The Pomeranian Review March 2007
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MARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 12007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 622 PM14 i i i i n4^ The Official Publication of The American Pomeranian Club, Inc 3^2007icy rfMMICK Veni1442 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 622 PM2 INI n i i i iJes.of, m.j - j ,- JVVaC'4R HMIDUERColumbia, wPomeranian ClubSPECIALTYPhotography By ISteven Ross fast7Best Junior JiariJ AjiJSfiow wins for 2006.First Place wins inOpen Senior Class.Finished first 6red-6yChampion hlackjPom pictured.2nd in nation for Pomeranianjunior handlers and 11th inAustralian Shepherds.S Invited to Westminsterand Fukanuha.Acquired 75 junior points with Pomeranian and 133points with AustralianShepherd.45VT4 'd9 a-7A very special thanhs from. Jessica to her dad and mom Jon A', Cnsty, Charlene A, jreggoiy Waters, elly D. Peimschiissel, Jfikj Wilde, Patti DanieCson, the judges and all who have helped her accomplish her goals. Also, thanfjyou to the judges for putting up aystal's first 6red-6y champion, CK. Blacf crystal's Starlite Cjem. - 1rMARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 32007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 622 PM3rrrr 4 i i i iBest of Breed and Best Bred by Exhibitor in BreedEukanuba National Championshipjj.-UWs-Rocj H Music itutv3 vSiJ.AlESTREDYEXHIBI R'V.K14141Thank you Judge Jacqueline Stacy for this fabulous winAn extra special thank you to my son, David, who helped make this trip possible and to my husband, Dutch, who makes our showing possible by staying behind to care for everyone else.Carolyn Brandenburg, OwnerBreederHandlerKalos PomsWebsite vnww.kilospoms com e-mail 615452-746344 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 622 PM4 MillA ummm o.presentsfik ^L^yh JifsOW mmuiurmmm . _. MB'iWow1L mf V- 'p I'."'ir--iAt^f^yjw ai OPPOSITE SEXNEW CHAMPION 'MSSSSIPp S[ATEkennel club 2006COPR. PHOTO BYHW,1i6Thank you Judge Ms. Dorothy MacDonald for this finishing major win.BELATED CONGRATULATIONS to CEIARLOTTE CREED on your kennel visit.We have enjoyed getting to know you and hope we will be able to continue our friendship for years to come.Congratulations to Chris and John Heartz on your kennel visit." -IID. 0. Bm 22442, MmBRRWJT nd Carlene Gilstrapa, TN 37422 - Phone 423-987-0266 - e-mail dcgilstrapaol.comMARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 52007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 623 PM5jfowCene - TeaftraTresents .MikeyCfu 3-fowfene - TeaftraTrecious Cargo^Hawaii's j Tom 2006 2 Toy8 iAd Treedv- . "Mikey'swin makes this our 5th consecutive year with the Toy Tom. This sire, Ch. TiowCene- Teahra Impero, TfOf, gC, TOM, he Cd this titCe from '02 to '05. SA TCeasant surprise was "Tero" aCso making the "LIST as 9 Toy.We wouCddke to thank the foCCowing wonderfuCjudges Cynthia Sommers, Teter Machen, TauCine Lim-Brennan, Lydia Co Ce man-Wutch ms on, WiCCiam Dsherwood, Mrs. Myron gauger, Dr. 'Roger Tritchard, Dorothy J-fuchinson, 'ECaine young, WaCter Tinsker, Dorothy MacDonaCd, Sharon Jr ances, CharCes Jrances, Joseph JoCy, and Me Cv in Beech.SArCene Otaguro TCazeCMiCCer Tohin AVatanahe808 593-2322 mhinjaokcom yggcatshawaiirr.com6 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 625 PM6-aI would like to thank Judge Fr. Bryan P. Timby for the Veterans Group 1 on Ch. Goldkist Rockin' Knight and Judge Roy W. Keiser Jr. for the Best of Breed on Babbi's Rock Legend of Prussia.BABBI'S ROCK LEGEND OF PRUSSIAT'Sr-A t-iSS-Barbara Meyer - BreederOwner HandledBon JfioviCH GOLDKIST ROCKIN' KNIGHTGROUP FIRSTVETERAN20067" SOSA985-845'4562 iBarbara Meyer - Owner HandledUTUSCh. Goldkist Rockin' Knight Is available for stud to approved homes.Rufus would like to congratulate his eight-month-old son on his first Best of Breed.[BaSSi s [Pomeranians [Barbara Meyer136 West Queens Drive. Slidell, LA 70458 985 649^3136MARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 72007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 625 PM7The Multiple Best In Show winningCh Eagle reek'snamin it Uptr 48 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 625 PM8^^ZCCCQ 4 i i i inBISA BISS Ch. Finch's Awesome On All Fours, HOF, GCSly's show coreer highlights Finished from the puppy classes with multiple BOB wins over lap ranked specials First group placement al 8 months of age Best In Show Specialty 72205 American Pomeranian Club National Summer Specialty Best In Show Specially 91606 Pomeranian Club of Central Indiana Best Opposite Sex 11406 AKC Eukanuba National Invitational Championship Best In Show All Breed 101506 Greater Shelby Kennel Club Awarded Gold Club Membership by the Am Pom Club back to back Group 1100 BOB wins Awarded Hall Of Fame by the Am Pom Club for all breed Best In Show 110 career BOB wins6 Group Is 12 Group 2s 17 Group 3s 7 Group 4s 5 Pom breed totals for 2005 1 Pom breed totals AKC Eukanuba Invitational 101205 -101006 3 Pom breed totals for 20064Diane and I would like to extend a special thank you to all the judges that awarded Sly so many spectacular wins. To his many ringside tans, your loyalty and support have been so very much appreciated.To Nina Feller - there are not enough words to express our gratitude lor your dedication to handling Sly to one ol the Country's top Poms. You are truly one in a million Sly may be retiring Irom the showring, but he will still visit you otlenCongratulations to lohn and Chris Heartz on your kennel visit. Sly is a Coll GrandsonrMARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 92007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 625 PM9I II IIri4O'V-' sn i i i iWrfvjf i4KathrynJ. NoremOwner Knox, INwww.eaglecreekpoms.comNina FetterHandler Lima, OH www.ninafetter.comTDiane L. FinchBreederCo-Owner Kelly, Iowa www.finchspoms.com10 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 625 PM10 INI 4 n i i i i4AchillesVOiA^fUii- .V-L H HIsr -. M3^1...l V VSr r aPrettyis as pretty does.Chris John - All our best on your well-deserved kennel visit.4 Yi34MARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 11Lenette PomeraniansBreeders of fine Poms since 19571440 Pom Orchid LaneKannapolis, North Carolina 28081Ph 704 938-2042 Fax 704 - K. G. Griffith - OwnerCh. Magic Touch of Lenette x Ch. Amber Glow of LenetteCome September of this year we will celebrate 50 years in Poms. It is time to take it easy and startsmelling the roses. Due to old age and Kens declining health, we will be selling many of our broodmatrons. As of this date we think we will probably sell 13 to 12 of all our broods. They will besold bred to the stud of your choice, with our approval.Best wishes to John Chris Heartz on your kennel visit. You folks are two of our nicest people inthe Pom world. I have always envied that Chriscendo look.Please visit our web site for the latest info on new puppies and broods.2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 626 PM114X\Milwlv, ^Jjl . 1.. r-.m\X 4m5Wi30SV12 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 626 PM12rm m4IJ Vi 01 LI AH1PW TPS POIy' ^,1rjjrt''ss^4ai mr vV ,i j V,.A N tfiit5 nSPHj--^\ - Ji ..... iL'j '-\ ".2 2 sifa imHUNWUJf1 -15. Dean DennisPfiotograpiy fsmlie ' fccrPuppyIn Showgau'H^ifcfwood' 7CC 4v k , -HNettie Gees Best Puppy in Shew under Judge David Markus, vwner handled by Lee-Ann LambertBpT WINNERS IyBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX4llettie Gees Best ef Opposite and Best ef Winners for her first major under Judge James Reynolds. Expertly handled by Susan Popescu.Owned byLee-Ann Lambert SugarLamb PomsKincardine, O marie, Canada - mcqtnL21.cemBred byMelvin and Jean BeechJclvin KennelsMARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 132007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 627 PM13CAN CH POM HAVEN'S IL DIVO iiIjV.. imiOWNERSBEST i OF Vestof^ CQUWTv COUNTYG -sg 'jan.5,20J j.C.PhotograpnVCAN. BPIS CH. Pcmhaven's II Dive gees Best ef Winners under fudge Dr. fehn A. Reeoe-Newsc fer his first C.S. pcints. Thank you to Sii.y Pepescu fer the fantastic presentatien.I want te congratulate fehn and Chris Heartz fer their well-earned feature and a special thank ycu fer all the support they have given this newbie.Bred byColleen BelaudPemhaven KennelDive is shewn by Suzy Pepesce.Owned byLee-Ann Lambert Sugarlamb PomsKincardine, Ontario, mcqtnt21.com14 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWTaffy did Obedience to please me, and enjoyedit as long as there were cookies in prospect, buthis primary love was his therapy work. Whenwe would arrive at a hospital or nursing home,Taffy would throw back his shoulders, hold hishead high, and declare as he strutted in, Lookat me Im a Working Man, and this is my Placeof Employment. He seemed to know that hewas helping people to recover from their physicalor emotional trauma, and loved it. In one of hisfavorite activities, I would get the residents tosing with us, There was a farmer had a dog,and Bingo was his name-O. Taffy would, asoften as not, bark along with the stanza, but hereally shone in the chorus, when he would barkfor the silent letters in B-I-N-G-O. It was a big hitwith everyone, including one young man in themental health department who laughed so hardhe fell off the sofa and rolled on the floor laughing.Im sure that my mother, who loved him greatly,was waiting for him at the Rainbow Bridge.2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 627 PM14JOHNSTOY'S FRIDAY JAM SESSION CDX RA CGCTDInc.Awmt. w im 1pA 0mM 'rTherapy Doy ExtraordinaireJuly 31,1993-January 2, 2007Owned and loved by Barbara McClatcheyJulias Music Man of Lenetter". m,7 A^G0-M00RHEf\uFennel club TFTT3 20051IV BEST gOF ^DINNERSMl 4 KOHLER PHOTO_4Dueto illness we are forced to downsize our breeding program. We offer for sale this beautiful male,Music Man3,000.00Julia Smith2946 300th Ave.Brook Park MN 55007 Phone 320-334-0331 Or 651-694-3603MARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 152007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 627 PM154 i i i in4^TODo , 0DDui^o0ji[r0 R9 ril^tMn W' '7 ,Thank you judges Edmund R. Sledzik WD BOW 4 pt. major, Mr. Timothy S. Robbins WD, Ms. Terri Lyddon WD, Ms. Peggy L. Lloyd WD, Ms. Denny C. Mounce WD BOW, Mr. Raymond D. Bay WD, BOW BOB major,Mrs. Mildred K. Bryant WD, BOW BOB major.^4^^DuQo ODateOTOeOOcaxml 0DDu0o30acrandy's halleThank you judges Mrs. Anne Katona WB BOS, Mrs. Isabell J. Staffers WB BOS, Mrs. Ann A. Kennedy WB BOS, Ms.Victoria E. Lovely WB, Miss Dorothy MacDonald WB major,Mr. Timothy Robbins WB BOW,Mr. Dana Plonkey WB, BOW BOS, Mr. Raymond D. Bay WB BOS,Mr. Kenneth D. Falconi WB, BOW BOS major.imT"V V' WILUME1TET0YD0GFANCIERS^MBER 25,2008 BY ELAINEA fine finish for my latest two champions Halle finished from the bred by class plus completing the ROM for both of their sires Am International Ch. Keepsakes Berrie Traditional ROM AOM.D D DDessiXS23Congratulations to John and Christine Heartz on their well-deserved Kennel VisitRANDY'S WW YTOOftPOM4US o16 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2132007, 810 AM16'' vevBESTOF BREEDVARIETYNATIONAL SPECIALTYTHOMAS PHOTOGRAPHYthomasphoto30hotmail.comf-s newSHOTSThomas and Judy will see you at theAPC Nationals in KentuckyThomas Phctcsraphy262-544-1822 mehciz8195msn.comMiff iif\Cur sincere apologies tc Jane Lehtinen whose name was net included as breeder and co-owner in cur Memorial ad of Tieeer, Ned and Trouble.MARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 172007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2132007, 810 AM17www. Vuamascnsroaabevcarterdamascusroad.caJL .V'-otsISPsf 'vCH. Damascusroads Joyful NoiseEmily became a New Champion in 2006 at the age of 13. She was exclusively owner-handled.She is the granddaughter of CanAm CH.Chriscendo City Lights ROMX, sire of 32 American Champions and several Best in Show winners, and of Chriscendo Cotton Jenny.She is also the great-granddaughter of CanAmBda CH. Chriscendo Causing A Commotion winner of 15 All Breed BISsChriacendoPomeranians are behind the very best of DamascusroadCongratulations Chris and John on your featured Kernel Visit.I am so very grateful for your friendship and your willingness to share your amazing stud dogs with Damascusroad and the rest of the world.You guys and your Poms are the best of the best Cant wait to read your Kennel VisitCongratulations Chriscendo58sQDAMASCUSROADS OCEAN HARLEQUIN Multiple BOB winner and Major pointed at just 6 months of ageThis fourth generation Damascusroad puppy comes from three generations of Champion Damascusroad bitches. An Emily great-grandson, Harley is the son of 'Colt BIS CanAm CH Chriscendo Call to Arms.-MBISMBISS FRLUXBELG CHAMPION CH DAMASCUSROAD DEEPSEA ANCHOR 1 Pom in France in 2005Andy is a third generation Damascusroad Champion. He is Emilys grandson by our top producing bitch CH Damascusroad's Lady Eleanor Ellie. His sire is BIS CanAm CH Chriscendo Call to Arms.Beverley A. CarterNewfoundland, 709,229 178318 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAmCan Ch Chriscendo Call To Arms X Ch Chriscendo Cover GirlThis lovely little orange boy with NO BACK was just as sweet and easy-going asyou could ever want The first time I laid hands on him, he took Reserve WinnersDog at the Pom Club of Central Indiana Specialty and finished with a 4 pointmajor the next time I showed him. You cant ask for better than that Thank youto the judges who just couldnt take your eyes off him, and many thanks toShannon Johnson, Dooshay Poms and Bostons, for the privilege of finishing thislittle boy.LaCueva Kennels, Sherrilynn J. Rogers, 3016 Hiawatha Dr, Dayton OH 45414, 937 275-4062e-mail lacuevaknlaol.comLaCueva Kennel Pomsis proud to announce three New Champs in 2006 for our ClientsCh Beau James Dreamtime Indian Rock X Beau James Dreamtime TailorMadeThis handsome and strong moving orange sable boy finished with back-tobackmajors, becoming champion No. 4 for his Sire. Stubborn andindependent, he was by far the most challenging dog I have shown, but hisgood looks and phenomenal movement far outweighed the challenge. Manythanks to the judges who were up to the challengeCH Beau James Back To Indian RockCh Beau James Dreamtime Indian Rock X Beau James Dreamtime GingerThis gentle-natured and loving orange boy, with more coat than I knew whatto do with, was a real pleasure to show, finishing quickly with 5 point and 4point majors. He was champion No. 3 for his sire, making dad and hisbreeder proud. Thank you to the judges who appreciated his many qualities.Thank you Cynthia Wallen, Beau James Poms, for entrusting me with thesetwo lovely boys. I hope they do you as proud as they did me. I look forwardto showing their sons and daughters in the futureCH Beau James DreamcatcherCH Chriscendo Career Move2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2132007, 810 AM18I I I I I i i i inx -V11i 4BS.m. w F - ,kV4, 1..'1ERSi 7-F4MARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 19Ch Cascades Dynamic Magic Man XReginapoms Rumble LenaThis handsome little clear orange boy is going to be my firstBred By Exhibitor Champion. After 10 years of finishingPoms from the puppy classes and finishing many Poms for allthe wonderful clients who have entrusted me with their babies,I have finally held one back to finish from the BBE class. Hehas attitude and type to spare and has done me proud so far.Thank you to the Judges who have enjoyed his enthusiasm inthe ring Look for this little boy to finish in 2007BreederOwnerHandlerSherrilynn J. Rogers, 3016 Hiawatha Dr, Dayton OH 45414, 937 275-4062e-mail AND two almost New Champions of our ownCh Jenuwane Caught You Look N XLaCueva-DHCrew Pattis LegacyThis pretty little orange sable girl just loves toshow and kisses all the judges for the privilege ofbeing there. Now, if I can just slow her down.She has wonderful movement and we need toshow it off more. She needs just 3 singles tofinish. Thank you to the Judges who haveappreciated her qualities and her kisses. Sheloves youLaCueva Jenuwane DebutanteDebiTuffyWatch for our first Parti boy and our first black and tan boy to be out in 2007Congratulations to Christine John Heartz, Chriscendo Poms, on your Kennel VisitLaCuevas one Tough Cookie2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2132007, 810 AM19 INI n i i i i4ButlerCountyKENNEL CLUB INC wfomc 05-27 -06K\ WINNERS 1INGHAMy\ countyKENNELBEST clubOF ecmbtr 3,2006OPPOSITE SEX TO BY MONICA Jt111Vi7BEST -WINNERSOF4420 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAdvertisers Index.........................................................98APC Board Summary Janice Russell............................49APC Breed Standard...........................................50APC Membership Application.................................52, 53APC National 2007 DVD Order Form...............41APC National Specialty Info...................................85APC Officers.................................................................25APC Statement...............................................................25APC Stats Kelly Reimschiissel........................59-67APC Summer Specialty Information...........................99Ask Us Anything Annette Davis.............................30, 31Back Issue Information.............................................98Behind New Titlists..................................................28Central Arkansas Pom Club Specialty...................78, 79Coming Events..........................................................99Cover Story .............................................................20Free PR Subscription MUG......................................92Hawaiian Pom Club.................................................82-84Health and Genetics Geneva Coats...................46-48Judges Education Dot Martin.........................................50Junior Showmanship Jessica Christiansen..............42, 43Junior Showmanship Chelsea Valles.......................68, 69Just FUR Fun..............................................................55Kennel Visit John and Christine Heartz..................35-41Kennel Visits, Future Features.................................49Membership Report Annette Davis...............................24Memorial Annie Rogers Clark................................54Naughty Naughty Sally Baugniet............................44New Champions Kelly Reimschiissel.......................66, 67Performance News Barbara McClatchey..................72-76Pom Charitable Trust.....................................................58Pom Talk...........................................................93Pomeranian Claritable Trust Loretta Swit Jewelry............58Pomeranian Club of Central Virginia.......................94, 95Progressive Toy KC Pom Results.........................71Puppy Love - Assisted Care Jennifer Munn...................77Presidents Report Cynthia G. Boulware.........................26Registrars Corner Carol Leemhuis...............................24Review Advertising Rates.....................................22Review Sub MUGS...................................................81Sallys Soapbox Sally Baugniet........................45Salute to Our Armed Forces...................................91Stud Issue Information Example..........................31Subscription Card.....................................................90SubscriptionReview Information............................90, 98Sunshine and Roses...........................................86Ways and Means Walda Green....................................58Website Address............................................................25Westminster Kennel Club Pom Results................70Where Are All The Points Katie Gammill..............80, 81Front Cover2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2132007, 810 AM20The Pomeranian ReviewContents mo4iUYS IN 2007Pictured Left Majestics Jumpn Jack Flash Breeder Owners Annette Rister, Charlotte Creed, Brenda Terry Turner Sire BISS CH. Majestics Wolfman Jack Dam CH. Majestics Artistic Impressionso cPictured Right Patriots The Hitman Owners Suzanne Berney, Annette Rister Charlotte Creed Breeder Joanne Rusk Sire CH. Lynnwrights Tony Soprano Dam Subers Jewel of the Pharoah Website The Hitman Team Sue, Annette, Joanne, Charlotte, Donna Lorelei4MARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 21alane levinsohn2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 702 PM21Starlight Paws and Showcase Pomeranians BIS, BISS Am, Can, Mex, FCI IntiCh. Showcase Hot Topic, GC, HOF1 Pomeranian All Systems 2006LstIN SHOW'ft VALENCI MU-EX A, KENNEL CLUB H Of NEW MEXICODAN PEARSON I PHOTOGRAPHY OCTOBER 2006V- rcmUThankyou Judge Dr. Wanda V. Spediacci for this great honor.Thank you to all the judges who appreciated Ozzie and helped make him 1.Congratulations to John and Chris Heartz of Chriscendo Pomeranians on your kennel visit and for your well-deserved success in the ring.Exclusively handled by Curtiss SmithOwned and loved by Ron and Merilyn Smith and Alane LevinsohnBred by Alane Levinsohn and Curtiss Smith22 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWEditor...........................................................................................................................................Brenda Segelken11139 E. Camelot Ave., Effingham, IL 62401 PH 217 347-5731 fame62401yahoo.comSubscription Manager...................................................................................................................................Cheri McDonaldPO Box 3402, San Dimas, CA 91773 Phone 909 394-7923 Fax 909 599-4692 cheribachmanpoms.comProofreaders.........................................................................................................................Joan Behrend, Becky SabourinAdvertisement Manager.......................................................................................................................Joan Behrend6 Richmond Blvd, Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 PH 631 366-2330 mzjoanoptonline.netBusiness Card Manager..................................................................................................................................Kathyrn Norem0599N 650E, Knox, IN 46534 PH 574 772-3910 ecpomsearthlink.netSubscriptions6 issues per yearUSPS First Class...............................45.00USPS Bulk.........................................37.00CanadaMexicoPuerto Rico.............55.00Foreign.....................................100.00Single Issue.....................................10.00Back Issues....................................10.00 Advertising RatesFront Cover Color.......................600.00Back Cover Color.............................450.00Inside Front Cover Color................300.00Inside Front Cover BW..................125.00Inside Back Cover Color.................300.00Inside Back Cover BW.....................125.00Page 3, 4, 5, 6 Color........................300.00Page 3, 4, 5, 6 BW...........................125.00Center Spread BW........................250.00Full Page Deluxe Color.....................275.00Full Page BW...................................100.00Half Page Color................................150.00Half Page BW.................................60.00One Quarter Page............................40.00Business Card 6 ......Small 70, Large 100All ads include one photo. Additional color photos are 25each additional black and white photos are 10 each.SUPPORT THE APCSUPPORT THE REVIEWMail ad text, photos and payment toThe APC Pomeranian ReviewBrenda Segelken, Editor11139 E. Camelot Ave.Effingham, IL 62401-7460Or Email fame62401yahoo.comMake all checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club.DeadlinesAd Deadline IssueDec 1...............OBEDIENCE... JanFebFeb 1........................................MarAprilApril 1.......ANNUAL STUD ISSUE...MayJuneJune 1.............COLOR FEATURE...JulyAugAug 1......................................SeptOctOct 1..............MEMORIAL ISSUE..NovDec.........official A. P. C. publication.........sent to Breed Group Judges.........reasonable rates.........quality reproductions.........only source of APC Archives.........provides APC news and reports.........APC Specialty coverage.........Regional Pom Club coverage.........obedience training information.........interesting, informativeThe Pomeranian Review2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 702 PM22i i i inThe Pcmeranian ReviewThe Official Publication of The American Pomeranian Club, Inc.4MARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 232007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 702 PM23I II II mr 101,1, uWl hWFSJfcXSsfcfflv,i., ,'iVAWINNERS rP JSAN FERNANDO KENNEL CLUB HOLLOWAY PHOTO Sre BSS AmCan Ch. Rodi's CR King of Gondor Dam Bachman's Precious Star RubyThank you to Judge Mrs. Martha M. Olmos-Ollivier for awarding Orion his first points from the Bred-By class. Orion is co-owned and co-bred with my Mother Beverly Tiaga. We hope our little Orion shines bright many more times. Special thanks to Robert and Celeste Solano of CR Poms for the use of their beautiful Strider.Good luck to everyone at the Nationals and we hope to see you there.Congratulations to John and Chris Heartz on their kennel visit.BreederOwnerCheri McDonald Beverly Tiaga Bachman Pomeranianswww. bachmanpoms. com 909-394-7923Handled by Cheri McDonaldT24 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2318 Rose Garden RoadPittsburgh, PA 15220412 344-8257 391 N. Mink Creek Rd. Pocatello, ID 83204 208 234-0932 infoavalonpom.comLetters other than those from sponsors commenting onthe applicants whose names are published in the Revieware to go to Janice Russell, 3540 Kessler Blvd. N. Dr.,Indianapolis, IN, 46222. Comments must be receivedwithin 30 days of publication Standing Rule II 3. Seethe APC Website or contact AnnetteDavis for membership applications.Visit the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website athttpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgREGISTER OF MERITCH Finchs Peacemaker Parti DOwner Elaine WaughCH Kacees N Janesas Lets Go Girl BOwner Katy StalnakerCH Jan-Shars Fresh Off The Farm DOwner Sharon HansonCH Pom Acres Thrill Of Victory DOwner Juanita FiddickCH Reginapoms Gator In Motion DOwner Laurie OtisCH Kacees Ltl Darlin Want-A-B BOwners Gail and Bill BertrandGOLD CLUBCH Eagle Creeks Hamin It Up DOwner Kathy NoremNEW MEMBERSSunny Shawley WASponsors Marlene Presser, Celeste SolanoSandra McCutcheon TXSponsors Linda Pelz, Leslie StoneReena Fair NMSponsors Joanne Norris, Benson E. RayVeronica Ronni Winter NCSponsors Alane Levinsohn, Jose Tony CabreraAPPLICATIONSBonnie Stetson OHSponsors Dorothy F. Martin, Jackie RaynerDebbie Carr COSponsors Cristy Christiansen, Babe McCombsDr. Rosanne M. Cebelenski NYSponsors Victoria Oelerich, Maureen GrecoMelissa Mike PfannerstillBailey Jr. Colten Jr. Pfannerstill UTSponsors Greggory S. Waters, Kelly D.ReimschiisselJoan H. Kaneshiro HISponsors Sally Baugniet, Ellen TakayamaNorma Lee Smart ARSponsors Pat Barnett, Babe McCombsMonty Alora Hart AKSponsors Valerie Allridge, Karen WeggKim Cagle TXSponsors Connie Zieba, Barbara McClatchyMembership ContinuedMembership Continued2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 702 PM24 INI I I I ITT^7rHembeiship DepcrtAnnette Davis\Registrar Report Carel LeemliuisJrv. MARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 25AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. OFFICERSPRESIDENT...................................................................................CYNTHIA G. BOULWARE 6450 Rolling Heights Circle, Kaufman, TX 75142PH 972-962-3872 Fax 972-962-3872 e-mail lovencountryearthlink.netFIRST VICE PRESIDENT.................................................................JANE LEHTINEN1517 8th Street S, Virginia, MN 55792PH 218 749-1154 Fax 218 741-9435 e-mail janlepomsnetscape.net2ND VICE PRESIDENT.....................................................................FRANCES J. STOLL2488 E Hwy 50, Washington, IN 47501PH 812-254-3857 Fax 812-254-3254 e-mail stolanne650dialup.comRECORDING SECRETARY...........................................................JANICE C. RUSSELL 3540 Kessler Blvd. N. Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46222PH 317 924-9093 e-mail indypomsbcglobal.netCORRESPONDING SECRETARY.................................................DANA COVENTRY 1185 Banbury Court, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302PH 248-540-4888 e-mail caninelegalaol.comTREASURER....................................................................................ERIKA MOUREAU 21522 Rosehill Church Rd., Tomball, TX 77375PH 281351-9516 Fax 281 351-6620 e-mail ........................BOARD OF DIRECTORS............................Sally Baugniet David Gilstrap Judith B. GreenJackie Rayner Donna S. Riehm Greggory WatersThe American Pomeranian Club, Inc. is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting the Pomeraniandog and the protection and advancement of the breed. We are currently offering membership to all who are interestedin these principles and aims. If you are interested in joining the APC, please contact APC MembershipChairperson, Annette Davis, 391 N. Mink Creek Road, Pocatello, ID 83204. Phone 208 234-0932 or Membership applications also may be downloaded from the American Pomeranian Club,Inc. Website If you only wish to subscribe to the Pomeranian Review,please contact the Pomeranian Review Circulation Manager, Cheri McDonald, PO Box 3402, San Dimas, CA 91773.Phone 909 394-7923, Email or Fax 909 599-4692. You need not be an APC Memberto subscribe to or advertise in the Pomeranian Review.2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 702 PM254- i i i in26 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWIts hard to believe that the National Specialty is already here. I hope youare traveling to Louisville or relaxing in your room at the Executive Inn asyou read this issue of the Pomeranian Review. For those of you who cantmake it to Kentucky this year, I want you to know that you will be missedand I sincerely hope you can make it next year.The passing of the Animal Ordinance in January created some legitimate concerns about the safety of ourPomeranians during our stay in Louisville. However, by researching the ordinance and speaking with thecoordinators of the Kentuckiana Cluster, the Board felt our Poms would be safe if we practice the followingprecautionsA Crate all Poms any time you are not in the room with them.B Keep your dogs on a leash any time you leave your room.C Carry your show entries and rabies certificate with you any time you leave the hotel with your dogs.Please be assured that this Board will continue to work with the Kentuckiana Cluster and the hotel managementdoing everything within our power to insure the safety of all of our Poms while in Louisville.I would also like to take this opportunity to dispel any rumors concerning the 2008 National. First, the Boardhas not appointed a committee to search for a new show site this is not to say that we are not keeping our mindsopen to the possibility of moving the National. However, it is the responsibility of the Board to consider, studyand explore all options and possibilities before making any decisions or recommendations that will ultimatelyaffect the Club and its members. The Board will continue to keep an eye on Louisville for any revisions orchanges to the animal ordinance and a report stating our findings and recommendations will be given at theAnnual Membership Meeting.On a more pleasant note, I am pleased to say that the dark cloud cast over Louisville with the passing of theanimal ordinance has not stopped one APC volunteer, committee chairperson, or Board member from doingeverything in their power to make the 2007 National a fun, educational and successful event. I am equallypleased that so many of our APC members have supported the Club with their entries, donations, catalogpurchases, seminar, banquet and room reservations. Pomeranian folks are truly the best, and I am proud to saythat I belong to this great group of people. Thanks to everyone for all you do.See you in Kentucky.2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 703 PM26I te m the PresidentCynthia C. EcuiesvareMARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 272007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 704 PM27 INI 4 n i i i i4New ChampionMi Babe Classic Rembrandt B-r IifjiOyrJ BEST OF J BREEDVARIETY northwest arkansa t " kennel club \J w2006ounTQ 8Y MELIAGi JMThanks to Judge Ken McDermott for Remmy's first Remmy finished with another 5 point major, winning Best of 5 point major. Remmy is champion No. 4 for his dam, Breed over two lovely specials. Thanks so much to Judge Joe Ch. Mi Babe RainBeau's Margarita. Gregory. Remmy finished with three majors.Finishing the same dayChampion Mi Babe River of PashminaTLJ1a.ko. r,-,y. tiPknCTiV XThanks to Judge Maxine Beam for Pashions first points. Thanks to Judges Peggy Haauk for her 5 point major and Helen Lee James for her 3 point major.Thanks Judge Joe Gregory for Best of Opposite, and her final points. She finished quickly from the Bred by Exhibitor class.BreederOwner Babe httpmibabepomeranians.tripod.com28 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWBehind the TitlistsCH. BACHMANS MINI COOPER N CAMEODOB 110403 ORANGEBRED BY CHERI MCDONALDOWNERS KAREN BETZ CHERIMCDONALDBIS CH GREAT ELMS PRINCE CHAMING IIROMXCH JERIBETH PRINCE VENDREDIJERIBETH TE TUESDAYCH NGUYEN, CORY LOVERBOY OF GQ ROMEMCEES CLOUDBUSTER O MANOR HILLRADIANT RUBY OMANOR HILLFANTASY GEM STONE O CHRISCENDOTOYRIFIC BILLY THE KIDTOYRIFIC DION DIABLOTOYRIFIC OF TWO SHADOWSCH. BACHMANS LADY LEXUSMASONS STATESMAN OF BEV-NORBACHMANS QUEEN ANNEUNICORNS PRECIOUS JEWELCH. BACHMANS MY DREAM PORSCHEDOB 51604 ORANGEBRED BY CHERI MCDONALDOWNERS ROBERT CELESTESOLANO, CHERI MCDONALDBIS CH GREAT ELMS PRINCE CHAMING IIROMXCH JERIBETH PRINCE VENDREDIJERIBETH TE TUESDAYCH NGUYEN, CORY LOVERBOY OF GQ ROMEMCEES CLOUDBUSTER O MANOR HILLRADIANT RUBY OMANOR HILLFANTASY GEM STONE O CHRISCENDOTOYRIFIC BILLY THE KIDTOYRIFIC DION DIABLOTOYRIFIC OF TWO SHADOWSCH. BACHMANS LADY LEXUSMASONS STATESMAN OF BEV-NORBACHMANS QUEEN ANNEUNICORNS PRECIOUS JEWELCHECKS, MONEY ORDERS, MASTERCARD, VISA,AMERICAN EXPRESS, DISCOVERY, PAYPAL ACCEPTED.PAYMENT ALSO MAY BE MADE ONLINEAT THE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUBS WEBSITEat httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgTo APC Members and GuestsRE APC National Show site, March 12-14, 2007The following statement from the APC Board ofDirectors is intended to serve as official notice to allAPC Members.The 2007 APC National will be held at the ExecutiveInn Hotel in Louisville, Kentucky as originallyplanned, despite any rumors you may have heard tothe contrary. The Board is aware of the recentAnimal Ordinance passed in Louisville, we have been,and will continue, to stay in close contact with theLouisville Cluster Coordinators for any additionalinformation that becomes available. We will alsocontinue to monitor and keep you informed of anyramifications that could impact our members andorattendees.The Board has also contacted the Executive Innconcerning the safety of our animals while at theirfacility. The Hotel has stated that they will havesecurity in place and do not anticipate any problemson their property. They advise, however, that all dogsbe kept on leash anytime they are outside of the hotel,and dogs left alone in rooms should be crated.The Louisville Animal Ordinance did include a list ofentities, persons animals that would be exemptfrom the Ordinance, two exemptions that pertaindirectly to us are1. Because the Fairgrounds are located on Stateproperty they will be exempt from the new ordinance.2. Animals that are coming in for dogcat shows areexempt for the ordinance.The Board will give a full report at the Annualmeeting concerning our recommendations for the 2008National. At this time, despite rumors to the contrary,No Official Committee has been established to pursuea new venue for 2008.We are looking forward to another great APCNational, and we hope see all of you there supportingyour Club.Sincerely,Cindy Boulware, Presidentand the APC Board of Directors2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 704 PM2844vs,44iridii i i n 4MARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 29NEW PREVIEW VIDEO CLIPS BEFORE YOU BUY. FREE LEAFLETS INCLUDED WITH EACH VIDEO GROOMINGTIPS, EQUIPMENT NEEDED AND WHERE TO BUY IT, AND HOW TO TRIM EARS.Have you ever wondered how the Poms in the show ring and show pictures are trimmed so nicely and how it is done Weare pleased to present this Pom grooming video, Pomeranian Grooming with Karen Crawford, by Karen Crawford ofXitable Pomeranians. This tape is not just for Pom show people, it is for all of you who have Poms and want to learn theprofessional but easy way to properly trim your Poms - from head to toe. For more information about Karen, the video,preview video clips, satisfied customer reviews and ordering, please visit our web site at httpwww.foxxlanepoms.comVideo, e-mail Pauline McFarlane at, or call Pauline at 304-813-1541.Karen Crawford, Xitable Pomeranians and John Pauline McFarlane, FoxxLane PomeraniansCongratulations to John and ChristineHeartz of Chriscendo Pomeranianson your Kennel Visit.We would like to thank Mikeand Cande Gordon ofPominique Pomeranians forallowing us to use AMIntCH Pominique ChasingTatonka aka Tony as ourdemonstration model.BEST WISHES TO ALL AT THEUPCOMING APC NATIONALSPECIALTY2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 704 PM29 i i i in W Ikiir LCongratulationsChris and Johnon your feature and your wonderful Chriscendo Poms.Thank you again for my now six-months-old "Colt-Berrie".Karleene MorrowSHOWBOATPOMERANIANSshowboatpomsyahoo .comSHOWBOAT ROZZER THE TOP COPA AW ming430 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWA sk Us Anything Annette Davis, CNOur question for this issue is My Pom has seizures. Is there anything I can do to helpSeizures are temporary electro-physiologic phenomena of the brain. Seizures can, but dont always causeinvoluntary muscle contractions convulsions and loss of motor control. Epilepsy is a condition characterized byrecurrent seizures. In dogs and humans, it is one of the most common neurological diseases. Not all seizures,however, are caused by epilepsy. Injury, hypothermia, hypoglycemia, poisoning, nutritional deficiencies, braintumors, distemper, parasites, low blood calcium, thyroid, liver, and kidney disease can all cause seizures. Somedogs experience one seizure in their lifetime and some experience multiple seizures every day. Epilepsy can begenetic so dogs with the disease should not be bred.While they can be frightening to watch, most seizures last less than 5 minutes. Other than moving your dog to asafe place, no immediate intervention is required. Never restrain your dog or attempt to put something in hismouth. Seizures that last more than 5 minutes are a medical emergency. Call your veterinarian for adviceimmediately.Conventional therapies for epilepsy involve the use of anti-seizure drugs such as Phenobarbital. A natural, wholefoods diet in combination with herbal therapies used in cooperation with proper veterinary care can be a viablecomplement or possible alternative in some cases.Below are several herbs and supplements that can be helpful in the management of seizuresMelissa Lemon BalmPassionflowerLavenderChamomileValerianHopsSkullcapSalmon Oil Essential Fatty Acid SourcePet Tabs Plus Multi Vitamin and Mineral SupplementAvoid the following essential oils which may trigger seizuresHyssopRosemary2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 704 PM30--'-rMARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 31gFennelSageFurther reading is recommendedHerbs for Pets by Gregory L. TilfordHolistic Aromatherapy for Animals by Kristen Leigh BellVeterinary Aromatherapy by Nelly GrosjeanThe Holistic Dog Book by Denise FlaimFor young puppies or anorexic Pomeranians, always consider hypoglycemia low blood sugar as a possibility.Hypoglycemia in toy dogs is fairly common and can be immediately life threatening. For more information onhypoglycemia, reference our previous articles on line at the link below.Reputable source for pet supplements and supplies www.kvvet.comReputable source for herbs and essential oils www.timelabs.comOur next question is What is the best way to wean my litter of Pom puppiesYou may direct new questions or answers to these questions toAnnette Davis391 N Mink Creek Rd. Pocatello ID 83204208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792 e-mail infoavalonpom.comPrevious Ask Us Anything Columns may be viewed on line www.avalonpom.comPomCare.htmAsk Us Anything ContinuedPOMERANIAN REVIEWSTUD ISSUE MAYJUNEINCLUDES PHOTO, THREE GENERATIONPEDIGREE, SHORT DESCRIPTION INCLUDEDxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxONE THIRD PAGE 30DeadlineApril 1, 20072007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2132007, 1210 AM31i i i i n44fzmfi ' Pit'O'dH.\kV4432 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2132007, 1210 AM32rWitli BreederOwherHandler Judy Green BIS CanAm CkR^zzle Dazzle Hat DHLvl hKBP\rfi \OVSBbCJAJSPL_is vrMVtVwr , 7s uVmW'To Jolm and Chris ITeartz my heartfelt thanks lor all you ve done lor me over the years hut nothing can compare to ijour parting with Amher AmCan Cli Cliriscendo Classique.Amher was the foundation lor my breeding program and a more wonderful hitch could not he had. Congratulations on your kennel visit and may youcontinue your Iwinning ways4J3Jr4MARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 332007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2132007, 1210 AM33Tresstique PomeraniansChampionTresstiqueMICute or WhatMy thanks to all the judges who appreciated Emmy's good quality, Joan Goldstein, William Bergum, Carole A. Beattie, Forrest W. McCoy, Arlene Czech, Rodney Herner, Arley D. Hussin, Dorothy A. Dalton, Frank T. Sabella.Irr^csL'-r .v.vJLtaf'lrI a kens Classique of Jan-LeMAJORWINNERSBRONX COUNTYnSm KENNEL CLUB, INC.MHiHHniwtuniHiuHMwmiOctober 29,2006 J.C. PhotographyiThank you judge Connie S. Clapp for Classy's major on that blustery day. Thank you Jackie and Jane for this pretty little girl.Congratulations John and Chris FHeartz on your kennel visit. I've always admired your beatuiful dogs.Bonnie Harris20 C take rest Vve. Middle Island, NY 11953 631-205-5223 tress poms Ii otm aikcom34 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2132007, 1210 AM34i i i inLooking forward to 200Jw4Can. Am. Ch- Ch riscendoColdpiay Pictured leftWe look forward to watching Chico's puppies growing up. In 2007 he will have sired puppies in three countries.Om C^HScendo Chili pepperWe look forward to showing, and hopefully, finishing Chili in the US.And new f7uppies in 200We look forward to litters sired by our own dogs as well as by the lovely Boys from Thailand, Ch. Starlight's Fun Times and Ch. Starlight's Dream Comes True. Many thanks to Doug Stratton Suntera and Jay Suradej Ekviriyakit Starlight for making this possible.tyere's to 4 safe inA, successful2.007 ^130 ntbnlCh riscendoJohn Christine Heartz , P.O. 189, Brookfield, Nova Scotia, Canada, BON 1C0phone 902-673-2446email chriscendons.sympatico.comweb www.chriscendo.com4MARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 35Kennel Visit ContinuedChriscendoAn Interview with Chris and JohnHeartz ChriscendoRather than a typical Kennel Visit, we thought itmight be interesting to interview Chris and John on amore personal basis to find out their thoughts andphilosophies on Poms and breeding over the past 30years.How did you get your start in PomsCH This year is the 30th anniversary of when Johnbought Millamors Rock Medallion for me as anengagement present. Medallion is behind almost all ofour dogs today. While the sensible thing in starting inPoms would have been to buy a bitch, we wouldnever trade the opportunity to have owned Medallion.We owe so much to him, from learning about Poms,grooming and showing, to the friends we madebecause of him as well as the legacy he left as a sire.He was also our housedog and a beloved family petfor almost 13 years.Did you have a mentor when you beganJH When I met Chris, I had already been verysuccessfully breeding Pembroke Welsh Corgis.When the handling got too busy I gave up the Corgisbut I tried to apply what I had learned when westarted breeding the Poms together. Chris and Idisagreed on the number of bitches we needed to besuccessful, but like so much in life, we compromiseduntil it worked. I would have to say that Ken andEleanor Miller and their dogs were the biggest influencein Chris beginning, I think she would agree.CH Definitely Not only were the Millamor Poms ourfoundation but also Ken and Eleanor have remainedlifelong friends. Tim and Sue Goddard, and Olga andDarrel Baker have been friends from the very firstAPC Specialty we attended and we count ourselveslucky to have these wonderful people as friends andmentors. But I still say I could not have done what wehave done if it were not for John. We make a goodteam. He has ideas and pet peeves as do I but theyare not the same. We often banter back and forth. Ilike the dog, he likes the bitch, or vice versa whenwatching a litter grow up.John has the ability to look at a puppy in a whelpingbox and say, There is something wrong with it itwould have to be really sick before I noticed anythingwrong. He has an uncanny sense for the health ofbaby puppies. He also does most of the tube andbottle-feeding and all of the actual breedings. He is amuch better dog person than I am.Influences in the ring When I started, both GeorgiaMurdock and Susie Fisher were at the top of theircareers. I was lucky enough to watch them battle itout in the ring many times. They forever raised thebar in the Pom ring as far as professionalism, handlingand trimming were concerned.How do you consistently breed quality PomeraniansJH. I think that it is a proven fact that line breeding isthe most successful tool in breeding consistency and Iwould say that that is howwhy we have been successful.I dont think that we line breed on a particulardog or bitch but rather breed to outstanding dogswithin a particular family. Breeding is a progressionwith each generation. We sometimes bring the pastforward to strengthen a particular trait, but often welike to breed to outstanding dogs from a differentbranch of the family. This is where it is so important towork closely with others who breed dogs of similarpedigree or descendants of your earlier dogs. Incorporatingthese other breeders successes into aprogram is such a time saver and introduces a bit of2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2132007, 1210 AM3544 4j villi i i i n 4 nnnn^^^m36 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWKennel Visit Continuednew blood. It also allows you to have a successfulbreeding program with fewer dogs. By working withother breeders everyone involved wins so I dontunderstand why more dont do it.CH Poms are a difficult breed. I often think I shouldtalk more people out of getting into this breed. Whennovices so keenly say they will give you a puppyback, or raise a litter for you, I am sure that theynever imagine that they will not sleep for weeks,struggle, many times unsuccessfully, to save a puppyor losing whole litters of breedings that cant berepeated. With their low conception rates and highmortality rates it is not easy to do it consistently.It has always been our philosophy that to remainsmall and try to be successful. To accomplish this,you have to compromise. I always wanted to haveless than six producing bitches and was convincedwhen I started that I would keep only the best, allchampions, of course and breed those dogs successfully.John on the other hand felt that you needed aminimum of 12 bitches to be assured of havingsomething exciting to show yearly. Our compromise isthat we keep it at about 10 and worked with otherbreeders to expand our gene pool. We try to maintaina relationship with a handful of other breeders whobreed dogs within the same family as we do. We tryand incorporate successes and remove the failures.We try and put some of our best dogs with otherbreeders who will use the dogs and share the bloodlineswith others. We believe that it is a mistake not toallow others to breed to your dogs. Occasionally theremay be a reason, the health or workload of the ownerof the stud dog, but the breed suffers when peoplecannot take advantage of a top-producing dog. It isselfish to not allow people to breed to the dogs.When you share, you get to watch and learn byeveryones accomplishments as well as your own.Also it gives you the option to use a relative you likelater on. This is the down side of having a few dogs.Or is it Today it is impossible to keep the largekennels of the past without competent help. That isnot often available, so doing it yourself and trying tohold down a full time job, make taking care of anumber of dogs very difficult. By expanding yourkennel to include other breeders who lease andborrow dogs, everyone benefits.An example of the past can be very important to thefuture. Our history with breeders in Thailand goesback 20 years. Many years ago Matt Heindl used ourCh. Millamors Rock Medallion and produced someoutstanding dogs. Many became the foundation ofseveral top kennels. One beautiful young dog Mattbred was a grandson of Medallion, Ch. BavanewsTime After Time. He was a Specialty Winner and wereally thought he was outstanding. Due to somefamily problems with the owners, the dog was offeredto us but we couldnt really use him at the time becausehe was so closely related to our own fewbitches. Well-known judge Nigel Aubrey Jones contactedus about a friend, Dr. Dome, in Thailand whowas looking for a really nice Pom dog. We were ableto put these people together and Nigel hand carriedthis Timmy to Thailand. We later sold two bitches tothis same breeder, Can. Ch. Chriscendo Cover Girland Chriscendo Caitland. We kept in touch and it wasa great pleasure to finally meet Dr. Mel and Dr. Domein person when we went to Thailand two years ago.Timmys last puppy was a cream dog called Thai Ch.Pak Domes Everytime. Myome, as he is called, wasmore than eight years old when we saw him but justbeautiful He was a great show dog, multiple BISwinner and champion producer. Today the dogs inThailand are exceptional, and are now incorporatedinto the current generation of our own dogs.What are your views on exportingCH While many people are nervous about sendingdogs overseas. There are truly dedicated breeders inother countries that are willing to work hard to producetop quality dogs. Someone has to help them.While some breeders consider other countries to bedumping grounds for their cast offs or refuse to evenconsider letting dogs go to these countries, we feel ifthey can prove themselves to us that they are trulyinterested in bettering the breed, that the dogs arekept well and they truly have the welfare of the dogsat heart, we feel these people deserve the sameconsideration that the exhibitor you see every weekenddoes. To be successful in this day and age I thinkyou must look at the big picture and that the world isnow at your fingertips.JH To both of us, working with like minded breedersis really the ultimate extension of your breedingprogram. While everyone will agree that you cantkeep everything, it is important that the dogs you letgo, can help not just your breeding program but thebreed in general.CH I will always remember Anne Rogers Clark, whosaid, As you remain in the breed, you become thecaretakers of the breed. We like to think of the worldas one large gene pool. There are some countrieswhere, because of their locations, the breed hasbecome insular. They are breeding a Pom that is sototally different, with little or none of the same genetic2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 705 PM364 i i i i n4 44MARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 37Kennel Visit Continuedmakeup as exists in North America. But the Poms inthese countries may be strong where we are weak.I believe the successful breeders of tomorrow will bethose who are able to pull the necessary geneticdetails from wherever in the world they are strongestand create a better Pom. It is not always about individualachievement, but creating a stronger, healthierbreed for the future.I would like to make a comment here that I feel verystrongly against, a move that seems to be prevalentright now, particularly in other breeds. That is thepractice of putting very strict contracts on stud dogs.The thinking is that anyone who owns a stud cancontrol the progeny. This is a very short sightedconcept and could set the breed back, not advance it.If you do not approve of a bitch or the breedingpractices of a person who is inquiring about usingyour dog, just refuse the service. Just say NO.What do you feel is the biggest problem in thePomeranian breedJH I would have to say BSD is the biggest problem inthe breed today. It has been around before we startedin the breed and was very prevalent when we began.We try to be proactive on the BSD issue and feel thatit has certainly come out of the closet in recentyears. Breeders are acting in a positive manner,whether by sending blood for testing, contributingfinancially to research or keeping a positive attitudethat the problem exists in the breed. We are allworking towards finding a marker to control it. Wehave recently sent blood samples from most all of ourdogs for genetic research and encourage everyone tohelp in whatever way they can. The witch hunting,badmouthing and denial only come back to hauntyou.CH We are particularly excited to see that a researchfacility, in Switzerland has agreed to study BSD. Thisis not something that will give us an answer in a year,maybe not even in five years but it is only by contributingblood, pedigrees and money that we will find aDNA marker that will help us eliminate BSD from ourbreed. In the 50s and 60s Poodles and Schnauzerswere plagued with PRA. The problem is not nearly theconcern it once was. This was in the days beforegenetic testing. The advances medical science hasmade make it much easier to identify the geneticmarkers involved and will help us to identify the dogsthat are carriers. Through intelligent breeding practices,it is possible to lead us away from this problemthat has caused so much disappointment and heartbreak.Onthe brighter side, I am grateful that our breed doesnot have one of the debilitating diseases that plagueother breeds. For example, in Basenjis, breeders hadto go to Africa and incorporate stock from the villages,where the true roots of the breed still existed, to beable to breed out a disease that was so ingrained thatthey had no stock free from it left in the U.S.Do you think that genetic testing will cure thebreed of BSDJH Genetic testing will be a tool that dedicatedbreeders can use to eliminate the BSD problem. It willalways remain in the breed as there will be those thatbreed without taking advantage of what testing offers.I would think that these would be more of the backyard breeder puppy mill types. When genetic testingbecomes a reality I would expect in time the BSDproblem could be virtually eliminated in the showpopulation.What do you feel is most important type orsoundnessJH Everyone asks that question, and the answer iseasy, they are equally important. The more a dog hasof each, the better the dog. I tend to consider outlinein the Pomeranian the most critical attribute. I wouldalways look first, for the dogs with the best outline.Then those that can maintain that outline on the goround and then find the soundest one of those withthe best breed qualities as my winner. That would bethe dog most structurally correct and valuable dog forbreeding.CH I agree, with John. Finding the Pom who fills youreye in both departments, that is the challenge. Wherewe may not agree is as a working dog person hewould reward outstanding movement where I want toreward outstanding type. It would just be the degreeand in which dog. Here is always room for discussion.So this is how you would pick a potential studdog for breedingJH Exactly, but I would also have to be happy withthe dogs pedigree and feel that it could offer itsvirtues genetically. I would prefer that the dog descendedfrom dogs that Im familiar with and evenbetter that he has a similar heritage to the bitch I wasconsidering breeding him to. We often see dogs thatcatch our fancy, but they are too foreign in pedigreeto incorporate into our program. These dogs maycarry problems we dont want to introduce.2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 705 PM374 i i i i n4 4438 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWKennel Visit ContinuedCH When we evaluate Poms, whether our own orsomeone elses, we