The Pomeranian Review October 1977

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American ^Pomerantan Club, 3htc.Pomeranian ReviewPUBLISHED QUARTERLY OCTOBER, 1977- toiWIESES PRECIOUS GEM OF FLASH Best In Show at the Metro Mile-Hi Kennel Cluh From The Open Class Under Judge Frank Oberstar Owned hy Clara Arlo Wiese Handled by Jo-Ann Bessol.IN THIS ISSUESPECIALTY REPORTS Club News A.D.O.A. ANNUAL REPORTVisit to Jayenn Kennels by Tami Houri Making Friends For the Breed by M. McKee Thoughts on Problem Whelping by Elma Manies Children and Poms by June Moore BIRK GRANT HEYDE HUNDLEY MILLER OHRTMAN2 POMERANIAN REVIEWFINISHINGBEST IN SHOWFROM THE CLASSES Farmington Valley Kennel Club, July 9, 1977sBISXuAmerican Canadian Ch. Funfairs Pinto O Joe DandyBreed Group Judge Mr. Peter Thomson, BIS Mrs. Nicholas Demidoff Handler-Agent Joy S. Brewster, Newtown, Conn.Record Nine shows later3 Best in show 5 Group Firsts4 Other placementsCo-Breeders Katherine R. Probst Joy S. BrewsterFunfair Pomeranians New OwnerKatherine John Prohst Loraine Patterson MunterRt. 8, 268 Parkwood Acres Bye, N. Y.Hicks Rd.New Port Richey, Fla. 33553POMERANIAN REVIEW 3Pomeranian ReviewOF THEAmmratt Pomeranian EUtb, 3nr.OFFICERS OF THE CLUBPresident ............................................................................................................................. Mr. Darrell W. BakerFirst Vice President...............................................................................................................Mrs. Thelma M. DunnSecond Vice President ................................................................................................................. Mrs. Ruth DotsonRecording Secretary ................................................................................................................ Mrs. Sally BaugnietCorresponding Secretary ..................................................................................... Mr. Anthony R. Skip Piazza102 Old Egg Harbor Rd., Gibbsboro, N.J. 08026 Treasurer .......................................................................................................................... Mrs. Goldie K. MandleyBOARD OF DIRECTORSMrs. Kathryn Birk Mrs. Sophie H. MayesMr. Thomas Daniels Mr. Richard MegenhardtMrs. Jacquelyn Klein Mrs. Eleanor W. MillerDelegate to the A.K.C........................................................................................................... Mr. H. W. PottebaumPOMERANIAN REVIEWEditor and Advertising Manager ..........................................................................................................................................Mrs. Sophie H. Mayes, 1574 Camp Linden Rd., West Chester, Pa. 19380Assistants ....................................................................... Mrs. Goldie K. Mandley, Mrs. Thelma M. DunnCirculation Manager .........................Mrs. Patricia D. Brooks, 102 Jefferson Lane, Ladson, SC 29456Published quarterly at West Chester, Pa. by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Issues as of April, July, October and January, annually. Subscriptions in the U.S., 8.00 for four quarterly issues individual copies 2.00. Canada, Mexico, S.50, Foreign 9.00 in U.S. dollar instrument. Members Subscription, 4.00. Address all subscriptions and inquiries about same to the Circulation Manager. Send all ads to the Advertising Manager. Address all other correspondence to the Editor.Make checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. for all subscriptions and ads.ADVERTISING RATESCover Photo 1 page of text................................55.00Inside front cover ....................................................30.00Center Spread, 2 pages ........................................... 60.00Full page ................................................................ 25.00Three-quarters page ............................................... 20.00One-half page ........................................................ 15.00One-quarter page vertical only ............... 7.50100 copies full page ad............................................. 7.50Minimum charge for cuts up to lx2 inches, 6.00 proportionately more for larger cuts. No charge for cuts if usable cut is available.ALL COPY MUST BE TYPED OR PLAINLY PRINTEDCONDITIONSAll ads are PREPAID. Send payment for space ordered and minimum size cut, if any. Bill will be sent for larger cuts.Advertising Manager reserves the right reasonably to edit copy or to refuse advertising not considered appropriate. If too much copy is submitted for size of display ordered, advertiser will be charged for additional space required.DEADLINEUnless stated otherwise, 20th of the month six weeks in advance of publication. For example, August 20 for October issue.Views expressed by individual contributors are their own and not, necessarily, those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.4 POMERANIAN REVIEWPRESIDENTSMESSAGEBy DARRELL W. BAKER 207 Shirleen Drive Seabrook, Texas 77586By the time this column comes out the 1977 Summer Specialty will he history. I am at this time looking forward to my trip to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania for the specialty and American Pomeranian Club Board Meeting. This is the second chance each year to get together with breeders and exhibitors from across the country, first opportunity of course being the big Annual Specialty in New York in February. These are great shows and they give us all an opportunity to compare notes about Poms from various sections of the country, to see lots of friends that we only get to see at this time of the year, and to conduct the business of your Club.I personally would like to see more interest throughout the country in hosting the Summer Specialty. This is an opportunity for a regular or area club to have a National Specialty, which is certainly important to the breed and is a definite shot-in-the-arm to membership interest in the area. Here in Texas we still get very welcome comments and compliments on the specialty we hosted in Houston several years ago, complete with square dancing and Texas festivities Iplus a super show. All the Pom greats came for this big event and our members rose to the important occasion and we are still resting on our laurels from this one. There have been others just as good . . . one at Devon that was much loved and well attended . . . the one in Des Moines last year that was another whiz bang affair There have of course been lots of others . . . these justcame off the top of my head. Incidentally, you do NOT necessarily have to be a sanctioned club to be a host, just a struggling area club can most certainly do it. This is exactly what we did in Houston with the encouragement and urging of Mary Casey. The Parent Club welcomes an opportunity to consider you to host such a show and will assist in any way we can with such an effort. I for one would like to see some specialties held in California . . . the Midwest . . . Florida maybe How about New Mexico, Louisiana, or Oregon, or Lets make some noise ... all you need do is ASKI have just received formal announcement from the American Kennel Club AKC authorizing that a notice regarding HAIRSPRAY be published on the Secretarys page of the August, 1977, AKC GAZETTE. I am enclosing a copy for our Editor, Sophie Mayes, to publish for your information just in case you have not yet had a chance to read it. Within our breed, exhibitors will find this AKC ruling most interesting as this is a common offense . . . spraying with some special substances for various reasons i.e. for holding hair in place following brushing, for making hair stand out, or in some instances to alter the texture of the dogs coat.In the past there have been numerous discussions, written notices, opinions, etc. on this subject however, this is quite a different thing. THIS ANNOUNCEMENT LEAVES NO ROOM FOR INTERPRETATIONS OR PERSONAL OPINIONS but states most positively that It is AKCs position that a judge should not place a dog if, in his or her opinion, any substance is present in the dogs coat, such that the judge cannot properly evaluate the natural texture or body of the coat. The article says much more and should be very carefully read by everyone.All of us have toted around spray bottles of mysterious substances that we applied to Poms prior to entering Continued on Page 33POMERANIAN REVIEW 5SILVER MEADOWS,BEST OF BREEO OR VMUETTASilver Meadows Frostee CubIntroducing the first cream at Silver Meadows since we lost his grandsire, Ch. Sunflash. Sired by Ch. Silver Meadows Sun-Dae Cub, out of Silver Meadows Ruffles.Frostee is shown above at Buffalo K.C. winning Best of Breed. He went on to Group III later that day, from the classes. At this writing, he has 14 points including three majors. We think he is really special.More about him later.It makes us especially happy when others, besides ourselves, show and promote a Silver Meadows Pom.-Congratulations and appreciation to Gloria Setmayer for finishing her boy, new Champion Silver Meadows Tom Tom.We have just a few promising puppies available, write us your needsOurBest Wishes and Congratulations to our friend Joan Grant on this months Kennel VisitKeep up the good work, JoanRon Jackie Klein West Lake RoadPh. 716-237-5473 Silver Springs. N.Y. 145506 POMERANIAN REVIEWSECRETARYSREPORTby ANTHONY R. PIAZZA 102 Old Egg Harbor Road Gibbsboro, N.J. 08026The American Pomeranian Club Officers, Board Members and the Editor wish to make it clear that the paragraph on Page 6 of the July issue of the Review was not intended to cast blame on any one individual.The Board and the Editor want all members and subscribers to know that in making a change of the chairmen for the Trophy Committee for the February Specialty, no criticism of Dr. Pat Scelso or Mr. J. Michael Meyer was implied or intended.We wish to apologize to Dr. Scelso and Mr. Meyer for any inconvenience caused by the decision to replace them. They are to be commended for their past work as Trophy Chairmen.This change was made due to a personality conflict with certain Board Members and not due to a lack of ability or trust worthyness, real or implied, on the part of Dr. Scelso or Mr. Meyer.NOTICEALL PICTURES that were in the Editors possession have now been mailed back to owners. Unfortunately, working in the wee small hours of the night I guess, a mistake was made and the photo of Edna Girardots S Robins Lay Wey Sweet Charity, seen on page 47 of the April issue has been sent to someone else. Anyone who received pictures between April and July of this year kindly open the envelopes and check the contents. We will gladly pay the postage for sending this photo back to Edna by First Class Mail. Let us know if you find it.RED LETTER DATE February 12, 1978COYER STORYBy CLARA WIESEWieses Precious Gem of Flash is what we had dreamed of in ten years of breeding Poms. He is sired by Ch. Wieses Flash of Timmie Again, a son of Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again, and his dam is Wieses Goldstar Timstopper, a daughter of Scotia Cavaliers Golden Gay and our first registered Pom we acquired from Edna Girardot ten years ago.At the Metro Mile-Hi Show in Denver on May 27, 1977 he went Best In Show from the Open Class under Mr. Frank Oberstar.On May 29 at Terry-All Show near Denver, Buddy as he is known to his friends, again took Best of Breed and 4th place in Group.Again on June 12th at Colorado Springs, Colorado, he took Best of Breed and 2nd in Group under Judge Dr. William E. Field, Jr., going over a lovely special for this win.Buddy has one point yet to win for his championship title and we feel sure he will have earned that by the time this has been printed.This outstanding Pom is 4 lbs., very short bodied, cobby, carries a heavy coat which is brilliant orange in color, has a high tail set, small ears and is very unusually well up on his toes and has personality PLUS He has yet to meet a stranger. The judges speak highly of his fire and stamina.He is a double line-bred great grandson of Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier on his sires side and a great grandson on his dams side. We like to feel that Buddy is very much like this Great Dog, Pom- doms all time leading sire of champions.We also want to say that we have very consistently used Ruth Beams top stud dogs in our breeding program as our first bitch was a granddaughter of Ch. Great Elms Little Timstopper.Buddy is an agressive, proven stud, having already sired a litter. We have another bitch bred to him due to whelp in two weeks, a Riggins bitch with a fabulous pedigree.POMERANIAN REVIEW 7 STARLITE POMERANIANS Gayle L. Griffin Phone 503-843-215115625 Byerly Comer Rd. Amity, Oregon 97101ChampionJillz Rigal Raz of Starlite Son of Ch. Great Elms Timstopper AgainPresentsHis Granddaughter Starlites Ramboling Gypsy....VSMm.. AV '^SireCh. Sundots Ramboling ManDamStarlites Rigal Miss PixieOur Congratulations to Clara Wiese and Her Great Show Winner,Buddy Wieses Precious Gem of Flash8 POMERANIAN REVIEWDELEGATESREPORTBy H. W. POTTEBAUMAs reported in the July Review, the AKC had pending before the Delegates, the possibility of instituting the charging of a Recording Fee, as provided in Chapter 16, Section 2 of the Rules Applying to Registration and Dog Shows. I am pleased to report that before the actual voting took place, this item was removed from consideration, for the time being. The AKC Board will review the effects of the increased litter fee on the financial picture and will report later to the Delegates on this fee.One of the most interesting things to come out of the June meeting was the possible change in the rules requiring that a Veterinarian be present during a dog show. Many clubs have objected to having a vet on the premises, when they are seldom called upon and also objected to the fees charged, that often are as high as 50.00 per hour. Speaking from past experience, we have paid between 100.00 and 125.00 to have a Vet present at our Annual Specialty in New York. During the last two years, we have never had reason to use their services. As a result of the AKC survey, it is proposed that the rules be changed and that a Veterinarian not be required. This would be handled in one of two ways, either have a Vet present, or have the Vet on Call. If the On Call option is chosen, the name and address of the Vet, on call, must be shown in the Premium List and Catalog. The only exception to this is the Bench Shows, a veterinarian would still he required in attendance. I anticipate a vote being taken on this at the September Meeting and with the approval of the APC Board, I will vote for this change.Based on complaints received from handlers clients, along with pressure from the fancy, the AKC Board has reached the conclusion that it is in the best interest of the sport to discontinue the licensing of professional handlers. It is expected that this will come for a vote at the September Meeting, and if passed will become effective January 1, 1978. Since this meeting, I have had a letter from the President of the PHA and they feel that perhaps this is a little faster than they are ready to handle. I personally have mixed feelings, and wonder just how long before licensing is not required for Judges. I will review this with the APC Board before casting a vote.The Springfield Kennel Club, of which I am a member, and the Farmington Valley Kennel Club have been conducting a survey of approximately 400 Kennel Clubs, with the idea of changing Rule Section 9, Chapter 16, to allow neutered animals in non-regular classes at dog shows. After discussion with the AKC it was dtermined, by survey, that 82 of the clubs questioned favor allowing neutered animals in the Stud Dog and Brood Bitch Classes Only. 61 favor allowing neutered animals in both Veterans class and Stud Dog or Brood Bitch Classes. Based on these results, a vote will be taken at the September meeting, asking for an amendment to allow neutered dogs in Stud Dog and Brood Bitch Classes only. It is felt that will receive the 3A vote of the Delegates voting, and will pass. The amendment to allow these same animals in the Veterans class does not appear to have 'the required votes and I doubt that this portion will be voted on. I feel that this amendment for Stud Dog and Brood Bitch is good and unless instructed different from our Board, I intend to vote for this change. Continued on Page 39iThe Board voted AGAINST the change and instrncted him to vote thus.POMERANIAN REVIEW 9CH. BLOSSOM VIEW MADAM BUTTERFLYShown finishing under Judge Edd Bivin.She also won a 5 pt. major under Judge Art Davison at the Dallas-Ft. Worth Specialty and a 5 pt. major under Judge Joy Davison at the Galveston Co.Kennel Club and a 4 pt. major at Fresno-Sunmaid K.C. in California.It is said that Ch. Madam Butterfly is the ONLY Parti-Color Pomeranian Champion in the world now or ever has been. OwnerMrs. J. L. Weltz2395 Delaware Ave. 117 Santa Cruz, California 95060Handled by John Thyssen.GOLD GEMS SQUIRES LIL PAGEPacer is half brother to Gold Gems Crystal Ice Dragon on next page. We wish to extend our Thanks and appreciation to Claire Hendrix for parting with this great little guy. We sure do love him. Watch for Pacer in the spring, will be handled by Martha Putman.' PACEROwner BreederShirley Sabo 3791 Hilltop Rd. Bessemer, Ala. 35020 205-424-1285Claire Hendrix P.O. Box 12 Jamal, Ca. 92035 714-463-675410 POMERANIAN REVIEWSAN DIEGO POMERANIAN CLUBBy GLORIA CARLIN, Publicity ChairmanGreetings from sunny, southern California. Id like to share with you all some news of our club activities in San Diego, as well as reporting on our recent Pom Specialty.For the size of San Diego, our Pom Club is quite small. However, the members that attend regularly are richly blessed with a wealth of information on breeding, raising, and showing Poms. Quite a few members in our Club are amateurs, so we just soak up every drop of information we hear from the old time breeders and handlers, and file it away for future reference. A well-known breeder and judge, Pauline Hughes, is our Club President. Each month at our meetings, we have classes either on grooming our dogs or training our new Poms for the show ring. She shares with us a lot of her knowledge that shes learned throughout her show career. We will be holding future classes on whelping, tube feeding, genetics, care of the matron and brood, and care of the stud dog. We are all really looking forward to these training classesNow for the exciting news of our annual Pomeranian Club Specialty. It was held on May 21, 1977, in conjunction with the Cabrillo K.C. all breed show at San Luis Rey Downs. It was such an honor having Dorothy Bonner as our judge. We had a Pom entry of 22 which for southern California is a miracle I felt very privileged to show under her, and could hardly wait to introduce myself following the judging. I only wish I could have spent more time visiting with herLet me tell you how Mrs. Bonner placed our Poms. Winners Dog and BOW went to KOUCHOLOU owned by Isabelle Weishampel. He is a gorgeous male with one of the most fantastic coats Ive ever seen He needs only a major to finish his championship. Winners Bitch and BOS went to SUNRAYS CHERUB owned by Gloria Carlin. Shes what breeders call a show brood. She too, only needs a major to finish her championship Last but not least, youll just never guess who won the Best of Breed competition. Yep, youre right CH. SUNRAYS LIL BEAVER owned by Ted Dickinson, June Smyth, and Carol Partain. As usual, he showed beautifully prancing into the ring like the proud little Champion that he is Later in the afternoon, BEAVER went on to win Group I under Dorothy Bonner.Needless to say, our San Diego Pom Club had a very exciting and rewarding day. Both our amateurs and old timers took a share in winning the laurels that day In closing, Id like to thank Dorothy Bonner once again for the great job she did in the judging ring we all really appreciate your1XVXCh. Sunrays DPI Beaver is shown going Best of Breed at the San Diego Pom Specialty on May 21, 1977, under Judge Dorothy Bonner. Mrs. Bonner later gave him Group I.POMERANIAN