The Pom Reader November 1990

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NOVEMBER 1990 VOLUME V NUMBER 9tivsV VmJi h-crs.rftSEASONS GREETINGS FROM CLAIRMO,I Mi Ai I ,runm0. -fffell'SiItar ' pmys U STgrovjpj\mwjCh. Clairmonfs Traveling DiamondPictured above with judge Robert Graham.Pictured on the cover at 7 months of age when he was untrimmed, untrained, and unruly. Ruben says 1 might be an Arctic breed, but I am definitely not a sled dogP.S. Happy Birthday to Joyce Apples Image -10 years old on November 19,1990.Breeder-Owner HandlerPimea oamAtelBurlington, North Carolina3o keriy yrPresentsSiQJJa-3V.' SgStfSi _cvSSSssKN5u.SSSCH. GOLDEN AIRES SHERRYS JUBILEECh. Beaver of Lenette x Great Elms TiaraJULIE finished her Championship at 11 months of age and in less than a month of being shown. She is a gorgeous orange sable, typey and sound with a personality that wins your heart. To Julies breeder, Sherry Adams, a very big thank you for allowing her to join us.Julie has been bred to Great Elms Tiny Tim, a full brother to Ch. Great Elms Shining Star. We extend special thanks to Ken Griffith for making this possible. Other special litters are due this winter.We salute Julies sire, Ch. Beaver of Lenette, who is the sire of five champions in 1990 with more close to finishing. Congratulations to his proud owner, Ken Griffith.Speaking of girls, a thank you to Gail Jeub for allowing Berrys-N-Star Dust Chantilly and Star Dusts Sin-A-Min to join us. They are sired by Ch. Southlands Apollo Creed and Ch. Sungolds Max of Harbin.SHARON JOHN MASNICK HCR 65 BOX 745803 928-3511 HUGER, SC 29450The Pom Reader November 19907i wvNovember 1990 Volume V, Number 9TABLE OF CONTENTS 10. UPDATETop Ten Exhibitors, Janudry-October 1990.12. BY THE BOOK Tom GravesThe target test vaginal cytology.16. NEW CHAMPIONSTitleholders published in October 1990.18. SPECIALTY SCENES by Janice LuginslandThe Des Moines Specialty and the APC Skin Seminar.19. COMING ATTRACTIONS...The special Puppy issue of the PR.19. PR VITAL STATISTICSAdvertising and subscription rates.20. OLYMPIAWriters block strikes and then, magically, withdraws23. POMERANIAN ESCAPADES Susan JohnsonTypical show behavior.24. PARTI LINE Nan ShartelPretty Pagatonia Parti.26. SPECIAL ADDITIONTop Twenty Poms, January-October 1990.The Pom Reader is published by Doll-McGinnis Enterprises, Incorporated, 8840 thru 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, Florida, 33809, out of admiration for the purebred Pomeranian. EDITOR JOE MCGINNIS. BUSINESS MANAGER DUANE DOLL. Postage paid at Lakeland, FL. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the editor. The opinions expressed in this publication either editorially or in advertising copy are those of the authors and do not necessarily constitute endorsement by the publishers. The editor reserves the right to reasonably edit all copy submitted. All articles submitted become the property of the publishers. Subscription price for Third-Class Service in the continental United States 24.00. Foreign and First Class prices upon request. Issues of the Pom Reader are sent as a courtesy to all AKC licensed Pomeranian, Toy Group, and Best In Show judges. Direct all inquiries to Joe McGinnis, Editor, The Pom Reader, 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809. Telephone 813 858-3839. FAX 813-853-3624.The Pom Reader November 1990This issue of the Pom Reader is possible in part by the following advertisersFRONT COVER LANCE BRYSONCLAIRMONT POMERANIANSBACK COVERFRANCES STOLLSTOLANNE POMERANIANSINDEX TO ADVERTISERSALLAN, M......................................................... 22BENKO, A.........................................................23BANDY, M.........................................................21BERNARDO, G.................................................21BRYSON, L......................................................1,2CARSON, M. B............................................. 22CATES, W. C.................................................23CONRAD, H...................................................... 17COOK, S........................................................... 21CREED, C......................................................... 22DOSSINGER, M................................................22DUPRES, E....................................................... 21FIDDICK, R. J................................................22FINCH, D...........................................................21FRANKS, C.......................................................17FREIA, J.......................................................21,25GAD, N..............................................................23GALAVICH, C................................................. 27GRAF, H............................................................23GRIFFIN, G....................................................... 22GRIFFITH, K..................................................... 21HARTZ, K........................................................ 17HEARTZ, J. C............................................... 21HOVEY, J..........................................................21HURLEY, J....................................................... 11JACKSON, C.................................................... 22JENSEN, P........................................................21JOHNSON, S.................................................... 22LUGINSLAND, J...............................................22MARTIN, D..................................................8,9,21MASNICK, S....................................................... 3NAGY, S. B....................................................22NELSEN, L. B................................................17NEUGARTH, P..................................................15NORRIS, B........................................................21PEEL, C.............................................................17PFEFFER, C......................................................23PIAZZA, S......................................................... 23RGS POMS PEDS.........................................23REILLY, R. J................................................. 22ROSENBAUM, M..............................................22ROYAL CANIN USA...........................................5SAMPLES, M....................................................22SETMAYER, G................................................. 11SIMO-NIS, D........................................................7STOLL, F...........................................................28WADDELL, J.....................................................25WELLS, M. G................................................ 21WHIDDON, B.................................................... 23WILLIS, V.......................................................... 175Now Every Dog Can Be A Winner With Club Cynotechniqud NmtmBBSteaTheClub is now even better, because weve expand- ed the Cash Reward program to include all dogs in AKC-licensed specialty and allbreed shows.With the new structure and prize system, cash is now awarded to the Winners Dog and Winners Bitch, based on their points. There are also prizes for Best of Breed, Group Firsts, Best in Show, and highest-scoring obedience trial. Thehandler and breeder can win cash, too.Also, now a dog itself is actually the Club member, rather than the owner. To enter a dog in Club Cynotechnique, just feed it Royal Canin Cynotechnique Dog Food on a continuing basis then mail this coupon with proof-of-purchase from 80 lbs. of Cynotechnique for each dog.For more details, call Royal Canin U.S.A. 7. Welcome to the ClubJoin The ClubSign my dog up for membership in Club Cynotechnique. I have enclosed proof-of-purchase UPC symbols from 80 lbs. of Cynotechnique foods and a copy of the dogs AKC registration.Dogs Name _ Breed________ .AKC Reg. . THE POWER OF BALANCEOwners Name _Address_________City____________ _ State _ .Zip.ROY4LCkNINCYNOTECHNIQUEPhone Number _Send to Club Cynotechnique Royal Canin U.S.A., Inc. 1600 Heritage Landing St. Charles, MO 63303The Pom Reader November 199064It is particularly fitting that this, our special issue dedicated to females, comes right on the heels of