have one prevailing image welook for. As we have just discussed, we want a sideprofile that remains the same moving as standing.The details, gorgeous head, coat, and bone need tobe there too, but without the profile, for us, the essenceof the Pom is lost. We continue to strive tobreed that perfect Pom. The elusive Perfect Pomcontinues to taunt us. But thats what keeps us going.How do you feel about blue merlesJH Blue Merles seem to have caused such a sensationlately. The last revision of the standard openedthe door for this colour to be acceptable as well asmis-marks. A simple change in the standard wouldeliminate the problem and make the standard moreconsistent with Pomeranian standards of other countries.As it stands now breeders in other countriesmay feel American bred dogs have a greater chanceof having more genetic junk in their pedigrees sincemis-marks and any colour is acceptable.CH We dont have them in CanadaWhat dogs have been your favoritesCH We were fortunate to see Ch. Great Elms PrinceCharming at his first show. It was just a fluke that wehappened to be in North Carolina picking up a puppyand went to a show as spectators, but we will alwaysremember it. We have always been a big fan ofPrince and consider his owners and his breeder tobe pillars of the breed and we are proud to haveknown them all.JH I had the opportunity to physically handle Princewhile making the AKC Pomeranian video. He was anoutstanding dog in every way and very deserving ofhis remarkable career. Another favorite of mine wasCh. HHH Texas Two Step who had a notable career inboth the U.S. and Mexico. But in reality it was Ch.Millamors Moon Rock who we based our breedingprogram on, so we must have liked himCH Yes, our first visit to Ken and Eleanor Millershome in the mid 70s gave us the opportunity to seetwo dogs that were foundations not just in our breedingprograms, but many others. Ch. Millamors Markof Dixieland and Moon Rock were a great educationin Pomeranians for us. Mark was the most gorgeousPom because he just oozed type while Moon Rockjust floated over the ground. I remember John sayinghe reminded him of a tumbleweed. I loved Jake forhis producing ability, several of the Bev Nor dogsmade huge contributions to the look we currentlyhave in the breed today. But definitely, the dogs whohad Moon Rock strongly in their pedigrees were ourfoundation.I believe that the breed is improving all the time andwhile I have admired so many dogs I believe thatbreeders today are producing dogs that are betterand better, dogs that can compete in the Group andBIS rings because they are sounder than before. Ittakes both type and soundness to be a top winnertoday.The breed continues to evolve. That is one reasonwhy we feel the importance of attending the APCNational Specialty every year. While we all have apicture of that perfect Pom in our minds, staying upwith current trends and what is winning is very important.Seeing the best of what dogs are producing iswhat we often base what we will be breeding to in thecoming year. Watching the breed evolve in this wayhelps to know where to go to find or fix what is goingwrong.We live in a very remote area and we could notcontinue to breed the quality of dog unless weconstantly used the National Specialty as ourbenchmark While I am sure you have heardmany say they have as good at home, it is only bygetting out there and being in the ring can youtruly remain competitive.Do you have any advice to new breedersCH Buy a good bitch I am always amazed that someof the best Poms, not the most, but the best, havecome from breeders who literally have one or twobitches. I think when you have so few girls, you makeevery breeding count. You tend not to waste bitchesbreeding them to so-so dogs because they are convenient.By a good bitch, I mean a quality female fromoutstanding parents with no serious faults and apedigree that you can take to dogs you want toincorporate in your foundation. I am always amazedhow many people say they have bitch A, who is siredby so and so, when you ask, or see in the pedigreethat she is out of a mish mash of dogs with little or nohope of producing the quality you know they want. Itcan be done, but they will have a long row to hoe. Itwont happen overnight. No, it wont happen, nomatter whom you breed her to. If you are lucky andget a decent size daughter, then breed her to arelative of who you bred the mother to, then keep adaughter and do the same, maybe, maybe, you willhave a show quality girl. But is that worth it No it isnot easy to get a good bitch. In this breed especially,they are not a dime a dozen, they are hard to come2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 705 PM384 i i i i n4 44MARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 39Kennel Visit Continuedby. Work with your mentors, beg, borrowdontsteal but do what you can to get the good bitch, shewill be worth it. Fulfill your agreements, no matter howdifficult, because you have been given a rare opportunity.JHI agree with Chris on that. Why would anyonewant to start breeding with anything but a really nice,well bred bitch. It takes too many generations tobreed from a poor quality bitch in an effort to breedsomething nice. Save the time and effort and startwith the best that is available to you. Remember yourchances of breeding an outstanding puppy multiplygreatly if it is from well bred outstanding parents.But so many newcomers say they cant buy aquality bitch.JH I hear that a lot, but the real problem is when anewcomer buys a quality bitch to breed to a mediocreor lesser dog. This is through inexperience, but it issuch a waste. Not many breeders are going to partwith something knowing it will be wasted by beingbred poorly. I guess some breed education is neededbefore one decides to go into breeding show dogs.Looking back, Chris researched Pomeranians todeath before she bred her first bitch and it producedtwo Best in Show winners.CH Yes for seven years, I owned Poms but didntbreed anything. I wrote to breeders, like DorothyBonner and Janice Luginsland, anyone who wouldwrite to me. I picked their brains, asked a lot of dumbquestions, buying bitches, showing and finishing thembut later placing them because I didnt think theywould produce what I was looking for. When I finallybought a bitch sired by Ch. Bonners Kristin Starmistand out of Millamors Dancette, I felt I finally had thegirl I wanted. And yes, bred to Medallion she producedtwo BIS winners in her first two litters.Today we see people in Poms for a couple of yearsand already, they have all the answers.How do you evaluate show prospectsCH We do a general evaluation at 8 weeks andprepare to let go anything, particularly males that donot show any potential at this age. With males, asruthless as it sounds, we eliminate males that do nothave testicles at this age. We have run on too manybeautiful puppies to 8, 9, 10 months old, only to giveup. We try to eliminate the heartbreak and we thinkone of the reasons we have very few testicle problemsin our own dogs.Our big evaluation is done at 12 weeks. We first takeinto consideration their weight at this age. We do notkeep girls who have not made 2 lb. by this age andrule out any males who are more than 3 lb. at thisage. Now honestly, this may leave us with one or twopuppies, but that is a huge criterion to help us keepour adult weights at 4 and 5 lb. at maturity. We likeour girls we keep for breeding to be on the high side,so many never get shown. We prefer a brood to be 5- 6 lb. In our case it has always been fewer goodones, versus numbers, but it is a challenging way toraising them that way. This is also when we accessbites, soundness as we are just beginning their puppyclass training and can see movement much better atthis age than at eight weeks. It is a process we areboth very much involved in. We dont always agreebut we do have some good discussions as well.Everything that has made it through the 12 weekevaluation, has potential as a breedingshow prospect,remains in the house, taking turns in the kitchenand attending puppy class for the next three months.While many people who breed Poms choose to sellshow prospects at 12 weeks we do not. While thereis nothing at all wrong with this method, we enjoywatching the puppies grow up. Poms like all otherbreeds are all cute at 3 months, but so many of themdo not reach their full potential, many fall apart. Whilewe do not sell many dogs, we feel that the dogs weeventually part with are closer to their potential withless heartache and disappointments at this age, for allof us. We hope that the dogs we have sold havegone on to make a contribution as well.Since you are a solid color breeder, what doyou think of the exoticsCH Well we did breed a beautiful Black and Tan.Can. Am Ch. Chriscendo Colour Picture who wasWinners at APC and went on to win 10 BIS inCanada, but I actually love partis I think that thegreatest improvement in the breed has been in thisarea, and it is wonderful to see all colours beingjudged on a more equal basis today. That is onepositive change that the Revised Standard has made.There are many exotics as good or better than thesolids and I applaud the hard work of the dedicatedpeople who have worked to get them there.JH Years ago when a parti won, too often it wasbecause it was considered a good parti, now they winbecause they are good Poms. This is a credit to thededicated parti breeders. Today there are somebeautiful top winning parti colour Poms.Can you share a memorable win or accom2007MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 705 PM394 i i i i n4 4440 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWKennel Visit ContinuedplishmentCH It will always be the APC wins that remain assome of the best highlights. Winning Best of Oppositewith Coy Coquette and twice with Classica winningWinners Bitch on Colour Picture under Anne RogersClark, BW on Career Girl under Janice Earl and Bestof Winners on Chunky Monkey under Jackie Rayner.All these girls were multiple BIS winners in Canadabut every win at APC I treasure. APC is a benchmark,with respected breeder or top All Breed judges whoseopinions we admire and respect. We dont alwayswin, but we certainly always like to compete. This iswhere the cream of the crop is and a win here is hardto top.JH I remember when we stopped showing CalvinKlein, all the buzz was that we had to stop showinghim due to BSD. I was a bit ticked off at the timebecause in reality, we had stopped showing himbecause he didnt like the show thing and let youknow it by his total disinterest in the whole ordeal. Wedecided since we kept hearing this gossip that wewould show him for a weekend if we could find agood panel. We drove about 14 hours to a show inOntario. He won three groups and a Best in Showunder Emil Klinkhart. So we made a point and hewas never shown again, and he never had BSD.Do you ever plan to go into judgingCH I am currently working on my license for Poms inCanada.JH I have no interest in judging.What is your philosophy on breedingCH I think that the only way to breed dogs is to breedthem for yourself. You have to satisfy yourself and beproud of what you produce. Everything we do is tofurther our breeding program. In doing this hopefullythere are a few quality dogs available to share withothers. We always suggest that breeding to one ofthe dogs is much easier than trying to buy somethingfrom us.What about trimmingCH I dont think that dogs today are being overtrimmed as often as they are being trimmed badly. Butthat too is getting better. People are learning theimportance of having clean, well brushed out dogs,before they ever tackle the trimming.JH Trimming should enhance a Pomeranians outlinenot detract from it.What do you think of contracts for breeding co ownershipCH Because we have so few dogs, we find it hard topart with them. The home is very important to us andwe often place dogs with an owner who has just 3 or4 dogs over adding a dog to a Kennel situation. Wetry to do the best for each individual dog, for they arethe most important to us.We have co-owned dogs with a few people and it isalways important to have everything in writing. Thinkof it as if you were co-owning with your worst enemy.How would the contract be worded Often, particularlywith a novice, they are so anxious to have thedog but have absolutely no experience breeding.Most breeders are not willing to sell a good bitch asan experiment. You have to pay your dues. So workwith your breedersmentors and if you have theopportunity to get a good bitch, remember you arebeing given an outstanding opportunity, one mostpeople are not lucky enough to get. Dont abuse thetrust.What do you feel is the biggest hardship inbreedingCH Certainly today it is good to see so many of thenewer breeders so conscious of soundness andstructure. I look forward to the day that we have astructure seminar at APC. Getting over BSD is justone thing we need to tackle.This is a tough breed, with many things that set youback and slow your plans down. The heartache of notbeing able to save a puppy, of losing that special oneat 6 months, having a favorite stud dog die too young,those things too, stick with you.The complete picture is beautiful AND sound. We allneed to work towards breeding sounder, healthierPoms.JH I dont think there is any one thing. I have alwayssaid Pomeranians are born with the will to die. Alsowe find breeding dogs tends to work in cycles. Therewill be times when you breed several wonderful dogsthen you reach a period of doldrums where nothing isexciting. Since the longer you breed dogs the higheryou set the bar and the harder it is to reach it, thesedoldrums can be depressing but by realizing they arethere helps to get through them..What do you feel is your greatest contributionto the breed2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 705 PM404 i i i i n4 44MARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 41CH I would hope that we have bred some memorabledogs. I would like to be remembered for breedingbeautiful moving, typey Poms that became the standardin peoples minds when they thought of a Pom.But by memorable I would like to think that we haveproduced some dogs that meant something to peoplepersonally. We can thank the Millers for Medallion, forhe contributed a great deal to our breeding program,but he was a wonderful dog, and I miss him, just as adog.We also enjoy having contributed to the many topwinners over the years that have had some of ourbreeding in their pedigrees.JH It makes you think that its all worth while.What is the greatest enjoyment the Pomshave given youJH Chris enjoys showing the dogs, where as I havebeen there, done that, for so long as a Handler, mybiggest enjoyment is to see her happy in the ring.We have also made so many friends throughout theworld which has given us both a great deal of pleasure,visiting and keeping in touch and being involvedto some extent in their successes.CH The friends we have made, definitelyI hope I will always own a Pom because I never tire ofwatching pretty puppies playing, posing and justbeing Poms. Seeing the next exciting puppy grow upstill makes my heart beat faster, I love their temperaments,their fierce let me do it myself attitude.Seeing Poms in other countries is very exciting too,watching the breed improve, year after year. We alsoenjoy the wins of people we have helped, that is agreat source of pride to us.Order your 2007 APC National DVD now.There will be 3 DVDs to choose from.DVD 1Puppy Veteran SweepstakesJunior HandlersDVD 2Winners DogWinners BitchBest Of BreedDVD 3Top TwentyAPC National Specialty DVD Order FormI am ordering ______ Confirmation DVD, 25.00 eachI am ordering ______ Sweepstakes and Junior Handler, 20.00 eachI am ordering ______ Top Twenty DVDs 10.00 eachI am ordering ______ set of all the above, a 55.00 valueand receive 25 off for a total of 41.25 plus 4.00 postagewithin US. Offer good until March 18th.Please add 3.00 Shipping within US, and 5.00 for shippingto Canada and all Foreign OrdersMake check payable to the American Pomeranian Club andmail to Walda Green, 8120 Harvard Dr., Ben Lomond, CA95005 USAEmail address___________________________Phone ___________________Include Area CodePlease print information on the below shipping label below.Shipping LabelShip From Walda Green, APC Ways Means 8120 Harvard Dr., Ben Lomond, CA. 95005 USAShip ToName__________________________________________________________Address________________________________________________________City_________________________State_____________Zip______________Country________________AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.DVD 2007 NATIONALSPomeranian Club of Central IndianaRegional Pom Club events and reports are published free. RegionalPom Clubs upcoming show dates are published free in ComingEvents. Regional Pom Clubs receive reduced advertising rates.2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 706 PM41 INI 4 i i i inr4 4o.BfT VP1Lt'rj442 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWJuniorJiveHello. My name is Jessica Christiansen and I am 17years old. I have learned much from breeding andshowing dogs in the past five years. I first becameinterested in showing dogs in 2001 when I metCharlene Waters. Then in 2002 I was watching adog show and Charlene asked me to show her girlShimmeree Heaven Sent, Trinket. I was delightedand went into the ring for the very first time. I waswearing jeans and a T-shirt The very next day Iwent into the ring again, this time with a skirt and anice shirt. A month later my mother and I boughtTrinket and she was our very first show dog. Iremember being so excited that I criedThe next couple years I put points on Trinket. Then in 2004 we went searching for her very last major. She kept ongetting reserves until one fateful day in Colorado. It was the beginning of June and I was showing her. We had winnersbitch the day before, but it was one dog short of a major. I remember the next day being so happy when Trinket got apurple ribbon along with her championship and last major. Also in 2004 I had the opportunity to show CH Razzle DazzleTexas Hoedown, Sawyer. He was a fantastic juniors dog except when he tried to be a German Shepherd with his legsand he loved to show. I placed every time I went in the ring with him except twice.In July of 2004 Trinket was due to have puppies. By that time, my mother and I had two other show dogs Rosie abeautiful red, and Tori a fiery black and tan along with our pets. Sadly, in July 2004, my mother, sister and I were in anRV accident on our way home from a dog show in Colorado. One of my pets Tiffany, my show dogs Tori, Rosie, andpregnant Trinket, one of Pati Danielsons dogs Sable, and three of Charlenes dogs Harmony, Cricket and Sawyerwere in the RV at the time of the accident. When one of the tires blew, it sent sparks and ignited a line to the propanetank, which exploded. In seconds the RV was engulfed in flames. We fought to get out, but couldnt save our dogsbecause they were already gone. They were just too fragile and their crates were where the fire first went. My mom,sister, and I were all severely burned. Other motorists, including a nurse and a fellow Pom handler, Janet from Utah,pulled over to help us. An ambulance rushed us to a small local hospital. We were then life-flighted by helicopter to theUniversity of Utah Hospitals burn unit. It was a long road to recovery physically and mentally for me. I think the hardestthing for me was losing my babies dogs all at once and so suddenly. I wasnt prepared for it and I still miss them.Luckily, I had a few pets at home and Charlene and Greg Waters took care of them for us while we were in the hospital.I remember Charlene giving Rascal my fetch addict a bath so he could come and see me. All I could talk about that daywas that my boy Rascal was coming to visit me. The nurses thought he was so cute. I also remember my Dad bringingletter after letter mostly from Pomeranian dog show people to me at the hospital along with gifts and stuffed animals.After a while there were too many letters to fit in my hospital room and too many cards to put up on the wall. It meant somuch to me to know all the support and love that people in the dog show world had for me. Their support along with myfamily and friends helped me get through the hardest time in my life.Even before I was able to return to school I was in the dog show ring showing my new show dogs, Patricias WeewynWalking Barbie Blonde and Lilbee. Blonde, with the help of Pati Danielson, had our very first bred-by exhibitorJessica Christiansen2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 706 PM42 INI i i i inA ^AnIf 1__________________MARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 43puppy, Blackcrystals Starlite Gem, Jade, who is the biggest little twerp on four legs, but I love her anyway. I put acouple of points on Blonde along with a couple thousand reserves at least it seemed like that many. Then I got reallycrazy and I bought an Australian Shepherd. I ended up naming her Pixie and I competed in juniors at Eukanuba lastDecember with her. She is a cute show dog and all of the Pomeranians use her as a chew toy and bed. She also thinksshes a Pomeranian and should have all the same rights as a Pomeranian, which includes jumping on me, sleeping in mylap, and being spoiled to death. It has been fun splitting last full year between my Australian Shepherd and Poms forjuniors.Last summer I had the best time on the Montana circuit. I traveled with a handler who let me bring along Pixie and Jade.Jade is my bred-by Pom champion who I will show in Westminster for juniors this year. It took a lot of work and time, butI finally got Jade to calm down enough to show her in the ring. She learned to love to strut her stuff and before I knewit we took a three point major. At that point, we only needed one more major to finish her out of the bred-by class. Ishowed her the entire next week and she kept getting reserves to a five point major. I was about ready to explode, but Jadethen took a five point major the next day out of over twenty bitches I was so happy and the rest of the Pomeranian peoplewho were there were happy for me too. I got my first bred-by champion picture with Jade and told her how wonderful shewas. She just looked at me as if to say, I know, and then gave me a kiss. Shes kind of stuck up like that but it makesher all the better in my eyes. Shes an individual and I love it.I cant wait to see all the surprises and fun dog showing has in store for me. I hope to be showing and breeding my dogsfor the rest of my life. I also hope to do some professional handling when I age out of juniors. I cant imagine how mylife would be now without a dozen little shadows following me around at home. They are full of so much love and haveso much to give. I just hope that someday I can give back to them what theyve given to me.With the help, instruction and encouragement of many others, I have been fortunate enough to rank in the top tenPomeranian junior handlers in the nation for each of the past five years, including second in 2004, 2005 and 2006.Beginning in 2006, I also showed my Australian Shepherd and attained a top ten junior handler ranking for this breedlast year. I want to thank all of those who have helped me achieve these rankings. I know that I could not have done itwithout you.Finally, I want to say thank you to all of my friends and other people who have helped me along my way in dog showing.Especially my Mom, Dad, Pati Danielson, Charlene Waters, Gregory Waters, Kelly Reimschiissel, Niki Wilde, Janet andher daughter Ashley, the Jessens, Tynia Johnson, Sherrie and Katelyn Scott, Holly and her mom, Camilla Knight, CarolLeemhuis, and so many other dog show people who have helped me or have just been there as a friend. These friends aretrue and I can see knowing them for the rest of my life. If something bad happens, they will step in and help out, and wewill do the same for them. They also understand my crazy dog talk, which is incomprehensible to my friends at school.I love you allL-R Jessica and Trinket in 2003 Jessica and Jade Jessica and Pixie2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 706 PM43 INI i i i in__ _____________r, V 3. _ ...