKameys Blossom JoCh. McKameys Ideal Conquest CH. MCKAMEYS STAR OF GOLDMcKameys Star MillicentCh. McKameys Ideal Perfection CH. MCKAMEYS IDEAL SUNSATIONMcKameys Elnor DianePuppies for breeding, show ring, or lovable pets, all popular bloodlines including Cavaliers, Sungolds, Millamor, Bonner, Creider, Hood, Cherokee, Emcees, Great Elms, Aristic, Models, Browns, Dixieland, English Hadleighs, Preservenes, Akelas, going back to our good old lines Julos, Moneybox, and many more.MCKAMEYS SUNDAWN KENNELS Mrs. Norris McKamey, Rt. 1, Bettendorf, IA 52722. 319 332-5809ChesaiPomeranians4Mostly BONNERARISTIC LinesWe are pleased to announce our UNIQUE litter of 5 femalesBonners Starlyn Modart x Sundance Victorian LadyRed Sable Starmist son BT, sired by Chesai Shasta RedCHESAI ANGELIQUE CHESAI DOMINIQUE CHESAI MONIQUE CHESAI MYSTIQUE CHESAI VERONIQUERobert Joan Reilly 512 438-266726093 Highway 281 North San Antonio, TX 78260JDs Pompous PomsWell, with all the mess-ups, I think our phone should be in by now. Maybe now we can get back to showing and living a fairly normal life. At least, normal for show peopleHope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and Happy Holiday.Janet Hovey, 34856 Acton Canyon Road, Acton, CA 93510 805 269-5575oLenette Pomeranian6 Stud Service Available on the following Studs Ch. Great Elms Lil Man of Lenette, 3V2 pound son of Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Too. 100.00.Ch. Woods Magic Masterpiece, 4 pound orange son of Ch. Models Gold Momento.Ch. TomanoNs Wee Short Stack, 312 pounds, Irish Setter red, linebred for many generations. 100.00. Beaver of Lenette, Pointed, deep red, 4 pound son of Ch. Models Timstoppers Echo.Puppies generally available from these studs as well as other top studs.Breeders of fine Poms since 1957 4345 Rogers Lake Road Kannapolis, NC 28081Phone 704 938-2042K. G. GRIFFITH, OwnerPom Acres KennelR.R.4Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613Robert Juanita Fiddick Tel 319-989-2199JUSTA POMS presentsCH.JUSTA MENEHUNEproducing 80 females - watch for his winning daughters at the showsand AUSTINS A KNIGHT TO REMEMBERHeavy coated black - sire Ch. Shadras Battery Not IncludedSHARON HIEMENZ, Rt 1, Remington Road, Ormond Beach, FL 32074. Tel 904 437-2190rStorA ffiefeort'm___ p_______ i.__i iX.___ tin nnNew expected litters...10.00WHELPED NOVEMBER 2, 19861 MALE, 2 FEMALES Sire Pedrons Dragon Deuce.Dam Gads Chula Mighty Red Dawn.Chula Poms, Norma C. Gad, 5908 Westside Road, El Paso,TX 79932. Tel 915 584-0942.WHELPED DECEMBER 1, 19862 FEMALESSire Ch. Pedrons Mark of the Dragon.Dam Ch. Chulas Choice of Dragon Mark.dam of the 4 Champion litter sistersChula Poms, Norma C. Gad, 5908 Westside Road, El Paso, TX 79932. Tel 915 584-0942.The Pom Reader January 198714 VIEW POINT - A CHAT WITH A BRITISH JUDGEVIKKI POWELL VISITS WITH MAY ROBERTSHAWir , .' VATNT columnist Victoria Powell, noted English Toy BreederJudge Mrs. May Robertshaw, and friends. CALLEA photoHaving always been intrigued about the sport of purebred dogs in all countries, I especially enjoy visiting with dog fanciers from foreign lands. In November of this year, Mrs. May Robertshaw of Lotusgrange Pekingese , England, was in the States to judge a Specialty in New Jersey upon completion of her assignment, she journeyed to California to vacation with Mrs. Lucille Tulloch of Lafayette, California. Mrs. Tulloch was kind enough to allow us the opportunity to spend some time together.Within the tranquil setting of Lucilles home, I enjoyed a chat with this long-time Toy devotee. May Robertshaw has been breeding for 34 years, exhibiting for 32. Originally in Bulldogs, Mrs. Robertshaw has been involved with several different breeds she has bred andor shown Yorkies, Beagles, Toy Poodles, has been successful in Japanese Chins, but is probably best known for her well-known line of Lotusgrange Pekingese. Mrs. Robertshaw judged her first championship show in the early seventies, and has judged in America three times.In her career, Mrs. Robertshaw has many notable accomplishments, including her first Crufts Best of Breed winner, the bitch Ch. Jina of Lostusgrange, in 1963. She is the breederowner of the top