The Pomeranian Review September 1993

The below is strictly the text lifted via OCR from an issue of The Pomeranian Review. To view the actual issue you may browse here, or download the PDF file.
NT5American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Inmpranian ISrutrmPublished Bi-Monthly SeptemberOctober, 1993r- A1 i\BESTINSHOWILLINOIS VALLE KENNEL CLUB MAY I993PHOTO BY DOWNEYBISA, BISS CH. SOUTHLANDS MIGHTY IMPRESSIVE7^1m JVXL,ja,fzn, mHERES TIPPER UkVM.IW t B001H Ch. Pixies Tiptoe to NeujahrisWe present for your enjoyment, TIPPER. She tiptoed up to Best of Winners and Best of Opposite Sex at the Michigan Specialty.She finished in style at the Medina, Ohio, supported entry by obtaining Best of Winners and going over Specials for Best of Opposite Sex. "She will be Specialed."OwnerCarol Galavich52821 German Hill RdJPowhatan Pt., Oh 43942 614458-1705Owner-BreederEvelyn Newyear4478 River StWilloughby, OH 44094 216946-1226Owner-HandlerEvelyn Conley20075 Vining New Boston, Ml 48164 313 753-9245L. - - - - . ------.. -L. ................................' .iwtsHARc'Ch. Jan-Shars Charlie One HorseBlakes Dynamite Rockx Jan-Shars KizzyCharlie goes back to Rambo three times...Congratulations Basilio Yap on your purchase of many Jan-Shar dogs including 12 Champions. I know they are in very capable hands.BreederOwnerSharon Hanson Rt. 2, Box 263 Renick, WV 24966 304 497-2446Handler Jason Lynch iContents...Presidents Message Dolly Trauner.......4Notices.......................................................4Official Breed Standard.......................... 5Hospitality Lois Hamill..........................6Membership Jerrie Freia........................ 6Obedience News Linda Gallacher......... 7Windsor Castle Barbi Kutilek................9Helpful Hints Margaret R. McKee........18Northern Reflections Elizabeth Dupuis.20Kamel Visit Charlotte Creed................34Top Poms List Jean Schroll................. 39Behind the New Titlists..........................41Regional Club News...............................42Parvo Alert Nancy Price......................45Matta Pomeranians Derial Jackson......46Pom Standard Vincent Matta...............46Registrars Comer Jean Schroll............47Back Issues..............................................48Advertisers..............................................48NOTICE OF CHANGE OF ADDRESSPlease send all correspondence toDudley Roach Box 416Earth, TX 79031 806 257-3817The Pomeranian Review is sent to Judges.Make your advertising count Advertise with us.FUTURE KENNEL VISITSNovember...Julie Moreno January...Cheryl Jackson and Joel Taylor March...Fran StollJl'_______BISA, BISS Ch. Southlands Mighty ImpressiveCover StoryI knew he was special as an infant. He had that something special that one must have to become a great show dog. I named him Southlands Mighty Impressive, and he has been all I hoped for and more. Next to my "Poasty," he loves to show better than any of my Poms. Like Poasty, the more the crowd applauds, the more he shows. He has a gorgeous clear head with brilliant red sabling, good movement, type, soundness, and attitude. It has been with great pride and appreciation I have watched him mature into a BIS dog. He now has 6 BIS-5 All-Breed and one Specialty. He was 2 Pom in some systems as a puppy and he wasnt shown much last year due to cancer surgery of his handler, Judi Hartell. Things are looking up for Judi and as a 3-year old, he is leaving his mark. My biggest thrills are the positive remarks of the Judges who have put "Mighty" BIS. He is indeed a breeders dream come true. Im looking forward to him being as great a producer when his show career is over as he is a show dog. I have pups from him now and am thrilled to see his type, head, attitude, and the like in his offspring. Southland thanks all for the many positive things said of Mighty, and we are looking forward to the future.He was bred and is co-owned by me. His other co-owners are J. C. Baumgartner and Nancy Spelke. His handler, agent is Judi Hartell.Charlotte Creed 6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360 318466-3456faVN ftornmnian mmof theAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.faPresident.........................First Vice-President........Second Vice-President....Recording Secretary.......Corresponding SecretaryT reasurer........................AKC Delegate.................Officers of the ClubRural Route 3 Washington, IN 47501POB 4207 Pineville, LA 71361-4207Dolly B. Trauner ... Emily Untalan..... Jim Shearer...Beverly Henry .Frances J. Stoll... Al Willliamson....Sam ZaneoffBoard of DirectorsSally Baugniet Happeth A. Jones Margaret McKee Sharon Masnick Brenda Turner Mary VickersPomeranian ReviewEditor...................................................................................................................................Dudley RoachBox 416 Earth, TX 79031 Phone 806257-3817Business Manager................................................................................................ Marie Carlough8 Rowland Avenue Blue Point, NY 11715 Phone 516 363-9524Subscriptions.................................................................................................... Brenda K. HuttonR102 Tudor Lane Lansing, Ml 48906 Phone 517 485-5183Back Issues......................................................................................................................Margaret McKee2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063 Phone 804 556-3380 aSubscriptions 6 Issues per year3rd Class siihsnrintinn 30 00Foreign...................... .......45.00First Class................ .......35.00Single Copy............. ..........6.00NonMembersIMembersFull Page.................. ......65.00...............70.00Half Page................. ......40.00...............45.00Quarter Page......... ......20.00........ ......25.00Photos each...............10.00........ ......10.00Front Cover, BAA........ 120.00........ .... 150.00Color........................... ...375.00......... .... 400.00Back Cover, BW.... ......80.00........ .... 100.00Color........................... ...250.00......... .... 275.00Inside FB Cover..... .....70.00........ ......80.00Color........................... ... 195.00........ ....200.00Center Spread.......... ... 140.00........ .... 150.00Color........................... ...390.00......... .... 400.00Business Card ........ .....10.00........ ......15.00IssueDeadlinesAd Deadline DateJanFeb......... ........... Nov. 10..... ...Dec. 15MarApr......... ........... Jan. 10......... Feb. 15MayJune...... ........ March 10...... ....Apr. 15JulyAug........ ........... May 10.SeptOct....... ............ July 10..... ...Aug. 15NovDec....... .......... Sept. 10..........Oct. 15Some flexibility possible in deadline. Prior notice required.Reservations and Deposit required on all CoversPresidents Messageby Dolly B, TraunerAPC Boards prior to the recent one headed by Mary Vickers did not report their deliberations and month-to-month activities for publication. Informing the membership of Board activities is one of the good steps taken toward making the membership aware of how their club is being managed.However, there is something that may need clarification, especially for newer APC members. Two Motions from the Boards March agenda appear in the Secretarys Page published in the JulyAugust issue of the Pom Review. These two motions concern proposed changes in the Bylaws. What you are seeing there is work-in-progress. Despite their reported approval by the Board, neither these, nor any other changes to the Bylaws approved by the Board can take effect until they have been formally submitted in their entirety to the membership for their vote-and not even then until AKC has given final approval of any such revisions to the current AKC-approved Bylaws.By definition, work-in-progress is not necessarily representative of the final product. Motions such as these can still be subject to amendment, should consideration of other portions of the Bylaws indicate the advisability of such action.Another example of the Boards wish for the membership to become more involved in the activities of the club is Sally Baugniets request for input from members on any changes they would like to see in the Breed Standard. It will probably be another five years before you have a chance like this to express your thoughts on the Breed Standard. You have until December 1, 1993, to put your views in Sallys hands.Isnt it delightful to read reprints of informative articles by, or about dogs and people who are no longer with us Derial Jacksons chronicles about the English and American Poms of the 20s and 30s, and the articles by the late Shirley Hoffman, and the late Vincent Matta tell us so much about where our breed came from-and how far it has come in the intervening years. Dont YOU have an experience, or some thoughts on some aspect of todays breeding, training, showing, or caring for Poms that YOU can share with us Write them down and send YOUR article to Pom Review Ten, thirty, or fifty years from now YOUR article could be reprinted in a future Pom Review to help future Pomlovers better understand todays breeders, and learn about todays dogs who will have contributed the most to the continued betterment of future generations of beautiful winning Poms.NOTICESally Baugniet, as Chairman of the Breed Standard Revision Committee, is anxious for you to send her your suggestions and comments for improvement of the current version of the Breed Standard which is included in this issue of Pom Review. Do you want the Standard to say "All colors allowed" except for mismarks Or do you want it to list the allowed colors the way they are now Do you want a change in the preferred size for show What are your thoughts on trimming Should more trimming be allowed, or should the admonition to "strongly penalize" any trimming beyond that currently allowed by the Breed Standard remain as it is Some years ago, the Standard called for a level bite, but now calls for a scissors bite-should the Standard say that the bite may be level or scissors so long as the bite is not undershot or overshot Should the Standard say more about gait how would you describe correct gaitPlease write Sally your thoughts on the above questions, and any other parts of the Standard you feel need improvement or change The deadline for getting your input to her is December 1st Send to Sally Baugniet 411 S. State Street Mishicot, WI 54228.From the Show ChairmanI am in the process of revamping the Specialty mailing list. All I have presently is the APC members and my own personal Pom list. I am asking regional clubs to send me their mailing lists so they can be added to the master list. Any individual who wants his name added, send toJean Schroll 12950 New Era Rd. Oregon City, OR 97045Note Change of AddressThe mailing address for the Pomeranian Review is nowBox 416Earth, TX 79031THE OFFICIAL BREED STANDARDGeneral Appearance The Pomeranian in build in build and appearance is a cobby, balanced, short-coupled dog. He exhibits great intelligence in expression, and is alert in character and deportment.Size, Proportion, and Substance Size-The weight of the Pomeranian for exhibition is 3 to 7 pounds. The ideal size for show specimens is 4 to 5 pounds. ProportionThe Pomeranian in build and appearance is a cobby, balanced, short-coupled dog. The legs are of medium length in proportion to a well balanced frame. Substance-The body is well ribbed and rounded. The brisket is fairly deep and not too wide.Head Well-proportioned to the body, wedge-shaped, with a fox-like expression. Eyes-Bright, dark in color, and medium in size, almond shaped and not set too far apart nor close together. Pigmentation around eye rims must be black, except self-colored in brown and blue.Light pigment on eye rims is a major fault. Ears-Small, carried erect and mounted high on the head and placed not too far apart. Skull-not domed in outline. A round, domey skull is a major fault. Muzzle-There is a pronounced stop with a rather fine but not snipy muzzle. Pigment around lips must be black, except self-colored in brown and blue. Nose-Pigmentation on the nose must be black, except self-colored in brown and blue. Light pigment on nose is a major fault. Bite-The teeth meet in a scissors bite in which part of the inner surface of the upper teeth meets and engages part of the outer surface of the lower teeth. One tooth out of line does not mean an undershot or overshot mouth. An undershot mouth is a major fault.Neck, Topline, and Body Neck-The neck is rather short, its base set well back on the shoulders. Topline is level. Body-The body is cobby, being