Halloween. What qualifies me to compile a special female edition of the PR I know a lot about girls. In fact, I was one once, and once was more than enough. And now that the scandals out, I am forced to tell about one Halloween that was, indeed, a drag.There was a costume party planned, to be hosted by a kid I could not tolerate. Still cant. About eight years ago I was in a restaurant with friends when he and his wife joined our party. I got up and left. We were, I guess, what could be called rivals, and competition between us was fierce. And so it was with considerable skullduggery that we ascertained his plans for the evening in an effort to outdo.My best friends girlfriend and the creeps girlfriend had been friends at one point we sent her out to glean the necessary information. She produced beautifully, and promptly The guys planned to wear their girls cheerleader outfits, and the girls would wear their football uniforms. They planned to be the hit of the evening, and win the award for Best Costume. We were determined to put a stop to that, and so we hit upon a marvelous plan they could be ditzy little cheerleaders we would be Sluts. And our girlfriends would be our, well, procurers.Gleefully we mapped out our strategy much preparation had to be made. The girls would simply wear suits with black shirts and white ties and hats where we got that idea, I have no idea. For us two guys, however, it was a little trickier. Being built more like Rocky than Rockettes, we had our work cut out. We enlisted help from all quarters far removed from school and our intended victims.A woman I worked with offered the use of wigs, she had a bunch of them. Another acquaintance offered the use of tawdry-looking clothing -1 wont tell where 1 knew her from. We searched for a large lady to provide shoes - the local bakery had one, and she lent us high heels. But they were still too small and my feet have never been the same. The girls offered to do makeup. We were all set. And the night of the Lend-Lease Ladies of the Evening loomed ever nearer.But we were lacking what to us seemed to be the main ingredient, if we were to be ruthlessly alluring and able to drive men to distraction. I came up with the solution to that. Water balloons. And the very largest intime apparel on the market. If she could have The Pom Reader November 1990seen us, Dolly Parton would have retired.As the time came to leave we were losing our nerve. We called our dates Im not sure this is such a good idea, my friend Steve said. What, are you chicken, asked his girlfriend, KC. Us - NEVER We proceeded with the plan.First we tried to sneak out of the house unseen by neighbors or my parents, no mean feat. Imagine, if you will, two high school seniors, six-foot and six-foot one, respectively in stocking feet, teetering down an icy drive on four-inch heels, mini-skirted, bewigged, bebreasted and trying to be bewitching. We somehow made it to the car and here was a miscalculation of major proportions.The proportions we had assumed for the evening made it difficult to drive. I kept getting myself tangled up in the steering wheel and the shoulder harness, and, to top it off so to speak, I was driving a five-speed. With an upper structure like that, it would behoove one to drive an automatic. But things were already rolling there was no stopping us.We arrived at Kathys house and she and KC did, indeed, look like pimps. We were hustled into the bath to have the makeup properly applied. But the girls were giggling so hard their aim was off, and Kathy got black goop in my contact lenses. As a result, for the rest of the evening everyone looked beach-brown, when in actuality, in Wisconsin, in October, very few yvere. But we got that over with and came out for inspection by Kathys parents and their dinner guests, none of whom had missed a martini. The husband of one couple made a very sexist comment which I believe made for a very frosty weekend for him from his wife. But we were pronounced perfect. We left for the party.And of course the first thing I did was to get picked up for speeding. The policeman approached the car and said, May I see your drivers license, Maam. I knew I was in for trouble. He looked at the license, did a double-take, then shined his flashlight in my face. I offered, Er, well you see, sir, its Halloween... and he countered, deadpan, Halloween was Tuesday. I started to say,FROM THE EDITORwell, I know, but Catholic kids cant go out on school nights and anyways I didnt plan the stupid party and Id just as soon go home right now but he smiled and said, Just take it easy from now on. MAAM And then he burst out laughing. But I was up to the challenge. I yelled, Men Theyre all alike. And quickly - slowly - drove away.So that put a little fire under me, which was lucky as the other three were having second thoughts. We got to the party and nobody would get out of the car, so I went alone. I wobbled and jiggled up to the door and rang the bell. The creeps mother - who I liked - answered the door. Her jaw hit the front porch. I smiled coquettishly I thought and falsettoed, Johnny didnt show up for our date, so I thought Id come over here. She beat a hasty retreat and the next thing I saw was Johnny with a pom-pom, pigtails and hairy legs approaching the door with a scowl on his face. And underdeveloped anatomy.We hit the party four abreast and blew them all away. We brought down the house and not only won Best Costume, but also I was awarded Best Legs. So there, John.Shows are gearing back up and the rush is on to finish another Champion and rack up another Group before the final holiday of the year, Christmas. I will see you at ringside but I wont be wearing heels. And the best reason for that is that that particular night had a very sad ending.Having foiled the plans of the enemy, we split to make an appearance at the drive-in which was my schools hangout, with most of the other revelers in hot pursuit. But there was a bee in the brassiere, so to speak. An envoy from the enemy camp proved to be our undoing. Or more exactly, the safety pin she wielded did us in.It was in the parking lot, where we were holding court, whence came the attack. Quick as a wink, she struck and retreated, four quick pricks and she was gone. We exploded. Water went everywhere. And it was thirty degrees, so we were not only flat, we were frozen. We quickly made for home, wet and wild, our bubble having been burst. All our careful plans were a bust, so to speak. But I got her back in spades.If youre ever in a phone booth in Madison, Wisconsin, and read the writing on the wall, and it says, For a good time, call Beth, 44-D, and a phone number, youll know who did it. The Guy with the Gams.Until next month, best of luck in the ring and in the whelping box. Just dont come around me with the mascara. JMcGSimo-nis Pomeranians'.Ch. Simo-nis Saucy Mzz TeenyWhat a pair - two beautiful girls Nancy Teeny. Teeny finished with all majors. A Ch. Nanshadow Hurricane Juan C.D. daughterOwner HandlerDiana Simo-nis Nancy BurnetteRoute Number One, Adona, AR 72001The Pom Reader November 19908amcriyPRETTY AS A PICTURE so we thought wed get twoI'r\Judge Mrs. Paula Bradley OwnerHandler Ed MartinWn-vm 5,CH.GREAT ELMS SWEET PRINCE XLA CHERIES HAPPY DAZEBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TWICE IN ONE WEEKENDDorothy F. MartinLA CHERIE POMERANIANS5354 Bluebird Lane York, SC 29745Judge Mrs. Elaine RigdenThe Pom Reader November 1990Owner-Handler Ed Martin9yCmericav oAarMoyv jfa jAeri 8cAoM 4'"4 i5--Vi-V AX-Sr"Ml-r3'r,SMV,iJudge Mrs. Ann WannerHandler Rebecca BransonGreat Elms One More Timstopper X La Cheris Sassy RascalGoes on to win a GROUP ONEi3KALASKA KENNELnJudge Mrs. Mildred K. BryantOne year ago September 1989 we featured Echo Candi winning his first points. We also listed some of his famous relatives who had set a high standard to follow. Hopefully, those ancestors cousins will share our pride in Echos success.Af Stud to Approved Bitches at his home in Alaska.Dorothy F. Martin5354 Bluebird Lane York, SC 29745 803-831-8086Candi HullettP.O. Box 672064 Chugiak, AK 99567 907-688-3845The Pom Reader November 199010UPDATE TOP TEN EXHIBITORS JANUARY-OCTOBER 