REVIEW 11CH. GOLD GEMS FIRE DRAGON DARLIN Presents His First DaughtertrfcTGoldGems Crystall Ice Dragon pending taking Toy Group at local match. Right, showing under Judge Mrs. Dorothy Bonner going Best Puppy at San Diego Pom Specialty. Then in Montgomery, Alabama, under Judge Miss Martha Jane Ablett Best of Breed, handled by my very good friend, Harry Pennington of Atlanta, Ga. Thanks for all the T.L.C. All this under 7 mo. and pure white.GOLD GEMS COUNTRY SQUIRES Ptd FIRST FAMILYOut of Sunrays Flare. We wish the best to them and their new owners. Left to right Gold Gems Miss Dior and Mrs. Karen Bell, Alpine, Calif. Gold Gems Squires Lil Page and Mrs. Shirley Sabo, Bessemer, Alabama. Lil Hairy owned by Fern Rodrigues, Lakeside, California.Gold Gem Kennel would like to thank Fern Rodrigues for letting us acquire 2 lovely bitches and a son of Ch. Scotias President Jim to linebreed to Dragon and Squire. Also a warm thanks to Sue Lyons of Milady Kernels in Florida for Tiki, 10 mo. bitch Com Duke and Jet Sue pup Cavalier to add to our program.CLAIRE HENDRIX 714-463-8757P.O. Box 12 Jamul, Cal. 9203512 POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE POMERANIAN CLUB OF MICHIGAN SPECIALTY SHOW REPORTBy MARGARET M. GORMANThe Specialty Show of the Pomeranian Club of Michigan was held May 22, 1977 in conjunction with the Oakland County Kennel Club in Oak Park, Michigan. The Detroit Artillery Armory provided spacious grounds for the show. A reserved grooming area, near the entrance, was set aside for Pomeranians. The Sweep- stakes was judged by Thelma M. Dunn with regular classes judged by Winifred L. Heckmann.The number of Pomeranians entered, forty-five, was a record for the Club. This year marked our first attempt at a Sweepstakes which was highly successful in spite of the fact that Michigan breeders had few puppies of the right ages to be entered. Our friends from Ohio were not only more prolific with puppies, but theirs were the correct ages.SWEEPSTAKES Judge Thelma M. DunnPuppy Dogs 6-9Millamors Dixieland Rock. Owner, Eleanor W. Miller.Puppy Dogs 9-12 Pixies Puff The Magic Dragon. Owner, Carol A. Galavich.Junior Dogs 12-18 Da Jas Mascot of Millamor. Owners, R. Dale and W. Jane Williams.Puppy Bitches 6-9 Dixieland Pepper Rock. Owner, Eleanor W. Miller and Mrs. E. L. Tankesley.Puppy Bitches 9-12 Megs Liberty Bell of Flair. Owner, Donna C. Megen- hardt.Junior Bitches 12-18 Laurolyn Hot Cha Cha. Owner, Lynn Anderson.Best Puppy in Sweepstakes and Best Pomeranian in Sweepstakes Pixies Puff the Magic Dragon. Owner, Carol A. Galavich.Best Junior in SweepstakesLaurolyn Hot Cha Cha. Owner, Lynn Anderson.POMERANIANSJudge Winifred L. HeckmannPuppy Dogs 6-9Millamor's Dixieland Rock. Owner, Eleanor W. Miller.Puppy Dogs 9-12 Marloms Masterpiece. Owner, Mary Straslicka.Bred by Exhibitor Dogs Lordonns Patrick. Owner, Lorin R. Mohn.Open Blue Black Brown Dogs Gold Gems Ebonaire. Owner, Carol Ann Bailey.Open Red, Orange, Cream or Sable Dogs Maples Little Buster. Owners, Steve and Lynda Dearing.Winners Dog Maples Little Buster. Owners, Steve and Lynda Dearing.Reserve Winners Dog Millamors Dixieland Rock. Owner, Eleanor W. Miller.Puppy Bitches 6-9 Dixieland Pepper Rock. Owners, Eleanor W. Miller and Mrs. E. L. Tankesley.Puppy Bitches 9-12 Megs Liberty Bell of Flair. Owner, Donna C. Megen- hardt.Bred by Exhibitor Bitches Laurolyn Hot Cha Cha. Owner, Lynn Anderson.American Bred Bitches Laurolyns Magic Tinker Bell. Owner, Lonnie E. and Patricia J. Taylor.Open Red, Orange, Cream or Sable Bitches Len Del Cara Sal. Owner, Patrick H. DeLoughary.Winners Bitch Len Del Cara Sal. Owner, Patrick H. DeLoughary.Reserve Winners Bitch Bonners Starcrest Modell. Owner, Karen S. Holder.Veteran DogFleishmans Danny Boy. Owner, Margaret M. Gorman.Veteran Bitch Bronze Babette. Owner, Josephine F. Fleishman.Best of Breed Ch. Julies Star Brother. Owner, Donna C. Megenhardt.Best of Winners Maples Little Buster. Owners, Steve and Lynda Dearing.POMERANIAN REVIEW 13CH. JULIES STAR BROTHER J.\DID IT AGAINBOB at the Michigan Pom Specialty two years in a row with an entry of over 40 Poms.Group 4th also this same day.Thanks Michigan folks for the lovely trophies and fine hospitality.Congratulations Julie Brumback on your new Champion Julies StarbrightJ. B.s litter sisterMegs PomsDonna Richard Megenardt 8026 SR 43 Kent, Ohio 44240 Ph. 216-626-4368Puppies Stud Service14 POMERANIAN REVIEWBest of Opposite Sex Ch. Thelduns Wee Bonnie Tammy. Owner, Goldie K. Mandley.This year was the first in some time that Michigan breeders took the points for both dogs and bitches. Both the Winners Dog and Winners Bitch were bred on the old Adora Line of Michigan. Buster, a flashy cream, finished his championship with that win. Cara, a lovely red-sable, has since taken up matronly duties but will be seen in winter shows.iOur Martin Booth photo shows Judge Mrs. Winifred Heckmann awarding Winners Bitch to Ben Del Cara Sal, bred, owned and handled by Patrick H. DeJ.o ughary.Congratulations to the winners. Thanks to the judges for nearly doubling our entries over last year and for setting a new entry record for our specialties. Thanks also the dedicated Ohio breeders who consistently attend the Michigan Specialty in spite of the unpredictable weather and distance, and to those club members who worked hard to make the show a success Lynda Dearing, Trophy Chairman and John L. Gorman, Show Chairman.DEADLINE FOR JANUARY NOVEMBER 20POMERANIAN SWEEPSTAKES CRITIQUEBy THELMA M. DUNNI was extremely pleased to have the opportunity to judge the Pomeranian Club of Michigan Puppy Sweepstakes. An entry of 13 puppies.Except for the 6 to 9 months puppy bitch class which had an entry of 4, the classes were evenly divided by 2, simplifying my choice of winner for each class.My winner in the 6 to 9 month Dogs was Millamors Dixieland Rock, a sound little guy with an exceptionally heavy coat. My choice for winner in the 9 to 12 month Puppy Dog Class, was Pixies Puff the Magic Dragon, owned by Carol Galavich, Ohio. An extremely typey male, orange in color with a good coat texture, nice head, sound in body and legs. The selection for winner in the 6 to 9 month Puppy Bitch Class was Dixieland Pepper Rock, co-owned by Eleanor Miller and Mrs. Tankesley. A beautiful red, heavy coated female with very nice body conformation that I would have loved to take home with me. In the 9 to 12 Puppy Bitch Class, I chose Megs Liberty Bell of Flair, Owner Donna Megenhardt. A very nice puppy that should finish easily to her Championship. Laurolyn Hot Cha Cha was given the win in the Senior Puppy Class consisting of an entry of 2 Puppy Bitches, almost identical. I later learned they were litter sisters.With the class wins out of the way, I now had to pick my Best Junior Puppy and Grand Sweepstakes Winner. No easy task, as I had some exceptionally nice quality puppies, in perfect show condition, waiting to be chosen. My final choice went to the 9 to 12 month Puppy Dog winner Pixies Puff the Magic Dragon. A truly flashy little Pom, sparkling with animation.I sincerely thank everyone who supported the Sweepstakes with an entry and wish to commend all the exhibitors for the excellent manner in which they presented their puppies.POMERANIAN REVIEW 15JULIES STARS PRESENTS OUR NEW STARCH. JULIES STARBRIGHTFinishing under Judge R. Schulte Also Thanks to Judge Gwladys Groskin for 1st Major Owner handled Bred by Exhibitor Class Thanks to Evelyn Schaefer for finishing Starbright for us. CONGRATULATIONS to Donna Megenhardt for Ch. Julies Star Brothers nice win BOB at Michigan Pom Specialty, then on to Group IV.Julie Brumback 1187 Nelson Drive Harrisonburg, Va. 22801703-434-180416 POMERANIAN REVIEWBAY COLONY POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTYBy THELMA M. DUNNThis year I again had the pleasure of attending the Bay Colony Pomeranian Club Specialty, held in conjunction with the Hockamock Kennel Club on Saturday, July 2, 1977.The weather was ideal. A warm sunny day with just enough breeze to keep everyone from feeling uncomfortable. The Show Grounds were spacious, with an abundance of shade and nice green grass, perfect for grooming and exercising the dogs or just relaxing.The Specialty had an entry of 19 Poms with 5 absentees. Three of the absentee Poms were owned by Nancy Vayo, Maine, who unfortunately encountered some problems enroute to the show and arrived too late to exhibit her entries. Needless to say, Nancy was quite upset and very disappointed.The judging of the Specialty was capably handled by Mr. Alfred R. Treen. His selection for winners are as followsBest of Breed Ch. Silva Lade Mamma Tried. A small sable bitch of nice type, owned by Mrs. D. Whiteside and handled by William Trainor.Best of Opposite Sex Ch. Jabils Simply Smashing, bred and owned by Jessie and Barbara Young, was as his name implies, simply smashing.Winners Dog Fun Fairs Pinto-O Joe Dandy, an extremely nice orange male, was handled by Joy Brewster.Winners Bitch Best of Winners Jabils Emily, an animated, sassy little girl, orange in color, received her wins from the Bred by Exhibitor Class. Breeder, owner handled by Jessie W. Young.After the judging, the Bay Colony Club members with Carmen Ekrnan in charge, hosted a Buffet Luncheon for the Members, Exhibitors and Guests. The table was laden with a wide variety of delicious food prepared by the members and enjoyed by everyone.A meeting of the Club followed the luncheon. While the members were busy attending Club affairs, the rest of us took time out to watch the dogs in obedience. The highlight of the day for me, was the performance of Casmars Chiper, owned by Jennie Martin, South- wick, Mass., an exceptionally well trained Obedience Pom that took first place in Utility with a score of 198.We wish to THANK all the members of the Club for their kindness and hospitality. They are to be commended for the time and effort spent to make this Specialty a success.Portraits in Oil of your Pet14 X 18 framed 100.00alsoDos Jewelry Earrings 15.00 Brooches 10.00 Bings 10.00Julie Brumback1187 Nelson Dr. Harrisonburg, Va. 22801 Ph. 703-434-1804COYERThe January and April Covers have been sold. The July 1978 Cover is available, send check for 55.00 to the Editor to reserve it. As we go to press, the Inside Front Cover and Center Spread are available for both January and April. See Page 3 for rates. Reserve by writing to the EditorAdvertising Manager.POMERANIAN REVIEW 17This is Jabils Emily, litter sister to Ch. Jabils Simply Smashing. In four shows, she has six points, one Major. Good looks run in the familyJessie Barbara Young Loudon Ridge Rd.603-435-8731 Loudon, N.H. 03301DANZIGHARLOW KENNELS, RegdSends best wishesCongratulateto Ruth Beam on Jayenn Kennels40 years in Poms and Joan GrantAlso Best Wishes on her October Kennel Visitto Eileen WeageleinJim Louise ProcterPat BrooksP.O. Box 2777647 Kennedy Road102 Jefferson Ln. Milliken, Ontario, CanadaLadson, S. C. 29456 LOH 1KO18 POMERANIAN REVIEWAMERICAN DOG OWNERS ASSOCIATIONby TED B1RK, Vice PresidentAs your delegate to A.D.O.A., I submit this report of our annual meeting, held in Washington, D.C. July 23, 1977.Some items of interest and importance that were discussed1. A.D.O.A. now has 20 persons available to speak at your meeting or symposiums.2. The need for an educational group, to convert the irresponsible dog owners.3. Powerful legislation is OK, IF it is fair to all. There is a trend in the United States, to write legislation, that would eliminate the Hobby Breeder.4. An agreement has been reached with Canada, to allow show dogs to cross the border, with a three year inoculation.5. Report on the Washington scene on the rulings and laws regarding the shipping of dogs on an aircraft. We are the ONLY organization doing any thing about aircraft as dog carriers. WARNING DO NOT PERMIT YOUR DOG TO BE SHIPPED IN THE REAR COMPARTMENT OF THE DC-10.6. Our Association needs, from all areas of the United States, LEGAL help and DOG ORDINANCE WRITING personnel.7. Form a standing committee, to give us information on MODEL laws, and a list of people we may contact.8. Animal laws should be watched EARLY, at the local and county level.9. We are still working with A.K.C. to get the N.B.A. approved. Non breeding agreement.10. Will continue to help the people, of Los Angles county, Cal., in their struggle to get the unjust dog law repealed. If you are not familiar with their problem, a future article will give more details. It is long, complicated, and unjust to all dog owners.11. A new pamphlet is being prepared, for distribution, containing facts and accomplishments of A.D.O.A.12. LIMITING DOG ORDINANCES, our number one project for this fiscal year. I am sure you are aware of the limting dog ordinances which are being drafted and passed into law in every village, city, town, county and state across our nation. Most of these ordinances are designed to halt breeding of dogs in the private home. Generally this is done by limiting the number of dogs you may house or own to two, three or four. Or, limiting you to one breeding every eighteen months. This action forces the hobby breeder to abandon breeding. Thus, only the commercial breeder is in business, and thats the end of show dogs. We believe it is in violation of YOUR constitutional rights, for any one to tell you how many dogs you may breed, or own. How many of you are in violation of your local laws There are two cases, now at the appeal stage, now on the way to the U.S. Supreme court. These two cases could cost the A.D.O.A. 3100,000.00. This money must come from you, the fancy. Yours truly, has been given the job of raising the funds. It is to be done in two ways1. PROJECT 8, which is to get 8,000 new members by June 30, 1978. Each present member will be asked to get andor give two new members this year. All present members will receive a mailing from A.D.O.A. office. This should not be too difficult as there are more than 500,00 dog showing people.2. PROJECT 80. We are asking each of our 800 member clubs to be responsible for at least, 100.00 extra contribution this year. Hence, an additional 80,000.00 this year to pay the legal fees. All clubs will receive a mailing also, suggesting ways to get the extra 100.00. Remember, this work is being done for YOU, THE FANCY. If everyone wants a free ride,. WHO WILL PULL THE WAGON YOU, THATS WHO.This project is going to be expensive, so lets get started and get the job done. It would be a pity to get half through the courts, with these cases, and run out ofPOMERANIAN REVIEW 19TAMMYO '3aCH. THELDUNS WEE BONNIE TAMMY Shown taking Best of Opposite Sex, at the Michigan Pomeranian Club Specialty under Judge Winifred Heckmann, May 22, 1977Congratulations to Joan Grant on her Kennel VisitGoldie K. Mandley 501 Dover Rd.Glen Bumie, Maryland 21061funds. I have great confidence in you, to help preserve our right to breed, own, and show our dogs.If any of you wish to make a donation, large or small they all count or if you want membership blanks andor information about A.D.O.A., please write meAmerican Dog Owners Association Ted Birk, Vice President 1634 S.W. 9th Avenue Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. 33315DEADLINEDeadline for the January Issue is November 20, 1977. There is no reason to suppose that the Review deadline can be stretched beyond that date. We are sorry when we are forced to turn down material which reaches us too late, but surely nobody can make the excuse that he didnt know MAIL EARLY20 POMERANIAN REVIEWCongratulationsandBest WishestoJoan Grantand all the Jayenn Pomson theirCanadian Kennel VisitWe are awfully proud of this wonderful ladyalsoA super Canadian Size Welcometo our brand new little girl Silver Meadows MaryellenWe think youll hear a lot from her in the futureMany Thanks to Jackie Klein for parting with her.CL ridcendoChristine D. Cullen Truro, Nova Scotia98 Park St. Canada, B2N 3J3BURNTWOOD KENNELS CongratulatesJoan Grant on her Kennel VisitFor Sale Black male pet 5-13-77 looks like he will mature 8-9 pounds outgoing, bratty, lovable personalityAll Puppies Raised in the HomeAll Inquiries Answered State Needs, pet, show, breedingEd Marilyn Harder 8603 North Kelly RoadPh. 604-962-7277 Prince George, B.C.Canada V2K 2W7POMERANIAN REVIEW 21SCOTIA KENNELS REG.IMEEEXISScotia Bostons Dee Dee Elexis finishing at Augusta, Ga. Apr. 30, 77, under Judge Suzanne Rowe. Pedigree under new Chs. July issue.rftGELDAScotiaClems Johnhoy Gilda finishing at Ashville, N.C. July 30, 1977. Pedigree behind Chs. this issue.Wishes to congratulate Joan Grant on her kennel visit.Another Ch. son of the Great Cavilier has passed on, Ch. Scotia Caviliers Jungle Jim, owned hy Phyllis Andrews of Woodville, Washington. A potent great stud leaves us with several champions to his credit.Due to circumstances beyond my control, I am unable to show all my show potentials. I offer 2 females, show quality, barely 4 lbs., orange, for sale.Nadine wh. Mar. 28, 76, by Ch. Scotia W. Girl Little Joe Dandy x Ch. Scotia Robins Mamas Girl. Double Cavilier and double Hadleigh breeding."Dee Dee wh. Oct. 31, 76 by Ch. Scotia Colleen JJs Major Dink x Ch. Sungolds Dee Dee. Double Cavilier and heavy Aristic breeding.Will consider selling Ch. Lunds Just Dandy of Hadleigh.Also offering Scotia Best Yets High- pockets wh. June, 72, by Ch. Scotia Cavs Spectacular x Ch. Scotia Caviliers Best Yet. Half sister and brother breeding. H.P. is proven stud.Would like to take this opportunity to thank the many Poms folks and friends for giving me a hand with my dogs, showing, loading and unloading at the recent Carolina shows. People are so willing to help when they are needed. Thanks one and all.Edna E. Girardot Scotia Kennels Reg.P.O. Box 646 Floral City, Fla. 32636Ph. 904-726-200122 POMERANIAN REVIEWKENNEL VISIT TO JAYENN KENNELSby TAMI HOURIEAfter a 900 mile move across Canada in October of last year, Jayenn Kennels is now settled down or should I say up, in the mountains of B.C. Ten miles south of Golden, you will find the renovated log cabin kennel building with the sign that is not really needed to let you know you are at the right place. The dogs do that. The A frame house in the center of the yard is where my mom and dad, Joan and Neil Grant, live with my younger brother Lance, and my sister Susan.old, but when Fluffy proved unbreed- able, Mom started looking for better stock. Fluffys name was not very original, but she proved to be worth the money paid for her and the time spent on her, even if she wasnt a producer. She saved Dads life once, when he was on a trip by himself, by awakening him during a fire. She barked and licked his face until he woke and was able to get out, not an easy job with my father- .