producing Peke in England for 1983, Ch.Some Man of Lotusgrange, she has made up 6 British Champions and has two more currently on their way, plus 60 other Champions in numerous other countries. This may not sound like a lot of Champions to our minds until you look over the following account of the differences between their judging system and ours.In the U.S. we have hundreds of available shows and specialties with average total entries of about 1000 dogs and can feasibly finish a good dog quickly if we can find the points. Some of the largest shows in Britain claim total entries of over 10,000 dogs. In a small country like England that is incredible, but let this fact sink in - there are only 39 All Breed Championship shows in one year in England. That is only 39 chances in a year for a dog to win a C.C. Add to this the limited number of Specialty shows the few shows divided by the large number of average entries doesnt provide very good odds and gives us a new outlook on finishing a champion in Britain. But here is one more item that adds to the difficulty - in order to complete an English Kennel Club championship, a dog must obtain three C.C.s Challenge Certificates to earn a C.C. the dog must beat all dogs of his sex, including any Champions entered. It is not surprising that the C.C. is highly coveted.The Pom Reader January 1987 Continued next pageA CHAT WITH A BRITISH JUDGE ContinuedWhile conversing on adjudicating in Britain, I asked Mrs. Robert- shaw to tell us exactly what the requirements are for a judge to be approved. They are as follows The applicant must fill out the proper forms and have at least five years experience judging open shows. The applicant must have also judged at least one breed club open show. The remainder of the requirement states that the applicant must have done a reasonable amount of exhibiting and winning, preferably with some dogs from their own breeding program. Mrs. Robertshaw explained that the Kennel Club has no explanation for what they consider reasonable experience and that the Kennel Club tends to be rather autocratic. If your application is turned down they offer no explanation. Mrs. Robertshaw will be judging Crufts in February, 1987, but when we discussed the assignment, she stated that no one knows what criteria is used to choose judges for Crufts and recounted this amusing anecdote Once, when a Kennel Club chairperson was asked exactly how they choose judges for Crufts, his reply was Very carefully. There are two very important differences in Britains judge approval system vs. ours. They are 1 Britain does not require testing on general dog knowledge and 2 A JUDGE IN BRITAIN MUST BE RE-APPROVED for each championship show. They do not have to go through the entire process again, but a British judge is not approved to judge unlimited shows barring suspensions, radius conflicts, etc. as judges are here. Also, in Britain if a judge has not judged a championship show in seven years or more they must re-apply to become a judge.I have repeatedly referred to championship and open shows - the difference between them is this A championship show is the only place a dog can obtain C.C.s and all champions are finished from these shows. An open show, for which there is no parallel in our system, is run exactly like a championship show except that no C.C.s can be awarded. All championship judges can judge open shows, but open judges must apply to become championship judges. Americans who are not licensed to judge in America may ONLY JUDGE OPEN SHOWS in England. All-rounder judges in Britain must judge a specialty club open show in order to acquire each new breed. NINETY PERCENT of judges are specialists breederjudges if breed exhibitors have more then three all- rounders in a year they are upset, says Mrs. Robertshaw.Open show wins are prestigious and open shows enjoy large entries in Britain. They are a very important part of our system and can be used to win points towards a Junior Warrant which Mrs. Robertshaw explained is a special puppy championship earned before the dog reaches 18 months old. This is not to be confused with a regular championship and has no bearing on a dogs