\y i1F-r__44 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW Sally Baugniet Pomirish WIFL Srb1copper.netIt is a shame AKC even needs these guidelines, but there are those who show their dogs or others dogs who consider winning as a life ordeath situation rather than a SPORT Please go into the dog shows with the attitude that is required of a Sporting attitude There are rulesand regulations. We need to respect other exhibitors and their dogs, I wrote an article in 1995 on Exhibitor Courtesy. These samecourtesies apply today as they ALWAYS have. Below are AKC DISCIPLINE GUIDELINES TO BECOME AQUAINTED WITH BEFORE YOUARE TEMPTED TO OFFENDAKC DISCIPLINE GUIDELINESThe AKC DISCIPLINE GUIDELINES, excerpted below and underlined for your attention, were passed by The American Kennel Club Board ofDirectors on 11292 for implementation by that board. There is no change in Show-giving Club administration of Bench Show Hearings.DISCIPLINE GUIDELINES Length of Amount Offense Suspension andor of FineI. Misconduct Against a Judgea. Physical abuse 6 months to life 200-1000b. Verbal abuse Up to 6 months 150-500c. Public criticism of a judges decision Up to 6 months 100-500d. Unsportsmanlike conduct during an event Up to 3 months 50-250 including but not limited to 1. Refusal or throwing down of a ribbon 2. Leaving ring without permission 3. Refusing to continue to compete 4. Failure to control an unruly doge. Attempting to influence a judge 3 months to 5 years 150-500II. Disorderly Conducta. Physical altercation 6 months to 3 years 200-500b. Abusive or foul languageverbal altercation Up to 6 months 150-500c. Impairing a clubs ability to retain site Up to 3 years 50-500III. Abuse of Dogsa. Physical abuse 3 months to life 150-1000b. Neglect Up to life 150-500c. Whelping dogs at event site 6 months to 3 years 150-500d. Judicial or administrative determination of animal cruelty or neglect Up to life 150-500IV. Violation of AKC Show RulesRegulations or Club Regulationsa. Showing the wrong dog withoutvoluntary correction 1 month to 6 months 150-500b. Substitution 5 years to life 1000-5000c. Judging improprieties the judge himself orcomplicity with a judge Up to life 500-1000d. Benching violations 0 50e. Disregard of published club rulese.g. parking, ex-pens, crates in aisle, unauthorizedconcession, selling puppies, etc. Up to 3 months 50-150f. Enteringexhibiting altered dog temporaryalteration Up to 5 years 100-750g. Enteringexhibiting altered dog permanentalteration 3 years to life 500-1000h. Willful refusal to return ribbon after awarddisallowed 2 months 50Explanatory Notations Reprimands will continue to be part of the disciplinary process, including reprimands for some infractions cited in the Guidelines. Any second offense will be penalized by up to double the penalty in the Guidelines. Any third offense will be penalized by up to lifetime suspension of all AKC privileges. An especially egregious offense will result in a more severe length of suspension andor fine than suggested in the Guidelines. Offenses occurring which are not covered in the Guidelines will be dealt with in the appropriate manner. These Guidelines will be reviewed from time to time.Have a great time at the dog showAnd, as they sayKEEP YOUR NOSE CLEANNAUGHTY NAUGHTY2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 706 PM44 INI 4 i i i in4MARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 45 Sally Baugniet Baugnietdcwis.comThose of you who have been exhibiting for many years know there are certain courtesies that are extended to fellowexhibitors. Occasionally there is an exhibitor who chooses to ignore those common courtesies and do everything in theirpower to try to make another exhibitor lose, so hopefully they will win. We call this Poor Sportsmanship. A newexhibitor asks, How do we deal with that Im not sure I have the solution, but perhaps there are a few things you couldthink about.For example Occasionally an exhibitor will run up on the dog in front of them in the ring. When it was by mistake, allthat is needed is a few kind words to the offending party. Please stay back from my dog as I do not want him to be steppedon and hurt. This is usually a good enough reminder, if indeed it was accidental.If it happens again, it was probably not accidental In that case, perhaps stopping while the dogs are gaiting around thering, making sure your dog is in front of you out of harms way, and asking the offender to please, either stay back or go infront of you. Perhaps the words would be in the hearing range of the judge. Be sure to be polite so the judge does not thinkyou are the offender. Then ask the judge, politely, if heshe would ask the exhibitor to either stay back or go ahead of you soyour dog is not injured.If the offender runs up on your dog at every show, perhaps you might try this before you come in to the ring, ask the ringsteward to relay the message about the person who always runs up on your dog...or, if you are to come in the ring innumerical order and the person is directly behind you, you could ask the ring steward to ask the judge if you could beplaced behind that person, because he always runs up on your dog and you are afraid heshe will injure your dog.No judge wants to see a dog injured, especially not in their ring. Im sure the judge will handle it appropriately. Never makeyourself look like the bad guy. We dont want anything to escalate into a Bench Show Committee Hearing Mostexhibitors are courteous and helpful, but occasionally we come across a bad apple. The good thing is they dont usuallylast in our sport for very long. Bad apples rot and disintegrate.AKC encourages good sportsmanship at dog shows. When poor sportsmanship and bad tempers raise their ugly head, AKChas provisions set for a Bench Show Hearing. I know that no one wants to go before a Bench Show Committee. So let ushope that we all try to be on out best behavior and be helpful and courteous to all involved in our world of dogs. Lets besure we help the newbiesTHOUGHT FOR THE MONTHAlways remember the compliments you receive. Forget about the rude remarks.SALLYS SOAPBOXExhibitorCourtesy2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 706 PM4546 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWHealth GeneticsGeneva CoatsOur guest author this month is J.P. Yousha, chairman of the GreatDane Club of America Health and Welfare committee, and a member of theColor Research Committee. Although written for the Great Dane community,this article contains some very sound breeding advice, that is applicable toall breeds.A fifth generation Texan, Jolene Perry Yousha grew up with horses, dogs and all sorts of other critters. Havingcombined her interest in dogs and horses in the late 1980s, she became a dedicated enthusiast of the Great Dane. J.P. currentlyexhibits, trains, and breeds dual-ring and therapy-work Great Danes under the kennel name CHROMA. Her informationalwebsite is has earned a certification as a CVT veterinary technician, a BA in Fine Arts wildlife illustrator, and a MAIS inPhilosophy of Science. She has volunteered her services over the past decade to various area dog clubs, acting as a local dogtraining instructor and specializing in Good Manners and Canine Good Citizenship training. She is the technical, training,and medical advisor for regional Great Dane rescue. She assists breeders in her area as a canine midwife, does puppy temperamenttesting, and helps with cropped ears. Outside of dogs and horses, she has owned her own art business, worked as a translatorand as an animal nurse, and was once a cold warrior as well as the stable manager to a Countess. Recently she has been asometimes college teacher and is now a sometimes science writer.BREEDING FOR DISEASE CONTROL, LONGEVITY AND TEMPERAMENTBreeding for Inherited Traits Avoiding Disease.This article started as a casual, online conversation on one of the Dane Lists. I simply thought I would post up a couple of linksand a couple of quick comments about genetic disease as people say, because there seemed to still be some misconceptions widelyheld about it, but the discussion grew and this article grew out of it. Its still in the format of a casual conversation and should be readas that less formal and exact and more broad strokes to drive home major points. It goes without saying hopefully also that this isabout basics, so is preaching to the choir where many readers are concerned. But important topics need to be regularly revisitedJust start with the term genetic disease as an example all disease in a sense is genetic as it all involves genes. But peopleseem to think of disease that involves genes as automatically inherited and that simply isnt so. Inherited implies, for a breeder, somepotential for control arguably can exist through the choice of breeding stock. And its just not the case that disease either can be split intoneat categories of genetic inherited and environmental. Such categories dont really exist in the biological world, and this isntanyway what is a breeders focus when choosing bloodstock and planning breedings. The idea rather would be to focus on what seemsto offer some control as to traits, and in the case of disease, to screen against them, focusing on both how to gain control and a prioritysystem of what is most important to strongly select against. Genetic disease, more accurately referred to as heritable, or inherited,disease is being defined simply as disease that is directly inherited andor disease with a strong heritable component, so that avoidingdisease becomes, in part, a matter of breeder choices as, at least partially then, under a breeders control. As I said, there seems to stillbe some widespread misconceptions out there about inherited disease.I started thinking about this lately as I find it worrisome now to see now websites touting outcrossing as some formula forhealthjust like you used to see line breeding offered as some formula for type. Such generalizations and recipe breeding just dontwork you have to make yourself clearly and completely aware of not just sire and dam, but the family, writ large, of the dogs you aredealing with. Thats why its sad to see someone admitting to type problems, saying they are importing dogs to outcross, as they2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 709 PM46i i i i nA t IMARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 47believe it confers better health andor temperament. Breedingto dogs with admitted shortcomings that you have never seen is noway to end up with good dogsno matter how you define it. Andsuch a recipe isnt going to confer health anymore than breedingany relative of a famous dog to another of the same family is goingto guarantee type.What people may not know is there is such a thing asout breeding depression just like there can be inbreedingdepression. With inbreeding depression, typically you will see twosorts of results. On one hand recessive traits come to the fore, bethey odd colors or things like Wobblers and mega. The other thingyou see is a general tendency to smaller litters, smaller size, andlessened fertility as well as a general lack of thrift. In other words,you end up with poor doersdogs who are fragile or fiddlywhen you depend on line breeding too much, do it indiscriminately,andor you are not minding the store when line breeding as inknowing what skeletons lurk in your family closet. When thingslike this start to accumulate, you simply have to let some air into a closed pedigree andor you have to be more selective in whatanimals you are choosing not using some dog simply because hefinished or his dad did well, especially if you are having torationalize a dog who did well in one way say showing while hehas other problems that are line-related. Line breeding isntsomething to do blindly.But some diseases, particularly complex traits like involveCHD hip dysphasia you can actually get by out crossing. WhyBecause one you are breaking up a good set of genes that hasbeen working for you and your dogs. Secondly you are importing,wholesale, in an outcross, a set of foreign genes at times, and theymay also work on their own, but not when they are broken up andmixed with in your dogs. These sorts of situations are calledthreshold diseases, and the gene expression term used is cumulativetraits. Things like size in a line, head type, organ and joint structureare very often a result of such cumulative traits. Cumulative traitsare, grossly speaking, the result of a bunch of the right genescoming together, not of any one good or bad gene. So withcumulative traits the best breeding strategy is typically one ofavoiding extremes. You stick with the middle and dont confusemoderate with mediocre. And so, by avoiding extremes, you collectup the most of the genes that work well together, giving you whatyou want to keep seeing.That also means you must recognize every dog isnt goingto always be ideal to be useful to your breeding program. What Imean by that is that, for example, if you have a family of dogs whoare all checked and all passing OFA, you avoid dogs then that failandor who develop CHD the extreme, but you can use dogs whoare not Excellent, as they likely have nearly the same set of genesfor this cumulative trait as does the Excellent individual. Or, anotherexample, you want good size, so you use some moderate sized dogs,but not really tiny little bitches. Avoid extremes, but dont gooverboard looking for just the right ideal dog is the idea withcumulative traits. Out crossing in this case and temperament isanother area of complex inheritance is arguably more likely to behurtful than helpful, unless you really know that other family wellindeed. Take home message different strategies for different genes.And the strategy is again different for traits that are hybridtraits like Harlequin color or X-linked like Dane DCM. Yousimply cannot just make blanket statements line breeding or outcrossing is good or is bad, or breed paper tigers to dogs youdont know who are to you famous names or has health checkson their dogs and expect success. There are so many new breedersout there these days, and seems there are more and more every day.Many also starting out anymore tend to be independents thatmay have purchased a dog or bitch from here or there, but are notaligned with any one breeding program or have a specific mentor.That can create problems as there then isnt always accessto a good body of knowledge about the dogs and the history of thebreed, and then this results in folks having to learn by doing bywhich I mean having litters with problems that another moreexperienced breeder could have seen was a decided risk in theplanning stage. No one creates problems of any kind on purpose.But as the road to hell is paved with good intentions, in this worldof dog breeding, ignorance has probably spawned more tragedythan pure evil. None of us wants to have to say I wish Id known,when another can fairly answer Really, you should have.Also doing disease screenings health checks is great,but these tests also have to be used knowledgeably. For example,the OFA Cardiac does NOT screen for DCM dilatedcardiomyopathy or SAS Subaortic stenosis. And doing a thyroidcheck without a TgAA is pointless on young breed stock, whiledoing an initial screening is fine, but its no declaration that thesame dog, when 4-6 years, is still thyroid normal. A CHIC dogwith all passes can later gets thyroid disease or comes down withAddisons, just as an untested dog who is declared healthy canmean nothing more than the owner isnt unhappy with the dog.And that doesnt mean the dog doesnt have things that wouldtrouble you. And often checking for disease is still about consideringrelatives and knowing your pedigrees. A DCM carrier bitch is nevergoing to show any signs of what she inherited, but she will stillpass this deadly disease on to her sons and daughters. If you didntknow her dams sire died of DCM you are going to be surprisedwhen her son does. We cannot be one trick ponies whenbreedingwe must multi-task in the sense of juggling all theissues health, temperament, type, structure, gene load involved.And we need to sort this, as no dog is going to have it all. So youhave to prioritize. And for disease, this is going to mean stronglyselecting against inherited diseases that are a deadly, b seriousand chronic, and c costly to manage. Plus a priority has to be setto screen against adult-onset diseases, as these are likely to showafter you have bred. Especially in Danes where some of our largeproblems do only show up in the middle years. So this againillustrates just how important it is to first 1 know your pedigreesas more than names and titles, and then 2 be knowledgeable aboutwhat is the best strategy of control for each kind of inherited disease.Breeding for Inherited Traits Longevity and Temperament.First let me say I am a acutely aware I am preaching tothe choir here, as many of you know all this, and b painfullycognizant of there being many more experienced than me in theaudience who could do a better job of summarizing this stuff thatmere moi- I stand on the shoulders of giants as they say... andI use their words. This is wisdom I was gifted with so dont thinkHealth and Genetics Continued2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 709 PM474 i i i i n4 4448 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWfor a second I am thinking Im some genius. A parrot is closer tothe truthThat said so my betters dont think Im some arrogantupstart, more on this topic we all need to face. First off, lets facethe sheer ugly fact that some breeders and especially some Internetsites are front and center saying they breed for longevity andortemperament as pure sales technique. No quality show breeder withgobs of type is necessarily not also getting tons of robust and happydogs its not an either-or situation and NEVER EVER shouldbe. All areas i.e. health, temperament, type count, and the mainissues in them are ALL-important and have to be considered noone-trick ponies, rightFirst to speak to this question of longevity one of the mostannoying things I think we have all seen is this sort of claim thatmy dogs live longer than yours, with very weird quotes of ageranges as average life spans and other improbable stuff. If you arereally worried about longevity and shouldnt we all be I bet we allare, then the first thing you do is TRACK your dogs, carefullynoting COD cause of death, along with the dateage, for EVERYDOG not just parents in at least the three generations behindwhat you are now breeding. Yep, thats hard and likely impossibleto always accomplish, but still a good goal to shoot for Until youknow how the dogs behind your dogs lived and died, how can youclaim you have some traitany trait at all Secondly we all have torealize what is and isnt reasonable for a giant dog. To expect adecade of healthy living from a giant is to recognize their naturallife span. To claim a lot more or allow a lot less, saying they allshould live to 12-14 or all can die at 6-8, is not reasonable.Thirdly, we have to realize in this breed we have a problemwith ADULT ONSET DISEASE. We could talk about this for about10 hours, but the bottom line with such disease is a you need tohave quality pedigree info, i.e. you need to know how the dogsbehind yours lived and died, and b you need to extend yourgenerational period as much as possible. This just means you try tohave a 3-4 or more year gap between dogs and their offspring, asopposed to breeding a lot of very young animals. This is just logical,for, if your breed is likely to manifest serious disease between 3-6years, and you do the bulk of your breeding before that, it doesnttake a rocket scientist to figure out you are going to be too oftenstuck trying to shut the proverbial barn door after the horses haveleft the building. Thats why modern science created the frozensperm And thats why a lot of old-fashioned breeders prefer to useolder stud dogs, especially when going out of their own family ofdogs.This issue of temperament has already in a way beenaddressed, if just briefly. Recall this is a, bluntly, a cumulative traitits actually a cluster of such traits, but never mind that tangle forthis discussion. The bottom line then is you have to avoid extremes.We are facing a serious problem with temperament in this breed.Maybe its always been there there sure are enough anecdotalreports, but the latest GDCA health survey found that 25 ofrespondents were reporting SERIOUS temperament problems inthe dogs they owned. Now with a 150 lb. dog any real problem isgoing to be serious in a way that the same problem may not be in adog of 15 lbs. But that doesnt change what we are facing. We havetwo extremes to avoid, that of very shy dogs those freaky Jeanswho have unreasonably panicky reactions to every day things andthe very tough dogs which we called in GSDs espresso as theywere so strong natured you felt they sometimes looked at you likeyou might not be able to take them. I wonder at times about us asGreat Dane people this is a working breed and yet as a group wedont seem to know much about dog temperament, and often simplytalk, very naively, of good and bad temperament. Temperamentdoesnt work this way.Temperament, in a sense, is more like the thermostat onyour heating unit it has a range and can slide a bit either way. Therange is likely inborn and the early upbringing then sets the exactdegree. Some dogs have what GSD people call weak nervesand simply have trouble handling everyday events. If you thinkabout it, temperament in this sense is just another body system,with the nervous system at its core. So to be pathologically shy isjust the un-nice extreme of a sweet and biddable pup. And to bepredacious, or dogpeople aggressive, is just high-drive, goodworking dogs.... gone bad. Avoiding rationalizations and thebreeding of these extreme dogs is the key to having most all ofthem turn out to be livable. There is a lot more to be said on thesubtle variations of temperament, but I am truly always in troublefor handing out too much information, so I will stop. But really, weought to become more interested in this topic For one thing everydog has a job to do even being a couch potato is an occupation ofsorts so every dog should be expected to demonstrate correcttemperament for his work. And another good reason to look deeperinto what makes up temperament is we seem to be in trouble in thisarea, so it would behoove us all to learn a bit more about whatmakes one dog mentally different than the next.Its an odd day and age in dogs. Gone are the oldallegiances. If you are quiet long enough and listen very carefully,you can still hear, softly, some of the greats talking. But otherwiseyou are stuck figuring things out for yourself. So therefore we allneed to become very good, even very aggressive and self-motivatedstudents of the breed. Nothings going to be handed to you, thatsfor sure. And the only other choice to seems to be getting stucklistening to middle-rankers like me palely echo what better mindshave already said. For at best all I am still trying to be a goodstudent of the breed... to listen upand keep learning. And thisarticle comes with a warning. Its fairly superficial as its deliberatelypainting with a broad brush to make some basic points. Its less topass on great wisdom and more just intended to get us allthinking...and talking a bit. I know its helped me, so thanks to youall for giving me this opportunity to put my thoughts in order Dilated cardiomyopathy is a type of heart failure not uncommonin the Great Dane. It is produced by a disruption in one or more ofthe processes necessary to build and maintain normal heart muscle.The heart muscles loses its elasticity and becomes stretched outand thin, a process known as dilatation. In the Great Dane, thisdisease is typically inherited in an X-linked recessive fashion. Thismeans that usually unaffected, but carrier, dams pass on thedefective X chromosome to statistically 50 of their offspring.Cardiomyopathy can occur in any dog due to other non-hereditaryfactors, such as old age, dietary deficiencies, viral infection, drugsand toxins for example, alcohol and cobalt poisoning. Symptomsinclude shortness of breath, weakness and weight gain. Harlequin is a coat patten unique to the Great Dane. The basecolor is pure white with black torn patches irregularly and welldistributed over the entire body, with a pure white neck preferred.HARLEQUINS all have at least one copy of the dominant Harlgene H allele and at least one copy of the dominant Merlegene M allele.2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 709 PM484 i i i i n4 44MARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 493540 Kessler Blvd N. Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46222 Email indypomsbcglobal.netAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc. Board SummaryJANICE RUSSELLAmerican Pomeranian Club, IncDecember 2006 Board SummaryThe AKC, NAIA, and TAC The Animal Council are included by links in our legislative education material onthe APC web site.A Reserve Fund will be established consisting of 3,000.00. The Reserve Fund would be designed for use to helpcover a contingency project or unforeseen debt. It would take a majority vote of the Board to use or partially usethese restricted funds. This sum should be securely invested bearing appropriate interest.APC American Pomeranian Club, Inc. will contribute 500.00 to the PCT Pomeranian Charitable Trust.American Pomeranian Club, Inc.January Board SummaryTwo motions, listed below pertaining to information on the APC web site were passed this month.A. Other than updating existing information, any new design, material or information that appears on the APCwebsite must have prior Board approval before posting.B. The Rosters complete membership information list will not appear on the website andor members onlysection in respect of membership rights of privacy.The Top Ten winners in all categories will be read and presented their trophies at the National Specialty Awardsbanquet. All the New Titlists for the year, that are owned or co-owned by APC Members and Patrons, will belisted in the show catalog and a titlist certificates for those dogs will be provided. Co-Owners that attend theNational can pick up these certificates at their leisure from the Awards Chair or their delegate during theSpecialty. The remainder will be mailed to the APC co-owner with their Roster. The names of the New Titlistswill be read at the General Membership meeting.This motion to replace Standing Rule 5 under Section VIII Annual Awards.KENNELVisit Ellen Takayama - Vintage PomeraniansAdvertising Deadline April 1, 20072007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 709 PM494 i i m i nw\\14 4450 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAPC Judges EducationAPC Judges EducationAPC Judges EducationAPC Judges EducationAPC Judges EducationDot Martin is the American Pomeranian Clubs Judges Education Chairperson.Dot may be contacted at 803-831-8086 or edwarda.martinatt.netDot MartinYou areCordially invitedTo attendA mentors seminar on the PomeranianOnMonday, March 12, 2007At400 pmThe Executive Inn, Louisville, Ky.RSVP Dorothy F. Martin, Judges Education Coordinator803-831-8086 or 704-458-8132 or dfm1225bellsouth.netAnother National Specialty is just around the corner.Many of you have been asking for information about being a mentor.At this time the American Pomeranian Clubs Board of Directors have not set guidelines for thequalifications for certified mentors.This does not in any way disqualify any lover of the Pomeranian breed to aspire to the position.Knowledge is Power.When you have knowledge, you are more confident.You are able to discuss your breed with others.People will recognize your discernment and understanding of the standard.You are never too young nor too old to learn the nuances of the standard.Many times you will be called upon by others to share your knowledge of the breed.At home at work at ringside at dog showsBe Prepared.Have confidence.Speak with authority.Help others learn about the breed.You will be welcome at the seminar.When the day comes, you will be certified.It is fun and inspiring.YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED. I AM EXPECTING YOUR RSVP.Dot Martin2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 709 PM50 INI i i i in4seMARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 51The 1997 Official Standard for the Pomeranian. Approved December 9, 1996, Effective January 31, 1997General AppearanceThe Pomeranian is a compact, short-backed, active toy dog. He has a soft, dense undercoat with a profuse harshtexturedouter coat. His heavily plumed tail is set high and lies flat on his back. He is alert in character, exhibitsintelligence in expression, is buoyant in deportment, and is inquisitive by nature. The Pomeranian is cocky,commanding, and animated as he gaits. He is sound in composition and action.Size, Proportion, SubstanceThe average size of the Pomeranian is from 3 to 7 pounds, with the ideal weight for the show specimen being 4 to6 pounds. Any dog over or under the limits is objectionable. However, overall quality is to be favored over size. The distance from the point of shoulder to the pointof buttocks is slightly shorter than from the highest point of the withers to the ground. The distance from the brisket to the ground is half the height at the withers.He is medium-boned, and the length of his legs is in proportion to a well-balanced frame. When examined, he feels sturdy.HeadThe head is in balance with the body. The muzzle is rather short, straight, fine, free of lippiness and never snipey. His expression is alert and may be referred toas fox-like. The skull is closed. The top of the skull is slightly rounded, but not domed. When viewed from the front and side, one sees small ears, which aremounted high and carried erect. To form a wedge, visualize a line from the tip of the nose ascending through the center of the eyes and the tip of the ears. The eyesare dark, bright, medium in size and almond-shaped. They are set well into the skull on either side of a well-pronounced stop. The pigmentation is black on thenose and eye rims except self-colored in brown, beaver, and blue dogs. The teeth meet in a scissors bite. One tooth out of alignment is acceptable. Major FaultsRound, domed skull under-shot mouth overshot mouth.Neck, Topline, BodyThe neck is short with its base set well into the shoulders to allow the head to be carried high. The back is short with a level topline. The body is compact and wellribbed with brisket reaching the elbow. The plumed tail is one of the characteristics of the breed, and lays flat and straight on the back.ForequartersThe Pomeranian has sufficient layback of shoulders to carry the neck and head proud and high. The shoulders and legs are moderately muscled. The length of theshoulder blade and upper arm are equal. The forelegs are straight and parallel to each other. Height from elbows to withers approximately equals height fromground to elbow. The pasterns are straight and strong. The feet are well arched, compact, and turn neither in nor out. He stands well up on his toes. Dewclaws maybe removed. Major Faults Down in pasterns.HindquartersThe angulation of the hindquarters balances that of the forequarters. The buttocks are well behind the set of the tail. The thighs are moderately muscled with stiflesthat are moderately bent and clearly defined. The hocks are perpendicular to the ground and the legs are straight and parallel to each other. The feet are well arched,compact, and turn neither in nor out. He stands well up on his toes. Dewclaws, if any on the hind legs may be removed. Major Faults Cow hocks or lack ofsoundness in hind legs or stifles.GaitThe Pomeranians gait is smooth, free, balanced and vigorous. He has good reach in his forequarters and strong drive with his hindquarters. Each rear leg movesin line with the foreleg on the same side. To achieve balance, his legs converge slightly inward toward a centerline beneath his body. The rear and front legs arethrown neither in nor out. The topline remains level, and his overall balance and outline are maintained.CoatA Pomeranian is noted for its double coat. The undercoat is soft and dense. The outer-coat is long, straight, glistening and harsh in texture. A thick undercoat willhold up and permit the guard hair to stand off from the Pomeranians body. The coat is abundant from the neck and fore part of shoulders and chest, forming a frill,which extends over the shoulders and chest. The head and leg coat is tightly packed and shorter in length than that of the body. The