1990 Welcome to UPDATE, your monthly rating list of breeders and exhibitors out there winning points in the show ring. As most all serious Pomeranians fanciers are, in one way or another, involved in campaigning their Poms for AKC Championship points, we feel that it is important to keep tabs on this area. The procedures for tallying the point scale are as follows Exhibitors are credited with all AKC Championship points won in the calendar year, as published in the AKC Show, Obedience, and Field Trials Awards Book. Only this publications will be used for point credit. Many times the actual show dates will varyfrom the date of publication i.e., a September show may not be published until November. The Gazettes calendar year runs from about October of the previous year until September of the present calendar year.Points are allotted to the REGISTERED OWNER OF THE DOG ON THE DAY OF COMPETITION. Statistician Susan Wade. Any questions concerning UPDATE may be addressed to the editor.The following is the LISTING OF THE TOP TEN EXHIBITORS AS OF THE JANUARY-OCTOBER 1990 AKC GAZETTE.EXHIBITOR...................................... POINTSD. WATTS..................................................60P. GRIFFIN............................................... 55S. HANSON..............................................55J. CABRERA............................................. 50JACKSONTAYLOR.................................50S. JOHNSON............................................. 49GEMMELPLONKEY.................................41J. LEHTINEN............................................. 39G. J. REED........................................... 37B. SEGELKEN..........................................37Tie placements alphabeticalThe Pom Reader November 199011GOPHERMultiple Group, BIS BISS Pom - Am. Can. Ch. Homesteads Spit N PolishThe Little Bundle of DynamiterC-4 '-vvTVM1W BROWS ICCBtSTlHSHOW , 11wm A ' mwShown taking Best in Show, Twin Brooks Kennel Club. Four days later he again went BIS at Trap Falls K.C., and the following day took another Group I - Putnam K.C.HHe has just returned from winning the Pomeranian Club of Greater Des Moines Specialty.Shown below with his 8 months daughter on a HOT day...POMAUNOK EARTH ANGEL, WB, BW, BOS from the puppy class\fo3 c-aAJjr.' . -.................................................Angelwas bred by Fran Bosmann, Sparta, NJ.GOPHER is a top-winning Pom that PRODUCESBreederOwnerJean M. HurleyJupiter, FloridaPresented Loved ByGloria SetmayerParamus, NJThe Pom Reader November 1990Tom Gravesif le cck TARGET TEST VAGINAL CYTOLOGY There is nothing on Earth like a puppy. I am having a wonderful time with my new litter. Those babies are...well...What can I say Theyre incredible.This months column is about puppies. Specifically, it is about how to determine the optimal time for breeding, and how to predict, with accuracy, when the litter of puppies will be born.I get a kick out of talking with dog breeders about their bitches seasons and pregnancies. People seem to think that some of their bitches are likely to have gestations lasting as few as 59 days, while others have longer pregnancies lasting up to 65 days. Most breeders count their gestational lengths from breeding dates to whelping dates. Thats why there is so much variation in gestational duration. Wouldnt it be nice to know with greater accuracy when a litter of puppies would be born It is possible if you can detect not when breeding occurs, but when ovulation occurs. As an added bonus, if you know when ovulation occurs, you should also know the best time for breeding. In order to understand this, well need a little background information on the hormonal changes that occur during the estrous cycle and their relationships to some of the pivotal events that occur.If you look at Figure 1 you will notice, first of all, that the length of proestrus the period during a bitchs cycle which precedes ovulation is highly variable. In the normal bitch, proestrus can range from 5 to 18 days in length. Sometimes it is even longer. Estrogen levels always rise at the start of a bitchs season. It is estrogen which is responsible for most of the external signs of heat. For example, the bloody discharge from the vagina, flagging, attraction of male dogs, and vaginal cytology changes are all estrogen-dependent. Unfortunately, ovulation and conception have nothing The Pom Reader November 1990to do with estrogen at all. Therefore, it is possible that a bitch might come into season, flag, be bred by a male who is very interested in her, and even have vaginal smears done which indicate peak fertility without ovulating and getting pregnant. How many times have you heard this story from breeders I have heard it many times.At any rate, if you know when the LH surge occurs, you know within one day when your litter will be bom, and you know when ovulation will occur and, consequently, you know the best time to breed.What if, for instance, a bitch has a particularly long season If a bitch has a proestrus which lasts 18 days, she will not ovulate until the 20th day of her season. Since it takes 2 days for an egg to mature and become ready for fertilization see Fig. 1, if this particular bitchs owner were to breed her on days 9,11, and 13 of her season, as is a commonpractice, the bitch would not become pregnant. Sperm remains viable for 6 days at the very most once a bitch has been inseminated. As you can see, in this situation, it is critical to know when and if ovulation occurs. To guard against this happening, it is good to breed a bitch every other day throughout the length of her season. This, however, is very inconvenient, especially if a bitch is shipped to an outside kennel for breeding.Rather than depending on estrogen- dependent external signs, it would be great, as you can see in Figure 1, if we could detect when the leutenizing hormone LH surge occurs. By convention, the day of the LH surge is referred to as day 0. As you can see, ovulation occurs 2 days after the LH surge. After roughly another 2 days, the egg is ready to be fertilized. At 63 days after ovulation day 65 the puppies are ready to be born. There is almost no variation from this scenario. Only a small percentage of litters will be born at day 64 or 66. At any rate, if you know when the LH surge occurs, you know within one day when your litter will be born, and you know when ovulation will occur and, consequently, you know the best time to breed.Unfortunately, measuring LH is difficult, and there are no external signs of LH changes in a bitch. However, we can measure progesterone. Fortunately, progesterone begins to rise see Fig. 1 on the day of the LH surge, day 0, and stays high throughout most of gestation.Figure 1 Hormonal Changes During the Estrous Cycle In The Bitch kProgesteroneEstrogen Leutenizing HormoneLH SurgelOvulationPeakFertility-L I -l I IWhelping-18 to -5DaysProestrus.-4 -3 -2 -1Estrus................................................. Diestrus.65Figure 1 Hormonal changes during the estrous cycle in the normal bitch. Note that the period prior to the LH surge can vary greatly. Note further that the LH surge is synchronized with the initial rise in progesterone. Ovulation occurs at 2 days after the LH surge. The diestrus shift occurs at day 8. Whelping occurs at day 65 1 day.There is a test which has recently been developed which can tell you when your bitchs progesterone begins to rise. To perform the test, a small blood sample must be collected. Every other day the blood is sampled for the initial rise in progesterone which will indicate that the LH surge has occurred. The test, called the Target Test Figure 2 is available as a kit. Each kit contains the materials necessary to perform 12 blood tests, certainly enough to monitor a bitch for at least one season. The test was developed by a company called eg International Canine Genetics in Malvern, Pennsylvania, and is available to veterinarians. The tests are easy to perform and are reliable but there is, as always, a downside. Using the Target Test is expensive for the breeder. First of all, the veterinarian must purchase the kit that will probably cost the consumer about 100. Secondly, the