finishing later on. Open show wins give a pupy one point towards a Junior Warrant championship shows give three points. In our discussion of open shows, Mrs. Robertshaw emphatically refuted my erroneous assumption that open shows could be likened to a type of training ground...Absolutely not sol, she stated.Judges in England have a requirement upon completion of their assignment which would not be feasible in our country due to its immense size - each judge must write a critique on the dogs they judged. These critiques are then published weekly in Our Dogs and Dog World publications. A critique must contain a written appraisal of every first place winner from a championship show, and for open shows the critique must contain the written commentary on every first place winner as well as the names and owners of all second and third place winners. Mrs. Robertshaw tries to be fair in her written critiques - I will not damn anybodys dog in print. If there is something I dont like I wont mention it. you dont have to give the dog the win. She feels that a dog can be disadvantaged by a judge making the statement that X thing is wrong with the specimen, for other judges will read that statement and perhaps be influenced by it when they next judge the dog. Every judgesperception of what is correct will be different. The standard is used as a tool to guide but no two people can perceive exactly the same things when judging.A recent judging critique by a British judge writing on a specialty in the U.S. commented on the superior quality but poor presentation of his winner. I asked Mrs. Robertshaw if this was common practice to, in a sense, fault the owner or handler and she said that it was not unusual. The reason to make a statement such as that is not to hurt the presenter but hopefully to encourage them to improve their presentation techniques to better compete with the others. Mrs. Robertshaw further stated that although there are few professional handlers as we know them, in Britain the presentation quality of the experienced breeders is equally as competent as what we see here.Mrs. Robertshaw and I discussed the importation of British dogs into America. Not all breeds export as much as others, but her comments are relevant to ALL BREEDS and all countries. As someone who has, in her 30 plus years in dogs, exported many dogs, she offers these guidelines 1 Set in your mind an image of your conception of the perfect dog, then examine photos from the exporting country and try to find dogs that come close in appearance to what you desire. Note the breeders of these dogs and compile a list. 2 Next, research the pedigrees of the dogs that interest you, as well as researching others from the same lines. Check into dogs that have already been imported - do you like what you see 3 Now, from your list of breeders, write letters of inquiry and introduction, explain concisely what you want and that you would like to come see them. 4 Do not buy the first dog you see. Check around.Wait - did she mention visit Yes. Mrs. Robertshaw does not recommend an inexperienced importer buying a dog sight unseen. She makes this statement to explain herself Human nature being what it is, there will always be rubbish sold for big prices. I am sure that many of you have heard or experienced the story of the trip to the airport to pick up the Import only to find it to be a pet when you open the crate. Many times the novice importer will try a second time, perhaps from a different kennel, only to be disappointed again. By the time you get done with all the expenses, and taking into account that airfare can be very inexpensive, it is often times more cost efficient to go over and pick the dog yourself.Why do people sometimes get taken when importing Lets look at the process logically and honestly. If you were a breeder of many "stars and you received a letter from someone you had never heard of, requesting your best available dog, would you sell it or would you want to know more How do you know the person will ever do anything with the dog - you dont. It is a known fact that there are kennels that specialize in breeding litters for resale to other countries and