well ribbed and rounded. Chest-The brisket is fairly deep and not too wide. Tail-The tail is a characteristic of the breed. It turns over the back and is carried flat, set high.Forequarters ShouldersThe Pomeranian is not straight in shoulder, but has sufficient layback of shoulders to carry the neck proudly and high. Forelegs-The forelegs are straight and parallel, of medium length in proportion to a well balanced frame. Pasterns-The Pomeranian stands well up on toes. Down in pasterns is a major fault. Dew claws on the forelegs may be removed. Feet-The Pomeranian stands well up on toes.Hindquarters Legs-The hocks are perpendicular to the ground, parallel to each other from hock to heel, and turning neither in nor out. Cowhocks or lack of soundness in hind legs or stifles is a major fault. Dew claws, if any, on the hind legs are generally removed. Feet-The Pomeranian stands well up on toes.Coat Body Coat-Double-coated, a short soft thick undercoat with longer, coarse glistening outercoat consisting of guard hairs which must be harsh to the touch in order to give the proper texture for the coat to form a frill of profuse, standing-off straight hair. A soft, flat, or open coat is a major fault. Tail Coat--It is profusely covered with hair. Leg Coat -The front legs are well feathered and the hindquarters are clad with long hair or feathering from the top of the rump to the hocks. Trimming-Trimming for nearness is permissible around the feet and up the back of the legs to the first joint, trimming of unruly hairs on the edges of the ears and around the anus is also permitted. Overtrimming beyond the location and amount described in the breed standard should be heavily penalized.Color Classifications-The Open Classes at Specialty shows may be divided by color as follows Open Red, Orange, Cream, Sable Open Black, Brown, Blue Open Any Other Allowed Color.Acceptable colors to be judged on an equal basis. Any solid color, any solid color with lighter or darker shadings of the same color, any solid color with sable or black shadings, parti-color, sable and black and tan. Black and Tan is black with tan or rust, sharply defined, appearing above each eye and on muzzle, throat, and forechest, on all legs and feet, and below the tail. Parti-color is white with any other color distributed in even patches on the body and a white blaze on head. A white chest, foot, or leg on a whole colored dog except white is a major fault.Gait The Pomeranian moves with a smooth, free, but not loose action. He does not elbow out in front nor move excessively wide nor cowhocked behind. He is sound in action.Temperament He exhibits great intelligence in his expression, and is alert in character and deportment. ___________________________________________Approved by the American Kennel Club, June 10,1991Report from the Hospitality Committeeby Lois HamillAs the reader will probably already know, we will be holding our 1994 Winter Specialty at the Marriott Hotel again in NYC. Room rates will be the same as last year89 plus tax per night. Up to four people may share a room at no extra cost. Showing starts on Saturday, February 12th. Hospitality will be hosting a gathering on Saturday evening before the annual membership meeting. Due to the difficulties in transporting regional items for a potluck, the format will be changed to desserts and beverages. If members would bring a dessert item to share, it would be appreciated. For those who would prefer, a small donation may be sent ahead of time in lieu of bringing dessert. The money will be used to buy beverages to accompany the desserts. Please send contributions to Lois Hamill, 4 Domenic Drive Chelmsford, MA 01824. These contributions should arrive no later than February 3, 1994. Pom people like to gab just as much as any other dog people. Plan on coming to the Hospitality room to gab about poms, puppies, pedigrees, grooming tips, etc. It is a wonderful experience whether novice or expert to meet with pom people from around the country and compare notes, make new friends or just have fun.We will also be holding a banquet dinner Sunday evening after the showing is over. The banquet will be buffet style again this year. The menu is still being worked out at this time early August. Plans are to have chicken and beef as the main dishes, with a return appearance by the very popular as well as several new selections.Due to the shortness of the lunch breaks and the extra competition of Sunday brunch goers, we will most likely have a separate lunch buffet set up by the hotel on Sunday. This will allow pom people the chance to get a filling meal in what will hopefully be a short time. I believe the cost was about 16 last year. We will try to keep the cost about the same. No reservations are needed.If anyone has any suggestions for Hospitality, please contact us at the above address. We hope that you are looking forward to this weekend as much as we are. See you thereMembership Report as of 7193by Jerrie FreiaNew MembersVincent and Rachel Chavez2245 N. Vagedes Avenue Fresno, CA 93705 209 268-4168SponsorsJanet Manuszak-Lucido Dudley RoachJerry L. Enos2620 W. Latrobe Steet Peoria, EL 61605 309 673-4232SponsorsE. Suzann Henderson John M. HomanJuan Gomez11600 Bob Mitchell El Paso, TX 79936 915591-3577 SponsorsPeter J. Galindo Olga BakerEdwin D. Hebert100 Dairyman Lane Lafayette, LA 70506 800 321-5894 SponsorsBarbi Kutilek1840 Monterey Drive San Bruno, CA 94066 415 872-1795 SponsorsJulie Moreno Margaret KranzfelderJohn A. and Barbara J. Moran13742 Tennessee Avenue Astatula, FL 34705 904 742-2734 SponsorsSue Marie Powers Olga BakerGail Rodgers38 Washington Avenue Staten Island, NY 10314 718 494-1847 SponsorsMaureen Quinlan Susann PhilbrookCorrections to the 1993 Roster OmittedCarol CochranRt. 4, Box 1725 Porter, TX 77365 713 354-2609 BREXDiane L. Finch Rural Route 1 Kelly, IA 50134 Finchs Pomeranians 515 769-2444 BREXAddress ChangesMary E. Hechinger4232 New Brighton Drive Apex, NC 27502Ann Laible Elmgree2013 Susquehanna Avenue Superior, WI 54880Gene and Mary WellsRt. 2, Box 238 Pattonsburg, MO 65670Obedience Newsby Linda Gallacher 1990 Ridgeway Drive Eugene, OR 97401 503686-2316I have received some great correspondence over the last couple of months. Super news from Barbara McClatchey Her little "Anjing" has earned her Utility Title Barbara writes"Dan Dees Ibu Anjing is now a UD She took 2 firsts and one third in Utility A, but Im not bragging about her scores. How do you speed up a Pom that gets bored with the whole thing Ah well, maybe some time off I do want to get the U-UD also, but if she gets any slower, it will take the time allotted to two dogs to get through her judging."My Tuffy Mar-Vics Stuff d Black Bean will be "coming out" in AugustSeptember in Novice. Now theres a dog that knows the meaning of fast."Barbara, Im green with envy over your new title Its great when all that hard work finally pays off. I think "Anjing" will probably speed up when you cut back on her training. There is so much drilling and so many exercises thathave to be covered when we are trying to trait a dog for Utility. These smart little guys g pretty fed up with the whole thing. A breal from training should work wonders on hei attitude. Once they know all the exercises they really should only be trained a few times a week and that just on problems. Unlike the Golden Retrievers or Border Collies whc thrive on daily drilling, these Poms only take so much before they completely shut down Good luck on earning that U-UD That glove exercise is a real bear We would all appreciate any tips you could give us or teaching itI had another great letter from Lois Morkassel"Kassels Dandelion Down" has added a U-CDX to her list of titles. February 6, 1993, she earned a 192 and of February 7th she earned a 189. It was so much fun because she knew all this "stuff" we had started some of the Utility exercises in training. She was really turned on to show. We got applause both days on coming out of the ring. That is great for Dande. She likes to be a star.On April 24th Dande earned a 193 and 3rd place in Open B for her CDX She also got applause that day. This show was a bit unusual in that the show site was in a shopping mall with the two rings conformationobedience in the main halls It was a great PR for the general public. All those dogs sitting together both in and out of the ring and behaving Quite somethingThe other thing unusual that UKC exhibitors need to be aware of is how the Honoring Dog works when there is only one Utility dog entered. This happened at the show for our 3rd leg. Since there was only one Utility dog in the A and B classes, an honoring dog was needed and we were it since we were the first Open B dog. We honored in the Utility fashion, which is the dog in a down position with the handler across the ring with their back to their dog during the working dogs signal and heeling exercise. Luckily, we had tried this before, because the first couple of times I returned in practice, Dande got up and left her place. At the show she held her position and passed. This then counted as her honoring. But the rest of the Open dogs honored with their handlers out of sight. Then the Utility dog honored in the ring the same way during our Open B heeling pattern. We passed and this counted as our honoring exercise, but I hadnt been prepared for this occurrence, even withreading the regulations. It always helps to see things in action."Lois continues"About other obedience stuff Articles--A lot of people arent aware that you dont have to buyuse special little dumbbell articles for Utility. This can really run into beg bucks Particularly if you want 3 sets for 3 day shows and for teaching the dog to work the pile."Dandes articles are more like things around the house. I do crafts, so looked in the crafts departments. Her metals are 2" liberty craft bells with the clappers removed and a 2" diameter washer welded to the top for her to pick up. She prefers to pick bells up along the lower round edge, and the leathers are key fobs from Tandy Leather kits. The leather was dampened so I could "stamp" the numbers on and at that time I bent them in half which gave a bit on an angle when they dried."The woods I hope to hit Canada too are 34" high craft hearts that I stamped numbers on, and then wood burned them to make the numbers show better."When I stewarded for Utility B at our shows last year, I found that soft cases made it hard to get out the article for the judge and handler to collect the articles from the finished pile for the steward. I also subscribe to Diane Baumans theory that if the case is ventilated, it can get contaminated with smells you dont want. I decided to use solid cases. The first one I got was the Tupperware lunch box with the alphabet on it. I figured Dande could learn the alphabet as long as we were doing Utility The other two I got were K-Mart lunch boxes after the school season was over."The cost was about 70 for 3 sets and 3 cases. I wouldnt have put the washers on the bells after Dande was picking them up, and I wouldnt have gotten the expensive Tupperware lunch box if I were money conscious. I also got a set of sewing machine bobbins for the metals, but I found that she couldnt see the pile to go out to work them mats only-not grass.That is the big thing about choosing articles-make sure your dog can see the pile They will work anything they can see. I think a great metal set would be the metal baby spoons with the bent handles"It might just be me, but it seems like one of the things omitted in instructions for training dogs to work the articles is teaching the dog to "sniff' when giving a hand cue I accidentally came across this quite early in our training when I got a cold. Dande would go out and search the pile for the "well" me scent How about medication or nerves changing your scent too So we went back to training sniffon my cupped hand. Anytime my cupped hand appears, she must touch some part with her nose. This is just a fun game but totally important for working the pile. I have also changed my command to work the pile from "find it" to "sniff it." "Find it" means go out, get the thing, and get back here as fast as you can. "Sniff it" means she can take her time and sniff. A friend and I were starting articles at about the same time and found getting away from the retrieve word greatly reduced the pressure the dog exhibited."Thanks a million Lois This information will be of great help to those of us working on Utility. One neat addition to your list of Utility articles-Ann Morris is using tiny baby shoes for her leather articles. Wouldnt that be darling used