breeder must bring the bitch to the vets office every other day until she ovulates. Each visit will include blood collection its really not very traumatic and possibly a vaginal smear. The cost could add up. Therefore, it is only economical to use the Target Test if you have a bitch that has had a lot of trouble getting pregnant,or if you have a particularly important breeding and you just cannot afford for the bitch to miss.The Target Test3The Target Test . Available to veterinarians from International Canine Genetics, Malvern, Pennsylvania. This test detects the rise in progesterone which heralds ovulation.I recently used the Target Test on my own bitch. I wanted to breed her to a dog in the Philadelphia area, a 6-hour drive from Ithaca. My little bitch is not just a brood bitch to me. She is my pet. She lives in my house and eats in my kitchen- and sleeps on my bed, and I was not about to put her in an airline crate andship her off to Philadelphia to spend a couple of weeks away from home. The bitch probably would have been fine, but I would have been a wreck. I am very busy in Ithaca and could not get more than one day off, so I had to know when the bitch ovulated. As it turns out, she had a very long season. She did not ovulate until the 21 st day of her season I bred her on the 23rd day of her season. She had her puppies late on day 64. She would have had them on day 65 as predicted, but she had a C-section as soon as her temperature dropped. She had very large puppies - all of which were upside down and in a breech presentation I did ultrasound - so I decided not to risk a natural delivery. Thats another topic. Some of my breeder friends thought I was crazy to wait so long to breed my bitch. I was waiting for her to ovulate. When I explained this to the people who attended my seminar in Pittsburgh this year, I drew gasps from the audience. Then I boldly told them my puppies would be born either on the night of September 1 or the morning of September 2. Well, I blew it. We did a C-section and the puppies were born on the afternoon of September 1. So sue me.The Pom Reader November 1990149Figure 3 High-power magnification of large intermediate cells. These cells predominate during proestrus.Figure 4 High-power magnification of cor- nified vaginal epithelial cells. These cells predominate during estrus and signify the correct time for breeding.4'J 0 .v. 4 N. t4i svFigure 5 Left A vaginal smear from a bitch during proestrus. Most of the cells are intermediates. Center A vaginal smear from the same bitch during estrus. Most of the cells are cornified. Note also the clumping together of cornified cells. Right This photomicrograph depicts the diestrus shift. Note that no cornified cells are found.Vaginal CytologyThere is another way to tell when a bitch ovulates, and that is by performing vaginal smears. Smears are very easy to learn to do. You should ask your veterinarian if her or she will teach you. All you need is a long cotton-tipped swab, a glass slide, some stain new methylene blue is sufficient, and a microscope.When you are reading smears you should look for two kinds of cells, either large intermediate cells Figure 3 or cornified cells Figure 4. Intermediate cells have a larger nucleus and rounded edges. I refer to them as fried eggs. Cornified cells have jagged edges and shrunken nuclei. I refer to these cells as corn flakes. At the beginning of a bitchs season, there are no cornified cells. When greater than 90 percent of the cells are cornified, it is a good time to breed. When estrus ends and diestrus begins, the cell population switches very suddenly from corn flakes back to fried eggs. This is called the diestrus shift and it always occurs 8 days after the LH surge. If you know when day 8 is, you The Pom Reader November 1990can count backwards to day 2 to figure out when ovulation occurred. You therefore know when your puppies will be due. Unfortunately, cornification of cells has no relationship to ovulation. The smears can tell you its time to breed well before a bitch ovulates. For this reason, it is important to keep breeding a bitch until the smears tell you it is noVaginal smears do not tell you with certainty when is the best time to breed. They only tell you when it is not the time to breed.longer the time to breed. Vaginal smears do not tell you with certainty when is the best time to breed. They only tell you when it is not the time to breed.As an example, look at Figure 5. The panel on the left was taken from a bitch during proestrus. The center panel shows a population of mostly cornified cells. This lasted for a number of daysand signifies estrus, the time to breed. The panel on the right shows the diestrus shift. Notice that the cornified cells have disappeared. This occurs on day 8. The bitch had her puppies 57 days later on day 65, as expected.One of these days, Ill have to write more on vaginal cytology. There is just one thought I want to leave you with. There are many clinical cases of infertility in bitches of every breed. These cases can be difficult to diagnose and treat. However, by far the overwhelmingly most common cause of infertility in the bitch is simply breeding the bitch at the wrong time of her season. Ive heard breeders say they have a stud dog who is never wrong and always knows when a bitch is ready to be bred. Most of the time, a good stud dog does know when to breed, but he can be fooled. Ill reiterate what I said earlier You cannot depend on estrogen to tell you when to breed. Estrogen is what the stud dog is reacting to. The only way to know exactly when the optimal time for breeding occurs is to know when the bitch ovulates.See you next time.DTom GravesPRESENTINGFAUNTINE CHATTER BOXI A. . l"III Iim.w- ^ 4TijkGOVSSECOND PUCTM'msssffccdttMBER 15.1990i -...........-mas phototf^ IkBf-MAf BALLADEER DE FAUNTINE X SWEETHEARTS FAUNTINE FLIRTSweet Pea is shown winning States KC Puppy Group 2 at the Maryland Sporting Dog Association on 915. She was also WB and BOS for her first Certificate of Merit. She repeated the win the next day for the second C.M. Judges were Miss Marcia Foy pictured and Miss Anna Katherine Nicholas. Thank you bothMy little one also has AKC Reserves to majors at York KC and Talbot KC.Watch for her Shes a PistolBreeder-Owner-HandlerPatricia A. NeugarthCasa De Fauntine62 Ritters Lane, Owings Mills, MD 21117 301 356-3160The Pom Reader November 1990AS OF THE OCTOBER 1990 ARC GAZETTE1990 CHAMPIONS C H A M P IO N SAliayns Celestial Fudge b by Ch. Southlands Toasted Fudge x Ch. Carousels Angel for Allayn. Breeder-Owner Mary Allan.Apples Traveling Rambler d by Ch. Apples Traveling Diamond x Ch. Jan-Shars Charming Becky. Breeder-Owner Joyce T. Apple.Bev-Nors Rheenadallas d by Ch. Bev-Nors Statesman x Bev-Nors Struts Her Stuff. Breeder Stephen V. Nagy Barbara F. Nagy. OwnerStobie P. Voltin.Bi-Mar Sunnys Phantom d by Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid x Bi-Mar Chili of Sandtown. Breeder-OwnerMary A. Rosenbaum.Candray Can-Do d by Ch. Manchesters Mickey Ra- tont x Pompuf Wee Preshus Gemima. Breeder- Owner Debra A. Moran Janice A. Wanamaker.Delemas Touch-O-Glass d by Ch. Carousels Glass Tiger x Carousels Touch-O-Class. Breeder Pam Gault. Owner Margaret A. McDonald.Ea-Dons Champagne Lady b by Ch. Silver Meadows My-T-LoveN Joy x Hilanes Mystic Starlet. Breeder-Owner Donna E. Snyder.Emcees Hy Lady Morganna b by Ch. Emcees Im Hy-Chips x Emcees Solid Gold Tinker To. Breeder Morris E. Carson Betty F. Carson. Owner Beverly J. Poplar.Fame King Linus d by Ch. Wee Rambo of Coys Top Mark x Rocks Golden Rockette. Breeder Geneva B. Pennock. Owner Brenda K. Segelken.Great Elms Sweet Pepper b by Ch. Great Elms Something Special x Great Elms Dolly. Breeder- Owner Ruth L. Beam.Jan Les Mark My Word d by Ch. Midas Fascinating Rhythm x Ch. Gaulkes Pepper Upper. Breeder- Owner Jane Lehtinen.Jeribeth Prince Liladyluck b by Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II x LLL Nugget of Gold Brenda. Breeder Olga M. Baker. Owner Carolyn Turnage.Kellys Charwins Black Prize b by Ch. Silver Meadows PepR OLegacy x Hilanes Mystic Starlet. Breeder Donna E. Snyder. Owner Geri Kelly Charles E. Woods.La Cheries Little