The Pom Reader December 1987

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] BEST IN 1SHOW 1LAKE SHORE K.C.I50 TH ANNIVERSARY NOV. 1 1987 Photo by Phoebe Juouddaid Aa a dream...rjmmm HMm I4ts0-.......................................................and coming tru BIS at 11 Months CH. SOUTHLANDS MR. VIP 0IDASire Ch. Southlands Toasted FudgeDam Idas Princess of Bev-NorPictured on the cover winning Best in Show All Breeds under judge Miss Florise Hogan. Pictured above winning the Group under Mrs. Robert Tongren en route to BISA.OwnerEdward B. Jenner KNOLLAND FARM5102 Cranberry Road Burlington, Wl 53105Co-Owner Charlotte Creed SOUTHLAND POMS6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360HandledByLuc Boileau33etOeaon to a- CH.PATTIES DUFFIES LIL SKIPPERDe Amo KennelsSYLVIA KELLY7455 Vista Del Monte Van Nuys, CA 91405 818-780-7663 eves. 783-6300 daysThe Pom Reader December 19874om tfleace^ ^9Volume 3, Number 10TABLE OF CONTENTSUPDATETop Ten Exhibitors, January-November 1987 AKC Gazette.THE DOG MUSEUM OF AMERICAThe Museum opens its new facility in St. Louis.OLYMPIADo you remember 1951TIME TO SAY GOODBYEA tribute to a lost friend by Barbara Stoffer.SPECIALS ADDITIONTop Twenty Poms, January-November AKC Gazette.COMING ATTRACTIONS...The Anniversary issue of Top Notch Toys.NEWS...Show photographer Bill Meyer receives an award, andThe Naugatuck Valley KC holds a benefit show for AIDS research.LETTERSReaders respond.Your Showcase for Purebred Poms ADVERTISING RATESIn U.S. DollarsAD SIZE PREPAID BILLEDFULL PAGE 96.00 120.00 SUBSCRIPTION RATESHALF PAGE 53.00 65.00 12 Months - '12 Issues14 PAGE 27.00 35.00 24.00 Third Class Post18 PAGE 16.00 20.00 40.00 First Class Post116 PAGE 8.00 12.00 Single Issues 3.00 eachThe Pom Reader is published by Doll-McGinnis Enterprises, Incorporated, 8840 thru 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, Florida, 33809, out of admiration for the purebred Pomeranian. EDITOR JOE MCGINNIS. BUSINESS MANAGER DUANE DOLL. Postage paid at Lakeland, FL. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the editor. The opinions expressed in this publication either editorially or in advertising copy are those of the authors and do not necessarily constitute endorsement by the publishers. The editor reserves the right to reasonably edit all copy submitted. All articles submitted become the property of the publishers. Subscription price for Third-Class Service in the continental United States 24.00. Foreign and First Class prices upon request. Issues of the Pom Reader are sent as a courtesy to all AKC licensed Pomeranian, Toy Group, and Best In Show judges. Direct all inquiries to Joe McGinnis, Editor, The Pom Reader, 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809. Telephones 813 858-3839 or 813 858-2639.The Pom Reader December 1987This issue of the Pom Reader is made possible in part by the following advertisersFront CoverEDWARD B. JENNER KNOLLAND FARM CHARLOTTE CREED SOUTHLAND POMS Center SpreadKATHRYN HARTZ DOVER POMS PATRICIA FOLEY HOLIHOUSE POMS Back CoverROBERT JOAN REILLY CHESAI POMERANIANSBARTHOLOMEW, N. D..........................21BAUGNIET, S...............................................5BENKO, A...................................................18CARSON, M. B..................................17,21COOK, S.....................................................21CREED, C...................................................1,2EPPS, N.......................................................15FIDDICK, R. J............................................9FREIA, J......................................................21GAD, N........................................................21GODDARD, T. S................................19,21GRAF, H......................................................19GRIFFIN, G................................................. 18GRIFFITH, K...............................................17HARTZ, K...............................................12,13HEARTZ, J. C..........................................23HENDRICKS, B. C..................................21MENZ, S...............................................21HILLS PET PRODUCTS..............................7HOVEY, J...............................................18,23JACKSON, C..............................................19JENNER, E. B............................................1,2JENSEN, P..................................................21JOHNSON, S..............................................18KELLY, S.......................................................3LUGINSLAND, J.........................................19MARCHBANKS, M. J..............................18MARTIN, D..................................................21MILLER, K. E..........................................21NORRIS, B..................................................18PFEFFER, C...............................................21PIAZZA, S...................................................18PRESSER, M. M.....................................21REILLY, R. J............................................24RINEHART, M.D.........................................15ROSENBAUM, M........................................21SANDIFER, D.............................................21STAFFORD, R. J.....................................18TAYLOR, J..................................................19WELLNITZ, M.A..........................................215Pommsrt KsnntxsPOMERANIANS IRISH SETTERS NORWICH TERRIERSDick Sally Baugniet 11224 Co. Hwy. BPhone 414-755-2994 Mishicot, Wl 54228Breeders of 44 Pomeranian Champions, 27 Norwich Terrier Champions, 1 Irish Setter ChampionHomebred Champion 43 subject to AKC confirmationCH. POMIRISH CHANCES DINA MITESireAm. Cn. Ch. Pomirish Cr Puffs Only ChanceDamPomirish Squirts Come Again Dina is co-owned with my sister, Pat Krause. Watch for her Obedience CareerHomebred Champion 44subject to AKC confirmationCH. POMIRISH JACKS THANKSGIVN PUFFSireCh. Pomirish Prufs Jumping JackDamCh. Pomirish Chances Dream PuffBoth bitches are true, sound moving Poms.Dina is Chances 5th Champion.He is the sire of two more bitches close to finishing. A few pups available occasionally oewataManhotP\kThe Pom Reader December 1987SHOWSIGHT - FROM THE EDITORAs charitable and kind as I believe myself to be, I must admit that sometimes I enjoy it when an irritating entity gets its comeuppance As they say, what goes around comes around. This is the case with The Famous Department Store in my town.For years now, The Famous Department Store has enjoyed the distinction of being the only store in town with really nice things. They carry the finest crystal, the best china, superior furniture, shriekingly chic ladies fashions and passable mens furnishings. The sales force - well, most of the sales force - treats the customer with respect, and as a rule make you glad you came to shop at The Famous Department Store. Right up until the time that you hand over the Famous Credit Card from the Famous Department Store...then everything goes to pot.For ten years I have had three accounts at The Famous Department Store. One is called a Flex, which is for shoes and shirts and after shave, that kind of thing. Then theres another, which I cant remember the name of, for items larger than shoes and shirts and after shave. And then, then, there is what is affectionately called a CCA account for very large things that no one can afford but must have, anyway. Recently they offered an Oriental bedroom suite that was absolutely breathtaking - for its beauty, and