forequarters are well featheredto the hock. The tail is profusely covered with long, harsh, spreading straight hair. Trimming for neatness and a clean outline is permissible. Major Faults Soft,flat or open coat.ColorAll colors, patterns, and variations there-of are allowed and must be judged on an equal basis. Patterns Black and Tan - tan or rust sharply defined, appearingabove each eye and on muzzle, throat, and fore chest, on all legs and feet and below the tail. The richer the tan the more desirable Brindle - the base color is gold,red, or orange-brindled with strong black cross stripes Parti-color - is white with any other color distributed in patches with a white blaze preferred on the head.Classifications The Open Classes at specialty shows may be divided by color as follows Open Red, Orange, Cream, and Sable Open Black, Brown, and BlueOpen Any Other Color, Pattern, or Variation.TemperamentThe Pomeranian is an extrovert, exhibiting great intelligence and a vivacious spirit, making him a great companion dog as well as a competitive show dog.Even though a Toy dog, the Pomeranian must be subject to the same requirements of soundness and structure prescribed for all breeds, and any deviation from theideal described in the standard should be penalized to the extent of the deviation.POMERANIAN STANDARD2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 710 PM51 Mill i i i in' V, I L- 4'4 4452 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 710 PM524- i i i inAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP Please type or print CLEARLYNOTICE Except for patrons, applications must be endorsed by TWO members in good standing a who have been APC members for two 2 years or more b who have known the applicant two 2 years or more c who do not reside in the same household d who are not related to each other or to the applicant. Applications must be accompanied by the correct dues amount in US funds.This application is for SINGLE , HOUSEHOLD , FOREIGN , JUNIOR , f PATRON see reverse Name___________________________________________________________________________________________________________Occupation_______________________________________________________________________________________________________2nd Household Applicant if applicable_________________________________________________________________________________Occupation_______________________________________________________________________________________________________COMPLETE Address_____________________________________________________________________________________________Phone_____________________________________ Fax_______________________________ E-Mail____________________________URL_______________________________ Kennel Name_________________________________ Do you participate in Rescue______Were you previously an American Pomeranian Club member_____________ When________________________________________Was prior membership under another name__________ If yes, what name___________________________________________________Please check all that apply breeder , exhibitor , obedience exhibitor , Judge , handler , agility , flyball , tracking How many showstrials have you entered in the last three 3 years_______ How many Pomeranians do you own________ Are yourPomeranians American Kennel Club registerable____Have you ever been suspended from the AKC_______if you have been suspendedfrom the American Kennel Club, please tell us why, when, and how long on a separate sheet of paper._____________________________List memberships in any all-breed, specialty, or obedience clubs in which you now or have been a member. Give dates.List memberships in any local Pomeranian clubs. Give the dates you were a member and the club Presidents' namesDo you subscribe to the Pomeranian Review____ Are you willing to support the goals and projects of the American Pom Club _SPONSOR REFERENCE 1How long have you known the applicant minimum 2 years_____ Have you met the applicant in person_____ Have you been in theapplicant's home____ Why do you recommend the applicant for membership Use a separate sheet of paper if neededPrint Name Signature DateSPONSOR REFERENCE 2How long have you known the applicant minimum 2 years_______ Have you met the applicant in person______ Have you been in theapplicant's home____ Why do you recommend the applicant for membership [Use a separate sheet of paper if neededPrint Name Signature DateReminder your sponsors must have been APC members for a minimum of 2 yearsAPC Membership Application Revised 0406 Pg. 14MARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 532007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 710 PM53i i i in4CurrentDues to be Included with this ApplicationSingle Membership - United States Resident 30.00 Foreign Resident 35.00Household Membership - United States Resident 45.00 Foreign Household 50.00Junior Membership - United States Resident 10.00 f Patron Minimum 20.00 donationNote Payment must be in US Funds. VisaMastercardPay Pal Accepted -Household Membership means 2 people over the age of 18 living at the same address.-Junior members are under 18 years of age - they may not vote or hold office.t Patrons are individuals who wish to contribute to the APC but do not meet the sponsorship requirements for membership.Patron status is not a prerequisite to obtaining APC Membership. Patrons may not vote or hold office. Their names will be published in a special section of the Roster and they will receive a copy of the Roster annually.Make checks or money order in US funds payable to the American Pomeranian Club and mail toMrs. Annette Davis 391 North Mink Creek Rd Pocatello, ID 83204 infoavalonpom.comCode of EthicsI agree to follow the regulations as set forth by the American Kennel Club as they pertain to my purebred dog operations.I will furnish a signed registration or transfer with each puppy sold unless a written agreement is made with the purchaser at the time of sale that papers will be withheld.I will not sell my puppies to pet shops or commercial pet mill establishments, nor will I donate puppies for raffles or auctions. I will not crossbreed or advertise for sale puppies that have been crossbred. I will not give stud service to unregistered bitches. I will advise the purchaser of my puppy to have the puppy checked by a veterinarian within 2 days 48 horn s of the sale additional time allowed if the puppy is sold on a Friday or Saturday. I will refund the purchase price or take the puppy back and replace it, if it is found to be unfit.Except for unusual situations, I will not sell my puppies at less than eight weeks of age.I will maintain the best possible standard of health and care in all of my dogs and see that puppies are immunized and checked for parasites.I will price my puppies within the breed range.In my breeding program, I will keep alert for and work to control andor eradicate problems and conditions that are particular to my breed and breed as closely as possible to the standard of the breed.I will represent my dogs as honestly as possible to prospective buyers and try to assist the serious novice in his understanding of the breed.I will try at all times to show good sportsmanship and keep in mind that the good of the breed comes before any personal benefit.I, an applicant for membership in the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. or patron certify that I have read the Code of Ethics and agree to abide by them on pain of disciplinary action under ARTICLE VIII of the By-Laws of the Club.Print Name__________________________________ Signature___________________________________ Date_______________DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLYDate received________Date published_________ Date accepted________ Membership packet sent on__________Date dues received________Check No.____________Current POMERANIAN REVIEW subscriber Yes No APC Membership Application Revised 0406 Pg. 2454 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAnne Rogers Clark1929-2006M e m o r i a lANNE ROGERS CLARK, one of the premier people in the sportof purebred dogs and a descendant of former New York City Mayor1826-1827 Philip Hone, died peacefully on Wednesday, December20, in Wilmington, Delaware, after a lengthy, courageous battlewith cancer. She was 77 years old.The contributions and accomplishments of Mrs. Clark to the sportas a breeder, owner, handler, judge and mentor were incomparable.As a native New Yorker, she was always proud of the fact that sheheld a unique place in the history of The Westminster Kennel Cluband its world-famous all breed dog show held at Madison SquareGarden. In 2006 she attended her 66th consecutive Westminster, astreak dating back to 1941.A secondgeneration dog person, she became the first womanprofessional handler to win Best In Show at Westminster in 1956,handling the Toy Poodle Ch. Wilbur White Swan to the first BIS atWestminster for a Toy breed. She handled two more BIS winners in1959 and 1961.After retiring from handling, she quickly became one of a selectPomeranian Review cover 1962Pomeranian Review cover 1985APC National Specialty New York 1996group of individuals licensed by the American Kennel Club as an all-breed judge. Through the ensuing years, Mrs. Clark added to herWestminster credentials, becoming the only person ever to have judged Best In Show 1978 and all seven Groups at Westminster, andalso judged the Junior Showmanship finals four times. She had judged at Westminster 22 times, tied at the top of the list for the mostjudging appearances at Americas dog show.Mrs. Clark was a past president of the Poodle Club of America and the English Cocker Spaniel Club of America, and a member of theLadies Dog Club. She was a frequent contributor to the AKC Gazette and is the co-author of the International Encyclopedia of Dogs.2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 710 PM54i i i i n444.^BEST IN BRED BY EXHIBITORV AMERICANPOMERANIAN^fTTCLUBSATURDAY Q V_TOM NUTTINGCh. Patrick's M\___m. V'bestmSV\0\NA__ _____ __44MARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 55 WANTED Unique and candid Pom photos are welcome. Its Just Fur Fun.Jayne Hoemkes Noah in disguise.Flip helping Danielle Sartain study.No lion, Im a Pom Jayne HoemkeWanna have a snowball fight Linda DeccicoTug of war. Submitted by Jo Norris2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 710 PM55 INI 4 n i i i i4 ' .S ivii l,mmM2\gf M3 siIVjf.3 f .-mJw7 wwt^8^GJfvc-v,r-iV s-p - r LrfS _-\\ KvyyY4456 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 711 PM56rrrr 4 n mfa ue oSpecial thanks to Jim Frederickson for Lark's last major that made her a champion and all the other judges that appreciated her beautiful movement, correct coat and excellent structure. Thank you Geno for this beautiful girl and your friendship.Congratulations to John and Christine Heartz on their kennel visit, a very deserving one for your long time commitment to the breeding of outstanding Pomeranians.Thanks to David and Carlene Gilstrap.Springwood is proud to announce the arrival of Ch. Lark's two puppies by proud sire Ch. Vinny...L J- imVStmn mBEST OFOPPOSITE SEX new champion mTUSCALOOSAkehnel club20OOOP. PHOTO V, OFK-"4Sire Ch. Mountain Crest JJDam Ch. Glen Iris Duchess of CastileanBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX CONYERS K.C.FEB. 2006GRAY PHOTO BY CATHY mnnywoo4Peea paesonx'PomeraniansRebecca B. Jackson - Owner Breeder, Co-Owner - Geno Sisneros, Castile Poms513 Springwood Dr, Florence, AL 35634 - 256-757-9837 - springwoodpomsaol.comMARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 572007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 711 PM574 i i i in2006 was a or. . .v^Weare prouefifo present oar new 3dreeSo Ojanntpions.Sire Ch. Paughprints on the Mt. Crest Dam Springwoods Tete a TeteThank you Robert Stein for Bunny's finishing point.47\BESTOF NEW CHAMPIONAilSire Ch. Mountain Crest Mercy Me Dam Springwoods Grace KellyThank you Tim Robinson for the four-point major to finish Puppyheadwaft. vCo-OwnerDavid GilstrapBEST OF BREEDOR VARIETY 4NEW CHAMPION\\t r.BESTBREDBY EXHIBITOR oniepmwpmoSfec^p JfaczsontfPomeranians4BreederOwner Rebecca B. Jackson - 513 Springwood Dr, Florence, AL 35634 - 257-757-9837 - - springwoodpomsaol.com58 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWWays WaysAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.Walda Green Chairperson Means MeansWANTED WANTED WANTEDAPC Ways and Means needs items for the Auction and Auction Table Simply bring the items to Kentuckyand drop them off at the Ways and Means tables.Loretta Swit jewelryT-shirtsSweatshirtsandNEW this yNEW this yNEW this yNEW this yNEW this yearearearearearHOODIESHOODIESHOODIESHOODIESHOODIESPre-orderonline atAPC Websiteamericanpomeranianclub.org2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 711 PM584Pomera 'ALzaLbJjLSwttjTdryLoretta Swit has donated several pieces of beautiful jewelry to the PCT. Each piece was designed by Loretta Swit. The jewelry will be on auction in Kentucky. Please bid with your heartPomera ml. OffieeiafatW'timeAmericcnPcmorcnian ClubMARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 59APC TopJuniors and ObedienceJunior Showmanshipas reported by Cathy JessenNovember 1, 2005 through October 31, 2006AKC AWARDS Issues January through DecemberDanielle Miller 87Jessica Christiansen 75Taylor Irvin 49Chelsea Valles 41Alexis Okamura 35Chauncelamay Baily 35Karinina Baily 30Stephanie Hentschel 23Blake Armstrong 17Bailey Pfannerstill 11Top Obedience PomeranianFINCHS INDISPENSABLE WALKER CDOwned by Diane L. Finch Nancy C. BrownTop Novice PomeranianFINCHS INDISPENSABLE WALKER CDOwned by Diane L. Finch Nancy C. BrownTop Open PomeranianNone in competitionTop Utility PomeranianTINY TIM PENDELTON CGC UDOwned by Wendy Janet DonnellyTop Agility PomeranianMACH3 LORD PETER OF BRISTOL COURTOwned by John David Connie ZiebaTop Flyball PomeranianNone in competition2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 711 PM5960 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAPCAAAAAWWWWWARDSARDSARDSARDSARDSKelly D. Reimschiissel, Awards ChairAPC members are noted with an . In order to be eligible for APC Awards and receive a certificate or trophy at the Annual Banquet you must have been a member for one 1 calendar year.1 CH SHOWCASE HOT TOPIC 9,768Owners Ron SmithAlane LevinsohnMerilyn SmithBreeders Alane Levinsohn, C. Smith2 CH FINCHS BETTIN ON CHARS 6,025Owner Charlotte Meyer Breeder Diane Finch3 CH TOKIE THE LEGEND CONTINUES 5,645Owners Chavjat TangkaravakunPrakitChularojmontriA. KogaBreeders Chavjat TangkaravakunPrakitChularojmontri4 CH FINCHS AWESOME ON ALL FOURS 5,015Owners Kathryn J. NoremDiane FinchBreeder Diane Finch5 CH RIVENDELLS APPLAUDS JANESA 3,704Owner Carolyn BoninBreeder Carolyn BoninJerrie Freia6 CH EAGLE CREEKS HAMIN IT UP 3,129OwnerBreeder Kathryn J. Norem7 CH TIM SUES FLYING HIGH 2,826Owner J. FarmerK. HebertSue GoddardBreeder Tim GoddardSue Goddard8 CH STARFIRES HERE COMES TROUBLE 2,058Owners Natalie RobertsVeronica Winter Jose A.CabreraFabian ArientiBreeders Jose A. CabreraFabian Arienti9 CH SHOWCASE GOT TO BE ME 2,007Owners Celeste SolanoRobert SolanoAlaneLevinsohnBreeder Alane Levinsohn10 CH TABLETOPS BLACK MAIL SENDER 1,502OwnerBreeder Jan Stachurski1 CH STARFIRES JOSEFINA IS NASTY 2,619OwnersBreeders Jose A. CabreraFabian Arienti2 CH LIL BEHRS THUMBELINA 661OwnerBreeder Joan C. Behrend3 CH GAYELS DESTINYS CHILD 247Owner Naimi GuentherBreeder Gale A. Rivers4 STARFIRES POISON 216OwnersBreeders Jose A. CabreraFabian Arienti5 CH STARFIRES HOT T MOLLY 207OwnersBreeders Jose A. CabreraFabian Arienti6 CH JAN LES QUEST OF RANDOM TASK 157Owners Jane LehtinenVictoria PalmerBreeders Jane LehtinenVictoria Palmer7 CH POM ACRES ICE PRINCESS 140OwnersBreeders Juanita Fiddick8 CH TRUDYS AIMING FOR THE TOP 139OwnersBreeders Nancy CoddingtonRobertCoddington9 CH JANESAS TIGER LILY 125Owners Camilla KnightJerrie FreiaBreeder Jerrie Freia10 CH CANEFYRES TATER TOT 123Owners Shari M. FukuyamaLaurella PangBreeders Shari M. FukuyamaMarc K. KapauALL-BREED DOGSJanuary 1, 2006 through December 31, 2006ALL-BREED BITCHESJanuary 1, 2006 through December 31, 20062007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 711 PM60A i i w mT^ 'MARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 61APC AWARDSALL-BREED BITCHESJanuary 1, 2006 through December 31, 20061 CH STARFIRES JOSEFINA IS NASTY 2,619 OwnersBreeders Jose A. CabreraFabian Arienti2 CH LIL BEHRS THUMBELINA 661 OwnerBreeder Joan C. Behrend3 CH GAYELS DESTINYS CHILD 247Owner Naimi Guenther Breeder Gale A. Rivers4 STARFIRES POISON 216OwnersBreeders Jose A. CabreraFabian Arienti5 CH STARFIRES HOT T MOLLY 207OwnersBreeders Jose A. CabreraFabian Arienti6 CH JAN LES QUEST OF RANDOM TASK 157OwnersBreeders Jane LehtinenVictoria Palmer7 CH POM ACRES ICE PRINCESS 140OwnersBreeders Juanita Fiddick8 CH TRUDYS AIMING FOR THE TOP 139OwnersBreeders Nancy CoddingtonRobert Coddington9 CH JANESAS TIGER LILY 125 Owners Camilla KnightJerrie Freia Breeder Jerrie Freia10 CH CANEFYRES TATER TOT 123Owners Shari FukuyamaLaurella PangBreeders Shari FukuyamaMarc KapauALL-BREED DOGS January 1, 2006 through December 31, 20061 CH SHOWCASE HOT TOPIC 9,768Owners Ron SmithAlane LevinsohnMerilyn SmithBreeders Alane Levinsohn, C. Smith2 CH FINCHS BETTIN ON CHARS 6,025 Owner Charlotte MeyerBreeder Diane Finch3 CH TOKIE THE LEGEND CONTINUES 5,645Owners Chavjat TangkaravakunPrakit ChularojmontriA. KogaBreeders Chavjat TangkaravakunPrakit Chularojmontri4 CH FINCHS AWESOME ON ALL FOURS 5,015Owners Kathryn J. NoremDiane FinchBreeder Diane Finch5 CH RIVENDELLS APPLAUDS JANESA 3,704Owner Carolyn BoninBreeder Carolyn BoninJerrie Freia6 CH EAGLE CREEKS HAMIN IT UP 3,129OwnerBreeder Kathryn J. Norem7 CH TIM SUES FLYING HIGH 2,826Owner J. FarmerK. HebertSue GoddardBreeder Tim GoddardSue Goddard8 CH STARFIRES HERE COMES TROUBLE 2,058Owners Natalie RobertsVeronica Winter Jose A. CabreraFabian ArientiBreeders Jose A. CabreraFabian Arienti9 CH SHOWCASE GOT TO BE ME 2,007Owners Celeste SolanoRobert SolanoAlane LevinsohnBreeder Alane Levinsohn10 CH TABLETOPS BLACK MAIL SENDER 1,502OwnerBreeder Jan StachurskiAPC members are noted with an .In order to be eligible for APC Awards and receive a certificate or trophy at the Annual Banquet you must have been a member for one 1 calendar year.2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 712 PM61 INI i i m i n62 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAPC SIRES11 - CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams owner Diane FinchCH Belstars Super DreamCH Cj IsnT She LovelyCH Cj Spimplicity By DesignCH Exquisites Dream AdventureCH Finchs Island Sweet DreamsCH Luminesque And All That JazzCH Luminesques Heaven Can WaitCH Nobles LL Engine That CouldCH Powerpom EternityCH Park Ave Shes Obviously PoshCH Starlights My Sweet Dream9 - CH Starfires Hello Its El Hottie owner Tony Cabrera Fabian ArientiCH Chriscendo ColdplayCH Starfires AlbertoCH Starfires BrigetteCH Starfires Hello Its El PapiCH Starfires Hot N SpicyCH Starfires Hot T MollyCH Starfires SalsaCH Starfires Touch Me If You DareCH Starfires Trailside Cowboy7 - CH Chriscendo Call To Arms owner Christine HeartzCH Achilles Fit To Be ThaiDCH Chars All Eyes On MeCH Chars Too Hot To PartiCH Chriscendo Career MoveCH Damascusroad Dream Of SarasotaCH Dome Doi Tornado Watch At TokieCH Stealurhearts Call Of The Heart6 CH Jan-Shars Fresh Off The Farm owner Sharon HansonCH Jan-Shars Up Town GirlCH Jan-Shars All Jacked UpCH Jan-Shars High MaintenanceCH Jan-Shars Little CeaserCH Jan-Shars Pardon My FrenchCH Jan-Shars Shakespeare6 - CH Keepsakes Berrie Traditional owner Jessie KleinCH Apolloette Walk Of FameCH Randys Cash On HandCH Randys FrankenberrieCH Randys Halle BerrieCH Ryms W Pps High R Pow RCH Sublimes Cocoberries 4 Ryms W5 - CH Great Rivers Cupids Arrow owner Sharon YampiroCH Great Rivers Beau N AppetiteCH Great Rivers Beaudacious BetsyCH Great Rivers Lace Beau-QuetCH Great Rivers Simply IrresistibleCH Great Rivers Tonitesthenitehone4 CH Music Maker Of Lenette owner K.G. GriffithCH Julias Encore Of LenetteCH Lil Bow Wows Rhythm N BluesCH Piddy Pats Sugar Babe Of LenetteCH Royal Tee Tucker Of Lenette4 - CH Razzle Dazzle Hat Dance owner Judy GreenCH Achilles Pardon My FrenchCH Razzle Dazzle Hallelujah ChorusCH Razzle Dazzle Heavenly ChoirCH Velocitys Shake Ur Bon Bon3 - CH FinchsCharsMakinWavesParti owner Diane FinchCH Eaglecreeks Trufflicious PartiCH Finchs Betn Ona SureshotpartiCH Finchs Splish Splash Parti3 - CH Finchs Walkin After Midnite owner Diane FinchCH Starfires Here Comes TroubleCH Starfires The Be Itch Is BlackCH Castiles Walkin In The Rain3 - CH Firebrooks Tabasco Fiasco owners DonnaMachniak, Dana Coventry Lee CookCH Trudys Hugs And KissesCH Trudys Woody WinCH Marbils DonT Rock The Jukebox3 - CH Jan-Shars If Looks Could Kill owner SharonHansonCH Strutting Dressed To KillCH Strutting Lifetime WarrantyCH Jan-Shars Jeez Louise3 - CH Jan-Shars N Sync owner Sharon HansonCH Jan-Shars A Dawg Named SueCH Jan-Shars All Dolled UpCH Jan-Shars Paparazzi3 - CH Mountain Crest JJ owner David CarleneGilstrapCH Bachmans Precious DiamondCH Castile Legend Of Mtn CrestCH Castles Song Of Springwood3 - CH Nguyen,Cory Loverboy Of GQ owner Lana PriceCH Bachmans Mini Cooper NCameoCH Bachmans My Dream PorscheCH Lanas Can Ya Guess My Name3 CH Paughprints On the Mtn Crest owners SherriAlspaugh David GilstrapCH Heartland Mountain TraditionCH Majestys Prince DaschaelCH Springwoods Tete a Tete2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 712 PM62m i i i n1WMARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 63APC DAMS5 - CH Gar-Vs Zeek-A-Boo, owned by Carol LeemhuisCH Carleez Crowd PleaserCH Carleez Jingle Bell RockCH Carleez Holly Jolly ChristmasCH Carleez N Gar-Vs Magic DragonCarleez Boom Boom Boom NAJ3 - CH Heathers Sunkiss Beach Baby, owned byCharlotte Meyer Diane L. FinchCH Chars All Eyes On MeCH Chars Surfin UsaCH Chars Wild And Free3 - Starfires Marissa, owned by Tony Cabrera Fabian ArientiCH Starfires BrigetteCH Starfires Touch Me If You DareCH Starfires Viva La Diva2 - CH Bachmans Lady Lexus, owned by CheriMcDonaldCH Bachmans Mini Cooper NCameoCH Bachmans My Dream Porsche2 - Candlebrites Cuz IM Worth It, owned by JudyGreenCH Razzle Dazzle Heavenly ChoirCH Razzle Dazzle Hallelujah Chorus2 - CH Daystar Indian Summer, owned by Karen PowerCH Daystar Cowboys And IndiansCH Daystar Little Red Caboose2 - CH Glen Iris Castle In The Sky, owned by Dr.Cheryl A. JacksonCH Glen Iris Ellesse DCastileCH Glen Iris Evian DCastile2 - CH Glen Iris Duchess Of Castile, owned by GenoSisnerosCH Castile Legend Of Mtn CrestCH Castles Song Of Springwood2 - Heartlands A Flash From Heavn, owned by KathyNoremCH Eagle Creeks Hamin It UpCH Eaglecreeks Trufflicious Parti2 - CH Kacees N Janesas Lets Go Girl, owned byKaty StalnakerCH Kacees Gonna Getcha GoodCH Kacees Top Strider At Ra-Joys2 - Keepsakes Courtin Tradition, owned by JessieKleinCH Keepsakes Bikini BlusCH Keepsakes Star Spangled Banner2 - Lanas One Penny To Many, owned by Lana PriceCH Lanas California DreaminCH Lanas Copper Top2 - Trudys Cream Delite, owned by Nancy RobertCoddingtonCH Trudys Hugs And KissesCH Trudys Woody Win2 - CH Starfires Fransesca, owned by Tony Cabrera Fabian ArientiCH Starfires Hot T MollyCH Starfires Alberto2 - Starfires Strawberry Marmelade, owned by TonyCabrera Fabian ArientiCH Starfires The Be Itch Is BlackCH Starfires Here Comes Trouble2 - Tim Sues Traces Trinket, owned by Sue TimGoddardCH Tim Sues Ghost BusterCH Tim Sues Trick Or Treat2 - CH Woods Whispering Mist, owned by MaynardWoodCH Woods Que Cera CeraCH Woods Float Like A Butterfly2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 712 PM6364 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAPC TOP TENEXHIBITORS11 - Charlotte MeyerCH Chars All Eyes On MeCH Chars Dizzy BlondeCH Chars Flamin Heart PartiCH Chars I Wanta Talk About MeCH Chars Parti In My DreamsCH Chars Play To WinCH Chars Surfin UsaCH Chars The Heat Is OnCH Chars Too Hot To PartiCH Chars Wild And FreeCH Finchs Splish Splash Parti10 - Fabian Arienti Jose A. CabreraCH Starfires AlbertoCH Starfires BrigetteCH Starfires Hello Its El PapiCH Starfires Here Comes TroubleCH Starfires Hot N SpicyCH Starfires Hot T MollyCH Starfires SalsaCH Starfires The Be Itch Is BlackCH Starfires Touch Me If You DareCH Starfires Viva La Diva7 - Sharon HansonCH Daystar Little Red CabooseCH Jan-Shars All Jacked UpCH Jan-Shars Deal Or No DealCH Jan-Shars High MaintenanceCH Jan-Shars Little CeaserCH Jan-Shars PaparazziCH Jan-Shars Pardon My French5 - David GilstrapCH Castile Legend Of Mtn CrestCH Heartland Mountain TraditionCH Mountain Crest Private DancerCH Mountain Crest Rolling StoneCH Springwoods Love Me Tender5 - Diane L. FinchCH Damascusroad Dream Of SarasotaCH Eagle Creeks Hamin It UpCH Eaglecreeks Trufflicious PartiCH Finchs Betn Ona SureshotpartiFinchs Indispensable Walker CD5 - Lana PriceCH Lanas California DreaminCH Lanas Can Ya Guess My NameCH Lanas Copper TopCH Lanas Delicious SurpriseCH Pomhavens Savannah Sky4 - Cherie McDonaldCH Bachmans Precious DiamondCH Bachmans Mini Cooper NCameoCH Bachmans My Dream PorscheCH Cr Princess Of Mischief4 - Geno SisnerosCH Castiles Walkin In The RainCH Castile Legend Of Mtn CrestCH Castles Song Of SpringwoodCH Glen Iris Evian DCastile4 - Jerrie FreiaCH Janesas Esther PriceCH Janesas Naturally AwesomeCH Janesas Tiger LilyCH Janesas Zeek N Ye Shall Find4 - Nancy Robert CoddingtonCH Trudys Cover StoryCH Trudys Club ParisCH Trudys Hugs And KissesCH Trudys Woody Win2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 712 PM64m i i i n1WMARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 65APC TOP TENBREEDERS13 - Sharon HansonCH Jan-Shars 5 Star RatingCH Jan-Shars A Dawg Named SueCH Jan-Shars All Dolled UpCH Jan-Shars All Jacked UpCH Jan-Shars Deal Or No DealCH Jan-Shars High MaintenanceCH Jan-Shars Jeez LouiseCH Jan-Shars Little CeaserCH Jan-Shars PaparazziCH Jan-Shars Pardon My FrenchCH Jan-Shars Pinky Dinky DoCH Jan-Shars ShakespeareCH Jan-Shars Up Town Girl12 - Jose Cabrera Fabian ArientiCH Starfires AlbertoCH Starfires BrigetteCH Starfires Hello Its El PapiCH Starfires Here Comes TroubleCH Starfires Hot N SpicyCH Starfires Hot T MollyCH Starfires Lover BoyCH Starfires SalsaCH Starfires The Be Itch Is BlackCH Starfires Touch Me If You DareCH Starfires Trailside CowboyCH Starfires Viva La Diva11 Charlotte MeyerCH Chars All Eyes On MeCH Chars Dizzy BlondeCH Chars Flamin Heart PartiCH Chars I Wanta Talk About MeCH Chars Packer FanacticCH Chars Parti In My DreamsCH Chars Play To WinCH Chars Surfin UsaCH Chars The Heat Is OnCH Chars Too Hot To PartiCH Chars Wild And Free9 - Sharon YampiroCH Great Rivers Beau N AppetiteCH Great Rivers Beaudacious BetsyCH Great Rivers Hot TMollyCH Great Rivers Lace Beau-QuetCH Great Rivers Simply IrresistibleCH Great Rivers Sugar RushCH Great Rivers Tiamo Lets Hav A BallCH Great Rivers TonitesthenitehoneCH Ti Amo Joy Of Great Rivers8 - Diane L. FinchCH Chars Parti In My DreamsCH Chars Surfin UsaCH Chars Packer FanacticCH Finchs Betn Ona SureshotpartiCH Finchs Island Sweet DreamsCH Finchs Playing To WinCH Finchs Splish Splash PartiFinchs Indispensable Walker CD6 - K. G. GriffithCH Abbapoolas We Willie LenetteCH Earth Angel Of LenetteCH Ju-Mars Tollhouse Of LenetteCH Julias Encore Of LenetteCH Rialta Fire N Rain Of LenetteCH Royal Tee Tucker Of Lenette5 Nancy CoddingtonCH Trudys Club ParisCH Trudys Cover StoryCH Trudys Hugs And KissesCH Trudys Inchallah SugardaddyCH Trudys Woody Win5 - Jerrie FreiaCH Janesas Esther PriceCH Janesas Naturally AwesomeCH Janesas Tiger LilyCH Janesas Totally InvincibleCH Janesas Zeek N Ye Shall Find5 - Carol LeemhuisCH Carleez N Gar-Vs Magic DragonCH Carleez Crowd PleaserCH Carleez Jingle Bell RockCH Carleez Holly Jolly ChristmasCarleez Boom Boom Boom NAJ5 - Geno SisnerosCH Castile Legend Of Mtn CrestCH Castiles Walkin In The RainCH Castles Song Of SpringwoodCH Glen Iris Evian DCastileCheris Bad Boy Brutus NA NAJ2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 712 PM65 INI n i i i iIW66 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWNew ChampionsNOVEMBERAchilles Pardon My French B CH Razzle DazzleHat Dance x Apaws Achilles Viva La Paris. Owned byJennifer L. Munn. Bred by Jennifer L. Munn.Aphrodites Blue Jasmine B CH Trudys KentuckyBlue At Aphrodite x Aphrodites Jasmine. Owned byLinda Decicco. Bred by Linda Decicco.Benrays Keeper Of Dreams D CH Golden AiresStanding Ovation x