Sir Echo d by Great Elms One Mor Timstopper x La Cheries Sassy Rascal. Breeder Dorothy F. Martin. Owner Candace Hullett Dorothy F. Martin.Lord Dragonslayer of Lenette d by Ch. Beaver of LenettexTabithaof Lenette. Breeder K. G. Griffith. Owner Dixieanne H. Bennett.Pompuf Fire Disco Carlin d by Ch. Pompuf Fancy Fire Disco x Pompuf Tynee Touch Corinne. Breeder Gwen R. Hodson. Owner Roxanne Chumbley Gwen R. Hodson.Rhynstone Dodger of Lenette D by Great Elms Bobby Beam x Great Elms Jessica of Lenette. Breeder K. G. Griffith. Owner Joyce Urban.Sharels Southern B And B d by Great Elms Bobby Beam x Sharels Southern Belle. Breeder Sharon Hicks. Owner Carolyn Turnage.Shir-Mars Little Captain d by Ch. Great Elms Firefighter x Shir-Mars Windy Red Teddy. Breeder Margaret A. Johnston. Owner Bill Henry Beverly Henry.Sungolds Short Circuit d by Ch. Sungolds Circuit Breaker x Ch. Sungolds Lady Mercedes. Breeder-Owner Anna LaFortune.Sungolds U Can b by Ch. Sungolds Circuit Breaker x Ch. Sungolds Corse U Can. Breeder-OwnerSteve Gonzales.Tarahill Garden Party b by Ch. Great Elms Firestarter x Silva Lade Prim-N-Proper. Breeder Skip Piazza. Owner Cheryl A. Wagner Skip Piazza.Texicans Minority b by Ch. Texicans Primo De Pico x Precious Itty Bitty Mistyblu. Breeder Debra L. Smith. Owner J. Patrick Farmer Robert Kennedy.Tim Sues To High Heaven b by Ch. Tim Sues High Lights x Tim Sues Charlies Angel. Breeder Sue Goddard Sue Goddard. Owner Vicki Clendenin.Tiny Bubbles of Great Elms b by Singleoak Image of Great Elms x Hazel Most Precious. Breeder Charles Hunsaker. Owner James L. Woodcock Caroline J. Evens.TLC Is A Prince Too d by Ch. Janes Wee Prince OJeribeth x Ch. Singleoak Ity Bity TLC. Breeder- Owner Carol Gillespie L. Tom Gillespie.TLC Ity Bitys Princess b by Ch. Janes Wee Prince OJeribeth x Ch. Singleoak Ity Bity TLC. Breeder- Owner Carol L. Gillespie Tom Gillespie.Valcopy-Wakhan Scarlet Fever b by Ch. Merry- monts SatRday Nite Fever x Ch. Valcopy Wakhan High Style. Breeder-Owner Randy Gemmill Dana L. Plonkey.WL One More Nite d by Post Scripts Fancy Caper x Post Scripts Midnite Muffett. Breeder Carol J. Baldwin. Owner Beth Wicker Carol J. Baldwin.The Pom Reader November 199017CHEYENNE POMERANIANS C.K.C. PERM. REG. OFFERS FOR SALECAN. CH. BILJONBLUE TOP BILLING NUGGET - PicturedBIS Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II x Bit-O-SassCAMPBELL RIVEH DOG FANCIERS SOCIETY AUGUST 1990J J UNTA Mr. sn ...-t-r-t-'CNugget,2Vz years old, clear orange, 5 lbs., is a very active stud dog, and is a very showy dog. Shown above finishing his Canadian Championship winning Best of Breed over BIS Specials. 1,300.00 US Funds. Picture pedigree upon request.We also will have a few very nice linebred puppies sired by Nugget and the following studs AM. CH. QUEENAIRE STARBURST CAN. CH. CHINOOKWINDS CARIBOO GAMBLER4Va lbs., red sable, son of Am. Ch. Cedarwoods Image of 4 lbs., orange son of Am. Can. Ch. Silver Meadows Danny Diamond Love CAN. CH. GREAT ELMS TOPPER OF LENETTE FOXWOOD RIO GRAND OCHEYENNE514 lbs., red son of Am. Ch. Coys Top of the Mark 3 lbs., red son of Great Elms Joey of LenetteCOLLEEN J. FRANKS, P.O. BOX 131, CHEMAINUS, B.C. CANADA V0R 1K0. Tel 604-246-4627 LE BECK POMERANIANS Offers the followingCh. Creider Cut Across Shorty granddaughter. 3 years old, Red, free whelped. 412 lbs.Ch. Bi-Mar Sunny Supreme son, 10 months old, Red, short backed with a profuse coat. Excellent pedigree, potential stud.Ch. La Cheries Hot Fudge Ripple grandson Oreos son. 4 months old. Cream sable. Great Elms Bev-Nor breeding. Ch. Bonners Lisalus Wag With Love grandson. 4 months old, Red, very small Dam is mostly Creider breeding.Puppies expected in November sired by Ch. Olive R. Twist of Fripp. Dam is heavily linebred with Great Elms.Lee Becky Nelsen 200 Miller Drive, Perry, FL 32347 904 584-6551CIRCUS ORCUSFOXWOODWe now have a few choice puppies available Black Tans, Sables, and Blacks sired by Great Elms Joey of Lenette, black tan, Great Elms Tar Baby x Millie of Lenette Ch. Bi-Mar Shogun of Jerbos, Specialty winner, Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid x Bi-Mar Chili of Sandtown Ch. Queenaire Starburst, Ch. Cedarwoods Image of Diamond x Ch. Chip-A-Ways Diamond Keepsake Ch. Great Elms Models Timstopper, Ch. Great Elms Timstop- per Too x Models Sweet Leilani Jestoms Red Buttons, Jestoms Red Robin x Ch. Jestoms MissIrresistable.Pictures and pedigrees on request Barbara Don DeFord Cheri L. Peel206-833-4634 FAX 206-458-3771 206-458-3198ifMANOR HILL POMSManor Hills Pure Luxury Mikie son of Ch. Tim Sues Dixie Dynamic 2 Litters expected Helen Conrad1677 Manor Road, Englewood, FL 34223 Tel 813-475-1724DOVER-HOUHOUSE POMSCh. Stud ServiceParti, Chocolate, Black Tan and Black Stud Service Puppies OccasionallyKathryn Hartz, Patricia Foley Dan Ninatoski 319 Ardmore Ave., Trenton, NJ 08629 609-695-1642APPY ACRES POMS OFFERSFOR SALE2 Females one black and 1 male, whelped 7-29-90, by LLL High Lights Strut N Stuff son of Ch. Tim Sues High Lights x Classy Panuchi Babe. 300.00 up. BEAUTIFUL PUPSContact Vicki WillisHwy. 57 North Petersburg, IN 47567 Ph 812 354-9861Standing at Stud LLL HIGH LIGHTS STRUT N STUFF Stud Fee 125.00The Pom Reader November 1990SPECIALTYSCENES by Janice LuginslandThe Pomeranian Club of Greater Des Moines held its Specialty on September 7. The results of the judging are as followsSWEEPSTAKES Judge Mrs. Bonnie HodsonPuppy Dogs 6-9 Months POM ACRES SABLE CALEB. Owner Juanita Fiddick Puppy Dogs 9-12 Months FEISTYS BANDIT OF POM ACRES. Owner Wendy Victor FeistPuppy Bitches 6-9 Months D-NEES DESERT DLIGHT. Owner Nadine Hersil Puppy Bitches 9-12 Months BELTANE SHEER SAUCE. Owner Paul Barbara CurryBEST IN SWEEPSTAKES FEISTYS BANDIT OF POM ACRES BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX SWEEPS D-NEES DESERT DLIGHTREGULAR CLASSES Judge Mrs. Robert H. Dolly Ward Puppy Dogs 6-9 Months POM ACRES SABLE CALEB. Owner Juanita Fiddick Puppy Dogs 9-12 Months JAN LES LASTING IMPRESSION. Owner Rose Hanson Jane Lehtinen Novice Dogs GAMLANS FIRE RUN.Owner Mary Ellen Hendrickson Bred by Exhibitor Dogs PATTYS BEV-NOR TEDDY RUXPIN. Owner Patty Jensen American Bred Dogs SILBERGS BIT O THE DRAGON. Owner Ruth A. Ellis Open Dogs Black, Brown, Blue PINNTS LOVELY LITTLE JIM. Owner Victor Wendy FeistOpen Dogs Red, Orange, Cream SableTIM SUES JUST A BRIGHT LITE.Owner Paul Barbara Curry Open Dogs Any Other Allowed Color FEISTYS BANDIT OF POM ACRES. Owner Wendy Victor FeistWINNERS DOGTIM SUES JUST A BRIGHT LITE RESERVE WINNERS DOG GAMLANS ITOBA FIRST RUNOpen Dogs ROCSOwner Joyce B. Winkels Puppy Bitches 6-9 Months ALDENS DEVILISH DIANA. Owner Alden Janet Dorn rasePuppy Bitches 9-12 Months BELTANE The Pom Reader November 1990SUCH A FROLIC. Owner Paul Barbara CurryBred by Exhibitor Bitches JAN LES SLIGHTLY OFF THE MARK. Owner Jane LehtinenOpen Bitches Red, Orange, Cream SableBELTANE SHEER SAUCE. Owner Paul Barbara CurryOpen Bitches Any Other Allowed ColorALDENS PARTI PEPSI HI. Owner Alden Janet Dorn raseWINNERS BITCH BELTANE SHEER SAUCE RESERVE WINNERS BITCH ALDENS DEVILISH DIANA BEST OF BREEDCH. HOMESTEADS SPIT N POLISH Owner Jean M. Hurley BEST OF WINNERS BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX BELTANE SHEER SAUCEOBEDIENCEJudge Mr. Sam J. Beck Jr. Novice A DAINTI GAULKES CAMEO.Score 191. Owner Deborah Winkel Doreen FernandezNovice B JESSE. Score 188. Owner Jayne Lavina HoomkeOpen A SUNWAYS BLACK BREEZE, C.D.. Score 195. Owner Dawn R. RobertsonOpen B IM A CANDY ANGEL DOLL C.D.X.. Score 192. Owner Ken Kay LoweHIGHEST SCORING DOG IN REGULAR CLASSESSUNWAYS BLACK BREEZE, C.D.AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB SEMINAR...What is the matter with that dogHave you seen or had an unusual skin condition occur in your breed lately One test had a total of 3 breeds with possible adult-onset growth hormone- responsive alopecia. Several breeds of dogs including the Chow Chow, Poodle, Pomeranian, American Water Spaniel, Keeshond and Samoyed seemed to be predisposed to adult-onset growthhormone-responsive alopecia.The American Pomeranian club is sponsoring a Seminar on skin conditions on Saturday, February 9, 1991, on the weekend of the American Pomeranian Club Specialty in New York