also its price 18,000.00. So, one would think that with three accounts and never a late payment well, almost never, I could simply go in and buy what I want. Usually I can, but one time of the year I cant. One time of the year I have nothing but trouble with the Famous Department Stores Smiling Credit Department.And speaking of smiling, most Toy fanciers are absolutely beaming over the outcome of the AKC Delegates Meeting on December 8th. Held at the Roosevelt Hotel, long the site of the APC Specialty, this meeting boasted the highest attendance on record. The question of the proposed changes, i.e., the 18-month major ruling and the abolition of Best of Winners, was soundly trounced by a roll call vote of I believe 70 pro and 270 con. The best part, however, was the interest shown by the dog fancy in the outcome of the vote People really do care what is going on at AKC. Hopefully this will not be the last proposal for change, and hopefully the next changes will be more geared toward quality control across the board and less aimed toward a small number of the breeds.But getting back to my trouble with the Famous Department Store -1 can always count on having no end of difficulty. Never in July, however in July I can buy out the whole store and the computer zooms me right on through. Nor in February in February I could buy Porthault sheets for the whole fifth army with no problem whatsoever. In October I can furnish my whole house in twenty- three minutes flat, and in May and June I can buy out the whole Housewares department for a lucky bride or the whole maternity section for an unlucky one, but thats not the fault of the Famous Department Store and never give it a thought. But just you wait -just wait until Christmas. Things are very, very different at the onset of the Yuletide season.Of course, everybody knows what a pain in the neck it can be shopping at Christmas time. Ordinarily peaceful people blast their horns and scream profanities while fighting over parking spaces. In the holiday rush, people trample the innocent Salvation Army bell-ringers standing outside the front doors. And of course the sales people are all home from college, sons and daughters of the stores biggest customers, who can neither add nor read, apparently, and who are forever on break. But I always take it in stride. I smile at everyone, push no one well, almost never and I apologize to those two kids I knocked on their keesters yesterday. Never stand betThePom Reader December 1987ween me and the Bally shoe display, and I try to behave like a rational human being.I politely gather up my armloads of intended purchases and approach the sales counter.After waiting, patiently, for a very long time, it is now my turn to pay. The sales person, who is majoring in Nuclear Physics, attempts to press the proper buttons on the cash register, with little or no success. Then she calls a supervisor for assistance, and the supervisor, red faced and obviously in need of an industrial-strength tranquilizer, calmly presses TOTAL. And then, then, you hand over the F.D.S. Credit Card. And then the fun starts.You speak rapidly, nervously, about the weather or something else inane while the machine comes to a dead stop. And you wait. And you wait. The line behind you grows ever longer, the other shoppers muttering under their breath. Still nothing from the machine, and you begin to perspire. The sales person starts to scrutinize you, wondering just what else you have done wrong lately, and if you are under Federal investigation for alleged wrongdoing. And then if you are lucky, eventually you are rewarded with the ultimate Christmas gift - the machine bursts into life, spits out your receipt, and you are on your way.But one is not always lucky at the Famous Department Store. Yesterday, I again went through the entire painful procedure, with a different result. Suddenly bells started ringing, the sales person clapped her hands to her mouth in shock, and I was declared NO GOOD by the machine. I was burning with embarrassment as I heard the shoppers behind me. Well, his credit is no good. Probably doesnt have a job. Wouldnt you know it, wed get in line behind a bum. Why doesnt he shop someplace he can afford, rather than at the Famous Department Store But, after ten years of spending and being what is called A Preferred Customer, I am not just told, NO. They hand me the phone. A crackly voice from the Head Credit Department says, Mr. McGinnis, you are unfortunately Over Your Limit and I cannot approve the sale. I whisper back, Uh, I didnt know I had a limit. When the phone lady stops laughing, she says, Well, the computer says you do, and so I cannot approve the sale. I ask, Uh, how much over the limit am I Thirteen Dollars, Mr. McGinnis. THIRTEEN DOLLARS I HAVE SPENT FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS THIS MORNING AND AND YOU ARE WORRIED ABOUT THIRTEEN BUCKS I am sorry, sir, but unless you pay the thirteen dollars I cannot approve the sale.I then decide that I want no part of the Famous Department Store. I turn to the sales girl and say, Listen, lets just forget it. I am not about to be treated like this. The sales girl starts to cry Boo hoo, boo hoo, if I lose this sale I cant go back to school and I will be stuck forever behind this counter.Visions of meeting this sales person after I cool off and return to the Famous Department Store prompt me to action. Heres the thirteen bucks. Let me out of here. The sales girl records the thirteen bucks, my F.D.S. card picks up the balance, the Head Credit Lady smiles upon me and I beat a hasty retreat. They know I will return to the Only Store In Town That Carries Really Fine Things.But this time theyre wrong. On March first an enormous shopping center opens, and its going to have FOUR REALLY, REALLY FAMOUS DEPARTMENT STORES THAT CARRY REALLY, REALLY FINE THINGS. And I predict that the old Department Store will empty out like the Garden after Best in Show. I have already applied for my four new R.R.F.D.S. Credit Cards.But I dont need a credit card for my gift to you THE VERY BEST OF HOLIDAYS, HAPPINESS AND HEALTH TO ALL.'Til next month, Poms Away JMcGmst7SPECIFIC FOODS FOR YOUR DOGS SPECIFIC NEEDSHIGH ENERGYRecognizing The NeedHunting dogs. Work dogs. Show dogs. Finicky eaters. Dogs with weight maintenance problems or poor skin and coat conditions. Breeds with nervous dispositions. They can all benefit from Canine Performance. Because nutrition research indicates that these and other types of highly active adult dogs have higher than average energy requirements.The Canine Performance DifferenceMany high protein, high mineral, allpurpose foods can be harmful to your dog's health, if fed over an extended period of time.But Canine Performance provides the optimum nutritional balance that dogs with extra energy requirements need throughout their adult years.Scientifically formulated by veterinary nutritionists, Canine Performance contains a high concentration of calories for stamina and to help maintain proper weight. It also provides just the right amount of quality protein, vitamins and minerals to help improve your dog's vitality and promote a healthy- looking coat.100 Satisfaction Guaranteeare restricted to help prevent harmful effects on the kidneys minerals are restricted to help prevent bladder stones and the level of salt is reduced to help prevent the onset of high blood pressure and heart disease.That's why Canine Performance can guarantee you'll see the difference in your dog's health and appearance.Not Sold In SupermarketsCanine Performance is available in 10,20 and 40 lb. bags only through veterinarians, authorized pet shops or other pet professionals. People who, like you, appreciate the benefits of superior l SCIENCE DIET.Superior nutrition for the life of your pet,TFor additional information on how to improve your dog's nutrition, write Hill's Customer Service Veterinarian, Hill's Pet Products, Inc., R O. Box 148,Topeka, Kansas 66601. Or call TOLL FREE 1-800-HILLS PR 0-800-445-5777, Monday-Friday, 800 a.m.