with your baby spoonsMy Bizzy earned another Utility leg with a score of 191 and first place. I think I fooled her-it was our first outdoor show of the season and I think she thought it was just a training session. Unfortunately, I wont be able to test this theory. At our second outdoor show, as she was running toward the high jump on the directed jumping exercise, she stepped in a hole and tore her cruciate ligament. My vet says no jumping for two months It looks like Im doomed to one Utility leg per yearNew Obedience Titles from the May and June issues of the AKC Awards are as followsNew CDXGlen Iris Star Diamond owned by Patti Hecht and bred by Cheryl Jackson and Joel Taylor. I wrote about this pair in our last issue. Congratulations again PattiCh. Jubilee Whisper of Mica owned by Lois Campbell and bred by Lorene Bradbury and Sandra Logan. This pair earned a first leg in August of 92 and finished in March with scores in the high 180s Well be watching for you in Utility, Lois Keep up the good work.New CDAijas Singleoak Hot Stuff owned by Ingridia Gasaway and Doreen Barry and bred by Charles Hunsaker finished his CD from the Novice B class with scores of 180 12, 183, and 179 12. This pair finished in January. Good jobLittle Tykes Playhouse bred and owned by Sherri Alspaugh finished their CD from the Novice A class with scores of 188,195.5, 194,193, and 183. They also won two 3rd placements Nice job.Myway News Flash bred and owned by APC member Molly Miller, earned their CD from Novice B with super nice scores of 190.5, 198.5, and 193 with two 2ndplacements. Nice going Molly. I hope youll go on to Open with this little guy.Let me hear how you have done at the summer showsWindsor Castle Dog Show in Reviewby Barbi Kutilek"I need a vacation" How often do we find ourselves saying those words But...where to go Since my husband Dave and I truly enjoy musical stage shows, London seemed like a great choice this year. Les Miserables, Miss Saigon, Phantom of the Opera, and Sunset Boulevard all in the same locale. Then I remembered a conversation I had had at Westminster several years ago. I had asked about Crufts and in the course of the conversation was told about the Windsor Championship Dog Show held on the grounds of Windsor Castle. This was near London...Musicals and a Dog Show...What more could I ask for in a vacationThe Windsor Championship Dog Show really was a GREAT experience, lasting not one, but three days July 2-4, 1993. Twelve thousand dogs were entered at this show, having a typical entry of 94. I had called the Kennel Club immediately after arriving at my hotel a few days earlier in order to determine what day the pomeranians would be shown and what time. After several attempts I was able to determine second day for poms first day for chows, my other interest, but no answer about time. And at that time I did not know the number of entries either. It seems that this information is published in an All-Breed magazine, Our Dogs, one month prior. The Kennel Club is not involved with these details. As for time, ALL breeds start judging at 1000 a.m. unless there is a huge entry and then judging will start at 900 a.m. This is why the Kennel Club thought my question strange.In order to get to Windsor we were staying in London, we took the subway to the Paddington Train Station. There Dave bought our train tickets, while I tried to read the BIG BOARD in the middle of the station and determine from which platform the FAST train to Slough rhymes with cow wasleaving. Fast is the important word as th slow train had about eight stops, the fast trail only one stop. We ate a British breakfast a Paddington, mueslix, croissants and jam, anc Canadian bacon, while we awaited our train Coffee at the station was was VER'V strong it seems the coffee is brewed with the grounds. It is served in a container with plunger that is depressed before pouring sc the grounds are filtered and pushed to the bottom. Even the thick cream served with the coffee did not help much. I quickly switchec to tea.The train ride to Slough lasted about twenty minutes. Next we transferred to the train foi Windsor, which left every thirty minutes Once on this train it was only a shorl ten-minute ride through the English countryside. Even though Windsor Castle itself is right next to the train station, I knew the dog show was "On the Grounds," so we proceeded to seek assistance from a uniformed gate keeper. She had no idea no, ] did not panic because I had called two people in London who confirmed date, place, etc., but used her hand-held radio to send us in the right direction...two miles down the road. On day two, we took a cab from the station to the show grounds.The show site was truly glorious. The Castle served as a magnificent backdrop with acres of green grass, flowers, and tents everywhere. There was a huge parking area, but no RVs. All attendees funneled into one small entrance where we paid our three pounds each to enter. Some dogs were on leashes, but most were wheeled into the grounds in a variety of contraptions such as baby buggies, wooden boxes with huge attached wheels, and wire crates. I did not see Vari-Kennels. Catalogues were available, also for three pounds. There was different catalog for each of the three days.We arrived by 900 a.m. since I was not going to miss the start of Pomeranians after coming all the way from San Francisco So, I immediately whooped with joy when I opened the catalog and saw, "Pomeranians 1000 a.m. Ring 22 94 dogs, 101 entries." WOWRing 22 was in the midst of everything, and great ringside locations were available. I wanted to be positioned so that I could view the dogs movement as well as see them "close up and personal." The ring was quite large and was entirely roped off-there was no ring entrance. In one comer there was a table with chairs which served as the examinationContinued on page 20"Stetson fits.... so hard to forget."Stetson takes his first points under Judge David Krough.Im packing my Stetson for TexasMarge Kranzfelder415 572-0149miiciiuan i-viiiciaiiiaii viuu ICarousel PomeraniansProudly presents 'illtillour newest homebred ChampionuI mm[wBEST OF BREEDVARIETYSEMINOLE KENNEL CLUB 1992PHOTO BY PETRULISeESt ^Ch. Carousels Little Big ManCh. Carousels Coca Cola Cowboy x Carousel's Precious AngelicaPictured going Best of Breed over Specials. We are very proud of this gorgeous little guy. Thanks to our special friends, Mary Rinehart and Kathy Bucher Sawyer, for helping us show him.See pedigree in behind the new Titlists. Watch for two of his kids in the ring this fall with their new owners.Art and Linda Gustafson 5001 S. Peebly RoadNewalla, OK 74857-8368 405 391-2960Breeder OwnerFAM-FAME POMSPresents....IANI31j^OUP P'RSTST LOU'S \oogPHOIQ^Royal Tradition of Fan-FaireCh. Rock N Tradition of Oakridgex Kneislers Prize Package"Ian" is our first home-bred puppy hopeful, and he is coming along quite nicely. He is pictured here winning his 2nd Toy Group at an all-breed match. He will be out this Fall at the Specialties.FLASH Our black and tan boy, Janesas Showcase O Fan-Faire was WD and BOW aat the Emporia, KS and Edwardsville, IL shows. He now has two single points and a 4-point major Thanks, Jerrie, for this gorgeous boyCongratulations to Charlotte Creed on her Kennel VisitWe feed Science Diet.OwnerBreederCatherine Breaux 17905 NE 13th Street Bellevue, WA 98008 206641-1122HandlerMaria Kneisler 918 492-0520I EXTRAZAGANT EXTRAVAGANZA Ohio Valley Pom MatchSunday, November 14,1993Judges AssignmentsDolores Watts Brandywine, MD.......................All Males Best Jr. and Sr. Adult Best in MatchDr. Morris Carson Richmond, VA.......................................All Females Jr. Handler CostumeHoliday Inn Columbus East 1-704560 Hilton Corporate Drive Columbus, OhioPhone 614 868-1380-Fax 614 863-3210 Reservation Deadline October 29,1993. Indicate Ohio Pom Club for 59.00 rate.Classes 2-4 months, 4-6 months, 6-9 months, 9-12 mnths, 12 months and over.BEST IN MATCH-500.00 CASHBest Junior.......................................200.00 CashBest Senior.......................................200.00 CashBest Adult........................................200.00 CashBest Junior Handler.......................50.00 CashBest Costume...................................50.00 CashEntry FeesFirst entry of each dog......................... 8.00Each additional entry same dog.......... 4.00Costume or Junior Handling...................8.00Parade of Champions............................ 4.00Entries close November 3,1993 Hospitality Saturday, November 13,1993 at 700 p.m. Banquet following the Show Photographer and Match Videoed Raffle and Auction\05CV3Mail all entries to Ron Feyh, Show Chairman 2520 Eakin Road Columbus, OH 43204 614274-2118\0ACODonations WelcomeYou know the father....Ch. Rock-N-Tradition of Oakridge Jakeu \Q g0GROUP FIRST"JAKE"Multiple Group and Best in Show WinnerCongratulations Nina and Nancy on Jakes many wins Best wishes to you both and may Jake continue his winning "Tradition" for many years to comeMany thanks to Nina for your friendship, encouragement, advice, and your continued support. Thank you for entrusting me with all of my "Oakridge" kids. You are truly one of the "great breeders" in the Pom world left today.Best wishes alwaysMelissa Mellen - Valhalla PomeraniansJakes BreederOwnerNina Epps Oadridge RL 5, Box 150 Nixa, MO 65714Jakes HandlerNancy Burnette Nanshadow 501 988-2432ni i isri ivui i wii iv v 11 iui viuwNow meet the Son....Valhallas Rock-N-Roll of OakridgemashV. .a......."JAKE,JR."Best of Breed over Specials for a 4-point MajorThank you Richard Bauer for Jake, Jr.s big win over several well known specialsJake, Jr. is an extremely typey 3 12 pounds of trouble just looking for a place to happen. Thank you, Nina, for sharing this gorgeous boy with me, and thank you Jake for siring Jake, Jr. Hes got your good looks and personality plusJake, Jr. is always owner handled and has 6 points towards his championship in very limited showing. Watch for Jake, Jr. to continue his winning family "Tradition" in the ring this fall. Better look out, Dad, the kid is ready to "Rock-N-RollOwnerHandler Melissa and Steve Mellen Valhalla255 East SL Clair Romeo, Ml 48065 313752-4489Breeder Nina Epps Oakridge RL 5, Box 150 Nixa, MO 65714sou.^LACY ^"ssar-'OPPOSITE SEXeTRINITY VALLEY KENNEL CLUB MARCH 1993 NUGENT PHOTOSouthpaw Guns N RosesBISS Ch. Glen Iris Castle Rockx Glen Iris Distant CallerWe would like to thank Cheryl Jackson and Joel Taylor for selling us Callie and for Sharing BISS Ch. Glen Iris Castle Rock Evan to make these two dreams come true. We have more Evan puppies and grandpuppies destined for the show ring.Lacys wins at under one year include Dallas-Fort Worth Pom Club Judge Edd Bivin 6-9 month puppy class-Trinity Valley Judge Ken Miller BOS for 3 points-Atlanta Judge Mrs. Kahn BOS for 2 points-Huntinton Judge Mrs. Billings 2 points. We would like to thank the judges who appreciated Lacys quality.BreederOwner.Handler Pamela T. Walker Southpaw Pomeranians 411 Cove Creek E. Gadsden, AL 35903 205 492-1178 It . HandlersJoel TaylorCheryl Jackson Glen Iris Pomeranians 1038 16th Ave. South Birmingham, AL 35205 205 328-6603Handler Rusty Howard P.O. Box 1854 Gadsden, AL 205 492-7170--------- irrwlin the West u^ ERINri1X- WUNERS mim m WTOSHESEX feSouthpawsPistol Packin MamaBISS Ch. Glen Iris Castle Rock x Glen Iris Distant CallerWe would like to thank Mary for showing Erin so beautifully to date. Mary is already planning Erins specials career along with a trip to Mexico for her International Championship. Erins wins in 9 shows at under 11 months include Sahuaro State Judge Mrs. Gomez BOS for one point-Santa Ana Valley Judge Ms. Maltz BOS for 2 points-City of Angels Pom Specialty Judge R. Curtis BOS for 5 points-Flatirons Colorado Judge Mrs. Baugniet BOW for 2 points-White Mountains Judge Ms. Nickles BOW one point-San Diego Pom Judge Mrs. Wheat BOS for 3 points Best in Sweepstakes Judge Mrs. Presser. We would like to thank all the judges who appreciated Erins quality. We will sell our good ones. Mary and everyone out west who has seen Erin will agree with this.OwnerHandler Mary Ann Palmer Castle Rocks Pomeranians 733 Lincoln Avenue Prescott, AZ 86301 602 445-9427B reederCo-Owner Pamela T. Walker Southpaw Pomeranians 411 Cove Creel E. Gadsden, AL 35903 205492-1178Helpful Hintsby Margaret R. McKee 2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063There were several events that prompted this column. First, quite some time ago, Kelly Rogers had written a very nice letter from California to say he remembered a column Id written on preparing to go to dog shows. Unfortunately, he