City. The Seminar will be held at the Loews Summit Hotel, Lexington Avenue at East 51st Street, New York, NY 10022. Ph 212-752-7000. Special room rates are available 109.00 plus tax per room up to 4 people in a room.The seminar is scheduled from 1000 a.m. until 400 p.m. Clint Lothrop Jr., D.V.M., Ph.D., will be presenting the seminar from 1000 a.m. until 100 p.m. Following a one-hour lunch break there will be a Question and Answer Session with a panel of breeders from 2-400 p.m.Dr. Lothrop is an Associate Professor with the Department of Environmental Practice at the University of Tennessee, College of Veterinary Medicine. He has been working with skin conditions of various breeds for over six years and specifically with Pomeranians. He will have a slide presentation to punctuate his speech.The Question and Answer session panel will include notable breeders Sue Goddard, Olga Baker, Chris John Heartz and Dana Plonkey.The cost for the seminar is 30.00 per person for the Seminar and for the printed information from the Seminar. For 10.00, those unable to attend will be able to obtain the printed information. There will be videos available.For further information, contact Janice Luginsland, Chairman 316 443-5157.Deadline for Reservations is February 1, 1991. Make plans to attend this important function your participation will make this seminar a worthwhile venture. Until next month, just keep doggin alonglJance Luginsland Rt. 1 Box 97, Americus, KS 66835S77ie T^ieacerYOUR SHOWCASE FOR PUREBRED POMSr I97,DECEMBERs-S3s AH3tMDHTPLE t_CR GREAT ELMS PRIDE AND JOYComing in JanuaryPUPPIESPUPPIESPUPPIESSUBSCRIPTION RATES11 Issues Per Year Domestic24.00 Third Class Post 40.00 First Class Post Foreign Rates Upon Request Sample Issues 3.00 each Back Issues 4.00 eachsubject to availabilityADVERTISING RATESAD SIZEANNUALPREPAIDCONTRACT OPEN RATEFULL PAGE Color 300.00 300.00FULL PAGE bw 96.00 120.00HALF PAGE 53.00 65.0014 PAGE 27.00 35.0018 PAGE 16.00 20.00116 PAGE 10.00 12.00All ads 14 page and larger include one black white photo at no extra charge. Extra photos 5.00 each. All photoswill be returned.Make check or money order payable toDoll-McGinnis Publications8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809 Telephone 813-858-3839Only babies are allowed the special ratesCelebrate your up-and-coming superstars in our January issue dedicated to the next generation of Powerhouse Poms. Ads featuring pups under 12 months of age will enjoy these special ratesFULL PAGE Color 275 FULL PAGE bw 90HALF PAGE bw 49DEADLINE DECEMBERI15IJsSrffr tfleacerJULY 1988 VOLUME IV, NUMBER 5rmCh. Glen Iris Ivanhoe Qel Sol merasiasiFOR YOUR CONVENIENCE, WE HONORVISAAMasterCard . 2GXSMH[ISSPBIJSQ3112... -C F FROSTyr3500b9The Pom Reader November 199020OLYMPIADOGS HOWL AND...WRITERS BLOCK IS MIND BOGGLING.IXTgAnyone who thinks writing articles is easy should sit around every day for a week of days and try thinking up things to write about. Non-show season makes it worse. At the shows either something interesting happens or someone comes up to tell you of an idea they would like to see in print. Gracias to all who DO When you sit around home it is difficult.Did I sat sit I must be dreaming of heaven. With 11 adult dogs, 8 juvenile delinquent puppies, 1 resident holy-terror cat, 3 fish tanks, a Cockatiel whos in love with a Parakeet and 4 to 40 pet rats, dependent on how many rodent litters were bom last night, who has time to sit I have a 23-year-old daughter who happens to like rodents. Her pet rats are docile, rather pretty creatures, once you get past their ugh tails, and seldom cause problems - until one decides to take an escape escapade. With 3 sofas, 4 chairs and about 100 books in the family room this can be a problem After you move all the furniture and the books and cant find the escapee you get smart and bring in the cat, who nose just where the culprit is hiding...and then the scramble beginsWhich brings me to wondering why they call animals dumb. If theyre so dumb how come it is me who pays for the lams, Kal Kan, cottage cheese, liver, hot dogs, Jerky strips, squeaky toys and balls washes the feedwater bowls, kennel mats, towels bathes, blow-dries and brushes the doggy coats, and keeps their area of the house Arctic cold in summer and Hades hot in winter while I scrimp on my electric bill by sweating or freezing in my end of the houseAnd speaking of rats, as we were earlier, wouldnt it be super neat if we could genetically incline our toy breeds to do what the rodents do They can eat absolutelyanything with no digestive upsets and even a dwarf rat bom to normal-sized parents can give birth to a litter of 15 without a whimper. And if 2 female rats occupy the same cage they will share the nursing and care of the young, whether they both have young or only one does. It is something to see a rat sitting on 34 babies - not all her own, of course - and then turn a glazed eye on your Pomeranian dams who would not dream of freewhelping one pup, much less fifteen and would never sit on any pup by her v-e-r-y ownNow that our writers block is wearing off lets get into some mind-boggling request that come from potential Pom owners. Here is a composite of some letters received in the pastI am new to dogs. I have, however, recently bought 2 females, one linebred on the famous MISHMASH kennels and the other a cross between the DOOLITTLE and SUMTIMES-DOES lines. I need a male who will blend with these girls. I am prepared to pay according to the number of champions in the pedigree if all the dogs in the pedigree are champions I will pay a little more. To me color is immaterial but all my stud customers request orange so I would prefer orange. Wait a minute here if youre new to dogs where did you get the stud customers I would like a male weighing 4 pounds, give or take a pound. I am not interested in a puppy male I want one who is at least 10 months old and preferably one who is a proven stud who breeds on his own. I would hope he has both his marbles but if he only has one I will take him but I will pay less. If he doesnt have any marbles I dont want him. I want a head study and silhouette full color photo and a video of him in action. What kinda action are we talkin here I will return these if you enclose SASE forsame If the male has already been shown and has a point or two that would be a big plus. I am a novice at showing, in fact I have never been to a show, but I plan on getting into that real soon and if the male is ring trained that would help me to get started. This might help you too, as if I finish him YOU will get some of the recognition. R-E-A-L-L-Y Oh, just so you will know, I am writing to 20 other breeders and I guess you will understand by that to send the best pedigree and photos you have. Sure will - Ill make up an all-champion pedigree first thing tomorrow and send you a photo of Prince Charming...Of course, the REAL mind boggier was this one l am looking for a Goldie Hawn. The move star or the top winning female I saw her once and this is what she looked to me She had no legs Of course not, she was bom equipped with roller skates, she had realy heavy bone Are we talking a lot of leg coat or a Shetland pony, she was blond You ARE talking about the movie star, she had no back Then you wont be needing that saddle I was gonna sell you, her face was a cross between my 3-year- old sons teddy bear and my 5-year-old daughters baby doll Is that Cabbage Patch or Barbie, and she has more hair than Lady Godiva... Does that mean people will turn their heads the other way when she rides through town naked after whelping her puppies....Of course, it is assumed that the last request was not directed towards the BREEDER of lovely Goldie because the re- questee hoped to luck onto a similar beauty for a fraction of the OLYMPIA anything but please dont call her stupid...Until the dog howls again...OLYMPIA AKJA Lois CilibertoThe Pom Reader November 199021Rain Beau PomeraniansHome ofAmerican Canadian Ch. Coys Lucky EightAt stud to approved bitchesJean Sue Cook6810 S- Magnolia. Ocala. Florida 32676 904 237-1636LaCherieDot Martin5354 Bluebird Lane York, SC 29745Pomeranians 803-831-8086^5fjjp Finchs PomeraniansDiane L. Finchi Rural Route 1 Kelley, IA 50134515 769-2444Puppies ByCh. Finch's Wee Heart Andy GibbCh. Tim Sue's Moon RocketCh. Pomirish Robins Top ShelfGreat Elms, Millamor, Scotia lines WhiteRed WhiteBlack parti puppies.iohn e. heaftzPROFESSIONAL HANDLING IN CANADA POMS A SPECIALTY PO BOX 189, BROOKFIELD, N.S. CANADA BON 1C0Tel 902 673-2446denette oome'iaman^Breeders of fine Poms since 19574345 Rogers Lake Road Kannapolis, N. C. 28081 Phone 704 938-2042 K. G. GRIFFITH, Owner-V'-Jr .CH. GREAT ELMS MODELS TIMSTOPPER4Vz lbs. deep orangeStanding at stud to approved bitches. 