-500 p.m. Central Standard Time.Canine Performance is highly palatable. Yet the levels of protein and phosphorus5mmSCIENCE OB DIET.SCIB4CEPI SCIENCE OB DIETV C\CANINEperformanceUL ..8----------------- UPDATE --------------------TOPTEN EXHIBITORSAS OF THE JANUARY - NOVEMBER 1987 AKC GAZETTEWelcome to UPDATE, your monthly rating list of breeders and exhibitors out there winning points in the show ring. As most all serious Pomeranian fanciers are, in one way or another, involved in campaigning their Poms for AKC Championship points, we feel that it is important to keep tabs on the Pomeranian doings in this area.The procedures for tallying the point scale are as followsThe source for all points is the official show awards book of the AKC Gazette. Only this publication will be used for point credits. Exhibitors are credited with all AKC Championship points won in the Gazette year, and published monthly according to appearance in the Gazette. As keeping track of each and every AKC show in the UnitedEXHIBITOR...........States is an onerous task accomplished diligently by AKC, many times the actual show dates will vary from the date of publication i.e.- a September show may not be published until December.. The Gazette year, as a rule, runs from about November of the previous year until September of the present calendar year.Points are allotted to THE REGISTERED OWNER OF THE DOG AT THE TIME OF COMPETITION.Statistician Susan Wade. Any questions concerning UPDATE may be addressed to the editor.THE FOLLOWING IS THE LISTING OF THE TOP TEN EXHIBITORS JANUARY thru NOVEMBER 1987 AKC GAZETTE.POINTSD. WATTS..................................................................79P. HENDRICKS.........................................................47C. R. READY..........................................................45A. G. GONOS.......................................................38G. HODSON.............................................................38L. VASUTA...............................................................38N. MCKAMEY............................................................36C. CREED.................................................................34A. LA FORTUNE......................................................34S. BAUGNIET.......................................................... 33L. BRYSON..............................................................33L. UNTALAN............................................................33Tie placements alphabeticalc77ie ^So m ^leaderYour Showcase for Purebred PomsThe Pom Reader December 19879HOLIDAY GREETINGS FROM POM ACRES KENNELS OCTOBER WAS A VERY GOOD MONTH October 4th October 11th wmaf'CBEST OF OPPOSITE SEXbc2SJANESVILIEjlBELOIT KENNEL CLUB CT.BOOTH PHOTO aLnrx-vQSS--------TIMMYSCHI CHIShown taking 2 points and Best of Opposite under judge Mr. Glenn T. Fancy. Chi Chi has 8 points at 10 months of age from the Puppy Class.SABLE and CHI CHI Best of Breed Best of Opposite SexUnder judge Dr. Robert J. Berndt - Sable went on to take a Group 4 under judge Edd Embry Bivin October 10th WEEDbestMtESaOCTO\\0\00V.S0H JPOM ACRES STUNNINGLY SABLEShown taking a 3 point major and Best of Breed under judgeEdd Embry Bivin.On October 25th our dreams came true...SABLE FINISHED OUR FIRST HOMEBRED CHAMPIONWe want to thank judge Kurt M. Mueller for seeing how special this boy is and thank you to all the judges who have seen the special qualities in both Sable and Chi Chi.A Special thank you to Lois Martin who so lovingly handles the Pom Acres kids, and received 14 points on the two in October.Sable and Chi Chi were both sired by YAP YAP TIMMYTOO OGREAT ELMS, who was sired by CH. GREAT ELMS TIMSTOPPER TOO.THANK YOU RUTH BEAM AND CONGRATULATIONS ON50 YEARS OF RAISING OUR BEAUTIFUL POMERANIANSPuppies are expected out of Sable Chi Chis dam on December 11, 1987.ROBERT JUANITA FIDDICK RT. 4CEDAR FALLS, IA 50613 Ph. 319-989-2199The Pom Reader December 198710THE DOG MUSEUM OF AMERICATW mmVmmMrrrj^IBIIIIf'-A'-----Rear entrance to the Dog Museum at Jarville House in Queeny Park, St. Louis County, MissouriThe Dog Museum of America opened the doors to its new home in St. Louis on Sunday, November 1,1987. The museum, housed in the historic Jarville House in Queeny Park, West St. Louis County, will rotate exhibit selections from its permanent collections.and France.Valued at more than 1 million, this is the first time that the Marie Moore Collection has ever been exhibited in the United States. Other items in the opening exhibit include a nineteenth century carousel figure in the form of a Mastiff, bronze sculptures by noted French artists and decorative collars. The 19th century Greek Revival home provides the perfect surroundings for the historic collection.[ 14 4ftfeatHighlighting the opening exhibits will be the Marie Moore Collection. Mrs. Moores collection of art illustrates the history of the Mastiff and the changing role of the dog from the 17th to the 20th century. Called one of Americas most impressive collections, the exhibit includes paintings by European artists, bronzes and fine porcelains from the late 18th century and early 19th century England Continued next pageThe Pom Reader December 198711JARVILLE HOUSE - Home of the Dog MuseumLocated in Queeny Park, a beautiful 570 acres of grassy hills and woodland, Jarville House is an authentic example of Greek Revival architecture. Built in 1853 by John Mathias Hyacinthe Renard, a member of the French society in St. Louis, it later became the home of Edgar M. Queeny, former president of Monsanto Chemical Company.On the first floor of the house is a small library with a marble fireplace - now the museum gift shop - and a very large open parlor with two fireplaces - surroundings for the main exhibit of the museums show. On the second floor an ornate window in the front hallway allows sunlight to form delivate patterns on the floor and walls. One of the bedrooms upstairs has been converted into an exhibit hall. A glittering, multifaceted chandelier in the main foyer assists the modern track lighting installed to illuminate the museums treasures.Edgar M. Queeny purchased Jarville House in 1931, renovated the structure and developed the grounds surrounding it. He sold the land and home to a developer in 1962. When Mr. Queeny died in 1968, St. Louis County wanted to develop the land for a park and purchased the home and grounds in 1970. Mrs. Ethel Queeny donated 1 million toward the development of a park, which was designated as Edgar M. Queeny County Park.County Executive Gene McNary and the St. Louis County government have granted the Dog Museum free use of Jarvill House, an appropriate and beautiful historic setting for the historical museum collections.The Dog Museum has an extraordinay array of items depicting the dog throughout history., said Dr. Walter Dunn, director of the Dog Museum. We will be changing the exhibits regularly so there is always something different to admire at