couldnt find it, and asked if I would reprint it. "Great" I thought. "This will be easy. I can quickly update it and have a column to send in." Only one problem I havent been able to find it either Strange, since I have all those back issues in die basement. Not there either.In mid-March, I went to 2 dog shows in Roanoke, VA. A snow storm was predicted, so Sally called and asked if she could go with me as I was leaving early. The sun was shining, and we were wearing short sleeves as we packed my van. We tried to think of everything we might need in case of snow. It clouded up as we drove the 3 14 hours to Roanoke, congratulating ourselves on arriving before the first flake. Ensconced in our motel room, we watched TV predictions of blizzard conditions in amazement. We were relieved when friends Les and Cathy arrived and checked in at the same motel, and when Sarah called later to say she had safely reached her motel. We worried when we couldnt find Carol and Barbara much later we learned that they had arrived, assessed the situation, and went right back to Richmond.We decided to get up at 4 a.m and head for the show site as early as possible before the roads got too messy. This proved to be a good move as our 2 extra long vans were able to move steadily through the fresh snow. I have neither snow tires nor chains, just radials. Also, we got to the show site early enough to get unloaded and find a good spot to set up. I picked a parking space that I hoped Id be able to get out of and that no one could block.The snow continued to pour down. In between grooming and showing, we stood at the doors watching the heavy snowfall in wonder. Everyone kept a sense of humor. There were lots of funny jokes "Im planning to go to Texas for the Specialties in September." "That is, if you get out of here by then"Rumors flew most were true. The police were saying only vehicles with chains would be permitted on the streets. The Sunday showI owould be cancelled. The State emergency office wanted to throw us all out on those streets and make the building an emergency shelter. The show was on for Sunday, and none of us would be permitted to leave the building. We were prepared for almost any contingency. Sally and I had blankets and pillows in the van, and extra dog food. We agonized over whether to stay in the building, or to try to get back to the motel. The thought of trying to sleep on the hard floor with one blanket was the deciding factor for me. After Les got his van hopelessly stuck, it was all up to me. We dug out my van using pooper scoopers. I should have brought a shovel. The snow was probably 1 12 feet deep at that time. We loaded 4 Poms, a Keeshond, a Shelty, the Greyhound, and 4 adults into my van and ventured forth. I figured as long as we were rolling, the cops wouldnt bother us. We avoided snowdrifts and downed power lines and made it back to the motel probably about 5 miles, where I was unnerved by the sight of a tractor-trailer in the ditch in front of the motel. The wind had picked it up and put it thereBoy, we were glad to be back in our rooms. The nearby restaurants ran out of food and closed. We informed the motel wed be staying an extra night, and fetched our own sheets and towels. The extra food I carry for both people and dogs and my little coffee pot to heat water proved most welcome. We were very lucky. We had a warm place to stay and the power never went off. Those who elected to stay at the show site were provided with cots and hot food by the Red Cross.The dogs had a ball playing in the snow. It was great fun and exercise for us all. We again used the pooper scoopers and kitty litter to get the van out of the motel parking lot on Sunday morning, but were delayed by other cars stuck at odd angles in the parking lot, and we couldnt get to the show site until noon. I missed Pom judging, but we did get the obedience dogs there in time to gamer 2 legs, 2 placements, and HIT. It was a fun, challenging weekend and all the extra stuff I carry in the van "just in case" helped make it more comfortable.Begin by making a master list of everything you need to take to the dog shows. Obviously, each persons list will differ, depending on the number of dogs youre taking, whether youre showing in breed or obedience, the size of your vehicle, and how much youre willing to spend. As time goes by, youll add more equipment and supplies. Begin with essentials and buy more as your budget allows. Use yourAmerican romeraman viud islist for a few weekends to fine tune it, then type it up and have it laminated. Then you can check items off of it with a non-permanent marker and use it over and over. Because Im lucky enough to have a big van, I leave most of this stuff stored in the van ready to go.Here is a typical list Crates Dont buy cheap ones that can get crushed in an accident. Get top of the line ones that will last for many years. X-pen Ive found a six-panel one very versatile. If you can afford two, you can leave one in the motel room and have one for the show site at clusters. With the X-pen, youll need plastic like a dropcloth or shower curtains to put under the X-pen and newspapers. Pooper scooper X-pen rugs These are those vinyl woven rugs you may have seen at shows. One under your X-pen protects your dogs feet from mud and wet grass. Urine soaks through the rug immediately, keeping the dogs clean. A rug isnt essential, but convenient for outdoor shows. A second rug can go under your set-up. If it is raining it can get muddy under the grooming tent. Clean-up bucket This is a plastic bucket with a handle and a top that dishwasher detergent came in. Inside of it, I keep a small bottle of detergent concentrate and a large scrub brush. I use these to clean spots on the rug. Tack box Box or tote bag with towels, wash cloths, extra dog bedding Jugs of water, water bottles, or dishes Fan warm weather Hairdryer Extension cord Grooming table andor grooming top for crate Blanket and pillow Shade-tent, canopy, or space blanket Small tote bag containing maps, judging programs, premium lists, travel guides, motel directories Luggage For important items or long trips,I make a separate list of all the clothes I think I might need to be sure the outfits are coordinated and that I dont forget any accessories. My overnight bag make-up case stays packed at all times withmakeup, sample sizes of medicines, shampoo, sun block, etc. People food Plastic "milk crate with small coffee pot, jar of instant coffee, instant oatmeal, plastic bowl, plastic spoons, mug, instant soup, crackers, etc. Dog food box Dog food, both canned and dry, vitamins, heartworm preventative, bowls, can opener. Cooler Ice, drinks, fruit, bait. Bag of cat litter. Cold weather Folding chair or stool. Dolly, bungees I consider this an essential. Umbrella, boots or duck shoes, poncho or slicker. First aid kit.Dog shows are supposed to be fun. We should make an effort to make them as comfortable as possible for both our dogs and ourselves. A little planning and preparation will make that possible. What items would you add to this list Please send me your suggestions.I recently tried a new dip. The label made it sound great. The active ingredient is microencapsulated Dursban. This is supposed to be time-released and thus the dip lasts longer, up to a month. I was startled to discover that it had absolutely no smell. Hmmm, if the medicine doesnt taste bad, can it do any good I was thoroughly disgusted to find my dogs covered in fleas just 2 weeks later. A friend also reports disappointing results on her Poms. My vet says hes been getting good reports, but Im dubious.See you at the showsMcKameys Sundown KennelsMrs. Norris McKinney 1112 Sycamore Dr Le Claire, Iowa 52753-9630 319332-5809Puppies lo love, breed and show prospecls. stab wants clearly.Bloodlines are Cavalier, Millamar, S ungold, Great Elms, Browns, Creider, Hoods, Emcee, English Preservenes, Cynpeg and, HadleighNorthern Reflectionsby Elizabeth DupuisJust got back from a show near beautiful Quebec City...practiced my French, had a scrumptious meal and survived three attempts on my life made by "highway assassins" You wouldnt believe how these people drive-it must be their European blood "racing" through their veins. FOLKS-THATS 100 KILOMETERS NOT 100 MPH...Theres just a touch of a differenceQuebec City is one of our Canadian treasures. If you love history and romance all bundled into one, then this is the town for you. Culture at its best From night spots with wild attire and hot music to quaint outdoor cafes over 1000 to choose from. Old Quebecs cobblestone roads lead you to vintage alleys that transport you back in time. Street entertainers and artisans crowd designated quarters. You can find one of a kind art works at great low prices. The Chateau Frontenac, one of my nations premiere hotels, overlooks the banks of the St. Lawrence River. You can stroll along the hotels boardwalk and soak in the sights. If you are into Church architecture and stained glass, youll have hours of touring to do Quebec is terrific at any time of the year be it during its Winter Carnival Feb or summer cafe season. Youll love itHad a super talk with Chris Heartz, and she filled me in on some wonderful winning being done by Canadian Poms in Thailand...Ch. Chriscendo Calendar Girl just won her third CC in Bangkok which gives her her Thai championship Ch. Bayanews Time After Time, bred by Matt Heindl of Ontario just won a Thai Best in Show Both of these Canadian bom Poms are proudly owned by Dr. A. Kasemsanta of Bangkok. Hats off to my friend Sue Bemey of Maryland on her first Canadian champion, Ch. Subers Blaze of Glory. "Bon Jovi" soared to three Group Firsts and a Best in Show Now thats finishing in style. Ch. Chriscendo Classica is working on being out top Pom for the third consecutive year-she has won 6 BISs this year I think I can safely say that Poms are indeed the "Best" toy breed.Bouquets Brickbats my little fun centerBouquets to Dudley for producing our breathtaking Review and for never making this columnist feel like a genuine "heel" for usually being late. Thank goodness for his FAX machine.Brickbats to people who purchase top quality Poms only to immediately re-sell them and make themselves a quick profit. Shame on You You all know who you are and surprise, surprise, we all know who you are, too Hope it was really worth it.Until next time, congratulate your fellow exhibitors and try to mean it. To be a sore loser is easy, but to be a gracious winner requires effort. Red, white, and blues to you allContinued from Page 9table as well as the stewards work area. The judge would also rest there at times. In fact, he an the steward took their lunch break here, in full view of the exhibitors. This table was quite cluttered and often the exhibitor would have to move items in order to stack the pom.Judge Mr. J. Kirk, dressed like a proper English gentleman in a double-breasted suit despite the 80 degree heat I was told it is not usually this hot at Windsor, began judging promptly at 1000 a.m. His ring steward, a lovely woman dressed in white complete with huge straw hat, loudly called in the classes. Exhibitors would enter from all sides of the ring. Everyone would greet each other and truly relax when not "on the table." Ring procedure was standard, however, with a typical line up, table exam, triangle, final line up, down and back, and final go around. The judge would place the dogs in order 1-5 and then walk up to each exhibitor, shake then- hands, and give them a small certificate of their placement, rather than a ribbon. Everyone would then loudly congratulate the winner with "well done"I had been told there were no "professional handlers" and this is basically true. Besides, Pom judging lasted from 1000 a.m. to 330 p.m. How could one navigate to several different rings and juggle several different breeds Everything seemed to show at the same time. Therefore, owners or breeders showed their own poms. Ring attire ranged from bare feet, shorts, an off-the-shoulder long dress, coat and tie to everything in between. Most exhibitors were quite professional and aware of ring protocol and worked hard to present their poms to the judge. There was a blind handler in the ring he did have an escort, as well as a handler in a wheelchair. I had not seen this in conformation before.The object of the day is to win a Kennel Club Challenge Certificate or "ticket" as it is called. It takes three tickets to earn a KennelHiiieritaii rumerdiiicjii uiuu Z IClub Championship. At this show, there was one ticket awarded for dogs and one for bitches. And...there are no separate classes for