quite often it is these kennel names that receive the most notoriety simply because of the volume they export, but that does not always make them the best. This is why you must research and preferably visit before you buy. Once you become experienced at the procedure, it may then be possible to purchase by mail.Mrs. Robertshaws explanation of the pitfalls of importation extends to another very important area - that of OPINIONS. What one may see as a lovely dog may not be anothers ideal. Mrs. Robertshaw noted numerous times that an American exhibitor will better know what should do well in this country than a foreign breeder who has never visited America. Therefore it can be impractical to expect the exporting breeder to pick a big winner for you, and if you are disappointed when the dog arrives, you must take all the above information into account. NO ONE KNOWS BETTER THAN THE BUYER what he wants.I would like to cordially thank Mrs. Robertshaw for spending so much time with me. We had an enjoyable as well as educational day. In a future issue we plan to have another British judge cover a show and all of its classes for us. Until next month - VLP15The Pom Reader January 1987GERMAN FEDERAL CHAMPIONSHIP SHOWDortmund, Germany by William LedbetterOctober 25 and 26 I attended the German Federal Championship Show at Dortmund, Germany, in the huge Westfaien- Halle or Hall of Westphalia. Over 60 of the top Spitz and Pomeranians now existent in Central Europe were shown there. Exhibitors even arrived from Poland, Hungary, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia. The competition at this largest all-breed show on the continent with an entry of 5, 295 dogs was so keen that you could feel the electricity in the airThe Best of Breed in competition with all other varieties of German Spitz, against ail other color categories was won by a truly exquisite dark chocolate Kleinspitz bitch, Uschi vom Tannenhof, bred and owned by Mrs. Waltraud Omlin of Dortmund- Aplerbeck, West Germany. This bitch was 9.5 inches tall at the withers, 6 pounds in weight, beautifully balanced, with the most uniformly-colored dark chocolate harsh stand-off coat of perfect texture I ever tW QBest of Breed winner,Uschi von Tannenhof The title Best White Kleinspitz was won by a male, Jim Edelweiss vom Haus Gohfeld, bred and owned by Mr. Karl Busse of Loehne, West Germany, at 81 years of age Germanys eldest breeder of the pure white Kleinspitz. Herr Busse is world-famous for developing the pure white Kleinspitz after the ravages of World War li and preventing this variety from becoming extinct. His daughter, Mrs. Ursula Niermeier of Herford, won the title Best Zwergspitz Pom sized, i.e. 3-5 pounds with Elke Edelweiss vom Haus Gohfeld, a darling, personality plus 3.5 pound bitch in pure white with the expressive jet-black pigmentation of nose and eye-rims - incompetition with all other colors black, chocolate, wolf-sable, even against orange and orange-sable British imports.Herr Busse with Jim Edelweiss vom Haus GohfeldElke Edelweiss vom Haus GohfeldThe title Best Giant German Black Spitz height 16-20 inches at the withers was won by a splendid male, Benni vom Schlosspark, bred by W. Meyer of Braunschweig and owned by Mrs. Margret Weihs of Kerpen Buir, West Germany.The title Best Giant German White Spitz height 16-20 inches at the withers went to a truly superb pure white male, Danny vom Seerosenweiher, bred and owned by Mrs. Eyke Schmidt-Rohde of Darmstadt- Arheilgen, West Germany. Winners Bitch went to Mrs. B. E. Zuidema of Haaksbergen, Holland. These two ladies are, as far as I know, the only two breeders of this larger white Spitz variety remaining in Central Europe. Unless something is done fast, the Black and the White Giant German Spitz varieties, due to zoning restrictions and space shortage here, will be extinct in a few years. It is such a shame that this will happen to the progenitor of allsmaller Spitz varieties, including our British and American Poms. Couldnt American Pomeranian fanciers, especially obedience enthusiasts, lend a swift helping handThis wolf-sable pup was born in a long black x black program of color breeding.This mammoth