--HUK Iv csNewly Built boarding kennel not quite completed.Joan strides off across the lawn with Poms trailing behind her as she says, like the Pied Piper. The house is in the background.At the far side of the yard over the hill, is the new addition, a small boarding kennel. After travelling all over Canada and in Europe with my father, while he was in the services, they know they have found the place where they are both content to settle Mom with her kennel, and Dad with an auto parts store. This is an ideal location for the kennel too, surrounded by trees and mountains, with lawns, hills, birds, and squirrels. The dogs even have a viewI cannot remember Mom being without a dog, but she always wanted to have a Pomeranian. She bought her first one, a black female, when I was 9 yearsThree years later, from a kennel in Alberta, two female puppies were purchased, one of which died shortly after arriving. The other was a good brood, but still not the quality Mom was looking for, so the following year, after a lot of letters, she bought a trio from an Ontario kennel that was selling out. The male Silver Meadows Windy Brea Tag started Mom on her show career, as well as giving her some nice puppies to work with. One of the females, Heid, who had Zambo of Zanow as a Grand- sire, and great-grandsire, was a sable who produced some nice youngsters, one of which was a black and tan female that did very well in the show ring in spite of her color, faulted in Canada. At the time she died in an unfortunate house accident she had two three pointPOMERANIAN REVIEW 23wins and a two point. The other female Dixie, of Beland and Aristic breeding, bred to Tag gave Mom her first homebred champion and first C.D. Pom, as well as everyones special favorite. This girl Patty, still controls the family, and the kennel, and accepts every visitor from babies to grandparents as her own personal responsibility, if they only provide a lap for her.The year I started high school, having decided she liked what the Silver Meadows male had passed on to his puppies, Mom contacted the Kleins, and bought 2 more females Silver Meadows Nance Marie for show first, later to breed, and Silver Meadows Sunkist proven producer. Nance came home with trophies more than once during her show career, and after earning her championship and bred to another import, Bonners Sandtown Mister Wag produced Jayenns Hurricane of Valacey a champion before a year old, then Best in Show in Winnipeg in 1975, and second highest winning Pom in Canada in 1975 and again in 1976, and is still placing in group in 1977. Line breeding on Pepper Pod produced this stylish Pom.Ch. Wee Mite Bed Velvet, C. 1. has her own way of baby sittingThrough membership in the Toy Club of Canada, Mom learned of and bought Wee Mite Red Velvet a girl with Queenaire background. Velvet soon had her championship and a C.D. and because of the quality puppies even to an outcross,Wee Mite Pepper Pot OGold with Queenaire in his immediate background, was brought to Jayenn to breed with the Silver Meadows bitches and their offspring. He, too, proved to do well in the ring, earning his championship in three shows, with two group placings. In all he was only shown five times, once as a special when he was given Best of Breed. At this time, there are two young pups that have Mom all excited again, one from Pepper and Nance and the other from Pepper and Nances daughter Prescious, who is also a Canadian champion.Susan with the girls Janenns Concertina, Ch. Jayenns Palakore Patty, Ch. Wee Mite Velvet, C.D., Ch. Silver Meadows Nance Marie, Ch. Jayenns Prescious Princess.After living on my own for two years and remembering all these different dogs, I was not surprised, when I came from Manitoba for a visit this summer, to see a black female pup in with the others. Mom tells me she now hopes to work with some of the colors not often seen in the Canadian show rings, or in the kennels either. To this end she has contacted May Morning and Boulder River Kenels and asked them to put her on their lists in case they ever have a nice one they would part with.I was also not surprised to discover there is never a dull moment at Jayenn. First thing in the morning you must make sure you are wide awake before you visit the kennel, but even if you arent you soon will be. As I mentioned24 POMERANIAN REVIEWGreat Elms Kennels, RegdNothing For SaleCONGRATULATIONSto Joan Grant whose Jayenn Kennel is being visited, this month.Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Stud Fee 75Ruth L. Beam704-889-9233P.O. Box 937 Pineville, N.C. 28134BOULDER RIVER POMERANIANSThanks to Josephine F. Fleishman for Fleishmans Danny Boy English Shamrock and Adora Lines, Fleishmans Deliteful Hester pointed, Adora bloodlines and Bronze Babette.Congratulations to Lynda Dearing on finishing her cream, Ch. Maples Little Buster.Congratulations to Joan Grant on her Kennel visit.Boulder River Basic BlackColorbred litters for black and cream in the fall.Stud fees, pedigrees and pictures on request.J. L. and M. M. Gorman 31134 East WindPh. 313-294-3927 Fraser, Mi. 49026POMERANIAN REVIEW 25HI JOANBIS CH. JAYENNS HURRICANE OF VALACEYJGi n." MlBeit toapk'WILLIEand all the rest of us here at Valacey would like to congratulate you on yourkennel visit.Its been a pleasure being involved with you and your Poms.After being 3rd Top Pom in Canada in '75, Willie was 2nd Top Pom for 76In 77 Willies kids have been doing very well in the show ringCh. Valaceys Joy To Behold with Janice and David Beazley finished at the Portage Show in July.Ch. Glendarys Early Dawn Duke with Yvette Gesell finished at the Manitoba Canine Show in July.Valaceys Tornado white here at Valacey needs but a couple of points to finish his title.VALACEY KENNELS, REG. BRYAN R. MITCHELLBox 1111, Portage la Prairie Manitoba, Canada R1N 3C5 204-857-739326 POMERANIAN REVIEWbefore the kennel building is an old log cabin, remodelled inside by my father. He lined the walls with two inch cedar, so it is warm and sweet smelling, and the floor is cement with a drain so it can be properly cleaned, but he has left the original door, which is not quite 5 feet, so it is easy to hit your head going in or out. He has installed a grooming table and storage shelves near the combination window, and has built roomy cages along three walls, two especially planned as whelping pens for the Poms, with wide opening gates so assistance can be given when needed, and special wire to prevent small puppies from falling through. The lower cages are used to house the Finnish Spitz at night, or for when they whelp and nurse their litters. One of the counter tops has been planned so it is large and long enough for a mattress if it is necessary to keep watch for long periods.'V IMSLance tries to convince a trainee to show Jayenns Tempest In A Teacnp, grandson of Nance.Early in the morning the cages are opened and out pours the family of Poms, Finnish Spitz, Elkhounds, and occasionally a boarder or visiting brood is carried out to a run. Pours is really the only way to describe this exodus, and photographing it proved impossible. While the cages are cleaned and freshened, and the breakfasts are mixed and dished out, the dogs all have a frolic together in the bush run. Most visitors find it amazing that this time when allthe breeds are allowed to run together, harmony exists in spite of the variance in sizes, ages, and temperaments. Tiny Pom puppies are usually given special protection at this time, but once a 3 month Finkie stole a 2 month Pom and gently carried it down the hill to play with. No harm was done, although the Pom wasnt too pleased with the performance. Later in separate runs the Finkie pups are always asking to be allowed to get into the Pom puppy area to play, but in spite of their soft bird- dog mouths, two together would likely do quite a lot of damage to the wee Rag-Dolls as they probably think of them. Prtf,Susan with young showoffs from two months to 14 months. Largest Pom is granddaughter of Sunkist also daughter of Hurricane.This lower bush run was originally used as a temporary structure to prevent the dogs from running out onto the road, but has proven to be so worthwhile it is now strengthened, raised, and the bottom edges made Pom-proof. It is the largest run, and is on a good slope, with all varieties of trees and bushes, many of which now have exposed roots that offer no end of hiding places, or shelter from weather. The slope itself has been great for developing good muscles and therefore strong hind and front quarters. The one drawback is the work involved in walking in and out of the bushes, and up and down the hills with the pooper scooper, all too often having it catch on a low branch spilling thePOMERANIAN REVIEW 27JAYENN KENNELS REGISTEREDLIKE ALL BREEDERS, HAVE THEIR DOWNS AND UPS...... v 'rcBISTA son of Ch. Wee Mite Red Velvet, C.D. in the wrong place at wrong time.A daughter of Ch. Silver Meadows Nance Mariein the right place at the right time.AS WE TRY FOR THAT ELUSIVE PERFECT PUPPY , Ason of Ch. Jayenns Hurricane of Valacey wondering if he can fill his fathers pawprints.My sincere thanks for the honor and excitement of having the Kennel Visit and my appreciation to my daughter Tami for the write-up.JOAN GRANT BOX 1423 GOLDEN, B.C. VOA IHO CANADA28 POMERANIAN REVIEWcontents. Mom tries to remember the adage about one in the hand being worth two in the bush, but when there is room on the shovel she forgets.While the runs are all being cleaned the family of dogs are caged to eat separately, so each appetite can be watched. Then as they finish they are taken out one at a time, and time is taken to give each a check-up, and a special loving, before being taken to special day time runs. Anyone needing medication, or a bit of show training, or specific grooming, is seen to and if weighing is needed for checking an in-whelp brood, or a growing puppy it is done now. Several times during the day, between visitors, yard work, gardening, training classes, and the occasional trim job on a visiting dog, members of the family spend time in the runs with the dogs. Of course, each person has his favorites, but my sister Susan seems to prefer the Elk- hound, and my brother Lance is spoiling one of the Finnish Spitz pups more than the others, but neither would like to be without the Poms.t' - - ,.. fcvv.-Joan in the kennel. Poms in foreground, Elk- hound and Finnish Spitz in hack pen.My mother admits too, that although the Poms remain very special to her, and she is indeed proud of having 6 homebred champions, as well as finishing 5 other champions, she cant help but brag about her Elkhound and Finnish Spitz. The present litter of Elkhounds is only the sixth one she has bred, but there are already 6 Jayenn champion Elkhounds, two of which placed in the top ten the year they were exhibited, and in the three years with Finkies, there are 5 Jayenn champions as well as the English import finished in Canada and two of them have placed in group a total of 6 times. A special pride is taken in these trophies.As I watch Mom strike off, up the hill, on a hike towards the creek and garden at the North end of their property, I am reminded of all the reading, discussing, special breeding, and endless culling she has done in an effort to have sound legs on her Poms. All 13 that she has now are bouncing and racing around her, just having a ball, and ready and able to go wherever she does, while the 5 Finkies and single adult Elkhound wait their turns sometimes vociferously in the runs. Often the larger dogs are accompanied by one of the family on the horse so they can get a really good work-out. When she is away at shows, or busy in the house she sees that someone takes time for this special running.Later tonight, nearly all are bedded down and quiet in the log building ready for a nights sleep. The exceptions are Patty, who is accepted now as being the house dog, and whichever one is having his turn in the house, and two outside to listen and let the household know of approching dangers, such as visiting bears, or possibly a lynx. Who knows, even a cougar perhaps, although this is really hoping for a lotSo we end another full and happy day at Jayenn, and anyone who is in the area is to remember there is a special welcome ready for you any time, and you can join in on the hike, the grooming, the visiting, or just sitting and watdhing the grass grow, which -there is time for too.MAIL YOUR ADS EARLYIt has been known to take a week for letters from Texas or California, 10 days from Canada.POMERANIAN REVIEW 29NORTHERN CALIFORNIA POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.FIFTH INDEPENDENT SPECIALTY SHOWFebruary 18, 1978The day before Santa Clara Show SANTA CLARA COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS San Jose, CaliforniaJudges will be announced as soon as AKC approved. Hospitality Suite and after Show Dinner Reservations Necessary For Further Information . . .Mrs. Wanda Roach, Show Chairman612 Woodrow Avenue Modesto, California 95350Mrs. Beverlie Toca, Show Secretary 2122 Eicher Avenue Modesto, California 9535030 POMERANIAN REVIEWOFFICIAL NOTICEThe following OFFICIAL notice which was published in the August issue of Pure Bred Dogs, AKC Gazette and is also currently being reprinted in dog show judging schedules, may have escaped your attention. Everyone who exhibits Poms should read it carefully.To EXHIBITORS, HANDLERS AND JUDGESThe Board of Directors of The American Kennel Club has authorized the following notice about HAIRSPRAY for publication on the Secretarys Page of the August 1977 issue of the GazetteThe Board of Directors is extremely concerned over the increasing use of hairsprays, lacquers, and other substances that alter the natural texture or body of a dogs coat. While their effect on the coat may be temporary, they clearly falsify the quality of the coat and their use in the show ring must be considered highly improper.If any substance is applied to a dogs coat for cleaning purposes or any other reason, any residue from the substance that alters the coats natural texture or body also has the effect of falsifying the coat quality and is to be removed before the dog enters the ring.It is AKCs position that a judge should not place a dog, if, in his or her opinion, any substance is present in the dogs coat, such that the judge cannot properly evaluate the natural texture or body of the coat.The judge also has full authority, which he may invoke in any case that he considers extreme, not merely to leave such a dog unplaced, but to excuse it from the ring altogether. In such cases he should mark his judges book Excused foreign substance unable to judge coat texture.Under no circumstances should the judge offer to judge such a dog if the offending condition is corrected.Continued on Page 70MAKING FRIENDS FOR THE BREEDBy MARGARET McKEEWhat have you done lately to make friends for our lovely breed Breeding a quality litter, exhibiting one or two dogs, and advertising in the Review are great, but they usually reach a very limited audience. Have you missed some good opportunitiesOur local humanitarian organization has a dog and cat exhibit several times a year in the malls of various shopping centers. We try to have as many different breeds as possible benched on tables or in crates. Two or three of our Poms sit on their grooming table to be petted while John and I try to answer questions. It is educational for the public, but weve learned a lot, too. Its amazing the things people think about our breed1. Theyre Pekingese.2. Theyre mean and bite a lot.3. Theyre yappy, barking incessantly.4. They come in two sizes, regular and toy.These misconceptions have frequently come from seeing a poorly bred Pom. In answer to the second and third,I simply point to my quiet, friendly beasties being petted by strange children and ask Does that look mean to you When asked if they are good with children, I mention that we have small children, but I generally do not recommend Poms for preschoolers, because of the Poms size. Were usually asked if theyre for sale. Of course, I take advantage of this opportunity to give my spiel about the importance of buying from a breeder. We also answer general questions on such things as leash laws, health, grooming, showing and training, and we make available pamphlets on heartworms, puppy selection, obedience training, and the APC information pamphlet.Our obedience club is often asked to give demonstrations at schools, old folks homes, and convalescent centers.Continued on Page 33POMERANIAN REVIEW 31SUNKIST POMERANIANSSkylark AristicCombinations SkylarkHadleigh Ch. Hadleigh Little Robin Breedings Combinations SkylarkAristicPuppies expectedAll inquiries answeredLucille Hoover2012 San Miguel Canyon Rd. Salinas, Calif. 93907 Ph. 408-663-2860GALESEA KENNELSWishes to express our thanks and gratitude to Pat Brooksfor her help and support in getting us started in Poms TwoLittersBoth sired by Pats Danzig Gallant Fox Brettwoods Desiree Dawn has 1 male Galeseas Danzig Foxy Lady has 2 females.Eileen C. Waegelein4 Stanley Drive Galesea KennelsGarden City Beach, S.C. 29576 803-236-241332 POMERANIAN REVIEWCIRCULATIONMANAGERMRS. PATRICIA D. BROOKS 102 Jefferson Lane Ladson, S.C. 29456POMERANIAN REVIEW SUBSCRIPTION 8.00 Yearly by Third Class Mail Canada. Mexico 8.50 Foreign 9.00AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. MEMBER S SUBSCRIPTION RATE 4.00 Yearly by Third Class Mail.FOR FIRST CLASS MAIL Send additional 2.25 at time of subscription renewal.Important InformationAll Members Subscriptions will start with the April issue, each year.POMERANIAN REVIEW BACK ISSUESWrite Circulation ManagerBACK ISSUESDue to circumstances beyond our control, there has been a delay in shipping Back Issues to Mrs. Patricia Brooks. We feel almost certain that she has them now, and will be able to fill your orders. An up-to-date list of available back issues will be printed in the January Issue. Meanwhile, all issues of 1972 through 1977 should be available, with the exception of April, 1977.IMPORTANT NOTICEBased on the early returns of the Inquiry on receipt or non-receipt of the April Issue we decided we had enough to fill outstanding orders and that we did not need to reprint the issue. Due to large numbers of subscribers paid up through April but alledgedly never recorded as either new or renewal subscribers, we now find that we are short nearly 50 April Reviews and NONE ARE AVAILABLE. In other words, WE GOOFEDIf any of our readers is willing to part with an April 1977 issue of the Review in good condition some people may not keep theirs forever as most do, the Club will pay 2.00 for the magazine plus First Class Postage to return to us. Please mail IMMEDIATELY to the Editor or to the Circulation Manager, Mrs. Patricia Brooks. Put a note inside with your name and address for reimbursement.iPATRI-ARKSSTARDUST OF MERCERMajor pts. and Group IIIStud Service Puppies Occasionally Aristic-Duke-Ken Gay-Great ElmsPATRI-ARK POMS Pat Clark1115 Castlewood Cyn Rd. FRANKTOWN, CO. 80116 303-688-4514POMERANIAN REVIEW 33Here is a chance to show what intelligent, happy workers our tiny ones are. There is a widespread belief that show dogs are beautiful but stupid and temperamental. Theyve had the brains bred out of them. It is this sort of misinformation which sends the public to pet shops to pay outrageous prices. Our obedience Pomeranians give the lie to the beautiful but dumb idea. Most people seeing a fluffy perky Pom going through an obedience routine are absolutely enchanted.Last January the obedience club held a Get to Know Your Puppy Day. Aimed primarily at those whod gotten pets for Christmas, it was an Open House complete with refreshments. We set up our grooming tables and our grooming paraphenalia, and invited the public via newspaper ads to bring any questions about dog care. About ten breeds were represented by members dogs. Alas, atrocious weather resulted in a small turnout, but those who came said they learned a lot and appreciated the help. An unexpected bonus for club members was we learned more about each others breeds and a few tricks. For example, I taught several others to scale teeth. Owners of other breeds were surprised at how cooperative and quiet the Poms were when being groomed. I tried not to be too smug just one more instance of the superiority of our breed.Our breed really makes a fantastic pet. Small economical to feed, easy to groom, easy to clean up after, a joy to train, affectionate, alert what more could you ask Now, Im not really anxious for the Pomeranian to become popular the way the Cocker Spaniel and the Poodle did. Yech There are far too many back yard breeders and puppy mills churning out long-backed, flat-coated, shy Poms now. Im the first to admit that the Pom is not for everyone. The fastidious housekeeper, the hunter, small or rough children, those that think toys arent real dogs none would be happy with a Pomeranian. So I try to be scrupulously honest in describing the Pom. Yes,they do shed. Yes, they are fragile compared to say, a Shepherd. Yes they are prone to whelping problems. On the other hand, we arent plagued by PRA or dysplasia. No, they are not one-man dogs. They are basically friendly and loving, but are good watch-dogs, too.One thing we do have to be careful about is generalizing too much from our own experience. As an example, weve owned a total of eight Pomeranians over the last eight years, and all of them have been real chow hounds. Theyll eat anything. Yet Im met other Pom owners who claim theirs are incredibly picky eaters. At the