the museum each time a visitor returns.The Dog Museum is open Monday through Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Admission is 2 for adults and 50 cents for children. A gift shop provides visitors the opportunity to purchase museum publications, books on dogs and reproductions of the dog in art. For more information on the Dog Museum, call 314 821-DOGS, or write to The Dog Museum, 1721 S. Mason Road, St. Louis, MO 63131.The Dog Museum - Background Opened in 1982 in New York City, the Dog Museum was established to collect, preserve and exhibit works of art and literature depicting the dog throughout history. With the opening the Dog Museum, many of these historic works of art that were scattered among other collections or placed in storage vaults could be viewed for the first time.The Dog Museum, supported by dog lovers from all over the country, initiated a series of exhibits and educational programs, designed to provide an understanding of the dog and its cultural heritage. The museum received enthusiastic praise for its work, and dog lovers as well as the general public came to view the numerous exhibits.Hampered by space restrictions and inaccessible location, The Dog Museum moved its home from Madison Avenue, New York, to St. Louis. One of the reasons we selected St. Louis for our new home was the central location, said Dorothy Welsh right president of the Dog Museum Board of Directors. Also, St. Louis hasa high profile of activities related to dogs, and we have found the enthusiasm and support from the people of St. Louis to be tremendous.Walter S. Dunn, Ph.D, Director of the Dog MuseumDr. Walter S. Dunn is considered an expert in museum management. His career started in 1953 as curator of Industrial History and Curator of Education at the Detroit Historical Museum. He has taught at prestigious institutions such as Drake University, State University College of New York at Buffalo and the University of Wisconsin. Author of numerous publications, he also wrote and hosted a 13-week television program while curator at the State Historical Society of Wisconsin in Madison. Before he joined the Dog Museum in the spring of 1987, Dr. Dunn was Curatorial Director of St. Louis National Museum of Transport.Dr. Dunn earned his Ph.D. in Colonial and American History from the University of Wisconsin. He also has degrees from Wayne State University and Durham University, England. Utilizing his background and expertise in museum management, Dr. Dunn served on the examination teams of the Museum Assessment Program and Accreditation of the American Association of Museums.Board of Directors, The Dog MuseumMrs. Robert V. LindsayChairman of the BoardMrs. Dorothy Welsh PresidentMrs. Elaine YoungSecretaryMrs. Walter JeffordsTreasurerMrs. Wm. W. Brainard, Jr.Mrs. Maynard K. Drury Mr. Richard Hammond Mr. Gilbert Kahn Mrs. Edwin Levy Mr. Ronald Menaker Mr. William Rockefeller Mr. Charles C. Spaulding Mr. Judson StreicherDr. Walter S. DunnDirectorCourtesy of The Dog Museum, Edelman Public Relations, and The St.Louis PostDispatch.The Pom Reader December 1987"51- 'iI ArIfilVAt' V. BEST OF WINNERS rArift .v 'CAMDEN COUNTY KENNEL CLUB 1987 KERNA3 aDOVER-HOUHOUSE REBEL ROUSERCamden County Kennel Club, Judge Mr. Henry Stoecker Reb went Winners Dog for a 3 point major and also Best of Winners.Ramapo Kennel Club, Judge Mr. Thomas Baldwin Reb was Winners dog for 2 points and also Best of Winners.Reb is the proud sire of a black tan son. Dam Holihouse Munequita Tia black.Reb is a double Ch. Thelduns Tim Dandee ofEdney great grandson, and Tia is out of Ch. Camelots Mighty Thor son of Ch. Thelduns Tim Dandee of Edney BreederOwnerHandled byDOVER POMS Kathryn Hartz D. Nonotski609-695-1642HOLIHOUSE POMS Patricia Foley609-394-3459The Pom Reader December 1987Jew- 9ear f- xTntBREEDBESTOFlvihit. DOVER-HOLIHOUSE LIL BIT OREB-LUnion County Kennel Club - Judge, Mr. Raymond Swidersky Winners Dog for 3 points and also Best of Winners, Best of Breed.Both boys just need single points to finish their titles.The Boys are at public stud - call for 6 generation pedigree. Sire Camelots Rebel Did red sableEdney, May Morning breeding.Dam Ch. Annons LeaTar of Dover black tanMostly Lennis Great Elms breeding.BreederOwnerHandled byDOVER POMS Kathryn Hartz D. Nonotski609-695-1642HOUHOUSE POMS Patricia Foley609-394-3459The Pom Reader December 1987OKC14Dogs Howl and...DO YOU REMEMBER 1951If you do, then youre a lot older than I amdSXT\ 'AOnly kidding. 51 was a vintage year. I was twelve. The dedication on the flyleaf of my first AKC The Complete Dog Book read To LJ with love from Mother, at Christmas. Dusting off some shelves I came across this tattered old book, and though at that time Collies and Cockers were my childhood companions, this day I naturally turned to the Pom standard of that era. I came up with some food for thought, and a little humor to add to my next rainy day.I read Where classification by weight is made, the following scale, passed by the club APC as the most suitable division, should be1. NOT EXCEEDING 7 POUNDS 2. EXCEEDING 7 POUNDS And that written but 36 years ago Of course, to some of you 36 years must seem a vast amount of time, eons ago, but to some of us more vintage characters it seems but a brief hour on the scale of evolution in which to reduce size.Course now the pendulum has swung again. When I first began in Poms the itty-bitty ones were soooo popular, both in the ring and out, and now I read of breeders who will not use a male below 5 pounds nor a bitch less than 6. Times do not change, history just keeps repeating itself.I read Where classification by color is made, the following disivion should be adopted1. Black2. Brown or Chocolate3. Red, Orange or Cream4. Sables5. Any color not mentioned aboveUnder color in the evaluation of the standard, Black Tan was not even mentioned, but parti-color was described in full however, it was noted that when solid colors competed with parti-colors, all else being equal, the solid color should have preference. How do you like that, Parti-People Archaic, huh The admissable colors were listed thusly Black, Brown, Chocolate, Red, Orange, Cream, Orange-Sable, Wolf- Sable, Beaver, Blue, White, and Parti-color. It was stressed that sables must be shaded throughout with three or more colors, as uniformly as possible, with no patches of self-color, and that oranges must be self-colored throughout, with lightshadings on oranges discouraged, but not disqualifying.Other tidbits garnered from this old, but not ancient, standard Head somewhat foxy in outline, OR wedge- shaped, the skull being slightly flat, the stop, in profile, not to be pronounced, and the hair on face and head smooth or short coated. Ears carried perfectly erect, like those of a fox.Now I ask you two things. Have you ever seen a fox with ears carried perfectly erect Neither have I, and I have seen fox in my backyard, wild and alert to the danger of man, as well as in pictures. On the same token, our present standard demands a pronounced stop, yet considers a round, domey head a major fault. How can that be The Chihuahua standard demands a pronounced stop and a domey head, whereas the Min Pin standard asks for a slight stop and a flat skull. Even the Papillon standard asks for a slightly rounded skull with a well-defined stop. And having owned show quality Paps I can tell you that I personally never saw a specimen of that breed with a slightly rounded skull. Wet em down, and you will see. The same with our