all-breed show, in which this year 5,295 dogs were entered, always well-organized under the auspices of the Federacion Internationale Cynologique FCI, or the equivalent of AKC would be quite delightful and interesting for American Pomeranian enthusiasts desiring International Titles. Occasionally, Americans stationed in Germany with the U.S. Armed Forces have shown their dogs here during their off-duty hours from the Military. American Pomeranian enthusiasts are especially welcomed by the German Spitz and Pomeranian Club Verein fuer Deutsche Spitze. There is no quarantine restriction for entry into Germany from the States all that is required is a veterinary rabies vaccination certificate and a statement signed by a veterinarian stating that 10 days before entry the dog is free from all contagious diseases.Chocolate, Black, and Pure White Zwergspitz the two on left did not place.The next gigantic show of this kind here will be the European Championship Show held on May 2 and 3, 1987, again at Dortmund, West Germany. For application forms and addresses for hotel accomodations, write to Verband fuer das Deutsche Hunewesen, Postfach 1390, Hoher Wall 20, 4600 Dortmund 1, West Germany.Bill LedbetterThe Pom Reader January 1987DOG SHOW GOOF-UPS Sally BaugnietSome people may seem to indicate to others that they never make mistakes. Be wary of those who dont make mistakes, for those people probably dont do anything. Only those who do something make mistakes. Of course, there are some that makefewer mistakes than others for the same amount of work. I have made my share, but feel consoled by the fact that I never made the same one twice. I keep telling myself, As long as I learn from those mistakes, it cant be that bad.This article will include mistakes that I and others have made concerning showing dogs. Some are humorous, others maddening. All of us probably wonder how on earth we could have possibly done a thing like that.Recently, I spoke with an exhibitor who said she pulled her dog on Saturday because there was no major. We both needed a major to finish our Pom. She would show hers Sunday, because there was a major. I mentioned the fact that I had a different dog and bitch entered the next day both needing a major to finish also. She said, Sally, I cant keep track of you. This reminded me of one of my earlier mistakes. Years ago, showing 2 males and entering them alternately at various weekend shows, got me in trouble. I neglected to check my entries. Just assumed I had one entered, when I actually had the other entered. In short, I brought the wrong dog to that weekend of dog shows. Now, I write the names of the dogs I enter in each show on my check stub, purse calendar and Premium list, all of which I keep in my purse.Always check to make sure you are taking the dogs entered. Make sure you dont leave without them.I heard of someone who loaded the crates, etc., in the car, started for the show and forgot to put the dogs in the crates. They had to drive back home after them.It is emergencies such as this, that may cause so much delay that Poms have already been judged before you even reached the show site. Other delays may be car trouble, traffic, illness, etc. Allow extra travel time. Did you ever show an ungroomed dog because you just got to the show site, grabbed the dog and ran to the ringNow, you are at the show and have everything together, you nonchalantly groom each Pom to perfection. You reach the ring just as your class is leaving. Now, what did I do wrong It may have been one of several things You may have read Sundays judging schedule instead of Saturdays. Oops, this is Eastern Standard time, not Central Standard time. Daylight Savings time just started and you forgot to change your watch It is not inconceivable that you circled the time on your Judging program and in carelessly checking it, 1245 looked like 245 and guess when you showed up ringsideI mentioned some of the things that might make you miss or nearly-miss your ring. Let us assume you are on time with your well- groomed Pom. You are ringside. Do you have your brush and bait in your pocket or did you leave it back on your grooming tableIf you are