CH Benrays Golden Aire Delight.Owned by Peter Oxford, Janet Oxford. Bred byBenson E. Ray , Sharon Masnick.Canton Bravestar D Canton Braveheart x CantonBeautiful Star. Owned by Basilio Yap. Bred byHannah Ruth Chua, Ester Joy Chua.Castles Song Of Springwood B CH MountainCrest JJ x CH Glen Iris Duchess Of Castile. Ownedby Becky Jackson, Geno Sisneros. Bred by GenoSisneros.Chriscendo Career Move D CH Chriscendo Call ToArms x CH Chriscendo Career Girl. Owned byShannon Johnson, Christine D. Heartz. Bred by.Cj IsnT She Lovely B CH Pufpride Sweet Dreamsx Cj Bbs Ms. Cassie Ole. Owned by Julia Smith.Bred by Julia Smith.Cj Spimplicity By Design D CH Pufpride SweetDreams x CJ Royal Mischief Maker. Owned by JuliaSmith. Bred by Julia Smith.Dhcrew Hotrod Showdown Agenda B TrestiqueN-GgsShowdown x CH Dhcrew ElizabethanAgenda. Owned by Mary Mullen. Bred by Hal E.Webster Jr..Exquisites Dream Paradise D CH Finchs DreamCome True II x CH Avalons Angelina. Owned byBetsy Owens. Bred by Wahyuni Wibowo.Finchs Betn Ona Sureshotparti D CHFinchsCharsMakinWavesParti x Finchs Bet I CanParti. Owned by Diane L. Finch. Bred by Diane L.Finch.Finchs Playing To Win D Chriscendo ComingAttraction x Finchs Shesa Lil Brick. Owned by JanetKremzar. Bred by Diane L. Finch.Finchs Splish Splash Parti DFinchsCharsMakinWavesParti x Finchs You SexyThing. Owned by Charlotte Meyer. Bred by Diane L.Finch.Jan-Shars 5 Star Rating D Jan-Shars Its The RealThing x Jan-Shars Revenge Is Sweet. Owned byJessica Satallante, Sharon Hanson. Bred by.Jan-Shars Deal Or No Deal D Jan-Shars Go ForThe Gusto x Jan-Shars Margaretta. Owned bySharon Hanson. Bred by Sharon Hanson.Kacees Top Strider At Ra-Joys D Jan-SharsTopsy Turvy x Kacees N Janesas Lets Go Girl.Owned by Ann Sullivan, Katy Stalnaker. Bred byKaty Stalnaker.Keepsakes Star Spangled Banner B Puf PrideCloudbreaker x Keepsakes Courtin Tradition. Ownedby Jessie Klein. Bred by Jessie Klein , BobPietzsch.Mai-T-Tois Ms. Shelamar B Mai-T-Tois MR.Universe x Destinys Lady Of The Lake. Owned byAngela Nisbet. Bred by Angela Nisbet.Marbils All That Jazz At Bluerock B MarbilsGotcha Covered x Wee Heart Whisper In The Dark.Owned by Billie Yeager Hurst. Bred by Carolyn GBrandenburg , Mari Iffland.Pawegre PanachE Of Maji B Tishas A Lil BitOGusto x Kilpatricks Wonder OThunder. Owned byPatricia Murk, Joyce B Winkels, Bred by JamesMcKiernan.Pombredens Kauai Blue O-Ce-An BPombredens Smoky Mountainman x PombredensFragrant Freesia. Owned by Barbara A. Breden,Bred by Barbara Breden.Pomhavens Fastn Your Seat Belt D PomhavensNip N Tuck x Marbils Place Your Bets. Owned byColleen P. Beland, Bred by Colleen P. Beland.R-Luv Ansaros Rosa Leah B R-Luv ColumbianKingpin x Jan-Shars Something To Shout About.Owned by Angel L. Arocho, Tina Petrina. Bred byTina Petrina.Razzle Dazzle Hallelujah Chorus B Razzle DazzleHat Dance x Candlebrites Cuz IM Worth It. Ownedby Judith B. Green. Bred by Judith B. Green.Springwoods Love Me Tender D Mountain CrestMercy Me x Springwoods Grace Kelly. Owned byRebecca Jackson David Gilstrap, Bred by RebeccaB Jackson.2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2132007, 1244 AM66m i i i n1WMARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 67Starfires Alberto D Starfires Hello Its El Hottie xStarfires Fransesca. Owned by Jose A. Cabrera ,Fabian Arienti. Bred by Jose A. Cabrera , FabianArienti.Starfires Lover Boy D Starfires Martin x StarfiresPatricia. Owned by Luisa Leon. Bred by FabianArienti, Jose A. Cabrera .Stealurhearts Call Of The Heart B ChriscendoCall To Arms x Idlewyld UVe Got A Friend. Owned byMargaret Johnson, Bred by Margaret Johnson.Strutting Lifetime Warranty D Jan-Shars If LooksCould Kill x Jan-Shars Satisfaction Guaranteed.Owned by Howard Sklar. Bred by Howard Sklar.Trudys Cover Story B Trudys Country Club xTrudys Cover Girl. Owned by Nancy Coddington ,Robert Coddington. Bred by Nancy Coddington.DECEMBERApolloette The Contender D Sungold VintageChianti x Apolloette Magnolia Blossom. Owned byCathy Driggers, Mark Driggers. Bred by MarlenePresser , Marlin Presser.Chars I Wanta Talk About Me D Soldier OfFortune Of Haase x Finchs Chars Walk This Way.Owned by Charlotte Meyer. Bred by CharlotteMeyer.Chars Too Hot To Parti B Chriscendo Call ToArms x British Lanefinchs Aliparti. Owned byCharlotte Meyer. Bred by Charlotte Meyer.Chelanes Peace Keeper Parti D FinchsPeacemaker Parti x Wee Hearts Colorful Romance.Owned by Elaine Waugh. Bred by Elaine Waugh.Exotic Terminator D Exotic Kits Knight Rider xExotic Dream Cycle. Owned by Molly Mcdaniel, JudyK. Stone. Bred by Molly Mcdaniel, Judy K Stone.Glen Iris Mark Of Zorro D Mountain Crest HardRock x Kalos Jessica Of Glen Iris. Owned by MichaelParrott , Shalon Parrott. Bred by Dr. Cheryl Jackson, Dr. Lawrence Myers.Great Rivers Hot TMolly B Great Rivers Aint NoPaint x Great Rivers Swiss Mocha. Owned by LisaAiello. Bred by Sharon Yampiro.Great Rivers Lace Beau-Quet B Great RiversCupids Arrow x Great Rivers White Lace. Owned bySharon Yampiro. Bred by Sharon Yampiro.Heartland Mountain Tradition B Paughprints OnThe MTN Crest x Heartlands Amber Crystal. Ownedby David Gilstrap , Carlene B. Gilstrap. Bred byRobert Kieffer.Heavenbound Amazing Ruby B Bi-Mars AmazingGrace Red Baron x Heavenbound Princes Joy.Owned by Byron Lisenbee, Bred by Byron Lisenbee.Jan-Shars Jeez Louise B Jan-Shars If LooksCould Kill x Jan-Shars Playmate. Owned by JeanElting Rowe. Bred by Sharon Hanson.Jan-Shars Little Ceaser D Jan-Shars Fresh OffThe Farm x Jan-Shars Beauty Is My Business.Owned by Sharon Hanson. Bred by SharonHanson.Kacees Mac Attack At Del-May D Janesas Hurrah4 Hurrah At Kacees x Kacees Pretty As A Picture.Owned by Deborah K. Barrett , Barbara Krezewicki.Bred by Katy Stalnaker , Donna J. Machniak.Mar-Ds TaLor-D By Choice D Avalons Ta-LorDMade For Mar-D x Jan-Shar Two Ton Tessie. Ownedby Mary Stephens , Debi Buchanan. Bred by MaryStephens , Debi Buchanan.Marbils DonT Rock The Jukebox D FirebrooksTabasco Fiasco x MTN. Views Onyx N Lace. Ownedby Donna Riehm , Mari Iffland. Bred by Mari Iffland, Donna S Riehm.Mi Babe Classic Rembrandt D Bar-Net Top Gun xMi Babe Rain Beaus Margarita. Owned by BabeMcCombs. Bred by Babe McCombs, Jean E Cook.Mi Babe River Of Pashmina B Finchs Rolling LikeA River x Jans Blazin Cameo. Owned by BabeMcCombs. Bred by Babe McCombs.Monarcs Rocket Man D Tresstiques WeekendWarrior x Monarcs Raven Beauty. Owned by SharonShields. Bred by Sharon Shields.Omega Warlock D Golden Aires Do It Agin xOmega Ima Flirt. Owned by Frances Thompson,Bred by Frances Thompson.Prized Happy To Walk N Tradition B Wheats HeWalks Thru The Light x Wheats Shy Smile NTradition. Owned by Mona De Lancy, CarolynCrockett. Bred by Mona De Lancy, CarolynCrockett.Serafinas Rock N Roll Roadie D Itoba Rock NRoll Legend x Serafinas Pearl Of Great Price.Owned by Margaret Nance. Bred by MargaretNance.Starfires Brigette B Starfires Hello Its El Hottie xStarfires Marisa. Owned by Jose A Cabrera, FabianArienti. Bred by Jose A Cabrera, Fabian Arienti.Trudys Inchallah Sugardaddy D Trudys SnidleyWhiplash x Trudys Loud In Proud. Owned byBecky Sabourin , Stephanie Hentschel,Bred byNancy Coddington.Two Tone Delight B Jakens Quest For Camelot xGaulkes My Girl. Owned by Duane A Gaulke.Bred by Duane A Gaulke.2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2132007, 1244 AM67w68 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWJuniorJiveFirst off, I have to say I feel so honored to be chosento do a Junior Jive article I have admired the PomReview for quite some time now to actually do anarticle in it is astounding.My name is Chelsea Valles, soon to be 15 years old.I reside in West Texas, in a small town by the nameof Andrews. Our family consists of my parents Maryand Carlos, and my two siblings, a brother and asister. Together with my mother and I we areMarValles Pomeranians. Having a motherdaughterteam is very funI attended shows with my mother and brother who showedChihuahuas for a short time. While attending shows withthem I became fascinated with Junior Showmanship andalways kept a close eye on the Pomeranian ring. Mymother had liked the breed as well. Together we beganbrainstorming and thinking, Hey, maybe we should giveit a shot. Needless to say that shot led us to our great friend and mentor, Charlotte Meyer of Chars Poms. Withoutthis wonderful lady and friend I would not be where I am today. She helped my mother and I out as newbies and neverceased to amaze us by sending us some of her best Poms to show in Juniors and Conformation. For that I am forevergrateful.Together my mother and I have bred and raised a few litters of Poms-all, of course, with the help of Char. I look forwardto the day that we have our bred-bys out in the ring showing.In 2006 I showed an amazing little guy Ch.Chars The Heat Is On, Hewey. Together Hewey and I racked up points in notime and began moving up in the ranks. After some time off, I decided to pull out my male Ch. Finchs Exceeds Code,Cody, who will be my juniors dog for 2007. He is such an awesome little showman and never sets a foot down wrong.He shows his little heart out for me.I have to say 2006 was an amazing show year for my mother and I. Attending our first nationals in March was very funand taking Best Junior Handler at the National was the icing on the cakeDuring the summer of 2006, one of my close friends and handler Lynn Meyer took me under her wing to show me a fewthings. Hewey and I spent the summer with her and had an amazingly fun time She is an amazing person, and awonderful handler. I feel honored to have been taught so many things by Lynn I plan to be a professional handlersome-day so going out with Lynn during the summer taught me a lot.Chelsea VallesChelsea Valles2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2132007, 1244 AM68 INI 4 i i i in4_44MARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 69In my experience with showing in Junior Handling I have found that it is not an easy task to win with a Toy Dog. It isvery rewarding when you do go out there do your best and have fun. I would highly encourage anyone interested incompeting in Junior Showmanship to try it out. It is a very fun sport. Win or lose I have always had fun Never getdiscouraged when you do not win. Your time will come, and when it does enjoy itEnding this article I would like to extend a special thank you to my family for always being there for me. I appreciateall of the support. Mom, thank you for sharing such a wonderful hobby with me. Dad, thank you for never telling meno when I say, Just one more PomChar and Lynn, where do I begin You ladies are wonderful, everyone needs people like you for supportThank you to all the people who chat with me on the Internet and for also supporting meLast, but not least, thank you to Brenda Segelken for inviting me to be featured in this article of the Pom Review2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2132007, 1244 AM69 INI 4 i i i in45,11BESTHANDLERJUNIOR13NATIONAL SPECIALTY FIRST h iPHIJTOGR APH YPLACEL. srwivKfNVf L CLUBN2005\W9LHJ PHOTrL v-- f1ULi,FIRST PLACEWEST TEXAS KENNEL CLUBNEBRASKA KENNEL CLUB 2006photo by MELIA " DAN PtARSON PHOTOGRAPHYJ SEPTEMBER 2006wm4470 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 Westminster USA Invitees CH Finchs Awesome OnAll Four, CH Finchs Bettin On Chars, CH RivendellApplauds Janesa, CH Showcase Hot Topic, CH Tokie TheLegend Continues2007 Westminster Kennel ClubFebruary 12 and 13, 2007Madison Square Garden, New York, New York Report by Joan BehrendPhotos by Bruce and Joan BehrendBest of BreedCh Showcase Hot Topic DogBreeder Alane Levinsohn Curtiss SmithSire Ch Mountain Crest JJDam Ch Showcase Charmed Im SureOwner Ron Smith Alane Levinsohn Merilyn SmithBest of Opposite SexCh Lil Behrs Thumbelina BitchBreeder Joan C BehrendSire Ch Tresstiques Secret Agent 86Dam Lil Behrs Hot CocoaOwner Joan C BehrendAward of MeritCh Jan-Shars 5 Star Rating DogBreeder Sharon HansonSire Ch Jan-Shars Its The Real ThingDam Jan-Shars Revenge Is SweetOwner Jessica SatallanteCh Starfires Here Comes Trouble DogBreeder Jose A Cabrera Fabian ArientiSire Ch Finchs Walkin After MidniteDam Starfires Strawberry MarmeladeOwner Jose Cabrera Fabian Arienti Veronica WinterCh Razzle Dazzle Heavenly Choir DogBreeder OwnerSire Ch Razzle Dazzle Hat DanceDam Candlebrites Cuz Im Worth ItOwner Judith B GreenJudge Mr. Frank T. Sabella2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2132007, 1244 AM707A-4 0 ' - . ft _m ., r^. - Um ii i i i MARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 71Progressive Toy Dog KC ShowFebruary 9, 2007 Hotel Pennsylvania, New YorkReport by Joan BehrendPhotos by Bruce and Joan BehrendThe group of 41 poms was judged by Mr. Albert Easdon of Glasgow, Scotland.Winners DogStarfires ApoloOwned by Freiderike HaritonBred by Jose Cabrera and Fabian ArientiReserve Winners DogFirebrooks High VoltageOwned by Leslie Gale KulocBred by Lee CookWinners BitchStarfires PoisonOwned by Jose Cabrera and Fabian ArientiBred by Jose Cabrera and Fabian ArientiReserve Winners BitchLynnwrights Gia of LenetteOwned by Donna Lynn WrightBred by Ken GriffithBest of WinnersStarfires PoisonOwned by Jose Cabrera and Fabian ArientiBred by Jose Cabrera and Fabian ArientiBest of Opposite SexCH Showcase Blondes Have More FunOwned by Alane LevinsonBred by Alane LevinsonBest of BreedCH Starfires Here Comes TroubleOwned by Natalie Roberts, VeronicaWinter, Jose Cabrera, and Fabian ArientiBred by Jose Cabrera and Fabian ArientiBest PuppyLynnwrights Gia of LenetteOwned by Donna Lynn WrightBred by Ken Griffith2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 715 PM714mmmm72 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW NEWS AND VIEWSby Barbara McClatcheyPERFORMANCEBorder Collies. In between times for the official demo we take turns working in a booth showing folkshow to train the moves and letting them cuddle the dogs.Its exciting times for the heelwork to music sport in the UK as at Crufts this year we have a majorcompetition for both HTM and Freestyle, plus an international competition - great to see the sporttaking off so quickly.A couple of comments In Britain Border Collies are the breed of choice for Obedience, and people whohave watched the competition at Crufts always comment on the lack of Golden Retrievers, which here arethe most common Obedience breed. Crufts is, of course, already over now, and Dennis did his thing.Dennis is the black dog in the photo with the crime scene tape wrapped around him. Unfortunately,Annette did not have any Freestyle photos to send.This Kennel Club stand features all the sportsthat you can enjoy with your dog, and twice a dayeach sport is demonstrated, ours being heelworkto musicfreestyle. We join a team of some sevenor eight dogs who do routines during a 45-minuteslot, whilst this is happening we attract anenormous audience, particularly of tiny folks whosit on the edge of the carpet where the dogs aredemonstrating. Some three quarters of the waythrough our time slot, Dennis asks for a newpartner, and we all take the weenies from theaudience to come and dance with our dogs,working on tricks we have perfected so thechildren get the fun of achieving success with thewoofs. The dogs range from Pom to GSD, we tryto show lots of different breeds rather than justFREESTYLE AT CRUFTSAnnette Leslie writes from EnglandJust wanted to share the news that Dennis the Menace, Moonrae Shot in the Dark, Black Pom, hasbeen invited back for a third time to Crufts to work on the Dogs Days Out Stand for the Kennel Club.Dennis the Menace2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 715 PM72 i i i in rl.MiTOi4MARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 73Performance ContinuedCGCsThe Canine Good Citizen certificate is often a dogs first experience of some kind of Obedience testing witha judge. It is often also the handlers first such experience. The CGC is not an official AKC title, but isimportant in its own right, since it shows that the dog is a good citizen, one who makes his owner happyand doesnt cause problems.On December 16, Lindsey Kamrath wrote, Im completely stoked. Today my boy TLCs Court Jester,Cosmo earned his CGC. He passed with flying colors In fact... just to toot my horn a little of the examiners asked me, Do you do competitive obedience I said, Well, I hope to in thefuture..., and tried to downplay it because Cosmo was pretty sloppy, and he said, Well, you should,because Ive seen many Poms come through here and yours is one of the best Ive seen. That boostedmy confidence WAAAY up...its nice to hear such encouraging words Not to be outdone, my mom tookClementine, our seven-month- old bitch, and she got her CGC as well. Not bad, especially sinceClementine hasnt finished her basic obedience class. Needless to say, Im really proud of our dogs. Itsno championship or CD, but its something we definitely worked forAnd Lesley Pettengill of Dallas writes that, Wiggles earned his AKC Canine Good Citizen CGCcertificate this past weekend in Glen Rose, TX and I should also mention the same day he also wentBOB. We didnt do anything in the group ring, but all those who passed the CGC got to parade in thering before they started Best in Show judging. The BIS sign was already out so we stood next to the BISsign smile.Wiggles was a hoot. He did everything he was supposed to splendidly. The evaluator was mostimpressed with the 3 minute out of sight exercise. I left Wiggles on a down stay with the evaluator.About half way through there was a HUGE crashing sound in the building - it was loud enough that Ijumped The evaluator told me Wiggles raised his elbows up about 2 inches off the ground and thenwent back into the full down position. His head never left the direction he had last seen me go. Thehonor dog was an old bloodhound. A neat photo opportunity was missed when those two passed eachother. Wiggles has never met a dog he didnt like.ASCA OTCH POINTINGFor anyone who doesnt know, ASCA stands for Australian Shepherd Club of America. Their Obedienceand Agility trials are open to all breeds of dogs.Wendy Donnelly wrote from Georgia in December that, Timmy and I went to an ASCA trial this pastFriday evening and Saturday morning to attempt to reach our goal of getting our ASCA OTCH as wewere only 26 points shy of getting it going into the trial.Friday evening we were the only dog of 4 to qualify in Utility with a score of 189.5, picking up 3.5OTCH points and bringing us to a standing total of the year of 77.5 OTCH points. We also showed inOpen B and he did fine in the individual exercises and he held his sit stay. However, he came up on hiselbows and broke his down stay with his butt firmly planted a big improvement from sniffing otherarmbands so no UDX legs.Saturday he blew me off on the first article because the steward didnt know what she was doing andoverscented the articles in the pile and my hands were too cold to hotscent the metal article. He also2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 715 PM734 i i i in4 4474 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWPerformance Continuedblew me off on the directed jumping acting as if he was dyslexic. I even teased him in the ring ofhaving dyslexia and needing blue lens glasses.So for the season in ASCA after finishing his UD on the 20th of Jan. we have picked up the 77.5 OTCHpoints. In ASCA the OTCH is based on your scoreas long as you have scores above 185.5 you earnOTCH points in half point increments up to 15 for a perfect score of 200. You also need a score of 193or higher in both Open B and Utility and one score of 195 or higher in either class, which he has.Because the ASCA shows are so much smaller it would be virtually impossible to earn OTCH pointsbased on the number of dogs in the class.AKC OTCH POINTINGCaroline Scott writes that on October 15 in Memphis, with 19 dogs entered, UCDX Gidgets CinnamonPrince UDX2 RA placed 3rd with a 196 in Utility B for 2 OTCH points and a HS Toy trophy. Levi alsoqualified with a 196 in Open B, earning his 21st UDX leg. On October 28 in Benton, Arkansas, on dirtoutside under cover [and we all know that can mean almost anything], he took 1st in Utility B with 195.5,but lost the runoff for HIT. He did get High Combined with a big crystal and silver vase, and his 22nd UDXleg the next day he earned his 23rd UDX leg. Carolyn writes about Saturdays trial, I could not get goodfooting on hard packed bumpy dirtit just wasnt a good heeling area. Levi was going around holes,and many exhibitors did not show in Open B or come back the next day because of the dirt. Getting 2UDX legs under those conditions strikes me as quite an accomplishmentCarolyn also writes that at another trial the judge mis-heard Levis name. She kept telling everyone what acute name that little dog had, She calls him Flea Bite Carolyn was pretty put out, but I think its cuteTITLES, WE GOT TITLESAMERICAN KENNEL CLUBCompanion DogGreat Rivers Meg Rules Malashel CD RN, 10106, Elaine WishnowElaine says, There was severe wind 65 mph on the day Meg got her CD. It was so bad that the judgeshortened things a bit because she was afraid that no one would qualify. To her delight the entire classgot legs and Meg got a First Place.British Lane Tiny Toons CD, 11506, Dianne OttCayden R U Ready CD AX MXJ, 11406, Patricia Mcmahon, ILPUtility Dog Excellent 2Gidgets Cinnamon Prince UDX2 RN, 10106, Mike and Carolyn SmithRally NoviceKirby Kid Rock On RN, 111706, Lu Anne Traylor, ILPMil-Pines Power Play CDX RN, 111806, Margery SturmOzi RN, 111206, Annete Barling Howze, ILPSerafinas Mickey Doodle Bug RN, 112406, Kimberly and Brad ThompsonSkippy Of Oak Brook RN, 111806, Gregory GeisenRally AdvancedSusans Cinnamon Brandi CDX RA OAJ, 102906, Susan PierceRally ExcellentBanshees Mickey Mike CDX RE, 10706, Dorothy ODonnell, ILP2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 715 PM744 i i i in4 44MARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 75Performance ContinuedMtn.View Casino Lady Of Vegas RE, 102106, Helen BrinnPrincess Wiggles Vonsnifsnif RE, 101506, Lisa Sheffield, ILPPhantom English Tanner RE, 111206, Barbara ProctorRally Advanced ExcellentSassy Girl Sheffield UD RAE, 102206, Lisa SheffieldTracking DogBarcys Buttermilk Angel Cakes TD, 10806, Barcy Jones, ILPNovice AgilityCheris Bad Boy Brutus NA NAJ, 101406, Michael ZglinskiCheris Popeye The Zailor NA NAJ, 101406, Gena ZglinskiLucy TD NA NAJ, 11406, Terry Vanhook, ILPWynmors William Bailey Small CD NA NAJ NJP, 11406, Laura MaimanNovice Agility JumperCamlyns Right On The Money NAJ, 102906, Gloria Ray FlippenSir Gizmo NAJ, 102106, Garrett ODellLucy TD NA NAJ, 11406, Terry Vanhook, ILPWynmors William Bailey Small CD NA NAJ NJP, 11406, Laura MaimanNovice Agility PreferredCH Lionshares Lightning Bug NAP OJP, 10706, Daniel Deross Terri StrykerNovice Agility Jumper PreferredUrsa Minors Secret Agent NAJ NJP, 102106, Diana HuntressSusans Cinnamon Brandi CDX RA OAJ NJP, 11306, Susan PierceOpen AgilityAjs Wind Beneath My Wings OA NAJ, 102006, Darlene HuntCheris Bad Boy Brutus OA OAJ, 102806, Michael ZglinskiCheris Popeye The Zailor OA OAJ, 102806, Gena ZglinskiApaws Never Never OA NAJ, 111206, Susie LetchworthOpen Agility JumperC Gs Mr. JJ OAJ, 10106, Cindy DaleCheris Bad Boy Brutus NA OAJ, 102106, Michael ZglinskiCheris Popeye The Zailor NA OAJ, 102106, Gena ZglinskiDazie Mae Blackburn AX OAJ, 101406, Whitney Blackburn, ILPGracie NA OAJ, 10706, Linda Neuzil, ILPK Bar Js Klondike Bar CD RN OA OAJ, 10806, Carla BrownMolly OAJ, 102906, Ashley Cannon, ILPPark Aves Lyn Large In Charge NA OAJ, 102906, Saranan TandbergVip-Odyssey Buttons Lil Beau NA OAJ, 102106, Kathy FlesnerLuvpoms Painted Gypsy CD NA OAJ, 111806, Carlota Cloney, ILPMocha Pickerill OAJ, 111206, Judy Stephanie Pickerill, ILPSusans Spice N Everything Nice CD NA OAJ, 11306, Susan PierceOpen Agility PreferredMartis Mini Oreo CD NA NAJ OAP OJP, 101406, Marti HalifkoOpen Agility Jumper PreferredCH Lionshares Lightning Bug NAP OJP, 10706, Daniel Deross Terri StrykerAgility ExcellentValentines June Bug AX AXJ, 11406, Miranda Terri ValentineExcellent Agility JumperMorgens Squirrel N Merlin CDX RE OA AXJ, 11506, Judi John Rought Elizabeth BaughBarbara McCatcheys Taffy2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 715 PM75 INI n i i i i3Straight Figure 8 Weave Twice476 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWPerformance ContinuedMaster Agility ExcellentLollie P. Rushka MX MXJ, 10806, Kris SeiterLittle Bear MX MXJ, 112606, Nancy Marmol, ILPMaster Agility Excellent JumperLittle Bear AX MXJ, 111906, Nancy Marmol, ILPMaster Agility ChampionMACH Bebe Luc Doyon CD, 101506, Guylaine Doyon, ILPMaster Agility Champion 2MACH2 Finchs Peach Melba Delight, 112506, Karl Judith SeiterMaster Agility Champion 4MACH4 Little Polly Party Girl, 10706, Betsy RybaDogs now eligible for the APC Hall of Fame, a Historical Award.Dogs now eligible for the APC Gold Club, a Historical Award.To read about the requirements for these Historical Awards and how to submit your dog, go to .American Pomeranian Club members are listed in bold print ILP dogs are usually Rescues. Only APC members for at least one year areeligible for Annual Awards Top Obedience Pom, Top Agility Pom, etc., and the relevant information must be submitted by the APCmember. All Poms are eligible for the Historical Awards.Congratulations to all who train, show, and title their Poms in the Companion EventsDont forget to send your own News and Views to Barbara McClatchey, 57 Poplar Court, Lake Jackson,TX 77566. Or call me at 979-297-7383. Or e-mail me Why not joinour e-group Brags and advice available at ActivePomeranian-subscribeyahoogroups.com2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 716 PM7610 v\kMxfe -fiice to viiaii edeujne jao3 iuolc ul the 0IxU2arusik. TOotcJx Jo'i rnw, 0om, 3ida cwv3 '^K^cfa-a, expert hanSh^ rut Bwiyucwi.PmetcwuamBii2 ai3 Suca Sadiyfuwititinea1327 01HO 17d Sl^ itpe J, -- - fS1ts hirl-4 Ir1fcFv2Su4H^e lwrvlvimJutee 'top, ^\ttCoMCal C^iicuv3 cBFMARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 77ASSISTED LIVING By Jennifer Munn Re-written by Katie GammillSharing our Pomeranian breed has been a very rewarding experience. We visit the SandersAssisted Living Residence in Virginia, where I work as a nurse, for two hours, twice amonth. The residents faces light up when our little Poms walk in the door. Sharing ourdelightful breed with the public makes a huge difference in the lives of those living in ourfacility.Our visits not only socialize our dogs, but contributes to the well being of the residents.By cuddling our dogs, their stress level decreases and this interaction has a positiveimpact on heart rate and blood pressure.The joy our participation affords us can only be exceeded by the joy on the faces of thoseholding our dogs. Last year, we celebrated the arrival of a new litter. The residents wereexcited. Included are photos of the puppies at eight weeks of age.Puppy LoveThe residents love hearing news regarding our upcoming litters andshow careers. Many stay involved in our activities. Recently our Pomsprovided comfort for a terminal cancer resident and her family. Thisperson, in her earlier life, owned a Pom named Toby. Though no longercommunicating, she held the little dogs in her bed and smiled.I highly recommend visiting assisted living homes and hospitals. It isso rewarding in many ways. For those interested in starting your ownvisits, I recommend you contact the activity director at nursing homes,assisted living homes, adult day care, Veterans facilities, and hospitalsin your area. We found our Pom visits are the most attended activitythroughout the facility, with almost a 100 participation rate.2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 716 PM77V_rr'_78 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWPine Bluff Arkansas was the site for the Central Arkansas Pomeranian Clubs annual winter Specialty. CAPC membersprepared a wonderful Italian meal, with all the trimmings and delicious desserts for the exhibitors and friends. We didnthost a Sweepstakes this year, due to AKCs new rule concerning nightime specialties. We had a very nice entry with majorsin both dogs and bitches.Our Judge was Mr. James E. Frederiksen. His placements were as follows6-9 month Puppy Dog1st Sin Citys No more Lies, owner Michele John Arvanites9-12 month Puppy Dog1st Mi Babe The Secret of Life, owner Babe McCombsBred by Exhibitor Dog1st Peachs Gleam of Gold, breederowner Bob PeitzschOpen Dog1st Mountain Crest Traveling Man, owner David