present time, there is considerable variation in our breed in size, temperament, and soundness. What may be true of all Poms in your kennel wont necessarily be true of others.Hopefully, through missionary efforts such as these, there will be fewer people with misconceptions about the Pomeranian.PRESIDENT Continuedthe ring ... in our case we prefer plain water with perhaps a little Dromorecide or other cleaning agent or antisepticsmelling substance. However, it appears that in the future each of us will have to be most cautious and legal about what goes into the bottleBest personal regards to all of you. In your area take the responsibility to promote your breed in every possible way, even if it ds only telling everyone what a pleasure it is to live with a Pomeranian.Please continue to contact me if I can be of any assistance whatsoever.PLEASE DO NOT USE INITIALS or make out checks to ANYBODY or ANYTHING but American Pomeranian Club, Inc.34 POMERANIAN REVIEWC^ueenciire ^J\ennefs of Cfafi^ornia6xCb. Queenaire Double ScotchQueenaire is pleased, to congratulate Elsie Burriesci and Phyllis Greer on the completion of the championship of Ch. Queenaire Ive Got LeggsLeggs was BB over top ranking champions his first time out as a special. We also wish to congratulate Mary Conrad on the nice American and Canadian wins by her QUEENAIRE SERENADE.Congratulations, Joan Grant, on your Kennel Visit.Dudley and Wanda Roach612 Woodrow Avenue Modesto, Ca. 95350 Phone 209 527-5179POMERANIAN REVIEW 35f-^redenti7m.Ch.Queenaire Ive Got Leggs Best of Breed First Time Out As A Special.Ch. Scotia President Jim Ch. S.A.M.s Gay Blade Sandidol S.A.M.s Rockin Red Charmer Queenaire Serenade SireCh. Queenaire Scotch n Soda Ch. Creiders Miss Margo Creider's Miss Maggie Ch. Van Hoozers Lucky Dandy Kitch Ch. Queenaire Scotch N Soda Creider's Diane of Queenaire Creiders Brenda DamCreiders Sable Dandy Creiders BallerinaCreiders Starette FinaleOwnerElsie BurriesciCo-Owner, Handler Phyllis T. Greer Fiddlers Green 275 Channel Drive Novato, Ca. 94947 Phone 415-892-963236 POMERANIAN REVIEWSOME THOUGHTS ON PROBLEM WHELPINGBy ELMA MANIESAs I said in the April Review, it is not intended that these articles should infringe on the veterinary profession, but should be regarded as an aid in enabling one to cooperate intelligently with a veterinarian if his assistance is needed. Or, should you find that you need to help the dam before a veterinarians help can be received. Never hesitate in calling a Vet, or begrudge his fee, your little prospective puppies are valuable and your bitch is priceless, sentimentally if not financially. Just one puppy saved or the life of your beloved bitch will pay the fee many times over.I feel a breeder should be able to take over and assist a whelping dam to prevent her suffering or from losing a whelp, as many times a veterinarian cannot be reached in time to save a puppy. My first experience in pulling a puppy was while in a veterinarians office. The veterinarian was doing surgery and could not stop, my dams pelvis was narrow and the puppy was large. The puppys head had been out for approximately half an hour and the sack was broken, and the dam was making no further progress, with the contractions still strong. The puppys front feet were not showing and I knew I could not just take hold of the head and pull as I might break the puppys neck. Finally, after waiting too long to suit me, I got up my nerve and set a towel I had brought along on a table and put the dam on this and placing my fingers on either side of the puppys head and then up into the vulva I surrounded first one front leg and pulled it out and then the other. Then sliding the fingers back behind the shoulders I pulled the puppy out with the dams contractions helping. A second puppy arrived about 15-20 minutes later, in the treatment room this time, as the office girl finally conceded an emergency.Pomeranians have many varied behavioral mannerisms so there is noexact science to whelping. A normal gestation period is 63 days, however whelping may occur in 57 days or run 2-3 days overtime. Early miscarriage is rare, but can happen from some medical problem or injury. In this case puppies may be too weak or immature to survive. If a bitch is more than 3 days overtime something may be wrong so consult your veterinarian.Just as the dam is about to whelp she will refuse food she often will vomit if she has recently eaten, she will start panting and usually will not settle down unless you sit down with her, the vulva will soften and a mucous discharge may appear. She will get in her box if previously introduced to it and has been made to feel it is hers she will start hunching, then straining and then relaxing over and over again. She may turn her head about anxiously looking at her rear parts. She will press hard against the sides of her box with her hind feet. When these first strains start mark the time down, you may forget in the excitement if you don't. You can write your observations on the side of the box she is in at the time and copy them down in your permanent records later as you may lose track of a notebook if the delivery is long or gets complicated.Now the labor has started and may last from as little as 20 minutes to several hours. I usually find approximately 1 to 1 hours from first labor contractions to the water bag. It may take another hour until the first puppy, Pomeranians dilate very slowly, and still another hour to the next puppy, etc., but this is by no means the rule it may take more or less time. A dam may take naps between contractions and there is no need to worry at this. The time to worry is when the contractions are strong and close together for 2-3 hours and no progress is being made. You may be in for an abnormal whelping if this occurs and you may want to call your veterinarian. Also, if actual labor stops.After long hard laboring you may find that the puppy is presenting backwards,POMERANIAN REVIEW 37NOLAN POMERANIANSOFFERS3 year old black bitch freewhelper has had 3 puppies in each litter.Orange bitch puppy bom 6-22-77. Great bloodlines and will reach brood size. Sire Nolans Fancy Gold Dancer son of BIS winner CH. LIL GOLD DANCER OF OAKRIDGE. Dam Showstopper grand daughter of CH. DIXIELANDS STYLESTEPPER.Also have 2 new girls bom 8-3-77. They are grand daughters of our late Darin and we will keep one. Sire Nolans Cardinal Dragonfly son of CH. BONNERS KRISMAY CARDINAL Bayou. Dam Bayou grand daughter. Goes back to CH. CORNS DUKE DRAGONFLY 6 times in 5 generations.The Kenosha County Stud Book may be ordered by sending a check payable to KENOSHA COUNTY POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. to OVtrs. Elinor Luccas, Rte. 5, Box 395, Burlington, Wisconsin 53105. Amount 6.00.Congratulations to Joan Grant on her Kennel Visit.Chris Odette Nolan 41 Wisconsin AvenueWaukegan, Illonois 60085 312-623-6040breech. Usually puppies come into this hard contractions that is all you can seeworld head first belly down, with its still, or if the hind feet seem to comeback in line with its dams. Puppies vary out a bit and then recede you may wantgreatly in size at birth and a large puppy to help the dam yourself. Hopefully youand a small dam with a narrow pelvis is have assembled emergency equipment aa poor combination. When a breech birth week ahead of time and have it sterileis experienced, given a bit of time your and waiting. This equipment should condammay produce the puppy without any sist of scissors, thread, clamping forceps,help. However, if the dam has been sterile water, alcohol for sterilizing,working very hard and finally you can medical soap, electric heating pad, washsee the puppys hind feet, and after many cloths, terry towel, perhaps nursing38 POMERANIAN REVIEWequipment. Scrub up, if you have sterile rubber gloves use them, remembering that anything you touch can contaminate them. My veterinarian has told me soap is an excellent lubricant and also an antispetic. You might ask your veterinarians advice on this before an emergency is at hand.If you find the contractions are seemingly useless and you can see two hind feet, or perhaps can only feel them in an enclosed sac, grasp them with a sterile wash cloth and hold them so they will not slide back into the dam as the contractions lessen. If the puppy still does not come, put her up on a table on a clean rug or blanket to help you work easier. Your bitch will be very nervous and may resist, control can be gained by holding her tail and then get her between your arm and your body. For this procedure you may need a helper to hold the female in a standing position. We wait for the intermittent straining, push apart the lips of the vulva with the left hand from above the dog, with index finger and thumb on one side and the other three fingers on the other side. Using a newly sterilized finger with an encircling motion work up into the vulva and try to move up and around the thighs and rump of the puppy using some lubrication soap suds, oil, or etc. you will have brought down the puppys tail and the hips and the bulk is out, give the dam a few moments and she may expell the puppy now without further help. If not, you must work a couple of fingers around the puppys rump to the flanks and pull gently as the dam strains. The pull should be outward and slightly downward. The puppy now must come out.You will not injure the dam if you work gently with sufficient lubricant and the puppy will most likely survive if you get it out quickly enough. A minimum delay is necessary in a breech delivery for if the sac covering the puppy is tom the puppy may drown, or if compressed in the birth canal too long it will die. Regardless, if you have no veterinarian on hand it is better to get a breech puppy out dead or alive, and you may save other whelps to come, or even the bitch. Some puppies are exceptionally strong and will survive an unbelievable length of time and some are lost in a very short delay in delivery.A complication that is not often encountered is an upside down presentation. This can happen with a head or a breech delivery and one should get to a veterinarian if possible. This article is written however, for someone not able to reach a veterinarian and with the encouraging thought that we have seen them completed with live puppies to reward our efforts. This complication is of the feet, belly and head pointing upwards against the roof of the dams pelvis. I had one female deliver two in this manenr without any help whatsoever. However, I have had to deliver two breech and one head presentation this up-side down manner and all survived. The helping of the bitch is much the same as other deliveries except that you must do any tension exerting or pulling outward and upward at about a 45 angle instead of outward and downward. If a breech-upside-down presentation occurs the feet will probably be tucked under, or backwards on the belly and only a rump or tail is seen. You must draw the feet to their correct position one after the other give the dam a moment, she may expel it herself, if not grasp the feet and with an outward and upward tension work the puppy out. The puppy may hang up at the rib cage and need a little extra work getting it coming again. At this point you may be able to turn the puppy to its proper downward position, but do not spend too much time at trying this as by now it is nearly here and with a bit of more upward urging it should come.If you have an "upside-down head presentation the front feet will most likely be tucked down on the chest instead of out under the chin, this gives it much more girth and you will have to reach in and work first one front legPOMERANIAN REVIEW 39out and then the other, again this may be enough to let the puppy slide on out. If you still must pull remember to pull upward and outward. After the puppys chest is out it usually comes quite easily. If it turns to proper position at this point you can pull downward, if it doesnt turn but still has its feet pointing towards the ceiling keep urging it out with upward and outward motion. These are severe manipulations and ones best friend at this time is a veterinarian, but if necessary you can do it if you just get hold of your nerve and do it. Needless to say, you should have your little mother examined after such an experience, and she will most likely need antibiotics. Keep a close watch on her, take her temperature a couple of times a day. Feed her good nutritious food, but do not over do it with a lot of rich food she is not accustomed to as you could add a bad case of indigestion or diarrhia to her already traumatic experience.DELEGATE ContinuedIt seems like I am always writing to you after the fact, but the AKC Meetings and the Review deadline do not coincide, so by the time that you read this these are already either voted in our out.For those who receive the Gazette, if you see something of interest to you, or you have a strong feeling one way or the other, I would apperciate your dropping me a line. By having your input, it makes it easier for me to cast a vote, or ask questions.By the time you read this, the Summer Specialty will be history, but I hope that I get to see some of you there.WILL WE SEE YOU IN NEW YORK IN FEBRUARYCHILDREN AND POMSBy JUNE MOOREJust like to put a word in about children and Poms. Everything I have read has been against mixing the two.We are just hobby breeders. But for five years now we have bought and sold to where our females are of the very best bloodlines and looks.We also have two beautiful children who have helped us with everything from feeding, to helping out at whelping time. In fact I dont know how I would have done it without them.I of course realize all children are not the same. But I do believe, if you are selling your Poms to people with children all you have to do is lay down some strict rules.When we got our first Pom our kids were 4 and 7. Our first rule was and still is Never pick up a puppy unless you are sitting on the floor with it.We have only had a puppy dropped and hurt two times, in our five years of raising them. Both times it was a well meaning adult, not a child. They were both prospective buyers, who thought for some reason that a 7 week old puppy would sit on their lap. They didnt know how unpredictable a 7 week old puppy is.Of course the problem with an adult Pom is the hair. Some kids might understandably be tempted to pull it. But we have found that if you put a brush in their hands, it changes things. They either love it, or want nothing more to do with the hair.Problem number three is playing with the Pom. True you cant play rough with a Pom. You also shouldnt run with them, its too easy to trip over one just walking. Our kids play with our dogs by laying on the floor. The dogs jump all over them, and pull on their ears. No one gets hurt and its fun for everyone involved. Great fun for both. Also, they enjoy running after a ball just as much as any dog.Continued on Page 6640 POMERANIAN REVIEWBev-Nor Poms CongratulatesOUR CHAMPION FUDGEFudge Finished with 3-4-5 point majors owner handledCH. FUDGE CONGRATULATES DAUGHTERSBev-Nors Song of Camelot owner Gertrude Jacoby on RWB her 1st time out at the same show TAR-ZANNA finished with another 3 pt. major and her win the next day.Bev-Nors Sunshine of Dormalona owners Bill Pottabaum, Tom Danials on her Best Puppy in Match at Bay Colony at 16 mo. and 7 points towards her championship. She is Fudges 1st bom.We have several expectant litters due July-AugustCh. Edneys Little Patriot Ch. Randys Jolly Wee Peppi Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge Ch. Tom-Cins Tar-Zanna of LennisABOVE BREEDINGS will be Com Duke, Showstopper, Great Elms, Pepper Pod Lines. A few may be available.Beverly Norris 7747 Meadow Rd.Pasadena, Md. 21122 301-255-1343POMERANIAN REVIEW 41Bev-Nor Poms Congratulates OUR CHAMPION TAR-ZANNATAR-ZANNA Finished with a 3-4-3 pt major the last 2 majors while in whelp with puppies.TAR-ZANNA was shown 2 weekend shows when we got her, and started back again April 17, finished in 10 weeks winning the last 5 out of 6 shows. She was owner handled except towards the end when our good friend Marlene, of FAR- MAR Kennels showed her for us when we couldnt be there. THANKS MARLENETHANK YOU TOLennis Rhodes for Bev-Nors Big Bear Orange male Great Elms Lennis Rhodes for Bev-Nors Witchy Woman of Lennis, a black who at 7 mo. won BIM in Cleveland, Ohio. She is TAR-ZANNAs full sister from the last litter. THANKS LennisSadie Edney for Edneys Sweet N SassyRandy Freeh for that special attention you gave our bitch while having a romance with Peppi.BIG CONGRATULATIONS to everyone in Maryland for all wins, Championships and BIS.Bill Bev Norris Pasadena, Md. 211227747 Meadow Road 301-255-134342 POMERANIAN REVIEWixLe 5 MilLed Pc omeranianAD"BEST OFWINNERSBEST Of LICKING RIVER kennel CLUB,INC.APRIL 16,1977J KLEIN rr'"WINNERSBobbion AprilCH. PIXIES GOLDEN PARTY BOYis shown winning a 5 point major under Judge Mr. Kenneth Miller 16, 1977 at Licking River Kennel Club Show.Home Bred and owner handled Bobbi finished in fine style with two 5 point and one 3 point majors to his credit.See Pedigree in Behind the New ChampionsA Proven Stud with his first litter of black puppies now for sale.Carol A. Galavich Route 1, Box 37Pawhatan Point, Ohio 43942 Ph. 614-458-1705POMERANIAN REVIEW 43f^ixie S f-^tom ercin i cinS.j0-JiBest oi WinnersSCHOIA PHOTO CCH.PIXIES PRINCESS HOLLY subj. AKCHolly is shown winning a 3 point major at the Rubber City Kennel Club Show under Mr. Frank Landgraf. She is home bred and owner handled.Holly has always meant Special to us. First offspring for both her sire and dam. She won Group III at her first show at 8 months of age. She is a lovely house pet and companion to our first pom Pixie, now 15 years old.See Pedigree in Behind the New ChampionsCarol A. Galavich Rt. 1, Box 37Powhatan Pt., Ohio 43942 Ph. 614-458-170544 POMERANIAN REVIEWANNOUNCEMENTThe Board of Directors has approved the printing of a Special 20th Anniversary Issue of the Review, slated for publication next July. This will be in addition to the regular July Issue. Prepublication price will be S5.00, Deadline for ads and articles will be May 1, 1978, at which time advance orders'wiirinrrni'- nate. All books ordered after May 1,1978 will cost 7.95. Please make all checks and money orders payable to the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. and remit WITH ORDER to Circulation Manager Mrs. Patricia D. Brooks address on Page 3 with notation For Annivesary Issue.We plan to have our Review Staff select what is in their opinion the Best Article of each year that the Review has been in existence, with the number of such articles actually printed dependent on 1. the number of supporting adsand advance sales of issue and 2. the length of the articles themselves, i.e. if an exceptionally long article is selected for one year, possibly a very short article would folllow.We have written to 'two of our former Review Editors, Lt. Col. James Arima and Mrs. Ruth H. Bellick, asking them for articles. Mrs. Victoria Sweeney passed away in 1968. We also hope to contact several long-time Pom breeders for their thoughts on progress of the breed and the American Pomeranian Club over the years. We also plan to ask a number of prominent veteran judges for their comments.We hope very much that we can find interested Pom fanciers to help support the cost of this project with advertising. Anyone familiar with printing costs will surely understand that the announced pre-publication price will not cover the entire cost of such an ambitious undertaking We would like, especially, memorial ads with pictures honoring Poms of the Past, whether Best in Show winners or lovely puppies or broods, etc., representative of a breeders or ownersstock. Of course we also need many ads in honor of LIVING Poms In summation, we would like to have a complete display of Poms down through the years. We would also like ads In Memory of People no longer living who have had influence on the progress of the breed or the Club.Advertising rates will be the same as usual Review rates, with this