lucky, friends may let you have some of their bait. See how important it is to have friendsLet us assume you have two dogs and a bitch entered. Be sure your bitch is not taken into the dog class. Dont laugh, Ive seen it happen Be sure you have the correct armband on for the dog you take in the ring. Have the ring steward write the call name of the dog on the back of his arm band. Put the armband on your left arm in the class order in which the dogs are shown. Make sure that if Joe is entered in the Bred By Exhibitor class, you, as breeder, or an immediate member of your family, show Joe inthat class.Be sure you go in the ring with the right dog I have gotten winners points going Reserve Winners on four different occasions. It is unusual, but this is how it happened.1. A handler got two bitches shipped to be shown by him for the first time. One was entered as a Specials bitch, the other was entered as an Open bitch. He did not realize that he took the Specials bitch in open class and went winners bitch with it. My bitch went Reserve. His Open bitch was taken in as a Specials bitch and went Best of Opposite Sex. An exhibitor sitting ringside mentioned it. The handler checked on it. Sure enough The winners win was cancelled and Reserve Winner was credited with the points. The Best of Opposite Sex was also nullified.2. A bitch entered in Bred-By Exhibitor class was taken to the show and shown by a non-family friend because the breeder had an emergency at home. The BBE went winners I went Reserve. Winners bitch was nullified because it was handled by a non-family member in the BBE class. My RWB got the points.3. 4. A nice puppy bitch was entered in a divided puppy class, the wrong division for its age in two shows in which she went Winners. In fact, she went Best of Breed over specials for a major in one show. My bitch went Reserve winners at both of those shows.I was awarded the winners bitch points in those shows, but not the points the puppy bitch was awarded for going BOS or BOB beyond Winners Bitch. It was a shame. Those points were wasted. By the time I was notified, my bitch did not need any more two- point shows - only majors. Im sure that puppy finished shortly after that - she was exceptionalLast year a fairly new Pom exhibitor finished her first Champion and moved him up to Specials class. She went Best of Breed with him and stayed for Group judging. People were going into the Group ring, so she went in with them. She looked around, thinking there were some strange looking dogs in the ring with turned out she was in the Hound Group\ Chuckle Chuckle No harm done.One more doozie on me I went to the dog show one hot July day in my shorts. I forgot to bring a pair of slacks or skirt along. Luckily, there was a friend in the Motor Home next to me who had an extra pair of slacks that fit me. If it werent for friends....If this article saves you from making some of these same mistakes, it has served its purpose. Novices are not the only ones to err - the old-timers have contributed their share, too Sally17EMCEES POMS14 years of breeding and raising Poms. Have bred and finished over 35 Champions. Occasionally we have show prospects, a few pets, older Poms for sale. All from top producing bloodlines. Champion sired. All have clean bill of health. 350.00 and up.Morris Betty Carson, 9826 Waltham Drive, Richmond, VA 23233. Ph. 804 740-7977BEV-NOR POMS - Home of Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge, 1Pom 1981,1982, 1983, 3 Stud Dog 1985, 24 BIS, 5 Specialties, Sire of Top Winning Female 1984, 1985, sire of 1st Black Tan to go BISA, CHampions, Multiple Group Winners. Stud fee 200.00 limited to 20.Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge, 2 Stud Dog 1985, sire of 26 Champions, BIS dogs, Group, Specialty winners ltd. to 15 bitches per year. Stud fee 250.00. Ch. Bev-Nors Statesman, Multi Group winner, 1986 Best in Sweepstakes winner New York. Stud fee 200.00.Bev Norris, 7747 Meadow Rd., Pasadena, MD 21122. 