champions. Champions and "class dogs" compete together for the ticket. Tickets are not awarded at all shows consequently, I would suggest you determine this before you travel to a show as this will determine the number of entries. No ticket equals low entriesI was fascinated by the different classes and asked many questions of those nearby. Puppy dog, Junior dog, Novice dog and Open dog classes I could figure out. Undergraduate, Postgraduate, and Limit classes were more complicated. Nevertheless, I was intrigued by a system which requires that a dog must beat current top winning champions in order to achieve Championship status.How do English pomeranians compare to those in the US Quite well, in my opinion. Many of the poms I saw could easily obtain a US championship. Several could have come home with me...and I do not say that very often I saw no black and tans...this is not an acceptable color in the UK. I did see my first wolf sable yes, Dolly, it really was There were many creams, cream sables, and clear oranges. I did not see many orange sables. Bites were excellent. A pom with a bad bite will not win therefore, breeders are very aware of bites in their breeding program. Pigment was also excellent.Best of Breed at the Windsor Show went to Ch. Toybox Platinum Phantom. He won the CC for dogs as well. He was a nice cream sable dog bred by Miss E. Smail out of Toybox Small Print and Silver Slipper at Toybox. Best of Opposite went to an orange bitch, Bowlou Cocoa, also winning the CC, bred and shown by Mrs. J. Ellen out of Ju John Babies Boy and Sherlwood Golden Chance. Mrs. Ellen is a dress maker by trade and this was her first BIG win. She was shaking so hard in the ring, after she had won the CC, that I thought she might collapse at any moment My personal favorite of the day was Veltuds Gee I Guy. This bright orange dog won the limit dog class and my heart. He is extremely typey and moved well. After I saw this boy, I sought out his owner and breeder, Mr. John Powell of Veltud Kennels located in South Wales. John served to be a great source of information and I was quite impressed with his breeding program. I am happy to say that he and his friend, Mrs. Thelma Alsford of Thelbum Kennels, may be attending one of the US shows soon.In retrospect, I truly enjoyed my adventure to Windsor. Thanks to my husband Dave whoput up with going to a dog show on his vacation and even took TWO hours of video for me. My only disappointment to my husbands relief was the lack of pomeranian treasures to be purchased from the vendors. There were many vendors, but few items saying "buy me."Oh, well, I guess I just have to go to Crufts next timeManyCongratulationstoCharlotte CreedofSouthland Pomson herwell-deservedKENNEL VISITBestWishesrMm SxxbwjjnsABISA, BISS CH. GLEN IRIS CASTLE ROCK"Evan"All-Breed and Specialty Best in Show Winner1993 Westminster K.C. Best of Breed Winner1993 APC New York First Award of Merit WinnerOwner Co-OwnersBreeders HandlersEllen Fetter 1095 N. Thamer RoadLima, OH 45801 419 221-0523Dr. Cheryl A. Jackson Joel M. Taylor 1038 16th Ave. S. Birmingham, AL 35205 205 328-6603Michael and Nina Work 5350 Mowery Road Lima, OH 45801 419 221-0046J ikMmencHN rumeraman viuu 40\ ii Hi mi HI llllfll 6Iritt Iris.Jab. 1 BEST OFI OPPOSITE SEX14THEWESTMINSTER KENNEL CLUB FE8UARY8M993n.csrwo^wyfCHUCK TATHAMaCh. Janesas Glen Iris Sorceress Multiple Group Winner Bos Westminster K.C., 1993 Award of Merit, APC, NY 1993 Free Whelping Producer of Champions including 1990 APC WB, BOW, BOSCh. Janesa's Glen Iris Starstruck One Incredible Bitch...Thank you, Mr. Edd E. Bivin, for the Award. Thank you, Tony Cabrera, for handling her.OwnersDr. Cheryl A. Jackson Joel M. Taylor 103816th Avenues. Birmingham, AL 35205 205 328-6603BreederJerrie Freia P.0. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70381 504 384-7466Phyner Mo-sr"V JVi -1OPPOSITEmenCHMiBOiCh. Phyner Murphy BrownWelcome another Chocolate Champion from the Phyner LineMurphy was bred to her Chocolate sire, Phyner ubilee Brown Study and will take maternity leave from the ring. "Studs" lacks only a major to finish.Meanwhile, taking her place in the ring will be her Chocolate sister,Phyner Ulorenos Dolly Brown.neiamansIX'...MTTOGDEN KEHNEL CLUB MVSSXmwPhyner Bud LiteCh. Morenos Tuff To Top x Morenos Phyner Black Pearl Hell put a Head on your beerJudge Sari B. TietjenBreeder Owner Dolly B. TraunerAgentsJeff Nokes Don WalkerUm Jrts - 1We are fortunate to have available a number of puppies, many show prospects, outofCh. Chriscendo City Lights Ch. Glen Iris Ivanhoe Sire of Castle RockCh. Glen Iris Luckdragon Son of Castle RockCongratulations, Charlotte, on your Kennel VisitGlen Iris PomeraniansDr. Cheryl A. Jackson Joel M. Taylor1038 16th Avenue Birmingham, AL 35205 205 328-6603J kCongratulationsand Best Wishesto our good friend,Charlotte Creedon the occasion of herKENNEL VISITYou are most deservingJerrie Freia JANESAS POMS P.O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70381 504 384-7466Shady Park PomsPresents a New ChampionrBESTOPPOSITE SEX'PLATTE VALLEY_kenneljlub_1993PHOTO BY MELIAsn4Ch. Nolans Shady Park Casie RockAC Ch DeArtas Rock Music x Nolans Shady Park SashaShown finishing under Harold Bishop. Thanks to Judges G. Fancy, E. Loebe, L. White, R. Ayers, B. Leedy, and I. Staffers.Her sister, Tinker Belle is being shown. She is owned by Nancy Smith and Nina Epps.We feed Science Diet Watch for Shady Park Causin Lil Jeffy.AC Ch. Chriscendo Causin Comment x Nolans Shady Park LLL BubbleBreederOwnerHandler Diana L. Nolan 5122 NW Parkdale RoadKansas City, MO 64151 816741-1650 Eveningsmmussiralcana roniesdmdii uiuu Xy D J JVV\vu. mBEST OF BREED OR VARIETYiRHte ClHABallykin Bonjurno FerdinandCh. Ballykin Thors Cherubino x Ballykins Sweet SerafinaFerdy is a dear little fellow with quite a few admirers. Hes having fun and is really happy that his sire, grandsire, and great grandsire are around and cheering him on. Grandpa is BIS Ch. Stolanne Thunderbolt Thor HOF and Great Grandpa is the wonderful Ch. Dixieland Rock of Miilamor ROMX who will be seventeen in September Thanks for the super genes, Rocky and Thor and CheruBreederOwnerHandler^ DARA VETERINARY CLINIC Greenfield, IN 46140 317462-5000.4vrS .OPrOSITt HEART OF AMERICAENNEL CLUB1993S' PETRUUSC1 iAllayns Against All OddsCh. Southlands Toasted Fudge ROMX x Shamrocks Tarbubble V Allayn"Ginny" is pictured here taking her 2nd major. She now only needs a few single points to finish. She is another of our "Lil Toasty" kids and not only is she sound and typy, but has personality plus.We send a big congratulations to Charlotte on her kennel visit, and a big thanks for our gorgeous girl, Southlands Toasty Miz Katie. Shell be out this fall at the Specialties.We feed Science DietOwnerHandler 9151 S. Darlington Avenue Tulsa, OK 74137-4006 918 492-0520Maria KneislerJlotenosHome ofAm., Can. Ch. Morenos Perri WinkleJulie Moreno415 583-4973 after 1000 a.m. our time, please...Bryn Rose PomeraniansThank you, Charlotte mSouthlands BrynRose LacyBrenda and Terry TurnerP.O. Box 7676Texarkana, TX 75505 Puppies Available Occasionally 903 832-7742Sirius VideoSirius Video announces a new video tape of Pomeranian Presentation. This presentation was conducted by professional handlers, Don Walker and Jeff Nokes, at the invitation of the Northwest Conformation Judges Study Group. The tape is available in three formats VHS, BETA, and SuperBETA. The price of 26.75 includes shipping payment by check or money order cannot accept credit card charges by phone or mail. Allow three to four weeks for delivery. If not satisfied, return within 7 days of receipt for full refund less shipping.Sirius Video147 No. Dubois Road Ariel, WA 98603 206 225-7534unInt. Ch. Flashaway of DaraC-1919-1926Ch. Little Emir 1926-1930From the Photograph Collection of PomeraniansDerial Jackson 752 Albion Road Columbia, SC 29205oCongratulations, Charlotteon your well-deservedKENNEL VISITand condolences on the loss of your first-born, Happy, from your special friends, Bev and Bill Norris and all the Bev-Nor Poms.Bev and Bill Norris7747 Meadow RoadPasadena, MD 21122 410 255-1343504 384-7466 After 700pmJanesa s fPomsP.O. Box 2775Jerrie Freia Morgan City, LA 70381ELANDedicated to breeding excellent Pomeranians to the Standard.Champions in Black, Red, Orange, and Orange Sable.Mr. and Mrs. David K. DahlenburgP.O. Box 4688Newark, DE 19715 302 368-2070Mexico City, Mexico 011525525-4850JIM JUDY SHEARER 523 MILLER AVE. ^ ^ SUGARCREEK, OHIO 44681 \ \ t 5216 852-4136 ^MEMBERS AMERICAN POM CLUB W"AND OHIO VALLEY POM CLUB POMS2 Male Champions for SaleExcellent Great Elms bloodlines-Championproducers-Deep, clear Red. Reasonable. Pictures and Pedigrees sent on request.Show puppies also available.ContactJoyce Urban6393 Dale RoadNewfane, NY 14108 716778-9904MIA PomsOffers for sale a light orange sable male whelped 42592. He is sired byCh. Bev-Nor Southland Sinsation outof a daughter of Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge.Ramona J. SmithHCR 4, Box 26 BBowman, ND 58623 701 574-3158BrynRose PomeraniansjflSi- Brenda Terry TurnerSir Texarkana, TX 75505903 832-7742Inquiries WelcomeJot Qunfihj0 'TalegMe's Spwfr o 'ETWwseAiesOccasionally Stud Service8 Burkway Warren Virginia DimickOKI. City, OK 73115 677-2511Kennel Visit to Southlandby Charlotte CreedVCh. Southlands Toasted Fudge ROMX, Bev-Nor N Southland Poasty ROMX. Top Producing Sire and Dam for 1988.All my life, Ive been an animal lover having cats, dogs, and horses. Even though my dogs were not purebred, they were deeply loved and admired.After graduating from college, I bought my first purebred dog, a long coated chihuahua. I wanted a Pom but was unable to obtain one at that time. Years later, I obtained a Pom by following up on a newspaper ad. She was a cute super intelligent ball of fur. Even though just pet quality, she is still very special to me and dominates my household. Shes now 14 years old.Deciding that she needed company while I was away at work, I sought a companion for her. I found and purchased a male puppy and was invited to a dog show. It didnt take long to get me hooked.While attending the Houston shows, I observed a bitch puppy that was the talk of the show. Her name was Bev-Nors Holy Terra and she went on to become the 1 bitch in the nation that year. I contacted her breeder, Beverly Norris. She had a repeat breeding of Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge ROMX, the top Pom for 1981-82-83 with 24 BISA and 5 BISS. A girl was available. When I saw her, I knew she was the one I had been wanting. Bev-Nors Fudge Delight, "Pookie" came into my life on December 9, 1981, and became my firstchampion and the foundation on which Southland is built.I bred Pookie back to her father, Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge, and got two girls. Fudge, who died at the ripe old age of 16 12 was the soundest Pom Ive ever seen. Even at that age he would run like a puppy and jump up on the couch. He contributed so much to our breed. I finished one of the girls, Ch. Southlands Birthday Bil a group placement and pointed the other with BOB wins from the puppy class. I bred Happy to her half-brotheruncle Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge ROMX and got my boy, Ch. Southlands Toasted Fudge ROMX. "Lil Toasty" himself a group placer was the top producer in 1988 with 11 champion get. He has a total of 25 champion get with others nearing completion. He has produced BIS and Group Winners with limited breeding. His son, Ch. Southlands Mr. VIP O Ida, a BIS winner, was 1 Pom in 1990. Lil Toasty is getting old and has two ruptured disks from an injury by a neighbors child, but hes still producing. Im keeping another son of his now 3 months old that I have high hopes for. He stays in the house with me and is the sweetest Pom I have.Pookies other puppy from the fatherdaughter breeding, Southlands Fudge Double Dip, was bred to a Toasty son and gave me my other foundation stud, Ch. Southlands Sir Impressive. "Sir" has produced group and BIS winners. His son, BISA, BISS Ch. Southlands Mighty Impressive is in contention for 1 Pom this year.Then I bred Pookie to her full brother, Ch."Poasty" pictured at 9 years of age.Ch. Southlands Toasted Fudge ROMX winning the Stud Dog class at the National Specialty in1989.Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge, and created by beloved Poasty. She is a gorgeous black and tan girl known as Ch. Southlands Toast to Bev-Nor. In 1985, she was the nations 1 Pom bitch. She has taken BOS at our National Specialty twice and Award of Merit twice. She is also a multi-group winner. Ive never seen another Pom who likes to show like Poasty. Her animation in the ring compares with none. To me, she is what a show dog should be. Shell be 10 in December and dominates my household. She goes to all the shows with me and still hams it up.I have stayed with the bloodline I started with breeding back into the line and its paid off for me. Not that there arent other lines of equal quality, but this is the type I like. I admire a good Pom no matter what its ancestry is.My latest Pom fulfilling my dreams is BIS A, BISS Ch. Southlands Mighty Impressive. Hes the result of several generations of my kids line bred and inbred. I feel very fortunate to have been able to see two of his BIS wins. I am in awe and very humbled by what has happened to me in Poms. Only in America can a small town girl fulfill dreams like this.I truly love my dogs and that deep love keeps me going. I have a horror of one ofmy babies getting in a puppy mill. Some people think Im weird because I will not sell to just anyone, and I ask for references. Ive turned down lots of money for some of my Poms, but my first and foremost concern is their well-being. I believe they should be pets first and then show dogs. I only have 8 productive girls and dont have many pups. Because of my kids getting up in years, I now say I have a geriatric kennel. My kids are housed individually in large pens in my enclosed garage attached to my house. Four special ones always stay in the house with me and others are rotated in. I have a large yard where they go any time Im home with them.I had a judge ask me why I did not campaign my own special as it was very obvious the dogs showed well for me and loved me so. That was not an easy decision for me. I went through quite a bit of torment deciding to let one go with a handler. Ive been very fortunate in the decision I made. Many handlers approached me to buy or sponsor. As I would not sell, sponsoring was the answer for me. My first was Poasty with Judie Boston-Payne as sponsor and Mike Kemp as handler. Poasty got the best care and love possibleto this day, she can see Mike or Scott and she starts barking and kicking her feet for them. Scott says Poasty is his favorite of all. Then "Zac" withowner, Ed Jenner and Luc Boileau Handler, worked out well. I couldnt ask for better. And my latest, Mighty, with Judie Hartell, handler and J.C. Baumgartner and Nancy Spelke co-owners is a very successful arrangement. Judie has already asked for visitation rights when Mighty retires. My reasoning is that to campaign one, you have to go to more shows than I would be able to go to in a year. Handlers are out almost every weekend or more. Being a school teacher, I could not do this. My dream is to some day be able to campaign one of my own kids as I do truly love to show.The most rewarding part of Pomeranians to me is to be sitting with my Poms, my lap full and loving each one. Also, I truly love for anyone who has gotten a dog from me to be successful. Its so fulfilling to get those phone calls telling me theyve won or finished their Pom. Thats what breeding is all about. One of the nicest things about the dog show sport is the friends Ive made throughout the country.As a true lover of the breed and a dedicated breeder, I hope that before Im gone, my contribution to the breed will be recognized as having had an ability to create a dog so prepotent with good qualities that his consistent good qualities were passed from generation to generation, and that they still could be recognized as coming from him. Maybe twenty years from now a Pom will catch a fanciers eye and others will be able to identify him as having Southland behind him.In closing, let me thank the Pom Review and APC for this honor and echo the words of Ruth Beam, "Let us not be satisfied with what we already know, but forever seek new knowledge in better care and breeding of our little friends."Thanks from the bottom of my heart to all the past breeders, friends, judges, and handlers who have helped make my dreams come true.'--A -Aa-'A,arc .-3-rSouthland Poms swin in their own private pool in hot weatherCh. Southlands Toast to Bev-Nor Poasty in her prime 1 Pom Bitch 1985 Multi-group winner Winner of BOS twice and 2 Awards of Merit at our National SpecialtyCongratulationsCharlotte on your KENNEL VISITFUTURE KENNEL VISITSNovember...Julie Moreno January...Cheryl Jackson and Joel Taylor March...Fran StollAmerican romeraman ciud 3k GOLDEN AIRES POMSintroducesEDDIE WITH DAVID....A'Vi2tB l Mmmv9,,a r mm Asm1Golden Aires Special Edition EddieEDDIE is a special blend of Golden Aires and Millamor lines. Watch for this special team in upcoming showsfBreederCo-OwnerSharon Masnick HCR 65, Box 745 Huger, SC 29450 803928-3511AgentDavid FitzpatrickOwnerEdd Bannister 2008 Hwy 6 Gaston, SC 29053 1-800-274-9205 1wAtetotytct PtMproudly presents4Ch. Idlewyld Basic Black N PearlsElizabeth is my first puppy champion, having finished at 10 months with all points from the puppy class. I started showing her to let her have fun in the ring. Boy, did we have fun Elizabeth finished easily with three majors and a BOB. She is shown above with Judge Joan Scott who gave her a BOS over a special for her 3rd major. Thanks to all the judges who rewarded this sassy little black and tan, and to all our fellow Pom exhibitors for their kind comments.Look for Elizabeths uncle, Daybreaks Little Deuce Coupe, a cream her black and tan litter brother, Phred and her 12 brother TJ, Idlewyld Tourmaline, in the ring this fall. TJ needs just a major to finish.Five days after Elizabeth finished, her father Nikki died tragically. He lacked one major of finishing his championship and was trained in obedience. His loss is devastating.Margaret R. McKee 804 556-33802426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063Top Poms List 1993Group Pointsr-......... ....... ....Dogs Name Owner Group Breedm ............... R. Koeppel.......... ...6009.... .....59702 Ch. Southlands Mighty Impressive..... ........ BaumgartnerSpelke. ...2810.... ..... 17803 Ch. Morenos Pern Winkle.................. ...........MorenoTrauner...... ...2298.... .....27004 Ch. Absolutes Magic Mountain.......... ............ R. and J. Blank...... ...2011.... .....222............MoreauJackson.... ... 1337.... .....40606 Ch. Jimcins Image of Friday............... ............ A.and S. Alford...... ... 1225.... ....... 2007 Ch. Starfires Totally Tempting............ ................J. Cabrera.......... ....985...... ..... 22708 Ch. Beltane Gold Digger...................... ............ P. and B. Curry...... ....958...... ....... 2109 Ch. Finchs He Walks On Water.......... ............... Diane Finch........ ....897...... .....21810 Ch. Treasured Deans Hi Hierarchy..... .............. Dean Hebert........ ....788...... ..... 14211. Ch. TLC Bon Jovi............................... ........M. and D. Ontiveros.. ....566...... ....... 8212 Ch. Rock N Tradition of Oakridge........ ............RinehardtEpps...... ....485...... ..... 18313 Ch. Jans Willie Makit........................... ................J. Lehtinen......... .... 400...... ....... 6614 Ch. Ozarks Mighty Mite....................... .......... K. and G. Crouch.... ....312...... ....... 8315 Ch. Great Elms Little Demetrius.......... .............Dolores Watts....... ....300...... ..... 102C Har7 RAD Stratton. .. 288.... ....12017 Ch. Jan-Sharis Flesh and Blood.......... ............ Sharon Hanson..... ....223...... ...... 8018 Ch. Southland Im So Impressive........ .............MeyersLaffer....... .... 222...... .... 11619 Ch. Extane Vanilla Fudge Sunday....... ............ShipekPresser...... ....198...... ...... 9120 Ch. Haikus Foxfire............................................... Marit Hatton..............188..............56Breed Points01 Cassios Flash in the Pan....................... ............. R. Koeppel............ ..6009...........59702 Ch. Glen Iris Castle Rock....................... ......... MoreauJackson....... ..1337...........40803 Ch. Morenos Perri Winkle..................... ......... MorenoTrauner........ ..2298...........27004 Ch. Starfires Totally Tempting............... ............ Jose Cabrera..........,...985...........22705 Ch. Absolutes Magic Mountain............. .......... R. and J. Blank......... .2011...........22206 Ch. Finchs He Walks on Water............. .............Diane Finch........... ,...897...........21807 Ch. Southland's Mighty Impressive........ ......BaumgartnerSpelke.... .2810...........17808 Ch. Rock N Tradition of Oakridge.......... .......... RinehardtEpps........ ...465...........18309 Ch. Treasurered Deans Hi Hierarchy.... ............ Dean Hebert........... ...798...........14210 Ch. Jan-Sharis Johnny Be Good........... ..........Sharon Hanson........ ...118...... ....12511 Ch. Glen Iris Luckdragon....................... ........ T. and S. Goddard...... ... 153..... ....12412 Ch. Chriscendo Classica....................... .... C HeartzR D Stratton.....286...... .... 12013 Ch. Southland I'm So Impressive.......... ........... MeyersLaffer.......... ...222...... .... 11614 Ch. Great Elms Little Demetrius............ ........... Dolores Watts.......... ...300...... .... 10215 Ch. Odysseys Shadow of Keno............ .......... KosasihLucido......... ... 140..... ...... 9516 Ch. Extane Vanilla Fudge Sunday......... .......... ShipekPresser......... ... 198..... ...... 9117 Ch. Ozark's Mighty Mite......................... ........K. and G. Crouch........ ...312...... ...... 8318 Ch. TLC Bon Jovi................................... ......M. and D. Ontiveros..... ...566...... ...... 8219 Ch. Jan-Sharis Flesh and Blood............ .......... Sharon Hanson........ ...223...... ...... 8020 Ch. Fame Showtime............................... ........... Donna Rheim.......... ...173...... ...... 70While we have compiled this report with care, we do not claim absolute accuracy. This is not the method for choosing the APC Annual Awards. Jean B. Schroll, ColumnistAJETICMany Best Wishes and Congratulations to Charlotte Creed and your Southland PomeraniansYou should be commended for what you have contributed to the Breed. Many great ones have been produced from your line Thanks for selling us Sassy-shes trul a love Shes now given us the most exciting puppy everyone will be seeing more of.MAJESTICS IMAGE OF SOUTHLANDCh. Southlands Super Impressive x Southlands Sweet N Sassy"IMAGE"Thank you, Judge Mrs. Mary E. McCoyHe is very inbred Southland. Charlotte started his career at his first fun match at Arcadiana KC at 5 months of age. He took a Group I. Here, hes pictured at his first point show at 6 months, 5 days old-BOWBred for soundness and quality. BreederOwnerHandlerAnnette Rogers Rister P.O. Box 50Corpus Christi, TX 78403-0050 512 992-8233 After 7 p.m.Behind the New TitlistsThree generation pedigrees of new Pomeranian Titlists belonging to members of the American Pomeranian Club will be printed free if sent in by the owner. Please send the dogs name, sex, owners name, and breeders name on a separate sheet of paper. Please type or print legibly. Please send copies of pedigrees that dont need to be returned. Mail all information to the Editor.Ch Dimonde Saf-FireOrange Sable Female Breeder Diana M. Downey Owner Diana M. DowneyCh Cedarwoods Image of Diamond ROM Ch Great Elms Firestarter ROM Great Elms Sweet Candy ROMX Ch Elans InfernoPost Script Pen N Ink Silva Lade Joys Silhouette Ch Silva Lade Christmas Joy Ch Emcees A Chip of Diamond DMD's British Red Coat CGC Jestom's Happy Chips Dimonde Solitaire of EmceeCh Emcee's Terrific Wee Chips Emcees Simplemente MielEmcees Adorable Bit of Gold ROMCh Idlewyld Basic Black N PearlsBlack and Tan Female Breeder Margaret R. McKee and Fran Day WarrenOwner Margaret R. McKeeCh Idlewyld LavalierCDX, HOF Ch Idlewyld Marquis Cut Diamond CD Idlewyld Hope Diamond CD Idlewyld Onyx Major PointedCh Great Elms Toby Watts Little Pollyanna GirtCh Watts Little Thumbelina Girl Ch Idlewyld LavalierCDX. HOF Ch Idlewyld Marquis Cut Diamond CD Idlewyld Hope Diamond CD Daybreaks Good Vibrations Major Ptd.Ch Idlewyld Star Coral HOF Ch Daybreaks Barbara Ann Daybreak Bruiser of IdlewyldCh Linchris A Lotta MoxieOrange Sable FemaleBreeder Linda S. and Justine BrogoittiOwner Linda S. and Justine BrogoittiCh Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge ROMX Ch Southlands Toasted Fudge ROMX Ch Southlands Happy Birthday Bil Ch Southland N Bev-Nors Tar-BabyCh Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge ROMX Bev-Nor N Southland Poasty ROMX Bev-Nors Missy Miss Ch Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge ROMX Ch Bev-Nors Statesman ROMX Bev-Nors Tess Linchris the Queen of MeanCh Southland N Bev-Nors Tar-Baby