Poms. It is only the hair atop the skull which gives the appearance of flatness, and the cheek hair which gives the appearance of the wedge. To have a pronounced stop, any artist of worth, or any student, however amateur, of anatomy, would know that the skull atop must of necessity be ROUND. Collies and Dachsunds have a flat skull, but take a look at their stops. Talk about ski-slopes...Well, enough, Im not on a tangent to change the wording of the Pom standard on heads, just sort of got caught up in musing on what is written, how it is interpreted, and who believes what. But before leaving the subject I cant help but note that I can recall the day when you couldnt put a point on a Black Tan, and that now you cant get a point without one...and that Partis are coming into their own, and sooner or later a clever breeder will come up with true- breeding, typey whites, like in Samoyeds, and reflecting on this, how can the creationists say that there is no such thing as evolutionUntil the dog howls again...OLYMPIA.The Pom Reader December 1987OAKRIDGE and DE ARTA KENNELS presents...CH. WEE ROBINS DANCER OF OAKRIDGEC7WLOFBESTWINNERSOKLAHOMAKENNELPETROUSPHOTOCh. Dixieland Rock of Millamor x Ch. Wee Dancing Robin of OakridgeShown finishing Championship 9 November 1987 under Georgia ButtramCH. DE ARTAS GOLD CRICKETpBESTOF WINNERS 4OZARKS KENNEL CLUB 19 8 7PHOTO BY PETRULISCh. Dixieland Rock of Millamor x De Artas Dancing Delite Finished his championship in October 1987. Lovely show prospect male for sale 1 year old, 33A lbs., LLL and Millamor breeding BreederOwnerHandled byNina K. Epps, Oakridge Kennels M. Deane Rinehart, De Arta KennelsRt. 4, Box 48X 422 W. Fairchild DriveEl Dorado Springs, MO 64744 Midwest City, OK 73110405-732-0402The Pom Reader December 198716TIME TO SAY GOODBYE... By Barbara StofferAUTUMN...beautiful, glorious, Autumn...alive with colors, crisp, cook air, unique smells, misty, foggy mornings. First frost on the car windows... quilts of leaves to blanket the sleeping earth. Autumn, so alive, yet a season of dying, too - for we will soon lose all the gracious beauty that surrounds us now - at least for awhile- and so it is, with ALL things. A Time. A Season. A Purpose.This autumn brings me a deep feeling of sadness, as I look out the windows at the fleeting beauty of Nature - loaned to us for such a short time - for it is now time for me to say goodbye to one of my BEST friends. I have often wondered why the word goodbye has the word has good in it. I cant ever recall any goodbye as being good. And especially those that are permanent.Today, Im sitting here, with such an ache in my heart - dreading tomorrow - my thoughts keep reflecting back the mirrored images, so deepy etched in my mind images of many happy, satisfying and sometimes just comforting, times, spent together. How do you say goodbye to one of your closest friends A constant, loyal, and loving companion for 14 years. Goodbye forever, knowing, with a heavy heart, that in saying THIS goodbye, that must make the final decision that will take him from my side, and from this life. How I have dreaded this moment that I knew would very hard to have the say over life...or death...But I cannot let my little friend suffer, when there is no hope of recovery - nor can I deny him the right to retain some of his dignity and pride if dogs do, truly, feel these emotions and in my heart Im sure they do...I have watched the other Poms acknowledge the respect that the senior Poms have earned, without question. They seem to sense that the aging monarch is older, in mind as well as body. They wont dispute his rights or his territory. People could learn so much from these wonderful and truly remarkable little dogs- whom I prefer to speak of as my Little Friends. To me they are not just dogs - they are my family, they are my children. Their honesty, devotion, trust, loyalty and love is GIVEN, without resignation - unquestionably and wholeheartedly - to us. Their companionship, their joy at just being near us anywhere, anytime is, profoundly unique when compared to the relationships among people. Poms do not put boundaries on their love...nor do they expect anything in return. They remain constant in their unfailing devotion, sensing your every mood, and responding with the same love. Always. And in all ways.My Poms have shared so much with me, and Idle Acres Puff- O-Smoke - my old Nudie - was one of the first to come into my life. He has been there through the ups and the downs - through happy times and sad - coaxing with his tiny paw, scratching at my leg for me to play with him, prancing happily around...running here and there, so full of life and vitality. Strutting by my side at shows, or just out for a walk...quietly laying his head on my lap when he knew I was sad or upset. Cocking his little head first to one side and then the other as I talked to him - listening as if he understood every word I said and I really believe he often did. Sleeping under my bed at night, guarding so fiercely, if anyone should venture by the door almost like a little troll under-the-bridge. He took very seriously his self-appointed job of guarding me, or his personal toys bones...Dear Nudie...My Little my heart aches for you as I see what time has taken from you. I listen at night and hear you cough as you try to clear your throat sometimes...Other times I hear you struggle for your breath, with lungs that are filling up with fluid. The pills and the cough syrup that you hate so much no longergive you much relief...there are no more shots or medications that can bring back the vitality you so valiantly try to muster...Rheumatism has made your once-strong legs slow to a painful, unsteady, few steps-at-a-time...yet, still, you try to come to me, wobbly but with tiny ears up and head held come and lick my hand and rub your tired little head against my leg. You coax, with a tiny paw for me to scratch your back you always loved that, but even moreso now, for it takes too much effort for you to reach back and do it yourself. Any extra exertion brings spasms of the coughing again. Tears come to my eyes as I watch you - with your smiling face, always so trusting...your eyes that try to follow my every move are now clouded by a milky haze that has, relentlessly, crept up on you. Silky ears that used to catch each change of tone in my voice, now fail to hear my call, unless Im very loud and close. The once proud, gaily carried and quite beautiful tail, still wags when you know Im near, but time has robbed it of its long, silky black hair and it looks so small and sparse.Even with all of the reasons - all of the obvious indications that time has caught-up-with-him - still I look at Nudie and see the quiet wonderful spirit and the will to retain his place among the other Poms. They DO show him the respect due him - they dont challenge or defy him - they dont impose on his long and quiet naps. He is a sort of monarch of his kind as he has always had an indomitable spirit. Somehow the other Poms have always sensed this and Nudie has always been a leader.Tomorrow...I feel the time has come and I find it hard to put this into writing, let alone DO it. Tomorrow...I must say Goodbye old friend. Dear Nudie, I have to let you while you still retain some of your dignity. Maybe we are not saying Goodbye at all, little friend, just so long for awhile...I forced myself to make the call to the Doctor for the final news...the appointment is for 530 is now 1100 AM...tomorrow is here.I