EXCEPTION We plan to make available to just FOUR advertisers the Cover, Back Cover and Inside Front and Back Covers IN FULL COLOR, at a cost to be announced in the January Issue but probably in the 150 range. The advertiser taking the Cover will have an inside page on which to tell the Cover Story. Here is a rare chance to show those beautiful Poms in all their natural glory If more than four people desire color ads, it is possible we could arrange for it. The full color pages must be printed by the Offset Method, and we plan to have our cover printed on heavier paper, so we are only offering 4 color pages at this time.Oh yes Hopefully this will come as a surprise to her we plan to REVISIT Ruth Beams Great Elms Kennels, visited in our very first Review in June of 1958. We feel sure that everyone who knows Ruth or owns or has owned Great Elms Poms will want to send in a congratulatory ad.To re-cap Send your order and 5.00 check any time before May 1 to reserve your copy of the Anniversary Issue. Send your ads and pictures with check ANY TIME before May 1. We will NOT hold your checks but will process them promptly. To reserve a Color Page, or the Cover, send check for 150 NOW, balance if any will be due by May 1. Any overpayment will be refunded. Send all ads to the Advertising Manager, specify For Anniversary Issue.The only NEW articles accepted will be the Cover Story, a limited number of letters for Yips Yaps and of course the Kennel Visit and comments from invited writers.POMERANIAN REVIEW 45TWIN PINESA New Name In Poms Remember The Name In The East Coast ShowsOUR FIRST LITTER-OUR FIRST CHAMPIONCH. LIL-JON SQUIRE OF MT. VERNONThanks to Jean Lade who ALWAYS does a beautiful handling job. Thanks also to these judgesMrs. Lane Mrs. Billings Mrs. BakerDr. Huggins Mrs. Hartley Mr. StineMr. HenselIf Its Coat You Need Here Tis INQUIRIES INVITEDTwin Pines Pomeranians Lillian John CribhsRoute 1, Box 177C Doswell, Virginia 23047 804-876-364346 POMERANIAN REVIEWBehind The New ChampionsThree generation pedigrees of new Pom champions belonging to members of the American Pomeranian Club will be printed free, if sent in by the owner. Photograph and additional details as to owner, breeder and short summary of the show career not more than 4 lines will be published upon receipt of 10.50 and the glossy print. Should a cut of the dog be on file with the Review, the charge is 4.50.CH. SCOTIA DOLLYS DANDY SIBYL, bred by Edna E. Girardot and owned by Erin Phil Hundley, Lynwood, Washington. Dolly is an orange female and is awaiting her first litter._________Int. Ch. Rhapsody of Hadleigh Ch. Hadleigh Little Robin Hadleigh Golden Trixie Ch. Lunds Just Dandy of Hadleigh SireCh. Elsie's Little Yogi Bear Lund's Adorable Chubby Elsie's Thumbelina Doll Ch. McKamey's Sundawn Commander Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Wee Coquette of Shawn Ch. Scotia Cavaliers Hello Dolly DamInt. Ch. Sungold's Sensational Kid Ch. Sunset's Personal Conquest Princess AtonyaCH. BLOSSOM VIEW MADAM BUTTERFLYParti-color female Breeder Alice Davis Owner Mrs. J. L. Weltz Santa Cruz, Ca.Ch. Adonis of Point Loma Ch. Shawn of Point Loma Roxanna of Point Loma Shawns Blossom View Danny Boy Sire Messers Topper All-Star's Pearl AglowAll-Stars Something Special All-Stars Blossom View Flame Ce-Lous Lil Cavs Nic-Nac Ce-Lous Caviliers Wonder Davis Little Suzie DamMessers All-Star Do-Nut Davis Little ShebaMarie's Golden SunshineCH. POMIRISH BUBBLES LIL SQUIRTOrange male Breeder, Sally Baugniet Owners, Robert Sally Baugniet Mishicot, WisconsinCh. Corn's Duke Dragonfly Ch. Randys Duke of Dragonfly Macs Fancyduke Wee Wendy Ch. Kandys lomirish Super Sport Sire Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Mac's Starduke's Gay Bunny PamTuff Star of Disheroon Ch. Model's Son of Fun Ch. Roanoke's Melanie Magic Little Bit of Honey II Ch. Varneys Bubbles Up, C.D. DamCh. Scotia Caviliers Dream Boy Scotia Rare Coins LollypopCh. Scotia Caviliers Rare CoinREADERS YIPS YAPS IS YOUR SOUNDING BOARD FOR VOICING OPINIONS WHY DONT YOU LET US ALL KNOW WHAT YOU ARE EXPERIENCING OR THINKINGPOMERANIAN REVIEW 47CH. PIXIES GOLDEN PARTY BOYOrange maleBreeder-Owner, Carol A. Galavich Powhatan Point, OhioArmstrongs Wee Hi Jink Wee Danny StarArmstrongs ScooterCan. Am. Ch. Wilma's Golden Party Boy SireMils Bobbi Do Do Wee Red Lady StarBurkholders Sheila Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Ch. Bonners Pepperkorn Aristic Mighty Cute Aristibelle of Highland DamChilibeans Velvet Chipper Highland Miss MuffetMcCutchan's Little FluffyCH. BONNERS STARLYNETTE DESTINYMaleBreeder-Owner, Dorothy D. Bonner San Antonio, TexasCh. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Ch. Bonners Darlastyle Xmas Toy Bonners Darladee Gold Smoke Ch. Bonner's Kristin Starmist SireCh. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Ch. Bonners Pepper-K-Goldmist Aristic Mighty Cute Ch. Bonners Darlastyle Xmas Toy Ch. Bonners Kristin StarmistCh. Bonners Pepper-K Goldmist Bonners Starlyn Modette DamCh. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Bonners Styletess Modiste Bonners PeppertessCH. POMIRISH CANDY CANEOrange sable female BreeerOwner, Sally Baugniet Mishicot, WisconsinCh. Corns Duke Dragonfly Ch. Randy Duke of Dragonfly Macs Fancy duke Wee Wendy Ch. Randy's Pomirish Super Sport SireCh. Corns Duke Dragonfly Macs Stardukes Gay BunnyPam Tuff Star of Disheroon Ch. Bonners Darlastyle X-Mas Toy Ch. Bonners Krismay Cardinal Makens Lil Nip of Ly Bel Ch. Pomirish Miss Lick DamCh. Scotia Cavs Spectacular Scotia Double Gr Da OCavilierCh. Scotia Cavs Lay-A-Wey BrochureCH. MAY MORNING PIE IN THE SKYRed sable female Breeder-Owner, Sophie H. Mayes West Chester, Pa.Ch. Blairs Solitaire Ch. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Susie Q.May Morning Moonwalker SirePomwin Tigie Pomwin BusybodyModels Lady Ethel LaRitas Johney Come Lately Am. Can. Ch. Goldpaz Jonnie Midnight Beachs Midnight Angel May Morning Legacy of Jonnie DamCh. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Kissin Cousin Creiders Little May QueenCH. JULIES STARBRIGHTRed femaleBreeder-Owner, Julie Brumback Harrisonburg, Va.Ch. Great Elms Little Timstopper Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Great Elms Little Debbie II Ch. Model's Son of Fun SireCh. Great Elms Little Buddy Models Red AmberCh. Models Magic Spell Ch. Great Elms Little Timstopper Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Great Elms Little Debbie II Julies Starlight Susan DamCh. Model's Son of Fun Julies Stardust AndeCh. Caviller Starlight StarbrightCH. SCOTIA CLEMS JOHNBOY GILDAOrange femaleBreeder-owner, Edna E. Girardot Floral City, Fla.Ch. Sungolds Cavilier Ch. Scotia Cavs SpectacularCh. Sunset's Personal Conquest Scotia Specky Trudie Johnboy SireCh. Jans Wee Fire Bug Ch. Royal Trudie of Lane-Marr Royal Honeydew Ch. Hadleigh Little Robin Scotia Iodine Robins Chris Archways Little Iodine Scotia Rare Coins Clementine DamCh. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Ch. Scotia Cavaliers Rare Coin Ch. Scotia Coin Box48 POMERANIAN REVIEWCM. BROWNS LUCKY LIL SUZY LOVEOrange FemaleBreeder-Owner Wilma Jean Brown Indianapolis, IndianaCh. Millamors Mark Of Dixieland Ch. Browns Fancypepper MarkCh. Bonner's Fancyflame Pepper-B Ch. Browns Gambling Man SireCh. Jeribeths Dragonfly Deuce Millamor's Magic DragonCh. Millamors Magic Box Wee Won's Golden Glow Aristic Pampered Lil Paddy Maykens Cherry Belle Bonners Pampered lil Cookie DamCh. Bonners Tiny Showstopper Aristic Ginger Cookie Aristic GigiCH. SISSONS AMBERINO JOEOrange male Breeder Barry Warren Owner Ann Welshinger Superior, WisconsinCh. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Ch. Scotia Cavaliers Billy Joe Beland Little Sandra Billy Joe-Jo SireCh. Ken-Gay Milo Peanut Ken-Gay Merribell Peanut Ken-Gays Merribell Ch. Scotia Cavaliers Billy Joe Billy Joe-JoKen-Gay Merribell Peanut Tiny Teardrops II DamLil Doodle Bug Sun Diddle BugWarrens ApplaCH. PIXIES PRINCESS HOLLYRed femaleBreeder-Owner, Carol A. Galavieh Powhatan Pt., OhioCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Model's Son of Fun Models Red Amber Julies Star Ben SireCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Julie's Starlight Susan Julie's Stardust Ande Ch. Sunwink of Highland Ch. Silver Meadows TigerSilver Meadows Lady Taffy Silver Meadows Cinder Mist DamCh. Highland Sunflash Silver Meadows Chimney Sweep Silver Meadows GeraldineJOHNNY PLEASE READAnd AH You Other Subscribers, Please Read and Try to RememberWe feel like a broken record the SAME THING over and over and over and . . . OVER, in almost every issue Please read Page 3, any issue, for Ad Rates and Rules, i.e. ALL ADS are to be prepaid. INCLUDE payment for cut, if any. Some have asked, What is a cut Since the Review is printed by the Letter Press method, a half-tone metal engraving has to be made of each picture to be reproduced. We need a GLOSSY PRINT of the picture. We prefer Black White it reproduces BEST. But most show photos are now in color. Color pictures CAN be used, but may not reproduce as well. Clear snapshots or Polaroid prints CAN be used. No matter what size for the FINISHED CUT, the rule is the larger the better for the picture. If you have an 8 X 10 show picture SEND THAT, not a small copy. The key word is clear. The reproduction cannot be better than the original Do not ask us to enlarge a small picture it will not be nearly as good as it will be a little fuzzy in outline.We CANNOT USE negatives or Scotchprints intended for offset printing, or layouts made for offset to be photographed directly from the copy. This is another type of printing.Charge for minimum size cut is 6.00. This covers the cost of mailing back your picture. Next usual size is UP TO 2X3 inches and costs 7.50. A 3 X 4 inch cut costs 10.00. Larger sizes at additional cost, of course. If you want a LARGE SIZE CUT but dont know the cost, send 6.00, tell us what size you want and we will bill you for the additional amount.Do NOT cut or mutilate your picture or mark with ink the part of the picture to be used. Make a mask or overlay with plain paper, cutting a correct-size opening to show what we are to use. OR, if you dont have time for that, take a crayon or grease pencil and markPOMERANIAN REVIEW 49OAKCREST POMERANIANS Announces a new ChampionCHAMPION SILVER MEADOWS TOM-TOM3Tommy shown going BB over SpecialA sincere thanks to all the judges who saw the qualities in Tommy that make him a Champion. Also to his breeder Jacquelyn Klein who has bred many nice Poms.Tommy finished with a 4 pt major. Hes a proven stud. Pedigree and fee on request.OwnerGloria Setmayer 496 Cedar Lane201-652-9327 Paramus, N.J. 07652LIGHTLY the edges of part to be used. Grease marks will rub off a glossy surface, after publication.Please IDENTIFY your photograph by writing LIGHTLY on the back the name of the Pom, name and address of owner and any other information that is not already included in your ad, for instance the caption for a Best of Breed or other Specialty win to be used in connection with a writeup.Please send your pictures in either a regular cardboard photo mailer or a plain envelope with a STIFF piece of cardboard to protect the picture, and write on the front in large letters, Photograph Please Do Not Bend or Fold. You would be amazed to see what the Post Office can do to a large envelope not sufficiently protected or markedDEADLINE NOVEMBER 2050 POMERANIAN REVIEWIntroducing . . .ANNONS POMERANIANSTomstopper, Showstopper, Corns Duke and some Aristic bloodlines.Several bitches in whelp some puppies from these breedings will be available for your consideration. Blacks, orange, red and sables.Arm Cannon10504 Crockett Road Nokesville, Virginia 22123 703-368-1341MAY MORNING POMERANIANSIN LOVING MEMORY Ch. May Morning Hokus Pokus April 21, 1969 July 3, 1977Am. Can. Ch. Goldpaz Jonnie Midnightex. Ch. May Morning Black Magica\ '-.s' ..Vr Webelieve Hokie and his litter sister, Ch. May Morning Bewitching Witch to be the ONLY two BLACK champions with BLACK champion sire and dam.We found Hokie curled up and asleep forever in his bed. He had not been sick and we feel sure he did not suffer."Wizard and Switch, his brother and sister, are still very much alive.POMERANIAN REVIEW 51DavonShire Honey Gold 9 mos.All English Hadleigh bredVFirst time ever shown at large all breed match. We have high hopes for Judy.Have just imported three lovely bitches from the Hadleigh Kennel in England.Puppies and young adults from English lines available.DavonShire Knl. Reg.5726 Farragut St. Hollywood, FI. 33021 305-987-5126ZUMBA POMERANIANSWe have sold everything we had advertised. We hope to have some litters byChristmas. From our new boy Adora Wee Legacy, we also have added Mskennel mate, Adora Dainty Doll. Their son is pictured in tMs Review. Dolly andToy are Adora breeding. WMch we are proud to add to our breeding programand Thank Marge Gorman for helping us get them. We hope to produce some future show stars, from tMs line.Inquiries always welcomePhyllis ZumbaumR. R. 1, Box 89605-673-4961Zumba PomeraniansCuster, S.D.52 POMERANIAN REVIEWHELPFULHINTSByMARGARET M. GORMAN 31134 East Wind Fraser, Mi. 48026The column this quarter is devoted to the care of the newborn. I am presently working in a neo-natal intensive care unit. Many of the principles that apply to human infants, also apply to Pomeranian newborns. I was surprised to find how many intensive care practices Pomeranian breeders regularly employ. We cannot save all puppies, because some have defects incompatible with life. We can have a fighting chance with healthy, tiny or premature puppies by using a few simple principles.Stress is the greatest danger to the newborn. A slowly delivered breech puppy who does not breath right away and who becomes chilled, has suffered three serious stresses, any one of which could trigger changes that endanger him. The changes follow a similar pattern. First there is a drop in blood sugar which leads to breathing problems and eventually death.Many puppies are chilled, because they come into the world wet and have poor temperature regulation. They should be warmed by placing them in warm water, dried thoroughly and placed on a heating pad. The next need is sugar, which can be fed as sugar water or more quickly by placing honey under the tongue. The blood vessels under the tongue absorb honey through the membrane taking the needed sugar directly to the brain, which has the greatest need for sugar of any organ of 'the body. By using these simple techniques we can stop the chain reaction so dangerous to tiny and premature Pomeranians.Poorly regulated heating pads are not only a danger to puppies but can be afire hazard to your home. Check the thermostats regularly as they do wear out eventually. The heating pad should be well padded with newspaper and never feel hot to the touch, only warm. The overheated newborn will lie on his back, cry and have a beet red tongue. Usually, the mouth is open. The heating pad should be replaced and the new one set on low and padded adequately.The safest way to tube feed a tiny premature puppy is to follow the usual procedure of marking the tube with tape after measuring the distance between the nose and the umbilical cord and inserting the tube. Instead of injecting the milk with syringe, allow it to drain in by gravity. There is less danger of overloading the stomach this way. The tube should be pinched before removing to avoid getting milk into the lungs.Margaret McKee of Richmond, Virginia sent us the following hints Pot likker pot liquor is the liquid which remains in the pot after cooking vegetables. It is rich in vitamins, minerals and flavor and can be used to moisten dry food. The dogs love it. In the Colonial South it was given to sick children. For measuring very small doses of medicines such as heartworm preventative use a TB syringe, which is marked in tenths of a cubic centimeter. It is also plastic and disposable.We are always pleased to receive hints for the column, since it makes writing much easier, but we are also pleased to hear from breeders who have tried the hints and who take time out to let us know that they worked for them.KENNEL VISITIn January, we will visit the Tomanoll Kennel of Miss Opal Mosher in Waco, Texas. We feel sure the many Pom breeders and owners in this huge state will want to support her visit with complimentary ads and also let us know of their own outstanding Poms Time to BRAG, TexansPOMERANIAN REVIEW 53MIDAS POMERANIANS INTRODUCESMIDAS TOUCH OF SERENITYSireCh. Dixieland Little BagatelleDamBonners Beautiful TangerineSerenitySerenity is pictured at age 10 months. She is a 5 lb. light orange doll with super-heavy coat. She is now being shown.Serenitys half-sister, Midas Touch Tiffany DCheelan, owned by Karen Holder,will be shown soon.We are pleased to announce a welcome addition to our Pom family Ch. Parkas Penstyle Robynhood, bred by Leslie Parker.Robyns sire is Ch. Bonners Sunstyle Brilliance, his dam is Bonners Smoky Penny. Robyn is a 4 lb. dark orange with excellent coat texture, good dark points, a short back and substantial bone.We thank Joann Vestal for Robyn he complements our girls and theirpedigrees nicely.We have for sale a lovable throwback, Midas Lovin Spoonful. Shes super sweet, super smart and super sized ... all 9 lbs. of herJon Roberta MasseyTemporaryNewAddress3440 Patzke Lane Racine, Wisconsin 53405 414-633-096954 POMERANIAN REVIEWCH. CHIPS OF DIAMONDCongratulates his younger brother Emcees Solid Gold Diamond on his wins\XXvBEST OF BREED OR VARIETYmountaineerkennel club showphotos Vo alvepsonBest in Match Albermarle Kennel Club 5 months of ageBest of Winners 6 months Skyline Kennel ClubBest of Breed and Third in group placement 7 months at Mountaineer Kennel Club under Dr. Harold Huggins.A SPECIAL THANKS TORUTH BEAM for Emcees Satina of Great Elms LENNIS RAINES for Emcees Adorable Margarita MEDIA WINSLOW for Emcees Negrita LindaEMCEES POMERANIANSMorris and Betty Carson Ashland, Virginia 230056208 Pochins Pathway 804 798-7782POMERANIAN REVIEW 55Ch. Tennis's Tar Baby of Great ElmsAnd his sonTenniss Tasmanian Devili'--.4. ' -- 'Ch. Tar and I wanted you to see Ms litter of 7 out of our 5V2 lb. bitch Tiger. In all,4 Black Tans, 2 sables and 1 orange. TMs is the largest litter we have ever had or heard of and we wanted you to see them.As we write this, we have 21 puppies and more on the way. Several of these will be for sale. State your wants clearly. JZColors red, sable, orange, chocolate, chocolate tan, black tan, black, cream and wolf sable.Congratulations to Beverly Norris and her new champion.Tom Cins Tar Zanna of Lennis.Lennis Raines Rt. 2, Box 205615-581-8947 Morristown, Term. 3781456 POMERANIAN REVIEWDALLAS-FORT WORTH POMERANIAN CLUBMRS. JEWEL ELLIS, SecretaryAt this writing our club is making a final preparations for its Specialty to be held on September 24,1977. Our judge is Mrs. Lois Holcomb. The location is in Grand Prairie, Texas which is an ideal location. The building is a nice size with plenty of space for grooming area etc., has nice clean restrooms, kitchen facilities, linoleum tile on the floor with beautiful colored lights overhead. It also has a platform or stage at one end for the veterinarian headquarters and the show secretary. Parking area will accomodate 170 cars. We hope to be able to hold our Fall shows at this location each year.The clubs June picnic was enjoyed by all. The barbecued beef which everyone commented on was tender and delicious, and there was everything you could think of to go with it. We were pleased to have some of our out of town members attend. We had a very good tum-out, the house was full to overflowing.The club held a B Match in support of the SPCA on August 6, 1977. Best Puppy in Match and Best in Match went to Carla Prewitts GOLDEN WINDS LIL TRINKET, and Best Adult in Match went to Mildred G. Patricks PATRICKS MISS BIT OSUGAR. Our judge was Mr. Charles Smith of Dallas, Texas.Other show wins were Jean Sylvester Chris McClungs CH. RUSSELLS FOX FLAME TYNEE won the Toy Group at Lawton, Oklahoma and their POM CHRISS FIREBALL, AUFO went WB, BW, BOS at El Reno, Oklahoma and their TIM SUES FANDANGO went