Linchris Pom Pa ZazzCh Shamrocks A Dash of Nut-MegCh Linchris All the Right StuffOrange Sable MaleBreeder Linda BrogoittiOwner Fran Smith and Linda BrogoittiCh Thelduns Almond Fudge ROMX Ch Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge ROMX Bev-Nors Sweet and Sassy Ch Bev-Nors Statesman ROMX Great Elms Tarbaby Bev-Nors TessGreat Elms Sable Missy Ch Southlands Toasted Fudge ROMX Ch Southland N Bev-Nors Tar-Baby Bev-Nor N Southland Poasty ROMX Linchris Pom Pa ZazzShamrocks Tar-Tanion Ch Shamrocks A Dash of Nut-Meg Shamrocks Golden FantasyView expressed by individual membersare their own and not necessarily those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.We invite our Readers to express their views on all pertinent subjects.Ch Courbettes U Stol My HeartOrange Sable Female Breeder Victoria Leitner Owner Victoria LeitnerCh Bev-Nors Double Fudge Ch Bea Mary Hazy DayBea Mary Trinka of Early Day Ch Stolannes Classique Comet Ch Dixieland Rock of Millamor Ch Stolanne Mystique Starlet O My Starmist Minuette Ch Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge Ch Southlands Toasted Fudge Ch Southlands Happy Birthday Bil Ch Courbettes Fudge It Budget It CD Lennis Teakie Too Wee Heart's at Courbette CD Wee Heart's Lullaby of ScotiaCh Carousels Little Big ManOrange Male Breeder Linda Gustafson Owner Linda GustafsonCh Creiders Cut Across Shorty Ch Creiders Coca Cola Cowboy Creiders Toast Town Finale Ch Carousels Coca Cola Cowboy Ch Great Elms TimstopperToo Creiders Carolina Cricket Creiders Jezibelle Ch Bev-Nors Fudge Ripple Ch Precious Petites Gabriel Edneys Mitey Isis Delight Carousels Precious AngelicaCh Creiders Rhinestone Cowboy Creiders Little Tootsie Roll Creiders Maggies FireglowRegional Club NewsSan Diego Pom Clubby Margaret OntiverosThe Sand Diego Pomeranian Club held its 1993 Specialty on Saturday, June 19, 1993, at the Berry Street Park in Lemon Grove, CA. The day dawned clear and bright and promising a HOT summer day, and we were not disappointed.Our puppy sweepstakes was judged by Mrs. Marlene Presser. Best Puppy was a bitch Southpaws Pistol Packing Mama owned by Mary Ann Palmer, and Best Opposite Sex was a male TLC Warrior Prince owned by Daniel and Margaret Ontiveros. We tried something new, a Veteran Sweepstakes for Poms over seven years of age. Marlenes choice for best was a male, Piccolo of Point Loma, owned by Pauline Hughes. There were no female veterans.Our judge for the regular classes was Mrs. Satoko Sandy Wheat. WDBW was Pombreden N Britestars Gismo owned by Diane Carlson and handled by Tula Demos. WBBOS was Southpaws Pistol Packing Mama owned by Mary Ann Palmer. BB was Ch. Tim Sues Harbor Lights owned by Susan Conlee and handled by Karen Crawford. A brace, owned by Pauline Hughes, completed the classes. The trophies consisted of decorator pillows with delightful hand-painted caricature poms.After the picture taking, there was a delicious potluck luncheon for all pom enthusiasts. It was followed by a profitable club money-maker which included a variety of dog foods, an elegantly dressed teddy bearess made by Margo Hollingsworth, and a crate painted with poms from Mary Ann Palmer of Arizona.Central Arkansas Pomeranian Clubby Nancy BartholomewThe Central Arkansas Pomeranian Club held a B Specialty Match on June 13 at 8 p.m. in the Pine Bluff Convention Center, Pine Bluff, Arkansas. The judges were Charlotte Creed, regular classes, and Maria Kneisler, puppy sweeps.In the Sweeps, Maria found her Best in a typey little girl owned by Babe McCombs and Sue Cook-Mi-Babe Rain Beaus Glamour. Picking a best out of an entry of such outstanding puppies was not an easy task, but everyone was pleased with Maria choice.Charlotte was also presented with a group of very lovely poms, and finally gave BIM toPollys Adora-Dolly of FFa super little black and tan owned by Linda Parks. Since thei Linda has put at least one major on Dolly. Way to go LindaCongratulations to all the winners and our thanks to the exhibitors who made our mate such a success and so much fun. To our judges, Charlotte and Maria, we all appreciate you taking your time to come and judge. You both did a great job, and we hope we may call o you again.CAPC SweepsJudge Maria Kneisler 2-4 Puppy Dog1st...Mi Babe Rain Beau's PDQ..................................... Owner Babe McCombs and Sue Cook4-6 Puppy Dog1st...Mi Babe Sherman Tank..................................................................... Owner Nola Johnson9-12 Puppy Dog1st...Bar-Net Mi Babe Cha Chang............................... Owner Pat Barnett and Babe McCombs2-4 Puppy Bitch1st...My Babe Beaus Glamour...................................... Owner Babe McCombs and Sue Cook4-6 Puppy Bitch1st...Mi Babe Rain Beaus Novacaine............................Owner Babe McCombs and Sue Cook6-9 Puppy Bitch1 st...Bar-Net Cream of the Crop................................................................... Owner Pat BarnettBest in Sweeps Mi Babe Rain Beaus GlamourCAPC Regular ClassesJudge Charlotte Creed 2-4 Puppy Dog1st...Mi Babe Rain Beaus PDQ..................................... Owner Babe McCombs and Sue Cook4-6 Puppy Dog1st...Mi Babe Sherman Tank..................................................................... Owner Nola JohnsonOpen Dog1st...Bar-Net Mi Babe Cha Chang................................ Owner Pat Barnett and Babe McCombs2-4 Puppy Bitch1st...Mi Babe Rain Beau's Mystery.................................Owner Babe McCombs and Sue Cook6-9 Puppy Bitch1st...Bar-Net Cream of the Crop.................................................................... Owner Pat BarnettOpen Bitch1st...Polly's Adora-Dolly of FF.......................................................................Owner Linda ParksBest in Match Pollys Adora-Dolly of FFDelaware Valley Pomeranian Clubby Susann PhilbrookThe DVPC will hold its Saturday, September 25, match in conjunction with the Burlingtor County Kennel Club All Breed A Match. It will be held at Route 541 Lumberton, NJsame site as the Burlington County KC point show.The entry fees are 6.00 for Regular Classes 4.00 for all Non-Regular Classes Teams 6.00 per team regardless of how many dogs in the team. Take one dollar off eact pre-entry Registration is from 800 a.m. to 900 a.m. Judging begins with the Sweeps at 90C a.m. followed by JuniorNon-Regular Classes.The Judges are Mr. John Price, an AKC licensed judge, who will judge all Regular Classes and Junior Showmanship. Mrs. Deborah Wheeler will judge Sweepstakes, Non-Regular, and Obedience. The Sweeps classes are 3-6, 6-9, 9-12, and 12-18 months. Regular classes 3-6. 6-9, 9-12, and 12-18 months, Novice, and Open. The non-regular classes include Brace. Team, and Parade of Champions. Obedience features Sub-Novice and Novice A and B.Pomeranian Club of Michiganby Evelyn ConleyThe Pom Club of Michigan held their annual spring Specialty Show on May 30, 1993, in conjunction with the Kalamazoo KC in Kalamazoo, MI.At noon our Sweepstakes started with Mr. Fred Dieball, a Lhasa Apso and Pom breeder, as our judge. Best in Sweepstakes went to Watts Little Penny Serenade, owned by Ron Feyh and Larry Rookstool. BOS in Sweepstakes went to Rhynstone Red Hot Chili Pepper, owned by Joyce Urban.At 100 p.m., it was back in the ring again with Mrs. Jane Kay as our judge. This was the "Specialty" with a very good representation and presentation of Poms. For Best in Specialty, Mrs. Kay chose Ch. Rhynstone Ravishing Rick who was presented and owned by Joyce Urban. BOS, BW, and WB went to Pixies Tiptoe to Neujahr presented by Evelyn Conley and owned by Carol Galavich, Evelyn Newyear, and Evelyn Conley. The Winners Dog went to Karokels Invincible Slinger presented and owned by Karen Schwartz.After the show, all went to our nice hospitality room to get a chance to visit with one another, enjoy a wonderful buffet lunch and just relax. To add to a fun time we raffled off a doll made and donated by Helen Conrad of Manor Hill Poms. Two smaller dolls by Helen were given for Best in Sweeps and Best Opposite in Sweeps.Besides being engraved on our clubs trophy, the Best in Specialty winner was presented with a dog show cross stitch sampler made and donated by Donna Machniak of Dejays Poms.A big "Thank You" to the ones that made it possible. Mr. Fred Dieball was presented a plaque by our president and show chairman, Rollie Conley, as a token of our appreciation for judging our Sweepstakes. A special "Thank You" to Earl and Bonnie Sullivan for preparing our hospitality table. And a sincere "Thank You" to everyone who came to support our Specialty Show. We hope you had an enjoyable day and had a pleasant time at this wonderful 4-day cluster show. See you next year4 r BOB..ACCh. Rhynstone Ravishing Rick WD..Karokels Invincible Slinger9J_WB, BW, BOS Pixies Tiptoe to NeujahrWarning Parvo Alertby Nancy PriceParvo, this word will forever bring heartbreak to my mind. On March 26th, I lost my Peanut to parvo, earlier in the month I had heard that a friend had lost an older puppy to parvo, but I was not concerned, after all I had worked for the Humane Society for many years and, by being cautious, I had never brought parvo home even though I dealt with it daily. The following article has given me an insight as to how this could happen to me and could also happen to you. Please read this article and, above all, remain cautious. I would like to dedicate the printing of this article in memory of my Peanut, Mishamie P-Nut by Nana.For the past 40 years, investigators at the Baker Institute have been concerned with questions related to immunization of dogs. For example Are vaccines safe What are the risks where adverse reactions are known to occur, such as with MLV distemper and canine adenovirus vaccines How soon do vaccines provide protection when a dog is exposed to virulent virus How long does immunity last Does vaccine protect against actual infection and subsequent transmission of a pathogen, or only against diseaseThe principal mode of transmission of parvo is by fecaloral spread. Virus is shed in the feces of infected dogs for about, but not more than two weeks. A carrier state has not been confirmed.CPV-2, a term used to distinguish the highly pathogenic parvovirus first isolated in 1978 from the "minute virus of canines" CPV-1, an earlier parvovirus found in normal dogs in 1970.CPV-e is very stable to heat and most common chemical disinfectants, and it can survive in the environment for several weeks or months. The survival time depends on climatic conditions, amount of exposure to sunlight and the degree of hygiene practiced.The prevalent virus now circulating worldwide in the dog population appears to have arisen around 1980 as a mutation of the "original" CPV-2. Research at the Baker Institute has developed methods to distinguish the new virus from the old CPV-2 strains on the basis of very small differences in the virus protein and genetic structures. Evidence suggests that the more recent types are somewhat more virulent for dogs. The period of time between infectionand onset of illness is shorter, and the clinical course is commonly characterized by unusually severe hemorrhagic enteritis bloody diarrhea andor collapse of an affected pup in a shock-like state. Most dogs will have a fever and reduced numbers of circulating white blood cells leukopenia, especially those called lympocytes. Decrease in all types of white cells panleukopenia is seen only in severe cases.The decrease in white blood cells is usually transient, and is generally seen in pups under four months. It is important to determine the extent of luekopenia early, as dogs with markedly low white blood cell count are more likely to die. Most veterinarians believe that concurrent infections with other infectious organisms, such as coronavirus, certain bacteria or parasites result in particularly severe parvo. Certain breeds appear to be at greater risk, but increased chances of severe infection have been demonstrated so far only for Dobermans, Rottweilers and English Springer Spaniels.Treatment with intravenous fluids, which in 1978 was highly successful in most pups treated at onset of diarrhea, is now reported to be less effective by many clinicians and breeders. Myocarditis heart defect, a cardinal sign in 1978-1980, is now rare because of a largely immune adult population.Immunization is the administration of viral or bacterial antigens with expectations of producing immunity. The fact that an animal has been vaccinated, however, in no way insures that immunity has been produced. Faulty immunity has resulted from faulty vaccine potency or giving inadequate does dose splitting. The principal impediment to control of