brushed and groomed Nudie for the last time. I feel so badly as I hear his labored breathing and hacking cough, for I cant relieve him or make him better again...I stroke his now thin, sparse coat, where once the luster and fullness of his beautiful black fur stood out so proudly. I hold his warm, full, little body, close in my arms and feel the beat of his heart against my hand. He has not lost weight and he feels so alive.How can I take him to the vet and say Goodbye Its so hard for those of us that stay here. I guess Im just feeling sorry for myself and my own sadness, when Im sure that Nudie would prefer it this way. But, ever the tiny doubt in the back of my mind. Would he want to leave me for any reason, except to go to sleep on his own Is there any other way maybe the doctor will say there IS some small hope...but then again, the reality...Nudie is NOT himself. He cant do any of the things that brought so much happiness and contentment to HIS life and to HIS small world. I cant let him suffer like hold him close and pet his tired old head. I take him for a walk, carrying him in my arms, around the house - his home that he loves so much - letting him sniff at each of the other Poms perhaps bidding them Goodbye in his own way.... They all seem to sense that something is wrong - they are unusually quiet and somber. I take Nudie to the back door and open it to let him smell the fresh, clean, Autumn air. He whiffs all the good smells that only dogs seem to sense he wags his tail and licks my hand. He looks up at me with the same trust and love as always.The Pom Reader December 198717EMCEES POMERANIANSOFFERS FOR SALETil CH. EMCEES SOLID GOLD PRINCECh. Cedarwoods Image of Diamond Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II Great Elms Sweet Candy Ch. Emcees Solid Gold Prince El Rey Ch. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond Ch. Harbins Touch of ClassCh. Harbins Black Gold of IndiaEl Rey received his second toy Group I at Huntington K.C.November 28th, under judge Mrs. Sue Kauffman, handled by Marlene Scott.El Rey is for sale to show home and to someone who will campaign him. Proven sire.We are overstocked with show males and will have to let a few leave us.If interested, please inquire toMorris Betty Carson9826 Waltham Drive Richmond, VA 23233Ph 804 740-7977jfesietBreeders of fine Poms since 1957 4345 Rogers Lake Road Kannapolis, N.C. 28081 Phone 704 938-2042K. G. GRIFFITH, ownerIn loving memory of Ann Riddick who passed away during November. Ann was well known in these parts as a breeder of fine Poms and her two kennel prefixes are in many Poms pedigrees. Cedarwoods and Rosewoods Poms and Ann Riddick will be long remembered and cherished. When you see Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II please remember that Ann was the breeder of his sire, Ch. Cedarwoods Image of Diamond. Ch. Coys Top of the Mark, the famous BIS Pom is out of Cedarwoods Linda Leigh.irr. k nCh. Coys Top Of The Mark Ch. Cedarwoods Image of DiamondThe Pom Reader December 198718GOODB YE... continuedI find it impossible to hold back the tears, as I gently put him down...he slowly and unsteadily walks away...across the room to his favorite pillow for his regular afternoon nap...I have prepared a small box - an old flannel shirt with my smell still on it covers a soft layer of foam rubber. One of Nudies favorite squeeky toys, a small stuffed rabbit he loved, and a chew bone to guard, are tucked in the corners...The box goes with us to the vets office. The brightness of the Autumn day has faded, turning chilly, cloudy-gray and misting rain...I gathered Nudie up, to go for his last ride. How he loved to go in the car with me - anywhere - even now, he is eager to go.I just cant stop the tears as he sits happily on the seat beside me, looking around to see where were going.The doctors office is quiet except for the muffled sounds of other patients confined in the back. As I hold him in my amrs, Nudie is restless and presses close to me he always knew whenever we came to the vets office - he didnt like it at all. Once in a while he looks up into my face with his little head resting on my chest. The hacking cough still brings intermittent spasms. In the lull between the coughing, his breathing is more labored...I know he is very uncomfortable, but he does not whine or fuss...he only looks up at me with those cloudy, yet lovely eyes, and presses ever closer...ready to accept whatever it is I want of him. I dont know whether my hearts aches more because he is not well and is obviously suffering, or because I know he will soon be asleep...FOREVER...whichever. It is one of the hardest and saddest things Ive ever had to do.The Doctor comes in and gently gives Nudie a final examination. There is nothing more that is humanly possible, to do for him. His lungs are failing because of the fluid build-up in the chest and abdomen...Deterioration of the heart muscle and arteries, etc...etc...too much to go into detail - no use anyway - the final conclusions were still the same. Nudie pressed against me again as he sat on the examining table, trembling a little now, as he had never really trusted the doctor...he was always glad to come to me when he was finished. This time, I had to put him back in the doctors arms. Dear Nudie, I can only pray that you will understand and forgive me.In less than five minutes it was, painlessly, over. My Nudie is now free again. No more fighting with a body that wouldnt respond. No more pain. He is free to be...Nudie again...somewhere.I carried the box to the car...and we drove slowly home, in the gray and rainy, late afternoon...Nudie, in body, now rests peacefully in the back yard on a small hill...the yard where he loved to run and bark and SPIRIT, my Nudie runs and barks and plays in another place so far away but maybe not so far away.... Perhaps death is not a FINAL thing, but only a passage to another TIME, that is free of wordly cares and pain. Where all our loved ones wait to greet us. I truly believe there is a place in Heaven for Poms, too - for what would Heaven be without them My Nudie is surely there now, with all the other Little-Friends...playing...and waiting...Dear will always live in my heart...and in my memories you will be forever young and strong and happy. Anytime I feel lonely you will be laying a tiny, black paw on my leg and tugging at my heartstrings...As the tears blur my eyes now, I dearly pray I had one wish...that I could turn back the hands of time for be young and happy together again.The Good Shepherd will Bless you now, and take care of you for me...until we meet again...GOODBYE, LITTLE-FRIEND.Barbara Stoffer, 1187 STARLITE POMS^GAYLE GRIFFINP.O. Box 469, Amity, OR 97101JinmEranian f ala tzShannon Johnson Shannon Johnson Jr.6270 Tripp Road, Holly Ml 48442 Tel 313-634-1331JDS POMPOUS POMSHome of CH. Circle M Comes A HossmanJanet Hovey34856 Acton Canyon Road, Acton, CA 93510 805 269-5575J AND MS POMS-R-US MERRY XMAS TO ALLA good year has passed - next will be even better. Congratulations to JDS HILL TOP DUCHESS - 112287 Match Show News All Breed Match - BOB GROUP t. Duchess is owned by Glenn Bernardo of Pacific Prancing Poms.Mary JJ Marchbanks, 4986 Avila Way, Buena Park, CA 90621. 714994-0259BEV-NOR POMS home of Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge, 1 Pom for1981, 1982, 1983, 24 Best in Shows, 5 Specialty Bests, Sire of only BLK TAN to ever go BISA. Sire of CH's and TOP WINNING FEMALES 1984,1985. Sire of BIS multi Group winners. Stud Fee 250.00 limited to 20.Cli. Thelduns Almond Fudge - sire of 35 Champions, BIS, Group Specialty winners limited to 15. Stud fee 250.00. Ch. Bev-Nors Statesman, Multi Group winner, 1986 BEST IN SWEEPSTAKES winner New York. Stud fee 200.00. 