WD at the same show.Geraldine Sealys PRINCESS OF GOLDEN ACRES won the Breed and Group II at a Plan A Match in Irving, Texas, and also won WB, BOS at Cleburne, Texas and WB at Denton, Texas and WB at Fort Smith, Arkansas.Opal Moshers CH. MACS LITTLE BIT OF PERFECTION won Group II at Cleburne, Texas, BOS at Baton Rouge and Group II at Little Rock, Arkansas.Frances Freeman and Lee Grunewalds THIS TIME FOR SURE OF POM GROVE went WD and BW at Baton Rouge, Louisiana and WD, BW at Pine- bluff, Arkansas and BB, Group II at Memphis, Tennessee.Norma C. Gads CH. ROBINHOOD CHULA DARK FLAME went BB at Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Group I at Denton, Texas and BOS at Fort Smith, Arkansas.Susan Y. Ferguson and Mrs. B. G. McDonalds SUSAN HIKARUGENJI-NO- KIMI went WD, BW at Apaloosa, Louisiana.New Champions are CH. WOOD- ROSES TUFF STUFF, owned by Clarice M. Oganeku and CH. TOMANOLLS JULIET and CH. MACS LITTLE BIT OF PERFECTION both of which are owned by Opal Mosher.THE POMERANIAN CLUB OF MICHIGAN Detroit AreaBy MARGARET M. GORMAN 31134 East Wind Fraser, Mi. 48026On behalf of Patrick H. DeLoughary, The Pomeranian Club of Michigan would like to thank The American Pomeranian Club and the members who sent expressions of sympathy on the death of Pats wife, Helen M. DeLoughary.We wish Lyda Gamer a speedy recovery from her recent surgery.Josephine F. Fleishman, one of our founding members, has moved to Apache Junction, Arizona. We know shell be thinking warm thoughts when she hears the Michigan weather reports next winter. The Gormans have acquired the Fleishman Pomeranians.Our Club has lost breeders over the summer who have had a variety of reasons for getting out of Poms. A common theme echoed by them and others who have considered quitting Poms is the difficulty in raising puppies. We would be interested in hearing from other clubs who might have faced this problem and what steps they took to correct it.POMERANIAN REVIEW 57BROWNS POMERANIANSVCH. BROWNS LUCKY LIL SUZY LOVEShown completing her campionship with a 5 point major under Mr. Kenneth Miller at Licking River KC April 16, 1977.She obtained a 4 point major under Mrs. Kay Radklif at Hoosier KC.Other wins were under Mr. J. Rowe, Mr. E. Klinckhardt, Mr. T. Wurmser, Mrs. J. E. Clark and Mrs. H. Hartley.Thanks to all judges for making this possible.She finished her title entirely owner-handled.Pedigree Behind New ChampionsOffering for saleMale Show-Stud Prospect. One year old.Sire Ch .Browns Fancypepper Mark Dam Millamors Magic DragonAlso, Champion Sired male and female, whelped July 2,1977Inquiries Invited Details on RequestMrs. Wilma Jean Brown 8820 Rockville Rd.Indianapolis, Indiana 46234 Ph 317-247-964458 POMERANIAN REVIEWKENOSHA COUNTY POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.By ODETTE NOLAN 41 Wisconsin Avenue Waukegan, III. 60085We are planning a Sanctioned. B Match hopefully September 10, 1977 with the permission of AKC. This will be one day before the Kenosha K.C. first licensed show so anyone planning to attend that show at Carthage College in Kenosha could come one day early and attend our Match at the home of members Elinor Lucius Luccas at Burlington, Wisconsin. We will have puppies from two months up and puppies and adults will not compete. There will be a Parade of Champions later. With the cooperation of the weather this should be a very pleasant day on the banks of the Fox River west of Silver Lake Road. Luells Kennels has spacious grounds, lots of shade trees and plenty of parking space. We plan to eat after the Match at Howard Johnsons on nearby 1-94.Chris and I managed to get to Arkansas and enjoyed meeting the people from there and also Pom people from Texas and Oklahoma. We attended the Pine Bluff Show where we met Tonia ONeill and her family although we had written and talked to them on phone for several years. At the show site we had arranged to meet Jean Sylvester and Chris McClung from Oklahoma City.From there we went on to the Memphis Show where we had a lovely dinner and met Sally Sajonce, Dorothy White, Marjorie Lewis. Also met again from Texas Lee Grunewald and her gorgeous This Time For Sure of Pom Grove and capable handler John Metz.Thoroughly enjoyed meeting all these lovely Pom people even though going from our climate to theirs at the end of May is a real BLAST. It was the first we had needed our air conditioner this season and since we were in a strange area of course it didnt work It took four days to get it to work but it took three and a half days just findingsomeone to work on an air conditioner. Its hard enough to find capable help in an area where you are acquainted almost impossible in a strange one.The Stud Book is finally completed and will be in the mail very soon thanks to some of the members who really took over as I got sick in Arkansas and ended up in hospital as soon as we got home. Without those already overworked gals it would not be done yet and they have my sincere gratitude. If you did not have a pedigree entered in the book and would like one anyway they may be purchased by sending 6.00 to Mrs. Elinor Luccas, Rte. 5, Box 395, Burlington, WI 53105. Please make checks payable to The Kenosha County Pomeranian Club, Inc.REQUESTIn response to the request of a Board Member that we print some poetry in place of the Editorial, we share with you an untitled stanza written by Robert Louis Stevenson which we consider very appropriateBright is the ring of words When the right man rings them,Fair the fall of songsWhen the singer sings them.Still they are carolled and said On wings they are carried After the singer is dead And the maker buried.AMERICANPOMERANIAN CLUB, INC.This club is devoted to encouraging th owning, breeding and exhibiting of the Pomeranian dog and the protection and advancement of the breed.We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims.If you are interested in joining the Club, please contact the Secretary, or if you only wish to subscribe to the Review contact the circulation manager, Address on page 3, Review.POMERANIAN REVIEW 59PHYNER TIGER BURNING BRIGHT Mahogany-redsableSv'.v.-.--'-1iipryV V-.,' ^. T- . _ W.D. B.O.W.Santa Barbara K. C. 73177 3 pts.Under respected multi-breed Judge Pom specialist, Kazumassa Igarashi.Tigers other wins under noted JudgesKay Finch W.D. B.O.W. Sir Francis Drake K. C. 76 James L. Vaughters W.D. B.O.W. Contra Costa K. C. 61277 Marie Smith W.D. B.O.S. Chico K. C. 61877 Langdon Skarda W.D., B.O.W. B.O.B. Two Cities K. C. 62677 Proven Sire of Show Quality Puppies.Sire Creiders Navajo Britches 14 pts.Dam Amer. Can. Ch. Phyner Black QueenaireOwners HandlerDr. Mrs. Lawrence M. Trauner 2025 Lyon St.San Francisco, Cal. 94115Michael A. Jackson P.O. Box 1268 Morgan Hill, Ca. 95037 408-779-620160 POMERANIAN REVIEWPOMIRISH KENNELSOur FOR SALE PageSee July 77 Review issues Stud Directory for sire pedigrees.1. Wh. 6-6-77 Female. Sire Ch. Squirt ex Pomirish Sports Fancy Free DukeScotia-GreatElms2. Wh. 7-24-77 Female. Sire Pomirish Pooh Bears Tigger ex Ch. Sissy of Lenette.Scotia-Hadleigh-Gt. Elms3. Pomirish Yankee Doodle Dandy Wh. 7-2-76. Sire BIS. Ch. D-Nees DarinDinadan ex D-Nees D-Lite of Pomirish 3V orange male. 2 pts. plus 3 RWD from puppy class. 2 were 4 5 pt. shows. One the Western Pom Specialty. Gt. Elms-Scotia-Hadleigh4. Wh. 8-17-76 Sire Ch. Sport ex Raggedy Ann of Lenette. Male 5 orange Huge Coat Show Potential Duke-Gt. Elms5. Wh. 4-25-77 Repeat breeding that produced Ch. Pomirish Bubbles Lil Squirt.Sold Breeding repeated again.Other litters due Some repeat breeding of Champion producers. Scotia, Duke, Great Elms, Bonner and Hadleigh Lines.Dick Sally Baugniet Route 1, Box 99Ph. 414-755-2994 Mishicot, Wi. 54228POMERANIAN REVIEW 61POMIRISH KENNELSPOMERANIANS NORWICH TERRIERS IRISH SETTERSProudly Announces a New Star, a New Champion, a New Canadian ChampionOur BRAG PageCh. Pomirish Bubbles BPl Squirt D Am. Can. Ch. Pomirish Winnie The Pooh Blf rIJCh. Pomirish Candy Cane BWe went to Thunder Bay, Ontario with Ch. Pomirish Winnie The Pooh and came home with Am., Can. Ch. Winnie The Pooh. She went Group First the 2nd and 3rd days. Ch. Squirt went Group First the 1st day at Thunder Bay. We came home from Canada with 3 Group Firsts The trip was beautiful Ch. Squirt has placed Gp. 2 Gp. 3 in the Midwest since becoming a new champion.Ch. Pomirish Candy Cane finished completely owner - handled with 4 majors. Thanks to the judges who put up a good brood size free-whelping bitch.3 pts. 2 pts.Mrs. Dorothy S. Welsh4 pts.Mrs. Yan Paul5 pts.Mr. Harvey Berman 3 pts.Mrs. Joan AlexanderFLASH Ch. Squirt went Group 3 under Mrs. James Clark at Sturgis, MichiganDick Sally Baugniet Ph 414-755-2994Route 1, Box 99 Mishicot, Wi. 5422862 POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE PUGET SOUND POMERANIAN CLUBJESSIE M. STEPHENSThanks to Erin Hundley your last reporter for this column, for the chance to write for 'the Pomeranian Review. I think she filled you in on our activities in dogs which have spanned more than 20 years both exhibiting and taking part in many Clubs throughout our travels in many countries. I can only say that my list of people who have so kindly written through the years grows steadily bigger. We have enjoyed our stay in the Pacific Northwest and will be returning to the East where our real interest in the Pom was fostered by seeing Jessie Young of Jabil Poms and her lovely little Dandy Lion, a very dedicated breeder and sincere person who really cares about her dogs. It will be good to meet with her again. Many people in the Northwest are upgrading the Pom. So good to see Mrs. Elva McGilbry of the Golden Glow Poms back in the ring and winning again. Good Luck in the future and many more Champions to your deserved credit. My husband and I have both enjoyed the hospitality of these fine people. In the South Seattle area we have Helen Krafcik with her Tiffany Poms. This is a really well run hobby kennel, with a mine of information on pedigress and the history of the breed. Some nice puppies will be coming out soon, so good luck Helen. Nora Higbee, also now has new kennels and is coming up with some good ones too. This is one busy lady, who has many interests, but still finds time to show. Mary Rosenbaum also is planning her future to the best. Mary is a talented painter and they also have horses which they show with success. All the kennels have Champions to boast on. So pitch in there and lets see you all in the ring.The Columbia Pom Club, held in Portland. Mr. Darrel Baker did us the honour of judging, with real understanding of Toys. BOB to Mary Rosenbaums Ch. Bi Mars Happy Hooker. WD BW Dolores Riggens Starjoy Lusus Kris. WB Mrs.McGilbrys Golden Glow Tammie, another Ch. for this kennel. BOS from the veterans Class. Who says the oldies cant do it Jean Sehrolls Holders a lil Red Flash. Best Puppy C P Andrews Pics Im Jimbos Me Too.June 4th Portland Kennel Club Judge Winifred Nishimura. C P Andrews Ch. Pics Jimbo BOB, also gr. 4. WD BW Ruth Dotsons Sundots Rambling Sun, BOS Erin Hunleys Ch. Scotia Dollys Dandy Sybil.June 5th Vancouver Kennel Club. Judge Betty Krouse. BOB Mrs. E. McGilbrys Ch. Golden Glow Pepper. Gr. 2. WD BW Dolores Riggins Riggins Starjoy Lusus Kris, WB BOS Dolores Riggins Krisweet Joy.Tacoma Kennel Club Judge Mr. T. Stevenson, June 12th. BOB Florence Ryals Ch. Skylark Cinnamon Banner, handled as always by Jean Schroll. BW Mrs. McGilbrys Golden Glow Prince, WB Mary Rosenbaums Happy Troubles. BOS same owners Ch. BI Mars Happy Hooker.July 3rd Greater Clark Kennel Club, Bellingham Judge Dr. F. Booth. BOBFlorence Ryals Ch. Skylark Cinammon Banner, WD BW Irene Harbins Scotia Bend of Harbin, WB BOS same owners Andrews Almost an Angel.Longview Kelso Kennel Club Judge Keith Brown. BOB Mrs. E. McGilbrays Ch. Golden Glow Pepper, WD same owners Golden Glow Nip. WB BW BOS Margaret Klingbeils La Moda Pixie O- Tartan.Seattle Kennel Club Aug. 7th. BOB Irenen Harbins Andrews Almost an Angel, also WB BW WD BOS same owners Scotia Bend of Harbin.Puget Sound Pomeranian Club Match Sat. 13th Aug. Judge Kay Maggnuson. BIM Irene Harbins Harbins Indestructible Jim, BOS Virginia Neihouse So High Gala Jubilee, Best puppy Irene Harbins Andrews Almost an Angel. Many nice puppies were out at this match, with some new faces. A lovely spread of food, all under the guidance Continued on Page 72POMERANIAN REVIEW 63BI-MAR POMERANIANS PROUDLY PRESENTS'A ViCH. BI-MARS HAPPY HOOKER OF JJSire Ch. Scotia Cavaliers Jungle Jim Dam Gaybit of Bi-Mar My CheriBy Ch. Holders A lil Bed Flash Going Best of Breed under Judge Darrell W. Baker at the Columbia PomeranianSpecialty on 6-3-77, handled by owner 31 entries. Happy was Best of Opposite Sex at the Tacoma K.C. Show on 6-12-77 and congratulates her kid sister, BI-MARS HAPPY TROUBLE OF JJ for going Winners Bitch that day under Judge Tom Stevenson.SURPRISE . . . SURPRISE . . . MORE LITTLE HOOKERS ON THE WAY. On July 7, 1977 Happy whelped 2 puppies by CH. SHELLCRESTSREVELSUN SPARK who was 2nd top show Pom in 1972.FUTURE BREEDINGS GAYBIT OF BI-MAR MY CHERI Happys mother will be bred in the near future along with . . . BI-MAR CRICKET BY JJ OF ANDREWS Happys full sister who has show placement only time shown. THANKS TO PHYLLIS ANDREWS for sellingCRICKET back to us.PUPPIES from above breedings will be for sale.BYRL MARY ROSENBAUM 36520 28th Avenue SouthPhone 206-927-2369 Federal Way, Washington 9800364 POMERANIAN REVIEWITS ALL IN THE FAMILYAM. CAN. CH. ANDREWS PICS JIMBONow at three years of age has to his credit limited showingCanada 3 Gr. placements .................. 4 BOBU. S. 1 Gr. placement_____________ 3 BOBHIS KIDS ARE DOING IT TOO . . - WINNING THAT ISEach of these are homebred ANDREWS IM JIMBOS ME TOORWB at Yakima before she was 10 month old.BEST PUPPY IN SHOW AT THE COLUMBIA POM SPECIALTY.We still have her. Shes been in three shows.CAN. CH. JESTOMS SOME ALL OF ANDREWSShe has both U.S. majors plus other pts.JESTOMS SOMEBUDDYowned by J. Stephens RWD OUT OF THE PUPPY CLASSANDREWS ALMOST AN ANGEL owned by I HarbinWB AND BOB AND ONLY A PUPPY Buddy and Angel are litter matesSome more promising youngsters coming up.WE CONGRATULATE JIMBOS HALF-SISTERS THEY ARE DOING IT TOO CH. BI-MARS HAPPY HOOKERBI-MARS HAPPY TROUBLESBred and owned by M. RosenbaumSO HIS GALA JUBILEEBred and owned by V. NiehouseHis half brother ANDREWS IM A JIM DAN LEE Owned by Edna GirardotHis Cousin CH. SCOTIA DOLLYS DANDY SYBILBred by Edna GirardotOwned by E. HundleyClyde Phyllis Andrews7915 224th St.Woodinville, Wa. 98072Phone Area 206 486-7301POMERANIAN REVIEW 65ANDREWS POMERANIANSAm. and Can. Ch. Andrews Pics JimboSire Ch. Scotia Cavaliers Jungle Jim Dam Can. Ch. Andrews Exquisite Debutante Producer of winning dogs, and one champion to date.CLYDE PHYLLIS ANDREWS7915 224 th St. Phone 206-486-7301Woodinville, Washington 9807266 POMERANIAN REVIEWOHIO POMERANIAN CLUBby MARY STRASLICKA 4109 Grafton Road Brunswick, Ohio 44212In May, the Ohio Pom Club held its election of officers and the results are as follows President, Donna Megenhardt Vice President, Jean Morgan Recording Secretary, Eileen Myers Corresponding Secretary, Donna Mohn Treasurer, Loren Straslicka. The new Board Members are Rick Megenhardt and Mary Straslicka. Yours truly was also appointed to write this article.Also in May, several of the OPC Members and their Poms made the trip to Michigan to support that clubs Specialty. From what I could tell the overall quality of the dogs was excellent. I did not. however, get a chance to watch the entire judging, as I spent half the day with my daughter in the hospital. We found out later that she had allergies. My thanks to Marge Gorman who went to the hospital with us and kept me from losing my cool.I would like to welcome our newest member, Karen Holder, formerly of College Station, Texas. It certainly is fun to have a Pom breeder for a neighbor.At our July meeting we made plans for our annual puppy match which will be held on October 2, 1977, at the Toledo Kennel Club Building. Judge will be Gerry Brewer. Match Photographer will be David Puterbaugh. Looking forward to seein geveryone at the match.OBEDIENCE FANSJanuary is YOUR issue. If you have a Pom working in obedience, or know of someone else who does, send stories, scores and ads to Emma Heyde or to the Editor. Lets hear about itMOORE ContinuedA Pom is fragile, no doubt about it. But if you explain that, and set a few strict rules, Poms and children together are a beautiful sight.OBEDIENCERINGbyEMMA HEYDE 170 Chicago Way San Francisco, Cal. 94112Congratulations to all of the new C.D. and C.D.X. Poms, and the best of luck to all of you trainers who are working so hard on your obedience Poms. Hard work Yes, but how gratifying it is to get an obedience degree on your Pomeranian, and the best part is that the little dog seems to enjoy it so much once he understands what it is you want him to do.Bunny Noble of St. Cloud, Minnesota is one of those truly joyful people the owner of a C.D.X. Pom. She writes Like so many people, I began obedience training my little Pom Sheba as a way of controlling her, and in the process was talked into entering the obedience ring. She fit her name of BUNNYS PRIDE SHEBA by earning her C.D. in three shows with scores of 192 tie for fourth place, 189, and 191. The day she earned her C.D. she also won the trophy for high scoring Toy in the trial When we began Open training it looked like a waste of time as she hated the dumbell, but with lots of patience and praise we plunged on. The first three shows in Open she refused to return over the high jump and I wondered if we would ever make it.On her third birthday she earned the first leg toward C.D.X. with a score of 192 and the next day came through with a soore of 196 and a tie for fourth place. A month later, July 16, 1977, at Duluth, Minn, she completed her C.D.X. again scoring 196 and placing third in a class of 43 dogs. The next day Sheba iced the cake with a 195. I guess she decided it was fun after all, and when we complete the exercises she looksPOMERANIAN REVIEW 67HILLROAD POMERANIANSPROUDLY PRESENTSHILLROAD TINY TYKEAm. Can. C.D. Subj. C.K.C. conf. Shown here at Granite City Ob. Club Trial TYKECompleted his Am. C.D. requirements in 3 consecutive shows in four weeks.4-17-77Key City Kennel Club, 1964- 24-77Granite City Obedience Club, 19514 6th place, Hi Scoring Pom,Hi Scoring Toy Dog5- 7 -77St. Paul Dog Training Club, 19314 Hi Scoring Pom, High ScoringToy DogTYKECompleted his Canadian C.D. requirements in 3 consecutive shows in Three days at Winnipeg, Manitoba7-30-771927- 31-771928- 1 -7719214Hillroad Tiny Tyke, C.D. was whelped 5-8-75. He is orange and weighs a grand total of 214 lbs. Whoever said good things come in small packages certainly knew what he was talking aboutHappily and Proudly Owned By Hillroad Pomeranians Patricia FifeRt. 