301-255-1343.TIM SUE POMERANIANSCome see us ANYTIME in our new homeTIM SUE GODDARD Route 2, Box 540 Opelousas, LA 70570 318 543-6622The Pom Reader January 198718SPECIALS ADDITIONTop Twenty Pomeranians Finals for 1986Presently we find a number of Poms making their impact in Specials competition. In order to keep you informed as to the progress of these hard-working members of the breed, we are pleased to offer you SPECIALS ADDITION. SPECIALS ADDITION is your monthly rating system of the Top Twenty Pomeranians in the United States. Rules for the rating system are as follows.Breed points not to be confused with Championship points are allotted to individuals according to the highest placement received in any given AKC show, as reported in the American Kennel Club Show, Obedience and Field Trials Awards Book. Only this source will be used for point awards.1 Dog CH. PRECIOUS PETITES GABRIELA number of points has been allotted to the various placements, and they are as followsBEST IN SHOW All Breeds..................... 500BEST IN SHOW Specialty....................... 250BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX Specialty. 75TOY GROUP FIRST............................ 250TOY GROUP SECOND....................... 150TOY GROUP THIRD...............................75TOY GROUP FOURTH.......................... 25BEST OF BREED......................................... 10Statistician Susan Wade. The following is the listing of the Top Twenty Pomeranians, as compiled from the January through December 1986 AKC Gazette1 Bitch CH. HI TIMES KALEIDOSCOPEPOINTS NAME BISABISS BOSS I II ffl IV BOB7260 CH. PRECIOUS PETITES GABRIEL D......................... 5 4 7 8 7 5 163060 CH. D-NEES DARIN DUFFIE D..................................... - 3 6 2 5 3 62935 CH. HERDS LITTLE YO YO D...................................... - - 9 2 2 3 162250 CH. GREAT ELMS PRINCE CHARMING D D... - - 6 3 3 1 52095 CH. TEXICANS GIANT KILLER CHULA D.................. - 1 4 3 2 3 171450 CH. DAISYS LITTLE BIT OF JABIL D.......................... - 1 - 6 1 3 151440 CH. PRECIOUS PETIT RIPLE SUPREME D................. - - 2 3 4 2 141230 CH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KID D.................................... 1 1 1 1 - 2 31215 CH. HI TIMES KALEIDOSCOPE B................................ - 1 1 1 2 2 2 141120 CH. POMIRISH SCOOTERS VICTORY D..................... - 1 2 1 2 1 221080 CH. HILANES SONJA OF MAI T TOI B........................ - - 2 2 1 1 181000 CH. BELLS HOUSTON STAR PERFORMER D - - 3 - 1 1 15975 CH. APOLLOETTE EVER READY ROCKY D. - - - 4 4 - 8945 CH. MULLERS ENCORE D........................................... - 1 - 2 1 4 22900 CH. QUEENAIRE WHIZZLE STIK D.............................. - 2 1 - 2 - 895 CH.APOLLOETTE MOONUTE GAMBLER D. - - 1 2 3 2 6835 CH. HARBINS TIME TO POP THE CORK D... - - 4 1 2 11745 CH. GALAXIES STAR DANCER TWO TS D.. - - - 3 1 2 17555 CH. SOUTHLANDS TOAST TO BEV-NOR B.. - ]1 1 2 2 13525 CH. APOLLOETTE FOOLISH PLEASURE D.... - - - 2 1 1 9Tie placements alphabeticalYour Showcase for Purebred PomsThe Pom Reader January 1987POMERANIAN CLUB OF MICHIGAN Specialty Show Photoslr d 1t3r15BEST OF BREED OR VARIETYOAKLAND COUNTY I0AKLAND_C0UNTT' KENNEL CLUB1986BOOTH PHOTOJRBESThA-'XMr. Durocher with Best of Breed Ch. Precious Petit Touch ofRi- Winners Dog Animations Atom Ant owned by Lorinda Vasutape owned by Bob Jeanne Stafford handler Darren LanerSIW'4BEST IN SWEEPSTAKES4BEST OF OPPOSITE SEXsOAKLAND COUNTY KENNEL CLUBOAKLAND COUNTY KENNEL CLUBVNOV.1986BOOTH PHOTONOV.1986BOOTH PHOTOJRBest of Opposite Sex Ch. Animations Tweety Bird owned by Lorin- Sweepstakes judge Janet Heffington with Best in Sweeps LLL Tsda Vasuta Gold Country Missy owned by Galavich Megenhardtc4S'4i- o0AKUND_C0UNTY KENNEL CLUB1988BOOTH PHOTOWinners Bitch, Best of Winners Animations Sweet Pea owned by Brood Bitch, Ch. Emcees SussAnna center owned by Lorinda Lorinda Vasuta Vasuta Ch. Animations Tweety Bird left owned by LorindaVasuta, and Animations Sylvester The Cat right owned by Betty LeperajUt is-A41bWEST VOLUSIA KCISISCH. PRECIOUS PETIT RIPLE SUPREME with DR. LEON SELIGMAN SINCE COMING OUT OF RETIREMENT NOVEMBER 14TH ABE HAS BEEN SHOWN ELEVEN TIMES WITH THE FOLLOWING RECORDONE GROUP I ONE GROUP H TWO GROUP HI TWO GROUP IV UNDEFEATED IN THE BREED OWNER HANDLEDOwned by CH. PRECIOUS PETIT RIPLE SUPREME Bred ByDoll McGinnis Claudia Pfeffer