parvo is the critical period between weaning and 16 weeks of life when the maternal antibody levels are inadequate to protect the pup, yet high enough to block the response to vaccination.The magnitude of antibody or other immune responses to the same vaccine differs somewhat between individuals and may be considered genetically determined. Nevertheless, failures of certain individuals or breeds to respond adequately to vaccine as a result of hereditary factors are poorly documented. We have studied several dogs of various breeds suspected of having immunodeficiency problems but, in each case, they responded normally to vaccinewhose potency had been determined beforehand. The problem was not genetic.The Early Matta Pomeraniansby Derial JacksonSomewhere around World War I, Mrs. Matta became interested in the breed. At first, she had blacks including Ch. Little Black Lady, her first champion. Lady bred to Ashbum Income produced Little Black Laddie which was behind most American-bred blacks of the 1930s.She owned a wonderful orange female, Little Houdina Girl by Fox Trot x Manola. Fox Trot was famous for his wonderful coat but was ring shy so did not finish his title. Manola was a granddaughter of Fox Trot so there was line breeding. Houdina Girl when bred to the Canadian male Twilight of Pomona produced some of the finest Poms of all time. Twilight was sired by Stormlight of Dara see article on the Dara pomeranians. The first litter produced Ch. Little Ra. Ra was a BIS winner but died before he was a year old.The next Twilight-Houdina Girl cross produced the orange sable Ch. Little Rajah. Rajah was twice BIS all breeds and twice BIS at the American Pomeranian Club Specialty. Rajah was the sire of Ch. Little Rajahs Pearl which, when bred to Ch. Sealand Career produced Ch. Little Sahib and Ch. Radiant Candida more about these in a later article.Then there was Ch. Little Lady Melba, a great winner but not bred as far as I know.The last of this famous combination was Ch. Little Emir. He was one of the greatest winners all breeds of the times. To many old timers, he was the ideal pomeranian. He was best in show all breeds nine times, best toy 23 times, and twice best in show at the APC Specialty. He sired among others, Ch. Little Effendi, Ch. Little Lady Emir, Ch. Little Lady Valentine, and Ch. Little Emirs Lady Venicia. Emir was BIS at the first Morris and Essex show.Little Houdina Girl bred to Emir produced Little Lady Emir. Twilight of Pomona also sired Champions Bogota Sheila, Bogota Firebug, and Bogota Flashlight.The line of Rajah comes down to us today primarily through Ch. Little Sahib and Ch. Radiant Candida and through Julo Rajah see article on Julo Poms. Emir isrepresented through Julo Realization, his grandson.Ra, Rajah, and Emir were significant in making the pomeranian more popular and increased the prestige of American-bred poms since the imported dogs were usually the winners. They reversed that and were among the first poms to be regularly put for BIS. These blood lines were very influential in developing the later show pomeranians.Interpretation of the Pom Standardby Vincent Matta 1945The third paragraph of the Standard is devoted to the eyes which, although a part of the head, are considered important enough to merit a special paragraph and rating. I quote "The eyes should be medium in size, rather oblique in shape, not set too wide apart, bright and dark in color, showing great intelligence and docility of temper. In a white dog, black rims around the eyes are preferable." 5 pointsBeginning with the size, which should be medium, we must keep in mind that they must be well-proportioned to the size of the head which, of course, must in turn be well-proportioned to the size of the entire body, bn other words in determining whether the eyes are of the correct size, the size of the Pom itself must be considered. Eyes that are the correct medium size for a 4-pound Pom would be too small for a 5- or 6-pounder and conversely too large for a 3-pound one. A true sense of proportion in this as in other points is the basis necessary in determining how near a Pom comes to the Standard of perfection. If the eyes are too small for the head, a beady, cunning expression results that does not belong to a true specimen and if too large, give an owlish effect just as improper. The eyes must be oblique in shape or almond-shaped and not round should be placed not too far apart and, let me add, not too close together either. In distance between them as well as in size the eyes must be in proportion to the size of the head. And in the matter of eye setting, let us also note that they should not be too deeply inset nor must they bulge out. If we remember that it is a question of beauty, all the above becomes obvious and easy to understand. The eyes should be bright and as dark as possible in order toshow the alertness that is a characteristic of the breed together with sweetness, intelligence, and docility of temperament. White Poms, although seldom if ever seen, should have black eye rims.Paragraph four of the Standard is devoted to the ears, which are a very important part of a Poms head. It reads as follows "The ears should be small, not set too far apart nor too low down and carried perfectly erect like those of a fox and like the head should be covered with soft, short hair." Ears count points.That the ears should be small is the first requisite of a typical Pom head but that is not all. The ears should come to a point, being moderately wide at the base, and the leather should be rather thine or we will have what is referred to as "heavy ears." They should be set rather high and close together so as to be well-proportioned to the skull. Ears that are set on the side of the head cannot help being set too low besides rendering difficult, if not impossible, the erect carriage typical of the Pom. The ears should be covered with soft, short hair. No amount of trimming will make naturally large ears look small but a moderate amount of trimming the tip, properly done, will show the well-shaped ear to its best advantage. While sensitive to sound the ears should not be working up and down all the time. Their natural position is erect-or should be.Let us note that while small ears are desirable, that does not mean that we should take the "smaller the better" attitude as here again the sense of proportion should be our guide. Small ears, yes, but they must be visible and in some cases it is better not to trim them closely, for a Pom whose ears cannot be seen at all looks funny, to say the least. A Pom should look like a Pom and not like a bird.Paragraph five of the Standard is devoted to the nose as follows "The nose should be self-colored in browns and blues. In all other colors should be black." 5 pointsThis is clear enough. Of course, the jet black is the ideal even if kind of hard to get. The steady breeding of orange to orange, generation after generation in many cases has affected the color of the nose, and we see light noses that are decidedly objectionable. Breeders know that and it is up to them to plan breedings properly so as to remedy the fault in coming generations.Let us add that the nostrils should be well haped and proportioned large enough topermit normal and free respiration and not too large and spready so as not to mar the fineness of the finish of the muzzle. And by the way, we have seen already that the teeth must be level. I would like to add that the mouth should be well shaped and free from any distortion or wry mouthedness. This fault is not common, but it should nevertheless be guarded against.As to the friendly controversy, "Long faces versus short faces," in my opinion those exaggerations are both wrong. A typical Pom head has a muzzle just long enough in proportion to the skull as to give the true wedge-like outline. Any variations from this principle, either way, means deterioration from type and should be avoided.Registrars Cornerby Jean B. Schroll 12950 S. New Era Road Oregon City, OR 97045ROMSKeplingers Princess Buffy Ch. Odysseys Keno Wiz Tia Ling Dream Maker Rockys Crissie Ch. Jamols Klassic Hi Time Ch. Sun Rays Batman Ch. Blakes Sir Robert John Ch. Lady Diana of HilaneHall of FameCh. Absolutes Magic Mountain Ch. Southlands Im So ImpressiveThe Pomeranian Review is sent to Toy Judges.Change of AddressSend all correspondence to Dudley Roach Box 416 Earth, TX 79031 806257-3817Back Issues AdvertisersMargaret R. McKee 2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063 804 556-3380If you want earlier issues of the Pomeranian Review, order back issues from Margaret R. McKee, Assistant Circulation Manager. The back issues are still available25.00 EachColor Anniversary Issue, Oct. 198820.00 eachJan 75......Oct 77...... May 79 .... April 808.00 eachJul 77.......Feb 80... ...Jul 81.... ....Oct83Apr 86.....Jan 80... ...Jan 906.00 eachJul 80........Oct 80......Apr 82.... ....Oct82Jan 83.......Jul 83.......Apr84.... ....Oct84Jan 85...... Apr 85......Jul 85...... ....Oct85Jul 86... ...Sept 86......Nov 86........Jul 87Oct 87......Jan 88... ....Jul 88..... ....Jan 89Apr 89. ...Jul 90.... ....Oct 90........Jan 91Mar 91. ...May 91.. ....Jul 91Issues from Sept 91 on...The Pomeranian Review ISSN 0744-8546 is published bi-monthly in Modesto, CA, by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 30 per year 3rd class mail 35 per year 1st class mail. 1st class rates apply to USA, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and APOs US funds only. The editor is not responsible for the contents or accuracy of advertisements, nor the opinions expressed by authors. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor.NOTICE OF CHANGE OF ADDRESSPlease send all correspondence toDudley Roach Box 416Earth, TX 79031 808 257-3817Breaux, Catherine..............ConleyNewyear.......................................i l.....................FCDahlenburg, Mr. and Mrs. David K..........33Dimick, Virginia............... .......................33Epps, Nina........................ .......................14Freia, Jerrie....................... ................. 27,33Gustafson, Linda.............. .......................11Hanson, Sharon................ ............................1Hebert, Dean..................... ... Inside BC, BCJackson, Derial................. ..........................32Tack sonTaylor................ .............22,23,26Rranzfelder, Marge........... ..........................10Kneisler, Maria................. .......................30Masnick, Sharon............... .......................37McKamey Mrs. Norris...... .......................19McGrath, Renee Kelly...... .......................29..........................38Mellen, Melissa................ .......................15Moreno, Julie.................... .......................31Nolan Deane L..................... ..........................28Norris, Bill and bev.......... .......................33Ohio Pomeranian Club..... .......................13Rister, Annette R............... .......................40Shearer, Jim and Judy...... .......................33Sirius Video...................... .......................32Smith, Ramona J.............. ........................33Trauner, Dolly B.............. ........CenterspreadTurner, Brenda and Terry......................31,33Urban, Joyce..................... ........................33Walker, Pamela T............. ....................16,17FUTURE KENNEL VISITSNovember.-.Julie MorenoJanuary...Cheryl Jackson and Joel TaylorMarch...Fran Stolla icc.' ure 1.V3mmUl Ch. Treasured Deans Hi Hierarchy shown above and on the back cover doing what he doet best...again...and again...and again....Back-to-back-to-back coveted Group Ill's at the prestigious annual Spring Shows Oj Idaho.Ardjte gratefully and genuinely thanks Judge Bevelry Lehnig back cover, Judge W. Everett Dean Jr. Best Of Breed, Dr. Harry Smith. Group III,Jr. Best Of Breed, Dr. Harry Smith Group III, and Judge Betty Moore above fot recognizing his outstanding attributes, and also a very special thanks to his exclusive handler, ancloving companion in victory, Carolyn Crockett.Flush Update Aug. 6,1993 Group I win in Corpus Chirsti under noted Pom authority Martha Jane Ablett, who selected Archie from a field of top ranked, and very distinguishec competitors. A Million Thanks Judge Ablett.Owner EdwinrDean 1Hebert 100 Dairyman Dane Jjifayette, Louisiana 70506 318233-5658Breeder Claudia Wallace 100 Dairyman Dane Jjijayette, Jlouisiana 70506 318984-6713SHandler Carolyn Crockett 215 Westmoreland JHouston, rTexas 77006 713630-0627-iasm^7ak' . 1,'hm V.V3SS^rIi . -cr \. t - t.IaTSr- -- i . - - ...JyaWm ^ C A ^