150.00. Free color picture and pedigree upon request. Several litters due by Topper as well as other outstanding studs.Please call or write for price list. We offer our free newsletter to Pom breeders who are sincerely interested in working together to breed a better Pom.STUD SERVICE6520 GAME FARM RD. E MOUND, MN 55364PUPPIES OCCASIONALLYPattysPonjeraifiaifsPATTY JENSEN Phone 612 472-5950dolhcrcst lomraniansMichael Bandy Glenn Bernardo 20524 Pioneer Boulevard Lakewood, CA 90715 213 402-9606 evescmierasiiasioi. QAaftrss tS^arAm^ AoAcA AAAAute^Multiple Toy Group Winner, sire of Am. Can. Champion winners of Best in Show All Breeds National Specialties Multiple Toy Groups Multiple Group Placements Multiple Best of BreedsBreeder-Owner-Exhibitor Mrs. James R. Dupre Sr., Route 2 Box 878-A, Colfax, LA 71417. 318 627-5180.BEV-NOR POMS...C1. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge Number 1 Pom 1981, 1982, 1983, 24 BIS, 5 Specialties, Sire of top winning females 1984, 1985, sire of only Black Tan to ever go BISA, a top producer. Stud fee 250.00 limited to 15 per year.Ch. Bev-Nors Statesman Multi Group winner, a Toasted Fudge son, sire of Champions, a top producer for 1988 also. Stud Fee 250.00. Puppies Available.Bev Bill Norris 7747 Meadow Road301 255-1343 Pasadena, MD 21122JDs Pompous PomsJanet Hovey Dan Farrell RR 3 Box 45A Huntingdon, TN 38344 901 986-0014MNMS POMS-R-USMARY GENE WELLS 4986 Avila Way, Buena Park, CA 90621714-994-0259ASomJerrie Freia P.O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70381 504-384-7466The Pom Reader November 199022D'tMfy POMS offers PUPPIES, BROODS STUDS directly from GREAT ELMS KENNELMargaret Samples 704 821-74505816 Deal Road Matthews, NC 28105SooW V.27PomeraniansCh. Doo-Shays Funky Madeanna finishes prior to 11 months and takes a Group I and a Group IV - Smile, Pat Dieball We are - thanks to youShannon Johnson Route 1, Box 456 Warrenville, SC 29851. Tel 803 663-0210 STARLITE POMERANIANS^Home of CH. Starlite Legacy Choco BearGayle Tom Griffin 3074 Lancaster Drive NE No. 253 Salem, OR 97305Emcees PomeraniansInquiries Invited 804 741-3024Moms Betty Carson 9826 Waltham Drive Richmond, VA 23233SouthlandPomeraniansRAYS OF SUNSHINE" CHARLOTTE CREED 6618 LOST RIDGE PINEVILLE, LA 71360 PHONE 318 - 466-3456Pom Acres KennelR.R.4Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613319-989-2199DOSSMARFor sale or terms Blkwht. brood bitch, freewhelper redwht. brood bitch, free whelper. Both 3 years old. Orgwht. male 112 years old. Parti pups born in March.Marian Dossinger 3936 Hi Mount Rd.414-334-4889 Kewaskum, Wl 53040^tlSCheryl A. Jaokson Joel M. Taylor1038 16th Ave. South Birmingham, AL 35205 205 328-6603The Pom Reader November 1990ChesaiPomeraniansRobert Joan Reilly 26093 Highway 281 North San Antonio, TX 78260 512 438-2667RHEA-NA POMSExclusively Bev-Nor BreedingChampion sired puppies will be available summer fall. Steve Barbara NagyRt. 2 Box 221, Stephens City, VA 22655. Tel 703-869-3749ALLAYNSMary Allan Ph 918 485-30102508 E. Tacoma Street OrBroken Arrow, OK 74014 918 355-2531Bi-Mar PomeraniansHome of BIS CH. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid Mary A. Rosenbaum 38711 - 200th Avenue SEAuburn, WA 98002 206-833-2160LLLPOMERANIANSHome of 1 Bitch 1989 CH. LLL HIGH LIGHTS GOLDIE HAWNJanice Luginsland Rt. 1 Box 97 Americus, KS 66835 316-443-515723Grafenhorsts Poms Tiny Partis Pretty Heads Open Markings Heavy Coats Short Backs Super SoundnessWe are very excited about our lovely litters from Ch. Great Elms Lil Man of Lenette, and the top winning chocolate in the U.S., Ch. Starlites Legacy Choco Bear.9These super boys are at stud to approved bitches. Several promising puppies available. For further information, contactHORST GRAF GRAFENHORST POMS 12000 NW 2nd Street Plantation, FL 33325 305 475-2465Pomeranian EscapadesSusan JohnsonI Do 3 SHOWD ROOMING4------ n^ . n\ rff ' - Y\i u \, .1 ,r \1 ,, f AOiTi 74VHERE COMES ANOTHER DOBIE LETS MAKE HIS EARS RINGWHID-DONS POMS nHome OfTIM SUES SPARK OF LIGHT yTIM SUES DYNAMITE Yy Barbara T. Whiddon, 4703 Monroe Hwy.,Pineville, LA 71310. Tel 318-640-2993. 3Quality Bred Puppies OccasionallyICERAMA POMSSkip Piazza THE KENNELS527 B Church Road, Avondale, PA 19311 215-268-8000 or 215-268-2266S3SrreciousHome of GabrielBreederOwnerCLAUDIA PFEFFERP.O. BOX 10432Jefferson. LA 70181504 737-1729esVHOME OF THEKILLER fcAND ALL THOSE GORGEOUS GIRLSNORMA C. GAD 915 584-0942RGS5908 Upper Valley Road El Paso, TX 79932Pomeranians PedigreesLifetime guarantees, medical insurance, rebate program for show. Pedigrees researched. 24 hour availability. 904-247-5384.Blossom Heights PomsBlossom Heights McGuires Amy John Arlene Benko 5351 Jeffrey Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33407 407-842-5591CIRCUS CIRCUSFOXWOODIVe have litters due in September and October By Great Elms Joey Of Lenette Ch. Queenaire Starburst Ch. Great Elms Models Timstopper Ch. Bi-Mar Sho-Gun of Jerbos Barbara Don DeFord Cheri L. Peel206-833-4634 FAX 206-458-3771 206-458-31981WIN OAKS POM5 ftBILL and CAROL CATES948 WYNDSOR DRIVE, HIXSON, TENNESSEE 37343 615-842-8184The Pom Reader November 1990THEPARTILINE y Nan ShartelPRETTY PATAGONIA PARTIPretty Patagonia Parti is as busy as she usually is over the holiday season. Pattys Canine Catering business triples this time of the year. But right on schedule arrives one of her puffy pink envelopes, stuffed to overflowing with some new and innovative recipes to set the feet a dancing and make each and every canine in Condon lick their lips in festive anticipation of Thanksgiving.Pattys career as a canine caterer was a natural for her as she was born wearing the most impeccable white apron over her bright red dress. From the start, it was noted that she had a canine sense of style and taste not seen in many years.While her siblings and friends romped and played away their days in the garden, Patagonia planned picnics. Even as a plump puppy her recipe for Ants in your Pants Gizzard Snaps was widely acclaimed by the pups in her neighborhood. Within a year Patagonia was a renowned canine hostess in this neck of the woods...Alas, Pattys gourmet skill outgrew Condon, so she has moved to ply her craft in Portland, leaving all her country canine cohorts behind with the knowledge that her heart and her style were forged here.So none were surprised when that envelope arrived, addressed to al the culinary canines in Condon. The return address readPARTIS BY PATAGONIA Portland, OregonOnce again Patty has simply outdone herself with the most scrump-diddlyThePom Reader November 1990umptious holiday fare ever. Her recipes retain that Northwest country flair so appreciated by her Condon fans.For Thanksgiving her Pompous Pilgrims Progressive Hors DOeuvre Plate is the snackiest ever, and her Puppy Lovin Stuffin is a must-cook.At Patagonias request, Im passing these recipes along to our readers with her best wishes for the happiest possible Thanksgiving from mans best friend...and Pomdoms most Prestigious CookVAaPATAGONIA PARTIS HOLIDAY IDEASPUPPY LOVIN STUFFIN1 Vi cup turkey broth with fat removed 12 cup cooked turkey gizzard, finely chopped14 cup carrots, finely chopped 14 cup celery, finely chopped 112 cup Pedigree small chunk dry dog food.Mix together and bake at 325 for about 20 minutes to 30 minutes until done.POMPOUS PILGRIMS PROGRESSIVE HORS DOEUVRES PLATE1A lb. Venison - jerkied 1A lb. Armenian string cheeseCorn bread with bits of turkey liver cooked inside.Slow cook venison 200 until jerky. Arrange jerky, cheese and corn bread in small chunks on a plate for pompous snacking.HAVE A LIP-SMACKING THANKSGIVING FROM PATAGONIA PARTINan Shartel, 409 N. Lincoln, Condon, OR 97823-018125RIDGECREST POMERANIANSPuppies due November 18th, 1990Ch. Models Truly-A-Diamond Ch. Apples Traveling DiamondApples Traveling Crickett Ch. Cedarwoods Image of Diamond Mar-bi-leas Sun Fella Cedarwoods Pitti PattiCedarwoods Laday Gaylor Sire Skylands Diamond DustGreat Elms Timstoppers Davy Ch. Great Elms Something Special Great Elms Becky Great Elms Special of SkylandPompufs Masters Gold Chip Pompuf Dancing TammiPompuf Dancing Mel-O-DeePuppies Due November 19th, 1990Ch. Great Elms Timstopper TooGreat Elms Timstoppers Davy Great Elms Sweet Candy Ch. Great Elms Something Special Great Elms Red Robin Great Elms BeckyGreat Elms Blackie Tan Sire Ch. Great Elms Sweet PepperCh. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Great Elms Red RobinPrinces Lew of Chatmoss Great Elms DollyGreat Elms Little Teddy Great Elms MollieRosewoods Becky LouInt. FCIC. Ch. Jolly Wee Fancy Dan of Peppi Ch. Jolly Wees Desert BreezeRandys Brandy of Jolly Wee Dam Rosewoods Desert Breeze DukeCh. Mercers Young Duke of Tim Sue Rosewoods Dragonfly Duchess Windy Acres Valentine Dam Skylands Desert Breeze DreamPombredens Read Luke Sixteen Annons Im A Little Keeshond Annons Chin-Chin Skylands Little Nik KiWinters Sir William Winters Little Nik Nak Shirleys TwinkleModels Midas Gold Ch. Anwins Lil SiriusAnwins Lil Bit of Love Ch. Dendys Lil SiriusDanrastus By Dendy Dendys Spice IIDendys Tiara Lea Hillcrests Lil Ginger SnapCedarwoods Gold Nugget Ch. Great Elms LiT Man of Lenette Great Elms Bunny Rabbit Cutshaws Sweet Turn OutGreat Elms Traveling Buddy Precious Cherie Heavner Slinky StirewaltJEAN B. WADDELL, Rt. 1, Box 389, Laurel Springs, NC 28644. Tel 919 982-9479 or 919 982-3099JANESAS STRUTTIN AT BLAKESCh. Bev-Nors Toastmaster x Ch. Janesas Hi-Struttin DaiseyThis very heavy sable sound boy is a littermate to Ch. Janesas Hi- Struttin Ubet. He is being shown by the very able team of Cheryl Jackson Joel Taylor for coowners, Lois Holmes Jerrie Freia. Thanks, Cheryl Joel After he is finished in the conformation ring, he will be shown in Obedience by his co-owner Lois Holmes.Jerrie FreiaJanesas PomeraniansP.O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70381 504-384-7466Cheryl Jackson Joel TaylorGlen Iris Pomeranians1038 16th Avenue South Birmingham, AL 35205 205-328-66035tt.--'WINNERSLOUISVILLE KENNEL CLUB SEPT.1890 PHOTO BYK. BOOTH 1 The Pom Reader November 199026 SPECIAL ADDITION____________ JANUARY-OCTOBER 1990 Presently we find a number of Poms making their impact in ... .... _ . ,Specials competition. In order to keep you informed as to the n re. ,s^.............progress of these hard-working members of the Breed, we are " S t.....................L.. ___. , _ cnmAi Anrannw BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX Specialty...75SPECIAL ADDITION. TOY GROUP FIRST............................... 250SPECIAL ADDITION is your monthly rating system of the Top T0Y GROUP SECOND.............................150Twenty Pomeranians in the United States. Rules for the rating Tr.v TUIDn __system are as follows . TOY GROUP FOURTH............................ 25Points not to be confused with AKC championship points are RPQT np RRpFn nalloted to individuals according to the highest placement in anygiven AKC show, as reported in the AKC Show, Obedience Statistician Susan Wade. Tie placements are marked with an and Fields Trials Awards Book. Only this source will be used asterisk. BISS is for Independent Specialties only. The follow- for point credit. A number of points has been allotted to the ing is the listing of the Top Twenty Poms, as per the JANUARY- various placements, and they are as follows OCTOBER 1990 AKC Gazette.POINTS NAME BISA BISS BOSS I4175 CH. JERIBETH SIR LANCELOT D.................................................... 1 - - 5BaumgartnerConinoBaker, Owners4150 CH. HOMESTEADS SPIT N POLISH D.................................................... 2 - - 6J. Hurley, Owner4010 CH. TOMHO CHAMPAGNE WISHES D............................................. - - - 7R. Koeppel, Owner3665 CH. SOUTHLANDS MR VIP OIDA D............................................... 1 - - 5CreedJacksonTaylor, Owners3000 CH. SHADOMOUNTIN ONE MAN SHOW D....................................... - 1 - 6K. Bucher, Owner2780 CH. JAMOLS KLASSIC HI TIME D................................................... 1 - - 5B. Pauli, Owner1865 CH. TIM SUES HIGH LIGHTS D....................................................... - - - 2S. T. Goddard, Owners1820 CH. JANES WEE PRINCE OF JERIBETH D..................................... - - - 1G. J. Reed, Owners1715 CH. JAN-SHARS HILLBILLY CLASSIC D....................................... - - - 4S. Hanson, Owner1690 CH. STOLANNE THUNDERBOLT THOR D....................................... - - - 4F. Stoll, Owner1595 CH. TIM SUES HARBOR LIGHTS D................................................ - - - 1S. P. Conlee, Owners1530 CH. LANAS TOP PRIORITY D...................................................................... - - - 2CraigEjhorszt, Owners1260 CH. SHY ACRES OUR MAN FRIDAY D........................................................ - - - 2A. Roberts, Owner1215 CH. TOMHO STRUTTING TERMITE D.......................................................... - - - 2H. Sklar, Owner1045 CH. CLAIRMONTS TRAVELING DIAMOND D............................................. - - - 1L. Bryson, Owner1045 CH. TEXICANS HOUDINI D........................................................................... - - - 2M. Lang, Owner900 CH. LLL HIGH LIGHTS GOLDIE HAWN B.................................................... - - - 1StetsonLuginsland, Owners750 CH. GREAT ELMS PRINCE CHARMING D D............................................ - 2 - 1PiazzaBaker, Owners745 CH. ODYSSEYS KENO WHIZ D.................................................................... - 1 - 1TraunerManuscak, Owners700 CH. GARTOPfS GOLD DUST D..................................................................... - - - 1L. Garton, Ownern m iv bob10 9 6 10677445 743654 4 2 3 37 5 1010 8 268 5 143 54 3 1 3 2 215225121 1321 158147 9 9 28 14 7 2525The Pom Reader November 1990Ch. PixiesCh. Blakes Sir Robert John x Pixies Double-Bubbleuttons-NItfAV,\I4S'owsContinues her winning ways with another Group placement at Kokomo K.C. under judge Alan Harper. Handler, Donna Megenhardt.To answer your many inquiries, her pedigree is the old proven combination of Showstopper and Great Elms, with repeats going back to Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge and Ch. Lennis Tar-Baby of Great Elms.FLASH FLASH ARE WE PROUD OR WHATBB wins back to back Group Is under judge Barbara Alderman Licking River KC, Oct. 13 and Forrest McCoy Mad River Valley KC, Oct. 14. Handler Karen Fitzpatrick.Breeder-Owner Carol A. GalavichPIXIE POMERANIANS52821 German Hill Road, Powhatan Point, Ohio 43942 Phone 614-458-1705The Pom Reader November 1990STOLANNE POMERANIANS'ipJJA tribute to females would not be complete without recognition of these 3 champion littermate sisters, Ch. Stolanne Mystique Starlet, Ch. Stolanne Mica Rockelle, and Ch. Stolannes Sweet Ginger Brown. After confirming their soundness and beauty in the show ring, they are now proving their worth in the whelping box... Starlets first free-whelped son by Ch. Bea Mary Hazy Day is making his debut in the show ring, and she has a second litter of 3 2 females, 1 male by Ch. Frys Magic Kamehameha.BreederOwnerHandlerFrances J. Stoll Ginger has a son by Ch. Stolanne's Stormy Sequel and is in whelp to Ch. Stolannes Prancing Prince.These girls and their owners are proud of their famous brother, Ch. Stolanne Thunderbolt Thor,who recently won his first BIS. Mica has been bred to Ch. Bea Mary Hazy Day and we anxiously await the outcome.Gingers OwnerHandlerE. Suzann HendersonR.R. 3, Box 429 101 Northshore DriveWashington, Indiana 47501 Phone 812 254-3857Morton, Illinois 61550 Phone 309 266-9736DOLL-MCGINNIS PUBLICATIONS 8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND, FL 33809LINDA GALLAGHER PR 1290 1990 RID3E NAY DR EUGENE OR 97401 USA 3NEWS PUBLICATION - DO NOT DELAY - ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTEDBULK RATE U.S. POSTAGEPAIDPERMIT 395 LAKELAND, FL