Carlene GilstrapWINNERS DOG Peachs Gleam of GoldRESERVE WINNERS DOG Janesas Dressed Enuff for KC,owner Carolyn Bonin6-9 month Puppy Bitch1st Highfield Honeybee of Lenette, owner Vikki Highfield12-18 month Puppy Bitch1st Llo-Lins Finders Keepers, owner Lloyd Franques and Stephanie PineaultBred By Exhibitor Bitch1st Peachs Little Miss Dream Boat, ownerbreeder Bob PeitzschOpen Bitch1st Peachs N Joules Mini Jem, owner Judy GabbardWINNERS BITCH Peachs Little Miss Dream BoatRESERVE WINNERS BITCH Llo-Lins Finders KeepersBEST OF BREED Ch. Rivendell Applauds Jenesa, owner Carolyn BoninBESTof WINNERS and BEST OPPOSITE SEX Peachs Little Miss Dream BoatCongratulations to the winnersReported by Babe McCombsCentral Arkansas Pom ClubFebruary 3, 2007Specialty Show - Pine Bluff2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 716 PM78i i i i n INI 4aApoi. SK 7-3 U4 V4I'VA CN4t44MARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 79Central Arkansas Pomeranian Club2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 716 PM79 i i i in-cA p\r 3\ v__80 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW E. Katie Gammill - Lerna, Illinoisindcrk13011consolidated.netwww.indiancreekshelties.comWhere are all the points The sport of dog shows is changingDue to numerous shows, majors are harder to find today than they everwere. Exhibitors building a major may find it broken by a single personchanging their mind about attending the show.AREALLTHEPOINTSWHEREDouble entering, which is expensive, is a common practice today. Itsends false signals to other competitors regarding the possibility of a majorentry holding. How many of us have driven hundreds of miles to a dog showonly to find the major breaks There was a time people were committed to holding those majors,one way or another. If one was sick or something came up to prevent theirattendance, they handed their dog over a friend to take to the show.Today, since Champions can be counted toward the points, a dog cango Best of Breed BOB over Specials and pick up a major win. If a dogwins a Group, it can pick up a major IF there are any majors in other breedsrepresented in the Group at that time. IF fellow exhibitors make the decisionyou should show, and IF you win, at least you DID ask for their direction.Communication, once again, is paramount. Usually, no one minds gettingbeat by a better dog. On the other hand, single points can be cliff hangersas well as majors when the goal is a championship. If the major is broken atthe last minute, or if the person wins and does not go BOB, they pick upinsurance points. This situation makes them a target of disgruntledexhibitors who DID need the single points.Here is another scenario The dog or bitch finishes his or her Championshipthe first day. Should the exhibitor bump their dog up to BOB the followingday IF it breaks the major for other exhibitors A discussion regarding theother exhibitors feelings are in order. If they suggest you take your dog in tohold the major, so be it. If your dog does win the points, it was their choicefor you to compete. One might poorly handle their dog in an attempt to haveit ignored if the major breaks, however, many judges are so focused, theymight not notice it was being done.IF someone enters their dog and IF the major breaks, and IF there isa possibility of going over the Specials for BOB to pick up the covetedmajor, do not resent their appearance.The unknown entity is Will this judgeput a class dogbitch over a special Ifhe does NOT, and if the exhibitorsrequested this person to hold the major,try to be gracious. Usually, this personfeels as badly about picking up yourpoints, as you do losing them.Some exhibitors walk out of thering and say to the judge. You couldhave finished my dog today. Mostjudges choose the best representative ofthe breed standard to go on to BOW. Iftwo dogs are equal or of quality, there isno problem of giving the major to both.At times, judges putting the larger entryover the smaller entry does notguarantee the major to the other sex, asthe point system in place for thatparticular sex may be different. Therule of thumb is Only when two entriesare of equal quality, do both sexesbenefit from the major entry. Thejudges responsibility is not to finish aparticular dog, but to judge to thestandard in todays competition.Another fly in the ointment. IF one doestake BOB and goes to the Group on the2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 716 PM80i i w mw.' JMARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 812007 KENTUCKY2007 KENTUCKY2007 KENTUCKY2007 KENTUCKY2007 KENTUCKYBBBBBusiness Card Ad Specialusiness Card Ad Specialusiness Card Ad Specialusiness Card Ad Specialusiness Card Ad SpecialStop by thePom ReviewBooth inKentuckyPurchase a NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW business card adand receiveTWTWTWTWTWO FREE CO FREE CO FREE CO FREE CO FREE COFFEE MUGSOFFEE MUGSOFFEE MUGSOFFEE MUGSOFFEE MUGS2006 and 2007 APC coffee mugSMALL bus cards 70 LARGE bus cards 100one year-6 insertionsNo business cardDrop off your photo, text and payment andLet us design a business card ad just for youSorry, only a limited amount of mugs are available.When they are gone, they are gone Sorry, none will be mailed.feels is most important in his opinion. The next time you have a dog with abad head, perhaps you should enter it under this judge. Make notes, keep afile. It will serve you well in the future. Attempt to find out what breed thejudge initially bred and owned. Research can help identify what to take to aparticular judge in the future.Showing dogs goes deeper than running into a ring, picking up aribbon and leaving. Do not be a Show and Go person. Stay for Groups anddevelop an eye for proportions. Watch through Best In Show. Talk tobreeders of different breeds. Keep your eyes and mind open. Listen closely.Then sort the wheat from the chaff.The great thing about the sport of dogs is every day there issomething new to learn. Those who quit learning or feel they know it all aremissing the core of why dog shows evolved in the first place. The bottom-lineremains, no matter the reason, anyone who becomes involved in dogs has aresponsibility to breed to the same standard. For exhibitors and judges alike,this standard should become a template in their minds. Every breed has astandard and pictorial standards are available. Be well versed in yourstandard and make every breeding count toward producing a better dog.Let us leave the sport of dogs to future generations so they too, mayenjoy the challenge of producing breed excellence in a breed of theirchoice.same day, what IF the dog of choicetakes the Group 1 under the samejudge IF this judge has given this dog amajor at a show before this group win,the major WILL NOT COUNT towardits championship. The dog or bitch mustreceive two majors under two differentjudges to become a Champion. Thepoints count, the major does not First, out of consideration forfellow exhibitors, if you cannot attendthe show after entering, a phone callmight suffice. Let people know. Second,do not speak for someone else regardinghis or her attendance. Call them andask. It is all about communication andtolerance.It is all aboutSPORTSMANSHIP The old timephilosophy was this. When a hot newprospect entered the ring, we heard,Let this dog finish fast and move on.Every breed has puppy fliers. Shouldone major be awarded after one year ofage That has been tossed aroundbefore. How many fliers actuallybecome outstanding adults How manyfliers go oversize or lose the desiredqualities when mature A point ofinterest is the large classes of puppies atany national. Why do the classesbecome smaller in Open, Bred By, andAmerican Bred a few of years down theroad Where do all the puppy hopefulsgoWith luck, you will find thatelusive major. Always remember Somedays a dog wins when it shouldnt.Other days the dog loses when it shouldhave won. What is it they say Somedays you are the fly, other days you arethe swatter Give any judge threechances. Document hisher choices andwhat attributes the winning dog has thatthis particular judge is looking for. Takethe judge a different exhibit. If, afterthree times, you find no patternregarding this judges choices, or ifplacements are all over the map typewise, put himher on your black list. Ifa judge likes a bad head, and allwinners have bad heads, then you knowwhat heshe considers less important.Try to identify what a particular judge2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 717 PM814 i i i in4 kAmericanPomeranian Club482 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWSubmitted by Ellen TakayamaThe Pomeranian Club of Hawaii held its 30th Specialty Show and Puppy Sweepstakes on Saturday, November 18, 2006 at the VCAKaneohe Animal Hospital Conference Room. We were quite fortunate to get breederjudge Mrs. Joan Beech of Ontario, Canada tojudge our puppy sweepstakes with an entry of five dogs. Her selections are shown below.6-9 Month Puppy Dogs1 - Vintage Tanqueray Nouveau bred and owned by EllenTakayama12-18 Month Junior Dogs1 - Sandalwood JO Doogal bred by Roger Lau owned byJoan Kaneshiro Roger Lau2 - Woodroses Tradition Continues bred and owned by Clarice Yvette Oganeku6-9 Month Puppy Bitches1 - Howlene-Teahra Dolce Meta bred owned by HazelMiller, Arlene Otaguro and Robin Watanabe2 - Sandalwood EP Lotus of MTS bred owned by Roger LauBest in Sweepstakes - Howlene-Teahra Dolce MetaBest of Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes - Sandalwood JO DoogalRegular classes were judged by breederjudge Mr. Melvin Beechof Ontario, Canada. Presented for his opinion were eight classdogs, four class bitches, four male specials and two bitchspecials. After careful consideration he made the followingselectionsPuppy Dogs 6-12 Months1 - Vintage Tanquerey Nouveau - bred owned by EllenTakayamaBred-By-Exhibitor Dogs1 - Howlene-Teahra Adonis - bred owned by Hazel Miller,Arlene Otaguro Robin Watanabe2 - Woodroses Magic In the Air - bred owned by ClariceYvette Oganeku3 - Howlene-Teahra Tenaj - bred by Hazel Miller, ArleneOtaguro Robin Watanabe and owned by H. Yoshini and thebreedersOpen Dogs1 - Woodroses Tradition Continues - bred owned by Clarice Yvette Oganeku2 - Sandalwood JO Doogal - bred by Roger Lau owned byJoan Kaneshiro Roger Lau3 - Howlene-Teahra Bar None - bred by Arlene Otaguro, HazelMiller Robin Watanabe owned by Lily Bhalang and thebreeders4 - Nobles Go Getum Tiger - bred by Noble Inglett owned bySylvia Miyake Roger LauWinners Dog - Woodroses Tradition ContinuesReserve Winners Dog - Sandalwood JO Doogal6-12 Month Puppy Bitches1 - Sandalwood EP Lotus of MTS - bred owned by Roger LauBred By Exhibitor Bitches1 - Howlene-Teahra Dolce Meta - bred by Hazel Miller, ArleneOtaguro Robin Watanabe2 - MTS Rendezvous Wit Moi - bred owned by Sylvia MiyakeOpen Bitches1 - Sandalwood Beyonce - bred by Roger Lau Joan Kaneshiro owned by Roger LauWinners Bitch - Howlene-Teahra Dolce MetaReserve Winners Bitch - Sandalwood IN BeyonceBest of Breed - Ch. Howlene-Teahra Precious CargoBest of Opposite Sex - Howlene-Teahra Dolce MetaBest of Winners - Woodroses Tradition ContinuesBest Bred by Exhibitor - Howlene-Teahra AdonisBest Puppy - Sandalwood EP Lotus of MTSOur Parade of ChampionsCh. Pinnacle Chic Petite Sasha - bred by Roger Lau JoanKaneshiro and proudly owned by Amy Matsuoka JoanKaneshiroThe show was followed by a raffle that is getting more successfulevery year. Special thanks for Judy Leadbeater for organizingthe raffle and soliciting donations and to Amy Matsuoka andThe Pomeranian Clubof Hawaii2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 717 PM82 INI n i i i iS^MARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 83Joan Kaneshiro for helping set up the raffle items. A warm mahalo to the manycompanies and individuals for their generous donations to our raffle. This raffle hasbeen instrumental in allowing us to obtain breederjudges just for our specialty. Specialthanks to Masa Matsuoka who has been taking our candid show pictures for the pastfew years.Our judges dinner was held at the Makino Chaya Restaurant. This was our first timeat this restaurant and although we didnt have a private room, the buffet had awonderful array of many seafood and meat dishes. Most of us were stuffed by the end ofthe evening. We enjoyed the wonderful food and each others company for the eveningbefore all too soon it was time to leave.Sweepstakes Critique by Judge JoanBeechPuppy Dogs 6-9 mos.1st - Vintage Tanqueray Nouveau - Ayoung dog, not making the most ofhimself in the ring.Puppy Dogs 12-18 mos.1st - Sandalwood Jo Doogal - Goodquality young dog, moving with authority.2nd - Woodroses Tradition Continues Althoughthis exhibit had good breedtype, his movement was very loose whichmay improve with maturity.Puppy Bitches 6-9 mos1st - Howlene-Teahra Dolce Meta - Goodbitch with lovely head, good coat, wellbalanced, moved with assurance andattitude.2nd - Sandalwood EP Lotus of MTS Immaturecoat, gave way to first place inmovement.Thank you to members and exhibitorswho were so gracious and kind during ourvisit. JoanI want to thank the Pomeranian Club ofHawaii for inviting me to judge your 30thspecialty show on November 18, 2006.The entry, although not large, did not lackquality. Most classes afforded me a goodchoice of dogs that could competeanywhere. Joan and I felt very welcomeand well taken care of while visiting theIsland State.Puppy Dog 6-12 months1 - Vintage Tanqueray Nouveau bredand owned by Ellen Takayama - A cute2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 717 PM83i i i i n INI 4A.A13WMm^wH^ESTiNSvVESTAKES VBESTOFBREEDISPECIALTY SHOWMKt JOHNSON PHOTO SPECIALTY SHOW NUKE JOHNSON PHOTO4v34SPECIALTYSHOWMIKEJOHNS PHOTO2v' p y i2rSHOWSPECIALTY4484 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW owned by Roger Lau - A nice compact bitch, well-coated andproperly presented, pretty head and expression, tight ears.Winners Bitch - Howlene-Teahra Dolce Meta - This bitch gaveme everything she had and I would be very proud to have her inmy kennel. She will produce very well in the whelping box. Verydeserving of Winners Bitch.Reserve Winners Bitch. Sandalwood IN Beyonce - Another bitchyou can be proud of although did not give as much attitude onthis day.Best of Breed - Ch. Howlene-Teahra Precious Cargo - A niceshort backed, up on leg, well-balanced dog. Very pretty head andexpression correctly placed and shaped dark eye and small earswell up on his head. Nice tight tail set, well coated and properlytrimmed and presented. I was proud to give him Best of Breed.Best of Winners - Woodroses Tradition Continues - This dog isa very deserving dog with attitude to burn.Best of Opposite - Howlene-Teahra Dolce Meta - This bitch wasso full of herself and made a lot of herself all through the day.Best in Puppy Classes - Sandalwood EP Lotus of MTS - Littlegirl needs more confidence but her day will come.Best Bred by Ex - Howlene-Teahra Adonis - A nice package andwill do well.The Best of Breed lineup was full of quality but the bitchesalthough well shaped, were a little small for my liking. I mustmention 145 was the father of the breed winner but he gave hisson no quarter in the ring. He pushed his son very hard and inthe end the son was a little cleaner on the down and back.Thank you again for a wonderful experience. Mel Beechlittle guy who wasnt acting his best on this day.Bred-By-Exhibitor Dogs1 - Howlene-Teahra Adonis - bred owned by Hazel Miller,Arlene Otaguro Robin Watanabe - Nicely balanced, goodmoving dog. Pretty head, well set ears, proper eye color and set,short back with nice tail set and plume. Carried himself well towin this class.2 - Woodroses Magic In the Air - bred owned by ClariceYvette Oganeku - Again a nicely balanced dog, not quite thecarriage and movement of the 1st place but a pretty head, earsand eyes with a short back, good tail set.3 - Howlene-Teahra Tenaj - bred by Hazel Miller, ArleneOtaguro Robin Watanabe and owned by H. Yoshini and thebreeders - A little larger dog but still well balanced, pretty headears, eye and general shape. He was acting badly in the ring onthis day.Open Dog1 - Woodroses Tradition Continues - bred owned by Clarice Yvette Oganeku - A proper little package, well coated,trimmed and presented. Pretty head with all the necessities,short back and good tail set. Took command of the ring andmoved with authority. A breeder can be proud of this one.2 - Sandalwood JO Doogal - bred by Roger Lau owned byJoan Kaneshiro Roger Lau - A very close second in this class,properly balanced dog, pretty head, short back and proper tailwith abundant coat. Did not make as much of himself on themove.3 - Howlene-Teahra Bar None - bred by Arlene Otaguro, HazelMiller Robin Watanabe owned by Lily Bhalang and thebreeders - Cute little dog but did not use himself as well as hecould have.4 - Nobles Go Getum Tiger - bred by Noble Inglett owned bySylvia Miyake Roger Lau - A little larger black and was alsonot using himself on this day.Winners Dog - Woodroses Tradition Continues - As statedbefore, a very pretty dog and certainly deserving of WinnersDog.Reserve Winners Dog - Sandalwood JO Doogal - Was pushingthe Winners Dog all the way.6 - 12 Month Puppy Bitch1 - Sandalwood EP Lotus of MTS - bred owned by Roger Lau- A cute baby still in her diapers. She is going to be quite prettybut needs to strengthen up a bit.Bred By Ex1 - Howlene-Teahra Dolce Meta - bred by Hazel Miller, ArleneOtaguro Robin Watanabe - Nicely balanced, pretty head, earsand expression. Well-coated and not overly trimmed, good tailset and plume, moved very well. Very sure of herself and maturefor her age.2 - MTS Rendezvous Wit Moi - bred owned by Sylvia Miyake- A nice bitch but not quite the compact package of the otherone.Open Bitch1 - Sandalwood Beyonce - bred by Roger Lau Joan KaneshiroKENNELVisitEllen TakayamaVintage PomeraniansPlease contact the Editor to nominate candidates forupcoming APC Kennel Visits. Send information to ThePomeranian Review, Brenda Segelken, Editor, 11139 E.Camelot Ave., Effingham, IL 62401 or phone 217-3475731. Email fame62401yahoo.comAdvertising DeadlineApril 1, 20072007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 717 PM84^UK Mill4 44MARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 85SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY WEDNESDAY March 11, 12, 13 14, 2007Show Site Executive Inn, 978 Phillips Lane, Louisville,Kentucky. Phone 800-626-2706 or 502-367-6161.The Judging panel will beSweepstakes Frances J. StollRegular Classes Edd E. BivinObedience Richard H. MullenShow Chairman - Janice Russell3540 Kessler Blvd. N Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46222317-924-9093 - indypomsbcglobal.netObedience-Rally Show Chairman - Wendy Donnelly220 Spring Falls Rd, Alpharetta, GA 30004770-753-2715 - timmysmamayahoo.comShow Secretary - Cindy Boulware6450 Rolling Heights Cir, Kaufman, TX 75142972-962-3872 - lovencountryearthlink.netTrophy Chairman - Sally BaugnietAdvertising Chairman - Carlene GilstrapHospitality Chairman - Kelly ReimschiisselWays Means - Walda GreenPhotographer - Judy Mehciz, Thomas PhotographyGrounds Chairman - Gregg WatersJudges Education Chairman - Dot MartinAwards Chairman - Joan BehrendAuctioneer - Bob FiddickTop Twenty Chairman - Joan BehrendChief Ring Steward - Cathy GouldSHOW SCHEDULESunday, March 11100 PM - 500 PMBoard Meeting500 PMShowroom Grooming Room Setup630 PMVendor Exhibitor Setup All those volunteering tohelp the Grounds Chairman set up the grooming roomand ballroom will be given the opportunity to set uptheir own grooming area before everyone else.700 pm - 900 pmHospitalityMonday, Mar 12Obedience TrialSweepstakesTop 20Tuesday, Mar 13Rally Trial900 am to 1100 amJudges Ed SeminarRegular Dog Classes, Non-Regular Classes Junior Showmanship530 pm - 730 pmThe Pomeranian Charitable Trust will host aSeminar Hair today, gone tomorrow Or what isBlack Skin Disease, anyway Our speaker will beLinda A. Frank, MS, DVM, Diplomat, ACVD. Lindais a Professor of Dermatology at the University ofTennessee.Annual Membership MeetingWednesday, Mar 14Regular Bitch Classes BOB CompetitionAwards Banquet and AuctionPending AKC Approval the Pom judging panel for theKY Cluster will be as followsThursday, March 15 - Mid Kentucky Kennel Club JackieStacyFriday, March 16 - Louisville Kennel Club - KenMcDermottSaturday, March 17 - Evansville Kennel Club - AnneRogers ClarkSunday, March 18 - Louisville Kennel Club - KenFalconiJack Onofrio - Superintendent for all KY showsPh 405-427-8181 - www.onofrio.comShowtimeIts2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 717 PM8544n n A14. .4i i i i n 4 iini^H86 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWSunshine RosesandSunshine and Roses are published free of charge. Contact Donna Machniak Phone 517 546-7446 or Email APC members addresses are published in the APC roster if you would like to send cards.ADVERTISING RATESFull Page Color 275.00Full Page Black White 100.00Half Page Color 150.00Half Page Black White 60.00Fourth Page 40.00All ads include one photo.SUBSCRIPTION RATESUSPS First Class 45USPS Bulk 37Foreign 100Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico 55Single Issue 10For more information contact217 347-5731fame62401yahoo.comContinuing prayers go out to Jackie Moore Grandma Luminisque Poms and Scott Wollfgangs daughter Renee for herongoing medical crisis.Condolences go to Veronica Winter, Prism Poms, on the loss of a family friend, and speedy recovery to her father in law fromhis recent surgery.Stephanie Witt, Witt-Elle Pomeranians, hope you are feeling better from the minor surgery.Heartfelt condolences go out to Dan and Tammee Felix, SunGlo Poms on the passing of Dans mom.Wishing a speedy recovery to Darlene of Toyland Poms on her leg injury.Condolences to Carolyn Bonin whose Mother passed away. Sorry this is late.Condolences to John Reeder whose son passed away.We continue to pray for Bill and Mary Hilton. Bills mother recently passed away and Marys mother had a stroke in January.Annette Risters motor home burned in the garage recently. No dogs were harmed.Julia Smiths daughter has been stricken with cancer. We pray for a complete healing.Ken Griffith continues to have major back problems. Our prayers are with you and Eleanor.Cindy Onosko had surgery last month. Blessings of healing and strength.Aimee Deciccos daughter of Linda Decicco fiancee passed away shortly before their planned wedding. Our heart-feltcondolences to the family. We pray for strength and courage through this rough time.Wishing everyone a great time and lots of ribbons in Kentucky this year. Have a safe trip to and from the shows. EnglishPomeranian record CC holder in the UK, Champion Thelburn Mardi Gras, bred by Thelma Alsford and owned by AverilCawthera Purdy, has died at age ten. Our condolences to the Alsford and Purdy families.KENNELVisitEllen TakayamaVintage PomeraniansPlease contact the Editor to nominate candidates forupcoming APC Kennel Visits. Send information to ThePomeranian Review, Brenda Segelken, Editor, 11139 E.Camelot Ave., Effingham, IL 62401 or phone 217-3475731. Email fame62401yahoo.comAdvertising DeadlineApril 1, 20072007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 718 PM86 INI i i i inMARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 87SChampion PomeraniansN6603 Forest Ct., Holmen, WI 54636PH 608 526-1051 sandpomscharter.nethttpwww.sandpoms.comandpomsSJandraohnsonPomsPARKVENUEATom Wilson916-689-1222SACRAMENTO, CAparkavepomsyahoo.comPUPPIES OCCASIONALLY AVAILABLEROMCHCH2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 718 PM87II V W EvensongPomeraniansKevin Teresa WhitePortland, OR 503314-9026 www.evensongpoms.comHome of BISS CH LaRajus Palisades Van GoghHko"ChelanesSpecializing in Parti and Parti-factored Pomeraniansr^jrwT v uCM Chrissy CH GunnerCH Chelanes Simply Irresistible CH Finch's Peacemaker PartiElaine Waugh www.chelanes.netChelanes Peace Keeper Parti CH Chelanes Remington SteeleKeeper CH RemyV3ImmLinda Pelz - Tx254 420-1724Michael Wells - Ml616 844-4217Champion Stud ServicePuppiesAdults Occasionally Show Handlingwww. dream weaverpoms. comouter2mtdtafirtfyrJ. Patrick Farmer, Kevin Hebert, and Sue Goddard HandlersRobert Kennedy j. Patrick Farmer 0 jn i ^kpathouston.rr.com88 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWJoe and Janette DallySt. Louis, MO314 389-3275utrkaosswbell.netWhipstaffPomeraniansWhere Type,Quality andSoundnessCountCheri McDonaldcheribachmanpoms.comwww.bachmanpoms.com909-394-7923Southern CaliforniaPhfax 831 336-8285winstarpomssbcglobal.netWalda A. Green8120 Harvard DriveBen Lomond CA 95005PINECREST KENNELSChampionPomeraniansandManchesterTerriersCatherine2404 Reg. Road 57Bowmanville, ON LIC www.manchesterterriers.ca905 697-2488BolahoodElusiveCatherine Jessen4165 E 100 NorthRigby ID 83442208 745-5267PomsandToyPoodles Toys818 352-9536website ShowcasePoms.comPomeraniansShowcaseHome of ExceptionalPomeranian DogsAlane LevinsohnShowcase Pomeranians2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 718 PM88WINNER5POSITr _ 0 .f 0 VP 'Mil's, m\ryI Randy BuskeI BreederExhibitorI Member American Pomeranian Club Puget Sound Pomeranian ClubiViP.O.Box 2408 Buckley, WA 98321rl360 897-2163 253 740-5060pomtullymytangledweb.comRandyRandyspoms.comwww.Randyspoms.compackmanrwiNMARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 89ShyacresProfessional HandlingAudrey M. RobertsAlvin, Texas - Houston Areawww.shyacres.comaudreyshyacres.comPhone 713 204-7225Assisted by Jessica JohnsonATTENTIONRRRRRegional Pegional Pegional Pegional Pegional Pom Clubsom Clubsom Clubsom Clubsom Clubs Regional Pom Club Eventinformation is published free ofcharge in the Coming Events. Regional Clubs special lowadvertising rates. Reports and photos of Pomspecialties and matches arepublished free.Send coming events, reports,and photos to the editor.BI-MARPOMERANIANSBIS, BISS, ROMX, HOF, GCCH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KIDMARY A ROSENBAUM145 Fay RoadChehalis, WA 98532-9204phone 360 767-0104fax 360 767-0105email Harris20 Oakcrest AvenueMiddle Island NY 11953631-205-5223tresspomshotmail.comAvalonCh. Avalons Prince Matchabelli MonteStarfires Conan the Barbarian xAvalons Queen NefertitiAnnette Eric Davis208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792email infoavalonpom.comweb site www.avalonpom.comQuality, lovingly raised puppies.Inquiries welcome.PomeraniansMountain View PomeraniansPat and Roger DagueP O Box 209, Stuarts Draft, VA 24477Phone 540-337-2965Champion Regmars Mtn ViewStars Shine2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 718 PM89enuwanePOMERANIANS REG'DU0 a3JEN HFLYNIUK3789 KOI I TE 122 NOKEII LAKE NEW BKUNSWICK CANADA E6H2H6 Poms With Designer Genes Since 1973- i..VTm.90 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.SUBSCRIPTIONSPER YEARPUBLISHED BI-MONTHLYSubscription CardSUBSCRIPTION MANAGERCHERI MCDONALDPO Box 3402San Dimas, CA 91773Phone 909 394-7923 Fax 909 599-4692Email cheribachmanpoms.comNAMESTREET ADDRESSCITY, STATE, ZIP CODE, COUNTRYPHONE NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESSCREDIT CARD NUMBER EXP DATE CID NUMBERCARD HOLDER SIGNATURE DATE45 First Class USPS37 Bulk USPS55 CanadianMexico100 ForeignDel-May PomeraniansDeborah K. Barrett2035 MapledaleFerndale, MI 48220Phone 607 435 5325 Email delmaywowway.com2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 718 PM90 i i i infA i,i4 iLaCueva KennelPomeranians7m.1iSherrilynn I. RogersBreederOwnerHandler3016 Hiawatha Dr Dayton, OH 45414937 275-4062 937 546-1741 Cell lacuevaknlaol.comBreeding for Quality, Not Quantity4MARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 91FabyanPomsAlice R. Carlson6009 Edgewater DriveCorpus Christi, TX 78412361-991-5410361-993-4059fabyanpomssbcglobal.netDiane L. FinchCH PUFPRIDES SWEET DREAMS CH FINCHS CHARS MAKIN WAVES PARTICHPARKERCHSPLASHPhone 985 384-7466Fax 985 384-8628www.janesa.comJerrie Freia1072A Landry LaneMorgan City, LA 70380PomeraniansJanesaBred for beauty and soundness of body and mindDiane L. Finch28453 530 th Avenue, Kelley, IA 50134 - Phone 515 - www.finchspoms.comDeJay PomsBIS, BISS CH. FIREBROOKS TABASCO FIASCOTobyDonna MachniakBreederHandlerGroomer517-546-7446www.dejaypoms.comDana CoventryManagerOwner248-258-9259Attorney at Lawfor the Sport of Dogswww.members.tripodfujitsupomsTom Diane ZechFujitsu Poms 360 871-8404We salute the courageous men,women and their families of ourarmed forces. May they be safeand protected from all harm. Let2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 719 PM91 INI 4 i i i inMILL AMOR POMSVKen and Eleanor Miller870 Jersey Church Road, Lexington, NC 27292 Ph 336-357-0049 Email poms870earthlink.netBreeding again. Puppies avaiCa6Ce to Coving Homes. H ,f 'r I- .Finch's Pomeranians Ltd..4\Ell492 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAMERICAN KENNEL CLUB, INC.260 Madison Ave, NYC 10016212 696-8200Open 830-415 ET weekdays except holidaysAKC Operations Center5580 Centerview Drive, Raleigh, NC 27606919 233-9767Open 830-500 ET weekdays except holidaysinfoakc.orgorderdeskakc.orghttpwww.akc.orgindex.cfmBUSINESS CARD ADVERTISING RATESSmall Ad 70.00Large Ad 100.00No business cardSend your info and we will create oneLoretta Swit JewelryDont forget to pick up yourat the Review tablein Kentucky at theNational SpecialtyReceive one FREE MUG by purchasing a NEW SUBSCRIPTION, or RENEWING your current subscription, or EXTENDING your PR Subscription.Available only in Kentucky.Sorry, absolutely NONE will be mailed.FREEFREEFREEFREEFREE20072007200720072007MUGMUGMUGMUGMUG2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 719 PM92 i i i i nARivendellPomeraniansCarolyn Bonin4013 Windswept Dr Madison, Al, 35757 Ph 256-830-0897www.knology.netbonincRivendell.htmBISS Ch Rivendell Applauds Janesa "Baxter"'7alashelPoms and Shot tiesElaine Wishnow718-891-34512351 E. 17th St. Bklyn, NY 11229 Home of quality Poms and Sheltiesill]HaLKbCt Qwttewe 111Pome. Loretta Swit has donated several pieces of beautiful jeweliy to the PCT. Each piece was designed by Loretta Swit. The jewelry will be on auction in Kentucky. Please bid with your heartLA.