1, North Branch, Minnesota 55056 612-674-7581Thanks to Jo Ann Vestal of National City, CA. for Juliet of Bonita by Ch. General of Bonita X Palmers Anabel of Blossom View68 POMERANIAN REVIEWaround for applause now. Im looking forward to utility training and hope to have Sheba ready by next spring. I have also started working with a black Pom puppy and intend to show the pair in brace work. Poms are really fun to train and surely draw attention at shows.Angie Ruiz of Pureto Rico is delighted with her new little black Pomeranian, SEL-SALS PEPPER OF P.R., which she immediately started training for obedience, and was rewarded by the little girl making her first leg and taking first place in Novice B with a score of 180. This took place at the Puerto Rico Dog Obedience Club trials on June 18, 1977, and Angie says Pepper was the only small dog in competition and gained the admiration of all by the way she did the exercises.There is no doubt about it but that Pat Fife of North Branch, Minnesota has a brave little Pom with a marvelously stable disposition. As Pat writes, he has a heart as big as all outdoors although he weights only two and a half pounds. Read on HILLROAD TINY TYKE, C.D. was whelped May 8, 1975. At approximately one year of age Tyke was enrolled in an obedience class as a replacement for a Doberman I had been training which had injured a leg. He got his share of chuckles at his first classes as he sat between dogs such as German Shepherds and Golden Retrievers whose tails alone could knock him over. He held his own, however, and was a serious worker, obviously enjoying himself the entire time, and a pleasure indeed to work with. After 12 weeks of training Tyke was entered in a pre-novice class at local match. He worked well, but before final scores were given Tyke was snatched from me by a large Alaskan Malamute. To my horror, the Malamute kept a tight grip on my poor Pom and refused to give him up. Only with two people prying the dogs mouth open could the helpless Pom be released. The show vet was at our side within minutes and Tyke was taken to his clinic with a suspected shoulder fracture. X - rays showed, however, that the shoulder wasnot damaged although the dog was severely bruised and remained at the veterinarians for one week under medication for relief from pain. After the incident I was informed that Tyke had scored 194 and won a fourth place trophy out of a class of 30 dogs When he was well again the decision was made to try Tyke back at classes. To say the least, there was one nervous handler and dog. Many weeks went by with much sweet talking and encouragement, aimed at erasing the trauma he had experienced. It was a slow process, requiring much patience and understanding, but little by little the small dog responded. As a result, on April 8, 1977, Tyke scored 196 at the Key City Kennel Club obedience trial. Next, April 24, 1977 at the Granite City Obedience Club Trial he scored a 195, winning a run-off with a Labrador Retriever to earn a sixth place trophy and trophies for high scoring Pomeranian and high scoring Toy. May 7, 1977 Tyke scored 193 at the St. Paul Dog Training Club obedience trial and received trophies again for high scoring Pomeranian and high scoring Toy. Thank you Yvonne Graf sky for donating the Pom trophy. He has gone high scoring dog, high scoring Pom and Toy Dog at two Wisconsin matches. Also, of course, Tyke earned his C.D. title. He then went to Winnipeg, Canada, July 30 - August 1, 1977, and scored 192, 192 and 192 under extremely windy outdoor conditions which even blew down the outdoor tents. Here, Tyke was unfortunate enough to have a Collie scratching an urgent itch fall over on him while on a long down. Tyke stayed, but Im told his eyes nearly popped out of his head. All in all, he managed to complete his requirements for the Canadian C.D. Hows that for HEART They are not through yet and hope to be in Open soon. Pat also is starting another Pom in obedience and hopes someday to have a brace. She says, though that little Tyke is one in a million that could never be replaced, Love isa fluff named Tyke.More good news comes from Debbie Jones of Alhambra, California. HerPOMERANIAN REVIEW 69LLL POMERANIANS OFFERS FOR SALESireCh. Lil Gold Dancer of Oakridge Best in ShowDamLLL Happy Go Lucky Tammy excellent maternal line.Sunshine finished in a month three times going BOB over specials. She is Specials quality, proven and reasonably priced.Ch. LLL Lil Gold Sunshine, 2975. Clear orange 33A lb. female.LLL homebred Poms finished in 1977 to dateCh. LLL Lil Gold Moonshine femaleCh. LLL Happy Lil Bit of Honey female due SeptemberCh. LLL Lucky Gold Heidi - femaleExcellent selection of show and breeding females and males, including Ch. Skeeter X Ch. Sunshine male pup.Janice Luginsland Americus, Kansas 66835R-R. 1 Ph 316-884-5157VThe People and Poms at Idlewyldsend Congratulations toJulie Brumback on finishing Ch. Julies Star Bright, Maynard Wood for finishing Ch. Pandora 0 Merimakr, Morris and Betty Carson for Ticos impressive wins, and all the winners at the APC Summer Specialty.Margaret and John McKee 7660 Idlewyld Road Richmond, Va. 23225 804-272-931870 POMERANIAN REVIEWSEABRIGHT ATILA THE HUN-EY Murdoch got his first Novice leg with a score of 192 at Simi Valley KC this summer. Then at Pasadena KC June 5 Tillie FERHOFFS TILLIE TOYLER, C.D.X. got her first point. This day should he written in red letters says Debbie. She was first in Open Bitches, winners bitch and then best of opposite sex. She showed in Open obedience in the morning and then into breed and took all the goodies. Then it was back to obedience ring for long sits and downs, just as nice as you please. Her Open B score was 194 Incidentally, the dog which took the breed went on to take first in the Toy Group that day. Incidentally, too, Tillie was in a parade on Memorial Day this year. She showed off her manners by riding nicely through La Canada in a dog cart pulled by her Rottweiler friend, Lotta, owned by Chuck and Peggy Wood. A little switoh, as Debbie says, Im always telling people how her ancestors were sled dogs.Now, all of you obedience people do please come forward and help us to make the January 1978 Pomeranian Review Obedience Issue a good one. Contact me the Editor or one another. Lets make it big.HAIRSPRAY ContinuedFurther, no judge under any circumstances, should allow an exhibitor to apply a spray or other substance to a dogs coat while in the ring. If the judge sees an exhibitor in his ring apply such a substance to a dog he is handling, the judge should excuse both the dog and exhbitor from the ring forthwith.MEMBERS PLEASE VOTESeveral very important questions will be mailed with your slate of 1978 Officers. Please voteALONG MYWAYMOLLY MILLER P. O. Box 717 League City, Texas 77573Having just attended some summer shows and having heard from many others who have also, I would like to mention a few heat related problems that are of particular concern with our double coated breed. Heat is not only a summer problem or a Southern problem. In fact a good friend of mine recently traveled North to some shows. In the cooler climate she did not take the usual precautions against heat and ended the day with a very sick Pom. Fortunately it was a temporary problem.I doubt that anyone reading the Review would be so f oolish as to leave any dog in a closed unattended car so I will skip that number one death trap and move on to some less obvious ones.Most of us travel to shows in cars, station wagons, or vans. Please, note that the floor or bed of any vehicle gets extremely hot when travelling on the road. If a crate is sitting on the floor, it can become dangerously hot even in an air-condiitioned vehicle even in the winter. Drive your car for a couple of hours and place your hand where you place your crates. If you feel heat, insulate against it. Rubber mats are readily available. One or two thicknesses of these may be all that is needed. Test and discover what you need. A pretty and permanent arrangement can be made by using a thick carpet pad and one of the washable kitchen carpets. These can be attached to the vehicle in a variety of ways. The simplest is to glue the pad to the vehicle and the carpet to the pad. If the area is large enough, it also makes a lovely place for the nondriver to nap.POMERANIAN REVIEW 71YOUNGS CHEROKEE POMERANIANSRocky and Muffin must have decided they could get a better view from atop the wastebasket.Sired by Ch. Robinhoods Replica Rerun out of Tonos Dragonflower of Young, they look promising and I expect to be showing them in 78.Cherokee BabiesAnnouncing the addition to our Kennel of a lovely little bitch puppy of Great Elms breeding from Ruth Lance. Thank you for this one Ruth. Youll be hearing more about her in the future.We are expecting a litter in mid October. CreiderGreat Elms breeding. We will most likely offer something from this litter as we wont have room to keep everything. Thank you Norma Creider for this breeding.JANICE YOUNG1080 Carl St.St. Clair, Mo. 63077 314-629-2754One of the most practical additions to dog show vehicles that I have seen is the platform arrangement that many are now using. A heavy wooden frame is used on three sides leaving the back open. Plywood forms the top. Under the platform all sorts of things may be stored grooming table, exercise pen, folding chairs, suitcases, etc. Eyes or various types of fasteners can be attached to the top of the platform making it easy to safely secure the crates. The air space under the platform makes perfect insulation and the raised position places the dogs in an area of good air exchange. The platform doubles the usable space in the vehicle, muffles equipment noise and adds to the beauty of the vehicle if the carpet and pad from the floor are extended up and over it.72 POMERANIAN REVIEWOnce the vehicle is prepared, do not assume all is well. On the first few trips place a thermometer in several locations, and check the temperature several times during the trip. Temperature may vary greatly in various areas of the vehicle. If there is a problem, changes in air regulation or cargo arrangement can probably solve it.Remember when the weather is warm temperatures soar in parked cars When loading during the day, do not risk overheated dogs. Place an ice pack wrapped in a towel in each crate. The dog can sit on this while the car is being loaded and until it has a chance to cool during travel.I was amazed recently, when checking temperatures, at how much more slowly the back of the van cooled than the front although, they maintained the same temperature during the majority of the trip. The dogs will get on and off of the ice packs as they need them. Ice packs in crates are often helpful in un- airconditioned buildings.The many favorable responses to my July column convinced me that you enjoyed the many varied opinions as much as I did, and I want to invite each of you to take part in future columns. I am now considering columns on the following subjects. 1 Unusual whelping situations, 2 Raising puppies formulas for bottle feeding andor weaning, 3 Rare colors production andor showing. These columns can only be successful in many of you contribute to them please, do. I am looking forward to hearing from you.PUGET SOUND Continuedof Erin, who through it all always has a good word for all. Nice job Erin, also the hard work put in by Phil Hundley and Ralph Harbin for setting up the rings and being there to see we had the place in order, so to the few who really worked for this event, lets give a big hand.MIDWESTREPORTByMRS. JOYCE OHRTMAN Route 1Bouton, Iowa 50039By the time this comes out I hope this awful summer is over. Our part of the mid-west is in its fourth year of way below average rainfall. As I write this the temperature is 103 and has been like that all but two days of the last three or four weeks. Its been so hot the mother dogs refused to even let babies nurse until I moved them into the basement. Our big basement stays quite cool.Had some really good news from Clara Wiese the other day. Her little boy Wieses Precious Gem of Flash went Best in Show at the Metro Mile Hi Toy Show giving him a five point major. He also took BOB and Group 4 at Terry-All K.C. Show and BOB and Group 2 at Colorado Springs K.C. leaving him only one point to finish.We had visited Clara this spring and saw this beautiful young man. When I remarked about him Clara said she had shown him and had points but she had to quit showing him. He had had a slight injury to a paw and although it had completely healed and veterinarians could find nothing wrong he continued to hop occasionally. I suggested she try re-training him. She wrote that she tried tugging on the lead and scolding him every time he hopped and finally he got the message. Now he walks perfectly and these wins show it was well worth the time and effort she spent.I have attended only a few shows this summer but according to the Club Newsletter other members have been going regularly. Gwen Hodson has been doing some winning, including major wins at Scott County K.C. for her Pom Puf FayPOMERANIAN REVIEW 73Gold Dancer and at Key City K.C. for Pom Puf Fashion Heather. She also had some bad luck this summer. A short in the air conditioner of their motor home caused a fire resulting in the loss of two Poms, her recently finished Ch. Pom Puf Darlin Honey Love and Sister Pom Puf Darlin Sunshine.Betty and Tony Short won a four point major at Mason City K.C. with Dancing Memento of Oakridge and have since finished her, I believe.Received a letter from Sally Baugniet and she had a successful summer. Her new Ch. Pomirish Bubbles Lil Squirt went Group 2 at Illinois Valley K.C. and Group 3 at Coulee K.C. On a trip to Thunder Bay, Ontario, Sally was in the BIS ring all three days. The first day with Lil Squirt and the second and third day with Ch. Pomirish Winnie the Pooh. Ch. Winnie is also now a Canadian Champion. Imagine three Group I in three days with two Poms Ill bet she was thrilledTo finish the month with a bang she finished Pomirish Candy Cane the next weekend with her fourth major.Newsletters received from the Pomeranian Club of Greater Des Moines and the Denver Metro Club show both Clubs are working hard. They have each completed a successful spring match and are planning one for fall.I have received nothing concerning Jr. Handlers in the midwest. I did talk my son, Jeff, into taking a Pom instead of his Standard Poodle to one show. Although they didnt place, Betty Short and I thoroughly enjoyed watching. Jeff has quite long legs and the little Pom really had to move out. She showed her very best for him but being used to a larger dog Jeff was a bit clumsy. With some practice I think he could get that third Novice win he needs with a Pom. Bettys young son, Terry, shows a Pom in Jr. Handling and just needs a bit more polish before hell be winning.Continued on Page 80VRINGSIDEby K. BIRK 1634 S.W. 9th Ave. Fort Lauderdale FLORIDA 33315I had been asked a number of times, by novices, what was expected of them in the ring the something extra they could do to keep them from looking so green.I felt that the subject had been mentioned often enough to warrant asking a judge to give a few pointers to the newcomer. I thought it would be helpful to the many new exhibitors that start out every year. It was . . . and it interested the old-timers too.Several interesting ideas came in, one of which I will pass on to you. We will call it FOOD FOR THOUGHT, you may take it seriously or with a HA HAI think the ideas are not necessarily original, but from different articles they have read with a few of their own added. The idea is that Pure Bred dog judging is one of the few places in our life where the consumer of the product or service in this case, our dogs being judged does not have a chance to complete a formal written evaluation of the product or service we use.Postal cards sent to us from the automobile industry are now standard practice. The questions routinely asked are Was your car ready when we said it would be Was your car clean when you received it Do you have any comments for ways in which we can improve Many changes have been made as the result of such input from users of products and services, as has there been in business also, changes of operation have been introduced as results of evaluation of replies.I dont know if you are ready for this but the thinking in some areas is that the time is long overdue for the Ameri74 POMERANIAN REVIEWcan Kennel Club to institute a regular formal evaluation system of all judges BY THE EXHIBITOR. Although the evaluation plan suggested here is not thought to be the best plan that could be designed, the designer feels it would be a good start. Plan suggested 1. On a random, computer selected basis, 5 of all shows . . . including Specialty Shows . . . will have an attempt made to survey 100 of the exhibitors on their evaluation of the judging they have received. 2. The evaluation form to be a one page form which can easily be computer scored. 3. Form to have room for extra subjective comments. 4. As a minimum, the following questions to be covered.a. Do you believe you were fairly judgedb. Do you believe the judge competentc. Did he she judge according to the standard d. Were you treated courteously e. Were the winners dog and winners bitch worthy of the points and a good representative of the breed f. Would you show under this judge again g. What can this judge do to become a better judgeAmong the opinions voiced it was felt that judges would welcome evaluations from exhibitors on forms with questions such as these and that they would be objective and fair if handled by A.K.C. One point made and agreed upon is that as it stands, all the judge has now for guide lines on the job he is doing is a certain amount of non-objective comments from flatterers, who think it will help with their next win . . . OR . . . LOSERS who wish to vent their anger sometimes in the form of hate mail to A.K.C.Early in this article I said Id call it FOOD FOR THOUGHT Maybe you think it has merit Maybe you think these folks are dreamers. All that I hope for is that you DO think. Ive heard for twenty years that dog judging is Well, youve all heard that too ... If the situation is going to change, the exhibitor CONSUMER will have to present a better method. Knocking the present method hasnt helped. THERE Ive thought, have youPACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS VIEWSERIN HUNDLEY 2813 - 176th S.W. Lynnwood, Wa 98036We have been having a heat wave. 90-95 degrees to us Puget Sounders, is like 115 anywhere else. The humidity is so high. Last Tuesday we had the highest temperature in the whole world. It cant go on much longer, it never does. Im not complaining, though, there are some nice places to be when it is hot, such as the new City park named after Senator Magnuson. Located on the shore of Lake Washington, where the Sandpoint Navy base used to be, this park was the scene of the Puget Sound Pomeranian Clubs Summer picnic. They had a sanctioned B match in conjunction with the picnic. The spectators sat in a building open on three sides, which faced the lake, and while cool breezes blew, watched their Pom friends show off. Im sure the club reporter will give all the details in her report.I havent heard from anyone in the Pierce County Pomeranian Club for a while, so I can only give you some hearsay. Jean Schroll took Ch. Skylark Cinnamon Banner to Canada with her and picked up some nice wins. 2 Toy Group lsts at the Northern Interiors Kennel Club shows. He also got a Toy Group 1 and a 2nd at Williams Lake, at Victoria City, he won 2 more Group seconds, one under Judge Tom Stephenson and one under Judge E. W. Pitkin. Jean also showed Am. Ch. Golden Glow Pepper at Victoria City. He took the points, and finished his Canadian title. His owners Vance and Elva Sally Mc- Gilbry have every right to be proud of this beautiful dog.My hubsand, Phil and I were able toPOMERANIAN REVIEW 75GOLDEN GLOW POMSCH. GOLDEN GLOW PEPPERFinished Championship May 8, '77 Olympia Dog Fanciers Show, Olympia, Washington Judge Irene Schlintz Handler Cathie PhillipsExpected litters from Champion BitchesFLASH Pepper just return home from Canadian Show circuit.He is now Canadian Champion awaiting confirmation.Golden Glow Poms Since 1938 Elva U. McGilbry8900 N. E. 239th Street Battle Ground, Wash.Phone 206-687-216576 POMERANIAN REVIEWJAMBOS POMERANIANSWishes to CongratulatePhil Erin Hundleyon finishing Dollyto her ChampionshipAlso offers for SaleHave been shown 1 1 yr. old, Lt. orange 5 lb., Cavilier X Scotch N Soda Line 1 2 yr. old, Orange profuse coat, Cavilier X Latham Line2 Females Proven Broods1 2 yr. old, orange, Cavilier X Latham Line 1 3 yr. old, orange, Latham BloodlineAll inquiries promptly answeredRay Nora Higbee 2021 E. 174thSpanaway, Wash. 98387 206-537-6800POMERANIAN REVIEW 77OUR DOLLYS FINISHEDCH. SCOTIA DOLLY'S DANDY SIBYLDolly says, I love you JeanShown winning a five point major under Judge Irene Khatonian Schlintz at the Olympia Dog Fanciers Assoc., Inc. Show, May 8, Jean Schroll Handling.Thank you to her breeder Edna Girardot, and also to all the judges who placed her in the winning circle.More thanks to Jessie and Tom Stephens for trusting us with Jason, Jabils Xtra Special who was bred by Jessie Young of Jabil Kennel. Jason and Dolly fell in love at first sight and you know what that means. We hope thats what it means. Dollys pedigree