2-512 month old males, real nice and Fudge Puppies.BEVERLY NORRIS, 7747 Meadow Road, Pasadena, MD 21122. 301 255-1343.ICERAMA POMSSkip Piazza THE KENNELS527 B Church Road, Avondale, PA 19311215-268-8000 or 215-268-2266...AIntroducing at Stud BLOSSOM HEIGHTS PETER PAN Heavy coated, light orange, 4V2 lbs. Sire Ch. Millamors Mood Music. Dam Bobbys Cuddles.BLOSSOM HEIGHTS POMS, Arlene John Benko, 5351 Jeffrey Avenue, West Palm Beach, FL 33407. Tel 305-842-5591.WINDJAMMERHome of AmCan Ch. Millamors Im A Windjammer atstud. Winner of 3 Specialty Bests in ShowBob Jeanne Stafford 1231 Carberry Road616-683-0214 Niles, Ml 49120Tne Pom Reader December 1987esibmercmcafiPresents'-ImM_ vJamels Fugicle of SouthlandCh. Southlands Toasted Fudge x Ch. Jamels Smudge Orange ParfaitBOB from puppy class over 3 lovely specials.THANK YOU MR. CONWAYCheryl A. Jackson Joel M. Taylor1038 16th Ave. So. Birmingham, AL 35205 205 328-6603 Puppies Available GRAFENHORSTSPOMERANIANSaCh. Great Elms Lil Man of Lenette Now at his new homeThank you Mr. Ken GriffithHorst Graf12000 N.W. 2nd Street, Plantation, FL 33325 305 475-2465Tim Sue Pomeranians c..Home to 7 Champion males includingAm. Can. Ch. Chriscendo City Lights pictured. Several promising show puppies available 2 males whelped 73187, sired by Ch. LLL Dazzlin Gold Mike x a daughter of Ch. Shy Acres Pom Thumb V. Jeribeth and an LLL Charming Gold Top Brass daughter. Close LLL pedigree.Several very nice City Lights youngsters ready for show homes.Tim and Sue GoddardRt. 2, Box 540 Opelousas, LA 70570 318-543-6622LL KENNELS NEWEST SPARKLING STARuBEST OF WINNERSVFORT WORTH KENNEL CLUB 19 8 7PHOTO BY PETRULISiSIiLLL TS GOLD SPARKLE PLENTY, shown taking WB, BOW, BOS for a 3 point major, Ft. Worth KC, judge Mr. Frank Sabella. BreederOwnerHandler Janice Luginsiand.Sparkle is for sale. Also breeding quality show prospects from 250.00 up. Out of males.Janice Luginsiand, R1, Box 97, Americus, KS 66835. 316-443-5157.The Pom Reader December 1987- SPECIALS ADDITION TOPTWENTY POMERANIANS JANUARY - NOVEMBER 1987 AKC GAZETTEPresently we find a number of Poms making their impact in Specials competition. In order to keep you informed as to the progress of these hard-working members of the breed, we are pleased to offer you SPECIALS ADDITION.SPECIALS ADDITION is your monthly rating system of the Top Twenty Pomeranians in the United States. Rules for the rating system are as followsBreed points not to be confused with AKC Championship points are allotted to individuals according to the highest placement received in any given AKC show, as reported in the American Kennel Club Show, Obedience and Field Trials Awards Book. Only this source will be used for point awards. A number of points has been allotted to the various placements,and they are as followsBEST EM SHOW All Breeds........................500BEST IN SHOW Specialty............................250BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX Specialty..............75TOY GROUP FIRST.........................................250TOY GROUP SECOND................................... 150TOY GROUP THIRD......................................... 75TOY GROUP FOURTH..................................... 25BEST OF BREED............................................. 10Statistician SUSAN WADE. The following is the listing of the Top Twenty Pomeranians, as compiled from the JANUARY through NOVEMBER 1987 AKC GAZETTE.POINTS NAME Owner BISA BISS BOSS I H8180 CH. GREAT ELMS PRINCE CHARMING H D................. 5 2 - 14 7PiazzaBaker, Owners7005 CH. PRECIOUS PETITES GABRIEL D................................................. 2 1 14 9Claudia Pfeffer, Owner2810 CH. APOLLOETTE MOONLITE GAMBLER D....................................................... ... 5 7KellyPresser, Owners2315 CH. LANAS TOP PRIORITY D............................................................................... ... 6 4M. L. Craig L. Ejchorszt, Owners2300 CH. D-NEES DAREN DUFFIE D.............................................................. 4-33Nadine Hersel, Owner1510 CH. IDAS TOUCH OF BEV-NOR D....................................................................................... 3 2TarverCreed, Owners1315 CH. TEXICANS GIANT KILLER CHULA D........................................................................... 2 3Norma Gad, Owner1085 CH. HARBINS TIME TO POP THE CORK D.......................................................... 1 2 2I. S. Harbin, Owners1075 CH. CLAIRMONTS CAROLINA DELITE B................................ - 1 - 1 2L. Bryson, Owner1025 CH. EMCEES SOLID GOLD PRINCE D................................................................................ 1 2M. B. Carson, Owners925 CH. TOPAZE JACKPOT TOBEY D........................................................................................ 2 2J. Butler, Owner915 ALEXSANDS GOLDEN WHISPER D............................... - - - 1 3A. G. Gonos, Owners895 CH. KARLEE TWENTY-FOUR KARAT D......................................... ---21B. P. Curry, Owners860 CH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KID D............................................................... 1112M. Rosenbaum, Owner820 CH. TIM SUES HIGH LIGHTS D....................................................... 3LuginslandGoddard, Owners790 CH. PATTYS DUFFIES LIL SKIPPER D.......................................... 1 - - 1S. Kelly, Owner765 CH. PRECIOUS PETIT RIPLE SUPREME D............................... 1 1DollMcGinnis, Owners765 CH. TOMHO ALABASTER COYOTE D...................................... 1 1T. Hooban, Owner760 CH. TEXICANS GREAT BALLS OF FERE D............................. 1 - - 1N. Berry, Owner715 CH. MILLAMORS FM A WINDJAMMER D................................ - 2 - - 1R. J. Stafford, OwnersTie placements alphabeticalID IV BOB4 8 136 5 85 1 111 2 102 55 1 63 - 42 2 12 1 106 11 - 51 - 142 1 762 22 92 3 143 2 911 4The Pom Reader December 198721MILLAMORELEANOR KEN MILLER5426 Spring Lake DriveLakeland, Florida 33803Residence Telephone 813 646-5864Pattys PomeraniansGreat Elms, Showstopper, Creider and Queenaire linesQuality Poms at Reasonable PricesPatty Jensen 6520 Game Farm Rd. E.612 472-5950 Mound, MN 55364Rain Beau PomeraniansHome ofAmerican Canadian Ch. Coys Lucky EightAt stud to approved bitchesJean Sue Cook6810 S. Magnolia. Ocala. Florida 32676 904 237-1636 Show puppies availableH Stud service on Ch. Emcee'sSOl'd Prince, son of Ch.Multiple Best In ShowCH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KIDBI-MAR POMERANIANSMary A. Rosenbaum Phones36520 28th Ave. South 206-838-6397Federal Wav. Wa 98003 206-927-2369CRYSTAL CHARMPomeraniansMary Ann Wellnitz, RR 1, Box 86, Rushville, NE 69360.Tel 308-327-2533DESAREE SANDIFER509 OAKDALE STREET, GASTONIA, NC 28054 TELEPHONE 704 865-08590k A\\ 'f..- BreederOwnerCLAUDIA PFEFFER s P.O. BOX 10432^T\ Jefferson. LA 70181U U1 504 737-1729O' recious CyetitesKHANIRAINBOW POMSByron Connie HendricksP.O. Box 644, Arcadia, CA 91006Tel 818 444-5131Jerrie FreiaP. O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70381 504-384-7466I HOME OF THE4 KILLER AND ALL THOSE GORGEOUS GIRLS NORMA C. GAD 5908 Westside Road915 584-0942 El Paso, TX 799320SameranianMarlene Marlin Presser 209886-5561 21789 E. Hwy 4Stockton, CA 95205TIM SUE POMERANIANSTIM SUE GODDARDRoute 2, Box 540Opelousas, LA 70570 318 543-6622BANDBOXCh. Stud Service in Orange, Cream Red SablePuppies and Adults OccasionallyNANCY DEFOREST BARTHOLOMEWRt. 