- IAmerican Pomemnian Club4MARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 93As a Pomeranian breeder, how will the use of DNA affect your breeding program, sales, or showing in the futureDNA testing has brought a new era in breeding. We have all our males DNAd and keep this as a permanent record.We then have the ability to provide DNA credentials if requested. While not cheap, it is inexpensive for what it doesthe testing can eliminate any question with great certainties. Accidental breedings can and do happen even in the bestof circumstances. DNA can be the identification marker for a lost or stolen animal or an unscrupulous purchaser whowould try to switch one for another. We hope sometime in the near future to have all dogs DNAd not just the males andespecially the ones being shown. David and Carlene GilstrapIt really wont, as I already DNA most of my Poms. I do DNA all males I keep, because after three litters, they haveto be anyhow. I dont sell overseas, so for me that isnt an issue. And I just recently started DNAing my females, as Ihave the money to do so, because I have the feeling, eventually AKC is going to require it.Linda PelzI think DNAing puppies is such a good idea, as there seems to be to many unethical people out there. Ever thought of abuyer trying to send back a puppy, and it was not from you, and the DNA proves it. You sell a Pom, it dies andbuyer does a necropsy on it, claiming dog is from you. And wants it replaced. The DNA can prove if it is yours or not.Of course a DNA Swab has to be done at time of necropsy at The Teaching Veterinarian School, not the sellers northe buyers vet. If we live long enough I guess we can see about anything.Name withheld by request.I think that DNA testing will be a much-needed requirement for the future of our breed. The unethical behavior of afew breeders is making breeding a nightmare of confusion and deceit, which is a terrible mirror on the state of theworld. Twenty years ago, the thought would have never occurred to me, but things change, sometimes not for the best.Name withheld by request.DNA could prove invaluable at a later date for various reasons. I will always do a DNA Cheek Swab on a puppy priorto it going to a new owner, and let the new owner know this. I also do a Cheek Swab on a grown dog when it dies, ifit had not been DNAd earlier. I even have hair roots filed away on a Champion who died before I got him DNAedmany years ago.Virginia DimickIt the use of DNA will help to maintain the integrity of pedigrees. It will also help breeders in the future not to getmerle mixed into their program if they prefer to keep their lines free of it. The Great Dane club Of America can nowtrack the specific carriers of this co-dominant gene.I also believe that if someone is accused of transferring pups to the wrong dams, DNA can sort out the parentage andend disputes. It can help identify lost or stolen dogs, if a microchip has not been implanted, or has been lost.I strongly believe in DNA testing. It backs up the efforts of good breeders.Sincerely, Kelley ScottPom Talk questions and comments are welcome.2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 719 PM93i i i in4804-v ,\V.JKA4 4494 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWOn Sunday, January 21, 2007, the Pomeranian Club of Central Virginia, Inc. held an American Kennel Club PlanA Sanctioned Specialty Match at the Richmond Dog Obedience Club facilities in Richmond, Virginia. Theconformation and Junior Showmanship classes were judged by Mrs. Rachal Sagar of Sandston, Virginia.Best Puppy in Match was awarded to Sundowns A Knight To Remember, bred by Camilla Knight of Cincinnati,Ohio and owned by Roselie Malone of Warrenton, Virginia. Best of Opposite Sex to Best Puppy in Match waspresented to Tramarks Toy Soldier, bred and owned by Travis Clarke of Disputanta, Virginia.Best Adult in Match was won by Idlewylds Yknot Rock Da Boat who was bred by Margaret McKee ofGoochland, Virginia and owned by Beverly A. Allen of White Plains, Maryland. The Best of Opposite Sex toBest Adult in Match ribbon went to Mountain Crest Red Clover bred by David Carlene Gilstrap ofChattanooga, Tennessee and owned by Lorelei Sibet Glory-Ann Pigarut of Silver Spring, Maryland.The Novice Junior Showmanship class was won by ten year old Nicole Adams of Manassas, Virginia. MissAdams was handling Ch. Great Elms Sarava, bred by Ruth L. Beam of Pineville, NC and owned by Miss Adamsgrandmother, Dawn I. Kopf-Collins of Nokesville, Virginia.The complete results are as followsPuppy Dogs, 6 months under 9 months1st - Tramarks Toy Soldier. BreederOwner Travis ClarkePuppy Dogs, 9 months under 12 months1st - Ayumis Twice The Charisma. BreederOwner Amy TsayPuppy Bitches, 6 months under 9 months1st - Sundowns A Knight To Remember. Breeder Camilla Knight. Owner Roselie Malone2nd - Tramarks Midnight Tempest. BreederOwner Travis ClarkeBEST PUPPY IN MATCH - Sundowns A Knight To RememberBEST PUPPY OF OPPOSITE SEX - Tramarks Toy SoldierReported by Diana Downey2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 719 PM94Pomeranian Club of Central VirginiaMARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 9512 to 18 months Dogs1st - Idlewylds Yknot Rock Da Boat. BreederMargaret R. McKee. Owner Beverly A. AllenOpen Dogs1st - Oak Acres Neo The One. BreederOwner DawnI. Kopf-Collins2nd - Lynnwrights Pom Travolta. Breeders DonnaLynn Wright Annette Rogers-Rister. Owner LoreleiSibet3rd - Marbils All Fired Up At Mtn. View. BreederMari Iffland. Owners Patricia Dague Mari IfflandBred-By-Exhibitor Bitches1st - Sal-Mar Lil Hurricane Maggie. BreederOwnerSally Jenkins2nd - Mtn. Views The Power Of Love. BreedersOwners Patricia Dague Roger A. DagueAmerican-Bred Bitches1st - Apaws Yknot B Thebelloftheball. BreedersShelby C. Dillon Robin Murray. Owner Beverly A.AllenOpen Bitches1st - Mountain Crest Red Clover. Breeders David L.Gilstrap Carlene B. Gilstrap. Owners Lorelei Sibet Glory-Ann Pigarut2nd - Ayumis Honeyfield Delight. Breeder Tammie R.Douglas. Owner Amy TsayBEST ADULT IN MATCH - Idlewylds Yknot RockDa BoatBEST ADULT OF OPPOSITE SEX - Mountain CrestRed CloverNovice Junior Showmanship1st - Nicole Adams handling Ch. Great Elms Sarava.Breeder Ruth L. Beam. Owner Dawn I. Kopf-CollinsWhile wins at sanctioned matches carry no AKCchampionship points, they serve as a training groundfor future show dogs and show dog handlers. ThePomeranian Club of Central Virginia is an AKCsanctioned specialty club which is dedicated topromoting the Pomeranian breed in its many aspects.Information about the club can be found on its web siteat httpwww.geocities.compccv_homehttpwww.geocities.compccv_home . Photos by RoselieMalone2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 719 PM95 INI 4 i i i in4BESTADULT IN MATCHV. .,..PLACEfirstMATCHK2AA496 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2132007, 811 AM96Q^n 2 T o T1 ^ \ ProudluPresentsNew Ch. Stealurlieart s Call ol the Heart lDa2aaAmCan Ch. Chriscendo Call to Arms ROMX x Idlewyld Uve Got A FriendDesiree completed her CH completehj breederownerhandled from the BBE class, winning her majors at specialtysupported entry weekends. Thanks to the judges who appreciated Desiree s type and temperament, especially those who gave her majorsMrs. Carol Kniehusch Noe and Joan P. Scott. Thanks to Judge Vicki Jordan-Leichner who got her career oil with a hang hy awarding her APC National Specialttj Match BOS Puppy over 19 other girls. Many thanks to all who made this breeding possible.Thanks to Margaret McKee who entrusted me with her wonderful free whelping mother.I Mlfflr, You' ve truly been a friend throughout the years.Pictured is Desiree s latest accomplishment sired by AmCan Ch. Chriscendo Coldplay Razzle Dazzle Sound ol MusicAmCan Ch. Chriscendo Call to Arms QOMX x CandleBrite's Cuz Pm Worth ItThis delightful little girl is co-owned with her breeder Judy Green.Many thanks to Judy for this beautiful Colt daughter who is just lookingfor her majors. She also took time out in 2006 to prod uce y .the two Chad puppies below.Razzle Dazzle Straight From the Heart Razzle Dazzle Femme FataleW. 1pAmCan Ch. Chriscendo Communicado x Dazzle Dazzle Sound of Music I Co-Bred with Judy GreenJen and Liz A big congratulations to you for finishing Chad. He is SOOO Deserving Thanks for your friendship extending from the airport trip to breed the litter bringing Desiree here, to helpin gdo Hastings evaluations on all our puppies, to making my dreams come true to have Chadlets here at StealurlieartI would like to congratulate Chris and John on their riclihj deserved kennel visit. Chris and John s demand for excellence in their breeding program produced the sires of ALL pictured here among many otherexceptional dogs.Design and pkotos Becky Johnson O Hampton, VAO http www.geocities.conistealurheartpomsMARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 972007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2132007, 811 AM97IV' wnr sf m.'na V ar ^. 1 VI ' j - VWd msrIV.WWwZ3z2aSaaPTlBilaf^i I m i m m98 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAnniversary Issue, Oct 1988 very limited supply 25.00Jan 75, Oct 77, May 79, April 80 20.00August 1997 15.00Available Back Issues 10.00To order back issues or single issues, mail check made out to the APC toThe Pomeranian Review, 11139 E Camelot Ave, Effingham, IL 62401or phone 217-347-5731 or e-mail or you mayorder online at americanpomeranianclub.orgThe Pomeranian Review ISSN 0744-8546 is published and editedbi-monthly in Effingham, IL, by the American Pomeranian Club,Inc. Subscriptions are 37 per year USPS Bulk, and 45 per yearUSPS 1st class. First class rates apply to USA and APOs. CanadaMexicoPuerto Rico subscription rates are 55.00 per year. Overseasforeignsubscriptions are 100.00 per year. US funds only.The American Pomeranian Club and editor are not responsible forthe contents or accuracy of articles and advertisements, or the opinionsexpressed by authors. Per APC Standing Rule The Editor canrefuse any ad. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of theAPC, publisher, or editor.Reproduction in whole or part is strictly prohibited. Permission toreproduce is available only from the publishereditor. Display advertisementsconsisting of typesetting, artwork and layouts may notbe used without written permission of the publisher. Original artworkis sole property of the editor.Allen, Beverly.................................................102Arvanites, John and Michelle........................107APC 2007 National DVD......................................41Barrett, Deborah.............................................90Behrend, Joan.............................................87, 102Berney, Sue.............................................Front Cover, 20Bertrand, Bill and Gail....................................109Bolahood, Catherine.................................88Bonin, Carolyn..................................................92Brandenburg, Carolyn....................................3Buske, Randy...................................................15, 88Carlson, Alice.................................................91Carter, Beverley..................................................17Chan, Louie and Anna Marie......................................103Coventry, Dana............................................91Christiansen, Cristy and Jessica...........................2Crawford, Karen...............................................29Creed, Charlotte...................................Front Cover, 20Dague, Roger and Pat..........................................89Dally, Joe and Janette.................................88Davis, Annette and Erik..............................89Dollar, Sherry.....................................................105Domrase, Alden and Janet..............................92, 106Farmer, J. Patrick............................................87Finch, Diane...........................................8, 9, 91Freia, Jerrie..................................................91Gilstrap, David and Carlene....................................4Goddard, Sue.............................................87Green, Judy......................................................32Green, Walda.................................................88Griffith, Ken and Eleanor.................................11Guerra, Kam....................................................102Harris, Bonnie................................................33, 89Heartz, John and Chris..........................................34Heckert, Elizabeth.........................................10Hebert, Kevin.................................................87Hrynuik, Jen.................................................89Jackson, Rebecca......................................CenterfoldJessen, Catherine...........................................88Johnson, Becky..........................................96, 97Johnson, Sandra..............................................87Lambert, Lee-Ann.......................................12, 13Lee, Yuri..............................................................106Levinsohn, Alane..........................21, 88, 110, BackcoverMachniak, Donna......................................91McCatchey Barbara..........................................14McCombs, Babe...........................................27McDonald, Cheri........................................23, 88McFarlane, Pauline...........................................29Mehciz, Judy....................................................16Meyer, Barbara................................................6Meyers, Char.......................................108, 109Miller, Hazel..................................................5Miller, Ken and Eleanor..................................91Morrow, Karleene.............................................28Munn, Junior and Jennifer.......................................10Norem, Kathryn.........................................7, 8, 9, 90Otaguro, Arlene.........................................................5Paviglianti, Bill and Erica..................................76Pelz, Linda....................................................87, 111Rayner, Ken and Jackie......................................102Reimschiissel, Kelly.............................................87Rister, Annette.........................................Front Cover, 20Roberts, Audrey............................................89, 105Rogers, Sherrilynn...................................18, 19, 90Rosenbaum, Mary.............................................89Saleh, Lynn Hilchie.....................................................109Solano, Robert and Celeste....................110, BackcoverSmith, Chantelle.......................................................101Smith, Julia....................................................14Smith, Ron and Merilyn.........................................21Suradej, Mr. J..............................................................100Thomas Photography.......................................16Tiaga,Beverly......................................23Turner, Terry and Brenda.................Front Cover, 20Watanabe, Robin.......................................................5Waugh, Elaine.............................................87, 104Wells, Mike and Liz............................................87, 111White, Teresa...............................................87Wilson, Tom.....................................................87Wishnow, Elaine....................................................92Yampiro, Sharon...................................................101Zech, Tom and Diane.....................................91, 1062007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2132007, 812 AM98ReviewAdvertisers Cack IssuessI Hi MARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 99For updates and regional club contact information go to the APC website at httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgCOMING EVENTSCity of Angels Pomeranian Club will hold its annual specialty show and sweepstakes on Thursday, May 24, 2007. Our conformation judge isWilliam Bergum. Luncheon will be provided by the club, and we are having a raffle. This event is being held in conjunction with theMission Circuit, a four-day series at the Los Angeles County Fairgrounds in Pomona, California.Following the specialty on Thursday are four days of all-breed shows, sponsored by Antelope Valley Kennel Club, San GabrielValley Kennel Club, Los Encinos Kennel Club, and San Fernando Kennel Club. The City of Angels Pomeranian Club is supportingPomeranian entries for each show, with trophies for BOB, BOW and BOS. Trophies will be glassware, custom-etched with aPomeranian motif. We hope youll join us for this circuit, with a likelihood of majors every day.For further information regarding the City of Angels Pomeranian Club specialty show and sweepstakes, receive a premium list,donate trophies, or to enter, please contact the show secretaryShow Chair Blue Ribbon Dog Shows, Rhonda Storm and SusanBleckley, Phone 951-681-1470, FAX 951-681-4181. Show Chair Geneva Coats,, Phone 909-628-2271.Thursday, August 23, 2007 - APC National Summer SpecialtyFriday, August 24, 2007 - The Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston SpecialtySaturday, August 25, 2007 - The Toy Club of Greater Houston All Toy Breeds ShowSunday, August 26, 2007 - The Toy Club of Greater Houston All Toy Breeds ShowCrowne Plaza Houston-Brookhollow Hotel, Houston, Texas, www.cphoustontx.comContact Tim and Sue Goddard,, 281 585-4430September 14 - Pomeranian Club of Central Indiana Specialty pending AKC approvalNovember 23, 2007 - Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore Specialty held in conjunction withe the Turkey Cluster and the NortheasternMaryland Kennel Club at the Howard County Fairgrandounds 2210 Fairgrounds Road, West Friendship, Maryland.March 12 - 14 American Pomeranian Club National Specialty, Louisville, Kentucky. See page 85 or visit the APC website for furtherinformation.Central Carolina Pom Club - Annual Specialty April 6, 2007, in Charlotte, North Carolina, at the Piedmon KC Show Place.Northern California Pomeranian Club Annual Specialty, Saturday April 21, 2007. Judge for Pom Specialty Darry Vice pending AKCapproval. Judging starts 30 min after BIS at Chief Solano KC in Vallejo CAJudge for Pom Sweeps Audrey Roberts pending AKC approval. Sweepstakes will be held during the all breed show on Saturday.All Breed Shows at Chief Solano KC in Vallejo CA, Sat. April 21, 2007, Pom Judge Ms. Sandra Goose Allen.Sun April 22, 2007, Pom Judge William Bergum. All Breed show entries closes Wed 0404Show Secretary Walda Green, 8120 Harvard Dr., Ben Lomond CA 95005 831 336 8285, e-mail winstarpomssbcglobal.netAMERICAN KENNEL CLUB, INC.260 Madison Ave, NYC 10016 212 696-8200Open 830-415 ET weekdays except holidaysAKC Operations Center5580 Centerview Drive, Raleigh, NC 27606 919 233-9767Open 830-500 ET weekdays except httpwww.akc.orgindex.cfm KENNELVisitEllen TakayamaVintage PomeraniansPlease contact the Editor to nominate candidates for upcoming APCKennel Visits. Send information to The Pomeranian Review, BrendaSegelken, Editor, 11139 E. Camelot Ave., Effingham, IL 62401 orphone 217-347-5731. Email fame62401yahoo.comAdvertising DeadlineApril 1, 2007English ChampionThelburn Mardi Gras,the Pomeranianrecord holder in theUK, has died at age10. She was bred byThelma Alsford andowned by AverilCawthera Purdy. In2000 Mardis careerended with her 39thCC and Best in Showat the South of EnglandPomeranianClub.CHAMPION THELBURN MARDI GRASMemorial2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2132007, 812 AM99 INI i i i in100 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWWhat a wonderful weekendAm. Ca. Th. Ch. Starlights Fun Time JackieB.I.S. on 27 Jan 2007 under Judge Mr. Michael Quinney EnglandB.I.S. on 28 Jan 2007 under Judge Mr. Edd Bivin U.S.A.R.B.I.S. on 28 Jan 2007 under Judge Mr. Luis Pinto PortugalBreederOwner Starlight Poms Mr. Suradej Mr. J., Thailand 6681-823-7333Mr. Doug Sunterra PomsMs. Chris John Chriscendo PomsMr. Toby Tokie PomsMr. Mike, Lovie and JerrMs. Deenafor your expert showing.for your big hug.for your motivation.for your most delicious cake.for your well taking care of my boy.Thank you to2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2132007, 812 AM100i i i i nPCIKWssSfil0 502Z0rrr irSf KJ10 ftk 1111f 1VSrHE CHOICE OF CHAMPK. irA'SS-BWC- riii sw25SUPER PREMIUM PET FOODMARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 1012007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 721 PM101I ICH Great Rivers TonitesTheNiteHone' r ,N I . ^v ' - ' - - t 7i - , Y i____It"Benny"\Afterwinning his Open Class at the Nationals last year, Benny finished his Championship in style with a 5 point major Thank you to all of the judges who appreciated himA BIG Thank you to Benny's breeder and my good friend, Sharon Yampiro, for all of your support.We are thrilled to see Benny producing such beautifulpuppies in a Rain-Beau of colors. We are especially excited to see him producing gorgeous whitesOWNERChantelle Smith Chandales Pomeranians chantelleszoohotmail.comBREEDERCO-OWNERSharon Yampiro Great River Pomeranians www.greatriverpoms.com102 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWCongratulations toJohn and Chris HeartzJohn and Chris HeartzJohn and Chris HeartzJohn and Chris HeartzJohn and Chris Heartzon your kennel visit Thanksfor all your contributions tothe Pomeranian. Your dedicationand devotion to the breedshow in your Pomeraniansand will continue to shinethroughout many generationsto come. Job well doneKen and Jackie RaynerKen and Jackie RaynerKen and Jackie RaynerKen and Jackie RaynerKen and Jackie RaynerJaken KennelJaken KennelJaken KennelJaken KennelJaken KennelJaken5995aol.comCongratulations to Chris and John Heartz on yourkennel visit. Thank you for your contributions tothe breed, this magazine and my household.Lil Behrs PomeraniansJoan C. BehrendBreederOwnerHandlerSubscriptionsand Back Issuesmake great gifts.Order online today atamericanpomeranianclub.orgPom ReviewMarch 12 - 142007LouisvilleKentuckyDetails onpage 852007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 721 PM1024- i i i inOfnot Pomeraniansphoto By RpseCie tMaConefrBLIcfCewyCcfs cYnot RockfDa Boat XDanieCCh IcCCewyCcf Precious jem X IcCCewyCcf CameoWatch for DanieC in the ring in 2007BeverCy jAtfen X Pam Querra yknotpoms comcast. net www.yknot'poms. comWLAmXi 6 \f'7jowtimekericoaltesnionClub4MARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 1032007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 721 PM103 INI 4 I I I ITTGloby4454Ph. Gr. Ch. Global Star AttractionCh. Chrisden's Call of the Wild X Chrisden's Top ClarityCongratulations John and Christ on your well-deserved kennel visit.You have been an influential inspiration to many Pom lovers from around the world, including us. Wishing you continued success as you continuewith your journey in Poms.Global^ Pomsglobalpomsyahoo.comGlobal Pomeranians - Manila, Philippines Louie and Anna Marie Chanwww. globalpoms. com104 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 721 PM104rm mFIRST POMERANIAN IN BREED HISTORY TO AnAIN ROM FROM SIX PARTI CHAMPIONSr-'- _r-324mIv 5^i Ch Finch's Peacemaker Parti. ROMmVA4MARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 1052007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 722 PM105GorgeousGeorge106 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2132007, 814 AM106mmrm n i i i iA'miBEST OF WINNERSm I_KISHHAUKREKENNEL9 Tl6810 Barnard Mill Road Ringwood, IL 60072 815728-0559 Alden A. and Janet R. DomraseJudgeKen McDermottOwnerHandler Yuri Lee Breeders Al Jan DomraseCongratulations to John and Chris Heartz on their Kennel Visit.MARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 1072007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2132007, 814 AM107\ I I 1 I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M i l lI started showing in July 2004 and found that I wanted to produce the best quality Poms that I could.LAS V E G A S^J We introduce to you,v a our fjrst home-bredN E V A D ASinCitys No More Drama- - H r4.r \ 1BESTOFWINNERSMA30RWINRANOON KENNEL CLUB OF MISSISSIPPI2006 _________coprTphoTo BYpatty SOSA985-845-4562SinCitys No Drama's sire is my bedmate, CH Ransom N DW Midnight Caper 'Adam'and her Dam is Bynows I Know Who Lies "Sara"SiNCITT P0M1HQAN1IANSJohn Michelle Arvanites North Las Vegas, NV 702.363.8458LEGACY POMSTrish Rowley Poplar Bluff, M0 573.785.1775I would like to thank the very knowledgeable judge Mrs. Jean Fournier for recognizing the quality in this superb little black girl. Drama was expertly handled to her first major in her first outingby Trish Rowley of Legacy Poms. Thank you Trish for taking the chance on my little girl Drama and soon her brother AJ.TH108 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2132007, 814 AM1081 1 1 1v mLXrva8XXj.^ 4 19m4 - ,J 7T' v V , VSrT'Zte'Sr'-COLOR'INMERLIN IS AN AMERICAN CANADIAN CHAMPION,7 TIME GROUP WINNER AND CHAMPION PRODUCER. f Charlotte Meyer 906-^66-90^84MARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 1092007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2132007, 814 AM109mr I I I ITTBest In Show and Best In Specialty Show Winning4D D0 0Aw v' if'w. .jfc-r,,.a.,GROUPFIRSTFURNITURE CITYKENNEL CLUBNOV. 11, 2006.DAVE McCURLEY"'i ------- .mnwt pOwnerCharlotte Meyer www.charspoms.comCo-ownerGail and Bill Bertrand Diversified PowerCo-ownerLynn Hilchie Saleh Zutopia Show DogsHandlerLynn Meyer, DHG www.dzinetts.com110 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2132007, 815 AM110 INI 4- n i i i iX. On the Back Cover^AedummnMulti BISS Multi Grp Winnim^AmCan Ch Showcase Got To Be Me\ - rtryiHr.......V7tr assj-fAklop 10 Pomeranian in 2006 AOn limited showingAlways Owner HandledCongratulations to Chris and John Heartz on your feature.Owner Robert Celeste Solano crpomsjuno.comTBreederOwner Alane Levinsohn www. showcasepoms .comMARCHAPRIL 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 1112007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 730 PM111DreamWeavers Ring of lire4BESTAmCn CH Chriscendo Communicado X CH DreamWeavers Sparklia Fire RoseTango is shown going WDBOWBOB over three specials tor a 3-point major under Breeder ludge Fred Bassett.Thank you to all the judges who have appreciated "Tango's" big, full coat, type and movement. He only needs singles to finish. Congratulations to Chris and lohn Hearlz on your well-deserved kennel visit. We have always admired your dogs.lM.UnndMikilicimWeivor Pomswww.dteoimmmniMns.CMn4112 - MARCHAPRIL 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 MAR APRIL Pom Review.p65 2122007, 730 PM112I II II m4MultiBISS, Multi Grp WinningCh. Showcase GotTo Be Me, GCV.4