under new champions. They are third cousins on four sides.Congratulations to Jasons uncle Ch. Jabils Simply Smashing on his recent wins.Erin Phil Hundley 2813 176th S.W.206 743-3748 Lynnwood, WA 9803678 POMERANIAN REVIEWvisit the McGilbrys Kennel last month, we saw many lovely Poms including Pepper. Sally is another breeder who set the goal of raising Pomeranians that consistently fit the standard while reflecting her own personal preferences in color and general appearance. She has maintained the same look since she began years ago with the well known Int. Ch. Dromore Bombardier. You can walk through the kennel now and say, Doesnt this one or that look like Bombardier We were sorry to hear of the loss of Peppers father Tigre. He has been siring many other nice Poms for them and Im sure they miss him very much.Im proud of our new Champion too. Scotia Dollys Dandy Sibyl, finished at Portland Kennel Club Inc. Show, June 4, 1977 under Mrs. Winifred Nishimura, Jean Schroll handling. Dolly went reserve at the Columbia Pomeranian Club Specialty, under judge Darrel Baker. I was unable to attend these shows, so I asked Irene Harbin to tell you about the specialty. Her story will follow at the end of mine.Am. Can. Ch. Skylark Cinnamon Banner has been doing some nice Stateside winning also. Among these wins was a Group 2nd at Pocatello Id. Judge Haydyn Martin gave him this award. His owner Florence Ryals and his breeder Shirley Hoffman should be proud of this lovely red orange Pom. Hearsay again tells about the nice Banner puppies that are showing up around the Northwest.Nora Higbee reported that she and the Higbee bunch will be busy again at the local fairs, Nora is actively demonstrating her love of dogs and kids, when she puts it all together in 4-H work. We are all proud to know her.So long for now, Here is Irene. Friday evening June 3, 1977 was a great evening for Pomeranian lovers of the Portland Oregon area.The Columbia Pomeranian Club Specialty was supported by 30 Pomeranianowners and handlers. The show was combined with the Boston Terrier Club and so were the banquet facilities.The Pomeranians were judged by Darrel W. Baker and David M. Krogh was ring Steward. The weather was nice, it was raining, the facilities adequate and the Banquet a pleasure and the food was good also. The Specialty Trophy Fund was well supported and the trophies beautiful. It was a very nice win for Ch. Bi-Mars Happy Hooker of J.J., owner-handled by Mary Rosenbaum going Best of Breed. Then there was Golden Glow Tammie, owner-handled by Elva U. McGilbry, going Winners Bitch. This nice win gave this beautiful bitch the needed points for her title of Champion. Best of Opposite Sex went to the veteran dog, Ch. Holders A Lil Red Flash, owner-handled by Jean Schroll. Best of Winners went to Rig- gins Star joy Lusus Kris, owner- handled by Dolores Riggin. Best in Puppy Class went to Andrews Im Jimbos Me Too, also owner-handled by Phyllis Andrews.The banquet was held at a restaurant nearby and the food was extremely tasty and the conversation very informative and worthwhile. It was a pleasure to be there, even though I could not be included as one of the winners.POMERANIAN REVIEW 79CANADIANSCENEBy JOAN GRANT Box 1423 Golden, B.C. VOA IHO, CanadaI sometimes wonder if what I write is really representative of The Canadian Scene, or just Joans Scene then I have visited in person my place or theirs or by letter with Pomeranian fanciers from Nova Scotia, Ontario, Manitoba, Alberta, and my home province of B.C. as well, then I must be getting a bit of the whole picture, and hope it isnt a distorted view. This past three months has certainly given me opportunities to discuss Poms to my hearts content.I get the impression that the Canadian show ring is in for a change in the near future as far as the numbers of colors other than the oranges and reds being shown. Sunnyvales Johnny Midnight has been seen regularly in the Alberta rings since April, and is making the judges take note of him. His breeder, Joan Zavaglia, has had a black for as long as I have known her, and has occasionally bred blacks that she was quite proud of, but now I know of an Alberta breeder interested in this color, as well as a Manitoba breeder who would like to work with them. Our recent discussion in our Canadian Pom Prints magazine about black and tans might have encouraged more interest too, and who knows what other colors will be seen. I, too, would like to try my hand at convincing the judges and the spectators alike that a good Pom is a good Pom no matter what color he is. I rather wonder if the Ontario exhibitors are a bit leary of showing any but the accepted oranges, sables and creams, but perhaps I have not talked with the right breeder-exhibitors there yet.I talked with the owner-handler of a tiny obedience Pom in Calgary last month. Her girl, Penny, has earned two legs on her C.D. but seems to find new ways to avoid earning the third one. Watching the actions and eagerness of this Pom, I have no doubt she will eventually settle down, and should be able to continue on with her CJD.X. as long as her handler keeps working her. I had intended to be her competition, but my best laid plans got lost in all my other plans. Now that I have told so many that I have an obedience Pom, I feel ashamed it is taking me so long to prove how delightful he is to work with. Please remember to blame his non- appearance on me, not him.I was a bit let down after two long visits for I learned that two breeders of Poms for over 20 years each had yet to learn how to recognize patellar luxation, nor did they know of its prevelence in so many breeds. Just ask anyone who grooms and clips dogs. I urge you all, whether you breed, or never intend to, to learn what you can about the problems that beseige us, if only to be able to give solid advice if a novice ever asks you about them. I have recently come across the problem of achalasia in one of my larger puppies and am so very thankful that there are other more knowledgeable people to learn from.A special note here about a problem that can arise with the pups with a lazy dam, or perhaps orphaned. It must be remembered that a good brood continually cleans her whelps from tip to tail. A novice breeder had the heartbreak of a blind puppy as this happened and although she faithfully cleaned him, and saw to it that his eliminations were proceeding regularly, did not apply the correct massage to the head, the eyes in particular, and they therefore opened too late, with the puppy being blind as a result. She has asked me to pass this along in case it prevents someone else making the same error.It has been a really busy summer with full training classes, many visitors, and80 POMERANIAN REVIEWextra boarders because of school holidays, and berries everywhere you look. I have a nice supply of jams and jellies made with wild strawberries, raspberries, currents, dew berries, wild grapes, saskatoons, blueberries, and even the most delicious huckleberries. I managed to get a milk pail full of them, but am not sure yet if I was mountain climbing that day and happened to get some berries or if it could really be called berry picking and the mountain happened to get in the way. Actually it was the trees, alive and dead that mostly got in the way and occasionally the huge boulders in the spring water paths. One time, after nearly four hours there, I found a good patch, with a handy mossy log to sit on. Only I missed the log, landed behind it, and after carefully picking every berry no matter how small, or unripe, could not delay any longer, and tried to rise. I did manage to do so, but very nearly hollared for assistance. I would never hear the end of it if I had to resort to help for that type of problemPlease drop in sometime.MIDWEST ContinuedI had a rather enjoyable morning a few weeks ago. I was asked to judge the Green Co. 4-H Show both obedience and Jr. Show. These kids had only been working with their dogs since May and did remarkably well. There was even a young lady with a Pom.We are busy getting ready to move September 1. We have sold our acreage and plan to live in Perry until we can find or build something closer to Dales work. Im cutting down on the number of Poms but plan to keep a few. I hope to get to the fall shows. Maybe Ill see you there.SEE YOU IN NEW YORK FEBRUARY 12thYIPS YAPSEDNA GIRARDOTFloral City, FloridaI cannot help but wonder if others have had the experiences I have had recently. A female Pom of mine was excused at the Dallas Show and this appeared in the Gazette. Curiosity surely does get the best of some folks for I was flooded with letters asking the reason. In fact, so many letters that I did not feel up to answering them personally so am taking this way of making a short explanation. Morning of the Dallas Show, I got up and put my feet in at least a couple inches of water. That was a surprise to be sure. Dogs, luggage, everything was soaked. This was at the Holiday Inn about 8 miles north of the Show site. We were moved as all the first floor was flooded. I only wish I had not tried to go to that show but it cleared enough to load and I took off but another flash flood hit me enroute. Four lane highway, bumper to bumper traffic, dark as pitch, inches of water on the highway, stranger to the area, so could do nothing but follow traffic and pray. Someone ran into the back of my car and carrier with Wendy" was tossed into the front seat, hitting my shoulder first. I did make the Show but very late so double parked, grabbed two carriers and went to ring side, hurridly put on leads and showed. Wendy" limped and to my em- harassment was excused. I was already badly shook up and this incident did not help. Anyway, I hurried right on my way to Chicago for the Specialty and International and then some shows in Kansas. Had to leave Wendy" in care of a vet as all the ligaments in one hind leg were pulled. She was shipped back to me a month and a half later. So kind people who wrote and were so concerned, this is the story and will answer your question. There is a funny side to this story. Was asked by many if I got the license number of the car that hit me.We may think we are not liked by everyone and perhaps not, but just get into some difficulty at a show and you will change your mind. This happened to me at the Carolina Shows last four days of July. Help needed and without asking, help I got in abundance. I do wish to thank all those kind Pom folks and friends who came to my assistance, showing, loading, unloading and even offered to drive my car. Wow What a good feeling this' gives one.The month of July happened to be a hectic one for me but in spite of this, I had so much happen to give me a moral boost, all the help at the shows mentioned above and then came a big and unexpected surprise. Certificates in recognition for top producers came, one for Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier giving him credit for 65 Ch. get and one for Ch. Sunsets Personal Conquest giving her credit for 15POMERANIAN REVIEW 81MAY MORNING POMERANIANSThis is Little Frosty Kathryns Frost Tee also known as Speedy Gonzales to distinguish him from our other FrostySire of Two White Males Whelped June 12 ex. Lewis SnowflakeThese pups are very small. Color-bred white pedigree on dam's side. Two of Our Black Bitches Came Through For Us, the Baby Missed.1 Black Male, 1 Black Female, 1 Sable Female whelped June 7May Morning Social Lion X May Morning Fun N Frolic1 Black Female whelped August 2 By Dunns Little Tomstopper Showstopperex. May Morning Midnight Flirt Ch. Hokus Pokus daughter1 Dark Sable Male, 2 Red or Sable Females whelped August 4May Morning Social Lion X May Morning Naughty But Nice ShowstopperGreat Elms both sides1 Red or Sable Male sired by May Morning Benjamin Double Showstopperex. May Morning Moonlight N Roses Phoebes litter sisterWE ARE NOW SUPPORTING 16 PENSIONERS Mostly 8-12 years old. Several good broods are approaching retirement, 3 studs now 8.DECISION TIME IS HERE. If we are to go on, we need to keep a few puppies.BUT WE MUST CUT DOWN SOMEWHERECannot do the work, cannot get help.We are still interested in trying to improve the White Poms, but we are overstocked with whites and white bred creams and offer at reasonable prices 3-4 young females and 1 male with Great ElmsShowstopper sire-line.Also one large proven dark cream bitch 3 yr. old, open or bred.WE HAVE NOTHING ELSE DUE TO WHELP AS WE SKIPPED ALMOST ALLTHIS SUMMER.SOPHIE H. MAYES1574 Camp Linden Road West Chester, Pennsylvania 19380 215-793-191282 POMERANIAN REVIEWCh. get. No mention was made of 6 foreign Chs. for Cavilier. These certificates were sent out by the publishers of Showdogs and signed by the Editor, Matthew Stander, and Statistical Research Editor, the well-known Irene K. Schlintz. These will be framed and hung under the gorgeous painting of Cavilier. Of course. I am elated with this recognition and proud of the record I have made since getting into the Breed, Pomeranians, 19 years ago. I believe I am correct in stating that one dog has reached 34 Ch. get. I believe I owned the next two highest producing females also.Please do not misunderstand me, I am not intentionally bragging and boasting, but offer this information in hopes I can encourage all of you Pom breeders and exhibitors to keep in there trying. Set goals and make them high and then try to reach those goals. It is so easy to get discouraged, heartbreaks, time and money cannot be estimated but the glory and fun of this game, offsets all the other things. I know only too well but wish all of you would make a real honest to goodness try and you will be rewarded.Before this goes to press, I will be seeing many of you at the Summer Specialty, God willing.MRS. JUNE MOORE Independence, Mo.A WORD OF WARNINGSomething terrible just happened. Id like to warn everyone to be more careful than we were. We keep all new puppies in a box beside our bed, until we sell them. Three weeks ago two mothers whelped 24 hours apart. So we kept one litter beside our bed, the other beside our little girls bed, in a different room.Yesterday, the one mother which we have owned since she was born here 5 years ago, and had 4 litters since, sneaked into our bedroom. She viciously and brutally killed one puppy and was starting on another before we realized what was going on. Never in a million years would we have believed she would do such a thing.You just cant always trust the dog you think you can. Guard those puppies. They are so tiny and helpless.SEND YOUR CATALOGUE AD and Dinner ReservationINDEX TO ADVERTISERSCLYDE PHYLLIS ANDREWS ....................................DICK SALLY BAUGNIET ______________________RUTH L. BEAM .................................... ............................PAT BROOKS _____________ ___ _____________ ___MRS. WILMA JEAN BROWN ______________ ______JULIE BRUMBACK _______________________ ____ANN CANNON ______ __________________________MORRIS BETTY CARSON _____________________PAT CLARK ____________________________ ______LILLIAN JOHN CRIBBS .............................................CHRISTINED. CULLEN _________________________Page 64, 65 60, 61..... 24..... 1757 15, 16 ..... 50_ 54 ...... 32...... 45...... 20..... 6742, 43PATRICIA FIFE ____CAROL A. GALAVICH EDNA E. GIRARDOT 21POMERANIAN REVIEW 83INDEX TO ADVERTISERS ContinuedPageJ. L. M. M. GORMAN______ ________ _______________ --------- -------------- 24JOAN GRANT ......................... ....................... ...................................................... 27PHYLLIS T. GREER ELSIE BURRIESCI .............. .............................................. 35GAYLE L. GRIFFIN -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- 7ED MARILYN HARDER .................................................................................... 20CLAIRE HENDRIX ......................... .......................-..........-...................................... HRAY NORA HIGBEE ..................................................................-........................... 76LUCILLE HOOVER ............................ ........................--------------- ------------------ 31ERIN PHIL HUNDLEY ---- ------------------------------------------------------------- 46, 77NORMAN K. JEROME ...................._.........................-............ -.......--------------- 51RON JACKIE KLEIN----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5JANICE LUGINSLAND .......................... _.............................................................. 69ELVA U. McGILBRY..................................... _.......................................... ............... 75MARGARET JOHN McKEE --------- ------- -------------------------------------------- 69GOLDIE K. MANDLEY ......................................................................................... 19JON ROBERTA MASSEY ..................................................................................... 53SOPHIE H. MAYES ................................... ...................................................... 50, 81, 84DONNA RICK MEGENHARDT _____ _________________________________ 13BRYAN R. MITCHELL -........................... .......................................................... 25CHRIS ODETTE NOLAN ..................................................................................... 37BILL BEVERLY NORRIS ........................ ......................................................... 40, 41NORTHERN CALIFORNIA POMERANIAN CLUB ................................................. 29KATHERINE JOHN PROBST ............................................................................... 2JIM LOUISE PROCTOR ......................................................................................... 17LENNIS RAINES __________________________________ _________________ 55DUDLEY WANDA ROACH .................................................................................. 34BYRL MARY ROSENBAUM................................................................................... 63SHIRLEY SABO ......................................................................................................... 9GLORIA SETMAYER ............................................................................................... 49DR. MRS. LAWRENCE TRAUNER ........._............................................................ 59EILEEN C. WAEGELEIN ....._..................................................................................... 31MRS. J. L. WELTZ .._................................................................................................... 9ARLO CLARA WIESE......................................... ...........................................COVERJANICE YOUNG __________ _____________ __ _______ __________________ 71JESSIE BARBARA YOUNG ______________ __________________________ 17PHYLLIS ZUMBAUM .............................................................................. ................ 5184 POMERANIAN REVIEWMAY MORNING POMERANIANS This Is New Champion May Morning Pie In The Sky Subj. AKC- -YkUiPhoebe is pictured going Winners Bitch and Best of Opposite Sex at The Kennel Club of Philadelphia Show under Judge Robert Braithwaite. THANK YOU to all the judges who liked her soundness and correct sable coloring. THANKS to her handlers, Gloria Setmayer who tamed her wild exhuberant spirit and showed her to 8 points including her first, major, and Marlene Scott who took her to Best of Winners and Best of Opposite Sex to finish under Judge E. W. Tipton, Jr. at Mispillion K.C., August 19,1977.Phoebe is a product of that Miracle Breeding See Along Myway in July 1977 Review and her pedigree in Behind the New ChampionsTHE SIRE OF THE SIRE IS THE GRANDSIRE OF THE DAM ON HER DAMS SIDE.We do not plan to Special Phoebe. She will be bred and trained to as many obedience degrees as we can manage Not necessarily in that order.WATCH FOR PHOEBES FULL BROTHER FROM REPEAT BREEDINGMay Morning Space Pilot Ace, owned by Kenneth and Catherine Lefferts. Now being shown, 8 points to date, and siring some beautiful puppies.SOPHIE H. MAYES 1574 Camp Linden Road West Chester, Pennsylvania 19380 215-793-1912