1, Box 182, Ola, AR 72853501-489-5733JUST A POMS presentsCH.JUSTA MENEHUNEproducing 80 females - watch for his winning daughters at the showsand AUSTINS A KNIGHT TO REMEMBERHeavy coated black - sire Ch. Shadra's Battery Not IncludedSHARON HIEMENZ, Rt 1, Remington Road, Ormond Beach, FL 32074. Tel 904 437-2190jfa jAeri arriertzmasiBreeding for a better Pom-morrowGreat Elms, Precious Petites, Showstopper Lines Dorothy MartinRt. 2, Box 30M, Rock Hill, SC 29730803-377-7718The Pom Reader December 1987The Magazine of the Toy Group...7NT'Top Notch Toysoomina iv Sfierraaru..leAe omTHE SECOND ANNIVERSARY ISSUE OF TOP NOTCH TOYS IS DEDICATED TO TWO OF THE MORE POPULAR TOY BREEDS, PEKINGESE AND POMERANIANS. PLAN TO HONOR YOUR FAVORITE PEKE OR POM WITH AN AD IN THIS SPECIAL ISSUE - CELEBRATE A RECENT WINNER, ANNOUNCE AN UP-AND-COMING YOUNG STAR, OR PAY TRIBUTE TO AN OLD FRIEND NO LONGER IN THE SHOW RING.SPECIAL RATESFULL PAGE - 90.00 REGULAR 130.00HALF PAGE - 49.00 REGULAR 80.00FULL PAGE COLOR - 300.00ALL ADS WILL BE IN A PRIVATE SECTION OF THE MAGAZINE IN THE ORDER RECEIVED. PAYMENT MUST ACCOMPANY AD. ALL PHOTOS WILL BE RETURNED IN THE CONDITION RECEIVED - WE CARE ABOUT THEM AS MUCH AS YOU DO.DEADLINE JANUARY 10TH, 1987SINGLE COPIES OF THE PEKE POM ISSUE 5.00 eachSPECIAL OFFERING...Subscribe now to TOP NOTCH TOYS at our special rate of 29.95 per year regular price 40.00.TOP NOTCH TOYS is published 11 times per year by DOLL-MCGINNIS PUBLICATIONS. All issue of TOP NOTCH TOYS are sent as a courtesy to all AKC licensed individual Toy Breed, Toy Group, and Best in Show judges.MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TODoll-McGinnis Publications 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809 Telephones 813 858-2639 or 813 858-3839The Orient Express December 1987NEWS...SHOW PHOTOGRAPHER HONORED...At the Crab Orchard K.C. and the Paducah K.C. shows an award was presented to Bill Meyer, Show Photographer, in appreciation for his excellent work in photography.iVCrab Orchard KC Show Chairman, Paducah Kennel Club Bill Meyer Luann Baggett, Bill Meyer, and and Club President Emmett Club President Ramona Caraker. Wiseman.A resident of St. Louis, Meyer has been a popular and respected dog show photographer for many years. The RX says Congratulations Keep up the good workNAUGATUCK VALLEY KC TO HOLD BENEFIT SHOWThe Naugatuck Valley Kennel Club, Inc., of Connecticut has taken on the monumental task of organizing a colossal and glittering point show on March 20,1988. This show will be the first of its kind, with all the proceeds given to the AIDS OF NEW HAVEN PROJECT a research effort affiliated with Yale University. The show will be held at the beautiful Coxe Cage, which is adjacent to the Yale Bowl in New Haven.For a year now, plans have been in progress for this tremendous show. Interest has been overwhelmingly supportive, and already several Judges have returned their judging fees to the Club to kick off the monumental task of organzing and carrying out such a monumental mission.The NVKC is a small Club with thirty active members, and has the distinction of being the oldest all-breed club in the state, being founded in 1917. In spite of its size, enthusiasm and camaraderie are always present at Club functions. This is by far the most ambitious and grandiose project ever undertaken.People are constantly asking its members, How can we help and be a part of thisAll breed clubs may give cash donations send to Kathleen Kolbert, Treasurer, 6 Hopewell Road, Newtown, CT 06470. Tel 203-270-1070 Funds should be made out to NVKC AIDS FUND Trophies of any kind, contact and send toSharon Dykman, Trophy Chairman, 100 Good Hill Road, Oxford, CT 06483, tel 203-888-3980Catalogue advertisement in this once-in-a-lifetime catalogue, contactE. Wayne Baker, Advertising Chairman, 6 Hopewell Road, Newtown, CT 06470. Tel 203-270-1070Breed Clubs, parent Clubs, and specialty clubs may wish to support entries or have a specialty. Trophies will be appropriate for either, and advertising in the catalogue would certainly be in order. Cash donations from their treasury, made out to N.V.K.D. Aids Fund, would be most welcome.Stewards and Judges are still needed to donate their time and The Pom Reader December 1987volunteer their services. ContactJoseph Champagne, Show Chairman, 215 Sherman Hill Road, Woodbury, CT 06798. Tel 203-263-4589, or Loretta Ouellette, Chief Steward, RFD2, Greystone Road, Plymouth, CT 06782. Tel 203-283-0397.Since many celebrities and a record number of spectators are expected, everyones participation is encouraged. This is a pioneer project, and hopefully, other clubs will follow suit in the future.If you would like to volunteer for this timely cause in any way or wish to donate to it, please contact one of the above Committee Chairmen.Ellen Rowland, Corresponding Secretary, Naugatuck Valley Kennel Club, Inc., 56 Francis Avenue, Newington, CT 06111. Tel 203-666-5016LETTERS...Dear Joe,Being relatively new to the world of show Poms were concerned over AKCs new proposal of acquiring one major after 18 months of age.We neither have the time nor the skills to show our own dogs so we use a handler. As you well know, this is a very expensive venture. The risk of finishing a female who may never produce a pup are high. We admit our hearts are in breeding to produce that Best in Show or Group winner - quite a challenge. We do not breed a bitch on her first heat nor do we like to wait until the third or fourth.We recently put our first female with our handler but not without a lot of thought. If she had to acquire a major after 18 months of age we probably couldnt justify doing it - dodging the coat changes and trying to find majors make it difficult enough. The ideal time for us to finish a male or female is before 1 year and the dreaded year-old coat change.We feel a judge is placing a dog on what he or she sees that day not what that dog will become at a later date. Lets say for instance a champion bitch has to be spayed or a champion male loses a testicle to cancer or breaks a leg that doesnt heal right...does that now make that dog undesirable Will AKC take his championship papers away Sound ridiculous It may be AKCs next stpe. Can AKC watch over all the champion dogs to make sure they always have the quality to be called a championWe repeat A JUDGE IS JUDGING WHAT HE SEES ON THAT DAY...NOT WHAT THE DOG MAY SOMEDAY BECOME. Sincerely, Sharon Hanson Jane Fleshman, Jan-Shar KennelsJohn e. heaftzfmsmhS PROFESSIONAL HANDLING IN CANADA POMS A SPECIALTY P.O. BOX 1259, TRURO, N.S. CANADA PHONE 902 895-7427JDS POMPOUS POMS......extend their deepest sympathy to Mary Marchbanks of J Ms Poms R Us on the passing of her husband and our dear friend JJ on December 9th.Our prayers and best wishes go out to you, Mary.Janet Hovey Dan FarrellChesai Pomeranians WE PROUDLY PRESENT OUR NEWEST CHAMPIONS 7i \rsICH. CHESAI MIDNIGHT COWBOYA superb blackCowboy was Winners Dog 5 points at the Houston Pom Specialty, his first time out. He finished shortly after. Congratulations to his ownersRobert Donna Thiede.GROUPFIRST1986MATCH jMttunMENIS9CH. CHESAI SISNBEN SCARLET ROSEBoth majors from the 6-9 month puppy class her first weekend out. Congratulations to Roses owner, Anna Benedetto.ChesaiPomeraniansROBERT JOAN REILLY 26903 HIGHWAY281 NORTH SAN ANTONIO, TX 78260 512-438-2667The Pom Reader December 1987